HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 09 03 Public Hearings Item B
September 8. 2003
Public Hearing
REQUEST: The Community Development Department and Office of the City
Attorney request the Planning and Zoning Board (P&Z) recommend approval of Ordinance
2003- 36, amending Winter Springs Code Chapter 9, relating to the regulation of
nonconforming uses and structures.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is to request the P&Z Board review and
make a recommendation to the City Commission regarding the proposed Ordinance No.
Section 2(b). Article VIII. Florida Constitution
Section 166.041. Florida Statutes: (procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.)
Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. (procedures for adoption of
Winter Springs Code. Chapter 9.
Ever since Village <if Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co" (272 U.S. 365, 47 S. Ct. 114, 71 Ed 303
(1926)), the landmark court case that is credited with establishing the constitutionality of use
district zoning, the elimination of nonconformities (uses and structures) has been a major
planning and zoning priority. The concept evolved from an era of laissezfaire economics,
robber barons, and heavy industrialism - when a factory, a slaughterhouse, or rendering plant
might be constructed next to an existing residential neighborhood. The goal was to ensure
the public health, safety, and welfare, as well as to protect property values.
September 3,2003
P & Z Public Hearing B
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Existing nonconforming uses and/or structures that were lawful and conforming up until
the time that a zoning ordinance was adopted or amended were allowed to continue, but not
expand or intensify. The objective was their eventual elimination, to avoid potential conflict
that might threaten the health, safety, welfare, or property values. Typically, zoning codes.
provide for the elimination of a nonconforming use when it is discontinued for a prescribed
time period or of a structure if a certain percentage of that structure were destroyed.
Nearly eighty years of zoning experience have demonstrated that, while certain uses must
obviously be kept separate, a number of nonconformities are not necessarily harmful,
particularly if they are addressed on a case-by-case basis and appropriate safeguards imposed
where needed. Indeed, in some situations, a nonconformity may add a positive mix and
As the City amends its zoning map and zoning code, certain nonconforming uses and
structures need to be effectively addressed in a manner that protects both the individual
private property rights of the person or people who own a nonconforming use or structure
but also the public health, safety, and welfare, as well as the overall property values within a
neighborhood and the entire community. The attached ordinance was drafted to achieve
this goal.
Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board recommend approval of Ordinance
2003 - 36, amending Chapter 9 of the Winter Springs' Code, relating to the regulation of
nonconforming uses and structures.
A- Ordinance 2003 - 36
Attachment A
nR4FT AAn6l1l1
o~nTN A NCF: NO. 2003-36
WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VDI, of the State
Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes the interests of property owners in the continuation of otherwise
lawful uses oflots, structures, characteristics of use, or c.ombinations thereofpriorto the adoption of the City
Code or lawfully pennitted under the City Code, but which would be prohibited, regulated or restricted
under the terms of the current City Code or subsequent amendments thereto; and
WHEREAS, the City desires a clear, concise, and uniform regulation regarding the continuation of
lawful nonconforming uses and structures unless otherwise more specificany regulated under the City Code;
WHEREAS, this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the
citizens of Winter Springs,
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference as
legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs..
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Section 2. . Code Amendment, Chapter 9. The City of Winter Spririgs Code, Chapter 9, entitled
Land Development, is hereby amended as follows (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type
indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance oftext existing in Chapter
9. It is intended that the text in Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall
remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance).
* * *
'" .. '"
Division 6. OfT-Street Parking and Loading
See. 9-278. General provisions For off-street parking.
'" '" '"
Existing tue.J. . Nothing in the sec.tions of this Code shaH prevent the reconstruction, repaitins or
rebuiJdin~ and coIltinued use of any Ilonconfull1lih~ buiJdihg or stI uctllre existinA at die effecti i;le date
of this section, ~hich.is damaged by fir, collapse, <.:tpIosion, or acts ofOod subsequent to such
effecti ve date Reserved.
ft * *
See. 9-561. Intent: roles ofi"temretation: build!"!!' and fire codes.
(a) Intent. This article is intended to pennit the continuation of those lots. structures. uses.
characteristics oruse. or c.ombinations thereof. which were lawful before the passage of the City Code or
which at otie time had been lawfully permitted under the Cit;y Code. but which would be prohibited.
regulated or restricted under the tenns of the current City Code or fhture amendments thereto. This article
is designed to provide standards and guidelines for the control and management of non-confonning u~ and
non-c.omplving buildings and structures. esoeciallv in regulating changes in the use ofland or in the buildings
or structures. including quality. volwne or intensity. location. ownership or tenancy. aceessorx and incidental
uses. extension. enlargement. reolacement. or any other change in characteristic. .
It is the intent of this article to permjt these non-confonnities and non-compliances to continue until
they are removed through discontinuance. abandonment or amortization. but not to enCoul"aRe their
continuation unless otherwise orovided by soecial. oemit under this article. Such nonconfoming uses and
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structures are declared by this article to' be inoomoatible with oennitted uses in the districts involved unless
the City Commission issues a special pennit based upon evidence that special circumstances exist as required
by the standards set forth in this article. It is further the intent of this article that non-oonfonning uses and
structures shall not be enlarged upon. expanded.. increased or extended. nor be used as grounds for a4dipg
other structures or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district unless otherwise provided by sPecial permit
under this article.
(b) Rules for inte1p1'etation. Nothing in this article shall be interpreted as authorization for or
approval ofthe oontinuation of any illegal use of a building. structure or land or illegal structure or building
that was in violation of any ordinance in effect at the time of the passage of this article or any amendments
thereto. The casual intennittent. temPOrary or illegal use ofland. building or structure or construction ofan
unlawful structure. shall not be a basis to establish the existence of a nonconfonning use or structure. A
lawful buildin$! Permit issued for any building or structure prior to the enactment of this article, the
construction of which is in eonfonnity with approved site plans, ifapplicable. and building plans shall not be
affected by this article if the building or stnicture is built in full compliance with the City Code as it existed at
the time of the issuance of the building pennit. However. if such ~tP1ding or structure does not confonn to
the provisions of the City Code which cause such planned building., structure or use to be nonoonfonning or
noncomplying. then it shall be nonconfonning or noncomplying. or both. as the case may be. by applying this
article to the building, structure or use.
(c) Building and lire codes. No provision contained in this article, or elsewhere in the City Code.
shan nuJHfY. void. abrogate or suoerscede any reauirement contained in a building or flre cooe that is dulv
enacted bv law.
See. 9-562. Continuance of lawful non-confonninf! uses and structures.
uu Continuance of nonconforming Uses. A nonconfonning use lawfully existing at the time of the
enactment of the City Code or any subSeQuent amendment thereto may be continued subiect to the
rolJowing orovisions:
No such nonconfonning use shall be enlarged or increased nor extended to OCCUpy a greater
area orland than was occupied at the adootion or subseauent amendment of the City Code:
unless such use is changed to a use pennitted in the district in which such use is located:
No such nonconfonning use shall be moved in whole or in part to any other portion of the
lot or parcel oc.ctipied by such use at the adoption or subseauent amendment of the City
If any such nonconfonning use ofland ceases for any reason for a period of more than one
hundredeightv (180) oonsecutive davs. any subseauent use of such land shall oonfonn to the
regulations soedfied by the City Code for the zoning district which such land is located: and
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No additional structures which do not conform to the reouirements of the City Code shall be
erected in connection with such nonconforming use ofJand.
@ Continuance of nonconforming stroctures. The lawful use of a noncoforming building or structure
'may be continued subiect to the following provisions:
(1) No such structure may be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity:
(2) Any structure or portion thereof may be altered to decrease its nonconformity:
ill Should such structure be destroyed by any means to any extent of more than fifty percent
(500.10) of its replacement cost at the time of destruction, it shan not be reconstructed except
in conformity with the provisions of the City Code: and
@ Should such structure be moved for any reason for any distance whatever, it shall thereafter
conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located after it is moved.
Notwithstanding any of the above, upon any nonconfonning lot of record as described in this article.
that is improved with a single-family dwelling as of the date of the adoption of the City Code or
lawfully permitted under .the City Code. a single-family dwelling may be rebuilt within the original
footprint of the dwelling structure existing as of the date of the adoption of the CitY Code or
subsequent amendment without regard to area width. yard, or setback reauirements.
Sec. 9-563. Nonconfonning lots of record.
In any district in which single-family dwellings are pennitted notwithstanding limitations imposed by
other provisions of the City Code, a single-family dweningand customary accessory buildings mav be
. erected on any single lot which is of record at the adoption or amendment of the City Code. Such lot shall be
in seoarate ownership and not of continuous frontage with other lots in the same ownership. This provision
shall apply even though such lot fails to meet the requirements for area or widtlt or botlt that are generally
apolicable in the districts, provided that yard dimensions and other requirements are not involving area or
width. or both. of the lot shall conform to the regulations for .the district in which such lot is located.
Variances of yard dimensions other than area or width, or both. shall be obtained only through action of the
city commission
If two (2) or more lots or combinations oflots and portions of lots with continuous frontage in single
ownership are of record at the time of passage or amendment of this article, and ifall or part of the lots do
not meet the requirements for lot width and area as established by the City Code. the lands involved shall be
considered to be an undivided parcel for the purposes of this article. No portion of said parcel shall hereafter
be created and used as a separate narcel or sold or otherwise subdivided which does not meet lot ,vidth and
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area requirements established by the City Code. unless the portion which in excess of the lot width
requirements is sOld in order to create a lot meeting the requirements of the City Code. or as an addition to
the zoning parcel. nor shall any division of the parcel be made which leayes a remaining lot with width or area
below the requirements of the City Code. Notwithstanding this aggregation of land requirement a single-
family dwelling and customary accessory buildings may be erected on any such single lot of rec.ord in a
residential zoning district providing the land density requirements of the comprehensive plan are satisfied and
the proposed single-family dwelling and any customary accessory building are c.ompatible to the surrounding
neighborhood with respect to property values and building size. For purposes of this paragraplt compatible
shall mean substantially similar to or exceeds the property values and building size of other single-family
dwellings and customary access01V buildings in the surrounding neighborhood. .
Sec. 9-564. Nonconfonnine: uses of structures or of structures and premises in combination.
If a lawful use involving individual structures. or of structure and premises in combination. exists at
the adoption or subseauent amendment of the City Code. that would not be allowed in the district under the
terms of the City Code. the lawful use may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful subiect to the
following provisions:
No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by the City Code in the district in which
it is located shall be enlarged. extended. c.onstructed rec.onstmcted. moved or Structurally
altered except in changing the use of the district in which it is located;
Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any parts of a building which were
manifestly a.rranged or designed for such use at the time of adoption or amendment of this
ordinance but no such use shall be extended to Oc.cupy any land outside such building;
ill Any structure. or structure and land in combination. in or on which a noncOnforming use is
suoerseded by a permitted use. shall thereafter confonn to the regulations for the district in
which such structure is located, and the nonconforming use mav not thereafter be resumed:
ill Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure and premises. in combination.
removal or destruction of the structure shall eliminate the nonc.onfonning status of the land.
Destruction for the Puwose of this ordinance is defined as damage to an extent of more than
fifty percent (500,/0) of the reolacement cost at time of destruction.
Sec. 9-565. Abandonment.
(a) A nonconforming use ofa building or premises which has been abandoned shall not thereafter be
returned to such nonconfonning use. A nonconfonning use shall be considered abandoned:
When the intent of the mvner to discontinue the use is aooarent or
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When the characteristic equipment and the furnishings of the nonconforming use have been
removed from the premises and have not been replaced by similar eqJJipment within one
hundred eighty (180) days. unless other facts show intention to resume the nonconforming
use. or when it has been replaced.by a conforming use. or where the use is discontinued or
abandoned for a period of more than one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days or for
eighteen (18) months (545 daYS) during any three-year period.
(b) In the event a more specific abandonment discontinuance. or amortization provision is stated
elsewhere in ths City Code for a specific nonconforming structure. land use. or land area the
abandonment discontinuance. and amortization provisions under this article shall be superceded by
the more specific Code provisions.
(c) No provision contained in this article. or elsewhere in the City Code regarding the abandonment
discontinuance, or amortization of nonconforming structures or land uses shall nullifY. void. or
abrogate any similar provision contained in a duly executed binding development agreement
approved bv the City Commission.
Sec. 9-566. Repairs and maintenance.
On any building devoted in whole or in part to any nonconforming use. ordinary repairs. or repair or
replacement ofnonbearingwa11s. fixtures. wiring or plumbing may be done provided that the cubic
content of the building as it existed at the time it became nonc.onforming shall not be increased.
.Qil Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe
c.ondition of any building or part thereof declared to. be unsafe by any official charged with
protecting the public safety. upon order of such official. However. this subsection shall not be
c.onstrned as a m~JlS of circumventing the intent of this article calling for the elimination of
nonconforming structures by allowing a nonconforming structure to be substantially rebuilt so as to
extend the ordinary and natural life of a nonconforming structure.
Sec. 9-567. Temvorarv uses.
The casual. intermittent temporary or illegal use ofland or structures. or Construction ofan unlawful
structure. shall not be sufficient to establish the existence of a nonconforming use. Such use shan not be
validated by the adoption of this article or amendments heretounIess it complies with the tenns of the City
Code. .
Sec. 9-568. Special Pennit.
The intent and purpose of this section is to recognize that there are limited and special circumstances
where overall community and public policv obiectives ofthe City encourage. aild shall be served by.
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the continuation of some nonconforming uses and structures provided said uses and structures are
not detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood and to the community values established. in the
City's Comprehensive Plan and City Codes. The City Commission desires to establish speCific
standards for this category of special permit in order to allow the continuation of some
nonoonforming uses and structures notwithstanding any c.ontrarv provisions of this artide or City
. Code.
The City Commission at a duly held public hearing may grant a special permit to allow the
continuation of a nonoonforming use or structure orovided the following terms and conditions are
strictly satisfied: .
(1) The owner of the property on which the nonoonforming use or structure exists files a special
permit aoplication provided bv the City: and
(2) The applica.nt demonstrates that the c.ontinuation of the nonc.onforming use or structure:
a. is capable of contributing in a positive way to the ~haracter and selVes the need of
the c.ommunity including re-occupancy for the accommodation of neighborhood
walk-ta-service uses. walk-to-work opportunities. live-work spaces. and reuse of
buildings with architectural or historic value: and
is oompatIble with. and not detrimental to. the surrounding neighborhood in terms of
traffic. noise. oarking. odor. light. intensity and land uses. hours of ooeration.
landscaping. aesthetics. structural design. and density: and
c. is oonsistent with the community values. obiectives. and policies established in the
City's Comprehensive Plan a.nd City Code.
( c) The City Commission may impose conditions and safeguards. as a oondition of approval of any
special oermit granted under this section.
See. 9-569 - 9-600. Reserved.
Section 3. Code Amendment, Section 10-60. The City ofWmter Springs Code, Section 10-60,
entitled Zoning. is hereby amended as follows (underlined tvoe indicates additions and strikeout tvoe
indicates deletions, while asterisks (* >I: *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Section
10-60. It is intended that the text in Section 10-60 denoted bv the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance
shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adootion of this Ordinance).
Sec. 10-60. Nonconforming uses.
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An adult entertainment establishment which on the effective date of this article does not comply with
the distance requirements of Section 10-58 shall be subject to the nonconfonning use provisions contained
herewith. and ofthe within Chapter 9. Article Xl Division 4 of the City code of the City of Winter Springs.
ffl The lawful use of a building ar SU ucture existih~ at the time afthe passage of this article may
be c.ontiJ .tIed. althouW1 such use does not conroml to the oro y isiolts of tllis artide. and such
use may be extended throughout the building plm ided no sb uctural alterations, except those
required hv law or article. or ordered b'V an authorized officer to ensure the ~afe~ of the
building, are made therein. No such use shaH be extended to occupy any land outside such
buildilt~. Ifsuch ltoI1COnforltli!1~ use ofstlchbuildin~ is relllOyed or the non\,..Qnfumlilt~ use
of such building is discontinued for a cOntit.UOU5 period of not less than tl..ree hundred
sim-flye (365) da."Vs. eve", fi.:rture use of suc.h oremises s!laU be ill oonfomlitv with the
pro~sions of this cuticle.
The lawful use of the land existing at the time of the passage oftllis article "laY be continued,
provided. how~er. that 110 such nonconfonnin~ use mav be e.qended to OCCUPy a ~reater
area ofland than that ocropied by such use at the time of the passage of this article. If such
nOltc.onfOl"!lIi!1~ use is discontinued for a c.Qlttinuous oeliod of not less than three hundred
sixt}-fiye (365) days, any future use of such land shaH be in confomUt) with the pro~isions
..fthi~ ;'lIfi. J,e,
. ffl WhaltvCI a nonCODfothUng use. of a bttiid:ing or land has been discontinued or "hanged to a
...onfomnn~ us..... stich tiS... shaH not th...rc.~.;Cr be chan~cd t.o a nonoonfunl'l!n!l tlse.
Section 4. Code Amendment, Chapter 16. The City ofWmter Springs Code, Chapter 16, is
hereby amended as follows (underlined type indicates additions and strikeot..rt type indicates deletions. while
asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 16. It is intended that the
text in Chapter 16 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the
language existing onor to adootlon of this Ordinance).
A RTIrT ,F.. m ~TC:N~
See. 16-51. Definitions.
Nonconforming sign is any sign which does not conform to the requirements of this di~sion the City Code.
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Sec. 16-56. Nonconfonnine sig:ns.
(a) Any sign which, when erected, confonned to the existing zoning regulations and subsequently is declared
nonc.onfonning due to the enactment ofthis diVision or any amendment to the zoning ordinance may remain.
subject to the following provisions of Chapter 9. Article XI. and the following:
Section 5. Code Amendment, Section 20-233. The City ofWmter Springs Code, Section 20-
233. is hereby amended as follows (underlined tvoe indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions.
while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Section 20-233. It is
intended that the text in Section 20-233 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shaH remain
unchanged from the language existing orior to adootion of this Ordinance).
Sec. 20-233. Nonconfm mine: uses Reserved.
The lawful use of A building or structure existing At the tUne of the passage ofthts chapter may be
",olltinued.. although suc.h use does not cOnform to the oro~isiolts of this ",haoter. and su",h use mav
be extended tiuoughout the building pro~ded no structural mtefAtions, except tilOse required by law
or ordinat,ce. 01 ordered b~ an authorized officer 19 ensure tI!e safe!'\> of tile building" (!:Ie nlade
therein. No such use shaH be extended to occupy ClU)' land outside such building. ff such
nOhcol1fumlill~ building is removed or the 110nconfurmin~ use of 5UGh buildih~ is discontinued for a
cont.i:nnoI1s period of not more than three hundred sixty-fi ve (365) days, every future use of such
premises shaH be in c.onfurt!li~ with the DIO'\1isiol1s of this c1,aoter.
tb) The lawful use of the land existing at the time of the passage of this chapter may be contitmed,
pr'O",ided. J.owe\1er. that no such nonconfurn,ing use m~ be e.dended to OCCtlOv a ~Ieater alea of
land than that occupied by such.use at the titlle of the passage of tins chapter. ff such nonconfonmllg
use is discontinued for a c.ontinuousperiod of not less than three hundred sim-five (J65) davs. anv
fi..~re use ofsud.land shaH be in o.)nfomli~ with the oro",isio"s ofthischaoter.
(e) 'v'/henever a llOllCOnforming use of A building 01 land has been discontinued Of changed to a.
confomling use. such use shall not tllereatter be d,an~ed to a hOnCOlJromlin~ use.
Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent
ordinances and resolutions adopted bv the Citv Commission. or oarts of orior ordinances and resolutions in
conflict herewith, are hereby reoealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 7. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Wmter
Springs Citv Code a.nd any section or oaragraoh number or letter and any heading may be changed or
modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
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Seetion 8. Severability. Tfanv section. subsection. sentence. clause. phrase. word or provision
of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
whether for substantive. procedural. or any other reason. suc.h portion shall be deemed a separate. distinct
and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption
bv the City Commission of the City of Winter Sorings. Florida.. and pursuant to City Charter.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City ofWmter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting
assembled on the day of . 2003.
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs onlv:
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
r.\f)""'.Cimw:nt, ;md ~~\~nthm1\j'\r-yf-,,' f)~..mnE"J'lt~\Ant}-.....m.1\\.Vi"l1'...-'~li":'nt. fvf;u"ff"J';;\\.\rmti"J" ~raiTh.~Nni'l r.onfnmiiru:r 1 J~ Orrlin.1Ji(''p' UoT..'i
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