HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 09 03 Public Hearings Item A PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LP A AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING- ITEM A September 3.2003 Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department- Planning Division requests that the Planning & Zoning BoardfLocal Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Ordinance 2003-35) changing the Future Land Use Map designation from "Low Density Residential" to "High Density Residential" for three (3) parcels located at the northwest corner of Parks tone Blvd. and SR 434, within the Parkstone PUD. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) The Local Planning Agency shall have the general responsibility for the conduct of the comprehensive planning program. Specifically, the Local Planning Agency shall: (a) Be the agency responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan. . . (b) Monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the comprehensive plan and recommend to the governing body such changes in the comprehensive plan as may from time to time be required... Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Section 15-37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation. Prior to the City Commission's consideration of the application, the Local Planning Agency shall consider the application(s) at a Public Hearing, along with the staff review board's recommendation, and recommend that the City Commission approve, approve with modifications (text only), or deny the application for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. At a minin1Um, the Local Planning Agency shall consider the same factors considered by the staff review board. TheLP A shall hold at least one (1) public hearing prior to making its recommendation to the City Commission. Section 15-36. Review criteria. The recommendation of the staff review board shall be based on the following minimum factors, if applicable: Whether the proposed amendment will have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the city's budget, or the economy of the city or the region; \Xlhether the proposed amendment will diminish the level of service (LOS) of public facilities; Whether there will be a favorable or unfavorable impact on the environment or the natural or historical resources of the city or the region as a result of the proposed amendment; \X/hether the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the state comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29F-19.00l, Florida Administrative Code; Sept. 3, 2003 P&Z/LP A Public Hearing Item A Whether the city is able to provide adequate service from public facilities to the affected property, if the amendment is granted, and whether the amendment will promote the cost/ effective use of or unduly burden public facilities; Whether the amendment is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and land use; Whether approval of the amendment will cause the comprehensive plan to be internally inconsistent; Whether the proposed amendment will promote or adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the city or region; and The contents of any Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) prepared pursuant to 163.3191, Florida Statutes. Florida Statute 163.3184 Process for adoption of comprehensive plan or plan amendment. (15) PUBLIC HEARINGS.-- (a) The procedure for transmittal of a complete proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment. . . shall be by aff1tmative vote of not less than a majority of the members of the governing body present at the hearing. The adoption of a comprehensive plan or plan amendment shall be by ordinance. For the purposes of transmitting or adopting a comprehensive plan or plan amendment, the notice requirements in chapters 125 and 166 are superseded by this subsection, except as provided in this part. (b) The local governing body shall hold at least two advertised Public Hearings on the proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment as follows: 1. The first Public Hearing shall be held at the transmittal stage pursuant to subsection (3). It shall be held on a weekday at least 7 days after the day that the first advertisement is published. 2. The second Public Hearing shall be held at the adoption stage pursuant to subsection (7). It shall be held on a weekday at least 5 days after the day that the second advertisement is published. (c) The local government shall ptovide a sign-in form at the transmittal hearing and at the adoption hearing for persons to provide their names and mailing addresses. The sign-in form must advise that any person providing the requested information will receive a courtesy informational statement concerning publications of the state land planning agency's notice of intent. The local government shall add to the sign-in form the name and address of any person who submits written comments concerning the proposed plan or plan amendment during the time period between the commencement of the transmittal hearing and the end of the adoption hearing. It is the responsibility of the person completing the form or providing written comments to accurately, completely, and legibly provide all information needed in order to receive the courtesy informational statement. Cd) The agency shall provide a model sign-in form for ptoviding the list to the agency which may be used by the local government to satisfy the requirements of this subsection. (e) If the proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment changes the actual list of permitted, conditional, or prohibited uses within a future land use category or changes the actual future land use map designation of a parcel or parcels of land, the required advertisements shall be in the format prescribed by... s. 166.041(3)(c)2.b. for a municipality. Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Section 15-30. Authority, purpose and intent. The City Commission of \\linter Springs shall have the sole authority to amend or supplement the comprehensive plan in accordance with the mandatory requirements of Sections 163.3184, 163.3187 and 163.3189 Florida Statutes and this article. This article is enacted to establish the procedures for processing amendments to the city's comprehensive plan and to establish a schedule whereby applications for amendments to the plan will be accepted. This article is also intended to in1plement the relevant requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes and Chapter 9]-11, Florida Page 2 of 8 Sept. 3, 2003 P&ZILP A Public Hearing Item A Administrative Code. Said requirements shall govern in the case of any conflict between the provisions of this article and these chapters cited. Florida Statute 163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan. Amendments to comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to this part may be made not more than two times during any calendar year. . . Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. CHRONOLOGY: July 05, 1995- P&Z Meeting for Rezoning to PUD and approval of Master Plan Sept. 3, 1997- P&Z approved Master Plan revision reducing Tract C from 13 to 2 acres and redesignated Tract C&D from Flexible. Land Use to Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Office Nov. 23, 1998- Commission approved final engineering (less 43 lots) July 12, 1999- Commission approved final engineering for remaining 43 lots. Aug. 06, 2003- Application received for Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Aug. 19,2003- StaffDRC review of the applicant's submittal Aug. 22, 2003- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel ofLPA Public Hearing Aug. 26, 2003- Property posted with signage noticing upcoming meetings Aug. 27, 2003- Adjacent propyrty owners within 150' Notified by Certified Mail Sept. 03, 2003- P & Z Board (LP A) hears the request and makes recommendation. CONSIDERATIONS: Applicant - Lyder Johnson, Limited Partner Oviedo V Ltd. Owner- Oviedo V Ltd. 2648 W. SR 434 #B; Longwood, FL 32779 Phone: 407- 862-9990 Parcel #s: - 35-20-30-5PH-OAOO-0000 3 5-20-30-5PH -OBOO-OOOO 3 5-20-30-5PH -oeoo-OOOO Acreage- 12.015 Gross Acres General Location - The property is located on the northwest comer of Parks tone Blvd. & SR 434 in the Parkstone PUD in the center of the City, Legal Description - Tracts A, 13, C of Parkstone Unit 1, Plat Book 56, Page 17 thru 21. Chronology of Subiect Property - The Parkstone PUD project was originally conceived in 1995. The final Master Plan was approved in 1997 and final Engineering was approved in 1998 and 1999. The recorded plat along with the phasing plan indicates that Tracts A, B & C are Commercial. City records indicate that the Commercial designation was changed from "Flex-Use" to "Commercial" in 1997. To date, all of the Parkstone subdivision is developed to the north, west, and immediately east of the subject property. Approximately half of the remaining houses on the east side of the subdivision are developed, while the remainder are under construction. Page 3 of8 Sept. 3, 2003 P&Z/LP A Public Hearing Item A Existing Land Use - The three parcels are currently undeveloped, vacant property. It is anticipated that the development of the subject property will proceed soon after the large- scale comprehensive land use amendment is approved. Adjacent land uses are identified in the consultant's attached report. Development Trends - Rapid infill development along SR 434 is taking place in the area of the subject property. Development of the subject property would continue this trend. Proposed Future Land Use Classification - The proposed future land use map designation from City of Winter Springs "Low Density Residential" to City of Winter Springs "High Density Residential" is appropriate and compatible with adjacent land uses. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - None, as of August 22, 2003. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS: The following. summarizes the data and issues which staff analyzed in reviewing this application: Justification for Future Land Use Designation - The applicant is requesting the land use change to allow the construction of multi-family townhouse units (not exceeding 12 dwelling units per acre). Although the current Future Land Use Map designation is "Low Density Residential", the development plans previously approved by the City allowed for Neighborhood Commercial use on these three (3) parcels. It is not clear why the Future Land Use designation of "Low Density Residential" was applied to the entire development when it was the intent (as illustrated on the Master Plan) that these parcels were to be developed as Commercial. Regardless, the applicant's request for a change in land use is appropriate given the prevailing character of the immediate area and in evaluating the surrounding land use and the future goals and objectives of the City. Public Facilities - The necessary infrastructure capacity is in place to support the increase in population which would result if the proposed FLUM change is accepted. Availability as well as improvements or expansions needed as a result of the proposed amendment are addressed in the consultant's report. Nuisance Potential Of Proposed Use To Surrounding Land Uses - As part of the first phase of the development, the developer constructed a solid brick wall along the perimeter of the subject property. This wall provides a visual barrier from SR 434 to the single family development and was intended to buffer the residences from the future commercial use. The proposed FLUM designation will allow a controlled gradation of residential intensity from SR 434 into the development. The proposed designation also results in less traffic impact (as illustrated in the consultant's attached report) on Parkstone Blvd. and the Parkstone neighborhood. The proposed townhouse development will be a higher quality product and will provide more stability to the Parkstone community than a commercial development with tenants that come and go. Page 4 of8 Sept. 3, 2003 P&Z/LPA Public Hearing Item A This change will provide a transition between the existing low density reSidential use to the high density residential to the commercial corridor along SR 434. Natural Lands Compatibility - A portion of the Parkstone PUD (along Lake Jessup) is already designated as conservation on the Future Land Use Map. No changes are proposed to the conservation area. The subject property was cleared for construction previously, so is devoid of trees. The property does not include any wetlands and there are no environmental Concerns known. The property is relatively flat and is not subject to flooding and does not have any historic significance that has been recorded. Consistency With The Comprehensive Plan - The application for a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the Future Land Use map designation is found to be in compliance with the Goals and Objectives of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Housing Element (pages ill-41 through III-48), related to the location of residential subdi visions: GOAL 1: PROVISION OF HOUSING. To ensure an adequate supply of a wide range of housing types, at various levels of affordability, to accommodate the needs of the residents of Winter Springs. Objective 1.1: Housing Supply. Assist the private sector to provide approximately 1,124 new dwelling units of various types, sizes and costs between 2000 and 2005, plus an additional 2,249 units between 2005 and 2010 necessary to house the City's anticipated population through the planning horizon. Objective 1.2: Infill. The City shall promote infill development by supporting alternative development standards consistent with the existing zoning standards, where necessary and feasible. FINDINGS: . The request is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan, . The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the City Code and with all applicable requirements. . Considering the type and location of uses involved and the general character of the area, the change of the FLUM designation will not result in any incompatible land uses, including such factors as height, bulk, scale, intensity, traffic, noise, drainage, dust, lighting, appearance, and other factors deemed important. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Staff review of the application and Consultant's report, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board/LP A hold a Public Hearing and recommend Approval to the City Commission for First Reading/Transmittal Hearing and Adoption of Ordinance 2003-35, a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the Future Land Use Map designation of the subject property at Parkstone Blvd. and SR 434, from "Low Page 5 of8 Sept. 3, 2003 P&ZILP A Public Hearing Item A Density Residential" (City of Winter Springs) to "High Density Residential" (City of Winter Springs). IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Sept. 11,2003- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of Public Hearing for 1 st Reading Sept. 22, 2003- Transmittal Hearing /1 sl Reading of Ordinance 2003-35 Transmittal to DCA and other agencies DCA Review and ORC Report Generated Response to ORC Report Public Noticing 5 days prior to Adoption Hearing 2nd Reading / Adoption Public Hearing Transmittal to DCA and other agencies (within 10 days of Adoption) ATTACHMENTS: A- Rendering of Proposed Townhouse Architecture B- Ordinance 2003-35 including Map & Legal Description C- Consultant's Report (Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the City of Winter Springs, Florida for Large-Scale Future Land Use Designation Change) PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LP A ACTION: Page 6 of 11 Sept. 3,2003 P&Z/LP A Public Hearing Item A ATTACHMENT "A" ~ ~'1 . ~ . . . . , . . 'Y v~ Gre.'1stOl1;e Townbomes 1v10fflS0l1 Homes =::::tk =9YANS~ "'"-CHI rE=n...RE &: ;::l:"'ANNINC NO. 20502 OCTOBER 24. 2002 Page 7 of 11 Sept. 3, 2003 P&Z/LP A Public Hearing Item A A TT ACHMENT"B" ORDINANCE 2003-35 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOtE COUNTY, !FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REFERENCEU AS LS-CPA-02-o3 PROVIDING FOR mE AMENDMENT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP BY DESJCNA TING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENERALI.YDESCRlBED AS THREE (3) PARCELS OF LAND CONTAINING 12.01 GROSS ACRES MORE OR LESS LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF STATE ROAD 434 AND PARKSToNE BOUI.EVARD, MORE PARTICULARLY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN iN EXHIBIT "An ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORA.TED mREIN BY TffiS REFERENCE, !FROM "LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" TO uHIGIl DENSITY RESIDENTIAL"; PROVIDING A DQPT ION OF AMENDMENT 1'0 THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITI' AI. TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AF'.'AIRSj PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND REsotUTIONS, SEVERADlLIIT, AND AN EFFE(:TIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OFTOE PLAN AMENDMENT. WHEREAS, Section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida StauJ.tes (1987) established the Local Govenmlent Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each muniCipality in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Flotida Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, the Local Phuming Agency of the "ity of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing, in accordance with the procedures in Chapler 163, Part ll, Florida Statutes. on the. proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and has recommended adoption to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission transmit the subject property large scale comprehensive plan arnendinent (LS-CPA~02-03) to the Florida Department ofConununity Affairs tor its review and comment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby fUlds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida; and Page 8 of 11 City of Winler Springs Ordinance No. 2003-35 Page 1 of 3 sent By: BROWN,SALlMAN,WEISS&GARGANESEj 407 425 9596j Aug.20.03 4:10PMj Page 3/4 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOtLOWS: SectiClD 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals arc trnc and correct and are fully incotporaled herein by tIus reference. J Sedion 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant lO, the Local GovLmmtml Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act, Sections 163.184 and 163.187, FIQrida Statutes. ~ectlon J. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent is to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan amendment (LS-CPA-02-03) designating the subject property from "Low Density Residential" to "High Density Residential." Section 4. Adoption of Amendment to tbe ~'uture Land Use Map. The City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, is hereby amended by designating thc real property depicted on Exhibit A as HLow Density Residential" to "High Density ResidentiaL" Exhibit "A" is ~ttachcd hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section S. Transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Comprehensive Plan Amcndm~nt to tht: Florida Department of Community Affairs, in accordance with Section 163.3 1 87(1)(c)(4), Florida Statutes, and Section 9J-II, Florida Administrative Code. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City of C()mmi~~ion, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Severahility. Tf any section, subsection sentence, clause, phrase, work or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this' ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adoptoo by this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the Administration Commission finding the Amendments in compliance with section 163.3184, Florida Stattltcs. No development orders, development pennit~, or land use dependent on these Amendments may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affinning its eftectivc status. After and from the effective date of these Amendments, the Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Spring!\ City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2003-35 Page 2 of :\ ~1' '....1vn.., J "'"'-~"Ir.u., J "~~ooau,",nUl-\nCQt: j "VI 'JO!:) ~:)~Oj Aug-20-03 4:11PMj Page 4/4 Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the Amendments shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City. Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Horida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2003. John F. Busb, Mayor A1TEST: Andrea torenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal fonn and sufficiency [or the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: _. Second Reading:-:...- Effective Dale: F:\no~s\CiIY ofWinll:r Springs\Onlinllnccs\Urge Scale FLUM200:l-35,wpd City of Winter Spring6 Ordinance No, 2003.:15 Page 3 of 3 Sept. 3, 2003 P&Z/LPA Public Hearing Item A MAP '[}J}/)P~, \ Lilllik!:! /__ JJ~ ~ ,-\\ ./f~>~ ~l1l"lK) , 11~~\~a1B ~ L..-':X I \. ~ ~ )l["'~ r~::;l ~ ~ \"" ;:- ~ /'; IT ~ ~ Ur r:;:: 1~, .;., Lrmw ~~ ~ITn ...:l./-~ 'Ii J :> ~ E S ~ .1!:/nl1 m l ')'..J.~ ~r;::. IIJ'l:1"J..I ~l' D \ Tr..., ~ r" . 11\LlUl1.l :;: 1_-- ft 1 ~ ::::\17... ~ ~ It :-l W ...,. H 1 \ I ill t ~ "'--L. ~.... ~ ~ I.......:::J.-..:l" >J. \ ....~ , / I I IT l 1 LL.-- _ ;::. )U ............ ~........ :t - ~. ~ V 1l1U\I"nn '1\ '-_ / .--.... · &UJ1i:~~ t____. '1\ / ____ v.,~ "\. I' ~_ \,; ~"\ ~~ nil' · ~ ~~I l ~ pd .7\.. nn J1 \~. tilIWn; \ i, OUT ' ~....& ~ Vllm_.U"~ 1_ _\ ~ ~ ' l. ~lI8IE/l,f ~ ~ B. ." t- "'rl1KIl)" ~)) ~ ~ "~L/~~ I~-:: i'U:iliflP>. H \ x..r-sn ' n'l....i ~ <- \,,)~ K Y ~ \~~\bLJ.~h U\W~/-...u~7 \ \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Metes & Bounds) Begin at the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block "D", D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON. LAKE JESSUP as recorded in Plat Book I, Page 5 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run N83053'03"E along the South line of said Lot 7 for a distance of 209.43 feet; thence run N06006'57"W for a distance of 666.00 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 62020'10" for a distance of 27.20 feet to the point of reverse curvature ofa curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 115.00 feet and a chord bearing ofN51 035'33"W; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 33043 '06" for a distance of 67.68 to a point of non-tangency; thence run S83054'55"W for a distance of 653.70 feet; thence run S06005'05"E for a distance of735.00 feet to the South line of Lot "D" as shown on the plat of CHASE AND COMP ANY'S SUBDIVISION OF WAGNER, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 64 of said Public Records; thence run N83054'55"E along said South line for a distance of 505.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Lying in Section 35, Township 20 South, Range 30 East. TOGETHER WITH that strip of land approximately five (5) feet in width, lying South of Lot 7, Block D, of D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP, and North of old CSX railroad right-of-way (which CSX right-of-way is Page 9 of 11 Sept. 3, 2003 P&Z/LP A Public Hearing Item A described in that certain quitclaim deed recorded in Official Records Book 3177, Page 0632, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida); and which strip may sometimes be described as a portion of the northerly five (5) feet of Hicks Avenue, as shown in D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP, TOGETHER WITH an Access and Utility Easement as set forth and described in that certain document recorded on December 18, 1998 at Official Records Book 3556 at page 1777, Seminole County, Florida, from The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida to the Grantor. Page 10 of 11 .' . ) .. Sept. 3, 2003 P&Z/LPA Public Hearing Item A ATTACHMENT "C" Consultant's Report- Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the City of Winter Springs, Florida for Large-Scale Future Land Use Designation Change Page 11 of 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ ~ 4. ~,. - C'/~ I./lJl V~ ~~"'~- l ~ ~~.; 7i\1h <'gg:l ~~ ~Ii> v "'e~.s.c..... 0..0.:,"1"", -'''&'',"G.s August 2003 Prepared By: CPH Engineers, Inc. 500 W. Fulton Street P.O. Box 2808 Sanford, Florida 32772-2808 407 -322-6841 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents A. Introduction B. Application, legal Description, Acreage,_Survey C. Maps of Subject Property with Abutting Properties, Boundaries & Surrounding Street Network . location Map . Zoning Map . Development Plan - Parkstone . Existing land Use Map . Present Future land Use Map . Proposed Future land Use Map D. Availability & Demand on Public Facilities: . Sanitary Sewer . Solid Waste . Drainage . Potable Water . Traffic Circulation . Recreation E. Compatibility of the Proposed landl Use Amendment with the land Use Element Objectives and Policies, and those of Other Affected Elements F. Supplementary Materials I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Introduction On behalf of Oviedo V Ltd., we are pleased to submit an application for a large- scale amendment to the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The owner proposes to change the future land use designation of the 12.02-acre site, made up of three (3) parcels, from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential (9.1 to 21.0 units per acre). Upon approval of the amendment, the owner envisions an upscale, owner-occupied townhouse/condominium development with a density of 9-12 units per acre. The property is locate.d within the Parkstone Planned Unit Development, on the northwest corner of Parkstone Blvd. and S.R. 434 in the City of Winter Springs, FL. Although the property has a future land use designation of Low Density Residential, the Parkstone PUD Master Plan & Plat for Parkstone Unit 1 identifies the three tracts as being for Commercial use, and the property was envisioned to correspond to Neighborhood Commercial guidelines as outlined in the City of Winter Land Development Code. In this package, we have provided information relating to the descriptions of the site and abutting properties, including zoning and land use maps. We have also included site-specific information regarding availability and demand on public facilities, justification for the future land use change, and consistency of the amendment with Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. We have provided a comparative analysis of impact for the site based on the potential Neighborhood Commercial Use (as identified in the Parkstone PUD Master Plan & Plat for Parkstone Unit 1) and the proposed High Density Residential Use. Even though the analysis is based on a density of 21.0 units per acre in the High Density Residential Use, it is the owner's intention to limit the density to a maximum density of 12-units per acre. The site is not located in a flood prone area, and no wetlands exist on the site. The site is not subject to the Wekiva River Protection Area (see attached exhibit). The site is not applicable to an area of critical state concern. It is goal of the owner to provide a high-quality development that will serve to meet the housing needs of the City of Winter Springs and enhance the value of the surrounding community. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Applicant - Lyder Johnson, Limited Partner Oviedo V Ltd.; 2648 W. SR 434 #B Longwood, FL 32779; 407-862-9990 Owner - Oviedo V Ltd,; 2648 W. SR 434 #B Longwood, FL 32779; 407-862-9990 Parcel Numbers - 35-20-30-5PH-OAOO-0000 35-20-30-5PH-OBOO-0000 35-20-30-5PH-OCOO-0000 AcreaQe- 12.015 Gross Acres General Location - The property is located within the Parkstone Planned Unit Development, on the northwest corner of Parkstone Blvd. and S.R. 434 in the City of Winter Springs, FL. LeQal Description - Begin at the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Block "0", O.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run N83053'03"E along the South line of said Lot 7 for a distance of 209.43 feet; thence run N06006'57"W for a distance of 666.00 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 62020'10" for a distance of 27.20 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 115,00 feet and a chord bearing of N51 035'33"W; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 33043'06" for a distance of 67.68 to a point of non-tangency; thence run S83054'55"W for a distance of 653.70 feet; thence run S06005'05"E for a distance of 735.00 feet to the South line of Lot "0" as shown on the plat of CHASE AND COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION OF WAGNER, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 64 of said Public Records; thence run N83054'55"E along said South line for a distance of 505.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Lying in Section 35, Township 20 South, Range 30 East. TOGETHER WITH that strip of land approximately five (5) feet in width, lying South of Lot 7, Block D, of D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP, and North of old CSX railroad right-of-way (which CSX right- of-way is described in that certain quitclaim deed recorded in Official Records Book 3177, Page 0632, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida); and which strip may sometimes be described as a portion of the northerly five (5) feet of Hicks Avenue, as shown in D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP, TOGETHER WITH an Access and Utility Easement as set forth and described in that certain document recorded on December 18, 1998 at Official Records Book 3556 at page 1777, Seminole County, Florida, from The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida to the Grantor. I I I " I '. DETAIL "S" 1"=50' I LiNE TABU: ~1/8ER ~~~;~~~[ =4~!~~ -Lj---'-N697516~"-'!T'.Of4- ~ ~~ :-~tiit;1~~:t?~~::1 LI] S697s'=i6-r - "TiJ~r-~'1 I..IJ_ S20'J~~,uJ~~.-~~'" U.f NJB77WrW 59.7J' -"j {~ ~697,'i'f.s=r--' ~ "iO. irr~--j ~~~~~~~~ffi~~~~'- l~{f.r."~j tI' 1"".3,'.n 10.00. ll9 - ~'T6"W"- J..-Mj'-'- L21 ~6"';"i---. 69M-" L2J '~~.10~-i.-_~-2r~!- "1 ~=I~BI~~L~.~. ji;'-~~.~l I/..26 l~:'~?y~:~.. "." ;4..U..:.OO~_'l L27 NB.J~.r2P:r... I~_Q;.~~ u. L6, LB THROUG-! i.1I AND L20 AND 1..71 wrrNnO;tA,u." r.fF ( oor I I I I I I I I I I I I PARKS TONE SHEET UNIT 1 11 A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF BLOCKS C AND D, D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY . OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP. PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 5 AND CHASE AND COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION OF WAGNER, PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 64 LOCATED IN SECTIONS 35 AND 36, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. , I , , I . 5 fOR CONTINUA TION \ '\ SEE SHEET I I \ .----.--" --I \ -.,-~~...-.\ 1 \ I \ SS"OO 10 vi .,~'I .~...' . 110~ ~.. \.. \ \ ~ 0 \ \ ~ -, \ " ~l rRACT c 5 TORMWA fC/? 'MANAGfMCNl ARfA \5 SEE sHEET 5 FOR -EON!!.N.!!~~ _ _ _ _ \ ~------ ~ .\~ D.R. '.MCHfU'S SVR~J' or n![ IIVY r;R/l.',n ON !.AKr: .1[~<;J.ID PL.A r 8001< 1. PA(;l: ~ tOT 6 ClUj ,r~j ~ ~ ~ '~ 'l4'. ), '6. <It "7 9.~ >" -:t. ":L, ~~ ~,,~~ (") ~ ~ ;:. (~~t.:~ c;. ~ ..~,~ -;~ 1:. ','~' ~.-.. ~:.). 'f..\ _~~}J <l "So ~ ,~ ,.... - .~~,.. 7. . .~~ \ I . ~'~\. 'O\.~ '~.\~ TRACT E STORMWA TfR MANAGEMENT AREA (PJ-:AiNACE fA5EMtN!) . I P...G~ 0.'- ___. .. "Nt)r (Pl.i1 sQoI( C;. oR.' .-.NG( A\If. ....np.j! ~ {NoT V' ',._" ~ '---'.... ..' I- 536"56'l1"E -~;;',;,/;j .,/28.47' n!c"t~.~I~~j~:;,1 ~sr~~r:'~:;ll' \ "-~i. Ii; .9~'r.lr J !'ArJ ~ TRACT E STORMWA TfR MANAGEMENT AREA (DRAINAGE fASEM1.N I) ::: \ '""2765' ~ Co 80 ~ ~ 81 -'- ~,. .,. o - ~ '!'M " ~;. , 600(r ~~~:S.4'55~W 144.00' \. ~ :1 LOT [1 . ;'1 ! ~~~~~~ ~::~~~_Jf,' , ~';G- ~ PL'\ ( 8001< 6. !-'AGf,,~! ?)d:t-- ~. ,../ ~ I..~J",.. rf~~J /,..-Ji,tl\~._,_ :;c~. LEGEND &~~/ / Cll- CURVE NU"BER (SEE TABLE) L,. = UNE NU"BER (SEE T.o.BlE) c. - CENTRAl ANGLE R - RADIUS L - ARC LENCTH C8 - QiORD BEAAtNC It - CEN IDlUNE R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY NT _ NON- T ""CENT (R) - RADIAL PT :: POINT Of TANGENCY PC - POINT OF CURVATURE PCC... PO:NT Of COMPOUND CURVATURE PRC - POIN T OF REVERSE CURVATURE 0R&0 OmClAL RECORD BOOK PB - Plio T BOOK PC '" PAGE . DE - DRAlNAGE EASE"ENT. UE - UTlUTY EASE~ENT S'M..E "" SIGN, WAU ANO LANDSCAPE EASEIr"lEN r lE -'LANDSCAPE EASE"ENT. D &< U E - DRAINAGE AND UTlUTY EASE~ENT CII - CONCRETE ~ONu~ENT La - . UCENSED BUSINESS PLS... PROfESSIONAl; LAND SURVEYOR CCR - crRTlFlED CORNER RECORD SEC .\5- 20-30 - SEC nON JS, TO"",,,SHIP 20 SOUTH. RANCE 30 EAST --Ill". - DENOTES PER"ANENT REFERENCE "ONU~ENT " . (SET 4"X4" CONCRETE "ONU"ENT 15J59 UNlESS OTHER'MSE NOTED) PER CHAPTER 177. flORIDA STATUTES. ~- ... DENorrs P[R~.6.N(NT CONTROL POINT (SET 60 PENN Y NAlL AND DISK 15359) . PER QiAPTER 177, FlORIDA STATUTES. \ . .1 \ \~ \~ la 1M I~ \8 \-- \ J5' ll<NDSCAPf (A~M~~) -\ , _ ._ \ (ORB 3582. PA.~.-':~ ~ J --sa,r54"7SS"W 190_05 \- - NBJ'5"55'D7s3~.4'55"W 505.62' " (\~(ORB Jl~' PACE 6J2)' "\ -s "~[ ."o: 0 N " ._ 3-=--1\~ cE-~ A::O- un:ITY fA;.E.yrNI "c {ORB 3556 PA~ 1/17) ~ STA TE 1.1 DONALD W. MciNTOSH ASSOCIATES, INC 8 ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 2200 PARK A.\/{NU( NORTH VIl/llT(R PA.!'V< fLORIOA. .12769 '.07) 64-4~406a t .___._ Co . 0, '; ~ ~.~ 82 i.~: ~ 84 "' Co . ~ ? ~~. 76 :S g.~ S3.J"28'21"W \ 50,30' \ 1\=129'10' 19" R=25.00' L=56:J6' C8=S58"28'12"W ~ 'j ~E.~..,~'~._;-1. :53,7(Y '- , .-:- ....... I !\ " f~.-cr.;~/; ~-..I""" ~'\':.D., ,;.\ \........ B~ \lt26 17ft .L__J I l~~'- 10' LANDS_CAPE(;/~~~iNl . I -. ~ ';~ 'ORB J5B.I. P'" ~ '~ j -i ;;\~ ~ ~::'I~ g ~ ~l5 g 1~g~\z~~ \0> ~r;.\~ ~ M \ ~ :-~\~ \ "; ...., ~\ '\ ~ 8. .\ \8 ~ ~ .J. .~I~ 20' UTlUTY fAS[l.A[NT- \ ::\\v> I ..,~ I \t\", \ S.\tIl 1 'g \ ! I~ \ ,< I \, \\~O { \ r,_ " 1 1 10' lANDSCAPE f.ASf).lf~NT \ "z \ \ ~ 'O,~ g I TRACT 0 \ g:l\ \7. ~. I COMMERCIAL 1 ~ ~\z ~ \ ,AND \ 1"; ~ ~ ~ \-__ 10' LANDSCAPE, \ ~ ~ lJnUTY [,ASflJENT \ I;; ~ ~ .... 15' L,f.NOSCAPf' (ASEMENT (oJvr~2:" ~ . ~J/ ~ ~ ~ 8, '\ ~-r/"">o~:o' l 5 LINE tOl 6- pM;( 19913) '-..., tV .o} 1 ()l; - ~ l.1' \ oS ,~s ,. 0':')!-1' "C 8 .,.......'~ --- '5;8J'54'52.W '-';$', \ g % ,\_ ,r ,t-_ - - ~- _ ,- , ..,- 'J ( .0.57 .... ~ \ 4-0' \ SOl) _ ,. -~j'oJ.;'-W JI5.JJ _. .,' - -.( - ...0 . l"".. d' SBJ PAGE 6J2)-- ,- - - --' '" 0476' (0R8 Jl77. ~- '-\' . -'SaJ 5J.0 3"W,09 o. r-. S83'5.3' 03 ~ 6 ~ L ,,- . --- ~~8. _ . - -" '(-.'-::~-~..:-~ vnUT-r ,,5[IolfNT . <:: , .~. ,t""/"""'" AC~~/~~2, p.-.CE 1037) - 'G. - ~OlNT OFBEGlN~ING ,. (~', -.. ::; - . o. fOUND 4X. CW ~~i tl:~K -0- 5W CORNER OF ._ _ _ ROAD NO. 434. - ~i);CA;; ~~/JtNT L :0' WAU. k ~ G( 199B1 (oPS ].582, ' A ~'I'2 ~~~ "''' ~~~~ CIlOC"\O ,0 ~,~~ c,. >- M2~ ~~vi \ z 1& \ :;\ \ i), . \,~ :. i '6, '.\NOSCM'[ (AS' 1<11 '. 10' "'All &. t,..r' r-- (ORB .1582, p.-.G[ 19!iB) I I \ \ I I ..... I \j\\ o \ o. \ \ ..OJ J 810(.)(' (l LOT fi BLOCK 0 ... ~ o "'. OR. 1.t17(..'4fLt'S SlJR\1::1' OF !"Hi- LH"r' CRAN r ON LAKE JCSSUP Pl..H 8OC>K I, PAC( 5 lRACT C COMMERCIAL \ \ \ z o 0> d '-" o '-" i. N83'53'03'E 31~.J3' ;:7, 'b"-',;,, 1 \3 c>... I ~ 10> \~ 1,4 \'" \\j\ \8 I . -:-J S8J"54'55~W 17S.00' NB.:rs.rOJ-E 250.00' ~ ~ lRACT B COMMERCIAL , ;;; a' ~I ~ " lRACT A COMldEROAL ~ ~ . ~ ~ 8- NOTICE: Thl. plot, os recorded In It. graphic fann, i. the official depiction of. the subdivtded land. described herein and will 'In' no circumstances be supplanted In outhorlty by.any other graphic or digital form of the plot. There may be oddftlonal restrictions that ore not recorded on thl. plot that may be found In the public records of this county, I I F1Ic. nom~: r: \C\S\S16f51\SHEET2 3 OF 5 l;l;>-lcr ~(Ch.. .~ ~~~ ,.l\: lr lJ. 86 :t .... v i / QUAIL "A" 1"=50' i CU}?I...'.'". TABLE ~'~~..~._.E~~t:~2~'.:~:-=1~~m,}.~~~.~~'~. .c;f ~~~~;-- C.. '6J"::'0"'. ~oolno~4jlo5.00 61.68 S521.4'49.W cs' __'~"r~J70'1I~-==- '2~ oo-rijB.lS 1,..31,2.5 77.JT N5n4~~ c~_ ..~'QQ'DO. _ 25,OO...l~.?2.~..J6 2500 N65'J~~ C? 169t).f'J'. 15,()() UO 14 1:'8.J5 17.21 5J4"53'01"'[ r ~..-=-~'~'11;;-- 11~O 118,7977.7:) SJ47J2~_J lS~_._ =2..~~20'10"._" 15.00 ??,20 25.-88 15.12 5J7'7'O~J ~'2Q_~221'2J. 15.00 27.5] 26,20 15.J8 Hl717'OrW ~.f:!.! _ 152'.8'22.~'5.00 IJ06.70 22J.55 "75.46 N_62"OS'J6.W ell 69U4'.J~" 2~.DO JD.i. 2B,J.5 /7.21 576U2'28"W 1 ~~i ._, 65TJ&'Ci;''' - ;75 OV i...'.J6.JB 2~9.27, /78,JO rNJo~746-.w' ; ! it",. . "16ooo'ir' -,-- 315,00 lJ.fo_J7 J15.02 187.66 Nj-J'Jo'1J~-l [l~~~~....!..."05"6" -__ 15:...00 !J659 JJ_48 22.S4 52177'54"[ i ~;j - 1f4R!p ;g5:&-'~~1~ ;~~~ ::..:; ~;~;:';~:~ f6B" . '2'.17'50"- 12500 :-!.I'l 7Q~ 36..'.19 N52'36'OJ"r. ~~!2~,.,"'~~111~~5:.~- 125.00 J.C!7 34~J6 17,24 N287~1~ C20 _-1.}4"'2J',." _.. 115.00 69_02 67,99 .15,58 5'7"32'2J"[ ell 1!9'J7'5'" 275.00 9~.22 93.76 47.58 N59-J6'21"W L~~~? :=J2~.~"8" .~_ 275_00 115:94 Ils.DE! 58,84 N.]7"42'.6".", I C;>J ':~rJg'04" 775_00 S'H.J2 93.86 .7.6J ""IS'4a'J5-W @' ll'.JQ'.:JoCr -. j25.00 6~_28 65.17 32.75 510')4'01-r- ~.~_~ 11"57'20"'-'-- J25.oc. [61.B2 67,69 J4.0J 52217'55"( C78 12'01'29" J25.oo 168.21 68.m1 34-.2J 5.3..77'20"[ ~._- 14-'06"J3" 325,00 80.OJ 7.9.8J 40.22. 547"21'21-{ ~Q.- 09'OS'~4" ~151.61 51.55 25.86 558'57'35"{ ~' C~..__ J]'43'06" rl5.00 67.68 ~6. 70 34.85 S51'.35'JJ'"[ C.J8 lO'.J6'29- 115_00 21,29 71.26 TO_68 N05"39'OO.W 09 - :'-:''09'04'' - 2~,OC ~-~~~ '''.68 7.88 586"29'''8''[ , c.o' -... _1.(~5'26"- 2500- iD. 15"00 7_B6 NSB"57'S6:f r~.~'_~~_~.Q9 Jl.66 71.6.3- lO.&; N46"5J'59"[ L~42 ID2"5-J'D7" .~16J7 16.J6 8.18 562'03'58"[.. L ~_~..'" j09'J2'S2';;--=_E5.00'. :?.:.~_ !1,4B 6_26. IN257FJO"[- L~4 .n' QO'21'19- l2.75.oo 1.09 l.09 0,54 S84~~ Cl, C2, CZ4-, C2~, AND CJl rI-1ROUGH CJ6 1NTE"NnON.A.LL y un' OUT ,. ~ J~ /1, /i.1 \"1 LOT 6 BLOCK 0 r I' \0' L A.NOSCAP( ~Sf/JEN[ .\\"'~; ;~.:- ..~'-- \ ~,i - ,,' _.-- \, _s.vc' HICKS ~~~E Mrrd-jEllS (prR PlA~ TH[ LEV)' CRANT ~:~;E ~S9JP) ,0.V[ --i I \ \ \ \ I I \; lO'U[ ~y \ _ ......-J.1-. -- , TRACT B COMMERCIAL " )> "J '" 111 .... .~ 1'1. tIl o c: ~ ~ "J o. DETAIL "C" 1-=100' / / 700 0 , 700 ~~ 200 { JOO J SCALf, 1 " 100' I I I u LOCATION MAP N ~ I SUfflJECT SITE rr I LAJ(E:JnE:SSr\P D/; 11202 ACRI1i$ ~ ,\, ,;, --- ....M "1 ~ Ih\'i T} 'fOr ~ - \ ~ ~I . LU.~ ........ :: \' ~ ~~3!i ~R~~;~~\~ ~ _ !:o~~ J::: ~~e'h I ~ ~ ~ 11 . ~ l' \~\ r JI"" . _, ~:jr;, ~\~n2j~ ~ \ \ _ J ~:~ '_~ '-l~l. ". ~ @mSi" ~~r~S> ~ - I. '~'1~_~~~.'" . ,9!JtJjlff)) t: j" . , ' '" ' , . ;:TT- ....-. · ~ ~ (rn~) ~..a' 7fJ' t'TT1~j,yl"' r)~ '; "1-.~ , ... ~o ~ '~II~~ ~ ~ ~'C!" f7n1 ~JI .... ::::, '-' ---...: UI-l.. 'J.:"-I ~'" . ~.,~ . LflrfCr. :' 1 J, ~ q"cl7~, ~ '\:::l . . ... ~ ... .~. /"'. - JI' x. " v&~ ~ i::: > '(Q E:: :' 8 . , ~"._ ,-,j) uttr:"'J YA' ' _'1) HI IT: I'-' 1~c-, '." ~I' ~ - t: ~ -Jj..Y U1,rJ. CW., '-:'::: . . \.1 ......, . I ", --". ~ "Y I- ~ ~~ --.i ;r l '1 . --, .J( 1..... '"\" . l~ ;.,. r:! ' "'"'1"1 . .:..;.f--" "'" l'r" ~ . ~ . ,~.t:-. ' ~j A! \1,.- f- I"- ;:: Ilill<1......' .. ~.I-' :"'-.. t- t:: ... 'TT J, .. ~1 I ... ==i ...., . , ....;.._ r-..."l"il.'L ~?~I;:oH 1 'J:JJ:O"'lL -' " . ,_- ,I _.:t '>L-,\ ~'" I I .;...- t ~ = ~ , \ „_. _ f __... _ 1 . i --t t I ~ ~ , Acs r ._.-.~ ,I' ~ _.... _.. _._ I ~__ ~~_~E~LA~'J-- _I h ~ %~ ,.. OFENASPB~ .1 1 I I ~ I 1 I I I ` ~ i II ~ I _~ f ~ I ~,µpq,~hD 232^ 23 // if r~ l //,,NSERVATION f CONSERyATION SEM NT 1 1 t""' ~ ~~~~'^"'^ ~ / / / Y EATS f I I II ~ f f 1 ` ~ ~ - ~- ~ 20 11B ~I FFER a~ / l / ~ ~ I f EMEN` G 25 2a 129 122 2t _ I I ~ I ! ' ~ f ' 28 1 , _~I ~ / ~ ~ .. f-I7PLflNQ _ f fi >atrho~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ I Jr..' : ~ i I I I I_ ~a to z9a ~ ~ ~ _ I e ~ ~ / ~ I A tt3nz tt~ttp ~ .~.y Ito~.toa~ tas _ .~~ ~ "~a2 -{-~~za zB SANDRINGHAM ~'~ ~ I\nB ~m, 29s ~" ~~ ~/ tt ~~ ~£ ~ '° 1 ~ ~ 4~ t ~~~ sa' ~ a' I ~9i ~ao `, ~ ~ A_-_t ~ ~ ~! ~ .~~ ~ i RACT n RD n< '!• ± ~ ~ 1 I ~ ` ~ ~ ~ 0~ ~ 4Bf to, ue E••:tiI C'l~~ aK / i ~ zze zae ~ 5~ (/ ~ -t a~° pUA Y NAae~r'fx ~ ~~m 1 UI ~ '1 -= SANDRfNGHAM `~ a_ ' OPEN ~iPACE '~2- -+y9\ ze. . ,, "5 ~) I ~ ~ pE 3 I UE I ~ ~ qr ~~ ~ ~ ;zze OLq ~ 6'C ~ ', ~`6~ V ~ ~ LAVE ~ i ~ tea ' ~ ` . I y6 ~ DI 9t t I ~ iJRncTE ,,n HD Acr I; \ ~N$ ~ 'o\ JN z]6 f 3a1~ STORMKAT R l-E0 ry~ 1 ~~ ~\ 2]] ~ ~, t3 , t3B \ 3l f~ I DRAIN. MANAGEMEN CP,AIN. RACT E ~ I 'i ~ ~ ~ ~\ RD ] \\ ESM7 ESMSTORMWATER ~ N ~ \ S 9ogQa9R L~ 34~ a9 20 TPACtF ~ AREA $~ ~~,,((~~~ t 91 yo ` GRAIN. 5t ] CRAW ESMT. MANAGEMENT ~ ~'t~ V~ 2]a ~ > [ zs I ts9 ,4t Ryo ~a ESMt ~ C ;6 ~ urn 1 AREA ~~ ~ ~~~, 1 ~ ~,~' ~~ ~ ~R, ~ g ~ ~ J I T BS 82 8t 9F ~ ~ 6 / / ESMT ~~I' DRAIN ESMT ` ~~ \t ~ 2]5 ~Y 94 63 ~ dL \ • TRACT H I S~ a 3 TR4CT,G \. "G \•.. 303 3 132 a2 f ~' ~ ~r / TRAGT K % ~ ~ ~ I ! 58 t 5 2 ~ LIF' STA~10 N 2d \ a ~ 902 26 2B t90 tat /( 1 ' T 301 t2q t25t26 t2? 15'iJTII. ESMT ! a ~ ro STORMWATERD I 1 ~ ' ~`~ / ; I ~ ~ I TAVESTOCK I I I ° I~ s 9 \ Sat MANAGENENt ~ ~ ` / 1 I 1 I Ietl I ~ II 'M ~ / ~ DRAIN~SML O D 10 f~~ I ~m ~g I 1 I I f~ ~~i ~5 75 I'] i )BI ]9 90 821 TA 195 ~_ ~ j) I ~ I s if ~ t0 UTIL E3 MT ACOESS ESMT- ~ ~Q' 1 UND- ,i_ Il .I D ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ESMT ~ ~' ._ 299 ~ ' SAGECREE~K , If ~~ zo' un~ ESMT za6 ~, ,saT pEVON CREEK RD O E D '~,''~ ~ ~"~~"~,ye ?NDSCAP~M~T__~I~JI~-t~ ~. ~ 355 ~: a L----'I j ~ ~I I I~ 11 ~~ lVi U cn s'° OA 1B v '. ~ ~ 3S1 CI zo~EMERGENCV ~ ~ TRACrc ~~ m 1 /3a9 ~3 ~ " I~ ACCESS ESMT 8 -~ ^^~~- ~ m DPgIN. ESmT il~, BLENHEIMN LP z ''~ ~~~LS DRAIN.6 ,, ~, 9az ~ ^ 33a I .1r2 UTIL. ESMT ~ 1 M~OwS V t ~ ~ ~ -- O ~ 33^ kut to N o ?i-3 = I o+ 1 'J t~ ~~ ~~ ~ m v ~ N MT. ~ y 3t9 g.0 Ira a l te9 I 1'. x--20 VTIL. ES Y2 'rt` Y.~ ~~' 1 t 339 G 5 1;5 ? re t~ TRACT g ,If RAGT p zo' ~ rRACT A DRAIN. t;s ~:~: g~NHEIM' ~P ~ te- . le6`. 9.E 9f ZONING CLASSIFICATION LEGEND R-1 i lVfi 6 6110 ft l R-3 l i7 l l f CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS n nutm ( , .sq. . OE) i ~ u ir anti R-IA R-T ZONING MAP -JUNE 2003 tRlinimum H.I}UO sq. li. loll i`~lohilc HonraJ R-lAA G1 (1'Finimant IOp(AJ ;W. tt. lntj IGaaLxal Rctnill RC- I C-2 (\iinimum 1 acre loll 11nd¢5saia1l Engineers RU ~ I_ I Planners (Siini„mnt , acre loti Qndu.Iti~,,, Landscape Architects Suraeyors PUD ANNX C onstruetionManagement IPlanuad Umt Dc>~cV<~Pntcnti i.4nncscd. Znnin~s Pcndingi l LeStg/~'l~lld GID T - C ~ ,-•<;~ I T.~~1, ~ ... (C. r •newac Inianitange Dl~trictl 1 Taa~n Canter DiS2Tict r J: L 1214/COREL/ZON INO. CDR 9.h 9.G t~V ! .~ rp•ACT'G" EASE-ut TR"0' SQ' 3q 33 32 GHT COMPANY TR ~ m 3 ] a a 3 2 t 35 3 N 8 OB I I I I j ., - - - i~}&lt~~;!(~~i~ - - ~\~:" - 'lS~: t,,;~. - \~~Jl!l~!; - - Q?il1l{'~~~~~f. - - ~t3r~f~ - - 2~~{~~~~~: - - - . PAR, ~ PRO..ECT:--, SHEET nTlE:_ INT SUaMITTAL TO: 0 LOCAL, 0""'0. OOTHER:_ VOID OATE:_NOTE: - - - t r )> ^ fT1 C- fT1 (J) C -U ~ .....- OTY OF \\1NTER SPRINGS ZONEO C-2 I ( ! \ I SEMINOlE COUNTY ZONED A-1 LAND USE: SUBURBAN ESTATES 'j OTY OF \\1NTER SPRINGS ZONED C-2 , onfll..._...., ------ -..u eGUlTY IMT n. -10 ;03:: )>s:: nfTl -1;0 n :p: r -.n.RD " t; ~: Z "I ON" ~~~I !"!l8Z' ~?g "",Ill )> " ~ ~ Z " III I I \. I I 1 I , ! I ' n; ~ -:; I ~ 3 g ~~~~J;; ~3 :T ~fteg~C>> g'~ ~ jI~~~(ta UI c" ~ :C;:;e;:7:7 :":"'11' l ~ ;. ~~::t~~;' ~ ~ g 111110 c;- tI q G D (I CT ~ g. o-__-O"G ~ it ~.3332.g- '::' 0" -<~~~-<{ ~ ~ ~~.~i[t >- ,.. In ~l/I VI U ~ ~ Rl"Roit'ft'R'5' ~ g ~==g~~ &" [ ~3.g.~g':0 0. .g ~.~;-~;-v i [ ;~~~.;g .g g QftQQq3 a ~ ~~~~~g ~ :+ gg'ggg~ ~ .....................................~ ~ .go.g~.g?! 3 3g n ~ ~ ~.g -a'.g.u :- Rg~gg a OoctGCI ~ e: .., ~ ~ a ~ 3 ~ DONALD W. MciNTOSH ASSOQA YES, IHe. OAW, Ill. KEl.1.Y, P.E.. Fl REG. NO. 4JJ25 ({ ~ :~ OCT 2 9 1998 DATE;_ -- 1.1 DONALD W. ENGINEERS 2200 PARK A VENUE NORTH. ORAMf BY:~ OESlQlED BY:~ 0"1[; -4/98 DATE: 4/98 ---"-'-" '~""~\lI"" MciNTOSH ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNERS SURVEYORS WINTER PARK. fLORIOA 32189 (401) 844-4068 -< " c fn " I <0 '" n III ~1 ' : _ ~ III il ~ ~~ N ~ </1 , ~~~~~!/' ~' ill0~t8 I V]> ..... c: I~ 11 L~-1~'.J' C:51" I~ ( I, /llez ~ ! I I' or----, '" ~ 'I 'I L l ~~=_._: Ii. J 4 ~ ~ _.. ,I I' .~. ..., ~ :H ! I 11 --H' .- I ' r' _ i! It --,' -~, '~I I I' I) ...-~ ':', ~ ~ I j~: ..1 .: -!'- / _ i ~ 'I //: f~'\\\ 1 1. ~. ~ ' , , , I \, \\. - - -" I ...... 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JOO NUMBER ~~ 11~ DATE: FLORIDA MASTER PHASING PLAN SPRINGS, CI TY OF - - I "~.?Oo> ~ r )> ^ fT1 c..... fT1 (/) C Ll - - S I~N ~~Ie~ ft~leO i 1<1' ~ i- - - OTY OF "'Nll:R SPRINGS ZONED C-2 I ( S / / "C ( Z:a .111 (01:1 I 111111 CC -~ ) J I 1'/ -4/ I { I I I - - - OTY or WINTER SPRINGS ZONED C-2 - - ~-:.m~""L--. - - - -- ~UI, @ID@@(Q)R';l . , j ~::--::;-::::_-~~---~~- -~~~2~~: I, ~UI, ~@@(Q)R';l II :; L -----'!.".2...~..!:!!'!!'-~______4.' f 5tMNU lXUIn" LIIiIT I j = ';1 @ @::il ':i @ IiiiiJ lii~ = ~ q, ~ = Ii' ~ ~ li~ @ 'I ~ 'I _"'l:'!.-' I _w_$. 'I I' I . @~@d] ~@~ " , ------ "-4 ----I I I - - - - - SEIotINOU: COUNTY ZONED A-I LAND USE: SUBURBAN EST A ll:S .-~}o EXISTING LAND USE - AUGUST 2003 500 WEST FULTON STREET SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 I SEMINOLE COUNTY ~. 1nnNTER SPRINGS "~~ N' ~ I ~j' I I ~ I p I - SAVOR n ~j ' K ~I G~~~D~/Dr ~ TAVESmc ~ i E J ' G ~ ~1 J ,A,~, ~ ~ ~ ,5 n,~ ,~~ K , ~ , t-- EsMr ~ ~ , o s l , ~ ~~ oooo~o,~~ II n`~ ~ ~' ~' ~ P'~~ ~ ~ a i o l I~ SAGEGREEK , ~~-~ ~ I~ I ~ ..'~ ~i~~ ~ a ~ o D ~ N~ ~ ~ ;" ~ ....._.._..... ` oanm , ~ c .~ ek E,M~ D~iMnPGE ~~-S~FM9~`~ '~ ~'s e IWCiI s,nncsc>a r esq. ......~_ STATE RD 4~ \\ I may«+u: ~>. s.~ F. j II~ I _ aE aM c ue n Q 'p Q a o ,~ ar i ~ rl '', _-----'i , ~~,..r r1--~-- n,~ t ~ Ir ~~ '~ ~ ~},~°~ ~l ~,a,~A ,~. ~ ~' t s E~Mr F M , .,M n~ P~SUBJECT N 0 SITE ~,n a 1 AC ,, ES, ~, ~:a E f~ R^. LAND USE CLASSIFICATION LEGEND Rustic CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Residential Commercial Low~AcDensity PRESENT FUTURE LAND Residential Industrial (1.1 DU to 3.5DUiAcre) USE MAP -2010 Medium Density Residential Mixed Use JUNE 2003 (3 6 DU to 9.0 DU !Acre} Recreation High Density Residential Conservation (9.7 DU to 21.0 DU ;Acre) ~` Public Buildings Town Center Greeneway District Interchange J:L1214/COREVLAND USEI.COR f I SEMINOLE COUN~rY ~. wtn17ER SPRINGS ,, ~, n ,' ~ ~~~DV/~~~\', TAVES~oc~r~~' e -,~,~~ , V~: e ,/ ~ ~ I ~~-=-, ran " / ~ ~I i ~ ~;.> L ESM, o ~ ,i _ o Gp 0~~~~ r I ~ I ~ ~~umc i~. ~i~ ,~a~ , ~ E.. '^ ` 0 '~ 1 I E EM6 it `~ ~~~ I I `-JJ c,. `eta ' ~ ~ ~ lD I oauw~~~ME~+' ~,~,, ~ aMOx.P :~., ~\i~~ w. ,~... STALE RD 4~ wv a~ ' M ~ ~_~ _~ ,~ i -- ~ sE sM ~ ae ~° ~ ~i ~ '~d i II a ~ \ \ SANDRINGHAM I I r ~ m ~~/ (/// ~ ~ \h ~ or_'' ~~' ~`/ .q~, ~,y ~ ~~f- 4 _ ((114--(\W 'NAp80 N,y i e~ 9 \ a 9 i ~~~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~~s R ~ ~~ ~~DNO V e~ t N. ~ ' E r ~~ _ ~ 3V~~ ~~ ~~ ~R a„"F ~ ~M; ~; ~~,c~,oO cgFS ~ s ~~ - ~~~ ~ eAFI" ~`w ~ 3~ tv 1 ,va ~ Fryr / ~~, ~ 8~ v -,~ TAVESTDCN j ~ y~~~G 8 'F .~ i ~ ~, ~~ M~ ~ a , e,~. ~ j ~' M ,~ ~"'~ oanw ~~n ,~ ~' ~ N ~ ~ ~~ ~ m~ . . r - ~ ~ ~ ,a ~ , ~r ~ a~ #~ ~ F DEVDN GREEK RD m x JECT ~ m ~ sus ~q -_ 5-TE = ~ ~~ ~ m !- ~{ A Q x~/xz d ~I ~ ~ 2aO • ACRES , ~ a EsMtm ;3 '~ ~EADDWS, ~ G ~- LAND USE CLASSIFICATION LEGEND Rustic CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Residential Commercial LowJADt;nsisty PROPOSED FUTURE LAND Residentiai Industrial (1.1 DU to 3.SDUJAcre) USE MAP -2010 Medium Density Residential Mixed Use JUNE 2003 (3.6 DU to 9.0 DU / Acrej Recreation High Density ~ Residential C ti . onserva on " (9.1 DU to 21.0 pU ; Acre) Public Buildings ___ _ Town Center Greeneway i District Interchange J:L7214/COREULAND U: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ExistinQ Land Uses The property currently is undeveloped and vacant. The Parkstone PUD surrounds the property on the west, north, and east sides. To the south of the property is State Road 434. Across S.R. 434, there is a single-family residential subdivision, a large retention pond, and commercial-use lots, of which two are under construction and two are undeveloped, wooded areas. To the southeast of the property, there is also an enclave of Seminole County, zoned agricultural, that is undeveloped and vacant. Existing land use designations, zoning and future land use designations include the following: Existing La~d. Us~ f , l' Zoning !Future Land Use , Subject Undeveloped, Vacant PUD (WS) Low Density Residential Site North Single-Family Residential PUD (WS) Low Density Residential [Parkstone PUD] ---------..----- _____________.__.______.__..____._.~__.._M_...._..,__.__ .----------...--. ----------.-.------------ South S.R. 434, Arterial Road (From Commercial, under construction C-1 (WS) Commercial West to Vacant PUD (WS) Mixed-Use East) Single-Family Residential PUD (WS) Mixed-Use FOOT Retention Pond -- -- Undeveloped, Wooded C-2 (WS) Commercial Undeveloped, Vacant A-1 (SC) -- ---..----. .... ---------------------- -.------------ ---------------------- East Single-Family Residential PUD (WS) Low Density Residential [Parkstone PUDJ .------------ -------------- West Single-Family Residential PUD (WS) Low Density Residential [Parkstone PUD] (WS) Winter Springs; (SC) Seminole County I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Availability & Demand on Public Facilities . San itary Sewer Facilities servinq the site: An 8" sanitary sewer line is available adjacent to the site on Parkstone Blvd. It has been stubbed to the site for the specific purpose of providing a wastewater collection for the Parkstone PUD Commercial Parcels. The property will discharge to an existing lift station on the Parkstone Subdivision parcel, which is pumped to the City of Winter Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: The lift station will be analyzed for its ability to accommodate the additional wastewater flows. If upgrades to the system are needed the owner/developer will address those needs in the construction phase of the project. Based on indications from the City of Winter Springs (Comprehensive Plan, Infrastructure Element page IV-2), its wastewater collection, transmission and treatment systems have ample capacity to accommodate the additional anticipated flow. Please see attached Table IV-A-1 from the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. . Solid Waste Facilities servinq the site: Florida Recycling Services, I nc. located at 1099 Miller Drive in Altamonte Springs provides the City of Winter Springs with solid waste collection and recycling se.rvices. The solid waste is disposed of within Seminole County's Osceola Landfill and Central Transfer Station. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: No improvements are anticipated; the existing infrastructure and management system presently in place is adequate to accommodate the impact. . Drainage/Stormwater Facilities servinq the site: The existing Parkstone stormwater collection, treatment and disposal system is in place and currently accommodates the stormwater run-off from the subject property. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: W hen the property is developed, it must meet City Code (Sec. 9-241), FOOT, SJRWMD, and other applicable requirements. Post development run-off cannot exceed pre-development runoff. The system will be designed to meet all local,' state and federal stormwater management criteria governing such development. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Potable Water Facilities servinq the site: A 12" potable water line is available adjacent to the site on Parkstone Blvd. It has been stubbed to the site for the specific purpose of providing a potable water and fire protection for the Parkstone PUD Parcels. The property will receive water service from the City of Winter Springs Water Plant. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: The potable water system will be extended throughout the proposed development in accordance with City of Winter Springs Utility, Engineering and Fire Protection requirements and FDEP potable water distribution system requirements. The existing system will be analyzed for its ability to accommodate the needs of the development. If upgrades to the system are needed the owner/developer will address those needs in the construction phase of the project. Based on indications from the City (Comprehensive Plan, Infrastructure Element page IV-16), The City of Winter Springs potable water distribution system and water plant have ample capacity to accommodate the additional anticipated flow. Please see attached Table IV-B-1 from the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. . Fire Facilities servinq the site: No need currently for fire service for the undeveloped, vacant lot. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: The City of Winter Spring Fire/Rescue Division will provide emergency response service to the property. Based on recent City input, the response time would be approximately three (3) minutes from Fire Station #24, which is less than one (1) mile away. · Police Facilities servinq the site: No need currently for police service for the undeveloped, vacant lot. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: The City of Winter Spring Police Department will provide police service and emergency response service to the property. The site will be served by the police station at 300 N. Moss Rd, Winter Springs, which is less than two (2) miles away. . . Traffic Circulation Availability of Access: Direct access is available from Parkstone Boulevard. Parkstone Boulevard has direct access to SR. 434. Function Classification: S.R. 434: A principal arterial that runs from Edgewater Drive near Orlando to Altamonte Springs, then east to Oviedo, and then south to East Colonial Drive. SR. 434 within the City of Winter Springs is a four-lane facility and had a Year 2000 Level of Service "D." I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Arterials: Provide regional mobility via both uninterrupted flow and interrupted flow segments. Arterials provide mobility around and through urban and community cores, and accommodate relatively long trip lengths as opposed to providing access to adjacent properties. Arterials are sometimes further classified for performance as Class I, II, and III based on the number of signals per mile, access controls, geometric cross sections, and speed limits. Arterial roads within the City include S.R.434, U.S. 17-92, S.R. 419, and Tuskawilla Road. The Average Daily Volume for SR 434 in the vicinity of the site is 32,916 (Seminole County Engineering Department, April 2003) while the L.G.S. "0" Daily Capacity Volume is 35,000 (City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Element, 2000). Improvement/expansions (includinq riqht of way acquisition) already proqrammed or needed as a result of the proposed amendment: No improvements are anticipated for Parkstone Boulevard or SR 434 to accommodate the development. The change from neighborhood commercial to residential will result in a substantial reduction in the amount of daily trips to/from the site. A traffic impact analysis will be conducted during the development phase of the project and any conditions recommended in the study will be addressed at that time. . Recreation Facilities servinq the site: None currently. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: Recreation facilities internal to the development will be considered during the site-planning phase and will be, at a minimum, in compliance with the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Code regarding recreational facilities. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Comparison of ImQacts The Parkstone PUD Development Plan designated the three parcels that make up the subject site as commercial tracts. Allowable uses within a neighborhood commercial district might include a shopping center, a bank, and a sit-down restaurant for land similar in size to the subject site. The following table reflects a comparison between the proposed high density residential use and potential commercial uses as identified under the Parkstone PUD. The potential commercial use assumes a 116,695 SF shopping center on tract C (8.93-acres at 0.30 Floor Area Ratio), a 5,000 SF Sit-Down Restaurant (150 seats) on tract A (1.74-acres), and a 3,000 SF Bank Facility on tract B (1.35-acres), which equals a gross area of 12.02 acres. Even though the analysis is based on a density of 21.0 units per acre in the High Density Residential Use, it is the owner's intention to limit the density to a maximum density of 12-units per acre. ", Potential Commercial I ~ 'p'roposed High ' ,Increase or ' , Use as Permi~ted under _: be1nsity RI esi,dential <Decrease> , - , l I I the Parkstone P,UD - t ps~ (252 uni~s) , on Impacts Solid Waste GPO = gallons per day Subject Site Traffic Generation Potable Water Sanitary Sewer Parkstone PUO Commercial (apply City of Winter Springs Neighborhood Commercial) 116,695 SF Shopping Center, 5,000 SF Restaurant, 3.000 SF Bank Shopping Center 5,009 TPO Restaurant 725 TPO Bank 469 TPO Total 6,203 TPD Shopping Center 11,670 GPO Restaurant 6,000 GPO Bank 450 GPO Total 18,120 GPO Shopping Ctr Restaurant Bank Total 11,670 GPO 6,000 GPO 450 GPO 18,120 GPO Total 1.247 LBS/OA Y TPO = trips per day Parkstone High Density Residential, 252 units 252 units 1477 TPO <4726 TPO> 252 units 88,200 GPO 70,080 GPD 252 units 75,600 GPO 57,480 GPO 252 units 2,028 LBS/OAY 781 LBS/OAY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Compatibility of the Proposed Land Use Amendment with the Land Use Element Objectives and Policies, and those of Other Affected Elements Chronoloav of Subiect Property - The PUD for the Parkstone development was approved by the City in the summer of 1999. As shown on the Parkstone Development Plan, the subject site was designated for commercial use. Immediately following the approval, Centex Homes commenced the construction of the infrastructure to support the development. The plat for Parkstone Unit was recorded August of 1999 and the Parkstone residential portions are currently being developed. To date, all of the Parkstone subdivision is developed to the north, west, and immediately east of the subject property. Approximately half of the remaining houses on the east side of the subdivision are developed, while the remainder are under construction. It is anticipated that the development of the subject property (High Density Residential) will proceed soon after the large-scale comprehensive land use amendment is approved. Justification for Future land Use Desianation - The requested future land use designation has been determined by evaluating the prevailing character of the immediate area as well as evaluating the land use and the future goals and objectives of the City. The use of the subject property as residential would be more compatible with the surrounding uses than the existing commercial designation. Buffering, landscaping, and other enhancement techniques will be used to serve as a buffer between the single family residential and high density residential. The residential subdivision will also serve to meet the need for additional housing in the City of Winter Springs (Comprehensive Plan, Housing Element page 111-12), and due to the "infill" nature of the property, it will serve to lessen the impacts of urban sprawl. Please see Table 111-16 from the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Also included in this submittal is a letter from the owner regarding further justification for the land use designation change. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Nuisance Potential Of Proposed Use To Surroundina land Uses - The nuisance potential resulting from the change of land use designation from Low Density Residential (Parkstone PUD Commercial tracts) to High Density Residential to the surrounding properties should be minimal in view of the following: · The proposed FLUM designation will be more consistent with the proposed use of the site than the current designation. Per the City of Winter Springs Land Development Code, the intent of a Planned Unit Development is, among other things, "To allow for a controlled graduation of density, compatible and harmonious with and complimentary to permitted land uses on abutting properties." The Comprehensive Plan provides for transition from Low Density Residential and High Density Residential Land Uses to commercial and/or industrial uses. The proposed change provides the transition of the Low Density Residential single family development of the Parkstone Subdivision setback from the SR 434 Roadway and Commercial areas. This change is well suited to the intention of the FLUM to provide the transitional uses between lower and higher intensity uses. Consistency With The Comprehensive Plan The proposed administrative Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the Winter Springs land use designation of "Low Density Residential" to "High Density Residential" is compatible and consistent with the use of the site for a residential subdivision. The FLUM change will also bring the land use into consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the Future Land Use Element. Per the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Housing Element (pages 111- 41 through 111-48), the future land use element objectives related to the location of residential subdivisions are listed below: GOAL 1: PROVISION OF HOUSING. To ensure an adequate supply of a wide range of housing types, at various levels of affordability, to accommodate the needs of the residents of Winter Springs. Objective 1.1: Housing Supply. Assist the private sector to provide approximately 1,124 new dwelling units of various types, sizes and costs between 2000 and 2005, plus an additional 2,249 units between 2005 and 2010 necessary to house the City's anticipated population through the planning horizon. Policy 1.1.1: The City's Future Land Use Map shall include adequate amounts of land to accommodate the projected housing growth. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Policy 1.1.2: Policy 1.1.3: Policy 1.1.4: Policy 1.1.5: Ensure, through the Concurrency Management System, that necessary infrastructure capacity is in place for the new dwelling units, population, and the secondary non-residential development expected from an increase in the housing stock and population. The City should continue reviewing ordinances, codes, regulations, and the permitting process to eliminate excessive requirements and to encourage private sector participation in meeting housing needs. The City shall, through the land development regulations, encourage the developmenUredevelopment of housing that will integrate diverse choices of housing across all neighborhoods. The City shall continue to assist developers of residential dwelling units by providing technical and administrative support regarding permitting and regulations to maintain a housing production capacity level sufficient to meet the demand. Technical assistance includes, but is not limited to, assistance meeting the development review requirements of the City and other regulatory agencies; referral to appropriate agencies for information and assistance in meeting infrastructure standards and requirements imposed by the City; and provision of data regarding housing needs and conditions. Objective 1.2: In fill. The City shall promote infill development by supporting alternative development standards consistent with the existing zoning standards, where necessary and feasible. Policy 1.2.1: Policy 1.2.2: The City shall develop a vacant residential parcel map and database utilizing, if possible, the Seminole County Property Assessors Office as a base. Such a system should include the size, location, physical characteristics, utilities, zoning, and ownership data. The City shall make available the vacant land database and map to interested developers and/or builders. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUPPLIMENTARY MATERIAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I August 15,2003 Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA Senior Planner City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: DRC Meeting Comp Plan Amendment Dear Eloise: It was a pleasure speaking with you this afternoon. You raised a very interesting question and I would like to address that in letter form so that you may share this with other staff members. The question being why would we convert commercially zoned property to a less intense use, such as what we are applying to amend in this particular case. No, there is no economic advantage by down zoning. The purpose for us to apply for residential versus commercial applies primarily on three main issues: 1. The first issue being the traffic impact to the site from 434 through Parkstone entry. Given the scenario if we had procured a high quality retailer coupled with "local shop" type users to accompany the site, this would generate a tremendous number of trip generations on Parkstone Boulevard. The Parkstone PUD was designed without taking into consideration this impact. As in other developments that have commercial based in front of residential, you will normally find the entry roads with median dividers and the roadways stretching longer distances prior to the entry into the subdivision. Also in many cases you will find that water retention, be it wet ponds with fountains, etc., normally provide additional separation to soften the impact between the two developments. Obviously, we do not have the same situation at Parkstone, however, the commercial application will still work but will be less attractive to the homeowners of Parkstone. 2. We have a very attractive piece of real estate,. which under the commercial zoning would be considered a secondary or infill commercial site. The commercial located at Tuscawilla & 434 would be more of a primary commercial hub, which would also attract more of the higher end commercial use. Currently we have looked at a number of users demonstrating interest in our location. What we are finding is the type of use anywhere from automotive services to Salvation Army type thrift stores. This type of development produCt is not in our goals and therefore we would find ourselves turning the property owner to a developer that finds this type of product acceptable. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Economically we are far from the value of commercial versus residential, but given the proper residential density we feel that it is possible for us to receive a fair return on our investment. The big winners would be the residents of not only Parkstone, but Winding Hollow alike. So you could say this is a "win, win" deal for everybody. I hope this will answer your question appropriately. Sincerely, Lyder R. Johnson President Lincoln Commercial Properties, Inc. General Partner Oviedo V, L TO djh/LRJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parkstone Commercial 116,695 SF - Existing Allowable Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 116.695 T.G.L.A. of Shopping Center August06,2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg, Weekday 2-Way Volume 42.92 21.39 1.00 5009 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.63 0.00 1.00 74 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.40 0,00 1.00 47 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 1.03 1.40 1.00 120 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1.80 0.00 1.00 210 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 1.94 0.00 1.00 226 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 3.74 2.73 1.00 436 Saturday 2-Way Volume 49.97 22.62 1.00 5831 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 2.58 0.00 1.00 301 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 2.39 0.00 1.00 279 Saturday Peak Hour Total 4.97 3.11 1.00 580 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS J:\L 1214\Parkstone\ParkstoneCommerciaI116695existallow.ARC.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " Parkstone HDR Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 252 Dwelling Units of Residential Condominium I Townhouse August 06, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment. Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 5.86 3.09 1.00 1477 7 -9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0,07 0.00 1.00 18 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.37 0.00 1.00 93 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.44 0.69 1.00 111 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.36 0.00 1.00 91 . 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0.18 0.00 1.00 45 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 0.54 0.76 1.00 136 Saturday 2-Way Volume 5.67 3.10 1.00 1429 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.25 0.00 1.00 63 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.22 0.00 1,00 55 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.47 0.7'1 1.00 118 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS J:\L 1214\Parkstone\ParkstoneHDR252uniUgen.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parkstone tract A Sitdown Restaurant - Existing Allowable Summary of Trip Generation Calculation . For 150 Seats of High Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant August 06, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 4.83 0.00 1.00 725 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.24 0.00 1.00 36 7 -9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.23 0.00 1.00 35 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.47 0.70 1.00 71 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.24 0.00 1.00 36 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0.18 0.00 1.00 27 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 0.42 0.75 1.00 63 Saturday 2-Way Volume 6.21 0.00 1.00 932 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.51 0.00 1.00 77 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.37 0.00 1.00 56 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.88 1.07 1.00 132 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997, TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS J :\L 1214\Parkstone\ParkstonetractASitdrestexistallow.ARC.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parkstone tract B - 3000 SF Bank - Existing allowable Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 3 Th.Gr.Sq.Ft. of Walk-in Bank August 06, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 156.48 0.00 1.00 469 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 4.07 0.00 1.00 12 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0,00 0.00 1.00 0 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 33,15 0.00 1.00 99 Saturday 2-Way Volume 13.70 0.00 1.00 41 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 4.81 0.00 1.00 14 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS J :\L 1214\Parkstone\ParkstonetractBbankexistallow.ARC.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Table IV-B- 1: City of Winter Springs Water Treatment Plants - 2001 ____.._.___~~_~_~_..__.____._ _.______~~~~_~~e~._2Y~y___...____._____~:~~_? M~Q..__.__ WTP #2 700 Sheoah Blvd. 0.814 MGD _M_.____._____..____.__.____ ______.___w________.____.____...____..,._.........._ _____.__.________ WTP #3 110 West Bahama Ave. 0.813 MGD 12.0 MGD Total 4.242 MGD Source: Winter Springs Utility Department and Land Design Innovations, Inc. Table IV-B- 2: City of Winter Springs Existing Potable Water Customers - 2001 11,042 meters 0 meters -------.-..------.-----.------- --------..,.-------.--- -..------.------------------. --.- General Service 222 meters 1 meters 0% 0% 0% Total 11,264 meters 100% 1 meters Source: Winter Springs Utility Department and Land Design Innovations, Inc. IV-19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Table IV - A - 1: City of Winter Springs Wastewater Treatment Plants - 2001 East WWTP 1560 Winter Springs Boulevard ....______w_....___R.......___.._____._....._....___...h..__.__ __.... ....._.__..____.........._____.__..........___.._____..___.._H'H_''''___.m.__ West WWTP 1000 West S.R. 434 1.055MGD 2.012 MGD 0.98 MPD 2.07 MGD Total 2.035 MGD 4.082 MGD Source: Winter Springs Utility Department and Land Design Innovations, Inc. Table IV - A - 2: City of Winter Springs Existing Sanitary Sewer Customers - 2001 Residential 11,299 connections 98.3 % 22 connections 0.2% ..---....-.--.-.-------.-...-.--.. ------....-...--.....------...---... -_.__.~._.__._._-----_._.__..._._._- ----------.----- -.----. General Service 148 connections 1.3 % 24 connections 0.2 % Total 11,447 connections 99.6% 46 connections 0.4 % Source: Winter Springs Utility Department and Land Design Innovations, Inc. TV-7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT Table 111- 16: Estimated and Projected Demand of Housing Units by Tenure, 1995-2010 Owner-Occupied Renter-Occupied 7,463 9,549 10,500 12,275 2,228 2,754 2,861 3,198 9,691 12,303 13,361 15,473 Total Occupied Units 2,086 526 2,612 Vacancy Rate 6.1 % Source: Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing, DCA, version 3.0, 2/12/98 (HopLsem/TENURE) Prepared by: Land Design Innovations, Inc. Table 111-17: Projected Demand and Need for Housing by Building Type 3,037 633 3,670 4,812 970 5,782 Single Family Multi-family 9,662 1,235 10,897 14,614 1,862 16,476 11,622 12,619 1,481 1,608 13,103 14,227 Total Demand 1,960 246 2,206 2,957 373 3,330 Source: Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing, DCA, version 3.0, 2/12/98 (HopLsem/TYPE, locally defined) Prepared by: Land Design Innovations, Inc. 4,952 627 5,579 III - 34 ------------------- r. f i .- Dca ~ ~-~Vekiva River Basinl Exhibit 2-B DCP Protection .Area - Lo~~tion GIS ' ~-'~~rt n...<.2.1335:2, 2082