HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 08 06 Regular Item B P&Z Board Meeting - August 6, 2003 Administrative Rezoning - Industrial Parcels on Belle Avenue PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REGULAR AGENDA ITEM , August 6, 2003 B. INDUSTRIAL PARCELS ON BELLE AVENUE REZONING 5T AFF REPORT APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY Section 20-28 of the City Code states that rezoning applications shall be presented to the Planning and Zoning Board for their cons(deration and recommendation to the City Commission. Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, contains the requirements for the adoption of rezoning ordinances. Section 166(3)(c)1, F.S., states that if the parcel(s) being rezoned comprises 10 acres or more, the City shall hold two public hearings. I. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION A. Applicant: City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 B. Owners: See the attached parcel information sheets which indicate the property owners for each of the eisht (8) properties being rezoned. C. Request: This is an administrative request to change the zoning designation of eisht (8) parcels located on Belle A venue, from Winter Springs "C-2 General Commercial" to Winter Springs "1-1 Light Industrial". D. Purpose: The purpose of the request is to revise the zoning designation for those properties whose current existing land uses are in compliance with the allowable uses indicated in the newly created Winter Springs "1-1 Light Industrial" zoning category. E. Site Information: 1. Parcel Number - See the attached parcel information sheets which indicate the parcel number for each of the eight (8) parcels being rezoned. Land Design Innovations, Inc. & City oj Winter Springs Planning Department P&Z Board Meeting - August 6, 2003 Administrative Rezoning - Industrial Parcels on Belle Avenue 2. Acreage - See the attached parcel information sheets which indicate the parcel acreage for each of the eight (8) parcels being rezoned. 3. General Location - See the attached parcel information sheets which indicate the parcel location for each of the eight (8) parcels being rezoned. 4. Legal Description - See the attached parcel information sheets which indicate the legal description for each of the eight (8) parcels being rezoned. 5. Background - On July 8, 2002, the City Commission approved Ordinance No., 2002-07 creating a new zoning district category called "1-1 Light Industrial District". In addition, this Ordinance amended the list of allowable uses within the "C-2 General Commercial and Industrial Districts" by modifying the list of general commercial uses and eliminating the list of industrial uses; and amending the list of permitted conditional, and prohibited uses within the "C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District". In light of the newly created zoning district, it is the intention of the City to rezone those properties whose existing land uses are more compatible with the allowable uses of the Winter Springs "1-1 Light Industrial District" than that of the Winter Springs "C-2 General Commercial District". There are eight (8) parcels located on Belle Avenue which require rezoning from C-2 to 1-1 to be more consistent with the allowable uses identified within these zoning districts. These properties are identified in the attached parcel information package. 6. Existing Land Use - See the attached parcel information sheets which indicate the existing land use for each of the eight (8) parcels being rezoned. 7. Development Trends - All of the eight (8) parcels have been developed. The purpose of the rezoning is to change the zoning of the properties to the newly created Winter Springs "1-1 Light Industrial District" zoning which is more applicable to the current existing land uses of the properties and the land uses of the adjacent properties. The properties on Belle Avenue are completely built-out. Existing land uses are a mixture of light industrial uses. 8. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - Several calls received requesting more information. II. REZONING ANALYSIS: A. Justification For Rezoning: The properties along Belle Avenue have been developed as warehouse buildings and partitioned off and sublet to various businesses. The existing land uses and prevailing character (vehicle repair and sales, manufacturing, distrjbuting, etc.) are more closely related to the uses allowed within the "1-:1 Light Industrial District" than that of "C-2 General Commercial District". Land Design Innovations, Inc. & City oj Winter Springs Planning Department P&Z Board Meeting - August 6, 2003 Administrative Rezoning - Industrial Parcels on Belle Avenue B. Public Facilities: All of the subject sites are already developed. No changes are being proposed to the existing developments. Therefore, the proposed rezoning will have no impact on public facilities and services. C. Nuisance Potential of Proposed Use to Surrounding Land Uses: All of the properties are already developed. There are no changes to the existing land uses. The intent in the rezoning of the properties is to apply a zoning designation that. supports the current land uses. As all the properties consist of land uses that are light industrial in nature, the rezoning of these lands is consistent with the proposed zoning and surrounding land uses and, as such, will be compatible for the area. D. Consistency With The Comprehensive Plan: The proposed rezoning will make the zoning of the properties consistent with the City's Future Land Use Map, and is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. III. FINDINGS A. The request is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. B. The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the City Code and with all applicable requirements. C. Considering the type and location of uses involved and the general character of the area, the request would not result in any incompatible land uses, including such factors as height, bulk, scale, intensity, traffic, noise, drainage, dust, lighting, appearance, and other factors deemed important. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends approval of the request to change the zoning classification for those parcels indicated on the attached parcel information sheets which are located on Belle Avenue, from Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial District" to Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial District". Land Design Innovations, Inc. & City rifWinter Springs Plan/liltg Department P&Z Board Meeting - August 6, 2003 Administrative Rezoning - Industrial Parcels on Belle Avenue PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "A" Property Address: 1200, 1250, 1260 & 1270 Belle Avenue Propert;y Owner: Baxley, Robert & Annmarie Owner's Address: 1029 Northern Way; Winter Springs, FL 32708 Property Appraiser Parcel LD.: 04-21-30-511-0AOO-0070 Property Acreage: 5.0 Property Legal Description: LEG LOT 7 BLK A ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: Belle Commerce Ctr. - Divided warehouse bldgs. (food packing, car repair & sales, fabricating, etc.) Existing Zoning: Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "B" Propert;y Address: 1255 Belle Avenue Property Owner: Baxley, Robert W.; CIO United Industries Owner's Address: 1029 Northern Way; Winter Springs, FL .32708 Property Appraiser Parcel LD.: 04-21-30-511-0BOO-0070 Property Acreage: 2.30 Propert;y Legal Description: LEG LOT 7 (LESS N 262 FT) BLK B ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: Belle Commerce Ctr. - Divided warehouse bldgs. (food packing, car repair & sales, fabricating, etc.) Existing Zoning: Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial LAnd Design Innovations, Inc. & City if Winter SpriltgS Plall/liltg Department P &Z Board Meeting - August 6, 2003 Administrative Rezoning - Industrial Parcels on Belle A venue PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "D" Proper1;y Address: 1255 Belle Avenue Property Owner: MZL Partners Owner's Address: P.O. Box 948515; Maidand, FL 32794 Property Appraiser Parcel I.D.: 04-21-30-511-0BOO-007 A Property Acreage: 2.81 Property Legal Description: LEG N 262 FT OF LOT 7 BLK B ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: 434 Business Park - Divided warehouse bldgs. (car sales, woodworking, beverage distributors, flooring, etc.) Existing Zoning: Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "E" Property Address: 1155 Belle Avenue Property Owner: Williams, Clarence M. III Owner's Address: 1155 Belle Avenue; Winter Springs, FL 32708 Property Appraiser Parcel I.D.: 04-21-30-511-0BOO-0080 Property Acreage: 1.83 Property Legal Description: LEG N 177 FT OF LOT 8 BLK B ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: Weld All, Inc./Tri-County Towing Existing Zoning: Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial Land Design Innovations, Inc. & Ciry oj Winter Springs Planning Department P&Z Board Meeting - August 6, 2003 Administrative Rezoning -Industrial Parcels on Belle Avenue PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "G" Property Address: 1145 Belle Avenue Property Owner: Belle A venue Corporation; Owner's Address: P.O. Box 620818; Oviedo, FL 32662 Property Appraiser Parcel J.D.: 04- 21- 30- 511-0BOO-008C Property Acreage: 0.39 Property Legal Description: LEG W 149.35 FT OF S 113.85 FT OF N 290.85 FT OF LOT 8 BLK B ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: Residence/Richart Inc. (Landscape Operation) Existing Zoning: Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs I -1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "H" Property Address: 1135 Belle Avenue Property Owner: Belle Avenue Corporation; C/O Roger Lonsway Owner's Address: P.O. Box 697; Chipley, FL 32428 04-21~30-511-0BOO-008B Property Appraiser Parcel LD.: Property Acreage: 0.23 Property Legal Description: LEG S 113.85 FT OF N 290.85 FT OF LOT 8 (LESS W 149.35 FT + E 209.85 FT) BLK B ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: Auto Repair Warehouse Existing Zoning: Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial Land Design Innovations, Inc. & Ciry of Winter Springs Planning Department P&Z Board Meeting - August 6, 2003 Administrative Rezoning - Industrial Parcels on Belle Avenue PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "I" Property Address: 1125 Belle Avenue Property Owner: Belle Avenue Corporation; CIO Roger Lonsway Owner's Address: P.O. Box 697; Chipley, FL 32428 Property Appraiser Parcel LD.: 04-21-30-511-0BOO-008D Property Acreage: 0.23 Property Legal Description: LEG W 90 FT OF E 209.95 IT OF S 113.85 Ff OF N 290.85 IT OF LOT 8 BLK B ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: Single-family residence Existing Zoning: Winter Springs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial PARCEL REZONING MAP ID LETTER- "]" Property Address: 1115 Belle Avenue Property Owner: Belle Avenue Corporation Owner's Address: P.O. Box 697; Chipley, FL 32428 Property Appraiser Parcel LD.: 04-21-30-511-0BOO-008E Property Acreage: 0.31 Property Legal Description: LEGE 119.95 IT OF S 113.85 IT OF N 290.85 IT OF LOT 8 BLK B ]OHNSONS POULTRY FARMS PB 6 PG 8 Existing Land Use: Single-family residence Existing Zoning: Winter Sprmgs C-2 "General Commercial" Proposed Zoning: Winter Springs 1-1 "Light Industrial" Future Land Use: Industrial' Land Design Innovations, Inc. & City oj Winter Springs Planning Department CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS S.R. 434 & BELLE AVENUE REZONING MAP Legend N City Boundary -0 Parcels D Rezoning D City of Winter Springs H Parcel Identification GOLF COURSE $ ~ ~ i m \OOl ~ WINTER SPRINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .A .. ..;. B ",rIIrrl\ 1000 I o 1 000 Feet I N w E s