HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 06 04 Regular Item B -;- PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD - LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY JUNE 4,2003 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM B: Elementary School "I" Preliminary and Final Engineering/Site Plan. STAFF REPORT APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY Winter Springs Code Section 9-26. Maps, engineering plans and plats to be submitted in preliminary and fInal form. Winter Springs Code Section 9-46. Filing and contents of preliminary map and plans. Winter Springs Code Section 9-72. Processing of final plans. Winter Springs Code Section. 9-73. Form and contents of final development plan. Winter Springs Code Section 9-74. Action on final development plan; expiration of approval. Winter Springs Code Section 20-251 thru Section 20-265. C-2 General Commercial Districts. Winter Springs Code Section 20-463 thru Section 475. General Design Standards for New Development Area. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: A. APPLICANT: Seminole County School Board c/o Dianne Kramer, Deputy Superintendent of Operations 400 East Lake Mary Blvd. Sanford, Florida 32773 Phone: 407-320-0072 B. REQUEST: The applicant is requesting preliminary and final engineering/site plan approval. C. PURPOSE: To receive site plan approval for a 66,837 square foot public building housing an elementary school. D. SITE INFORMATION: . ACREAGE: 34.036 Gross Acres . GENERAL LOCATION: The property is located on the northeast comer of Ginger Lane and Old Sanford / Oviedo Road. . EXISTING AND PROPOSED ZONING: The site has a C-2, Commercial zoning classifIcation and is located to the west of other C-2 property owned by Seminole County. Public Schools (used for the bus barn). . EXISTING LAND USES OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The property is vacant, with limited tree cover. Recent use of the site was as a pasture. The site includes a portion of the abandoned rail line and the Florida Power & Light Easement. . DEVELOPMENT TRENDS: The current Future Land Use Map designation is Industrial, but a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment is under consideration, which would change the FLUM designation to Public/Semi-Public. The Seminole County School Board bus barn parcel (to the east) has a Future Land Use Map designation of Public / Semi-Public. Parcels to the west of the subject property have a FLUM designation of Industrial. The Metal and Auto Recycling business, immediately to the west of Ginger Lane, has been an active business since 1994. The 6-acre parcel immediately to the west at the north end of the site (which was previously an auto repair business until 2001) is now on the market. The Cross-Seminole Trail when completed will follow along the eastern edge of the school site (adjacent to Gee Creek), connecting the school to other parts of the City. E. SANITARY SEWER: The school district will extend a 4-inch force main to the school site along Old Sanford/Oviedo Road and locate a lift station at Old Sanford/Oviedo Rd. and Ginger Lane at the edge of the school property. The City will require an easement for the lift station and the water main up to the meter. F. POTABLE WATER: The school district will tap into the 12-inch water main at George Street and Wade Street. An 8-inch water line will be extended north on Wade Street to Old Sanford/Oviedo Rd. to the school site. G. RE-USE WATER: Not required. H. DRAINAGE/STORM-WATER: Stonn-water will be collected and treated in a retention pond to the north of the school building. I. SOLID WASTE: The City has an exclusive franchise agreement with a solid waste hauler, Florida Recycling, until 2006. The dumpsters will be enclosed and gated to meet Ordinance No. 2002-13. Schools are a Group E use. per Building Code and are not classified as restaurant or commercial use. Debris from the cafeterias will be bagged and disposed of without the need for washdowns. A request for exemption from the Code's drainage requirement (applicable to restaurants) will be included in the Developer's Agreement. The City's Public Works director has indicated that he does not have a problem with this request. J. ROADWAY ACCESS: Direct access will be from SR 419. S.R. 419 is an urban arterial 2-lane northwest-southeast roadway. The two-lane S.R. 419 from U.S. 17-92 to S.R. 434 has a level of service as "F" and is currendy considered deficient. Improvements on these roads must be approved by the State. The applicant has proposed ingress/egress from SR 419, about mid-way between the existing light at SR 434 and Hayes Road. The School District is proposing a right and left turn lane off ofS.R.419. The traffic study review and associated comments provided by the City's consultant indicates that on-site queuing and traffic movement have been properly addressed. The traffic analysis was performed for the morning rush hour and needs to include the afternoon stacking and the impact on the SR 434/SR 419 intersection. Traffic movement and volumes at the proposed intersection have not been demonstrated to function properly. Traffic control or a means of eliminating the left hand turning movements from the school entrance/exit road to SR 419 southbound are required to have this intersection function properly. It is unlikely that this intersection would qualify for a signal as it is too close to the signal at SR 434 and SR 419. If a signal is to be installed, it would likely be installed at Wade Street. Staff has maintained throughout the entire planning process that routing at least part of the school traffic to Wade and SR419 is necessary to reduce this hazardous situation. The Police Dept. and the City's traffic consultant have raised concern about traffic movements from the site (public safety & efficient traffic movements). The police state that to construct as shown would consume considerable police hours directing traffic. FINDINGS: A. The City's engineering consultant has provided a general civil/ site review of the plans and supporting reports and has no objections to the project proceeding. B. The traffic study provided to Staff did not adequately address Staff's concerns related to the traffic movement and volumes at the proposed intersection. Staff has maintained throughout the planning process that routing at least part of the school traffic to Wade and SR 419 is necessary to reduce this hazardous and inefficient situation. The School Board wishes to move ahead, by having these issues addressed in a development agreement. C. Portions of the old Sanford/Oviedo historic road outside of the "limits of work" will be preserved. Grading and paving of the parking and vehicular circulation areas in front of the school necessitate demolition of the roadway. D. The conceptual location of the Cross Seminole Trail and its connection to the site is shown on the drawings as well as a sidewalk along SR 419. E. Existing native vegetative buffer (including the understory material) along the western property line of the site (along Ginger Lane) is required to be retained as a natural buffer between the school and the adjacent industrial uses. Supplemental landscape plantings along western boundary of the site will be field located to minimize damage to the existing plant material. Any trees to be removed require a tree permit pursuant to the City's Arbor Ordinance. F. The combination of existing and proposed vegetation and the security fencing provide adequate buffering of the industrial area. A six-foot tall solid masonry wall along the property line would require removal of the existing native vegetative buffer. The applicant has indicated that they will commit to constructing a wall at a later date if there are compatibility problems with the adjacent land uses. If a wall is required as an additional buffer, it should be located to the interior of the property line by a minimum of 20 feet. G. A wetlands and protected species assessment was prepared by Yvonne I. Froscher in January 2000 and updated in January 2003. The report indicated that two gopher tortoise burrows were observed on the site. The School Board will be required to obtain a "Special Taking Permit" to relocate the gopher tortoises to preserved upland buffers. The Froscher report also indicated an active bald eagle's nest was sited in January 2000, located in the northern portion of the site; however, it is Staffs understanding that the nest is no longer active, but has not yet been delisted. The School Board will need to provide the City with a document indicating the location of the nest in relation to the rest of the site. The School Board will be required to obtain all pertinent permits from applicable State and Federal agencies. H. The Elementary School "I" preliminary site plan is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and City Code of Ordinances. I. The Elementary School "I" final engineering/ site plan is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and City Code of Ordinances, subject to the following conditions: 1- The Tree Survey shall be amended to include trees on the western boundary of the site . that will be impacted by grading and will necessitate removal. Sheet C004 Demolition Plan shall be amended to show Tree Protection devices around All trees to be saved. Trees to be removed which are 20~inch or greater in caliper, require the approval of the Commission prior to removal. Include a listing of these trees in the Developer's Agreement. The Developer's Agreement shall also address the mitigation for trees which will be damaged during construction, resulting in removal; and 2- Off-site light spillage shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candle power (this may require adjustment, shielding, or other modifications) after field verification after installation; and 3- No construction may commence until all pertinent determinations, permits and/or approvals are obtained from the all applicable State and Federal agencies, including but not limited to: SJRMD, FDOT permit (before any work done in FDOT SR 419 ROW); FDEP permit (before water and sewer line construction/installation); and Special Taking Permit (to relocate gopher tortoises to preserved upland buffers); and 4- Signage shall comply with Chapter 16 of the City's Codes and Ordinances; and 5- The School Board shall provide a letter from the State Department of Historical Resources verifying that the site has no archaeological significance; and 6- The School Board will provide the City with a document indicating the location of the eagle's nest in relation to the rest of the site; and 7 - A traffic analysis for the afternoon stacking as well as the impact on the SR 434/SR 419 intersection is required; and 8- Traffic control or a means of eliminating the left hand turning movements from the school entrance/ exit road to SR 419 southbound are required to have this intersection function properly. Resolution of this hazardous ingress and egress from the site, shall be addressed in the Developer's Agreement; and 9- A Development Agreement will include those items that the School Board is requesting a variance from the Code or which remain unresolved. The Development Agreement will be drafted and provided to the City early enough for adequate review by the Staff and the City Attorney prior to being brought before the Commission. Items identified which need inclusion in the Development Agreement are: A listing of trees 20-inch or more in caliper that are to be removed; Mitigation measures for trees damaged during construction, resulting in removal; Exemption from Code requirements for dumpster drainage; and Resolution of the hazardous ingress and egress from the site at SR 419. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board recommend approval of Elementary School "I" preliminary and final engineering/ site plans to the City Commission, subject to conditions "I (1) thru (8)" set forth in the "Findings" section, above. ATTACHMENTS: A. B. Revised Traffic Study Conclusions & Confirmation by City's Consultant Final Engineering/Site Plan PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ACTION: Mi:iY.LU. lUUJ :;1.UOAM I.I-'H tNlJlNttK~ No.6044 p. 1/2 ATTACHMENT "A" Revised Traffic Study Conclusions & Confirmation by City's Consultant / {Ju @[J2ms -." .. . 1 .. May 20, 2003 CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117 E. Robinson St., Suite C Onando, FL 32801 Phone~ (407) 425-0452 Fax: (407) 648-1036 www.c:phengineers.com Mr. John Baker City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: Traffic Study Review Comments for Seminole County Elementary School I CPH Project No. W0491.18 Dear John: We have reviewed the submitted plans for the above referenced project, below are our - comments for your consideration: 1. The analysis was performed for the morning peak hour. This is a correct assumption as this is the highest volume peak hour. However, during the P.M. peak time, it is likely that parents will arrive early and wait for their child and this Is the time when mor~ $tacking will occur, What p~rcentage of students are picked up by a parent or guardian? Please have the traffic c-onsultant address the expected P.M. stacking based on other schools already in existence in the Winter Springs area. The P.M. time is a big problem at the schools on Tuscawilla Road. There are vehicles parked at the school, backed up on SR 434 and parked within the residential neighborhoods. This new school does not have any overflow options. 2. There is a Jot of traffic flowing on SR 419 in both directions during the Peak A.M. period as shown in the. study. fhe study indicates that there are 65 left turning movements (southbound) from the proposed entry/exit onto SR 419 and that there are 728 northbound through movements on SR 419. Please have them explain howlheseleft "turns can be accomplished with 12 northbound cars traveling by every minute. This is further complicated by the 466 southbound through movements on SR 419. Also, the right hand turning movement (northbound) from SR 434 onto SR 419 has a yield condition and many of the vehicles never stop at this intersection. No break in the traffic flow is created by the signal light at SR 434/SR 419. This newly created Intersection is a problem and needs to be addressed. It Is unlikely that this Intersection would qualify for a signal as it is too close to the signal at $R 434 and SR 419 and the school is the only traffic condltlon. If a signal is to be installed It would likely be installed at SANFORD . ORLANDO . DELAND . ~AlM CITY . CA,PE CORAL . JA.CK.SONVlllE mdl.LV. LVUJ ~'VVMm Iv r n[ I~ lJ l I~ [ [ 1\ V I~O. OU44 r. l.IL ..'. . .00. . . . . . @ffi'l .. .. ~EEnS., .. . - I Wade Street. Has there been any consideration given to routing the exiting traffic down to Wade and signalizing this intersection? 3. The back~up queuing from the SR 434/SR 419 intersection also needs to be . addressed. Currently, cars back Lip past the entranee to the Eckerd's drug store during the morning rush hour period. These cars will Impeded the flow of traffic from the school and cause further problems at this proposed intersection. What is the impact of the new school on the intersection? 4. Please have the consultant explain the stated 875 feet of bus Queuing length. We measure 550+1- feet from the bus unloading/loading area to the intersection with the parenVemployee exit road. The report and the associated design have done a good job of addressing on site queuihg and traffic movement, but we are concerned with the traffic movements and volumes at the proposed Intersection. We fail to see how this intersection can properly function without traffic control or a means to eliminate the left hand turning movements from the school entrance/exit road to SR 419 southbound, If you have any questions regarding these comments, please call. Sincerely, J:\W0491.18\Word\Seminole County Elementary School I Trafflc Study Review Comments.doc