HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 05 07 Regular Item B PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD - LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR AGENDA ITEM May 7, 2003 B. Zoning Map Amendment STAFF REPORT APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY Official Zoning Map Amendment Section 20-28 of the City Code states that Rezoning Applications shall be presented to the Planning and Zoning Board for their consideration and recommendation to the City Conmussion. Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, contains the requirements for the adoption of ordinances. Section 166.041, F.S., states that a proposed ordinance shall be noticed once in a newspaper.of general circulation in the municipality at least 10 days prior to adoption and that the notice shall also advise that interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. I. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION A. APPLICANT: City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 B. REQUEST: This is an Administrative request to designatc appropriate and compatible City of Winter Springs' Zoning Classifications for four scparatc locations within the City where parcels wcrc previously annexed into the City from Seminole County, but subsequent action was never taken to Rezone the affected parcels from Seminole County Zoning to City of Winter Springs ZOlllng. The City is instigating the change as the applicant. The property owners have been notified by certified mail so that they are aware of the process and so that their input can be heard. C. SITE INFORMATION: Four different sites are included: 1 SITE 1- 1. Owner- Sandra H. Arminger 2. Parcel Number - 01-21-30-501-0000-0130 3. Acreage - 2.02 Acres 4. General Location - The site is located at 1281 NATURES WAY, immediately north of Avery Park and south of the Tuscawilla Trails m.obile home community. 5. Legal Description - LOTS 13 & 14 TUSKA WILLA, PB 1 PG 5 6. Chronology of Subject Property - The subject property was annexed into the City on February 24, 1992, by Ordinance 516. 7. Existing Land Use - T he property is currently in Low Density Single-Family Residential use (1.1 Dwelling Units to 3.5 Dwelling Units per Acre). Adjacent existing land uses, zoning and FLUM designations include the following: I . -. I I ' Existing Land Uses Zoning' - FLUM I . '.. . , I: Subject Site Low Density A-l (SC) Medium Residential (SC) . ... ... ...... ...... ..m~i!lgl~Y.~!I,.ilx!3:~~i~~!I!i~l ..,. ..,..,..". ,.,..,.. ....... ..'...mm(ry.r.~~.!Q.p.Y6.2..m.. North Mobile Home Residential R-T (WS) Residential Medium (WS) ... .mmmm........ ..m.. ..m mmmmmm.mmm.mmm ..mmmm mmmm .. .. ..m.... .... ............ .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. ..mQ:?I?y.6.!??:.9.!?Y6.t. South Mixed Use Town Ctr District (WS) Town Ctr District (WS) East ,...................................................... ................................... Single Family Residential A-I (SC) Medium Residential (SC) ...{ry.r..~.~.}g.I?y6.2......................._....... Medium Residential (SC) (Max 10 DUA) West ..._......_..........................................~..... ..,..,.....,............ ,.................. ..............................n.n.n.............n Single Family Residential A-I (SC) (\X1S) Winter Springs; (SC) Seminole County; (0) Ovicdo 8. Development Trends - The subject site is already developed as a single family home. No land use changes have been proposed. 9. Proposed Zoning Classification - The proposed zoning classification change from Seminole County "A-1" to Winter Springs "Town Center District" is consistent Witl, the general character of the area and the site's existing land use. The site is located adjacent to the current Town Center District boundary. 10. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - None as of April 29, 2003. 2 SITE 2- 1. Owner- Chanh Q. & Ngan ivI. Nguyen 2. 3. 4. Parcel Numbers - 26-20-30-5AR-OBOO-0150 & 26-20-30-5AR-OBOO-015A Acreage - 4.55 Acres for each parcel General Location - The site is located between Springs High School. 5. Legal Descriptions - Orange A venue and the Winter West Parcel- WEST 1/2 OF LOT 15 BLOCK B, DR MITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT, PB 1 PG 5. East Parcel- EAST Vz OF LOT 15 BLOCK B, DR :MITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT, PB 1 PG 5. 6. Chronology of Subject Property - The subjcct property was annexed into the City on November 25, 2002 by Ordinance 2002-26. A Development Agreement relatcd to on-site repairs to a borrow pit, receivcd approval from the City Commission on ivIarch 24, 2003. 7. Existing Land Use - Thc property is currently vacant. Adjacent existing land uses, zoning and FLUM designations include the following: Exi1sting L~nd Us~s Zoni~g . . FLUM I ~ - . i II: Subject Site Vacant A-I (SC) RURAL- 3 (SC) mmmmm ... ..._.......... ..__. ...c~'.'.~.:...!..P.~p~~.?.A~!~.~t.. A-I (SC) RURAL- 3 (SC) .... ....mm...................,..,.....,. ..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..... .................., .(11'~~:..1..P1l.p.~!_?.!.:\~!~.~1.... Town Ctr District (WS) Town Ctr District (WS) South Vacant & .m",.." ...~ipg!~f..a.~!.!y...~.~~i9.~p:t.ia..1 Public High School North ............................................................................~ ............................................................................. ............................... ............_ ......m........m................. East Single Family Residential A-I (SC) RURAL- 3 (SC) JI1'a.~:JPY.p.~!.L~.~!~.~l Town Ctr District (WS) . .m.mm...'...........,...........,..,............. .m.. ........... ................................ .................. ....... .......... ........................................ ......... ........................................................... ................................ ..............._.. West Public Park Town Ctr District (WS) (\'\IS) Winter Springs; (SC) Seminolc County; (0) Oviedo 8. Development Trends - The subject site is vacant. No development changes have been proposed, other than approval of the repairs to tl,e borrow pit. 9. Proposed Zoning Classification - The proposed zoning classification change from Seminole County "A-1" to Winter Springs "Town Center District" is consistent with the general character of the area. The site is located adjacent to the current Town Center District boundary. 10. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - None as of April 29, 2003. 3 SITE 3- 1. Owner- Wayne P. & Robin R. Robcrts 2. Parcel Number - 26-20-30-5AR-OBOO-0060 3. Acreage - 4.88 Acres 4. General Location - Thc sitc is located at 1120 Orangc Avcnue on the shores of Lake Jesup. 5. Legal Description - LOT 6, LESS THE EAST 150 FEET THEREOF, BLK B, DR IVIITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT, PB 14 PG 6 6. Chronology of Subject Property - The subject property was annexed into the City on May 13, 2002 by Ordinance 2002-03. 7. Existing Land Use - The property is currcntly used for Singlc Family Residcntial usc. Adjacent existing land uses, zoning and FLUM designations include the following: I I , I: . Existing Land Vises. Zoning .' FLUM I . - I I' Subject Site Single Family Residential A-l (sC) RURAL- 3 (SC) ................. _(':!~'.l.~:_!.J::)Y...P.~E.}..~~~~.~l N/A North N/ A (Lake Jesup) N/A South Public Park & Town Ctr District (WS) Public School East Vacant & A-I (SC) . .~iI~g!~y<l~~~i!y~~si~~l~~!<l1 . West Vacant & A-I (SC) Sin Ie Famil Residential (\V'S) Winter Springs; (SC) Seminole County; (0) Oviedo .. ..............................~.....................mm..._"' Town Ctr District (WS) RURAL- 3 (SC) .....,.. .,..,(1.~~'.l.?'.:.....lJ::).Y.J:>~E}...!':E~~~2,..,.., RURAL- 3 (SC) (max. 1 DU er 3 Acres 8. Development Trends - The subject sitc is alrcady developed as a single family home. No dcvelopment changcs have bcen proposed. 9. Proposed Zoning Classification - The proposed zoning classification change from Seminole County "]\-1" to Winter Springs "Town Center District" is consistent with the gcneral character of tl,e area and the sites cxisting land use. The site is located adjaccnt to tl,e Town Center District boundary. 10. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - None as of April 29, 2003. 4 SITE 4- 1. Owner- Ned A. & Thelma tv!. V oska 2. Parcel Numbers - 04-21-30-511-0BOO-0010 & 04-21-30-511-0BOO-0040 3. Acreage - 1.18 & 1.04 Acres 4. General Location - The site is located at 835 & 895 WEST SR 434, which is the cotner of Belle A venue and S.R. 434. 5. Legal Description - West Parcel- LOTS 1, 2, & 3 Q~ESS lill) BLOCK B, JOHNSONS POULTRY F ARJ\/IS, PB 6 PG 8 East Parcel- LOTS 4, 5, & 6 BLOCK B, JOHNSONS POULTRY FARMS, PB 6 PG 8 6. Chronology of Subject Property - The subjcct property was annexed into the City onJune 10, 1991 by Ordinancc 502 and 503. 7. Existing Land Use - The propcrty is currently used for Commercial use. Adjacent existing land uses, zoning and FLUIVI designations include tlle following: 1 . ~. ~ I ~. I' '.' , Ex~s.tingLan4 9s~s i ~oni?g . .: FLUM Subject Site Conmlercial C-2 (SC) Commercial (SC) ............................................... ....... .... ...... ..,." ...................~.......~. ..................................... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ............. . on .......................................~ ..............mm......._......._. ...........H.. ...............H.__.....__............._._._.........._...............~_.....M North Commercial C-I (WS) Commercial (WS) ..................................................................................................................H..............._ .................................................... ............................................... ... .............................................. South Commercial I Industrial C-2 (WS) Industrial (WS) '..no.mmmmmmmm... .......................................... ........ ........................................ ......................................... ..... .................. .............................................................. ............ ........................................... ................................................................ East Public School R-I A (WS) Publici Semi-Public (WS) .................. ........................................................ ......................................... ...... .. mm .. .. .. .. ...... ........m... ... ..... ......... .....................................................................mm......mm............................. .................................................._ ................................. West Commercial I Industrial C-I (WS) Industrial (WS) (\X1S) Winter Springs; (SC) Seminole County; (0) Oviedo 8. Development Trends - The subject site is already developed as commercial property with the following uses: car repair, beauty salon, restaurant (previously a meat market), sub shop, & batting cages. Recently, the restaurant tenant requcsted a permit to open. Even tllough the property still was under the County's zoning classification, the applicant was required to meet conditions of tlle S.R. 434 Overlay District prior to receiving the occupancy permit. 9. Proposed Zoning Classification - The proposed zoning classification change from Seminole County "C-2" to Winter Springs "C-2" is consistent with the general character of the area and tl,e site's existing land uses. 10. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - None as of April 29, 2003. 5 P&Z Board Meeting - October 3, 2001 Zoning Map Amendment - Oviedo Marketplace II. REZONING ANALYSIS: A. Justification For Zoning Designation: Thc proposcd zoning designations havc bcen determined by evaluating the prevailing charactcr of the immediate area around each parcel, as well as evaluating the current land use and if it is compatible with the permitted uses for the proposed zoning classification. B. Public Facilities: All of the subject sites (except the Nguyen parcels) arc already developed. At this time, no changes are being proposcd to the existing developmcnt. Therefore, the proposed rezoning will have no impact on public facilities and services. If the sites latcr develop at maximum density, thc rcsulting number of lots would still have a negligible impact on public facilities and serviccs. C. Nuisance Potential Of Proposed Use To Surrounding Land Uses: The intent in the zoning of thc properties is to apply a Winter Springs zorung designation that supports the surrounding land uscs. The proposed zoning designation for the subject properties is consistent with the surrounding land uses and, as such, will be compatible in each area. The proposed zoning designation will be more consistcnt with the surrounding areas than the current designations. D. Natural Lands Compatibility: Not applicable. E. Consistency With The Comprehensive Plan: A land use designation for the parcels was not included on thc City's Future Land Use Map, because the parcels were annexed into the City. Therefore, consistency with the City's Future Land Use Map is not applicable. III. FINDINGS A. The rcquest IS conSIstent with all applicablc goals, objectives and policics of thc City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. B. Thc rcqucst is in conformancc with the purposc and intent of the City Code and with all applicable requirements. C. Considering the type and location of uses involved and the general character of ea<;:h of thc areas, the request would not result in any incompatible land uses, including such factors as height, bulk, scale, intensity, traffic, noise, drainage, dust, lighting, appearance, and other factors deemed important. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommcnds approval of the rcquest to change the zoning classifications on the subject properties as follows: 6 P&Z Board Meeting - October 3, 2001 Zoning Map Amendment - Oviedo Marketplace SITE 1- i\rminger property at 1281 NATURES WAY, from "A-l" (Seminole County) to "Town Center District" (Winter Springs). SITE 2- Nguyen property at Orange Avenue, from "A-l" (Seminole County) to "Town Center District" (Winter Springs). SITE 3- Roberts property at 1120 Orange Avenue, from "A-l" (Seminole County) to "Town Center District" (Winter Springs). SITE 4- V oska property at 835 & 895 WEST SR 434, from "C-2" (Seminole County) to "C- 2" (Winter Springs). V. ATTACHMENTS A. Location Map 7