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P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLlIM)
APRIL 23, 2003
Administrative Large Scale Future Land Use Amendment, changing the future land use designation
from "Industrial" to "Public/Semi-Public" for the new Elementary School sited at Ginger Lane and
Old Sanford Oviedo Road.
Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) The Local Planning Agency shall have thc gcncral rcsponsibility for the
conduct of the comprehcnsivc planning program. Specifically, thc Local Planning Agency shall:
(a) Be thc agency rcsponsiblc for thc prcparation of thc comprchensivc plan or plan amcndment and
shall make recommcndations to the govcrning body regarding the adoption or amcndmcnt of such
plan.. .
(b) Monitor and oversee the effcctivcncss and status of the comprchcnsivc plan and rccommend to thc
governing body such changcs in the comprchcnsivc plan as may from time to time bc required...
Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Section 15-37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation.
Prior to the City Conunission's considcration of the application, thc Local Planning Agcncy shall
considcr the application(s) at a Public Hcaring, along with thc staff revicw board's rccommcndation, and
rccommcnd that the City Commission approvc, approve with modifications (text only), or deny the
application for transmittal to the Dcpartmcnt of Community Affairs. At a minimum, thc Local Planning
Agency shall consider the same factors considered by the staff review board. The LP A shall hold at least
one (1) public hearing prior to making its recommendation to the City Commission.
Section 15-36. Review criteria.
The recommcndation of the staff revicw board shall be based on thc following minimum factors, if
(1) Whether the proposed amcndment will have a favorable or unfavorable effcct on thc city's budget,
or the economy of the city or thc rcgion;
(2) Whether the proposed amendmcnt will diminish the level of scrvice (LOS) of public facilitics;
(3) \V'hether there will be a favorable or unfavorablc impact on the cnvironment or the natural or
historical resources of the city or thc region as a result of the proposed amcndment;
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLLIM)
(4) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the state
comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the East Central Florida
Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29F-19.001, Florida Administrative Code;
(5) Whether the city is able to provide adequate service from public facilities to the affected property,
if the amendment is gramed, and whether the amendment will promote the cost/effective use of
or unduly burden public facilities;
(6) Whether the amendment is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and land use;
(7) Whether approval of the amendment will cause the comprehensive plan to be internally
, .
(8) Whether the proposed amendment will promote or adversely affect the public health, safety,
welfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the city or region; and
(9) The contents of any Evaluation and Appraisal Rcport (EAR) preparcd pursuant to 163.3191,
Florida Statutcs.
Florida Statute 163.3184 Process for adoption of comprehensive plan or plan amendment.
(a) Thc procedure for transmittal of a complete proposcd comprehcnsive plan or plan amendment. . .
shall be by affirmative vote of not lcss than a majority of the members of the governing body present at
the hearing. The adoption of a comprehensivc plan or plan amendment shall be by ordinance. For the
purposes of transmitting or adopting a comprehensivc plan or plan amendment, the notice requirements
in chapters 125 and 166 are superseded by this subsection, except as provided in this part.
(b) The local governing body shall hold at least two advertised Public Hearings on the proposed
comprehensive plan or plan amendment as follows:
1. The first Public Hearing shall be held at the transmittal stage pursuant to subsection (3). It shall be
held on a weckday at least 7 days aftcr the day that the fust advcrtisement is published.
2. The second Public Hearing shall be held at the adoption stage pursuant to subsection (7). It shall be
held on a weekday at least 5 days after the day that the second advertisement is published.
(c) The local government shall provide a sign-in form at the transmittal hearing and at the adoption
hearing for persons to provide their namcs and mailing addresses. The sign-in form must advise that any
person providing the requested information will receive a courtesy informational statement concerning
publications of the state land planning agency's notice of intent. The local government shall add to the
sign-in form the name and address of any person who submits written comments concerning the
proposed plan or plan amendment during the time period between d1e commencement of the
transmittal hearing and the end of the adoption hearing. It is the responsibility of the person completing
the form or providing written comments to accurately, completely, and legibly provide all information
needed in order to receive the courtesy informational statement.
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLUM)
(d) The agency shall provide a model sign-in form for providing the list to the agency which may be
used by the local government to satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
(e) If the proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment changes the actual list of permitted,
conditional, or prohibited uses within a future land use category or changes the actual future land use
map designation of a parcel or parcels of land, the required advertisements shall be in the format
prescribed by". s. 166.041 (3)(c)2.b. for a municipality.
Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Section 15-30. Authority. purpose and intent.
The City Commission of Winter Springs shall have the sole authority to amend or supplement the
comprehensive plan in accordance with the mandatory requirements of Sections 163.3184, 163.3187 and
163.3189 Florida Statutes and this article. This article is enacted to establish the procedures for
processing amendments to the city's comprehensive plan and to establish a schedule whereby
applications for amendments to the plan will be accepted. This article is also intended to implement the
relevant requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes and Chapter 9J-11, Florida
Administrative Code. Said requirements shall govern in the case of any conflict between the provisions
of this article and these chapters cited.
Plorida Statute 163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.
(1) Amendments to comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to this part may be made not more than
two times during any calendar year, except:
(1) A comprehensive plan amendment to adopt. .. future land-use-map amendments for school
siting may be approved notwithstanding statutory limits on the frequency of adopting plan
Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General.
(a)l-<oml. Every proposed ordinance shall be introduced in writing in the form required for fInal
adoption. No ordinance shall contain more than one subject which shall be clearly expressed in its title.
The enacting clause shall be "The City of Winter Springs hereby ordains. . . "
(b) Prot'edure. An ordinance may be introduced by any member at any regular or special meeting of the
commission. Upon introduction of any ordinance, it shall be read in its entirety; provided however the
said reading may be by title only if all members of the city commission so vote. All ordinances shall be
read twice, the second reading of any ordinance shall be by title only and shall follow the fust by a
minimum of ten (10) days; provided however, this requirement may be waived by a unanimous vote of
all five (5) members of the commission. All ordinances shall be posted in tlle city hall for thirty (30) days
after tlleir fust reading.
(c) Effective date. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, every adopted ordinance shall become
effective at tlle expiration of tlurty (30) days after adoption or at any date specified therein.
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLUM)
City of Winter Springs
1124 East SR 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Phone: 407- 327-1800
Seminole County School Board
c/o Dianne l<ramer,
Deputy Superintendent of Operations
400 East Lake Mary Blvd.
Sanford, Florida 32773
Phone: 407-320-0072
B. REQUEST: The City of Winter Springs is initiating a request for a Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment, changing the Future Land Use designation from
"Industrial" to "Public/Semi-Public" for the new Elementary School sited at Ginger Lane
and Old Sanford/Oviedo Road.
C. PURPOSE: To bring the future land use designation for the property into consistency
with the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan- 2001, Future Land Use Element objectives
related to Public School l:.'acilities.
1. Parcel Numbers-
2. Acreage-
34-20-30-5A W-0000-0130 & 34-20-30-5A W-0000-003A
34,036 Gross Acres
(More than 10 acres constitutes a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment)
3. General Location - The property is located on the northeast corner of Ginger Lane
and Old Sanford/Oviedo Road.
4. Legal Description - (See Attachment 'A') The attached legal description was
provided in the 100% Submittal Engineering Drawings for the New Elementary
School "I" submitted to the City in January 2003.
5. Chronology of Subject Property - The property was purchased for a new school
. site a number of years ago, prior to the revision of the Winter Springs
Comprehensive Plan- 2001. Previous to the purchase, City Staff indicated in a letter
dated, Febmary 2, 2000, to Diane I<ramer, Executive Director of Facilities Planning
for the Seminole County School Board that an elementary school was a permitted
use within the "Industrial" Future Land Use and "C-2" Zorling. New language in
the Comprehensive Plan- 2001 now raises the question of appropriateness of school
sites in areas with an Industrial future land use designation. Given the new language,
current City Staff believe that it is in the best interest of Seminole County School
District and the City of Winter Springs to revise the future land use d~signation,
bringing it into conformity with the Objectives stated for Public School Facilities in
the text of the Future Land Use Element of the \X1inter Springs Comprehensive
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLUM)
Plan- 2001. Site construction is expected to start in June 2003 in order to be ready
for student occupancy in August 2004.
6. Development Trends - The subject property will be under construction soon.
Although this parcel has been remained vacant until now, the Metal and Auto
Recyling business, immediately to the west of Ginger Lane, has been an active
business since 1994. The 6-acre parcel itmnediate1y to the west at the north end of
the site (which was previously an auto repair business until 2001) is now on the
The Cross-Seminole Trail when completed will follow the eastern edge of the school
site adjacent to the conservation area, connecting the school to other parts of the
7. Existing Land Uses of Subject Property - The property is currently Vacant with
some tree cover and includes a portion of the abandoned rail line and tlle Florida
Power & Light Easement; Access to the site from S.R. 419 will cross the FP&L
Easement and the Atlantic Coast Line Railway right-of-way. The Cross-Seminole
Trail alignment will detour from tlle abandoned rail line at the school and will be
rerouted adjacent to tlle Conservation area to the east of the school. Construction of
the new elementary school is expected to begin in June 2003.
8. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - None as of April 10, 2003.
- Etisting Land Uses ~oning - FLUM
Subject Site
Vacant / New Elementary C-2 (WS)
Vacant A-I (SC)
Industrial (WS)
Agricultural (SC)
A-I (SC)
Agricultural (SC)
C-2 (WS)
Conservation (WS)
6-Acre Site For Sale;
Metal & Auto Recycling;
& Auto Salvage Yard
(\\1S) Winter Springs; (SC) Seminole County; (0) Oviedo
C-2 (WS)
Industrial (WS)
Land Use Category'
Maximum Density /Intensity
0.5 floor area ratio
0.5 floor area ratio
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLUM)
The following summarizes the data and issues which staff analyzed in reviewing this application:
The subject site is already in the process of being developed as an elementary school. The City
has required that the School District retain and supplement the existing vegetation along the
west perimeter of the site as a buffer (along with Ginger Lane) from the adjacent industrial uses
to the school. Changing the future land use designation, will not impact public facilities and
1. Roads/Traffic Circulation:
a. Availability of Access:
Direct access will be from SR 419.
b. Function Classification:
S.R. 419 is an urban arterial 2-lane northwest-southeast roadway.
c. Improvement/ expansions (including right of way acquisition) already
programmed or needed as a result of the proposed amendment.
The two lane S.R. 419 from U.S. 17-92 to S.R. 434 has a level of service as "F"
and is currently considered deficient. The School District is proposing a right
and left turn lane off of S.R. 419.
A Traffic Study is being required of the School District (per Section 9-147 of the
City Code) to determine if there will be a further reduction in the Level of
Service of S.R. 419 or if it will threaten tlle Level of. Service standard "C" of State
Road 434. Improvements on these roads are the responsibility of the State.
The land use amendment will not be in conflict with MetroPlan Transportation
Plan or FDOT's 5-year Plan.
2. Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water:
a. Facilities serving the site.
There are none currently serving the site. However, potable water is available
adjacent to the site.
b. Improvements/ expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
P&Z i30ard Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLUM)
The school district will tap into the 12-inch water main at George Street and
Wade Street. An 8-inch water line will be extended down Wade Street to Old
Sanford/ Oviedo Rd. to the school site.
a. Facilities serving the site.
b. Improvements/ expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
The school district will extend a 4" force main to the school site alon Old
Sanford/Oviedo Road and locate a lift station at Old Sanford/Oviedo Rd. and
Ginger Lane at the edge of the school property, The City will require an
easement for the lift station and the water main up to the meter.
a. Facilities serving the site.
b. Improvements/ expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
Not required.
a. Facilities serving the site.
None. No structural drainage system:
b. Improvements/ expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
When the property is developed, it must meet Sec. 9-241 bf the City Code and
SJRWMD and other applicable requirements. Post development runoff cannot
exceed pre-development runoff. A stormwater pond will be located to the north
of the school to handle the stormwater.
a. Facilities serving the site.
The City has an exclusive franchise agreement with a solid waste hauler, Florida
Recycling, until 2006.
b. Improvements/ expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
A dumpster enclosure will be required which meets Ordinance No. 2002-13.
3. Recreation & Open Space:
a. Facilities serving the site.
None currently; however the Cross-Seminole Trail alignment will border the site
to the east, adjacent to the conservation area.
b. Improvements/ expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
The school area will be separated from the trail with a 6' high black vinyl coated
fence. A 60' x 85' covered play area will be located to the rear of tlle school.
4. Fire:
a. Facilities serving the site.
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLU M)
No need currently for flte service for the vacant lot.
b. Improvements / expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
None. The response time would be 4-5 minutes from Fire Station #26.
5. Police:
a. Facilities serving the site.
No need currently for police service for the vacant lot.
b. Improvements/ expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment:
None. The response time would be 4-5 minutes from the police station at 300
N. Moss Rd.
The Nuisance potential of the proposed use resulting from the change of land use
designation from Industrial to Public/Semi-Public to the surrounding properties should be
minimal in view of the following:
. The proposed FLUM designation will be more consistent with the surrounding areas
than the current designation.
. No changes beyond the current construction plans are being proposed on the
property and the current plans have been reviewed by the City's Development
Review Committee.
. The City is requiring that the school district maintain tlle native tree buffer along
Ginger Lane and supplement it with additional native vegetation where needed to
create a dense vegetated buffer.
. Ginger Lane itself will also be a buffer between uses.
. The adjacent properties to the east are owned by the school district and are a
conservation area.
Conservation lands adjacent to Gee Creek, owned by the Seminole County School Board to
the east of the property will not be impacted. Wetlands will include a 25' wetland buffer for
The Soil Survey of Seminole County, Florida published by the Soil Conservation
Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture note: While many factors other than
soils are important in planning for orderly development, soil quality is a basic and
continuing factor. It demands full consideration, not only as a guide in determining
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLLlM)
use but also as a measure of the kind and magnitude of problems that must be
overcome for specific uses.
The soils on this property are generally Urban Land - Astatula Apopka: Nearly level
to strongly sloping areas of Urban land, excessively drained soils that are sandy
throughout, and well-drained sandy soils that have a loamy subsoil at a depth of
about 40-inches or more; on the uplands.
The subject property and surrounding area are relatively flat with some dropoff
(1.5% to 3%) to the northeast and east as you approach Gee Creek.
The eastern side of the site along Gee Creek is within the 100-year floodplain as
indicated on the drawings. The school building (Finish Floor Elevation of 28.0) and
parking are located above the 100-year floodplain (Elevation 15.7) and perimeter
fencing separates the school site from the floodplain, trail and conservation area.
If any federally endangered plants or wedands are known to exist in the area, a
survey of such species is required prior to final development approval. If any such
species are found on-site, it will be the responsibility of the developer to obtain
permits from dle appropriate reviewing agencies prior to fmal development approval
by the City.
This site has no archaeological significance noted, although this does not guarantee
that there are no archaeological artifacts on site. It was recommended to the School
District in February 2000 that an archaelogical study be conducted to verify.
A wildlife survey is required for those species designated as endangered, threatened
or species of special concern prior to fmal development approval for this property
per 39-27.003.005 F.A.C.
Florida Statute 163.3177 (6) (a) states. .. "The future land use element must clearly identify dle
land use categories in which public schools are an allowable use."
The Comprehensive Plan provides the following definitions for Industrial and Public/Semi-
Public Land Uses:
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLLlM)
IndttJtrial- The industrial land use category includes both light and heavy industrial uses.
Industrial uses are typically connected with manufacturing, assembly, processing or storage of
P1lblic/SemzPttblic- ...Education facilities are included within tllls category, such as public or
private schools (primary or secondary), vocational and technical schools, and colleges and
The proposed administrative Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing tlle
Winter Springs land use designation of "Industrial" to Winter Springs designation of
"Public/Semi-Public" is compatible and consistent with the use of the site for an elementary
school. The FLUM change will also bring the land use into consistency with the goals,
objectives and policies of tlle Future Land Use Element. The Future Land Use Element
Objectives related to the siting of school facilities are listed below:
"Pubh'c Schools. The City shall implement standards for the siting of public schools to
increase the quality of life and local educational opportunities for its citizens.
Policy 1.1.1:
Policy 1.1.2:
Policy 1.1.3:
Policy 1.1.4:
Policy 1.1.5:
Policy 1.1.6:
Public schools shall be allowed in all future land use designations except
Conservation/ Conservation Overlay and possibly industrial areas. By
2002, Public Schools shall be listed in the Zoning Chapter as uses allowed
in all zoning districts with the exception of tlle Conservation, Mobile
Home Park and Heavy Industrial zarung districts.
New school sites must not be adjacent to any noxious industrial uses or
other property from which noise, vibration, odors, dust, toxic materials,
traffic conditions or other disturbances that would have a negative impact.
New schools should nU111mize detrimental impacts on residential
neighborhoods, hospitals, nursing homes and similar uses through proper
site location, configuration, design layout, access, parking, traffic controls
and buffers.
The size of new school facilities and land areas should satisfy the minimum
standards established by the Seminole County School Board, whenever
Schools shall be located in close proximity to eXlStlng or anticipated
concentrations of residential development with the exception for high
schools and specialized schools which are suitable for other locations due
to tlleir special characteristics.
New school sites should be well drained and education buildings should be
located away from floodplains, wetlands, and other environmentally
sensitive lands. Education facilities should not have an adverse impact on
historic or archaeological resources.
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLLlM)
Policy 1.1.7:
Policy 1.1.8:
Policy 1.1.9:
Policy 1.1.10:
Policy 1.1.11:
Public utilities, as well as police and fIre protection, should be available
concurrently with the construction of new school sites.
New school sites should have frontage on or direct access to a collector or
arterial road and should have suitable ingress and egress for pedestrians,
bicycles, cars, buses, service vehicles, and emergency vehicles.
To the extent possible, during pre-development program planning and
school site selection activities, tl1e City shall coordinate with the Seminole
County School Board to collocate public facilities, such as parks, libraries,
and COnu11Unity centers~ witl1 schools.
Portions of new schools should be constructed to serve adequately as
emergency shelters in case of natural disasters.
Schools will developed consistent witl1 the City's Comprehensive Plan and
Code of Ordinances and any mutual agreement between the City and the
Seminole County School Board."
A. The request is consistent with the applicable goals, objectives and policies of the Winter Springs
Comprehensive Plan- 2001.
B. The City has development standards in its land development regulations to ensure minimal
impacts on surrounding properties, such as buffering. The City's land development regulations
and the site plan review process of the Development Review Committee has been working to
ensure the prevention of any potential nuisances
C. The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the City Code and with all
applicable requirements.
D. Considering the type and location of uses involved and the general character of the area, the
request diminishes incompatible land uses, including such factors as height, bulk, scale, intensity,
traffIc, noise, drainage, dust, lighting, appearance, and otl1er factors deemed important.
Based on the Staff Report and the Findings, staff recommends tl1e Planning & Zoning Board make the
following recommendation to the City Commission:
That the City Commission approve the proposed land use amendment on the subject property at Ginger
Lane and Old Sanford/Oviedo Road, from City of Winter Springs "Industrial" land use category to City
of Winter Springs "Public/Semi-Public" land use category.
A. Location map of subject parcel
P&Z Board Meeting - April 23, 2003
Elementary School Site Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (FLLIM)
B. Legal description of the property
C. Site Plan for the Property provided by the Seminole County School Board.