HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 10 21 Regular Item A P & Z BOARD AGENDA ITEM A October 22, 2002 Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Planning and Zoning Board consider Ordinance 2002-32 to amend the official zoning map of the City of Winter Springs by changing the current designation of the approximately 1.0 acre (1.37 on tax map and associated information) subject property, located at 240 Old Sanford-Oviedo Road from the C-2 district to the I-I district. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is to request the Planning and Zoning Board consider Ordinance 2002-32, to change the official zoning map designation on property located at 240 Old Sanford-Oviedo Road. This would allow the applicant to qualify for a Small Business Administration loan to locate a cabinet shop in the City's Industrial area. The applicant needs this rezoning before the end of the month to qualify for the loan. Ordinance No. 2002-32 was heard as an emergency item at the October 14, 2002, City Commission meeting and is being referred to the Planning and Zoning Board for a recommendation before the October 28, 2002, second reading. Ordinance No. 2002-07 amended the Code, creating the 1-1 zoning district and modi fying the permissible uses and special exceptions for the C-2 district. Only a small-scale word-working shop of no more than 2500 square feet is currently allowed in the C-2 district, and only then as a special exception. CDD/October 16.2002/8:18 PM October 22, 2002 P&Z AGENDA ITEM A Page 2 The City is preparing to administratively rezone this general area from C-2 to 1-1. It has the only ltruly industrial uses in the City and is represented on the Future Land Use (FLU) map with an Industrial FLU designation. Staff believes that the applicant must pay the $550 rezoning fee set forth in City of Winter Springs Resolution 2001-45 before this ordinance is adopted. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes Sec. 20 - 57. Duties; general Sec. 20 -102. Official zoning map, working maps and procedures. Sec. 20 - 103. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures. Sec. 20 - 104. Changes and amendments. Ordinance No. 2002 - 07 " SITE INFORMATION: 1. PARCEL NUMBER: 34-20-30-5A W-OOOO-OOIB 2. ACREAGE: 1.0 acre (per the application - tax records depict 1.37 acres or 59,677 S.F.) 3. GENERAL LOCATION: The property is located at 240 Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, between the road and the Public Works site. This is the former Orlando Plastics site. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (See Attachment A) 5. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: July 8, 2002. The City of Winter Springs adopted Ordinance No. 2002-07, COD/October 16, 200218:18 PM October 22, 2002 P&Z AGENDA ITEM A Page 3 creating the 1-1 zoning district, establishing permissible uses and conditional uses, and amends the permissible and conditional uses for the C-2 and C-l zoning districts. October 10, 2002. The City received a written request and application to rezone the subject site. 6. DEVELOPMENT TRENDS: The City proposes to located Public Works on the adjacent property to the north. The area north ofSR 419 is generally industrial and appears unlikely to change. 7. EXISTING LAND USES OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The property has existing structures, that the tax records indicate were built in 1984, and was used as a plastics manufacturer or fabricator. 8. LETTERS/PHONE CALLS IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION: There were none at the time of report preparation, except by the applicant's team. E. EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: The future Public Works site. South: Old Sanford-Oviedo Road & a construction yard/office (SE is welding shop) East: Metal building West: Vacant immediately to the west; Affordable Tire is west of the vacant site & the 50 foot-wide un-named ROW. F. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: Industrial G. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: Industrial South: Industrial COD/October 16,2002/8:18 PM October 22, 2002 P&Z AGENDA ITEM A Page 4 East: Industrial West: (Seminole County) H. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: C-2 Requested: I-I I. ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: C-2 South: C-2 East: C-2 West: A-I (Seminole County) J. CONSIDERATIONS: . The previous C-2 regulations allowed cabinet-making as a permissible use. . On July 8,2002, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2002-07. . The property and general area have an Industrial Future Land Use designation. . Staff plans to administratively rezone this general area to Industrial. . The applicant states a need to have this property rezoned quickly, which cannot be accomplished through an administrative rezoning (due to statutory requirements). . Staff feels a cabinet shop could be a good clean industrial use and an asset to the industrial area. . The City has referred to a special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board so the Ordinance may be adopted at the October 28, 2002, City Commission meeting. . The applicant needs to pay the applicable $550 rezoning fee set forth in Resolution No. 2001-45. K. FINDINGS: 1. The subject site currently has a City of Winter Springs Industrial Future Land Use designation and C-2 zoning. COD/October 16,200218:18 PM October 22, 2002 . P&Z AGENDA ITEM A Page 5 2. 5. Prior to adoption of Ordinance No. 2002-07, cabinet shops were permitted uses in the C-2 zoning district, but now, only cabinet shops of not more than 2500 square feet are allowed only as special exceptions. Cabinet makers, furniture assembly, and woodworking shops are listed as permissible uses in the 1-1 zoning district. The request to amend the zoning map from C-2 to 1-1 is consistent with the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Staff proposes to administratively rezone the industrial area north of SR 419 from C-2 to 1-1, but cannot do so within the time-frame that the applicant states he needs. 3. 4. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Board recommend that the City Commission approve the second reading of Ordinance 2002-32 to rezone the property at 240 Old Sanford-Oviedo Road from the C-2 Commercial district to the I-I Industrial District, subject to the applicant paying the applicable $550.00 rezoning fee. ATTACHMENTS: A. Ordinance 2002-32 with Legal Description B. Application & authorization C. Map of subject property D. Attorney letters PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ACTION: COD/October 16. 2002/8:18 PM ATTACHMENT A ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OFTHE CITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF THE REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON OLD SANFORD-OVIEDO ROAD, LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A"ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE, FROM WINTER SPRINGS C-2 "COMMERCIAL/MANUFACTURING DISTRICT" TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1-1 "LIGHT INDUSTRIAL"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; CONFLICTS AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board and City Staff of the City of Win~~r Springs have recommended approval of this Ordinance at its , 2002 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed zoning change set forth hereunder and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and supporting data and analysis, and after complete deliberation, hereby finds the requested change consistent with the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and that sufficient, competent, and substantial evidence supports the zoning change set forth hereunder; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance serves a legitimate government purpose and is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: City of Winler Springs Ordinance No. 2002-32 Page I of 3 Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by the reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs. Section 2. Zoning Map Amendment. That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Winter Springs as described in City of Winter Springs Code Section 20-102 is hereby amended to include a change of classification from Winter Springs C-2 "Commercial/Manufacturing District" to Winter Springs I-I "Light Industrial" for the property legally described on Exhibit "A", which is attached and incorporated herein by this reference. City Staff is hereby directed to promptly amend the Official Zoning Map upon the effecti ve date of this Ordinance. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prIor inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to theextent of the conflict. Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. City of Winler Springs Ordinance No. 2002-32 Page 2 of 3 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, "in a regular meeting assembled on the _ day of ,2002. Paul P. Partyka, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk . --?~. Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date: F:\Lawyer~ellb\Cily or Willler SI'rillgs\Ordillallces\Slalllaek Rezolle. wl'd7 City of Winter Springs OrdinanCl; No. 2000-32 Page 3 () r 3 Sent By: BROWN,WARD,SALmAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596; Oct.l0.02 3:40PM; Page 9/13 (1, ,I.:,. Nt): 20: ~,.'1U J c.d. 1\ [{f.r-Tell". NCl. i\.jI.HFIU',T,\:\1.'\r: exhihit "A" h'Jnt till" ~<l:III,,',,:,;, ",'tlln ,)1 I.u! I, l:lIl1".n1ill~t:r ....11'1.... /:2. .1'.'O/tIltlf 10 Il,r I'Ll! !;:...W(,{ J. "., (.ld.>,{ 1'1 PI.II B'"'k 5. p:t!;" 'J. nllllhclh" Nt>I1I/l\'c,lclly ;duni~ 1I1l" :~nt'lh<:r1y 11I1l" of '..(,r l,lO(,!t ti>r':I, (/u:l1r, Cllll N<JI1I""'c\I;:,ly].'i \ ,\7 fr"'.l p.lfidkl to lilt' W ('~,l rille ,.,f I. 'J' I. lilt' f1er 11111 :~("'III:':J;.lt~lly pJf .,!!d 10 Ihe- .".it'lIlhn Iy I illr': oIL.), I, }.11 II frrl, t1't"lln: ~;('lllhl".J;I<:rly pJr.llJd C.., III\: Wf,! fin,' vI" { (,I I, 1. 50 (<,(-t. Ihr'lln: ;.dnll~ Il:e .)rll.tIJl"rl.y "ll': o/"l'-'I 2. J', ~I, ["t., Nell 'hw~.;"'rly (I< {he I'vim or Bt"f.l.lulin~. f'llbli,' I'.l"(:u(,i~ Ijf SCIlOti'lolc CV\lnly, r IO/ldJ (I. . f' , Sent By: BROWN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596; Oct-l0-02 3:38PM; Page 4/13 t I._ -. \..' _. -':.~ _ . .1"" . . .. t J ( t . , ~" J ',~ _':'\ '. J OCT (l3 '~2 lcl: 18 FR I'l=iTEER PND HFRBERT PH407 423 2\:116 lu t)4J(Ua~:l''''44a40'J34 P.(12,'ffi ATTACHMENT B ern OJ: WINtER SP~'NGS. FLORIDA 1126 EAST SWE ROAO 434 WINTER SPRING~ Fl.Of\IDA ;'Zl'O&-Z799 Telephone f407) 321-1800 Community O~opment Dept. Plaonil'9 DNislon APPL1CA TION FOR REWNJNG AflPJ..-ICANT: . Stama'k InternAtionalJ Inc. ., . Last First Middle ADDRESS: 6937 Srapo1nr. CoqrC, Suite A - Wint:dC: -Perle city ., FL State JZ792 Zip Code PHONE: (407) 679-2680 If applicant docs not OWllllie property, provide the following: . OWNER.: Richer bast Henry and C~le6ta First 1C1iddle ADDRESS: 201 South Ir1pl~t Lake Dri~ &- , CafiselberrYr CjIy n. State 32.707 Zip Code PHONE: TIlis is a request for change of '1'.oning de..~ignation from to t-l .... on th~ property desCnbed C2 below. Sen~ By: BROWN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596; Oct-1Q-02 3:38PM; Page 5!13 . ~! - , \ : - \: ~. :~"'''' -* -"i'il . &::T \?J') . ~ ~'~18 t-"R MATEER FfID /-'FIRBERT f'A407 423 d:11b TO 84=41H Sl744M0'334 p. B3.-~ ; ...\, ( r:. r ":I'\.'-:"U l.I Future Land Use Map Oassification Iodustri~l - ...-. Tax Parcel Nwnber: 3-'4-20- 30-:5AW. ~OOO.O--oo 18 . - .. Size ofPa:rcel: aooroxi Ill" 1:8U 1 i\~re sq. ft lacres_ Address ofPropeny proposed for change ofZooing DesigJ1ation: ADDRESS: 240 Old Sanford Oviedo Road Winter Sl'r1n~ rL _ . City T State Zip Code Reasoo(s) and justi.ficalion(s) fOf request of change to present zoning designation. ~dm~n~5~raclv~ ~b.n~~ r~q~~r~d by C~Ly ~t4ff dpe.~o c~~~ut ~hanges to C2 zon1ng.di3trict. TO BE SUPPLIED AT TIME OF SUBMJSSJON OF APPLICATION: . A copy of the most recent survey of tbe subject property_ . A copy of the legal description_ * Notarized authorii.ation of the owner (if applicant i!-"; other than owner or attorney for owner). .., Rezoning Application Fee, which includes: Sent By: BROWN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A. j 407 425 9596; Oct.1Q.Q2 3:39PM; Page 6/13 _ 1 '.:-lJ ," ~..,.. ......'..... ; "'." ~ I ':1Vl.:l:.JU " ~, on fJ3 . El2 14: 18 FR r~T(CR Ai'll) HRf.:fffiT PA4e1 423 2ElIG TO B4541:1'3744~;J,~ 1-' .l14/~ ,'. . . .$ 300 plus $ 25 per acre or portion of acrt; to be rezoned, plus Actual COSl of pubJjc hearing notice printed in newspaper. plus $ 1.00 for each notification letter to abutting property owner. .. * *.*~*.*~.'.*.."t..*..*.***.....*...*******.*...*.*~........**** FOR USE WHEN APPUCANf IS TIIE OWNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY This is to certify than I am the owner in fee simple of subject lands descnbed above in the Application for Rezoning. - ~~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER Sworn t9 and subscnbed before me thii . 'day of .- &- NOT dv PUBLIC My Commission expires: _Personally Known _Produced Identification Itypc of LD. _Did take an oath Did not take an oath ..k*.~*****.~..~t.~*.++++++++.+.*.....+.+.+.....*...t*........+ FOR USE WHEN APPLICANT IS NOT 1HE OWNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Sent By: BROWN,WARD,SALZIAAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596; Oct.l0.02 3:39PM; P8ge 7/13 " ., - \ I' '~'_. 'd..'"f """1. ; .. '.' , c- ( :';.":0 'JO_, ... =-. . - OC I 8'3 . 02 14: t ',":, FR MATEER AND I Wr.c~T F'f'l4f.'l'? 42-5 2m s lU 0454~ 1 ':/ 144+1~}':;4 r. 05.'85 .;/~ ) a~ PceGidgnr of S(am~k International. Inc. OF OWNER PLICANfIREPR..ESh"NT Sworn to and subscribed'before me this~dayof~ ~pp~~ -4~~S .' NOTARYPUBLlC ~ My Commission expires: // //J'/~e:~:t Madelene~. DtJp,O? . , . ; .;.~ ....v COMM~. C061~Y~ l!ll1R($ ~. ..:':' Nov~rnh(or '6, 200~ '1,~.~<r.., 1OIlO!(tlliflJ Itm.....1NSUW<CI."". hersonallY Known J ~d JdentificatiOlfItype of r.~ Did take an oath . ~ Did not take an o~ REZONINGS ME SUBJECf TO TIlE APPROVAL OF 1HE CITY COMMISSION; TIIE REZONING IS NOT EF"FBCTIVE UNTIL TIlE NOTICE AND VOTE R'hQUlREMENTS OF 166.041 FLORIDA STATlTfES HAVE BEEN ACIDEVED ....... 1 rn ct.. f'.'CC'[". C.,-; "'-' Sent By: BROI'IN,WARD,SALZMAN&\^iEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596; Oct.l0-02 3:40PM; Page 8/13 cO 'd En Wd 89:cl 301 20-80-1)) October 7, 2002 City of Wimer Springs, Florida Planning &: Zoning Department Re: Stamak International. Inc. Application for ReronlOglProperty located aT 240 Old $4nford Oviedo Road, Wiater Springs. Florida _ Dear Sir or Madam; '\. oJ" The uoo.,~igned own the above-referenced propertf. This will authorize Sramt1k international. Inc. and. it~ agenb to fi!e on behalf of the undersigned, such rozonin~ and other applications relating to the property referred to above aild more particularly described on Exhibit ;;Au attachM hereto, IIi may be required to change the zoning CAtegory on the subject property to "[-I Light Industrial Zoning District". Henry tt'.L,~T~o (i2,~A4/ Celona Richer STATEOFFLO~~... _/~~ COUNTY OF ~/n'ICIf:;, The forogoil'lg instrument WAS QCknOWrcd] before me this ls2!: day of O~tober. 2002. lJ} Henry Richer lUld Cel~sta Richer. h~ wife. who are personally known to me or O. rrodu;:ed (cypc of ide liCication) as idenrificilioll. . N~~FI~ Prin~ Name: Commission No.: l.... My Commission Ehpires: (Notarial Seal) [" '--""""!d'JC!..' . ,.. ..-.... 'TPHEN;..I UCfE ~ I I ,',jf$S.r.., : flO 120T90 . "I:<~.~ -l.\1bl >.2 :1009 . ..n......tI>,'~<M,.t;t......... ..... ......... q; S'm'ffEH II. 81QIe to, : MY ~. 00 12079l'. : . '. .. EXPlfIE5; AlQlII?J, ~ . ~ . IIoMocI n... '-? ~............ -..., 11~ ~"'I..~ r.-"-'ti~. O"...,~aM 1"k..Ak.. "".f>w......... ......(140(" Q\4 Wol\''''~ ~r'w...~ -"'." '.It.,,,... 44( d tSOBvN I J ~ q Ie.i 'i J a a 1 'I' Wd~~:1 l00:.~ 1}0 Northem Boundary H u ATTACHMENT C G F Sf/Vi/NO . L[ : WINteR COUNty , SDR I /Nc,s ~ o ~ 655 00 A.. "0 o ;:l .13 Q o u D A ~ ~ ~ + , - - - - - - I , , , . -=...\ .- '00 '0 '~ N 00 A.. "0 o ;:l .9 i5 o u .. . - - -PUBL 'aRKS . ------, , . , - \ ..~ :.: , , , c , , ' " , , , , '~ , ' , , , , B OUT OL / -- 1 2 3 6 7 l{j," ~/ 'V:- ----i? NOTES: -~ Fire Department Address Map PHlNTED: f1.EVlSEO: o 200' 400 ~~:.--;,r;'.. __. ---C7-_u' Seale: I" = 350 lecl March 2002 1 2 : 3 : Map Pa e 2407 City of Winter Springs, FL llev"""", "... EHON[[lIfNG S. fNC 5 f5 f[l1S Sent By: BROWN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596; Oct-1Q-02 3:37PM; Page 2/13 ATTACHMENT D BROWN~ WARD~ SALZMAN & WEISS, P.A. -t.... A (torneys af Law Usher L Brown · Suzanne O'Agresta" Anthony A Garganeseo 081)' S. Salzman' John H. Ward . Jeffrey S. Wel&5 OffiCQi in Orlando, KissimOl(:c, Cocoo & Viera Det>ra S. Bobb Jeffrey P. Buak John U. Biedenlwn, Jr. Joseph E Blitch Scott O. Danahy Jemiler A. Michael Todd K. Norman Vln~nt E. Scaflatos "Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer 'BQard Certified Bu&lness liltgation Lawyer "Board Certified City, County 6. Local Government Law Erin J. O'Leary 01 Coumrel October 10, 2002 Sent Via Facsimile & U.S. Mail 407 -327 -6695 Mr. John Baker, Planning Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs. FL 32708 Re: Rezone Application - 240 Old SanfordlOviedo Road City of Winter Springs - General Our File No.: 1193 Dear John: Please find enclosed herewith an Application for rezoning, letter of authority from the property owner, letter of explanation of urgency from Attorney Harbert, and an ordinance rezoning the property from C-2 to 1-1. We forward the original documents upon receipt. We understand you are preparing the staff report and will place this item on the agenda as an "add-on" item. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to calJ our offIces. 22'5 E8'It RQbin~ Street, Surte 660. P.O. Box 2673. Orlando, FIotJd~ 32802.2813 Orfando (1\07) 425-9W6 FfIJ( (407) 425-9598. KJnlmmee (321) 402-0144 . Oxxla 8. Viera (80'381425-9566 Website: WWW or1andolaw.net . Enllll1 lirm@orlondoluwnel Sent By: BROVVN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A. j 407 425 9596; Oct-l0-02 3:37PM; Mr. John Baker, Planning Coordinator October 10, 2002 Page 2 If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call our offices. Very truly yours, ~~~- J.z; P. Buak JP8fJd Enclosures: (4) Application Letter of Authority Urgency Letter Ordinance cc: Anthony Garganese, City Attorney f:\l~j4!lfb\City of Winter Spflng'\Corre~nd~e\&ker - 5u"",k ReLOoe ULwpd Page 3/13 '. . ient By: BRQWN,WARO,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596j Oct-10-02 3:41PM; Page 10/13 MATEER & HARBERT, ~ A. ATTORNE YS AT LA.w "".rl....'...t.f .0. ..........cc,.. PO~'f" Or-F"ICE BOx eaO<4 "'AI'lCN IN "..AN....(,""........'" ~f)"'AL(1 .... NAnaCQ:,. ~""('"v("", R. t:lL~"'rC.\,... I.....WAC'...C( J. ,.....A.l..N J......c:. a. tlf..'O"'Cl"'l SVfTE tiOU, "'-0 l.ANQMAAl'( CC:f'fTC~ J. "-,..,r:OOQQC 9CM-.TT t!25 ~. AOQIN~ON' S'rREET O...N.C........ f".fotCI... w. SCOff OA.tt"ICL.~O'" OR~ANOO. F~ORIOA ~ZBOZ-Z65.4 .1c.........f'"(q r "UL".~ OA.V10 L f:v",r.~ I AQQ1' J. rOWNSCNQ '.'r C 0:..0'" ~C, ........, .q_ COf:toer"UE:l..Q .....['l.EP~ONE: (0407' "h!O.9Q44 r'ACGIMILl: (407' 4~:J.ZOI6 L........OI':;. L "'.1..(, P '" OA.'<IIC ..... l"''''OI~ J':)N c. ~ANE: .IAHC:s. R. Lu~':;lrA UA"IC C. Wl\.\.I; "un,. C. THAlWllZEF< RICN....AO L. A...L\..t..H. ...ft. T"'.i.....9 .. ............CIIl:T' MICHAeL .... t"....:.CU t:.M.\ll ADIIIlE~\ llur hell {(fl'l tafeabArbcrt .rom OOtiAolO h. "'C"'OCR~Q"" .,........v....t. ~ ~. tH. YSTONC -'I..\..f"'fc,o ftc...."". AVCkCQ H!IlECI LIN[ l~(I7)~lx.I1L\Ext DO October 10. 2u02 VIA RANI) OELIVERY Mr. Anthony A. Garganese Brown. Ward. Sal~.man & Weiss. P.A. 225 E. Robinson Street, Suite 66U Orlando. Florida 32801 Re: Stamak International. lnc./Pruperty Located at 240 Old Salllimj.Ovicdo Road Dear Anthony: Plea-:;e find the enclosed copy or the Application tor Re;(.oningof the ahove-referenced property which has been signed by my client. Also enclosed is the originalletl~r signed by the Ri~hen;. which authorizes my cli\..'1lt to ti Ie the application 1(1I~ r~:I.uning on their hehal r. The closing for the acquisition of the property is currently scheduled I<)r OctClber 31. 2002. r am concerned that the current zoning on the property may cause a prohlem with the lender. As you have told me, this property has an indu~trial future land use designation and t~~r change of zoning from "C-2" to "1-'" is an administrativ~ matter_ . It is imperative that t:,;, zoning change take place prior to th~ d~sing to avoid any potential problems with thl: kndl.:l Stamak Intc:rnational. Inc., which manulactu~s wood products rdIlging from running trip' to architecturdl custom millwork. h<.l" hec:n in existcnc~ since 1993 and employs 25 The ptv,; .for {h~ir facility is currently located in: Winter Pack and lht:y arc: looking forward III rdt'(;ati~g. ~,-' Winter Springs. lllank you tor your help in Ihis matter. TRII:cas Very truly rows, / !l:a}i(,f~ ~lomas R. Harhc:rt l,i~;lCd WIllS o1b$(fI\;C, to n",,111cl~yl II V(Qlb(o.( f \sJ.......5. 1..1, ~"(I~I. IRC~idow. U.l"i,a.t '.I".Uo' ,.....;u. 'u\..rw....h..... f'(um 1104(1 I H(1 \~nr<"" J.f)",...l.1u t\J,'.Gup&J\iC\C It! l'10(