HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 04 03 Regular Item B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Code Enforcement 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 1,2002 TO: John Baker, Land Development Coordinator Jimetle Cook, Code Enforcement Manage~ Wagner's Curve deviation from code FROM: RE: Michael and I have reviewed the Developer's Agreement and offer the following: 1. Page 10, (d) (I). In the Developer's Agreement only those trees over 14 inches in caliper "count" for replaccment purposes. All trees over 4 inches in caliper arc nonnally required to be replaced. 2. Page 10, (d) (2). TIle Developer's Agreement allows trees to be exempted for silviculIure purposes. TIlere is no provision for silviculture exemption in the current code. 3. Page'I I, (d) (3). In the Developer's Agreement, the size and species of any tree is not 10 be taken into consideration for designation of "Specimen" tree. Under current code. certain size and species trees may qualify for "specimen" designation. 4. Page 10, (b). Replacement materials may be chosen from a list of Preferred PlanIs at a greater ratio for credit illlder this Developer's Agreement, (i.e. one-for-Iwo. one-for-three. etc.). Under current code, trees are replaced one-for-one. 5. Exhibit C- Landscape BuJIers- Under tIle current SR 434 New Development Overlay DisIrict Guidelines, a buffer is required between &11 vehicular use areas and adjacenLpropertics,..Ascreen...n... of at least 30 inches height shall be used between the common property lines. in areas !lot less tItan -Hsix feet in width.and. shall eontainat least. one tree every 75':-- Exhibit Cindicates tlwtnon...... ..-... .....--- landscape buffers will be provided along boundary lines. G. ExIlibit H-TIlis exIlibit shows a tree planted every 40', and the cllrrenI code requires one every 50'. TIlis exhibit shows the landscaping being planted in the righls-of-ways, rather than 011 private property. Screening is to be provided at least 3' height and this is noI indicated on ExhibiI H, _____.__ ..J~~~ve~~.!.!~~n.'?~i.s pr.o~i<l~~:....__ .... ~ PLANNING & ZONING BOARD REGUlAR AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT April 3, 2002 I. APPUCABLE I.A W AND PUBUC POUCY Section 20-328 establishes the GID (Greeneway InterchcUlge District) as a mixed-use zoning category, which combines a stratq,'Y to attract higher density residential and commercial enterprises oriented toward a mqjor transportation nexus of an exprcssway and arterial road and minimize urban sprawl. Scction 20-330 establishes permitted, conditional, accessory and prohibited uses for the GID (Grceneway InterchcUlge District), II. SUMMARY OF APPUCATION A. Applicant: City of Wintcr Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL ~~2708 B. Request: The Community Developmcnt Department requests the Planning and Zoning Board consider stan's recommendations to modify the list of permitted, conditional, accessory, and prohibited uscs allowed in the GID. c. Purpose: \ '. The purpose of this item is to request the Planning and Zoning Board consider modifications to uses both allowcd and prohibited in the GID. D. Considerations: 1, The GID is specifically designed to accomplish the f()llowing: a, Provide high density residential development in close proximity to economic centers f(:>r employees; b, Discourage urban sprawl by clustering economic development activities along h'Towth con"idors; c. Promote business developmcnt in close proximity to the rcgional road network providing high visibility and convcnicnt access; d, Ensurc suIlicicnt availability of land to rcalizc thc cconomic development necds of the city; and e. Provide for choice and divcrsity in living arrangcmcnts and work environmcnts. 2. The GID implements thc Mixcd Usc Futurc Land Use Map (FLUM) classification by targeting intcnse commercial dcvelopmcnt and allowing a varicty of othcr typcs of land usc at various dcvelopment intcnsitics, :3. Thc GID is cstablishcd to promotc land uses such as planned commcrcial dcvelopmcnts, corporate busincss pcu'ks, ofTicc complexes, commcrcial, scrvicc and hotel uscs, planncd mcdium to high dcnsity rcsidcntial, and plcUlned mixed-usc developments. III. ANALYSIS A. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and Justification for Amendments: Thc GID was cstablished to implement the Mixed Use FLUM classilication establishcd by thc Comprchcnsive PlcUl by providing lor a variety of land uses and intcnsitics within a dcvelopmcnt site, prescrving conscrvation areas, rcducing public invcstmcnt in the provision of scrviccs, encouraging Hcxiblc and creative site design, cUld providing public amenities with an arca-widc bcnclit to thc community. The proposcd amendmcnts furthcr the goals, ol~jectivcs cUld policics of the Comprchcnsive Plan. IV. FINDINGS A. Thc GID allows a variety of land uscs at various intensities but remains primarily a district desib'llcd to target commcrcial dcvelopmcnt, which typically rcquircs access along major roadways and interchcUlges to minimizc trallic impacts, B. The GID cUlTentJy prohibits strip commercial centers cU1d related "big box rctailers" which arc known contributors to urban sprawl, but it docs not prccludc the construction of thc scuue as "stcU1d alonc" structures, independent of the strip commcrcial centcr conlib'llration. C. The types of shopping ccnters (community, rcgional and sub-regional) currcntly permittcd in thc GID are not clearly dclined and are prcsumcd to include tlIose commcrcial uscs which arc not consistcnt with the intent and purposc of thc district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS StaIr believes thc rcgional and sub-regional shopping centers currcntly permittcd in the GID arc not consistcnt with thc intcnt and purposc of thc district as an area designcd to minimizc urbcUl sprawl. Bascd on this belicf and thc abovc Jindint,TS, stalrrccommcnds thc Plcmning and Zoning Board considcr thc J()llowing amcndmcnts to Scction 20-1 and Scction 20-330 of thc Codc of Ordinanccs. Additions ;'U'C shown in undcrlincd tcxt, and delctions arc shown in stTikcthrough tcxt: Sec, 20-1. Definitions. Sho!JmiJI{ Ccntcr. 1\ g-raun of rdail and other commercial establishments that are nlanned. devdoned, owned and m;'Ulag-ed as a single praDatv. Tvnes are as follows: (1) Community Shonning Center. 1\ g-raup of rdail or commercial establishments that nravide convenience shopning for the dav-to-dav needs of consumers in the immediate neighborhood. Goods and services tynically include nharmaceu/ical and health-related Droducts. sundries, snacks and nersonal services. (2) Sub-Regional Shonning Center. 1\ group of retail or commercial establishmenL~ that offers a wider range of <limaI'd and other soft goods than the community shonning center. Common anchors include sunermarkeL'i. SUDer drugstores. and discount deDartment stores. (a) Rej..';onal Shonning Center. 1\ graUn of retail or commercial establishments that provides general merchandise. annarel. and services in fllll denth and variety. Common imchors include traditional. mass merchant. discount deDartment stores. or fashion specially stores. Sec, 20-330. Pennitted uses, conditional uses, accessOIY uses and structures, prolnbited uses. (d) Commcrcial: Alterations and tailoring Automo/ive accessory sales Bed and breakfast inn Bicycle sales <Uld service Bookstores, newsstands Clea11ers Community, regional and :;ub regional shopping centers Computers, hardware, software sales and service Convention center Convenience store without gas pumps Daycare Nurseries Drug store Electronic equipment sales and service Financial institutions Florist Government service f~lcilities Hardware store Hotd, motel Medical clinics Medical laboratories Mcdical supplics and rcntals Ncighborhood convcnicncc storcs Ofliccs - (gcncral) Ofliccs - (rcgulatcd professions) Parking garagcs Parks and rccrcation I;lcilitics Pcrsonal scrviccs Physicallill1css and hcalU1 dubs Private dubs cUld lodgcs Public utilitics and scrvicc sIructurcs Rcslauranl:s Sidcwalk cafes Thcatcrs (g) ProlJJbJied uses: Sub-Rcgional and Rcgional Shopping Ccntcrs Chcck cashing cstablishmcnl:s (oUlcr Ihan banks) Flea markcL-; Funcral homcs Pawn shops Strip ccntcrs All uscs listcd in scction 20-252 in thc C-2 (Gcncral Commcrcial and Industrial District) of UIC City Codc, cxccpt 20-252(1) uscs pcrmittcd inUlc C-I (Ncighborhood Commcrcial District) VI. ATfACHMENTS A. Winter Springs Code of Ordinances (Division l~~, Sections 20-328 through 20-3~~0) B. Exccrpt from Proposed Comprehensive Plan (Land Usc Elemcnt) ATTACHMENT A e Automotive accessory sales Bed and breakfast inn Bicycles sales and service Bookstores, newstands Cleaners Community, regional and sub-regional shop- ping centers Computers, hardware, software sales and ser- Vice Convention center Convenience store without gas pumps Daycare Nurseries Drug store Electronic equipment sales and service Financial institutions Florist Government service facilities Hardware store Hotel, motel Medical clinics Medical laboratories Medical supplies and rentals Neighborhood convenience stores Offices -(general) Offices -(regulated professions) Parking garages Parks and recreation facilities Personal services Physical fitness and health clubs Private clubs and lodges Public utilities and service structures Residential-m ultifamily Restaurants Sidewalk cafes Theaters _ e (e) Conditional uses in commercial areas: Be- fore a conditional use may be granted within the GreeneWay Interchange District, the develop- ment review committee must find that the use or uses are consistent with the general purpose and spirit of the district and with the public interest. Alcoholic beverage sales (package) Alcoholic beverage sales (on-premises consump- tion) Amusement enterprises Automobile and truck rental Automobile gasoline service station Automobile repair Child care facilities Supp. No. I ZONING ~ 20-332 Drive-in restaurants Hospitals Mini -warehouses Nursing homes Schools (public or private) Any other retail store or business enterprise not listed that in the judgement of the development review committee is consis- tent with those included above, and fur- ther, that will be in harmony with the purpose and spirit of the GreeneWay In- terchange District. (D Permitted accessory uses and structures: Accessory uses customarily associated with, dependent on, and incidental to the per- mitted principal uses. (g) Prohibited uses. Check cashing establisrunents (other than banks) Flea markets Funeral homes Pawn shops Strip centers All uses listed in section 20-252 in the C-2 General Commercial and Industrial Dis- trict of the City Code, except 20-252(1) uses permitted in the C-l "Neighborhood Commercial District" (Ord. No. 725, 8-23-99) Sec. 20-331. Building height. No building shall exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height. ---- -.-- - - - . - (Ord. No. 725, 8-23-99) Sec. 20-332. Setbacks. (a) No improvement shall be located on any property closer to any property line than the minimum setbacks set forth below: Buildings Parking S.R. 434 25 feet Collector Street :25 feet Internal Street. 15 feet Side I a J 0 feet Rear (a) 10 feet la) Unless abutting a residential area. 15 feet. 15 feet 10 feet :.; feet 5 feet See Section 20.,191. 1342:37 S 20-328 WINTER SPRINGS CODE DIVISION 13. GREENEWAY INTERCHANGE ZONING DISTRICT Sec. 20-328. Purpose. The GreeneWay Interchange District is de- signed as a mixed-use category which combines a strategy to attract higher density residential and commercial enterprises oriented toward a major transportation nexus of an expressway and arte- rial road and minimize urban sprawl. This dis- trict is specifically designed to: (1) Provide high density residential develop- ment in close proximity to economic cen- ters for employees. (2) Discourage urban sprawl by clustering economic development activities along growth corridors. (3) Promote business development in close proximity to the regional road network providing high visibility and convenient access. (4) Ensure sufficient availability of land to realize the economic development needs of the city. (5) Provide for choice and diversity in living arrangements and work environments. (Ord. No. 725, 8-23-99) Sec. 20-329. General uses and intensities. (a) The GreeneWay Interchange Development District is designed to provide a variety of land uses, development intensities, and target indus- try development. The uses are: (1) Planned commercial developments, corpo- rate business parks, office complexes, com- mercial, service and hotel uses. (2) Planned medium to high-density residen- tial developments. (3) Planned mixed-use developments. (b) Development intensities: The city shall ap- ply the following. development intensities. The criteria for establishing appropriate intensities include, but are not limited to, compatibility with surrounding existing and planned uses, adequacy of existing and programmed city services and Stipp. No.1 facilities, economic development objectives, and consistency with the city's comprehensive plan and site characteristics. Residential uses: Medium density: 5-10 dwelling units per net acre High density: 11-20 Dwelling Units per net acre N on-residential uses: 1.0 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) (c) Land use mix: The GreeneWay Interchange District shall be developed to accommodate an overall mix of land uses as described below: Land Uses Minimum Maximum Residential Non-Residential 0% 75% 25% 100% (d) Open space/recreation: A minimum oftwen- ty-five (25) percent of the overall site must be designated as recreation and common open space. Individual land uses may have more or less than twenty-five (25) percent of its area devoted to common open space. Recreation areas are not required within non- residential areas. In non-residential areas, land- scaped pedestrian connections between buildings, parking and adjacent development is required. (Ord_ No. 725, 8-23-99) Sec. 20-330. Permitted uses, conditional uses, accessory uses and struc- tures, prohibited uses. (a) Medium density residential: Single-family attached/detached Patio homes Duplex Multi-family (b) High density residential: (c) Office: Variety of office uses from single-tenant profes- sional offices to corporate office parks. (d) Commercial: Alterations and tailoring " lM2.36 - e) ( CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT b. Commercial The commercial land use category consists of a variety of retail and officc uscs; such as, medical facilitics, shopping centcrs, restaurants, automobile service facilities and similar uses. Typical neighborhood commercial areas adjacent to residential areas are allowed to build up to a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.30 FAR. General commercial areas (not adjacent to residential communities) with direct access to . major arterials and collcctors can build up to a maximum 0.50 FAR. The majority of the existing commercial development within the City of Winter Springs is located along State Road 434 in a strip pattern. The arca contains restaurants, convenience goods stores and neighborhood centers. There are additional isolated pockets of commercial land uses located in the Tuscawilla subdivision and along State Road 419. In 2001, there were 118 acres of commercially developed lands in the City. These developed lands represent only one percent of the total acreage in Winier Springs. c. Mixed Use ( The purpose for the mLxed usc land use category and its corresponding zoning districts is to provide for a variety of land uses and intensities within a development site to preserve conservation areas, to reduce public investment in provision of services, to encourage flexible and creative site design and to provide public amenities which provide an area wide benefit to thc community. The mLxcd-use land use category permits low, medium and high density residential; commcrcial uses (retail and office); light industrial; educational facilities; recreation facilities and compatible public facilities. To ensure that the mixed-use area is of a sufficient size to function as an integrated unit, this designation requires an area that has a minimum of tcn acres. A mixed use catcgory may be comprised- of.scveralparcels under different ownership, as long as the parcels are approved as a unified master plan with legal documents recorded prior to development or redevelopment that tie the parcels together. The master plan must be submitted for approval at the time of rezoning in a mixed-use land use category. The master plan may include multiple phases of development. The requirements for the master plan are identified in the Zoning Chapter. The intensity of the development within the mLxed-use category will vary depending upon location and surrounding uses. Therefore, two zoning districts have been established that allow a mix of uses to satisfy varying degrees of intensity. The two zoning districts are the Town Center (TC) and regional Employment Ccnter (EC). The typical uses and various locations of thc two mixcd use zorung districts shall be allow cd bascd upon the following criteria: 1-3 c CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Town Center - The intent of the Town Center zorung district is to establish a town center in the heart of the City of \'\/imer Springs that is based upon traditional standards for building city centers. The Town Center Zorung Code was created to implement the master plan (l\hp 1-5) designed for the Town Center in 1998. The types of uses permitted within the Town Center include a variety of residential and non-residential uses to encourage a mi." of uses that is necessary for the economic viability of a city center. Typical uses that are encouraged include shops, personal and business services, grocery stores, restaurants, cinemas, hotels, offices, civic facilities, day care, and residential (single family, aparunents/ condominiums, elderly housing, residential over commercial, townhouses and duplexes). Proposed developments in the Town Center must be designed at densities and intensities that are compatible with adjacent existing developments. The Town Center zoning district will be maintained in the Zoning Chapter that identifies the uses that are permitted within the Town Center and those uses that may be allO\yed by special exception only. The uses that will be permitted must be consistent with the adopted Town Center Master Plan. ( The Town Center is located between State Road 434 and Lake Jessup and surrounding the Tuskawilla Road intersection. The Town Center is predominantly vacant. Current development in the Town Center consists of City Hall, Winter Springs High School, Central Winds Park and some limited commercial development. Groundbreaking for infill development is just beginning. Emplqyment Center - The purpose for the Employment Center (formerly Greeneway Interchange) zoning district is to provide for a variety of regional land uses and - intensities within.a development site to preserve.conseivation.areas,toreduce public invesunent in provision of services, to encourage flexible and creative site design and to provide public amenities which provide an area wide benefit to the region. The Employment Center zoning district maj' be located only within the City's urban - - ------ serVice area along ill-ajar c-xpressways, arteria]s clr collector roadways, and interchange areas where location factors and higher land values tend to attract higher intensity development; and, services and facilities are programmed to accommodate a variety of residential and non-residential land uses. Typical uses include medium to high- density residential, office, retail and light industrial land uses. The intent of tlle employment center district is to: (1) Provide an econonuc benefit in terms of employment opportunities and increased tax base; (2) Locate higher intenSIty uses where roadway capacity can accommodate increased traffic due to short trip distances to major roadways and increasecllane capacity at major intersections; 1-4 (-- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT (3) Locate lugher intensity uses along major roadways and intersections to reduce development pressures in other areas, thereby minimizing the road congestion and community compatibility impacts; and, (4) Locate higher intensity uses adjacent to hurricane evacuation routes to reduce pressures on local roads during storm events. Alternative modes of transportation are required in the mi:xed-use land use category to encourage pedestrian circulation. Tracts of land must be developed as a whole throughout the property to provide continuity among the various land uses and to create a compact and walkable living environment and workplace. Transitional uses are required to protect lower intensity and density uses from lugher uses. Building heights must be stepped down adjacent to lower intensity and density uses. d. Industrial The industrial land use category includes both light and heavy industrial uses. Industrial uses are typically connected with manufacturing, assembly, processing or storage of products. Light industrial uses may be located adjacent to urban scale residential land use categories only if appropriate transitioning and buffers are provided per the Code of Ordinances. Heavy industrial uses are intended to be located in planned industrial parks with a campus style layout to protect..:adjacent properties from incompatibilities. The maximum floor area ratio for light and heavy industrial uses is 0.5 FAR. Industrial Planned Unit Developments are also pennitted to go up to a 0.50 FAR. Industrial lands are located predominandy in the north and west part of the City along State Road 419 and the abandoned Railroad, as well as along US 17/92. There are currendy 88 acres of industrial within the City. e. Recreation and Open Space This land use category includes park and recreation facilities owned by the City, as well as recreation facilities located at area schools that are under lease to the City. Open space includes those areas deemed worthy of preservation; such as, common open spaces in private developments and significant right-of-way buffers along major roadways and drainage systems. There are aLnost 580 acres of recreational lands identified within the City of Winter Springs. The recreational element provides a complete inventory of sites and the facilities provided for these recreation uses. The recreation use category includes lands committed to both active and passive recreational uses. 1-5 G)"r:t>OOr r ;omoz""O IT\ :t> m -i 0 -i -i -i \v Z~N:t>IIen -iOJOrmm~ ~renenrzSX> Q.) rOOOmm~ - ~~~ ~~; 0 OJoI G)~z CD 0- 0 ;0;00 00" :t>~-i en ^;o-i ~VJI () -.1.' I .-'_~m -, . ~ m""O -. ""O-z rom :t> -i ~ r:t> ....... G) a ~ -i 0 en _. mI< a-i 0 O1men ro^N . r, 00~:::J r:;o O. (D .. en' ^ -n enf::. -.1.~m )> C "'^' '" ;0 m ~ ""0' -i (J) ~r :t>~o "0 mm G)-;" a -<en mar < o en U1 I 0 -. ,,-i 'm-i 0.. I r CD -i m r.: ~ 0.. I (/). m ~ en en 0- r(/) cO '< m-; ;oe 0 < f\.) < -; =: -<~ mI CD <.0 -< :J r-+- -f ~ -. () Q.) - :::0 o Q) 0.. (J) CD o ....... -. o :J en ~ I IOgN -, CD .p. -" - < ~ ' I (j) ~ q '?f. lJ -1. :2 , - < , OJ ~r-t- - CD JJ cO' < :Y OJ '7 :J. 0 CD -+> (f) , ~ ~ < OJ :2, CD (f) r\) .p. ,- q -1. -L1; ~'l l CL g -, CD <' I . CD ~ I ~ ~ 0) (f) c 0- 0- ru (f) CD ---- ~ 11 -. - :J o . ~. - 0.. -I. 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