HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05 29 Regular 602 Villagio Shopping Center
ITEM 602
Public Hearing
Regular X
May 29, 2007
Authorization -rv "
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission approve
the proposed development agreement modification to allow one (1) internally
illuminated, building-mounted sign to exceed the maximum letter size and the
maximum height of 14 feet above the adjacent sidewalk at the Villagio shopping
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to approve the proposed fourth modification to
the development agreement to allow one (1) building mounted multi-tenant
identification sign at the Villagio shopping center (a.k.a. S.R. 434 Retail).
Chapter 166, Florida Statutes
Development Agreement (DA) & Modifications
Chapter 20, Section 20-470 (3) (c) & (t)
CONSIDERATIONS: Villagio (a.k.a. SR 434 Retail) was approved as a shopping center
with an Italian village theme within the C-l zoning district and the SR 434 New Development
Overlay Zoning District. It is comprised of one primary 2- story building and 2 much smaller
detached single-story outbuildings on the same site. The first floor of the primary building is
retail with 6,000 SF of restaurant area at the northwest comer.
A sign permit application for the proposed Wine By Design depicted 1 internally illuminated
building-mounted multi-tenant identification sign for the north (SR 434 side). The application
did not meet the City's code requirements because it is proposed at 23'-4", which is higher than
the prescribed maximum 14' above the adjacent sidewalk grade (Subsection 20-470 (3) (c) in the
SR 434 New Development Overlay Zoning District). The dimension of the sign is 3' instead of
May 29, 2007
Regular Agenda Item 602
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the 2' maximum set forth in Subsection 20-470 (3) (f) of the Staff agrees with the applicant
that, given the height of the building fayade and the archway on the side of the building, the sign
is proposed at the most aesthetic location for a building-mounted identification sign. The
applicant's drawing depicts the 14' and 23'-4" dimensions on the face of the building and
superimposes the proposed signage. Staff considered not only the dimensions of the building and
its features, but also the distance from the building to the SR 434 ROW. In contrast, the Yen-
Yen sign extended to a height of21 '-4" above the adjacent sidewalk.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve the proposed fourth
modification to the existing Villagio development agreement to allow the proposed dimensions
and proper placement of the proposed building-mounted multi-tenant identification sign.
A. Location Map
B. Subsection 20-470 (3) of the City Code
C. Proposed Signage
D. Proposed 4th DA Modification (provided separately by City Attorney)
CDD/May23, 2007/2:40 PM
Municipal Address Map Book 200
Apr 2005 1: 2 : 3 .
City of Winter Springs, FL I::. 2417
Developed By:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Anchor Tenant Additional Sign
Under 75,000 square feet
75,000--250,000 square feet
Over 250,000 square feet
2 of 12 square feet
3 of 12 square feet
4 of 12 square feet
An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that is/are in
excess of one hundred (100) front feet and a minimum area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet.
(2) Ground mounted single-tenant identificatio1l sign: One (1) wide-based monument
style, permanent ploject sign shall be permitted per single-tenant parcel. One additional
permanent wide-based monument style plojcct identification sign may be permitted for
parcels in excess of one (1) acre with more than one (1) ingress/egress serving more than
one (1) building. The minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel
shall be two hundred (200) feet.
a. Shall only be reserved for the tenant's on premises use c1dlGrtise one (1)
peI5on, fiLm, company, COlpoLatioll OL majoI cntap1isc occupying the. pIGmiscs.
b. Shall be located no closer than fifteen (15) feet from the front, side or rear
property lines.
c. Shall not exceed two (2) faces.
d. Sign copy area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per face. For
parcels in excess of 4.0 acres, the project identification sign face may be increased
to forty-eight (48) square feet.
e. Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of
the proposed building.
f. The sign shall not be more than eight (8) feet in height above the closest
driveway or vehicular use area.
g. Signs shall be in an enclosed base that is at a minimum the full width of
the sign. Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low
growing shrubs and ground cover and/or annuals to promote color.
G Building mounted multi-terum! identification signfor buildings with separate
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2006-18
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exterior tenant entrances: In addition to the ground mounted identification sign, tenant
signs shall be permitted on the exterior walls of the building at a location near the
principal tenant entrance, and be consistent with the following criteria:
a. Shall be limited to one sign per tenant for on-premises use om, am crtiSG
one (1) ~ peIsoll, fiInl, COmpa11J, GOfpolation 01 majol cntc.IpIise oecup,ing
the premises.
b. The sign(s) shall be clearly integrated with the architecture of the building,
and shall be consistent in design, format, and materials with the architecture of the
proposed building.
~ c. The sign(s) shall not either project above any roof or exceed a height of
. . fourteen (14) feet.
d. Wall signs shall display only one (1) surface and shall not be mounted
more than six twelve (611) inches from any wall.
e. When more than one (1) tenant sign is used on one (1) building, all tenant
signage shall be consistent in size, materials, and placement.
::::> f. The maximum size of sign letters and logos, including any sign
backgrounds, shall be twenty-four (24) inches in height for individual tenants
other than anchor ten~ts. The maximum height of letters and logos for anchor
tenants in a retail center shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the building
height. An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that
is/are in excess of one hundred (l00) front feet and a minimum area of ten
thousand (10,000) square feet.
g. The length of the sign may occupy up to seventy (70) percent of the linear
feet of the storefront the business occupies. The anchor tenant may have the
signage permitted for a building mounted single tenant identification sign.
h. For office buildings without separate exterior tenant entrances, one wall
sign not exceeding two (2) square feet shall be permitted for idcntif; ing each
individual tenant. The sign shall be located adjacent to the building entrance.
(4) Building mounted single tenant idtlltifi:-catioll sign: In addition to the ground-
mounted idGntification sign, a building mountooidcntification sign may be permitted
consistent with the following criteria:
a. Shall only be reserved for one (I) tenant's on-premises use a~ertise one
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2006-18
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Municipal Address Map Book
Apr 2005
City of Winter Springs, FL
I Feet
3 :
Developed By: Sou/hem/ern Suneyillg & Mappill!; Corp
2 :