HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05 29 Regular 600 Televising Options
ITEM 600
Public Hearing
Regular X
May 29. 2007
Regular Meeting
J//" (~
Pr/ Mgr. /' ept.
Information Services (I.S.) wishes to present Commission
with options for televising of Commission meetings and to
have Commission provide further direction.
To present options to Commission for televising meetings and for the
Commission to decide whether they want to pursue this project or any
part of the project and fund project accordingly.
At the request of the City Commission the I.S. Department was tasked
with researching further into other options and cost alternatives to record
and broadcast Commission meetings. With the assistance of a consultant
three new options have been created and are summarized below. These
cO,st estimates do not include on-going costs of streaming of meetings to
Internet or personnel costs to operate equipment.
Option 1 - $25,205 (equipment base) + labor + options
Option 1 is the cheapest system and will provide the basic components
necessary to record and broadcast Commission meetings. However, this
system is very limited to future expansion and is limited in its capabilities.
Option 2 - $39,275 (equipment base) + labor + options
Option 2 is a low-end mid-level system that provides the same
functionality as Option 1. However, this system does offer upgraded
components (pan-tilt zoom cameras) and offers some additional future
expansion capability.
Option 3 - $53,020 (equipment base) + labor + options
Option 3 is a high-end mid-level system that provides greater functionality
than either of the two previous systems. Most notably it provides the
greatest flexibility for future expansion of additional components.
Option 4 - $68,355 (equipment base) + labor + options
Option 4 is the original proposal from August 28, 2006, Agenda Item 301.
This option has been updated to reflect current market equipment and
prices available.
Dependent upon option(s) chosen.
Recommend that Commission review options and provide Information
Services with further direction. If the Commission chooses an option for
further research, I.S. will research the chosen option(s) with the assistance
of the consultant and bring back the findings to the Commission with more
accurate drawings and costs for that option(s). A supplemental
appropriation of $2,500 will be needed.
ATTACHMENTS: Excel Spreadsheet with cost options outlined
System Option #1
Video Equipment
~_ Mfg Model Descriotion
J- Panasonic MX70/Analog Switcher with analog inputs
S-- Ikegami
1 Com pix
3 Sony
1 Extron
1 Extron
1 Extron
L Extron
1 Extron
2___ Sony
2 Ikegami
Total for video equipment
Options for Video Enhancement
1 WolNision Eye 10
2 Panasonic PT-D3500U
2 Chief
Total for Optional Video Enhancement
Audio equipment
1 lectrosonics DM1612
9 Extron 42-103-03
Total for Audio Equipment
- I
labor and other charges
1_~_=--~-J_=-_=~~--- _
1 I
1-'--------- I
1 I
5" source monitor
Character Generator svstem (desktop)
Camera/len/mount (lock down)
Crosspoint 450 4x2HVA
DVS 304
RSU-129 Universal rack shelf
VSC500 Scaler
DVD Recorder
Document camera
Pole extension
Audio mixer/processor 16 in x 12 out
Audio Amplifier
SI 3CT lP Speaker
Custom interface panel
laptop interface panel
Installation supplies
Total for Labor and other charges
~ranicus - Streaming of Commision meetings on video
1-- -------- -- ~--
Total for Granicus Solution
Granicus Media Manaaer
Osprey Encoder Card
Dell Poweredge 1950 (1)
One Day OnSite Training
Two Davs OnSite
Document Management Integration (2)
Granicus Monthly Cost for Managed Services (3)
__ ~~----1
Total Recuring Cost for Managed Services
--------------r . I -
____~_ i
Connectivity to Cable Provider
Iotal for Connectivity to Cable Provider
Total for Entire Project and All Options
Switch to broadcast to local community (4)
Unit Cost
-- ~~-~--
Total Cost
--~-_1 $25,2~i'Q
_.._-_._-~~----_._,.- --
$810.00t- I_~
$150.00 $150.00-~-- -::
$75.00 $7?001 1__
$15,000:00 $15,000.00i_+
$7,QQO.()9 t---- _gOOO.Oor_J__~
-~---i- I
! I $2_2~~25._00
---- I
$6,500.00 $6,500.00
$350.00 $700.00
$500.00 $500.00
$5,000.00 $5,000.00
$1,600.00 $1,600.00
$1,600.00 $3,200.00
--C------, __~17 ,500.QO
. - -~-e---- ~--
. - -1--_ ---~1-- e---!!O.JIOO.Q!)
---t------........--...----l------ ---------
$60,000.00 $60,-666.oo:-r----- --
---,--, -- - -- --
, I
~- +----- ..-----]------.--+- -------------
I : $60,000.00
Option 1 Continued
(1) Dell Server may not be necessary; The IS Department may be able to utilize an existing server
(2) Document Management Integration is for integration into Laserfische
(3) Monthly recurring cost should be lower; this estimate for service was assuming all options selected from Granicus
(4) Due to recent Legislative changes (Consumer Choice Act of 2007) local franchise agreement may be re-written
1) Provides basic functionality to record meetings
1) Does nto address lighting issue
2) Does not provide flexibility to upgrade or add additional capabilities to the system
If future additions to system are needed the system would need to be redesigned again.
3) By utilizing a lower quality camera we sacrifice capabilities that may be needed in the future
For example, the loss of providing close up pictures of the Commissioners or speaker.
Instead wider shots providing less definition and feel are necessary with a lower quality camera
System Option #2
QrL 1Mf9 Model Descriotion Unit Cost Total Cost
1 Panasonic MX70/SDI Switcher with SDI inputs $9,250.00 $9,250.00
611kegami jPMK5 15" source monitor I $300.00 I I $1,800.00
1 Sony RMBR300 Remote control for cameras $1,270.00 $1,270.00
1 Compix 5000R Character Generator package with SDI $4,500.00 $4,500.00
3 Sony BRC300 Pan- Tilt-Zoom Camera $3,600.00 $10,800.00
3 Sony BRBK-302 SDI interface for above $800.00 $2,400.00
1 Extron 60-337-11 Crosspoint 450 84HV A $4,000.00 $4,000.00
1 Extron 60-736-01 DVS 304 $2,500.00 $2,500.00
1 Extron 60-190-01 RSU-129 Universal rack dhelf $80.00 $80.00
1 Extron VSC500 VSC500 Scaler $1,250.00 $1,250.00
1 Extron 60-535-01 BBG 6A $325.00 $325.00
2 Sony DVD Recorder $300.00 $600.00
2 Ikegami VCM-14H Monitor $250.00 $500.00
Total for video equipment $39,275.00
Options for Video Enhancement
2 Sony 42" Plasma screen $2,000.00 $4,000.00
2 Chief Angled ceiling adapter $50.00 $100.00
2 Chief Adjustable pole 3-5 foot $100.00 $200.00
2 Chief Universal ceiling mount $250.00 $500.00
1 WolNision Eye 10 Document camera $3,000.00 $3,000.00
2 Panasonic PT -D3500U Projector $3,000.00 $6,000.00
2 Chief Pole extension $25.00 $50.00
Total for Optional Video Enhancement $13,850.00
Audio equipment
1 Lectrosonics DM1612 Audio mixer/processor 16 in x 12 out $3,500.00 $3,500.00
1 Audio Amplifier $750.00 $750.00
9 Extron 42-103-03 SI 3CT LP Speaker $90.00 $810.00
Total for Audio Equipment $5,060.00
Labor and other charges
1 Custom interface panel $150.00 $150.00
1 Laptop interface panel $75.00 $75.00
1 Labor $15,000.00 $15,000.00
1 Installation supplies $7,000.00 $7,000.00
Total for Labor and other charges $22,225.00
Granicus - Streaming of Commision meetings on video
1 Granicus Media Manager $6,500.00 $6,500.00
2 Osprey Encoder Card $350.00 $700.00
1 Configuration $500.00 $500.00
1 Dell Poweredge 1950 (1) $5,000.00 $5,000.00
1 One Day OnSite Training $1,600.00 $1,600.00
2 Two Days OnSite
Document Management Integration (2) $1,600.00 $3,200.00
Total for Granicus Solution $17,500.00
12 Granicus Monthly Cost for Managed SeNices (3) $900.00 $10,800.00
Total Recuring Cost for Managed Services $10,800.00
Connectivity to Cable Provider
1 Switch to broadcast to local community (5) $60,000.00 $60,000.00
Total for Connectivity to Cable Provider $60,000.00
Total for Entire Project and All Options $168,710.00
Option 2 Continued
(1) Dell Server may not be necessary; The IS Department may be able to utilize an existing server
(2) Document Management Integration is for integration into Laserfische
(3) Monthly recurring cost should be lower; this estimate for service was assuming all options selected from Granicus
(4) Areas highlighted denote differences between options
(5) Due to recent Legislative changes (Consumer Choice Act of 2007) local franchise agreement may be re-written
1) Simple remote control capability
2) Easy to operate character generator
3) Contains all the basic parts necessary for operation
1) Does not address lighting issue
2) Slightly less user friendly to operate
3) Not as f1exiable for adding additional components as Option 3
System Option #3
QrL 1Mf9 Model Description Unit Cost Total Cost
1 Echolab Opera 3408 Switcher $17,500.00 $17,500.00
611kegami I PMK5 15" source monitor I $300.001 I $1,800.00
11 Sony I RMBR300 I Remote contral for cameras I $1,270.001 I $1,270.00
1 Com pix Aria Character Generator for Echolab 3408 $9,995.00 $9,995.00
3 Sony BR.C300 Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera $3,600.00 $10,800.00
3 Sony BRBK-302 SDI interface for above $800.00 $2,400.00
1 Extran 60-337-11 Crosspoint 450 84HVA $4,000.00 $4,000.00
1 Extran 60-736-01 DVS 304 $2,500.00 $2,500.00
1 Extran 60-190-01 RSU-129 Universal rack dhelf $80.00 $80.00
1 Extran VSC500 VSC500 Scaler $1,250.00 $1,250.00
1 Extran 60-535-01 BBG 6A $325.00 $325.00
2 Sony DVD Recorder $300.00 $600.00
2 Ikegami VCM-14H Monitor $250.00 $500.00
Total for video equipment $53,020.00
Options for Video Enhancement
2 Sony 42" Plasma screen $2,000.00 $4,000.00
2 Chief Angled ceiling adapter $50.00 $100.00
2 Chief Adjustable pole 3-5 foot $100.00 $200.00
2 Chief Universal ceiling mount $250.00 $500.00
1 WolNision Eye 10 Document camera $3,000.00 $3,000.00
2 Panasonic PT -D3500U Projector $3,000.00 $6,000.00
2 Chief Pole extension $25.00 $50.00
Total for Optional Video Enhancement $13,850.00
Audio equipment
1 Lectrasonics DM1612 Audio mixer/processor 16 in x 12 out $3,500.00 $3,500.00
1 Audio Amplifier $750.00 $750.00
9 Extran 42-103-03 SI 3CT LP Speaker $90.00 $810.00
Total for Audio Equipment $5,060.00
Labor and other charges
1 Custom interface panel $150.00 $150.00
1 Laptop interface panel $75.00 $75.00
1 Labor $15,000.00 $15,000.00
1 Installation supplies $7,000.00 $7,000.00
Total for Labor and other charges $22,225.00
Granicus - Streaming of Commision meetings on video
1 Granicus Media Manager $6,500.00 $6,500.00
2 Osprey Encoder Card $350.00 $700.00
1 Configuration $500.00 $500.00
1 Dell Poweredge 1950 (1) $5,000.00 $5,000.00
1 One Day OnSite Training $1,600.00 $1,600.00
2 Two Days OnSite
Document Management Integration (2) $1,600.00 $3,200.00
Total for Granicus Solution $17,500.00
12 Granicus Monthly Cost for Managed Services (3) $900.00 $10,800.00
Total Recuring Cost for Managed Services $10,800.00
Connectivity to Cable Provider
1 Switch to broadcast to local community (5) $60,000.00 $60,000.00
Total for Connectivity to Cable Provider $60,000.00
Total for Entire Project and All Options $182,455.00
Option 3 Continued
(1) Dell Server may not be necessary; The IS Department may be able to utilize an existing server
(2) Document Management Integration is for integration into Laserfische
(3) Monthly recurring cost should be lower; this estimate for service was assuming all options selected from Granicus
(4) Areas highlighted denote differences between options
(5) Due to recent Legislative changes (Consumer Choice Act of 2007) local franchise agreement may be re-written
1) Provides the greatest flexability to upgrade and add compents in the future
2) Option to add up to 16 inputs; these are sources to capture and present to audience on TV
3) Option to add up to 8 outputs; these can be devices for viewing audience in and around the Chambers
4) Charcter Generator is integrated into the switcher
5) All indepentent components with no single poitn of total failure
1) Does not address lighting issue
2) Slightly more complicated than all in one system
System Option #4 I
Q!y .1.Mf9. l!v1odel I Description I Unit Cost I ITotal Cost
1 Broadcast PIX 2000 Switcher $23,000.00 $23,000.00
1 Broadcast PIX Sony Camera Control $900.00 $900.00
1 Broadcast PIX First Day of Training $1,750.00 $1,750.00
1 Broadcast PIX Second Day of Training $900.00 $900.00
1 Broadcast PIX Travel for training
1 Broadcast PIX User manual and documentation Included $0.00
31Sony IBRc300 I Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera I $3,600.001 I $10,800.00
3!Sony I BRBK-302 ISDI interface for above I $800.001 I $2,400.00
1 Extron 60-395-12 Crosspoint 450 816 $9,500.00 $9,500.00
1 Extron 60-736-01 DVS 304 $2,500.00 $2,500.00
1 Extron 60-190-01 RSU-129 Universal rack dhelf $80.00 $80.00
1 Extron 60-447-01 VSC700 Scaler $2,200.00 $2,200.00
1 Extron 60-535-01 BBG 6A $325.00 $325.00
3 Pioneer PRV-LX1 DVD Recorder $4,500.00 $13,500.00
211kegami IVCM-14H Monitor $250.00 $500.00
Total for video equipment $68,355.00
Options for Video Enhancement
2 Sony 42" Plasma screen $2,000.00 $4,000.00
2 Chief Angled ceiling adapter $50.00 $100.00
2 Chief Adjustable pole 3-5 foot $100.00 $200.00
2 Chief Universal ceiling mount $250.00 $500.00
1 WolNision Eye 10 Document camera $3,000.00 $3,000.00
2 Panasonic PT-D3500U Projector $3,000.00 $6,000.00
2 Chief Pole extension $25.00 $50.00
Total for Optional Video Enhancement $13,850.00
Audio equipment
1 Biamp AudioFlex-CM Audio Flex with Cobranet $4,500.00 $4,500.00
8 Biamp IP2 Input Module $250.00 $2,000.00
4 Biamp OP2 Output Modeule $150.00 $600.00
1 QSC CX302V Audio Amplifier $990.00 $990.00
9 Extron 42-103-03 SI 3CT LP Speaker $90.00 $810.00
Total for Audio Equipment $8,900.00
Labor and other charges
1 Custom interface panel $200.00 $200.00
1 Laptop interface panel $75.00 $75.00
1 Labor $17,500.00 $17,500.00
1 Installation supplies $9,000.00 $9,000.00
Total for Labor and other charges $26,775.00
Granicus - Streaming of Commision meetings on video
1 Granicus Media Manager $6,500.00 $6,500.00
2 Osprey Encoder Card $350.00 $700.00
1 Configuration $500.00 $500.00
1 Dell Poweredge 1950 (1) $5,000.00 $5,000.00
1 One Day OnSite Training $1,600.00 $1,600.00
2 Two Days OnSite
Document Management Integration (2) $1,600.00 $3,200.00
Total for Granicus Solution $17,500.00
12 Granicus Monthly Cost for Managed Services (3) $900.00 $10,800.00
Total Recuring Cost for Managed Services $10,800.00
7 Vide sse nee S 11 0-255BX Light $990.00 $6,930.00
6 Videssence 120 Light $790.00 $4,740.00
Total for lighting $11,670.00
Connectivity to Cable Provider
1 I Switch to broadcast to local community (5) $60,000.00 $60,000.00
Total for Connectivity to Cable Provider $60,000.00
Total for Entire Project and All Options $217,850.()0
Option 4 Continued
(1) Dell Server may not be necessary; The IS Department may be able to utilize an existing server
(2) Document Management Integration is for integration into Laserfische
(3) Monthly recurring cost should be lower; this estimate for service was assuming all options selected from Granicus
(4) Areas highlighted denote differences between options
(5) Due to recent Legislative changes (Consumer Choice Act of 2007) local franchise agreement may be re-written
1) Addresses lighting issue in Chambers
2) This option is the original proposal with updated prices
3) User interface is the simpliest of all proposed options
4) This is the most automated and integrated of the proposed options
1) Is a very robust system and will require hands on-time needed to learn operation
Recurrinq costs
! Vendor .[)ElscriP.liQl'!._
1 i Granic:lJ.s . __~ Streall'lir1.9.gf m~tings_~()ln.!ern_et
211S Department i Personnel to operate equipment
3____tf.otElntia'-mJ3i ntan~nce.a~El.e.ments
Estimated Total Annual Cost to Operate System
----- --------j-----------:
Hours per i Hourly-recurrTng I Monthly--.
l11_o.nth : costs recurring costs
LN!A $900.00,
20 $17.64 $352.70:
--.i.-- -
NOTE_L_______..J_______ .___________ __-.1..[
1) Personnel cost assumes2 meetings per month at5hours per m~e.!~n.9 [
2) Hourly recurring cost is average.salary ()fF~rs()nn~1 supporti!1g sy_stemjd_oes r1()tJrlc:I~cl.e berle.fits)
3) Costs for maintanence a reements unknown at this oint in time
'Total Cost