HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 10 06 Public Hearings Item D
October 6. 2004
Public Hearin2 X
The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests that the Local
Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Text Amendment (Ordinance 2004-43) referenced as LS-CP A-05-4, which shall amend
the Comprehensive Plan by adding policy statements to the Future Land Use Element
relating to the establishment of an Urban Central Business District and revising
Transportation Element policy 1.5.14 relating to the Town Center.
The City of Winter Springs is initiating the request for a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Text Amendment, primarily relating to the establishment of an Urban Central Business
District to allow the Town Center development to continue to build out without
undergoing DRI review unless it exceeds the parameters provided under State law.
Florida Statute 380.06 (2) (e) : (Provides that Development of Regional Impact (DRl)
thresholds are increased for developments in Urban Central Business Districts.)
Florida AdminsitrativeCode, Rule 28-24.014 (10): (Defines terms and process for
creating an Urban Central Business District.)
Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) : The Local Planning Agency shall have the general
responsibility for the conduct of the comprehensive planning program. Specifically, the
Local Planning Agency shall:
(a) Be the agency responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan
amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the
adoption or amendment of such plan. ..
October 6,2004
Public Hearing Item D
(b) Monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the comprehensive plan and
recommend to the governing body such changes in the comprehensive plan as may from
time to time be required. . .
Florida Statute 163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.
Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.
Winter Sprine:s Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General.
Winter Sprine:s Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Section 15-30. Authority. purpose and intent;
Section 15-36. Review criteria;
Section 15-37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation:
Prior to the City Commission's consideration of the application, the Local Planning
Agency shall consider the application(s) at a Public Hearing, along with the staff review
board's recommendation, and recommend that the City Commission approve, approve
with modifications (text only), or deny the application for transmittal to the Department
of Community Affairs. At a minimum, the Local Planning Agency shall consider the
same factors considered by the staff review board. The LP A shall hold at least one (1)
public hearing prior to making its recommendation to the City Commission.
Sept.23, 2004- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel ofLP A Public Hearing
Oct. 6, 2004- P & Z Board (LP A) to hear and make recommendation
The City of Winter Springs is the Applicant seeking the Comprehensive Plan Text
Amendinent to create an Urban Central Business District..
For an area to qualify as an Urban Central Business District, it must be a single urban
core area of a municipality with a population of 25, 000 or greater, and located within an
urbanized area as identified by the 1990 Census.
DCA Rule 28-24.014 (10) defines the terms and the process for creating an Urban Central
Business District.
Section 380.06 (2)(e) of the statewide guidelines and standards provides that DR!
thresholds are increased for developments in Urban Central Business Districts, where the
Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Chapter 163.
Thresholds increase in an UCBD as described below:
Multi-use developments (developments with three (3) or more land uses) qualify for a
100% increase in the multi-use threshold if one of the uses is residential and the
residential component is at least 35% of the basic residential threshold; HB 539 passed in
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the 2004 Legislative Session adds language to make it clear that the 100% increase
applies to the multi-use threshold and to all individual thresholds for qualified
Pursuant to the guidelines and standards for Developments of Regional Impact ("DRI")
(28-24.014(10)(a)(2) FAC), the DRI threshold for development within the Winter
Springs' UCBD shall be 800,000 square feet of commercial retail, 600,000 square feet of
office and 700 hotel units, with not less than 700 residential dwelling units nor more than
4,000 residential dwelling units.
The UCBD guidelines and standards will apply to any Town Center development which
has not yet received final site plan/engineering approval.
. The request is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of the City's
adopted Comprehensive Plan.
· The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the City Code and with
all applicable requirements.
. The Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment will not result in any incompatible land
uses, including such factors as height, bulk, scale, intensity, traffic, noise, drainage,
dust, lighting, appearance, and other factors deemed important.
. The request is consistent with Florida Statute Chapter 163, Part II, Rule 9J-5, and
Rule 28-24.014 (10) of the Florida Administrative Code.
Staff recommends that the LPA hold a Public Hearing and recommend Approval to the
City COrrimission for First Reading/Transmittal Hearing and Adoption of Ordinance
2004-43, a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment which adds policy
statements to the Future Land Use Element relating to the establishment of an Urban
Central Business District and revising Transportation Element policy 1.5.14 relating to
the Town Center.
Oct. 14,2004- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of Transmittal Public Hearing
Oct. 25, 2004- 1 sl Reading! Transmittal of Ordinance 2004-43
Jan. 24, 2005- Anticipated Adoption (tentative)
A. Text Amendments
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(New text is underlined.)
GOAL 5: Urban Central Business District. The City of Winter Springs seeks to create an
Urban Central Business District (UCBD) in order to promote high intensity. high density
development in its urban core.
Objective 5.1: Urban Central Business District designated as an appropriate area for
intensive growth and development. The UCBD is intended for high intensity. high
density multi-use development which may include any of the following: retail. office (also
including professional and governmental offices). cultural. recreational and entertainment
facilities. high density residential. or hotels and should be located in close proximity to public
Policy 5.1.1:
Policy 5.1.2:
Policy 5.1.3:
Policy 5.1.4:
Policy 5.1.5:
Policy 5.1.6:
Pmpose qf Urban Central Business District. The purpose of the UCBD is
to: (1) Plan appropriate and balanced land uses on a scale and at an
intensity. consistent with the availability of public facilities and
services: (2) Facilitate mixed use development: (3) Encourage mass
transit: (4) Reduce the need for automobile travel: (5) Encourage
quality development: and (6) Give definition to the urban form
through a vertical and horizontal mix of uses rather than strip-type
Characteristics qf Urban Central Business District. The UCBD is a multi-
use area appropriate for intensive growth and having the following
characteristics: (1) Compact in design: (2) High densities and
intensities: (3) Proximate and accessible to major arterial roadways:
and (4) Adequate public facilities including roads. water. wastewater.
solid waste disposal. stormwater drainage. and recreation.
Consistenry with Comprehensive Plan. The UCBD shall be consistent with
the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Densities and intensities of
the UCBD shall be consistent with the underlying future land use
map densities and intensities.
Location. The UCBD shall be located in an area suitable for increased
development of regional impact guidelines and standards.
Boundaries. The UCBD shall be a defined geographical area
delineated on the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan.
Expansion qf an Urban Central Business District. The UCBD may be
expanded by an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan text or an
amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive
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Objective 5.2: Location of the Urban Central Business District designated. The City
adopts the UCBD as an overlay to the Town Center District.
Policy 5.2.1:
Policy 5.2.2:
Town Center District. The Town Center District is intended to
encourage a mixed-use high density. high intensity neo-traditional
Town Center.
Boundaries. The Town Center District boundaries are delineated on
the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan.
Objective 5.3: Design Criteria for UCBD.
Policy 5.3.1:
Policy 5.3.2:
Policy 5.3.3:
Policy 5.3.4:
Policy 5.3.5:
Intensity. Pursuant to the guidelines and standards for Developments
of Regional Impact ("DRI") (28-24.014(10)(a)(2) FAC). the DRI
threshold for development within the UCBD shall be 800.000 square
feet of commercial retail. 600.000 square feet of office and 700 hotel
units. with not less than 700 residential dwelling units. nor more than
4.000 residential dwelling units.
Future Land Use Designation. The future land use designation of all
development within the UCBD shall be "Town Center".
Public Areas Within the Town Center. The UCBD shall incorporate
pedestrian nodes as focal points. These might include plazas. parks.
gardens. courtyards. or other open space areas and are further noted
in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Policy 2.2.3.
Coordination with Transit. The UCBD shall incorporate transit friendly
features pursuant to the City's Comprehensive Plan Transportation
Element Policy 1.6.2.
Pedestrian FriendlY Site Design. The DCED shall promote pedestrian
gathering and circulation through all of the following:
Safe and convenient pedestrian connection to commercial
shop fronts from rear parking areas. Connection might be by
public sidewalk or through plazas. courtyards. vias. or
Transit stops which are well connected to. pedestrian
circulation systems and include shelter from the elements and
sitting areas.
Sidewalks that are a minimum of 8' wide along in front of
commercial shop fronts and are a minimum of 6' wide in all
other areas.
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Policy 5.3.6:
Policy 5.3.7:
Policy 5.3.8:
Policy 5.3.9:
Provisions for immediate shade along streets by inclusion of
larger caliper shade trees. expanded awnings or colonnades
for commercial shop fronts. and/or other means.
Pedestrian lighting and subdued night lighting of display
windows and building interiors along street frontages.
Room-sized areas of habitable space along street frontages in
commercial shop fronts with entrances at the same grade as
the sidewalk.
Streetscape design as set forth in the Town Center District
General Design qf Individual Developments within the Urban Central Business
District. All development within the UCBD is held to the guidelines
of the Town Center Code. Development is required to include
diversity in detailing and style while maintaining aesthetic harmony.
Seroice Areas. Service areas shall not be located in front yards and
shall not be visible from public rights-of-way or squares. parks. or ,
primary space. Service areas shall be designed to the standards set
forth in the Town Center District Code.
Signage. Commercial shopfront signage shall include a variety of
creative signage types (including projecting sign age and fin signs) and
may include the use of exposed neon for building fa<;:ade sigtlage as
set forth in the Town Center District Code. Directional (way finding)
signage shall be utilized to direct pedestrians to businesses and
Pqy Phones and Vending Machines. All telephones. vending machines
and any other facility dispensing merchandise or a service shall be
designed to the' standards set forth in the Town Center District Code.
Policy 1.5.14: Except in the Town Center, bike paths shall be established on one side
of every collector street with sidewalks established on the opposite
side of all arterial streets. The City shall coordinate with the MPO,
the County and the State to expand the current bicycle system.
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