HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 08 10 Public Hearings Item A 1 ..., l' PLANNING" & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM A Consent Informational Public Hearing X Regular August 10, 2004 Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Plmming Division requests that the Planning & Zoning Board / Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance 2004-35, related to the proposed Capital Improvements Program for FY 2004/05 through 2009/10. PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis Agenda Item is to request that the City Commission adopt the proposed Capital Improvements Program, which would serve as a five-year schedule of capital improvements and financing methods. APPLICABLE LA'V AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statutes, Chapter 163.3177(3)(a): The comprehensive plan shall contain a capital improvements element designed to consider the need for and the location of public facilities in order to encourage the efficient utilization of such facilities and set forth: 1.. A component which outlines principles for construction, extension, or increase in capacity of public facilities, as well as a component which outlines principles for correcting existing public facility deficiencies, which are necessary to implement the comprehensive plan. The components shall cover at least a 5-year period. 2. Estimated public facility costs, including a delineation of when facilities will be needed, the general location of the facilities, and projected revenue sourc.es to fund the facilities. 3. Standards to ensure the availability of public facilities and the adequacy of those facilities including acceptable levels of service. 4. Standards for the management of debt. CDD/Augllst 5, 2004/4: 13 PM .( August 4, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B (b) The capital improvements element shall be reviewed on an annual basis . and modified as necessary in accordance with s. 163.3187 or s. 163.3189, except that corrections, updates, and modifications concerning costs; revenue sources; acceptance of facilities pursuant to dedications which are consistent with the plan; or the date of construction of any facility enumerated in the capital improvements element may be accomplished by ordinance and shall not be deemed to be amendments to the local comprehensive plan. All public facilities shall be consistent with the capital improvements element. Florida Administrative Code. Chapter 9J-5.016: The purpose ofthe capital improvements element is to evaluate the need for public facilities as identified in the other comprehensive plan elements and as defined in the applicable definitions for each type offacility, to estimate the cost ofimprovements for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, to analyze the fiscal capability of the local government to finance and construct improvements, to adopt financial policies to guide the funding of improvements and to schedule the funding and construction of improvements in a manner necessary to ensure that capital improvements are provided when required based on needs identified in the other comprehensive plan elements.... Winter Sprin2s Code of Ordinances ARTICLE VII. FINANCIAL PROCEDURE. Section 7.04.Capital Pro2ram. (a) Submission to commission. The city manager shall prepare and submit to the commission a current and five (5) year capital program no later than the final date for submission of the budget. (b). Contents. The capital program shall include: (1) A clear general summary of its contents; (2) A list of all capital improvements and other capital expenditures which are proposed to be undertaken during the current and five (5) fiscal years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for each; (3) Cost estimates and recommended time schedules for each improvement or other capital expenditure; (4) Method of financing upon which each capital expenditure is to be reliant; and (5) The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired, The above shall be revised and extended each year with regard to capital improvements still pending or in process of construction or acquisition. ARTICLE III. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS. Sec. 15-33. Exemptions. (b) Non-amendments. The following shall not be considered comprehensive plan amendments: Corrections, updates and modification of current costs; revenue sources; acceptance of facilities pursuant to dedications which are consistent with the plan; or the date of construction of any facility enumerated in the capital improvements element. 2 1 August 4, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act passed by the Legislature in 1985 (163.3161, Florida Statutes) describes the Capital Improvements Program as an essential element ofthe Comprehensive Plan and mandates that each local governments prepare a financially feasible Capital Improvements Elemoot as a component of its Comprehensive Plan. 2. Local governments must develop a financially feasible plan, determine the capital improvements needed to attain and maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS), develop a monitoring system to ensure that programmed capital improvements are actually completed and adopted levels of service are maintained, and revise Land Development Regulations to include concurrency provisions. 3, Certain capital improvements are required by the Comprehensive Plan to maintain adopted levels of service, and the Capital Improvements Program is the dynamic five-year schedule of improvements that lists the improvements needed to maintain those levels of service. Essentially, it is the linkage between capital expenditures and the policy outlined in the Capital Improvements Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The proposed Capital Improvements Program is a multi-year prioritized schedule of improvements that lists each capital improvement by the year it is purchased or commenced, the amount to be spent per year, and the method of financing such improvements. 5, The proposed Capital Improvements Program will be adopted by the City Commission without a commitment to expenditures or appropriations beyond the first year and will be updated each year to reflect changing priorities, opportunities, costs, and/or alternative financing methods. 6. The 5-year time period is adjusted to FY 2004/2005 through 2009/2010. New projects incorporated based upon the extension to FY 2009/2010 are consistent with the relative priorities for capital improvements established in the Comprehensive Plan in each facility Element and in Objective 1.1 Capital Improvements Schedule of the Capital Improvements Elemen t. FINDINGS: I. The Capital Improvements Program is a necessary component of the concurrency management progran1, as defined by the Compreherisive Plan. 2. The Capital Improvements Program would represent the City's five-year commitment to capital expenditures, subject to future amendment in response to changing priorities and funding sources. 3 i' August 4, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B 3. The following criteria have been evaluated in determining the 5-: Year Schedule of capital improvements: Consistency with the elements of the Comprehensive Plan; Elimination of existing deficiencies; Impact on the annual operating and capital budgets; The location in relation to the Future Land Use Map; Accommodation of demands from redevelopment and new development; Consistency with plans of state agencies and the St. Johns River Water Management District; Additional identified revenue sources to complete the improvement; and Financial feasibility. . 4. The schedules or funding sources of some proj ects are adjusted to reflect management and funding strategies developed in conjunction with the FY 2004/2005 adopted budget. 5. Project costs are updated as appropriate based upon actual costs or updated background studies, Currently available revenue sources will fund the proposed improvements, thus maintaining the financial feasibility established in the 2001 Comprehensive Plan, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board/LPA hold a Public Hearing and recommend Approval to the City Commission for Adoption of the proposed Capital Improvements Program. ATTACHMENTS: A. Proposed Capital Improvements Program (Schedules to be provided at meeting) PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LPA ACTION: 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FY 2004/2005 - 2009/2010 Adopted Prepared For: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter'Springs, FL 32708-2799 Ciry of Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION .............. .... ........................ ............ ............ ........... ................... ........ 1-1 A. Purpose..... ....,...........,...... ............... '..'..,.......... .............. ........, ....... ........... .................... ............ 1-1 B. Definition of Capital Improvements Program (C.I.P.)............................,......................... 1-1 II. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN .........................................................................................11-1 A. The City's Comprehensive Plan.........................................................,.................................II-1 B. Relationship to the City's Comprehensive Plan..............,.........................,....,...................II-1 C. Objective of the Capital Improvements Element ........,....................................................II-2 D. Annual Update of the Capital Improvements Element....................................................II-2 III. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ...............111-1 A. Process ......,..........:................ ................ ......... ................ ......... ......... ........., ....... ............. .... ..... 111-1 B. Department Ranking of Proposed Capital Improvements ............................................ III-l C. Priorities of Capital Improvements ...................................................,............................... III-1 D. Criteria for Evaluation of Capital Improvements ........................................................... III-2 E. Relationship Between the Operating and Capital Budgets ....................................,....... III-2 IV. INVENTORY OF EXISTING REVENUE SOURCES.............................................IV-1 A. General Fund Revenue Sources ...............................................,......................................... rV-1 B. Special Revenue Sources................................................... ................... .............................., 1\1-1 C. Bonds,............. ........................,..,.......................................................... ..,........................ ...... 1\1-2 D. Grants and Loans....,.......................................... .................................................................. IV-2 V. FISCAL POLICY FRAMEWORK ..................... ........ .............................. ..................... V-1 J\. Fiscal Policy................ ...............,.... ..... .................................................................................... ,\1-1 B. -rypes of Changes ................................ .......................................,........................................... ,\1-1 C. C.LE. Level of Service Standards.........................................................................................V-2 D. Capital Outlays.......................... ..........,..................... ....,......................... ..,..... ........................ ,\1-2 VI. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM............................Error! Bookmark not defined. J\. Summary Table by Depart111ent ...............,.......,.......................................................................... B. Sutnnlary Table by Fund .............................................................................................................. Cz!y of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program L INTRODUCTION A. Purpose One of the responsibilities of local government is to provide, maintain and improve a community's infrastructure of buildings, roads, water and sewer lines, parks, etc. A Capital Improvements Program should be an expression of sound fmancial management and development practice. Local governments that wish to lure business investment in their conununity recognize that a well-planned infrastructure program is essential. The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) serves as the linkage between the City's Comprehensive Plan, fiscal plan and development. B. Definition of Capital Improvements Program (C.LP.) The Capital Improvements Program is a multi-year prioritized schedule of improvements that lists each capital improvement by year it is purchased or commenced; the amount to be spent per year; and, the method of financing such improvement. Chapter 163 Florida Statutes and 9J-5 Florida Administrative Code require a 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. The first year of the 5-Year Schedule is the Capital Budget and the following five years is the actual Capital Improvements Program. . The Capital Improvements Program is adopted by the City Commission. Each years' expenditures or appropriations as included in the City's annual operating and capital budget are to coincide with Capital Improvements Program. Projects programmed in the 5-Year Capital Improvements Element (CIE) have a conunitment for funding for the five-year period through the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The CIE is a five-year program that is updated annually through the Capital Improvements Program Process and can be amended. It should be noted that a Capital Improvements Program is not a fLXed document but a flexible, evolutionary document that should be updated each year to show the changing priorities, opportunities, costs, or different fmancing approaches. I-I City of Winter Springs Capita/Improvements Program II. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. The City's Comprehensive Plan The City of Winter Springs' adopted Comprehensive Plan is comprised of eight (8) elements as specified in Chapter 163 Florida Statutes and in Rule 9]-5 Florida Administrative Code. Effective planning and growth management includes the adequate provision of services and infrastructure and is required by the State to be addressed in certain elements of a Comprehensive Plan. For the City of Winter Springs, these are: . Traffic Circulation · Recreation and Open Space . Solid Waste . Water . Sewer .. Stormwater (drainage) The Capital Improvements Element (C.LE.) consolidates the level of service standards (page 73 of Vol. 2 of 2 of the Comprehensive Plan) indicated for each of the above elements that ensures effective implementation. B. Relationship to the City's Comprehensive Plan Under Florida's growth management legislation, the Capital Improvements Program is one of the essential elements of the Comprehensive Plan, The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act passed by the Legislature in 1985 (163.3161 Florida Statutes) mandated local governments prepare a financially feasible Capital Improvements Element as part of their Comprehensive Plan. Local governments must: · Develop a financially feasible plan; · Determine the capital improvements needed to attain and maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS); · Develop a monitoring system to ensure that progranuned capital improvements are actually completed, and adopted levels of service are maintained; · Revise Land Development Regulations to include the concurrency provision. The Capital Improvements Element differs from the Capital Improvements Program in that certain capital improvements are stated as required at the time of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan to meet the indicated Levels of Service in the respective Elements. The Capital Improvements Program is a rolling 5-Year Schedule of Improvements that states additional improvements needed to maintain the LOS indicated in the Capital Improvements Element or improvements that are above and beyond those required to maintain the LOS. Hence, the Capital Improvements II-1 Ciry of Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program Program includes the Capital Improvements Element and all other capital projects to be funded by the CitY and is the linkage between capital expenditures and policy, C. Objective of the Capital Improvements Element Throughout the planning period, the CLE. shall be used as a basis for development of a fiscally sound Capital .Improvements Program to ensure that construction of capital facilities is adequate to accommodate desired future growth. Allocation of future growth shall be determined through coordination of fiscal and land use decisions, within the Schedule of Capital Improvements. The C.I.E. promotes this assurance through the adoption of a financially feasible 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for each type of facility, and measuring whether those improvements are adequate to meet current and projected demands for the five (5) years forward. Objective A, Policy 3 in the CLE. requires the City to annually update the 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. D. Annual Update of the Capital Improvements Element The purposes for the annual review and update of the CLE. are: · Adjust the 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements forward one year into the future, so that there is always an improvements program that covers a future 5- year time period, · IVfaintain continued consistency of the first year of each 5-year period with annual budgets as they are adopted. · Assure continued financial feasibility and provision of adequate services and facilities. 11-2 Cz!y of Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program III. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM A. Process · Project Request Forms are prepared by various departments of the City. These forms require a project description, justification, cost estimates, impact on the City's operating budget, implementation schedule, and project location. · The Project Request Forms are reviewed by the Community Development Department (as required by Objective C, Policy 3 of the Capital Improvements Element), the Finance Department, and the City Manager. · The Local Planning Agency (LP A) reviews the City Manager's recommended Capital Improvements Program in terms of the community's needs and financing and then makes recommendation to the City Commission. · The LP A recommendation and the City Managers recommendation are considered by the City Commission in developing the annual operating budget (effective the first day of October each year, i.e. beginning of the Fiscal Year "FY"). B. Department Ranking of Proposed Capital Improvements · Each Project Request Form has a department priority recommendation, The priority ranking indicates the department's importance of the project to the department's functional program. The priority designations are as follo\vs: · Critical Deficiency - required to eliminate proven or obvious dangers to public or employee health or safety. · Existing Deficiency - needed to raise a service or facility to an adopted Level of Service. · Repair/ replacement - maintains adopted Level of Service Standard in developed areas and gives comparable service standards in developing areas. · Future need/planned expansion - enables the City to providc SC1Y1CCS requircd for scheduled development. C. Priorities of Capital Improvements The City's Comprehensive Plan indicates 111 Objective A, Policy 1 of the Capital . Improvements Element that Projects selected year by year for funding shall be those from which the greatest public benefit will be derived from the funds available. The following criteria shall be used for monitoring improvements. Transportation Improvements shall be prioritized according to a hierarchy of funding municipal collector roads nceded to enhance delivery of emergency services, to facilitate access to schools and recreational facilities, to provide alternative routes to use on congested arterials and to create cOllvenient access to goods and services. III -1 Cz/y of Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements shall be ranked to ensure the continued provision of safe and sufficient service to existing residences and businesses, to implement projects designed to protect water quality and conserve water supplies, to install equipment that will economize operations and reduce the consumer's costs and to expand the capacitY of the utilities to serve new development and thereby generate reservation and connection fees to be reinvested in the utility operations. Stormwater Improvement priorities shall be those determined by the Citywide drainage study to be conducted through the proposed stormwater utility. Recreation and Open Space Capital projects funded in the future beyond those already allocated shall be selected to fulfill neighborhood needs for additional land and installation of active recreational facilities within safe walking distance of residential areas, to expand the variety of activities offered at the City's community park and to address recreation for special interests of citizens. D. Criteria for Evaluation of Capital Improvements The City in the annual update of the 5-Year Schedule of capital improvements shall use the following criteria to evaluate capital improvements projects: · Consistency with the elements of the Comprehensive Plan; . Elimination of existing deficiencies; · Impact on the annual operating and capital budgets; · The location in relation to the Future Land Use Map; · AccollU110dation of demands from redevelopment and new development; · Consistency. with plans of state agencies and the St. Johns River \Xlater Management District; · Additional identified revenue sources to complete the improvement; and . Financ~al feasibility. E. Relationship Between the Operating and Capital Budgets The operating and capital budgets are closely linked. The operating budget mus.t cover the cost of f1l1ancing, rriaintaining and operating new facilities that are built under the capital budget. The operating budget, through the debt service fund, must pay interest expense and principal payments on all bonded debt. The operating impacts of the capital improvements are noted in the departmental request sheets. III-2 Ci!J oj Winter Spn'ngs Capital Improvements Program IV. INVENTORY OF EXISTING REVENUE SOURCES To implement a Capital Improvements Program, there must be identified adequate available funds for financing the capital improvements listed in the 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. The effectiveness of the C.I.P. is dependent on the financial resources behind it. Chapter 163 F.S. and 9J-5 F.A.C. require a Capital Improvements Program to be f111ancially feasible. Some of these fund sources present some difficulty in their prediction such as federal and state funding due to the significant variation from year to year. Special assessments present sunilar difficulty. Winter Springs' major fund categories and their use as funding mechanisms for both the operating and capital improvements budget are described as follows: A. General Fund Revenue Sources · Ad Valorem Taxes (Property taxes). Ad valorem taxes include revenue from non- exempt property taxation. The current millage rate is 3.7708. · Franchise Fees. Franchise fees are levied upon a company in return for providing service to Winter Springs. The City currently has agreements covering gas, electric, telephone and cable utilities. · Licenses. Permits and Fines. All businesses operating in the City obtain occupational licenses. Building permits are required for all construction, The City receives a portion of all traffic citations issued in the City from Seminole County. · Intergovernmental Revenue. Intergovernmental revenues are funds collected by the State or County and shared with other local government units. Major sources of shared revenue include the cigarette tax, State revenue sharing, beverage licenses, mobile home licenses, motor fuels tax, half-cent sales tax and occupational licenses. · Interest Income. Interest income is revenue earned on funds that have been uwested by the City. · Other Charges for Services/User Fees. Charges for services provided by the City d1at are paid by the users to fully or partially cover the costs to provide services. These fees generally include special fees placed on developers for processing plans, administrative fees for annexations and enterprise fund charges for delivering water and sewer selvice..Other sources include miscellaneous rents, leases and sales. · Utility Taxes. Utility taxes are assessed on the users of water, electric, gas, propane and telephone. The City currently levies a utility tax of 10% for electric, gas, propane and water. The telephone utility tax is currently 7%. B. Special Revenue Sources · Impact Fees. These fees are charged concurrent with new development and contribute towards' payment for u1frastructure needs, but not operational costs, which directly result from new development. The City of \Xlinter Springs collects impact fees for Fire, Police and Transportation. 1V-1 Ci!} of Winter Spn'ngs Capita! Improvements Program · Special Assessments. Special assessments are levied against residents, agencies or districts that directly benefit from the new service or facility. · Enterprise funds. Enterprise funds are used to account for City services that are operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent is that the costs (expenses including depreciation) of providing goods and services to the general public on a continuing basis be fInanced or recovered primarily through user charges. · Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). Seminole County provides the City with a portion of the gas tax which the County levies on gas consumption. The percentage is based on the City's population and can be used only for transportation related improvements. C. Bonds · General Obligation Bonds. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the local government and must be approved by voter referendum. They offer low interest for carrying less risk since they are secured by government taxing power. Capital improvements fmanced through general obligation bonds should be used only for projects benefiting the whole City. · Revenue Bonds. Funds raised from revenue bonds may be used for projects benefiting a narrow group since charges collected from users of tlle improvement are applied directly to the debt service on these bonds. In this respect tlle projects are self-supporting. Revenue bonds pay higher interest and their issuance may be approved by tlle City Commission witll0ut voter approval. · Industrial Revenue Bonds. Though the local government issues these bonds, the debt is assumed by the companies or industries who use the revenues for construction of plants or facilities. Because they are tax-exempt and low interest, industries are attracted to this type of bond. Local government can transfer the actual liability to provide interest while garnering employment and economic benefits for tlle community. D. Grants and Loans · Federal and State Grants and Loans. Federal funds are allocated to state agencies that administer block grants or disbursed as block grants directly to state and local agencies or other eligible organizations. The purpose of the block grant program is to enable greater latitude by recipients in the actual use of the funds. ~hese funds are generally a non-recurring source and cannot be accurately projected for budgeting purposes. In addition to block grants and other state grants, several federal agencies offer direct loan programs Witll limited ability to fl11ance capital improvements. State loans, however, can be used to finance capital projects such as land acquisition for low-income housing. IV-2 Ciry of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program V. FISCAL POLICY FRAMEWORK A. Fiscal Policy The following fiscal policy framework shall be used to formulate the Capital Improvements Program each year, as indicated in Objective A, Policy 2 of the Capital Improvements Element: · The City shall continue the conservative fiscal policies evident in the initial Capital Improvements Program. · Debt shall be limited to bondable revenue, as was the case to fund scheduled utility and recreation construction. · Responsible debt ratios shall be maintained, comparable to those reflected in the current status: Maximum ratio of total debt service to total revenue: City coverage 2.31 Water &-Sewer 1.73 Maximum ratio of outstanding capital indebtedness to property tax base: City Coverage 27.17 B. Types of Changes The types of changes made to the 5- Year Schedules of Capital Improvements in each update are sllmmarized below: · The 5-year time period is adjusted from FY 2001/2002 through 2005/2006 to FY 2004/2005 through 2009/2010. New projects incorporated based upon the extension to FY 2009/2010 will be consistent with the relative priorities for capital improvements established in the Comprehensive Plan in each facility Element and in Objective A, Policy 1 of the Capital Improvements Element. · The schedules or funding sources of some projects are adjusted to reflect management and funding strategies developed in conjunction with the FY 2004/2005 adopted budget. · Project costs are updated as appropriate based upon recent actual costs or updated background studies. Currently available revenue sources will fund the proposed impro,rements, thus maintaining tl1e fl11ancial feasibility established in the 2001 Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, sunU11ary sheets accompany each improvements schedule and are updated as follO\vs: · To reflect the adjusted schedules of improvements discussed above. · To evaluate capacity needs, based upon socio-economic estimates and projections for those years which have been updated based upon tl1e following: V-1 City if Winter S pn'ngs Capital Improvements Program 1) Preliminary population estimate by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida. 2) Building Permits issued by the Building Department of the City. 3) The Comprehensive Plan Estimated and Projected Population. The population of the City of Winter Springs for April 1, 2003 was 32,572. C. C.LE. Level of Service Standards The principal criterion for capital improvements' will be level of service (LOS) standards, quantitative indicators of the amount of service provided by a facility or type of facility. The City's need for capital improvements is largely determined by the LOS standards adopted in its Comprehensive Plan. In accordance with Objective C, Policy 1 of the Capital Improvements Element, Development approvals shall not degrade the Level of Service Standard adopted by the City of Winter Springs. D. Capital Outlays Only items that meet the definition of a capital outlay will be included in tlle Capital Outlay Program. The definition of a capital outlay is: · A physical asset, constructed or purchased, and having a useful life of three (3) years and a minimum cost of $10,000. Capital outlays may include: . Ne\v and expanded facilities. · Rehabilitation or replacement of existing facilities. · IvIajor pieces of equipment. · Cost of professional studies related to the improvement. · Acquisition of land related to a COlllillunity facility. Capital outlays do not include: · The usual replacement of equipment and normal renovation with a cost of less than $ 10,000. · Those facilities and imprQvements related to the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) of the City's Comprehensive Plan or maintain the Level of Service of facilities identified in the CIE. Generally, all outlays financed by long-term debt should be considered capital outlays. V-2 Project Number Project PARKS & RECREA nON Parlcs & Rcc (2)1 D 73 Ridtng Mow..-s Parlcs & Rcc J.D. Troaor 5230 Parlcs & Rcc Goosen Versa-V..: Parlcs & Rcc (2)1 D TurfGato.. Spare Scl of Rreels for Reel Parlcs & Rcc Mower Parks & Rcc Pro Gator 2030 CM Parks & Rcc T-250 Truck WIth Ulility Bed Parlcs & Rcc 9 Passenger Van Parlcs & Rcc F2SO Truck Parlcs & Rcc J D 4300 Tractor Parlcs & Rcc J D 1600 W AM MoWOl' Parks & Rcc ChIpper Parlcs & Rcc Aerial L,ft Parlcs & Rcc J D Large Aerator 1600 Parlcs & Rcc John Deere Mower 1445 Parlcs & Rcc f I 50 Truck Parks & Rcc 1200A Bunker Rake Parlcs & Rcc Reel & Bed Kmfe Grinder Parlcs & Rcc Wash System Parks & Rcc Bob Cat AJoo CAPITAl IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Capital Bud;ct I Revenue Source CurrcnI Year CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General Fund FROAP & General Fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & GenenJ fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General fund FROAP & General Fund FROAP & General Fund Const Fund & FROAP FROAP & Impact fees CDBG CDBG Bonds, FROAP. Impact fees County, G f. fRDAP/lmpact FROAP/lmpact FROAP/lmpact Grant Year 1 I 2005106 Year 2 2006107 TOTALS I ServICe I I at I_I Operating I Area I _1_ ",-I Impact DescnptlOnI JuslIficauon I Prujects/PIata and dM: ~- Parks & Rcc Magnoha Parlt Cenlnll Winds Park ExpanSion Parks &. Rec Improvements Neighborhood Community Parks & Rcc Center Parks & Rec: Senior! C1V1e Center Expansion Cenlnll Wtnds Parlt Athletic Parks &. Roc Center Parks & Rcc Jetla Po lOt Paw Park Central Winds Park ExpanSion Parks &. Rec Improvements Parks &. Rec Trotwood Park Improvements Central W mcis Park Expansion Parks &. Rec Improvements Parlcs & Rcc Parlter Improvements Tutal Year 3 2007108 Year 4 2008109 Year 5 I 2009/10 $ 13.400.' (. '..,:y' '.':'. ::. :..::g;g:'" ::'-1': ::'::. '.;::;:::,:,:::::::::::::::::::-- .:'::::':.<'::'.:'..:.".: .:.:::::..,....:..::.::.:.::.: $ $ 25.000 ,:.., :,::'" :..:.:.: :"':-::" . ::..... '.::.: .: ::'.'::::::'.:":,.:...:":: .:'. :.: ..:::.::::. 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": . :.... -. .:' 30.000 25,000 25.000 .: ..' .:::;:::::\",::: '. .' , .. '. .:.:':'::':?l $ 10,500 25,000 . . d? . ... :::::::::: '" tU::::.': ": . ... .. . .' . .... .. $ 32.000 3S.000 ' ','{':'::: 15.000 .. ':. .:: :J!I::: ':: 30,000 45,000 $.,.: .::i~.: $ '. ::.:j}.:.: $ $ 400,000.. ..... 500,000 : . 200,000 .. .. ,':. $5,000,000 $300.000 ::I::II:::::: r' :..;.:. ". ::. /::--..::.::':. :.:- \i::,,,;:::,:':::::::, $ .,.:.,.,.:.,.,.,.,.,,:'.'.'.:.. ....::::.. :::,. '.::::::".::,.,.,.,.::::::,.",. $ :':':'~'~;:':'~'~'~'~'. '. .. .... .. . . . '. .:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.: ::.::.:.:::::::..=:.' '.:t::'J::O-':':':':':'..::":'."::,::,,:.,, .....,.,.,.:.,.,.,.:.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.. ....... ..... .... .. ';':':':';::';.;.;.:..:.':'::.:.:::::' . '.:'... . ':." " . . . .. .. .. 00 000. I"" ". . $ 2, '''':'. .' :...::':' .:"....'. .:.: . $ 1,197,800 I S 1,ISs.soo I $5,3gS,000 $ : n. 400.000 , 400,000 .. 400.000 897,500 $ 507,000 $ 10,000 22.000 " : 20.000 : " , 20.000 '. .. 10,500 ,:;. S 32,000 " ... $ 30.000 ::'-''',: 45.000 .-+: 930,000 : .. .. .. 400,000 ..",',1',::','::::. 500,000 200.000 " : .. ... .: 5.000.000 300.000 .. .. :: : 400.000 400,000 $ .' $ 1$ " : .. 400.000 200,000 9,175,800 .. " Page 1 Project Number POLICE Project Revenue Source Total ':;:;;::;:;;;:;:.:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:::<;:/{.:;:;:{}::::::;:;f:;;;;;:{:::;;;;:;:{;f:;:;;;;;;::;:::;;;;;:::;::::;::\:?::::'::':; UTILITY V <hlcle Replaeements General Fund Spec. Law Enf Fund. Com. Drug Aware Trailer 05-3600-62IC Install door on CL2 Buddongs UCF /water Ill. sewer 15-3600-01 Vanable frequency Controls 05-3600-62IC Security Fencong Vehicles Repair Liner in EWWfp Pond 00-3600-27 SCADA - Lift Station & Plant Telemetry 20-3600-36 Sewer Lone Restonttion UCF 05-3600-74 Old Sanford/Oviedo Road Force UCF MaIO and Lift Station Town Center Sewer UCF Electricallmprovements to WTP UCF SR 434 Water Maon UCF UtihtylPubhc Works Facility UCF 01-3600-7g 04-3600-9g 02-3600-70 ~104-O1 06-3600-75 06-3600-15 07-3600-76 06-3600-26 07-3~ 07-3600-41 03-3600-84/ 05-3600-24 00-3600-63 05-3600-28 08-3600-44 08-3600-52 09-3600-48 02-3600-03 09-3600-47 02:3600-04/ 08-3600-04 08-3600-07 04-3600-02 02-3600-92 02-3600-gg UEF UCF UEF UCF UEF EWRF Chlonne Convmlon UEF Wade Street Water lme UEF WTP # 1 DIScharge PIping Imp UEF 19/92 & Flonda Aye to Shepard Rd Water Lane WWRf Sand Filter UCF WTP #1 2.0 MG Stontge Tank UEF Reclaimed Storage Tank - UEF WWRf West Force MaIO Re-routing UCF Design East Force Main R&RF East Force Matn Re-routmg UCF Reclaimed WS Imp-Wesl UCF Highlands Sec 7 & 8 Reclaimed WS lonp-ChestnUl UEF Estates Reclaimed WS Imp-Wddwood UCF Chlorine Cony. WTPIII UCF Reclaimed WS Imp-Oak Forest UCF Untts4& 5 Chlonne Conversion WTP #2 UCF WTP #2 0.5 MG Storage Tank UEF Packed Tow"" WTP #1 UCF Replace 6" Pump at LS 1 E UEF Polyphosphate Injection WTP #2 UEF &#3 CAPITAl IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Capdal Bod&ct Current y car Year I I 2005106 Year 5 2009/10 TOTALS Location Servtce Area ClE -...... """'~ '- Operating Impact ,) Descripltonl JustificatIon -........ ~.... Year 2 2006107 Year 3 I 2007108 Year 4 2008109 i"a :.,";L;;"Lw~~,;",:;;j.,_;tiq~ ;;:;:;:;:;:::;::;;;;:}:::::;;:;;;:; S 35,000........ .... .::;:;::.;.:::;:;:;:;:;..::::,:'.:.:'..... ...... . }:;:::::;:;:;:;:::::':::::,,:::;;; S 35ooo1ai#3 . .. 4 Yes None S 3500000 Seecomment None : :'*'M4W""'A;;0,' *;;,~ . ""'''&0~'": ::"".;::::: :::"~$~""_"=- $ 24,000:::';:;:;:;:;":":: ....... .. :;;:;:::';::::;;};;;:;:;;:.;.;'.:;: .... .... .... .:;;;;::::;:;;;:;;;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:-. $ 24,000 i::;:;::;}::;:::::::;:;:::;:;:;::' ':;:::;:;:::::::;:'. .. ,:':::::. .:, .. .... ... :::_;::.::;::.:.:::::;.::.;::;:;:;:;:. :;:;;;:;:::::;;::;:../:::::;;:;:;;:':;;;;;:;:;::::;:;:;;::;;:;::.:;;;;;:;.:::;;::;::;;;:;;;;:; ::::;:;;:;;;:;;:::::;:;;::;;;;:::;::;:;:;:::: I;}:r:;:;:;;;;:;;::::;t:;:;;::::.:: $ 60,000 .:.... .. ':.':::;:::;:;:.::::: .... .. ::'. ..... ::':';'.::::::':::':::::: :..:::.:::::::,:::::::,. . ...:: $ 60,000 EWWfP City 3 No None S 60,000.00 '::;::::::;;:;;::=:::;:;::.::::;:;:::.::;".::;;::;;;.;::'::;::;':{;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;:;; :;;:;:::.;:;::{:;::/:::::t:;;;:;:: S 67,500 $ 67,500 CIty All 4 No None S (360,000.00) See conunent 3 No None S 600,000.00 See comment 4 No None S 150.000.00 100,000 $ 125,000 100,000 SIOO,ooo S 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 50,000 ::.:.':::'::;::::;;;::::;';::=:: :::........... .... " ". ':'. ..... . ... ....... .:.... S 1 50,000 I:{:;;;:::;::::;{::::;;:;:{;:;J:;};:;::::;;;;:;;;;.:;;;:;}::?:: ...... . .;;;;:t:;:/ ::;\;;:;;;:;:;;;:::::;:;:;;;:;f::;--::;;;;:;;{:::;:::;:}:':;;{;:I S 400,000 I':::;:;:: :;::;;};:.: ..". ;;:;:;::';::::::: .. . . . ..... .... .t.:::::;;::';;;,:;;;;;:;..:;::..... .. $ 3,319.656 $ 30,000 " 100,000 150.000 200,000 I:;:.':':.:.:.,::::::::::.::...::.. .' .::::;:;:'....::;: S500,000 $660,000 : S660,ooo .::... ':;:;:;:::;::'::::" .. .....:: 105,000 2g,ooo 150,000 150.000 200.000 I;;;::.::::....... .. . 1:;;:;:;::;:"'::;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:::\. $ .. $ $ '. 200,000 ":. ,:;:::::; ::":":'.. $ ''': r ';ill'~T 250,000 '. ./ S 250.000 . $ 300.000 1::::::.':'. ':.:.:::'.:. :::;:.::::::. $ . .. ,".. ......,................. ......:....:.......::.:.;..::.::.::.: : .'::;;::;::';;:;":':::';:::I::::::{{;::::':':;-::.; .. ..... .. :::: ';::':::"::.:.:.:.:. 2.000.000 I:;:;:;:;:;:;:{;:;:;:;:;;{;:;:;:;:::' S .. .;':.. ::;;:::::;:;.;;..;. $ 11.000 S $ Ig.ooo $ 600.000 City Wide 125.000 50.000 150,000 400,000 3.319.656 T OYm Center WTP#3 Old Sanford-Ovledo Road 30.000 EWRF 100,000 Wade Street 150,000 WTP #1 200,000 Shepard Rd " $ S $ 500.000 WWRF 660.000 WTP #1 660.000 WWRF 105.000 Lift Station 10 City Discharge 28,000 East Wastewater East Collection System 150.000 Tuskawilla CIty 150.000 HIghlands Sec & & g Ctly 200.000 Chestnut Estales City 200.000 Wildwood CIty 250.000 WTP # 1 City 250,000 Oak Forest Untts 4 & 5 CIty 250,000 WTP #2 300,000 WTP #2 City 2,000.000 WTP #1 City 11,000 18.000 WTP #2 & #3 City Page 2 CIty City City CIty City 4 3 4 4 CIty Wen<m _ice ^"" City City .: ":::'.:: ~~. E}::::}J Yes I:::':::::::'j No CIty CIty City 4 3 4 4 3 4 City No No No No None None None None S 150,000.00 S I g5.ooo 00 $ 400.000.00 S 1,650,00000 None 100,00000 See comment System imp. III;;:;;;;;::::::::::;::::::.;::::;.:::;;::. ...... ........ . .. ................. ..::::::;::::::::.....:.:.,.:........... . ..... ...:.:.;.:....... . ........... I;';,:;"{ ';:;}: . ::::};{;"{ ";;;;:;:'j . ........... .... :.:::.:::.:.:;;;:;:;:;'.::.::.:::.:;:;:::. ~..::::..:::,..... .., ..... ......... .. ... . ...... ... -. .- ...... ... .. .............. .. .. .. ... ..... . .. .... . . ....... .... ... . . ....... . .............. . .... ....... See cotmnent Future Develooment Town Centerto E W Spr. Blvd See comment Future Deyelomnent .. :. None None See comment $ 150,00000 Seeconunent S 200,000.00 ':'.::::::.:';:;ii,~;}.: No No No None None None $ 500,000.00 See comment $ (660,000 00) See comment S (660,000 00) See comment See comment See comment None $ 150.000.00 Bolster service to new Ilfowth None $ (150.000.00) See comment None $ (200.000.00) See comment None S (200.000 00) See comment None S 250,000 00 See comment None S (250.000 00) See comment No None S 105.000 00 No None $ 25.000 00 No No No No No No No None S 250,000 00 Bolster service to new RTO'Wth Future growth See conunent See comment See conunent ';:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:::::::::;:::::;:;:;' . .. ..... No No No No See comment None S (300,000 00) See comment None S 2.000,000.00 See comment ::~: _1:Y::=~S1on control See comment ~ I:;:;:;:::;;::;::?;:};;:::;;;;'i;:;:;;l - Project Number UTILIlY 02.3600-94 01-3600-11 02-3600-86 02-3600-90 10-3600-17 01-3600-331 01-3620-33 02-3600-71 Project I Capital Bucfaet I Year 1 I Revenue Sourcel Cam:nr v.... . 2005106 East WWRF Chlonnation System Replacement WTP#I Stonge Tank Dome Resur&cing Counuy Club Village Service Line Replacement Uppde Control WWRF WTP #3 Disclw'ge Pipmg Imp West WRF Air Lane Addition UEF R&RF UEF E;:?;:;:;:};:::;:;:;;;;;:::,:,. UEF RGF VIstaWlUa East UCF 10-3600-16 02-3600-91 03-3600-82 Lift Station Upgrades for Force main 03-3600-5 I 02-3600-87 03.3600-20 10-3600-45 05-3600-74 02-3600-80 01-3600-37 05-3600-10 01.3600-79 02.3600-gll 03-3600-81 02.3600-34 02-3600-35 02-3600-051 09-3600-05 10-3600-53 02-3600-68 02.3600-70 04-3600-83 01-3600-30 Total WTP #2 Disclwge PIping Imp UEF A....tion UpgJ>de for Drum UEF Thickener Reclaimed WS Imp-Nonh Orlando T emlces Sec4 UEF Water Plant Instrumentation &. UEF Electncal Upgrade Automatic Bar Screen - EWRF UEF ReclaImed WS Imp - Arbor UEF Glenn Sanford...Qvledo Rd to Parkstone UEF Connection West Town Center Lift Slltllon & UCF force MalO WWRF Plant #1 Painting R&Rf Pump and Control Additions W1 UEF West Town Cenler Sewer UCF Extension Vistawtlla to LS #5 Force main UCF WWRF Belt Press RGF EWRF Belt Press RGF Chlonne Conversion WTP # 3 UEF Reclaimed WS Imp - Chelsa UEF Woods Spme RoadNlstaWl,lla Water Line SR4341 Tuscol1I Water Line Reclaimed Water Augmentation Pump Station Lake Jesup Water Study WWRF Sludge Thickening Digester &. Aeration Tanks Conversion to Surge Tanks UCF UEF ucr UCF UCF Year 2 2006107 I Year 3 I 2007/08 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Year 4 I 2008109 .... ..... .... ............. .. ................ .. ':':;:::;:::;;'}';::::.;::?::;;::' .::::::::.:: ;:::::::.:::;.::::::: .:': :::}:,:;:::.....::.:.::::;:::;::.::::- :.:,:::.:,:;:::::;:::,:::::,:::;::::;::, S :: ... .. .:::.:::::.:::;:;.:::::::::::;:;': ::::;:;:::;;::':':;::::;;"::;;:::::;:;. ::':'.:.;.:....:'::':':'::';..:.:.. S S ................... ...... .......... . ............ ...... ................. .. ............ ":..::;::???:';':.;. : S 100.000 .. $ 4,461,156 $ .. .. .. .. ...... : :::;::::::::::.;;:: 25,000 645,000 :::':::::":::':":':::.':': .. .... .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. ... ... $1,920,000 $ 205,000 $ .. ...:........::;:::::;:;..... S .... '. S : .. S S .. .. .... S S 3,878,000 I $ Year 5 2009/10 22,000 S S 25.000 S S 28.000 S 30,000 S 40,000 S 50.000 S 50.000 S 50,000 S : S S 65,000 S 65.000 S S .. S 70.000 S 70.000 S \00,000 S 100.000 S 100,000 S 100,000 S II 0,000 S 125,000 $ 150,000 S 200.000 S 250,000 S 250.000 S 250.000 S 400.000 S 300.000 S :: : S S 450,000 S 580,000 S S .. S 25.000 S 750.000 S 4,934,000 $ TOTALS Service Area Location 22.000 East WWRF CIty 25,000 WTP#I City 28,000 Country Club Village City 30.000 WWRF 40,000 WTP #3 50,000 WWRF CIty City w.."", s.""" ^= City 50.000 SR 434 East of VlSlltWlILa 50.000 65.000 WTP #2 65.000 EWWRF City City at -- 3 No 3 No 3 No 3 No 4 Ves 3 No 4 No 4 Yes 4 No No Orlando Reclaimed WS Imp-No Tcnxe See 70,000 Orlando Temlces See 4 4 4 No 70,000 WTP #1 City 4 No 100,000 EWRF 100.000 ArborGlenn City City 4 No 4 No 100,000 Sanford-Ovledo Rd to City 4 No 100,000 ___NO II 0,000 WWRF CIty 3 No 125.000 WTP #1 CIty 3 No 150,000 West Town Center Cny 4 No 200,000 Progress Enengy City Easemt off Austin Ct 250.000 WWRF City 250,000 EWRF East 250,000 WTP #3 CIty 400,000 Chelsea Woods City 400.000 SR 341 Spme Rd to SR City 417 450.000 .... .... ..... 580.000 Shore of LakeJesup CIty 50.000 ... 750,000 WWRF CIty 16,043,156 .. .. .. ... .. .. .. Page 3 4 No 4 No 4 No 3 No 4 No :.. '0 "'- Operating -....'" _ Impact Descnptioni Justification ~.... ,- ~i;", ii"~i; l~~-'""""~-= None See comment See conunent None See comment ...... .. . .... ........ None :;:::;:::;:::;:;';::'; ;':,.:::: '::,;:;:;. See comment .::;.::;:;:;:::::;:::;:";:::;:;::. .:;';';. None $ 40,000 00 See comment See conunent None $ (50,000.00) See comment See comment None rovide tern 5 rt No None None $ None S 65,000.00 See comment 65,000.00 I provide improved process control See comment see co S 70.000 00 See comment None See comment None $ (100,000.00) See comment None S 100.000.00 See comment See comment See comment None S 100.00000 I provide system support None _ ;" " PrOVide servtce to new growth None S (110.000 00) See comment None j $ (I 25,OOO,00)ree comment None . Bolster new growth None S 200,000 00 Provide service to new p)"owth None S (250.000 00) See comment None S (250.000 00) See comment None $ 250.000 00 None iIiI ~ See conuDent elumnates .~aseous chlonne None S 400,000 00 See comment See comment No None S 400.000 00 No extend service to new wowth None S 450,000 00 :;}};:..:::,;:;::;';'.: :;:;:;...:;:':.;':'::/:;:: y::;::,,:":' ..... None S 580,000 00 Bolster servIce to new growth .. .' ..:;:;:::;';::::'. .... .. No None S 1,200,000 00 See comment ... S 7,318,000.00 .::::::::::;:::::::~::::::<.:.. :'.::.:. See comment .. .. . . . .. .. ... .. . . .' . Projed Number PUBLIC WORKS OO-C104-m1 Resurfucin8 05-0104- 30071 02-0104-061 UnderdralOs 05-0104- 30058 01-4413-02 Little Lake Howell RCP Culvert SUF Project 02-4413-03 03-4413-04 Little Lake Howell Box Culvert SUF Gee Creek Sedlmmation Pond SUF 04-4413-05 No Name Creeek Drainage Swales 05-4413-06 No Name Creek Swale and Culvert 05-O104-3()()(; Sidewalks 05-0115-30018 05-0115-3002 WS Blvd Re<:onsttuction 05-0115-3001 SR434lntersectton Imp Vtlla8e Walk Town Center Tratl Total FIRE 04-170-001 5 Vehicles (Replacements) 02.2210-001 Station 28 (New) 02-2210-002 En8mel Tow..- 28 (New) 04-2210-001 En8me 26 (Replacement) 04-170-002 Rescue 26 (Replacement) 04-170-003 Hean Montlon (Replacemenl) 04-170-004 Rescue 28 (NEW Umt) 04-2210-002 BIOUefVeIticIt: (Replaccmenl) Total .IN':~';;C:;~::~~lbcr . ...: : :::::::::: .:.... CIl) Hall PDC Sene- Reploccmcnl '. ::':.1.;.::.:.' ~~~:=:bcr : :.: ":: :':: E.d>ange Sene- Reploccmcnl '. . '.:, '::::,::::f::f]K;,~ Sene- RepIac:cmcm ..:: ..::::;::...::..... Mwus Sen.... Replacement :.: '. . ': :.:: :::.:' . Network Upgt1ldesl Secunty: '., :.:., DMZ Serv..- . '.: )}::> F':'all -"'" Socuri~': Pi_ . .' ''::::'.' Network Upgrades SWdchc:s Total Revenue Source LOOT LOGT SUF SUF TIFF RI TIFF . Canst Fund (99) Uptlal Bodger CUITCIlt Year ... I::::::::::::::::::::::':.. [(::::::::,}::::::::.::. }::::.': .. $ 10.000 $ 25.000 $ 25.000 $ 320,000 870,000 1,.c00,000 I $ .. .. Medical Transpo"i Fund I $ Fire hnpact Fee and G F. fife Impact Fee and G F. General Fund Modlcal Transport Fund .:.. Medical Transport Fund .. "... Medical Transport : Fund .. ....... General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Genml Fund General Fund General Fund 124,000 140.000 $ 10,000 $ Vear 1 2005106 Vear 2 I 2006/07 Year 3 2007/08 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Veal' 4 2008109 . -,. .. . 20,000 $ .... .. . .:.":::;::::::::.. .. .. ....... ....::..:/1:.;::::::::: "':: $ ~... ::~.~::.: '. ::.:::~ N:'::'::' IO.~ $:: .. IO'~: : $ 225,000... .... $125.000 ..... .... 150.000 $130,000 20,000 $20.000 $ 20,000 $ 405,000 $385,000 $ 30,000 $ $ 100,000 $2,400.000 $650,000 375.000 . .. .. 30,000 I $ .. .. .. Year 5 2009/10 .......... .. 20,000 $ 30,000 $ 126.000 $ 122.000 $ 98,000 $ 92.000 $ 10,000 $ $ $ $ ... $ 498,000 $ . ... " .. ... 200.000 $ S 124,000 S 100,000 ~:::,{:::::i.:. .. ........ . . s .. .. S :. S ... .:ff}}:::1 s .. ...:::::::..::.:::,:::':::':::1 S $3,050,000 S 575,000 S 11.000 12,000 : .... 22.000 11,250 12,000 .... 12,000[> .. .. 12.000.. '. : : 15.000 ... .,' : 18.000 34~ 159,750 I 150.000 .. $ .... .. $ 150,000 S ... .. 210.000 $ 45,000 $ 255,000 S .. $ .' '.':::::::,::::1 $ .. .:' $ .... $ : .. :::,:::] $ $ .' $ .' $ TOTALS location 420.000 CIty WIde City 110,000 North Orlando 4th City Addition 30.000 Oak Forest! CIty Choked1eny Dr 126,000 Winter Springs Blvd City 122,000 Moss Road Bnd8e ov..- City Gee Creek 98.000 North Orlando See 2 & City 2A 92,000 Ranchlands CIty 60,000 City WIde City 250.000 Towm:enter I CWP CIty 250,000 Tuskawllla City 320,000 Village Walk CIty 870.000 2.748,000 .. : ... '. $ 124,000 2.500.000 650,000 375.000 200.000 .. ... 150,000 210,000 45,000 4,254,000 11.000 Central Winds Park 12.000 Serv..- Room W S Civic & Senior 22,000 Cenl..- 11 ,250 Server Room 12.000 Server Room 12.000 Server Room 12.000 Serv..- Room 15,000 Server Room $ $ S 18,000 Server Room 34.500 Swtlchl Hub Room 159,750 .. : Page 4 Service Area -I~I=I OperaUng Impact DeSCrIptIon! JustificatIon ::::ttNL.:,::,.:.. :..:., "::S,:,:,:,' itt::::..::!:: .. It . ::::::; .. .. .... . ..... 'ii;ii:;i::;i::i1:::::. t:r .:. ..... :......:;:::..:::::::.: ". see com~t None 3 4 : None None :1,1::.. : 3 4 3 4 None City City [::",::::::::1 No No No Ctly CIty City CIty CIty .. No No No City No City City No 30,000.00 see: comment see comment " . see comment 122.00000 see comment 98.000.00 92,000 00 $ 320,000 00 .' $ 662,000.00 ... .. .' .. .. . .. .. .. : .. .::::::::':::'::::::.' : .. .. .. ... see comment see comment .. . .. : . . ... II' ..... . ..... ...... .. .. ... . .. ... . .. .. ... .... ': .:::..';:..:'::.:u...: ':";.: .' .:..:::': .' ,- :':=.:'" ': .::~~/ ~::-::.::.::.:::/:'.' ,,' :.:' : .. .. ..... .. .. . .. : ... " : iiI ;:;:'10':: ~.... I Located Ihrousdlou See comment See comment See comment See comment See comment See comment .. .' ..... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,1 .. .. : " .. .. .. .. ... .. : :.. :: :: '. CAPITAl IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Projed Number Project Revenue Source COMMUNllY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ::::;;;;;;::;;;;:::;::::::;:::::::: Kiva Net Enterprise fumd f:{:f::f:{{{:: Kiva Server Enterprise fumd ::;:;:;::::::::r:;:;:::;:;:::::; Munis Enhancements Enterprise fumd ::;f::::fff::::;:}:: Accela Wireless Enlerprise fum<! :::;;;:::;:::;:::;::::;::::;::::;:; 7 Handheld Tablet PCs Enterprise fumd Total Location Description! Justification ~udtbc Comprdtc:nsM Pbft 55.000 11.000 22,200 ..::::::::::::::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:::::;: .................. . ................ ................... .................. ................... ..............'............................. ................... ... ...................... ................................................................ ," ..:,:".;.:.:.;.:.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.: . ........ ...... ........... ....... ............ ........ ........... ....... ............ .....n. ........ ................................ .................. . ..................... ..... ... ........................................... :;:.:.::::;:.;.:;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::; ....................... ...................... .............,............................... .....,....................................... ::::i:i::i:ii@i::m:m::it:::: s .... .:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'. 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Page 5 Bed : DMZ Server CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Funding Source Department Page 1 ~ TOTAL $ 12,500 $ 18,000 $ 30,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 38,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 22,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 10,500 $ 32,000 $ 30,000 $ 45,000 $ 300,000 $ 537,500 $ 375,000 $ 45,000 $2,500,000 $ 650,000 $ 11,000 $ 12,000 $ 22,000 $ 11,250 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 15,000 $ 18,000 $ 34,500 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Funding Source ~ Projects TOTAL GRANTS 2) J.D. 73 Ridin Mowers J.D. Tractor 5230 Goosen V ersa- V ac (2)1.0. TurfGators Nei borhood Communi Center Senior/ Civic Center Ex ansion S are Set of Rreels for Reel Mower Pro Gator 2030 Cart T-250 Truck with Utili Bed 9 Passen er Van F250 Truck J.D. 4300 Tractor J.D. 1600 WAM Mower Aerial Lift Chi er J.D. Lar e Aerator 1600 John Deere Mower 1445 F150 Truck 1200A Bunker Rake Reel & Bed Knife Grinder Wash S stem Bob Cat A300 Ma olia Park Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec, Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. $ 13,400 $ 25,000 $ 19,000 $ 10,400 $ 200,000 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ 18,000 $ 30,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 38,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 22,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 10,500 $ 32,000 $ 30,000 $ 45,000 $ 930,000 Parks & Rec, Parks & Rec, $ 400,000 $ 5,000,000 Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. $ 400,000 $ 200,000 Page 2 Projects BONDS Central Winds Park Athletic Center FmEIMPACTFEEFUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Funding Source Project Number FY 2004- FY 2005- FY 2006- De artment 05 06 07 FY 2007- FY 2008- FY 2009- 08 09 10 TOTAL Parks & Rec. 02-2210- 001 Fire 02-2210-00 Fire 04-170-00 I Fire 04- I 70-002 Fire 04-170-003 Fire 04-170-004 Fire Public Works. Public Works Install door on CL2 Builds/water & sewer Securi Fencin Re air Liner in EWWTP Pond Sewer Line Restoration 20-3600-36 Old Sanford/Oviedo Road Force Main and Lift 05-3600-74 Station Town Center Sewer Electrical 1m rovements to WTP #3 SR 434 Water Main Utili !Public Works Facili WWRF Sand Filter. West Force Main Re-routing Utilities 01-3600-78 Utilities 04-3600-98 Utilities 02-3600-70 Utilities 00-0104-0 I Utilities 06-3600-26 Utilities 03-3600-84/ 05-3600-24 Utilities East Force Main Re-routin 05-3600-28 Utilities Reclaimed WS Imp-West Highlands Sec 7 & 8 08-3600-44 Reclaimed WS 1m -Wildwood Utilities 09-3600-48 Utilities Page 3 '\; $ 5,000,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 650,000 $ 124,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 210,000 $ 60 000 $ 320,000 $ 20,000 $ 50,000 $ 60,000 $ 600,000 $ 125,000 $ 50,000 $ 150,000 $ 400,000 $ 3,319,656 $ 500,000 $ 105,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 Projects UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND Chlorine Conv. WTP# I Reclaimed WS 1m -Oak Forest Units 4 & 5 Chlorine Conversion WTP #2 Packed Towers WTP #1 Vistawilla East West Town Center Lift Station & force Main West Town Center Sewer Extension Vistawilla to LS #5 Force main S ine RoadlVistawilla Water Line Reclaimed Water Augmentation Pump Station Lake Jesu Water Stud WWRF Sludge Thickening Digester & Aeration Tanks Conversion to Surge Tanks UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Funding Source 02-3600-03 Utilities 09-3600-47 Utilities 02-3600-04/ 08-3600-04 Utilities 04-3600-02 Utilities 02-3600-71 Utilities 02-3600-80 Utilities 01-3600-79 Utilities 02-3600-81/ 03-3600-81 Utilities 02-3600-68 Utilities 04-3600-83 01-3600-30 Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities 07 -3600-06 Utilities 07-3600-41 Utilities 08-3600-52 Utilities 08-3600-07 Utilities 02-3600-92 Utilities 02-3600-88 Utilities Page 4 :lo TOTAL $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 50,000 $ 100,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 580,000 $ 25,000 $ 750,000 $ 35,000 $ 24,000 $ 67,500 $ 30,000 $ 100,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 660,000 $ 660,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 11 ,000 $ 18,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Funding Source ~'I p'ro j eets UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND Department TOTAL $ 22,000 $ 22,000 $ 28,000 $ 28,000 $ 40,000 $ 40 000 $ 65 000 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $100,000 $ 100,000 $100,000 $ 100,000 $100,000 $ 100,000 $125,000 $ 125,000 $250,000 $ 250,000 $450,000 $ 450,000 $400,000 $ 400,000 $ 28,000 $ 25,000 $ 110,000 $250,000 $ 250,000 $250,000 $ 250,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 420,000 $ 110,000 02-3600-94 Utilities Utilities 02-3600-87 Utilities 03-3600-20 Utilities 10-3600-45 Utilities 05-3600-74 Utilities 03-3600-10 Utilities 02-3600-05/ 09-3600-05 Utilities 02-3600-70 Utilities 10-3600-53 Utilities Pum and Control Additions WTP # 1 Chlorine Conversion WTP # 3 SR 434/ Tuscora Water Line Reclaimed WS 1m - Chelsa Woods UTILITY RENEWAL & REPLACEMT FUND Desi East Force Main WTP# I Stora e Tank Dome Resurfacin WWRF Plant # 1 Paint in REVENUE GENERATION FUND WWRF Belt Press EWRF Belt Press West WRF Air Line Addition 00-3600-63 Utilities 01-3600-11 Utilities 01-3600-37 Utilities 02-3600-34 Utilities 02-3600-35 Utilities 01-3600-33/ 01-3620-33 Utilities LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX (TRANSPORT A nON IMPROVEMENT FUND Resurfacing OO-O104~21 05- $140,000 0104-30071 Public Works Underdrains 02~104-06I 05- $ 10,000 0104-30058 Public Works $150,000 $ 130,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Page 5 Projects STORMW A TER UTILITY FUND Little Lake Howell RCP Culvert Little Lake Howell Box Culvert Gee Creek Sedimination Pond No Name Creeek Drain e Swales No Name Creek Swale and Culvert Kiva Net Kiva Server Munis Enhancements Accela Wireless 7 Handheld Tablet PCs ' OTHER Ma olia Park Com. Dru A ware, Trailer. Road 1m rovement Fund WS Blvd Reconstruction Town Center Trail Oak Forest Landsca e & Wall CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Funding Source Project Number FY 2004- FY 2005- FY 2006- De artment 05 06 07 FY 2007- FY 2008- FY 2009- 08 09 10 TOTAL 01-4413-02 Public Works $ 30,000 $ 30,000 02-4413-03 Public Works $126,000 $ 126,000 03-4413-04 Public Works $122,000 $ 122,000 04~413-05 Public Works $ 98,000 $ 98,000 05-4413-06 Public Works $ 92,000 $ 92,000 Page 6 $ 930,000 $ 10,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 870,000 $ 105,765