HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 06 23 Regular Item A
Please copy for all conference attendees.
Audio Conference Attendee Handout
Land Use, Planning, and Environmental Law
June 23,2004
Thank you for joining us today for the thrid installment of the 2004 audio conference series brought to
you by the American Institute of Certified Planners.
Please see www.plannine:.ore:/audioconference/lupelaw.htm to find:
· Paper copy of the PowerPoint slides
· Fax your question form
· Evaluation form
· Supplemental reading materials
To view a list of APA's products and services for practicing planners please visit
http://www.planning.org/professionals/index.htm .
For general information about AICP's audio conference programs, or other APA educational programs
and services contact the Education@planning.org or 312-786-6729.
Weare pleased to present our distinguished panel of speakers:
Daniel J. Curtin, Jr.
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Walnut Creek, California
John J. Delaney, AICP
Linowes and Blocher LLP
Bethesda, Maryland
Dwight Merriam, FAICP
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Hartford, Connecticut
Naney E. Stroud, AICP
Weiss, Serota, Pastoriza & Guedes LLP
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Stuart Meek, FAICP, moderator
Senior Research Fellow
American Planning Association
Chicago, Illinois
Enjoy the conference! !
Fax to:
(312) 431-9985
Carolyn Torma, Director of Education
Peter Wilhelm, Education Assistant
American Planning Association
Your Name:
Commission or Board:
City and State:
Your Fax #:
My question for the panelists is the following:
After the conference you may continue to submit questions to the speakers via email. We will be
accepting em ailed questions through the morning of Thursday, June 24th at
Educati on@olanning.org.
Please make a copy of this form for each attendee.
Land Use, Planning, and Environmental Law, June 23,2004
Fax or mail to:
American Planning Association
Education Department
122 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1600
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Fax: 312-431-9985
This form can also be downloaded from www.planning.org/audioconference/luoelaw.htm.
and can be emailed as an attachment to Education@planning.org.
Instruetions: Please circle the number of your response.
1. Please indicate your title, and if you are a member of the American Institute of Certified
Planners (AICP):
2. This program introduced me to new ideas or provoked me to think more critically about
3. This topic and the issues discussed were relevant to my community, now or in the future.
Agree Somewhat Strongly
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
1 2 3 4 5
4. Staff or Planners: The ideas or techniques presented in this program are useful to me in
my role as staff member or as a planning consultant.
Agree Somewhat
Strongly Agree
1 2
5. Planning Commissioners and other Publie Offieials: The ideas or techniques presented
in this program are useful to me in my role as a public official.
Agree Somewhat
Strongly Agree
1 2
6. The presenters were knowledgeable and presented their material well.
Agree Somewhat Strongly
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
1 2 3 4 5
7. The reading materials included with this program were useful. (If you did not receive
information about the reading materials, please ask your conference host or visit
www.olanning.org/audioconference/luoelaw.htm to download copies.
Agree Somewhat Strongly
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
1 2 3 4 5
Have not
8. I felt the best aspect of this program was:
9. Suggestions for improving this program:
10. Topics I would be interested seeing in future program are:
Other comments:
Optional: Name of your community, commission, or organization:
The 2004-2005 Audio/W eb Conference Series
Please visit www.olanninl!.orl!/audioeonferenee/ for information on how to registrer for
these programs.
Planning Commissioners, Appointed Officials, and Elected Officials Series
(60 minute programs)
Economic Development for Small Towns
October 6, 2004
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., E.T.
Small towns are challenged by the need to develop and maintain an economic base.
Sometimes the challenges are so great that officials are tempted to accept whatever
revenue-generating business or enterprise is available. In this program you' ll1earn how
communities have learned to set their own agenda, found innovative ways of developing
new business, reinforced viable existing businesses, and adapted to changing markets.
What should a sound economic foundation be and what are the sources of revenue that
produce a more stabile community? Hear case studies from around the country that
illustrate differing aspects of this issue. CPDP: 1.5
Planning and Public Health
December 1,2004
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., E.T.
[replace with text from Marya]
The new frontier in community planning is the border between public health and
planning. Fitness and health problems related to obesity have dominated the news, but
what is the planning connection? And, does the physical design of cities affect public
health? The issues extend beyond design as public health is a major determinent of a
community's sustainability, viability, and even image. How should these two fields be
brought together and what does planning gain from the partnership? Find out about the
research APA has undertaken for the Centers for Disease Control. CPDP: 1.5
Zoning Clinic
February 16,2005
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., E.T.
Here is your opportunity to ask the panel of experts about all those vexing zoning issues.
While much of the program will be devoted to your questions, there will also be
discussions of what practices result in litigation, how to develop defensible findings of
fact, and how to prepare a solid record for decisions. Fast-paced, far-ranging, and
absolutely practical, this program provides answers to your zoning questions. Attendees
will submit questions ahead oftime or during the live program and the panelists commit
to providing answers to them all. Zoning Practice is a co-sponsor of this program. CPDP:
Planning for Safe Growth
April 20, 2005
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., E.T.
Safe growth means planning and developing communities that resist natural disasters,
that provide safe streets and public spaces, and that stand prepared for other emergencies.
Learn what the components of safe growth are and how planning is becoming more
central to safe growth. Explore programs that help communities deal with floods,
wildfire, landslides, and weather-related problems. Identify technical assistance, planning
tools, and funding sources. You' lllearn how communities plan for all aspects of
community safety. Meet the people with answers and resources. CPDP: 1.5
Planning, Environmental, and Land-use Law for Planners and Planning Officials
June 29, 2005
4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m., E.T.
This program is also appropriate for planning commissioners and officials. See below for
description. CPDP: 3
AICP Training Practicing Planner Series
(90 minute programs)
New Technologies for Planning and Public Participation
November 3, 2004
4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m., E.T.
Armed with technologies that bring information to their fingertips and with tools and
techniques that increase civic engagement, community leaders and professionals have
more options available than ever to improve the way planning decisions are made. In
addition, these technologies allow decision makers and staff to improve the quality of
those decisions. When carefully selected, these tools and techniques, called community
design and decision-making tools, can integrate good information, comprehensive
analysis, and strong civic engagement processes. Learn about the latest tools as well as
the tools that have proved effective over time. Panelists will discuss information sources
and the techniques by which data, design, and decisions come together. APA's
Information Technology Division isa co-sponsor of this program. CPDP: 3
Project Management
January 19,2005
4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m., E.T.
This program has two components. In the first part, you will learn the five-phased process
for managing projects, from initiating to closing. Learn about the scope of projects,
stakeholders, estimating costs and effort, and evaluating risk. In the second part, you'll
explore computer systems for setting up, managing, tracking, and archiving projects, as
well as designing electronically-connected work teams. Panelists provide insight into
governmental, consulting, and non-profit project management. Good project management
is a key to professional success, as well as effective planning, so don't miss this
opportunity to improve your management skills. CPDP: 3
4 . ,.~
Development Finance and Pro Formas
May 25, 2005
4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m., E.T.
It's one of the most overlooked skill sets needed for planning-development finance. This
program will unravel the mystery and help you understand development and the financial
calculations that go into proposals and projects. Planners, developers, and finance experts
provide insight. You' lllearn how to assess development projects and understand the
financial considerations faced by private developers and public-sector project leaders.
How projects are financed and the impacts of financing strategies is important knowledge
for planners and decision makers. Invest in your skill development. CPDP: 3
Planning, Environmental, and Land-use Law for Planners and Planning Officials
Joint program
June 29, 2005
4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m., E.T.
The legal landscape for planning is ever changing. In this annual review, planning
attorneys review important Supreme Court, federal circuit, and state court case law that is
relevant to a national audience. Hear about new laws that have been enacted that will
affect local planning and help set new policy directions. Learn about important land-use
and environmental litigation. Speakers will also focus on emerging trends in tools,
attitudes, and policies that effect the legal landscape. Can your community afford to miss
this important overview of recent legal developments? Invite your city or county attorney
to attend. This program is suitable for professional planners, planning commissioners,
and other officials. CPDP: 3