HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 10 03 Regular Item C P&Z Board f\1eeting - October 3,2001 Proposed Capital Improvements Program i PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD - LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR AGENDA ITEM October 3, 2001 C. Proposed Capital Improvements Program STAFF REPORT Please review your copy of the proposed Capital Improvements Program and be prepared to discuss and take action on this item. \ \ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FY 2001/2002 - 2005/2006 ]une,2001 Prepared for: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department 1126 S.R. 46 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Prepared by: * LAND DESIGN INNOVA;.:C;;::~ 151 Lookout Place Suite ZOO Maitlancl. Florida 32751 Phone: Q07-975-1Z73 Fax: Q07-975-1278 . . . City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program I. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRO D U CTI ON .................................................................................................. ...... 1-1 A. Purpose.............................................................................................................................. ... .... I ~ 1 B. Defmition of Capital Improvements Program (C.I.P.) ...................................................... 1-1 II . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ................ .................. .... ................................................... 11-1 A. The City's Comprehensive Plan ...........................................................................................II-1 B. Relationship to the City's Comprehensive Plan.................................................................II-1 C. Objective of the Capital Improvements Element..............................................................II-2 D. Annual Update of the Capital Improvements Element....................................................II-2 III. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM............... 111-1 IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. A. Process ........... ................... ............................... ............................... ....................................... III-1 B. Department Ranking of Proposed Capital Improvements ............................................ III-1 C. Priorities of Capital Improvements.................................................................................... III-1 D. Criteria for Evaluation of Capital Improvements............................................................ III-2 E. Relationship Between the Operating and Capital Budgets............................................. III-2 INVENTORY OF EXISTING REVENUE SOURCES.............................................IV-l A. General Fund Revenue Sources ......................................................................................... IV-1 B. Special Revenue Sources...................................................................................................... IV-1 C. Bonds..................... ................................................................................................. ................ IV-2 D. Grants and Loans ................................................................................................................. IV-2 FISCAL POLl CY FRAMEWORK........................... ...................... ............................. .. V-I A. Fiscal Policy............................................................. ................................. ............................... V -1 B. Types of Changes .................................................................................................................... V-1 C. C.LE. Level of Service Standards.........................................................................................V-2 D. Capital Oudays ..................................................... .................................................... ............... V-2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM....... .............................................. ............. VI-I A. Summary Table by Department ......................................................................................... VI-1 B. Summary Table by Fund ..................................................................................................... VI-8 STATE AND COUNTY ROAD PROJECTS............................................................ VII-l CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORMS .............................................VIII-l A. Fire Department................................................... ..................... ................................... ..... VIII-1 B. Police Department.................:........................... ................................................................ VllI-1 C. Parks and Recreation Department .................................................................................. VIII-1 D. Public Works/Utilities Department................................................................................ VIII-1 DRAFT . . . City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose One of the responsibilities of local government is to provide, maintain and improve a community's infrastructure of buildings, roads, water and sewer lines, parks, etc. A Capital Improvements Program should be an expression of sound financial management and development practice. Local governments that wish to lure business investment in their community recognize that a well-planned infrastructure program is essential. The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) serves as the linkage between the City's Comprehensive Plan, fiscal plan and development. B. Definition of Capital Improvements Program (C.I.P.) The Capital Improvements Program is a multi-year prioritized schedule of improvements that lists each capital improvement by year it is purchased or commenced; the amount to be spent per year; and, the method of financing such improvement. Chapter 163 Florida Statutes and 91-5 Florida Administrative Code require a 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. The first year of the 5- Year Schedule is the Capital Budget and the following five years is the actual Capital Improvements Program. The Capital Improvements Program is adopted by the City Commission concurrendy with the adoption of the annual operating and capital budget, without a commitment to expenditures or appropriations beyond the first year. Projects programmed. in the 5- Year Capital Improvements Element (CIE) have a commitment for funding for the five-year period through the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The CIE is a five-year program that is updated annually through the Capital Improvements Program Process and can be amended. It should be noted that a Capital Improvements Program is not a fixed document but a flexible, evolutionary document that should be updated each year to show the changing priorities, opportunities, costs, or different financing approaches. . DRAFT I-1 Ciry oj Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program . II. . . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. The City's Comprehensive Plan The City of Winter Springs' adopted Comprehensive Plan is comprised of eight (8) elements as specified in Chapter 163 Florida Statutes and in Rule 91-5 Florida Administrative Code. Effective planning and growth management includes the adequate provision of services and infrastructure and is required by the State to be addressed in certain elements of a Comprehensive Plan. For the City of Winter Springs, these are: . Traffic Circulation . Recreation and Open Space L . Solid Waste . Water . Sewer . Stormwater (drainage) The Capital Improvements Element (C.LE.) consolidates the level of service standards (page 73 of Vol. 2 of 2 of the Comprehensive Plan) indicated for each of the above elements that ensures effective implementation. B. Relationship to the City's Comprehensive Plan Under Florida's growth management legislation, the Capital Improvements Program is one of the essential elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act passed by the Legislature in 1985 (163.3161 Florida Statutes) mandated local governments prepare a financially feasible Capital Improvements Element as part of their Comprehensive Plan. Local governments must: . Develop a financially feasible plan; . Determine the capital improvements needed to attain and maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS); . Develop a monitoring system to ensure that programmed capital improvements are actually completed, and adopted levels of service are maintained; . Revise Land Development Regulations to include the concurrency provision. The Capital Improvements Element differs 'from the Capital Improvements Program in that certain capital unprovements are stated as required at the time of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan to meet the indicated Levels of Service in the respective Elements. The Capital Improvements Program is a rolling 5- Year Schedule of Improvements that states additional improvements needed to maintain the LOS indicated in the Capital Improvements Element or improvements that are above and beyond those required to maintain the LOS. Hence, the Capital Improvements DRAFT II-1 . . . City of Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program Program includes the Capital Improvements Element and all other capital projects to be funded by the City and is the linkage between capital expenditures and policy. c. Objective of the Capital Improvements Element Throughout the planning period, the C.I.E. shall be used as a basis for development of a fiscally sound Capital Improvements Program to ensure that construction of capital facilities is adequate to accommodate desired future growth. Allocation of future growth shall be detennined through coordination of fiscal and land use decisions, within the Schedule of Capital Improvements. The CLE. promotes this assurance through the adoption of a financially feasible 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for each type of facility, and measuring whether those improvements are adequate to meet current and projected demands for the five (5) years forward. Objective A, Policy 3 in the CLE. requires the City to annually update the 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. D. Annual Update of the Capital Improvements Element The purposes for the annual review and update of the CLE. are: . Adjust the 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements forward one year into the future, so that there is always an improvements program that covers a future 5- year time period. . Maintain continued consistency of the first year of each 5-year period with annual budgets as they are adopted. . Assure continued fll1ancial feasibility and provision of adequate services and facilities. DRAFT II-2 City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program . III. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM A. Process . Project Request Forms are prepared by various departments of the City. These forms require a project description, justification, cost estimates, impact on the City's operating budget, implementation schedule, and project location. . The Project Request Forms are reviewed by the Community Development Department (as required by Objective C, Policy 3 of the Capital Improvements Element), the Finance Department, and the City Manager. . The Local Planning Agency (LPA) reviews the City Manager's recommended Capital Improvements Program in terms of the community's needs and financing and then makes recommendation to the City Commission. . The LP A recommendation and the City Managers recommendation are considered by the City Commission in developing the annual operating budget (effective the first day of October each year, i.e. beginning of the Fiscal Year "FY"). . B. Department Ranking of Proposed Capital Improvements . Each Project Request Form has a department priority recommendation. The priority ranking indicates the department's importance of the project to the departments functional program. The priority designations are as follows: . Critical Deficiency - required to eliminate proven or obvious dangers to public or employee health or safety. . Existing Deficiency - needed to raise a service or facility to an adopted Level of Service. . Repair/ replacement - maintains adopted Level of Service Standard in developed areas and gives comparable service standards in developing areas. . Future need/planned expansion - enables the City to provide servIces required for scheduled development. . C. Priorities of Capital Improvements The City's Comprehensive Plan indicates in Objective A, Policy 1 of the Capital Improvements Element that Projects selected year by year for funding shall be those from which the greatest public benefit will be derived from the funds available. The following criteria shall be used for monitoring improvements. Transportation Improvements shall be prioritized according to a hierarchy of funding municipal collector roads needed to enhance delivery of emergency services, to facilitate access to schools and recreational facilities, to provide alternative routes to use on congested arterials and to create convenient access to goods and services. Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer DRAFT III -1 . . . Ciry of Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program Improvements shall be ranked to ensure the continued provision of safe and sufficient service to existing residences and businesses, to implement projects designed to protect water quality and conserve water supplies, to install equipment that will economize operations and reduce the consumer's costs and to expand the capacity of the utilities to serve new development and thereby generate reservation and connection fees to be reinvested in the utility operations. Stormwater Improvement priorities shall be those determined by the Citywide drainage study to be conducted through the proposed stormwater utility. Recreation and Open Space Capital projects funded in the future beyond those already allocated shall be selected to fulfill neighborhood needs for additional land and installation of active recreational facilities within safe walking distance of residential areas, to expand the variety of activities offered at the City's community park and to address recreation for special interests of citizens. D. Criteria for Evaluation of Capital Improvements The City in the annual update of the 5- Year Schedule of capital improvements shall use the following criteria to evaluate capital improvements projects: . Consistency with the elements of the Comprehensive Plan; . Elimination of existing deficiencies; . Impact on the annual operating and capital budgets; . The location in relation to the Future Land Use Map; . Accommodation of demands from redevelopment and new development; . Consistency with plans of state agencies and the St. Johns River Water Management District; . Additional identified revenue sources to complete the improvement; and . Financial feasibility. E. Relationship Between the Operating and Capital Budgets The operating and capital budgets are closely linked. The operating budget must cover the cost of financing, maintaining and operating new facilities that are built under the capital budget. The operating budget, through the debt service fund, must pay interest expense and principal payments on all bonded debt. The operating impacts of the capital improvements are noted in the departmental request sheets. DRAFT III-2 Ciry of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program . IV. INVENTORY OF EXISTING REVENUE SOURCES To implement a Capital Improvements Program, there must be identified adequate available funds for financing the capital improvements listed in the 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. The effectiveness of the C.LP. is dependent on the financial resources behind it. Chapter 163 F.S. and 9J-5 F.A.C. require a Capital Improvements Program to be financially feasible. Some of these fund sources present some difficulty in their prediction such as federal and state funding due to the significant variation from year to year. Special assessments present similar difficulty. Winter Springs' major fund categories and their use as funding mechanisms for both the operating and capital improvements budget are described as follows: . A. General Fund Revenue Sources . Ad Valorem Taxes (property taxes). Ad valorem taxes include revenue from non- exempt property taxation. The current millage rate is 3.54. . Franchise Fees. Franchise fees are levied upon a company in return for providing service to Winter Springs. The City currendy has agreements covering gas, electric, telephone and cable utilities. . Licenses. Permits and Fines. All businesses operating in the City obtain occupational licenses. Building permits are required for all construction. The City receives a portion of all traffic citations issued in the City from Seminole County. . Intergovernmental Revenue. Intergovernmental revenues are funds collected by the State or County and shared with other local government units. Major sources of shared revenue include the cigarette tax, State revenue sharing, beverage licenses, mobile home licenses, motor fuels tax, half-cent sales tax and occupational licenses. . Interest Income. Interest income is revenue earned on funds that have been invested by the City. . Other Charges for Services/User Fees. Charges for services provided by the City that are paid by the users to fully or partially cover the costs to provide services. These fees generally include special fees placed on developers for processing plans, administrative fees for annexations and enterprise fund charges for delivering water and sewer service. Other sources include miscellaneous rents, leases and sales. . Utility Taxes. Utility taxes are assessed on the users of water, electric, gas, propane and telephone. The City currendy levies a utility tax of 10% for electric, gas, propane and water. The telephone utility tax is currendy 7%. B. Special Revenue Sources . Impact Fees. These fees are charged concurrent with new development and contribute towards payment for infrastructure needs, but not operational costs, which direcdy result from new development. The City of Winter Springs collects impact fees for Fire, Police and Transportation. . DRAFT IV-l . . . City oj Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program . Special Assessments. Special assessments are levied against residents, agencies or districts that direcdy benefit from the new service or facility. . Enterprise Funds. Enterprise funds are used to account for City services that are operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent is that the costs (expenses including depreciation) of providing goods and services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. . Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT). Seminole County provides the City with a portion of the gas tax which the County levies on gas consumption. The percentage is based on the City's population and can be used only for transportation related rmprovements. C. Bonds . General Obligation Bonds. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the local government and must be approved by voter referendum. They offer low interest for carrying less risk since they are secured by government taxing power. Capital improvements financed through general obligation bonds should be used only for projects benefiting the whole City. . Revenue Bonds. Funds raised from revenue bonds may be used for projects benefiting a narrow group since charges collected from users of the improvement are applied direcdy to the debt service on these bonds. In this respect the projects are self-supporting. Revenue bonds pay higher interest and their issuance may be approved by the City Commission without voter approval. . Industrial Revenue Bonds. Though the local government issues these bonds, the debt is assumed by the companies or industries who use the revenues for construction of plants or facilities. Because they are tax-exempt and low interest, industries are attracted to this type of bond. Local government can transfer the actual liability to provide interest while garnering employment and economic benefits for the community. D. Grants and Loans . Federal and State Grants and Loans. Federal funds are allocated to state agencies that administer block grants or disbursed as block grants direcdy to state and local agencies or other eligible organizations. The purpose of the block grant program is to enable greater latitude by recipients in the actual use of the funds. These funds are generally a non-recurring source and cannot be accurately projected for budgeting purposes. In addition to block grants and other state grants, several federal agencies offer direct loan programs with limited ability to finance capital improvements. State loans, however, can be used to finance capital projects such as land acquisition for low-income housing. DRAFT IV-2 . . . City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program v. FISCAL POLICY FRAMEWORK A. Fiscal Policy The following fiscal policy framework shall be used to formulate the Capital Improvements Program each year, as indicated in Objective A, Policy 2 of the Capital Improvements Element: . The City shall continue the conservative fiscal policies evident in the initial Capital Improvements Program. . Debt shall be limited to bondable revenue, as was the case to fund scheduled utility and recreation construction. . Responsible debt ratios shall be maintained, comparable to those reflected in the current status: Maximum ratio of total debt service to total revenue: City coverage 2.31 Water &-Sewer 1.73 Maximum ratio of outstanding capital indebtedness to property tax base: City Coverage 27.17 B. Types of Changes The types of changes made to the 5- Year Schedules of Capital Improvements in each update are summarized below: . The 5-year time period is adjusted from FY 99/2000 through 2003/2004 to FY 2001/2002 through 2005/2006. New projects incorporated based upon the extension to FY 2005/2006 will be consistent with the relative priorities for capital improvements established in the Comprehensive Plan in each facility Element and in Objective A, Policy 1 of the Capital Improvements Element. . The schedules or funding sources of some projects are adjusted to reflect management and funding strategies developed in conjunction with the FY 2001/2002 adopted budget. . Project costs are updated as appropriate based upon recent actual costs or updated background studies. Currendy available revenue sources will fund the proposed improvements, thus maintaining the financial feasibility established in the 1992 Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, summary sheets accompany each improvements schedule and are updated as follows: . To reflect the adjusted schedules of improvements discussed above. DRAFT V-1 City oj Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program . . To evaluate capacity needs for 2001 and 2006, based upon socio-economic estimates and projections for those years which have been updated based upon the following: 1) Preliminary population estimate by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida. 2) Building Permits issued by the Building Department of the City. 3) The Comprehensive Plan Estimated and Projected Population. The population projection of the City of Winter Springs for April 1, 2000 is: 31,666. C. C.I.E. Level of Service Standards The principal criterion for capital improvements will be level of service (LOS) standards, quantitative indicators of the amount of service provided by a facility or type of facility. The City's need for capital improvements is largely determined by the LOS standards adopted in its Comprehensive Plan. In accordance with Objective C, Policy 1 of the Capital Improvements Element, Development approvals shall not degrade the Level of Service Standard adopted by the City of Winter Springs. D. . . Capital Oudays Only items that meet the defmition of a capital ouday will be included in the Capital Ouday Program. The defmition of a capital ouciay is: . A physical asset, constructed or purchased, and having a useful life of three (3) years and a minimum cost of $10,000. Capital oudays may include: . New and expanded facilities. . Rehabilitation or replacement of existing facilities. . Major pieces of equipment. . Cost of professional studies related to the improvement. . Acquisition of land related to a community facility. Capital oudays do not include: . The usual replacement of equipment and normal renovation with a cost of less than $ 10,000. . Those facilities and improvements related to the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) of the City's Comprehensive Plan or maintain the Level of Service of facilities identified in the CIE. Generally, all oudays financed by long-term debt should be considered capital ouciays. DRAFf V-2 e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e VI. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A. Summary Table by Department :. ,..' :';;~~;j~:t1:c~~~:~>';J" '~. 2 - 52" Cut Mowers o o G.F. 60" Cut Deck Mower o o G.F. CWP '12 Basketball Court o o ___'_'W._.._.d~_'_____""__'__"___._..._.._m.__....._................__..__.....__...__....m.....__.___ _.________ __..__...__m............__.._.__.._. ________._____.R.R._____ ____ ______ __....____.___..._.,._...... _._____._________... ._____.___.___......._.....___.__ o G.F. CWP 2 Playground Resurfacing G.F. 0 0 __________._._u___.___._..._._____.._.__._.w.____._ .--.--....--.--.-....-.--........--.........------....-..-....... ...__.......___.....__.___.____ ...__._.___,____..M____..__.._ o 0 ';~ .~ ?<m~t::':,'~;;:rx(t90f:~~,;,~" ~;.~;~.rr,~~O.~:j /: 1 :.': '0'. 2,9_9.{/:: .~ ..; 2003... "..2004.", i... .1. ."..:2005"... ".,_,2006.. . ''', <~ -';~,:!l- - ~~":. '.~ r't. ~ ~~~'i; "';':.:'J~ ~ ",l~~.' :', '-": ~., o $15,000 $15,000 o o $15,000 .__..._-_._-~---_. .__._._~-_._.._-_.- o 0 o o o o o o C\\IP Expansion and Improvement Bonds $20,000 .---.-.-.--- ._--~---_.__..__._. o $2,500,000 o ..._-~_......._._-_..__._._---_.__.~.__..__...._.~._.~_.......-_._._.__._._._._.._-_.__...__.__.._~----_.- .._._~-~-_._._-_.__...~_._._....~...._._..~....._._-_._._........ .--.-.----.-..------- ..---.---.-.-.----.---.--- .......---------- ----....-.-....--...-.--.--...- --.-..........--.--....--....--....--- ---.....-.....-..-..---.-.- C\\IP Expansion and Improvement Bonds 0 0 0 0 $2,500,000 0 -----_._-_._._-_._-~.._-_.._--........._..._--_._.....__....__..--........-------.-.........-.-.....--......-... _.__.._.__..~_.__..................._..._.__._...._._...-......~_._..........- .-.-.-.--------.--....--. .........--....----...-..---- -.....--...--..---- -...-....-.....----.--.--...-. ------.............-...--..--..-.--.. ......~-_.._._._....~-_._...... 000 0 Lighting for Soccer Fields $350,000 C\\IP VFD Drive for Irrigation G.F. 0 $10,000 m..~__..._.._...._....__..~......._....._..._...~~_....__...___....___.......___..__.._.__.____._._____.___..__... ...~....__________................_.._._.....~.._......._........._.__. .......__......_......__...__.......__ ........._._...._..____..__~..~~.~.~_ ._....___..__..____.. ..______~..__.____.____ ._......___~___..__._.__._. ___..._.._.__._.____. 000 0 State Grants o --.......__...._....__._...__._-_......_.~._..._...__...__._._..-.................-.........-.-..--.-......-.........--....--.--...... _....__._-_._-------_.._........._...........~..........._....-.-.-....-....-. -.--......-.....-..--.-.-.. -.-.-....--...---.--.---- -....------- --...-..---...----.---.-. .........-......-....-.-....-.----.- .--.-.-.-........-....-----......-- Neighborhood Center and Pool Bonds/Grants $680,000 0 ___..____._.._._._....___.....___________ .....__~._____...._____. _.....h________~_...__._. o 0 Park Land A.cquisition Bonds/Grants o o o o o o o Park/Vennia Brush Clipper o o $1,000,000 --------_. ---.--...--.--.--- -~----'--"---- o 0 0 $25,000 -----..- .-.----- -----.-.-.--- ------._-- o 0 0 G.F. Replacement Parks Crew Cab Truck G.F. 0 0 .----.-------------- .------- - G.F. 0 $22,000 -------- --- G.F. 0 $15,000 G.F. 0 $13,000 CDBG/FRDAP Grant 0 0 CDBG/FRDAP Grant 0 $500,000 $680,000 $900,000 Replacement Work Cart w / sprayer Re-Surface Trotwood Basketball Ct. Sand Pro Senior/Civic Center Improvements Torcaso Park Expansion Parks and Recreation Totals $30,000 o o o $400,000 o $490,000 -.----- ------- .----.---.......-.---- 0 0 0 _.____.___H.____ 0 0 0 ------. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $2,500,000 $2,515,000 $1,025,000 VI-1 DRAFT e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e _,__,-L"">...,"",.,_p"."~,_,,,,, ""',~-::J:,"'" ,_TO ,.. ... - . .,.!~.C';-j~',;;,':.;:;;:~,;~..;-.~".w .t:OJects:;.:'.",:..: .,.:.-;. .. ,:. .; i"~':'-"FUhdSource.-.' :. FY 2000~' ':" ,:;';FY2001:.. _.....\r',.:FY2002:::'>:' ~.,;FY-2003J~ ;:. ".:, , FY20()4:::-.r;'.':'FY;Z005" -"'. POLICE .. . . .., --------- -"--- -~ Police Headquarters Expansion Impact Fees 0 0 $165,000 0 t ::~::~~~ 0 e------.-..-___________ Vehicle Replacements G.F. 0 $104,000 $104,000 $104,000 $104,000 .--.---.------.-------------. ----------- ---- Police Totals ______ $0.00 $104,000 $269,000 $104,000 $104,000 ---_._--~----------_.__._----_.- --'-. FIRE ----..-------------.-.---...-.-------- ---.-----.- -------...------.- ---- Air Cascade Compressor G.F. 0 0 $20,000 000 ----..-----.--------.---------- .-----..-.-.-----.---- -----.--.-- -. --- -------_._- --'--- -----.-- Engine 124 G.F. 0 0 0 $280,000 0 0 ..--.-----.-.--.---.---.--.-.......---...-.--.--.---.-.--------- .---.--.-...--.-.----....---....-----. .--.-------- 1--- -. .. -.-------. --.--------- Engine 3 Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 $345,000 0 1---...-----------.-.--.-.-----.--.------------ 1-- .- - -- -- Hydraulic Rescue Tool G.F. 0 0 $25,000 0 0 0 -.--.-------.--.-.--.---------..--.....-.----------.-- /--.---.---..----- ------.- .-- Rescue 3 Med. Trans. Fnnd 0 0 0 0 0 $190,000 --------.---.-.-----.-.------------ 1------.---- ------ Station 3 Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 $1,000,000 0 ----.----.----------.....-....-----.------------ /----...--.-- Fire Totals $0.00 $0.00 $45,000 $280,000 $1,345,000 190,000 -.------------.--.--------'---.. -- '---- TRANSPORTATION f--------------..- --'--. Bahama Road Paving T. 1. F. F. 0 0 $250,000 0 0 0 1-- Fisher Road 1 Cent Sales Tax 0 0 $725,000 0 0 0 George Street L.O.G.T. 0 $20,000 0 0 0 0 Hickory Grove Blvd. 1 Cent Sales Tax 0 0 $600,000 0 0 0 - Main Street T.1.F.F 0 $300,000 0 0 0 0 l\1ain Street 1 Cent Sales Tax 0 0 $606,000 0 0 0 Public Works Componnd L.O.G.T. 0 0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Resurfacing/Underdrains L.O.G.T. $120,000 $125,000 $150,000 $130,000 $150,000 $130,000 S.R. 419/434 Signal Upgrades T.1.F.F. 0 $175,000 0 0 0 0 S.R. 434 Beautification Beautification Grant 0 $138,000 0 0 0 0 Fnnd - - DRAFT VI-2 e Ci!} of Winter Spn'ngs Capital Improvements Program e e '>..<,: ;"::;;:y~~\.:.:.' l....,.,ii~ .:"~~;"t':'f;') L ."'<".'/ ,::' '.:, :".:Fu nd:Source: ~" ,.py 2.000- ' : F:Y 200.1--' . . ~,FY. 200'2:' ,"1"': FY..'2003~ /. ':Y;'FY. ....:20..0.4:... '. :';.FY200S:":", c' ,: '.., .. ^, . ,.:.:-'. ...,. ,.' ,'. ' :..' '.' . " .1 '.: . , ...., ",. ~~;.. '. . .: ,'.'; ,"'~'" ."I~;i ~~" ....:,,'.. "'::,"'".: ...>),..',"~; ..' .<2001:....:' <2002: ",...}00.3;'. 20.04.;,........,...<;-.:.i2..90.s....,.. ."2006,'..,..' .. ' . .. .. .. r:.'.. I;., . , - '.,.' :.'.: '. _ ..,,' ::"" ."' :.' ;,... .;. : ,.'" :. '. "".> ".. . . .,j. ., ,..., ..,. .;. ".' ;.: ',.' :.'. . S.R. 434 Signal Park/Schc;>ol T.I.F.F. 0 $75,000 0 0 0 0 ._~_.- Signal Control and Lens Upgrade T.I.F.F. 0 $60,000 ------ Spine Road 1 Cent Sales Tax 0 0 Stamped Asphalt at \Vulter Springs. Blvd. Tractor/Bushhog $77,000 $50,000 o $24,000 o o $271,000 1 Cent Sales Tax Tuskawilla Road Signal Upgrades Vehicle Lo.GT T.I.F.F. Lo.GT T.I.F.F T.I.F.F. Winding Hollow/Parkstone Signal Winter Springs Blvd. -. Transportation Totals STOIDMWATER/D~NAGE ---. Gee Creek Sedimentation Pond _. Inlet/Outlet Improvements Little Lake Howell Box Culvert S.U.F. S.U.F. S.U.F. S.U.F. S.U.F. S.U.F. S.U.F. SUF. o o o $30,000 o o o o $30,000 Little Lake Howell RCP Culvert No Name Creek Drainage Swales No Name Creek Swale and Culverts Underdrain Installation Vehicles Stonnwater Totals SANITARY SEWER Aeration Upgrade. Drum Thickener Automatic Bar Screen -EWRF o o U.E.F. U.E.F. o o $40,000 o $40,000 o $973,000 0 0 0 0 0 -.. _.. $500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $22,000 0 $22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $250,000 0 $2,403,000 $680,000 $472,000 $180,000 0 $122,000 0 0 0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $126,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $98,000 0 0 0 0 0 $92,000 0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $$166,000 $187,000 $138,000 $157,000 $40,000 $65,000 0 0 0 0 0 $100,000 0 0 0 VI-3 DRAFT e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e ~fi~~~~f!:~~~>~:':r;} }r~rjr~~t;i;.;;;:'~< .'.':'.1: ".' , Diesel Storage Tank Replacement ~.; ..':;:Fuh<t'Source,' ; ;, / .. >' ..- .~.,< \.. ..: >/. :"'.;' :....~ .',..:' 'l,.....i{. .~..~;.:~:. U.E.F. East Force Main Rerouting/Upgrades U.2000.F --.---- Force main to Town Center and East WRF U.2000.F. Install Liner in Reject Storage Pond at WWRF U.E.F. Lift Station 5E upgrade U.2000.F -- Lift Station Upgrades to Force Main U.2000.F Sand Filter at East WRF R.G.F. SCAD.'\. Scrubber for Gas CL2/Conversion EWRF Scrubber for Gas CL2/Conversion WWRF Sewer Line Restoration/Pump Replacement Sewer Plant Improvements West Force Main Upgrades to System --.----- West Town Center Gravity Sewer Extension West Town Center Lift Station & Force Main West WRF Sludge Thickening -. W\VRF Sand Filter ---. Sanitary Sewer Total ----. U.E.F. U.E.F. U.E.F. R.R.F. R.G.F. U.2000.F U.2000.F U.2000.F R.G.F. U.E.F. . ",-'FY 2000~ ;::L.f,Y20()t-...' ;'~FY2002~'<' L;.' FY.2003:' : , ;. "FY'2004~ ..--, ".EY 2005:'; ~ ~~:' ::ZOOt ... '. . ". 20~~ :.:.:....::..:~:;:,~0~3>:.~;::.. : ;-.; :~04; :;':i,\~, ;" ,,.:;.'~0~5,1:::". '. '2006', .:' o 0 $30,000 0 0 0 o o $37,000 $50,000 o o $90,000 o o $80,000 o o $150,000 o o o $407,000 o $700,000 o o $50,000 $300,000 $90,000 o o $80,000 $120,000 o o $100,000 $150,000 o $1,655,000 $300,000 o o o o o $90,000 $100,000 o $80,000 o $200,000 o o o o $900,000 o o o o o o $90,000 o $100,000 $80,000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o $80,000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o $80,000 o o o o o o $80,000 o 0 o $250,000 $270,000 $330,000 ------ VI-4 DRAFT e Ci(y of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e E.lilll~~'~;\If,{~1'f.~}s~l~~~;t:~. .. o -.- ----. Electrical Upgrades U.E.F. 0 0 $50,000 0 ._-_._---------_._--_._-_._-_.__._..._------~- ---.--.-.--------.--- --.------- --.------- ---.---.-----. -----.-.-----..----- Electrical Upgrades U.E.F. 0 0 0 $50,000 _._----_.__..._...-._-_._--~-_.._.__. ----..------------------- ---.-----.-.--- -.-.-.--...-------...-.-- ...-.-----------.---.-. -------.--.-.--..--......-.--.-..-. _._..._._._-~-- ---..-...-.--.-.-.-- Hydrant/Valve Replacement - Potable Water 0 0 $25,000 _y~_~il!!)~___._.._________.__._______________..___._...____.______ ...~:~:~.....__________..._.__________________.__..___ _.______________..... ......___~~~~~.....__._... ______.__________ __..~~~~~OO_____ ___~~~~~~_~___ Instrumentation & Electrical Upgrades UEF. 0 $70,000 _._...___._.__w_..__...._.___.___.__..._.._.............___.__~___.....____.___.__._..__..__..____..._._______.------- t<.hin Street Water Main U .2000.F. -----0--- -$80~006------.-------0----.-----------0--.-----------0-----.--. ----0.------ -_..--_._..._--_._---_._._--------_.__...__...._._--~---.----..--.-...-.------.----- -.-.-.-.----.---.-..- ._------- - .. -~-------- -- -- --- --- Meter Replacement & Upgrades U.E.F. 0 $100,000 - ----$100,000----.----$100:000- $100,000 $100,000 .-.--.--.-..-----....-.-.------...---.--.-----.--.-----.-.---- --...-.-.---.-.--..--....----..-.-....-.-.---.--.- .----------..---..--. ......-. --.--------..--.---...- --.-.-..-.-.----...----.-..-..---.. ----- ...-...-..--....--..---- -.--.--.---.--.---.-.- ..-----...-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-- Polyphosphate Injection at \vrP#2-3 U.E.F. 0 $18,000 0 0 0 ..-.----.....---.-.--.--.---.-.---.-------.---.--- .-----.---.--- --.--.-.---------- ------- --.-..---------.--...-.--. -.-.....---...-------.-.-.--.-- ---------- .-----. Pump Repl. ___ Potable Water Facility R.R.F. 0 0 $11,000 $11,000 __._.__.__._____.._____._._____._.__~________.__..____---- 1--------...----.----.-...--.--- -----------.....- - Replace \vrP#l CWorine Equipment U.E.F. $25,000 -6-----------0---------- ---------0----- ---.--.--.------------------------------.--.-- ---.------.---.--.---.----.------ _....._._---_._..~-- -.---.--.- -------------.-.....-.-.. ...---.-..-----.---.-.-.-.-.- ------------.-----. ----..-.--...----.--.. Roof Replacement _ West \VRF R.R.F. 0 $20,000 0 0 -----------------.------ --.--------.- -- ._------_.~-_.-I------~_.- .---~---------.-.. ---.----..----.----.- --- S.R. 434 Water Main - Spine Road to U 2000 F 0 $450,000 0 0 Vistawilla - 12" . .. --.-.------------.---.-------------- -------.-.---.----- --'---~ --- S.R. 434 Water Main Upgrade - Vistawilla to 417 - 12" POTABLE WATER Additional Pumps & Controls wrP#l CC Village Service Line Replacement Chlorination System Replacement CWorine Conv. To Liquid @ wrP #2 Chlorine ConverSIOn WTP#3 CWP /Parkstone Water Connection Diesel Storage Tank Replacement ----~---- Southern \Vater Main Interconnection Spine Road Water Main - 12" Tuskawilla Road Water Main U.E.F. U.E.F. R.R.F. U.E.F. -. U.E.F. U .E.F. -. U.E.F. o 0 0 0 $125,000 0 $28,000 0 0 0 0 $20,000 ---. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $20,000 .---.-- --- 0 0 0 0 -- ----- -----.---- o 0 $50,000 ----------~-- o $30,000 0 o o o o ~50,000 o o U.2000.F. $50,000 o o -- --- o o U.1997.F. U.2000.F. U.1997.F. o o $210,000 o o o o o o o $11,000 $11,000 -- --...-..------.------- --..--.--....-.-.-.----- o 0 o o o o ---- --...--.-------.-. o o o o o $150,000 o o o o o o $120,000 o -- --------- o o o o o o VI-S DRAFT e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e ;~~;;~~~t)t;fI;I~Iff~!~i;l~;t\~~t\~j,:!:~',;\~~F~::~ ;;~'.~~ !;FD:~{:'~t:tr~~.:~: ,'" ..' ,.;; ~.~. ~~~ro~; ".,. .,:'.- '1~gfr.. Utility Operations Facility $320,000 o o Utility Operations Facility Well #4 at \VfP #1 U.1997.F. U .2000 F U .2000.F. \VfP #1 Water Main to Tuskawilla Rd- 16"/12" ---,.-----..-----.------------ ------------- o U .2000.F. \VfP#l Discharge Piping Imp. o U.E.F. Potable Water Totals $655,000 RECLAIMED WATER o o $250,000 $450,000 o ------ $1,656,000 . -:","'FY 2002- ~ " . ~1'EY.2003/' ..,,> FY 2004;;. ..~..~". ',,', ~~'", . . ~'.;: ,:' 'I. ~ , ::::; 3~03 .,," 2O'0~ . . '~}?~S.;"'.:'{ o 0 ':./:)1';20~5f~...:... '; ;:;.j;,~?:06:.. . o $1,000,000 o o o o o o o o o o o --0-.--- -----.-0--.- ---.0-- -.-$150,000---- $1,336,000 $236,000 $261,000 $286,000 Convert Meters U.EF -.0..------ -'$21 O~OOO -----0----- .-----...0----- .. o o ._.__..................__.__.._._._.__.__._.__.__._.__.._.M.._........_______...........__......_...._.___..._._._____...._____..........__._.___.._..___...._._..__......__......__.___.....______._.... .................H....___..............__..___._ ......_._._.._____.____..._......._.. _.__.._............._......_..._ ....--- .------..----- ....-.----.......---.-.--..- Reclaimed Improvements, NO Terraces See. 4 U.E.F 0 0 $70,000 0 0 0 ..~.._--..-...~........._....._........_...._............._......_...-......--...................................-...-......----..--.-.-.......... -- ...--.--.-.--.-....-.-....-.-.........................-...-....-.-.-- ...-...--..-........................------- ... .......-......-...............---.............. ............-.---....-......-..-.......-. ..-...--...---...-.--...-...---- ...----.--- ....--......--..-........-.-.-...-....-.. Reclaimed Water Augmentation Pump Station U.2000.F. 0 0 $580,000 0 0 0 ......__..._......._....._..._.__....___.__._.__.._......_..............__~...............___.m._._.._._....._.......____~_~~ ......_.___.._....._.....____~______._..._.........._..._ .......___........_ ...._............_.. ............_......__..........._................. ......._......._...__._..._....._........._._. .........._...._ ........._...._...................__.. _.__.__.___ ._..__............._......._...._.._...... Surface Water Augmentation U.E.F 0 0 0 0 $500,000 0 Reclaimed Water Totals $0.00 $210,000 $650,000 $0.00 $500,000 $0.00 Backhoe/Front Loader o ..._..__..................._..................._.___...........__........_................_._.._....__......_._.._._...._.....___...._m__._..._....._ ___......__.__.__..............._..._......___......_.__._...__ ...__..___.._..___...___._.__...._..... ...........__...~_____....__........... __.._...-____.____._..__._...._ EQUIPMENT $18,333 U.E.F $90,000 $18,333 $18,333 $18,333 Other Equipment --.---.-...--.....------....----- ....-.----..-...--.-...---.--..-...-. .-.----.---....-... .--.-.---.-...-..-...--.-..-...---. -......---..----...--..... -----.- ---.---...---.......---...-....-. GF 0 0 0 $75,000 0 0 --.--------- .------------..- UEF. 0 -- $50,000-- ---$50,000'--.--- $50-,00'0-- -.$50,000 ...---$5.0,0'00 ---. UEF. -$100,000 .-----0----- ----0----... ------6--- '--0- .--'.0.--- Dump Truck - Public Works Sewer Cleaner Vehicles o o Vehicles - Public Works U.E-F. GF Equipment Totals $100,000 Source: City of Winter Springs and Land Design Innovations, Inc., 2001. $75,000 o $215,000 -m,OOO -.--------$75:000--- -$75~OOO -- .---$-75~600 -- -0'-- - $22,000 ---0-----$'22,000- -- $143,333 $240,333 $143,333 $165,333 VI-6 DRAFT e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e Fund Source Key T.LF.F. Transportation Impact Fee Fund U.E.F. Utility Enterprise Fund R.R.F. Renewal & Replacement Fund R.G.F. Revenue Generation Fund U.2000.F. Utility 2000 Construction Fund U.1997.F. Utility 1997 Construction Fund S.u.P. Stormwater Utility Fund L.O.G.T. Local Option Gas Tax C.D.B.G. Community Development Block Grant G.P. General Fund DRAFT VI-7 e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e B. Summary Table by Fund ~~r.(i~1~r:211[t~':f5ls~i'~.~~~il~ti~~,ii ~:~T~~gf.,~;~~~,;,; ? ::FY{~O~~~;.~~ )i'r\~d~~tt;{~ i")~:>~~~~::~~ (~~\~~~'2()P!;~:'~' ~.,:J{:;~~1~~~'~~~.~ I,', '2002.v:'~' ..', ,.2005,,,,.,, .' "". '.":'''':''.1':,.;-::' ~\r~:r.;;'_'f>~~';':; !j,:~' 5<~~; GENERAL FUND Hydraulic Rescue Tool 00-2210-001 0 0 $25,000 0 0 0 Fire Engine 124 01-2210-001 0 0 0 $280,000 0 0 Dwnp Truck - Public \Vorks 03-4410-02 0 0 0 $75,000 0 0 Vehides - Public Works 03-4410-03 0 0 0 $22,000 0 $22,000 Air Cascade Compressor 99-2210-001 0 0 $20,000 0 0 0 Re-Surface Trotwood Basketball Ct. Parks & Rec 0 $15,000 0 0 0 0 Replacement Work Cart w / sprayer Parks & Rec 0 $22,000 0 0 0 0 Sand Pro Parks & Rec 0 $13,000 0 0 0 0 CWP 2 Playground Resurfacing Parks & Rec 0 0 $20,000 0 0 0 CWP '12 Basketball Court Parks & Rec 0 0 $15,000 0 0 0 CWP VFD Drive for Irrigation Parks & Rec 0 0 $10,000 0 0 0 60" Cut Deck Mower Parks & Rec 0 0 $15,000 0 0 0 Replacement Parks Crew Cab Truck Parks & Rec 0 0 $30,000 0 0 0 Park/Vermia Brush Clipper Parks & Rec 0 0 0 0 0 $25,000 2 - 52" Cut Mowers Parks & Rec 0 0 0 0 $15,000 0 Police Vehide Replacements Police 0 $104,000 $104,000 $104,000 $104,000 $104,000 General Fund Totals $0.00 $154,000 $239,000 $481,000 $119,000 $151,000 GRANTS FUNDS 434 Beautification 01-4410-04 0 $138,000 0 0 0 0 Lighting for Soccer Fields Parks & Rec 0 $350,000 0 0 0 0 DRAFT VI-8 e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e };,;.n ~ 'q.. '''' \,. "'i';.' :"'" - F, '.'l1:~':';~?rpje(:t~'- ,L.:::FY2000;;::B, ,; "EY,2001~'~;: .. ",FY200Z:;v, '.',\FY2003~':';h "~':I;FY2004':'::.,. ::~;~'FY'20()51:\;:;- :"\'~_,i,'.' ':~ :\;:~~..t~":'}~~!:":'~:>^~~' .~.:::".:~:},~//;:l,~:)-~ :,;/:::fi~,~~~~;':;f": ~'::,' "2~'Q~-,:.(.,;: 1.",2,..:~~299~~ :,:::~~:': :i:.~~?,O~(\1~/ <'.,.:';':::;;~~?:~;{~~\:; \~~~~-J~~~Q~;j:A:~ .:,:i:;;:,:i?~'(!:~:.' Torcaso Park Expansion Parks & Rec 0 $500,000 0 0 0 0 Senior/Civic Center Improvements Parks & Rec 0 0 $400,000 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 Neighborhood Center & Pool Parks & Rec $680,000 Park Land Acquisition Parks & Rec 0 Total Grants $680,000 BONDS CWP Expansion and Improvement Parks & Rec 0 CWP Expansion and Improvement Parks & Rec 0 Total Bonds $0_00 $988,000 $400,000 o o o 0 $0.00 $0.00 POLICE IMPACT FEE FUND Police Headquarters Expansion POlice==:t $OOJ~IOOOO-_~- $165,000 $165,000 Police Totals FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND f------- Station 3 02-2210-001 02-2210-002 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $60,000 0 0 $4D,000 0 0 $175,000 0 Engine 3 Fire Totals MEDICAL TRANSPORATION FUND Rescue 3 02-2210-003 Medical Trans. Fund Totals TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND Signal Control and Lens Upgrade \Vmding Hollow /Parkstone Signal S.R 419/434 Signal Upgrades 01-014D-06 01-014D-07 01-014D-08 0 0 0 0 0 $1,000,000 $ 0.00 $15,000 $1,000,000 $2,500,000 0 0 0 $2,500,000 0 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $0.00 0 0 0 -. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $1,000,000 0 0 $345,000 0 $0.00 $1,345,000 $0.00 0 0 $190,000 $0.00 $0.00 $190,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VI-9 DRAFT e City of Winter Springs CaPital Improvements Program e e "~ ~.~. tr" T' .' "M~', p"'" "Ph . .,.. .. A' [~:?t~:1 ?~ h'S,::",:4~~~;~J" ':'.~: ,', F;Y,.20QO~:: ';' ....f7\'".~OOI~r;::. " F,Y2002;;:r:'.~:: '."". "' ."".,- .., v. ,.....<." ro,ects'.', .~ .".t t'. .... ,~':,.;p:y. 2().Q3!'~:.:' I~;rj~~~';r~:! ':~;~'2.}~~~~;':.:: t~?ii;~~I:~~~)~:;::~l~~f.{}>~J.;~~~~:'~~, '.~r~~;:,:'.J. .',' ',' >:; I..':': 2001',; ~..:.'c<~~()~..":' ',j., ,~:~.:.'. :;'2~~~~~:Y;" <:j; ''.;;~OO4'';'':'~:. I.';. .::.';: '. .';.' " \ .....,>.,:......t;'r:... S,R. 434 Signal Park/School 01-014()-09 0 $75,000 0 0 0 0 Tuskawilla Road Signal Upgrades 01-014()-10 0 $4(),000 0 0 0 0 -- Main Street 01-014()-11 0 $300,000 0 0 0 0 Bahama Road Paving 02-014()-02 0 0 $250,000 0 0 0 Winter Springs Blvd. 04-014()-05 0 0 0 0 $250,000 0 Transportation Impact Fee Fund Totals $0.00 $690,000 $250,000 $ 0.00 $250,000 $0.00 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX (TRANSPORATION IMPROVEMENT FUND) - Vehicle 00-0104-04 $24,000 0 $22,000 0 $22,000 0 Tractor/Bushhog $50,000 0 0 0 0 0 -- 00-0104-07 $120,000 $125,000 $150,000 $130,000 _. Resurfacing/U nderdrains 01-0104-02 $150,000 $130,000 ---.------.---------.-----.---.--------- ------.------ ------------ f--..-------- - -------...-- Public Works Compound 02-0104-01 0 0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 .-------.--...---.-...-.------....-......----.--.--...-.-...--- ----.---------.-----.--- ----.-.-.--.-.----. .-.-.-.-.------.-- -.-- .-------- George Street 02-0104-08 0 $20,000 0 0 0 0 ----....-----....--------________.._._.....__..__._.___.____N_~___.___________..N_._ _._.~- ----.--------- --~--_._-_._- ---------.- L.O.G.T. Totals $194,000 $145,000 $222,000 $180,000 $222,000 $180,000 ._._----~_._._--------------_. ---------------- ONECENTINF~TRUCTURE SALES TAX (Seminole County Traffic Circulation Projects) -...-----.--------.----- --,-- - -- Stamped Asphalt atW.S. Blvd. 00-0145-05 $77,000 0 0 0 0 0 ---.- Fisher Road 02-0143-07 0 0 $725,000 0 0 0 .. -- Hickory Grove Blvd. 02-0143-08 0 0 $600,000 0 0 0 Main Street 02-0143-09 0 0 $606,000 0 0 0 Spine Road 0 0 $500,000 0 0 -- 03-0143-10 0 I-Cent Sales Tax Totals $77 ,000 $0.00 $1,931,000 $500,000 $0.00' 0.00 -- STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Little Lake Howell RCP Culvert 02-4413-02 $30,000 (] 0 0 0 0 U nderdrain Installation 02/06-4413-08 0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 _. DRAFT VI -10 e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e .;;.;,~ .;,~;..,. -., >~ ~.. -;::c ,;"~';:::'~f,;:*; 'j ,. ~. ""... 'p.'" <."'.,, .i"FY2000~":{. ~,.;:':F(do~~j]\'j.:". ',: ;;:,;.EX:2!>()7~' '.',,'. Xi~PA~~f:.sf{;: Itl;~li'~~F ;;;:~ ./;\J:' ,;j;~{>::' ,;'; ...roJe~t. ;. , ",':., :;~t.:~;~~04;~ :/~~ ':!~~];-:V'20,OS-j;',.. ' .i\ ..2;~;,(:: ~J.\~. ~.!.' I;;.:';; ~f~b~~r:';~ . ,..'. ,5.20~;r>;: 1. .' t<'o~:.:. .) ;'::,;:,'2006';:':<:' '~.:~,~;,~,,! ,. JY.' ,<1),2005'. '.'~~f ., ,.~.:~l,: ';..,ll'- ,i2~"->,.',:. I...;.'::::.~ ,".',' . ::.' "~i~;~:"~; ;.._;.~.~. '.~~~"~ ". ~ '" <'f.."~ H'.:~~: 3.~"f Inlet/Oudet Improvements 02/06-4413-09 0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Little Lake Howell Box Culvert 03-4413-03 0 $126,000 0 0 0 0 -- Gee Creek Sedimentation Pond 03-4413-04 0 0 $122,000 0 0 0 Vehicles 03/05-4413-10 0 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 ----- No Name Creek Drainage Swales 04-4413-05 0 0 0 $98,000 0 0 ---- --------- --.---- No Name Creek Swale and Culverts 05-4413-06 0 0 0 0 $92,000 0 .---.----- -.--- -- .----- Stonnwater Utility Fund Totals $30,000 $166,000 $187,000 $138,000 $157,000 $40,000 --_._--~- -------- - UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND ----- .. POTABLE WATER --------.-...--.---..-----.---..--.---------..--.-------- -------.--.-- ---_.. Chlorine Conv, To Liquid @ \VTP #2 0 0 0 0 -. 01-3600-56 $50,000 0 .~_~_.__....N.._~..____._.N_.___.__.____.~_______ -----..--..-----.-..-- --------...--.--.--.--. _._.___'_'N_'"_''' ------- ---- --'-- ----~--- Replace \VTP#1 Chlorine Equipment 01-3600-57 $25,000 0 0 0 0 0 ______.....__...__......__.___.._...__.__N__._...._.__.___~.__.______.__~_ ---.-.-.--.---.---.--...--.-.- .-.---.-.-.----.-..-.-..--.- ._._._..H...._._._._._____..~..__.. ..---------- --..--------...-- ----.-..-- .----.------.-.-.-.-.-.- Chlorine Conversion WTP#3 02-3600-05 0 $20,000 0 0 0 0 _...__._._--_._~---_.__.__...__....._._-_._._._-----_._-_.---~. ._.- --_....~-~-. --.------ ------- l\'Ieter Replacemen t & Upgrades 02/06-3600-70 0 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 -_._---_._._._--_._--~-----_._.__.__._-_. - --..---..-.----- ----.-----..---- -----~._-- -- .----- CC Village Service Line Replacement 02-3600-86 0 $28,000 0 0 0 0 ---~_...-.__._._~---- ----- ---.------.-- -------- -- Instrumentation & Electrical Upgrades $70,000 0 0 .. 02-3600-87 0 0 0 Polyphosphate Injection at WTP#2-3 -----.- --- -. --- 02-3600-88 0 $18,000 0 0 0 0 Diesel Storage Tank Replacement 0 $30,000 0 -- 03-3600-96 0 0 0 Electrical Upgrades 03-3600-97 0 0 $50,000 0 0 0 Central Wlrlds Park/Parkstone Water Connection 04-3600-72 0 0 0 $50,000 0 0 Electrical Upgrades 04-3600-98 0 0 0 $50,000 0 0 Additional Pumps & Controls WfP#1 05- 3600-10 0 0 0 0 $125,000 0 WTP#1 Discharge Piping Imp. 06-3600-15 0 0 0 0 0 $150,000 Potable Water Total $75,000 $236,000 $180,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 DRAFT VI-ll e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e ~~tt~Jt~1:~2fj~;j:;r'J~);~d~:!~i;~tj~~'j;"'::;>J.'\::~,~"'; :~}::~:!.~C:r~~::}': Install Liner in Reject Storage Pond at WWRF 01-3600-19 ~" py.ZOOO-' ..py zooC;.:', 'FY'200Z'i',.. f W, FY'200.3"'i,,, ~ ;PY:'20oif'. ".....,f'y; ZOOS'.' . .~.' : 'Z()O!..' .,~': '.:,":.':'~O~.J:;:~:t:~'~.~.~:if.~,~<~,r:.,. j~.:">:;.i~~~,.~><': .t?;;A?Q~i.)"~!~~~ ~}"::~~~::.~:~'::( SANITARY SEWER - $37,000 SCAD1\ 01/04-3600-27 $90,000 -------- ---- 02-3600-91 0 o $90,000 Aeration Upgrade.. Drum Thickener Automatic Bar Screen -EWRF $65,000 ------ 03-3600-20 0 0 ---- ----------.-- .------ 03-3600-21 0 0 Scrubber for Gas CU/ Conversion EWRF Diesel Storage Tank Replacement 03-3600-24 04-3600-22 -- Scrubber for Gas CL2/Conversion WWRF WWRF Sand Filter 06-3600-26 o -- ---.-- o o -- --- o o o Sanitary Sewer Total $127,000 $155,000 RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM -----------.__._------------~- Convert tvfeters 02-3600-99 Reclaimed Improvements, NO Terraces Sec. 4 Surface Water Augmentation Reclaimed Water Total 03- 3600- 51 04-3600-54 Sewer Cleaner 01-3600-66 Vehicles 02/08-3600-64 Other Equipment 02/08-3600-65 Backhoe/Front Loader 02/08-3600-67 Equipment Total -- o o o $210,000 o o $0.00 $210,000 EQUIPMENT $100,000 0 o $75,000 VI-12 $50,000 $90,000 $215,000 o o $100,000 DRAFT e City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program e e 1;'.J2il '." <.^........ < . .,..< '>n, ."., ... .. )~"i c.,e'.' . .. ...,...,..:e"~.'<-'~'f'''''''''''''''ProJects .. ,.~'... ...... . .....r.. <.,.-. 'p.,., ',.... .... ;~,::~~~;;~;~!~~;\::~I:;~~~~;TiH:{~:~c~fi:~:.~..:..,:;.~.".":f~..' ";:: ;;.;. : '. .,.'t: ;.:.' ~;.;:'~:~~c;i'.~i_: Utility Enterprise Fund Total UTILITY RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND - _~.;i~~O~:':'.'. .':. ':.'FY~3f~~..':'( }:'::~:!2~J!>~...: ~':~;rj~~{~~.~~~i ~~:.t~f~~;:"~.'j; :.'~:>1~~r-'::";.' $302,000 $816,000 $713,333 $1,033,333 $618,333 $393,333 Roof Replacement . West WRF 02.3600.93 0 $20,000 0 0 0 0 ,. - Chlorination System Replacement 02.3600-94 0 $20,000 0 0 0 0 -- -- Sewer Line Restoration/Pump Replacement 02-3600-102 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 - . Pump Replacement - Potable Water Facility 02.3600-103 0 0 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 Hydrant/Valve Replacement - Potable Water 02-3600-104 0 0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Facility Renewal And Replacement Fund Totals $80,000 $120,000 $116,000 $116,000 $116,000 $116,000 UTILITY 2000 CONSTRUCTION FUND S.R. 434 Water Main Upgrade - Vistawilla to 417 - 01-3600-71 $50,000 0 0 0 0 0 12" West Town Center Gravity Sewer Extension 01-3600-79 $50,000 0 0 0 0 0 Lift Station 5E upgrade 01-3600-81 $150,000 0 0 0 0 0 Well #4 at WfP #1 02.3600-12 0 $250,000 0 0 0 0 S.R. 434 Water Main Spine Road to Vistawilla 0 $450,000 0 0 12" 02.3600-68 0 0 WfP #1 Water Main to T uskawilla Road - 16" / 12" 02-3600-73 0 $450,000 0 0 0 0 Main Street Water lvlain 02-3600-77 0 $80,000 0 0 0 0 Force Main to Town Center & EWRF 02.3600-78 0 $700,000 0 0 0 0 West Town Center Lift Station & Force Main 02.3600.80 0 $100,000 0 0 0 0 Lift Station Upgrades to Force Main 02.3600-82 0 $50,000 0 0 0 0 Utility Operations Facility 03-3600.55 0 0 $1,000,000 0 0 0 Spine Road Water Main -12" 03-3600-69 0 0 $120,000 0 0 0 West Force Main Upgrades to System 03-3600.84 0 0 $200,000 0 0 0 East Force Main Rerouting/Upgrades 03-3600.85 0 0 $300,000 0 0 0 DRAFT VI -13 - City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program '. .) Ilk~,i~~t .'V ,;.~;<:.c~::~;P.' '. .:*':.' '.<~';';': {\f ::~~~'~~ ;!;"'<"J.?t6jef~0:' :..~... ' . , ',FY;2000:"'", '<'~Y200V' ~'l',';:4fY'20()2::'~...''''' :.':J,cFY,,200J.:'..:~'~ "; ';FY2004:-\'!.' ,'.' 'FY2005.::' ><,1 h!t;?~~.lt~}l}}~ .'::1. ,.:~:., ,. ."';:.::~\:~;.}~f.~~~:~,~t?.J::\' ~. :.:~:;~~~e~; ,.:~.:t ;: . :. " :2~("..~ ~.: :. ;,,;:,t20~'2i::>':I'; i;');f~~~~..i't}; ;'<;;':~"&~{.::>':}X:~~.:.~;~;2,O?~:~;:::h '!;.L:::~6~',:;".,.; Reclaimed Water Augmentation Pump Station 03-3600-83 0 0 $580,000 0 0 0 Utility 2000 Construction Fund Total $250,000 $2,080,000 $2,200,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 UTILITY 1997 CONSTRUCfION FUND Tuskawilla Road Water Main 01-3600-18 $210,000 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Operations Facility 01-3600-101 $320,000 0 0 0 0 0 Southern Water Main Interconnection 02-3600-09 0 $150,000 0 0 0 0 Utility 1997 Construction Fund Total $530,000 $150,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 REVENUE GENERATION FUND Sewer Plant Improvements 02-3600-28 0 $120,000 0 0 0 0 West WRF Sludg~ Thickening 02-3600-89 0 $150,000 0 0 0 0 Sand Filter at East WRF 02-3600-100 0 $300,000 0 0 0 0 Revenue Generation Fund Total $0.00 $570,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - Source: CIty of WInter Spnngs and Land Destgll Innovanons, Inc., April, 2001. DRAFT VI-14 . . . City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program VII. STATE AND COUNTY ROAD PROJECTS There are currendy no FDOT or Seminole County short or long range road projects in the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). See attached maps depicting the nearest improvements to the City of Winter Springs. DRAFT VII -1 . ~ -.::.....: 0. . .'. .-,,~, " i ,,>":f'~"~=."'.LMe~:' ~ . . 4,et?~ ... AA'CTl){\DT ^ t\T \ ""''''''''-'--''JL'.''l''' .q~" ~ ~:.. "1'~:' ~', ._~~jtf:..;.I~'+' ~ A.......-~._ ,J'c-, - ----c.~ ~ 1 ^. > .~~.- ~);}:~...::;~.J .~. 'I l.,~"'~: .. - ' , -~\; - . ~.!:::...'- . c ;;;'Cfl .;.F;~ 0. ..-.--. ,. f'.~ ':' "-<l"-[I;~"~ ,'-. I .--::---:. .~~~. ~ ~~~ -~!. -/ ~{:t~ :g~{ ',~;~ . ...:~;~ -~ > 1 J-:" Q.-,\ _ , '~'\,'_~ Vi: .'~ _ "' ...~. _:-- M~:.~ '71; 417 ~--~1 ___ -: '~ ",i:'':' .' ];,:"I<(\~:~".:-; c'.~.p,::!, ~ '~';q> ..' . -- '" -~-~-~~.~~:~,I'fH -~'i.:; ~l.;3Z~~~~:' ~ hi;';; ..'. I .-. .";'''ljst~-' ,~< oi~':U - -I--;,;,~,,~; ~ 'I' . ,:.-,'\ l... -. -'.~: ~~" . Tt:*''t~:''.I;~~ ~.- ';.1~>'?':7 -, -.-- . --, ~~. .~J~..-.'" -'I~i;l ~- ~'.:~~I\- r+ '::g~ '~I'i;;:t~.,.: 'n~ WeApopg 'J~~r,:;.]:;-~: ~,~~i:\,' ~j~<Ak\3\~J~~:~H~~~:'~~ i.J.~~~' . y. ~_..._. . ;<?i" t. ~j- ~:' ~:.~ l1~~:: . ~ ~':,A;t,. :'~I. ;:' :~', ::. " ~-_. j : ~.:.~..:-:I. '':'''~1';J' J.~: ": ~ " :\<r~; ~ .~,. .: .:)...... -'~'.~ ,'0, -, "- ~ r - ". .' r ....'.OlS~, 'W7. .,' ,- 'J'" ' .". .. ' ~ ... :~~I ,,:"- .:; -f:'~ I ,," ,):'- ~.-.,. ~. ~ j . ,~, . _ ';. -- ""'I' .' "-- - c' 'I~< '.";<:C'~ ;'-';>-';.:iI ~71 11.... ;;;'.;. ,. . J: ,~ - ..~.' J~~~'Fi~~;;; :-:,,' '{-~ ~':lhi :'~~:..~'~~, .":~~~~~~:~.~:- .~:' ~ ~ .~~:._': >~--' ..- .- ,..::.~, t..!''-'';:'' ,~..;-: .. . ," ;\:t',: , ~'; :l~ ~ :', 1." 'i~ ",...<;. i ".r'~R- -~-:-- ~o :--'.f' :~:~c<\ ~ ."... c.::' r;.~ ~.;~; ;,....~~:-';Jt -'-~ :. :::0. .:.,~ t:~ ....:': ~~~:~~ ':'.:>Ii '!!Y, '~. ~:,:. .,~- A_~; ~ ~~~.~J~. .. __,' '~ .\ -{ .-;... r.:/( x",'" ; ii\'.. :1',./ .... ~ ".... ,- _ .i~_ ?;." ;t.[::."~ ~I,~ :,~:~r'.~:,., '1'~~ ~~. ,::",.: .,,-.,,;,;;0~ 1-. n ~. ,J 0:[1., .. ..J,!, . -,0'.;1"'.' ". I' . -- ,'~_,~_n. ~ --" "_:....~._lft;-" ',':C 'r\'~I;" ~., f:: ,: kr.'''~ ".~. --':.--'-' ~ Y. . "-~:~. .." ..:..1.~.~~- "~';".". lI'F\.-::-,_,.J..g .~~.l. ..::.-~;~ '"..1--~~_'/':\.J_. - --.--- ~. \ '_"'~ ~_ r..19 ..~.\::~.~~ ...." r-., .;-.... T_\,.__~. , ''';'''IIII! ----. , :~':::-"i: .' ;-:;. . ;'d.i~-7,:!/k ~':: ~::;' .... . ;':".:.~W ~ ;' .'-..... :j".:j",i;;~~ ,:l~t:t~~}L . m ...... \1 !i' ," L ~,~; r~ :.': ;:v.;~~5!..~~ . _ Jc. " ~;~:~,~~- ~ "\~.;;,~:;: .;,..IJ:l~" f:;.--- ~~.~ ,:~~~", ): S~:':~"~.. '. .~.'::=v. . -~~~--- .. "., . ,.. i/ --- .'" - ' .. J~~;~::~;:~~..: 7'~" .. ";;~t ,~.- ,~~,~t ~~" ,,-" '~jci:"- .,. . _"CP'_"" .-.... -- ~;;~('~;{t~:;, c~;- Toho~a/va -. "-:'. f- h .. \) ..,,- . Proposed Western Beltway Parte LEGEND - Road Projects Proposed Road Projects D Main Roads Local Roads METROPLAN ORLANDO YR 2020 TRANSPORTATION PLAN LOCAL PROJECTS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS A County Boundaries Lakes o 6 Miles . . . . /~ .....- ~fll~ \ 'crl p_ II ~ :-T'\I( II II.~ J \ lii I~~. ~'[ ~ ~- I I ~r\ ~, ~ @"'" ~1-i117: 4J ~ \ 'V@ ;'tlPi J ~ ~_~ ,---1vB' ;\ .~ "- . r ~ 4J : \j -~ ." U~ ~ - - I I r/;-'- \---,-r \j ~-"i---\ 11-:1""' v _ \ rl- {I- ) II Leke Apopke ).~ .-1 ~ J \ 1 ~ }I II' f r\10-" = l1'l ~I "7 G ~J ! \ .....~ r'J_O~O~-4 / ~ &:.~"-'ASO'7'~'-~._- I .~~V A-~-P 'CI~", ---J J'/\ ~ ~~~j~ "I \ 8\\". ) , 11 7 ~ I' 1. , ~ \~tl"'i~'.Y-r-lr~\~ t P "'\ l\"'-'~ n"\~ .~.. . HJ :\.-\ V ~_ \ !D ~" ( I /r -,~ ~ ,. ~ \ -_/\ '\ .. " { ~ I ~ Y' ~ J~\? ,~,.r ~ Parte o ~ \~ ~.- ~ .........r__ ~, 9 \ I LBlce Tohop8kBlIgs ~ j 19 \i LEGEND METROPLAN ORLANDO YR 2020 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN IMPROVEMENTS e InterState. TlJIT'4)ike & _ ~llY Projects - Meln Roads - Local RODds e 0lh8' Federal & State ~ Roedwaylmprovements Lokes o r ~ Miles A. = Can<el>.... LRT AJigunerd D County 8<uldaI1es . . . Ciry of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Program VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORMS This section compiles . the Capital Ouday Project Request Forms submitted by all the departments for the preparation of this Capital Improvements Program. The forms ARE presented by Department, as follows: A. Fire Department B. Police Department C. Parks and Recreation Department D. Public Works/Utilities Department VIII-1 DRAFT e FIRE DEPARTMENT. Capital Improvement Project Request Forms e -- . . . FIRE DEPARTMENT I MEDICAL TRANSPORT PROPOSED PROJECT EXPENDITURES BY YEAR Project Project Projected Year 1 Year2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Total Prior Name Number 01102 02103 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 Air Cascade Compressor 99-2210-001 $20,000 $20,000 Hydraulic Rescue Tool 00-2210-001 $25,000 $25,000 Engine 124 01-2210-001 $280,000 $280,000 Station 3 02-2210-001 $1,000,000 $1.000,000 Engine 3 02-2210-002 $345,000 $345,000 Rescue 3 02-2210-003 $190,000 $190,000 Car 5/ Training - EMS Div. Vehicle 05-2210-001 $25,000 $25,000 TOTAL $0 $45,000 $280,000 $1,345,000 $190,000 $25,000 $1,885,000 $0 PROPOSED PROJECT REVENUE SOURCE BY YEAR Revenue . Project ProJected Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Prior Source Number 01/02 02/03 03104 04/05 05/06 06/07 General Fund 99-2210-001 $20,000 $20.000 General Fund 00-2210-001 $25,000 $25,000 General Fund 01-2210-001 $280,000 $280,000 Fire Impact Fees, 02-2210-001 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Fire Impact Fees 02-2210-002 $345,000 $345,000 Medical Transport Fund 02-2210-003 $190,000 $190,000 General Fund 05-2210-001 $25,000 $25,000 TOTAL $0 $45,000 $280,000 $1,345,000 $190,000 $25,000 $1,885,000 $0 PROPOSED PROJECT OPERATING IMPACT BY YEAR Revenue Project Prolected Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Prior Source Number 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 Air Cascade Compressor 99-2210-001 . $0 Hydraulic Rescue Tool 00-2210-001 $0 Engine 124 01-2210-001 $0 Station 3 02-2210-001 $750.000 $750,000 EnQine 3 02-2210-002 $10,000 $10,000 Rescue 3 02-2210-003 $7,500 $7,500 Car 5/ Training - EMS Div. Vehicle 05-2210-001 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $760,000 $7,500 $0 $767,500 $0 - Approval Date: Completion Date 4/30/0HI6107CIP.XLS . 2001-2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Fire PROJECT NAME: Air Cascade System Compressor LOCATION: 102 North Moss Road SERVICE AREA: Station 24 and Station 26 PROJECT NUMBER: 99-2210-00 I PROJECT PRIORITY: 3 IS PROJECT A CAPIT At IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrency: Non-concurrency (public Safety): X -. Other Services (Non-concurrency, Non-Public Safety): DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION FOR CAPIT AL OUTLAY AND ANY ASSOCIATED OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT: The Air Cascade Compressor compresses the air that is breathed by Fire Fighters and Water Department personnel when they are entering or working in hazardous atmospheres. The Self Contained Breathing Apparatus air must meet air quality standards. Every 3 months an air sample is taken and sent away for analysis. Due to the age of the compressor and the use it gets we anticipate the compressor's replacement on a 15 year interval. The replaced tmit will be surplused at City Auction or traded in on the new one. StafflPersonnel: No additional personnelis associated with this project Operation/Maintenance: Replacement equipment - No additional operations or maintenance costs Capital Outlay: $ 20,000 TOTAL: $ 20,000 - RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund - Other Equipment . . 2001-2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Fire PROJECT NAME: Replacement of Engine # 124 LOCATION: 102 North Moss Road SERVICE AREA: Station 24 and Station 26 PROJECT NUMBER: 01-2210-00 I PROJECT PRIORITY: 3 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrency: Non-concurrency (Public Safety): X . Other Services (Non-concurrency, Non-Public Safety): DESCRIPTION I JUSTIFICATION FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY AND ANY ASSOCIATED OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT: Replacement of the 1981 Grumman White Expediter IT Tanker Pumper that was originally purchased as a reserve pumper in 1981. This vehicle has been in service for 18 years as a reserve unit and a special call unit for areas that have no frre hydrants. This is due to its large water carrying capacity 1300 gallons, most pumpers carry only 750 gallons. This unit will be surplused. Staffi'Personnel: No additional personnel is associated with this project Operation/Maintenance: Replacement vehicle - No additional operations or maintenance costs Capital Outlay: $ 280,000 TOTAL: $ 280,000 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSNE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund - Vehicles . . 2001-2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Fire PROJECT NAME: Additional Engine for the new Station # 3 LOCATION: SR 434 and Creeks Bend subdivision area SERVICE AREA: SR 434 North East section of the City PROJECT NUMBER: 02-2210-002 PROJECT PRIORITY: 4 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrency: Non-concurrency (Public Safety): X . Other Services (Non-concurrency, Non-Public Safety): DESCRlPTION / JUSTIFICATION FOR CAPIT AL OUTLAY AND ANY ASSOCIATED OPERATING BUDGET IMP ACT: The purchase of this new pumper is a result of proposed growth in the SR 434 corridor. Due to the location of Station # 2 at 850 Northern way we feel the response time to this area will be unacceptable and the call load will be increased. We anticipate commercial growth due the completion of the widening of SR 434. This 3rd pumper will be serving this commercial area and will be serving as back up to the Tuscawilla area as well as the west side of the City. Staffi'Personnel: Personnel is projected in the New Station # 3 project OperationlMaintenance: Additional vehicle maintenance and operational cost will be anticipated. Capital Outlay: Pumper = $ 300,000 plus maintenance and operational cost. Plus $45,000 for additional equipment needed to put the unit in service. TOTAL: $ 345,000 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: SR 434 commercial development . PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General fund and Impact fees . 2001-2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Fire PROJECT NAME: Replacement Hydraulic Rescue Tool LOCATION: 850 Northern Way SERVICE AREA: Station 24 and Station 26 PROJECT NUMBER: 00-2210-00 I PROJECT PRIORITY: 3 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrency: Non-concurrency (public Safety): X . Other Services (Non-concurrency, Non-Public Safety): DESCRIPTION / mSTIFICA nON FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY AND ANY ASSOCIATED OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT: The Hydraulic Rescue Tool is 12 years old and is scheduled to be replaced. This unit is housed at Fire Station 26 and is carried on Engine 26. StafflPersonnel: None required OperationlMaintenance: No additional costs associated with this project Capital Outlay: $ 25,000 TOTAL: $ 25,000 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSNE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund - Equipment . . 2001-2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Fire PROJECT NAME: Additional Rescue for the new Station # 3 LOCATION: SR 434 and Creeks Bend subdivision area SERVICE AREA: SR 434 North East section of the City PROJECT NUMBER: 02-2210-003 PROJECT PRIORITY: 4 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrency: Non-concurrency (public Safety): X . Other Services (Non-concurrency, Non-Public Safety): DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION FOR CAPITAL OUTLA Y AND ANY ASSOCIATED OPERATING BUDGET IMP ACT: The purchase of this new rescue is a result of proposed growth in the SR 434 corridor. Due to the location of Station # 2 at 850 Northern Way we feel the response time to this area will be unacceptable and the call load will be increased. We anticipate commercial growth due the completion of the widening of SR 434. This 3rd rescue will be serving this commercial area and will be serving as back up to the Tuscawilla area as well as the west side of the City. StafflPersonnel: Personnel is projected in the New Station # 3 project. Operation/Maintenance: Additional vehicle maintenance and operational cost will be anticipated. Capital Outlay: Rescue = $ 150,000 plus maintenance and operational cost. Plus $40,000 for additional equipment needed to put the. unit in service. TOTAL: $ 190,000 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS / PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: SR 434 commercial development . PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General fund and Impact fees . 2001-2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Fire PROJECT NAME: Building of Fire Station # 3 LOCATION: SR 434 and Creeks Bend subdivision area SERVICE AREA: SR 434 North East end of the City PROJECT NUMBER: 02-2210-00 I PROJECT PRIORITY: 4 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrency: Non-concurrency (public Safety): X . Other Services (Non-concurrency, Non-Public Safety): DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY AND ANY ASSOCIATED OPERATING BUDGET IMP ACT: The building of this 3rd fire Station is due to the proposed Commercial growth in the area of SR 434 near the Greenway. If this area should develop as we anticipate Fire Station # 2 will not be able to efficiently handle the additional call load in that area as well as have an acceptable response time of 5 minutes or less. This Fire Station would be the result of growth and we anticipate revenue from impact fees to help fund this project. Staffi'Personnel: This Station would require 18 additional personnel OperationlMaintenance: Additional associated building maintenance and utilities charges Capital Outlay: $ 1,000,000 for the Station TOTAL: $ 1,000,000 plus maintenance, utilities and additional personnel RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSNE PLAN: SR 434 commercial development PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund and Impact fees . e -- POLICE DEPARTMENT Capital Improvement Project Request Forms e e (Y) Q a.. a.. Q r-i o;t Q r-i Q I lD N " . ~ c.. c! I' . . . CAPITAl OUTLAY PROJECTS Project Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total FY 2001/02 FY 2002103 FY2003l04 FY 2004105 FY 2005106 Police Headauarters Expansion $0,00 $ 165,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 165,000.00 Vehicle Replacemerrt $104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 520,000.00 TOTAL $0.00 $ 269,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 685,000.00 Operatina Impact Police HeadQuarters Expansion $(100 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Increase for maintenance & Repairs of buildinl1.utillty. Tel..... n.n re, janitorial, and Office suoolies TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Revenue Source Total ImP8clFees $0.00 $ 165,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 165,000.00 General Fund $104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 10.1,000.00 $ 520,000.00 TOTAL $0.00 $ 269,000,00 $ 104,000.00 $ 10.1,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 685,000.00 Approval Date: star1 Date: Completion Date: ::2:: 0- r--- -<:t- m '-D c--J =::: 0- <C LLJ ::2:: I-- = LLJ .::> LLJ ~ LL' =::: r' Apr-26-01 04:10P P.02 ~ ., . 2001 - 2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT REQUF,sT FORM DEPARTMENT: Police PROJECT NAME: Public Safety Complex ExpansiOTl LOCA TION: 300 North Moss Road SERVICE AREA: 300 North Moss Road PROJECT NUMBER: 01-21 JO-02 PROJECT PRIORITY: 4 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUrREMENT: NO CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrem..")': Non-concurrency (Public Safety): X Other SL.'Tvia...'S (Non-coocurrency, Non-Public Safety): . DESCRlPTrON/JUSTIFlCA nON FOR CAPITAL OlJTLA Y AND ANY ASSOC[A TED OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT: 'll\c continuing growth of the City will n:quirc: dle Police Dt...partment to inLTC3se the level of SL'Tvice provided to meet the needs of the community. This increas~ will takc the form of new programs created 10 enhance the Commwlity Policing philosophy, as well as increasing per!lonnet in current 5ervlQ.."S III ma:t expected im.:reases ili calls tOr llt.:rvice and investiglllions. To meet thege needs, the Police DcpBrlm~r must complete me unfinished space of the facility. which were planned tilf fulure needs :md partially constructed 81 the time the m-uClure was built. Due to thc age of the fleet and the numbtrr of miles the vehic1~ lnlvel each year thac will be Q need to n..-place S vehicles II yc:ar starting 2001/2002. Each vehicle will cost S20,SOO.OO with a total CO~l of $104,000.00 payclU'. Stal17PersonneJ: Tht! Police Department is currently I!ltploring new ways to provide additional sc:rvices or improve existing services to the community. This projea den1s wilh worksp.oce that will be needed lor personnel who will already be in pll1Ce at the time the expansion is needed. No addilions( personnel needs are associated with this project. . C)pt.'TlltionIMaintellance: increase in the finished 3T'eag of the facility will requirecorrespondillg iJlCfe<U1es for ndditional telephone ~viec. utility expenses, repair and mainlenance of the building. janitorial 5uppli~, and office supplies. Based on current fi6rures available, the project increases wlluld IOlal $15,500 lOr the first year, and then recur tOr the following years as incre:lscd in the Ilnnual budge!. Capital Outlay: $6!15,OOO.OO TOT M.: $685.000.00 RELATIONSHIP TO OI'l1ER PROJECTS / PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FJNANCING: Public Serdy Impact Fc:cs, General Ftmd .~ RECEIVED TIME APR. 26. 3:47PM e PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Capital Improvement Project Request Forms e e . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . :~;;Ji:I~~~t~~~:;~r?J~ ~~;;::10}i?r}t;3:t{'!' :i~'j,rear" t+;~; ;~if::r ..a.~-:;Z }~ ~~};;:r ear.3 y,i ;'::;:':i~lJar.~.{~~ ,:) Y~a(6. ;or j :;;.s,~eyen~e.::,<.: t.: : Op~ratlng_~ ;~tTn)taIS;~41 ~~}j . ;rJ:.'''f'~f.';'~i!i:\~~~'f:F;".'1:1:~'~J~:loi' ;:2001/2002;~ ::2002/2003"[ f;2003/2004 ; ; 200412005; '/2005/2006 ;i::!: ';S6urceft!'1~i:("" :iJmpact :~> -l;.~.'~ I.:':l~.r:'~~.;.":':-,~~ '1 't.:-~., t:)' .,~~\, '~~~j,t. . . _ t :l~.11'::,~!'n.1"..\:; ._. :'~,_ ~:;, :......~.31'1.~-J,~.\.":.JI,.I'.I...,. '''1.' ..l't-c'.~"'_:....~ Liahtina for Soccer Fields $ 350,000 State Grants $ 17,500 $ 367,500 Torcaso Park Expansion $ 500,000 CDBG/FRPAD Grant $ 25,000 $ 525,000 Re-Surface Trotwood Basketball Ct. $ 15,000 General Fund $ 750 $ 15,750 Replacement Work Cart with Sprayer $ 22,000 General Fund $ 1,100 $ 23,100 Sand Pro $ 13,000 General Fund $ 650 $ 13,650 Reolacement Bermuda Reel Mower $ 36,000 General Fund $ 1,800 $ 37,800 Senior/Civic Centerlmorovements $ 400,000 CDBG/FRPAD Grant $ 20,000 $ 420,000 CWP 2 Plavaround Resurfacina $ 20,000 General Fund $ 1,000 $ 21,000 CWP 1/2 Basketball Court $ 15,000 General Fund $ 750 $ 15,750 CWP VFD Drive for irriClation $ 10,000 General Fund $ 500 $ 10,500 60" Cut Deck Mower . $ 15,000 General Fund $ 750 $ 15,750 CWP Exoansion & Improvments $ 2,500,000 Bonds $ 125,000 $ 2,625,000 Replacement Parks Crew Cab Truck $ 30,000 General Fund $ 1,500 $ 31,500 -. CWP Expansion & Improvments $ 2,500,000 Bonds $ 125,000 $ 2,625,000 2 - 52" Cut Mowers $ 15,000 General Fund $ 750 $ 15,750 $ - Park Land ACQuisition $1,000,000 Bonds,Grants $ 50,000 $ 1,050,000 ParkNermia Brush Chi Doer $ 25,000 General Fund $ 1,250 $ 26,250 $ - TOTALS $ 936,000 $ 490,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 2,615,000 $ 1,025,000 $ 373,300 $ 7,839,300 PROPOSED PROJECT EXPENDITURES BY YEAR proposed expend.2002 4/27/01 . . . ,.f 2001-2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEP ARTMENT: Parks And Recreation PROJECT NAME: Lighting For Soccer Fields LOCATION: Central Winds Park SERVICE AREA: Community Park (City) PROJECT NUMBER: 1 PROJECT PRIORITY: 1 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQillREMENT? Yes CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: 2. Existing Deficiency DESCRIPTION /JUSTIFICATION: The Lighting Of The Four (4) Soccer Fields Is Needed To Meet A Current Need Of Additional Field Time For Games. There Is Not Enough Daylight Hours For All The Games That The Soccer Organizations Need To Schedule At Central Winds Park. RELA TIONSIDP TO OTHER PROJECTSfPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This Project Is Related To Central Winds (Community Park) And Benefits The Total Citywide Sports Program On The Four Fields. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Funding From FRDAP Grants in the amount of$ 350,000. . IMP ACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafli'Personnel OperationIMaintenance $ 10.000 $ 7,500 TOTAL: $ 17,500 Offsetting Revenue: $ 7,500 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $ 10,000 IMP ACT ON REVENUE: No Impact On Revenue. . . ~ . 2001-2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEP ARTMENT: Parks And Recreation PROJECT NAME: Replacement Bermuda Gang Reel Mower LOCATION: Central Winds Park SERVICE AREA: Community Park (City) PROJECT NUMBER: 6 PROJECT PRIORITY: 6 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: . 3. Repair/Replacement DESCRIPTION /JUSTIFICA TION: Replace The 5 Gang Reel Mower That Is Seven (7) Years Old And Has 3,085 Hours On It. It Is Worn And It Is No Longer Cost Effective To Continue To Fix It. RELA TIONSIDP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This Equipment Is Needed To Maintain The Bermuda Grass At Central Winds Park. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Funding From General Fund in the amount of $ 36,000. . . IMP ACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: S taffi'Personnel Operation/Maintenance $ 1,000 $ 800 TOTAL: $ 1,800 Offsetting Revenue: o NET OPERATING IMP ACT: $ 1,800 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No Impact On Revenue. . . . . . ~ .. ,.. 2001-2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Parks And Recreation PROJECT NAME: Replacement Work Cart With Sprayer LOCATION: Parks Compound, Central Winds Park SERVICE AREA: All City Parks PROJECT NUMBER: 4 PROJECT PRIORITY: 4 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: 3, RepairlReplacement. DESCRIPTION /JUSTIFICATION: 22 HP Peisel Work Cart With 350 Gallon Tank To Spray All Park Grasses With Pesticide And Herbicide. The Current Cart's Frame Is Badly Rusted And Beyond Repair. RELA TIONSIDP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This Equipment Is Needed To Adequately Maintain Current Park Acreage. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Funding From General Fund in the amount of $ 22,000. . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staffi'Personnel $ 500.00 Operation/Maintenance $ 600.00 Capital Outlay 0 TOTAL: $ 1100.00 Offsetting Revenue: 0 NET OPERATING IMP ACT: $ 1,100.00 IMP ACT ON REVENUE: No Impact On Revenue. . . . 2001-2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEP ARTMENT: Parks And Recreation PROJECT NAME: Replacement of Sand Pro LOCATION: Parks Compound, Central Winds Park SERVICE AREA: Central Winds Park PROJECT NUMBER: 5 PROJECT PRIORITY: 5 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: . 3. Repair/Replacement. DESCRIPTION /JUSTIFICA TION: Sand Pro Is Used To Pull, Drag And Level Clay On Ballfields. The Current Sand Pro Is 10 Years Old And The Hydrostatic Drive And Motor Are Beyond Repair. RELATIONSIDP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: ; \ This Equipment Is Needed To Adequately Maintain Current Ballfields. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Funding From General Fund in the amount of $ 13,000. . . IMP ACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staffi'Personnel $ 150.00 Operation/Maintenance $ 500.00 Capital Outlay 0 TOTAL: $ 650.00 Offsetting Revenue: 0 NET OPERATING IMP ACT: $ 650.00 IMP ACT ON REVENUE: No Impact On Revenue. . . .- __' . ..r . . . 2001-2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEP ARTMENT: Parks And Recreation PROJECT NAME: Torcaso Park Expansion LOCATION: Torcaso Park SERVICE AREA: Northwest PROJECT NUMBER: 2 PROJECT PRIORITY: 2 IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQillREMENT? Yes CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: 4. Future NeedIPlanned Expansion. DESCRIPTION /JUSTIFICA TION: This Expansion Of Torcaso Park Will Provide An Additional 3.5 Acres QfPark Land In The Northwest Service Area. It Will Provide A Needed FootbalVSoccer Field, Children's Splash Playground, And A Large Parking Lot For The Neighborhood Park. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN : This project is an expansion to Torcaso Park and adds additional Parks and Recreation Acreage. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Funding From CDBG and FRDAPGrants in the amount of $ 500,000. ~.' _'C. . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staffi'Personnel Operation/Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMP ACT ON REVENUE: No Impact On Revenue. $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 5,000 $ 25,000 2,500 $ 22,500 . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation PROJECT NAME: Trotwood Park Basketball Court Re-Surfacing LOCATION: Trotwood Park SERVICE AREA: South East PROJECT NUMBER: 3 PROJECT PRIORITY: 3 . IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? . Yes CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: 2. Existing Deficiency DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: The Basketball Courts At Trotwood Park Are Fadded And Cracking And Need Re-Surfacing. Improvement Will Bring This Area Of The Park Up To The Standard Of The New Park Improvements That Were Just Completed. RELATIONSIDP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This Project Is Deficiency In The Needs To Be Done Prior To Becoming A Critical Deficiency. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund in the amount of$ 15,000. . . . ,- IMP ACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafti'Personnel: 250 Operation/Maintenance 500 Capital Outlay 0 TOTAL: 750 Offsetting Revenue 0 NET OPERATING IMP ACT: 750 IMP ACT ON REVENUE: No Impact On Revenue. e .. PUBLIC~WORKS/UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Capital Improvement Project Request Forms e <b e . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Winter Sprinl!s Boulevard Turn Lanes LOCATION: Tuscawilla SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #04-0140-05 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECf A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Concurrency DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project provides turn lanes on Winter Springs Boulevard at the intersection of the Eastern end of the Northern loop of Northern Way and the intersection of the Eastern end of the Southern loop of Northern Way and Winter Springs Bouievard. The project eliminates a deficiency in the level of service on Wmter Springs Boulevard. . RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Required to maintain the level of service for Winter Springs Boulevard identified in the Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 . Capital Outlay $250,000 TOTAL: $250,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 . NET OPERATING IMPACT: $250,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 04-0 140-0 S. wpd 7/8/199 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Si1!nal Control and Lens UDl!1'atlin1! LOCATION: City . SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-0140-06 PROJECT PRIORITY: Traffic Signalization Maintenance IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This project provides funds for adding to and maintaining the existing traffic signal system. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Needed to maintain the required level of service. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staft7Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $60,000 TOTAL: $60,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $60,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. o 1.0 1 4Ckll.wpd 6/27/01 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Windinl! HollowlParkstone Sil!1U1l LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: Parkstone/Wmding Hollow PROJECT NUMBER: #01-0140-07 PROJECT PRIORITY: Adding Traffic Signal IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This project adds a traffic signal system at the intersection of S.R. 434 and the entrance to Parkstone and Winding Hollow subdivisions. Required for traffic safety. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $40,000 TOTAL: $40,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $40,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. o 1-0 140-0 1. wpd 6/27/01 . e. . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: s.It 434/419 Sillnal UVllrades LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: S.R.434 and S.R. 419 intersection PROJECT NUMBER: #01-0140-08 PROJECT PRIORIlY: Upgrading existing traffic signal system IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This project provides a traffic control signal system to accommodate new construction at the intersection ofS.R. 434. Required for traffic safety. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED MEmOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $175,000 TOTAL: $175,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $175,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 01-0140-01. wpd 6f27/01 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM Public Works Traffic Sifmal at s.R. 434 and the Entrance to Central Winds ParklWinter Springs Hi2h School Intersection WCA nON: City SERVICE AREA: S.R.434 at Central Winds Park entrance. PROJECT NUMBER: #0 1-0140-09 PROJECT PRIORITY: Upgrading existing traffic signal system IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: Yes DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This project provides a traffic control signal system at the entrance to the Central Winds Park and Winter Springs High School to accommodate traffic flow in this area. Required for traffic safety. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $75,000 TOTAL: $75,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $75,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 01'()I~l.wpd 6127/01 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Tuskawilla Road Si1!nal U,,1!1'ades LOCATION: C~ SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-0140-10 PROJECT PRIORITY: Traffic Signalization Upgrading IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFlCA TION: This project adds funds for upgrading the signal system as required to accommodate the widening of Tuskawilla Road. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Needed to maintain the required level of service. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund - . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafi7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $40,000 TOTAL: $40,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $40,000 . IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 01-0140-01. wpd 6/27/01 . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Main Street Addition LOCATION: City Town Center SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-0140-11 PROJECT PRIORITY: Meets City's commitments IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Planned Expansion RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Part of the Town Center development plan. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 . . . OperationIMaintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $0 $300,000 $300,000 $0 $300,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. O}o{) 1400{) 1. wpd 6127/01 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: Public Works Stamped Asohalt Pavinl! on Winter SDrines Blvd at Tuskawill None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: One Cent Sales Tax Fund GFE 6/2910 I . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafIlpersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $77,000 TOTAL: $77,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: $77,000 No impact on revenue. OFE 6/29/0] . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Fisher Road lnwrovements. LOCATION: Ranchlands SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-0143-07 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for drainage and paving improvements to Fishere Road. This road is classified as a collector road and it currently has no drainage plan and is not paved. The lack of these improvements does not allow the road to function as a collector road during adverse weather conditions. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Need to maintain the level of service forthe Ranchlands collector road system. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: One Cent Sales Tax Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $725,000 TOTAL: $725,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $725,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Hickorv Grove Blvd LOCATION: Town Center SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-0143-08 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provides utility, stormdrain and roadway facilities to support the development of the Town Center plan. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Part of the Town Center development.. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: One Cent Sales Tax Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Statl7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $600tOOO TOTAL: $600,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: $600,000 No impact on revenue . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Main Street LOCATION: Town Center SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-0143-09 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Provides utility, stormdrain, and roadway facilities to support the development of the Town Center plan. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Part ofthe Town Center deVelopment.. PROPOSED MEmOD OF FINANCING: One Cent Sales Tax Fund . .-. . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $606,000 TOTAL: $606,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $606,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Soine Road LOCATION: Town Center SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-0143-10 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provides utility, stormdrain, and roadway facilities to support the development of the Town Center plan. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Part of the Town Center development.. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: One Cent Sales Tax Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: . NET OPERATING IMPACT: $50,000 $0 $50,000 TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.sharcd on city hall-Utilities . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Svine Road/Vistawilla Water Line LOCATION: SR 434/Spine Road to Vistawilla Blvd. SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-68 PROJECT.PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No . DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Extend service to new growth RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Mai ntenance $0 Capital Outlay $450,000 . TOT AL: $450,000 Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities . NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: $0 $450,000 Offsetting Revenue: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.sharcd on eity hall.Utilities . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: WTP #1 to Tuskawilla Road Water Line LOCA TION: Power Easement WTP #1 to Tuskawilla Rd. SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-73 PROJECT PRIORITY: \ Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provide system support RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $450,000 . Wpd.sharcd on city hall.Utilities . NET OPERATING IMPACT: $450,000 $0 $450,000 TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.shared on eity hall-Utilities .. . CAP IT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Main Street Water Main LOCATION: Tuskawillal434 to St. Johns Landing SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-77 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: . No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Extend service to new growth. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $80,000 . Wpdshared on city hall-Utilities . . . TOTAL: $80,000 $0 $80,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpdsharcd on city hall-Utilities . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Sewer Line Relining - Pump Replacement LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-3600-102 PROJECT PRIORITY: System Maintenance IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? . No DESCRIPTIONIJUSTIFICA TION: Provide for sewer system maintenance requirements. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTlPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will enable us to better maintain our utility operations PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital -Utility Enterprise Fund -Renewal and Replacement IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMai ntenance $0 Capital Outlay $80,000/yr . TOT AL: $80,OOO/yr Wpd.shared in city hall-Utilities . . . Offsetting Revenue: $0 $80,OOO/yr NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. OS-3600-24.wpd Wpd.shared in city hall-Utilities . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Pump Replacement LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-3600-103 PROJECT PRIORITY: System 'Maintenance IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? . No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provide for potable water system maintenance requirements. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will enable us to better maintain our utility operations PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital -Utility Enterprise Fund -Renewal an'd Replacement IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 Operati on/Mai n tenance $0 Capital Outlay . $11 ,000/yr . TOT AL: $11,OOO/yr Wpd.shared in city hall-Utilities . . . Offsetting Revenue: $0 $ll,OOO/yr NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. OS-3600-24.wpd Wpd.shared in city hall-Utilities . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Hydrant. Valve Replacement LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-3600-104 PROJECT PRIORITY: System Maintenance IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? . No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provide for potable water system maintenance requirements. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will enable us to better maintain our utility operations PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital -Utility Enterprise Fund -Renewal and Replacement IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 Operati on/Mai n ten ance $0 Capital Outlay $25,000/yr . TOTAL: $25,OOO/yr Wpd.shared in city hall.Utilities . . . Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $0 $25,OOO/yr IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 05-3600-24. wpd Wpd.shared in city hall-Utilities . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM Utility ReD/ace Roof on ODerations Buildin1!lWest WRF West Water Reclamation Facility DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT PRIORITY: IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: City #02-3600-93 No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Replace old roof RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED MEmOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund-Renewal and Replacement IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staft7Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $20,000 . Wpdshared on city hall-Utilities . TOTAL: $20,000 $0 $20,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpdshared OIl cily hall-Utilities . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM Utility East WRF Chlorination Svstem Reolacement East Water Reclamation Facility City #02-3600-94 No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT PRIORITY: IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: Replace outdated chlorination system. RELA TIONSBlP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund-Renewal and Replacement IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR SUUfflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $20,000 . Wpd.sharcd on city ball-Utilities . . ,000 TOTAL: $20,000 $0 $20,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . Wpdshared on city hall-Utilities . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works/Stonnwater PROJECT NAME: Little Lake Howell RCP Culvert LOCATION: Oak Forest - Chokecheny Drive SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-4413-02 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Other Services DESCRIPTION/JUSTlFICA TION: This project is for the construction of an additional culvert for added flow from the tributary to Little Lake Howell Creek from Durunar- Estates. This project was identified in the Stormwater Master Plan 5 Year CIP. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Adopted in the Stormwater Master Plan. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Stonnwater Utility Fee . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR; Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $30,000 TOTAL: $30,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $30,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. OI-4413'{)2.wpd 5/18/199 e e. . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Public W orkslStormwater Little Lake Howell Box Culvert Revlacement Oak Forest -Winter Springs Boulevard SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-4413-03 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Other Services DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the replacement of the existing culverts and headwalls with a double 3' X 6' box culvert for additional capacity. This project was identified in the Stormwater Master Plan 5 Year Stormwater Utility Fee . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $126,000 TOTAL: $126,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $126,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 02-4413-03.wpd 5/18/99 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public W orkslStormwater PROJECT NAME: Gee Creek Sedimentation Pond LOCA nON: Moss Road Bridge over Gee Creek SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-4413-04 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Other Services DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the construction of a sedimentation/storm water pond upstream of the Moss Road bridge to prevent further siltation ofthe Gee Creek channel. This project was identified in the Stormwater Master Plan 5 Year CIP. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Adopted in the Stormwater Master Plan. . PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Stormwater Utility Fee . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $122,000 TOTAL: $122,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $122,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 03-4413-04wpd 5/18/99 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works/Stormwater PROJECT NAME: No Name Creek DrainaJ!e Swales LOCATION: North Orlando Sections 2 and 2A SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #04-4413-05 PROJECT PRIORITY: RepairlReplacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Other Services DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the regrading and reshaping of the roadside drainage swale system in North Orlando Sections 2 and 2A. The swale drainage system is approximately twenty years old and has been altered from the original design by the development of the homes in this area. This project was identified in the Stormwater Master Plan 5 Year CIP. RELATIONSHIP. TO OTHERPROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Adopted in the Stormwater Master Plan. . . . PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Stormwater Utility Fee IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafl7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $98,000 TOTAL: $98,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $98,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 04-4413-05.wpd S/I8199 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public WorkslStormwater PROJECT NAME: No Name Creek Swale & Culvert Improvements LOCATION: Ranchlands SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #05-4413-06 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No CATEGORY CLASSIFICA nON: Other Services DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the construction of positive drainage swales with culverts, and the installation of additional culverts at selected sites in the Ranchlands. This project was identified in the Stormwater Master Plan 5 Year CIP. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECfIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Adopted in the Stormwater MasterPlan. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Stormwater Utility Fee . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafl7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $92,000 TOTAL: $92,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $92,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: .No impact on revenue. OS-4413-06.wpd 5/19/99 . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works/Stormwater PROJECT NAME: Underdrain Installation LOCATION: Varies SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02/06-4413-08 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No . CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION: . Other Services DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the installation of underdrains at areas with storm water drainage problems. Underdrains are used to alleviate standing water problems and improve swale drainage effectiveness. This capital project and future underdrains projects are located at various areas throughout the City and are typically done as multiple small projects. RELA TrONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN No relationship with other projects. . PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Stormwater Utility Fee IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 Operati on/Mai n tenance $0 Capital Outlay $ 120,000/yr TOT AL: $120,OOO/yr Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $120,OOO/yr . IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 7/6199-20-44 I 3-08.wpd . . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works/Stormwater PROJECT NAME: Inlet/Outlet Imvrovements LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02/06-4413-09 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? . No . CA TEGORY CLASSIFICATION: Other Services DESCRIPTION/jUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the replacement and of existing inlet and outlet structures and construction of new structures as required throughout the City. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROjECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Adopted in the Stormwater Master Plan. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: . Stormwater Utility Fee IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $I20,000/yr. TOTAL: $120,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $120,000 . IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 7/6199-20-4413-09.wpd . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public WorkslStormwater PROJECT NAME: Vehicles LOCA TION: Administration SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03/05-4413-10 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This is for the replacement of Public WorkslStormwater operations vehicles. The fund source for the replacement of one vehicle per year is alternated between General Fund and the Transportation Improvement Fund. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship with other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Stoimwater Utility Fee Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafl7Personnel $0 OperationlMaintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $50,000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6/1 7199-02-441 0-03.wpd .' . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Dump Truck LOCATION: Administration SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-4410-02 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This is for the replacement of the Public Works dump truck. The existing 12 yard tandem axle . dump truck was purchased in 1987 and needs to be replaced. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship with other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafl7Personnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $75,000 TOTAL: $75,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $75,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6130I99-02-4410-02.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Vehicles LOCATION: Administration SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-4410-03 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This is for the replacement of Public Works operations vehicles. The fund source for the replacement of one vehicle per year is alternated between General Fund and the Transportation Improvement Fund. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship with other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance Capital Outlay $44,000 TOTAL: $44,000 $0 $44,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6/17I99-02-4410-03.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: 434 Beautification LOCATION: S.R.434 S.R.419 to East ofTuskawilla SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-4410-04 PROJECT PRIORITY: Highway Improvement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DE SCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the beautification of S.R. 434 within the City. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR .... . . . StafflPersonnel Operation/Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $0 $0 $138,000 $138,000 $0 $138,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 20-4410-04.wpd 6/29199 . '. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM The current Public Works comple,x is composed of multiple highly deteriorated plywood and tarpaper structures that were largely con~tructed in house. The current compound also suffers from a traffic circulation problem and lack of space. A new facility is needed to meet the Public Works demands ofthe City. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Improvement Fund- Local Option Gas Tax . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000/yr ($200,000) TOTAL: $200,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $200,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6/16/99-00-0104-01. wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Street Resurfacinf!/Underdrains LOCA nON: Throughout City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: 01-0104-02 PROJECT PRIORITY: RepairlReplacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for the annual resurfacing of City streets and installation and or replacement of underdrains RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Located throughout the City. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: . Transportation Improvement Fund- Local Option Gas Tax IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 . . . OperationIMaintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL: $0 01-06 $805,000 $805,000 $0 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $805,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6/16/99-00-0104-02. wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Vehicles LOCATION: Administration SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #00-0104-04 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This is for the replacement of Public Works operations vehicles. The fund sources for the replacement of one vehicle per year is alternated between General Fund and the Transportation Improvement Fund. RELAnONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship with other projects: PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Improvement Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: . . . StafflPersonnel OperationIMaintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL: $0 $0 $68,000 $68,000 $0 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $68,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6130199-OO-010W4.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Tractor BushhoJ! LOCA nON: city SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #00-0104-07 PROJECT PRIORITY: RepairlReplacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project adds additional capacity for the maintenance of weeds and brush throughout the City. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Improvement Fund- Local Option Gas Tax IMP ACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000 . . . TOTAL: $50,000 $0 $50,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6/16/99-02-0104-06. wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Geo1'1!e Street LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-0104-08 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Expand pavement width to improve parking. RELAnONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Improvement Fund- Local Option Gas Tax IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BYYEAR StafflPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $20,000 . . i. TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $20,000 $0 $20,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6/16199-02-01 Q4.()6.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROJECT NAME: Bahama Road Imvrovements LOCATION: Ranchlands SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-0140-02 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Yes DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: (Hayes Road to Shore Road). .This road is classified as a collector road that is currently without drainage and paving. The lack of this improvement does not allow this road to function as a collector road during extreme weather conditions. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Needed to maintain the level of service for the Ranchland collector road system. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Transportation Impact Fee Fund . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafl7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $250,000 TOTAL: $250,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $250,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 02-0 1 4O-02.wpd 6/10199 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: Utility Chlorine Conversion @ WTP#2 LOCATION: 700 Sheoah Blvd. SERVICE AREA: West PROJECT NUMBER: 01-3600-56 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Experiment IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Installing a liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) system as the first step in eliminating gaseous chlorine. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PIROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Water plant improvement PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance Capital Outlay $0 $50,000 . . . TOT Ai.,: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 00-36oo-56.wpd $50,000 $0 ($50,000) . . . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Replace WTP#l Chlorine Equipment LOCATION: 851 Northern Way SERVICE AREA: East PROJECT NUMBER: 01-3600-57 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Replace the chlorine equipment at WTP #1 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Water plant maintenance PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $25,000 . . . TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 00-3600-57wpd $25,000 $0 ($25,000) . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: Utility Chlorine Conversion WTP #3 WTP #3 City #02-3600-05 PROJECT PRIORITY: Upgrade Equipment IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Eliminates Gaseous Chlorine RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND' THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafllPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $20,000 \\'pd.shar....1 tin city hall-I!liliti"s . . . TOT AL: $20,000 $0 $20,000 Offsetiing Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: E\'IPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wl'll.shard Illl c;l\' hall-t :lililics . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: Utility Water Plant Instrumentation and Electrical UDJ!rade LOCA TION: East Water Treatment Plant SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-87 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement/Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No o ESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Replace old electrical systems to reduce maintenance requirements and improve system control. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGETBY YEAR Statli'Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 WIKt.,h,"cd 1)11 cil\' hall.l ililitiL-'; . Capital Outlay TOTAL: $70,000 $70,000 $0 $70,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.shawl Oil city hall-lltilitics . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Polvohosphate Iniection at WTP #2 and #3 WTP #2 and #3 SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-88 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement/Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: . No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provide corrosion control RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGETBY YEAR Operati on/Mai ntenance $0 $0 Stat1lPersonnel Capital Outlay $18,000 . \\'I'd.,har~d un ~ily hall-I.:lilil;"" . . . TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: . NET OPERATING IMPACT: $18,000 $0 $18,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. / WpJ.sbared on city hall.l'ti!iti"" . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: IlROJECT NAME: Utility Diesel StorUJ!e Tank Revlllcemellt LOCATION: Lift Station #7 (for WTP #3) SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-96 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement! Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: . No DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFlCA TION: Replaces old underground storage tank. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHERPROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund Capital Outlay $30,000 . WI><l.shar~d em <:it~, h"II-1 itilili~s . . . TOTAL: $30,000 $0 $30,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. WlxJ.sharcJ <Ill citv 11.11-1 :tililic, . CAPITAL I.MPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Electrical UOJ!rlUle.f LOCATION: Water Treatment Plant #2 SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-97 PROJECT PRIORITY: , Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: . No . DESCRIPTION/JUSllFICA TION: Replaces old pump control components. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000 Wp'l.sh..r~d "" .:itv hall-llliliti.:, . . . TOTAL: $50,000 $0 $50,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERA TING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. WpJ.shar~d on city hall.Utilili." . CAP.ITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO.fECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: Utility Electrical Uv!!rade.'i Water Treatment Plant #3 City #04-3600-98 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement/Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: . Replaces old pump control components. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000 . Wpd.sharL~llll1 cil~' hall-llli!;I;", . . . TOTAL: $50,000 $0 $50,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERA TING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpd.slwr.,.] 01' cilv hall-I 'Iiliti~ . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Additional Pumps and Controls-WfP#l LOCATION: WTP #1 - 851 Northern Way SERVICE AREA: East PROJECT NUMBER: #05-3600-10 PROJECT PRIORITY: RepairIReplacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Construct a fourth pump and associated controls at WTP #1 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will enable us to maintain the existing level of service of potable water. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING:- Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StaIDPersonnel $0 OperationfMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $125,000 TOTAL: $125,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: ($125,000) . IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. OS-3600-IO.wpd . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: WTP #1 DischarJ!e Pivin1! Imvrovements LOCATION: WTP #1 - 851 Northern Way SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #06-3600-15 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT?' Yes DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: This project is for increasing the discharge piping from Water Treatment Plant #1 to meet the anticipated flow demand from this facility. The current pipe size is expected to reach its maximum flow capability in the year 2006 and needs to be increased at that time. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Needed to maintain the potable water supply level of service. This project is being postponed to the year 200 I due to growth being less than" originally anticipated. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: . . . Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafl7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $150,000 TOTAL: $150,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: $150,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 6/1 SI99-06-3600-1 S.wpd f . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Meter revlacement and UVJ!rades LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02106-3600-70 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Improvements IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provide system support RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER P~OJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund-OO IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff /Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance _ $0 Capital Outlay ($lOO,OOO/yr) $500,000 . Wpd.sharoo on city hall-Utililio:s ,.. . Offsetting Revenue: $500,000 $0 $500,000 TOTAL: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.sharcd on city hall-Utilities . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUESTFORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Countrv Club Villaee Service Line Replacement LOCATION: Country Club Village SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-86 PROJECT PRIORITY: RepairlReplacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Replace old service lines to reduce maintenance requirements RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECfIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects_ PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund IMPACf ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $28,000 . WpdshllJ"ed on city hall-Utilities . Offsetting Revenue: $28,000 $0 $28,000 TOTAL: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Central Winds ParkIParkstone Water Line Connection LOCA TION: Central Winds Park to Parkstone Subdivision SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #04-3600-72 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Provide system support RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund-97 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Stafflpersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000 . Wpdshared on city hall-Utilities . Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $50,000 $0 $50,000 TOTAL: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.shared Of! city hall-Utilities . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BEQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: Utility Lift Station and Plant Telemetrv LOCATION: City Wide SERVICE AREA: All PROJECT NUMBER: 01/04-3600-27 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Improvement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Install SCADA telemetry system for monitoring lift station and plant alarms and controls. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: System Improvement PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafi7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 . . . Capital Outlay TOT AL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 00-3600-27 wpd $90,000/Year ($360,000) $360,000 $0 ($360,000) . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: West Water Reclamation Facilitv Pond Relin;nJ! LOCATION: West WRF SERVICE AREA: West PROJECT NUMBER: 01-3600-19 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Improvement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Install a membrane lining in the reject pond to eliminate exfiltration into the groundwater. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Wastewater Plant Improvement PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING:, Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 . . . Capital Outlay TOTAL: Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 00-3600-19wpd $37,000 $37,000 $0 ($37,000) . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM . DEPARTMENT: Utility. PROJECT NAME: Aeration UOJ!rade for Drum Thickener LOCATION: East WRF SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-91 PROJECT PRIORITY: IS PROJECT. A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Provides improved process control RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR' Stafl:7personnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $65,000 . Wpd.shared OIl city hall-Utilities . . . TOTAL: $65,000 $0 $65,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities f . . . -CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: East WRF Scrubber LOCA TION: East WRF SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-21 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion. IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Construct a gas scrubber system to contain and control leaks of gaseous chlorine. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Preventative safety improvement. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Utility Enterprise Fund. . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $100,000 TOTAL: $100,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: ($100,000) IMPACT ON REVENUE No impact on revenue. 02-3600-21 .wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Diesel StoraJ!e Tank Revlacement LOCATION: WestWRF SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-24 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Replace existing old underground storage tank RELA nONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Preventative safety improvement. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Utility Enterprise Fund. . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StaIDPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $30,000 TOTAL: $30,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $0 ($30,000) IMPACT ON REVENUE No impact on revenue. 02-3600-21 .wpd <' ; I . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: East WRF Bar Screen LOCATION: East WRF SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-20 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No . DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Construct a bar screen at the East WRF to remove non-organics from the wastewater. RELA nONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Planned improvement. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Utility Enterprise Fund. . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $100,000 TOTAL: $100,000 . Offsetting Revenue: $0 . . . NET OPERATING IMPACT: ($lilO;OOO) IMPACT ON REVENUE No impact on revenue. 03-3600.20.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: West WRF Scrubber LOCATION: WestWRF SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #04-3600-22 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Construct a gas scrubber system to contain and control leaks of gaseous chlorine. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Preventative safety improvement. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: . Utility Enterprise Fund. IMP ACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $100,000 '. . . TOTAL: $100,000 $0 ($100,000) Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE No impact on revenue. 02-36oo-22.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: West Water Reclamation Facilitv Sand Filter LOCATION: West WRF -1000 West S.R. 434 SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #06-3600-26 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project provides additional filter capacity for new growth RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will allow the treatment plant to handle increased peak flows associated with growth. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: 1997 Utility Construction Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $ Capital Outlay $250,000 . . . TOTAL: $250,000 $0 $250,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 01-3600-30.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM Utility DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT PRIORITY: IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? Convert Meters City City #02-3600-99 No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Convert meters to new reading/recording process. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital- Utility Enterprise Fund. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay . $210,000 TOTAL: $210,000 . . . NET OPERATING IMPACT: $210,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: None 6/15199-08-3600-44.wpd , . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM Utility Reclaimed Water Distribution Imvrovements - N.D. Terraces Section#4 LOCATION: North Orlando Terraces, Section 4 SERVICE AREA: West PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-51 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: This project is for the construction of an extension to the reclaimed distribution system to serve residential customers. This project is proposed as part of the West Reclaimed. Water Distribution System Master Plan. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will assist us in pursuing our goal of reducing the potable water per capita consumption. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StaIDPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $70,000 TOTAL: $70,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: There will a reclaimed water revenue increase of approximately $3,600 from this project. However, there will also be a decrease of approximately $8,000 in potable water revenues. There will also be a positive impact on future potable water capital demands due to the reduction in potable water volume requirements. OJ.3600.S I. wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Sewer Qeaner Vacuum Unit LOCA TION: Administration SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-3600-66 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Addition IS PROJECT A CAPITALJMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: The sewer cleaning vacuum unit is needed for the removal of sand and debris from the gravity sewer and lift stations. We are limited in our current capability to perform this task due to space entry regulations and manpower limitations. This vacuum trailer removes materials by sucking them into a vacuum tank. All operations can be performed from the surface by a single individual. The vacuum trailer could also be used to clean storm drains. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital Equipment-Utility Enterprise Fund. . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $ 1,000 Capital Outlay $100,000 TOTAL: $100,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: ($100,000) IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 01-3600-66. wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: BackhoelFront End Loader LOCATION: West WRF SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02/08-3600-67 PROJECT PRIORITY: RepairlReplacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPnON/JUSTIFICA TION: This backhoe is needed to replace the 1988 backhoe currently used at the West WRF for sludge loading and minor repairs. It costs approximately $5,000 to $7,000 per year to maintain this equipment. The normal life expectancy ofa backhoe is 10 to 12 years. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital Equipment - Utility Enterprise Fund. . . . . i IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $ Capital Outlay $200,000 TOTAL: $200,000 $0 ($200,000) Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 03-3600-67.wpd (2002-$90,000/ 2003-2008-$110,000 . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Vehicle Reolacement WCA TION: Administrative SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02/08-3600-64 PROJECT PRIORITY: Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Vehicles need to be replaced to maintain the fleet. Future years will require alternating between purchasing two and three vehicles per year based on twenty five vehicles with a ten year life expectancy. RELA nONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital Equipment - Utility Enterprise Fund. . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Stafl7Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $525,000 ($75,OOO/yr) TOTAL: $525,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: ($525,000) IMPACT ON REVENUE: . No impact on revenue. 20-3600.()4.wpd . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Equipment Expenditures LOCATION: Administrative SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02/08-3600-65 PROJECT PRIORITY: . Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Equipment needs to be replaced and new equipment added to keep abreast of the future workload and needs. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: None PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital Equipment - Utility Enterprise Fund.. '. .J . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $1,000,000 ($SO,OOO/yr) TOTAL: $1,000,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 NET OPERATING IMPACT: ($1,000,000) IMPACT ON REVENUE No impact on revenue. 20-3600.o5.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Water Suvvlv Well #4 LOCATION: WTP#l SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-12 ROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: Yes RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANSAND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project is identified in the CIE of the Comprehensive Plan. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING Capital - Utility Construction Fund - 2000 . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $250,000 TOTAL: $250,000 Offsetting Revenue: $0 $250,000 NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 02-3600-12.wpd . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT PRIORITY: Utility Vistawilla East Water Line S.R. 434,East of Vista willa City #01-3600-71 Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRlPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Provide system support RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: ~o relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000 . Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities (/ , . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM . DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Svine Road Water Line LOCATION: Spine Rd. Town Center. SR 434 to Main Street SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-69 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion . IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Extend service to new growth RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $120,000 . TOTAL: . $120,000 Wpd.8harOO on city hall-Utilities 1/ r . Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: $0 $120,000 No impact on revenue. . . Wpdlibarcd on city hall-Uti lilies . . . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Lift Station SE UVJ!rade LOCA TION: Florida Power Easement off Austin Court SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-3600-81 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provide service to new growth. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $150,000 ..f Wpd.shared on eity hall.Utilities . . . TOT AL: $150,000 $0 $150,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpd.shared on cily hall.Utilities . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT PRIORITY : Utility West Town Center Sewer Extension West Town Center City #02-3600-79 Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No . DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Bolster service to new growth. RELA TIONSHlP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund,:, 2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000 TOTAL: $50,000 . Wpd. shared on city hall-utility . , . . . Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: $0 $50,000 No impact on revenue. Wpd. shared on city hall-utility . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Town Center Force Main LOCA TION: Town Center to East Winter Springs Blvd. SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-78 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No . DESCRIPTION/jUSTIFICATION: Extend service to new growth RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROjECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund - 2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 Operati on/Mai ntenance $0 Capital Outlay $700,000 TOT A L: $700,000 . Wpd.sharcd on city hall.Utility . Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $0 $700,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . . Wpd.sharcd on city hall-Utility . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: West Town Center Lift Station & Force Main LOCATION: West Town Center SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-80 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA nON: Provide service tonew growth. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: - Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMP ACTON OPERATING BUDGET. BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 OperationIMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $100,000 Wpdshared on city hall-Utilities ", . . . . TOTAL: $100,000 $0 $100,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpd.shared on city hall.Utilities r; . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Lift Station UDJ!1'ades for Forcemain LOCATION: Various Locations SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02~3600-82 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Bolster service to new growth. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $50,000 Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities , .. . . . TOTAL: $50,000 $0 $50,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpdsharcd on city hall-Utilities . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: West Forcemain UD1!Tade LOCA nON: Lift Station 10 Discharge SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-84 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Bolster service to new growth. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Stafl7Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $200,000 Wpdshared on city hall-Utilities . . . TOTAL: $200,000 $0 $200,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpdshared on city hall-Utilities I J .I . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: East Forcemain Re-routin1!/UDJ!rade LOCA TION: Tuskawilla SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-85 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No . DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Bolster service to new growth. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff7Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $300,000 . Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities . . . TOTAL: $300,000 $0 $300,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpdsharod on city hall-Utilities . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Surface Water AU1!mentation LOCA TION: Central Winds Park SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #04-3600-54 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/jUSTIFICA TION: This project is proposed as part of the West Reclaimed Water Distribution System Master Plan and augments the reclaimed water supply that, at present, is insufficient to meet the proposed master plan requirements. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROjECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will assist us in pursuing olir goal of.reducing the potable water per capita consumption. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund. . . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $500,000 TOT AL: $500,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: 04.3600-SS.wpd ,. . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Reclaimed Water AU1!mentation Pump Station LOCATION: Shore of Lake Jesup SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-83 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Bolster existing service. RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund-2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $580,000 wpdshared on city hall-Utility I . . '. TOTAL: $580,000 $0 $580,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. . wpd.sharcd on city hall-Utility . . . J CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Ooerations Facilitv LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #03-3600-55 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Facility IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Current facility undersized and outdated RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHERPROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will provide a pennanent operations facility. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund - 2000 IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR . Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $1,000,000 Wpd.shared 011 city hall.Utiliti~-s ( . . . TOTAL: $1,000,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: $1,000,000 IMPACT ON REVENUE: Wpd.sharcd on city hall-lItiliti~ . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECt REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECT NAME: Tuskawilla Road Utilitv Inwrovements . LOCATION: Tuskawilla Road SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #01-3600-18 PROJECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: This project is to install water main extensions, force main crossings, reclaimed water line crossings and future sleeves during the construction of TuskawiUa Road. This project will be incorporated into the County's roadway construction job. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AN][) THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will be constructed in conjunction with Seminole County' s Tuskawil1~ Road improvements. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Construction Fund. . . . , IMPACT ON OPERATING BuDGET BY YEAR StafflPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $210,000 TOTAL: $210,000 $0 $210,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 00-3600-18.wpd . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SERVICE AREA: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT PRIORITY: Utility Southern Water Main lnterconnection Dunmar Estates East #02- 3600-09 New Construction IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provides looping of system RELATIONSHIP TO.OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project wilt enable us to maintain the existing level of service of potable water. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund-Utility 1997 Construction Fund . . IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR 05-3600-10. wpd . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROjECT NAME: Utility Ooerations Facilitv LOCATION: East Winter Springs SERVICE AREA: East PROjECT NUMBER: #01-3600-101 PROjECT PRIORITY: Operations Facility Improvement IS PROjECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? . No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA TION: Provide modern operations facilities RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROjECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will enable us to better manage our utility operations PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund - Utility 1997 Construction Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET B'YYEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $320,000 . TOTAL: $320,000 Wpd.shared in eity hall-Utilities . . . Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERA TING IMPACT: $0 ($320,000) IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 05-3600-24. wpd Wpd.shared in city hall-Utilities . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROJECf NAME: East Water ReclaltUltion Facilitv Sand Filter LOCATION: East Wmter Springs SERVICE AREA: East PROJECT NUMBER: #02-3600-100 PROJECT PRIORITY: System Improvement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? . No DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Reconfigure Sand Filter RELATIONSHIP TO OTHERPROJECTIPLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will enable us to maintain the existing level of service. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital ~ Utility Enterprise Fund.,,:, Rev. Gen. Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: Staff/Personnel $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $300,000 . TOTAL: $300,000 Wpd.shared in city hall-Utilities . . . Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. 05-3600-24.wpd Wpd.sbared in city hall-Utilities $0 ($300,000) . . CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility PROjECT NAME: West Water Reclamation Facilitv Sludl!e Thickeninl! LOCATION: West WRF SERVICE AREA: City PROjECT NUMBER: #02-3600-89 PROjECT PRIORITY: Planned Expansion IS PROjECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT: No DESCRIPTION/jUSTIFICA TION: Improve Process RELA TIONSHIP TO OTHER PROjECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: No relationship to other projects. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital- Utility Enterprise Fund-Rev. Gen. Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR Staff/Personnel . $0 Operation/Maintenance $0 Capital Outlay $150,000 . Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities . . . TOTAL: $150,000 $0 $150,000 Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpd.shared on city hall-Utilities . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST FORM DEPARTMENT: Utility- \ PROJECT NAME: Sewer PlantlmorOl'ements LOCATION: City SERVICE AREA: City PROJECT NUMBER: #02.;3600-28 PROJECT PRIORITY: Repair/Replacement IS PROJECT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT REQUIREMENT? No . DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Planned Upgrade RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECT/PLANS AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This project will enable us to maintain the existing level of service. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING: Capital - Utility Enterprise Fund.;Revenue Generation Fund IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET BY YEAR: StafVPersonnel $0 OperationlMaintenance $0 Capital Outlay $120,000 TOTAL: $120,000 . Wpd.shared 00 city hall-Utilities .: . .... Offsetting Revenue: NET OPERATING IMPACT: IMPACT ON REVENUE: No impact on revenue. Wpd.shatcd on city hall-Utilities $0 ($120,000) 11.-