HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 05 26 Regular Item A i ., Please COPy for all conference attendees. Audio Conference Attendee Handout Suburban Place Making May 26, 2004 Thank you for joining us today for the fourth installment of the 2004 audio conference series brought to you by the American Planning Association and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Please see www.plannine:.ore:/audioconference/subpm.htm to find: . Paper copy of the PowerPoint slides Fax your question fonn Evaluation fonn Supplemental reading materials . . . To view a list of APA's products and services for planning commissioners please visit htto:llwww. olanning.org/commissioners/index,html. For general infonnation about APA's audio conference programs, or other APA educational p~ograms and services contact the Education@planning.org or 312-786-6729. We are pleased to present our distinguished panel of speakers: Joyce G. Braverman Director of Planning & Development City of Shaker Heights, Ohio Amelia C. Sondgeroth, AICP Planning Director City of Georgetown, Texas Ann Forsyth Director Design Center for the American Urban Landscape University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Stuart Meek, FAICP, moderator Senior Research Fellow American Planning Association Chicago, Illinois Enjoy the conference!! 111 American Planning Association MuMnK Greut Comnumities Happen LINCOLN INSTITUTE 01" LAND POLlet' , FOR USE DURING LIVE AUDIO CONFERENCE FAX QUESTION FORM Fax to: (312) 431-9985 Attention: Carolyn Torma, Director of Education Peter Wilhelm, Education Assistant American Planning Association PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Your Name: Commission or Board: City and State: Your Fax #: My question for the panelists is the following: After the conference you may continue to submit questions to the speakers via email. We will be accepting em ailed questions through the morning of Thursday, May 27th at Educati on@planning.org. ~ Please make a copy of this form for each attendee. Suburban Place Making, May 26, 2004 PROGRAM EV ALVA TION Fax or mail to: American Planning Association Education Department 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1600 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Fax: 312-431-9985 This form can also be downloaded from www.planning.org/audioconference/subpm.htm. Instructions: Please circle the number of your response. 1. Please indicate your title, and if you are a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP): Appointed Official 1 Elected Official 2 Planning Staff 3 Consultant 4 Other 5 AICP 6 2. This program introduced me to new ideas or provoked me to think more critically about planning. Agree Strongly 1 Somewhat Agree 2 Neutral 3 Strongly Disagree 5 Disagree 4 3. This topic and the issues discussed were relevant to my community, now or in the future. Agree Somewhat Strongly Strongly Agree Neutral' Disagree Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 4. Staff or Planners: The ideas or techniques presented in this program are useful to me in my role as staff member or as a planning consultant. Agree Somewhat Strongly Agree 1 2 5. Planning Commissioners and other Public Officials: The ideas or techniques presented in this program are useful to me in my role as a public official. Agree Somewhat Strongly Agree 1 2 Neutral 3 Strongly Disagree 5 Disagree 4 Neutral 3 Disagree 4 Strongly Disagree 5 .. ~ 6. The presenters were knowledgeable and presented their material well. Agree Somewhat Strongly Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 7. The reading materials included with this program were useful. (If you did not receive information about the reading materials, please ask your conference host or visit www.olanning.org/audioconference/subpm.htm to download copies. Agree Somewhat Strongly Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Have not reviewed 6 8. I felt the best aspect of this program was: 9. Suggestions for improving this program: 10. Topics I would be interested seeing in future program are: Other comments: Optional: Name of your community and/or commission: 4' UDcomina Audio Conferences Land Use, Planning and Environmental Law for Planners and Planning Officials Joint Program June 23, 2004 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p,m, E.T. The legal landscape for planning is ever changing, Learn from seasoned land-use attorneys what new laws have been enacted that will affect local planning and what kind of land-use and environmental litigation is occurring in federal and state courts. You cannot afford to miss this important overview of recent developments in planning and environmental law. 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The audio discussion 2, The PowerPoint presen~tion You will connect to the audio discussion via the telephone, You can choose to connect to the PowerPoint in either of two ways: 1. Download it from the APA conference web site, www.olanning.org/audioconference/subpm.htm. 2, By connecting to the Conference Visuals Website www.conferencevisuals.com. . We also provide supplemental reading materials and a handout for program attendees. Reading materials can be downloaded prior to the conference from the APA conference website, The attendee handout has been included in this mailing, and can also be downloaded from the APA conference website, GENERAL INFORMA nON Date & Time: Wednesday, May 26,2004,4:00 - 5:00 PM Eastern Time Equipment: Touch-tone speaker telephone and PC Audio Discussion Call-in Number: 1-800-482-8912 AP A Conference Website: www.planning.ondaudioconference/subpm.htm Conference Visuals Website: www.conferencevisuals.com Conference Visuals Presentation Number: x795946 Trouble Numbers: 1-800-837-3143 (difficulty connecting to conference call) 1-800-291-4047 (difficulty connecting to Conference Visuals) 1-312-786-6729 (difficulty downloading presentation from AP A) .. / MATERIALS You will need to make duplicate copies of the following materials for all attendees: Reading Materials Presentation note sheets (paper copy of Power Point) Attendee Handout Form Fax Your Question Form Program Evaluation Form Go to www.planning.org/audioconference/subpm.htmin order to find these materials. If you registered for Option B, the person whose name appears on the registration form will receive a CD-ROM copy of the conference 6-8 weeks after the date ofthe conference. Conference participants receive two professional development credit hours, Please see www,olanning.org/cpdp for a credit log and further information concerning credits, CONNECTING TO THE AUDIO DISCUSSION VIA THE PHONE The conference program will begin at 4:05 p.m., E,T. Dial the designated telephone number listed above in General Information 10 minutes prior to the start ofthe program in order to get into the program in time, An operator will greet you when you call. The operator will temporarily transfer you to a pre-conference queue and you will hear music for a few minutes. The audio teleconference will be delivered to you in a listen-only mode to maximize the quality of the live presentation, For optimum comfort and convenience, we suggest you use a speakerphone in "Mute" mode or, if you are the only one listening, a head set. Press the "0" button for operator assistance during the program, CONNECTING TO THE POWER POINT PRESENTATION WITH CONFERENCE VISUALS Conference Visuals is a power point presentation delivered straight to your desktop over the internet. The presentation is delivered live over the internet while you listen to the audio portion of the conference over the telephone. In order to view Conference Visuals along with the audio conference you need to have a separate internet connection for your computer. Follow these steps: ,I i 1. Perform a Browser check 2-days prior to conference, to check your browser for compatibility. To do this visit www.conferencevisuals.com. scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Browser Check". If you do not have the capabilities to use Conference Visuals, you may download the Power Point presentation ahead of time from the AP A website, 2, 10-minutes prior to conference dial into the audio conference over the telephone 3, Log on to the Conference Visuals website at www.conferencevisuals.com 4. Click on the "Conference Participant Login" in the left hand corner of the screen 5. At the Conference Participant login page enter the Presentation Number: x795946 6, Fill in the remaining fields with Name, Company Name (City), E-mail address used to register and press "Continue" 7, The system will perform a brief Browser Check and you will join the conference CONNECTING TO THE POWER POINT PRESENTATION THROUGH THE APA WEB SITE If you are not able to use Conference Visuals you may download the Power Point presentation from the APA website at www.planning.org/audioconference/subpm.htm. The Power Point presentation is intended to be viewed simultaneously with the live audio conference. We will post the PowerPoint in three formats: as a PowerPoint document, as a self-executable document, arid as a PDF. It is not necessary to have Power Point installed on your computer in order to run the self-executable document or the PDF. It is necessary to have Adobe Acrobat reader installed in order to view the PDF. QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION The speakers will answer questions from the audience. You may submit questions prior to or during the program by ~.... using the enclosed fax fonn (fax number 312-431-9985), or by emailing a question to Education@plannine:.ore:. We will continue to accept questions through the morning of Thursday, February 19th. COPYRIGHT PROTECTION The unauthorized recording, quotation, or use of the American Planning Association Audio Conference Program, Suburban Place Making, is prohibited. All rights to the Program shall at all times remain the exclusive property of the American Planning Association. Registrants may make copies of the materials for in-house training of planning commissioners and staff.