HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 06 27 Regular Item B PLANNING & ZONING BOARD REGULAR AGENDA ITEM B. W/S TOWN CENTER AUTO REZONING REZ- 4-2001 STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Sec. 20-57 of the City Code states "The planning and zoning board shall serve. . . to recommend to the City Commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts. . .and any amendments thereto. . .act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning." I. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: APPLICANT: OWNER: Joseph M. Miranda 1060 Nursery Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 Joseph M. Miranda 1060 Nursery Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 1. REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a change of Zoning Map designation from (County ) A-I "Agriculture" to the City's T-C "Town Center District". 2. PURPOSE: To develop the property according to the Town Center Zoning Code and construct a small auto service facility. REZ 4-200 I P&Z Agenda Item B June 27,2001 Page 2 A. SITE INFORMATION: 1. PARCEL NUMBER: 20-30-36-502-0000-00 I 0 2. ACREAGE: 1.36 acres 3. GENERAL LOCATION: The property is located at 1135 State Road 434. The property is located between State Road 434 and Mohawk Trail. It is across S.R. 434 from City Hall. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (See Attachment C) 5. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The property was located in unincorporated Seminole County. The property owner/applicant has simultaneously submitted for an annexation, small scale land use amendment and rezoning to construct a small auto service center. The City hired a consultant, Dover, Kohl & Partners, to prepare an alternative fa9ade sketch, floor plan and site layout to assist the property owner in interpreting the intent of the Town Center design guidelines. PLANNrNG & ZONrNG BOARD June 27, 2001 REZ- -2001 Page 2 of II P&Z Agenda Item B June 27,200] Page 3 6. DEVELOPMENT TRENDS: This general area along State Road 434 has developed with several civic and institutional uses, such as City Hall, Winter Springs High School, the water treatment plant. The City has finalized the Town Center Future Land Use Map designation and area and established the Town Center Zoning District. Developers have been contacting the City with increasing interest now that the Town Center concept and regulations have been finalized. First groundbreaking is expected around the intersection of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road with a grocery store and offices on the former Kingsbury Property at the northwest comer. 7. EXISTING LAND USES OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The property is vacant with tree cover and a driveway cutout. 8. LETTERSIPHONE CALLS IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION: None at the time of writing this staff report. B. EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: Northwest: The entrance road and signage for a residential manufactured home subdivision, Tuscawilla Trails. There are small vacant lots also to the north of the subject property. Southwest: A well-maintained, residential manufactured home subdivision. Locally known as Tuscawilla Trails. A few of the manufactured home lots are contiguous to the subject property line. Northeast: S.R. 434 and City Hall, as well as vacant lands. PLANNfNG & ZONING BOARD June 27, 2001 REZ- -2001 Page3 of I 1 P&Z Agenda Item B June 27,2001 Page 4 Southeast: There is one low income single-family residence on a large lot with direct driveway access onto to S.R. 434. C. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: Seminole County "Office" Requested: "Town Center" D. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: Northwest: Mixed Use Southwest: Moderate Density Residential (3.6-6.5 DU per acre) Northeast: Public Building and Mixed Use Southeast: Seminole County Office E. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (Seminole County) A-I "Agriculture" Requested: T-C "Town Center District" F. ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: Northwest: R- TlMobile Home Park District Southwest: R-TlMobile Home Park District Northeast: RC-lISingle Family Dwelling District and C-l/Neighborhood Commercial District Southeast: Seminole County Agriculture A-I PLANNING & ZONfNG BOARD June 27, 2001 REZ-_-2001 Page 4 of II P&Z Agenda Item B June 27,2001 Page 5 II. REZONING ANALYSIS: A. JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING: I. The applicant wishes to develop the property according to the new Town Center regulations i.e. T-C Zoning District. 2. The applicant's proposed rezoning to City Zoning Map designation ofT-C "Town Center" Zoning District creates and opportunity for employment, which is what the Concept Plan of the Town Center advocates. The proposed auto center would create jobs for and provide service to local residents. B. PUBLIC FACILITIES: 1. ROADS/TRAFFIC CIRCULA nON: a. A vailabilitv of Access: Direct access is to State Road 434. PLANNING & ZONING BOARD June 27, 2001 REZ- -200 I Page 5 of II {8an~11-01 04:13P general caulk;ng 407 365 69Z7 P.OZ ~~-: ~.:~~-- -:- ~:.." ~~fL~::~:"~~_:~- ~: ;~~~~~~:.;:_:~:~~~~~~:i~~~5~~j~ff:~;;\~;?~:=::~~~':f~~~~~:'.~=~:: ~~: :-- ~.- - --;. -. 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MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT, as recorded in Plat BOOK 1. Page 5. in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida. lying South and West of the paved road leading from Sanford to Oviedo: thence along the Southwesterly side of the paved road North 36 degrees 45 minutes West 1586.00 feet to a concrete monument for a point of beginning: thence continuing North 38 degrees 45 minutes West 209.00; then~e South 51 degrees 15 minutes West 291.30 feet to the Southeasterly sIde of a dIrt road; thence South 22 degrees 15 minutes East 208.80 feet; thence North 51 degrees 15 minutes East 351.10 feet to the point of beginning. F.I.R.e../'- Ian ~ H38 '44 '04'/1 ------ " J84.09' (H) ( /'?P. \ '{:, \.. ~-' ",' ,_. '0':<>. ..'\,...... ." 0 -." ~'" \~ \ .~~ ,,0 . " ....;.IIl>~ ?,~~. .~ 'z; ,,0 .~ ." 9 ...*:>~~ ~.. .'z; CJC:J*:>" c:o ..b~~ \<:1'\ 5fl \~ ~. . o &-\~ <) :yo . \t;'\ 5fl ~Vo \9\ ...0 . ~ .... ...~ ":J*:>~Il>' .~ ":J ,,0 .~ ." ":J ....*:>1/1- .f..... .~ Y".p .. ~ ~ SCALE 1" - 60' Sl.RVEY NOTES: -./lEARIHGS SHC>>/N HEREON.ARE BASED ON A RI6liT-oF-WAY IW' PflOVIllED BY nE CLIENT. TIE: IIESTBl.Y RIGHT-oF-/lAY LINE IS S38'Q'JS"E _ LAHJS SHOttH IEIlEON IIE1lE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR f:ASEHEHTS. RI6liT-oF-/lAYS. DR AD.JOIHalS OF RECCNID. _ TIE LANO Ilf:SCRIPTON IEIlEON IS IN ACCORD WIlli TIE IHST1VIEHT OF RECORll AJIJ /I"'S PROVIIlf:O BY TIE: CLIENT. OFFICIAL RECORDS IlOOI< 1287 PAGE 0322 _ USED AS A REFEREJlCf:. .JOE E. .JOHNSTON' S SURVEY DEED BOOK 147. PAGE 22J _ ALL IW'flDVEIlEHTS NOT SHO/IH BY ORDER OF CLIENT _ LNJERGROUND UTLITIES, FOUNClATIOHS. OR oT/ER STRUCTtAlf:S IIERE HOT LOCATED BY llIIS Sl.RVEY. 1 IERE8Y CERTIFY llI... T' TIE. IW' OF SURVEY SHO/IH :., , HEREON IS IN....CCORDAHCE./lIllI.TliC.TECHlICAL.. . . .:.<,; 8TAHllAROS AS SET FORllI BY nE BOARD OF. . - . PROFf:SSIOtIAL LAHll SURVEYORS IN CHAPTER 81017-6. FLORIDA ACJHINIST~T CDDE. PlJRStIAHT TO SECTION 472.027. flORIDA S. EDWARD J. H o. JR. ND.337B FLORIDA RE8IsTER8l LAND SUlVl:"YllR AND /CAPPER. NOT VALID /lITHDUT THE SIGHA~ I: TIE DRIGIIIAL RAISED Sf:AL OF A FLORIOA LICENSED SUlVEYOR 00 MAPPER. Fa< . FCVC ClWCRETE Ht'NJIENT C."'. . CCJNalETE ~T 4 _ on TA OR CE,"RoIL AH(J.E FEN . FENCE F. I.R.C. - FotHJ rnoH MIl AJ<<J CAP P. T. _ POINT OF TANGENCr P.I _ AUNT OF INTfnsECTlOH ClR - a.E.AR F.I.R. _ FCVC IRON ROD P,c. _ POI," rF cmvA JlflE A/C .. ... [II ClNJtTlOHtHG .....rr no - FCI.Nl FF-. _ FlHISlED FlOOR REVA. nON U.E. _ UTI n tTY E4SENENT R - fUllIIIS f(.J .. PLAT S. t. R. C. - SET [OOH ADO AKJ CloP O.E. . _I""'" E:4SE>6IT L .. ARC 19<<1TH .. ElEVA ncw F.NW _ FrxM HAll A1<<J DISK eco-CtJlIICllllTTVl H. T.S. .. HOT TO SCALE eOHC. - C(JNCfIETE PR - PTltlPOSEO l"1 .. FIELD 1EA~NT R/W _ RIGHT rF MAr PR - Pfl()POSEO EASE. . E4SEI6IT EX - EXJSTJHG tel _ eAlCLU TEO IEAQ.REJEI/T , - OOIffiI.INli EX. . EXJ5JJHO COR - CORPER - FLOW LJIE PREPARATION DATE PLOT PLAN /lOUGlRY 03/02/0J FRANKLIN, MIZO, & REID CIVIL ENCINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS 1368 EAST VINE STREET. KISSIWlEE. FL 34744 PHONE 8~6-1216 FAX 846-0037 r.ERTIFICA TE NO. LB 6605 PROJECT INFORHATION JOB NO B208 DRAWN BY: TDF REVIEWED BY: ". ..~ -', I ... ~, Front Facade Facing S.R. 434 <~) L/ j "f <T~r) , .' ~--i \ i \ \ \ \ ,--..-. i I ;1 __----,ff ~.J...i..,.:," :-.....\);... ..,1 'j /. ~? \0" ,. \ /",-J ,~ (--'.-" .) ..... .... ~"...\;'':'''\. :. ( . ')Yr' ~..-", , . _ ~":. r' . ""/" ;; I '~ r< /' , ..r'''' '... I '1 , ct~_o) .! ..' 'I <---i I I I I I ~ " ,?... :.,'.::.:~,:,;-". /<-'.'~. . DRAFT 22 February, 200 I Front Facade Facing S.R. 434 -~ / ';{ ,- , j j .. ()I:; \. ' \ i ,.jl . I I .) I !: / ( t ( I L- / L-----. ! / __1.. / " ,. .i j I , ~; 1 i '. ) -~ ~ ":"':',~ -..-;'.. :;.1.'::':--- /, \ ";~'{ ~ :'(~.:J. I ~" (,l.l ! 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