HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 06 27 Regular Item A PLANNING & ZONING BOARD REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: A II. A. REECE (Nursery Road Property) REZONING (REZ-06-2001) CONSULTANT REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Sec. 20-57 of the City Code states "The planning and zoning board shall serve. . .to recommend to the City Commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts. . .and any amendments thereto. . .act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning." I. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: APPLICANT: OWNER: Phil Reece 561 Virginia Dr. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phil Reece 1. REQUEST: For a change of Zoning Map designation from Seminole County designation of C-2 "Retail Commercial", C-3 "General Commercial & Wholesale", R-I-A "Single Family Dwelling" Districts to designation of PUD "Planned Unit Development" District on the City's Zoning Map. 2. PURPOSE: Applicant wants to construct buildings for industrial uses. 3. CONSIDERATIONS: The subject property was annexed into the City on January 22, 2001. Planning & Zoning Board r"lv ?nOl Page 10f9 REZ-2-200 1 A. SITE INFORMATION: l.P ARCEL NUMBER: 33-20-30-503-0000-019A, B, C, E, F, G, 0 2. ACREAGE Approximately 6.5 acres 3. GENERAL LOCATION: The northeast quadrant of US. 17-92 and Nursery Road. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ( see attachment) 5. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The property was previously in the unincorporated area of the county. 6. DEVELOPMENT TRENDS: The area on the east side of US. 17-92 has other industrial businesses in close proximity to the subject property. 7. LETTERSIPHONE CALLS IN FAVOR OR IN OPPOSITION: Previously, various residents (in the unincorporated area) adjacent to the subject property registered concern with the previously proposed zoning designation of C-2 "General Commercial & Industrial" at City Commission meetings. B. EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: industrial operations in buildings. South: industrial and retail commercial. East: vacant treed and residential. West: u.s. 17-92, retail further west into the City of Longwood. Page 2 of9 REZ-2-200 1 Planning & Zoning Board Tlllv ?OOl c. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: Previous: (City designation) "Industrial". (County) "Commercial", "Industrial", "Low Density Residential" (max. 4 DU/acre ). D. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: South: East: West: (County) "Commercial", "Low Density Residential" (max. 4 DU per acre) (County) "Commercial", "Medium Density Residential" (max. 10 DU per acre) (County) "Low Density Residential" (max. 4 DU per acre) u. S. 17-92 (Longwood) "Commercial" E. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (County) C-3 "General Commercial & Wholesale District" and R-l "Single Family Dwelling District" (to rear of subject property) Requested: (City) PUD "Planned Unit Development" F. ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: South: East: West: (County) C-3 "General Commercial & Wholesale District" and R-l "Single Family Dwelling District" (to rear of subject property) (County) C-3 "General Commercial & Wholesale District" (County) R-I-A "Single Family Dwelling District" (Longwood) C-2 "General Commercial" II. REZONING ANALYSIS: The following summarizes the data and issues which staff analyzed in reviewing this application. A. JUSTIFICA TION FOR REZONING: I. Applicant wishes to develop the property for commerciaVindustrial uses, utilizing City of Winter Springs sewer and water service. Planning & Zoning Board T"lv 7.()()1 REZ-2-2001 Page 3 of9 2. The immediate area between 'is mile to I mile distance from the subject property has had small commercial/industrial development for some time. 3. U.S. 17-92 is an urban arterial roadway and is well suited to commercial/industrial activity and transportation of related products and supplies. B. PUBLIC F ACILITfES: 1. ROADS/TRAFFIC CIRCULATION: a. A vailabilitv of Access: US. 17-92 abuts this property on the west side, and Nursery Road abuts the property on the majority of the south side. b. Functional Classification: US. 17-92 is a 6-lane urban arterial(north-south). c. Improvements/expansions (including right-ofwav acquisition) already programmed or needed for applicant's development proposal. None. The traffic generated from a commercial/industrial activity on 6.5 acres will not cause any significant reduction in the Level of Service or threaten the Level of Service Standard "D" on US. 17-92. Applicant has not determined specifically what commercial/industrial activity he may want to develop on the subject property. Property owner is subject to the land development requirements found in Chapter 9 of the City Code. The amendment request would not be in conflict with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (now called MetroPlan) Plan or the Florida Department of Transportation's 5 Year Plan. 2. SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, POTABLE WATER: POT ABLE WATER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal: The developer would eventually tap into a trunk line extended from near Golf Terrace Apartments. Developer would lay all water lines within the development and tap into the trunk line. Planning & Zoning Board lulu 1001 Page 4 of9 REZ-2-200 1 SANITARY SEWER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal: The developer would eventually tap into a trunk line extended from near Golf Terrace Apartments, and lay all sewer lines within the development and tap into the collector line. RE-USE WATER SYSTEM: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal: None. DRAINAGE / STORMW A TER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal: If the property is developed, then the project must meet Sec. 9-241 City Code requirements. Post development runoff cannot exceed pre-development runoff. (Use 25 year storm, 24 hour storm standard) Stormwater Calculations required in retention ponds are to be constructed with storm pipes or swales. There must be a clear recorded easement for the pipes and/or swales. The easement must be definitive for maintenance of structural facilities. SOLID WASTE: a. Facilities serving the site. The City has an exclusive franchise agreement with a solid waste hauler, Florida Recycling until 2006. A new exclusive franchise agreement will be concluded after a bid process. Planning & Zoning Board IlIlv ?()()1 Page 5 of9 REZ-2-200 I b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal None. 3. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal: Developer does not plan a residential component on the 6.5 acre parcel. None, since this will be a commerciallindustrial project with no residential component. 4. FIRE: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal: None as a result of annexation of the subject property. This area is presently covered by City Fire Station on Moss Road. Emergency response time is 4 minutes. 5. POLICE: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed for applicant's development proposal: None. The response time to the subject property would be: Emergency response time is 3.5 minutes. Non-emergency response time is 4.5 minutes. The average is 4.3 minutes over the whole City. C. CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT: The request for the rezoning, which is viewed as a preliminary development order (where no approval for construction is made), is not subject to Concurrency. Concurrency review is deferred until application for a final development order for the subject property is made, in accordance with the Concurrency Management System established in the City's Comprehensive Plan Volume 2 of2. Planning & Zoning Board IlIlv ?()()1 Page 6 of9 REZ-2-200 1 D. LAND USE COMPATffiILITY: 1. TOPOGRAPHY: The subject property and surrounding area have a slight grade. 2. FLOOD PRONE AREA: A review of the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map (12117COI30-E; April 17, 1995) indicates the subject parcel is not within the 100 year flood prone area, but within Zone "X - Other Areas" which states areas determined to be outside 500 year floodplain. 3. NA TURAL RESOURCES, HISTORIC RESOURCES. No natural or historic resources have been found at this time. 4. WILDLIFE AND SPECIES DESIGNATED AS ENDANGERED, THREATENED OR SPECIAL CONCERN: No federally listed endangered plants are known to exist in the county. It is essential that surveys of such species be completed prior to site development of parcels containing native vegetation communities. A wildlife survey of those species designated as endangered, threatened or species of special concern is required prior to final development approval for this property, per 39-27.003.005 F.A.C. E. CONSISTENCY OF PROPOSED REZONING WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City's Comprehensive Plan indicates that U.S. 17-92 is an urban arterial and is planned as a general commerciaVindustrial corridor. The surrounding area along U.S. 17-92 within the City is designated "Industrial" on the Future Land Use Map. The proposed zoning designation PUD "Planned Unit Development" is compatible with the subject property's Future Land Use Map designation of "Industrial" as indicated under the PUD "Planned Unit Development" District in City Code Sec. 20-353(2) which allows "Commercial uses. . . .", Sec. 20-353 (3) which allows "All types of industrial uses. . . ." and Sec. 20-352(2) of the City Code which states "To allow diversification of uses, structures and open spaces compatible with adjacent land uses." F. NUISANCE POTENTIAL OF PROPOSED USE TO SURROUNDING LAND USES: The proposed rezoning from (County) C-2, C-3, and R-1-A will not negatively impact adjacent land uses, since the immediate surrounding area has largely commercial/industrial establishments in operation. Planning & Zoning Board J..lv 'J()()! Page 70f9 REZ-2-200 I There should be no nuisance to surrounding properties as a result of the subject parcel being used in the future for a commercial/industrial purposes. It is projected that the adjacent parcels to the north and south will be utilized in the development of commercial activity. G. CHANGE IN CHARACTER OF THE SURROUNDING AREA: The area is experiencing a continued increase in commercial and small industrial activity. H. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Development of commerciallindustrial activity on the parcel will add to, and vary the City's tax base. I. CONSISTENCY / COMPATffiILITY WITH THE CITY'S ZONING MAP: The proposed zoning map change, prompted by the annexation, changing the County designation C-2, C-3, R-I-A to the City designation ofPUD "Planned Unit Development" zoning district is compatible with the general surrounding county and city zoning designations to the north, south and west along U.S. 17-92. III. FINDINGS: I. The proposed Zoning Map designation PUD "Planned Unit Development" District for development of commercial/industrial activity, is compatible with the commercial/industrial nature of U.S. 17-92. 1. The proposed zoning designation PUD "Planned Unit Development" is compatible with the subject property's Future Land Use Map designation of "Industrial" as indicated under the PUD "Planned Unit Development" District in City Code Sec. 20-353(2) which allows "Commercial uses. . . .", Sec. 20-353 (3) which allows "All types of industrial uses. . . ." and Sec. 20-352(2) of the City Code which states "To allow diversification of uses, structures and open spaces compatible with adjacent land uses." 2. The PUD "Planned Unit Development" Zoning designation allows the City greater flexibility in the design and control over the development of the property than would otherwise be allowed under the C-2 "General Commercial & Industrial" zoning designation per Section 20-354 (c), (d) of the City Code. 3. The City is willing to extend sewer, water, and other urban services to the subject property and adjacent parcels that it provides to other areas of the City when the trunk lines are extended in the near future. 4. The proposed use of the property for commerciallindustrial activity will have a positive, significant economic impact on the City. Planning & Zoning Board flllv ?()() 1 Page 8 of9 REZ-2-200 I 5. The traffic generated from a commerciallindustrial activity on 6.5 acres will not cause any significant reduction in the Level of Service or threaten the Level of Service Standard "D" on u.s. 17-92. The Applicant has not determined specifically what commerciallindustrial activity he may want to develop on the subject property. Property owner is subject to the land development requirements found in Chapter 9 of the City Code. The amendment request would not be in conflict with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (now called MetroPlan) Plan or the Florida Department of Transportation's 5 Year Plan. Page 9 of9 REZ-2-200 I Planning & Zoning Board T"Iv ?OO]