HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05 14 Regular 603 Stan Toledo Request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment CITY COMMISSION May 14, 2007 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearine Reeular X ITEM 603 /L-- / r79d Mgr.lDe~ REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the City Commission remove from the Table, Mr. Stan Toledo's request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the Future Land Use (Ordinance 2007-04) and Rezoning (Ordinance 2007-05) of an 8.8 acre parcel, located on the north side ofSR 434, east of the entrance to Barrington Estates and 600' west of DeLeon Street. PURPOSE: To remove the items from the Table, so that Staff might properly notice the Public Hearings for First Reading on May 29,2007. CHRONOLOGY: July 28, 2003- Annexation by Ordinance 2003-27 Feb. 13,2007- Application received for Future Land Use change and Rezoning. Mar. 7,2007- P& Z Board (LPA) heard the request and made recommendation of Adoption. March 26, 2007- City Commission voted to Table the Future Land Use change (Ordinance 2007 -06) and Rezoning (Ordinance 2007-07) requests. April 23, 2007- Notification received from the City of Oviedo regarding a request for change of zoning from A-I to R-l on the adjacent property to the east. CONSIDERATIONS: The City Commission voted to Table both the Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the Future Land Use (Ordinance 2007-06) and the Rezoning request (Ordinance 2007-07), so that a meeting could be held with Oviedo and Seminole County to make sure that "whatever it is that we are doing is in consonance with them". It was expressed by one of the Commissioners, that a meeting be set during the next 6 weeks. Recently, Staff received correspondence from the City of Oviedo indicating upcoming action on a rezoning request for the adj acent property immediately east of Mr. Toledo's, from "A -1" Agricultural to "R-l" Single Family Housing. The proposed zoning is supported by the existing Future Land Use designation of Low Density Residential, which allows 3.5 dwelling units per acre, which would allow a May 14, 2007 Regular AGENDA ITEM 603 maximum of 32 units on the property. Staff has requested a letter from Oviedo indicating that Mr. Toledo's request is compatible with what they are proposing for this area. Mr. Stan Toledo has inquired numerous times about the status of his application. Staff therefore, requests that Ordinance 2007-04 and Ordinance 2007-05, be removed from the Table, for consideration of First Reading on May 29, 2007, so that Staff might properly notice the public hearings. TENTATIVE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: May 29,2007- 1st Reading of Ordinance 2007-04 & Ordinance 2007-05 June 25,2007- 2nd Reading /Adoption of Ordinance 2007-04 & Ordinance 2007-05 ATTACHMENTS: A- Excerpt from the City Commission Minutes of March 26,2007 B- Correspondence from Oviedo CITY COMMISSION ACTION: ATTACHMENT A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 26, 2007 PAGE 19 OF 26 Mr. Richard Voorberg, 1526 Wescott Loop, Winter Springs. Florida: as a resident of Barrington Estates, Mr. V oorberg commented on lack of adequate parking for a two (2) story structure. Discussion. Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. "MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM '501'." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Attorney Garganese said, "On these last two (2) items, do you want us to go back and possibly pose a third item on the next go-around and Development Agreement regarding the SR (State Road) 434 guidelines, and the height?" Commissioner Brown stated, "] think so." Mayor Bush remarked, "The height seems to be a major issue." Commissioner Krebs commented, "Yes." Deputy Mayor McGinnis added, "Yes." Mayor Bush summarized, "We have Consensus." .:..:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARINGS WERE HANDLED CONCURRENTLY, AS DOCUMENTED. .:. .:. PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS 502. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The City Commission Hold A Public Hearing For First Reading Of Ordinance Number 2007-04, Adopting A Small Scale FLUM (Future Land Use Map) Amendment Changing The Future Land Use Map Designation Of An 8.8 Acre Parcel, Located On The North Side Of SR (State Road) 434, East Of The Entrance To Barrington Estates And 600' West Of DeLeon Street From (Seminole County) "Rural-3" To (City Of Winter Springs) "Conservation" And (City Of Winter Springs) "Commercial" With "Conservation Overlay". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSlON REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 26, 2007 PAGE 20 OF 26 PUBLIC HEARINGS 503. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The City Commission Hold A Public Hearing For First Reading On Ordinance Number 2007-05 Which Rezones 8.8 Acres (More Or Less), Located On The North Side Of SR (State Road 434 East Of The Entrance To Barrington Estates And 600' West Of DeLeon Street, From (Seminole County) "A-3" Agricultural To (Winter Springs) "C-l Neighborhood Commercial". "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE TABLE '502' AND '503'- UNTIL THE FIRST COMMISSION MEETING AFTER WE MEET WITH THE COUNTY AND OVIEDO." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Manager McLemore said, "Are you wanting to do a joint City-County Meeting over this piece of property?" With discussion, Manager McLemore then asked, "How do we get to that point?" Commissioner Miller suggested, "We have a Meeting with them." Furthermore, Commissioner Miller added, "The Mayor is going to go and organize a meeting and point out to - both entities that the City of Winter Springs wants to make certain that whatever it is that we are doing is in consonance with them, if they're interested, and if they are not, then let them tell us that." Mayor Bush noted, "What I would like to recommend - in thinking about this, it is going to very hard to get all of these people together, that we try to have a meeting - with the Managers and the Chair of the Seminole County Commission and the Mayor of Oviedo, and the Managers from the County and Oviedo and of course, Mr. McLemore and myself - will sit down and have a discussion on this." ATTACHMENT B OT~{;do FLORIDA 400 ALEXANDRIA BOULEVARD · OVIEDO, FLORIDA 32765 Date: April 23, 2007 SENT VIA EMAIL Re: Notification of Zoning Map Amendment Government/Organization Phone Fax Email Tony Matthews, Principal Planner (407) 665-7936 (407) 665-7385 TMatthews@seminolecountyfl.gov Seminole County Planning and ~ Development 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 George Kosmac (407) 320-0071 (407) 320-0292 George_Kosmac@scps.k12.fl.us Deputy Superintendent/Operations [8J Seminole County Public Schools 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773 Winter Springs (407) 327-1800 (407) 327-4753 rstevenson@winterspringsfl.org ~ 1126 East State Road 434 Winter SorinQs. Florida 32708 Property Description: Name of Applicant: Tommy Jordan Name of Project: Jordan Rezoning Property Acreage: +/- 9.2 acres General Location of Property: Northwest quadrant of SR 434 and De Leon Street. A location map is provided in Exhibit A. Seminole County Property Appraiser Parcel 10 Numbers: 25-20-31-5BA-0000-0200 25-20-31-5BA-0000-020A www.cityofoviedo.net Subiect: . Change of Zoning: From: A (Agriculture) - minimum lot size - 2 acres Maximum Allowable Density: 18 dwelling units To: City of Oviedo - R-1 (Single Family) - minimum lot size - 8,500 sq ft Maximum Allowable Density: 32 dwelling units Public Hearina/Meetina: Date TBD TBD TBD TBD Time 2:00 m 6:30 m 6:30 m 6:30 m Place: City of Oviedo 400 Alexandria Blvd Oviedo, FI 32765 City of Oviedo Comments: The subject property is currently in the corporate City limits of the City of Oviedo and is vacant. The applicant has applied for a zoning map amendment from Agriculture to R-1. The subject property currently has an LDR (low density residential) future land use which allows for 3.5 DU/acre; thus, the maximum number of allowable units on the subject property is 32. If you have any comments regarding this project, please forward them to me at your earliest convenience, preferably no later than May 8, 2007. If you have any questions. feel free to contact me at 407-971-5778. Sincerely, 14~ Matt Dorsten, Planner II City of Oviedo mdorsten@cityofoviedo.net EXHIBIT A: LOCATION MAP w.' s ~ - - i= ~~~I~ \ ~ rl ~-'II~ WSR'434 I i r ~f,~'1'\'i' H ~::: n ,L H, fW~.~JIjf ~f~ ~JESAMYISl~T L/ ~ L~ 7. i= 00 CIg = "-,. f:~- -.J re f- I- - ~ '-;;J- ; ,.. f- I- - ,,"'- 1"'- C ~ f- I- ~\TI \ ~--'- rlI- ' ~ r- m,- ::s -1. rTlCDD~- ~ "" .III I '~~ TIili l::f~_ ~, rJl ;::; I II I ~ CUll I I \ I~[..;j'- :1 '~.\b~l'l ~:; I:: 1..'--' ~6- JUJI L " II. I lilT I I ~ I I ~ """ YOl}~~,IW:,ST 1111 II Legend XAvxil) II:: ~I ~ ~ r.u- ~Ty)\~~ ~R"- _1- II B ;......J Oviedo Boundary / A J l-l-J . I I '(\>-?. "- v J 1/ I W rJl z~ o roil ~ I L-~- L-- Subject ~- PropertyJ- I\~ 'l'/ 0: \ ~:0 00 '/ L~ ;~\~~; ~~ ~~5~ I-- roil- ~:::: ARTESIAS~ Ij~ roil ~- ~ ~_L- Z roil U z_ 07-0029-ZMA: Jordan Subject Property: +/-9.2 acres in the northwest corner of De Leon Street & SR 434 o . 500 1,000 3,000 2,000 Provided By: City of Oviedo Development Services Planning Division 4,000 -Feet