HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05 14 Regular 602 Conceptual Plan SR 434 and Central Winds Drive COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 602 Consent Information Public Hearin Re ular X May 14. 2005 Meeting MGR. jV/Dept. t? REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Commission consider a conceptual plan for a 5,000 SF office/retail site on a pie-shaped 0.73 acre property at the northeast comer of SR 434 and Central Winds Drive (also abuts Central Winds Parkway a.k.a. Old SR 434), within the Town Center. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the Commission to consider a conceptual development plan for 5,000 SF of office/retail on a pie-shaped site within the Winter Springs Town Center. This site will be difficult if not impossible to develop in a manner consistent with all of the applicable codes, due to its size, shape, and location. It is virtually surrounded by roadways, most prominently SR 434. Intense school and park traffic further factor into the complexity of this site. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Comprehensive Plan Chapter 9, City Code Town Center District Code CONSIDERATIONS: Overview The 0.73 acre undeveloped and treed site is located within the Winter Springs Town Center on the southeast comer of SR 434 and Central Winds Drive. The topography slopes southward from a high point of about 48' NGVD near the intersection of Central Winds Drive and Central Winds Parkway (a.k.a. Old SR 434) to a low ofless than 42' at its southern end (more than 6' over a span of353 feet). This is an important and prominent location for the City and the Town Center as well as the applicant. All east-bound traffic on SR 434 through the Town Center will experience a terminating vista into the south end ofthis site, similar to the way the 8.7 acre crescent-shaped property immediately to the north will form the entrance to the Town Center from the west. Utilities The site has central water and sewer available, with adequate capacity. A 6" diameter sanitary force main crosses the southern end of the site, extending across SR 434 from the high school site to Heritage May 14,2007 Regular Item 602 Page 2 of3 Park. The applicant must provide an on-site lift station as part of the site engineering. A 12" diameter potable water line extends parallel to the sanitary line, but also extends north along the west side of the Central Winds Parkway (a.k.a. Old SR 434). Stormwater must be accommodated on-site. The lowest point is in the south of the site. The applicant has been encouraged to consider at least some underground ex filtration to reduce or eliminate the need for stormwater ponds. A 10' wide maintenance berm is required by code around the perimeter of an above-ground stormwater pond. Town Center Issues The Town Center Code did not address this property, Central Winds Park, Paw Park, Central Winds Drive, Central Winds Parkway, or the Orange Avenue connection to SR 434 in its Squares, Parks, and Streets Map. That is because this area was added to the Town Center after the Town Center Code (sections 20-320 through 20-327 were adopted). A workshop with Dover Kohl and Partners has been tentatively scheduled for June 11-13. Street types and design criteria is to be one of the topics addressed. The prominence of the high school and Central Winds Park, Paw Park, and the eventual connection of Orange Avenue to SR 434 will likely be discussed in conjunction with specifications for how each street type should be developed. Dover Kohl has reviewed the submittal and provided verbal comments on April 23, 2007 which are incorporated as follows: 1. The 12' minimum sidewalk width along SR 434 and Central Winds Drive and minimum 50 % glazing along these frontages is very important for retail; 2. We should stress the importance of at least some real second story - even if it means allowing some of the necessary parking (to accommodate the 2nd floor) to be on-street on Central Winds Parkway - in the absence of a real second floor, round clear-story windows on a tall facade and numerous embellishments are superior to just a faux 2nd floor; 3. To accommodate on-street parking and buses, the City could consider prohibiting parking during the afternoon peak bus staging and egress (cited Alexandria, V A example); 4. To discourage long-term parking by the high school students, the City could post time limits on the on-street parking near the school; 5. The gap between the wall along SR 434 and the SE comer ofthe building needs to be narrowed and a trellis or similar covering would enhance the "feel" from SR 434; 6. The wall along SR 434 should be embellished as should the pond (if a wet pond, a fountain or other significant feature should be considered); 7. Due to its visibility on the curve, the dumpster enclosure should be embellished on the side(s) visible from SR 434; 8. The fact that the applicant wants to provide 8'+ deep awnings facing SR 434 and Central Winds Drive is very positive; 9. It is OK to have a prominent entrance from the parking lot, but it must be subordinate to the main entrance facing SR 434 or at the comer - a main entrance at the comer, where someone can pass right thru the building would be good; 10. Dominant signage should always be directed toward the primary space (which is SR 434); and 11. The Central Winds Parkway side (the high school side) should have a wall, trellis, or substantial landscaping to screen the parking lot. 2 May 14, 2007 Regular Item 602 Page 3 of3 The Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Element Policy 5.2.6) requires sidewalks in the Town Center that are a minimum of 12' wide in front of commercial shop fronts and a minimum of 6' wide in all other areas, night lighting of display windows and building interiors along street frontages, and room sized areas of habitable space along street frontages in commercial shop fronts with entrances at the same grade as the sidewalk. The purpose of this policy is to promote pedestrian gathering and circulation in the Town Center. A minimum 12' wide sidewalk is therefore required along both the SR 434 frontage and Central Winds Drive frontage. A minimum 6' wide sidewalk is required along Central Winds Parkway (a.k.a. Old SR 434). Inconsistencies with Code All inconsistencies must be identified and addressed in a development agreement, which would be brought forward for approval along with the final engineering and aesthetic review. The applicant should not assume that any deviation depicted on the plans but that is not adequately addressed in a development agreement has been approved by default. There are no deviations from comprehensive plan requirements. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed development is located within the City of Winter Springs Town Center. 2. Any deviations from the Code must be addressed through a development agreement, special exception, or some other appropriate mechanism. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve the attached revised concept plan subject to the Dover Kohl comments and that any deviations from the Code must be clearly identified and addressed through a development agreement or other appropriate mechanism ATTACHMENTS: A -Concept plan and April 26, 2007 letter COMMISSION ACTION: 3 820 WEST BROADWAY STREET, SUITE 3000 OVIEDO, FLORIDA 32765 (PI 407-977-1080 (F) 407-977-1019 A A0002984 WWW.SRIARCH.COM .Ii Planning and Architecture Inc 26 Apr 07 Randy Stevenson, ASLA Community Development Director 1126 State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Wagners Curve Office! Retail Building Conceptual Development Plan Approval Randy Thank you for allowing us to meet with staff for their review of this project on 17 Apr 07 and we look forward to presenting this project to City Council on the 14 May 07 for their approval. Enclosed herewith please find 21 copies (and one copy ofpdffiles on cd) of the following documents for your distribution: I. Survey 2. Conceptual Site Plan 3. Conceptual Floor Plan 4. Conceptual Building Elevation We are also providing responses to review comments from the 17 Apr 07 staff review meeting below, as back up information for staff and Council review. Written Staff Comments from Brian Fields 1. Comment: Storm water ponds require 10- foot maintenance berm on all side per the City Code and SJR WMD criteria. Response: We will comply with this requirement as part of our final engineering submittal. 2. Comment: Having a stormwater pond at the north comer of the site as shown may not be feasible since this is the high point of the site. Consider moving the dumpster to the north end to provide more retention area at the south end. Response: We wilI consider this during our engineering phase ofthe project once we have better geotechnical and topographical information. 3. Comment: Consider using an underground ex filtration storm water system to reduce or eliminate pond areas. Response: We will consider this during our engineering phase of the project once we have better geotechnical and topographical information. 4. Comment: Provide a handicapped parking space. Response: Have complied see attached revised site plan. 5. Comment: Improvements to Central Winds Parkway (Old SR 434) will likely be required from Central Winds Drive to the site entrance. On-street parking could be counted towards meeting the project's parking demand. Response: Not sure what improvements are required, since the current road carries significant passenger car and bus traffic, but we will certainly consider any request you may have. We meet parking requirements on site and are skeptical ofthe value of on street parking that more than likely will get taken up by high school students for the majority of the business day. 6. Comment: Sidewalks in the town center are required to be 6-feet wide minimum. Discuss sidewalk routing at the staff meeting. Response: We have increased sidewalks on site to 6-feet wide and per staff discussion, increased the side walk to 12-feet wide at the "retail front door" (south west comer) of the building, as shown on the attached revised drawings. 7. Comment: Provide space on site for a lift station. Response: Have complied. See attached revised site plan. 8. Comment: Provide a geotechnical report and stormwater report with the final engineering submittal. A traffic study is not required. Response: Will comply at time of final engineering submittal. Verbal Staff Comments from John Baker 1. Comment: Would like 12' wide side walks in front of building. Response: Have complied at south west comer of building. See attached revised plans. 2. Comment: Add canopies out to "build to line". Response: Have complied canopies are 1 0- overhang, as shown dotted on attached revised plans. 3. Comment: Glass shall be 50% coverage for retail space. Response: Will comply during aesthetic review submittal. 4. Comment: Enhance site wall with fountain, bench, and / or planters. Response: Will comply during aesthetic review submittal. 5. Comment: Consider on street parking. Response: Will consider, however we prefer not to based on potential uncontrolled high school student use during the business day. 6. Comment: Retention pond could be wet with attractive fountain feature. Response: Acknowledge comment. However final site engineering will determine retention pond requirements based on topography, geotechnical soil characteristics, and SJRWMD requirements. 7. Comment: Need to address signage. Response: Will comply during aesthetic review submittal. 8. Comment: Expression line of building needs to well defmed. Response: Will comply during aesthetic review submittal. 9. Comment: Would like to see "room size" (15 feet by 15 feet) people gathering area along the building frontage. Response: We believe we do comply and will demonstrate during final engineering submittal, when floor plan is fully developed. Verbal Staff Comments from Chuck Pula. 1. Comment: Would like to see some way to incorporate signage in the project that will advertise Central Winds Park activities. Response: We are willing to accommodate this perhaps along the site wall where the City could hang event banners. Verbal Staff Comments from Mike Scheraldi 1. Comment: Cautioned to pay attention to building code "distance from property line and allowable openings in walls" issues, with our building so close to the south and west property line. Response: Building to the "build to line" is a town center requirement, which pushes buildings up to the property line. We believe we do comply with "distance and openings issue" though because where we are on the property line we are also on a public right of way which adequately separates any future buildings from our building. We will however confirm our compliance with the code during our final engineering submittal. 2. Comment: Restaurant use will require water and sewer utilities at the dumpster enclosure. Response: If a restaurant use is contemplated we will comply. Verbal Staff Comments from Michael Mingea 1. Comment: There are a few specimen trees on the property and the arbor ordinance will need to be followed. Response: Will comply during final engineering submittal. Verbal Staff Comment from Bob Dallas 1. Comment: A fire hydrant will be required with in 500 feet of the building. Response: Will comply during [mal engineering submittal. Verbal Staff Comment from Glenn Tolleson 1. Comment: Ifposted as parking for local business only, the City could enforce prevention of students parking on any on street parking places. Response: Our current preference is not to have on street parking so hopefully student use will not become an issue. End of review comments We trust this submittal is well received and we look forward to Council approval on 14 May 07 Regards vV JJ.k- Wm E Starmer AlA NCARB President CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - MAY 14, 2007 PAGE 12 OF 17 REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Public Works Department Requests The City Commission Validate The Staff Recommendation Finding Orange Avenue To Be Built In Substantial Accordance With The Final Engineering Plans, To Accept The Public Infrastructure, And To Authorize Reimbursement To Levitt & Sons In The Amount Of $835,572.00 For The Design And Construction Of Orange Avenue Per The Developer's Agreement. Mr. Fields spoke on this Agenda Item. Discussion. "MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM `600'." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 601. Not Used. REGULAR 602. Community Development Department Requests The City Commission Consider A Conceptual Plan For A 5,000 SF (Square Foot) Office/Retail Site On A Pie - Shaped 0.73 Acre Property At The Northeast Corner Of SR (State Road) 434 And Central Winds Drive (Also Abuts Central Winds Parkway A.K.A. (Also Known As) Old SR (State Road) 434), Within The Town Center. Mr. Baker spoke regarding this Agenda Item. Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - MAY 14, 2007 PAGE 13 OF 17 Mr. Bill Starmer, AIA, NCARB, Architect, President, Starmer, Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc., 820 West Broadway Street, Oviedo, Florida: addressed the City Commission on this Agenda Item and commented that, "If you look at the retention ponds that we have here, they're fairly shallow so we're not intending them to be wet. If we can get away without making them wet, then it appears as open green space; it's grass that doesn't have — heavy landscape in terms of bushes and shrubs, but we will certainly look into it." Commissioner Brown commented, "Several months ago there was a conversation with — Winter Springs High School and their - committee about signage for the school, in and around this location and we were wondering how we could make that happen at the time. Now I am wondering, given the location of that retention pond on the right, and given the Commissioner's desire to do some kind of enlightenment there, if there would be an opportunity to partner with the school to do their sign as a part of some sort of treatment in that pond that could be lit - with their events and what not; coming into that very important entrance ?" Mr. Starmer replied, "And that discussion actually has been made; not so much with the school, but perhaps more so with Central Winds. You know, can the City take the opportunity to advertise upcoming events. So, we've talked that through with the owner; they're certainly not opposed to that and they'd be willing to discuss it with you. So, I think that's — a very distinct possibility." Commissioner Brown asked, "Would you be point on that if I can get somebody from the school to give you a call ?" Mr. Starmer replied, "Sure." Further discussion on signage. Mr. Stevenson asked, "I just want to know if we have — the flexibility of Staff to negotiate something maybe other than a fountain; maybe some up -lit trees and planters, things of this nature that would accomplish the same thing of a fountain by up- lighting, but it would also leave most of this storefront space open for pedestrians in here." Deputy Mayor McGinnis commented, "Yes." Mayor Bush asked, "So, you are recommending that you don't put a fountain at that particular location, but there could be other locations that would be..." Mr. Stevenson replied, "...Could be, but I'm also recommending that in addition to a fountain, that we have the flexibility to look at some other type of feature there, on that corner." Deputy Mayor McGinnis again commented, "Yes. I support that." Amorrierreamir CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING — MAY 14, 2007 PAGE 14 OF 17 "MOTION TO APPROVE THE REVISED CONCEPT PLANS SUBJECT TO DOVER KOHL COMMENTS AND ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE CODE THAT MUST BE ADDRESSED THROUGH A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 603. Community Development Department — Planning Division Requests The City Commission Remove From The Table, Mr. Stan Toledo's Request For A Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing The Future Land Use (Ordinance Number 2007 -04) And Rezoning (Ordinance Number 2007 -05) Of An 8.8 Acre Parcel, Located On The North Side Of SR (State Road) 434, East Of The Entrance To Barrington Estates And 600' (Feet) West Of DeLeon Street. Mayor Bush stated, "Can we have a Motion to remove from the Table ?" "SO MOVED." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Sahlstrom introduced this Agenda Item and mentioned a document she distributed. Mayor Bush stated, "What we need then is a Motion to put this as an Agenda Item for the May 29 [2007] Meeting as a Public Hearing and First Reading." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. DISCUSSION. A0101, • ATTACHMENT B . • • C,,, i. - I: . 4 2 : 1 1 00rnitz ., - 4 ContinueTP: 2601 ----_____ 416,3W.4:7;71'4.1'11,,,,"7.11. I- , t, . - ,, ,:' 14.1 '' ••1' ---------■:` I ( _ ( i / / 30 ' • i 11 .. , * V * tk _,.--..„ e i , .4.5 H ,., „_..,_.... - _ .. ..,.. .411 ' SEEETiAlL414,4 ,. . . * - . - - ', . ' .. ., et --, , 0 , PAGE-26 2A . (:::)., 4„ -_.,.. ‘,... , ___ .,,. .. .„ , -- .. . ' C3- , L.-/ . .- ":•;..s.„,ivAt.,‘„--,-6- oir _ ■ ,,.. a . 11 ,.. 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