HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 06 06 Regular Item A " , ~~~-:t PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REGULAR AGENDA ITEM June 6, 2001 A. OVIEDO MARKETPLACE DRI LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LS- CPA-05-01) AND ADOPTION OF DEVELOPMENT ORDER 5T AFF REPORT APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Chapter 15, Article II of the City Code contains the review requirements for Comprehensive Plan amendments. The proposed amendment constitutes a "Large Scale Amendment", because the parcel exceeds 10 acres in size. Large scale amendments can only be processed twice a year by the City. However, Developments of Regional Impact (DR!) are exempt from that requirement (section 163.3187 F.S.). Section 15-35 of the City Code requires that a staff review board (DRC) review the application and submit a recommendation to the Land Planning Agency, which in Winter Springs is the Planning and Zoning Board. The P&Z Board shall hold a public hearing to review the large scale amendment and shall submit a recommendation to the City Commission to ap'prove or deny the application for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The City Commission holds a (first) public hearing for the purpose of transmitting the amendment to DCA. If the City Commission decides to accept the P&Z recommendation, then the intention to hold a second public hearing (at the adoption stage) shall be announced at this (the first) public hearing. The DRC reviewed the request on May 1 '\ 2001 and recommended approval of the request. DRI Development Order Section 380.06(19) states that any proposed change to a previously approved development which creates a reasonable likelihood of additional regional impact, or any type of regional impact created by the change not previously reviewed by the regional planning agency, shall constitute a substantial deviation and shall cause the development to be subject to further development-of-regional-impact review. The applicant is proposing to amend the original Oviedo Marketplace DRI'development order to address the fact that Parcel 14 is now within the City of Winter Springs. The applicant is not proposing any changes to the development program, phasing or other requirements of the original DO. Therefore, the proposed change does not constitute a substantial deviation. The City Commission is required to take separate actions for the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and the DIU Development Order. ~i~- -- .., I. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION A. Applicant: Carey S. Hayo, Principal Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. 33 East Pine Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Owner: The Viera Company 7380 Murrell Road, Suite 201 Viera, Florida 32940 B. Request: The applicant is requesting an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan, to change the Future Land Use Classification on the subject property from PUD and Conservation Overlay (Seminole County designation) to Mixed-Use (City designation). In conjunction with the land use map amendment, the applicant has submitted a DRI Development Order for Parcel 14, to be adopted by the City of Winter Springs. The proposed development order is based on the DRI development order adopted by Seminole County. C. Purpose: The purpose of the request is to assign a City land use category to the site, similar to the current Seminole County Planned Development designation, to allow the development of the site consistent with the approved DRI Development Order. The purpose of the adoption of a revised Development Order is to require compliance with City standards, wherever it states County standards. The development order contains the approved land use schedule, which will remain unchanged. D. Site Information: 1. Parcel Number -17-21-31-300-001H-OOOO 2. Acreage - 49.55 acres 3. General Location - The site is located on Dovera Drive, near the intersection of Red Bug Lake Road and the Greene Way. The site corresponds to Parcel 14 of the Oviedo Marketplace DR!. 4. Legal Description - See attachment C 5. Chronology of Subject Property - The subject property is part of the Oviedo Marketplace Development of Regional Impact approved in 1988. The DRI is currently located in three jurisdictions, the City of Oviedo, the City of Winter Springs, and Seminole County. When this site (parcel 14) was annexed into the City of Winter Springs in 1995, a Future Land Use category was not assigned to the property, and a DRI Development Order was not adopted by the City. In order to develop the property, the site needs to have City land use designation and zoning, which the applicant will apply for after the land use amendment is adopted. 6. Existing Land Use - The property is currently vacant. Adjacent existing uses, zoning and Future Land Use (FLU) designations include: 2 ,:- P&Z Board Meeting - June 6, 2001 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Oviedo Marketplace - : - Exis tin (~~U s.c " Zoning ~ FLU f' . ~ ~~- ' ,~ - I . Subject Site Vacant PUD (SC) PD, Cons. Overlay (SC) North SF Residential __~!:!D (\v?L____ __LD l~j~~L___________ - ,-,-- f----------,----",-",--.".-,...-..-....-.",-".,-" South Commercial _~!dQ (SC) ________ __PD_ (S~L___________ ----.------- --------_.__....~...._-_._-_..__._---- East Vacant & Commercial PUD (SC & 0) _HI~SC)____ f-----,-------.--..---.---..-..-.-- ._--,----- Wetlands _~UQ (0)__,__ Conse~~.E.?n (0) ____ ---~-- -------.------.--.---.. West FPL Easement SF Resid. R-1A (SC) LDR (SC) (WS) Wmter Springs; (SC) Seminole County; (0) Oviedo 7. Development Trends - With the development of the Oviedo Marketplace, this Greenway interchange has developed into a mix of commercial, office and medical uses. The applicant is planning to develop a mix of retail and offIce development on the site, and leaving more than half of the property as open space. The proposed land uses are consistent with the character of the area. 8. Letters/Phone Calls In Favor Or Opposition - The applicant has held neighborhood meetings to explain the proposal to the residents in the area. The last meeting was scheduled for May 3rd. However, no residents attended the meeting. II. ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Element/Map: The applicant is requesting MIXED USE land use designation for the entire site. The site is currendy shown as Planned Development and Conservation Overlay in the County's Future Land Use Map. The proposed Mixed Use designation would allow the applicant to later rezone the property to a City zoning district designation. The applicant has noted that they will be requesting rezoning to PUD as soon as the comprehensive plan amendment is adopted and effective. The purpose of the Mixed Use land use classification as stated in the City's comprehensive Plan is to allow flexibility and efficiency to development design. The City of Winter Springs does not have a Conservation Overlay land use category. It only has the traditional Conservation land use. The purpose for requesting Mixed Use without Conservation is to be able to use the acreage of the wetland area to provide suffIcient acreage of Open Space to meet the standards of the Mixed Use designation. Policy C1 of the Future Land Use Element states, "No mixed use shall have a non-residential use exceeding 50% of the gross land area. Open space shall not be less than 20%, and public uses, utilities or wetland conservation easements not less than 5%". If the wetland areas were designated as Conservation, the applicant would be allowed to develop only 50% of the reminder of the site as retail/offIce, and would be required to provide an additional 20% of the mixed-use portion of the property for open space use. Staff recognizes that this requirement would be excessive given that the approved DIU master development plan already shows that more than 50% of the entire property will be preserved for open space. The Dcvelopment Order and master development plan (Map H) already provide sufficient protection for the cnvironmentally sensitive areas. 3 ,. P&Z Board Meeting - June 6, 2001 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Oviedo Marketplace Goal 1 of the Future Land Use Element states "To ensure that the culmination of a City to remain predominantly a residential component of the Orlando metropolitan area is guided to protect the quality of life by defIning the perimeters of residential, conservation, mixed use, and commercial lands with spatial buffers so each use may function optimally". The subject site will abut residential areas to the north and west. However, the adopted Map H, which is the Master Development Plan for the entire Oviedo Marketplace DRI, shows approximately 34 acres adjacent to the residential uses as wetland/upland conservation areas. The proposed Map H2, a Master Development Plan specific to the DRI area within the City of Winter Springs, shows all areas adjacent to residential (north and west) as preservation areas, through a conservation easement dedicated to the Dovera Community Development District. Therefore, the proposed land use for the subject site, in conjunction with the Development Order and Map H, is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Future Land Use Element and will not have a detrimental effect on the adjacent land uses. B. DRI Development Order The applicant has submitted a proposed Development Order and Master Development Plan for Parcel 14, consistent with the overall DRI development order and development plan approved by Seminole County. The applicant is requesting approval and adoption by the City Commission. The development plan is as follows: Land Usc - Acrcs 'Yc, Sq. ~t. Parking l - I ~ . I Development - Retail/Office 15.1 30.5 160,000 800 Wetland Conservation 29.2 59.0 N/A N/A Upland Conservation 5.2 10.5 N/A N/A TOTAL 49.5 100.0 160,000 800 Any development on this site will need to be consistent with the Development Order and the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning regulations. C. Public Facilities: 1. Roads/Transportation - The subject site will be accessed from Dovera Drive, which connects the subject site with the mall parcel to the north, and with Red Bug Lake Road to the south. When the DRI was originally reviewed, the impact of the proposed uses on the road network was analyzed in great detail.' Monitoring and traffIc impact studies have been prepared. The DRI development order lists the required improvements and mitigation that are required prior to the commencement of Phase 3, which includes the subject site. They include: 4 P'&Z Board Meeting - June 6, 2001 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Oviedo Marketplace . Red Bug Lake and S.R436: Prior to the development of Phase 3a, the developer was required to pay proportionate share for intersection improvement study. This requirement was already taken care of by the developer. . S.R 434 and S.R 426: Prior to 3a, the developer will be required to extend Division Street from Michelle Hammock Road to C.R. 419 in a 2-lane configuration. Also, the developer will be required to provide 5 acres for wetland mitigation. . S.R 426: Prior to the development of Phase 3b (subject site), the developer will be required to widen S.R.426 from Mitchell Hammock Road to Winter Springs Boulevard to four lanes. The Oviedo Marketplace mall is currently served by LYNX Bus Route 4. The TDP for LYNX shows that new service and re-alignment of routes is scheduled for 2002. At that time there will be three routes serving the Oviedo Marketplace, providing expanded capacity. 2. Sanitary Sewer, Potable Water, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management- . Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water: Seminole County is currently providing water and sanitary sewer service to Oviedo marketplace and is anticipated to be the provider of these services to Parcel 14 as well. The Settlement Agreement states that it may be possible for the services to be assigned to the City of Winter Springs via a utility service agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs. Based on the projected service demand for Parcel 14, there is suffIcient capacity to serve the development without lowering the County's adopted level of service. The applicant has submitted a letter from the Seminole County Environmental Services Department stating their ability to continue water and sewer service for the Oviedo marketplace. . Solid Waste: No hazardous wastes are expected. However, the Development Order states "the Developer shall prepare and submit a Draft Hazardous Materials Management Plan to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for review and approval." The FDEP ensures that adequate hazardous materials and waste management and disposal procedures are used. . Stormwater Management: The DRI has a master drainage system that was designed and permitted through the St. John's Water Management District (S]WMD) and Seminole County, and is maintained by the Dovera Community Development District (DCDD). The stormwater management for the subject site will meet the standards of FDEP, SJRMWD and the LOS established by the City. 3. Recreation and Open Space - The proposed development does not include a residential component. Therefore, there is not a requirement for recreational facilities. The development, however, will provide approximately 34 acres (over 50% of the site) of open space, to be preserved through a conservation easement dedicated to the DCDD. 5 {... p&Z Board Meeting - June 6, 2001 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Oviedo Marketplace 4. Police and Fire - The proposed land use classification will not create a negative impact on the current level of service of City Police and Fire facilities. D. Nuisance Potential Of Proposed Use To Surrounding Land Uses: The development of the site under the Mixed Use land use designation will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding properties. The City's Comprehensive Plan requires a minimum buffer of 25 feet between adjacent residential and commercial uses. However, a Settlement Agreement (August 1995) between the City of Oviedo, the City of Winter Springs and the owner of the Oviedo Marketplace property, requires that development, including roads, parking, buildings and active uses, be located no closer than 250 feet from the boundary between the project and adjacent residential uses. There are also restrictions on building height, and the provision of a wall where existing natural vegetation does not exist along the boundary. As noted above, over 50% of the site will be preserved as open space, providing a natural and visual buffer between the non-residential uses and the residential neighborhoods to the west and north. Also, access to the site will be from a road that leads to the Oviedo marketplace mall. No commercial traffic will be directed to any residential streets. E. Natural Lands Compatibility: 1. Soils - There are two distinct soil areas on the subject property: swamp, which corresponds to the wetlands to be preserved, and ftne sand, on the developable portion of the site. These are generally associated with transitional soils, and are often found in nearly level tracts, adjacent to wet areas of flatwoods, and connected to low lands. The soils on the eastern portion of the site are adequate for development. 2. Topography - The site is generally flat, with a variation of 5 feet between the lowest and highest grades. 3. Flood Prone Areas - The subject site is not within the 1 DO-year flood prone area. 4. Natural Resources - The developer will be required to protect the wetlands on the site. A conservation easement has already been dedicated to the DCDD. There are no endangered plants on the property. 5. Wildlife - The bald eagle nest originally identified on the property was abandoned for more than five years. The Florida Game and Fresh Water Commission has determined that the restrictions relating to the nest no longer apply. The proposed Development Order to be adopted by the City of Winter Springs does no have any references to the nest. There are no other endangered, threatened or special concern species on the site. The Development Order states that if any other endangered, threatened or special concern species are found on the site, development will need to cease, and the Florida Game and Fresh Water Commission would need to be notified. 6. Historic/Archaeological Resources - Therc are no known significant historical or archacological resources located on thc sitc. (i !'&Z Board Meeting - June 6, 2001 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Oviedo Marketplace F. Consistency With The Comprehensive Plan: The proposed large Scale Comprehensive Plan amendment changing the land use designation on the subject site from Seminole County's PD designation to the City's Mixed Use designation is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's comprehensive plan. III. FINDINGS Section 15-36 of the Code lists the review criteria for Comprehensive Plan amendments. The application meets the criteria as follows: 1. The proposed amendment will not have an effect on the City budget, and will have a favorable effect on the economy of the City and the region. 2. The proposed amendment will not diminish the adopted level of service of public facilities. 3. Based on the master development plan, there will not be a negative impact on the environment and natural resources on the site. 4. The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, and the East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan. 5. The County will provide water and sewer service to the subject site. The City will be able to provide all other public services to the development. The amendment will promote the cost-effective use of public facilities. 6. The requested land use designation is consistent with the surrounding existing development and future land use. 7. The amendment will not cause the comprehensive plan to be internally inconsistent. 8. The proposed amendment will promote the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, and aesthetics of the City and the region. 9. The amendment is consistent with the previously adopted Evaluation and Appraisal Report (found suffIcient by DCA on March 26, 1999). 10. The development is outside an area of critical State Concern. 11. The proposed changes to the DRI Development Order do not constitute a substantial deviation. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request to change the Future Land Use classification on Parcel 14 of the Oviedo Marketplace DRI from PUD and Conservation Overlay (Seminole County) to Mixed Use (Winter Springs), and the adoption of the proposed DRI development order, which contains specific development requirements for Parcel 14. V. ATTACHMENTS A. Maps B. Legal Description C. Application D. Seminole County Developmcnt Order E. Proposed Winter Springs Developmcnt Order 7 ., f City of Winter Springs Oviedo Marketplace DRI - Parcel 14 ..'....'_.:.... . .~... ~ .', " , ".'" , "\ '., \ <~..). ./ '. -.,-'\ t' ,:-~,~-'. ,: 1- '--. _ . ." I' .," '-~'" -- ,-j '\ 't._. .,' ,____ .h_) "-',' / (" , : , ; .... '. .-< l ./; / 'I~.. __"J \.": ,> !-~~,-)- 1 " , , , . ~\~>.>/~ -,~. \ \ " --~ \.. , , ' , , I ..J6 '- '(.) .. ,~ --)i\; j t~- ~" , \ ! 1'-- -', " ..... 1 .r-.......~,~-1_ ~J /L.../"/ ! ./ ! ! . , : -.l ~ - ~ ---'~'--'i ....\ ~ ....i~~~~:~l.~....._.1 ''-, ".." I I I , \ii< i t--. l' i i ( ) i-____ L ~ I \' )---/'-1 r-...__..... ---- -i - .!] - ;------ !~i' t~~'~- l,_,~.:~(::::=i i- It.~ ~._'~ "J__CIl \-1 , --.----!- I " I I , 'r'-l :' I , ~-'--l---cr=r i ! !! ----1-----1 Ii , ! I ,.J'--j ! I I " {"-"---J--!_.s:...J . I' I I \,----l--~l , I /-_,__1 T'-i I ( j 1 i ; ~ ----.--; , I!: I : i \ I i,ij ;""'--7-L.. I, i : i nw.L.L-LL : i l.~ . r,-~.~:iT -r . +---( / /.- i /\/ ~. ''---7 i , ! , / '---.-...1 -r -'r--~ ~, I 1 ....~ ii' ~,n, I 1--- " l-.L..J '--. ....~.............. r-- c=:-r I I --, ~~l. _ i , . --'j ;.-O/!r-<..-! ----1-.. ! i I I ---1,- '----T- '--L .: J . . " , ; " , ~ -::~::.! . , Source: Seminole County, April 2001 ~"\~~ \L General Location i:J. 0:5 N I::v'. City of Winter Springs Municipal Boundary , ',. Subject Site ,'.. " Streets , " .. Water Features o 0.5 Miles , --'t(l LAND DESIGN INNOVATIONS -.n.. /5/ Lookout Place SUlt;;~~"'" Maitland, FL 3275/ '107-975-/273 I I T City of Winter Springs Oviedo Marketplace DRI - Parcel 14 Source: Seminole County, Land Design Innovations, Inc., May 2001 Future Land Use N City of Winter Springs Municipal Boundary ^ .Subject Site N Streets _ Water Features _ COM (County) . Commercial II1II PO . Planned Development o HIP (County) . Higher Intensity Planned Development o PUD (County) - Planned Unit Development o MDR (County) - Medium Density Residential (Maximum 10 DU/Acre) o LOR (County) - Low Density Residential (Maximum 4 DU/Acre) ~ SE (County) - Suburban Estate (Maximum 1 DU/Acre) _ CONS - Conservation ~ N 880 I o 880 Feet , "'n LAND DESIGN INNOVA~,:I,~~~~ -.u.. /5/ Lookout Place Su;te ZOO Maitland, FL 3Z751 'I07-975-1Z73 City of Winter Springs Oviedo Marketplace DRI - Parcel 14 Source: Seminole County, City of Oviedo, City of Winter Springs, Land Design Innovations, Inc., May 2001 Zoning N.. City of Winter Springs Municipal Boundary ~ 'Subject Site /\/ Streets _ A-1 (County) - Agriculture _ C-2 (County) - Retail Commercial _ PCD (County) - Planned Commercial Development rn PUD - Planned Unit Development o R-1A (County) - Single Family (Minimum 9,000 SF Lot) o R-1AA (County) - Single Family (Minimum 11,700 SF Lot) 1~21r:1 R-1AAA (County) - Single Family (Minimum 13,500 SF Lot) filii Water Features ~ N 880 , o 880 Feet , ... (I L^ND DESIGN I NNOVA~~I,?~,~ -.u.. 151 Lookout Ploce Suite ZOO Moit/ond. FL JZ751 '107-975 -, Z7} [C GLATTING JACKSON K.BRCHBR ANGLIN LOPEZ RINBHART Scale in Feet I o March 2001 I 1,600 , Date Flown: 01.00 Site Bou d n ary. Parcel 14 Oviedo Marketplace Property 800 North <D ... ., ------ .-...... -) \ "1 ,-,- '1\ .,ji' r, .:t", '/, /; ~.. ~' 'OVI d - .-T, . ~orharketIJ lac c> Cllv()IWlllt",-S .' e " f) I III (J s I": I. '.1 __ (lrl( ;1 Parcel 14 ...' rnapb ~d8RAriRI --'--~-':'_--." ----_._---~ I \'1 . I ~I !---'--.. . . oviedomarketplace I I _____ - - - \ \ (~~ # # Retail/Office --.---.-- .- ~ 1- ~ ,~ % ---. ~ -1" Q) > . -c: .0 '~ y 0) '. 'c> ~ 0.,._'-- \ ./ '--=-:" . . ." ---", r ~O'3-~__._-..-~'- --- ... #.#.- ~e ~- ./ ~ ~ ",1>'-. ,-' . .. .. _ ,.........__. . ' . ~ ._ r'I. ~.f/I!___.______..""__,, _ -- "'-.--lii' --- "" --. ".. ....... "-_.,,,... "-"'"PO''' .'_h"_ .- <QV'1J _ . . _ ' '. o. ,. <<:-0 . - - '. ~-. -. ~_h____ _ ~ __._..___n . ._n.___ 400 North 1/';\ 800 \V [C GLATTING JACKSON KBRCHBR Legend: .. . Site Boundary - Parcel 14 - - - - Oviedo Marketplace Property liliiii Wetland Preservation Area _".",,___.: Upland Preservation Area - ", Upland Enhancement Area Retail/Office 160,000 Square Feet Scale in Feet I o SOurce: P.E.CJMarch 2001 ANGLIN LOPBZ RINBHART ")"". ~\\." ".'/"" l ~ J 'V' }....--.;' ( ~oviedOl11arketplace 0;... ..,I: \\';....... C'.___..;.~,.,._. I-I - - - - Drainage Easement -..-. 250' Setback from Residential rn a oh2 I - Parcel 14; ir 0 m~~tpr rlp\lplnnmpnt nl~n ..: I" Page 1-4 B. Legal Description LEGAL DESCRIPTiON A TRACT OF U<NO LYING iN SECTION 17, TOVv'NSHIP 21 SOUT:~, RANGE 31 :AST DESc.~:aED AS' FOLLOWS: " COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 12. OVIEDO CROSSiNG - PHASE 1 S, ACCORDING TO THE PlAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN ?LA T SOOK 47, PAGES 80, 81, 82, AND 83 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, AS TnE POINT OF BEGiNNING; . THENCE RUN ThE FOLLOWING COURSES ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAiD lOT 12: NORTH 72046'44" WEST, 63.09 FEET; SOUTH 63005!12" WEST, 61.20 FEcI; SOum 53050'30" EAST, 423 Fi::i:T;SOUTH, 16008'Sa" EAST, is.as FEET; SCI..'TH 36003'21" EAST, 19.28 FEET;. SOUTH 16006'18" WEST. 18.lS FEET; SOUTH 17013'24" EAST, 23.03 FEET; SOUTH 6205€)~25. WEST, 24.8.6 FEJ:I; SOlITH 65"39'42. WEST, 22.91 FEET; SOUTH 40051'22" WEST,19.28FEET; SOUTH 14041'54~ WEST. 39.45 FEET; SOUTH 07023'''. WEST,53.CO FEET; SOUTH 03054.'47" EAST, 17.73 FEET; SOUTH 04032'01" WEST, 32.26 F"t:ET; SOUTH 10023'42. EAST, 27.27 FEET; SOUTH 21 "25'5€)" EAST, 25.94 FEET; SOUTrI 57013'53. EAST, 26.73 FEET; SOUTH 22030'24. EAST, 30.62 FEET; SOUTH 17"32'14. WEST, 34.51 Fi::ET; SOUTrl 12"34'08. WEST"35.71 FEET; SOUTrI, 20039'55. EAST, .50.30 FEET; SOUTH 1404738. WEST, 33.01 FEel; SOUTH 38046'47. wEsT, 36.55 FEET; SOUTH 69023~30. WEST, 30.n FEET; SOUTH 83"13'35" WEST, 31.96 FEET; NORTH 83026'48. WEST, 23.09 FEET; SOUTrI 86046'10. WEST, 122.80 FEET; NORTH 87033'11. WEST, 45.67 FEET: SOUTH 69021'35. WEsT, 21.26 FEEl; NORl}-t 87032'46. WEST, 146~,71 FEET; THENCE, DE?ART.NG SAID NORTH UNE OF toT 12. RUN NORTH 57024'04. EAST, 29.61 FE::--r; THS"JCE RUN _ NORTH 00047'25" EAST, 484.40 FEET TO A CURVE CCNcivE NORTHERLY; THENCE RUN WESTERLY AND THEN NCAl1;SL Y ALONG SA:D CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS .l.ENGTHOF 750.00 FEET. A C3flnAl ANGt.: CF 138048!54.. AN ARC LENGTH OF 1817.09.FEET, A CHORD LE."CGTrI OF 1404.16 FEET, AND A Q-!ORD EEAR1NG OF NORTH 19'" 16' 44. WEST; Trl6'lCE RuN NORTri 43050'01. EAST, 41S.30 Fi::i:T TO THE SOUTIiE"""11.Y UNE OF ruSCAWlUA UNIT 7, ACCORDING tv THE PlAT ThER~F, AS RECCRCED IN PlAT BOOK 22. PAGES 46 AND 47 OF THE PU6UC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNtY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN ALONG THE. SOliTHERl Y UNE Of: SAiD TUSKAWlllA UNIT 7; SOUTH 700CO'2S- EAST, 664.21 r=l TO TriE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID' PlAT; THENCE RUN SOUTrl 01007'52. EAST, 319.02 FEci; THENCE RUN SOUTH, 89037'4Q.. EAST, 520.75 r::ET; THENCE RUN SOUTrI 14032'19. EAST, 169.91 FE: THENCE RUN SOUTH 71020'10. EAST, 164.74 FEET TO A ?OINT 'ON THE WESTERlY RlGHT..QF-WAY OF THE PROPOSED OVIEDO CROSSING TERRACE; THENCE RUN ALONG SAID PROPOSED WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE TrlE FOllOWING COURSE'S; SOUTH 55015'44" WEST, 200.22 r=1 TO A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERlY: THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID ,CURVE HAVING A RADiUS LENGTH OF 9.50.00 Fa:T, A CS'lTRAl ANGLE OF 19006'05", AN ARC lENGTH OF 316.71 r::=I, A CHORD LENGTH OF 315.25 I-~::I, AND A CHORD SEARING OF sourri 45042'41. WEST; THENCE RUN SOUTH 36"09'39" WEST, 275.09 1"=1 TO A CURVE CCNCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; TriENCE_ RUN SOUTHWESTERLY' ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS LENGTH OF 800.00 F"=--r, A CENTRAl ANGLE, OF 17048'35-. A;I~. ARC L..!:NGTH OF 248.57 F""::ET, A Q-iORD LEN~ Of 247.S7 FEET, AND A CHORD BEARING OF sourrl i7o:l!iu. WEST TO 'THE AFORESAID NORTHEAST CORNE.q OF LOT 12 AND Th"E POINT OF BEGINNING. TriE A30'lE DESCRIBED TRACT OF L4.ND UES iN SE.1ItllNOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CCNT~INS, 49.551 ACRES. MeRE OR LESS. City of Winter Springs - Oviedo ivlarketplace Comprehensive Plan Amendment ,I"larch 200 I .' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA , 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development Dept. Planning OivisiooAPPLlCATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2010) APPLICANT : H:Iyo Carey s. Last First Middle Gl.attin::J .Jad<s=n Fert::tEr Arglin I.q;ez RiIHErt, In::. ADDRESS: . 33 E. P:ire5treet PHONE: Or1arrl:J City (4J7) 843-6552 Florida State 32001 Zip Code If applicant does not own the property, provide the following: OWNER: 'llE Viera 0::np3ny Last ~ First Middle ADDRESS: 7E M1rrel1 R:ad, s.Ii.te 2)1 PHONE: Viera City (321) 242-lZO Florida State 32940 Zip Code This is a request P1.anrB:1 ~ (S3rd.ml.e Cbnty J described below. Tax Parcel Number: for change of Future Land Use designation from ito MiJ<ej u:e on the property (City of Wint:eL ~) 17-21-31-:ID-OOlH-CXXX) Size of Parcel: 49.5 sq. ft /acres. Address of Property proposed for change of Future Land Use Designation: ADDRESS: D:Jvera :crive Winter Sprin;js Florida 3Z7fi5 Cicy StaLe Zip Code .. Present Zoning of the Parcel: Fill (S3.nirn1e' Cb.1nty) Reason for request of change of Future Land Use Designation: 'llE ParcEl vas CII1l'BS1 into th: City an:j n:e:E a City of Winter.Sfrin;Js 1an:l u:e dssigratim. 'llE M:ba:1 U3e cat:.a;pry will a1Ja.l fer tre prq;:axrl rrriJ<Erl u:e ~. - - TO BE SUP)?LIED AT TIME OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: * A copy of the most recent survey of the sUbject , property. * A copy of the legal description. * Notarized authorization of the owner (if applicant is other than owner or attorney for owner) . * Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Fee. COMPREHENS IVE PLAN AMENDMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE . CITY COMMISSION AS WELL AS APPROVAL BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. THE AMENDMENT IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ISSUES A "NOTICE OF INTENT" TO FIND THE COMPREHENS IVE' PLAN AMENDMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 163.3184 AND 163.3187, FLORIDA STATUES AND 9J-11 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. APPLICANTS ARE ADVISED,. THAT IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISIONS MADE AT THE MEETINGS OR HEARINGS, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE MEETING OR HEARING, THEY WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSES" THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, II_T THEIR COST, WHICH INCLUDES TF~ TESTIMO~{ AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEF~ IS TO BE BASED, PER 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES. Appendix A Seminole County Development Order City 0/ Winter Springs - Oviedo Marketplace Comprehensive Plan Amendment March 2001 SEMINOLE COUNTY t..c!Q~o~\ ~ c&- ~ THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATION DEVELOPMENT ORDER OVIEDO MARKETPLACE (FORMERL Y Kl'lOWN AS OVIEDO CROSSING) WHEREAS, it is the intent of the State of Florida, as expressed in Chapter380. Florida Statutes, to protect the natural resources and environment of the state, facilitate orderly and well planned development, and protect the health. welfare, safety and quality of life of the residents of the state; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida has established land and water management policies to guide and coordinate local decisions relating to growth and development, and has determined that such policies should, to the ma"(imum possible extent, be implemented by local governments through existing processes for the guidance of growth and development, and has also determined that all the existing rights of private property shall be preserved in accord with the constitalions of the State of Florida and the United States; and WHEREAS, the Development of Regional Impact review program has been established by the Stare of Florida in recognition that certain development projects will, because of their character, magnitude or location, have a substantial effect on the health. safety. or welfare of the citizens of more than one county; and WHEREAS, DLI Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation, filed an original Application for Development Approval entitled the "DLl Properties ADA" dated July 15, 1988 ~d additional information dated October 3, 1988 and December 12. 1988 (hereinafter together referred to as the "Original ADA"); and WHEREAS, Seminole County (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County") issued a development order in cOMection with the Original ADA dated March 10, 1990, and recorded M~h 20, 1990, in Official Records Book 2162, Page 1612, Public Rccords of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Original Development Order"); and WHEREAS, ttre Project as described in the Original ADA was modified in cOMcction with the filing of a Notification of Proposed Change in 1993 and pursuant to which the County issued the First Amendment to Development Order dated June 2, 1993 and recorded June 30, 1993 in Official Records Book 2608, Page 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "First Amendment"); and E\034S&\ColTeslnopc-tinaJ clean eounry J" amend do-November WHEREAS, the Original Development Order and the First Amendment shall be jointly referred 10 as the "First Development Order;" and /~ J i '< J WHEREAS, the First Development Order set forth certain conditions with respect to the development of certain property in Seminole County as described on Exhibit "A" (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS. the First Development Order contemplated that the Property would be developed into a mixed use project as contemplated in the Original ADA (which. as modified herein shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Oviedo Marketplace Project" or the "Project", as generally reflected on Map H (Master Development Plan) attached hereto as Exhibit "S"); and WHEREAS, the Viera Company, a Florida corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Developer") whose address is Post Office Sox 257, Oviedo, Florida 32765 is the successor in interest to DLI Properties, Inc. and had the authority to and did seek a substantial deviation of the First Development Order with respect to the Project on the Property, all in accordance with Section 380.06( 19), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS. the County issued a Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Crossing dated September 12, 1995 and recorded October 27, 1995 in Official Records Book 2985, Page 1730, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (the "Substantial Deviation Development Order"); and WHEREAS, subsequently, the Developer annexed a portion of me Project into the City of Oviedo; and WHEREAS, with respect to that portion of the Project annexed into the City of Oviedo, the City of Oviedo issued that certain City of Oviedo Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Crossing dated June J, 1996 and recorded September 18,1996 in Official Records Soak 3131, Page 1610, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (the "City Development Order''); and WHEREAS, the Developer has the authority and in August 1997 did file a Notification of Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact with respect to the Project on the Property in accordance with SectionJ 80.06( 19), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the County issued a First Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Marketplace (fonnerly Oviedo Crossing) daled December 16, 1997 and recorded February [1. 1998 in Official Records Book 3369, Page l077, of me Public Records of Seminole County. Florida; and E'.O)4S8\CofTes\nopc-fin~1 c1e:lI1 county)" amend do-,"Jovember WHEREAS, the Developer has the authority and in April 1998 did file a Notification of Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact with respect to the Project on the Property in accordance with Section 380.06( 19), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the County issued a Second Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Order for Oviedo Marketplace (formerly Oviedo Crossing) dated August 31,1998 and recorded October 15,1998 in Official Records Book 3516. Page 1671. of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Developer has the authority and in August of 1999 did file a Notification of Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact with respect to the Project on the Property in accordance with Section 3 80.06( 19), Florida Statutes: for the purpose of adopting this Third Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order (the "County Development Order"); and WHEREAS, the Developer's signators below are authorized agents of the Developer, NOW, THEREFORE. it is hereby ordered and resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County that, based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Oviedo Marketplace Project is approved pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, subject to the following Cenns and conditions to which the Developer agrees: SECTION L ,RECITALS The above recitals are true and correct and fonn a material part of this Development Order. SECTION II. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. In November, 1994, the Developer filed the Application for Development Appro~l for a Substantial Deviation DRl then known as the Oviedo Crossing Project pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, relating to the Property. In December, 1994, the Developer filed a FirSt Sufficiency Response. The Application for Development Approval and First Sufficiency Response are incorporated herein by reference. 2. In August 1997, the Developer filed a Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact with respect to the Project on the Property in accordance with Section 380.06( 19). Florida Statutes. 3, In April. 1998, the Developer filed a Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact with respect to the Project on the Property in accordance with Section::; 80.06 (19), E\OJ458\Com:slnopc.final clean county J" amend do-November j Flonda Statutes. 4. In August, 1999, the Developer' filed a Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact with respect to the Project on the Property in accordance with Section (J"". ~ ' ,............;.. 380.06 (19), Florida Statutes. 5. " The Developer is the Owner and has the authority to file the ADA (as hereinafter deftned) and obtain a Development Order with respect to the Property in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida StaNtes. 6. The Project shall be developed in accordance with the infonnation, data, plans and commianents contained in the Oviedo Crossing Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval and supplemental infonnation incorporated herein by reference unless otherwise directed by the conditions enumerated below. For the purpose of this condition, the Application for Development Approval ("ADA") shall consist of the following items: a. DLI Properties Application for Development Approval and Transportation Appendix dated July 15, 1988 and Drainage Appendix dated June, 1988; and DLI Properties Additional infonnation dated September, 1988, and December 12, 1988; Oviedo Crossing Application for Development Approval dated November, 1994; and Oviedo Crossing Response to Request for Additional Information dated December, 1994; Additional information provided by letter from John Rinehart of Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart dated February 24, 1995; f. Technical Memorandum - Oviedo Crossing Access to State Road 426 dated May, 1995; g. Notification of a Proposed Change dated August, 1997; h. Notification ofa Proposed Change dated April, 1998; and I. Notification of a Proposed Change dated August, 1999. 7, The Property does not lie within an Area of Critical State Concern. 8, The development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project will not unreasonably interfere with the E\O)458\Com::slnopc.tinal clean counry ).. amend do-November 4 achie'vement of the objectives of the State und Development Plan applicable to the area. Further, the development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project is consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan. 9. The development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project is consistent with the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan and will be consistent with the Land Development Code of Seminole County. 10. The ADA has been reviewed by and recommendations for approval have been received from the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council (the "ECFRPC"), pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, which after balancing the identified regionally significant impacts associated. with each of the six criteria of subsection 380.06(12)(a), Florida Statutes, recommended to the County that the Oviedo Marketplace Substantial Deviation DRl be approved subject to specific conditions. I]. The ADA has' been reviewed by and recommendations for approval have been received from the Seminole County Planning and Zoning Commission sitting as the Local Planning Agency. 12. All public hearings as required by Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, have been duly noticed and held. 13.' Simultaneously with submittal of the Application for Development Approval, the Developer submined to Seminole County a proposed amendment to the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan to change a portion of the future land use element from Higher [ntensity Planned Development (transitional) to Higher [ntensity Planned Development (Core). 14. The proposed development consists of the following: E\0J458\Correslnopc.final clean coumy J" amend do-November SUMMARY OF APPROVEDfPROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Oviedo Marketplace Substantial Deviation ~ ;~ ")'.\\C '(;.-- . Retail Services/Office 419.000 SF 46.0 1.750 Hos ital 4) o to 120 Beds 240 Residential 4 DU 1.3 N/A Note: (I) Ineludes a hospital related wel!ness center. (2) Includes, but not limited to, Office, Clinical Facilities, and up to 120-bed Hospital. (3) Phase 2 includes a Regional Shopping Center with approximately 1,200,000 SF of gross leasable area. This is approximately equivalent to 1,450,000 SF of gross floor area. (4) The hospital structure for 120 beds may contain approximately 170,000 square feet. The 120-bed hospital may be exchanged with office/clinical use in Phase 2 based upon traffic impact with a like amount of development transferred into Phase 3. Retail Services/Office 1.909.197 SF 176.5 10,950 Office 126,800 SF 12.9 600 Hospital/Office 104,98 I SF 15.6 650 o to 120 Beds 240 Residential 4 DU 1.3 Storm water Ponds/ Borrow Pits 48.6 Wetland Conservation 89.3 Canals and Canal Easements 20.2 Open Space 36.0 - Right-of-Way 30.8 TOTAL .;./-431.2 12,440 E'.OJ<l 5 g\CllrTcs'.nopc -linal clean cnunry 3" amcnd do-"Jovember 6 a. Estimated Total Gross Daily Trip Ends I. Phase I - 23,420 ADT 11. Phase 2 - 43,502 ADT III. Phase 3 - 26,632 ADT TOTAL 93,554 ADT Estimated Total Net External Daily Trips Ends (including caprure) - 82,341 ADT b. Water supply provided by Seminole County c. Wastewater service provided by Seminole County d. Solid waste disposal provided by Seminole County e. -. Fire and police protection provided by the City of Oviedo The foregoing land uses shall be subject to substitution for alternate land uses in accordance with the Equivalency Matrix set forth on Exhibit "C' attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced (the "Equivalency Matrix"). At least thirty (30) days before the Developer proposes to make an allowable land use locational exchange between approved office use and retail use pursuant to the Equivalency Matrix. the Developer shall notify the City of Oviedo, Seminole County, the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs of said election and provide each party with cumulative infonnation concerning any such exchanges to date and confinnation that office uses and retail uses have not exceeded the maximum allowable by phase and cumulatively for each use. In addition. the DRl Annual Report shall include infonnation indicating the cumulative use of this land use loeational exchange pursuant to the Equivalency Matrix. Notwithstanding anything set forth herein to the contrary, total office square footage and retail square footage exchanged pursuant to the Equivalency Matrix shall not exceed the maximum allowed as specified in the Substantial Deviation Criteria set forth in Chapter 3 80( 19), Flori~ Statutes. SECTION III. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Based upon the Findings of Fact and the Conditions of Approval hereinafter set forth, the County Commission makes the following Conclusions of Law: E\034S8\Corres\nopc-final clean counly 3" amend do-November 7 1. The development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project is consistent with the achievement of the objectives of the State Comprehensive Plan and the State Land Development Plan and therefore will not unnecessarily interfere with those objectives. o 2. The development pennined by this Development Order is substantially consistent with the report and recommendations of the ECFRPC. J. The development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project is consistent with the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan. as amended. and with the Seminole County Land Development Code, and adequate public facilities are available for Phase I, Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Project. SECTION IV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDED BY THE EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNOL I. General Conditions. a. Development of Phases la and Ib of the Oviedo Marketplace Project was previously approved development pursuant to Development Order 89-312. Portions of those phases are under constrUction and portions of those phases have already been completed. all in accordance with the Original ADA. Development of Phases I a and Ib shall be completed in accordance with the conditions of approval set forth in the Original ADA and the First Development Order. ;-'\ , b. Development of Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Oviedo Marketplace Project shall proceed in accordance with the ADA. subject to the tenns and conditions for approval contlined in this Development Order. The terms and conditions of the ADA are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein; provided, however, if the tenns or conditions of the ADA conflict in any way with the terms or conditions of this Development Order, then the tenns and conditions in this Development Order shall prevail as to Phases 2 and 3. c. Development of PhasesZ and 3 of the Oviedo Marketplace Project shall proceed in accordance with the Notice of Concurrency Review Test Results #95-0008 issued by Seminole County. Specifically: As to Phase 2, the Developer recognizes that an unconditional Certificate of Concurrency will not be issued without payment of facility fees and that failure to pay said fees for some or all of Phase 2 within two (2) y,ears from the date of the Substantial Deviation Development Order adoption by the County shall result in a loss of facility E\OJ458\ClJ~\nopc.final clean county J" amend do-November 8 reservation rights under the Seminole Counry Concurrency Management System for such unpaid portiones) of Phase 2. In the event of loss of faciliry reservation rights, the unpaid portions of Phase 2 shall be subject to meeting the requirements of Seminole Counry's Concurrency 'Management System prior to issuance of any further Development Orders or pennits by the Counry for such continued development. As to Phase 3, following issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Phase 2 Regional Shopping Center, ~ and prior to initiation of any constrUction a<:tiviry within Phase 3, the Developer shall conduct traffic monitoring and -- . --..-- . modeling and pot~ble water/sanitary h~e~~.I:.-.9~l'!l~g,_and h~ulic evaluations for the cwnulative completed __. ____.__.. ._._,~,,' ....._..____.. .._. u.~_'" development at that time. Such stUdies. including results, recommendations and updated projection$ of Phase j . .--- '. ----.-- ~ impacts shall be submined to Seminole Counry along with an application for an updated/amended Concurrency Review for Phase j. Seminole County acknowledges receipt "fthe for:egQ!~g items. The Developer recognizes that ---~ an unconditional Certificate of Concurrency will not be issued without payment of facility fees and that failure to pay said fees for some or all of Phase 3 within [wo (2) years from the adoption of this County Development Order by the County shall .:result in a loss of facility reservation rights under the Seminole County Concurrency Management System for such unpaid portiones) of Phase 3. In the event of loss of facility reservation rights, the unpaid portions of Phase 3 shall be subject to meeting the requirements of Seminole County's Concurrency Management System prior to issuance of any further Development Orders or permits by the County for such continued development. d. The Developer shall comply with any and all impact fee ordinances in place at the rime of any 'application for a building permit. e. Certain portions of the Oviedo Marketplace Project including, without limitation. Parcels 12, 13 and 34 as identified on Map H (Master Development Plan) attached hereto as Exhibit "8", are contained within the boundaries of the City of Oviedo. The City Development Order issued by the City of Oviedo as the government of jurisdiction controls the development of said Parc~ls 12, 13 and 34. This Development Order applies only to those portions of the Oviedo Marketplace Project .vhich are contained within unincorporated Seminole County. ., Archaeological Protection Requirements. Project consttUction personnel shall be notified, through posted advisories or other methods. of the potential for artifact discoveries on the site and to report suspected findings to the Project manager. In the event of discovery of artifacts of historical or archaeological significance E\OJ458\Correslnopc-linal c1C:1l1 county J" amcnd do-November 9 , during Project construction. the Developer shall Stop construction at the site of discovery and notify the County and the Division of Historic Resources of the Florida Deparonent of State. From the date of notification, construction shall be suspended within a 100 foot radius of the site of discovery for a period of up to 120 days to allow evaluation ~ , ,j' '-. of the site. ~. "0dlifeProtection. Except as otherwise allowable by this Development Order, site development related activities shall not result in the hanning, pursuit or harassment of wildlife species classified as endangered, threatened or a species of special concern by either the state or federal government in contravention of applicable state or federal laws. Should such species be determined to be residing on, or be otherwise significantly dependent upon, the Project site, the Developer shall cease all activities which might negatively affect that individual or population and immediately notify the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the DCA, the ECFRPC and Seminole ~ounty. Proper protection and habitat management, to the satisfaction of the above agencies, shall be provided by the Developer. "Hanning" and "harassment" as used in this condition shall be defined in the same manner as "hann" and "harass" respectively are defined in 50 CFR Section - -. 17.3. 4. Gopher Tortoise Protection. Mitigation of gopher tortoise impacts has heretofore been .--. \ accomplished by relocation to another site in a manner that is acceptable to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and consistent with their applicable guidelines. Said plan is embodied in that certain Gopher Tortoise Relocation Agreement between A. Duda & Sons, (nc. and the St Johns River Water Management District dated November 13, 1991, which is incorporated herein by reference. 5. Eagle Management Plan. The conditions set forth in Section II, Paragraph 4(g) of the Origina! Development Order with respect to the eagle management plan are hereby deleted in their entirety. The nest was destroyed by natural occurrence and the eagles have abandoned the nest and the nest has been inactive for a period of time as judged by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to formally declare the nest abandoned. 6. Nonpotable Water Needs. To meet the Qonpotable water use demands of the Property, the Project shall use, in order of priority: a. all treated wastewater made available to the site which meets state criteria for reuse, up to the entire nonpotable water demand; b, rreated stormwater; and E\Oj458\Correslnopc./inaJ cle:lt1 county ).. amend do-November 10 c. nonpoGlble quality groundwater unless otherwise directed by the County, Florida Department of Environmental Protection. the St. Johns River Water Management District, or other jurisdictional regulatory agency. If lower quality welter is not available to meet the entire irrigation needs of the site, then potable water may be used for those portions of the site having a deficient source so long as the use of potable water otherwise complies with all applicable government restrictions. 7. Irrigation. Irrigation shall be perfonned in accordance with applicable County ordinClIlces and policies and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the St Johns River Water Management District rules and regulations. 8. Surface Water Man~K~m~m_..sm~J~l. In order to assure the accomplishment of the intended objectives of the proposed stonnwater management program and compliance with the objectives set fonh in Chapter 29-F-19.00 I, Florida Administrative Code, the Dovera Community Development District ("COD") has been fonned by the Developer pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and has, as part of its responsibilities, caused the implementation of an wpection and maintenance program for all components of the surface water management system for the Project site to assure that the components continue to operate at their design capacities for the life of the Project. The COD shall be responsible for all applicable pertnit conditions imposed with respect to the surface water management system by the St Johns River Water Management District. This inspection and maintenance program shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: a. Stonnwater facility operating inspections on a regular basis and following major rainfall events for the removal of excessive sediment, debris or other flow obstrUctions; b. Routine maintenance activities (e,g., mowing, trash removal, etc.); c. Ongoing educational programs for maintenance staff personnel regarding the correct usage of and application rates for fertilizers and chemicals (e.g. herbicides) within common areas that contribute runoff to the stortnwater management facilities, the removal of noxious weeds and retention of desirable aquatic vegetation, and correct procedures for other maintenance/landscaping-related activities which have the potential for adversely affecting water..quality conditions on the Project site. 9. Affordable Housing. a. The Developer has demonstrated that there is an adequate housing supply to meet the demand for the very low and low income employee households for this Project. In order to ensure that an adequate E\O)458\Corres1nopc./inal c1C:ll1 county ).. amcnd do-Novcmber II j' supply of housing continues to exist or is provided during the life of the Project, prior to the start of development of Phase Ja. the Developer shall recalculate the demand for affordable housing based upon actual employees hired in all previous phases and estimated employees for the phase to be entered. The Developer shall also re-inventory the ,l~..'..': \- ,) available housing supply. Both analyses shall use methodologies that are adopted by rule by the Florida Department of Community Affairs ("FDCA" or "DCA") at the time of the analyses. If no such rule has been adopted, the Developer shall use a housing methodology approved by the DCA, the ECFRPC and Seminole County. The Developer shall be responsible for mitigating any deficiencies for Phases 2 and J, as determined by the analysis done prior to beginning Phase 3. Mitigation for each phase shall reflect any cumulative surplus housing provided by the Developer as well as cumulative unmitigated demand. Should the future analysis show a need to mitigate the housing impacts of the Project, the Developer must do one or more of the following within a ten mile or twenty minute commute of the Proje~ site (whichever is closer): b. Build affordable housing units; c. " them affordable; d. e. Seminole County. Buy down unaffordable housing units through donations or other mechanisms to make Rehabilitate vacant substandard housing units to create adequate affordable units; or Implement any other alternative that IS acceptable to the DCA, the ECFRPC and The Developer's proposed mitigation shall be approved by the DCA, ECFRPC and Seminole County and shall be included in this Development Order by amendment All housing provided for mitigation must be available or guaranteed commianents made to assure that the needed housing will be available in accordance with the Adequate Housing Uniform Standard Rule set forth in Rule 91-2.048, Florida Administrative Code, or such other alternatives as are acceptable as set forth in subparagraph (iv) above. The Developer shall report on the success of the mitigation plan and shall provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate this success in the DRl annual report -- No non-residential development shall be permitted if mitigation needs have not been fully met or committed in accordance with this paragraph. 10. Hazardous Materials. Should hazardous materials/wastes be present on the Project site [hen the E'.03458ICorrcslnopc-final clc:ln county J" amend do-November 12 i' De~eloper shall prepare and submit a Draft Hazardous Materials Management Plan to the Florida Deparonent of Environmental Protection "FDEP" for review and approval. This condition will be considered met if the FOEP determines that the Draft Hazardous Material Management Plan meets the following criteria: Assures the implementation of proper hazardous materials and wastes management and disposal procedures. and includes provisions to assure the availability of sufficient fmancial resources and the initiation of actions for the prompt and effective containment and clean-up of hazardous substances subsequent to a spill or contamination episode. "Hazardous materials" are those for which the notification of the FOEP is required under Chapter 17.30, Florida Administrative Code. All medical facilities and medical offices on the site shall be subject to a separate hazardous materials/waste plan. The plan shall include. but not be limited to: a) hazardous materials; b) hazardous wastes; c) bio-hazardous wastes; and d) radioactive wastes. At a_minimum. the plan shall provide for an inventory process, handling and disposal procedures, responses to spills or other uncontrolled releases of materials/wastes. control of hazardous gas and .vapors and routine training of all staff and shall pennit the participation by all generators and handlers on the Oviedo Marketplace site. The plan shall be approved by FDEP and the DCA and shall be included in this Development Order by amendment, which amendment shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building penn it for any medical facility, medical office or other use expected to handle or generate medical related hazardous materiaVwastes. Such an amendment shall be presumed to not constiwte a substantial deviation of this Development Order under Section 3 80.06( 19), F .S. if the hazardous materials/waste plan has received approval by FDEP prior to the time that the amendment is proposed. II. Natural ~w:c.es.--T-h'e air quality condition set forth in paragraph 4 (a) of the Original -- Development Order is hereby incorporated by reference in totality provided that the reference to the ADA shall be deemed to refer to the information, data, plans and commionents contained in the documents referenced in Section II paragraph three (3) of this Development Order. 12. Transportation: Project Phasing. For the purpose of the transportation conditions, the total Oviedo Marketplace DRl shall be divided into and limited to the following phases, based upon peak hour nip ends or total average daily trip ends (based upon the current ITE Trip Generation manual), whichever comes first. E\O)458\Corr~\nopc.tinal c1e:m counry J" amend do-November IJ f la& Ib ~.002 2.001 23,420 23.420 1 /~ . ., (existinl! &a oraved) lo,) 2 (2002) 4.060 6,062 43.502 66,92~ : (includes mall) 3a (2005) U82 7.544 17..HO 84,332 3b (2005) 856 8,400 9,221 93.554 1, The estimated net external daily Dip ends for Phase I is 20.454. 2. The estimated net external daily trip ends for Phase 2 is 38.288 or 58.742 cumulatively for Phases 1 and 2. 3. The estim:ued net external daily trip ends for Phase 3 is 23,599 or 82.341 cumulatively, 13. Transportation: Monitoring and Model1ng. a. Seminole County acknowledges that the Developer has completed a monitoring/modeling program for Phase 3. ]rior to the initiation of Phase 3b, the Developer may, at its option pursuant to Paragraph l5(n) below, conduct a final monitoring/modeling program. Said program shall ascertain the level of service ("LOS") on facilities where the combined traffic from the Oviedo Marketplace Project is estimated to contribute an ~~ amount of traffic greater than or equal to five percent (5%) of the adopted LOS roadway service volume. The methodology of the monitoring/modeling program shall be agreed upon by the ECFRPC, the City of Oviedo (government of jurisdiction), Seminole County (government of jurisdiction), City of Winter Springs (government of I jurisdiction), Orange County, the Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT'), the DCA and the Developer. with LYNX being included in an advisory role only. All studies and monitoring/modeling programs shall be consistent with the then current ECFRPC rules, procedures and criteria. The depth of each monitoring and modeling effort shall be similar to that required within a DRl Application for Development Approval but shall be compatible " with the requirements of Seminole County's ConcWTency Management System as it relates to facilities within Seminole County (or the government of jurisdiction with respect to a particular portion of the Project site). In the event that all parties cannot come to agreement on the methodology, the ECFRPC and the County shall be the final arbiters. with the County's decision being final as it relates to County facilities (Le., facilities located within the limits of Seminole County) and the ECFRPC's decision being final as it relates to all other facilities. b, The following list of facilities indicates [hose roadways within the study area which were analyzed for full buildout of [he Oviedo Marketplace Project. The facilities [0 be monitored/modeled for Phase j E'.03458\Correslnopc.final clean councy J~ ;uncnd do-November 14 -, may include. bur shall nor be limited to, those segments of the regional roadways within the following lisr and one segment beyond where the Oviedo Marketplace Project is estimated to conoibute a cumulative amount of O":ltlic greater than or equal to five percent (5%) of the adopted LOS service volume, based on the modeling of the buildout of the Project. The LOS standard and service volumes shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the applicable jurisdiction where the roadway segment is located. The LOS standard and service volumes for roads on the Florida [nerastate Highway System will be in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The analyzed facilities will include signalized intersections and segment analyses of collector and higher classified roadways and interchange ramps. The ECFRPC, FOOT, Seminole County, City of Oviedo, City of Winter Springs, Orange County and LYNX shall have the right to make reasonable requests for additional infonnation from the Developer to verify adherence to these provisions. The Developer shall sUpply adequate infonnation toward compliance with these requirements. Candidate Roadwavs for MonitoringfModeling Studv Aloma A venue (SR 426) US 17-92 to Lakemont Avenue Lakemont A venue to SR 436 SR 436 to Goldenrod Road (SR 551) Goldenrod Road (SR 551) to Howell Branch Road Howell Branch Road to Tuskawilla Road TuskawiIla Road to GreeneWay Greene Way to Dean Road Dean Road to Chapman Road Chapman Road to Slavia Road Slavia Road to Mitchell Hammock Road Mitchell Hammock Road to Winter Springs Boulevard West Broadway Street (SR 426) Winter Springs Boulevard to Lake Jessup Drive Lake Jessup Drive to SR 434 Geneva Drive (CR 426) CR 419 to Lockwood Road Lockwood Road to Seminola Woods Road Mitchell Hammock Road Aloma Avenue (SR 426) to SR 434 SR 434 to Lockwood Road Chapman Road SR 426 to SR 434 E\O)458\Corres'.nopc-final dean couney ).. JIT1end do-November Horatio A venue US 17-92 to Thistle Lane Howell Branch Road Thistle Lane to Lake Howell Road Lake Howell Road to SR 436 SR 436 to Dike Road Dike Road to Dodd Road Dodd Road to Aloma A venue (SR 426) Dike Road Howell Branch Road to Dodd Road 'Dodd Road to Tuskawilla Road Slavia Road Red Bug Lake Road to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Red Bug Lake Road SR 436 to Eagle Circle Eagle Circle to Nodding Pines Way Nodding Pines Way to Dodd Road Dodd Road to Tuskawilla Road Tuskawilla Road to Slavia Road Slavia Road to Site Entrance (South) Site Entrance (South) to Site Entrance (West) Site Entrance (West) to Site Entrance (East) Site Entrance (East) to the GreeneWay GreeneWay to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) GreeneWay SR 50 to University Blvd. University Blvd. to AJoma Avenue (SR 426) 15 .~ S~min&ola Boulevard US 17-92 to Lake Drive Lake Dri ve Seminola Blvd. to Tuskawilla Road CR419 SR 434 to Lockwood Road Lockwood Road to Old Chuluota Road Semoran Boulevard (SR 436) University Boulevard to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Aloma A venue (SR 426) to Howell Branch Road Howell Branch Road to Lakemont Avenue Lakemom A venue to Red Bug Lake Road Red Bug Lake Road to Kawanee Trail Kawanee Trail to Oxford Road Oxford Road to US 17-92 SR 50 to University Boulevard Goldenrod Road (SR 551) SR 50 to University Boulevard University Boulevard to AJoma A venue (SR 426) Dodd Road Howell Branc~.Road to Dike Road Dike Road to Red Bug Lake Road Tuskawilla Road Aloma A venue (SR 426) to Dike Road Dike Road to Red Bug Lake Road Red Bug Lake Road to Lake Drive Lake Drive to Winter Springs Boulevard Wimer Springs Boulevard to SR 434 Old Lockwood Road McCulloch Road to Seminole Creek Drive Seminole Creek Drive to Little Econ River Little Econ River to Mitchell Hammock Road Mitchell Hammock Road to CR 419 CR 419 to CR 426 McCulloch Road SR 434 to Old Lockwood Road Aloma A venue (SR 426) to Red Bug Lake Rd. Red Bug Lake Road to SR 434 SR 434 to Lake Mary Boulevard ,~ t ) Dean Road SR 50 to University Boulevard University Boulevard to McCulloch Road - McCulloch Road to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Rouse Road SR 50 to University Boulevard SR 434 SR 50 to University Boulevard University Boulevard to Corporate Boulevard Corporate Boulevard [0 McCulloch Road McCulloch Road to Chapman Road Chapman Road to Alafaya Woods Boulevard Alafaya Woods Boulevard to Mitchell Hammock Road Mitchell Hammock Road to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Aloma Avenue (SR 426) to the GreeneWay GreeneWay to Tuskawilla Road Tuskawilla Road to CR 419 CR419 to US 17-92 US 17-92toCR427 '. University Boulevard SR 436 to Goldenrod Road (SR 551) Goldenrod Road (SR 551) to Econlockhatchee Trail Econlockhatchee Trail to 'Greene Way Greene Way to Dean Road Dean Road to Rouse Road Rouse road to Alafaya Trail (SR 434) [n the event that a roadway widening is identified which is not compatible with adopted policy of the FOOT or local government (for example, because it has been designated as a constrained facility) the Developer, Seminole County, the ECFRPC, the FDCA and the party having either maintenance or jurisdictional responsibility for the facility shall jointly detennine alternate mitigation solutions to provide for the transportation needs. c. The County hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Developer has satisfied the monitoring and modeling requirements as set forth in this paragraph 13 with respect [0 Phase 3. E\OJ458\Corn=slnopc-finaJ clean county]" amend do-November 16 14. TransporGltion: Monitoring and Modeling Results. a. The Project shall not commence beyond Phase 2 (an equivalent of 6062 total gross peak hour trip ends or 66,922 total gross daily trip ends) into Phase 3 when service levels are below the minimum service level adopted in the applicable local government's comprehensive plan for that specific roadway during the peak hour and the Project contributes. or is projected to contribute with the next phase of traffic, five percent (5%) or greater of the adopted LOS service volume of the roadway or intersection as detennined by the monitoring program required in the preceding condition. unless mitigation measures and/or improvements are secured and committed for completion during the phase or subphase in which impacts occur. b. Prior to the commencement of Phase 3, this list of committed roadway improvements must be identified. These improvements shall occur by the required threshold in order for the Project [0 proceed through the balance of the phase or subphase. If the Developer can demonstrate that a portion of a phase or subphase does not adversely affect the regional roadway network as determined by the monitoring and modeling tests discussed above, :lien the Developer may proceed with that portion of the phase (and only that portion). It is the intent of this condition to ensure that this Development Order is consistent with the provisions of Section 380.06(15)(e)(I) and 380.06(15)(e)(2), Florida Statutes, provided, however, that it is not the intent of this provision or any other provision of this Development Order to impose upon the County any obligation to fund or construct or to provide any public facilities to or for the Developer upon which the Development may depend. Further, this condition is intended to avoid the conflict of simultaneously applying the differing standards of the aforesaid 5% (91-2.045, F.A.C.) rule and the County's (or applicable local government) concurrency management systems. Should the provisions of this Development Order give direction that prevents compliance with Seminole County's (or applicable local government) concurrency management regulations as amended, then the concurrency regulations will govern in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. c. To aid in assessing the Project's potential for impacting facilities, DRl Annual Reports shall include documentation that the applicable level of service requirements are being met. Such documentation shall include current roadway LOS (may be obtained from latest Concurrency Management System data of Seminole County and/or other applicable local government), Project traffic conaibuted to the roadway facility (based on latest test modeling/monitoring effort) and other appropriate infonnation. E\O)458\Corrcs\nopc-final clC3I1 county ).. amcnd do-Novembcr 17 'I 15. Transportation Mitigation: Phase 3a requirements (2005) The following improvements are those either assumed to be in place 0"". , . ~_.:. (because they are programmed or are already funded) or they are necessary as a result of background traffic and project-related traffic. The following improvements are assumed to be programmed or funded: Intersections a. b. Roadwavs - c. -. d. e. f. 2002). a O' h. I. 2002). J. k. [-4 and SR 417 - New interchange. Mitchell Hammock Road and Lockwood Boulevard - add eastbound left-turn lane. SR 434 - Widen to 4 lanes from Tuskawilla Road to SR 417 (year 2002). CR 419 - Widen to 4 lanes from Lockwood Boulevard to Oviedo City limits (year 2002). CR 419 - Widen to 4 lanes from the Oviedo City limits to Second Street (year 2002). Dodd Road - Widen to 4 lanes from Red Bug Lake Road to Howell Branch Road (year SR 417 - new 4 lane toll road from US 17-92 to Lake Mary Boulevard (year 2002). SR 417 - New 4 lane toll road from Lake Mary Boulevard to Rinehart Road (year 2002). East Lake Drive - Widen to 4 lanes from Seminole Boulevard to Tuskawilla Road (year SR 426 - Widen to 4 lanes from SR 417 to Mitchell Hammock Road (year 2002). SR 434 and SR 426 - As mitigation for any impact on the intersection of SR 434 and SR 426. either Division Street shall be extended from Mitchell Hammock Road to CR 419 in a 2 lane configuration, or such alternative improvement as may be adopted by the Cicy to mitigate said intersection shall be constructed. E\O)458ICorrcslnopc-/inal c1e:lt1 county ).. amend do.November 18 T The following improvements or mitigation are required as a result of background traffic and Project traffic prior to commencement of Phase 3a: I. Red Bug Lake and SR 436 - the Developer shall pay Developer's proportionate share of the cost of a study of improvement needs for the specified intersection, which proportionate share shall be based on the ratio of Project traffic to total traffic. For purposes of this Development Order, Developer's proportionate share shall be deemed to be Seventy Five Thousand and No/lOO Dollars (S75,OOO.OO), which shall constieute Developer's mitigation for the Project's impact upon the specified intersection. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice from either the Florida Department of Transportation or Seminole County that such study has been authorized, Developer shall pay its proportionate share directly to such parry. m. SR 434 and SR 426 - As mitigation for any impact on the intersection of SR 434 and SR 426. Division Screet shall be extended from Mitchell Hammock Road to CR 419 in a 2 lane configuration. Pursuant to Rule 9j-2.045(7)(a) Florida Administrative Code, this condition shall be deemed satisfied if such improvement is - -. (i) in place and operational, (ii) under actual construction for the entire improvement, or (Hi) committed for construction in the current three (3) years of the City of Oviedo's Capital Improvement Element. In addition, Developer shall convey or cause to be conveyed an approximately 5.04 acre site as more particularly described on Exhibit "D" attached hereto to the City of Oviedo for use as wetland mitigation for South Division Street. This provision shaH be modified by Seminole County in the event that the City of Oviedo modifies its comprehensive plan with respect to Division Street. The following improvements or mitigation are required as a result of background traffic and Project traffic prior to commencement of Phase 3b: n. SR 426 must be widened to four (4) lanes from Mitchell Hammock Road to Winter Springs Boulevard. This improvement must be committed for construction within the first 3 years of the FOOT 5 Year Work Program prior to commencement of Phase 3b development. In the event that this improvement is not committed for construction within the first :3 years of the FOOT 5 Year Work Program, the Developer may proceed with construction of Phase, 3b if Developer (i) advances the funds necessary for the construction of such improvement, or (ii) conducts a final monitoring/modeling program in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 13(a) above which demonstrates that such improvement is not required. E\OJ458\Co/TCSlnopc.finaJ clean counry J"' amend do-November 19 The status of the improvements listed above shall be reported in the DRJ AMuaJ ReportS. 16. Transportation: Comm itted Improvements. a. The parties acknowledge that the local comprehensive plan is in compliance with Chapter "l'" \t . "-".- .-- 16.3, Part II, F.S., and that the plan includes a transportation concurrency management system that recognizes improvements scheduled within the first three years of the capital improvements schedule (pursuant to Rule 91- 5.0055(2)(c), F.A.C.), and within the first three years of the current FDOT improvement program. Therefore, for Phase 3a, which is undergoing local concurrency review and for which adequate roadway facilities are conditionally reserved those improvements identified in Paragraphs 15(a) through 15(k) shaH be counted as committed regardless of whether said improvements are actually constructed. b. Committed improvements may also include (i) a binding financially secured and irrevocable commianent by the Developer or other applicable persons or entities for the design, engineering and actual construction of the necessary improvements (with the posting of a cash bond, surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit or other security in a fonn satisfactory to Seminole County (or the applicable government of jurisdiction)), which requires construction to occur during the applicable phase and must be in accordance with the requirements of applicable law, and must otherwise comply with the requirements of the Seminole County (or the applicable government of jurisdiction) Comprehensive Plan, or (ii) any alternative agreed upon by Seminole County (or the applicable government jurisdiction), the ECFRPC, the DCA and the Developer and incorporated into the Development Order by amendment 17. Transportation: FDOT Agreement. In the event that the monitoring/modeling results as set forth in Paragraphs 13 and 14 hereof show that improvements must be made to state roads and if mitigation is not provided as set forth in Paragraphs 15 and 16, then prior to any construction of any portion of the subphases of Phase 3 and subject to the provisions of Florida Statutes, Section j80.06(15)(e), the Developer, Seminole County (or the applicable government of jurisdiction) and the FOOT shall enter into an agreement which ensures that a proportionate share contribution is made to the FOOT for Project impacts to State roads. The geographical limits of state roads subject to this condition shall be determined by the FDOT but shall be restricted to those roadway facilities which are operating adversely and the Project contributes 5% or greater to the adopted minimum LOS service volume. The calculations shall consider impacts of the' entire Project through Phase 3 buildout. Determination of the proportionate share payment shall use rhe following proportionate share contribution formula: E\OJ458\Corres\nopc-final clean counry J'" amend do-November 20 DRI Trips XC OS! SV Increase For this formula. DRI Trips is the cumulative number of the trips from the development expected to reach the roadway during the peak hour ITom the complete Phase 3 buildout; SV Increase is the change in peak hour maximum service volume of the roadway resulting from construction of the improvement necessary co maintain the desired level of service; and Cost is the cost of construction, at the time of Developer payment, of an improvement necessary to maintain the desired level of service. Construction cost includes ail improvement associated costs, including engineering design, right-of-way acquisition, planning, engineering, inspection, and other associated physical development costs directly required and associated with the construction of the improvement, as determined by the government agency having maintenance authority over the roadway. ff the parties cannot reach agreement independently by that time, or if so desired by the parties at any time prior to that, then the issues in dispute shall be resolved through the ECFRPC'sadopted Dispute Resolution Process or similar process. The solutions recommended as a result of this process shall be implemented and the -. Development Order amended pursuant to Section 380.06( 19), Florida Statutes, to include these solutions. This agreement shall apply only to the impacted state facilities and shall be consistent with the provisions of Rule 91-2.045(6), FA.C. and Section 380.06(15)(e), Florida Statutes. 18. Transportation: Annual Reports. In each DR! annual report, the Developer agrees that it shall report all information required in F.A.C. Rule 91-2.025. [n addition, the annual report shall include turning movement counts at Project entrances and the cumulative external iraffic being generated by the Project, either by actUal count or through utilization of the most current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation Manual and development occupancy data. The chosen method shall be used consistently through the life of the Project. 19. Settlement Agreement. Toward the achievement of the objectives in the preceding conditions, an agreement among the City of Oviedo, City of Winter Springs, Rouse-Qrlando, [nc., a Maryland corporation, and the Developer has been entered into and incorporated by reference hereto. Said agreement ad~c:s_~d.~~~es iss~es relating to mitigation for the impacts of the Project on transportation facilities within said jurisdictions and other ._- .... -~. .- ------... matters as are more specifically set forth in said agreement. Nothing contained within said agreement alters or waives the provisions and requirements of the other conditions contained in this Development Order as a mitigative measure for the transportation impacts of the Project. Furthermore, ~said agreement E\03458\CorTe3\nopc-tinal clean county 3" amend do-November 21 subrogates any c~:,~ition contained inthis DevelopmentDrdeL-. 10. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation. () a. In the interest of safety, and to promote alternative fonns of transportation. the Developer shall provide a safe system for cyclist and pedestrian circulation on site. The Developer shall consult ECFRPC's and the County's Bicycle Coordinator regarding provisions for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. To the extent practicable, walkways and bikeways shall be constructed between the regional mall, peripheral retail, and the residential development surrounding the Project site, provided, however, no bikeways or pedestrian walkways shall be constructed on land other than the Property. On-site bikeways shall be cOMected at Project entrances with external bicycle systems (if any) and will be provided in accordance with the current State and County standards at the time of implementation. Appropriate signage identifying bike routes will be installed. The provision of bike lockers shall be required for the mall and showers for employees strongly encouraged. Notwithstanding the deletion of Parcel 34 from this Development Order, the condition set forth in this sub-paragraph (a) shall nonetheless apply. b. Special attention shall be given to the provision of a bicycle cOMection from the mall to the CSX railroad right-of-way. The CSX has announced that it will abandon this right-of-way and the state and . -") adjacent local governments have expressed interest in acquiring this right-of-way for a Rails-to- Trails project. The Developer shall participate in any planning process initiated by the Metropolitan Planning Organization or local government regarding this potential Rails-to- Trails project. Notwithstanding the deletion of Parcel 34 from this Development Order, the condition set forth in this sub-paragraph (b) shall nonetheless apply. 21. Ridesharing Program. The Developer shall make known to tenants of the Project that it is served by an existing ridesharing program operated by LYNX. Transit and current ridesharing infonnation shall be prominently displayed in public gathering areas, in employment centers, and in commercial center areas. Upon opening of the mall, a ful1 time ridesharing coordinator shall be hired by the Developer and funded by the Developer for the life of the Development Order for the Oviedo Marketplace Project. The ridesharing coordinator is primarily responsible for coordinating with the area transit provider, conducting ridesharing campaigns within the Oviedo Marketplace Project, publicity, processing applications, distributing information (including transit information), etc. This position may be incorporated into the functions of any Transportation Management Association ("TMAn), if one exists which services the area of the Project. 22. Transit: POJ458\Com:slnopc-tinal c1e:ln counry J" amend do.November 22 a. LYNX servIce cOMecting the Oviedo Marketplace Project to existing routes. employment centers and .appropriate residential areas shall be initiated upon opening of the mall. The Oviedo Marketplace Project will construct stops for the service, and coordinate with LYNX. At a minimum. the Developer shall take the steps described in paragraph (b) hereunder to facilitate at least one LYNX route to be operational to the Project site through the period of effectiveness of the Development Order. At a minimum. transit operations shall be adequate ro attract 100 peak hour riders prior to Phase 3a and 200 peak hour riders at buildout b. Transit passenger shelters and transit parking bays shall be constructed where reasonably necessary to augment and facilitat~ the operations of off-site transit facilities. The Developer shall consult with LYNX on the design of bus facilities and amenities, including bus stops, to be located within the Project boundaries. The following transit provisions shall be required, in consultation with LYNX; c. Transit service shall be located in proximity to mall entrances, or as detennined to be necessary by LYNX and the County. -. d. Access and internal collector and arterial road geometries shall accommodate an eight (8) feet wide by forty (40) feet long advance design coach. The Developer shall provide shelters and pull-out bays along the on-site transit route. Shelter locations shall be reasonably accessible via walkways/crosswalks for pedestrian movement to and from buildings and shall meet all regulations required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as it may be amended from time to rime). e. Appropriate signage and sufficient area; lighting will be required at all bus stops and shelter locations. f. Transit schedule and infonnarion displays will be provided, at a minimum. at each on-site bus stop. g. Maintenance of transit amenities shall be the responsibility of the COD or a property owners' association formed by the Developer. h. Details, standards and phasing of all transit amenity provisions must be approved by LYNX. I. Pedestrian movement between bus stops shall not exceed 1300 feet. E\03458\Correslnopc.finaJ c1e:ln county 3" amend do-November 23 J. Shuttle service that may be provided within the Project, if any, should develop an operating plan to coordinate with the LYNX regional network. as applicable. If additional property is necessary for bus stops beyond that which can be accommodated within the ~ r ) existing right-of-way, then this land shall be provided at no cost by the Developer. The need for additional land shall be reviewable and resolved by Seminole County upon request by the Developer. 23. Transportation Management Association. a. The Developer shall become an active and fmancially supportive member of any Transportation Management Association (UTMA") which services this area. b. Either through the TMA or individually, the Developer shall provide or require of mall tenants of Phase 2 and employers in Phase 3 of the Project the following: c. Require that transit and ridesharing stUdies be conducted by employers of more than 50 . -~ people to assess travel patterns and commuting needs. This information shall be supplied to the TMA. if one is operational. and LYNX, and shall be summarized and included in the DRl Annual Report. .;:---,~ I. Preferential parking will be provided by employers to their employees who participate in rideshare programs. II. The Developer shall not prohibit the use of a portion of the mall parking area as a rides hare lot The Developer shall accommodate this usage through coordination with LYNX, Seminole County and the Metropolitan Planning Organization. On-site lots should accommodate at least 100 vehicles and may be shared with parking for commercial land uses and should be coordinated with available transit systems. lll. Promote and encourage variable work hours and flextime participation by on- site employers. IV. Make known to tenants that the Project area is served by an existing ridesharing program operated by LYNX. Future transit (when available) and current ridesharing information shall be prominently displayed in all public gathering areas, in employment centers and in commercial center areas, E\O}458\Com:slnopc-finaJ clc:lII county }.. amend do-Novcmb1:r 24 v. Provide incentives. if necessary. to encourage the establishmenr of day care facilities within the Project. d. Mandatory membership by all non-residential entities within the Project shall be required through enforceable covenants and other similar mechanisms as to those acquiring land within the Project after the effective date of this Development Order. 24. Traffic Reduction Goals. The Developer shall commit to a definite, but non-binding, percentage . goal toward the reduction in vehicle trips through the promotion of walking, bicycling, ridesharing and transit usage. This shall be encouraged by the Developer through incentives to tenants and landowners within the Project The percentage reduction goals shall be as follows: Phase Oyjedo Marketplace DR! Overall Peak Hour Traffic Reduction Goal Phase 2 Phase 3a Ph~3b 5.0% of peak hour volume 10.0% of peak hour volume 15.0% of peak hour volume within the context of the annual monitoring report, the Developer shall present an evaluation of the state of the alternate transportation systems serving the site of the DR! Project. Progress shall be compared to the goals stated above. Progress for the reporting year shall be documented to include ridership levels, transit route changes, alterations or additions, ridesharing participation, transit amenity construction, park-and-ride lot sites, bicycles and pedestrian facilities, and other efforts which facilitate movement into and around the site of the DR! Project by means other than the single occupant vehicle. 25. Project Access. a. In order to provide safe access and to preserve operational capacity, left and right turn deceleration lanes shall be constructed at all Project entrances. Access to all regional roadways shall be limited to the greatest extent possible. b. In order to facilitate movement within the site, minimize traffic on the regional roadway network and to encourage sharing of access points to the regional roadway network. the Developer shall where practical: I. allow connections between adjacent projects where land use compatibility E\OJ458\Com:slnopc.final c1e:ll1 county J" amend do-November 25 alIows, and: II. share and combine driveways and create internal circulation systems to limit f~\ r, ) congestion along regional roadways. SECTION V. MONITORING MECHANISM 1. The County has established site review approval processes and irispection procedures for review of developments pursuant to the Seminole County Land Development Code, which will constitute the monitoring mechanism for assuring compliance by the Developer with this Development Order, and the Developer shall comply with same. The Manager of the County's Development Review Division shall be the official responsible for monitoring compliance by the Developer with this Development Order. 2. Notwithstanding anything in this Dev5(lopment Order to the contrary, if the conditions set out in this Development Order are being satisfied and complied with by the owners and operators of one parcel within the Project as depicted in Exhibit "B" attached to this Development Order, then upon the written request of the owner of the parcel, the County Director of Land Management shalI confirm in writing to the owner, mortgagees and potential mortgagees of the parcel that all the conditions are being complied with. If all the conditions are not being complied with, the Director shall specify in writing which conditions are not being complied with. Further, noncompliance with any conditions herein by the owner, mortgagee, operator, tenant, invitee or contractor of any other parcel within the Project shall not adversely affect the parcel which is in compliance with this Development Order. SECTION VI. ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS I. The Developer shall submit an annual report i on or before each anniversary date of this Development Order during the build-out of the Oviedo Marketplace Project. The annual report shall be submitted to the Seminole County Planning Department, the ECFRPC, the DCA and all affected permit agencies. The report shalI include: a. Any changes in the plan of development, or in the representations contained in the ADA, or in the phasing for the reporting year and for the year, b. -A comparison of development activity proposed and actually conducted for the year; c. Undeveloped tracts of land that have been sold by the Developer CO a separate entiry of Developer: E\OJ458\Com:slnopc-linaJ c1= county J" amend do-November 26 d. Identification and intended use of lands purchased, leased or optioned by the Developer adjacent to the Property site since this Development Order was issued; e. An assessment of the Developer's and the local government's compliance with the conditions of approval contained in this D,evelopment Order and the comrnionents which are contained in the ADA and which have been identified by the County, the ECFRPC, or the DCA as being significant; f. Any known incremental DR! applications for development approval or requests for a substantial deviation determination that were filed in the reporting year or which are to be filed during the next year; g. Any indication of a change in local government jurisdiction for any portion of the Oviedo Marketplace Project since this Development Order was issued; h. A list of all local, state and federal permits which have been obtained or which are pending by agency, type of permit, permit number and purpose of each; I. A statement that all persons have been sent copies of the annual report in conformance with Sections 3 80.06( (5) and (18), Florida Statutes; and J. A copy of any recorded notice of the adoption of a development order or the subsequent modification of an adopted development order that was recorded by the Developer pursuant to Section 380.06(15)(t), Florida Statutes. SECTION vn. PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS I. This Development Order shall be effective upon adoption by the County and shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the development of the Oviedo Marlcetplace Project as described in the ADA; provided, however, that if five percent (5%) of Phase 2 (2281 external ADTs) is not constructed on or before September I I, 2002, then without any action being taken by the County this Development Order shall expire except (i) as to Phases I a and lb which may be conStrUcted. and (ii) as to any continuing obligations of the Developer, except for any extension~ermitted pursuant to Section 380.06(19)(c), Florida Starutes. The effectiveness of this Development Order and all Developer promises, comrnionents, obligations, covenants, liabilities, and responsibilities may be extended by the County upon a showing by the Developer which demonstrates that the completed portions and remaining portions of the Oviedo Marketplace Project substantially comply, as determined E\OJ458\Corres\nopc-finaJ clean county J" ;unend do-Novanber 27 ,. by rhe Counry, with the conditions of this Development Order and the provisions of Section 380.06. Florida St:trutes. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, if this Development Order shall expire, all dedic:ttions, payments, or other considerations previously given by the Developer to the County or any other agency of ()".. .1' to.. ." government shall survive such expir:ltion. 2. This Development Order and its conditions and all Developer promises, commitments, obligations covenants, liabilities, and responsibilities touch and concern the Property and shall continue to run with, follow and burden the Property. To this end, the said promises, commitments, obligations, covenants, liabilities and responsibilities shall inure to the benefit of the County and shall operate as a perpetual burden and servirude upon ." the Property unless released by means of an appropriate recordable instrument by the County. This Development Order shall be recorded in the Official Records of the County and public land records. This Development Order and all obligations, commitments, covenants, promises, liab!J.ities and responsibilities herein incurred by the Developer shall be binding upon Developer and Developer's transferees, assigns and successors in interest (including specifically, but not by way of limitation, any person or entity developing a part of the Oviedo Marketplace Project), ~. and shall inure to the benefit of the County and its assigns and successors in interest as to all and each part of the Property. The Developer shall pay any and all recording costs. 3. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, this Development Order contains c'"""''' .- ") Project buildout dates of 2002 (Phase 2) and 2005 (Phase 3). This Development Order shall expire seven (7) years from the buildout dare of Phase 3b. SECTION VIII, RESTRICTIONS OR DOWN-ZONING Pursuant to Section 380.06(15)(c)(3), Florida Statutes, the Property shall not be subject to down-zoning, unit density reduction. or intensity reduction until September 11,2010, unless this Development Order was based on substantially inaccurate infonnation provided by the Developer or the change is clearly necessary by the County to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. The above down-zoning conditions shall not act as a limitation on the provisions of Section 30.449 of the Seminole County Land Development Code providing for the timing of development and Section 30.449 providing for determination of substantial development The Developer agrees to hold harmless, defend, indemnify and covenants not to sue the County with regard to the construction of any improvements necessary -for the Oviedo Marketplace Project and with regard to any actions or omissions of the Developer. SECTION IX. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Developer has created a COD pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Starutes. The COD may construct or E\OJ458\Correslnopc-final clean county J" amend do-November 28 'I fun~ any inf'r.1structure required in this Development Order. Such projects include, but are not limited to, transportation, surface water managemenr, water, sewer and wastewater facilities and structures, and waste collection and disposal systems and facilities. Funher, if the Developer is required to make or cause to be made capital improvements herein, then it is intended that the Developer or the COO may make such improvements. SECTION X. MODlFICA TIONS TO THIS DEVELOPMENT ORDER The Developer shall submit. simultaneously, to Seminole County, the ECFRPC, and the DCA, any request for approval of a proposed change to this Development of Regional fmpact and shall comply with Section 380.06(19), Florida Statutes. ADOPTED and approved subject to the conditions set forth herein on this _ day of 2000 by the Board of Commissioners of Seminole Count!. A TrEST: J. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Name: Title: Date: MAR Y ANNE MORSE Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County Florida. For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to from and legal sufficiency As authorized for execution by the Board of County Commissioners at their , 2000, regular meeting. County Attorney "COUNTY" E\OJ458\CorTcslnopc.rinaJ c1C:ll1 county J" amend do-November 29 ;, -j. JOINDER AND CONSENT BY DEVELOPER A TrEST: THE VIERA COMPANY, a Florida corporation ["' 'I . t_. /" Name: Title: Jay A. Decator. III Division Vice President By: . Name: Title: Date: Stephen L. Johnson Vice President "DEVELOPER" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of . 200 I by as of BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA. a political subdivision of the State of Florida on behalf of the County. He/she is personally known to me or produced as identification and did not take an oath. Notary Public Name ofNowy: Notary Public, State of Florida Commission Number: My Commission Expires: -. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF :-\ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Stephen L. Johnson as Vice President of THE VIERA COMPANY, a corporation. He is personally known to me or produced take an oath. day of . 2001 by Florida corporation. on behalf of the as identification and did not Notary Public Name ofNowy: Notary Public, State of Florida Commission Number: My Commission Expires: E\OJ4S&\COm:slnopc.tinal c1can county J" Jmcnd uo-Nuycmbcr )0 ~..:\.<CAO\JC.J-,.1tOI\15"II-OVI[OO _CTP\.Ac( Wi\OW_......~1G'.f>OC........ ot 1001 l;J?.. \' '--, f.--) ,~/ Pm:cI19 Office GIATrlNG JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART LAND USE BY JURISDlCITON City of Oviedo Pm:eI ~ lADd UIl> R<UIl 12 'IS.I 1.200.000 SF R<UIl 13 20.1 200.000 SF T~ IIU I 400 000 SF City of Wmtcr Springs lADd UIl> Pm:d Amlopl =- . RdallIOIIlcc 14 18.4 1 000 SF T~ 18.4 I SF I I Seminole County lADd UIl> Pm:eI ~ IldalIIOf!Icc IS 7.5 59 Notes: RdallIOIIlcc 16 5.1 30 RctaiIIOlficD 17 1.2 10 Ol!lce 18 4.2 (1) JDc1odeI, but iI DOt IimiIed II> omcc, Ciaical p~ aDd up lD . I2O-bed ot6oc 19 3.3 HaoplIaL 1bo afIIce CllIIIIpClIl<II widd:o. PIIIcoI rI wID Dot ~ 75.000 SF or 7 RctaiIIOlficD 2ll 1.4 ICZ'CI. RctaiIIOlficD 21A 1.4 I RtlIlIIliOfBcc 2lB 11.9 ('2) 1bo llDCllocalion of wedmda II> be............s ill Pan:el1611l17~ 11111>0 Ol!lce 22- 5.4 ~ offl:Da1111l1l p1amzizIa aDd ~ III lID CMC, ~ wI1ldle -=qc lD RctaiIIOlficD 23 0.9 be impclcd au:a:d 1.0 ..... RelaI1fO!Ilal 24 2.6 f RctaiIIOlficD 15 1.0 (3) A !aDd lIIO CCjlIinlcDc)' IIIIlI:ix alknn far 11>0 ~ of RCIil mol clfico .... RdIdII01lIco 26 3.0 bclWClII pm:da. 1bo JIIIIIh ~ II> c:haup bctweea h=b 13, 15, 16, 17. 20. HoopiIo1IOmcc rI 15.6 2la, 21b, IZld 23-32. PmeIIl&, 19, IZld 2211lql1!ro Il1Ili1oDdmo:m lD die PUD IZld ... DOt IlIbjcct II> 11>0 mmiL RdaIlIOIIlco 2S 1.1 RdaIlIOIIlco 29 1.2 RelaI1fO!Ilal 30 1.4 RctaiIIOlficD 31 1.6 RelaI1fO!Ilal 32 1.6 Rcoidcutia1 36 1.3 TOTAL 72..7 LAND USE BY. PHASE Pm:eI(I) Amlopl ~ ..t Lmd Uie PHASll'1a ODd Ib APPROVED ~ i 250,197 SF 2,200 ) l2.9 SF 300 101.4 1 SF 7 15.6 104 1 SF 1 6SO 13 1 15 rI 36 46.0 419 000 SF 1750 o lD 12ll Bedo 240 1.3 4DU Ro.Idailial SUMMARY OPLAND USE Legend -.,.- Seminole County Jurisdiction LmdJIl> Pm:eI(I) pc..clopm:m I~" ~ l2, 13, 14. 15. 16, 17.21 21.. 21b, 23, 24. 15, 26- 176.5 1.9tl9,I97 SF 10,9S0 2S. 29 30 31 32 omc" 18. 19 22- l2.9 Il26,SOO SF 600 ~ rI 15.6 104,981 SF 6SO I o lD 12ll Bedo 240 ~ 36 1.3 4DU - ~ PoDds/Ila:row Pill - <48.6 Weiland CcaocmIIan - 89.3 t::aaII mol CcalllMem:ms - 2ll.2 ~ - 36.0 ';f-Wt:'! - 30.8 TOTAL 431.2 12.440 ....~. ~ Driveway City of Oviedo Jurisdiction City of Winter Springs Jurisdiction -.- ..----...-----...-.--. -..-----.-------- ..-------------. ---.....-------.--- -.-..--.---..----.----. --.----.---------- ------------- EZSJ.......... . ............. ............ ............. ............ Wetland Conservation Area d I _-'2001 . . _~.2lnl oVle omarketn~a<;e .~~I SCAU!INFPJIT EB CIty ofWmter Spnngs Map H ~oo NOR~ Master Development Plan I ...::. . THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Patrick K. Rinka, Esquire Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802-2809 (407) 843-4600 FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "'"S:l-l-~M"I n'1\~I~ DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR OVIEDO MARKETPLACE (FORMERLY KNOWN AS OVIEDO CROSSING) WHEREAS, it is the intent of the State of Florida, as expressed in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, to protect the natural resources and environment of the state, facilitate orderly and well planned development, and protect the health, welfare, safety and quality of life of the residents of the state; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida has established land and water management policies to guide and coordinate local decisions relating to growth and development, and has determined that such policies should, to the maximum possible extent, be implemented by local governments through existing processes for the guidance of growth and development, and has also determined that all the existing rights of private property shall be preserved in accord with the constitutions of the State of Florida and theUnited States; and WHEREAS, the Development of Regional Impact review program has been established by the State of Florida in recognition that certain development projects will, because of their character, magnitude or location, have a substantial effect on the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of more than one county; and 1 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 1 WHEREAS, DLI Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation, filed an original Application for Development Approval entitled the "DLI Properties ADA" dated July 15, 1988 and additional information dated October 3, 1988 and December 12, 1988 (hereinafter together referred to as the "Original ADA") with Seminole County; and WHEREAS, Seminole County (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County") issued a development order in connection with the Original ADA dated March 10, 1990, and recorded March 20, 1990, in Official Records Book 2162, Page 1612, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Original Development Order"); and WHEREAS, the Project as described in the Original ADA was modified in connection with the filing of a Notification of Proposed Change in 1993 and pursuant to which the County issued the First Amendment to Development Order dated June 2, 1993 and recorded June 30, 1993 in Official Records Book 2608, Page I 17, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "First Amendment"); and WHEREAS, the Original Development Order and the First Amendment shall be jointly referred to as the "First Development Order;" and WHEREAS, the First Development Order set forth certain conditions with respect to the development of certain property In Seminole County as described therein (hereinafter referred to as the "Seminole County Property"); and WHEREAS, the First Development Order contemplated that the Seminole County Property would be developed into a mixed use project as contemplated in the Original ADA (which, as modified herein shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Oviedo Marketplace Project" or the "Project"); and WHEREAS, The Viera Company, a Florida corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Developer") whose address is Post Office Box 257, Oviedo, Florida 32765 is the successor in interest to DLI Properties, Inc. and had the authority to and did seek a substantial deviation of the First Development Order with respect to the Project on the Seminole County Property, all in accordance with Section 380.06( 19), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the County issued a Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Crossing dated September 1995 and recorded October 27, 1995 in Official Records Book 2985, Page 1730, as amended and 2 009771\62081\#459281 \'2 superceded pursuant to that certain First Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Marketplace (formerly Oviedo Crossing) dated December 16, 1997 and recorded February II, 1998 in Official Records Book 3369, Page 1077, as further amended and superceded pursuant to that certain Second Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Marketplace (formerly Oviedo Crossing) dated August 31, 1998 and recorded October 15, 1998 in Official Records Book 3516, Page 1672, as further amended and superceded pursuant to that certain Third Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Marketplace (formerly Oviedo Crossing) dated , 200 I and recorded , 200 I in Official Records Book _, Page _, all of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "County Substantial Deviation Development Order"); and WHEREAS, subsequently, the Developer annexed a portion of the Project into the City of Oviedo; and WHEREAS, with respect to that portion of the Project annexed into the City of Oviedo, e City of Oviedo issued that certain City of Oviedo Substantial Deviation Development Order for viedo Oviedo Cra sing dated June 3, 1996 and recorded September 18, 1996 in Official Records Book 3131, Page 1610, as amended and superceded pursuant to that certain First Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Marketplace (formerly Oviedo Crossing) dated December I, 1997 and recorded February 13, 1998 in Official Records Book 3370, Page 1449, as further amended and superceded pursuant to that certain Second Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Marketplace (formerly Oviedo Crossing) dated , 2000 and recorded , 200 I in Official Records Book _, Page _, as further amended and superceded pursuant to that certain Third Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order for Oviedo Marketplace (formerly Oviedo Crossing) dated 2001 and recorded" ,2001 in Official Records Book _, Page _, all of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; and WHEREAS, subsequently, the Developer annexed a portion of the Project into the City of Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 380:06(I5)(h),FJorida Statutes, in May, 2001 the Developer filed the County Substantial Deviation Development Order for approval by the City of Winter Springs and simultaneously 3 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 filed a Notification of a Proposed Change in accordance with Section 380.06( 19), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Notification of a Proposed Change was filed for purposes of (i) conforming the County Substantial Deviation Development Order to the requirements of the City of Winter Springs as the applicable government of jurisdiction; (ii) to address the matters applicable to that portion of the Project located in the City of Winter Springs; and (iii) such other matters as particularly set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the signatory below is an authorized officer of the Developer; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered and resolved by the City Council of the City of Winter Springs tha,t, based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Oviedo Marketplace Project is approved pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, subject to the following terms and conditions to which the Developer agrees: SECTION I. RECITALS The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Development Order. SECTION II. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. In November 1994, the Developer filed with Seminole Colinty the Application for Development Approval for a Substantial Deviation DR! known as the Oviedo Marketplace Project (formerly known as the Oviedo Crossing Project) pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, relating to the Property. In December 1994, the Developer filed a First Sufficiency Response. The Application for Development Approval and First Sufficiency Response are incorporated herein by reference. 2. Seminole County has issued the County Substantial Deviation Development Order applicable to the Project. 3. The Developer has annexed into the City of Winter Springs that portion of the Project described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The property annexed into the City <(9 is generally reflected on Map H attached hereto as Exhibit "B"with development proposed on Parcel 14 as identified on such Map H. 4. In May 2001, the Developer filed a Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved 4 009771\62081\#459281 v2 Development of Regional Impact with respect to the Project on the Property in accordance with Section 380.06( I 9), Florida Statutes. 5. The Developer is the owner and has the authority to file the ADA (as hereinafter .defined) and obtain a Development Order with respect to the Property in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. 6. The Project shall be developed in accordance with the infonnation, data, plans and commitments contained in the Oviedo Marketplace Development ,of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval and supplemental infonnation incorporated herein by reference unless otherwise directed by the conditions enumerated below. For the purpose of this condition, the Application for Development Approval ("ADA") shall consist of the following items: (a) DLI Properties Application for Development Approval and Transportation Appendix dated July 15, 1988 and Drainage Appendix dated June 1988; and (b) DLI Properties Additional infonnation dated September 1988, and December 12, 1988; and (c) Oviedo Crossing Application for Development Approval dated November 1994; and (d) Oviedo Crossing Response to Request for Additional1nfonnation dated December 1994; and (e) Additional infonnation provided by letter from John Rinehart of Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart dated February 24, 1995; and (f) Technical Memorandum - Oviedo Crossing Access to State Road 426 dated May 1995; and (g) Notification of a Proposed Change dated August 1997; and (h) Notification of a Proposed Change dated April, 1998; and (i) Notification of a Proposed Change dated August, 1999. 7. The Property does not lie within an Area of Critical State Concern. 5 009771 \62081\#459281 v2 8. The development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project will not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the State Land Development Plan applicable to the area. Further, the development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project is consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan. 9. The development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project is consistent with the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and will be consistent with the Land Development Code of the City of Winter Springs. 10. The ADA has been reviewed by and recommendations for approval have been received from the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council (the "ECFRPC"), pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, which after balancing the identified regionally significant impacts associated with each of the six criteria of subsection 380.06{l2)(a), Florida Statutes, recommended to Seminole County that the Oviedo Marketplace Substantial Deviation DRl be approved subject to specific conditions. II. The ADA has been reviewed by and recommendations for approval have been received from the City of Winter Spring Land Planning Agency s'tting as the Local Planning Agency. 12. This Development Order is in substantial conformity with the County Substantial Deviation Development Order adopted by Seminole County but subject to the following modifications: (a) While this City Development Order makes reference to the entire Project, the terms of this Development Order shall apply only to that portion of the Project contained within the City of Winter Springs arid more specifically, to the development proposed on Parcel 14 as set forth on Map H (Exhibit "B"). Selected modifications have been made herein to the County Substantial Deviation Development Order to accomplish the foregoing purpose. 13. All public hearings as required by Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, have been duly noticed and held. 14. The Developer has heretofore submitted the Application for Development Approval to Seminole County. The Developer has also submitted to the City of Winter Springs a proposed amendment to the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan to include the Property in the Future Land Use Map of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan designating Parcel 14 for the Mixed Use land use category. 6 009771 \62081 \#459281 \'2 15. The proposed development consists of the following: SUMMARY OF APPROVED/PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Oviedo Marketplace Substantial Deviation Retail Services 360,000 SF 59,000 SF 38.5 7.5 1,450 Office 300 Hospital (4) o to 120 Beds Residential 4DU 1.3 240 N/A Note: (I) Includes a hospital related wellness center. (2) Includes, but not,limited to, Office, Clinical Facilities, and up to 120-bed Hospital. (3) Phase 2 includes a Regional Shopping Center with approximately 1,200,000 SF of gross leasable area. This is approximately equivalent to 1,450,000 SF of gross floor area. (4) The hospital structure for 120 beds may contain approximately 170,000 square feet. The 120-bed hospital may be exchanged with office/clinical use in Phase 2 based upon traffic impact with a like amount of development transferred into Phase 3. 7 009771 \6208 I \#459281 \'2 Retail Services 1,850,197 SF 185,800 SF 104,981 SF o to 120 Beds 169.0 Office 20A 10,950 600 . Hospital/Office 15.6 650 240 Residential 4 DU 1.3 Storm water Ponds/Borrow Pits Wetland Conservation 48.6 89.3 Canals and Canal Easements 20.2 Open Space 36.0 Right-of-Way 30.8 TOTAL 431.2 12,440 (a) Estimated Total Gross Daily Trip Ends (i) Phase I - 23,420 ADT (ii) Phase 2 - 43,502 ADT (iii) Phase 3 - 26,632 ADT TOTAL 93,554 ADT Estimated Total Net External Daily Trips Ends (including capture) 82,341 ADT (b) Water supply provided by Seminole County (c) Wastewater service provided by Seminole County (d) Solid waste disposal provided by Seminole County (e) Fire and police protection provided by the City of Oviedo The foregoing land uses shall be subject to substitution for alternate land uses in accordance with the Equivalency Matrix set forth on Exhibit "e" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Equivalency Matrix"). At least thirty (30) days before the Developer proposes to make an allowable land use locational exchange between approved office use and retail use pursuant to the Equivalency Matrix, the Developer 8 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 shall notify the City of Winter Springs, the City of Oviedo, Seminole County, the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs of said election and provide each party with cumulative information concerning any such exchanges to date and confirmation that office uses and retail uses have not exceeded the maximum allowable by phase and cumulatively for each use. In addition, the DRJ Annual Report shall include information indicating the cumulat!ve use of this land use locational exchange pursuant to the Equivalency Matrix. Notwithstanding anything set forth herein to the contrary, total office square footage and retail square footage exchanged pursuant to the Equivalency Matrix shall not exceed the maximum allowed as specified in the Substantial Deviation Criteria set forth in Chapter 380 (I 9), Florida Statutes. 16. That portion of the total Project contained in the City of Winter Springs consists of the following: SUMMARY OF LAND USE OVIEDO MARKETPLACE CITY OF OVIEDO, FLORIDA Retail/Office/(Potential) Residential 14 15. I 160,000 SF ? Open Space - Upland Conservation 5.2 29.2 Open Space - Wetland Conservation TOTAL :I: 49.5(1) 160,000 SF ? Notes: (I) Parcel acres shown are approximate and, during final planning and platting, parcel size may vary. Source: Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. July 1999 . SECTION III. CONCLUSIONS OF LA W Based upon the Findings of Fact and the Conditions of Approval hereinafter set forth, the City Council of the City of Winter Springs makes the following Conclusions of Law: I. The development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project is consistent with the achievement of the 9 009771\62081\#459281 v2 objectives of the State Comprehensive Plan and the State Land Development Plan. and therefore will not unnecessarily interfere with those objectives. 2. The development permitted by this Development Order is substantially consistent with the report and recommendations of the ECFRPC. 3. The developmem of the Oviedo M"ketplm Pmjeot Is eooslSleo' wl,h the City -8 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and with the City Development Code, and adequate public f,,;ntles "e available fo, e8d Ph " 3 of SECTION IV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDED BY THE EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL I. General Conditions. (a) Development of Phases I a and Ib of the Oviedo Marketplace Project was previously approved for development pursuant to Development Order 89-312 issued by Seminole County as amended by the First Amendment. Portions of those phases are under construction and portions of those phases have already been completed, all in accordance with the Original ADA. Development of Phases 1 a and lb shall be completed in accordance with the conditions of approval set forth in the Original ADA and the First Development Order. (b) Development of Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Oviedo Marketplace Project shall proceed in accordance with the ADA, subject to the terms and conditions for approval contained in this Development Order. The terms and conditions of the ADA are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein; provided, however, if the terms or conditions of the ADA conflict in any way with the terms or conditions of this Development Order, then the terms and conditions in this Development Order shall prevail as to Phases 2 and 3. (c) As to that portion of the Project contained in Seminole County, development of Phases 2 and 3 of the Oviedo Marketplace Project shall proceed i_n accordance with the Notice of Concurrency Review Test Results #95-0008 issued by Seminole County. Specifically: As to Phase 2, the Developer recognizes that an unconditional Certificate of Concurrency will not be issued without payment of facility fees and that failure to pay 10 009771 \62081 \#459281 \'2 said fees for some or all of Phase 2 on or before September 12, 2000 shall result in a loss of facility reservation rights under the Seminole County Concurrency Management System for such unpaid portion(s) of Phase 2. In the event of loss of facility reservation rights, the unpaid portions of Phase 2 shall be subject to meeting the requirements of Seminole County's Concurrency Management System prior to issuance of any further Development Orders or permits by the County for such continued development. As to Phase 3, following issuance ofa Certificate of Occupancy for the Phase 2 Regional Shopping Center, and prior to initiation of any construction activity within Phase 3, the Developer shall conduct traffic monitoring and modeling and potable water/sanitary sewer demand and hydraulic evaluations for the cumulative completed development at that time. Such studies, including results, recommendations and updated projections of Phase 3 impacts shall be submitted to Seminole County along with an application for an updated/amended Concurrency Review for Phase 3. The Developer recognizes that an unconditional Certificate of Concurrency will not be issued without payment of facility fees and that failure to pay said fees for some or all of Phase 3 within two (2) years from the adoption of the Seminole County Third Amended and Restated Substantial Deviation Development Order by Seminole County shall result in a loss of facility reservation rights under the Seminole County Concurrency Management System for such unpaid portion(s) of Phase 3. In the event of loss of facility reservation rights, the unpaid portions of Phase 3 shall be subject to meeting the requirements .of Seminole County's Concurrency Management System prior to issuance of any further Development Orders or permits by the City of Winter Springs for such continued development. (d) As to the development of that portion of Phase 3 of the Oviedo Marketplace Project contained in the City of Winter Springs, the transportation improvements contemplated in Section IV, Paragraph 15 of this Development Order are sufficient to meet the concurrency requirements of the Land Development Code of the City of Winter Springs. Prior to initiation of any construction activity within Phase 3, the Developer shall conduct traffic monitoring and modeling and potable water/sanitary sewer demand and hydraulic evaluations for the cumulative completed development at that time. Such studies, including results, recommendations and updated projections of Phase 3 impacts shall be submitted to the City of Winter Springs. The City of Winter Springs acknowledges receipt of the foregoing studies for Phase 3. The Developer shall then satisfy all concurrency requirements consistent with 11 009771 \62081 \#459281 \'2 the Land Development Code of the City of Winter Springs and the other provisions of this Development Order. 2. Archaeological Protection Requirements. Project construction personnel shall be notified, through posted advisories or other methods, of the potential for artifact discoveries on the site and to report suspected findings to the Project manager. In the event of discovery of artifacts of historical or archaeological significance during Project construction, the Developer shall stop construction at the site of discovery and notify Seminole County, the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs (whichever local government is applicable) and the Division of Historic Resources of the Florida Department of State. From the date of notification, construction shall be suspended within a 100-foot radius of the site of discovery for a period of up to 120 days to allow evaluation of the site. 3. Wildlife Protection. Except as otherwise allowable by this Development Order, site development related activities shall not result in the harming, pursuit or harassment of wildlife species classified as endangered, threatened or a species of special concern by either the state or federal government in contravention of applicable state or federal laws. Should such species be determined to be residing on, or be otherwise significantly dependent upon, the Project site, the Developer shall cease all activities which might negatively affect that individual or population and immediately notify the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the DCA, the ECFRPC <WQ Seminole County.Ql; the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs )' / (whichever local government is applicable). Proper protection and habitat management, to the satisfaction of the above agencies, shall be provided by the Developer. "Hamling" and "harassment" as used in this condition shall be defined in the same manner as "harm" and "harass" respectively are defined in 50 CFR Section 17.3., Any management plan for any species classified as endangered, threatened or as a species of special concern by the state or federal government which may be identified on the Property shall be incorporated with this Development Order upon approval by the above agencies. 4. Gopher Tortoise Protection. Mitigation of gopher tortoise impacts has heretofore been accomplished by relocation to another site in a manner that is acceptable to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and consistent with their applicable guidelines. Said plan is embodied in that certain Gopher Tortoise Relocation Agreement between A. Duda & Sons, Inc. and the St. Johns River Water Management District dated November 13, 1991, which is incorporated herein by reference. 12 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 r 5. Eagle Management Plan. The conditions set forth in Section II, Paragraph 4(g) of the Original Development Order with respect to the eagle management plan are hereby deleted in their entirety. The nest was destroyed by natural occurrence and the eagles have abandoned the nest and the nest has been inactive for a period of time as judged by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to formally declare the nest abandoned. 6. Nonpotable Water Needs. To meet the nonpotable water use demands of the Property, the Project shall use, in order of priority: (a) all treated wastewater made available to the site which meets state criteria for reuse, up to the entire nonpotable water demand; (b) treated storm water; and (c) nonpotable quality groundwater unless otherwise directed by Seminole County, the City of Winter Springs or the City of Oviedo (whichever local government is applicable), Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns River Water Management District, or other jurisdictional regulatory agency. If lower quality water is not available to meet the entire irrigation needs of the site, then potable water may be used for those portions of the site having a deficient source so long as the use of potable water otherwise complies with all applicable government restrictions. 7. Irrigation. Irrigation shall be 'performed in accordance with applicable Seminole County, City of Winter Springs or City of Oviedo (whichever local government is applicable) ordinances and policies and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the St. Johns River Water Management District rules and regulations. 8. Surface Water Management System. In order to assure the accomplishment of the intended objectives of the proposed storm water management program and compliance with the objectives set forth in Chapter 29-F-19.001, Florida Administrative Code, the Dovera Community Development District ("COD") has been formed by the Developer pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and has, as part of its responsibilities, caused the implementation of an inspection and maintenance program for all components of the surface water management 13 009771 \62081 \1145928) v2 .. -. system for the Project site to assure that the components continue to operate at their design capacities for the life of the Project. The COD shall be responsible for all applicable permit conditions imposed with respect to the surface water management system by the St. Johns River Water Management District. This inspection and maintenance program shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: (a) Storm water facility operating inspections on a regular basis and following major rainfall events for the removal of excessive sediment, debris or other flow obstructions; (b) Routine maintenance activities (e.g., mowing, trash removal, etc.); (c) Ongoing educational programs for maintenance staff personnel regarding the correct usage of and application rates for fertilizers and chemicals (e.g. herbicides) within common areas that contribute run-off to the stormwater management facilities, th~ removal of noxious weeds and retention of desirable aquatic vegetation, and correct procedures for other maintenance/landscaping-related activities which have the potential for adversely affecting water quality conditions on the Project site. 9. Affordable Housing. (a) The Developer has demonstrated that there is an adequate housing supply to meet the demand for the very low and low-income employee households for this Project. In order to ensure that an adequate supply of housing continues to exist or is provided during the life of the Project, prior to the start of development of Phase 3, the Developer shall recalculate the demand for affordable housing based upon actual employees hired in all previous phases and estimated employees for the phase to be entered. The Developer shall also re-inventory the available housing supply. Both analyses shall use methodologies that are adopted by rule by the Florida Department of Community Affairs ("FDCA" or '!DCA") at the time of the analyses. If no such rule has been adopted, the Developer shall use a housing methodology approved by the DCA, the ECFRPC and Seminole County, the City of Winter Springs or the City ofOviedb (whichever local government is applicable). (b) The Developer shall be responsible for mitigating any deficiencies for Phases 2 and 3, as determined by the analysis done prior to beginning Phase 3. Mitigation for each phase shall reflect any cumulative surplus housing provided by the Developer as well as cumulative unmitigated demand. Should the future analysis 14 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 '; "". show a need to mitigate the housing impacts of the Project, the Developer must do one or more of the following within a ten mile or twenty minute commute of the Project site (whichever is closer): (i) Build affordable housing units; (ii) Buy down unaffordable housing units through donations or other mechanisms to make them affordable; (iii) Rehabilitate vacant substandard housing units to create adequate affordable units; or (iv) Implement any other alternative that is acceptable to the DCA, the ECFRPC and Seminole County, the City of Winter Springs or the City of Oviedo (whichever local government is applicable). The Developer's proposed mitigation shall be approved by the DCA, ECFRPC and Seminole County, the City of Winter Springs or the City of Oviedo (whiChever local government is applicable) and shall be included in this Development Order by amendment. All housing provided for mitigation must be available or guaranteed commitments made to assure that the needed housing will be available in accordance with the Adequate Housing Uniform Standard Rule set forth in Rule 9J-2.048, Florida Administrative Code, or such other alternatives as are acceptable as set forth in subparagraph (iv) above. The Developer shall report on the success of the mitigation plan and shall provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate this success in the DR! annual report. No non-residential development shall be permitted if mitigation needs have not been fully met or committed in accordance with this paragraph. 10. Hazardous Materials. Should hazardous materials/wastes be present on the Project site then the Developer shall prepare and submit a Draft Hazardous Materials Management Plan to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection "FDEP" for review and approval. This condition will be considered met if the FDEP determines that the Draft Hazardous Material. Management Plan meets the following criteria: Assures the implementation of proper hazardous materials and wastes management and disposal procedures, and includes provisions to assure the availability of sufficient financial resources and the initiation of actions for the prompt and effective containment and clean-up of hazardous substances subsequent to a spill or contamination episode. "Hazardous materials" are those for which the notification of the FDEP is required under Chapter] 7-30, Florida Administrative Code. 15 00977\ \62081 \#45928\ v2 i ". All medical facilities and medical offices on the site shall be subject to a separate hazardous materials/waste plan. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: a) hazardous materials; b) hazardous wastes; c) bio-hazardous wastes; and d) radioactive wastes. At a minimum, the plan shall provide for an inventory process, handling and disposal procedures, responses to spills or other uncontrolled releases of materials/wastes, control of hazardous gas and vapors and routine training of all staff and shall permit the participation by all generators and handlers on the Oviedo Marketplace site. The plan shall be approved by FDEP and the DCA and shall be included in this Development Order by amendment, which amendment shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building permit for any medical facility, medical office or other use expected to handle or generate medical related hazardous material/wastes. Such an amendment shall be presumed to not constitute a substantial deviation of this Development Order under Section 380.06(19), F.S. if the hazardous materials/waste plan has received approval by FDEP prior to the time that the amendment is proposed. II. Natural Resources. The air quality condition set forth in paragraph 4 (a) of the Original Development Order is hereby incorporated by reference in totality provided that the reference to the ADA shall be deemed to refer to the information, data, plans and commitments contained in the documents referenced in Section II paragraph five (5) of this Development Order. 12. Transportation: Proiect Phasing. For the purpose of the transportation conditions, the total Oviedo Marketplace DRI shall be divided into and limited to the following phases, based upon peak hour trip ends or total average daily trip ends (based upon the current rTE Trip Generation manual), whichever comes first. la& Ib 2,002 2,002 23,420 23,420 (I) (existing & approved) 2 (2002) 4,060 6,062 43,502 66,922 (2) (includes mall) 3a (2005) 1,482 7,544 17,410 84,332 3b (2005) 856 8,400 9,222 93,554 > (I) The estimated net external daily trip ends for Phase 1 is 20,454. (2) The estimated net external daily trip ends for Phase 2 is 38,288 or 58,742 cumulatively for Phases I and 2. (3) The estimated net external daily trip ends for Phase 3 is 23,599 or 82,341 cumulatively. 16 009771 \62081\#459281 \'2 i ..,. , 13. Transportation: Monitoring and Modeling. (a) The City of Oviedo acknowledges that the Developer has completed a monitoring/modeling program for Phase 3. Prior to the initiation of Phase 3b, the Developer may, at its option pursuant to Paragraph 15(n) below, conduct a final monitoring/modeling program. Said program shall ascertain the level of service ("LOS") on facilities where the combined traffic from the Oviedo Marketplace Project is estimated to contribute an amount of traffic greater than or equal to five percent (5%) of the adopted LOS roadway service volume. The methodology of the monitoring/modeling program shall be agreed upon by the ECFRPC, the City of Oviedo, Seminole County, City of Winter Springs, Orange County, the Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT'), the DCA and the Developer, with LYNX being included in an advisory role only. All studies and monitoring/modeling programs shall be consistent with the then current ECFRPC rules, procedures and criteria. The depth of each monitoring and modeling effort shall be similar to that required within a DRl Application for Development Approval but shall be compatible with the requirements of Seminole County's, the City of Oviedo's or the City of Winter Spring's Concurrency Management System as it relates to facilities within the applicable local government of jurisdiction. In the event that all parties cannot come to agreement on the methodology, the ECFRPC and the applicable local government of jurisdiction shall be the final arbiters, with the applicable local government's decision being final as it relates to its facilities (i.e., facilities located within the limits of Seminole County, the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs, as the case may be) and the ECFRPC's decision being final as it relates to all other facilities. (b) The following list of facilities indicates those roadways within the study area which were analyzed for full buildout of the Oviedo Marketplace Project. The facilities to be monitored/modeled for Phase 3 may include, but shall not be limited to, those segments of the regional roadways within the following list and one segment beyond where the Oviedo Marketplace Project is estimated to contribute a cumulative amount of traffic greater than or equal to five percent (5%) of the adopted LOS service volume, based on the modeling of the buildout of the Project. The LOS standard and service volumes shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the applicable jurisdiction where the roadway segment is located. The LOS standard and service volumes for roads on the Florida Intrastate Highway System will be in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The analyzed facilities will include signalized intersections and segment analyses of collector and higher classified roadways and 17 00977 1\6208 1\#459281 v2 j .. interchange ramps~ The ECFRPC, FDOT, Seminole County, City of Oviedo, City of Winter Springs, Orange County and LYNX shall have the right to make reasonable requests for additional infonnation from the Developer to verify adherence to these provisions. The Developer shall supply adequate infonnation toward compliance with these requirements. Candidate Roadways for Monitoring/Modeling Study Aloma A venue (SR 426) US 17-92 to Lakemont A venue Lakemont Avenue to SR 436 SR 436 to Goldenrod Road (SR 551) Goldenrod Road (SR 551) to Howell Branch Road Howell Branch Road to Tuskawilla Road Tuskawilla Road to GreeneWay GreeneWay to Dean Road Dean Road to Chapman Road Chapman Road to Slavia Road Slavia Road to Mitchell Hammock Road Mitchell Hammock Road to Winter Springs Boulevard West Broadway Street (SR 426) Winter Springs Boulevard to Lake Jessup Drive Lake Jessup Drive to SR 434 Horatio A venue US 17-92 to Thistle Lane Howell Branch Road Thistle Lane to Lake Howell Road Lake Howell Road to SR 436 SR 436 to Dike Road Dike Road to Dodd Road Dodd Road to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Dike Road Howell Branch Road to Dodd Road Dodd Road to Tuskawilla Road Slavia Road Red Bug Lake Road to Aloma A venue (SR 426) Geneva Drive (CR 426) CR 419 to Lockwood Road Lockwood Road to Seminola Woods Road Red Bug Lake Road SR 436 to Eagle Circle Eagle Circle to Nodding Pines Way Nodding Pines Way to Dodd Road Dodd Road to Tuskawilla Road Mitchell Hammock Road Aloma A venue (SR426) to SR 434 SR 434 to Lockwood Road Tuskawilla Road to Slavia Road Slavia Road to Site Entrance (South) Site Entrance (South) to Site Entrance Site Entrance (West) to Site Entrance (East) Site Entrance (East) to the GreeneWay GreeneWay to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Chapman Road SR 426 to SR 434 US 17-92 to Lake Drive Lake Drive Seminola Blvd. to Tuskawilla Road GreeneWay SR 50 to University Blvd. University Boulevard to Aloma Avenue Aloma A venue (SR 426) to Red Bug Lake Road Red Bug Lake Road to SR 434 SR 434 to Lake Mary Boulevard Seminola Boulevard 18 009771\62081\#459281 v2 }' .. CR419 SR 434 to Lockwood Road Lockwood Road to Old Chuluota Road Semoran Boulevard (SR 436) University Boulevard to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Aloma Avenue (SR 426) to Howell Branch Road Howell Branch Road to Lakemont Avenue Lakemont A venue to Red Bug Lake Road Red Bug Lake Road to Kawanee Trail Kawanee Trail to Oxford Road Oxford Road to US 17-92 SR 50 to University Boulevard Goldenrod Road (SR 551) SR 50 to University Boulevard University Boulevard to Aloma Avenue (SR426) Dodd Road Howell Branch Road to Dike Road Dike Road to Red Bug Lake Road Tuskawilla Road Aloma Avenue (SR 426) to Dike Road Dike Road to Red Bug Lake Road Red Bug Lake Road to Lake Drive Lake Drive to Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs Boulevard to SR 434 Lockwood Road McCulloch Road to Seminole Creek Drive Seminole Creek Drive to Little Econ River Little Econ River to Mitchell Hammock Road Mitchell Hammock Road to CR 419 CR 419 to CR 426 McCulloch Road SR 434 to Lockwood Road Dean Road SR 50 to University Boulevard University Boulevard to McCulloch Road McCulloch Road to Aloma Avenue Rouse Road SR 50 to University Boulevard SR 434 SR 50 to University Boulevard University Boulevard to Corporate Boulevard Corporate Boulevard to McCulloch Road McCulloch Road to Chapman Road Chapman Road to Alafaya Woods Blvd. Alafaya Woods Blvd. to Mitchell Hammock Road Mitchell Hammock Road to Aloma Avenue (SR 426) Aloma Avenue (SR 426) to GreeneWay GreeneWay to Tuskawilla Road Tuskawilla Road to CR 419 CR419 to US 17-92 US 17-92 to CR 427 University Boulevard SR 436 to Goldenrod Road (SR 551) Goldenrod road (SR 551) to Econlockhatchee Trail Econlockhatchee Trail to GreeneWay GreeneWay to Dean Road Dean Road to Rouse Road Rouse Road to Alafaya Trail (SR 434 In the event that a roadway widening is identified which is not compatible with adopted policy of the FDOT or local government (for example, because it has been designated as a constrained facility) the Developer, Seminole County ~ the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs as the applicable local government of jurisdiction, the ECFRPC, the FDCA and the party having either maintenance or jurisdictional responsibility for the facility shall jointly detennine alternate mitigation solutions to provide for the transportation needs. 009771\62081\#459281 v2 19 T' .. (c) As a part of the monitoring/modeling study, the Developer shall conduct a study of the movie theater complex to assess trip generation characteristics. The results of this study shall be compared to the trip generation for the malL (d) The City of Winter Springs hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Developer has satisfied the monitoring and modeling requirements set forth in this Paragraph 13 with respect to Phase 3. 14. Transportation: Monitoring and Modeling Results. (a) The Project shall not commence beyond Phase 2 (an equivalent of 6,062 total gross peak hour trip ends or 66,922 total gross daily trip ends) into Phase 3 when service levels are below the minimum service level adopted in the applicable local government's comprehensive plan for that specific roadway during the peak hour and the Project contributes, or is projected to ,contribute with the next phase of traffic, five percent (5%) or greater of the adopted LOS service volume of the roadway or intersection as determined by the monitoring program required in the preceding condition, unless mitigation measures and/or improvements are secured and committed for completion during the phase or subphase in which impacts occur. (b) Prior to the commencement of Phase 3, this list of committed roadway improvements must be identified. These improvements shall occur, by the required threshold in order for the Project to proceed through the balance of the phase or subphase. If the Developer can demonstrate that a portion of a phase or subphase does not adversely affect the regional roadway network as determined by the monitoring and modeling tests discussed above, then the Developer may proceed with that portion of the phase (and only that portion). It is the intent of this condition to ensure that this Development Order is consistent with the provisions of Section 380.06(15)(e)(I) and 380.06(15)(e)(2), Florida Statutes, provided, however, that it is not the intent of this provision or any other provision of this Development Order to impose upon Seminole County, the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs any obligation to fund or construct or to provide any public facilities to or for the Developer upon which the development of the Project may depend. . Further, this condition is intended to avoid the conflict of simultaneously applying the differing standards of the aforesaid 5% (9J-2.045, F.A.C.) rule and Seminole County's, the City of Oviedo's or the City of Winter Springs' concurrency management systems. Should the provisions of this Development Order give direction that prevents compliance with Seminole County's, the City of Oviedo's or the 20 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 T City of Winter Springs' concurrency management regulations as amended, then the concurrency regulations will govern in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, (c) To aid in assessing the Project's potential for impacting facilities, DR! Annual Reports shall include documentation that the applicable level of service requirements are being met. Such documentation shall include current roadway LOS (may be obtained from latest concurrency management system data of Seminole County and/or the City of Oviedo and/or the City of Winter Springs), Project traffic contributed to the roadway facility (based on latest test modeling/monitoring effort) and other appropriate information~ 15. Transportation Mitigation: Phase 3a requirements (2005) The following improvements are those either assumed to be in place (because they are programmed or are already funded) or they are necessary as a result of background traffic and project-related traffic. The following improvements are assumed to be programmed or funded: Intersections (a) (b) Roadways (c) (d) (e) (f) 2002). (g) (h) 009771 \62081 \#45928\ v2 1-4 and SR 417 - New interchange. Mitchell Hammock Road and Lockwood Boulevard - add eastbound left-turn lane. SR 434 - Widen to 4 lanes from Tuskawilla Road to SR 417 (year 2002). CR 419 - Widen to 4 lanes from Lockwood Boulevard to Oviedo City limits (year 2002). CR 419 - Widen to 4 lanes from the Oviedo City limits to Second Street (year 2002). Dodd Road, - Widen to 4 lanes from Red Bug Lake Road to Howell Branch Road (year SR 417 - new 4 lane toll road from US 17-92 to Lake Mary Boulevard (year 2002). SR 417 - New 4 lane toll road from Lake Mary Boulevard to Rinehart Road (year 2002). 21 (i) East Lake Drive - Widen to 4 lanes from Seminole Boulevard to Tuskawilla Road (year 2002). (j) SR 426 - Widen to 4 lanes from SR 417 to Mitchell Hammock Road (year 2002). (k) SR 434 - Widen to 6 lanes from McCulloch Road to Mitchell Hammock Road (year 2002). The following improvements or mitigation are required as a result of background traffic and Pr<?ject traffic prior to commencement of Phase 3a: (I) Red Bug Lake and SR 436 - the Developer shall pay Developer's proportionate share of the cost of a study of improvement needs for the specified intersection, which proportionate share shall be based on the ratio of Project traffic to total traffic. For purposes of this Development Order, Developer's proportionate share shall be deemed to be Seventy Five Thousand and Noll 00 Dollars ($75,000.00), which shall constitute Developer's mitigation for the Project's impact upon the specified intersection. The City of Winter Springs acknowledges that the Developer has paid its proportionate share directly to Seminole County. (m) SR 434 and SR 426 - As mitigation for any impact on the intersection of SR 434 and SR 426, Division Street shall be extended from Mitchell Hammock Road to SR 426 in a 2 lane configuration. Pursuant to Rule 9j-2.045(7)(a) Florida Administrative Code, this condition shall be deemed satisfied if such improvement is (i) in place and operational, (ii) under actual construction for the entire improvement, or (iii) committed for construction in the current three (3) years of the City of Oviedo's Capital Improvement Element. In addition, Developer shall conveyor cause to be conveyed an approximately 5.04 acre site to the City of Oviedo for use as wetland mitigation for South Division Street. The following improvements or mitigation are required as a result of background traffic and Project traffic prior to commencement of Phase 3b: (n) SR 426 must be widened to four (4) lanes from Mitchell Hammock Road to Winter Springs Boulevard. This improvement must be committed for construction within the first 3 years of the FOOT 5 Year Work Program prior to commencement of Phase 3b development. [n the event that this improve'ment is not committed for construction within the first 3 years of the FOOT 5 Year Work Program, the Developer may proceed 22 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 with construction of Phase 3b if Developer (i) advances the funds necessary for the construction of such improvement, or (ii) conducts a final monitoring/modeling program in accordal1ce with the requirements of Paragraph 13(a) above which demonstrates that such improvement is not required. 16. Transportation: Committed Improvements. (a) The parties acknowledge that the local comprehensive plan is in compliance with Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., and that the plan includes a transportation concurrency management system that recognizes improvements scheduled within the first three years of the capital improvements schedule (pursuant to Rule 9J- 5.0055(2)(c), F.A.C.) and within the first three years of the current FDOT improvement program. Therefore, for Phase 3a, which is undergoing local concurrency review and for which adequate roadway facilities are conditionally reserved those improvements identified in Paragraphs 15(a) through 15(k) shall be counted as committed regardless of whether said improvements are actually constructed. (b) Committed improvements may also include (i) a binding financially secured and irrevocable commitment by the Developer or other applicable persons or entities for the design, engineering and actwil construction of the necessary improvements with the posting of a cash bond, surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit or other security in a form satisfactory to Seminole County, the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs which requires construction to occur during the applicable phase and must be in accordance with the requirements of applicable law, and must otherwise comply with the requirements of the Seminole County, City of Oviedo or City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, or (ii) any alternative agreed upon by Seminole County or the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs, the ECFRPC, the DCA and the Developer and incorporated into the Development Order by amendment. 17. Transportation: FDOT Agreement. In the event that the monitoring/modeling results as set forth 10 Paragraphs 13 and 14 hereof show that improvements must be made to state roads and if mitigation is not provided as set forth in Paragraphs 15.and 16, then prior to a construction of any portion of the subphases of Phase 3 and subject to the provisions of Florida Statutes, Section 380.06( 15)(e), the Developer, Seminole County or the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs, and the FDOT shall enter into an agreement which ensures that a proportionate share contribution is made to the FDOT for Project impacts to State roads. The geographical limits of state roads subject to this condition shall be determined by the FDOT but shall be restricted to those roadway 23 009771 \62081 \#4 5928\ v2 facilities which are operating adversely and the Project contributes 5% or greater to the adopted minimum LOS service volume. The calculations shall consider impacts of the entire Project through Phase 3 buildout. Detennination of the proportionate share payment shall use the following proportionate share contribution fonnula: DRITrips XC os! SV Increase For this fonnula, DRI Trips is the cumulative number of the trips from the development expected to reach the roadway during the peak hour from the complete Phase 3 buildout; SV Increase is the change in peak hour maximum service volume of the roadway resulting from construction of the improvement necessary to maintain the desired level of service; and Cost is the cost of construction, at the time of Developer payment, of an improvement necessary to maintain the desired level of service.; Construction cost includes all improvement associated costs, including engineering design, right-of-way acquisition, planning, engineering, inspection, and other associated physical development costs directly required and associated with the construction of the improvement, as detennined by the government agency having maintenance authority over the roadway. If the parties cannot reach agreement independently by that time, or if so desired by the parties at any time prior to that, then the issues in dispute shall be resolved through the ECFRPC's adopted Dispute Resolution Process or similar process. The solutions recommended as a result of this process shall be implemented and the Development Order amended pursuant to Section 380.06(19), Florida Statutes, to include these solutions. This agreement shall apply only to the impacted state facilities and shall be consistent with the provisions of Rule 9J-2.045(6), F.A.C. and Section 380.06(15)(e), Florida Statutes. 18. Transportation: Annual Reports. In each DRI annual report, the Developer agrees that it shall report all infonnation required in F.A.C. Rule 9J-2.025 to the City of Winter Springs, the City of Oviedo and Seminole County. In addition, the anriual report shall include turning movement counts at Project entrances and the cumulative external traffic being generated by the Project, either by actual count or through utilization of the most current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation Manual and development occupancy data. The chosen method shall be used consistently through the life of the Project. 24 00977\ \6208\ \#4 5928\ v2 19. Settlement Agreement. Toward the achievement of the objectives in the preceding conditions, an agreement among the City of Oviedo, City of Winter Springs, Rouse-Orlando, Inc., a Maryland corporation, and the Developer has been entered into and incorporated by reference hereto. Said agreement addresses and clarifies issues relating to mitigation for the impacts of the Project on transportation facilities within said jurisdictions and other matters as are more specifically set forth in said agreement. Nothing contained within said agreement alters or waives the provisions and requirements of the other conditions contained in this Development Order as a mitiga~ive measure for the transportation impacts of the Project. Furthermore, nothing contained within said agreement subrogates any condition contained in this Development Order. 20. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation. (a) [n the interest of safety, arid to promote alternative forms of transportation, the Deve[oper shall provide a safe system for cyclist and pedestrian circulation on site. The Developer shall consult ECFRPC's and the County's or the City of Oviedo's Bicycle Coordinator regarding provisions for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. To the extent practicable, walkways and bikeways shall be constructed between the regional mall, peripheral retail, and the residential development surrounding the Project site, provided, however, no bikeways or pedestrian walkways shall be constructed on land other than the Property. On-site bikeways shall be connected at Project entrances with external bicycle systems (if any) and will be provided in accordance with the current State, Seminole County and City of Winter Springs standards at the time of implementation. Appropriate signage identifying bike routes will be installed. The provision of bike lockers shall be required for the mall and showers for employees strongly encouraged. (b) Special attention shall be given to the provision of a bicycle connection from the mall to the CSX railroad right-of-way. The CSX has announced that it will abandon this right-of-way and the state and adjacent local governments have expressed interest in acquiring this right-of-way for a Rails-to- Trails project. The Developer shall participate in any planning process initiated by the Metropolitan Planning Organization or local government regarding this potential Rails-to- Trails project. 21. Ridesharing Program. The Developer shall make known to tenants of the Project that it is served by an existing ridesharing program operated by LYNX. Transit and current ridesharing information shall be prominently displayed in public gathering areas, in employment centers, and in commercial center areas. Upon 25 009771 \62081 \#459281 \'2 opening of the mall, a full time ridesharing coordinator shall be hired by the Developer and funded by the Developer for the life of the Development Order for the Oviedo Marketplace Project. The ridesharing coordinator is primarily responsible for coordinating with the area transit provider, conducting ridesharing campaigns within the Oviedo Marketplace Project, publicity, processing applications, distributing information (including transit information), etc. This position may be incorporated into the functions of any Transportation Management Association ("TMA"), if one exists which services the area of the Project. 22. Transit: (a) LYNX service connecting the Oviedo Marketplace Project to existing routes, employment centers and appropriate residential areas shall be initiated upon opening of the mall. The Oviedo Marketplace Project will construct stops for the serv)ce, and coordinate with LYNX. At a minimum, the Developer shall take the steps described in paragraph (b) hereunder to facilitate at least one LYNX route to be operational to the Project site through the period of effectiveness of the Development Order. At a minimum, transit operations shall be adequate to attract 100 peak hour riders prior to Phase 3a and 200 peak hour riders at buildout. (b) Transit passenger shelters and transit parking bays shall be constructed where reasonably necessary to augment and facilitate the operations of off-site transit facilities. The Developer shall consult with LYNX on the design of bus facilities and amenities, including bus stops, to be located within the Project boundaries. The following transit provisions shall be required, in consultation with LYNX: (i) Transit service shall be located in proximity to mall entrances, or as detennined to be necessary by LYNX and the City of Oviedo. (ii) Access and internal collector and arterial road geometries shall accommodate an eight (8) feet wide by forty (40) feet long advance design coach. The Developer shall provide shelters and pull-out bays along the on-site transit route. Shelter locations shall be reasonably accessible via walkways/crosswalks for pedestrian movement to and from buildings and shall meet all regulations required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as it may be amended from time to time). (iii) Appropriate signage and sufficient area lighting will be required at all bus stops and shelter locations. (iv) Transit schedule and information displays will be provided, at a minimum, at 26 009771 \620R 1\#459281 \'2 _l each on-site bus stop, (v) Maintenance of transit amenities shall be the responsibility of the COD or a property owners' association forn1ed by the Deveioper. (vi) Details, standards and phasing of all transit amenity provisions must be approved by LYNX. (vii) Pedestrian movement between bus stops shall not exceed 1300 feet. (viii) Shuttle service that may be provided within the Project, if any, should develop an operating plan to coordinate with the LYNX regional network, as applicable. If additional property is necessary for bus stops beyond that which can be accommodated within the existing right-of-way, then this land shall be provided at no cost by the Developer. The need for additional land shall be reviewable and resolved by Seminole County, the City of Oviedo or the City of Winter Springs upon request by the Developer. 23. Transportation Management Association. (a) The Developer shall become an active and financially supportive member of any TMA which services this area. (b) Either through the TMA or individually, the Developer shall provide or require of mall tenants of Phase 2 and employers in Phase 3 of the Project the following: (i) Require that transit and ridesharing studies be conducted by employers of more than 50 people to assess travel patterns and commuting needs. This infonnation shall be supplied to the TMA, if one is operational, and LYNX, and shall be summarized and included in the DRI Annual Report. (ii) Preferential parking will be provided by employers to their employees who participate in rideshare programs. (iii) The Developer shall not prohibit the use of a portion of the mall parking area as a rideshare lot. The Developer shall accommodate this usage through coordination with LYNX, Seminole County, the City of Oviedo, the City of Winter Springs and the Metropolitan Plarining Organization. On-site lots should accommodate at least 100 vehicles and may be shared with parking for commercial land uses and should be coordinated with available transit systems. (iv) Promote and encourage variable work hours and flextime participation by on-site 27 009771 \62081 \#459281 \'2 '. '. employers. (v) Make known to tenants that the Project area is served by an existing ridesharing program operated by LYNX. Future transit (when available) and current ridesharing information shall be prominently displayed in all public gathering areas, in employment centers and in commercial center areas. (vi) Provide incentives, if necessary, to encourage the establishment of day care facilities within the Project (c) Mandatory membership by all non-residential entities within the Project shall be required through enforceable covenants or other similar mechanisms as to those acquiring land within the Project after the effective date of this Development Order. 24. Traffic Reduction Goals. The Developer shall commit to a definite, but non-binding, percentage goal toward the reduction in vehicle trips through the promotion of walking, bicycling, ridesharing and transit usage. This shall be encouraged by the Developer through incentives to tenants and landowners within the Project The percentage reduction goals shall be as follows: Phase Oviedo Marketplace DR! Overall Peak Hour Traffic Reduction Goal Phase 2 Phase 3a Phase 3 b 5.0% of peak hour volume 10.0% of peak hour volume 15.0% of peak hour volume Within the context of the annual monitoring report the Developer shall present an evaluation of the state of the alternate transportation systems serving the site of the DRl Project. Progress shall be compared to the goals stated above. Progress for the reporting year shall be documented to include ridership levels, transit route changes, alterations or additions, ridesharing participation, transit amenity construction, park-and-ride lot sites, bicycles and pedestrian facilities, and other efforts which facilitate movement into and around the site of the DR! Project by means other than the single occupant vehicle. 25. Project Access. (a) In order to provide safe access and to preserve operational capacity, left and right turn deceleration lanes shall be constructed at all Project entrances. Access to all regional roadways shall be limited to 28 009771 \62081\#459281 v2 '- . " the greatest extent possible. (b) In order to facilitate movement within the site, minimize traffic on the regional roadway network and to encourage sharing of access points to the regional roadway network, the Developer shall where practical: (i) allow connections between adjacent projects where land use compatibility allows, and; (ii) share and combine driveways and create internal circulation systems to limit congestion along regional roadways. SECTION V. MONITORING MECHANISM I. The City of Winter Springs has established site review approval processes and inspection procedures for review of developments pursuant to the City of Winter Springs Land Development Code, which will constitute the monitoring mechanism for assuring compliance by the Developer with this Development Order, and the Developer shall comply with same. The City Manager or his designee shall be the official responsible for monitoring compliance by the Developer with this Development Order. 2. Notwithstanding anything in this Development Order to the contrary, if the conditions set out in this Development Order are being satisfied and complied with by the owners and operators of one parcel within the Project as depicted in Exhibit "B" attached to this Development Order, then upon the written request of the owner of the parcel, the City Manager or his designee shall confinn in writing to the owner, mortgagees and potential mortgagees of the parcel that all the conditions are being complied with. If all the conditions are not being complied with, the City Manager or his designee shall specify in writing which conditions are not being complied with. Further, noncompliance with any conditions herein by the owner, mortgagee, operator, tenant, invitee or contractor of any other parcel within the Project shall not adversely affect the parcel which is in compliance with this Development Order. SECTION VI. ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS I. The Developer shall submit' an annual report on or before each anniversary date of this Development Order during the build-out of the Oviedo Marketplace Project. The annual report shall be submitted to 29 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 . the City of Winter Springs Planning Department, the ECFRPC, the DCA and all affected pennit agencies. The report shall include: (a) Any changes in the plan of development, or in the representations contained in the ADA, or in the phasing for the reporting year and for the year; (b) A comparison of development activity proposed and actually conducted for the year; (c) Undeveloped tracts of land that have been sold by the Developer to a separate entity of Developer; (d) Identification and intended use of lands purchased, leased or optioned by the Developer adjacent to the Property site since this Development Order was issued; (e) An assessment of the Developer's and the local government's compliance with the conditions of approval contained in this Development Order and the commitments which are contained in the ADA and which have been identified by the City of Winter Springs, the ECFRPC, or the DCA as being significant; (f) Any known incremental DR! applications for development approval or requests for a substantial deviation determination that were filed in the reporting year or which are to be filed during the next year; (g) Any indication ofa change in local government jurisdiction for any portion of the Oviedo Marketplace Project since this Development Order was issued; (h) A list of all local, state and federal penn its which have been obtained or which are pending by agency, type of permit, permit number and purpose of each; (i) A statement that all persons have been sent copies of the annual report in confonnance with Sections 380.06(15) and (18), Florida Statutes; and G) A copy of any recorded notice of the a?option of a development order or the subsequent modification of an adopted development order that was recorded by the Developer pursuant to Section 380.06(15)(f), Florida Statutes. 30 009771\62081\11459281 v2 , ( '. SECTION VII. PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS 1. This Development Order shall be effective upon adoption by the City of Winter Springs and shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the development of the Oviedo Marketplace Project as described in the ADA; provided, however, that if five percent (5%) of Phase 3 ( external ADTs) is riot constructed on or before September II, 2005, then without any action being taken by the City of Winter Springs this Development Order shall expire except as to any continuing obligations of the Developer, except for any extension pennitted pursuant to Section 3 80.06( 19)( c), Florida Statutes. The effectiveness of this Development Order and all Developer promises, commitments, obligations, covenants, liabilities, and responsibilities may be extended by the City of " Winter Springs upon a showing by the Developer which demonstrates that the completed portions and remaining portions of the Oviedo Marketplace Project substantially comply, as determined by the City of Winter Springs, with the conditions of this Development Order and the provisions of Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, if this Development Order shall expire, all dedications, payments, or other considerations previously given by the Developer to the City of Winter Springs or any other agency of government shall survive such expiration. 2. This Development Order and its conditions and all Developer promises, commitments, obligations covenants, liabilities, and responsibilities touch and concern the Property and shall continue to run with, follow and burden the Property. To this end, the said promises, commitments, obligations, covenants, liabilities and responsibilities shall inure to the benefit of the City of Winter Springs and shall operate as a perpetual burden and servitude upon the Property unless released by means of an appropriate recordable instrument by the City of Winter Springs. This Development Order shall be recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County. This Development Order and all obligations, commitments, covenants, promises, liabilities and responsibilities herein incurred by the Developer shall be binding upon Developer and Developer's transferees, assigns and successors In interest (including specifically, but not by way of limitation, any person or entity developing a part of the Oviedo Marketplace Project), and shall inure to the benefit of the City of Winter Springs and its assigns and successors in interest as to all and each part of the Property. The Developer shall pay any and all recording costs. 3. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, this Development Order contains Project buildout dates of 2002 (Phase 2) and 2005 (Phase 3). This Development Order shall expire seven (7) years 31 009771\62081\#459281 v2 u . (' ~ from the buildout date of Phase 3. SECTION VIII. RESTRICTIONS ON DOWN-ZONING Pursuant to Section 380.06(15)(c)(3), Florida Statutes, the Property shall not be subject to down-zoning, unit density reduction, or intensity reduction until September II, 2010, unless this Development Order was based on substantially inaccurate infonnation provided by the Developer or the change is clearly necessary by the City of Winter Springs to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. The Developer agrees to hold harmless, defend, indemnify and covenants not to sue the City of Winter Springs with regard to the construction of any improvements necessary for the Oviedo Marketplace Project and with regard to any actions or omissions of the Developer. SECTION IX. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Developer has created a COD pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes. The COD may construct or fund any infrastructure required in this Development Order. Such projects include, but are not limited to, transportation, surface water management; water, sewer and wastewater facilities and structures, and waste collection and disposal systems and facilities. Further, if the Developer is required to make or cause to be made capital improvements herein, then it is intended that the Developer or the COD may make such improvements. SECTION X. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS DEVELOPMENT ORDER The Developer shall submit, simultaneously, to the City of Winter Springs. the ECFRPC, and the DCA, any request for approval of a proposed change to this Development of Regional Impact and shall comply with Section 380.06(19), Florida Statutes. [SIGNA TURE BLOCKS BEGIN ON NEXT PAGE] 32 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 ~ <' '.' , '" ADOPTED and approved subject to the conditions set forth herein on this _ day of 200 I by the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. ATTEST: By: City Clerk CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: Name: Its: Date: For the use and reliance of Winter Springs City Council only. Approved as to fonn and Legal sufficiency. As authorized for execution by the City Council, City of Winter Springs, at their 200 I regular meeting. City Attorney / / / STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this as day of ,2001 by of the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL, on behalf of the City. He/she is personally known to me or produced identification and did not take an oath. as Name of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Commission Number: My Commission Expires: 33 009771 \62081 \#459281 v2 f'/ JOINDER AND CONSENT BY DEVELOPER THE VIERA COMPANY, a Florida corporation ATTEST: By: Name: Title: By: Stephen L. Johnson Vice President Date: "DEVELOPER" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2001 by Stephan L. Johnson as Vice President of THE VIERA COMPANY, a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me or produced as identification and did not take an oath. Name of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Commission Number: My Commission Expires: 34 009771 \62081 \11459281 v2 t.~ d? ;-' , EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit "A" - Legal Description of Winter Springs Property Exhibit "B" - Master Development Plan (Map H) Exhibit "e" - Equivalency Matrix 35 009771 \62081\#459281 v2 \! f'~ Page 1-4 B. Legal Description LEGAL DESCRiPTiON A TRACT OF LAND l Y!NG iN SECTION 17, TCVINSHIP 21 SOUT:~, RANGE 31 ~ST C::SCR:ac~ AS FOLLOWS: '. COMMENCE AT ThE NORTHi:AST CORNER OF LOT 12, OVIEDO CROSSiNG - PHASE, 1 B, ACCORDING. TO THE PUT THEREOF AS RECCRDED IN ?tAT SOOK 47, PAGES 80, S1, 82, AND 83 OF THE ?UBUC RECOP.r:;S OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, AS T.-iE POiNT OF BEGiNNING;. THENCE RUN ThE FOLLOWING COURSES ALONG THE NORTrl UNE OF SAiD LOT 12; NORTH 72046'44. WEST. 63.09 FEET; SOUTrl &3005'12" WEST.Sl.20 r:::l; SOvTrl 53050'30. EAST, 4.23 r=l; . SOUTH 1600a'ss" EAST,. is.as ~I; SOLiTH 36003'21. EAST, 19.28 FEET; SOUTH 16006'lS" WEST, 18.l-5 FEET; SOUTH 17013'24. EAST, 23.03 FEET; SOlJlH 52056~25~ WEST, 24.8.6 F"I:.:I; SOUTH 65"39'42" WEST, 22.91 FEET; SOUTH 4005,'22" WEST, '19.28 'FEET; S'OUTH 14"41'54" WEST, 39.45 r-=I; SOUTrl 07028"n" WEST, 53.00 FEET; SOUTH 0305.4.'47" EAST, 17.73 i=EET; SOUTH 04032'01" WEsT, 32.26 F"=I; SOUTH 10023'42. EAST, 27.27 FEET; SOUTH 21 "25'56" EAST, 25.94 F"E:ET; SOUTrl 57013'53" EAST, 26.73 FEET; SOUTH 22030"24" EAST, 30.02 F"c:ET; SOUTH 17032"14" WEST, 34.51 FEET; SOUTrl 12034'08" WEST, 35.71 FEET; SOUTH 20039'55. EAST, 50.30 FEET; SOUTH 1404738" WEST, 33.01 Fttl; SOUTH 38046"47" W1=..:II, 36.55 FEET; SOlJTH 69023'30" WEST, 30.n 1-=1; SOUTH 83013'35" WEST, 31.96 FEET;. NORTH 83026'48" WEST, 29.09 FEET; SOlJTri 86"45'10" WC-5T, . T22.ao 'F"cET; NORni 87033'11" WEST. 45.67 FEET; SOUTH 6902735" WEST, 21.26 FE:;; NORT.H 87032'46" WEST, 140",71 M:::I; THENCE, DE?AAI.NG SAID NORTH UNE OF toT 12. RUN NORi:H 57024'04" EAST, 29.61 F"t::T; THS:iCE RUN _ NORTH 00047'25" EAST, 484.40 FEET TO A CU~/E CCNcAVE NCRTIiERlY; THENCE RUN WE:;, 15U.. Y A.~D THEN NOR7H~L Y ALONG ~D CURVE, HAVING A RADIUSL:NGTH OF' 750.00 ;-;--::1, A CENT."'"\Al AN~ Ci= 138048'54". AN AnC L:.NGTrl OF 1 a17.09 FEET, A CHORD LE:....GTri OF 1404.15 1-::::1, AND A C-:CRD EEAFuNG OF NOR11i 1~16'44" "VEST; tHENCE RliN NCRT.-l 43050'01. E.A.ST, 4 i 3.30 rce I TO THE SOUTHE"'-\l. Y UNE OF TtiSCAWiliA UNIT 7, ACCORDING TV THE PlAT ThERECF, AS RE~RCED.lN PlAT aOOK 22. PAGES 48 AND 47 OF THE pua.;c RECCRCS OF SCV.INCLE COl:NTf,. FLORJDA;~ THEl'-lCE aUN AlONG THE. SC\JiHERlY UNE 0;: SAID . TU-~'.NillA UNIT 7; sOUTri 70000'29" EAST, 664.21 r=l TO TriE SOUTriEAST CORNER OF SAID FlAT; THENcE RUN SClr'Trl 01007'52. :AST, 31S.02 ?=..ET; THENCE,:'\UN SOUTH, S9037~40-"EAST, 520.75 F";:ET; TrlEN~ RUN SOUTri 14032'i9. EAST, 169.31 F--::l; THENCE RLiN SOUTH 71020'10. EAST, 164.74 F"::ET TO A ?OINT ON THE WE:.IEl:.Y PJGh,-QF-WAY OF THE PROPOSED OV!EiJO CROSSiNG T:?RACE; TP.ENCE RUN ALONG SAID PROPOSED WEST RIGHT.OF-WAY UNE TrlE ,FCUOWING COURSES: SOUTH 55015'44" 'NEST, 200.22 r=1 TO A CURVE CONCAVE SOlrniEASTt:B.l.Y; THENCE RtJN SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAlD CURVE HAVING A RADtUS LENGTH OF 9.5'0.00 red, A cENTRAL ANGLE OF 19006'05', AN ARC u:NGTH OF 315.71 ,.~-I, A CHORD LENGTH OF 315.25 j---I, AND A OteRO BEARING OF SOUTH 45042'41. WEST; THENCE RUN SOl,"TH 360C~33. WST, 275.09 FEr TO A CURVE CONCA'l!: SOUTHEASTaLY; THENCE. RUN SCUTHWESTER1.Y' ALC.'IiG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS LENGTH OF acO.CO F"=" A CENTRAl A....GLE . OF 17043'35", AN. ARC,LENGTIi OF 248.57 1-::,:;'. A CHORD LEN.G1li OF 247.57 l-::el, AND A CHORD SEARiNG OF SCUTrl 270.15'22" WEST TO THE AFORESAID NORTHEAST CORNE.=! OF LOT 12 AND' j}-:"E, POINT OF SEGINNING. TrlE A30VE DESCRISE> TRACT OF LAND US iN SS\<lIi'OCLE COUNTY, F_ORJDA AND CCN"T~lNS 4$.551 A~ES, MORE CR LESS.' . City of Winter Springs - Oviedo Marketplace Comprehensive Plan Amendment March 200/ /, f( ($" . .. ~ Pm:d 19 Office [..\oOtO\'Co.I-MtO.I\I~'ot-O\O'ICOO .....,,(l~t: ..-,;\o.._~~N',r:-= ....... oe 2001 2;J?.. Legend -...- Seminole County Jurisdiction City of Oviedo Jurisdiction -. - C ty f Wi tee Spnn Jurisdicti --------.--------. J:::=~..;:=-_-;::"-"::== ;::~~__i! i 0 m . . gs ., 'on f:::::::::::::::::::::::::1 Wetland Conservation Area Notes: LAND USE BY JURISDlcnON City of Oviedo UDdU.. R<DI1 R<DI1 ToCllI PlIIcol 12 13 ~ 9S.1 20.1 115.2 I City ofWmtcr Springs UDd U.. PlIIcol RdaiVOI!icc 14 ToII1 18.4 18.4 SF SF Sc:minole County !.aDd U.. PlIIcol JiarJaF =r- RdIILOIficc 15 7.5 59 SF RdaiVOI!icc 16 S.1 3D SF RdIILOIficc 17 1.2 10 SF Olfke 18 4.2 so SF Olfke 19 3.3 37 7SO SF RdIILOIficc I 20 ' 1.4 2.720 SF IldlU1o'Officc , ,1lA 1.4 ~SF RdIILOIficc 21B 11.9 0!Iic0 \, 22 SA 39,1lllOSF JldalLOf!k:O 23 0.9 11.2OS SF Rt:ai1IOf!icc>\ 24 2.6 lUGS SF RdIILOIficc , 2S 1.0 3.206 SF IldlU1o'Officc 26 3.0 30.662 SF Booplla1IOffico rT 15.6 104,!l81 SF ~l2O Beds Rt:ai1IOf!icc> 28 1.1 11.200 SF Rt:ai1IOf!icc> 29 1.2 8,682 SF RdIi:L'OfIiaI 30 1.4 7.000 SF RdIILOIficc 31 1.6 15.000 SF Ildol1.'Oftlce 32 1.6 6..700 SF hddandal 36 1.3 4DU 'roTA!. 72.7 S8O,978 SF ~l2O Beds 4DU I (I) IDcladco, bul iI_1lmIled to 0IIice, CiDIcal P8cl1Id<a.IIId lip to a l1O-bcd BacpIIaL n.. amco CCIIIpCIltIlt wilhID Parcel rT wIl1 rot""","" 7S.ooo SF IlC 7 ~ . I,. CZl n.. _1ocatlca 01. RlImda to be l'llIIIDWlIlln PIi1:d 16 moy'l:bmae It lIIo limo 01. fiDI1li1D pIazmiIla _ paIDIl:aiD&. III DO ..... booweft:r. wlIllbo:lllerrllp to be ~=-I1.O ICIIl. I.' . (3) A 1md lIIO eqaln1eacy IIlIIrlx a1Ion far lIIo azcbaasc r#. alCIIil_ alfico.... bctweoD paa>iI. n.. matrh lI!lIIlb to c:boItace ~ PIn:cIa 13, 15. 16. 17, 20. 11.. 21b. _ 23-32. Pm:da 18, 19. _ 22...pm... ~ to lbo:l POD_ .... -1lIbjecc to !be matrh. I i I I , LAND USE BYPHASll UDdU.. Pa=I(.) ~ PHASIlhllld IbAPl'ROVED IldIIi1IOlIico 1SO.197 SF pm I O!fico 11.9 SF 300 SUBSTANI1ALDBVIAnoN PHASIl2 RetaI11Olli:e 101.4 SF 7 15.6 ISF 6SO I 15 46.0 419 SF 17SO rT o to 120 Beds 240. 36 1.3 400 SUMMARY OPLAND USE LomdU.. Pa=l(1) ~ Q RctaIIIolIIce 12.13. 14. 15, 16. 17,2C I 11a, 21b. 23, 24, 1S, 26- 176.5 1.9tl9,197 SF 1(),9S0 28. 29. lit 3132 0fB00 I 18. 19 22 11.9 126.800 SF 600 ~ rT 15.6 104,981 SF 6SO o to 120 Beds 240 ~ 36 1.3 400 - ~~PIIO - 48.6 Wdlarid~ - 89.3 CeaiI'md Cmollll---. - . 20.2 - 36.0 ~-oI.-WIf - 30.8 TOTAL 431.2 I2MO oviedomarkem1ace ill ~ E9 CityofWmterSprings MapH o 200 400 8(X) NO,\11I Master Development Plan GLATI1NG JACKSON KERCHER. ANGLIN LOPEZ 1lINEHART (11toll1 lIotel notl,1I (0-49 KBF) ~ (50-99 KSF) (100-199 KBF) Faet Food Reat. IIIl!h TIO Reet, Quality nut. OUlu (0-49) (SO-" KBII (100-199 KB n 7200-199 KS l1\ Urulllil Holel (I room) Retail (0-49 KSF) ('0-99 KsP) (100-199 KSF) Fut Fooel Re.1. (KSP) High T/O Rell. (f{SF) . Quality Resl. (KSP) Offioo (0-49 ) ('0-99 KSF) (100-199 KSF) (200-299 KSF) TO !lotd 1.00 DU 14,47 DU 9.94 DU 7.86 DU 48.08 DU 18.00 D 13,86 D 9.13 D .UI DU 3.11 DU 3,29 DU , 8t1.11 He'.U (0 . 4' KBFl (!ll-" KBPr 0.07 KSP 0.10 KSP 1.00 KSP .. -lM'KSP' 0.69 KSP . --1.00 KSP . - 0.'4 KSP 0.79 KSF 3.32 KSP'- 4.84 KSF. 1.24K81-' 1.81 KSF 0.96 KSF 1,39 KSF 0.61 KSP 0,99 KSP' 0.3' KSP 0.'0 KSF 0,26 KSF 0,38 KSF 0,23 KSP 0.33 KSF rM rul-n.or r....-DI...ctlon BatI 0.362 ',240 3.600 2.847 17.410 6.'16 5.011 J.'6q 1.813 1.367 1,192 Sourea: Ollll/lnll Jacbon Karr:hllr AnBlln Loper Rlneharl, lno, /111 Trip Oellemt(on Repol't, 6th EdItIon ~I ~ -, '" Exhibit F EQUIVALENCY MA TUrn: Oviedo Mal'kellllace Helalr F.at 1100d IIIgh 'f/O Quality OUlce DUlce Olllce . l1illiiii-- (100-1" KSP) Ra',. Ilelt, Rei', (0 - 49 KSF) (110-99 KBf!) llOO-11I9 KSF) (201j)-J~!l.~E!:1. o.n KSF 0.02 KSF 0.06 KSF 0.01 KSP , 0.10 KSP 0.20 KSP 0.26 KSF 0.30 IWP 1.84 KSP 0.30 KSP 0.80 ksp , 1.04 KSP 1.47 KSP 2.89 KSP 3.8] KSP 4.40-KSli-- 1,26 KSP 0.21 KSP 0." KSP 0.72 KSP 1.01 KSF 1.99 KSP 2.63 KSP . 3.02 KSF 1.00 KSII - . 0.16 KSF 0.44 KSF OJ7 KSF 0.80 KSP 1.57 KSF 2.08 KSP 2.39 KSF 6.12 KSP 1.00 KSF - 2.67 KSF-- 3.41 KSF ".89 KSF 9.60 KSP 12.74 KsF 14.61 IWji-- 2.29 KSF 0.37 KSF ' 1.00 KSF 1.30 KSr 1.8J KSP. 3.'9 KSF 4.77 KSF 5.47 'K9(1 1.76 KSF 0.29 KSF 0.77 I<SF - -.:00 KSP 1.41 KSF 2.77 KSF 3.67 KSF 4.21 KSF .. 1.2' KSF 0,20 KSF 0." ,KS(l 0,7. KSF 1.00 KSY 1,96 KSF 2.60 KSF 2.99 K3f 0,64 KSF. 0.10 KSP 0.28 KSF 0.36 KSF . 0." KSF UO KSP 1.3] KSF , U2 I{BP 0.48 KSP 0,08 KSF 0,21 KSF, 0.21 KSF. 0,38 KSP O,1j KSP, . 1.00 KSF 1.I, IWP , t1..t1 KSF 0,07 KSF. 0,18 KSF 0,24 KSF 0,31 KSp. 0.66 KSP 0.87 KSP 1.00 Kap -