HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05 14 Consent 207 Surplus Assets COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 207 ADD-ON Informational Consent X Public Hearing Regular May 14. 2007 Regular Meeting /1/ ~\J Mgr. / Dept. Authorization REQUEST: Information Services requests authorization to dispose of surplus assets according to the attached disposition sheet(s). This item is being submitted as an add-on because there was in-sufficient time to gather all of the information due to other current projects and deadlines. Commission approval is needed at this meeting because these items are to go to auction on May 19th. PURPOSE: To obtain authorization to dispose of surplus assets. CONSIDERATIONS: . Information Services regularly disposes of surplus assets. Assets already approved by the City Manager for disposal by either auction or destruction are listed on the attached documents. FUNDING: Not applicable RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend that the Commission approve disposition of these surplus assets ATTACHMENTS: Surplus Asset List Sheet(s) COMMISSION ACTION: I:\Admin_Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2007\2007-05 (May)\05-l4- 07_ COMM _ Consent_ 207 _Surplus_Assets _ Disposition.doc @,~" ~,w~~,~ . - .' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS REQUEST TO TRANSFER OR DISPOSE OF SURPLUS ASSETS {DATE OF AUCTION HERE} AUCTION DATE: 5/14/2007 Name of Submitting Department: Submitting Dept. Head: (Signature & Date) Date Sent to Commission: Agenda Item Number: IS Dept Head: (Signature & Date) / Send back to 1.5. to make copies for distribution as follows: ,(Original to General Services ,(Information Services ,(Finance Department ,(SubmittinQ DeDt City Manager Approval: (Signature & Date) - ( Transfer) ( Transfer) Action Purchase Vin# From To Original Method 01 1- Code Date DescriDtion Dept Asset # Serial # Model # Location Location Cost Disposal 1 D 5/1/1990 3" Mud Hog Pump-Walker Miller Utilities 4910 6/14/4287 MQD305B $1,639.00 A 2 D 8/25/2003 Generator - Coleman Utilities 307792 79270438 Powermate A 3 D 5/13/1998 VCR Chaser Utilities 5185-A $4,435.00 A 4 D 8/25/2003 Monitor for Chasser Camera Utilities 307785 UEMS1 A 5 D 11/16/1992 Pro Scout TV INS Svstem Utilities 2343 2100110/2102601 500K $187,500.00 A 6 D 3/13/1989 1989 Ford F-350 Rescue Truck Utilities 98200 1 FDKF37M2KNB27836 F -350 $49,528.00 A 7 D ProGold Paint Spraver Utilities A 8 D 9/3/1986 1986 Ford Water Probe Truck Utilities 79475 2FDKF371 XGCB47397 Ford $42,108.50 A 9 D 6/1612000 Gas Detector Utilities 5752 CGS90R $1,642.89 A 10 D Box of NIC Cards IS A 11 D Box of PC Ram IS A 12 D Cantronix Print Server IS EPS1 A 13 D Box of DOS 3 tapes IS A 14 D 230W power supplv IS A 15 D 230W power supply IS A Action Codes: Justification for Transfer/Disposal: Method of Disposal: T - Transfer A - Auction ~ o - Dispose D - Destroy 5 - Salvage T - Trade-in Form No. IS-2004-0001 Revised 5-9-2005 REQUEST _Auction_5_07.xls Q)~" ~''''''l'''~'~ . - . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS REQUEST TO TRANSFER OR DISPOSE OF SURPLUS ASSETS {DATE OF AUCTION HERE} AUCTION Name of Submitting Department: Submitting Dept Head: (Signature & Date) Date Sent to Commission: Agenda Item Number: IS Dept Head: (Signature & Date) ~ Send back to I.S. to make copies for distribution as follows: ,(Original to General Services ,(Information Services ,(Finance Department ,(Submitting Dept City Manager Approval: (Signature & Date) ( Transfer) ( Transfer) - Action Purchase Vin# From To Original Method 0 1- Code Date Description Dept Asset # Serial # Model # Location Location Cost Disposal 1 Dispose HP InkJet Cartridge Twin Pack IS Product C1823T A 2 Dispose 8 Harddrives IS A 3 Dispose Server Rack Shelf x 3 IS A 4 Dispose Spool Cat3 Cable IS A 5 Dispose Box of Miscellaneous Cables IS A 6 Dispose Cash Register box IS A 7 Dispose USB Docking Station IS A 8 Dispose Monitor IS CN-01 K525-47803-294-GHJ6 M782p A 9 Dispose 9/30/2003 Dell 725n Server IS 300406 CN-07V6921-12800-366-0141 725N $3,970.00 A 10 11 12 13 14 15 Action Codes: Justification for Transfer/Disposal: Method of Disposal: -- T - Transfer A - Auction D - Dispose D - Destroy l+- S - Salvage T - Trade-in Form No. IS-2004-0001 Revised 5-9-2005 REQUEST _Auction_ 5 _07.xls