HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 03 07 Regular Item H CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA I . 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division . LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: II. . H. CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT SUBSTITUTING ClTY'S TRANSPORTATION STUDY FOR ALL TEXT AND MAPS IN VOLUME I AND ll. (LS-CP A-6-00) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163.3174(4) Florida Statutes which state "Be the agency (Local Planning Agency) responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan. During the preparation of the plan or plan amendment and prior to any recommendation to the governing body, the Local Planning Agency shall hold at least one public hearing, with public notice, on the proposed plan or plan amendment." The provisions of Sec. 20-57 of the City Code which state in part ".. the planning and zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency pursuant to the county comprehensive planning act and the local government comprehensive planning act of the state. . ." . It is City Administration policy that the applicant must provide the data, inventory and analysis in support of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and provide the response to the ORC Report. APPLICANT: City of Winter Springs 1126 East S,R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-1800 LOCALP~GAGENCY March 7, 2001 Traffic Circulation Element Update Plan Amendment LS-CPA-6-00 Page 1 of3 REQUEST: PURPOSE: For the Local Planning Agency to review and recommend the requested changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan Traffic Circulation Element Data, Inventory & Analysis section and Goals, Objectives and Policies section, The City needs to update the Traffic Circulation Element based on the results of the recently completed City of Winter Springs Transportation Study prepared by Conklin, Porter & Holmes. The contents of the Study are intended to replace completely the current text and maps in the Traffic Circulation Element Volume 1 of2 and Volume 2 of 2. OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS REPORT (ORC) FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS: The City's consultant for this proposed plan amendment is CPH Engineering, Inc. CPH Engineering, Inc. received a copy of the ORC Report and has made the responses. [ See Attachment 2 ] FINDINGS: . CPH Engineering, Inc. has provided the necessary response (as Supplement #2 "Update to City of Winter Springs Transportation Study"") to the ORC Report relating to the proposed plan amendment LS-CPA-6-00. . A number of changes have occurred since the preparation and adoption (on April 27, 1992) ofthe.City's Comprehensive Plan, prompting the need for an update of the Traffic Circulation Element. . The City initiated comprehensive plan amendment updates the Traffic Circulation Element Data, Inventory & Analysis (Volume 1 of 2) and the Goals, Objectives and Policies (Volume 2 of2). . The proposed plan amendment is compatible with and not in conflict with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan, . The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers the goals, objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, . The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers the goals, LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY March 7, 200] Traffic Circulation Element Update Plan Amendment LS-CPA-6-00 . Page 2 of3 . The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers the goals, objectives and policies of the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. STAFF RECOMMEND A TION: Staff recommends that the Local Planning Agency make the following recommendation to the City Commission: That the City Commission hold a second (adoption) public hearing and adopt the large scale comprehensive plan amendment (LS-CP A-6-00) incorporating CPR Engineering, Inc. 's response to the ORC Report into the amendment, that would update the Traffic Circulation Element in Volume 1 of 2 and Volume 2 of 2 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, ATTACHMENTS: 1. ORC Report for Proposed Plan Amendment (LS-CP A-6-00). 2. Response to the ORC Report for LS-CP A-6-00. 3. City of Winter Springs Transportation Study - August, 1997. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY March 7. 200 I Traffic Circulation Elcmcnt Update Plan Amendment LS-CPA-6-00 Pagc J or J ATTACHMENT 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS .. OBJECI10NS', RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS FOR THE .CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS . AMENDMENT 01-1 January 26,2001 Division of Community Planning Bureau of Local Planning This report is prepared pursuant to Rule 9J-l1.0 I 0 INTRODUCTION The following objections, recommendations and comments are based upon the Department's review of the City of Winter Springs 01-1 proposed amendment to their comprehensive plan pursuant to s. . 163.3184, Florida Statutes (F.S.). . Objections relafe to specific requirements ofrelevani portions of Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. Each objection includes a reco~endation of one approach that might be taken to address the cited objection. Other approaches may be more suitable in specific situations. Some of these objections may have initially been raised by one of the other external review agencies. Ifthere is a difference between the Department's objection and the external agency advisory objection or comment, the Department's objection would take precedence. Each of these objections must be addressed by the local government and corrected when the. amendment is resubmitted for our compliance review. Objections which are not addressed may result ina determination that the amendment is not in compliance~ The Department may have raised an. objection regarding missing data and analysis items which the local government considers not applicable to its amendmept. If that is the case, a statement justifying its non-applicability pursuant to Rule 9J-5.002(2), F.A.C., must be submitted. The Department will make a 4etermination on the non-applicability of the requ.irement, and if the justification is sufficient, the objection will be considered addressed. . ' The comments which follow the objectio'ns and recommendations section are advisory in nature. Comments will not form bases of a determination of non-compliance. They are included to call attention to items raised by our reviewers. The comments can be substantive, concerning planning . principles, methodology or logic, as well as editorial in nature dealing with grammar, organization, mapping,. and reader comprehension. . . Appended to the back of the Department's report are the comment lettersfr6In the other state review agencies and other agencies, organizations and individuals. These comments are advisory to the Department and may not form bases of Departmental objections unless they appear under the "Objections" heading in this report. ~~ .',~: ~.~~.. b. Internal Consistency: Because the amendment has not demonstrated consistency with statutory requirements for protection of natural resources, and for coordination of land uses with transportation facilities and services, amendment has not demonstrated internal consistency with the City's goals, objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan as listed: I Traffic Circulation: Objective B, Policy 1 and 6, requiring coordination, Objective C, and Policies 1 through 7 requiring level of service rriaintenance, Objective D, Policies 2 and 3; Future Land Use Element: Goal 2, Objective A, Policies 1 through 3, requiring protection of natural resources; and Goal 4 Objective B, Policies 1,3, and 5, regarding open space and wetland preservation in Town Center Areas; Conservation: Goal 1, Objective B, Policies 1,2,4, and 5, protecting natural resources, Objective c, Policies 6 and 7, regarding protection of floodplains and coordination; Capital Improvements: goal 1, Objective C, Policy 1, Transportation LOS Recommendation: Make applicable revisions as recommended in Part LA.l.b. Sections: 163.3177(1), 163.3177(6)(a), 1633177(6)(c), 1633177(6)(d), 1633177(6)0),1633177(8),1633187(2), F.S. Rules: 9J-5.005(2), 9J-5.005(5), 9J-5.006(2)(b) and (c); 9J;.5.006(3)(b)3, (b)6, (b)10 and (c)2; 9J-5.006(4); 9J-5.006(5), 9J-5.013(2), F.A.C. B. Traffic Circulation Element 1. LS-CPA-6-00: The City has not met the requirements of the Transportation because certain tables are not consistent with the FDOT work program and the revised element does not include a current LOS for all roadways in the City. Recommendation: Revise Tables 14, 15, and Figures 7,8 for SR. 434, CR 419, SR 419, and Us 17-92 to be consistent with the FDOT work program. Reflect applicable roadway improvements as scheduled in theFDOT work program as was recommended in the original 98-1 aRC. Furthermore, the City has not revised the listing of facilities in the program to be 'consistent with Seminole County. The City should revise the element to demonstrate coordination of facilities . . with the County by including a schedule of improvements. ' Other requirements should be met under chapter 1633177(6)0), F.S., and 9J-5.019(4) and (5), Florida Administrative Code. The Element should include the current Level of Service for roadways in the City. Given that the data is from 1996 and 1997, the City should revisit the issue to determine if this is still the best available data. The map series should include current level of service for,roadways. The plan includes projected level of service but the table should be reviewed to see if the information is still applicable. Sections: 163.3177(6)(b), 163.3177(6)0), .163,3177(8), F.S. Rules: 9J-5.006(4), 9J-5.019(4), 9J-5.019(5), F.A.C. 5 . ;~ . . c II. STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY A. . OBJECTION 1. The proposed amendments are not consistent with the following goals and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan:' . a Goal (8) Water R~sources, and Policies (b)2, (b)4, (b)8, and (b)10; b. Goal (10) Natural Systems, and Recreational Lands and Policies (b)1, (b)3, (b)6, and (b)7; . c. Goal (12), Energy, and Policy (b)3; . d. ..cGbal (16); Land' Use, and Policies (b)1, (b)2, (b)3, and (b)6; e. 'Goal (18), Public Facilities, and,Policies (b)1, and (b)6; . f. Goal (20), Transportation, and Policies (b)2, (b)3, (b)13, and (b)15; and g~Goal(26), Plan Implementation and Policy (b)7. B. RECO~NDATION . The City should revise the proposed amendment, as necessary, tobe consistent with the above-referenced goals and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan. Specific reconimendations can be found following the objections cited elsewhere in this ORC'report. 6 ATTACHMENT 2 We have prepared a response to the DCA comments on the Traffic Circulation. B. . Traffic Circulation Element 1. LS-CPA-6-00: The City has not met the requirements of the Transportation because certain tables are not consistent with the FOOT work program and the revised element does not include a current LOS for all roadways in the City. Recommendation: Revise Tables 14, 15, and Figures 7,8 for SR 434, CR 419, SR419, and US 17-92 to be consistent with the FOOT work program. Reflect applicable roadway improvements as scheduled in the FOOT work program as was recommended in the original 98-1 ORC. Furthermore, the City has not revised the listing' of facilities in the program to be consistent with Seminole County. The City should revise the element to demonstrate coordination of facilities with the County by including a schedule of improvements. .. Other requirements should be met under Chapter 163.3177(6)0), F.S., and 9J-5.019(4) and (5), Florida Administrative Code. The Element should include the current Level of Service for roadways in the City; Given that the data is from 1996 and 1997, the City should revisit the issue to determine if this is still the best available data. The map series should include current level of service for roadways. The plan includes projected level of service. but the. table should be reviewed to see if the information is still applicable. Sections: 163.3177(6)(b), 163.3177(6)0), 163.3177(8), F.S. Rules: 9J-5.006(4), 9J-5.019(4), 9J-5.019(5), F.A.C. Response: We have revised Tables 14, 15 and Figure 8. We do not believe that Figure 7 needs to be revised. Figure 7. represents the test network used, not the recommended plan. It was used as the base to determine the required improvements as identified by the model. In reality, the only difference between the Figure 7 shown and the existing roadways (as they exist today) is the test network hadSR 434 asa six (6)-lane road between US 17-92 and Moss Road, and Seminola as a six (6)-lane road by 2020. . Improvements to SR 434 from US .17 -92 to M()ss Road have been removed from the current 2020 Long Range.Transportation Plan by the MPO- Metro Plan Orlando. .We have adjusted our planningdocum~l1tation accordingly to reflect this information. We have prepared Supplement No. 2 which updates the'Transp'ortation !=Iement and includes revisions and additions as requested. It also includes 2000 counts from the County and February 2001 Counts from the City. We have also included Table 14A, which shows the 2000 Existing LOS Data for City Roadways (including state and county roads), and Figure 3A, which identifies LOS in a graphicS format. . J:\W0459.04\WD\RESPONSE TO DCA COMMENTS,DOC SUPPLEMENT NO.2 Update To CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TRANSPORTATION STUDY February 2001 CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117 E. Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 425-0452 CPH Project No. W0459.04 The Transportation Study was completed in 1997 and identified no deficiencies in the transportation infrastructure of the City of Winter Springs' local system for the projected 2010 traffic loadings. Roadways identified for improvements included U.S. 17-92, S.R. 434, Seminola Boulevard, Lake Drive, and Tuskawilla Road which are under the control of the County and FDOT. The U.S. 17-92 six-lane improvement project from Shepard Road (Winter Springs) south to Melody Lane (Casselberry) has been completed. State Road 434 has been improved to four lanes from S.R. 419 to the Greeneway. Seminola Boulevard has been improved to four lanes; Tuskawilla Road has been improved to four lanes divided from Lake Drive to Red Bug and is under construction from Lake Drive north to SR 434; and Lake Drive is currently under design for four lanes divided. This Supplement ~o. 2 updates the 1997 study and Supplement No. 1 to acknowledge these improvements and the ones also constructed by the City. No changes were made to the land use, existing uses, or projected development. We are presenting currentdata to allow for a comparison of where we were in 1996 and where we are today. We can also use this data to evaluate the accuracy of o,ur projection,s. We have also updated roadway capacities based on the FDOT 19~8 Level of Service Handbook. It has become evident that a collector road system is required for the undeveloped area east of the City Hall. This area has been designated as the Town Center and is scheduled for growth within the planning period. A roadway collector system has been identified to serve this area. Since these roads are for new growth, the funding is projected to come from the transportation impact fee. This collector system is shown on the attached revised drawings. Only updated materials are attached to this supplement. . Since the growth projections have not been revised, the overall traffic study remains valid. Supplement NO.2 Page 1 Supplement No.2 REVISED/UPDATED TABLES a'nd FIGURES Page 2 Table 4A 1996/2001 AVERAGE ANNUAL DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT RESULTS RAW ,. AVERAGE ADJUSTED ROADW A Y FROM TO TRAFFIC COUNT ANNUAL ANNUAL COUNTS DATE FDOT ADJ. TRA FFI C TWO-WAY 1996 FACTOR TWO-WAY SHEPARD RD. U.S. 17-92 SHEOAH BLVD. 5279 2/13 0.99 5226 SHEOAH BLVD. SHEPARD RD. S.R. 434 2703 2/13 0.99 2676 MOSS ROAD S,R. 434 C.R,419 2620 2/13 0.99 2594 MOSS ROAD PANAMA S.R. 434 3972 2/13 0.99 3932 EDGEMON AVE. SEMINOLA PANAMA , 3316 2/14 0.98 3250 EDGEMON AVE. PANAMA S.R. 434 2990 2/14 0.98 2930 EDGEMON AVE, S.R, 434 C.R.419 3314 2/13 0.99 3281 WADE STREET S.R. 434 C.R.419 623 2/13 0.98 617 DOLPi-IIN ROAD HA YES ROAD SHORE ROAD 2505 2/14 0.98 2455 HA YES ROAD . PANAMA S.R. 434 . 5787 2/14 0.98 5671 SHORE ROAD PANAMA S.R. 434 436 2/14 0.98 427 TROTWOOD BLVD TUSCA WILLA NORTHERN WAY 4275 2/15 0.98 4190 TROTWOOD BLVD W. OF TUSKA WILLA 1681 2/15 0.98 1647 NORTHERN WAY WINTER SPGS BLVD TROTWOOD BLVD 2817 2/15 0.98 2761 NORTHERN WAY TROTWOOD BLVD, VISTA WILLA 3002 2/15 0.98 2942 NORTHERN WAY WINTER SPGS BLVD SHETLAND 3073 2/15 0.98 3012 NORTHERN WAY GREENBRIAR WINTER SPGS BLVD 2768 2/15 0.98 2713 VISTA WILLA NORTHERN WAY .sENECA 3918 2/20 0.98 3840 WINTER SPGS BLVD TUSCAWILLA NORTHERN WAY 7803 2/19 0.98 7647 WINTER SPGS BLVD NORTHERN WAY GREENBRIAR 5388 2/19 0.98 5280 WINTER SPGS BLVD NORTHERN WAY NORTHERN WAY 7803 2/19 0.98 7647 WINTER SPGS BLVD NORTHERN WAY .CITY LIMITS 11380 2/19 0.98 11,152 QREENBRIAR WINTER SPGS B.L yn NORTHERN WAY '1601 . 2/19 0.98 1569 DYSON DRIVE TUSCA WILLA SHETLAND 1246 2/20 0.98 1221 SHETLAND CITRUS ROAD DYSON DRIVE . 5689 2/20 0.98 5575 ALTON ROAD HA YES ROAD SHORE 1271 2/14 0.98 1246 BIRD RD/FISHER LAKE DRIVE NORTH 963 2/14 0.98 944 TUSKA WILLA S.R. 434 NORTH 4509 2/15 0.98 4419 TUSCORA NORTHERN WAY S.R. 434 2288 2/15 0.98 2242 SENECA WINTER SPGS BLVD ~WAY 2158 2/19 0.98 2115 SENECA ~WAY VISTA WILLA 1675 2/19 0.98 1642 J:\W0459,04\WP\TABLE 4A:WPD TABLE 6 (Revised 2/2001) PROGRAMMED AND PLANNED HIGHWAY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WINTER SPRINGS TRANSPORTATION STUDY AREA Roadwav SeQment Improvement ProQrammed1 Planned 2,4 SR 419 Edgemon to Moss Turn Lanes 2002 SR. 434 US 17-92 to SR 419 Traffic Control 2002 Lake Drive Seminola Boulevard to Add 2 Lanes 2002-2005 Tuskawilla Road Moss Road S.R. 434 to S.R. 419 Add 2 Lanes 2000-2005 Red Bug Lake' SR 436 to Eagle Circle Widen to 6 2000-2005 Rd Lanes Seminola Blvd. US 17-92 to Lake Drive Widen to 6 2015 Lanes SR. 434 U.S. 17-92 to S.R. 419 Add 2 Lanes 20102,3 (Removed in 4 below) (6 Total) S.R.434 S.R. 419 to Eastern Add 2 Lanes 20102.3 Beltway (6 Total) (Removed in 4 below) U.S. 17-92 Shepard Road to Airport Add 2 Lanes 20102.4 Boulevard SR 426 County Line to Widen to 6 2015 Greenewav Lanes 1. Contained in construction program of FOOT or Seminole County. 2. Contained in OUATS 2010 Plan Update (Adopted Highway Needs Network). Not in current 2020 Long . Range Transportation Plan Update. . 3. Latest date based on need. This applies to all "2010" numbers in this column. 4. 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan. Supplement No, 2 Page 4 Table 8 Lanes! Divided 2 U ndiv ided 4 Div ided 6 Div ided 8 Divided A" . N/A N/A N/A NIA B" N/A N/A N/A N/A Level 01 Serv ice C 9,900 22.900 35,500 44,700 (wilhin UlC&nlz..d arel OVet 500.OCC and leading to Of passlngwiU'Iin 5 mil., 0' tho crim;wv c.ilV cctnlral bus in... chtnen Level 01 Serv ice A B C 0 E 4 21.200 34.300 51,500 66,200 81,700 6 32,600 52,700 79,000 101,600 125,400 8 44,500 71,800 107,800 138,600 171,100 10 55,600 89,800 134,700 173,200 213,800 12 65,200 105,400 158,100 203.200 250,900 Group 2 tw:I~..n uotli.nlled "ea a.,d r:or in ~o 1) Level of Serv ice E'" Lanes A B e 0 E 16,600 4 20,900 32,800 49,200 62,600 74,500 35,000 6 32,100 50,400 75,600 96,200 114,500 52,500 8 43.800 68,800 103,200 131,300 156,300 64,400 10 54,700 86,000 129,000 164,200 195,400 12 64,100 100,800 151,200 192,400 229,100 \ NON-STATE ROADWAYS MAJOR ClTYtCC\.iNTY Aca.oo.'VAVS E 16,200 Level of Servic 34,300 Lanes N' B" C 51,700 2 Undiv ided N/A N/A 6,600 63.400 4 Divided N/A N/A 19,800 6 Div ided N/A N/A 30,600 INTERRUPTED FlCW Class I (>0.00 to 1.93 s:;~af:l.d lnt.lS.coona ~.t mlle) lanes! Divided 2 U ridiv ided 4 Divided 6 Divided 8 Divided A" N/A N/A N/A N/A B 10,800 23,500 . 35.800 45,300 level 01 Service e 15,600 33.200 49.900 61,400 Class II ~.oo Ie .....~o ,i':'\Ili:W ,nIltrsetll-:", j:1t,mil.) Class III (mO", tF'lan 4.SO slWializtdlntersections~, mil, andnol wilhin pnmary tHy ctntral business dls lricl 01 ulbanizOd area over 500.000) lanes! Level 01 Serv ice Lanes A" B" e Divided A'. B" C 0 E 2 U ndiv ided N/A N/A 4,800 2 U ndiv ided N/A N/A 3,300 12,100 15,600 4 0 iv.ided N/A N/A 11,600 4 Div ided N/A N/A 7,600 27,600 33,600 6 Div ided N/A N/A 12.100 43.300 50.500 6 Div ided N/A N/A 15,300 54.200 62.100 ADJUSTMENTS OIVIOEOi\.:NOIV1OEO Class IV (mOte Iha:\ ...~ ligna!iudlnlsrsectlor:s pe,milt and within pdmarj city 'O:"llral tuslnus d:Slr,ct ol..rt.:'lilld area over ~;.o.CCOl Medi an (aller conesponding ~a'l votume ~ndlcaled percenl) left Turn .odJustment Bays Factors Yes +5% N 0 -20~. Yes -5% No ~5% Lanes! Level 01 Serv ice Divided A" B" C D E 2 U ndiv ided N/A N/A 3,700 13,800 15,300 4 Div ided N/A N/A 8,900 29,900 3?,600 6 oiv ided N/A N/A .14,000 45,500 49,000 8 Div ided N/A N/A 17,500 56,200 60,100 Lanes 2 2 Mulli Mulli Divided Undiv ided U ndiv id~d U ndiv ided ONE-WAY (atle' coneSpotlding lWO.way VOlume indicated pecer-II The Florida Departmenl 01 Transportation Source: Syslems Planning Ollice 605 Suwannee Strael - Mail Station 19 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 One-Way lanes Equiyalent T~\V... l.~. htlp:llwww.dol.slale.ll.us/planning 2 3 4 5 4 6 8 8 .odjustmenl Factors . 40~. .40% .40% -25% . The table does nol cons liMe a standard and should be usod only lor general planning appUcalions, The computer models Irom which this lable is derived should be used ror more specific planning applications. The table and deriving computer models should nor be used for corridor or intersection design. where more relined lechniques exis!. Vatues shown ara annual average daily volumes (based on Kl00 laClors, not peak.to-dailyralios) lor levels 01 serlice, and are based on the 1997 Update to lhe Highway Capacity Manual and Florida Irallic, roadway, and signalization dala, The tabte'sinpul value assumptions and level of serv ice criferia appea:' on the tollo\\ing ,page. .. Cannol be achieved. ... Volumes arc compara~te because intc:,section capacities have been reached. September 1998 Supplenent No. 2 Page ~ @ J:\W0459.04\LOS TA[lLE 14,WPD February 2001 . TABLE 14 (Revised) (lof3) YEAR 2010 ROAOWAY LINK LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH 2010 NETWORK (Computer Model) ROADWAY FROM To"' NO,OF ROADWAY LOS D MODEL VIC RATIO MODEL LANES CLASS DAILY DAILY DAILY CAPACITY VOLUME LOS U,S, 17-92 S,R. 434 SHEPARD RD, 6 ARTERIAL 52,500 52,200 1.00 D U.S. 17-92 SHEPARD RD, S,R,419 6 ARTERIAL 52,500 55,200 1.05 F S.R.434 U.S. 17-92 MOSS RD, 6 ARTERIAL 52,500 41,800 0.88 D S,R.434 MOSS RD, S,R,419 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 26,900 0.75 D S. R, 434 S.R,419 TUSKA WILLA RD 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 39,000 1.1 F S. R. 434 TUSKA WII.I,A RO SPRING AVENUE 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 39,,000 1.1 F S,R.434 SPRING A VENUE EASTERN BELTWA Y 4 ARTERUAK 35,000 41,800 1.19 F S,R,419 U.S, 17-92 EDGEMON AVE, 2 ARTERIAL 16,600 19,900 1.20 F S,R,419 'EDGEMON AVE, S.R,434 2 ARTERIAL 16,600 16,600 1.00 D E, LAKE DRIVE SEMINOLA [lLVD FISHER ROAD 4 COLLECTOR 31,700 21,500 0,95 D E. LAKE DRIVE FISHER ROAD TUSKA WILLA RD, 4 COLLECTOR 31,700 22,600 1.00 D TUSKAWILLA RD,' RED RUG LK RD EAGLE [lLVD, 6 ARTERIAL 48,900 39,500 0.83 D TIJSKAWILI,A RD. EAGI.E m.VD. E, LAKE DRIVE 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 35,500 1.0 D TUSKA WILLA RD, E. LAKE DRIVE WINTERSPGS, [lLVD 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 25,200 0.71 D TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPGS BLVD TROTWOOD BLVD 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 20,700 0,60 C TUSKAWILLA RD, TROTWOOD [lLVD. S. R, 434 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 20.200 0.57 C SHEPARD RD, U.S, 17-92 SHEOAH BLVD, COLLECTOR 10,900 11,200 1.03 E SHEPARD RD. SHEOAH [lLVD, EDGEMON AVE, . COLLECTOR 10,900 7,900 0.72 D SHEOAH BLVD, SHEPARD RD, S.R. 434 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 8.400 0.77 D [lAHAMA ROAD HA YES ROAD WINDING HOLLOW BL 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 100 0,01 C MOSS ROAD PANAMA ROAD DOLPHIN ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 6,800 0.62 D MOSS ROAD DOLPHIN ROAD S.R,434 COLLECTOR 10,900 7.300 0,67 D Suoo lment No. 2 Page 6 February 2001 TABLE 14 (Revised) (200) YEAR 20] 0 ROADWAY LINK LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH 2010 NETWORK (Computer Model) ROADWAY FROM TO NO,OF ROADWAY LOS D MODEL VIC MODEL LANES CLASS DAILY DAILY RATIO DAILY . CAPACITY VOLUME LOS MOSS ROAD S,R,434 FIRST STREET 4 COLLECTOR 22,600 14,100 ,62 D MOSS ROAD" FIRST STREET S,R,419 3 COLLECTOR 12,000 :7,200 0,60 D NORTHERN WAY TROTWOOD BLVD TUSCORA DR, 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 6,100 0.56 D NORTHERN WAY TUSCORA DR, VISTA VILLA DR, 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,200 0,29 C NORTHERN WAY VISTA VILLA DR. WINTER SPG rlLVD-E 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,600 0.33 C NORTHERN WAY . TROTWOOD BLVD WINTER SPG BL VD-S 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,500 0,23 C NORTHERN WAY WINTER SPG BLVD SHETLAND AVE. 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,600 0,33 C NORTHERN WA Y SHETLAND AVE, GREENBRIAR LN, 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,900 0,36 C NORTHERN WAY GREENBRIAR LN, WINTERSPRG BLVD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,200 0,20 C TROTWOOD BLVD TUSKA WILLA RD, NORTHERN WAY 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 4,500 0.42 C WINTER SPG BLVD TUSKA WILLA RD, NORTHERN WAY 2 COLLECTOR 11,500 8.500 0.74 D WINTER SPG BLVD NORTHERN WAY GREENBRIAR LN, 2 COLLECTOR 11,500 5,600 0.49 D WINTER SPG IJLVD GREENBRIAR LN, NORTHERN WAY 2 COLLECTOR 11,500 5,000 0.43 C WINTER SPG rlLVD NORTHERN WAY NORTHERN WAY 2 COLLECTOR 12,000 11,100 0,93 D WINTER SI'G I3L" NORTHERN WAY S.R,426 2 COLLECTOR 12,000 11,900 0.99 D PANAMA ROAD EDGEMON AVE, - MOSS ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 9,100 0,83 D PANAMA ROAD MOSS ROAD SHORE ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 1,300 0.12 C HA YES ROAD BAHAMA ROAD DOLPHIN ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,000 0,18 C HAYES ROAD DOLPHIN ROAD S,R.434 2 COLLECTOR 10,906 6,600 0,61 D DOLPIIIN ROAD MOSS ROAD HI\ YES ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,700 0,25 C Slloolment No. 2 Page' . A PORTION 01' TillS SECTION 01' ROAD IS 6 LANES, .. ALTHOUGH THE 2010 TEST NETWORK HAD 4 LANES, THESE ITEMS HAVE BEEN REVISED FOR TURN LANES AND NOT WIDENING, J:\W0459,04\LOS TMlLE 14.WPD Supplerrent No. 2 Page g J:\W0459.04\LOS TABLE 14A,WPD February 200 I TA13LE 14 A (lof3) YEAR 2000 ROADWAY LINK LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH EXISTING NETWORK ROADWA Y rROM TO NO. or ROADWAY lOS D 2000 VIC RATIO DAILY 1.995/1996 .'.':- lANES CLASS DAilY DAilY '. ; LOS DAilY CAPACITY VOLUME VOLUME U.S, 17-92 S,R', 434 SHEPARD RD. 6 ARTERIAL 52,500 36,959 0.70 0 36,123 U,S. 17-92 SHEf'ARD RD, S,R,419 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 36,959 1.06 F 36,123 S,RA34 U,S, 17.92 S,R,419 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 24,983 0,71 C 24,892 S,R,434 S,R,419 TUSKAWILLA RD 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 32,609 0.93 C 24,757 S. R, 434 TUSKA WILLA RD SPRING A VENUE 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 18,720 0.53 B 16,552 S,R.434 SPRING A VENUE GREENEWAY 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 19,394 0,55 B 15,286 S,R,419 U.S. 17-92 EDGEMON AVE, ARTERIAL 16,600 21,090 1.27 F 15,553 S.R.41<) EDGEMON AVE, S, R, 434 ARTERIAL 16,600 18,417 1.11 F 12,271 E. LAKE DRIVE SEMINOLA BLVD I'ISHER ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 14,600 12,044 0,82 0 12,617 E, LAKE DRIVE FISHER ROAD TUSKA WILLA RD, 2 COLLECTOR 14,600 11,277 0,77 0 9,472 TUSKAWILLA RD, RED IlUG LK RD EAGLE BLVD. 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 27,583 0,79 0 25,398 TUSKAWILLA RD. EAGLE IlLVD. E, LAKE DRIVE 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 27,844 0,80 0 24,573 TUSKAWILLA RD. E, LAKE DRIVE WINTER SPGS, BLVD ARTERIAL 35,000 28,070 0,80 0 22,867 TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPGS BI.VD TROTWOOD BLVD 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 U/C (14,226) 0041 C 16,071 TUSKAWILLA RD. TROTWOOD'BLVD. S,R.434 4 ARTERIAL 35,000 U/C (13,822) 0,39 C' 12,058 TUSKAWILLA RD. S,R,434 NORTH 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 4,419 0041 C 917 SIIEPARD RD. U.S. 17.92 SHEOAH BLVD. 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 5,226 OAR C 3,081 SHEOAIIBLVD. SHEPARD RD, S. R, 434 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,676 0,25 C 5,881 MOSS ROAD PANAMA ROAD S.R, 434 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,932 0,36 C 4,707 MOSS ROAD S,R,434 C,R,419 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,594 0,24 C 2,43 I February 2001 f...,e. 1 February 2001 TABLE 14 A (2 of 3) YEAR 2000 ROADWAY LINK LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH EXISTING NETWORK ROADWA Y FROM TO NO. OF ROADWAY LOSD 2000 VIC DAILY 1995/1996 LANES CLASS DAILY DAILY . 'RATIO LOS DAILY CAPACITY VOLUME VOLUME NORTHERN WA Y WINTER SPG BLVD . TROTWOOD BLVD, 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,761 0,25 C 1,868 .NORTHERN WAY TROTWOOD BLVD VISTA WILLA DR, 2 . COLLECTOR 10,900 2,942 0.27 C 2,501 ,. . NORTHERN WA Y WINTER SPG BLVD SHETLAND AVE, 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,0]2 0,28 C 2,736 NORTHERN WAY GREENBRIAR LN. WINTER SPRGBLVD. 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,713 0.25 C 1,991 TROTWOOD BLVD TUSKA WILLA RD, NORTHERN VIA Y 2 COLL~CTOR 10,900 4,190 0,38 C 4,121 TROTWOOD BLVD, TUSKA WILLA RD, WEST 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 1,647 0,15 C 2,046 WINTER SPG BLVD TUSKA WILLA RD, NORTHERN WAY 2 COLLECTOR 11,500 7,647 0,66 D 7,384 WINTER SPG BLVD NORTHERN WAY GREENBRIAR LN, 2 COLLECTOR 11,500 5,280 0.46 D 6,099 WINTER SPG BLVD NORTHERN WAY NORTHERN WAY 2 COLLECTOR 11,500 7,647 0,66 D 7,484 WINTER SPG I3L NORTHERN WAY S,R,426 2 COLLECTOR '12,000 11,152 0,93 D 12,260 SHORE ROAD PANAMA ROAD S,R, 434- 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 436 0.04 C 475 HA YES ROA D PANAMA ROAD S,R, 434 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 5,671 0,52 D 3,381 DOLPHIN ROAD SHORES ROAD. HA YES ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,455 0.23 C 241 r-ISHER ROAD EAST LAKE DRIVE PANAMA ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 944 0,09 C 1,267 TUSCORA DRIVE NORTHERN WAY S,R,434 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,242 0,21 C 765 VISTA WILLA DR. NORTHERN WAY SENECA BLVD. 2 COLLECTOR' 10,900 . 3,840 0.35 C 1,410 fa.J3e. I D . TABLE 14 A YEAR 2000 ROADWAY LINK LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH EXISTING NETWORK Fcbniary 2001 (3 of 3) ROADWAY FROM TO NO,qF. ROADWAY LOS D 2000 VIC DAILY 1995/1996 LANES CLASS DAILY DAILY RATIO LOS DAILY CAPACITY VOLUME . VOLUME GREENBRIAR LN, NORTHERN WAY WINTER SPRG BLVD. 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 1,569 0.14 C 1,141 DYSON DRIVE TUSKA WILLA RD, SHETLAND A VENUE' 2 COLLECTOR ]0,900 1,221 0.11 C 3,262 SHETLAND A VI:, CITRUS DYSON DRIVE 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 5,575 0.5] C 4,474 EDGEMON AVE. SEMINOLA BLVD, PANAMA ROAD 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,250 0.30 C 2,774 EDGEMON AVE. PANAMA ROAD S.R. 434 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,930 0.27 C 3,783 EDGEMON AVE, S.R.434 S,R.419 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 3,281 0.30 C 2,480 WADE STREET S,R. 434 S.R,4I9 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 623 0.06 C ],034 ALTON ROAD HA YES ROAD SHORE ROAD 2 COLLECTOR ]0,900 1,246 0.] 1 C 1,380 SENECA BLVD, WINTER SPG BLVD Y, WAY 2 COLLECTOR 10,900 2,115 0.19 C 1,418 SENECA BLVD, ,/, WA Y '. "VISTAWILLA 2 COLLECTOR' 10,900 1,642 0.15 C 1,054 utC'!= UNDER CONSTRUCTION - USED 1999 DATA 2000 DAILY VOLUME ARE BASED ON COUNTY TRAFFI~ COUNTS FOR THE LAST QUARTER OF 2000 AND CITY TRAFFIC COUNTS IN FEB: 2001. J:\W0459,04\LOS TABLE 14A,WPD P~e 1/ CIl t (O)~ !c::zJ ~ C\) ~:J ..... . ~. :n N .:. ....;;lO:: N ~ ~pe~ z is is 6'" "m ~~9~ Z.::1 flr~~ N a. _~_~.N _ e",~z=_ "'N...CIl~O . Nit.. _ . g~-~ . -....z~ . (')G) . " LEGEND: ' @ DEfiCIENT (EXCEEDS LOS D) CURRENT LEVEL OF SERVICE (A-F) @ Cl z ocw Q> VJ<{ 0:: cJ LAKE DR. @ CD WAY -4~. ~ o @~ ~ w ::x: VJ RED BUG LAKE RD. @ ~ -N- ~ N.T.S. ~ (O)~ ... ::J ~. c::zy ~ M ~::J QJ ; ~ . ... N .. "';;1O-I"II~ l(,...>>oZ'" ~t;~~,g at ~~9~ i:l ~"';:J~ 1"11 a. !.b~"'1"II 8~~~:a :c Q>'" ",'" os 0 ~~.. - Ol"'\_~ . -"Z ;3 ()~ . al LEGEND: .~',',.',. ',. J,. J,.',.',. '. o . S.R. . LAKE DR. W -l .0 a::: <3 w -l '<.:l <: w RED BUG 'LAKE RD. SIX LANES FOUR LANES THREE LANES TWO LANES PAVING/DRAINAGE EXTENSION TRAFFIC SIGNAL/ INTERSECTION GEOMETRY -- EASTERN TOWN CENTER COLLECTOR <.:l z ocw a.. > Vl<: ~ -N- ~ N.T,S, >- <( 3: I- -l w....... cn-l -l zO 0::0 W l- V) <: w ~ Table 15 2010 ROAD NEEDS DEVELOPER AND OTHER FUNDING (Inside City Limits) (Revised 2/2001) Local Developer 1. Improve Tuskawilla Road north of SR 434 (formerly Brantley Avenue). (Switch to Impact Fee Funding) 2. Improve Spring Avenue (existing dirt road) with drainage and paving improvements. County'" 1. Improve Shepard Road to three (3) lanes from U.S. 17-92 to Sheoah Boulevard. (County portion) Note: This project is not funded or planned by the County. 2. Improve East Lake Drive from two (2) lanes to four (4) lanes. (Under design)* State* 1. Improve U.S. 17-92 from Seminola Boulevard to SR419 from four (4) lanes to six (6)lanes. (Construction for six [6] lanes completed to Shepard.) Six (6) lanes are planned in the 2020 Long Range Transportation plan.* . 2. Improve SR 434 from U.S. 17-92 to Moss Road from five (5) 'lanes to seven (7) lanes. Note: This project is not funded or planned by the State.. It was in the previous QUA TS 2010 Plan Update. It is not in the current 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan Update. 3. Improve SR 434 from SR 419 to Eastern Beltway from four(4) lanes to six (6) lanes. Note: this project is not funded or planned by State. It was in the previous OUA TS 2010 Plan Update. It is not in the current 2020 Long Range Transpqrtation Plan Updat.e..' 4, Improve SR 419 from SR 434 to U.S. 17-92 from two (2) lanes to four (4) lanes. Note: This project is not fun~ed or planned by the State. ) NOTE: Projects 2 and 3 may not be necessary and should be watched closely to determine if capacities exceed expected projections. It appears that the City. should start. lobbying for improvements to SR 419 as current counts exceed the existing roadway capacity. *See also Table 15A. Supplement No, 2 Page 1 II Table 15A STATE and COUNTY ROAD PROJECTS ADJACENT TO WINTER SPRINGS State - TIP FY 2000/2001 - FY 2004-2005 , 1. SR 434 from US 17-92 to SR 419 - Improve the traffic control devices/system. 2. SR 419 - Add right turn lanes at Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road. 3. SR 434 from East Street to SR 419 - Resurface. State - 2020 Long Range Trans'portation Plan Update 1. SR 426 from the Seminole/Orange County Line to the Greeneway - Widen to 6 lanes. 2. US 17-92 from Shepard Road to Airport Boulevard - Widen to 6 lanes. County - TIP FY 2000/2001 - FY 2004/2005 1. Lake Drive from Seminola Boulevard to TuskawillaRoad - Reconstruct to 4 lanes. 2. Red Bug Lake Road form SR 436 to Eagle Circle :- Widen to 6 lanes. County - 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan Update 1. Seminola Boulevard from US 17-92 to Lake Drive - Widen to 6 lanes. Supplement No, 2 Page 1$ Table 16 2010 ROAD NEEDS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FUNDING (Revised 02/01) Phase I All Phase I recommendations have been completed. Phase II 1. . Paving and drainage improvements to Bahama Road from Shore Road to Hayes Road. (Completed) . 2. Paving and drainage improvements to Panama Road from Shore Road to Moss Road. . (Completed) 3., Paving and drainage improvements to'Fisher Road from Panama Road to City Limits. (Under Design) . 4. Add stacking lanes to Hayes Road at the SR 434 intersection. (Completed) Phase III 1. Upgrade Moss Road from SR 434 to First Street from two lanes to four lanes and from First. Street to SR 419 from two lanes t6 two lanes divided arid turn lanes. (Under Design) 2. Improve Tuskawilla Road north of SR 434 (formerly Brantley Avenue). (Switch projectfrom developer funded to impact fee.) 3. Construct Town Center collector road to accommodate new development. Roads will connect SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road for collection of traffic from this area. Phase IV 1. Improve Winter Springs Boulevard to three lane capability from Northern Way to Northern _ Way (east section). This will be accomplished by adding turn lanes at each intersection for both traffic flow directions. . Supplement No.2 Page 16