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Telephone (407) 327-1800
Community Development Dept.
Planning Division
II. F.
The provisions of 163.3174(4) Florida Statutes which state "Be the agency (Local
Planning Agency) responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan
amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the
adoption or amendment of such plan. During the preparation of the plan or plan '
amendment and prior to any recommendation to the governing body, the Local Planning
Agency shall hold at least one public hearing, with public notice, on the proposed plan or
plan amendment."
The provisions of Sec. 20-57 of the City Code which state in part ". .the planning and
zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency pursuant to the county
comprehensive planning act and the local government comprehensive planning act of the
state. . ."
-It is City Administration policy that the applicant must provide the data, inventory and
analysis in support of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and provide the
response to the ORC Report.
Springs Land / Jessup Shores JV
175 Lookout Place, Suite 201
Maitland, FL 32751
[ same ]
March 7, 2001
Springs Land / Jessup Shorcs Plan Amendment
Page 1 of3
For the Local Planning Agency to review and recommend adoption of the plan amendment
that would change the Future Land Use Map designation from "Mixed Use" to the new
"Town Center" designation on an 18 +/- acre parcel.
The property owner ofthe'18 +/- acres desires to develop the property in accordance with
the Town Center development regulations.
There was not ORC Report issued by DCA. Therefore, DCA has no objections,
recommendations or comments.
There was not ORC Report issued by DCA. Therefore, DCA has no objections,
recommendations or comments.
This general area along S.R. 434 around this site is developing with single family
subdivisions such as Park Stone and Winding Hollow. The City has finalized the Town
Center Future Land Use Map designation and area and established the Town Center
Zoning District. Developers have been contacting the City with increasing interest now
that the Town Center concept and regulations have been finalized. First ground breaking is
expected around the intersection of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road with a grocery store
and offices on the former Kingsbury Property at the northwest corner.
The proposal to redesignate the Springs Land / Jessup Shores property from "Mixed Use"
to the new Future Land Use Map designation "Town Center" is consistent and compatible
with the City's Comprehensive Plan due to the property being adjacent to the area already
designated on the Future Land.Use Map for "Town Center". The Town Center
designation allows for and encourages a mixed use development pattern of commercial
and residential. The current designation of the subject property is "Mixed Use" which also
allows for commercial and residential development. The intention of the property owner
is to develop the property with both commercial and residential components in accordance
with the "Town Center" Future Land Use Map designation and the Town Center (Zoning)
District Code.
March 7, 2001
Springs Land / Jessup Shores Plan Amendment
Page 2 of3
The surrounding properties are essentially vacant. Any development of involving
commercial and high density residential i.e. apartments/condominiums in the near future
should not present a nuisance to surrounding properties.
At the time of site development, a traffic impact analysis will be required to determine the
measures required to offset the impacts and maintain traffic flow.
The City has development standards in its land development regulations to ensure minimal
impacts on surrounding properties, such as buffering. The State can require deceleration
lanes and center turn lanes to maintain traffic flow. The City's land development
regulations and the site plan review process of the Development Review Committee can
help prevent or. minimize potential nuisances.
The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with the other elements of the City's
Comprehensive Plan
The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers elements of the State
Comprehensive Plan, in Chapter 187 F. S.
The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers elements of the East
Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan.
Staff recommends that the Local Planning Agency make the following recommendation to
the City Commission:
That the City Commission hold a second (adoption) public hearing and adopt the
large scale comprehensive plan amendment (LS-CP A-4-00) based on the Findings
and the original plan amendment data, inventory and analysis.
1. LS-CP A-4-00 Plan Amendment Original Data & Analysis Submission.
March 7, 200]
Springs Land I Jessup Shores Plan Amendment
Page 3 of3
September, 2000
Prepared For:
Springs Land/Jessup Shores JV
175 Lookout Place, Suite 201
Maitland, Florida 32751
Presented by
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daly design group, inc.
861 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 125
Winter Park, Florida 32789
(407) 740-7373 Fax 740-7661
Land Use Amendment Narrative
I. Site Description
The subject site is approximately 15 acres located on the south of State Road 434. and continues to
the current Town Center District.
II. Surrounding Uses
North: Vacant
East Post Office
South: Vacant
West: Conservation
III. Amendment Request
A. Future land Use
The proposed development program will include a mixture of residential and commercial. The
existing land use designation on the city of Winter Springs Future Land Use Map is mixed
use. Therefore the proposed uses are consistent with the current land use designation.
Property to the north is also designated mixed use. with a portion of this property being
owned by the applicant. The lands lying to the south are designated as moderately dense
residential and public use the publiC use property is a large retention pond used for storm
water management of State Road 434. Property to the east is designated town center. The
property to the west is designated for commercial. Central Winds Park is located directly
north east of the proposed amendment.
B. Zoning
The current zoning for this property is a mixture of C-1 and C-2 both allowing commercial
uses under the city of Winter Springs Zoning Code. Property north of the site is also zoned C-
doly design group, Inc. · 861 west morse blvd. · suite 125 . winter park, fl 32789
ph 0 n e 407 - 740 - 7 3 7 3 . fox 407.740 - 7 66,1
1 while lands lying west of the proposed amendment is zoned C-2. Finally, property to the
south consists of R-3 (multi-family) and C-1 commercial. The proposed amendment of town
center will be compatible with the zoning designations on the adjacent properties.
IV. Statement of Compatibility
The subject request to amend the future land use of this property from mixed use to town center will
be compatible with the surrounding zoning and development patterns. This property can be
incorporated into theTown Center District while meeting current Comprehensive Plan Goals,
Objectives and Policies.
The following findings are made with respect to the site's compatibility with the surrounding
A. The site is contiguous with the current town center boundaries
The mixed use nature of this proposal will be consistent with the current land use
C. Properties surrounding this project are zoned and contain a future land use
designation of either commercial or multi-family. Both uses are proposed for this site.
V. Town Center Background
On June 12, 2000, the City of Winter Springs adopted the Town Center Future Land Use Map designation
and assigned the same to approximately 240 acres of property. The creation of the new Land Use resulted
from several considerations, including, but not limited to:
· The State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan outlined a "Town Center" located around the intersection of
State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road.
· Policy 3(c), the Traffic Circulation Element of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, refers to the
',,:. "creation in the undeveloped central area of Winter Springs of a primary civic, business and service
focus for the City".
daly design group, Inc. . 861 west morse blvd. . suite 125 . winter park, fl 32789
phone 407-740-7373 . fax 407-740-7661
. The City Commission declared that, based on numerous public meetings, that the Town Center will be
developed in the "neo-traditional" or "new urbanism" approach involving mixed uses with increased
densities and intensities.
According to the City's Comprehensive Plan, the "primary and fundamental purpose of the Town Center shall
be a place where people can reside in a mix of single and multiple family dwellings, and also gather to shop,
relax, recreate, be entertained, attend community events, and enjoy the natural beauty of lands located in the
Town Center".
VI. Urban Sprawl
9J-5.006(5), Future Land Use Element, of the Florida Administrative Code pertains to the review of
plans and plan amendments for discouraging urban sprawl.
The following is a list of urban sprawl indicators with respective responses as to why this proposed
Plan Amendment does not promote urban sprawl.
A. Promotes, allows or designates for development substantial areas of the jurisdiction to
develop as low intensity, or single-use development or uses in excess of demonstrated need.
Response: The subject site is an infill property. The development program consists of a
mix of uses including residential of High Density and a non-residential tract. These uses will
support those proposed uses in the Town Center district and will not be in excess of
demonstrated need.
B. Promotes, allows or designates significant amounts of urban development to occur in rural;
areas at substantial distance from existing urban areas whole leaping over undeveloped land
which are available and suitable for development.
Response: The subject site is contiguous to the Town Center and is surrounded by
urban development.
C. Promotes, allows, or designates urban development in radial, strip, isolated or ribbon pattems
generally emanating from existing rural developments.
doly design group, Inc. . 861 west morse blvd. . suite 125 . winter park, fl 32789
phone 407-740-7373 . fox 407-740~7661
Response: This site is an infill property that surrounded is by urban development. The
amendment would not create urban development on radial, strip, isolated or ribbon pattern.
D. As a result of premature or poor1y planned conversion of rural land to other uses, fails to
adequately to protect and conserve natural resources, such as wetlands, floodplains, native
vegetation, environmentally sensitive areas, natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas,
lakes, rivers, shorelines, beaches, bays, estuarine systems, and other significant natural
Response: This proposed development program for the site will not impact any flood
prone areas and will protect any conservation areas found on the site.
E. Fails to adequately protect use of existing public facilities and services.
. Response: Public facilities and services are readily available. Adequate capacity is
available for all services provided to the site.
Fails to maximize use of future public facilities and services.
Response: The development program offers a mix of uses at an intensity and location
that maximizes the use of future public facilities and services.
G. Allows for land use patterns or timing which disproportionately increase the cost in, time,
money and energy, of providing and maintaining facilities and services, including roads,
potable water, sanitary sewer, storm water management, law enforcement, education, health
care, fire and emergency response, and general government.
Response: The proposed development program will not adversely impact available
capacity for roads, water, sewer service, and storm water management systems.
Furthermore, the development site is located at the center of town within minutes from law
enforcement, education facilities, health care, fire and emergency response, and general
Fails to provide clear separation between rural and urban land uses.
Separation between rural and urban land uses 'are not an issue for the site.
daly design group, Inc. . 861 west morse blvd. . suite 125 . winter park, fl 32789
phone 407-740-7373 · fax 407-740-7661
I. Discourages or inhibits infill development or redevelopment of existing neighborhoods and
The subject property is infill development.
J. Fails to encourage an attractive and functional mix of uses.
Response: The request for the site combines a mixture of residential and non-residential
uses. Furthennore, the Town Center district contains architectural standards and siting requirements
that facilitate attractive development.
K. Results in poor accessibility among linked or related land uses.
Response: The Town Center district encourages pedestrian movements between
varying uses. In addition, the site will be located within a 5 minute walking distance from the
heart of the Town Center and lies across from central Winds Park and is adjacent to the city
post office.
L. Results in lies of significant amounts of functional open space.
Response: Open space will' be provided to the residents via walking trails, a recreation
center, also directly adjacent to the site is the cities Central Winds Park.
VII. Land Use Element
A. Goal (2)
To preserve the natural drainage features within Winter Springs as assets complementing the
residential and commercial'areas.
Comment: The preliminary drainage design takes full benefit of the site's tOpography by
creating stonn water treatment and storage at the lowest contours of the upland areas of the
site. In a significant rain event, the storm water will outfall into the conservation areas.
1. Objective (A)(2): Perpetuation of the existence and benefit of natural drainage
features. excluding them from uses that require the support of urban infrastructure.
daly design group, Inc, . 861 west morse blvd. · suite 125 . winter park, fl 32789
_ phone 407-740-7373 . fax 407-740-7661
Comment: The developable portions of the site are not natural drainage
features; however, the conservation area does serve as a basin into which many
surrounding properties outfall. The conservation area, as a natural drainage feature,
will not require any urban infrastructure related to this development.
2. Objective (8): "The City shall ensure'the protection of natural drainage features and
other natural resources such as native vegetative communities, historic resources,
and wildlife habitat by providing for clustering of development on property proposed
to be improved in exchange for preservation of natural resources, and permitting
equivalent increased construction on the remaining land owned by the same entity.
Development will be clustered onto the upland areas of the property.
B. Goal (3)
Objective (C): Allocation of acreage and diversity of land uses sufficient for civic,
commercial, and industrial activity, either separately, or within a mixed-use
Comment: The development proposes a mixture of residential units, non-
residential use that compliment the Town Center district, and passive and active
recreation. The addition of the uses further the City's objective to allocate diversity of
land uses.
C. Goal (4)
1. Objective A, Policy (5): Recreation facilities shall be installed in a neighborhood park
serving the area in which a new subdivision located. n
Comment: With the construction of the residential component of the subject
development, active and passive recreation areas will be provided.
daly design group. Inc, . 861 west morse blvd, . suite 125 . winter park, fl 32789
ph o.n e 407 - 7 4 0 - 7 3 7 3 . fax 407 - 7 4 0 - 7 66 1
VIII~ Town Center Lane Use Element
A. Vision
"The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs desires to implement the requirement of
Policy 3c of Objective A under Goal 1 of the Traffic circulation Element which indicates that
there be "creation in the undeveloped central area of Winter Springs of a primary civic,
business and service focus or the City. It is the declaration of the City Commission, based on
numerous public meetings, that the Town Center will be developed in the "neo-traditional" or
"new urbanism" approach involving mixed uses with increased densities and intensities,"
, Comment: The location of this proposed Land Use Amendment is contiguous to the
current Town Center district, and is therefore, sited in the central area of Winter Springs. The
development program for the site will provide uses that compliment the remainder of the
Town Center as it develops.
B. Goal (5)
The primary and fundamental purpose of the Town Center shall be a place where people can
reside in a mix of single and multiple family dwellings, and also gather to shop, relax,
recreate, be entertained, attend community events, and enjoy the natural beauty of lands
located in the Town Center."
Comment: The residential and non-residential components of the development will be
designed so as to encourage pedestrian interaction. This will be accomplished through
pedestrian walkways, passive recreation areas, and active recreation areas. Furthennore, the
heart of the Town Center will be located within a 5 minute walking distance from the subject
1. Objective A: "The Town Center should be located in close proximity to existing
public facilities such as City Hall, Winter Springs High School, Central Winds
Community Park, and U.S. Post Office. The Town Center should be a compact area
primarily located on the north side of Route 434 and along both sides of Tuskawilla
Toad, as depicted on the City's Future Land Use Map."
Comment: The subject site is contiguous to the existing Town Center district
making the site in close proximity to the aforementioned public facilities.
daly design group, Inc.
. 861 west morse blvd. . suite 125
phone 407-740-7373 . fax 407-740-7661
winter park, fl 32789
a. Policy 1: From time to time, the City Commission may revise the Future
Land Use Map to designate land "Town Center" consi~tent with this
Comment: This policy provides the City Commission with clear authority
to add additional lands to the existing Town Center.
b. Policy 4: Through the enactment of creative and flexible land
development regulations, permit a variety of mixed-uses consistent,
compatible, and in harmony with the Town Center Goal, including Single
family residential, multiple family residential, commercial retail and services,
public services and buildings, parks, and schools."
Comment: This policy is furthered in that the development program of
the subject site offers a variety of uses that are consistent, compatible, and in
harmony with the existing Town Center district.
IX. Infrastructure
Roads: The site is situated in an area with a road network that more than meets the needs to
develop the subject site as proposed. The site fronts on State Road 434. The road has adequate
capacity to accommodate the subject site at an acceptable Level of Service.
Sanitary: Sanitary service will be obtained from Winter Springs There is adequate capacity to
accommodate development of the subject site at an acceptable Level of Service"
Water: Water service will be obtained from Winter Springs. There is adequate capacity to
accommodate development of the subject site at an acceptable Level of Service.
X. Wetlands
An environmental assessment report was performed by Morgan Environmental Consulting (see
attached). During the assessment period, a wetland line was delineated and surveyed in accordance
daly design group. Inc. · 861 west morse blvd. . suite 125 . winter park. fl 32789
phone 407-740-7373 . fax 407-740-7661
with the S1. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and United States Army Corps of
Engineers (UACOE) standards; a jurisdictional determination is currently being sought for this line.
Please refer to Exhibit K, Wetland Map for a hraphic depiction of the site in relation to wetlands.
XI. Soils
Please refer to Soils Map, for a graphic depiction of the on-site soils.
XII. Flood Prone
According to Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the areas of the site proposed for development do not
contain any flood prone land.
XIII. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and State Comprehensive land Use Plan
This Land Use Amendment Application furthers the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the East
Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan and the State's Comprehensive Plan.
daly design group, Inc. . 861 west morse blvd. . suite 125 . winter pork, fl 32789
phone 407-740-7373 . fax 407-740-,7661
List of Exhibits
Exhibit A Site location Maps
Exhibit B Future land Use Map
Exhibit C Property Zoning Map
Exhibit 0 Project Photographs
Exhibit E Soils Map and legend
Exhibit F Environmental Report
Site Location Maps
September, 2000
Presented by
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daly design group, inc.
861 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 125
Winter Park, Florida 32789
(407) 740-7373 Fax 740-7661
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Site Location
daly design group inc.
Land Planning, Landscape Architecture, Project Management OEvEJopment Consuft.ing
861 W. Morse Blvd,. Suite 125, \Mnter Pari<, Raida 32789 (407) 740-7373
Location Ma
Springs Land
Lake Jessu JV
DA TE: 8/28/00
Future Land Use Map
September, 2000
Presented by
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daly design group, inc.
861 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 125
Winter Park, Florida 32789
(407) 740-7373 Fax 740-7661
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Property Zoning Map
September, 2000
Presented by
daly design group, inc.
861 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 125
Winter Park, Florida 32789
(407) 740-7373 Fax 740-7661
daly design group inc.
Land Planning, LEndscape NeMec/ute, Projec/ Management, Developmm/ Consulting
861 W. Morse Blvd" Suite 125, 'oMnler Park, Flofida 32789 (407) 740-7373
DATE: 8/28/00
Project Photographs
September, 2000
Presented by
daly design group, inc.
861 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 125
Winter Park, Florida 32789
(407) 740-7373 Fax 740-7661
Property Front
tJaly design group inc.
Land Planning. Landscape ArcMecture, Project ManagelTenl, Developrrent Consuftjng
861 W. Me",e Blvd" Suite 125, V>lnter Parl<, Florida 32769 (407) 74()'7373
Pro. ect Photo ra hs
Springs Land
Lake Jessup JV DATE: 8/28/00
Soils Map and Legend
September, 2000
Presented by
daly design group, inc.
861 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 125
Winter Park, Florida 32789
(407) 740-7373 Fax 740-7661
daly design group inc.
Land Aanning. Landscape Archffecrure, Project Managerrent. Developrrent Consulting
861 W, MoISe Blvd.. Suite 125, Wnter Par1<, Florida 32789 (407) 740-7373
DA TE: 8/28/00
The recommended publication symbols are numerical. Map units without percent slope
designated are either level or they are miscellaneous areas.
Adamsville-Sparr fine sands
Arents, 0 to 5 percent slopes
Astatula fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes
Astatula fme sand, 5 to 8 percent slopes
Astatula-Apopka fme sands, 0 t05 percent slopes
Astatula-Apopka fine sands, 5 to 8 percent slopes
Astatula- Apopka fine sands, 8 to 12 percent slopes
Basinger and Delray fine sands
Basinger, Samsula, and Hontoon soils, depressional
Basinger and Smyrna fine sands, depressional
Canova and Terra Ceia mucks
EauGallie and Immokalee fme sands
Felda mucky fine sand, saline, frequently flooded
Felda and Manatee mucky fine sands, depressional
Immokalee sand
Brighton, Samsula, and Sanibel mucks
Malabar fine sand
Manatee, Floridana, and Holpaw soils, frequently flooded
Myakka and EauGallie fine sands
Nittaw mucky fine sand, depressional
Nittaw muck, occasionally flooded
Nittaw, Okeelanta, and Basinger soils, frequently flooded
Paola-St. Lucie sands, 0 to 5 percent slopes
Pineda fine sand
Udorthents, excavated
Pomello fine sand, 0 to 5 percent sloped
Pompano fine sand, occasionally flooded
St. Johns and EauGallie fine sands
Seffner fine sand
Tavares-Millhopper fine sands, 0 to 5 percent slopes
Tavares-Millhopper fine sands, 5 to 8 percent slopes
Perra Ceia muck, frequently flooded
Urban land, 0 to 12 percent slopes
Wabasso fine sand
Environmental Report
September, 2000
Presented by
daly design group, inc.
861 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 125
Winter Park, Florida 32789
(407) 740-7373 Fax 740-7661
Morgan Environmental Consulting, Inc.
740 Florida Celltral Pllrkway, Suite 2004
Longwood, Florida 32750
September 14, 2000
Mr. Alan M. Whitney
EuroCapitaJ Partners
, 75 Lookout Place
Suite 201
Maitland, Florida 32751
Re: Environmental Status Report
Springs Landing Property -
Dear Mr. Whitney:
Per your request, a detailed environmental status report is attached for
your review. This report includes information relating to listed species of
wildlife and plants, as well as a review of wetland issues relating to this
property, following a thorough analysis of the site. If you have any questions
regarding the contents, please contact me at your convenience. Thank you.
Sincerely, !^ .-/
Stephen Butler
Morgan Environmental Consulting, Inc.
cc: Mr. Thomas .Daly; Daly Design Group, Inc. (wI xerox of aerial)
Phone (407) 2f10-0448 · Fax (407) 260-0446
The Springs Landing Property Is an approximately acre tract that is
located within the limits of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. The property
fronts on both the southern and western side of State Road 434, situated
within the interior of one of State Road 434'5 curves, and is located
approximately 1.5 miles east of State Road 419 and approximately 0.5 miles
northwest of Tuscawilla Road. The property is bordered to the south by
undeveloped lands and the retention ponds associated with the Winter
Springs Post Office and to the west by undeveloped lands. Surrounding
, properties consist primarily of rural and single-family residential as well as
commercial development. The property rests in Section 36, Township 20
South, Range 30 East.
With regard to uplands, the majority of the Springs Landing Property would
be classified as such, These uplands can be categorized Into three (3)
distinct vegetative communities. The first of the communities can be
described as other hardwoods (FLUCCS* w 439) and is located within the
eastern-most portion of the property, These hardwoods are dominated by a
canopy of laurel oak; a sub-canopy of like-species, cabbage palm, and
scattered wild citrus; and a sparse understory of caesarweed, beauty berry,
and greenbriar. The second upland community is located within the central
portion of the property and consists of an inactive stand of planted pine
(FLUCCS" - 441) that is dominated by a canopy of planted slash pine and
scattered laurel oak; a sub-canopy of like-species, cabbage palm, and
scattered wild citrus; and an understory of lantana, assorted upland
grasses, muscadine vine, greenbriar, and caesarweed. The third and final
upland community is located primarily within the western half of the
property. This community consists of the majority of the site's uplands and
can best be described a live oak community (FLUCCS* - 427) that is
dominated by a canopy of live oak, laurel oak, water oak, magnolia, and
scattered sweetgum and slash pine; a sub-canopy of like-species and
cabbage palm; and an understory of bracken fern, saw palmetto, sabal palm,
greenbriar, and muscadine vine. '
With respect to wetlands, one (1)' system exists onNslte tnat would be
claimed as jurisdictional by the various local, state and fedetal regulatory
agencies. This system, Wetland 1, is ,located within the westernNmost
portion of the property and has been delineated via flagging and labeled MEC
101 thru MEC 116. Wetland 1 is an isolated system that can be
characterized as a mixed forested wetland (FLUeCS* ~ 630) that Is
dominated by a canopy of cypress, sweetgum, red maple, and scattered ash;
a sub-canopy of Jike-sp~cles, cabbage palm, wax myrtle, and scattered
elderberry; and an understory of scattered royal fern, swamp fern,
cinnamon fern, and buttonbush. During the time of field Inspection the
central interior of the system was Inundated with approximately 1" to 3" of
surface water. In addition, cypress knees were located that were
,approximately 6" to 12" in height. It should be stated that the cypress were
located within the northern portion of the system, that portion which is
nearest to State Road 434.
, have attached an aerial with the approximate property boundaries' and
jurisdictional limits delineated.
* FLUCeS - Based on the florida J..and Use and t,over .classification System,
Level III.
While on-site, the subject property's soils were reviewed and were found to
be consistent with the identification of solis as listed within: the Seminole
County Soils Survey. Soils found to exist on-site are as follows: Astatula.
Apopka fine sands, 0 to 5 percent slopes (6); Basinger and Smyrna fine
sands, depressional (11); Pamello fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes (27);
and, St. John's and EauGallle fine sands (29).
The Springs Landing Property has been extensively analyzed to determine
the extent of utilization by wildlife, with special emphasis given to
endangered, threatened, or special concern species, as listed by the Florida
Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FF&WCC) and the US Fish and
Wildlife Service (USF&WS). A wildlife survey was completed via pedestrian
transects over 100% of the property at 20' to 50' intervals (depending on
the visibility), as specified in the FF&WCC's Wildlife Methodology Guidelines.
No species listed as being endangered, threatened or species of special
concern was observed utilizing or reSiding within the limits of the subject
No species of plant listed as heing rare or endangered was observed within
the boundaries of the Springs Landing Property. The site was, however,
found to contain the follo~lng species which have been listed as
"commercially exploited" by the State of Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services (FDA); royal fern (Osmunda regaJis) and cinnamon
fern (Osmunda cinnamomea). Although these species are listed, there are no
restrictions towards the development of the subject property. .