HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 04 18 Public Hearings 402 Ordinance 2005-13 Revises the I-1 Light Industrial Zoning Districts Automobil Major Service and Major Repair EstablishmentsPLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ITEM 402 April 18, 2005 Meeting Consent Informational Public Hearing X Regular MGR. /DEPT Authorizat' REQUEST: The Community Development Department -Planning Division requests the Planning & Zoning Board /Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing related to Ordinance 2005-13 which revises the "I-1 Light Industrial" zoning district's list of conditional uses to add "Automobile Major Service and Major Repair Establishments (including body repairs and painting). PURPOSE: To amend the language in the I-1 (Light Industrial) zoning district, to allow an auto repair facility, including body repairs and painting, as a conditional use within the Light Industrial (I-1) Zoning District. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. Section 166.041(3)(c), Florida Statutes. Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Springs Section 20-57. The planning and zoning board shall serve... to recommend to the city commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts and appropriate regulations... and any amendments thereto... act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning. Sections 20-259, 20-261 & 20-345.1 (City Code] Policy 1.5.10 [Comprehensive Plan] April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 CHRONOLOGY: July 8, 2002 - Light Industrial (I-1) Zoning District Created -Ordinance 2002-07 July 12, 2004 - .Light Industrial (I-1) Zoning District Amended -Ordinance 2004-28 April 14, 2005 - Public notice in Orlando Sentinel of LPA meeting April 18, 2005 - LPA to hear and make recommendation to City Commission Apri128, 2005 - Public Notice in Orlando Sentinel of First Reading May 9, 2005 - First Reading of Ordinance 2005-13 May 12, 2005 - Public Notice in Orlando Sentinel of Second Reading May 23, 2005 - Proposed Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2005-13 CONSIDERATIONS: Currently, Section 20-259 (Permitted Uses in the I-1 Zoning District) of the Code allows, among other things, boat building and storage yards and public storage of tagged vehicles. In addition, this section allows any of the permitted uses listed in Section 20- 345.1 of the "Commerce Center" District. Included among the permitted uses in Section 20-345.1 (Commerce Center District) are vehicle repair facilities that do not include body work or painting. Therefore, a vehicle repair facility that does not include body work or painting is a permitted use in the I-1 Zoning District. The general description of the Light Industrial (I-1) Zoning District states that the district is intended to apply to lands and structures which are "especially adapted to the business of wholesale distribution, storage and light manufacturing and to authorized land uses and activities which could cause adverse secondary effects and influences on residential areas and non-industrial uses ". The description goes further to state that "the purpose of this district is to encourage and develop exceptionally clean, non-objectionable industrial uses and to allow a place for other uses and activities which could cause adverse secondary effects and influences on surrounding neighborhoods if located elsewhere ". Policy 1.5.10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan specifies that "lands designated `Industrial' on the Future Land Use Map shall also serve as an area to locate authorized land uses and activities which could have adverse secondary effects (e.g. increased crime; neighborhood deterioration and blight; property devaluation; economic deterioration; health risks; and other adverse effects) on residential areas, religious institutions, schools, parks, day care centers, and other public institutions located within the City ". Finally, the General Commercial (C-2) Zoning District allows automotive/boat/manufactured home major service and major repair establishments (including body repairs and painting and similar heavy type uses) as a conditional use. The general description of this zoning district speaks to permitting "the normal operation of the majority of general commercial uses under such conditions of operation as will protect abutting residential and other non-commercial uses... ". April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 FINDINGS: It .would appear that the location and general description of the Light Industrial Zoning District are conducive to uses such as vehicle repair including body work and painting, as long as these activities are conducted within an enclosed building. Therefore, staff finds as follows: The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the "I-1, Light Industrial" zoning district. The addition of Automotive Major Service and Major Repair Establishments (including body repairs and painting) as a Conditional Use is in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically: o The request will encourage land uses and activities which could have an adverse secondary effect on residential areas to locate in an area with a Industrial Land Use with adequate buffering to mitigate these potential adverse effects (See Future Land Use Element- Policy 1.5.10) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board/LPA hold a Public Hearing related to Ordinance 2005-13, and make recommendation of Approval to the City Commission regarding amending the language in the "I-1, Light Industrial" zoning district to allow an Automotive Major Service and Major Repair Establishment (including body repairs and painting), as a conditional use within the Light Industrial (I-1) Zoning District, subject to certain conditions. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: April 28, 2005- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel for 1St Reading (7 days prior) May 9, 2005- 1st Reading of Ordinance 2005-13 May 12, 2005- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel for 2"d Reading (5 days prior) May 23, 2005- 2nd Reading /Adoption of Ordinance 2005-13 ATTACHMENTS: A. Existing "I-1, Light Industrial "Zoning District (for reference) B. Ordinance 2005-13 C. Existing "CC, Commerce Center" Zoning District (for reference) Map of the Light Industrial Zoning District PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LPA RECOMMENDATION: April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 ATTACHMENT A DIVISION 8.5. I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT* *Editor's note: Ord. No. 2002-07, § 1, adopted July 8, 2002, added a new zoning district designated as Div. 12, §§ 20-320--20-262. In order to avoid conflicts in the numbering of provisions, the editor has redesignated the provisions added by § 1 of Ord. No. 2002-07 as Div. 8.5, as herein set out. Sec. 20-258. In general. The provisions of this district are intended to apply to lands and structures, by their use and location, which are especially adapted to the business of wholesale distribution, storage and light manufacturing and to authorized land uses and activities which could cause adverse secondary effects and influences on residential areas and nonindustrial uses. Such lands are located in close proximity to principal thoroughfares and adequately separated (or buffered or both) from residential uses. The purpose of this district is to encourage and develop exceptionally clean, non-objectionable industrial uses and to allow a place for other uses and activities which could cause adverse secondary effects and influences on surrounding neighborhoods if located elsewhere. It is also the intent of this district to protect adjacent parcels from encroachment of smoke, fumes, vibration, noise or odors of any objectionable nature and to promote aesthetic and architectural harmony, and attractiveness within the community. All uses allowed hereunder shall abide by the performance and development standards of the city, county, state, and U.S. government. Areas of the city for which this zoning category maybe appropriate are designated on the future land use map as "industrial." (Ord. No. 2002-07, § 2, 7-8-02; Ord. No. 2004-28, § 2, 7-12-04) Sec. 20-259. Uses permitted. Within the I-1 Light Industrial Zoning District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Any permitted use listed in Section 20-345.1 of the "Commerce Center" District; (2) Any permitted use listed in Section 20-346.1 of the "C-3 Highway 17-92 Commercial District" for properties with frontage along U.S. 17-92; (3) Adult entertainment and sexually oriented businesses; (4) Boat building and storage yards; (5) Cabinet makers, furniture assembly and woodworking shops; (6) Laundry and dry cleaning; (7) Machinery sales and storage; (8) Outside storage of contractor's equipment and supplies; public storage of tagged vehicles, boats, RVs and commercial vehicles; fleet and dispatch yards; bulk storage; and other kinds of April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 storage yards ofnon-flammable/non-hazardous materials associated with manufacturing (See section 20-263 below.); (9) Showrooms. (Ord. No. 2002-07, § 2, 7-8-02; Ord. No. 2004-28, § 2, 7-12-04) Sec. 20-260. Building height regulations. No building or structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet. (Ord. No. 2002-07, § 2, 7-8-02) Sec. 20-261. Conditional uses. (1) Body piercing and tattoo shops; (2) Building floor area greater than 50,000 sq. ft.; (3) Halfway houses, group homes and similar uses; (4) Kennels, pet and animal rescue operations, animal boarding houses, and similar animal facilities or operations; (5) Light manufacturing, processing, and assembly not listed under section 20-345.1(1); (6) Trucking terminals; (7) Welding shops. (Ord. No. 2002-07, § 2, 7-8-02; Ord. No. 2004-28, § 2, 7-12-04) Sec. 20-262. Bulk regulations. (1) Minimum floor area: Nine hundred (900) sq. ft.; Maximum floor area: Fifty thousand (50,000) sq. ft. unless permitted by conditional use. (2) Minimum lot size: Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) sq. ft. (3) Minimum lot width: Seventy-five (75) ft. (4) Minimum lot depth: One hundred (100) ft. (5) Minimum front setback: Twenty-five (25) ft. (6) Minimum rear setback: Fifteen (15) ft. (7) Minimum side interior setback: Five (5) ft.; side corner lot: Fifteen (15) ft. (8) The total impervious surface area shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the total site. (Ord. No. 2002-07, § 2, 7-8-02; Ord. No. 2004-28, § 2, 7-12-04) Sec. 20-263. Enclosed buildings and outside storage. All uses shall be maintained within an enclosed permanent building with any outside storage screened from streets by an eight (8') foot masonry wall with any gates being opaque. Secs. 20-264--20-265. Reserved. April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 ATTACHMENT B Ordinance 2005-13 U:RDINANC:E NU. 2QUS-13 AN URDINANCrr QF THE CITY CUMMISSIUN AF 'TNE CI°I"Y ()~' WINTE.R SPItINC:S, FLORIDA, AMENllt.NG T"H:E LIST (~~' CUri[DITIUNAI: USES IN THE I»I I.:I+GNT INDUSTI2lAL 2U.NING DISTRICT TU INCLUDE ~lUTt7MUBII.E MAJOR SERVICE AND MA.IOR REPAIR .ESTABLISHMENTS (INCLUDING BtJDY REPAIRS AND PAINTING) SUBJECT TU CE,RTAIN CUNDI'I"IONS; PRU~~IDINC FUR INCtIRPURATIUN INTO THE CODE; PItUYIDING.FURTHE REPEAL OF PRIU.R INCUNSISTE~IT OIIDIKANCES AND RE ~1flLUTiUNS, SEL'EI2ABI LTI'Y, AND AN EFPEC'CIVIF; DATE. 'UI~Ii1~:RIAS, the City ics grantedthe authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, afthe State t:onstit.ution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when. expressly pmh.ibited by law; and "V4'II ERE AS, the 1 1 Light Industrial CTi strict is intended. to apply to lands and stnactures, by their use and location, which are especially adapted to the business of wh+alesate distribution, storage and. light manufacturing; and '4'I~HEIt1/,AS, after re~riew of the permitted and conditional uses by city staff, city staff. rewttamends that the list ofconditional uses be amended to include automotive major service and major repair establishments under certain amditians; and "1~'Hl`;RI?:AS, automativemajorservice and majorrepairestablishments are consistent with the intent. and pucpc-se of the I-1 Light. Industrial District; and N'H LREAS, the City Commission of the Cityof Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best.inter~.sts ofihe public heallth, safety, anKl welfare ofthe citix"ens ofW`inter Springy. tiOV4', THEREI~CIRE, TH:E CITY" CUMMISSIUN OF THE CITY OF ~~4'INTER 'iPIIINGS IIEII;EBY URUAINS, AS r~C)I.LC)u'S: Si~tlau 1. refereic:e. Rec~ltals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incc>rporat~xl herein by this City of winter Urtiieuuxc~Alo. 2W5-T~ Pn~e t c+f 3 April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 ~c~c.tion 2. Cr>cie Amendment. 'The CityofWinter Springs Cade, Chapter 2q, Toning, is hereby amender as follaws: uralerlined type indicates additions and. atriut type indicates deletions, while asterisks (***} indicate a deletion fi~am this ihdinance of tact. existing in Chapter 2U. It i s intended t .hat the tact in. Ghapt€x 2q denc by the aaterislcs aacf set forth an this t~rdinanc~e shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this ordinance}. CHAPTER 20. ZONING ~*,~ ARTICI.~E CII. ESTABI.IRHA9FNT O1~" flIST'RiC..TS ,~*~, C1I't'I~IUN &:~. -1 INDU'~TRIAL UCSTRICT ,~*w ~trtiran 2U-a~i'1. C`candltitanal uses. nx~ {7j Welding shc~ps.= Automotive maior, sarvice and ~naiar repair establishments fincludin~ bode repairs and painting and similar heavy type uses) provided thatall activity shall be ctanduct~i within a cam~aletely enclosed buildingand there is no outdoor storage of and Section 3. Ilepral of Prior Inransistent tlydinatrces and Il;e$olutions. All prier inconsistent ordinances and.resalutians adapted. by the CityCammissian, orparts afpriarc~rdinances and resolutr'ans in cxanflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the cx~nflict. Section ~, Inrarporation Into Code. 'This Ordinance shall be incarparateci into the Vd inter Springs City Code and any section or ,paragraph, rnamber car letter, and any heading nay lie changed: or madiGed as necessary to et~'ectuate the foregoing. Grarruxtatical, typographical, and lake errors may be correzted and additions, alterations, and. omissions, prat al~'~ting the construction. or meanie of this ardina~ice and. the City Code maybe freely made. Sc~ctior~ ~. 'a"ever~ttrility. Ifany section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, w°~-rrl or provision of this Ordinance is far any reason. held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of Cacy af'tt~nux s o~:~ tai. 2aas-~~ agc ~ of April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLAI~iNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, pz+ocedural, or any other rea,ROx~, such portion shall be deemed a separate, disti~t and independent pc+ovision, and such. hotding shall ~~ affect. the validity of the remaining partians of this Or~ina~zce. Section n, Effective Date, This C3rdinan~ce shall become effective i€nmed.iately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Flcnida, and pumuant to City Charter. AD4P'1'ED by the City Conaniission rrl' the City of Winter Spran~s, Florida, in a regular meeting asse~nbied on the __~_. day of ____~, 2U05, JUH1~ lrt. BUSI~l, Mayor Al`~?l?ItlA1 I..DREN~U-LI~ACES, City Clrerk r'~pprr~4ed as to legal form and sufficiency for tl~e City of "~`lntcr 5prln~;s only: AN"I'I1011Y A. GA1tt;Al~irSE, Cain' Attorney Fiat Reading; Second Reading;: Effc~;tive Date: cry ~rw~n ~,r;n~ ora~n~z~~. eons-t~ P 3 of 3 April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 ATTACHMENT C DIVISION 14. CC COMMERCE CENTER ZONING DISTRICT. Sec. 20-345. In general. The provisions of this district are intended to apply to lands suitable for a wide variety of small scale (less than three thousand five hundred (3,500) squaze feet) commercial and light industrial tenants in divided warehouses which serve the needs of the community without generating excessive traffic from clientele and suppliers of materials. The purpose of this district is to encourage and develop start-up industry of an exceptionally clean, non-objectionable type and permit the normal operation of land uses listed hereunder under such conditions of operation that will protect any abutting residential and other noncommercial uses, minimize the interruption of traffic along adjacent thoroughfares, and promote aesthetic and architectural harmony, attractiveness, and compatibility within the community and abide by the performance and development standards of the city, county, state and U.S. government. Areas of the city for which this zoning category is appropriate are designated on the future land use map as "industrial." (Ord. No. 2004-02, § 2, 2-9-04) Sec. 20-345.1. Uses permitted. Within the CC Commerce Center Zoning District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses: (1) Light manufacturing, processing, and/or assembly; wholesale sales and distribution o£ a. Audio books; b. Bakery products; c. Bottling plants; d. Brooms and brushes; e. Candy and confectionery products; f. Ceramics and pottery; g. Cosmetics and toiletries; h. Customized cabinetry, furniture, or other specialty woodworking shop; i. Dairy products; j. Dental labs; k. Electrical machinery and equipment; 1. Electronic equipment; software development; m. Floral arrangements; n. Garments, textile products including draperies; o. Glass and glass products; p. Jewelry; q. Optical equipment; r. Material or product packaging; s. Medical supplies (with limited rental); t. Perfume; u. Pharmaceutical products; v. Photographic equipment and supplies; w. Plastic products, except pyroxylin; April 18, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 x. Precision instruments and machinery; y. Promotional products; z Recreational equipment; aa. Screen printing; bb. Soap products and candles; cc. Shoes and leather goods (except leather processing); dd. Signs; ee. Silverware and utensils; ff. Specialty foods; gg. Specialty merchandise; hh. Species and spice packaging; ii. Stationery; jj. Toys; kk. Vehicle accessories and parts; 11. Window coverings; (2) Catering. (3) Equipment service and installation. (4) Landscaping services. (5) Offices and studios including: a. Advertising and marketing; b. Artists, such as painters, sculptors, and craftmakers; c. Auctioneers; d. Consultants; e. Contractors; f. Graphic arts, design; g. Mail order addressing; h. Musicians; i. Photography; j. Radio and television; k. Real estate brokers; 1. Telephone sales solicitors; m. Utility management services; n. Vehicle brokers or agents; o. Wholesale sales and distribution; and p. Wrecker and towing service. (6) Packing and shipping services. (7) Paint stores. (8) Printing, bookbinding, engraving, and publishing plants. (9) Public and governmental services and facilities. (10) Record management, data processing services, data storage facilities. (11) Research, development, and laboratory facilities. (12) Testing of materials, equipment, and products. (13) Technical and trade instruction. (14) Vehicle repair (does not include body work or painting). (15) Vehicle upholstery. Apri118, 2005 -PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 (16) Window tinting. (17) Warehousing and storage in enclosed buildings or structures (including cold storage and frozen food lockers). (18) Wholesale sales and distribution. (19) Retail sales directly associated with a permitted use authorized by this Section, provided the retail sales are ancillary, secondary, and incidental to the permitted use. (Ord. No. 2004-02, § 2, 2-9-04) Section 20-345.2. Building height restrictions. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet. (Ord. No. 2004-02, § 2, 2-9-04) Sec. 20-345.3. Conditional uses. (1) Light manufacturing, processing, and assembly not listed above. (2) Health and exercise clubs and instruction which generate traffic from clientele. (3) Laundry and dry cleaning (with non-flammable solvents only). (4) Outside storage if screened from streets and adjacent properties by a masonry wall with an opaque gate. (5) Tenant area greater than three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet but less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. (Ord. No. 2004-02, § 2, 2-9-04) Sec. 20-345.4. Bulk regulations. (1) All uses shall be maintained within an enclosed permanent building with no outside storage, unless permitted by conditional use. (2) Maximum tenant area: Three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet, unless permitted by conditional use. (3) Minimum front setback: Twenty-five (25) ft. (4) Minimum side and rear setback: Fifteen (15) feet. (Ord. No. 2004-02, § 2, 2-9-04) Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Agenda Item 402 Light Industrial Zoning District April 18, 2005 ~e .rc c~.ass-,c,r_o~: _F~_ .~ ,...::~ ~ CID .... . ., ~ I ^ ~ i ~ C-C PL~D ~~1:1