HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 04 23 Regular 601 Annual Capital and Maintenance Assessment Rates Relating to Tuscawilla
ITEM 601
April 23, 2007
.... /D EPT
REQUEST: The Finance And Community Development Departments Are Requesting That
The City Commission Authorize Staff To Proceed With Mailing Of Notice To
Property Owners Via United States Mail Regarding Public Hearing; To Publish
A Legal Advertisement Of Public Hearing; To Combine Tuscawilla Lighting And
Beautification Phases I And II Maintenance Assessment Rates To Streamline
Assessment Administration Process; And To Establish The Public Hearing Date
As Tuesday, May 29, 2007 To Consider Increasing The Maximum Annual
Capital And Maintenance Assessment Rates Relating To The Tuscawilla
Lighting And Beautification Assessment Area - Phases I And II.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this request is for the City Commission to authorize staff to proceed
with all legal notices necessary to hold a public hearing and to set a date for the said
public hearing to consider increasing the maximum annual capital and maintenance
assessment rates relating to the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment
Area - Phases I and II as well as to combine Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification
Phases I And II maintenance assessment rates in order to streamline the assessment
administration process.
. On July 13, 1998, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98-704, providing
for the creation of assessment areas within the City and authorizing the imposition
and collection of special assessments to fund the cost of capital improvements and
related services within the City. Section 3.07 of this resolution requires that the
City Commission adopt an Annual Local Improvement Assessment Resolution for
each fiscal year in which the Local Improvement Assessments will be imposed to
approve the Local Improvement Assessment Roll for such year. Section 3.08
requires that the Local Improvement Assessment Roll, as approved by the Annual
Local Improvement Assessment Resolution, be certified to the Tax Collector.
Resolution No. 99-884 and Resolution No. 99-885, both dated July 12, 1999,
established the Tuscawilla Improvement Area and the Tuscawilla Service Area,
Regular Agenda Item 60 I
April 23, 2007
Page 2 of3
respectively. Resolution No. 99-887 and Resolution No. 99-888, both dated
August 9, 1999, adopted a maximum annual assessment rate of $42.18 per ERU
for capital and $67.82 per ERU for maintenance, respectively. Resolution No.
2005-40 dated October 10, 2005, established the Phase II Tuscawilla Improvement
Area and the Tuscawilla Service Area. Resolution No. 2005-43 dated November
14, 2005, adopted a maximum annual assessment rate of $17.00 per ERU for
capital and $48.00 per ERU for maintenance.
. As noted in the August 28, 2006 Regular Agenda Item 303, regarding the
Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment Area - Phase I, neither
assessment is at their legal maximum, $40.22 per ERU current charge versus
$42.18 per ERU maximum for capital ($1.96 difference) and $53.14 per ERU
current charge versus $67.82 maximum for maintenance ($14.68 difference). Due
to increases in costs such as: landscape maintenance, entry feature maintenance,
electrical service and administration costs of the assessment program by the urban
beautification division, Government Services Group (GSG) and Nabors, Giblin
and Nickerson, P.A. (legal counsel), current charges will need to be increased
before adoption of the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 (Tax Year 2007) Final Budget.
. As noted in the August 28, 2006 Regular Agenda Item 304, regarding the
Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment Area - Phase II, both
assessments are at their legal maximums, $17.00 per ERU for capital and $48.00
per ER U for maintenance.
. Government Services Group (GSG) has been contracted to perform the duties
associated with the annual determination of capital (debt service) and maintenance
assessments for Tuscawilla and has performed such calculations for over eight
years (since the creation of this assessment district). Additional analysis was
required due to the increased costs described in the previous paragraph. Steve
Richart, Urban Beautification Manager, prepared a five-year maintenance budget
and Camille Tharpe of GSG performed a five-year rate analysis (see Attachment
1 ).
. After reviewing the structure of the Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification Phases
I and II Assessment Programs, both GSG and staff recommend combining the
maintenance assessments rates to streamline the administration process. As there
is no ability to prepay the maintenance assessment all the same property owners
are subject to the annual assessment rates for maintenance services for Phases I
and II. However, it was determined that is was not feasible to combine the Phases
I and II capital assessment programs since although they both started with the same
parcels of land, different property owners have chosen to prepay their capital
. Based on the information discussed in the above paragraph, the attached analysis
by GSG is prepared to combine the maintenance assessments only with separate
capital assessments for Phases I and II. The analysis shows that the maximum
assessment rates of $42.18 per ERU for Phase I capital and $115.82 per ERU for
Regular Agenda I tern 601
April 23, 2007
Page 3 of3
maintenance ($67.82 Phase I and $48.00 Phase II) should be increased to at least
$43.00 per ERU for Phase I capital and $128.00 per ERU for maintenance (Phases
I and II combined) (additional documentation to follow at the Commission
Meeting) to cover the forecasted expenditures for the next five fiscal years (FY
2007-2008 to FY 2011-2012) (see Attachment 2). Phase II capital assessment rate
of $17.00 should remain unchanged. The proposed rates will need to be
established tonight in order to properly notice property owners of public hearing on
the proposed rate increases. The rate change, however, will not be formally
adopted until the Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 29,2007.
. In order to increase the assessment rates the City is required to send a notice of a
public hearing to each property owner via u.s. mail, which should be mailed on
May 8, 2007 by GSG, as well as publish a notice of public hearing in the Tuesday,
May 8, 2007, Orlando Sentinel (to be placed by City staft), pursuant to Ordinance
No. 98-704, in order to increase the Capital and Maintenance Assessments above
the maximum amounts established by the City's previous notice to owners sent out
on July 19, 1999 for Phase I and October 25,2005 for Phase II of the TLBD capital
and maintenance assessments.
. The final assessment rolls by parcel number and alphabetically by property owner
are not available with this agenda item but will be available in the lobby and the
City Clerk's office with the Public Hearing agenda item for the May 29,2007 City
Commission meeting.
It is recommended that the City Commission authorize staff to proceed with mailing of
notice to property owners via United States mail regarding public hearing; to publish a
legal advertisement of public hearing; and to establish the public hearing date as
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 to consider increasing the maximum annual capital and
maintenance assessment relating to the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification
Assessment Area - Phase I and II. It is also recommended that the City Commission
approve the proposed maximum assessment rates of $43.00 per ERU for Phase I
capital, $17.00 per ERU for Phase II capital (remains unchanged) and $128.00 per
ERU for maintenance (Phases I and II combined) to be contained in the notice to
property owners in the assessment area as well as the legal advertisement regarding the
public hearing.
1. GSG memo dated April 12, 2007
2. Current and Proposed Assessment Rates
3. Form of Published Notice
4. Form of Mailed Notice
April 12, 2007
Via Electronic Transmission
Ronald McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: City of Winter Springs - Assessment Rate Analysis for Tuscawilla Lighting and
Beautification District Phases One and Two and Oak Forest Wall Neighborhood
Improvement Assessment Program
Dear Ron:
Over the past eight years or more, Government Services Group, Inc. (GSG) has assisted the City of Winter
Springs (City) in developing and maintaining the non-ad valorem assessment programs to fund the following:
. Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) - Phase One: Capital Improvements and Ongoing
Maintenance Services
. Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) - Phase Two: Capital Improvements and Ongoing
Maintenance Services
. Oak Forest Wall Neighborhood Improvement Area - Capital Improvements and Ongoing Maintenance
As these programs have been in place for several years, GSG recommended that the City review and analyze
methods to develop an integrated and streamlined program for both the TLBD Phase One and TLBD Phase
Two assessment programs, as well as the Oak Forest Wall Neighborhood Improvement assessment program.
This correspondence provides the results of the preliminary analysis and includes five-year annual
assessment rates and the minimum, maximum and average assessment rates for the maintenance services
component of all three programs. The analysis also provides a revised maximum annual capital assessment
rate for all three programs.
The first step in streamlining the process was to determine the feasibility of combining the TLBD Phase One
and Two assessment programs. While it was feasible to combine the maintenance assessment programs, it
was not feasible to combine the two capital assessment programs. The reason the capital assessment
programs could not be combined was because although both programs initially started with the same
parcels of property, different property owners have chosen to prepay their capital assessment amounts;
therefore, the current databases contain different property owners based on if they prepaid or not.
Ronald McLemore
April 12, 2007
Page 2
There is no ability to prepay the maintenance assessment so all the same property owners are subject to the annual assessment rates for maintenance services.
The next step in streamlining the process was to develop five-year proforma maintenance budgets. The TLBD Phase One and Two maintenance budgets were combined beginning Fiscal Year
2007-08. City staff provided preliminary five-year maintenance budgets for the programs which GSG reviewed and revised for additional costs. The five-year budget for the combined TLBD
maintenance assessment program and annual assessment rates are provided in Table 1.
Table 1
TLBD Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
Fiscal Year 2007-08 through 2011-12
Account Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total
Number Description of Expenditures FY07-08 FY07.08 FY07-08 FY08.09 FY08-09 FY08.09 FY09-10 FY 09.10 FY09-10 FYl0-U FYl0-U FYl0.U FYU-12 FYU-12 FYU.12
Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget
53180 Consultant Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53211 Assessment Services $11.055 $0 $11.055 $9.316 $0 $9.316 $9.596 $0 $9.596 $9.884 $0 $ 9 .884 $10.180 $0 $10.180
53410 Contractual Services Cost $1.500 $100 $1,600 $1.600 $0 $1.600 $1.600 $0 $1,600 $1.600 $100 $1.700 $1.700 $0 $1,700
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5.500 $5.500 $0 $0 $0
54310 Utility Services $45.000 $0 $45.000 $45.000 $1.000 $46.000 $46.000 $1.000 $47.000 $47,000 $1.000 $48.000 $48,000 $1,000 $49,000
54330 Street Lighting $45,000 $162,000 $207,000 $197,000 $19,700 $216,700 $216,700 $10,835 $227.535 $227,535 $11.500 $239,035 $239,035 $12,000 $251.035
54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape $135,000 $0 $135.000 $135,000 $0 $135,000 $135,000 $0 $135,000 $130,000 $5,000 $135,000 $135.000 $5,000 $140.000
54693 Repairs & Maint - Fountains $20,000 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $25,000 $45,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $5,000 $25,000
54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls $20,000 $15,000 $35,000 $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000
55230 Clerk Supplies $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Insurance $6.400 $0 $6.400 $6.400 $100 $6,500 $6,500 $300 $6,800 $6,800 $300 $7,100 $7,100 $400 $7,500
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees* $3,800 $0 $3,800 $3.800 $200 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000
59130 Transfer to Gen.Fund - Beautification $41,000 $0 $41,000 $41.000 $2.000 $43,000 $43,000 $0 $43,000 $43,000 $1,000 $44,000 $44,000 $1.000 $45,000
59310 Statutory Reserve $14,566 $0 $14,566 $22.176 $0 $22,176 $23,735 $0 $23,735 $22.263 $0 $22,263 $23,063 $0 $23.063
Notice Costs $5,636 $0 $5.636 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Tax Collector Costs $7,135 $0 $7,135 $10.862 $0 $10,862 $11,625 $0 $11,625 $10.904 $0 $10,904 $11,296 $0 $11,296
less Carry Forward from TlBD II ($162.000)
Grand Total $356,192 $177,100 $371,292 $512,25~ $53,000 $565,25:t,,\ $537,856 $67,135 $604,991 $543,08-7'" $24,400 $567,487"1, $563,474 $24,400 $587,874
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $86.37 $131.48 $140.73 $132.00 $136.75
Maximum Rate "\\'5~z...~ ~I'S,~ · "s-Sa.~ 'Q \ \"5 .~$U&:mT' ).I\s-,n-~
Difference L~1PI."") $~ "\ '5,10'" ~ '\~C\, $~ ~\\r1.'<i. ~ fr'U?~7 .~
Rona Id McLemore
April 12, 2007
Page 3
Table 2 provides the minimum, maximum and average budgets and corresponding assessment rates for the
combined TLBD maintenance assessment program for the five year period.
Table 2
TLBD Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
Minimum, Maximum and Average
Account Number Description of Expenditures Minimum Average Maximum
Budget Budget Budget
53180 Consultant Services $0 $0 $0
53211 Assessment Services $11.055 $10.007 $9.596
53410 Contractual Services Cost $1.600 $1.640 $1.600
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $1.100 $0
54310 Utility Services $45.000 $47.000 $47.000
54330 Street Lighti ng $207.000 $228.261 $227.535
54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape $135.000 $136.000 $135.000
54693 Repairs & Maint - Fountains $20.000 $26.000 $45.000
54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls $35.000 $35.000 $50.000
55230 Clerk Supplies $100 $100 $100
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Insurance $6.400 $6.860 $6.800
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees* $3.800 $3.960 $4,000
59130 Transfer to Gen.Fund - Beautification $41.000 $43.200 $43.000
59310 Statutory Reserve $14.566 $21.161 $23.735
Notice Costs $5.636 $1.128 $0
Tax Collector Costs $7.135 $10.365 $11.625
Less Carry Forward from TLBD II ($162.000) ($32.400)
Grand Total $371,292 $539,382 $604,991
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $86.37 $125.47 $140.73
Maximum Rate ~"S.fa- ~ 'I\~~O "II~~
Difference l y ~(t l.\ s') $JZ.3.6S') , q . ~ ~ S.1.6:47 't~~~1 $~
Table 3 provides a cash flow analysis for the combined TLBD maintenance assessment program for the five-
year period assuming the City imposes the average maintenance assessment rate for the five years.
Table 3
TLBD Proforma Cash Flow Analysis
FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12
Revenue @ average rate - $703,674 $712.056 $688,4 77 $625.160 $599.347
rounded up (includes carryover)
Budget $533.292 $565,253 $604,991 $567,487 $587,874
Difference $170,382 $146.803 $83,486 $57,673 $11,473
Rona Id McLemore
April 12, 2007
Page 4
Table 4 provides the maximum annual capital assessment rate for TLBD Phase One.
Table 4
TLBD Phase One Maximum Capital Assessment Rates
Maximum Annual Debt Service
Professional Fees
Collection Costs (Statutory Discount and Tax Collector Costs)
Total Annual Assessment Amount
Number of ERUs
Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Rounded Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Table 5 provides the maximum annual capital assessment rate for TLBD Phase Two.
Table 5
TLBD Phase Two Maximum Capital Assessment Rates
Maximum Annual Debt Service
$1,7 42
Professional Fees
Collection Costs (Statutory Discount and Tax Collector Costs)
Total Annual Assessment Amount
Number of ERUs
Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Rounded Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Ronald McLemore
April 12, 2007
Page 5
The five-year budget for the Oak Forest Wall maintenance assessment program and annual assessment rates are provided in Table 6.
Table 6
Oak Forest Wall Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
Fiscal Year 2007-08 through 2011-12
Account Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total
Number Description of Expenditures FY07-08 FY07-08 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY08-09 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY09-10 FY09-10 FYl0-11 FYl0-ll FYl0-11 FYl1-12 FYl1-12 FYll-12
Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget
53111 Legal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53211 Administration Fees $15,950 $0 $15,950 $13,905 $0 $13,905 $14,322 $0 $14,322 $14,752 $0 $14,752 $15,194 $0 $15,194
53410 Billing Services Cost $300 $0 $300 $300 $50 $350 $350 $0 $350 $350 $0 $350 $350 $50 $400
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $0 $0
54310 Utility Services $1,800 $0 $1,800 $1,800 $200 $2,000 $2,000 $200 $2,200 $2,200 $200 $2,400 $2,400 $100 $2,500
54682 Repairs & Maint - Grounds $17,000 $3,000 $20,000 $20,000 $1,000 $21,000 $21,000 $0 $21,000 $21,000 $0 $21,000 $21,000 $0 $21.000
54695 Repairs & Maint Sign/Wails $4,000 $500 $4,500 $4,500 $500 $5,000 $4,500 $0 $4,500 $4,500 $0 $4,500 $4,500 $0 $4,500
55230 Clerk Supplies $50 $0 $50 $50 $0 $50 $50 $0 $50 $50 $0 $50 $50 $0 $50
55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
59130 Transferto General Fund - Insurance $1,350 $125 $1,475 $1,475 $100 $1,575 $1.575 $75 $1,650 $1,650 $75 $1,725 $1,725 $75 $1,800
59130 Transferto General Fund - Clerk Fees * $1,900 $0 $1,900 $1.900 $100 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000
59130 Transfer to Gen Fund - Beautification Coord. $6,750 $450 $7,200 $7,200 $800 $8,000 $8,000 $0 $8,000 $8,000 $500 $8,500 $8,500 $200 $8,700
59310 Statutory Reserve $2,264 $0 $2,264 $1,885 $0 $1,885 $1,885 $0 $1,885 $1,885 $0 $1,885 $1,885 $0 $1,885
Notice Costs $1,169 $0 $1,169 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Tax Collector Costs $1,179 $0 $1,179 $1,162 $0 $1.162 $1,166 $0 $1,166 $1,222 $0 $1,222 $1,209 $0 $1,209
Grand Total $53,712 $4,075 $57,787 $54,177 $2,750 $56,927 $56,848 $275 $57,123 $57,609 $2,275 $59,884 $58,813 $425 $59,238
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $59,81 $58,92 $59.12 $61,98 $61.31
Current Maximum Rate $40,82 $40,82 $40,82 $40,82 $40,82
Difference $18.99 $18.10 $18.30 $21.16 $20.49
Ronald McLemore
April 12, 2007
Page 6
Table 7 provides the minimum, maximum and average budgets and corresponding assessment rates for the
Oak Forest Wall maintenance assessment program for the five year period.
Table 7
Oak Forest Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
Minimum, Maximum and Average
Account Description of Expenditures Minimum Average Maximum
Number Budget Budget Budget
53111 Legal $0 $0 $0
53211 Administration Fees $13,905 $14,825 $14,752
53410 Billing Services Cost $350 $350 $350
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $300 $1,500
54310 Utility Services $2,000 $2,180 $2,400
54682 Repairs & Maint - Grounds $21,000 $20,800 $21,000
54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs/Walls $5,000 $4,600 $4,500
55230 Clerk Supplies $50 $50 $50
55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $0
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Insurance $1,575 $1,645 $1,725
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees * $2,000 $1,980 $2,000
59130 Transfer to Gen Fund - Beautification Coord. $8,000 $8,080 $8,500
59310 Statutory Reserve $1,885 $1,961 $1,885
Notice Costs $0 $234 $0
Tax Collector Costs $1,162 $1,188 $1,222
Grand Total $56,927 $58,193 $59,884
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $58.92 $60.23 $61.98
Current Maximum Rate $40.82 $40.82 $40.82
Difference $18.10 $19.41 $21.16
Table 8 provides a cash flow analysis for Oak Forest Wall maintenance assessment program for the five-year
period assuming the City imposes the average maintenance assessment rates for the five years.
Table 8
Oak Forest Wall Proforma Cash Flow Analysis
Fiscal Year 2007-08 through 2011-12
Revenue @ average rate -rounded up
FY07 -08
Ronald McLemore
April 12, 2007
Page 7
Table 9 provides the maximum annual capital assessment rates for the Oak Forest Wall capital assessment
Table 9
Oak Forest Wall Maximum Capital Assessment Rates
Maximum Annual Debt Service
Professional Fees
Collection Costs (Statutory Discount and Tax Collector Costs)
Total Annual Assessment Amount
Number of ERUs
Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Rounded Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Because all of these proforma rates exceed the maximum rates established by the City for these
assessment programs, the imposition of these proforma rates will require the City to send first class mailed
notices to all affected property owners regarding the annual and maximum rates to be imposed; these
mailing costs have been included in the proforma budgets. The notices would need to be mailed 20 days
prior to the public hearing to adopt the annual assessment resolutions. Table 10 provides the schedule for
Fiscal Year 2007-08.
Table 10
Fiscal Year 2007-08 Assessment Schedule
GSG presents proforma rates to City Commission April 25, 2007
GSG mails out notices May 8, 2007
City to Publish Notice of Hearing to Adopt Annual May 8, 2007
City adopts annual assessment resolution May 29, 2007
GSG Certifies Assessment Roll to Tax Collector By September 15, 2007
Tax Bill Mailed November 1, 2007
GSG is available to meet with you, City staff and elected officials to explain the streamlining process and
results at your convenience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me.
~lQk (?~
Camille P. Tharpe
cc: Chris Traber, NGN
Mark Brown, GSG
Winter Springs TLBD Assessment Programs
FY 2007-2008 thru FY 2011-2012
FY 2006-2007 ** FY 2007-2008 thru FY 2011-2012
Assessment Phase I * Phase II ** Combined Phase I Phase II Combined Increase
Maintenance $53.14 $48.00 $101.14 N/A N/A $128.00 $26.86
Improvements - Phase I $40.22 N/A N/A $43.00 N/A N/A $2.78
Improvements - Phase II N/A $17.00 N/A N/A $17.00 N/A $0.00
Total $93.36 $65.00 $101.14 $43.00 $17.00 $128.00 N/A
Total all Phases & Assessments $158.36 Total all Phases & Assessments $188.00 $29.64
* Please note that the FY 2006-2007 Phase I Assessment Rates are not currently being charged at the maximum rates allowable by
Resolutions No. 99-887 and No. 99-888 adopted by City Commission on August 9, 1999. The maximum assessment rates adopted were
$42.18 per ERU for capital and $67.82 per ERU for maintenance for a total maximum assessment of $110.00 (versus current total of $93.36).
** Please note that the FY 2006-2007 Phase II Assessment Rates are currently being charged at the maximum rates allowable by Resolution
No. 2005-43 adopted by City Commission on November 14, 2005.
To Be Published on or before May 8,2007
Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of Winter Springs, Florida, will
conduct a public hearing to consider increasing the Capital Assessments imposed in the
Tuscawilla Improvement Area - Phase I, from $42.18 per Benefit Unit to $43.00 per
Benefit Unit, combining the Maintenance Assessments imposed in the Tuscawilla
Improvement Area - Phases I and II, of $67.82 per Benefit Unit for Phase I and $48.00
per Benefit Unit for Phase II, for a combined total of $115.82 per Benefit Unit, and
increasing the newly combined Maintenance Assessments imposed in the Tuscawilla
Improvement Area - Phases I and II, to $128.00 per Benefit Unit. The public hearing
will be held at 5:15 PM on May 29, 2007, in the City Hall - Commission Chambers,
Winter Springs, Florida. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons
needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding
should contact the City Clerk's office at (407) 327-1800 at least 48 hours prior to the date
of the hearing. All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to
file written objections with the City Commission within 20 days of this notice. Any
person wishing to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter
considered will need a record and may wish to ensure that a verbatim record is based.
The Tuscawilla Improvement and Service Area - Phase I was created to fund
capital and maintenance costs for wing walls, median improvements, street lights and
street monuments with that area. The Tuscawilla Improvement and Service Area - Phase
II was created to fund capital and maintenance costs for the removal of existing street
signage and streetlights and installation of new decorative street lampposts and signage
along the collector roads within the Tuscawilla (Phase II) Assessment Area. The project
to remove existing street signage and streetlights and install new decorative street
lampposts and signage is referred to as the Tuscawilla (Phase II) Improvement Project.
The assessment for each parcel of property within the Tuscawilla (Phase I and II)
Assessment Area will be based upon the number of residential dwelling units per parcel
of property measured in Equivalent Residential Units "ERUs." The assignment ofERU's
is based on the level of benefit each lot receives from aesthetic beauty and enhanced
safety as a result of the Tuscawilla (Phases I and II) Improvement Projects. A more
specific description is set forth in the Tuscawilla Improvement Area (Phase I) Final Local
Improvement Assessment Resolution Number 99-887 (dated August 9, 1999), the
Tuscawilla Service Area (Phase I) Final Local Service Assessment Resolution Number
99-888 (dated August 9, 1999) and the Final Improvement Assessment Resolution and
Maintenance Assessment Resolution for the Tuscawilla (Phase II) Assessment Area
Number 2005-43 adopted by the City Commission on August 9, 1999, August 9, 1999
and November 14, 2005, respectively. Copies of the Final Assessment Resolutions, the
plans and specifications for the project, and the preliminary assessment rolls are available
for inspection at the offIce of the City Clerk, located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter
Springs, Florida 32708.
Annual capital assessments, for up to 30 years, and maintenance assessments, for
the life of the project, to fund the Tuscawilla (Phase I) Improvement Project and the
Tuscawilla (Phase II) Improvement Project will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill as
authorized by Florida Statutes 197.3632, commencing with the tax bill to be mailed in
November 2000 and November 2006, respectively. Failure to pay the assessments will
cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title.
Future annual capital assessments may be prepaid at the option of the property owner.
However, future annual maintenance assessments may not be prepaid.
If you have any questions, please contact the City of Winter Springs Urban
Beautification Manager at (407) 327-1800 extension 315.
[Property Owner Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State and zip]
Re: Tax Parcel Number [Insert Number]
Benefit Units [Insert Number]
Tuscawilla Improvement Areas Phase I and II
Dear Property Owner:
Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of Winter Springs, Florida, will
conduct a public hearing to consider increasing the Capital Assessments imposed in the
Tuscawilla Improvement Area - Phase I, from $42.18 per Benefit Unit to $43.00 per
Benefit Unit, combining the Maintenance Assessments imposed in the Tuscawilla
Improvement Area - Phases I and II, of $67.82 per BenefIt Unit for Phase I and $48.00
per Benefit Unit for Phase II, for a combined total of $115.82 per Benefit Unit, and
increasing the newly combined Maintenance Assessments imposed in the Tuscawilla
Improvement Area - Phases I and II, to $128.00 per Benefit Unit. The Tuscawilla
Improvement and Service Area - Phase I was created to fund capital and maintenance
costs for wing walls, median improvements, street lights and street monuments with that
area. The Tuscawilla Improvement and Service Area - Phase II was created to fund
capital and maintenance costs for the removal of existing street signage and streetlights
and installation of new decorative street lampposts and signage along the collector roads
within the Tuscawilla (Phase II) Assessment Area. The project to remove existing street
signage and streetlights and install new decorative street lampposts and signage is
referred to as the Tuscawilla (Phase II) Improvement Project.
The assessment for each parcel of property within the Tuscawilla (Phase I and II)
Assessment Area will be based upon the number of residential dwelling units per parcel
of property measured in Equivalent Residential Units "ERUs." The assignment ofERU's
is based on the level of benefit each lot receives from aesthetic beauty and enhanced
safety as a result of the Tuscawilla (Phases I and II) Improvement Projects. A more
specific description is set forth in the Tuscawilla Improvement Area (Phase I) Final Local
Improvement Assessment Resolution Number 99-887 (dated August 9, 1999), the
Tuscawilla Service Area (Phase I) Final Local Service Assessment Resolution Number
99-888 (dated August 9, 1999) and the Final Improvement Assessment Resolution and
Maintenance Assessment Resolution for the Tuscawilla (Phase II) Assessment Area
Number 2005-43 adopted by the City Commission on August 9, 1999, August 9, 1999
and November 14, 2005, respectively. Copies of the Final Assessment Resolutions, the
plans and specifications for the project, and the preliminary assessment rolls are available
for inspection at the office of the City Clerk, located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter
Springs, Florida 32708.
Annual capital assessments, for up to 30 years, and maintenance assessments, for
the life of the project, to fund the Tuscawilla (Phase I) Improvement Project and the
Tuscawilla (Phase II) Improvement Project will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill as
authorized by Florida Statutes 197.3632, commencing with the tax bill to be mailed in
November 2000 and November 2006, respectively. Failure to pay the assessments will
cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title.
Future annual capital assessments may be prepaid at the option of the property owner.
However, future annual maintenance assessments may not be prepaid.
The City Commission will hold the public hearing at 5:15 PM on May 29,2007,
in the City Hall - Commission Chambers, Winter Springs, Florida, for the purpose of
receiving comments on combining the Phase I and Phase II Maintenance Assessments as
well as the increase in Capital and Maintenance Assessments for Phases I and II. You are
invited to attend and participate in the hearing. You may also file written objections with
the City Commission prior to or during the hearing. If you decide to appeal any decision
made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, you
will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is
made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need a special
accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding, please contact the City
Clerk's office at (407) 327-1800 at least 48 hours prior to the date of the hearing.
If you have any questions, please contact the City of Winter Springs Urban
Beautification Manager at (407) 327-1800 extension 315.
Date: April 23, 2007
The attached was referenced during the
discussion of Regular Agenda Item "601" and
Regular Agenda Item "602" at the April 23,
2007 City Commission Regular Meeting.
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April 20, 2007
Via Electronic Transmission
Ronald McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: City of Winter Springs - Assessment Rate Analysis for Tuscawilla Lighting and
Beautification District Phases One and Two and Oak Forest Wall Neighborhood
Improvement Assessment Program
Dear Ron:
Over the past eight years or more, Government Services Group, Inc. (GSG) has assisted the City of Winter
Springs (City) in developing and maintaining the non-ad valorem assessment programs to fund the following:
· Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) - Phase One: Capital Improvements and Ongoing
Maintenance Services
· Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) - Phase Two: Capital Improvements and Ongoing
Maintenance Services
· Oak Forest Wall Neighborhood Improvement Area - Capital Improvements and Ongoing Maintenance
As these programs have been in place for several years, GSG recommended that the City review and analyze
methods to develop an integrated and streamlined program for both the TLBD Phase One and TLBD Phase
Two assessment programs, as well as the Oak Forest Wall Neighborhood Improvement assessment program.
This correspondence provides the results of the preliminary analysis and includes five-year annual
assessment rates and the minimum, maximum and average assessment rates for the maintenance services
component of all three programs. The analysis also provides a revised maximum annual capital assessment
rate for all three programs.
The first step in streamlining the process was to determine the feasibility of combining the TLBD Phase One
and Two assessment programs. While it was feasible to combine the maintenance assessment programs, it
was not feasible to combine the two capital assessment programs. The reason the capital assessment
programs could not be combined was because although both programs initially started with the same
parcels of property, different property owners have chosen to prepay their capital assessment amounts;
therefore, the current databases contain different property owners based on if they prepaid or not.
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Ronald McLemore
April 20, 2007
Page 2
There is no ability to prepay the maintenance assessment so all the same property owners are subject to the annual assessment rates for maintenance services.
The next step in streamlining the process was to develop five-year proforma maintenance budgets. The TLBD Phase One and Two maintenance bJdgets were combined beginning Fiscal Year
2007-08. City staff provided preliminary five-year maintenance budgets for the programs which GSG reviewed and revised for additional costs. The five-year budget for the combined TLBD
maintenance assessment program and annual assessment rates are provided in Table 1.
Table 1
nBD Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
FIscal Year 2007-08 through 2011-12
Account Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total
Number Description of Expenditures FYOH)8 FY07-08 FY07 -OS FY08-09 FYOS-08 FYOS-09 FY09-10 FY 09-10 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY 10-11 FY10-11 FY11-12 FYl1-12 FYl1-12
Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget
53180 Consultant Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53211 Assessment Services $9,316 $0 $9,316 $9,596 $0 $9,596 $9,884 $0 $9,884 $10,180 $0 $10,180 $10,689 $0 $10,689
53410 Contractual Services Cost $1,500 $100 $1,600 $1,600 $0 $1,600 $1,600 $0 $1,600 $1,600 $100 $1,700 $1,700 $0 $1,700
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,500 $5,500 $0 $0 $0
54310 Utility Services $45,000 $0 $45,000 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $46,000 $1,000 $47,000 $47,000 $1,000 $48,000 $48,000 $1,000 $49,000
54330 Street Lighting $45,000 $162,000 $207,000 $197,000 $19,700 $216,700 $216,700 $10,835 $227,535 $227,535 $11,500 $239,035 $239,035 $12,000 $251,035
54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape $135,000 $0 $135,000 $135,000 $0 $135,000 $135,000 $0 $135,000 $130,000 $5,000 $135,000 $135,000 $5,000 $140,000
54693 Repairs & Maint ~ Fountains $20,000 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $25,000 $45,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $5,000 $25,000
54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls $20,000 $15,000 $35,000 $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000
55230 Clerk Supplies $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100
59130 Transfer to General Fund -Insurance $6,400 $0 $6,400 $6,400 $100 $6,500 $6,500 $300 $6,800 $6,800 $300 $7,100 $7,100 $400 $7,500
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees* $3,800 $0 $3,800 $3,800 $200 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000
59130 Transfer to Gen,Fund . Beautification $41,000 $0 $41,000 $41,000 $2,000 $43,000 $43,000 $0 $43,000 $43,000 $1,000 $44,000 $44,000 $1,000 $45,000
59310 Statutory Reserve $14,494 $0 $14,494 $22,187 $0 $22,187 $23,747 $0 $23,747 $22,276 $0 $22,276 $23,084 $0 $23,084
Notice Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Tax Collector Costs $7,099 $0 $7,099 $10,867 $0 $10,867 $11,631 $0 $11,631 $10,911 $0 $10,911 $11,307 $0 $11,307
Less Carry Forward from TLBD II ($156,364)
Grand Total $348,709 $177,100 $369,445 $512,551 $53,000 $565,551 $53S,162 $67,135 $605,297 $543,401 $24,400 $567,801 $564,015 $24,400 $588,415
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $85.94 $131.55 $140.80 $132.08 $136.87
Maximum Rate $115.82 $115.82 $115.82 $115.82 $115.82
Difference ($29,88) $15.73 $24.98 $16.26 $21.05
Ronald McLemore
April 20, 2007
Page 3
Table 2 provides the minimum, maximum and average budgets and corresponding assessment rates for the
combined TLBD maintenance assessment program for the five year period.
Table 2
TLBD Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
Minimum, Maximum and Average
Account Number Description of Expenditures Minimum Average Maximum
Budget Budget Budget
53180 Consultant Services $0 $0 $0
53211 Assessment Services $9,316 $9,933 $9,884
53410 Contractual Services Cost $1,600 $1,640 $1,600
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $1,100 $0
54310 Utility Services $45,000 $47,000 $47,000
54330 Street Lighting $207,000 $228,261 $227,535
54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape $135,000 $136,000 $135,000
54693 Repairs & Maint - Fountains $20,000 $26,000 $45,000
54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls $35,000 $35,000 $50,000
55230 Clerk Supplies $100 $100 $100
59130 Transfer to General Fund -Insurance $6,400 $6,860 $6,800
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees* $3,800 $3,960 $4,000
59130 Transfer to Gen.Fund - Beautification $41,000 $43,200 $43,000
59310 Statutory Reserve $14,494 $21,158 $23,747
Notice Costs $0 $0 $0
Tax Collector Costs $7,099 $10,363 $11,631
Less Carry Forward from TLBD " ($156,364) ($31,273)
Grand Total $369,445 $539,302 $605,297
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $85.94 $125.45 $140.80
Maximum Rate $115.82 $115.82 $115.82
Difference $(29.88) $9.63 $24.98
Table 3 provides a cash flow analysis for the combined TLBD maintenance assessment program for the five-
year period assuming the City imposes the average maintenance assessment rate (rounded up to the
nearest dollar) at $126.00 per year for the five years.
Table 3
TLBD Proforma Cash Flow Analysis
FY07-0S FYOS-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12
Revenue @ average rate - rounded up $698,038 $713,903 $690,027 $626,404 $600,277
(includes carryover)
Budget $525,809 $565,551 $605,297 $567,801 $588,415
Difference $172,229 $148,353 $84,730 $58,603 $11,862
Ronald McLemore
April 20, 2007
Page 4
Table 4 provides the maximum annual capital assessment rate for TLBD Phase One.
Table 4
TLBD Phase One Maximum Capital Assessment Rates
Maximum Annual Debt Service
Professional Fees
Collection Costs (Statutory Discount and Tax Collector Costs)
Total Annual Assessment Amount
Number of ERUs
Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Rounded Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Table 5 provides the maximum annual capital assessment rate for TLBD Phase Two.
Table 5
TLBD Phase Two Maximum Capital Assessment Rates
Maximum Annual Debt Service
$1,7 42
Professional Fees
Collection Costs (Statutory Discount and Tax Collector Costs)
Total Annual Assessment Amount
Number of ERUs
Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Rounded Annual Assessment AmountjERU
Ronald McLemore
April 20, 2007
Page 5
The five-year budget for the Oak Forest Wall maintenance assessment program and annual assessment rates are provided in Table 6.
Table 6
Oak Forest Wall Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
FIscal Year 2007-08 through 2011.12
Account Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total Baseline New Total
Number Descrlptlon of Expenditures FY07.08 FY07.08 FY07.08 FY08-09 FYOS.Q9 FY08.Q9 FY09-1O FY09-10 FY09-1O FY1o-U FY1o-U FY1o-U FYU-12 FYU.12 FYU-12
Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget
53111 Legal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53211 Administration Fees $9,316 $0 $9,316 $9,596 $0 $9,596 $9,884 $0 $9,884 $10,180 $0 $10,180 $10,689 $0 $10,689
53410 Billing Services Cost $300 $0 $300 $300 $50 $350 $350 $0 $350 $350 $0 $350 $350 $50 $400
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $0 $0
54310 Utility Services $2,800 $0 $2,800 $3,080 $200 $3,280 $3,388 $200 $3.588 $3,727 $200 $3,927 $4,099 $100 $4,199
54682 Repairs & Maint - Grounds $17,000 $3,000 $20,000 $20,000 $1,000 $21,000 $21,000 $0 $21.000 $21,000 $0 $21,000 $ 21.000 $0 $21,000
54695 Repairs & Maint. Sign/Walls $4.000 $500 $4.500 $4,500 $500 $5,000 $4,500 $0 $4,500 $4,500 $0 $4.500 $4,500 $0 $4,500
55230 Clerk Supplies $50 $0 $50. $50 $0 $50 $50 $0 $50 $50 $0 $50 $50 $0 $50
55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
59130 Transfer to General Fund -Insurance $1.350 $125 $1,475 $1,475 $100 $1,575 $1,575 $75 $1,650 $1,650 $75 $1,725 $1,725 $75 $1,800
59130 Transfer to General Fund. Clerk Fees * $1,900 $0 $1,900 $1,900 $100 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000
59130 Transfer to Gen Fund - Beautification Coord, $6,750 $450 $7,200 $7,200 $800 $8,000 $8,000 $0 $8,000 $8,000 $500 $8,500 $8,500 $200 $8,700
59310 Statutory Reserve $1,981 $0 $1,981 $1,885 $0 $1,885 $1,885 $0 $1,885 $1,885 $0 $1,885 $1,885 $0 $1,885
Notice Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Tax Collector Costs $1,032 $0 $1,032 $1,099 $0 $1,099 $1,102 $0 $1,102 $1,159 $0 $1,159 $1,150 $0 $1,150
Grand Total $46,479 $4,075 $50,554 $51,0S5 $2,750 $53,835 $53,734 $275 $54,009 $54,500 $2,275 $56,775 $55,949 $425 $56,374
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $52.32 $55.72 $55.90 $58,76 $58,35
Current Maximum Rate $40.82 $40,82 $40.82 $40.82 $40.82
Difference $11.50 $14.90 $15.08 $17.94 $17.53
Ronald McLemore
April 20, 2007
Page 6
Table 7 provides the minimum, maximum and average budgets and corresponding assessment rates for the
Oak Forest Wall maintenance assessment program for the five year period.
Table 7
Oak Forest Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates
Minimum, Maximum and Average
Account Description of Expenditures Minimum Average Maximum
Number Budget Budget Budget
53111 Legal $0 $0 $0
53211 Administration Fees $9,316 $9,933 $10,180
53410 Billing Services Cost $300 $350 $350
53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $0 $0
53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0
54210 Postage $0 $300 $1,500
54310 Utility Services $2,800 $3,559 $3,927
54682 Repairs & Maint - Grounds $20,000 $20,800 $21,000
54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs/Walls $4,500 $4,600 $4,500
55230 Clerk Supplies $50 $50 $50
55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $0
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Insurance $1,4 75 $1,645 $1,725
59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees * $1,900 $1,980 $2,000
59130 Transfer to Gen Fund - Beautification Coord. $7,200 $8,080 $8,500
59310 Statutory Reserve $1,981 $1,905 $1,885
Notice Costs $0 $0 $0
Tax Collector Costs $1,032 $1,109 $1,159
Grand Total $50,554 $54,311 $56,775
Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $52.32 $56.21 $58.76
Current Maximum Rate $40.82 $40.82 $40.82
Difference $11.50 $15.39 $17.94
Table 8 provides a cash flow analysis for Oak Forest Wall maintenance assessment program for the five-year
period assuming the City imposes the average maintenance assessment rates(rounded up to the nearest
dollar) at $57.00 per year for the five years.
Table 8
Oak Forest Wall Proforma Cash Flow Analysis
Fiscal Year 2007-08 through 2011-12
FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 FYl1-12
Revenue @ average rate -rounded up $55,073 $59,593 $60,832 $61,896 $60,194
(includes carryover)
Budget $50,554 $53,835 $54,009 $56,775 $56,374
Difference (Rounded up) $4,520 $5,759 $6,823 $5,121 $3,820
I '
Ronald McLemore
April 20, 2007
Page 7
Table 9 provides the maximum annual capital assessment rates for the Oak Forest Wall capital assessment
Table 9
Oak Forest Wall Maximum Capital Assessment Rates
Maximum Annual Debt Service
Professional Fees
Collection Costs (Statutory Discount and Tax Collector Costs)
Total Annual Assessment Amount
Number of ERUs
Annual Assessment AmounVERU
Rounded Annual Assessment AmounVERU
Because all of these proforma rates exceed the maximum rates established by the City for these
assessment programs, the imposition of these proforma rates will require the City to send first class mailed
notices to all affected property owners regarding the annual and maximum rates to be imposed; these
mailing costs have been included in the proforma budgets. The notices would need to be mailed 20 days
prior to the public hearing to adopt the annual assessment resolutions. Table 10 provides the schedule for
Fiscal Year 2007-08.
Table 10
Fiscal Year 2007-08 Assessment Schedule
GSG presents proforma rates to City Commission April 25, 2007
GSG mails out notices May 8, 2007
City to Publish Notice of Hearing to Adopt Annual May 8, 2007
City adopts annual assessment resolution May 29, 2007
GSG Certifies Assessment Roll to Tax Collector By September 15, 2007
Tax Bill Mailed November 1,2007
GSG is available to meet with you, City staff and elected officials to explain the streamlining process and
results at your convenience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me.
QplQk (?~
Camille P. Tharpe
cc: Chris Traber, NGN
Mark Brown, GSG
Winter Springs TLBD Assessment Programs
FY 2007-2008 thru FY 2011-2012
FY 2006-2007 ** FY 2007-2008 thru FY 2011-2012
Assessment Phase I * Phase II ** Combined Phase I Phase II Combined Increase
Maintenance $53.14 $48.00 $101.14 N/A N/A $126.00 $24.86
Improvements - Phase 1 $40.22 N/A N/A $43.00 N/A N/A $2.78
Improvements - Phase II N/A $17.00 N/A N/A $17.00 N/A $0.00
Total $93.36 $65.00 $101.14 $43.00 $17.00 $126.00 N/A
Total all Phases & Assessments $158.36 Total all Phases & Assessments $186.00 $27.64
* Please note that the FY 2006-2007 Phase I Assessment Rates are not currently being charged at the maximum rates allowable by
Resolutions No. 99-887 and No. 99-888 adopted by City Commission on August 9, 1999. The maximum assessment rates adopted were
$42.18 per ERU for capital and $67.82 per ERU for maintenance for a total maximum assessment of $110.00 (versus current total of $93.36).
** Please note that the FY 2006-2007 Phase II Assessment Rates are currently being charged at the maximum rates allowable by Resolution
No. 2005-43 adopted by City Commission on November 14,2005.