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2007 04 23 Public Hearing 500 Ordinance 2007-11 Incorporates Water Supply Plan 2007
CITY COMMISSION ITEM 500 Consent Information Public Hearin Re lar x April 23, 2007 Meeting ~t\ / ~ Mgr.lDe~ REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division and Public Works / Utilities Department requests the City Commission hold a Public Hearing for I st Reading and Transmittal of Ordinance 2007-11, a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LS-CP A-07 -2) which incorporates the City's Water Supply Plan 2007 and Work Plan by amending the text of the Future Land Use Element, Conservation Element, Capital Improvements Element, and Infrastructure Element as required by Florida Statute 163.3177. PURPOSE: To incorporate the City's Water Supply Plan 2007 and Work Plan into the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan as mandated by the Florida Legislature. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY Florida Statute s. 163.3177 (1). (5). (6)(c). (8). (9). (10) (related to required comprehensive plan elements) Florida Statute s. 163.3177 (6)(a) (future land use plan to be based on availability of water supplies and public facilities) Florida Statute s. 163.3180 (2)(a) (related to water supply concurrency) Florida Statute s. 163.3164 (32) (definition of "financial feasibility") Florida Statute s. 373.0361 (related to alternative water supply project(s)) 9J-5.011 Florida Administrative Code (related to the Potable Water Element) Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) (related to responsibilities of the Local Planning Agency regarding the comprehensive plan) Florida Statute s. 163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan. Florida Statute s. 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions. Winter Sprin2s Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Sprin2s Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Section 15-30. Authority, purpose and intent; Section 15-36. Review criteria; Section 15-37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation: April 23, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 2 of6 CHRONOLOGY: March 29.2007- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel ofLPA Public Hearing April 10. 2007- Local Planning Agency held a Public Hearing and made unanimous recommendation of Approval to the City Commission. April 15. 2007- Display Ad in the Orlando Sentinel Noticing City Commission Transmittal Public Hearing CONSIDERATIONS: In 2005, the Florida Legislature made significant changes to Chapters 163 and 373, F.S., to strengthen the link between land use and water supply planning. These changes were included in Senate Bill 360 (Chapter 2005-290, Laws of Florida) and Senate Bill 444 (Chapter 2005-291, Laws of Florida). The legislative changes encourage cooperation in the development of alternative water supplies and reemphasize the need for conservation and reuse. Additional changes include a time line for preparing local supply facilities work plans for building public, private, and regional water supply facilities, including the development of alternative water supplies, and new provisions to be addressed in local comprehensive plans. Funding was also appropriated to assist local governments with the construction of alternative water supply projects. The St. Johns River Water Management District approved its regional water supply plan on February 7,2006. The City of Winter Springs is required to prepare a 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and adopt revisions to the Comprehensive Plan that address the water supply requirements within 18 months (by August 7,2007). The required comprehensive plan amendments are exempt from the twice-a-year limitation on major amendments to the comprehensive plan [Section 163.3 1 77(6)(c), F.S.] Water supply requirements relate to: 1- Water Supply Concurrency (New large scale comprehensive plan amendments must address the water supply concurrency requirement. Data and analysis must demonstrate that water supplies are sufficient to meet projected growth demands and are to be included with all new proposed amendments submitted to DCA forreview.); 2- Intergovernmental Coordination with the SJRWMD; 3- Ensuring that Winter Springs' Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map are based upon the availability of adequate water supplies (Data and analysis must demonstrate that water supplies are sufficient to meet projected growth demands); and 4- Inclusion of Selected Alternative Water Supply Projects in the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan update must include the identification of alternative and traditional water supply projects, conservation, and reuse necessary to meet water needs and include a 10-year (minimum) Work Plan for building the necessary public, private, and regional water supply facilities to meet those water needs. April 23, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 3 of6 In addition, the upcoming Winter Springs' 2008 Evaluation and Appraisal Report will be required to address the extent to which Winter Springs has implemented the Supply Plan for building public, private and regional water supply facilities, including the development of alternative water supplies. The report must also include a determination as to whether the identified alternative water supply projects, traditional water supply projects, and the conservation and reuse programs have met local water use needs. The City recently completed its required Work Plan based on an analysis of the City's water supply facilities and projected supply and demand for potable water. The analysis extends beyond the 10- year required planning period to the year 2025 and coordinates with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Regional Water Supply Plan. The document entitled, Water Supply Plan, 2007 (Supply Plan) demonstrates that the current and planned water supply facilities and source(s) of water will meet the projected demand through the l8-year planning period. Winter Springs is proposing to continue the progressive plan that it has been implementing since its purchase of private utilities in 1984, 1990, and 2004. The plan is based on sound solutions, both economically and environmentally. The main components of the Supply Plan revolve around the following: 1. Development of and optimization of groundwater supplies 2. Expansion of reclaimed water systems 3. Water conservation program including conservation rate structure 4. Development of alternative water sources Table 1- Existing Water Treatment Plant Capabilities and Population Equivalents Total Central System Capacity Maximum Population Served Wells 10,900 GPM (8500**) 63,805 (49,756**) Aeration 14,900 GPM 87,220 Storage/Treatment 2,500,000 Gallons 40,650 High Service 15,400 GPM (12,050**) 60,096 (47,023**) **Pumping based on largest unit in the system "out of service" criteria. Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 4-4. On a priority basis, Winter Springs will continue to invest and expand its residential reclaimed water retrofit program and conservation programs and begin construction in 2008 of the alternative water supply project. Projections for the use of reclaimed water indicates that public reception is above average and that it is a viable source of water to the City. April 23, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 4 of6 The Supply Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis and updated as needed to coincide with the future updates of the SJRWMD's Regional Water Supply Plan. This amendment incorporates data from the Supply Plan into the City's Comprehensive Plan. Table 2 identifies potable water demands projections. The SJRWMD permitted allocation is compared with the current demand to determine the groundwater surplus or deficit in the service area. Projections are based with the groundwater level supply provided in 2013 frozen through 2025. No additional sources would be required through 2025 based on these projections. Table 2- Water Supply Needs and Sources Total Total Projected Total Projected Maximum Year Projected Supply Supply From Potential (d) Conservation Water Groundwater Alternative Reclaimed Program Demand(a) Sources(b) Water Source(c) Water (MGD) (MGD) (MGD) (MGD) 2007 5.80 4.69 1.10 1.10 Y '-~-~-~._"--".-.'--_._"--' 2008 5.96 4.86 1.10 1.10 Y 2009 6.06 4.96 1.10 1.10 Y '.'-""-"-""."'-"'-"~"'- 2010 6.15 5.05 1.10 1.10 Y ~."'~','~""'--'~--"'-"-'----~''''-'' 2011 6.25 5.15 1.10 1.59 Y "_~"~"__'_'~">lh~_' 2012 6.34 5.24 1.10 1.59 Y 2013 6.43 5.30 1.13 2.07 Y ~..,._><.~,. - -. ~" - ,-._., ~...._..,. ."'... 2014 6.45 5.30 1.15 2.07 Y ,_,__ ..~.,'_,. ..~_, ,_h,,~,,',_" ,.w,', ,__ ,.~ 2015 6.54 5.30 1.24 2.57 Y _.__.._..__...-.,_..._...~.._~...._... 2016 6.57 5.30 1.27 2.57 Y "--'-""-'--..-.-..--..- 2017 6.61 5.30 1.31 3.06 y ___..__..._____.._..._..u..__._.__, 2018 6.65 5.30 1.35 3.06 Y _'_'_'_"__'_'_,.__._._._h 2019 6.68 5.30 1.38 3.55 Y '_'''__'_''__''_''_~''_,_.n_. 2020 6.72 5.30 1.42 3.55 Y 2021 6.76 5.30 1.46 4.00 Y -~-"-~-"-~-"---"'-' 2022 6.79 5.30 1.49 4.00 Y -'-"-"'-"._"~"--'-'-""~ . 2023 6.83 5.30 1.53 4.30 Y 2024 6.87 5.30 1.57 4.30 Y '__u_.'_"._"_"._,,_,,_._,,, 2025 6.90 5.30 1.60 4.30 Y (a) Includes all demands, potable, industrial/commercial, losses and irrigation (reclaimed/augmentation). (b) Groundwater sources are based on Consumptive Use Permit. Value frozen at 2013 projected level. (c) Total projected water demand less total projected groundwater sources. Alternate water sources include April 23, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 5 of6 reclaimed water and augmentation, (d) This value represents water available for use based on 1.1 MGD reclaimed water utilized today, plus the Lake Jesup augmentation planlfacilities. Source: City of Winter Springs, Reclaimed Water Augmentation Study, September 20,2005. This includes all phases. Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 1-1. FINDINGS: (1) The proposed amendment has been properly noticed; (2) The proposed amendment has a favorable effect on the City's budget by requiring items in the five-year Capital Improvements Schedule to be "fmancially feasible"; (3) The proposed amendment helps to ensure that the level of service (LOS) of the City's public facilities are not diminished; (4) The proposed amendment helps to ensure that the demands on the Floridian aquifer are reduced by implementation of alternative water supply projects; (5) The proposed amendment is consistent with the SJRWMD'sDistrict Water Supply Plan, 2005 and 2006Addendum and the goals, objectives, and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan set forth in chapter 187, Florida Statutes. Consistency with the East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29F-19.001, Florida Administrative Code is no longer required as this rule was repealed; (6) The proposed amendment ensures that adequate water supply is available to meet the projected growth demands of the City and promotes the cost effective use of the City's public facilities; (7) The proposed amendment ensures that land use planning is coordinated with water supply planning; (8) The proposed amendment includes language within several elements to ensure that the City's Comprehensive Plan remains internally consistent. (9) The proposed amendment promotes the public health, safety, welfare, and economic order of the City and the region; and (10) The request is consistent with recent amendments to the Florida Statute Chapter 163, Part II and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: At a special meeting of the Local Planning Agency on April 1 0,2007, the Agency made unanimous recommendation of Approval of the Large Scale Comprehensive Amendments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing for First Reading and Approve Transmittal to DCA of Ordinance 2007-11, a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LS- CP A-07-2) which incorporates the City's Water Supply Plan 2007 and Work Plan by amending the text of the Future Land Use Element, Conservation Element, Capital Improvements Element, and Infrastructure Element as required by Florida Statute 163.3177. TENTATIVE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: April 23. 2007- City Commission Transmittal Public Hearing of Ordinance 2007-11 April 25. 2007- Transmittal to DCA and other agencies June 27. 2007-0RC Report due from DCA April 23, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 6 of6 July 1 L 2007- Display Ad in the Orlando Sentinel Noticing City Commission Adoption Public Hearing July 23.2007- City Commission Second Reading/Adoption of Ordinance 2007-11 incorporating the Water Supply Plan into the Comprehensive Plan Aug. 7.2007- Mandated deadline for Adoption ATTACHMENTS: A. Noticing in the Orlando Sentinel, April 15, 2007 B. Local Planning Agency draft Minutes of Special Meeting, April 10, 2007 C. Ordinance 2007-11 Exhibit 'A'- IV-B. NEW POTABLE WATER SUB-ELEMENT, JULY 2007 (replaces the previous document in its entirety). Exhibit 'B'- IV-B. OLD POTABLE WATER SUB-ELEMENT, October 2001 Exhibit 'c' - Text Amendments to GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES of the following: FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; INFRASTRUCTURE - NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE SUB-ELEMENT; CONSERVATION ELEMENT; INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT; and CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT D. Water Facilities Supply Plan, 2007 (on CD) CITY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: NOTICE OF CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS L ItlATTACHMENT A " SUNOAv, Al't\tl.15,~7 011 1l407~51. .-....."""AnMl.l1<"" LIIllI ~ .- . hondjmon obit III CIlInge.llghlbuI>s, ~ with _1DclIl. flofpwllhgnMlllds molnl.. ....... point IOu<IHIps IlId oaosliinoI- Iy _. ........011 NIdo .......407- 41S-5864ot.............,~ . ....ou:.-~~ ~O/OInIutlon, neods . ~ ond 1ndMduoIs1ll hoIp with.... __Woott__ . 1ng............,pIjInt SIlIdo< and ...... ....'.hellld(lg "lncIMduoIlMfth pIchfllnds n......1lHCI!d to help IlAId ""*" Gononl alIIce help ond .... tIIby hIIP .... also ......... ColI Tom II <<71-905-0054 or ...... to- --_. VOLUIIIIIIUTQ_~ LATIONSc The Loaf Mtouq ClulcII nOeds ~lo _onCouncls ~Qr. ... 0<<MI0 ond SemIlIolo ~ ond mtowposllblt ................... 101lans-..._oI..... "...such lSindIIIIckIohlollosaorhom... II1eftIII.Mdh locIIaooond !l\<lUp homes ond PIOIlle ~ IS d!M~ opmenllily _ w.h ccndlllcnl such IS merlII.mrd;:lIon or spino bIfi. .. Motials oItho CSlUIlclI...Ipplllnl. tiel bJlbo IlO*"'" 1lI_ . """- linn. TroInIrtls provided to MWty II>" pclInled CSlUIlclI mombon. CllII/lIOn Moovon 1l407,1~1 ...~ry- "':~""'Tho fpIscDpoI CliunsIIng .c.- MOds help ..-.g phono~ rnoblg,}po ......- fur tho _.,ond . rnUllIINng tho .....lodIsk _CII f:"'=or~~ · __1M -UA1IClII.'A. anYllUi HH\IlICtnIIII..... i ..... 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Q11511VO ..,- ~on)'7 J11S ~&llalloael NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CIlY COMMISSION OF THE CIlY OF W1NTtR SPRINGS PROPOSES TO ADOPT: ORDiNANCE 2007.11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CIlY Cor.t.1lSSION Of THE CIlY Of: WlNTEfrSPRlNGS. SEMINOLE COUNTY. fLORIDA, AOOPllNG A LARGE. SCA1:E COMI'RE;HENSlVE PlAN AMENDMENT, REfERENCEO AS ls.cI'A-07 -2, r<<:oRPORATING THE CIlYS WATER SUl'l'lY PlAN 2007 ANO WORK PlAN BY AMENOING THE TEXT OF THE. F\1TURElAND USE ELEMENT. CONSERVATION ELEMENT,INFRAST~UCTUm: ELEMENT, INTERMVERNMENTAl COORDINATION ELEMENT, AND CAPtrAlIMPROVEM~MTS ELEMENT AS REQUI~EbBY FlORIDA STATU:rE 163.~1 n; PR~ fOR TTiANSMITT~ TO THE OEF>ARlM!NT OF COMMUNIlY.~FAlRS. THE REPEAL OF PRIOR. INCONSISTENT ORDl~CES AND RE~lUTKlNS, SEvERABIiTY. INCORPORATION INTO THE coMPREf:ENSIVE PlAN,AN EFFmIVE. DAl1!AND.l~ STATUS OF THE PlAN AMEHQMENTS~ . . ... . City otWlII., Sprlnp - PO..... WI" ~t;vIcI, ~r . . .. ~U:BlIC HEARiNG FOR FIRST ReADING ANti TRANsMITTAL . TOTHESTATE 'WlLLBS HSLDaN MONDA~APAIL23~ 2007 . AT 5:15<,r'.M. . O,.UGH THEJ'EAFT~R IN THE eo~ii"QH &HiM.EM l!)CATED AT WIN1:ERsPmt{B$ CITY HALL 1128 EAST STATE ROAD. 434 WINTER SPRINGS,. FLORIDA The proposed ordln!llicemay be obtained by.lnterested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m, Monday through FrJdiy, at tho City's Clerk's.Offlce, located at 1126E. SR 434. Winter Springs, Florida.' For mllre Information. call (407) 327-1800 #227. Persons wIIh disabilities needing assistance to .parUclIlate In any of those .proceedillllS should. contac1 the Employee Rslatlons. oepartmenteoordinator. 48 Mursln advanceof.lhlimallllna at (40n:i27.~8llO, #236.. This Is a public hoaring. Int8reSled parlles.lUlI adVised that they may appear at the mellllng and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance, If you dBcldtl to appeal any recommendation ordBclslon made by the City Commission with respect to any matfer conslderBd at lhIs melIlIng, you w11l18ed a record of the procetclngs, IIIld fOr such pUlJloses, you may need to _lire thal.8 Verballn1 I1ICDI'd of the proceedings Is madi! upon WhICh the appeal Is ~ed. e Best &perlMCC ... , asll UJe Best OutCGlllel : .' 407-300:.5204 ......~'"'...-.)OUI: : 24-4 '-a1jill11alwt""....dIiMllIolIkiGllaaI : .1o~\jIjIIg!.~IIldApajIU. ATTACHMENT B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 10, 2007 CALL TO ORDER The Local Planning Agency Special Meeting of Tuesday, April 10, 2007 was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman William H. Poe in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman William H. Poe, present Vice Chairperson Linda Tillis, absent Board Member Tom Brown, present Board Member Rosanne Karr, present Board Member Denise Ryser, present Mr. Terry M. Zaudtke, P.E., Chief Operating Officer, CPH, 1117 East Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida led the Pledge of Allegiance. A moment of silence followed. Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department noted that a Citizen Courtesy Information List is available in the lobby. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Community Development Department Planning Division And Utility/Public Works Department Requests The Planning And Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing For Ordinance 2007-11, A Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment (LS-CPA-07-2) To Incorporate The Water Facilities Work Plan Into The Comprehensive Plan By Amending The Future Land Use Element, The Conservation Element, The Capital Improvements Element, The Intergovernmental Coordination Element, And The Potable Water Sub-Element Of The Infrastructure Element. Ms. Sahlstrom presented this Agenda Item and said, "We have until August 7th, 2007 to adopt this item and it does have to be transmitted to the State as a Comp[prehensive] Plan Element and go through the ORC (Objections, Recommendations, Comments) Report process." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AGENDA LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 10,2007 PAGE 2 OF 4 Ms. Sahlstrom displayed the Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and reviewed the items with the Advisory Board Members. Ms. Sahlstrom said, "Basically the only thing in this Agenda Item portion that was changed was, I incorrectly put in a Table (2) that was a previous Table and this Table (1- I) has now been corrected. It has also been corrected in Attachment C. But you can see there are new figures - Terry corrected this table to include projected amounts of water from other sources that would then supplement our required ground water." Ms. Sahlstrom then said, "The final draft that goes to the Commission - give you a copy of that rather than this which is kind of a working tool to go through tonight." Mr. Zaudtke spoke briefly about reclaimed water and alternative water supplies and reviewed Table 2 with the Advisory Board Members. Discussion. Ms. Sahlstrom said, "We will be Noticing this for going to the Commission on the 23rd [April 2007]." Ms. SaWstrom reviewed and noted changes to "Attachment C" with the Advisory Board Members. Discussion ensued on Conservation Elements. Mr. Kip Lockcuff, P.E., Director, Public Works Department spoke briefly on the reclaimed water. Mr. Lockcuff commented that Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Manager, Community Development Department did a nice presentation on Xeriscaping last night." Mr. Lockcuff said, "That has a lot of information on what Community Development [Department] is doing as far as showing people how to maybe landscape differently and does not create as high of a demand." Referencing the Public Wells, Ms. Sahlstrom displayed the Water Distribution System Map and the Inventory of Existing Wells. Ms. Sahlstrom reviewed the "Water Supply Facilities Work Plan, ApriI200T'. Discussion ensued on water supply. Next, Ms. Sahlstrom reviewed the Goals, Objectives and Policies with the Advisory Board Members. Tape l/Side B Ms. Sahlstrom said, "We are required that our Work Plan be at least a ten (10) year plan." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AGENDA LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 10,2007 PAGE30F4 Ms. Sahlstrom then said, "So, as we update our Capital Improvement Element every year, we should revisit and make sure we are current with any projects that need to be included in there." Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, Director, Community Development Department discussed density within the city. Ms. Sahlstrom reviewed and noted changes to "Attachment B" with the Advisory Board Members. Advisory Board Member Rosanne Karr said, "Weare going to get a copy of this after..." Ms. Sahlstrom said, "... Sure. If you would like one. Do you want a copy of the 'red lined copy' of what we went over tonight or do you want a copy of the fmal that is submitted to the Commission that won't have all the underlines?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "It is going to the Commission on the 23rd [April 2007]. So, what version do you want?" Chairman Poe said, "I would rather have the final version because that is what is going to the Commission." Ms. Sahlstrom said, "I will make sure you get a copy." Chairman Poe opened the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. No one spoke. Chairman Poe closed the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. "MOTION TO APPROVE AS AMENDED WITH THE RED FONT INCLUDING THE APPENDICES AND THE FINDINGS." MOTION BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER RYSER. SECONDED BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE; BOARD MEMBER RYSER: AYE CHAIRMAN POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Poe adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8 :20 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AGENDA LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 10,2007 PAGE40F4 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: WILLIAM H. POE, CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the Meeting. , 2007 Regular Planning and Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency ATTACHMENT C ORDINANCE NO. 2007-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, REFERENCED AS LS-CPA-07-2, IN CORPORA TING THE CITY'S WATER SUPPLY PLAN 2007 AND WORK PLAN BY AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT, CONSERVATION ELEMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT, INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT, AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTE 163.3177; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENTS. WHEREAS, Section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes (1987) established the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each municipality in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, the St. Johns River Water Management District approved its regional water supply plan on February 7,2006; and WHEREAS, the City is required to prepare a 1 O-year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and adopt revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan addressing the water supply requirements within 18 months of the regional plan's approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 163.3177(6)( c), Florida Statutes, these amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan do not count toward the limitation on the frequency of adoption of amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and has recommended adoption to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission transmit the City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-11 Page 1 of 5 subject large scale comprehensive plan text amendment (LS-CP A-07 -2) to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for its review and comment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent is to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment (LS-CPA-07-2) to incorporate into the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan the City's Water Supply Plan 2007 and Work Plan by amending the text of the Infrastructure Element, Future Land Use Element, Conservation Element, Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and Capital Improvements Element as required by section 163.3177, Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as set forth below: A. Infrastructure Element. The following portions of the Infrastructure Element are amended as follows: 1. IV-B. Potable Water Sub-Element. "IV-B. Potable Water Sub-Element," is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with the "IV -B. Potable Water Sub- Element, July 2007" as set forth in EXHIBIT "A," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. The repealed "IV-B. Potable Water Sub- Element" is attached hereto as EXHIBIT "B" for reference purposes only. 2. IV-F. Goals, Objectives and Policies, B. Potable Water. "IV -F. Goals, Objectives and Policies, B. Potable Water," is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with the "IV-F. Goals, Objectives and Policies, B. Potable Water, July 2007" as set forth in EXHIBIT "C," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. The repealed "IV-F. Goals, Objectives and Policies, B. Potable Water" is attached hereto as EXHIBIT "D" for reference purposes only. 3. IV-F. Goals, Objectives and Policies, E. Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge. "Objective IV-E-l, Natural Recharge Protection and Conservation," is hereby amended as set forth in EXHIBIT "E," attached hereto and fully City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-11 Page 2 of 5 incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strikwut type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). B. Future Land Use Element. The following portions of the Future Land Use Element are amended as follow: 1. D. Goals, Objectives and Policies. "Objective 1.2, Natural Resource Protection," and "Objective 1.3, Concurrency," are hereby amended as set forth in EXHIBIT "F," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). C. Conservation Element. The following portion of the Conservation Element is amended as follows: 1. C. Goals, Objectives and Policies."Objective 1.2, Groundwater Resources," is hereby amended as set forth in EXHIBIT "G," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and stlik-cout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). D. Intergovernmental Coordination Element. The following portions of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element are amended as follows: 1. D. Goals, Objectives and Policies. "Objective 1.1, Coordination of Plans," and "Objective 2.4, Infrastructure Coordination," are hereby amended as set forth in EXHIBIT "H," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). E. Capital Improvement Element. The following portions of the Capital Improvement Element are amended as follows: 1. E. Goals, Objectives and Policies. "Objective 1.1, Capital Improvement City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-11 Page 3 of 5 Schedule," "Objective 1.2, Level of Service," "Objective 1.4, Capital Improvement Evaluation" and "Objective 1.8, Concurrency Management," are hereby amended as set forth in EXIDBIT "I,"attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and 5trikcuottype indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). 2. Table VIII-2. City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule. Table Vill-2. City of Winter Springs Capital Improvement Schedule is amended as set forth in EXHIBIT "J," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference, to incorporate certain data for Fiscal Years 2007 / 08 - 2012/13. Section 5. Transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, in accordance with Section 163.3187(4), Florida Statutes, and Section 91-11, Florida Administrative Code. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 8. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 9. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the Administration Commission finding the Amendments in compliance with section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on these Amendments may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of these Amendments, the Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and become a part ofthat plan and the Amendments shall have the legal status City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-11 Page 4 of 5 of the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2007. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Transmittal Hearing: Adoption Hearing: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-11 Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT 'A' City of Winter Springs POTABLE WATER SUB-ELEMENT TO THE INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT [This document replaces the previous Potable Water Sub-element in its entirety. ] April 2007 City of Winter Springs Community Development Department- Planning Division 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT IV-B. POTABLE WATER SUB-ELEMENT INTRODUCTION The City of Winter Springs currently owns, operates and maintains a central potable water treatment and distribution system within its corporate limits. The City's potable water system provides water for both residential and non-residential purposes, including fire-fighting demands. A Water and Wastewater Rate Study for the City was initiated in 2001 to identify the appropriate impact fees for potable water and sanitary sewer users. In 2007, the City completed the City of Winter Springs' Water SUPPlY Plan 2007 (SupplY Plan). The SupplY Plan was part of legislation adopted in 2005 for the purpose of strengthening coordination of water supply planning and local land use planning. The legislation required extensive evaluation of water supply facilities for at least a ten-year planning period. The SupplY Plan's evaluation period projects an eighteen-year planning period. By extending the planning period to 2025, the SupplY Plan is better able to assess future needs and utilizes compatible planning increments with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)'s District Water SupplY Plan 2005 . The City is located in an area that the SJRWMD identifies as a priority water resource caution area in the District Water SupplY Plan 2005. A priority water resource caution area is an area where existing and reasonably anticipated sources of water may not be adequate to supply water for all existing legal uses and anticipated future needs while sustaining water resources and related natural systems through 2025. In 2004, the City entered into an interlocal agreement with Seminole County and the other cities within the County to develop a county-wide water supply plan (County Plan). It is anticipated that the County Plan will identify projects that are suitable to be included in a future update or addendum to the District Water SUPPlY Plan 2005. Data and analysis within the SupplY Plan indicates that, based on future population projections, analysis of the existing supply and treatment facilities associated with the continuation of the residential reclaimed water system program and conservation programs, the City will not need additional groundwater or other potable water sources to meet demands through 2025. PUBLIC POTABLE WATER FACILITIES INVENTORY a. Ooerational Resoonsibilitv The City of Winter Springs Public Works/Utility Department is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the central public water system within the City's service area. b. Service Area The City has historically provided potable water service to meet demands within the City's boundaries, with the exception of a few parcels at the City's perimeter. These are served by the City of Longwood, the City of Casselberry, or by Seminole County Environmental Services (SCES) and represent an insignificant portion of each utility's service capability. IV -13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Seminole County Environmental Services supplies potable water to Tuscawilla Unit 2. The City area served by Seminole County currently includes approximately 65 single-family homes (22,750 GPD). It is very small in comparison with the overall SCES capacity and can be adequately served by SCES. According to information available from the Seminole County Water Supply Facilities Work Plan, the current groundwater supply and treatment facilities are sufficient to meet the demands through the 2025 projections. In general, the amount of water sold to Winter Springs residents is a small fraction of the County's overall water demand. The City of Casselberry serves approximately seven (7) commercial/warehouse customers on Belle Avenue that are located within the City. These are direct customers of the City of Casselberry and are not part of a wholesale or interlocal agreement. These customers are adequately served and represent a small fraction of the Casselberry service capability. Winter Springs entered into an interlocal agreement in 2006 with the City of Longwood to serve certain identified properties along US 17-92. Currently, Longwood services only a few customers that are located within the City. Additionally, individual wells self-serve approximately 325 single family homes within the City limits. There are no plans to extend water service lines into these areas at this time. Generally, the City does not service areas outside of the City limits. The two sites served outside of the City are because no other service was available. As of April 2007, the City is servicing approximately 12,500 service connections. The predominant users serviced by the central system are residential customers within the City limits. The central water system service area is identified on Map IV-B-1: Service Area. No service area growth is anticipated. Table IV-B-1: Existing Potable Water Customers Type of User Within City Limits Outside City Limits Residential 12,200 meters 1 meter Commercial 300 meters 1 meter Total 12,500 meters 2 meters Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, April 2007 c. Water Treatment Plants The City's central system consists of two (2) water service areas with three (3) water treatment plants which are interconnected and which operate as one (1) system. Each of the service areas are supplied by four wells. IV -14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Map IV-B-1: Service Area mFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT -"- (J)a. CJ<( Z~ CICJ 35z - a:Z wz ~~ -a. Sa: U-w O~ ~~ -~ o >- II <( o Z :J o Q1 iii II <( W o :> II w (j) ti z LU Ci W ...J Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Figure 1-1. IV-1S CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Table IV-B- 2: Water Treatment Plants Water Treatment Plant Location WTP #1 851 Northern Way (east) WTP #2 700 Sheoah Blvd. (west) WTP #3 110 West Bahama Ave. (west) Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007. WTP #1 is located at 851 Northern Way in the Tuskawilla residential planned unit development. The plant has four (4) wells (5200 GPM); two (2) storage tanks [a 500,000 gallon ground storage tank (aerator capability 3800 GPM) and a 1,000,000 gallon storage tank (aerator capability 3500 GPM)); and three (3) high service pumps (7950 GPM). There is sufficient area for further expansion of ground storage capacity and high service pumping. WTP #2 is located at 700 Sheoah Boulevard in the Highlands residential planned unit development. The plant has some minor room for further expansion. The plant includes two (2) wells (2200 GPM) [one onsite and one offsite); one 500,000 gallon ground storage tank (3800 GPM of aerator capacity); and three high service pumps (4350 GPM). WTP #3 is located at 110 West Bahama Road. The plant consists of two (2) wells (3500 GPM); one 500,000 gallon ground storage tank (aeration 3800 GPM); and three (3) high service pumps (3100 GPM). All of the City's central system treatment facilities utilize the same basic process for water treatment. First, raw groundwater is pumped from the aquifer through a cascade aerator atop the ground storage tank for hydrogen sulfide removal. Second, the water is chlorinated/disinfected with either sodium hypochlorite (a concentrated bleach) or chlorine gas and pumped into the distribution system with high service pumping units. A phosphate inhibitor is added to the raw water and provides a "passive" coating on the interior of pipes, thereby reducing the corrosion effect and leaching of metallic constituents (lead and copper). Each of these treatment facilities consists of several distinct parts, which together comprise a complete plant system, including: wells, treatment, storage, and high service pumping. d. Water Qualitv The City's raw water quality meets the maximum contaminant levels for all currently regulated inorganic and organic contaminants and is of good quality with the exception of high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, sulfate and chlorides, at specific wells. There is no evidence of coliform bacteria. Raw water quality is described in detail in the SupplY Plan. The finished water quality produced by the central system meets all State and Federal regulations related to the production of safe drinking water. However, it is likely that new regulations by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will require removal of sulphur concentrations over .3 mg/l as wells are altered or new wells are constructed. IV-16 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT e. Distribution System The interconnected distribution system consists of water mains up to 16 inches in diameter. The mains consist of various materials including: asbestos cement, ductile iron, polyvinyl! chloride, high density polyethylene (HDPE) and cast iron, depending upon location and/ or design circumstances. The distribution system is illustrated on Map IV -B-2: Water Line Distribution System. f. Public Wells The City's central potable water distribution system is connected to eight (8) potable water wells. Drawdowns in the surficial aquifer are estimated to be very low. A five hundred (500) foot minimum spacing between wells is maintained, in order to reduce possible interference between wells. The current capacity for each well is identified below: Table IV-B- 3: Inventory of Existing Wells Well Pump Well Well # Well Pump Well Casing Motor Active C.U. Location Diameter Capacity Depth Depth H.P. Permit (GPM) WTP #1 1E 12" 1200 350' 105' 20 Yes Yes ~.,- ~.^ -_._~._~._.. . .... . ~-.,_..~-., _..~-.,._~..~-,-_.~ .......... 2E 12" 2000 290' 119' 50 Yes Yes __",.>"'~^_>..~"~'_ h._" "~, ~_.._".._.,,-".._..,_..~~._.. 3E 12" 1000 295' 190' 50 Yes Yes .. .-. ._..._.,.~--..'--'-' ...... -~ --- ..-~_.'--~-" ._-~_... 4E . 16" 1000 350' 130' 25 Yes Yes WTP #2 3W 12" 1100 491' 123' 20 Yes Yes _... ,""-",,.'~'--",-'-',"' ._"._...._m_._..._h.._.._...._ H... 6W 12" 1100 400' 220' 30 Yes Yes WTP #3 4W 12" 1100 423' 96' 20 Yes Yes 5W 20" 2400 440' 200' 50 Yes Yes Source: Winter Springs Utility Department. City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 4-2 The City adheres to the standards adopted for wellhead protection by the SJRWMD and the FDEP, including restricting the type of development allowed in the vicinity of a wellhead and requiring a SOO-foot protection zone around each wellhead (see Future Land Use Element). Land use surrounding a water supply site is a major consideration in the selection and protection of well sites to avoid contamination. As part of the City's wellhead protection plan the City should identify all potential sources of contamination for existing wells. The direction of groundwater flow is to the northeast toward Lake Jesup. g. Potable Water Storaae Facilities The City has four (4) ground storage tanks connected to the central system. The capacity of each storage tank is identified hereinafter: IV -18 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN rnFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT Table IV-B- 4: Existing Potable Water Storage Facilities Location Capacity (gallons) Aerator Capacity (GPM) WTP #1 1,000,000 3500 _"_..<_"_..~_"._...~_,,._.,~_>._...~_,,_..,_,._,,~,,._..,~"~'''''_'''MN_''''~_''_''''''_~_'''''~''_'' WTP #1 500,000 3800 WTP #2 500,000 3800 WTP #3 500,000 3800 Note: All storage facilities are ground storage. Source: City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 4-1. h. Hiah Service Pumps There are nine (9) high service pumps connected to the central system with a capacity of 21.3 million gallons per day (MGD); however, based on "out of service" criteria (resulting in the largest unit in the system not included in the projections), the capacity is reduced to 16.5 million gallons per day (MGD). Table IV-B- 5: Existing High Service Pumping Facilities Plant Well Pump Mfg Model # Design Head H.P. Aux Pwr Operating Location Output Head (psi & feet) WTP #1 Aurora 6x18 2000 143' 125 VFD '._'''''~'''_''_''._''''_'''__M'''~ ,-,,,-,-,._. .._.,--~_.._..~-..._..._.. .....-..........-..,.....,,-.- Aurora 8x10x15B 3350 143' 150 565 KW 62psi ,. .._-.,-,..._-.,_. .._.",-~~_...,-,.,,_..,,-~,,_.~ I... ,,""'.. ,,_.._,_.._~,._.._~,._.._~. .'.'..' ,...~~,._.....-..,'-~..~~.. Aurora 8x10x21 2600 143' 125 143' WTP #2 Worthington 4LR133/8 850 143' 50 Direct ".'--'-"-.'--'-"-"'~.~"-~--' ...-..-.-.-..--.-.- _..~_.."~"K_''''_'''_.. Drive on Worthington 6LR13 1000 143' 75 Pump 3; 58-66 psi n. ~"'_"__'_""_'_"~~"'__"~_' ....... .-.--.-.-..--..-..- ...._...._~.._...._~.._.... Worthington 8LR14 2500 143' 150 generator 143' connection on Well 3 WTP #3 Worthington 6LR13A 1100 143' 100 300 KW "~.'"_,,~..__~~___~,.__.._~.._,,._.._.h ~.._..~_.~_,,~_,,_,,~_"_..~n" ..k.~~.._,_..~_".~". 56-68 psi Worthington 6LR13 1000 143' 75 Shared _,,~...._,,~._,,_,~<._,,_'-'._'._"_H_'.__ ..-...--..-.-..-.-..- .._~..~_._~..~_..~~.. w/L.S. 7 143' Worthington 6LR13 1000 143' 75 Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 4-3 i. Consumptive Use Permit Withdrawal of water from the Floridan Aquifer is regulated by the SJRWMD, by the issuance of a Consumptive Use Permit (CUP). The City's CUP#8238 expired in October 2006. The City ftled an application for CUP renewal prior to the expiration date and the application is under review. For IV-19 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN mFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT authorized average and maximum daily withdrawals under the CUP, see Table IV-B- 10: Projected Demand, Facility Capacity, and Permit Conditions. Table IV-B- 6: Existing Water Plant Design Capacities Well Capacity High Service Ground Aerator Location Storage Capacity GPM MGD GPM MGD (gallons) GMP WTP #1 5200 7.49 7950 11.45 500,000 7300 ( 4600**) (6.63**) WTP #2 2200 3.17 4350 6.26 500,000 3800 WTP #3 3500 5.04 3100 4.46 1,500,000 3800 (1100**) TOTAL 10,900 15.70 15,400 22.17 2,500,000 14,900 (8500**) (12.24**) (12,050**) (17.35**) MAX. POPULATION 63,800 (49,800**) 60,100 (47,000**) 40,700 87,220 SERVED **Based on largest unit in the system "out of service" criteria. Populations are rounded to the nearest 100 people. Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 4-4 & Summary ALTERNATE WATER SOURCES The City of Winter Springs operates two (2) wastewater treatment plants with a combined treatment capacity of approximately 3.56 MGD with a projected capacity of 4.77 MGD by 2010. Wastewater is collected, treated, and redistributed for irrigation purposes. In 2007, the reclaimed water system had 1720 residential connections utilizing a flow of approximately 1.1 MGD, average daily flow. The reclaimed water has also been utilized at two golf courses (Tuscawilla Golf Course and Winter Springs Golf Club) a public park, and other urban landscape areas. The system has reduced demands on the City's potable water system. New subdivisions and other developments are required to install reclaimed water distribution lines so that reclaimed water, when available, can meet irrigation demands. New developments are also encouraged to utilize storm water or surface waters for irrigation use wherever feasible. The system is currently constrained by the availability of wastewater in proportion to the demand for irrigation water. Current irrigation demand exceeds the amount of wastewater generated by a single family home by as much as four (4) times. Use of secondary sources of water to supplement the system (such as Lake ]esup), will allow expansion of the City's reclaimed water system. IV -20 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT CONSERVATION PROGRAMS The City has implemented numerous conservation programs: Water Restrictions. The City follows the watering restrictions recommended by the SJRWMD, which prohibit watering between the hours of lOAM and 4 PM and more than twice a week. An ordinance implemented in 2001 addresses water shortage conditions and watering restrictions that can be imposed by the City. This restriction applies to all water uses including potable, reclaimed water use, surface water and shallow wells. Conservation Rate Structure. Since 1998, the City has used a 5-tier water conservation promoting rate structure for the pricing of potable water use. The City also uses a 3-tier rate structure for reclaimed water use. Reclaimed Water Program. The City's reclaimed water program and the water conservation benefits of the program are promoted through literature distributed to water customers. New developments are required to construct a reclaimed or other non-potable water distribution system. Additional water conservation practices that have been implemented include: Conducting an informal leak detection program; Use of billing software to reduce discrepancies in reported gallons billed versus gallons pumped; Requiring compliance with the Florida Building Code standards for low volume fixtures in all new development; Promotion of water efficient landscape and irrigation (Xeriscape™) practices through regulations and education; Providing sites which showcase examples of Xeriscape™ practices; Using native vegetation on public lands as feasible; Providing retrofit kits and making water conservation literature available; and Providing public tours of facilities. WATER SUPPLY CONCURRENCY In order to ensure that water is available at time of development, a concurrency management procedure has been implemented. This procedure includes the participation of a representative from the City's Utility Department as a participant during development review. This representative addresses availability of potable and reclaimed water to new development, thus ensuring that the approval of development orders are coordinated with the availability of a water supply. The demand per capita for potable water is calculated by taking the volume of water treated and pumped and dividing it by the City's population. The City's consumption rate went from a high of 145 gallons per capita per day (GPCD) (1998) to a low of 104 GPCD (2003). Demand can fluctuate considerably depending upon the weather patterns of a given year. An extremely dry year in 2006 increased demand to 135 GPCD. This represents the volatility of irrigation demands on the water supply. Expanding the City's Reclaimed Water and Conservation Programs will ensure that the potable water demand is reduced regardless of weather patterns. The City projects that the per capita potable water consumption will continue to decrease from historic patterns, given the expansion of the reclaimed water system, conservation programs, and development of infill properties with denser housing configurations, such as townhouses, apartments and condominiums, rather than large lot single family homes. The City's level of service (LOS) for the potable water supply is a minimum of 115 gallons per capita per day (GPCD). IV-21 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT PROJECTED WATER NEEDS AND SOURCES a. Population Population growth is expected to increase by 1.2 % per year over the 18-year period through 2025. This projection adds 8835 people to the City. Population and corresponding water demand rates are the most important factors in determining the need for additional supply and treatment facilities. Historical rates of water usage were analyzed to better understand demand factors. b. Potable Water Capacity Surpluses and Deficiencies As of 2007, the City of Winter Springs's central system is providing 9.4 MGD maximum daily flow. Treatment plants are rated by their ability to serve based on the limiting component. Currently this limiting component is the storage capacity. The storage system has a maximum capacity of 10.1 MGD (maximum daily flow criterion). Therefore, there is an estimated 0.70 million gallons per day of surplus capacity. The existing system is able to serve all of the existing residential and non- residential units that are currently connected to private wells. The City does not have any capacity deficiencies within the central system. c. Future Demand Capacity The ability of the City's system to meet the consumptive demand is controlled by the maximum permitted pumping capacity as limited by the City's Consumptive Use permit from the St. John's River Water Management District. SJRWMD has indicated that the permitted supply of groundwater will be frozen at the 2013 level for subsequent years, based on what the Floridan Aquifer can support for the region. Future water demand was forecast based on City population projections through 2025. The City has the capacity to service the City's potable water demands through the projected planning period, while considering the 2013 limitations. The expanded use of reclaimed water further reduces this demand and enables the City to meet its LOS. Table IV-B- 7: Projected Water Demands in MGD Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 Population 36,650 39,698 41,023 42,348 Average Daily Flow 5.05 5.31 5.30 5.30 Max. Day 10.1 10.6 10.6 10.6 Peak Hour 15.2 15.9 15.9 Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 5-4. The Capital Improvements Schedule identifies projects scheduled to be completed within the next five (5) years to enable the City to meet its LOS for potable water. Because the City does not have any capacity deficiencies, these projects represent the expansion of the reclaimed water system and IV -22 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN mFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT provision of an alternative water source. Improvements to provide for facility upgrades or existing maintenance requirements are also included. d. Fire Protection In addition to domestic and commercial demand, the City has identified the need to rate the water system in terms of its ability to provide fire protection. To rate the water system in terms of fire protection, the City has embraced the fire protection standards of the NFP A (National Fire Protection Association) and the ISO (Insurance Services Office). Recommended fire protection standards for each land use designation have been established. In order to identify areas of possible deficiency in meeting the fire protection standards, fire department hydrant flow test data was analyzed. As of 2007, the City does not have any deficiencies. Table IV-B- 8: Fire Flow Requirements(1) Recommended(1) Fire Flow Well Year Population Fire Flow (GPM) Duration Recommended (hrs.) Fire Flow (GPM) 2010 36,650 5,801 10 1,250 2015 39,698 6,022 10 1,250 2020 41,023 6,141 10 1,250 2025 42,348 6,236 10 1,250 (1) Based on National Board Recommendations. This is for high service and distribution capability. City Code is 550 GPM for residential and 1250 GPM for commerciallindustrial. Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 5-5. e. Performance and Condition of Existing Facilities The water quality from the Floridan Aquifer is sufficiently good and only requires aeration and chlorination treatment to provide potable water. Each of the City's three water treatment plants has consistently operated in compliance with all criteria established by the FDEP and the Florida Department of Health with respect to public water supplies. All three of the City's water treatment plants (WTP #1, WfP #2 & WTP #3) were constructed in 1972. Each plant continues to be maintained in good operating condition. Repairs and/or upgrades to each plant are performed as required on an individual basis. Each plant should have a minimum remaining useful life of at least 40 years. The following table summarizes the City's historical and projected water consumption data based on plant flow records from January 2001 to December 2006 and shows the SJRWMD's CUP data in comparison to demand. Conservation efforts and an expanded reclaimed water system have led to a general decrease in per capita demand, with the exception of 2006 which was a particularly dry year. IV-23 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Table IV-B- 9: Projected Demand, Facility Capacity, and Permit Conditions Population Projected CUP Authorized Surplus Per Capita Year Winter Springs Water Use Withdrawal (Deficiency) Actual Data (MGD) (MGD) 2001 30,770 3.93 4.30 0.47 128 2002 31,565 3.73 4.53 0.80 118 2003 32,127 3.78 4.71 0.93 118 2004 32,636 3.89 4.91 1.02 119 2005 33,176 4.00 5.19 1.19 121 2006 33,513 4.55 5.38 0.83 136 2007 34,186 4.69 - - 2008 35,370 4.86 - - 2009 36,041 4.96 - 2010 36,650 5.65 - - 2011 37,247 5.15 - - 2012 37,843 5.24 - - 2013 38,439 5.33 - - 2014 39,035 5.29 - - 2015 39,698 5.31 - - 2016 39,963 5.29 - - 2017 40,228 5.30 - - 2018 40,493 5.30 - - 2019 40,758 5.30 - - 2020 41,023 5.30 - - 2021 41,288 5.31 - - 2022 41,553 5.31 - - 2023 41,818 5.31 - - 2024 42,083 5.31 - - 2025 42,348 5.30 - - Notes: 1. Historical Population Data (2001-2006) is based on data provided by the City. 2. Projected Water Use is based on Table 2, "Projected Water Use" of the CUP application and includes an allocation for domestic, commercial and light industrial and other water uses. 3. "CUP Authorized Withdrawals" per day were calculated from the annual withdrawals authorized under condition 16 of CUP 8238, which expired October 8,2006. No withdrawals are shown for 2007 through 2025 because a CUP renewal application is under review. 4. Flow reductions in "Projected Water Use" are due to conservation and reclaimed water use (currently 1.1 MGD in 2006). 5. Per Capita Actual is based on the total water pumped divided by population. Source City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 5-7. IV -24 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Table IV-B- 10: Water Supply Needs and Sources Total Total Projected Total Projected Maximum Year Projected Supply Supply From Potential (d) Conservation Water Groundwater Alternative Reclaimed Program Demand(a) Sources(b) Water Source(c) Water (MGD) (MGD) (MGD) (MGD) 2007 5.80 4.69 1.10 1.10 Y ._n_~'_"_"_"_,_,,_,, 1.10 y 2008 5.96 4.86 1.10 ~._>_._--~,_.__.._-~ 1.10 Y 2009 6.06 4.96 1.10 2010 6.15 5.05 1.10 1.10 Y ._.._M._"___-.___._...._.. 2011 6.25 5.15 1.10 1.59 Y ,..~,.~..~..,-~."_..,'-~,.__.~._-,... 2012 6.34 5.24 1.10 1.59 Y _K_..__._<..~..._._..._"._.... Y 2013 6.43 5.30 1.13 2.07 ._".._m_".~.._".~.__._....__.. y 2014 6.45 5.30 1.15 2.07 ~.__.._.,---_.._-,_._-- 2015 6.54 5.30 1.24 2.57 Y ._A~_..______..__~_..._.__~. 2.57 2016 6.57 5.30 1.27 ."_.__.._m_."_~.,_~.._...,_~_ 3.06 y 2017 6.61 5.30 1.31 -..--..---.-----..----".-.. 2018 6.65 5.30 1.35 3.06 y ._.u_..._~_..____..."__._..__". 2019 6.68 5.30 1.38 3.55 Y --"_._".__._,,._.,--,,-~.. 2020 6.72 5.30 1.42 3.55 Y -,,_.._,._~._..~_.._,,~_.._,... 2021 6.76 5.30 1.46 4.00 Y .'_n_~_.."~,._.._.__.._"._., 2022 6.79 5.30 1.49 4.00 Y "._._--,._,-,._-,._".__.._.,.~ 2023 6.83 5.30 1.53 4.30 Y -"~_._,..,"...,-,,~_..._.~_..,,-,,, 2024 6.87 5.30 1.57 4.30 Y ._v.,~_,__.'._<>__.,_.._._._~__,. 2025 6.90 5.30 1.60 4.30 Y (a) Includes all demands, potable, industrial/commercial, losses and irrigation (reclaimed/augmentation). (b) Groundwater sources are based on Consumptive Use Permit. Value frozen at 2013 projected level. (c) Total projected water demand less total projected groundwater sources. Alternate water sources include reclaimed water and augmentation, (d) This value represents water available for use based on 1.1 MGD reclaimed water utilized today, plus the Lake Jesup augmentation plan/facilities. Source: City of Winter Springs, Reclaimed Water Augmentation Study, September 20,2005. This includes all phases. Source: Winter Springs Utility Department, City of Winter Springs Water Supply Plan 2007 Table 1-1. IV-25 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN mFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT FUTURE WATER SOURCES Limitations on the Floridan Aquifer as a resource require the City to consider alternative water sources. The 2006 Addendum to the SJRWMD's District Water SupplY Plan 2005 included alternative water source options for local jurisdictions to consider. Winter Springs is currently in the planning stages of the Winter Springs - Lake ]esup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Project. This project is a single jurisdiction project and is projected to produce 2.25 MGD. Winter Springs has requested cost-share funding under the Water Protection and Sustainability Program and has been granted $1.82 million over a three year period (2008-2010). Total construction cost is anticipated at $6.06 million. Winter Springs has purchased a site for the plant on the south shore of Lake ]esup and in 2006, applied for a CUP (#105763) for the withdrawal of surface water from the Lake to supplement its reclaimed water supply. The CUP application is under review by the S]RWMD. The project consists of construction of f1ltration treatment, two 1.0 MGD ground storage tanks, pumping facilities and high level disinfectant facilities. The facility will be constructed with expansion capacity to provide treated surface water to neighboring entities not in the Winter Springs' service area, through interconnects based on interlocal agreements. Completion of the project is slated for 2010. Over the next 18-year period, it is estimated that another 3.2 MGD will be made available from the reclaimed water system and the future water augmentation system. The City is continuing to expand its reclaimed water distribution system. It anticipates supplying approximately 20% of its residents with reclaimed water for landscape irrigation by 2013 and expanding to every single family detached home which is connected to City sanitary sewer service by 2025. Projections for the use of reclaimed water indicate that public reception is above average and that it is a viable source of irrigation water for the City. Reclaimed water reduces demand for potable water and will allow the City to use potable water for new development which is its highest and best use. As reclaimed water becomes available, potable water for irrigation use will be prohibited. FUTURE CONSERVATION PROGRAMS Conservation Programs can impact public perception and support of good stewardship of water resources. These efforts, however, are not able to be quantified in terms of MGD reductions on a spreadsheet. If they were, they would appear to have only an insignificant impact. Their greater impact is a greater community awareness of the identity of the place in which they reside and how to better sustain it. The following summarizes key areas where the City can make improvements: Land Development Regulations. The City's Land Development Regulations will be revised to reflect best practices in water efficient landscaping and the use of native plant materials. Water Conservation Education. The City's web site will be expanded to include information on water conservation. Water conservation materials will be displayed at City Hall. The City will continue to implement examples of water efficient landscapes (Xeriscapes TM) as models for the public. The City will consider initiating an award program recognizing best practices in water efficient landscaping within Winter Springs and consider supporting City Staff training and involvement in school programs such as "Drop Savers" and ''Project WET". Retrofits. The City will continue its meter replacement program to retrofit meters with unaccounted water loss and consider incentives for retrofitting old plumbing fixtures with low volume fixtures. IV -26 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN rnFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT City of Winter Springs Water Supply Work Plan, April 2007 (Planning Period through 2025) Winter Springs is proposing to continue the progressive plan that it has been implementing since its first purchase of private utilities in 1984. Winter Springs' approach to meeting the projected water demand through 2025 is based on sound solutions, both economically and environmentally. 1. Optimize the use of groundwater as a source of potable water, in an environmentally effective manner. Require connection to the City's central system in areas where potable water lines are within the right-of-way. Continue meter replacement program to retrofit meters which have unaccounted water loss. Consider incentives for retrofitting old plumbing fixtures with low volume fixtures. 2. Implement ordinances that encourage water conservation, Xeriscape™ landscaping and low water use devices, etc. Revise land development regulations to reflect best practices in water efficient landscaping and the use of native plant materials. 3. Continue implementation of the residential reclaimed water retrofit program. Optimize participation by prohibiting use of potable water for irrigation use, in areas where reclaimed water is available. 4. Continue to require new development to provide infrastructure for connection to reclaimed water or use of surface water from stormwater ponds supplemented with private wells for irrigation. 5. Continue evaluation and development of alternative water supplies and/or augmentation sources. Support regional water supply initiatives and cooperative efforts with other jurisdictions. The City has land available on the shore of Lake Jesup for a secondary (non-potable) water treatment facility, to provide supplemental water to its existing reclaimed distribution system. 6. Seek funding assistance on reclaimed water and alternative water supply programs to reduce burden on customer base. 7. Continue the implementation of water conservation Imtlatlves. Expand web site to include information on water conservation. Display and make water conservation materials available at City Hall. Continue to implement Xeriscape™ demonstration projects as a tool for public awareness. Consider initiating an award program recognizing best practices in water efficient landscaping within Winter Springs. Consider supporting City Staff training and involvement in school programs such as "Drop Savers" and "Project WET". IV-27 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN rnFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS The Capital Improvements Element Schedule identifies projects scheduled to be completed within the next five (5) years to enable the City to meet its LOS for potable water. Because the City does not have any capacity deficiencies, these projects represent the expansion of the reuse system and provision of an alternative water source to reduce dependence upon the Floridan Aquifer. Improvements to provide for facility upgrades or existing maintenance requirements are also included. The City is located in an area that the SJRWMD identifies as a priority water resource caution area in the District Water SupplY Plan 2005. A priority water resource caution area is an area where existing and reasonably anticipated sources of water may not be adequate to supply water for all existing legal uses and anticipated future needs while sustaining water resources and related natural systems through 2025. Project Name Responsible Agencies Funding Sources Estimated Project Cost Purpose of Project Project Development Phasing Planning Engineering & Design Permitting Construction Operation & Maintenance Unit Production Capacity AD F Project Name Responsible Agencies Funding Sources Estimated Project Cost Purpose of Project Project Development Phasing Planning Engineering & Design Permitting Construction Operation & Maintenance Winter Springs - Lake Tesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Project (DWSP Project #58) City of Winter Springs SJRWMD City of Winter Springs Florida Water Protection and Sustainability Program $6.7 million (capital costs) [previous data indicated- $6.06 million] Reuse augmentation project- to augment and expand the use of reclaimed water for irrigation purposes, as a means of reducing demand on potable water 2006 2007 2006-07 2008-2010 $0.15 (in Millions per Year) $0.75 (per 1000 gallons) 2.25 MGD Additional 500.000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs $750,000 Expansion of water storage capacity at WTP #2 2018 2018 2019 2019 IV-28 EXHIBIT 'B' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT E WATER SUB-ELEMENT UCTION A. The City of Wi er Springs currently owns, operates and maintains a central potable water distribution system. The City's potable water system provides water for both residential and non- residential purposes, eluding fire-fighting demands. The City has historical been able to provide adequate potable water service to meet the demand within the City's bou aries. Presently, the City does not service surrounding areas of unincorporated Seminole ounty with the exception of a single commercial property, Gould's Publications, located on S.R. 17-92 north of Shepard Road. In 2001, a Water and Waste ter Rate Study for the City of Winter Springs was initiated. The primary objective of the study . I be to identify the appropriate impact fees for potable water and sanitary sewer users. B. POTABLE WATER EXI ING CONDITIONS DATA 1. Public Potable Water acilities Inventory The City's central system is com 'sed of three (3) water treatment plants, seven (7) public water wells, and four (4) groun storage tanks. The distribution system consists of approximately 100 ft. of 16" mains, 026 ft. of 14" mains, 10.45 miles of 12" mains, 16.78 miles of 10" mains, 39.70 miles of 8" ains, 54.54 miles of 6" mains, 1.80 miles of 3" mains, and 8.39 miles of 2" water mains. e location of the three water treatment plants is illustrated in Map 1-4 of the Future Lan Use Element. An inventory of these facilities is provided in Table IV-B-1. a. Operational Responsibility The City of Winter Springs Utility Depa ent is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the central public water stem within the City's service area. This service area is limited to areas within the Ci of Winter Springs. b. Service Area and Predominant Users The current geographic service area of the ce ral water system is limited to all property within the City. The City does not provi water service outside of the City limits. As of March 2001, the City is servicing approximatel 11,042 residential meters and 223 non-residential meters, for a total of 11,265 meters Table IV -B-2 identifies the number of meters within the City. The predominant Ian use serviced by the central system is low and medium density residential. c. Public Potable Water Facility Design and Capacity All of the City's central system treatment facilities utilize the s e basic process for water treatment. First, groundwater is pumped through a casca aerator atop the IV-13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT ground storage tank for hydrogen sulfide removal. Second, the water is chlorinated and pumped into the distribution system with high service pumping units. dditionally, Ortho-Poly-Phosphate is added at water treatment plant #1 for c os ion control. Each of these treatment facilities consists of several distinct parts, whi together comprise a complete plant system, including: wells, treatment, stora and high service pumping. The following are descriptions of each facility and Ta e IV-B-1 summarizes the plant capacities and current demand. The East er Treatment Plant (WTP-1) is located at 851 Northern Way. This facility service the eastern half of the City. The maximum design capacity of this treatment plant currently 6.0 million gallons per day. The current average demand on the EWTP is .615 million gallons per day. This plant has several support facilities, including: ree (3) wells (1 @ 1,200 GPM and 2 @ 2,000 GPM), three (3) high service pumps ted @ 2,400, 2,600 and 3,350 GPM), and two (2) above ground storage tanks (0. and 1.0 million gallon capacity). Plant consists of two separate plants (WTP-2 & WTP-3) located at separate sites. -2 is located at 700 Sheoah Boulevard. WTP-3 is located at 110 West Bahama venue. Together, these facilities service the western portion of the City. The ma. urn design capacity for both treatment plants combined is 6.0 million gallons p day. The current demand on the plants (WTP-2 & WTP-3) is 1.627 million gallon per day. The following support facilities are provided at each plant: two (2) wells TP-2: 2 @ 1100 GPM, WTP-3: 1100 GPM & 1800 GPM), three (3) high servic umps (rated @ WTP-2: 2500 GPM, 900 GPM, & 1200 GPM, WTP-3: 250 GPM, 950 GPM & 850 GPM), a hydropneumatic tank and a 500,000-gallon ound storage tank. Combined, these two treatment plants have maximum pumping capacity which is limited by the City of Winter Springs Consu tive Use Permit (permit no. 2-117- 0029NGM3R) as issued by the St. Johns River ~ater Management District. This permit, which expires in October of 2006, allows r a combined annual withdrawal of 1598.7 million gallons for 2001, 1.653.5 million lIons for 2002, 1719.2 million gallons for 2003, 1792.2 million gallons for 2004, 18 .4 million gallons for 2005, and 1963.7 million gallons for 2006. Public Potable Water Storage Facilities The City has four (4) ground storage tanks connected to he central system as described above. The capacity of each storage tank is identified. Table IV -B-4. Public Distribution System All of three of the water treatment plants are connected to the in distribution system. This central distribution system consists of water mains rangin in size from 2 inches to 16 inches. The vast majority of the distribution system cons! s primarily of six (6), eight (8), ten (10) and twelve (12) inch mains. The pre domina material used throughout the distribution system is PVC pipe. However, some cement IV-14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT asbestos main exists in older portions of the system, as well as, some ductile iron piping where required by design circumstances. ublic High Service Pumps the purposes of planning, the high service pumps shall be the component used to termine system capacity. There are 9 high service pumps connected to the centr system. Three service pumps per plant location. The wells, which serve the Central ystem, are adequate to supply water to meet the high service pumps distributi capacity. Based on the criteria noted above, the City's Central system is rated at 12 illion gallons per day (MGD). Public Potab As previously tioned, the City's central potable water distribution system is connected to seve (7) potable water wells. These wells are located on site at the City's potable water reatment plants. The City currently has a consumptive use permit with the Wate Management District that allows the City to withdraw a maximum volume of wa as previously detailed. The current demand for each well is identified in Table IV -B- In order to ensure that wellhe s are protected from contamination, the City restricts the type of development a owed in the vicinity of a wellhead through implementation of the Future La Use Map, as well as Code of Ordinances. Map 1-2 of the Future Land Use elemen identifies the existing land uses within the City of Winter Springs. Map IV-B-1 ident es the location of the wellheads including the SOO-foot protection zones. The City a eres to the standards adopted for wellhead protection by the St. Johns River Water nagement District and the FDEP. The Floridan Aquifer in the Winter Springs rea receives low to moderate recharge from the surficial aquifer. This is due to water ble elevation differences between the surficial aquifer and the Floridan Aquifer and t e vertical hydraulic conductivity of the soils. The transmissivity is sufficiently high s h that most large diameter wells, twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) inches, can be expec d to produce over 1,500 gallons per minute (GPM) with little draw down in the we and little impact to adjacent users. Drawdowns in the surficial aquifer are estimate to be very low, due to the Hawthorn Formation. In order to lessen the interfere ce between wells, a five hundred (500) foot minimum spacing between wells is mal tained. At that distance the draw down in one well due to another will be minimal. Public Level of Service The central system currently treats an average of 4.193 million g ons per day of potable water. The existing level of service for potable water dema is calculated by dividing the volume of water treated and pumped by the City's po ulation. The current level of service provided is estimated to be 123 gallons per cap a per day. This amount is for residential and non-residential combined. IV-1S CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT 2. Private Potable Water Facilities Inventory There is one other potable water treatment facility within the City's service area. That facility rvices the Tuscawilla Trails Manufactured Home Park and is located across from City Hall. T . system is not connected with the City's central water distribution system. Num ous individual wells, drilled to serve individual single-family units, exist throughout the Ci Within the city limits, the number of residential units on individual wells is estimated 0 be approximately three (3) percent. The actual number of private wells in certain. ER FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS c. 1. Potable War Capacity Surpluses and Deficiencies a. The evaluation of n essary systems to meet domestic and commercial consumptive demand is based upon he entire system's ability to meet peak hour flow. Presently, the ability of the City's stem to meet the consumptive demand is controlled by the maximum permitted pum "ng capacity as limited by the City's Consumptive Use permit from the SJRWMD. The City of Winter Springs's ntral system is currently providing 4.193 MGD, average daily flow. The system h a maximum capacity of 12.0 MGD. Therefore, there is an estimated 7.8 million gall s per day of surplus capacity, which is available for additional connections. Therefore, e central system has the capacity to serve all of the existing residential and non-resi tial units that are currently connected to private systems or private wells. To date, the City has not identified any level f service related existing deficiencies within the potable water treatment and 'stribution system. The Capital Improvements Program identifies various projects heduled to be completed within the next five years. Many of these projects represe improvements to provide for facility upgrades or existing maintenance requirements. The City does not currently reserve future capacity for developments other than thos agreements made prior to the City's purchase of the utilities. b. Future Demand Capacity Future water demand was forecast based on City population projec 'ons. The level of service standard used in the calculation is 115 gallons per capita per The potable water demand was projected for the years 2005 and 2010 the City's Engineering & Community Development department and was prepared p 'or to the 2000 Census. By 2005, the demand is projected to be 4.84 MGD, increasin 06.01 MGD by the year 2010. As previously stated, the cumulative maximum sign capacity of the three WTP's is 12.0 MGD and the maximum capacity of all the . h service pumps is 24.84 MGD. Therefore, the City's central system has the capacl IV-16 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT to service the projected growth. However, the City will be required to increase the maximum permitted withdrawal volume when it renews the Consumptive Use permit in 2006 in order to meet the projected demand. A detailed list of capital projects required to meet future service demand through fiscal year 2005-2006 and eliminate expected deficiencies is presented in the Capital Improvements Element. Fire Protection In a "tion to domestic and commercial demand, the City has identified the need to rate th ~ater system in terms of its ability to provide fire protection. To rate the water sys in terms of fire protection, the City has embraced the fire protection standards the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and the ISO (Insurance Se ices Office). Recommended level of service standards for each land use designation has 0 n established. A tiered approach is applied to meet fire protection level of se ice (LOS) standards. of possible deficiency in meeting the fire protection LOS, fire department hydrant ~ test data was analyzed in selected areas of the City. To date, only one (1) deficiency xists in the system and it shall be eliminated by the end of 2002 when the S.R. 434 2" water main from Spine Road to Vistawilla is constructed. This improvement roject is listed within the Capital Improvements Program. 2. Performance and Condition of Exis . The water quality from the Floridan aquifer is s ficiently good and only requires aeration and chlorination treatment to provide potable wat Additionally, Ortho-Poly-Phosphate is added to allow for corrosion control at WTP-1. Each of the City's three water treatment plants have nsistently operated in compliance with all criteria established by the FDEP and Departm t of Health and Rehabilitative Services with respect to public water supplies. All three of the City's water treatment plants (WTP-1, WTP-2 WTP-3) were constructed in 1972. Each plant continues to be operated and maintained in ood operating condition. Repairs and/or upgrades to each plant are performed as require n an individual basis. Each plant should have a minimum remaining useful life of 50 years. a. Distribution System Performance Overall, the performance of the distribution system is maintenance is performed. IV -17 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT 3. b. Public Well Performance There is a slight reduction in pumping volumes when the water level drops in the wells. Wells are rotated and consolidated daily by operating personnel. Potable Water Facility Replacement, Expansion and New Facility Siting Recom nded capital projects to overcome existing deficiencies in water transmission, and to provid system capacity needed for projected growth, are included in the Capital Improveme Schedule. All of the City's water treatment plants are programmed for improvement ring the short term planning horizon. There are also several line extensions programmed d g the short term planning horizon. a. Future wells sh ld be between twelve (12) and twenty-four (24) inches in diameter and be cased appr . ately 150 feet deep and be open from 150 to around 400 feet to produce at least 00 GPM. Wells in the south can be expected to require 300 to 350 feet of casing bee se of the soft nature of the limestone. The wells should be spaced at least five hun d (500) feet apart to minimize draw down impacts on the other wells. The City antic ates construction a new well to be located at WTP-1 in the near future. IV-18 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT able IV-B-1: City of Winter Springs Water Treatment Plants - 2001 Location Current Demand Maximum Design Capacity for Entire S stem 851 Northern 700 Sheoah Blvd. 11 0 West Bahama Ave. 2.615 MGD ..,.,..~.. ....,...,,~... ",,""~" ,,_,.' ..,n .. _... "'._'.'"~''' "'." ,.~ "'._'.' ',M ,., '.. 0.814 MGD _"~""-""~"""""'~""'...'..~....,......~_.,.."..~....,......,-..........-...." 0.813 MGD 4.242 MGD 12.0 MGD Utility Department and Land Design Innovations, Inc. Table IV-B- 2: City of Winter rings Existing Potable Water Customers - 2001 Total Within City Limits 11,042 meters 222 meters 11,264 meters Outside City Limits o meters 1 meters 1 meters Percentage outside the Ci 0% 0% 0% Type of User Residential General Service Source: Winter Springs Utility Department and Land IV-19 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT able IV-B- 3: City of Winter Springs Existing Demand on Public Water Wells - 2001 Well Location Current Demand on Wells WTP #1 WTP #1 WTP #1 2.615 MGD Well #4 Well #5 Well #6 Well #7 0.814 MGD 0.814 MGD Source: Winter Springs Utility Dep tment and Land Design Innovations, Inc. Maximum Well Pumping Capacity 1,200 GPM 2,000 GPM 2,000 GPM 1,100 GPM 1,100 GPM 1,100 GPM 1,800 GPM Table IV-B- 4: City of Winter Springs Ex ting Potable Water Storage Facilities - 2001 Stora e Facili Ground Storage #1 Ground Storage #2 _~._.._._._.......__.."___.._~.~..._."_"'_'_~_"'_'_._..._._.~_...__._._.. '"._u."' Ground Storage #3 ___"__"_"'"_n_'"__"__'__"_."_".."__"_"__"'."'___.._.____.._...__.._... Ground Storage #4 WTP #1 WTP #1 WTP #2 WTP #3 Source: Winter Springs Utility Department and Land Design Inno Maximum Ca aci 1.0 MG 0.5MG 0.5MG 0.5 MG IV -20 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Potable Water Treatment Plant and Well Locations @ City of Wlnler Springs ~~, h,"~J I rr--r- ~, '11 1 ~<C€:c.!):oI W!Ot<l<~n(lS,-!.lJlt 2001 Map IV-8-1: Potable Water Treatment Plant and Well Locations .. WATER TREATMENT PlANT . E.>;ISTING WELL 500-FT WElLFlELO PROTECTION ZONE _ WINTFR SPRINGS SERVICE AREA __ WATER FEATURES NMAJOR ROADS N STRl':ETS N CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MUNICIPAl BOUNDARY tl' N o 1 Miles .I.'k~ LAN!) D"~I(;N f"'NO\> ~"'~:' ~ r"'o D"'j'It""'~Av""""". 5l.t>.t. IV-21 EXHIBIT 'c' City of Winter Springs POTABLE WATER SUB-ELEMENT B. POTABLE WATER- GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES- APRIL 2007 TO THE INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT [This document replaces the previous "B. POTABLE WATER- GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES" of the Potable Water Sub-element in its entirety. ] April 2007 City of Winter Springs Community Development Department- Planning Division 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT B. POTABLE WATER- GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES- APRIL 2007 GOAL IV-B: To plan for and assure an adequate supply of excellent quality potable water to meet the needs of all City residents and non-residential establishments within the City of Winter Springs and within the City's service area during the 2025- planning horizon. Objective IV-B-l: Central System. Based upon adopted level of service standards, the City's Water SupplY Plan 2007 and the SJRWMD's District Water SupplY Plan 2005 and 2006 Addendum, the City shall determine timing for upgrading the Central System (Supply and Treatment System)based on the following evaluation criteria: Policy IV-B-l.l: Policy IV-B-l.2: Policy IV-B-l.3: Policy IV-B-l.4: Policy IV-B-l.5: Policy IV-B-l.6: Policy IV-B-l.7: Policy IV-B-l.8: Policy IV-B-l.9: The City's level of service for potable water supply shall be a minimum of 115 gallons per person per day. (Cross Reference: Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.2.1-d.) Total well capacity shall equal or exceed the Maximum Day Demand (MDD), including design fire flow demand. Maximum Dqy Demand (MDD) = Total Water Consumed, divided fry 365 dqys, x Maximum Dqy Peak Factor (2.0). (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-8.4) With the largest well out of service, total well capacity shall equal or exceed the Average Daily Demand (ADD). Average DailY Demand (ADD) is the total water consumed during a calendar year divided fry 365 dqys. The capacity of the aeration system shall be equal to or greater than the Maximum Day Demand (MDD). When evaluating system pump capacity, the City shall use a peak factor of 1.1 GPM per equivalent residential connection (ERC) in the calculation of the system's ability to meet the level of service standard. Assuming that the largest well is out of service, the well field capacity shall be rated at the average daily demand. The City shall require that any new wells be constructed to produce capacities of between 1200 and 2400 gallons per minute. The storage tank capacity should be at least one-half (1/2) of the average daily consumption volume. The water distribution system shall provide peak flow storage for the difference between peak flow and well flow for the duration of the fire flow, with a buffer of 10%. Fire flow is the flow of water required to fight a major fire. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B- 8.4) IV -60 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy IV-B-1.10: INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-1.11: Policy IV-B-1.12: Policy IV-B-1.13: The high service pump capacity shall at least be equal to the maximum daily peak factor demand, assuming that the largest high service pump is out of service. The water distribution system shall be capable of delivering the peak hour flow (without fire demand) with a minimum residual pressure of twenty (20) pounds per square inch (psi). The maximum velocity through any pipe shall be 8 feet per second. The auxiliary power should meet the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FD EP) criteria of providing 1/2 the maximum daily flow. Objective IV-B-2: Operations & Maintenance. The City will annually adopt programs & activities to maintain the central system. Policy IV-B-2.1: Policy IV-B-2.2: Policy IV-B-2.3: Policy IV-B-2.4: Policy IV-B-2.5: Policy IV-B-2.6: The City will maintain its potable water treatment facilities in optimum condition by the implementation of a preventive maintenance program. The City will review water fee methodology and user rates annually during the budget process to ensure adequate funding for treatment, storage and distribution facilities. The City will develop a system to review individual customer water meters to ensure proper readings of those meters. The City will institute a replacement or "change out" schedule for meters in the field to ensure replacement when accuracies exceed the industry tolerance range. All improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities to correct deficiencies shall be adequate to meet the adopted level of service standards, the City's Water SupplY Plan 2007, and the SJRWMD's District Water SupplY Plan 2005. Improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities shall comply, at a minimum, with standards recognized and approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, specifically including the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Water Works Association. Objective IV-B-3: Future Demand Based upon population projections, the City shall ensure the supply and treatment of safe potable water through the 2025-planning horizon to meet the IV -61 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT adopted level of service standards, as well as the requirements of both the City's Water SupplY Plan 2007 and SJRWMD's District Water SupPlY Plan 2005 and 2006 Addendum. Policy IV-B-3.1: Policy IV-B-3.2: Policy IV-B-3.3: Policy IV-B-3.4: Policy IV-B-3.5: Based upon the adopted level of service and the City's Water SupplY Plan 2007, the City will review future demands to verify that there are no needs for future expansion of potable water facilities. The City shall cap its potable groundwater demand at 2013 levels and shall determine the most cost-effective option for augmenting this system with an alternative water source. The City shall pursue cooperative efforts with SJRWMD, Seminole County, and other local jurisdictions, in providing cost-effective solutions. If new development would result in a significant increase in population beyond current projections, the City shall reevaluate the potable water system capacity and ensure that the central water system can meet level of service standards prior to issuance of a development order. The City shall continue to monitor groundwater supply conditions in conjunction with the St. Johns River Water Management District. The City shall encourage and require, as needed, the interconnection and looping of existing and proposed segments of the potable water distribution system. Objective IV -B-4: Capital Improvements. The City shall plan capital improvements to meet future needs and projected deficiencies. Policy IV-B-4.1: Policy IV-B-4.2: Policy IV -B-4.3: Policy IV-B-4.4: The mathematical model of the transmISSIon system will be maintained in the ftles for subsequent computer analysis to determine the water use demands. The City shall implement the five-year Capital Improvements Schedule for potable water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element. The City will review the Capital Improvements Schedule annually and adopt a City Budget that prioritizes needed potable water improvements to meet the demands of future growth and approved developments. The City's Water SUPPlY Plan, 2007 will be updated at intervals coinciding with the District Water SupplY Plan, 2005 updates, to ensure consistency between the State, regional, and local levels. IV -62 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-4.5: The City will evaluate the production, expansion capabilities, and life expectancy of the water treatment plans in each update to the Water SupplY Plan, 2007. Objective IV-B-5: New Development. The City shall evaluate water supply sources and quality considerations when developing new wells, as well as repairing or improving the existing central potable water system. Policy IV-B-5.1: Policy IV-B-5.2: Policy IV-B-5.3: Policy IV-B-5.4: Policy IV -B-5.5: Policy IV-B-5.6: The City shall maintain a five hundred (500) foot minimum spacing between wells, where practicable. The City shall consider surrounding land uses when making the final selection of any well site. The City shall consider well placement be a 100-foot mlntmum setback from sewer lines. The City shall require a 200-foot minimum setback for well placement from septic tanks. The City shall conduct an investigation by a geohydrologist to estimate the recommended well size and depth, pumping capacity, casing length, projected aquifer drawdown, and any other site specific considerations to be utilized in the final design. The City shall investigate and pursue the acquisition of property near Water Treatment Plant #2 and Water Treatment Plan #3, for future treatment needs and protection of wellfields. Objective IV-B-6: Service Area. The City shall adopt a service area boundary for potable water and shall discourage leapfrog development and urban sprawl. Policy IV-B-6.1: Policy IV-B-6.2: Policy IV-B-6.3: The City's potable water service area shall be defined by the corporate limits of the City except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. Before providing potable water service to properties located in unincorporated Seminole County, the City shall require that the property owners receiving service execute and record an annexation agreement approved by the City Commission. The City may provide or receive wholesale potable water service to or from other cities and Seminole County by written agreement. IV -63 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy IV-B-6.4: mFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT Policy IV-B-6.5: Policy IV-B-6.6: The City shall be the provider of potable water to residents and nonresidential establishments within the City's service area except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. The City shall continue to maximize the efficient use of the City's potable water treatment facilities as a unified city water system. The City shall discourage urban sprawl by delineating a Service Area boundary. . All new developments within the City's Service Area shall connect to the City's existing centralized water supply/treatment facilities, except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. . The City shall only provide service to those areas included in the City's delineated Service Area, except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. . The City shall require new home construction to connect to City water service when it is available in an adjacent right-of-way. . The City shall not allow new subdivision developments located in the Service Area, to utilize individual private wells for water service. . Reconnection to private well service in lieu of City potable water is not an option once connected to City service. . The City shall not allow disconnection from existing City potable water service, unless by written agreement. Objective IV-B-7: When reviewing applications for development orders within the City limits, the City shall consider impact on the environment, including the ability to be served by the City's existing water facilities. The City shall maintain initiatives to conserve potable water resources, which ensure that existing level of service standards for potable water, do not increase more than twenty (20) gallons per person per day. Policy IV-B-7.1: Policy IV-B-7.2: Maintain a progressive water rate structure to ensure conservation of potable water and to provide an incentive for the use of treated wastewater for irrigation purposes. Maintain the reclaimed wastewater effluent program whereby wastewater is treated to standards consistent with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requirements for "unrestricted public access" irrigation of private and public areas. IV -64 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy IV-B-7.3: INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-7.4: Policy IV-B-7.5: Policy IV-B-7.6: Policy IV-B-7.7: Policy IV-B-7.8: Potable water will not be used for irrigation in areas where reclaimed water is available for such irrigation. The City shall implement the five-year capital improvement schedule for reclaimed water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element, as well as the annual Capital Improvement Plan. Maintain the requirement that all new developments, which contain or abut existing or planned routes of the City's reclaimed water distribution system, connect to the reclaimed water system prior to occupancy. The City shall maintain specific requirements for the use of low consumption plumbing devices in the Code of Ordinances. (Cross Reference: Infrastructure Element Policy IV-E-1.6.) The City shall adhere to St. Johns River Water Management District emergency water shortage restrictions when mandated by the District. The City shall require fifty (50%) percent of the required landscaping area, as indicated in the Land Development Regulations, be Xeriscaping™ or native plant materials. Objective IV-B-8: Fire Protection. Provide adequate delivery and distribution of potable water to meet fire protection demand within the City of Winter Springs and the City's service area. Policy IV-B-8.1: Policy IV-B-8.2: Policy IV-B-8.3: Policy IV-B-8.4: Policy IV-B-8.5: The City shall monitor, evaluate, repair and replace the existing water delivery and distribution system to ensure the system can deliver the needed gallon per minute flows to meet fire protection demands. The City shall maintain an active water system and fire hydrant mapping and numbering program. The City shall extend water distribution mains to areas within the City's service area and provide adequate fire protection service to residents and non-residential establishments located within the service area provided the residents/ developers participate in the costs. Fire flow levels of service shall be based upon delivery pressures of twenty-psi residual and minimum fire flows of 550 GPM for residential and 1,250 GPM for non-residential and multi-family developments. The City's water system should provide for a fire flow duration of 10 hours depending on population projections. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-8.4) IV -65 EXHIBIT '0' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT explore all possible means of funding the line extensions and connections. Policy IV-A-4.4: The City shall coordinate with the Seminole County Health Department to ensure that where central sewer service is available, no new septic system permits shall be approved for any new development or any existing systems which have been determined to be inoperable or detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the general public. Objective IV-A-5: Emuent Disposal The City shall continue to prevent the discharge of wastewater into State and local waters through the continued utilization and expansion of its reclaimed water system. Policy IV-A-5.1: Maintain treatment facilities to provide for "unrestricted access" levels of treatment to allow for reuse of reclaimed water for irrigation of landscaped areas, as well as use in allowable industrial applications. Policy IV-A-5.2: The City shall prohibit the use of potable water for purposes of irrigation where reclaimed water is available. Policy IV-A-5.3: The City shall require the installation of reclaimed water systems for all new development, which contain or abut existing or planned reclaimed water routes. Connection of the reclaimed system to the potable water system shall be allowed when reclaimed water is not provided until such time as reclaimed water becomes available. Policy IV-A-5.4: Back up storage and disposal of excess reclaimed water (during wet periods) will be provided by the City's existing spray fields and percolation ponds. Policy IV-A-5.5: The City shall consider applying for permits to allow discharge of reclaimed water into wedands during periods of "emergency". Policy IV-A-5.6: The City shall maintain a public awareness and education program regarding the use of reclaimed water. B. otable water to meet of Winter Springs GOAL IV-B: 0 plan for and assure an adequate supply of excellent quali the needs of all c residents and non-residential establishments within the Cl and within the City's rvice area during the 2020 planning horizon. Objective IV-B-l: Ba d upon adopted level of service standards, the City shall a ually adopt programs and activities to co ect existing deficiencies in the central potable water system. IV-52 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT The City's Level of Service for potable water supply shall be 115 gallons per person per day. When evaluating well capacity, the City shall use a peak factor of 150% of the average 16-hour daily flow (ADF) in the calculation of the system's ability to meet the level of service standard. When evaluating system pump capacity, the City shall use a peak factor of 1.1 GPM per ERC in the calculation of the system's ability to meet the level of service standard. Policy IV-B-l.4: e City's central system parameters shall be based on the following: . ell field capacity shall be rated at the average daily demand and assum" g the largest well being out of service, . Storag ank capacity should be at least one-half (1/2) of the average daily consu tion volume, . High service ump capacity shall at least be equal to the maximum daily peak factor mand and assuming the largest high service pump being out of service, d shall be designed for a minimum of forty si) delivery pressure. . The distribution syst (40) pounds per square inc Policy IV-B-l.5: The City will maintain its pota e water treatment facilities in optimum condition by the implementation a preventive maintenance program. Policy IV-B-l.6: The City shall maintain a Master Utili 2003 using 2000 Census data, and every Plan, which shall be updated by ree (3) years thereafter. Policy IV-B-l.7: The City shall implement the five-year Capit Improvement Schedule for potable water facilities adopted in the Capit Improvements Element and the five-year Capital Improvements PIa updated and adopted ann uall y. Policy IV-B-l.8: The City will review the Capital Improvement Sche ule annually and adopt a City Budget that prioritizes needed potable wat improvements to correct existing deficiencies. Policy IV-B-l.9: Review water fee methodology and user rates annually during e budget process to ensure adequate funding for treatment, stora e and distribution facilities. IV -53 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Develop a system of review of individual customer water meters to ensure proper readings of those meters. Institute a replacement or "change out" schedule for meters in the field to ensure replacement at least every fifteen (15) years. -1.12: All improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities to correct deficiencies shall be compatible and adequate to meet the adopted level of service standards. These improvements and/ or additions to Potable Water facilities shall comply, at a minimum, with standards recognized nd approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, s cifically including the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Am "can Water Works Association. Objective IV-B-2: Based upo treatment of safe potable water thr service standards. population projections, the City shall ensure the supply and gh the 2020-planning horizon to meet the adopted level of Policy IV-B-2.1: adopted level of service the City will plan for replacement, exp sion and extension of potable water facilities to meet future demands con rrent with new development. Policy IV-B-2,2: The City will plan for dequate future treatment facilities, which at a minimum will meet all Fe ral and State drinking water criteria. Policy IV-B-2.3: The City shall implement the apital improvement schedule for potable water facilities adopted in the apital Improvements Element and the annual Capital Improvements PIa Policy IV-B-2.4: The City will review the Capital 1m ovement Schedule annually and adopt a City Budget that prioritizes nee ed potable water improvements to meet the demands of future growth an pproved developments. Policy IV-B-2.5: The City shall continue to monitor ground ter supply conditions 1n conjunction with the St. Johns River Water Man ement District. Policy IV-B-2.6: The City shall encourage and require, as needed th "nterconnection and looping of existing and proposed segments of e potable water distribution system. Objective IV-B-3: The City shall adopt a service area discourage leapfrog development and urban sprawl. Policy IV-B-3.1: The City's potable water service area shall be defined by the co orate limits of the City and those other areas located outside the corp ate limits, which are established by the City Commission by a writ n IV-54 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT instrument. Before providing potable water service to properties located in unincorporated Seminole County, the City shall require that the property owners receiving service execute and record an annexation agreement approved by the City Commission. The City may also provide wholesale potable water service to other cities and Seminole County by written agreement. The City shall be the provider of potable water to residents and non- residential establishments within the City's service area. The City shall continue to maximize the use of the three potable water eatment facilities connected to the central water system, and ultimately st .ve to incorporate all private systems into the unified city water system. Policy IV -B-3.4: shall discourage urban sprawl through the following activities: . that all new developments within the City's service area the City's existing centralized water supply/treatment . The City sha only provide servIce to those areas included in the City's delineated Se ice area; ow new development in the Service area to s for water service; and, . The City shall not utilize individual private . When reviewing applicatio for development orders within the City limits, the City shall consider. act on the environment, including the ability to be served by the City's e . ting water facilities. Objective IV-B-4: The City shall maintain initiatives to conse e potable water resources, which ensure that existing level of service standards for potable water, do t fluctuate higher than twenty (20) gallons per person per day. Policy IV-B-4.1: Maintain a progressive water rate structure t potable water and to provide an incentive wastewater for irrigation purposes. ensure conservation of the use of treated Policy IV-B-4.2: Maintain the reclaimed wastewater effluent program w is treated to standards consistent with Florida epartment of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requirements for "unte .cted public access" irrigation of private and public areas, so that potable ater is not used for irrigation in areas where reclaimed water is available or such irrigation. IV -55 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-4.3: The City shall implement the five-year capital improvement schedule for reclaimed water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element, as well as the annual Capital Improvement Plan. Maintain the requirement that all new developments, which contain or abut existing or planned routes of the City's reclaimed water distribution system, connect to the reclaimed water system prior to occupancy. The City shall maintain specific requirements for the use of low consumption plumbing devices in the Code of Ordinances. The City shall adhere to St. Johns River Water Management District emergency water shortage restrictions when mandated by the District. Policy IV-B-4.7: e City shall require fifty (50%) percent of the required landscaping ar , as indicated in the Land Development Regulations, be xeriscaping and ative plant materials. Objective IV-B-5: Provide a guate delivery and distribution of potable water to meet fire protection demand within the City 0 Winter Springs and the City's service area. Policy IV-B-5.1: The City sh I monitor, evaluate, repair and replace the existing water delivery and 'stribution system to ensure the system can deliver, by 2005, needed ga n per minute flows to meet fire protection demands. Policy IV-B-5.2: The City shall main in an active water system and fire hydrant mapping and numbering progr Policy IV-B-5.3: The City shall extend w er distribution mains to areas within the City's service area and provide a quate fire protection service to residents and non-residential establishme located within the service area provided the residents/ developers parti . ate in the costs. Policy IV-B-5.4: Fire flow levels of service shall delivery pressures of twenty-psi residual and minimum e flows of 500 gpm for residential and 1,250 gpm for non-residential an multi-family developments. c. SOLID WASTE GOAL IV-C: To provide efficient and safe Solid Waste disposal facilities and collection services on a regular basis for all City residents and commercial establishments within the City of Winter Springs to protect the environment and public health. Objective IV-C-l: Solid Waste Disposal The City shall coordinate the disposal of solid waste throughout the planning horizon in a safe and efficient manner. IV -56 EXHIBIT 'E' The following portions of the Infrastructure Element- Natural Groundwater Aquifer Sub- Element are amended as follows: (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks 0' indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption 0 f this Ordinance.) INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT - NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT- NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE SUB-ELEMENT Objective IV-E-l: Natural Recharge Protection and Conservation. Policy IV-E-l.l The City shall adhere to regulations established by St. JohRs Ri. er Water MaRageffieRt District STRWMD to protect areas of high recharge. Policy IV-E-l.3 The City shall continue to coordinate with Seminole County, St. Johns Ri. er Water Management Di3triCt S]RWMD, and state and federal agencies to achieve regional aquifer recharge protection objectives. Policy IV-E-l.4 The City shall continue to cooperate with the 'XTater MaRa:gemeRt District STRWMD in monitoring of groundwater supply conditions and consumptive use review. Policy IV -E-l.6 The City shall continue to require adherence to the energy standards of the Florida Building Code maiRtain ultra 10 \OJ . olume fixtures regtHatfORS iR the Code of Ordinances to encourage minimal use of potable water. (Cross Reference: Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-7.6.) Policy IV-E-l.7 To the extent possible, the City will continue to expand its reclaimed water system to increase availability for all fteW-development aRa reae. elopment. Policy IV -E-l.8 Where a'. ll:Hable, t Ihe City shall require installation of non-potable reclaimed water systems in new developments and encourage individual connection to its reclaimed water system for irrigation purposes. Policy IV-E-l.9 The City shall e.almte the Reed for II restricted irrigation hours and require rain sensor device~ orcliRaRce that is in compliance with State and local STRWMD regulations. EXHIBIT 'F' The following portions of the Future Land Use Element are amended as follows: (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (J indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption 0 f this Ordinance.) FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT *** D. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES *** Objective 1.2: Natural Resource Protection. *** Policy 1.2.5 Wellheads. Consistent with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Standards. new development will be prohibited within 500 feet of a well head. IBaastrial F1it\:lre LaRd Use aesigBatioBs shall not be permitted withiB a vlellhead proteetioB area, as aefiBea by State law. *** Policv 1.2.14: Potable Water. No development orders shall be issued unless it can be determined that adequate potable water supplies and facilities are available. *** Objective 1.3: Concurrency. *** Policy 1.3.4 Proposed Future Land Use Map amendments shall be supported with data and analysis demonstrating that adequate water supplies and associated public facilities will be available to meet the proiected growth demands. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement Element. Obiective 1.8 and Policies 1.8.1. 1.8.2 and 1.8.3) EXHIBIT 'G' The following portions of the Conservation Element are amended as follows: (Underlined type indicates additions and gtrikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (J indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption 0 f this Ordinance.) CONSERVATION ELEMENT *** C. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES *** Objective 1.2 Groundwater Resources. *** Policy 1.2.6 The City shall continue to expand its ffiaintain water reuse or reclamation systems- for commercial, residential, and industrial operations which utilize large quantities of non-potable water. *** Policy 1.2.8 The City shall reduce its dependence upon the Floridan aquifer through the implementation of the Water Supply Work Plan. Policy 1.2.9 The City's Water Suvvlv Plan. 2007 shall be updated to correspond with the SJRWMD's District Water Suvvlv Plan updates. The Water Supply Work Plan shall be reviewed annuallv and updated as needed. and shall include a minimum 10-vear planning period to ensure that proiected potable water demands are considered. (Cross Reference: See Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Policy 1.1.6) EXHIBIT 'H' The following portions of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element are amended as follows: (Underlined type indicates additions and strikcout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (j indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption 0 f this Ordinance.) INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT *** D. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Objective 1.1: Policy 1.1.6: Objective 1.4: Policy 1.4.5: Policy 1.4.6: Policy 1.4.7: *** Coordination of Plans. *** The City's Water Supply Work Plan shall coordinate with the Seminole County's Water Supply Plan 2007. SJRWMD's District Water Supply Plan 2005 and 2006 Addendum and the ECFRPC's Strategic Regional Policy Plan 1998. (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element. Policy 1.2.9) *** Infrastructure Coordination. *** Coordinate with the SJRWMD to ensure implementation of the District Water Supplv Plan 2005 and its subsequent updates. (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element. Policy 1.2.9) Work with the SJRWMD when alternative sources of providing potable water need to be evaluated. Consider the feasibility of interconnecting water supply facilities with other iurisdictions. EXHIBIT 'I' The following portions of the Capital Improvement Element are amended as follows: (Underlined type indicates additions and 3trikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (J indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption 0 f this Ordinance.) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT *** E. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES *** Objective 1.1: Capital Improvement Schedule. *** Policy 1.1.1: Capital projects shall be defined as those projects identified within the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet established levels of service, increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding $10,000$ 50.000. *** Objective 1.2: Level of Service. *** Policy 1.2.1: d. The level of service for Potable Water is a minimum of 115 gallons ~ day per capita. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element. Policy IV-B-1.1.) *** Objective 1.4: Policy 1.4.5: Objective 1.8: Policy 1.8.2: Policy 1.8.3: Capital Improvement Evaluation. *** The City will update the capital improvements schedule to maintain consistency with its Water Supply Work Plan. *** Concurrency Management. *** Data on current water supply demand and permitted capacity shall be maintained bv the Utility Department and supplied to the Planning Division on an as-needed basis for evaluation of proposed future land use map amendments. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement Element Policv 1.8.3 and Future Land Use Element Policv 1.3.4) No development orders shall be issued unless it can be determined that adeQuate water supplies and associated public facilities and services are available. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.4) EXHIBIT 'J' The following portion of the Capital Improvement Element is adopted as follows: (Underlined type indicates additions and ~trikwut type indicates deletions, while asterisks ()' indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption 0 f this Ordinance.) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT *** Table VIII-1: City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule FY 2007/08 - 2012/13 *** [TO BE PROVIDED - A schedule of financially feasible capital improvements that are to be implemented in the next five years based on the Work Plan) CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WATER SUPPLY PLAN April 2007 – Orlando CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 425-0452 CPH Project No. W04119 WATER SUPPLY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS п¹» CHAPTER 1 - SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ïòï Þ¿½µ¹®±«²¼ ïóï ïòî Ѫ»®ª·»© ïóî ïòí ݱ²·¼»®¿¬·±² ±º λ¹·±²¿´ É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² ïóí ïòì Ѫ»®ª·»© ±º б¬¿¾´» É¿¬»® Í«°°´·»® ·² É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ïóì ïòë Ý·¬§ Í»®ª·½» ß®»¿ É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ ͬ®¿¬»¹§ ïóé ïòê ݱ³°®»¸»²·ª» д¿² ß³»²¼³»²¬ ïóè ïòé Ûª¿´«¿¬·±² ¿²¼ ß°°®¿·¿´ λ°±®¬ λª·»© ïóïð ïòè Û½±²±³·½ ׳°¿½¬ ͬ¿¬»³»²¬ ïóïð ïòç Ѫ»®ª·»© ±º λ¹·±²¿´ É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² ïóïð ïòïð Ý·¬§ Ûºº±®¬ ¬± Ü¿¬» ±² ß´¬»®²¿¬» É¿¬»® ͱ«®½» ïóïï CHAPTER 2 - INTRODUCTION îòï Ы®°±» ±º ¬¸· д¿² îóï îòî Ù»±¹®¿°¸·½ Ô±½¿¬·±² îóï îòí Ý´·³¿¬» îóï îòì ̱°±¹®¿°¸§ ¿²¼ Ü®¿·²¿¹» îóî îòë Í«®º¿½» É¿¬»® îóî îòê ͱ·´ îóî îòé Û½±´±¹§ îóî îòè ß·® Ï«¿´·¬§ îóî îòç ß®½¸¿»±´±¹·½¿´ ¿²¼ Ø·¬±®·½¿´ Í·¬» îóí îòïð Ú´±±¼ д¿·² îóí îòïï ͱ½·±óÛ½±²±³·½ ݱ²¼·¬·±² îóí îòïî ͽ±°» ±º ¬¸» ͬ«¼§ ¿²¼ Ô·³·¬¿¬·±² îóí îòïí λ«» Ю±¹®¿³ îóë îòïì д¿² Ó¿·²¬»²¿²½» îóê îòïë É¿¬»® îðîð îóê CHAPTER 3 - WATER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS íòï Ù»²»®¿´ íóï íòî Ø·¬±®·½¿´ ײº±®³¿¬·±² íóï íòí É¿¬»® Ï«¿´·¬§ ͱ«®½» íóí íòì Ù®±«²¼©¿¬»® ݱ²¬¿³·²¿¬·±² ¿²¼ Ô¿²¼ Ë» íóç íòë ᬻ²¬·¿´ Ú«¬«®» ͱ«®½» ±º É¿¬»® íóç íòê Ý«®®»²¬ Í·¬·²¹ λ¹«´¿¬·±² íóïð íòé É¿¬»® Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ íóïî CHAPTER 4 - EXISTING CONDITIONS ìòï Ù»²»®¿´ ìóï ìòî É¿¬»® д¿²¬ ìóï ìòí Ü·¬®·¾«¬·±² ͧ¬»³ ìóî ìòì ݸ´±®·²¿¬·±²ñÜ··²º»½¬·±² ìóë ìòë ݱ®®±·±² ݱ²¬®±´ ìóë CHAPTER 5 - POPULATION AND WATER FLOWS ëòï б°«´¿¬·±² ¿²¼ Ú«¬«®» Ô¿²¼ Ë» ëóï ëòî Ü»³¿²¼ º±® É¿¬»® ëóí ëòí É¿¬»©¿¬»® λ«» Ю±¹®¿³ ëóé ëòì Í»®ª·½» ß®»¿ Ù®±©¬¸ ëóé CHAPTER 6 - DESIGN CRITERIA êòï Ù»²»®¿´ êóï êòî Ø·¬±®·½¿´ É¿¬»® Ü»³¿²¼ êóï êòí Í«°°´§ ¿²¼ Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ ͧ¬»³ Ý®·¬»®·¿ êóî êòì Ü·¬®·¾«¬·±² ͧ¬»³ êóê CHAPTER 7 - EVALUATION OF WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS éòï É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ ¿²¼ Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ éóï éòî É¿¬»® Ï«¿´·¬§ Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ ß´¬»®²¿¬·ª» éóë MAPS/FIGURES ïóï É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ Í»®ª·½» ß®»¿ Ó¿° ïóïì îóï Ù»²»®¿´ ͱ·´ ݸ¿®¿½¬»®·¬·½ îóì íóï Ûºº»½¬ ±º °Ø ±² ¬¸» ا¼®±¹»² Í«´º·¼» Û¯«·´·¾®·«³ íóè íóî ÚÜÛÐ É»´´ Í»¬¾¿½µ λ¯«·®»³»²¬ íóïï ìóï É¿¬»® Ü·¬®·¾«¬·±² ͧ¬»³ Ó¿° ø·² ³¿° °±½µ»¬÷ ëóï Ì®¿ºº·½ Ʊ²» ëóë TABLES ïóï É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ Ò»»¼ ¿²¼ ͱ«®½» ïóïë ïóî Ю±°±»¼ É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ Ю±¶»½¬ Ú±® ɱ®µ д¿² ? 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In addition…the total well capacity with the largest producing well out of operation shall equal at least the design average daily water demand, and preferably the design maximum-day water demand, for the system… ݱ²¼·¬·±² ïæ ̸» ¬±¬¿´ ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¸¿´´ »¯«¿´ ±® »¨½»»¼ ¬¸» ÓÜÜ ø·²½´«¼·²¹ ¼»·¹² º·®» º´±© ¼»³¿²¼÷ò ݱ²¼·¬·±² îæ É·¬¸ ¬¸» ´¿®¹»¬ ©»´´ ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½»ô ¬±¬¿´ ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¸¿´´ »¯«¿´ ±® »¨½»»¼ ¬¸» ßÜÜô °®»º»®¿¾´§ ¬¸» ÓÜÜò ݱ²ª»²¬·±²¿´ ß»®¿¬·±² ̸» ½¿°¿½·¬§ ±º ¬¸» ¿»®¿¬·±² §¬»³ ¸¿´´ ¾» »¯«¿´ ¬± ±® ¹®»¿¬»® ¬¸¿² ¬¸» ÓÜÜò Ú±®½»¼ Ü®¿º¬ ß»®¿¬·±² ̸» ½¿°¿½·¬§ ±º ¬¸» §¬»³ ¸¿´´ ¿´´±© ¼»´·ª»®§ ±º ¬¸» ßÜÜ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ´¿®¹»¬ ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ «²·¬ ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½»ò Ì®¿²º»® Ы³°·²¹ ̸» °«³°·²¹ §¬»³ ¸¿´´ ¾» ½¿°¿¾´» ±º ¼»´·ª»®·²¹ ÓÜÜ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ´¿®¹»¬ °«³°·²¹ «²·¬ ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½» øïð ͬ¿¬» ͬ¿²¼¿®¼÷ò ݸ»³·½¿´ ͬ±®¿¹» ¿²¼ Ú»»¼ ͧ¬»³ ͬ±®¿¹» ¬¿²µ ¸¿´´ °®±ª·¼» ¿¬ ´»¿¬ í𠼿§ ±º ¬±®¿¹» ¿¬ ßÜÜ ½±²¼·¬·±² øïð ͬ¿¬» ͬ¿²¼¿®¼÷ò Þ¿½µ«° ½¸»³·½¿´ º»»¼ °«³° ¸¿´´ ¾» °®±ª·¼»¼ ¬± ¿´´±© ¼»´·ª»®§ ±º ¬¸» ¼»·¹² º»»¼ ®¿¬» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ´¿®¹»¬ «²·¬ ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½» øïð ͬ¿¬» ͬ¿²¼¿®¼÷ò Ý·¬§ ±º É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ? É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² п¹» Ò±ò êóë Ì¿¾´» êóïô ½±²¬·²«»¼æ Ú·²·¸»¼ É¿¬»® ͬ±®¿¹» Ϋ´» êîóëëëòíîð øïç÷ ¬¿¬»… This subsection addresses finished-water storage capacity necessary for operational equalization to meet peak water demand. (If fire protection is being provided, additional finished- water storage capacity shall be provided as necessary to meet the design fire-flow rate for the design fire-flow duration.) The finished-water storage capacity necessary to meet the peak water demand for a consecutive system may be provided by the consecutive system or by a wholesale system delivering water to the consecutive system. (a) Except as noted in paragraph (b) below, the total useful finished-water storage capacity (excluding any storage capacity for fire protection) connected to a water system shall at least equal 25 percent of the system’s maximum-day water demand, excluding any design fire-flow demand. λ½±³³»²¼»¼ Ý®·¬»®·¿æ Û¯«¿´·¦¿¬·±² ͬ±®¿¹»æ îëû ±º ÓÜÜ ±® ª±´«³» ¾¿»¼ ±² ³¿ ¼·¿¹®¿³ ¿²¿´§· øÚßÝ êîóëëë÷ò ݱ²¬·²¹»²½§ ͬ±®¿¹»æ Û¬·³¿¬»¼ ¿¬ ïëû ¾¿»¼ ±² ¿² ±°·²·±² ±º §¬»³ ®»´·¿¾·´·¬§ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ´»ª»´ ±º «²½»®¬¿·²¬§ ®»¹¿®¼·²¹ §¬»³ ¾»¸¿ª·±® øßÉÉß Óóíî÷ò Ø·¹¸ Í»®ª·½» Ы³°·²¹ ÚÜÛÐ Ý®·¬»®·¿ ó Ϋ´» êîóëëëòíîð øïë÷ ¬¿¬»æ For purposes of this subsection, well pump installations shall be considered high-service pumping stations if the well pumps serve as high-service pumps. (a) Unless elevated finished-drinking-water storage is provided, the total capacity of all high- service pumping stations connected to a water system, or the capacity of a booster pumping station, shall be sufficient to: 1. Meet at least the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, peak-hour water demand (and if fire protection is being provided, meet at least the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, design fire-flow rate plus a background water demand equivalent to the maximum-day demand other than fire-flow demand); and 2. Maintain a minimum gauge pressure of 20 pounds per square inch throughout the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, distribution system up to each customer’s point of connection to the distribution system. ßÒÜæ Ý·¬§ ±º É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ? É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² п¹» Ò±ò êóê Ì¿¾´» êóïô ½±²¬·²«»¼æ (b) At each high-service or booster pumping station that is constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is connected to a community water system (CWS) serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of watershall provide an installed or uninstalled standby pump of sufficient capacity to replace the largest pump. However, for CWSs that have multiple interconnected pumping stations subject to this requirement, the supplier of water may provide one uninstalled standby pump for each size of high-service or booster pump installed in the water system instead of providing a standby pump on site at each high-service or booster pumping station; and for water systems that have only one pumping station subject to this requirement and that are designed to serve 10,000 or fewer persons, as many as three water systems located in the same county, or within 50 miles of one another, may enter into a mutual aid agreement to share one appropriately sized, uninstalled standby pump instead of providing a standby pump on site at each water system’s high-service or booster pumping station. ͬ¿²¼¾§ б©»® Í«ºº·½·»²¬ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¬± ¼»´·ª»® ¿¬ ´»¿¬ ßÜÜ ¼«®·²¹ ¿ °±©»® ±«¬¿¹» øÚßÝ Ý¸¿°¬»® êîóëëë÷ò Ü·¬®·¾«¬·±² ͧ¬»³ Ю»«®» ³«¬ ¾» ¿¬ ´»¿¬ îð °· «²¼»® ÐØÜ ¿²¼ ÓÜÜ °´« º·®» º´±© ½±²¼·¬·±² ¿¬ ¿´´ °±·²¬ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» ¼·¬®·¾«¬·±² §¬»³ øÚßÝ Ý¸¿°¬»® êîóëëë÷ò Ê»´±½·¬·»æ ̸» ³¿¨·³«³ ª»´±½·¬§ ·² °·°» ïî ·²½¸» ¿²¼ ³¿´´»® ¸±«´¼ ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ ëò𠺻»¬ °»® »½±²¼ øº°÷ ¿²¼ ª»´±½·¬·» ·² °·°» ´¿®¹»® ¬¸¿² ïî ·²½¸» ¸±«´¼ ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ êòð º° ø«¹¹»¬»¼ ½®·¬»®·¿ ¬± ´·³·¬ »¨½»·ª» °®»«®» ¼®±° ¿²¼ ¬¸» °±¬»²¬·¿´ º±® ¸·¹¸ ¬®¿²·»²¬ °®»«®»÷ò Ò±¬»æ ïò ̸» Ù®»¿¬ Ô¿µ» Ë°°»® Ó···°°· 窻® Þ±¿®¼ ±º ͬ¿¬» Ы¾´·½ Ø»¿´¬¸ ¿²¼ Û²ª·®±²³»²¬¿´ Ó¿²¿¹»® °«¾´·½¿¬·±² »²¬·¬´»¼ λ½±³³»²¼»¼ ͬ¿²¼¿®¼ º±® É¿¬»® ɱ®µô ïççî Û¼·¬·±²? · ½±³³±²´§ µ²±©² ¿ ïð ͬ¿¬» ͬ¿²¼¿®¼?ò ̸» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ±º ¬¸· ¼±½«³»²¬ ¿®» ·²½±®°±®¿¬»¼ ·² ÚßÝ Ý¸¿°¬»® êîóëëë ¾§ ®»º»®»²½»ò ®¼ îò ̸» ¼±½«³»²¬ ¬·¬´»¼ É¿¬»® Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ д¿²¬ Ü»·¹²ô í Û¼·¬·±²ô ïççé?ô ©¸·½¸ · °«¾´·¸»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ß³»®·½¿² ͱ½·»¬§ ±º Ý·ª·´ Û²¹·²»»®ô · ·²½±®°±®¿¬»¼ «²¼»® ÚßÝ Ý¸¿°¬»® êîóëëë ¾§ ®»º»®»²½»ò Ý·¬§ ±º É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ? 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É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² п¹» Ò±ò éóïï CHAPTER 7 EVALUATION OF WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 7.1 Water Supply and Treatment éòïòï Ù»²»®¿´ ײ ¬¸· ½¸¿°¬»®ô ©» »ª¿´«¿¬» ª¿®·±« ¿´¬»®²¿¬·ª» ¬± »²«®» ¿¼»¯«¿¬» §¬»³ ½¿°¿¾·´·¬·» ¬¸®±«¹¸ ¬¸» ¬©»²¬§ó§»¿® °´¿²²·²¹ °»®·±¼ò ̸» »ª¿´«¿¬·±² · ¾¿»¼ ±² »®ª·²¹ ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ ¿²¼ °®±°±»¼ »®ª·½» ¿®»¿ò λ½±³³»²¼¿¬·±² ¿®» ¿´± ³¿¼» ±² ¬¸· ¾¿·ò Û¨°¿²·±² ½¿°¿¾·´·¬·» ¿®» ´·³·¬»¼ ¿¬ »¿½¸ ©¿¬»® °´¿²¬ º¿½·´·¬§ ¼«» ¬± ¬¸» °®±¨·³·¬§ ±º ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ñ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¿®»¿ò ߬ ÉÌÐî ¬¸»®» · °¿½» º±® ¿ ²»© ¹®±«²¼ ¬±®¿¹» ¬¿²µ ¿²¼ ´·³·¬»¼ ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ¿²¼ ¸·¹¸ »®ª·½» °«³° ½¸¿²¹»ò ر©»ª»®ô ²± ²»© ©»´´ ½±«´¼ ¾» ¿¼¼»¼ ±² ¬¸» ·¬»ò Ò»© ©»´´ ³«¬ ¾» °´¿½» ±ººó·¬» ·º ®»¯«·®»¼ò ߬ ÉÌÐíô ¬¸»®» · ª»®§ ´·³·¬»¼ °¿½»¼ º±® ´·³·¬»¼ ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ½¸¿²¹» ¿²¼ ¬¸» ¸·¹¸ »®ª·½» °«³° ½±«´¼ ¾» ³±¼·º·»¼ ¾§ ½¸¿²¹»±«¬ ±º »¨·¬·²¹ °«³°ò ׬ ©±«´¼ ¾» ¿¼ª·¿¾´» ¬± ·²ª»¬·¹¿¬» ¬¸» °«®½¸¿» ±º ¿¼¶¿½»²¬ °®±°»®¬·» º±® º«¬«®» »¨°¿²·±²ñ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ³±¼·º·½¿¬·±² ¼«» ¬± ²»© ®»¹«´¿¬·±² ±² ©¿¬»® ¯«¿´·¬§ò ÉÌÐï ¸¿ ¿®»¿ º±® »¨°¿²·±²ô ¾«¬ · «®®±«²¼»¼ ¾§ ³¿¶±® »´»½¬®·½¿´ °±©»® ´·²» »¿»³»²¬ò Ò± ´¿²¼ · ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» º±® °«®½¸¿» ¾»§±²¼ ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ ·¬»ò ß´´ º«¬«®» ©±®µ ©·´´ ¸¿ª» ¬± ¾» ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ °®±°»®¬§ ¾±«²¼¿®·»ò éòïòî É»´´ ß ¼·½«»¼ ·² Í»½¬·±² êòíô Ü»·¹² Ý®·¬»®·¿?ô ¬±¬¿´ «¿¾´» ©»´´ º·»´¼ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¸±«´¼ »¯«¿´ ¬¸» ³¿¨·³«³ ¼¿§ º´±© ·² ¿ îì󸱫® °»®·±¼ò ̸» ³¿¨·³«³ ¼¿§ ¼»³¿²¼ °®±¶»½¬»¼ º±® ¬¸» §»¿® îðîë · ïðòê ÓÙÜ ±® éôíêï ¹°³ º±® ¬¸» »®ª·½» ¿®»¿ò ß ¸±©² ±² Ì¿¾´» ìóìô Û¨·¬·²¹ É¿¬»® д¿²¬ Ü»·¹² Ý¿°¿½·¬·»?ô ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ · ïëòé ÓÙÜ ±® ïðôçðð ¹°³ò É·¬¸ ¬¸» ´¿®¹»¬ ©»´´ ·² ¬¸» §¬»³ ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½»ô ©¸·½¸ ©±«´¼ ¾» ¬¸» îìðð ¹°³ ©»´´ ¿¬ ÉÌÐ íô ¬¸» ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ · ïîòî ÓÙÜ ±® èôëðð ¹°³ò ̸» ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» »¨½»»¼ ¬¸» °®±¶»½¬»¼ îðîë ³¿¨·³«³ ¼¿§ ¼»³¿²¼ º±® ¾±¬¸ ½®·¬»®·¿ò ß «³³¿®§ ±º ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ ¿²¼ °®±¶»½¬»¼ ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬·» · ¸±©² ¾»´±©ò Ý·¬§ ±º É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ? É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² п¹» Ò±ò éóïî TABLE 7-1 WELL CAPACITIES Condition 1 Condition 2 Existing Well (1) YearRequired Well Required Well Capacity Capacity (GPM) Capacity (GPM) (GPM) (GPM) îðïð èîêí éðïí çëðð ïïôëðð îðïë èêïï éíêï çëðð ïïôëðð îðîð èêïï éíêï çëðð ïïôëðð îðîë èêïï éíêï çëðð ïïôëðð øï÷ ݱ´«³² ï · ¬¸» ½¿°¿½·¬§ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ´¿®¹»¬ ©»´´ ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½» ¿²¼ ½±®®»°±²¼ ¬± ݱ²¼·¬·±² îò ݱ´«³² î · ¿´´ ©»´´ ·² »®ª·½» ¿²¼ ½±®®»°±²¼ ¬± ݱ²¼·¬·±² ïò ݱ²¼·¬·±² ï ·²½´«¼» ïîëð ¹°³ º±® ¼»·¹² ¿²¼ º·®» º´±©ò Í»½¬·±² íòð ¼·½«»¼ ©»´´ ·¬·²¹ ½±²·¼»®¿¬·±² ¿²¼ ¬¸» °±¬»²¬·¿´ º±® ©»´´ ½±²¬¿³·²¿¬·±²ò ̸» Ý·¬§ ¸±«´¼ ½±²·¼»® ¿ ¼»¬¿·´»¼ ¿²¿´§· ±º °±¬»²¬·¿´ ©»´´ ½±²¬¿³·²¿¬·±² ±«®½»ò Ü«» ¬± ¬¸» «®¾¿²·¦»¼ ²¿¬«®» ±º ¬¸» É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ Í»®ª·½» ß®»¿ô ´¿®¹» ¬®¿½¬ ±º ´¿²¼ ©·¬¸ ¿¼»¯«¿¬» ¾«ºº»® º±® ©»´´ º·»´¼ ¿®» ²±¬ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´»ò ̸» Ý·¬§ ¸±«´¼ ·¼»²¬·º§ ¿²¼ °«®½¸¿»ô ·º ²»½»¿®§ô °±¬»²¬·¿´ ·¬» º±® ¾¿½µ«° ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ º±® ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ §¬»³ ®»´·¿¾·´·¬§ ·º ¿²§ »¨·¬·²¹ ©»´´ ¼± ¾»½±³» ½±²¬¿³·²¿¬»¼ò We recommend the following for wells: 1. No improvements are required. 2. Identify and purchase backup sites. éòïòí ß»®¿¬±® ̸» ¿»®¿¬±® ½¿°¿½·¬·» ¿®» ¸±©² ±² Ì¿¾´» ìóìô Û¨·¬·²¹ É¿¬»® д¿²¬ Ü»·¹² Ý¿°¿½·¬·»?ô º±® »¿½¸ ©¿¬»® °´¿²¬ò ̸» ¬±¬¿´ ¿»®¿¬±® ½¿°¿½·¬§ · ïìôçðð ¹°³ò Þ¿»¼ ±² ¿ ³¿¨·³«³ ¼¿·´§ º´±© ±º éíêï¹°³ º±® ¬¸» §»¿® îðîëô ¬¸» ¿»®¿¬±® ½¿°¿½·¬§ »¨½»»¼ ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ò ̸» ¿»®¿¬±® ½¿°¿½·¬§ · ²±¬ »¯«¿´´§ ¼·¬®·¾«¬»¼ ¬± »¿½¸ ©¿¬»® °´¿²¬ô ¿ ¸±©² ±² ¬¸» ²»¨¬ °¿¹»æ TABLE 7-2 AERATOR CAPACITY/REQUIREMENTS PlantAerator Capacity Aeration Required Capacity Differential (gpm)Based on Well Capacity (gpm) Minimum (gpm) Surplus (DeficitO ÉÌÐï éíðð êéðð êðð ÉÌÐî íèðð îîðð ïêðð ÉÌÐí íèðð íìðð íðð Ý·¬§ ±º É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ? É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² п¹» Ò±ò éóïí ̸» »¨·¬·²¹ ¿»®¿¬±®ø÷ ¿¬ »¿½¸ °´¿²¬ »¨½»»¼ ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ò Ú«¬«®» ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ³¿§ »´·³·²¿¬» ¬¸» ²»»¼ ¿²¼ñ±® «» ±º ¬¸» ½¿½¿¼» ¿»®¿¬±®ò We recommend the following for aerators: 1. No improvements are required. éòïòì ͬ±®¿¹» Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ Ý¿°¿½·¬§ Ì¿¾´» éóíô ͧ¬»³ Ю±¶»½¬»¼ Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ ͬ±®¿¹» λ¯«·®»³»²¬? «³³¿®·¦» ¬¸» °®±¶»½¬»¼ Ì®»¿¬³»²¬ ͬ±®¿¹»ò ̸» ¬±¬¿´ °®±¶»½¬»¼ ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ¬±®¿¹» º±® ¬¸» §¬»³ · ¿°°®±¨·³¿¬»´§ îòêë ÓÙ ø²±¬ ·²½´«¼·²¹ ¿²§ ½±²¬·²¹»²¬ ¿³±«²¬ ±º ¬±®¿¹»÷ ¿²¼ íòð ÓÙ ©·¬¸ ¿ ïëû ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬·²¹»²½§ ¬¿®¬·²¹ ·² ¬¸» §»¿® îðïëò ̸» ½«®®»²¬´§ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» · îòë ÓÙò ß´´ ¬¸®»» ±º ¬¸» ©¿¬»® ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ °´¿²¬ ¸¿ª» ³±®» ©»´´ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¬¸¿² ¬¸» ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ¬±®¿¹» ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¿²¼ ¬¸» §¬»³ ©·´´ ¾» ´·³·¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» º«¬«®» ¾§ ¬¸» ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ¬±®¿¹» ½¿°¿½·¬§ò ß´´ °´¿²¬ ¿®» ·²¬»®½±²²»½¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¼·¬®·¾«¬·±² §¬»³ò ̸»®»º±®»ô ¬¸»§ ¼± ²±¬ ©±®µ ·²¼»°»²¼»²¬´§ô ¾«¬ ·² ¸¿®³±²§ò ̸» ¬±®¿¹» ¼±» ²±¬ ¸¿ª» ¬± ¾» ¼·¬®·¾«¬»¼ ¬± »¿½¸ ÉÌÐ ¾§ ¿½¬«¿´ º´±© º®±³ »¿½¸ ÉÌÐ ·² ±®¼»® º±® ¬¸» §¬»³ ¬± ©±®µ °®±°»®´§ ¿²¼ñ±® ³»»¬ ¬¸» ½®·¬»®·¿ò ̸» É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ §¬»³ ³¿§ ²±¬ ¸¿ª» ¬±®¿¹» ½¿°¿½·¬§ ¬± ³»»¬ ¬¸» ÚÜÛÐ ½®·¬»®·±² ·² ¬¸» º«¬«®»ò ̸»®»º±®»ô ©» ®»½±³³»²¼ ¬¸¿¬ ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ¬±®¿¹» ¾» °´¿½»¼ ¿¬ ÉÌÐ îò ߪ¿·´¿¾´» ¿®»¿ º±® ¿ ²»© ¬±®¿¹» ¬¿²µ ¿¬ ÉÌÐ í · ²±¬ ½«®®»²¬´§ ¿ª¿·´¿¾´»ò TABLE 7-3 SYSTEM PROJECTED TREATMENT STORAGE REQUIREMENTS 2010201520202025 Population íêôêëð íçôêçè ìïôðîí ìîôíìè Average Daily ëòðë ëòíï ëòíï ëòíð Flow (MGD) Max. Day (MGD) ïðòï ïðòê ïðòê ïðòê Equalization îòëí îòêë îòêë îòêë Storage Contingency ðòíè ðòìð ðòìð ðòìð Storage (15%) Total Storage îòçï íòðë íòðë íòðë Storage îòë îòë îòë îòë Provided Ý·¬§ ±º É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ? É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² п¹» Ò±ò éóïì We recommend the following for storage: 1. Year 2015 Improvement: A new ground storage tank at WTP 2 with a minimum size of 0.5 MG. éòïòë Ø·¹¸ Í»®ª·½» Ы³°·²¹ ̸» °»¿µ º´±© ¼»³¿²¼ ø°»¿µ ¸±«®´§÷ »¬¿¾´·¸»¼ ·² Í»½¬·±² ëòð ¿²¼ ¿ ¸±©² ±² Ì¿¾´» ëóêô Í«³³¿®§ Ю±¶»½¬»¼ É¿¬»® Ü»³¿²¼? · ïïôðìî ¹°³ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ³¿¨·³«³ ¼¿§ °´« º·®» · ïíôëçé ¹°³ º±® ¬¸» §»¿® îðîëò ̸» ̱¬¿´ л¿µ Ú´±© Ý¿°¿½·¬§ ±º ¬¸» §¬»³ ¿ ¸±©² ±² Ì¿¾´» ìóìô Û¨·¬·²¹ É¿¬»® д¿²¬ Ü»·¹² Ý¿°¿½·¬·»? · ïëôìðð ¹°³ ¿²¼ ïîôðëð ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ´¿®¹»¬ °«³° ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½»ò TABLE 7-4 PROJECTED PEAK FLOW / HIGH SERVICE PUMPING YearPeak Flow Existing Capacity* îðïð çôïêé ïëôìðð îðïë ïïôðìî ïëôìðð îðîð ïïôðìî ïëôìðð îðîë ïïôðìî ïëôìðð öÛ¨·¬·²¹ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ïîôðëð ©·¬¸ ´¿®¹»¬ °«³° ·² ¬¸» §¬»³ ±«¬ ±º »®ª·½» øÉÌÐï ? ííëð ¹°³÷ We recommend the following for high service: 1. No improvements are required for the planning period. Renewal and replacement of existing pumps will be required and minor improvements can be made to increase capacity, if required and/or desired. éòïòê ß«¨·´·¿®§ б©»® Ò± ·³°®±ª»³»²¬ ¬± ¿«¨·´·¿®§ °±©»® ¿®» ®»¯«·®»¼ ±ª»® ¬¸» ´·º» ±º ¬¸» °´¿²ò ̸» »¨·¬·²¹ º¿½·´·¬·» ³»»¬ ¬¸» ½®·¬»®·¿ ®»¯«·®»¼ ¾§ ÚÜÛÐ ±º °®±ª·¼·²¹ º¿½·´·¬·» ø°«³° ¿²¼ ½±²¬®±´÷ ¬¸¿¬ ³»»¬ ¬¸» ¿ª»®¿¹» ¼¿·´§ º´±©ò ̸» ®»´·¿¾·´·¬§ ±º ¬¸» ÔÐ »²¹·²» ¼·®»½¬ ¼®·ª» ¿²¼ ¬¸» °±®¬¿¾´» ¹»²»®¿¬±® ½±²²»½¬·±² ¿¬ ÉÌÐî ¿®» ²±¬ ¿ ¹±±¼ ¿ ¿ ¬¿²¼ó¾§ ¹»²»®¿¬±® §¬»³ò ɸ»² »´»½¬®·½·¬§ º¿·´ ¼«» ¬± ¿ ³¿¶±® ¬±®³ô ¬¸» ²»»¼ º±® °±®¬¿¾´» ¹»²»®¿¬±® · ¹®»¿¬´§ ·²½®»¿»¼ ·² ¬¸» ®»¬ ±º ¬¸» ±°»®¿¬·²¹ §¬»³ ¿²¼ ±²» ³¿§ ²±¬ ¾» ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» º±® ¬¸» ©»´´ °«³°ò ײ ¿¼¼·¬·±²ô ¿ ¬¿²¼ó¾§ ¹»²»®¿¬±® ©±«´¼ ¾» »¯«·°°»¼ ©·¬¸ ¿«¬±³¿¬·½ ©·¬½¸±ª»®ô ©¸·½¸ ¿´´±© «²·²¬»®®«°¬»¼ »®ª·½» ¬± ¬¸» ½«¬±³»® ¿²¼ ²± ·²¬»®ª»²¬·±² ¾§ ¿² ±°»®¿¬±®ò Ý·¬§ ±º É·²¬»® Í°®·²¹ ? É¿¬»® Í«°°´§ д¿² п¹» Ò±ò éóïë We recommend the following for auxiliary power: 1. Installation of a stand-by generator between 2010 and 2015 at WTP 2. éòïòé Ú·®» ا¼®¿²¬ ß¼¼·¬·±² Ò± º·®» ¸§¼®¿²¬ ¿¼¼·¬·±² ¸¿ª» ¾»»² ·¼»²¬·º·»¼ò We recommend the following for fire hydrant additions: 1. No improvements are required for the planning period. éòïòè Ü··²º»½¬·±² ÉÌÐ ï ½±²¬·²«» ¬± ®»´§ ±² ¿ ½¸´±®·²» ¹¿ §¬»³ò We recommend the following for disinfection: 1. Installation of sodium hypochlorite systems at WTP1 between 2010 and 2015. 7.2 Water Quality Treatment Alternatives ̸» Ý·¬§ ¸±«´¼ ®»ª·»© ¿´¬»®²¿¬·ª» ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ³»¬¸±¼±´±¹·» ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» º±® ³»»¬·²¹ º«¬«®» ®»¹«´¿¬±®§ ½®·¬»®·¿ ¿²¼ ´·³·¬ ¬¸¿¬ ©» ¿²¬·½·°¿¬» ©·´´ ¾» »²º±®½»¼ò ̸» ¿´¬»®²¿¬·ª» º±® ©¿¬»® ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ ·²½´«¼» °®±½»» ¬¸¿¬ ·²¼·ª·¼«¿´´§ ±® ½±´´»½¬·ª»´§ ¬®»¿¬ ¬¸» ©¿¬»® ¬± ®»³±ª» ±® ½±²¬®±´ ¬¸» ©¿¬»® ¯«¿´·¬§ ·«» °®»»²¬»¼ ·² °®»ª·±« »½¬·±² ±º ¬¸· ¬«¼§ò ̸» °®·³¿®§ ·«» ¬¸¿¬ ¼·½¬¿¬» ¬¸» ¿´¬»®²¿¬·ª» ¬®»¿¬³»²¬ °®±½» ½±²·¼»®¿¬·±² ¿®»æ ا¼®±¹»² Í«´º·¼» øØÍ÷ î Í«´º«® Ì«®¾·¼·¬§ ø¿ ®»«´¬ ±º ØÍ ´»ª»´÷ î Ü··²º»½¬·±² Þ§ó°®±¼«½¬ øÜÞÐ?÷ô ·²½´«¼·²¹ ÌÌØÓ? ¿²¼ Øßß? 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EXHIBIT 'J' The following portion of the Capital Improvement Element is amended to incorporate certain data for Fiscal Years 2007/2008 - 2011/2012 as follows: (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (***) indicate a deletion of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption 0 f this Ordinance.) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT *** Table VIII- 2: City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule FY 2000/012005/062007/2008 - 2011/2012 *** *** RECLAIMED WATER PROJECTS FY 2011/2012 *** Surface Water 04-3600-54 $ 250.000 $ 1.800.000 $ 1.800.000 $ 1. 000.000 $ 1. 000.000 Augmentation 2251 8" 4" 3851 8151 1951 4151 0151 6051 8" 0641 00516741 466 846 259056 095 256 885 456 685 BARCLAY 656 485 285856 RESERVE 085 875 TOWNHOMES 675 015 215 415 615 815 025 252 6271 0471 4571 0771 0871 0081 4281 TC NORUH 6481 2881 8" 2391 6391 2591 0791 88917491 1091 5091 9091 3191 RDYCNAN TC 4" OIRATNO 4591 622 103105 101 104 100 10" 1341 357 157 947 747 547 347 147 937 737 6"6" 209 419 031 231 431 531 731 631 931 831 141 041 341 241 541 441 741 136 7901 5901 6901 523 3901 4901 6901 5901 1901 49012901 3901 9801 29010901 1901 7801 8801 623946 9801 10950811 5801 6801 6901 7801 523 4901 4801 39013801 68015801 2901 4801 2801 0901 0801 6801 5801 67015701 4801 3801 4701 3701 2801 2701 1701 9601 0801 8601 87016601 7701 6701 5701 3701 LRTACSUT 8" TSAEROOMXOF 6"PVC 104 004 304 404704 114 214 514 614 914 024 324 424 724 824 234134 looP 634 044934 444344 744 844 254154 654554 064954 464364 764 864 274174 674574 084974 484384 884784 294194 594 994 RDAERDNA RDAERDNA32