HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 12 06 Regular Item A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA . . 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division PLANNING & ZONING BOARD I LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM II A. BELF AIRE (BATTLE RIDGE) SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLANS STAFF REPORT: NOTE: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator" will make the presentation to the Planning & Zoning Board. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM A December 6. 2000 Meeting REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, presents to the Planning and Zoning Board the Staff recommendation on the preliminary engineering plans for the proposed Belfaire Subdivision (aka Battle Ridge) in order that the Board make a recommendation to the City Commission for their action on this project. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Planning and Zoning Board the Staff recommendation on the preliminary engineering plans for the proposed Belfaire Subdivision (aka Battle Ridge) in order that the Board forward a recommendation to the City Commission for action on this project. The property is located on the north side of SR 434 and is approximately one (I) mile east of the Greeneway. The zoning for this property is R-I A (Single Family Residential). APPLICABLE CODE/ANNEXATION AND PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Section 9-46. Filing and contents of preliminary map and plan. (a) Preapplication approval procedure. It is recommended that any developer contemplating subdividing land in the city consult with city planning, building and engineering officials before laying out any such plan. The above-referenced officials shall advise such person in the preparation of any such plan particularly as regards the requirements of these regulations. (b) Preliminary plan. (I) The applicant shall prepare and submit a preliminary subdivision map and! or plan together with other supplementary material specified below, accompanied by the appropriate form and fee to the city planner who shall process the application in accordance with provisions of this Code: Processing shall be as follows: a. City planner. b. City engineer. c. Staff review. d. Planning and zoning board. e. City council. December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 2 (2) Preliminary plan supporting data. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on standard twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (normally one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet) and shall include thefollowing: a. Name of development; date of preliminary plan or revision; scale of plan, north arrow; approximate acreage in the tract being subdivided; total number of lots; name, address and telephone number of developer, surveyor and engineer. b. Location map showing relationship between area proposed for development and surrounding area. c. Legal description of tract to be subdivided. d. Boundaries of tract shown by a heavy line. e. Existing streets. The name, location and right-of-way width of all existing improved streets, rights-of-way and platted streets within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed subdivision; surface elevation, including any legally established centerline elevations; walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc. f. Proposed streets. The name of temporary designation (Street A, B, e, etc.), right of way, and type and width of pavement. Include any streets shown on the adopted comprehensive plan. g. Proposed easements or rights-of-way other than for streets (e.g., for drainage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths), location, width and purpose. h. Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and building setback lines for irregularly shaped lots. The building setback distance is the distance required to meet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. I. Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, piaygrounds, and other public and nonpublic uses exclusive of single-famiiy dwellings. <t:> December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 3 J. Names of abutting suddivisions, recordation date and number. k. Existing utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights. Ifwater mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers. 1. Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. m. Other existing improvements, including buildings, on the tract. n. Natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas. A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall be provided (Seminole County Soils Survey). o. Existing contours at one-foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and where practicable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundary. p. Proposed surface drainage with direction of flow and method of disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other acceptable stormwater systems. q. Subsurface conditions on the tract, to a minimum depth requested by the city engineer; location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions~ depth to groundwater; location and results of soil percolation tests; location and extent of much pockets. Tests shall indicate weigth-bearing capability of the soil after stripping and compacting. r. Zoning on and abutting the tract. December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 4 s. Proposed public improvemen~s; highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future consideration on or near the tract. t. Draft of restrictive covenants, if any. If the development is a PUD or private development of any .nature, restrictive covenants will be required, if available at the time of submission. u. Other preliminary plans. When requested by the city, typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway and sidewalk, preliminary plans of proposed potable water and firefighting systems, sanitary sewage systems, stormwater management systems. All elevations shall. be based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. The applicant shall provide the location and information of the hundred-year flood elevation relative to the proposed site, based on the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) maps and establish the wetlands boundary by the approved governing agencies, such as the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the St. John's Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, the seasonal high water elevation shall be provided, as determined by a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida. Section 9-47. Action on preliminary plan by city council. Within forty-five (45) days after receipt by the city of the complete preliminary. plan, the city commission shall take action at any regular or special meeting and report to the appiicant its approval, conditional approval, disapproval or request additional information from the applicant. Section 9-48. Reasons when preliminary plan is disapproved; conditional approval. Upon disapprovai of any plan, the city commission shall indicate those sections of this chapter with which the plan does not comply. Conditionai approval may be granted specifying conditions which must be compiied with, and such conditions shall be considered thereafter as part of the preliminary pian. December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 5 Section 9-49. Approval of preliminary plan to be construed only as authority to submit final plan. Approval of the preliminary plan shall be construed as authority for submitting a final plan in accordance with this chapter. Approval of the preliminary plan by the city council shall not be construed as authority for the sale of lots in reference to the preliminary plan, nor as authority for obtaining building permits, nor for the recording of a plat, nor for the installation of required improvements. ANNEXATION AND PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CHRONOLOGY: July 31, 2000 - Preliminary Engineering submitted November 14, 2000 - Development Review Committee convened FINDINGS: 1) Staff has determined that the project as presented meets all Code requirements and the requirements of the Annexation and Pre-Development Agreement. RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is that the Planning and Zoning Board favorably forward the preliminary engineering for the Beifaire Subdivision to the City Commission for their action. ATIACHMENTS: A - Development Review Committee Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2000 (memo dated November 15, 2000) B - Introduction and Executive Summary of Cultural Resource Assessment conducted by SOUTHARC, INC., dated May 25, 2000 C - Conclusion of Revised Analysis of the Potential for Occurrence of Threatened and Endangered Species and Species of Special Concern on the Battle Ridge Project Site conducted by Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc., dated January 29, 1996 and revised July 26, 2000 December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 6 D - Annexation and Pre-Developme~t Agreement E - Preliminary Engineering BOARD ACTION: ATTACHMENT A November 15, 2000 To: Community Development Director Assistant to the City Manager Staff ~ Land Development Coordina~ Development Review Committee Belfaire, Preliminary Engineering From: Re: The above referenced Deveiopment Review Committee convened on November 14, 2000 to consider the preliminary engineering for Belfaire Subdivision. R. Singleton, R Braddick and D. Schmidt represented the project. Staff members present were Cook, Dallas, Hall, Franklin and LeBlanc. Please see attached Staff comments. Cook moved that the preliminary engineering be favorably forwarded to the Planning and .Zoning Board for their action, seconded by Dallas. All voted aye. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 Code Enforcement MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 2000 TO: FROM: RE: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator \ Jimette Cook, Code Enforcement Manager ~ Belfaire project C!/" I bave reviewed the submitted plans and have no concerns at tins time, TIlere bas not been a landscape plan submitted for review, At that time I will otTer my comments. BUILDING DIVISION. ' Memo Toe: Don Leblanc, Land Development Coordinator From: David J. Alamina, Senior Building Inspector ~ CQ Dennis E. Franklin, Building Official DatIIc 10102100 Re: Revised Preliminary Engineering, Belfaire Subdivision I reviewed the above revised preliminary engineering and found that all questions are satisfied except part one of statement #4 (Indicate on plans the minimum building pad elevations and minimum finished floor elevations.) This must be furnished on plans at final engineering time. C:\docs\word\dave memo\revised preliminary revised engineering belfair_Battleddge.doce Page 1 Donald LeBlanc From: Sent: To: Subject: Glen Tolleson Monday, October 02,20001:55 PM Donald LeBlanc Belfaire (aka Battle Ridge) I have no comments regarding the project at this time. 1 Donald LeBlanc From: Sent: To: Subject: Kimberley Hall Monday, September 25,20008:40 AM Donald LeBlanc Belfaire Subdivision ; I have no further comments for this project. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 20, 2000 RE: Don LeBlanc, Land Development .Coordinator limette Cook, Code Enfon:emenl ~ Belfaire project TO: FROM: I bave reviewed the plans and olTer the following~ 1. Although the revised tree replacement requirements ~o not apply, only trees located on the construction pad, or within 10 feet of proposed construction will be removed. Any other trees removed must be replaced. 2. Arbor permits are still required before site work. 3. Any e.xisting trees to be left on site must be protected before any site work or construction takes place. September 12; 2000 CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117 E. Robinson St., Suite C Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: (407) 425-0452 Fax: (407) 648-1036 www.cphengineers.com Mr. Don LeBlanc City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: Review ofBelfaire Subdivision Re-submittal Package Submittal.Dated August 21,2000 CPH Job No. W0491.11 Dear Mr. LeBlanc: We have reviewed the plans and response letter submitted by Bowyer-Singleton & Associates Incorporated for the Belfaire Subdivision. They have addressed all of the comments except one adequately. The developer will need to address and provide some type of documentation regarding the decision that was agreed to by the City and the developer to allow the pond construction to occur within this area. This is an issue that could cause problems before the City council if it is not properly addressed. Once sufficient documentation on this issue is provided, we have no objections to the project continuing through the approval process. Should there be any questions regarding our review of this project, please feel free to contact me at (407) 425-0452. Sincerely, CPH ENGINEERS, INC. DWJL4z- Project Manag1 P E J:\W0491.II\resubmittal comment letter.doc cc: Mr, David M. Schmitt, P.E., Bowyer Singleton SANFORD . ORLANDO . DELANO . PALM CITY . CAPE CORAL . JACKSONVILLE September 12, 2000 To: David M. Schmitt, P.E. Bowyer-Singleton From: Don LeBlanc ~ Land Development Coor mator Re: Revised Preliminary Engineering Belfaire Subdivision I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary engineering for Belfaire Subdivision and offer the below listed comment: Again, one ACOE and SJR WMD agree to wetlands mitigation, proof of approval must be provided to the City. Once the new wetlands delineation line is established is the time that the 25-foot upland buffer is shown on the plans. It is rather difficult to show the buffer at this time without knowing where the wetlands will end. This will not prevent consideration of your preliminary engineering in a favorable light, but final engineering will not be approved until this information is provided. WINTER SPRINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE: (407) 327-2332 FAX (407) 327-4750 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Donald LeBlanc, Community Development Director Timothy J. Lallathin, Fire Chief ~ ! ~ September 6,2000 Development Review Committee I Revised Plans Belfaire (plans dated August 22, 2000) The Fire Department has reviewed the revised plans on the above referenced development and offers the following comments. The fire hydrants locations were modified to meet City Code and the other concerns were covered in a separate memo from Bowyer-Singleton & Associates Incorporated dated August 21, 2000, The Fire Department has no further concerns at this time. RECEIVED AUG 2 5 2000 SUnbre~Te~mC:~~s August 24, 2000 520 South Magnolia Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone 407-843-5120 Fax 407-649-8664 File No. BTR-1 Mr. Donald LeBlanc City Land Development Specialist ,,-aNi Maj,13.gement Specialist City of Winter Springs, City Hall 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Subject: Belfaire (Battle Ridge) Park Fee Dear Don: As discussed at Development Review Committee (DRC), Sunbreeze, Inc. is agreeable to a voluntary park fee of $300 per lot. This fee would be paid at issuance of the building permit. Any lots that have not pulled building permits within two years from the date of Certificate of Completion of the site improvements will be subject to prepayment of the $300 per lot at that time. I trust this proposal is agreeable. If so, it can be included as a condition of approval for the project. RRB:gkb IIBTR 1 \Con170 16 c: Ralph D. Singleton, Sunbreeze, Inc. ( C. MEMORANDUM FROM: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation Director C. ~ TO: SUBJECT: Annexation and Predevelopment Agreement-Battle Ridge DATE: August 11, 2000 Page 9 of this agreement, number 4 Development Plans; D Parks and Recreation: No on site parks and recreation facilities will be required of this development. The developer is required to pay a fee-in-Iieu, per Objective E, Policy 1, Page 44 of the Recreation and Open Space element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Winter Springs Parks and Recreation continues to grow rapidly in youth sports activities. New young families moving into Winter Springs primarily seek out these types of activities for their children. A pressing current need in Parks and Recreation is the acquisition and development of land that may be utilized for practice ball fields (football, soccer, and baseball and softball). The fields require large cleared open areas of approximately 1-2 acres per field. Also, there is a need to light the 4 game soccer fields at Central Winds Park to expand the time they are available for needed youth game use. At the present time, the City of Winter Springs does not have a Recreation Impact Fee in place. However, our neighboring City, Oviedo, with very similar parks and recreation needs, has, since 1994, a fee structure of 5288.00-$397.00 per dwelling unit depending on size. The fee-in- lieu I established is 5300.00 per dwelling unit based on the proposed 110 dwelling units;,the fee would be 533,000.00. If I can be of further information, please contact me at 407-327-4761. Ilmg ATTACHMENT B CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESS~NT BA TILE RIDGE TRACT SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA Prepared for: BOWYER-SINGLETON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 520 South Magnolia Avenue Orlando, FL 32802-2769 Prepared by: Martin F. Dickinson, RPA Lucy B. Wayne, Ph.D., RPA SOUTHARC, INC. 3700 NW 9pt St., Suite D300 Gainesville, FL 32606 (352)372-2633 May 25, 2000 134-00-01 SouthArc, Inc. Specializing in Archaeological/Historical Services Members Society of Professional Archaeologists INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Development is proposed for a tract known as Battle Ridge located on the south side of Lake Jessup in Seminole Courity (Figure 1). At the request of the City of Winter Springs, a preliminary cultural resources reconnaissance was compieted on this tract in April, 2000 (Dickinson and Wayne 2000). Based on the results of this reconnaissance, the project engineers, Bowyer-Singleton Associates, Inc., requested that SouthArc, -Inc. complete a Phase l culturai resources survey and assessment within the uplands portion of the tract. Field work was' conducted in May, 2000 under the direction of Martin F. Dickinson, RPA, President of SouthArc. Project documentation was completed by SouthArc's Vice President, Lucy B. Wayne, Ph.D., RPA. Although the tract is separated by extensive wetlands from the open waters of Lake Jessup, the preliminary reconnaissance completed by SouthArc suggested that the lake shoreiine was once much closer to the upland portion of the project tract. Previous research at nearby sites on the south shore of the lake CVIayne and Dickinson 1990, 1993; Dickinson and Wayne 1996a, b) indicated that there was a potential for prehistoric archaeological sites within the uplands area close to the relict lake edge. Following the guidelines of the Florida Division of Historical Resources (FDHR), the uplands portion of the project tract was stratified based on its proximity to the lake shore. The areas closest to the lake were tested at 25-meter intervals along transects parallel to the shoreline. As the distance from the lake increased, the test unit interval was increased to 50 and 100 meters. A singie lithic flake, identified as an isolated find, was recovered from the test units. One unit at the wetland edge in the northeastern comer yielded fossil bone, perhaps from Pieistocene deposits. The portion of the property adjacent to State Road (S.R.) 419 contains a concrete slab from a reiatively recent residential occupation. Based on the results of the cuiturai resources survey, the archaeologists beiieve that development of the upland portion of the Battie Ridge tract will not impact any significant archaeological or historical resources. No further research is recommended. 134-00-0 I S/on / ------/ ~ N . ... ': .. 0:diift~,-J:;anding ~~. FIGURE 1. ) SI..II G,..k I' D~~ I I I I i i: /: I ! ~ r :! :'11':1 I I , i ri . I r.! Scale 1:37,500. (at center) I 2000 Fee( j;; I. ii: , . ~ = ., Mag 14.00 Thu May 25 11:45:232000 , 1000 Mete;:s--' PROJECT LOCATION, BATTLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA SouthArc, Inc. SOURCE: DELORME 1993 L Archaeological and Historical Services (/7 Specializing in Archaeologicol/Historical Services Members Society of Professional Archaeologists Aug. 31, 2000 134-00-0 I Mr. Ray Bradick Bowyer-Singleton & Assoc., Inc. 520 So. Magnolia Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 ~&IT~ Re: Battle Ridge Development-Cultural Resources Assessment Dear Mr. Bradick: This letter will confirm that the cultural resources assessment completed by our firm at the Battle Ridge developmen~ in Seminole County complies with the City of Winter Springs Annexation and Pre:"Development Agreement. The cultural resources assessment completed in May, 2000 included conducting a systematic grid archaeological survey of the developable site. As you know, the report of the assessment was reviewed and approved by the Florida Division of Historical Resources, the state review and compliance authority for archaeological studies. Please let us know if we can provide any further information relevant to this project. Sincerely, ~B~ Lucy B. Wayne, Ph.D., RP A Vice President W :~~':-~.'_~,.- ~1 i : .J ._. .. ...."-..0 U . . ! ":. . . :.'__ ..1, L:L.. L..... ______.______ - _________ _0--- 3700 N.W. 91 st Street, Suite 0300, Gainesville, Florida 32606-7307 (352) 372-2633 Fax: (352) 378-3931 . E-mail: southarc@gnv.fdt.net ATTACHMENT C BDA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 2000-031-10.1 REVISED ANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL FOR OCCURRENCE OF THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES AND SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN ON THE BA TILE RIDGE PROJECT SITE Submitted to: Mr. Donald LeBlanc City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Fiorida 32708-2799 Phone: 407-327-1800 January 29, 1996 Revised July 26, 2000 Submitted by: ~~Vl:L f;J,^--1alL6R - 1". Wilham F. Grey, D.A. Senior Scientist ?~ W. Michael Dennis, Ph.D. President IIHEEI II.( lVE, I )E:--:NIS oS. I\SSll( :I..\TES, INt:. I II' W. (:"NT( lN "\'ENI :1: : \~'INTEH I'ARK. 1'1. l!ilN "Ill l:-':E Wi.1> 77. I :--S.~ ... 1'..\:'\ .1\'7 .f. 'i 7. 7l\'S 4.0 CONCLUSION Four bald eagle nests ;exist near the Battle Ridge project site according to FWC. Uplands in the southeast comer of the site are outside recommended primary and secondary zones, 750 and 1,500 feet, respectively. t The bald eagles ~e classified as urban, due to their close proximity and adaptability to existing urban development and transportation corridors. J 1 As a result of the gopher tortoise censuses, no gopher tortoises or commensal species were identified within the upland communities. Upland habitat areas were determined to be potentially low for gopher tortoise I and commensai T&E species. The site has a potential for occasional incidental use by listed bird species, I including the white ibis and wood stork; however, any use of the upland areas by these.species would be merely incidental. There are no roosting or nesting habitats available on-site. The uplands on the Battle i Ridge project site do not provide critical habitat for any T &E plant or animai species. 1 Based on the iocation of the site adjoining two major transportation corridors and surrounded by existing I development and its past disturbance of logging activity, we do not believe there is any significant occurrence or use by any protected plant or animal species. I I j The ecological constraints documented in this report such as environmenlal regulatory matters, wetland jurisdiction, wetland pennitting, wetland mitigation requirements, watcr quality, and threatened and/or endangered species, are provided based on data, site conditions, and infonnation available on the dale of our sile rcview. This information is for general planning purposes only, and should not be used as a final delenninanl of rcgulalory agency position, final development potenlial, or appraisal purposes. The extent of agency wetland jurisdiclion can be dClcnnined through field location of the weIland limits and on-silC agency review of those limits. I I ~ P:\ADMIN\PROJECTS\2000031\REl'ORTS\ANAL YSIS.OOC 14 J ..- I I ~ 1 ; ,..:..... ..:.:.:....;L~~~:~::.;:.::.: .~.:~(\'.::;;~~,:,;..;~f:~~~~~;~~~~f;~lt~~{/..tf~;;:i~~\;~if};~:{;~~~:~~i:;~<~~..~~~:()~.:{:::i~~:..::,~~ . ~Ji-.r..~.:=-~'l:.,s . '\&\r"" '.' '.,'" ,. .,.,,,.,,,,, ';--~.' . "", ;.<", ,- -", ,,_1\\,1 ~Q .... ".1' I ~t .:::~',"!ff,;{t~~i~~~~:1~Jl;~ji~W1t~~~~:!,~'~~... ~l" . do.... ~.;.,'1!.\ ~r-_---__ ---- -S~ ~....... ------......:.f){~../ I i..~~... S~ "1:-:-~~......-:::.....o:.-':-:"'':~~'::''''-:-:''';'::'':-J'I;I': ; /.:; .. 't""MI'7& 1" ........ - - - _..... -" --.. - ...... I. , ;.. I I ::~ ~:~- --~~~ -- -~-~~'~';'j, r;~:- -r-' ~~;t I -L" ( r r r::::::"~ ~ ".,:.:~ . ~ ~. . ~ -_ .', i I f0 ~~~~~,,,=-,,,,..,,-- . II c~\:'~ ~~~ 1,"6 '.",. ~~,.., _'j i ,- i \i~' ~.' . \I:~,~>~~ 1Pf--)~\~. I ~\o ~-.... /' --a-.~.' 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(SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 S., RANGE 31 E.) ~ ATTACHMENT D ( ( August 3, 2000 To: Community Development Director Assistant to the City Manager Staff Land Development coordinat~ From: Re: Annexation and Pre-Development Agreement Battle Ridge (now known as Belfaire) Attached for your records is the above referenced annexation and pre-development agreement as it relates to Battle Ridge - now being reviewed as BelUlire. :.:LE. RI', OF Clr<qn COUfH ! - "-. - - - . . . '- Id~COI<UEl) ,3.. YE~IF(rl_~ ~~ FEl5 I C P~l 2: ?U 3 3 ;~ 5 7 9 ANNEXATION AND PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ;2c:L day 07;;~;: 1998, by and between the City of Winter Springs, Florida (herein referred to as the "City") and Battle Ridge Companies, Inc. (herein referred to as the ".Owner"). W l I N E SSE. I H: ' WHEREAS, Owner owns property located in unincorporated Seminole County on the east side of the State Road 417 (a/k1a "The GreeneWay") and north of State Road 434 and has filed an Application for Annexation of Owner's property into the City which land is described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, and WHEREAS, the City has encouraged Owner to annex into the City and acknowledges the continuing permanent benefit which the City will receive by virtue of annexing Owner's property and acquiring the right to provide municipal services to the Property, and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the City's best interest to enter into this Agreement to assure Owner of the future ava.ilability of adequate municipal services, including sewer and water service, at such times and in such capacities as may be necessary to allow Owner to develop the Property as set forth herein, and WHEREAS, Owner's plans for development of the Property as a high-quality, residential development have been deemed by the City to be of substantial economic benefit to the City and its citizens. Owner's plans further include creating a conservation area for the benefit of preserving and protecting over two-thirds of the Property in its natural state, which will be of substantial benefit to the City and its citizens, and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is feasible and in the City's best interest to extend into Owner's Property other municipal services, such as police protection, fire protection, sewer and water service, trash and garbage removal, street and storm drainage maintenance, and WHEREAS, in reasonable reliance upon the provision of water and sewer service, municipql services, and other inducements to annex, Owner has .filed said Application for Annexation pursuant to 171.044, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, Owner has filed an application with the City for a large scale comprehensive plan amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation of the developable portion of the Owner's property designated on the Seminole County Future Land Use Map as "Suburban Estates" (1 Dwelling unit per acre) to the City's Future Land Use Map designation of "Lower Density Residential" (1.1 to 3.5 Dwelling w (f) c..n ex rrl \D C) :r: C) w =^ :z:: C) I m 0 C) 0 -., N \) >- I C). -.J r .,. ( units per acre) and to change that portion of the Owner's property designated on the Seminole County Future Land Use Map as "Conservation Overlay" to the City's Future Land Use Map designation of "Conservation," and WHEREAS, Owner has made an application to th~ City to rezone the developable portion of Owner's property from Seminole County Zoning Map designation A-1 "Agriculture" to the City's Zoning Map designation R-1A "One-Family Dwelling . District," and WHEREAS, Owner is further willing to annex if the City agrees to cooperate in the effort to amend its Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to accommodate and be consistent with the land uses permitted for residential uses as described herein and otherwise do what is reasonably necessary to rezone the property pursuant to these land uses, and WHEREAS, the first reading of Ordinance 694 to annex the property was held on January 12, 1998 and the second reading and public hearing of Ordinance 694 was held on January 26, 1998, and WHEREAS, the first reading of Ordinance 695 to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan amendment (LG-CPA-1-95) changing the Future Land Use Map ~ designation of the property was held on January 12, 1998. and the second reading and 3:. public hearing of Ordinance 695 was held on January 26, 1998, and .. E . r ~ .W Ul \.D c...> roc 0" 0- ::Xc .. .. . WHEREAS, Owner and City believe that it is in the best interest of each party to enable the Property to be developed substantially in accordance with the preliminary development plan attached hereto as Exhibit "8" (the "Preliminary Development Plan") and as further described herein, in accordance with Part \I of Chapter .163, Florida Statutes, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (the "Act"), other applicable Florida Law and the Charter and Code of Ordinances of the City, and WHEREAS, City and Owner hereby acknowledge and warrant to the other that this Agreement and any future acts as required hereby are binding and enforceable on the City and Owner in accordance with their terms, and WHEREAS, the agreement of the City to provide inducements as set forth in this Agreement (including land use approvals) and be bound by this Agreement, as well as the City's assurance to the Owner that this Agreement is enforceable against the City and that the City will not seek to thwart enforcement based on any claim of invalidity, 2 I ( are all material inducements to the Owner to enter into this Agreement, and the Owner would not voluntarily annex into the City or enter into this Agreement but for such agreement and assurances by the City, and WHEREAS, Owner has already made and will cOfltinue to make financial commitments and has paid and will continue to pay su~stantial sums of money in contemplation of the rezoning and redesignation of lantJ use to develop the Property, and Accordingly, in consideration of mutual benefits, the public interest and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS;. EXHIBITS. The above recitations are true and correct, are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and form a material part of this Agreement. All exhibits to this Agreement are hereby deemed a part hereof. SECTION 2. AUTHORITY. This Agreement is entered into under the authority of the Florida Constitution (including Article VIII, Section 2(b) thereof), the general powers conferred upon municipalities by statute and otherwise (including Chapter 163 and 166, Florida Statutes), and the City's Charter. SECTION 3. ANNEXATION AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT. w CJ1 OJ C. 0' \..0 0 -, W A~ .. ". r.. A. Owner filed with the City, on August 2, 1995, an Application for ~ Annexation of the Property, Which is conditioned upon the adoption of this Agreement.~ The City initiated the process to accomplish the annexation in accordance with law. ~ ~ B. Owner has filed with the City, on August 2, 1995, an Application for g Comprehensive Plan Amendment in order to amend the City's Future Land Use Map tG,-, include the Property and provide for a future land use designation for the Property of r- Lower Density Residential. The City initiated the process to accomplish the Comprehensive Plan Amendment in accordance with law. C> l"'V r. -:: -oc :P:; QC \.D Plt. SECTION 4. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY. A. The sizes, configurations and boundaries of the parcels and. roadways shown in the Preliminary Development Plan are for conceptual planning purposes only and shall not bind Owner to develop the Property in strict conformity with the Preliminary Development Plan. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the Preliminary Development Plan, this Agreement shall control. B. The classification labels and descriptions pertaining to the parcels and the locations of the lake/conservationlretention areas shown in the Preliminary 3 ( Development Plan are approximate. The exact location and configuration of said lake/conservation/retention areas shall be subject to change pursuant to regulations of the appropriate county, state and federal permitting agencies. The parties acknowledge that portions of the lake/conservation/retention areas shown in the Preliminary Development Plan may be identified as wetlands. Owner may use, develop or set aside isolated or marginal wetlands provided that the same is in compliance with all federal, state, county, water management district and. other applicable local regulations. C. Following delineation of the jurisdictional wetland lines, the parties acknowledge that the parcels in the Preliminary Development Plan are calculated in gross developable acres and when developed will include, as necessary, storm water retention and detention areas, recreation and open space, streets as well as the lake/conservation/retention areas shown in the Preliminary Development Plan. D. As designated in the Preliminary Development Plan, the Property shall be developed pursuant to the standards established for zoning categories consistent with Lower Density Residential Land Use on the City's Future Land Use Map. The City will support and approve a rezoning to R-1A One-Family Dwelling District allowing residential use consistent with the Preliminary Development Plan, this Agreement, and the City's Comprehensive Plan and the City's Land Development Code. E. The parties acknowledge that the Preliminary Development Plan ~hall be the basis for Owner's development of the Property, subject to such modifications as Ul may be mutually agreed upon by the parties or are required by existing City ordinance~ The parties recognize that as the development process proceeds, it may be necessaryz to amend the Preliminary Development Plan either: (i) as may be mutually agreed upo~ by the parties; or (ii) as permitted by Section 163.3233(2), Florida Statutes; or (iii) as ~ required by currently existing City ordinances. The City shall do what is necessary and? within its power and authority to grant and allow development permits.and approvals, ~ including, without limitation, platting, for the orderly development of the Property in accordance with this Agreement. w Con \.0 W ClJ c: 0"". o-r :::r.c=: :t: I - C> N C'-.) C) ::: . . t;. -oc p:;: be P1<., F. Owner represents to the City that Owner shall establish a homeowners' association to ultimately own and maintain the entranceway amenities and other commonly owned amenities within the residential development on the Property. G. Owner or its authorized representative shall submit to the City such applications and other documentation and shall comply with such other procedures as may be normally and customarily required by the City for comprehensive plan amendments, rezoning, platting, site plans and other development approvals or permits. Owner acknowledges and agrees that the City will not be responsible for any money expended by Owner if the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is not approved by the State. 4 H. Except as otherwise set forth herein, all development of the Property shall be subject to compliance with current City ordinances, and with regulations of state, local and federahagencies. SECTION 5. PROPERTY OWNERSHIP. Owner acknowledges and represents to the City that Owner is the owner of the Property and that Owner is empowered to enter into this Agreement. Owner further represents that nothing in this Agreement is barred or prohibited by any other agreement between Owner and any governmental agency or any third party. SECTION 6. PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES. A. The City represents that it has sufficient water capacity and pressure to serve the Property. The City represents to Owner that the City has a ten (10) inch water line located approximately 1,200 feet from the western boundary of the Property at State Road 434 and that Owner has the right to connect to such water line. All lines and connections necessary to provide water facilities and services shall be provided from the City's water line to the Property by Owner. Owner shall, upon completion of construction and installation of such water line, deliver to the City a statement setting forth the cost of the construction and installation thereof. Subject to approval of FOOT, the City represents to Owner that all necessary rights-of-way to allow installation of all lines and connections necessary to provide water facilities and services from the City's water line to the Property as aforesaid are available. w (/)(Jl rr1 \.D B. The City represents that it has sufficient sewer capacity to serve the :t w Property. The City represents to Owner that the City has a six (6) inch sewer line 25 located approximately 2,200 feet from the western boundary of the Property at State ~ 1 Road 434 and that Owner has the right to connect to such sewer line. All lines and <J connections to provide sanitary sewer services shall be provided from the City's sewer? ~ -u line to the Property by Owner. Owner shall, upon completion of consfruction and ~ r0 .~ p, installation of such sewer line, deliver to the City a statement setting forth the cost of the construction and installation thereof. Subject to approval of FOOT, the City represents to Owner that all necessary rights-of-way to allow installation of all lines and connections necessary to provide sewer facilities and services from the City's sewer line to the Property as aforesaid are available. The City will take all steps necessary to assure that sufficient capacity to serve the property with sanitary sewer service,s shall be available when needed for development by reserving for the Property sufficient equivalent residential units (IERU's") for the proposed project. The Owner shall be required to pay annual guaranteed revenue charges for each ERU (Water and Waste water Equivalent Residential Unit) beginning at the time of Florida Department of Environmental Protection construction application, and continuing annually until issuance of a construction certificate of project infrastructure by Florida Department of Environmental Protection. CDt o O' ...,... ..-. , 5 ( ( \ C. The City hereby agrees that Owner has the right to delay payment of water and sewer connection fees until issuance of each building permit by the City for construction of a single family residence on the Property. The City hereby represents that the current service availability charge for sewer is $1,890.00 and the current service availability charge for water is $560.00. The OW':1er shall be required to pay the service availability change applicable at the time said fees are assessed on a parcel or property. D. The parties acknowledge and agree that it is not feasible to install reclaimed water lines in this development; accordingly, the same shall not be required. E. No septic tanks shall be allowed on the Property. SECTION 7. CITY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. It is hereby ORDERED AND RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that the property referred to as the BATrLE RIDGE PROPERTY (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"), be annexed into the City, designated on the Future Land Use Map and in the City's Comprehensive Plan as "Lower Density Residential" and rezoned to R-1A subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Comprehensive Plan AmendmenUEffective Date. w Cf>Ul The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date on which the :i \.0 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CPA-1-95) is approved by the Cityx W This Agreement shall be recorded with the Recording Department of the ~ 1 Clerk of Courts of Seminole County within ten (10) days after execution bi" the Mayor of the City. ? c:> "N .. 1'0 r0 we 0" 0" ~- c: } ,. B. Development of the Property. - . ( -O~ ;x>; c->c Pl( 1. The Property shall be developed in accordance with Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CPA-1-95) which designates the Property City Future Land Use Map "Lower Density Residential" (1:1 to 3.5 Dwelling Units per acre). However, the actual net developed density shall not exceed 2.56 units per acre. 2. The property shall be developed as a residential community with preservation of the wetlands portion of the Property in a 1'101'1- developed natural state. The uplands portion of the Property shall be developed as a residential community in accordance with the requirements in Chapter 20 Article III, Division 4, R-1A One Family 6 ( Dwelling District, and Chapter 9 of the Land Development Regulations, Winter Springs City Code. C. Wetlands. 1. Any existing wetlands or other areas which are in the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) shall be subject to the applicable rules and regulations of those respective agencies. 2. Following final wetlands boundary determination and platting, but within one year of this Agreement:, the Owner of the Property shall convey, at no cost to the Grantee, the wetlands portion of the Property to a responsible public or private non-profit environmental agency reasonably acceptable to the City. Pursuant to City Code, all wetlands shall be delineated according to FDEP, SJRWMD, and ACOE jurisdictional lines. 3. To further protect the adjacent wetlands, Developer agrees to design its stormwater runoff and retention system for the uplands developable portion of the project in accordance with Outstanding Florida Water (OFW) design criteria as established by Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the St. Johns River Water Management District. 4. Property will be developed in a manner to avoid any negative impacts on any endangered plant or animal species. Further, no construction shall be permitted within the one hundred (100) year flood plain line as most recently established for this property. D. Fire and Police Public Safety Facilities Impact Fees. Applicants for building permits within the Property shall comply with the City Impact Fee Ordinances, as they may from time to time be amended, imposing impact fees for fire and police public safety facilities. E. Transportation. 1. Applicants for building permits within the Property shall comply with the City Road Impact Fee Ordinance, as it may from time to time be amended, imposing impacts fees for transportation improvements. 7 w (f) CJl CJ. C) rr1 \.D C) :J: W :::r. :z: C) r rn 1 ("") C) c N '-0 " )> r N Cl c....:> rr: ( 2. The costs of all street signs and traffic control signs and devices located within the Property, shall be borne by the Owner or Developer. 3. The Owner or Developer agrees to improve the State Road 434 project entry, as part of required installations of subdivision improvements required by the City Code on the Property, to allow two (2) outbound and one (1) inbound entry movements, acceleration and deceleration lanes along State Road 434, provided these improvements are allowed by Florida Department of Transportation. 4. The Owner will design its internal road network to preclude connection to adjacent properties to the east. To further assure that the road system is not connected to future developments to the east, Developer will dedicate on the plat or by separate recorded instrument ten feet of property on the east property line of Owner's developable property to the project's homeowner's association as a preserve area. The only improvements which shall be allowed in said preserve area are those necessary to effectuate any type of natural scenic trail, as expressly authorized by Owner. w Ul \.D W OJe; O-rJ o-n ~n J> ,-- -:::) on () -00 J>;u c)o r'1tn F. (J) rr1 :I: The Owner or Developer of the Property shall install a six (6) foot mason~ wall on that portion of the Property separating any actual residential units:;. from proposed commercial properties along the north side of State Roadn 434. ~ ., r- C> N N .+:- Wall. G. Building Restrictions. The building restrictions shall be those found in the R-1A Single Family Dwelling District, Chapter 20, Article III, Division 4 of the Code of Ordinances of the City. They are: 1. Residential Areas: a. Minimum lot size of residential sites within the Property shall be eight thousand (8,000) square feet with a minimum lot width of seventy five (75) feet measured at the front building line. The maximum number of lots shall be one hundred and ten (110). 8 ( ( b. Building setbacks shall be: Front: 25 feet Side: 7.5 feet Rear: 25 feet c. Lot coverage. (/) m :t: :z: o r Forty (40%) percent of the lot area is the maximum which rn may be covered by the principal and accessory buildings org structures located thereon in the R-1 A One Family Dwelling~ District. r On corner lots, the front line setback of twenty- five (25) feet or more must be maintained, but a fifteen (15) foot sideline setback will be permitted on the street sideline, provided the corner lot faces the same way as all other lots in the block. If the building faces the long dimension of the lot or where corner lots face a different thoroughfare than other lots in the block, the twenty-five (25) foot or greater setback must be maintained from both. thoroughfares. w Ul \.0 W Corner lots: c::> N N U1 , CJ c:. 0....1 0"'" :x- c-> J> r- ;u r'1 (. -no >> ::0 C>o I " <.r. d. Building height. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height. e. Residential floor area. The minimum heated/air conditioned floor areas shall be 1,800 square feet. 2. Non-residential Area. a. The non-residential area of the Property shall comprise the wetland areas following final boundary determination and platting, it is the intent of the Owner of the Property that no development occur within the wetland areas. 9 b. Following final boundary determination and platting, all wetlands shall be delineated according to FDEP, SJRWMDu> and ACOE. Wetlands shall mean those areas established fTl as jurisdictional by these agencies. ~ o r Open space. ~ w Ul I...D W OJG c:> -r 1 c:> ...., A(} l> r- ::TJ ;-" (, -U~ :l>::o G")C) r"'(f) 3. All areas lying outside primary and accessory buildings will be " counted toward open space requirements, including entranceway~ stormwater management areas, yards, lot landscaped areas, and easements. () r--.. C "---J f'V f'V m 4. Development plans. a. For the duration of this agreement, except as otherwise provided for herein, all development plans and standards shall meet the regulations and policies of the City in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. b. Where there may be a conflict between this Agreement and the City development regulations, this Agreement shall prevail. c. Developer acknowledges its obligation to develop/construct all improvements on said property in accordance with all applicable City codes modified pursuant to State of Florida Statute 163.3233 and Federal laws as they may from time to time be amended unless specifically modified herein. d. Parks and recreation. No on-site park or recreation facilities will be required of this development. The developer is required to. pay a fee-in-lieu per Policy 1 of Objective E in the Open Space and Recreation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The fee-in-lieu will be established by the Parks and Recreation Director. e. Water and Sewer. I. The City shall provide potable water service to the Property. The Owner or Developer will pay for the extension of trunk lines to the buildable portion of the 10 ( Property and pay other customary costs necessary or required in connection with such service. II. The sizing of the trunk line shall be sufficient only to provide water service to the buildable portion of the Property and to no other surrounding properties. III. The City shall provide central sanitary sewer collection and treatment service to the Property. The Owner or Developer will pay for the extension of trunk lines to the buildable portion of the Property and pay other customary costs necessary or required in connection with such service. IV. The sizing of the trunk line shall be sufficient only to ~ provide central sanitary sewer collection service to :I: the buildable portion of the Property and to no other 25 surrounding properties. ~ w Ul \.D .w wc C) .." C) ..., An :> 1- :::0 =-'1 t;-) -00 )>:;0 00 Pl (r) 5. Homeowners Association . n o C) "TJ N I N -J A mandatory homeowners association will be formed to provide a responsible entity to maintain all common areas. 6. The Developer shall make a good faith effort to have the retail value of the completed homes and lots to be in the $180,000 and higher price range. H. The Developer shall make a good faith effort to have the Florida Audubon Society designate this project as environmentally responsible. I. The Developer shall conduct a grid archeological survey of the developable site prior to commencing construction of the subdivision improvements. J. To ensure continuation of the Cross Seminole/Florida National Scenic Trail, the Developer shall coordinate with Seminole County Guring the subdivision platting process to explore opportunities that might exist to extend the trail through the Property, including extension through the ten (10) foot preserve area required in section 7, part E, paragraph 4 of this Ag reement. 11 ( ( SECTION 8. PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS AND COMPLIANCE DATE. A. This Agreement shall take effect upon City Commission approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (lG-CPA-1-95) and shall remain in effect for a period of ten (10) years from the date of execution. B. This Development Agreement shall be binding upon all successors in interest to the parties of the Agreement. C. The effective date this Agreement may be extended upon request of the Owner or Developer and City Commission approval. SECTION 9. LAND USE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION APPROVALS. The development of the project must comply with the conditions of the Agreement. In the event a development requirement, permit, condition, term or restriction is not addressed in this Agreement, the development will comply with the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, and other applicable land development codes in effect as of the adoption of this Agreement. (f) Pl ::r: :.t: SECTION 10. CONSISTENCY. The City finds this Agreement and its terms arflf. conditions consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. () C) SECTION 11, REMEDIES. The developer agrees that the only remedy: for the~ Owner in the event the Owner asserts the City has breached this agreement is an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida. Owner shall have no right to monetary damages or attorney's fees in the event the City breached this agreement. SECTION 12. DUE DILIGENCE. The City and Owner further covenant that they shall immediately commence all reasonable actions necessary to fulfill their obligations hereunder and shall diligently pursue the same throughout the existence of this Agreement. SECTION 13. ASSIGNMENT. The parties recognize and acknowledge that Owner may engage one or more developers or builders (hereinafter referred to as "Developer"), other than Owner, to. effect the development of the Property, including the sale of all or portions of the Property to such developers or builders. Upon recordation of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, as hereafter provided, successor builders or developers shall be bound by the terms hereof. SECTION 14. MISCEllANEOUS. A. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth all of the covenants, agreements and conditions between the parties hereto, and supersedes all prior and 12 w CJl U) W we 0-'- 0-'- ::r.c= CJ N N OJ > r - ;:r~ rr ':-: -or-. )>;:0 C1Q r.,v: contemporaneous agreements, understandings, inducements or conditions, express or implied, oral or written, except as herein contained. B. Pronouns. All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine and neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the party or parties, successors or assigns may require. C. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall together constitute one in the same instrument. D. GoverninCl Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. E. Severability. If one or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. F. Contraction. In the event the City fails to adopt an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the City's Comprehensive Plan and to the City's zoning map designating the Property as described herein or the City fails to implement any C?f the conditions set forth herein, Owner shall have the right to deliver a notice to the City requesting a deannexation and contraction of the Property which the City shall have the absolute obligation to implement. G. Notice. Any notice to be given in accordance with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by hand delivery, overnight mail, or certified mail, return en fT1 receipt requested, to the party being noticed at the following addresses: :r :z:: o r- rn w CJ1 \..D c.v OJe 0'- 0" ::x;:- () :t> r.- ::t) :-T1 t.:., -VQ )>:::0 C10 rTl (/) AS TO CITY: City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 A TTN: City Manager CJ o C> "TJN r-N \.D COpy TO: City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 ATTN: City Clerk 13 / \ ( AS TO OWNER: R. \..p, \ \\ \\-1\\[:\ N\A N I SlJ....\) ,U:, -l\LeS I(k.N, Ga~8chl(Qrn, rrcsteeAt Battle Ridge Companies, Inc. 1000 River East Drive Belle, West Virginia 25015 COpy TO: Frederick W. Leonhardt, Esq. Gray, Harris & Robinson, P.A. 201 East Pine Street Suite 1200 Orlando, Florida 32802-3068 SECTION 15. DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. Owner shall have the right to use and develop the Property as described in this Agreement. Furthermore, Owner does not waive any right to use or develop the Property arising under the common law or the laws of the State of Florida. This agreement is subject to provisions of Florida Statute 163.3235, and 163.3241 providing for periodic review, and modification or revocation of a development agreement to comply with subsequently enacted state and federal law. The Development Agreement is also subject to Florida Statute 163.3233 regarding the local laws and policies governing a development agreement. . "I..:. ....' -' \ '.'j ADOPTED by the City of Winter Springs this.:' r-. da/otMay, 1.998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and the City have executed this Agreement as of the day and year approved by the City. ~ ::r: :::.z:: o r- BATILE RIDGE COMPANIES, INC. rn (J a c> "N r-W C) w CJ1 \..0 W CXJc 0-'" 0-., .::T, (=) :!> , - ~/ ~~~ eith Hartman Senior Vice President _TJ . :.., r-., .U~ }>~ C>o ('1(1) 14 STATE OF. Lt)(,~-J- V~r8/1.)1 c~ CO U NTY 0 F~I~Z;;;;::O",'.JH'-- ., I-~ Fe bit.{lI Of 9. Th~dor,egoing instrr;;ent was acknowledged before me this ~ day o~ --1 1997' by , K I L p,"-j..J( }r-!'110 n who is personally .known to me or produced as identification. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP f Notary Public ., lud:/-;:; 'if],()/iJ n lOUT (Print N tary Name) My Commission Expires: ;;}-II-';J.criS Commission No.: ~ Personally known, or o Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced \ - ~ .r il\ \. (' ~/ ~ . . "; /', I "- ,. '-.._.-..------- ~.-' .---- ~ -IIY CLERK CITY U) rTJ :r: N~ER RINGS, FLORI! / n J ~ ? PAUL P. P RTYKA, MAY: R ~ w U1 \.D W C:.J C 0" 0" An }> r- ;;u ..1 (-.1 '-00 >:u ~o nl(f) \ o N W AFFIX NOTARY STAMP STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE 1L %M~(1 .,nstrumen .)was a~~~&.'v)jIEt.9g~~t9L~ me this L day of ~ay. tJ.. '1- 4CR.J30no~~ersorlany1<no~or produced ( as identification. - J '/ LY2;fI)A.~.. ~ _ V/e vL-. ~~e Notary Pt9J"c / !7/~{ T d-.c/oc.L Print Notary Name) ,,I 1 ,.) My Commission Expires:.-- .. !:)_l-- ~ iJOO'--_ Cqmmission No.: ~.c... 717 Lj /3 0 N Personally known, or '0 Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ~"'6' Mary T lynch *~ *Mv CommissIon CC774136 ~'t..,,~ Expires September 10. 2002 Cf.~-\'F:~.:D COpy .~ ~: C' f': \USI\\DKELLY\OEV./.^GT ;\~ '.., C... ..''':.-:----- i~--.~.._'--... ~.~:---\ '~.~ 15 ( :Jr r Il 't\. ~'.l_\...l".)I\~,", ( JDmt P^G~ 6( /1/13/ r- '1 /'] 5 9 3 SE~WiOU. Cll. FL 0232 LANQ DESCRIPDON: A PARCEL OF LAND L YlNG IN SECTION 4. TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCR/BED AS FOLLOWS. BEGIN AT mE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; TliENCE RUN soum 88'40'53" WEST, ALONG THE NOR~ LINE OF SAID SEcnON 4. A DISTANCE OF 5407.95 FEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE RUN soum 00.,7'58" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 898.74 FEET, TO A POINT ON ll-lE' NOR ll-lEAS rERL Y RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of THE EASTERN BELTWAY; mENCE, ALONG THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES: RUN soum 2EU8'45" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 173.24 FEET, TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 5549.58 fEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 28.' 7'35" EAST; THENCE RUN SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04'17'40" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE 423.45 fEET TO A POINT; THENCE, LEAVING SAID CURVE RUN SOUTH 30'25'25." EAST, A DISTANCE OF 95.07 fEET. TO A POINT (IN A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTliWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 7737.43 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 29'53"21" EAST; THENCE RUN SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUCH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03"22..34- FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 455.94 FEET, TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 774J.44 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 2S'18'2r'EAST: THENCE RUN .SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03"31"'40" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 475.79 FEET TO A POIN T: THENCE. LEAVING SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY. RUN NORTH 89'51'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF' 606.29 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00'17'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET, TO A POINT. ON. THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SAID SECTION 4: mENCE RUN NORTH 89'5"53" EAST. ALONG SAID soum LINE, A DISTANCE OF 3070.77 FEET. TO A POINT ON ll;E WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORmWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEA5T 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00"07'42- VotST. ALONG THE SAID WEST LINE. A DISTANCE OF 648.41 FEET. TO A POINT ON THE NOR TliERL Y RIGH T -OF -WA Y LINE OF STATE ROAD 4J4~ THENCE RUN SOU111 89'38'50" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF JJ1.84 FEET. TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTI-fWEST 1/4 OF THE HORTHEAST 1/4 OF. THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 4; mENCE. LEAVING SAID NORTH RiGHT-OF~WAY LINE. RUN NORTH 00'02'02" \VEST~ ALONG SAID .EAST LINE, .A DISTANCE OF 319.03 FEET. TO k POINT ON mE soum UNE OF mE NORll1 1/2 OF mE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF mE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SEcnON 4; THENCE RUN NORTH 89'sO'13M EAST. 'ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE. A DISTANCE OF 661.88 FEET. TO A POINT ON 111E EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTI-fEAST1/4 OF THE SOUll;EAST 1/4 or SAID SECTION 4,: THENC( RUN NORTH 00'21 '31" WEST, ALONG THE SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF J06.88 FEET: THENCE, LEAVING SAID EAST LINE. RUN SOUTH 89"51'SJ" WEST, A DISTANCE or 25.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 00"21"Jl- WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET. (0 A POINT ON .11;E SOUTH LINE OF THE NOR TH 1/2 OF SAID SECTION 4: THENCE RUN NORTH 89'51"53- EAST. ALONG SAID SOUTli LINE. A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO THE EAST 1/4 CORNER or SAID SEcnON <1; THENCE RUN NORTH 00'29'51". WEST. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NOR;-HEAST 1/4 or SAle SECTION 4. A DIS T ANCE OF 247.3.71 FEE T ro THE POIN T OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS LYING IN SEMINOLE COUN TY. FLORIDA AND CON rAINING 296. ') 7 ACRES MORE OR LESS. ATTACHMENT E PLANNING AND ZO]'lING BOARD AGENDA ITEM A December 6.2000 Meeting REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, presents to the Planning and Zoning Board the Staff recommendation on the preliminary engineering plans for the proposed Belfaire Subdivision (aka Battle Ridge) in order that the Board make a recommendation to the City Commission for their action on this project. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Planning and Zoning Board the Staff recommendation on the preliminary engineering plans for the proposed Belfaire Subdivision (aka Battle Ridge) in order that the Board forward a recommendation to the City Commission for action on this project. The property is located on the north side of SR 434 and is approximately one (1) mile east of the Greeneway. The zoning for this property is R-IA (Single Family Residential). APPLICABLE CODE/ANNEXATION AND PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Section 9-46. Filing and contents of preliminary map and plan. (a) Preapplication approval procedure. It is recommended that any developer contemplating subdividing land in the city consult with city planning, building and engineering officials before laying out any such plan. The above-referenced officials shall advise such person in the preparation of any such plan particularly as regards the requirements of these regulations. (b) Preliminary plan. (1) The applicant shall prepare and submit a preliminary subdivision map and/ or plan together with other supplementary material specified below, accompanied by the appropriate form and fee to the city planner who shall process the application in accordance with provisions of this Code: Processing shall be as follows: a. City planner. b. City engineer. c. Staff review. d. Planning and zoning board. e. City council. December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 2 (2) Preliminary plan supporting data. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on standard twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (normally one (1) inch equals one hundred (l00) feet) and shall include theJollowing: a. Name of development; date of preliminary plan or revision; scale of plan, north arrow; approximate acreage in the tract being subdivided; total number of lots; name, address and telephone number of developer, surveyor and engineer. b. Location map showing relationship between area proposed for development and surrounding area. c. Legal description of tract to be subdivided. d. Boundaries of tract shown by a heavy line. e. Existing streets. The name, location and right-of-way width of all existing improved streets, rights-of-way and platted streets within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed subdivision; surface elevation, including any legally established centerline elevations; walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc. f Proposed streets. The name of temporary designation (Street A, B, C, etc.), right of way, and type and width of pavement. Include any streets shown on the adopted comprehensive plan. g. Proposed easements or rights-of-way other than for streets (e.g., for drainage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths), location, width and purpose. h. Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and building setback lines for irregularly shaped lots. The building setback distance is the distance required to meet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. I. Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, playgrounds, and other public and nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings. December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 3 J. Names of abutting suddivisions, recordation date and number. k. Existing utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights. Ifwater mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers. I. Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. m. Other existing improvements, including buildings, on the tract. n. Natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas. A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall be provided (Seminole County Soils Survey). o. Existing contours at one-foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and where practicable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundary. p. Proposed surface drainage with direction of flow and method of disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other acceptable stormwater systems. q. Subsurface conditions on the tract, to a minimum depth requested by the city engineer; location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions; depth to groundwater; location and results of soil percolation tests; location and extent of much pockets. Tests shall indicate weigth-bearing capability of the soil after stripping and compacting. r. Zoning on and abutting the tract. December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 4 s. Proposed public improvements; highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future consideration on or near the tract. t. Draft of restrictive covenants, if any. If the development is a PUD or private development of any nature, restrictive covenants will be required, if available at the time of submission. u. Other preliminary plans. When requested by the city, typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway and sidewalk, preliminary plans of proposed potable water and firefighting systems, sanitary sewage systems, stormwater management systems. All elevations shall be based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. The applicant shall provide the location and information of the hundred-year flood elevation relative to the proposed site, based on the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) maps and estabiish the wetlands boundary by the approved governing agencies, such as the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the St. John's Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, the seasonal high water elevation shall be provided, as determined by a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida. Section 9-47. Action on preliminary plan by city council. Within forty-five (45) days after receipt by the city of the complete preliminary plan, the city commission shall take action at any regular or special meeting and report to the applicant its approval, conditional approval, disapproval or request additional information from the applicant. Section 9-48. Reasons when preliminary plan is disapproved; conditional approval. Upon disapproval of any plan, the city commission shall indicate those sections of this chapter with which the plan does not comply. Conditional approval may be granted specifying conditions which must be complied with, and such conditions shall be considered thereafter as part of the preliminary plan. December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 5 Section 9-49. Approval of preliminary plan to be construed only as authority to submit final plan. Approval of the preliminary plan shall be construed as authority for submitting a final plan in accordance with this chapter. Approval of the preliminary plan by the city council shall not be construed as authority for the sale of lots in reference to the preliminary plan, nor as authority for obtaining building permits, nor for the recording of a plat, nor for the installation of required improvements. ANNEXA TION AND PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CHRONOLOGY: July 31, 2000 - Preliminary Engineering submitted November 14, 2000 - Development Review Committee convened FINDINGS: 1) Staff has determined that the project as presented meets all Code requirements and the requirements of the Annexation and Pre-Development Agreement. RECOMMENDA TION: The Staff recommendation is that the Planning and Zoning Board favorably forward the preliminary engineering for the Belfaire Subdivision to the City Commission for their action. ATTACHMENTS: A - Development Review Committee Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2000 (memo dated November 15, 2000) B - Introduction and Executive Summary of Cultural Resource Assessment conducted by SOUTHARC, INC., dated May 25,2000 C - Conclusion of Revised Analysis of the Potential for Occurrence of Threatened and Endangered Species and Species of Special Concern on the Battle Ridge Project Site conducted by Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc., dated January 29, 1996 and revised July 26, 2000 December 6, 2000 P&Z REGULAR AGENDA ITEM A Page 6 D - Annexation and Pre-Development Agreement E - Preliminary Engineering BOARD ACTION: ATTACHMENT A November 15, 2000 To: Community Development Director Assistant to the City Manager Staff LJ}J Land Development Coordinat~ Development Review Committee Belfaire, Preliminary Engineering From: Re: The above referenced Development Review Committee convened on November 14, 2000 to consider the preliminary engineering for Belfaire Subdivision. R. Singleton, R. Braddick and D. Schmidt represented the project. Staff members present were Cook, Dallas, Hall, Franklin and LeBlanc. Please see attached Staff comments. Cook moved that the preliminary engineering be favorably forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for their action, seconded by Dallas. All voted aye. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407)327-6695 Code Enforcement MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14,2000 TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator \ Jimette Cook, Code Enforcement Manager ~ Belfaire project (!// FROM: RE: I have reviewed the submitted plans and have no concerns at this time. There has not been a landscape plan submitted for review. At that time I will olTer my comments. Memo To: Don Leblanc, Land Development Coordinator From: David J. Alamina. Senior Building Inspector CD--. CC: Dennis E. Franklin, Building Official Date: 10/02100 Re:: Revised Preliminary Engineering, Belfaire Subdivision I reviewed the above revised preliminary engineering and found that all questions are satisfied except part one of statement #4 (Indicate on plans the minimum building pad elevations and minimum finished floor elevations.) This must be furnished on plans at final engineering time. C:\docs\word\dave memo\rovised preliminary revised engineering belfair _Battlefidge.doce Page 1 Donald LeBlanc From: Sent: To: Subject: Glen Tolleson Monday, October 02, 2000 1 :55 PM Donald LeBlanc Belfaire (aka Battle Ridge) I have no comments regarding the project at this time. Donald LeBlanc From: Sent: To: Subject: Kimberley Hall Monday, September 25, 20008:40 AM Donald LeBlanc Belfaire Subdivision I have no further comments for this project. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 Code Enforcement MEMORANDUM DATE: September 20,2000 RE: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator lhnetle Cook, Cnde Enfon:emenl Mannge"t!) Bclfaire project TO: FROM: I have reviewed the plans and olTer the following; 1. Although the revised tree replacement requirements do not apply, only trees located on the construction pad, or within 10 feet of proposed construction will be removed. Any other trees removed must be replaced. 2. Arbor permits are still required before site work. 3. Any existing trees to be left on site must be protected before any site work or construction takes place. September 12, 2000 CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117 E. Robinson St., Suite C Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: (407) 425-0452 Fax: (407) 648-1036 www.cphengineers.com Mr. Don LeB lane City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: Review of Belfaire Subdivision Re-submittal Package Submittal Dated August 21,2000 CPR Job No. W0491.11 Dear Mr. LeBlanc: We have reviewed the plans and response letter submitted by Bowyer-Singleton & Associates Incorporated for the Belfaire Subdivision. They have addressed all of the comments except one adequately. The developer will need to address and provide some type of documentation regarding the decision that was agreed to by the City and the developer to allow the pond construction to occur within this area. This is an issue that could cause problems before the City council if it is not properly addressed. Once sufficient documentation on this issue is provided, we have no objections to the project continuing through the approval process. Should there be any questions regarding our review of this project, please feel free to contact me at (407) 425-0452. Sincerely, :[2Z* Project Managi P E J:\W049J.ll\resubmittal comment letter-doc cc: Mr. David M. Schmitt, P.E., Bowyer Singleton SANFORD . ORLANDO . DELANO . PALM CITY . CAPE CORAL . JACKSONVILLE September 12, 2000 To: David M. Schmitt, P.E. Bowyer-Singleton ~' .~ Don LeBlanc Land Development Coor mator From: Re: Revised Preliminary Engineering Belfaire Subdivision I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary engineering for Beifaire Subdivision and offer the below listed comment: Again, one ACOE and SJR WMD agree to wetlands mitigation, proof of approval must be provided to the City. Once the new wetlands delineation line is established is the time that the 25-foot upland buffer is shown on the plans. It is rather difficult to show the buffer at this time without knowing where the wetlands will end. This will not prevent consideration of your preliminary engineering in a favorable light, but final engineering will not be approved until this information is provided. WINTER SPRINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE: (407) 327-2332 FAX (407) 327-4750 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Donald LeBlanc, Community Development Director Timothy J. Lallathin, Fire Chief ---J~ I ~ September 6, 2000 Development Review Committee / Revised Plans Belfaire (plans dated August 22,2000) The Fire Department has reviewed the revised plans on the above referenced development and offers the following comments. The fire hydrants locations were modified to meet City Code and the other concerns were covered in a separate memo from Bowyer-Singleton & Associates Incorporated dated August 21, 2000. The Fire Department has no further concerns at this time. RECEIVED AUG 2 5 2000 Su nbre~Te~,"~~~s August 24, 2000 520 South Mognolia Orlando, Florida J2801 Phone 407-84J-5120 Fox 407-649-8664 File No. BTR-1 Mr. Donald LeBlanc City Land Development Specialist Land Management Specialist City of Winter Springs, City Hall 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Subject: Belfaire (Battle Ridge) Park Fee Dear Don: As discussed at Development Review Committee (DRC), Sunbreeze, Inc. is agreeable to a voluntary park fee of $300 per lot. This fee would be paid at issuance of the building permit. Any lots that have not pulled building permits within two years from the date of Certificate of Completion of the site improvements will be subject to prepayment of the $300 per lot at that time. I trust this proposal is agreeable. If so, it can be included as a condition of approval for the project. RRB:gkb \\BTR1\Corr\7016 c: Ralph D. Singleton, Sunbreeze, Inc. ( ( MEMORANDUM TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator FROM: Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation Director C \Y SUBJECT: Annexation and Predevelopment Agreement-Battle Ridge DATE: August 11, 2000 Page 9 of this agreement, number 4 Development Plans; D Parks and Recreation: No on site parks and recreation facilities will be required of this development. The developer is required to pay a fee-in-lieu, per Objective E, Policy 1, Page 44 of the Recreation and Open Space element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Winter Springs Parks and Recreation continues to grow rapidly in youth sports activities. New young families moving into Winter Springs primarily seek out these types of activities for their children. A pressing current need in Parks and Recreation is the acquisition and development of land that may be utilized for practice ball fields (football, soccer, and baseball and softball). The fields require large cleared open areas of approximately 1-2 acres per field. Also, there is a need to light the 4 game soccer fields at Central Winds Park to expand the time they are available for needed youth game use. At the present time, the City of Winter Springs does not have a Recreation Impact Fee in place. However, our neighboring City, Oviedo, with very similar parks and recreation needs, has, since 1994, a fee structure of $288.00-$397.00 per dwelling unit depending on size. The fee-in- lieu I established is $300.00 per dwelling unit based on the proposed 110 dwelling units; the fee would be $33,000.00. If I can be of further information, please contact me at 407-327-4761. /Img ATTACHMENT B CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BA TILE RIDGE TRACT SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA Prepared for: BOWYER-SINGLETON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 520 South Magnolia Avenue Orlando, FL 32802-2769 Prepared by: Martin F. Dickinson, RP A Lucy B. Wayne, Ph.D., RPA SOUTHARC,INC. 3700 NW 91 51 St., Suite D300 Gainesville, FL 32606 (352)372-2633 May 25, 2000 134-00-01 Sout11Arc, Inc. Specializing in Archaeologicol/l-lisloricol Services Mcrn/)cn 50ciclV of I'rolnlionol ArcllOcologists INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Development is proposed for a tract known as Battle Ridge located on the south side of Lake Jessup in Seminole Courity (Figure 1). At the request of the City of Winter Springs, a preliminary cultural resources reconnaissance was completed on this tract in April, 2000 (Dickinson and Wayne 2000). Based on the results of this reconnaissance, the project engineers, Bowyer-Singleton Associates, Inc., requested that SouthArc,Inc. complete a Phase l cultural resources survey and assessment within the uplands portion of the tract. Field work was' conducted in May, 2000 under the direction of Martin F. Dickinson, RP A, President of SouthArc. Project documentation was completed by SouthArc's Vice President, Lucy B. Wayne, Ph.D., RPA. Although the tract is separated by extensive wetlands from the open waters of Lake Jessup, the preliminary reconnaissance completed by SouthArc suggested that the lake shoreline was once much closer to the upland portion of the project tract. Previous research at nearby sites on the south shore of the lake (Wayne and Dickinson 1990, 1993; Dickinson and Wayne 1996a, b) indicated that there was a potential for prehistoric archaeological sites within the uplands area close to the relict lake edge. Following the guidelines of the Florida Division of Historical Resources (FDHR), the uplands portion of the project tract was stratified based on its proximity to the lake shore. The areas closest to the lake were tested at 25-meter intervals along transects parallel to the shoreline. As the distance from the lake increased, the test unit interval was increased to 50 and 100 meters. A single lithic flake, identified as an isolated find, was recovered from the test units. One unit at the wetland edge in the northeastern comer yielded fossil bone, perhaps from Pleistocene deposits. The portion of the property adjacent to State Road (S.R.) 419 contains a concrete slab from a relatively recent residential occupation. Based on the results of the cultural resources survey, the archaeologists believe that development of the upland portion of the Battle Ridge tract: will not impact any significant archaeological or historical resources. No further research is recommended. 134-00-0 I :'lIOn ~.. . .jJ~=::l ~l~ ,~~rill , -. \ ......x~ _/' ~--- '.',' , ..,~,,\liit-;;:;:-L'IlIding ~\~Q ~on Springs Ii j N ) "")"' ....i."'zl . .,.~ Jones Landing S\l>.u,....a/~r Cret!J: / Dbc~ HJ.mmoc I .1 j I II FLORI A ''''- I I i I I, i: I' I, I Scale I :37,500 (at ccntcr) L---=-J , 2000 Fcet Mag 14,00 Thu May 25 I [:45:23 2000 1000 Mctcrs -----, FIGURE 1. PROJECT LOCATION. SA TTLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT, SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA SouthArc, Inc. SOURCE: DELORME 1993 t Arch:lcologiC:l1 :lnd Hisloriol Services bY Specializing in Archaea/agical/Hi5(arical Service5 Member5 Society of PrafeH;anal Archaealogi5(5 Aug. 31, 2000 134-00-01 Mr. Ray Bradick Bowyer-Singleton & Assoc., Inc. 520 So. Magnolia Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 RE\IT~ Re: Battle Ridge Development--Cultural Resources Assessment Dear Mr. Bradick: This letter will confIrm that the cultural resources assessment completed by our firm at the Battle Ridge development in Seminole County complies with the City of Winter Springs Annexation and Pre~Development Agreement. The cultural resources assessment completed in May, 2000 included conducting a systematic grid archaeological survey of the developable site. As you knuw, the report of the assessment was reviewed and approved by the Florida Division of Historical Resources, the state review and compliance authority for archaeological studies. Please let us know if we can provide any further information relevant to this project. Sincerely, ~B~ Lucy B. Wayne, Ph.D., RP A Vice President fn':l :'-":~J;:=~"~~i ! ~ I: ---' . e: i: !. ) .'. . ", :- ": i : L~.-=. 3700 N.W. 91 st Street, Suite 0300, Gainesville, Florida 32606-7307 (352) 372-2633 Fax: (352) 378-3931 . E-mail: loutharc@gnv.fdt.net ATTACHMENT C BDA ENVlRONtvlENTi\L CONSULTANTS 2000-031-10.1 REVISED ANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL FOR OCCURRENCE OF THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES AND SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN ON THE BA TILE RIDGE PROJECT SITE Submitted to: Mr. Donald LeBlanc City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Phone: 407-327-1800 January 29, 1996 Revised July 26, 2000 Submitted by: i ~ , ~)c.~ O. k )aA~ __ {:,'William F. Grey, D.A. '\ Senior Scientist ~~ W. Michael Dennis, Ph.D. President IIIU:I'.I lL( lVI:, I )1:~0!h '" i\SS\ )( :1 Ai'I::-;, 1,'1(:, \ h' W. (:I\NI'()N 1\\TNt T : \\'INTLI: I'..\IZK, 1:1. 127K') "11\ 1:-': I: W7 .(,7{.1 ,"..i.' ; 1;..\\ -1\',1>)7. 7l\'S 4.0 CONCLUSION Four bald eagle nests hist near the Battle Ridge project site according to FWC. Uplands in the southeast comer of the site are outside recommended primary and secondary zones, 750 and 1,500 feet, respectively. The bald eagles are classified as urban, due to their close proximity and adaptability to existing urban development and transportation corridors. I As a result of the gopher tortoise censuses, no gopher tortoises or commensal species were identified within the upland communities. Upland habitat areas were determined to be potentially low for gopher tortoise I and commensal T&E species. The site has a potential for occasional incidental use by listed bird species, I including the white ibis and wood stork; however, any use of the upland areas by these species would be merely incidental. There are no roosting or nesting habitats available on-site. The uplands on the Battle ~ Ridge project site do not provide critical habitat for any T&E plant or animal species. J Based on the location of the site adjoining two major transportation corridors and surrounded by existing t development and its past disturbance of logging activity, we do not believe there is any significant occurrence or use by any protected plant or animal species. ~ I j The ecological constraints documented in this report such as environmental regulatory matters, wetland jurisdiction, wetland pennitting, wetland mitigation requirements, water quality, and threatened and/or endangered species, are provided based on data, site conditions, and information available on the date of our site review. This infonnation is for general planning purposes only, and should not be used as a final determinant of regulatory agency position, final development potential, or appraisal purposes. The extent of agency wetland jurisdiction can be determined through field location of the wetland limits and on-site agency review of those limits. I I I P:\AOMIN\PROJECTS\20000J I \REI'ORTS\ANAL YSIS.DOC 14 J , '. ~. '. '. '.., . ." e.(' ,. / I~""'~~l ..~..:. ~~,.::""':':'~'", . '~<~"'I" . : \' .~. ~. .GO:-.~~ ,~:,' /':1' 15 .': '. -. ...,-...... ,',',_", .Sn.R- 2W'!lOW'.y ;" --{, ~\ 1'\ :. <.0.p. ~; ....:.. ':':.;.': :1. ..:;". .:;.<:'~. :;>.~'. :,:;",:: . ': '. .~:. ~~..'~ ~~'~:=-\1:e;';rr---;f;/ '/~'~r~-;:\l ~'\ "",. . -,. . . ~ ., .. ...: . . 0'. ~ '- - -" L hd;;'- -", J " . I I' " . . '.' ~. . :'.' .:: _' . . ...... ". . 'plle, . 0 .: ....-..:.... ~ i - ,. !l- ~ng.;II .. .'-:'" ," " I .-:. 6::, '. :. -.. ;.'0.. '. ..... - ~ .... -' (~I ,> ,I ""'; -- ) ," " ...... :;':'>:. I . ....p.i1es": . '" _ --- -----::- --_-~.;: . , ~ ..-r~~~.~._~_ I ___~. It I ~ '::.... .:. ....... .' ,.. .. 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"0 :/ ~ I --\\1 . . ~ '1+1 ~ ~~\F ", ':~ Kfu - ~ - ____ -:..;"... 1/1\ \1,\ l v~ If' ~ iJ.~..!>~djyOviqd~ I , , , . : ' ) !! ~ -~. . 1 I ~~ P ~', \ (\ .~::'- (')'N:-+.'.;"':.t': ~!-. ... '1\ I .~. . I \J ~ 0_'" :1' '. :.:.~...;": " ~ I' ( (!1- ~0-~/-:? 20?O' r / I. '. , (;, ,.--....,.u=~ ~-",'",f(....,.~.... SCALE 1- = 2000' ~ :\ ..- -- U.S.G.S. OVIEDO. F"L 1956 XREFS: BELTWAY.OWG PHOTOREVISED 1980, PROPERTY.OWG ROAOBUF.OWG BDl ^ BREEDLOVE. DENNIS 95144-10.1 / BATT~E.OWG 'L-\.'~: ASSOCIATES, INC. 1-12-1996 / CBT -IP 4301 Metric Dr. Winter Perk. FL. 32792 (407)677-1882 Fax:657-700e FIGURE 1.0-1 . LOCATION MAP OF THE 297 -ACRE SA TILE RIDGE PROJECT SITE. SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 S., RANGE 31 E.) ATTACHMENT D ( ( August 3, 2000 To: Community Development Director Assistant to the City Manager Staff Land Development coordinat~ From: Re: Annexation and Pre-Development Agreement Battle Ridge (now known as Belfaire) Attached for your records is the above referenced annexation and pre-development agreement as it relates to Battle Ridge - now being reviewed as Belfaire. :~L-t. f~l(\ OF C Ir<ell: ~ couln ( - - .-._.. - - -. - }<t_COI\UElJ & V[RIFtl_~ r.J'J FEj 1[, Ptl (: ?U 3'J?S-1.O ,) ... J ANNEXATION AND PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ;2~L. day 07t';;? 1998, by and between the City of Winter Springs, Florida (herein referred to as the "City") and Battle Ridge Companies, Inc. (herein referred to as the "Owner"). WlINESSEIH: : WHEREAS, Owner owns property located in unincorporated Seminole County on the east side of the State Road 417 (a/k/a "The GreeneWay") and north of State Road 434 and has filed an Application for Annexation of Owner's property into the City which land is described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, and WHEREAS, the City has encouraged Owner to annex into the City and acknowledges the continuing permanent benefit which the City will receive by virtue of annexing Owner's property and acquiring the right to provide municipal services to the Property, and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the City's best interest to enter into this Agreement to assure Owner of the future availability of adequate municipal services, including sewer and water service, at such times and in such capacities as may be necessary to allow Owner to develop the Property as set forth herein, and WHEREAS, Owner's plans for development of the Property as a high-quality, residential development have been deemed by the City to be of substantial economic benefit to the City and its citizens. Owner's plans further include creating a conservation area for the benefit of preserving and protecting over two-thirds of the Property in its natural state, which will be of substantial benefit to the City and its citizens, and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is feasible and in the City's best interest to extend into Owner's Property other municipal services, such as police protection, fire protection, sewer and water service, trash and garbage removal, street and storm drainage maintenance, and WHEREAS, in reasonable reliance upon the provision of water and sewer service, municipql services, and other inducements to annex, Owner has .filed said Application for Annexation pursuant to 171.044, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, Owner has filed an application with the City for a large scale comprehensive plan amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation of the developable portion of the Owner's property designated on the Seminole County Future Land Use Map as "Suburban Estates" (1 Dwelling unit per acre) to the City's Future Land Use Map designation of "Lower Density Residential" (1.1 to 3.5 Dwelling 1 c...:> (f) Ul a; M \..D 0 :r.: 0 w A ::z: 0 r- rn (") C) 0 " N -u :> r- e)' --.J r'l. ( units per acre) and to change that portion of the Owner's property designated on the Seminole County Future Land Use Map as "Conservation Overlay" to the City's Future Land Use Map designation of "Conservation," and WHEREAS, Owner has made an application to th~ City to rezone the developable portion of Owner's property from Seminole County Zoning Map designation A-1 "Agriculture" to the City's Zoning Map designation R-1A "One-Family Dwelling District," and WHEREAS, Owner is further willing to annex if the City agrees to cooperate in the effort to amend its Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to accommodate and be consistent with the land uses permitted for residential uses as described herein and otherwise do what is reasonably necessary to rezone the property pursuant to these land uses, and WHEREAS, the first reading of Ordinance 694 to annex the property was held on January 12, 1998 and the second reading and public hearing of Ordinance 694 was held on January 26, 1998, and WHEREAS, the first reading of Ordinance 695 to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan amendment (LG-CPA-1-95) changing the Future Land Use Map ~ designation of the property was held on January 12, 1998 and the second reading and :x public hearing of Ordinance 695 was held on January 26, 1998, and ~ r rT' WHEREAS, the first reading of Ordinance 696 changing the Zoning Map g designation of the property was held on January 12, 1998 and the second reading and :." public hearing of Ordinance 696 was held on February 9, 1998, and r WHEREAS, Owner and City believe that it is in the best interest of each party to enable the Property to be developed substantially in accordance with the preliminary development plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B" (the "Preliminary Development Plan") and as further described herein, in accordance with Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (the "Act"), other applicable Florida Law and the Charter and Code of Ordinances of the City, and WHEREAS, City and Owner hereby acknowledge and warrant to the other that this Agreement and any future acts as required hereby are binding and enforceable on the City and Owner in accordance with their terms, and WHEREAS, the agreement of the City to provide inducements as set forth in this Agreement (including land use approvals) and be bound by this Agreement, as well as the City's assurance to the Owner that this Agreement is enforceable against the City and that the City will not seek to thwart enforcement based on any claim of invalidity, 2 w en ruc \.0 0'" o- W =^- ( - ~ ~ : 0 I"V --u: ~" ,- C)" IT"'( co ( are all material inducements to the Owner to enter into this Agreement, and the Owner would not voluntarily annex into the City or enter into this Agreement but for such agreement and assurances by the City, and WHEREAS, Owner has already made and will continue to make financial commitments and has paid and will continue to pay substantial sums of money in contemplation of the rezoning and redesignation of land use to develop the Property, and Accordingly, in consideration of mutual benefits, the public interest and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1, RECITALS;. EXHIBITS. The above recitations are true and correct, are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and form a material part of this Agreement. All exhibits to this Agreement are hereby deemed a part hereof. SECTION 2, AUTHORITY. This Agreement is entered into under the authority of the Florida Constitution (including Article VIII, Section 2(b) thereof), the general powers conferred upon municipalities by statute and otherwise (including Chapter 163 and 166, Florida Statutes), and the City's Charter. SECTION 3. ANNEXATION AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT. w Ul \..D W rue 0" o-y ~c= ... ,- r" ;:I f"1 ': -U'= ~::;I C>C P1C/ A. Owner filed with the City, on August 2, 1995, an Application for ~ Annexation of the Property, which is conditioned upon the adoption of this Agreement.~ The City initiated the process to accomplish the annexation in accordance with law. ~ ~ B. Owner has filed with the City, on August 2, 1995, an Application for g 0 Comprehensive Plan Amendment in order to amend the City's Future Land Use Map to.., . ~ include the Property and provide for a future land use designation for the Property of .- \..D Lower Density Residential. The City initiated the process to accomplish the Comprehensive Plan Amendment in accordance with law. SECTION 4. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY. A. The sizes, configurations and boundaries of the parcels and roadways shown in the Preliminary Development Plan are for conceptual planning purposes only and shall not bind Owner to develop the Property in strict conformity with the Preliminary Development Plan. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the Preliminary Development Plan, this Agreement shall control. B. The classification labels and descriptions pertaining to the parcels and the locations of the lake/conservationlretention areas shown in the Preliminary 3 ( Development Plan are approximate. The exact location and configuration of said lake/conservationlretention areas shall be subject to change pursuant to regulations of the appropriate cQunty, state and federal permitting agencies. The parties acknowledge that portions of the lake/conservation/retention areas shown in the Preliminary Development Plan may be identified as wetlands. Owner may use, develop or set aside isolated or marginal wetlands provided that the same is in compliance with all federal, state, county, water management district and other applicable local regulations. C. Following delineation of the jurisdictional wetland lines, the parties acknowledge that the parcels in the Preliminary Development Plan are calculated in gross developable acres and when developed will include, as necessary, storm water retention and detention areas, recreation and open space, streets as well as the lake/conservation/retention areas shown in the Preliminary Development Plan. D. As designated in the Preliminary Development Plan, the Property shall be developed pursuant to the standards established for zoning categories consistent with Lower Density Residential Land Use on the City's Future Land Use Map. The City will support and approve a rezoning to R-1A One-Family Dwelling District allowing residential use consistent with the Preliminary Development Plan, this Agreement, and the City's Comprehensive Plan and the City's Land Development Code. E. The parties acknowledge that the Preliminary Development Plan ~hall be the basis for Owner's development of the Property, subject to such modifications as (/) may be mutually agreed upon by the parties or are required by existing City ordinance~ The parties recognize that as the development process proceeds, it may be necessary:z: to amend the Preliminary Development Plan either: (i) as may be mutually agreed upo~ by the parties; or (ii) as permitted by Section 163.3233(2), Florida Statutes; or (iii) as ~ required by currently existing City ordinances. The City shall do what is necessary and? within its power and authority to grant and allow development permits'and approvals, ~ including, without limitation, platting, for the orderly development of the Property in accordance with this Agreement. w Ul \.D W we: C)""T' a-r :::r.c=: )": ,- ... . . C> N f"'0 C) c -uc }>::: be Pll, F. Owner represents to the City that Owner shall establish a homeowners' association to ultimately own and maintain the entranceway amenities and other commonly owned amenities within the residential development on the Property. G. Owner or its authorized representative shall submit to the City such applications and other documentation and shall comply with such other procedures as may be normally and customarily required by the City for comprehensive plan amendments, rezoning, platting, site plans and other development approvals or permits. Owner acknowledges and agrees that the City will not be responsible for any money expended by Owner if the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is not approved by the State, 4 H. Except as otherwise set forth herein, all development of the Property shall be subject to compliance with current City ordinances, and with regulations of state, local and federal agencies. SECTION 5, PROPERTY OWNERSHIP. Owner acknowledges and represents to the City that Owner is the owner of the Property and that Owner is empowered to enter into this Agreement. Owner further represents that nothing in this Agreement is barred or prohibited by any other agreement between Owner and any governmental agency or any third party. SECTION 6. PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES. A. The City represents that it has sufficient water capacity and pressure to serve the Property. The City represents to Owner that the City has a ten (10) inch water line located approximately 1,200 feet from the western boundary of the Property at State Road 434 and that Owner has the right to connect to such water line. All lines and connections necessary to provide water facilities and services shall be provided from the City's water line to the Property by Owner. Owner shall, upon completion of construction and installation of such water line, deliver to the City a statement setting forth the cost of the construction and installation thereof. Subject to approval of FOOT, the City represents to Owner that all necessary rights-of-way to allow installation of all lines and connections necessary to provide water facilities and services from the City's water line to the Property as aforesaid are available. w (f)Ul fT1 \..D B. The City represents that it has sufficient sewer capacity to serve the ::t c....J Property. The City represents to Owner that the City has a six (6) inch sewer line 23 located approximately 2,200 feet from the western boundary of the Property at State ~' Road 434 and that Owner has the right to connect to such sewer line. All lines and () C) connections to provide sanitary sewer services shall be provided from the City's sewer ~ N .U line to the Property by Owner. Owner shall, upon completion of construction and ~ N .~. r" installation of such sewer line, deliver to the City a statement setting forth the cost of the construction and installation thereof. Subject to approval of FOOT, the City represents to Owner that all necessary rights-of-way to allow installation of all lines and connections necessary to provide sewer facilities and services from the City's sewer line to the Property as aforesaid are available. The City will take all steps necessary to assure that sufficient capacity to serve the Property with sanitary sewer services shall be available when needed for development by reserving for the Property sufficient equivalent residential units (flERU'sfl) for the proposed project. The Owner shall be required to pay annual guaranteed revenue charges for each ERU (Water and Waste water Equivalent Residential Unit) beginning at the time of Florida Department of Environmental Protection construction application, and continuing annually until issuance of a construction certificate of project infrastructure by Florida Department of Environmental Protection. CD( 0- o' A( 5 ( ( \ C. The City hereby agrees that Owner has the right to delay payment of water and sewer connection fees until issuance of each building permit by the City for construction of a single family residence on the Property. The City hereby represents that the current service availability charge for sewer is $1,890.00 and the current service availability charge for water is $560.00. The Owner shall be required to pay the service availability change applicable at the time said fees are assessed on a parcel or property. D. The parties acknowledge and agree that it is not feasible to install reclaimed water lines in this development; accordingly, the same shall not be required. E. No septic tanks shall be allowed on the Property. SECTION 7, CITY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. It is hereby ORDERED AND RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that the property referred to as the BATTLE RIDGE PROPERTY (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"), be annexed into the City, designated on the Future Land Use Map and in the City's Comprehensive Plan as "Lower Density Residential" and rezoned to R-1 A subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Comprehensive Plan AmendmenUEffective Date. W <.nUl The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date on which the ~ \..0 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CPA-1-95) is approved by the Cityx W This Agreement shall be recorded with the Recording Department of the ~ 1 Clerk of Courts of Seminole County within ten (10) days after execution bF the Mayor of the City. ? 0 -0 --., l"V ;t> ,. i'V C) f"'..) Pl roc 0-" 0-" =^- (" } r- B. Development of the Property. 1. The Property shall be developed in accordance with Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CPA-1-95) which designates the Property City Future Land Use Map "Lower Density Residential" (1:1 to 3.5 Dwelling Units per acre). However, the actual net developed density shall not exceed 2.56 UI'Iits per acre. 2. The property shall be developed as a residential community with preservation of the wetlands portion of the Property in a non- developed natural state. The uplands portion of the Property shall be developed as a residential community in accordance with the requirements in Chapter 20 Article III, Division 4, R-1A One Family 6 ( Dwelling District, and Chapter 9 of the Land Development Regulations, Winter Springs City Code. C. Wetlands. 1. Any existing wetlands or other areas which are in the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) shall be subject to the applicable rules and regulations of those respective agencies. 2. Following final wetlands boundary determination and platting, but within one year of this Agreement, the Owner of the Property shall convey, at no cost to the Grantee, the wetlands portion of the Property to a responsible public or private non-profit environmental agency reasonably acceptable to the City. Pursuant to City Code, all wetlands shall be delineated according to FDEP, SJRWMD, and ACOE jurisdictional lines. 3. To further protect the adjacent wetlands, Developer agrees to design its stormwater runoff and retention system for the uplands developable portion of the project in accordance with Outstanding Florida Water (OFW) design criteria as established by Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the St. Johns River Water Management District. 4. Property will be developed in a manner to avoid any negative impacts on any endangered plant or animal species. Further, no construction shall be permitted within the one hundred (100) year flood plain line as most recently established for this property. D. Fire and Police Public Safety Facilities Impact Fees. Applicants for building permits within the Property shall comply with the City Impact Fee Ordinances, as they may from time to time be amended, imposing impact fees for fire and police public safety facilities. E. Transportation. 1. Applicants for building permits within the Property shall comply with the City Road Impact Fee Ordinance, as it may from time to time be amended, imposing impacts fees for transportation improvements. 7 w U> Ul CJ' e:> rT1 \.D e:> :r. w :::r. :z: 0 , I"T1 , CJ C) 0 N "1J ""Tl )> I N CJ GJ r~ ( 2. The costs of all street signs and traffic control signs and devices located within the Property, shall be borne by the Owner or Developer. 3. The Owner or Developer agrees to improve the State Road 434 project entry, as part of required installations of subdivision improvements required by the City Code on the Property, to allow two (2) outbound and one (1) inbound entry movements, acceleration and deceleration lanes along State Road 434, provided these improvements are allowed by Florida Department of Transportation. 4. The Owner will design its internal road network to preclude connection to adjacent properties to the east. To further assure that the road system is not connected to future developments to the east, Developer will dedicate on the plat or by separate recorded instrument ten feet of property on the east property line of Owner's developable property to the project's homeowner's association as a preserve area. The only improvements which shall be allowed in said preserve area are those necessary to effectuate any type of natural scenic trail, as expressly authorized by Owner. F. w c.n \.0 W me: o "'Tl 0-" A- n }> 1-- Wall. (J) fT1 :I: The Owner or Developer of the Property shall install a six (6) foot masonei wall on that portion of the Property separating any actual residential unit~ from proposed commercial properties along the north side of State Roadn 434. ~ ... r- C> N N +- :::J r-rJ (") -00 )>;0 C10 r'1tn G. Building Restrictions. The building restrictions shall be those found in the R-1A Single Family Dwelling District, Chapter 20, Article III, Division 4 of the Code of Ordinances of the City. They are: 1. . Residential Areas: a. Minimum lot size of residential sites within the Property shall be eight thousand (8,000) square feet with a minimum lot width of seventy five (75) feet measured at the front building line. The maximum number of lots shall be one hundred and ten (110). 8 ( b. Building setbacks shall be: Front: 25 feet Side: 7.5 feet Rear: 25 feet Corner lots: c. CJ> m :I: ::z: o ,- Forty (40%) percent of the lot area is the maximum which n""' may be covered by the principal and accessory buildings org structures located thereon in the R-1A One Family Dwelling:" District. ,- On corner lots, the front line setback of twenty- five (25) feet or more must be maintained, but a fifteen (15) foot sideline setback will be permitted on the street sideline, provided the corner lot faces the same way as all other lots in the block. If the building faces the long dimension of the lot or where corner lots face a different thoroughfare than other lots in the block, the twenty-five (25) foot or greater setback must be maintained from both' thoroughfares. w Ul 1..0 W C> N N CJ1 1 ruc 0'1 C)""n :XC) );- r- :;u rTl (. -00 )> :::0 C>C) IT, <.r. Lot coverage. d. Building height. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height. e. Residential floor area. The minimum heated/air conditioned floor areas shall be 1,800 square feet. 2. Non-residential Area. a. The non-residential area of the Property shall comprise the wetland areas following final boundary determination and platting, it is the intent of the Owner of the Property that no development occur within the wetland areas. 9 3. b. Following final boundary determination and platting, all wetlands shall be delineated according to FDEP, SJRWMDlj) and ACOE. Wetlands shall mean those areas established fTl as jurisdictional by these agencies. ~ o I Open space. ~ All areas lying outside primary and accessory buildings will be ." counted toward open space requirements, including entranceway~ stormwater management areas, yards, lot landscaped areas, and easements. 4. Development plans. a. For the duration of this agreement, except as otherwise provided for herein, all development plans and standards shall meet the regulations and policies of the City in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. b. Where there may be a conflict between this Agreement and the City development regulations, this Agreement shall prevail. c. Developer acknowledges its obligation to develop/construct all improvements on said property in accordance with all applicable City codes modified pursuant to State of Florida Statute 163.3233 and Federal laws as they may from time to time be amended unless specifically modified herein. d. Parks and recreation. No on-site park or recreation facilities will be required of this development. The developer is required to' pay a fee-in-lieu per Policy 1 of Objective E in the Open Space and Recreation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The fee-in-lieu will be established by the Parks and Recreation Director. e. Water and Sewer. I. The City shall provide potable water service to the Property. The Owner or Developer will pay for the extension of trunk lines to the buildable portion of the 10 w U1 \.D W rue CJ -"1 CJ ,., An :J> r- ~) ;-., ,:, --00 :I>:::u C10 P1(n (J o 0 '" '" (J"\ ( Property and pay other customary costs necessary or required in connection with such service. II. The sizing of the trunk line shall be sufficient only to provide water service to the buildable portion of the Property and to no other surrounding properties. III. The City shall provide central sanitary sewer collectionand treatment service to the Property. The Owner or Developer will pay for the extension of trunk lines to the buildable portion of the Property and pay other customary costs necessary or required in connection with such service. IV. The sizing of the trunk line shall be sufficient only to ~ provide central sanitary sewer collection service to .3: the buildable portion of the Property and to no other ~ surrounding properties. ~ w Ul "-0 .w w c.:: 0..,., 0-" An ::> r - :::0 :"., '=-) -00 )>:::0 c:lC) Pl (f) 5. Homeowners Association . n o C) -'-1 N r N --.J A mandatory homeowners association will be formed to provide a responsible entity to maintain all common areas. 6. The Developer shall make a good faith effort to have the retail value of the completed homes and lots to be in the $180,000 and higher price range. H. The Developer shall make a good faith effort to have the Florida Audubon Society designate this project as environmentally responsible. I. The Developer shall conduct a grid archeological survey of the developable site prior to commencing construction of the subdivision improvements. J. To ensure continuation of the Cross Seminole/Florida National Scenic Trail. the Developer shall coordinate with Seminole County <:luring the subdivision platting process to explore opportunities that might exist to extend the trail through the Property, including extension through the ten (10) foot preserve area required in section 7, part E, paragraph 4 of this Agreement. 11 ( ( SECTION 8. PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS AND COMPLIANCE DATE. A. This Agreement shall take effect upon City Commission approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CPA-1-95) and shall remain in effect for a period of ten (10) years from the date of execution. B. This Development Agreement shall be binding upon all successors in interest to the parties of the Agreement. C. The effective date this Agreement may be extended upon request of the Owner or Developer and City Commission approval. SECTION 9. LAND USE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION APPROV ALS.~ The development of the project must comply with the conditions of the Agreement. In the event a development requirement, permit, condition, term or restriction is not addressed in this Agreement, the development will comply with the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, and other applicable land development codes in effect as of the adoption of this Agreement. (f) Pl :r ::z: SECTION 10, CONSISTENCY, The City finds this Agreement and its terms ariil. conditions consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. () <::) SECTION 11, REMEDIES. The developer agrees that the only remedy! for the~ Owner in the event the Owner asserts the City has breached this agreement is an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida. Owner shall have no right to monetary damages or attorney's fees in the event the City breached this agreement. SECTION 12, DUE DILIGENCE. The City and Owner further covenant that they shall immediately commence all reasonable actions necessary to fulfill their obligations .hereunder and shall diligently pursue the same throughout the existence of this Ag reement. SECTION 13. ASSIGNMENT. The parties recognize and acknowledge that Owner may engage one or more developers or builders (hereinafter referred to as "Developer"), other than Owner, to' effect the development of the Property, including the sale of all or portions of the Property to such developers or builders. Upon recordation of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, as hereafter provided, successor builders or developers shall be bound by the terms hereof. SECTION 14. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth all of the covenants, agreements and conditions between the parties hereto, and supersedes all prior and 12 w CJ1 "-0 W OJe C) .,. C) -,. ::r.c= o N N 0::> :::: r - :;7~ :-r '=~ -os P-=-:J c>c Pltr. contemporaneous agreements, understandings, inducements or conditions, express or implied, oral or written, except as herein contained. B. Pronouns. All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine and neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the party or parties, successors or assigns may require. C. / Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall together constitute one in the same instrument. D. Governing Law, This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. E. Severability. If one or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. F. Contraction. In the event the City fails to adopt an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the City's Comprehensive Plan and to the City's zoning map designating the Property as described herein or the City fails to implement any of the conditions set forth herein, Owner shall have the right to deliver a notice to the City requesting a deannexation and contraction of the Property which the City shall have the absolute obligation to implement. G. Notice. Any notice to be given in accordance with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by hand delivery, overnight mail, or certified mail, return (f) fT1 receipt requested, to the party being noticed at the following addresses: 3:: ::z: o r- n-, w CJ1 to c...J OJc 0-'- 0-'" ::x; - () p ro- ::u ;-TJ r") -ua )>::::0 C"Jo r'l(r) AS TO CITY: City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 ATIN: City Manager () o C> ~N r-r-v \.D COPY TO: City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 A TIN: City Clerk 13 / \. ( AS TO OWNER: R. ~\\ ~ \-\i\l;C\N\A N I ~~.\) \U::, -1\LeS I ik-N\ Ga~echl(Qrn, rresiEfem Battle Ridge Companies, Inc. 1000 River East Drive Belle, West Virginia 25015 COPY TO: Frederick W. Leonhardt, Esq. Gray, Harris & Robinson, P.A. 201 East Pine Street Suite 1200 Orlando, Florida 32802-3068 SECTION 15. DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. Owner shall have the right to use and develop the Property as described in this Agreement. Furthermore, Owner does not waive any right to use or develop the Property arising under the common law or the laws of the State of Florida. This agreement is subject to provisions of Florida Statute 163.3235, and 163.3241 providing for periodic review, and modification or revocation of a development agreement to comply with subsequently enacted state and federal law. The Development Agreement is also subject to Florida Statute 163.3233 regarding the local laws and policies governing a development agreement. 1.... -,.; ADOPTED by the City of Winter Springs this')' r:'. da/o.f~May, 1'998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and the City have executed this Agreement as of the day and year approved by the City. ~ :r: z o , BATTLE RIDGE COMPANIES, INC. rn (J o C:> -.,N 'W a W CJ1 \.0 tv Cl) c; o~ 0-., ~o 1> , - ~/ ~-e eith Hartman Senior Vice President _"'tJ . ;''1 r, 'U;"': J>~ C)CJ ('1(1) 14 STATE OF n lJ)(-~/- V"S' (), c~ COUNTY O~L.JH'''- , fA Feb'l-{lIor 9, Tht;:do.{,egoing instrjJ;ent was acknowledged before me this ~ day o~ .J 1997' by , x. t f,J/, J(/ltla!.l who is personally known to me or produced as identification. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP Si f Notary Public " lllrl/i---;; 6mI!J 11 JOUr- (Print N tary Name) My Commission Expires: ;;)-II-;J.cxB Commission No.: ~ Personally known, or o Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced / ~ ~ -J \ (' ~ ~ ' n i .-' , I >--\ ... '-__.--.--------- ~ ~ n''''''' M--' \ - ITV CLERK CITY w U1 \..D W roc 0-" o ""T1 ="'- () )> r- ~ or1 ':"'.1 -'00 )>:;0 00 rt1 (I) o N W AFFIX NOTARY STAMP STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE '1L %.....w~(j ~nstrumenJwas a~~~&~IEt.9.t!flM.~f9Le rT1e this J.L day of f)tkfy, tJ - 1.. 46'.J30no~~~sOrlalfyKno~or produced ( as identification. - -- '} L~rJ '/ 7 /t-/..-- - ~ - L. 1C '/L-., igna ure Notary PtSJ"c / If /~ { T ;). L IcJc.L Print Notary Name) ,/ 1 .-') My Commission Expires:, .~.:bt. ,;;1. {)DC?'--- Cqmmission No.: ~.C- /7 Lj /3 0 )8( Personally known, or I '0 Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ~"'.6' Mary T Lynch *liII*My Commission CC774136 ">:.,...,,'/ Expires September 10, 2002 Cf.~.i! F: ~~D COP'! .- ': ~ .~ r:: P: \USR\DKE:LLY\OEV7. ACT : ;::; \", (-- ,-(':.-----~ .:.\~~'n-''''__-'''" . -.-~ .~___\. . ~ .... _d' ," ~ " '15 ( (Joo~tt\. '''l.Vp^G~ Ii /// 13/ f- /.1 /'] 5 9 3 0 2 3 2 SEMINOLE. CO. FL LAND QESCRIPnO.N: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE JJ EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE Jl EAST SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN SOUTH 88"40'5JN WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 4, A DISTANCE OF 5407.95 FEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE, RUN SOUTH 00"17'58- EAST, A DISTANCE OF 898.74 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE' NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE EASTERN BELTWAY: n-rENCE, ALONG THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES: RUN SOUTH 2EU8'4S- EAST, A DISTANCE OF 173.24 FEET. TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 5649.58 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF soun{ 28'17'3SN EAST: THENCE RUN SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE lHROUGH A CENTRAL ANGlE OF 04 '17' 40- FOR AN ARC DISTANCE 4 2J. 45 FEET TO A POINT: THENCE, LEAVING SAID CURVE RUN SOUTH 30'26'2sN EAST, A DISTANCE OF 95.07 FEET, TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 7737.43 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 29'53'21" EAST; THENCE RUN SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUCH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03"22'J4- FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 455.94 FEET, TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVA TURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 7743.44 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 2s'18'27"'EAST: D;ENCE RUN .SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG mE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0J".H<40N FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF ~76.79 FEET TO A POINT: THENCE, LEAVING SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, RUN NORTH 89"51'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF! 606.29 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00'17'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET, TO A POINT. ON" THE SOUTH LINE OF n-lE NORTH 1/2 OF SAID SECTION 4: THENCE RUN NORTH 89'5"53- EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 3070.77 FEET, TO A POINT ON 11;E WEST UNE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF mE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID ~ECTlON 4; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00'07'42- YttST. ALONG THE SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 648.41 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE NOR Tl-iERL Y RIGH T -OF -WA Y LINE OF STATE ROAD. 434; THENCE RUN SOUD-{ 89"38'SON EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF J31.84 FEET. TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTI-fWEST 1/4 OF THE I~ORll-i~AST 1/4 OF. THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 4; mENCE, LEAVING SAID NORTH RIGln-OF~WAY LINE, RUN NORDi 00"02'02" WEST; ALONG SAID .EAST LINE, .A DISTANCE OF 319,03 FEET. TO A" POINT ON THE soum UNE OF THE NORTli 1/2 OF mE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF mE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF mE SOUlHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SEcnON 4: lliENCE RUN NORTH 89"50'13" EAST, 'ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 661.88 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTI-fEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUD;EAST 1/4 OF SAID SEcn'ON 4.: THENC( RUN NORTH 00'21'Jlw WEST, ALONG THE SAID EAST LINE. A DISTANCE OF 306_88 FEET; THENCE. LEAVING SAID EAST LINE, RUN SOUTH 89"51'53" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET: THENCE RUN NOR TH 00'2'-31- WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET. (0 A POINT ON 'll-iE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SAID SECTION 4: THENCE RUN NORTH 89'5'-53- EAST. ALONG SAID soun; LINE, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE RUN NOR TH 00'29'SI" WEST. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NOR;-HEAST 1/4 OF SAle SECTION <1 A DISTANCE OF 2473.71 FEET TO niE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS LYING IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND CONTAINING 296')7 ACRES MORE OR LESS ATTACHMENT E ATTACHMENT A ~~ . CARROLL PROPERTY SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT , ATTACHMENT B . CARROLL PROPERTY REZONING , ATTACHMENT C CITY OF OVIEDO FUTURE LAND USE MAP SR434 LDR eM CARROLL PROPERTY Ii ~ II ...... - n. _ lAC ~ ...-.on. _ Of. a t ... )R p t LDR I ATTACHMENT D 'T1 c: ~ f; z o c:: tIl [Tj gl [Tj 3: [Tj Z --3 o :0 o ~-. );.);. ~~ ~~ (00 ~~ 'n, .....~ I\J-j ........ " .....(0 ~~ .....(1) tv' ......I\J (0" ~ '- -- co .:, N Sanlord Legend g [(2J Urban/Rural AREA BOUNDARY New lJfban Area created by Gt..neway/SA 434 Small-Area Study ~.- ,~ f u_.::.... \ c.....,........ .~:-:.. FJ EAST SEMINOLE COUNTY RURAL AREA PLAN . Figure 2.9 EAST SEMINOLE COUNTY URBAN/RURAL BOUNDARY GLATTNG LOPEZ KERCHER ANGlN, NC SEMON, LARSEN & Mev AuguSI 1 ~91 AMENDED 12/13/94 PROPOSED FOR ADOPTION 12/12195 _00 CDlMJ ~~ ()~ O~ ~CO ~~ ~M tT1 ~O <0 tT1~ ;,g~ ~~ Z~