HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 10 25 Weaver Property Comprehensive Plan Amendment~~ i' BL ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Comprehensive Plan Amendment w~a~~p P~~ty City ~ ~Vir-er ~~~ , , I' '~d Prepared For Don E. Weaver Trust October 18, 2000 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i f 1 ~J 1 1 1 i BC ASSOCIATES, INCOR~TED ~ Comprehensive Plan Amendment Weaver Property City of Winter Springs, Florida Prepared for Don Weaver Trust October 18, 2000 5?0 South Magnolia Avenue • Orlando, % lorida • 32501 • (407) 843-.1120 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 f f 1 1 1 1 i Comprehensive Plan Amendment Weaver Property Table of Contents Land Use Amendment Narrative I. Site Description ......................................................................................................................... 1 II. Surrounding Uses ...................................................................................................................... 1 III. Amendment Request ................................................................................................................. 1 IV. Statement of Compatibility ......................................................................................................... 1 V. Urban Sprawl ............................................................................................................................. 1 VI. Land Use Element ..................................................................................................................... 3 VII. Infrastructure .............................................................................................................................. 4 VIII. Wetlands .................................................................................................................................... 5 IX. Soils ........................................................................................................................................... 5 X. Flood Prone ............................................................................................................................... 5 XI. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and State Comprehensive Land Use Plan .... 5 Exhibits Exhibit A: Application Exhibit B: Owner Authorization Exhibit C: Land Use Amendment Narrative Exhibit D: Site Location Map Exhibit E: Aerial Map Exhibit F: Property Boundary Map Exhibit G: Future Land Use Map Exhibit H: Zoning Map Exhibit I: Wetland Map Exhibit J: Soils Map and Legend Exhibit K: Flood Zone Map Exhibit L: Property Legal Descriptions DSFlReports12001 BOWYER-SINGLETON 1 t f] ~ ~ ~~ & ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED F~ 1 t r t Exhibit A Application 1 1 1 1 Li 1 1 C 1 1 /~ri~~ ~~ ~ S,~ t•- '~ '~ u ~ Incoryo~e~d` ` ~~~ORiO~ ~~ /~ ~~I~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLOR{DA eo~dF ` ~, ~ ~O 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 ~yy rP WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Q'~~,o,A~ Telephone (407) 327-1800 '~ ~'O ~. ,S APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS/IF.NDMENT (TO THE F`L1'[TURE LAND USE MAP - 2010) APPLICANT : ~ ~N/~- L~ - L Last First Middle ADDRESS : - ~ ~{~ ~, /~. !~~~ /~f</ls ~ r~ ~ ~Lu dT'A- ~l ,32 ~ G G City - State - Zip~Code PHONE : `7z' ~ 3. G,s -- S~~ Z 2--- If applicant does not own the property, provide the following: OWNER: Last First Middle ADDRESS: City State Zip Code PHONE: -- . This is a request for change of Future-Land Use designation from tJ A~- 3 to ~4~u ~~T on the property described elow. CGI~GN'~CG~vM~~l A J - -{- ~oyr3 f-6o~~ Tax Parcel Number : l3 _ 2 ~ - ~ 1 _ 3 a ~ .y ,a ~ %~~ -_ ,~ o,J d ~}- ao 9~ Size of Parcel: ~ (1 ~-~ . -~' cr'F -- sq. ft /acres. Address of Property proposed for change of Future Land Use Designation: ADDRESS:_ ~l~ ~ ~ ~4 orgy ~ G ~ o ~~' .~ ~~a •~ 5 ~Ul~-nom Sta 3z 76 s Zip Code t 1 1 Present Zoning of the Parcel: ~ ~ / T U ~" Reason for request of change of Future Land Use Designation: ~"ti p ?~ i4-cG~ tz-~ s LJ t ~~ L~X.~~ sTi ~v ~~ C' o~ tit~-i~.~~ ,Q TO BE SUPPLIED AT TIME OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: * A copy of the most recent survey of the subject property. * A copy of the legal description. ' * Notarized authorization of the owner (if applicant is other than owner or attorney for owner). * Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Fee. Applicant/OwnerSignature:_~2`~~~~ ~ Cy~/' Date: ~ 3~ ,Zd~ca I~~J' COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COMMISSION AS WELL AS APPROVAL BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. THE AMENDMENT IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ISSUES A "NOTICE OF INTENT" TO FIND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 163.3184 AND 163.3187, FLORIDA STATUES AND 9J-11 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. 1 APPLICANTS ARE ADVISED, THAT IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISIONS MADE AT THE MEETINGS OR HEARINGS, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE MEETING OR HEARING, THEY WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSES, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, AT THEIR COST, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED, PER 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES. J '~ VeminoCe Count government ~i Current Planning Division I lOl East First Srrccr Sanford FL 32771 Telephone (407) 321-I 130 Exr 7433/7444 FAX 328-3239 October 30, 1996 Mr. Don E. Weaver 844 Lake Mills Road Chuluota, Florida 32766 Re: Don E. Weaver Rev Trust Tax ID#: 03-21-31-300-0040-0000 1650 Deleon Street Dear Mr. Weaver: Based upon a recent inspection by our Code Enforcement Inspector and your letter of October 23, 1996, we are in agreement as to the uses which you have enumerated in your letter. Those businesses are as foLows: Mid-Florida Motorsports and Global Contacts These businesses are classified as non-conforming and therefore are subject to the applicable regulations within the Land Development Code (Sec. 30.1348). These uses were determined to be non-conforming uses and approved to remain based upon the 1991 Comprehensive Plan Update and the Greenway study. If, in accordance with the regulations, these uses cease for a period of 180 days or longer, its future use shall revert to the uses permitted in the district in which said land is located. The fact that these uses are considered to be non-conforming does not relieve the property owner from any required compliance with applicable Public Safety requirements. Thank you for your letter with the information regarding these businesses and I Zxrill have o~~* (`nriP FnfO*CP*'.?e.^.t n'~icP t,errr±inate their activity relative to any alleged code violations en this property. If I may be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, ~~/~L- John Dwyer Current Planning Manager cc: Pamela Taylor, Code Inspector Colleen Rotella, Comprehensive Planning Div. t The following is a list, but not limited to, occupations/trades being performed at 1650 and 1740 Deleon Street: Paint Booth Welding (custom and manufacturing) Lawn care service Automobile mechanics bil b d i Automo e o y serv ce Automobile/boat fiberglass repair Manufacturing air boats/trailers Sales/service of air boats Insideloutside automobile/boat storage Storage in refrigeration coolers Storage of refrigerator equipment Commercial refr~gation Seminole County HEAT program (Sheriff's Department) Sand blasting services j Car pick-up and delivery services Vending machine operations Restoring antiques/collectibles ~'j Repair/maintenance of farm equipment Agricultural storage Storage of farm chemicals Storage of farm equipment Retail sale of hay/farm animal food Aquatic shrimp farm Farm offices A i l l lti gr cu tura consu ng services Wholesales wax and cleaning supplies Manufacturing of exercise equipment 38,000 square feet insulated storage buildings Mid-Florida Motorsports and Global Contacts are businesses that are classified as non-forming and approved to remain based upon the 1991 Comprehensive Flan Update and the Greenway Study. t ` . v v v SEC _ ... TWA Ho wn K0 - .. r,c _..., I n ~ t .. ,..., ..~„ 56'dd~G~E GOUtJ i Y TAX COLLECTOR '>E'A I)UFl-].CATF_ lfvF NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON•AD VALOREM ASSESSMI 03-21-31-300-0040-0000 297y890 0 297y890 O1 F~'aid By: DUNALD E WEAVER 844 LAk;E MILLS FtD UVIEUO FL 327669].61 i 1 1 r t 1 1 t i r r LEG SEC 03 TWr--' 21S RGE 3].E E 245 Fr OF S :,95.75 Fr OF S ?/~ OF N '/4 OF E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (LESS S 100 F'r °, Fil)) F'AI>: 16;.;0 DE LEUN ST PLEASE PAY IN U.S. FVNDS TO RAY VALDES TAX COLLECTOR P.O. BOX 630, SANFORO, FL 32772.0630 PAY ONLY 8 ., >7 .., J --g--q ONE AMOUNT 5•,117.53 5y17U.84 5y224.14 5,277.4., -As ,rs~~d-t 'tA~`-HA E3--`J-1fi1;`f7 `9 ^•- + ' - WEAVt_R DONALD E REV TRIJS'i . ~ f f)Ot J91 F A 844 LAk::E MTLLFi RD OVIEDO FL :,<?765 9151 =: DUF'LTCATE RECEIF''r :: ' RAY VALDES SEMINOLE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR xx nl Irn r qQq ,F p~ p ~(~TF rnTr. .n,r. ~OTICEFOF AD Yk~ORE1Gl TAXES AND NON•AO VALC 5y330.76 ~`-f'HL~f:k:: (MM) 22 of 2L' TAX BILL NUMBER 117082 RAY VALDES V-11/30/99-F'•-001086 F'AII) $731.20 CHECk; '<; DUPLICATE RECEIPT ::>' (MM) 17 of 22 Assessed to: WEAVER llUNAt_D E F. DOI:IS M 1'R 844 LAk::E MILLS RD OVIEI)0 FI_ 32756 9161 TAX BILL RAY VALDES NUMBER 1].7083 1999 FiEAL ESTATE TAX CERTIFICATE SALE OS/24/:'()UO SEMINOLECOUNTYTAXCOLLECTOR ~fiE 1)UF'I_ICATE lfif NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON•AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS '~• 1 •• f f ~ ~1 U3-21-31-300-004C-0000 84,076 0 84,875 0]. F'ai.d i±y: WEAVER DCINALD E REV TF;UST SEC 03 TWF' 21S RGE 31E C/0 t4ARGARET A WHARTUN W 197 FT OF E 442 FT OF S 343.75 F"T PU BUX 52].172 OF S 2/3 C1F N 3/4 CIF E 1/2 OF SW Ol!IEDO FL 32762 1].72 ]./4 OF tdW ]./4 (LESS S 100 FT OF E 19 F~r) AFTER iaAFiCH ;; ]., C;EFiTIF]:EI) FUNDS ONI_'Y PLEASE PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO RAY VALDES TAX COLLECTOR P.O. BOX 630, SANFORD, FL 32772.0630 NUV :;V UtL' S1 JAN 31 FEH 29 MAR 31 PAY ONLY ONE AMOUNT 1,458.12 1,473.30 1,488.49 1,503..68 1y518.87 <<;esser D: ., - ~ - - F'A]:D 91503.68 CHf_C IJEAVER UUNAL_D E FiEV T'FiLIST C/0 MARL"iAREI A WFiAriTUt•1 .:: DUF'I..TCATE FiECEIF''i (TS) 2 of 2 F'0 BC1X 62117 CIVIEDO FL 32752 1172 RAY VALDES SEMINOLECOUNTYTAXCOLLECTOR .... ........ __. __ _ 3X,~R~r3F~l,. Fi~T,f~~~, Paid By: AGFtICULTUF2AL VALUE 1"'3y809 llC11dALD E WF.--'AVER LEG SEC 03 rWF' 21S RGE 'LE 844 I_Ak:E MIl_L_S RD W ]./2 OF SW ]./4 UF' NW i/4 CIV]:EDO FL 32756916]. PLEASE PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO RAY VALDES TAX COLLECTOR • P.O. BOX 630, SANFORD, FL 32772.0630 PAY ONLY NCIV 3U DEC 31 JAN 31 FEB 29 MAR 31 ONE AMOUNT 2,536.01 2,663.46 2,690.92 ?,718.38 2y74~.84 Assessed to: RAl' VALDES V-11/:10/99-r--'-001087 F'AID 92636.01 CHECk:: WFiAVEF2 DUNALD E ?, UOFtIS M T'R 844 LAk:E MILLS RD DUPLICATE RECEIF''i ;~, (MM> 18 of 22 UVIF:I)U FL X2766 9161 Paid Ely: AGRTCULTUF(AL VALUE 48,213 DUNALD E WEAVED. LEG SEC 03 TWF' 21S RGE 31E 844 LAk::E MILLS RU N 2/? OF S '/4 OF E ]./2 OF SW ]./4 UVIEDO FL a~7569161 OF NW 1/4 (LESS BEG SE CUR RUN N 385.75 FT W 245 FT S 42 FT W ].97 F'r S TU A FT W OF IcEG E TCI BEG g. Fill ) F'AI): 1740 DELEUN ST PLEASE PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO RAY VALDES TAX COLLECTOR P.O. BOX 630, SANFORD, FL 32772.0630 TAX BILL NUMBER 117093 TAXES AND NON•AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS 1 1 1 t r I u 1 i~ t 1 r SC ASSOCIATES, INCOR~TED Exhibit B Owner Authorization r Present Zoning of the Parcel: /~ ~' ~ /'t U CY Reason for request of change of Future Land Use Designation: } c-s- ~' >r~ 7"v I'Z, it ~ 3~ ~ U s = /~~' ~- S/ ~..._,y, f7ah ~"~, A T i4-cC~ R- rJ s l~ r T-h ~'X ~~ ski ~v ~~ C' okc tit~~~ A ~. TO BE SUPPLIED AT TIME OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: * A copy of the most recent survey of the subject property. * A copy of the legal description. ' * Notarized authorization of the owner (if applicant is other than owner or attorney for owner). * Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Fee. Applicant/OwnerSignature: Date:_ ~ 3~ ,2dQv w ... COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COMMISSION AS WELL AS APPROVAL BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. THE AMENDMENT IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ISSUES A "NOTICE OF INTENT" TO FIND ~, THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 163.3184 AND 163.3187, FLORIDA STATUES AND 9J-11 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. ~ APPLICANTS ARE ADVISED, THAT IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISIONS MADE AT THE MEETINGS OR HEARINGS, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE MEETING OR HEARING, THEY WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSES, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, AT THEIR COST, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED, PER 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES. 1 r f 1 1 i~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ St ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED 1 r ~1 r fl 1 1 1 Exhibit C Land Use Amendment Narrative 1 f Land Use Amendment Narrative I. Site Description The subject site is approximately 30 acres located on the west side of DeLeon Street just north of State Road 434. The specific property boundaries are detailed on Exhibit D, Site Location Map, and Exhibit L, Legal Description. II. Surrounding Uses (Please refer to Exhibit E, Aerial Map) North: Agricultural (Seminole County), full vegetation and citrus groves East: Agricultural (Seminole County), full vegetation and citrus groves West: Low density residential South: Agricultural (Seminole County), full vegetation and citrus groves III. Amendment Request This Land Use Amendment consists of a request to amend the future Land Use Ma desi nation P 9 from County "Rural - 3" (1 DU per 3 acres) to City "Low Density Residential" (1.1 - 3.5 DU per acre). This amendment request also seeks approval for the current non-residential uses to continue to operate. Those uses are indicated on the letter from John Dwyer, current planning manager of Seminole County, and on the list of occupations/ trades that are attached to the application. The site is located on the west side of DeLeon Street just north of State Road 434. Please refer to Exhibit F, Property Boundary Map, Exhibit G, Future Land Use Map, and Exhibit H, Zoning Map, for depictions of the sites. IV. Statement of Compatibility The subject re uest to amend the future land use of the Weaver ro ert to "Low Densit q P P Y Y Residential" would be compatible with surrounding development. Residential development will provide proper transition between the Battleridge/Belfaire development located to the west of S.R. 434 to the south of the site and the agricultural uses to the north and east of the site. Development of this site will meet Comprehensive Plan Goals, Objectives, and Policies for the City of Winter Springs. V. Urban Sprawl 9J-5.006 (5), Future Land Use Element, of the Florida Administrative Code pertains to the review of plans and plan amendments for discouraging urban sprawl. The following is a list of urban sprawl indicators with respective responses as to why this proposed Plan Amendment does not promote urban sprawl. DSFIReports120o1 1 BOWI'ER-SINGLETON f A. Promotes allows or designates for development substantial areas of the jurisdiction to develop as low intensity, or single-use development or uses in excess of demonstrated need. Response: The area of the property is not what would be considered "substantial': Furthermore, the intensity of the site is comparable to that of the Battleridge/Belfaire site. Surrounding properties contain a variety of uses including residential, non-residential/commercial and agricultural. The proposed residential use will support the Future Land Use Element and will not be in excess of demonstrated need. B. Promotes allows or designates significant amounts of urban development to occur in rural areas at substantial distances from existing urban areas while leaping over undeveloped lands, which are available and suitable for development. Response: The subject site is contiguous to the Battleridge/Belfaire Planned Development to the west and anticipated future urban development from Oviedo to the south. C. Promotes, allows, or designates urban development in radial, strips, isolated or ribbon patterns generally emanating from existing rural developments. Response: This site is a residential property contiguous to Battleridge/Belfaire a Planned Development to the west. The amendment would not create urban development on a radial, strip, isolated or ribbon pattern. D. As a result of premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses, fails to adequately to protect and conserve .natural resources, such as wetlands, floodplains, native vegetation, environmentally sensitive areas, natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, lakes, rivers, shorelines, beaches, bays, estuarine systems, and other significant natural systems. Response: This proposed development program for the site will not impact any flood prone areas. E. Fails to adequately protect use of existing public facilities and services. Response: Adequate capacity is available for all services provided to the site. F. Fails to maximize use of future public facilities and services. Response: The development program offers residential dwelling uses at an intensity and location that maximizes the use of future public facilities and services. DSFlReports12001 2 BOWYER-SINGLETON G. Allows for land use patterns or timing which disproportionately increases the cost in time, money and energy, of providing and maintaining facilities and services, including roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, law enforcement, education, health care, fire and emergency response, end general government. Response: The proposed development program will not adversely impact available capacity for roads, water, sewer service, and stormwater management systems. H. Fails to provide clear separation between rural and urban land uses. Response: Designation of this site as residential will provide clear distinction between the Battleridge/ Belfaire development (residential) to the west and the agricultural uses to the norfh and easf. I. Discourages or inhibits infill development or redevelopment of existing neighborhoods and communities. t t di R Th d i fill f i i y oes no e subject proper scourage n or redevelopment o ex st ng esponse: communities. J. Fails to encourage an attractive and functional mix of uses. Response: This development will adhere to City guidelines, architectural standards and siting requirement to facilitate an attractive residential community. K. Results in poor accessibility among linked or related land uses. Response: The development will provide easy accessibility and encourage pedestrian movements within the community. L. Results in loss of significant amounts of functional open space. Response: In response to City guidelines, open space areas will be various uses that may include but not be limited to tot lot, passive recreation, parks, vista areas etc. VI. Land Use Element A. Goal (2) To preserve the natural drainage features within Winter Springs as assets complementing the residential and commercial areas. Comment: The preliminary drainage design takes full benefit of the site's topography by creating stormwater treatment and storage in the most advantageous portions of the site. The canal that exists on the site will remain in its current condition. DSAReports1200i 3 BOWYER-SINGLETON 1. Objective (A)(2): Perpetuation of the existence and benefit of natural drainage features, excluding them from uses that require the support of urban infrastructure. Comment: The developable portions of the site are not natural drainage features. Maintenance of the will not require any urban infrastructure related to this development. 2. Objective (B): `The City shall ensure the protection of natural drainage features and other natural resources such as native vegetative communities, historic resources and wildlife habitat by providing for clustering of development on property proposed to be improved in exchange for preservation of natural ' resources, and permitting equivalent increased construction on the remaining land owned by the same entity. Comment: Development will be clustered onto the upland areas of the property. • Policy (1)(c): Residential uses may be transferred to the upland portion of a parcel designated as residential at a rate of 100% of the permitted density on the conservation district area, up to a maximum density of ten (10) dwelling units per acre on the upland portion of the property. ~! Comment: To preserve the integrity of the flood prone portions of the site, the site may utilize this transfer option. Final determination will be made during the subdivision process. VII. Infrastructure Roads: The site is situ t 'n n re with a roa n t a ed i a a a d e work that more than meets the needs to develop the subject site as proposed. The site fronts on De Leon Road that has adequate capacity to accommodate the subject site at an acceptable Level of Service. It is likely that when this site develops, it will gain access from the Battleridge/Belfaire development. S Sanitary: Sanitary service will be obtained from Winter Springs through a connection located to the west through the Battleridge/Belfaire development. There is adequate capacity to accommodate development of the subject site at an acceptable Level of Service. Water: Water service will be obtained from Winter Springs through a connection located to the west through the Battleridge/Belfaire development. There is adequate capacity to accommodate development of the subject site at an acceptable Level of Service. 1 ' DSFlReports12001 4 BOWYER-SINGLETON 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VIII. Wetlands No wetlands appear to exist on the site according to the U.S.G.S. Quad Maps. It is anticipated that if wetlands do exist, they will be preserved. Furthermore, development will comply with the permitting standards of any agency having jurisdiction over such matters. Please refer to Exhibit I, Wetland Map for a graphic depiction of the site in relation to wetlands. IX. Soils Any unsuitable soils found during development will be replaced and developed with materials of a suitable nature. Please refer to Exhibit J, Soils Map, for a graphic depiction of the on-site soils. X. Flood Prone According to Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the areas of the site proposed for development do not contain any flood prone land. Please refer to Exhibit K for the Flood Zone Map. XI. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and State Comprehensive Land Use Plan This Land Use Amendment Application furthers the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan and the State's Comprehensive Plan. DSAReports12001 5 BOVJYER-SINGLETON 'I 1 i 1 ~~ St ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Exhibit D Site Location Map it n i ~~ ~~ SC ASSOCIA'TFS, INCORPORATED 0 ~' ii Exhibit I Wetland Map 1 f ~i 1 ~ ~ ~\ Y~ ~~~~~ ~ ~' ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED r u Exhibit K Flood Zone Map 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 l~l~~~lsr ~~ SSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Exhibit E Aerial Map 1 1 ~~ ,~\VT~~d~1~ ~.1'~~l J~~J l ~~A VY ASSOCIA"I'F;S, INCORPORATH.D Exhibit G Future Land Use Map I I