HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 10 25 Regular Item G/H/I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development Depl. Planning Division LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM II. G. II. H. II. I. NEW POLICY 3 IN CONSERVATION ELEMENT LG-CPA-2-98 NEW POLICY 1 IN LAND USE ELEMENT LG-CP A-3-98 NEW POLICY 4 IN INTERGOV. COORDINATION ELEMENT LG-CPA-4-98 Staff Report APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163.3211 F.S. wnich states in part: "Where this act may be in conflict with any other provision or provisions of law relating to local governments having authority to regulate the development of land, the provisions of this act shall govern unless the provisions of this act are met or exceeded by such other provision or provisions of law relating to local government, including land development regulations adopted pursuant to Chapter 125 or Chapter 166. , . ." CONSIDERA TIONS: 1. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION APPLICANT: City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 REQUEST: That the Local Planning Agency recommend the City Commission transmit the proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendment LG-CP A2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, and LG-CP A-4-98, PURPOSE: Local Planning Agency Octobcr 25, 2000 The purpose of this request is go through the large scale comprehensive plan amendment I New Policy 3 in Conscrvation Elemcnt Amcndmcnt New Policy I in Land Usc Elemcnt Amcndmcnt Ncw Policy 4 in Intcrgov. Coord. Elemcnt Amcndment LG-CPA-2-98 LG-CPA-3-98 LG-CPA-4-98 procedure again with this previously reviewed proposed plan amendment. Due to Joshi & Associates as the then Town Center Master Developer not wanting this plan amendment adopted back then, and later, to the need for the City Commission to rescind this proposed large scale plan amendment in response to a DCA letter pointing out a technicality in the interpretation of the "two windows for submission of comprehensive plan amendments. It was advised that this plan amendment again be processed through the large scale comprehensive plan amendment procedure. CONSIDERA TIONS: . The Local Planning Agency reviewed this proposed plan amendment in 1999. . The City Commission adopted LG-CP A-2-98 on May 8, 2000. . Due to concern over procedural requirements, the City Attorney advises that the proposed plan amendment be processed again. FISCAL IMPACT: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Attorney and City Staff recommends the Local Planning Agency make the following recommendation: 1. That the City Commission hold a first (transmittal) public hearing and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs the proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendment (LG-CP A-2-98) to ensure "no destruction of vegetative communities, wildlife and wildlife habitat of those species designated as endangered, threatened or of special concern."; 9LG-CP A-3-98) to among other things protect historically significant cultural and archaeological sites from development or redevelopment; and (LG-CP A-4- 98) to coordinate the Town Center with resource protection plans of local, state and federal jurisdictions that may exist. 2. Request the Department of Community Affairs to expedite its review since an ORC Report has been issued previously and a response to the ORC Report has been made. 3. Hold a second public hearing, after receiving and reviewing the ORC Report, to adopt the plan amendment. ATTACHMENTS: A. City Commission Agenda Item B (including Local Planning Agency Agenda Item II. C,) Local Planning Agency October 25, 2000 2 New Policy 3 in Conservation Element Amendment New Policy I in Land Use Element Amendment New Policy 4 in Intergov, Coord, Element Amendment LG-CPA-2-98 LG-CPA-3-98 LG-CPA-4-98 ATTACHMENT A \ COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM B Consent Informational Pu blic Hearing X Regular January 10, 2000 Meeting ;L-~ Mfir. / ~ Oept Authorizati n REQUEST: ) I The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the City Commission hold a second reading of Ordinance 758 to consider adopting three (3) large scale comprehensive plan amendments, LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98, dealing with land conservation and resource protection. PURPOSE: The plan amendment is intended to ensure: (1) the preservation of the City's vegetative and wildlife habitat of species designated as endangered, threatened or of special concern, significant cultural and archaeological resources; (2) coordinate with the resource protection plans of local, state and federaljurisdiction in the development of the Town Center; and (3) participate in the development and management practices of any SWIM Plan or similar type plan by agencies. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163.3184(7) F.S. which states in part: The adoption of the proposed plan or plan amendment or the determination not to adopt a plan amendment, other than a plan amendment proposed pursuant to 163.3191 F,S. shall be made in the course of a public hearing pursuant to subsection (15). The local government shall transmit of the adopted comprehensive plan or adopted plan amendment to the state land planning agency as specified in the agency's procedural rules within 10 working days after adoption. The local governing body shall also transmit a copy of the adopted comprehensive plan or plan amendment to the regional planning ) CDD!Decembcr 29, 1999/4:20 I'M -) JANUAR Y 10, 2000 PUBLIC HEARlNG AGENDA ITEM B Page 2 agency and to any other unit of local government or governmental agency in the state that has filed a written request with the governing body for a copy of the plan or plan amendment. The provisions of 163.3184(15)(b) F.S. which state: "The local governing body shall hold at least one advertised public hearing on the proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment as follows: 1. The first public hearing shall be held at the transmittal stage pursuant to subsection (3). It shall be held on a weekday at least 7 days after the day that the advertisement is published. 2. The second public hearing shall be held at the adoption stage pursuant to subsection (7). It shall be held on a weekday at least 5 days after the day that the second advertisement is published." ) CONSIDERA TIONS: . The City staff applied to the Florida Communities Trust Preservation 2000 Program (P-2000) in 1998 for grant monies to acquire open space in the Town Center. The City did not receive the funding due to scoring of responses in the application that did not meet the threshold level of points. . The staff would like to reapply in 2000 for these funds. To improve the chances that our application will receive acceptance this time around, new policies are proposed that address the P-2000 Program staff's concerns and suggestions. . The Florida Department of Community Affairs reviewed the large scale comprehensive plan amendments LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, and LG-CP A-4-98 and raised no objection to the proposed amendment in their ORC Report issued April 30, 1999. DCA recommended that the three policy statements can be strengthened by including in the policy (in LG-CPA-3-98 and LG-CPA-4-98), more direction for the language to be written into the LDRs to ensure protection of significant cultural and archaeological sites from development or redevelopment, and ensure resource protection within the Town Center. ) CDDIDcc....mber 29.1999/4:20 PM JANUARY I 0,2000 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM B ') Page 3 . Staff finds that the last sentence of the proposed policy in LG-CP A-3-98 does in fact have language that indicates "the City shall develop more restrictive language in the land development regulations ensuring the protection of historically significant cultural and archaeological sites from development or redevelopment. . Staff agrees with DCA concerning its desire on more direction for the language to be written into the LDRs to coordinate with the resource protection efforts of SJR WMD for Lake Jessup, and that the City shall involve itself in the process for development of the SWIM Plan (or similar plan) and expend efforts to further purposes and management practices of such a plan. . Due to Joshi & Associates proposed expansion of the Town Center, these plan amendments and others were put on hold. . The City administration now desires to move forward and request adoption of the three (3) plan amendments in anticipation of reapplying for the P-2000 Program grant monies to be used toward acquisition of open space in the proposed Town Center. \ ) FISCAL IMPACT: None FINDINGS: . The Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) reviewed the large scale comprehensive plan amendments LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, and LG-CP A-4-98 and raised no objection to the proposed amendment in their ORC Report issued April 30, 1999. . DCA did recommend that the three (3) policy statements can be strengthened by including in the policy (in LG-CPA-3-98 and in LG-CPA-4-98), more direction for the language to be written into the LDRs to ensure protection of significant cultural and archaeological sites from development or redevelopment, and ensure resource protection within the Town Center. . Staff finds that the last sentence of the proposed policy in LG-CPA-3-98 does in fact have language that indicates "the City shall develop more restrictive language in the land ) CDDIfA'<:Cl1lbcr 29,1999/4:20 I'M JANUARY 10,2000 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM B ') Page 4 development regulations ensuring the protection of historically significant cultural and archaeological sites from development or redevelopment. . The staff would like to reapply in 2000 for these funds. To improve the chances that our application will receive acceptance this time around, new policies are proposed that address the P-2000 Program staff's concerns and suggestions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION: Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt the three (3) large scale comprehensive plan amendments: LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98, with the following changes: LG-CP A-2-98 Replace the year" 1999" with "2000". LG-CP A-3-98 ) Replace the year" 1999" with "2000". LG-CP A-4-98 [ "underlining" = the added language In 2000, the City shall develop language in the land development regulations ensuring the development of the City's new Town Center shall be coordinated with all resource protection plans of local, state and federal jurisdictions that may exist. The City shall coordinate with the resource protection efforts ofSJRWMD for Lake Jessup and the City shall involve itself in the process for development of the SWIM Plan or similar plan. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: The City Commission will hold a second (adoption) public hearing on January 10,2000. The ordinance would take effect immediately upon adoption by the City Commission ) CDDlDccernber 29, I 99l)/4:20 I'M JANUARY 10,2000 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM B Page 5 ATTACHMENTS: A. Ordinance 758 B. City Commission Agenda Item C of the November 9, 1999 meeting. C. Staff Report to the Local Planning Agency on LG-CPA-2-98, LG-CPA-3-98, LG-CPA-4-98, D. ORC Report from DCA dated April 30, 1999. E. Advertisement COMMISSION ACTION: ) eDD/December 29, 1999/4 :20 PM '\ J ATTACHMENT A ). ) 'I -C.3- 2e,G:-'~i : 27 4i ; ;:CPOt I 411':::C: i, THE~: i i1 :::';-~ i 63c:.:6<:/::'[. p, d ) ORDlJ'iA~CE NO. i58 A~ ORDJlNANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING; SETTING FORTH AND ADOPTING THREE (3) LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS REFERENCED AS LG- CPA-2-98, LG-CPA-3-98, AND LG-CrA~4-98 WHICH SHALL AMEND THE COMPREHENSrVE PLAN BY ADDING THREE POLICY ST A TEME~TS RELATING TO LA1'\,j1> CONSERVATION Al'W RESOURCE PROTECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF rRlOR L"iCONSISTENT ORDINAN'CES AND RESOLT-TTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLo\.N; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECm'E DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENTS, WHEREAS, section 1633161 et seq, Florida Starutes (1987) established the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, se:::tion 163,3167, Florid;j Statutes.. requires e~ch municipality in the State of Fkrida to prepare and cd opt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of Conununity Affairs; and ) 'VHEREAS, section 1633167(11), Florida Statutes, encolJfages local governments to art:culate a vision of the future physical appearances and qualities of its community; and WHEREAS, pursuant to, and in furtherance of. section 163,3167(11). Florida Statutes, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, through a collaborative planning process with meaningfill public participation, desires to adopt three new comprehensive plan policies (LG-CP A-2- 98, LG-CP A-J -98; and LG-CP A-4-98) which ;ll"e intended to: (I) preserve vegetative and wildlife habitat of species designated as endangered, threatened or of special concern and significant cultural and archaeological resources~ (2) provide coordination through the resource protections plans of local, sta.te and ~ederal jurisdictions in the development of the Town Center; and (3) provide participation in the development and management practices of any S\VJM Plan or similar type government agency plans; and W flEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing, in acco:dance with the procedures in chapter 163, part II, Florida Statutes, on the prl)posed Comprehensive Plan amendments and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested par1ies submitting \vritten and oral corrunents and has recommended adoption to the City Conumssion, and ) WHEREAS, on November 9, 1998. the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed ptlblic hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and considered findings and advice of stili: citizens, and all inte:estcd paJ1ic:; submitting written and oral comments, and after complet8 deliberation. approved the ,:.l1lendrnent for transmittal to the Florida Depar1ment of Community Alfau-s; and ) ) \ -03-201~)Ci ': 23td\ FPOI \ AI 1:0.::' 1 THE~: 16. 321 63:::JS6:::,[) p, S WHEREAS, on April 30. 1999, the Florida Department of COnL.'11l.mity Affairs issued its Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report to the City and found the subject large scale Comprehensive Phn amendments consistent with Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and Chc:pte:- 163, Part ll-, Florida Statutes and also raised no objections to the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 9J-l1,006, Florida Administrative Code, this Comprc;:hensive Plan amendment will not cause the City to exceed its twice yearly submittal allowance for comprehensive plan amendments; and WHEREAS, on January 10,2000, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public a.doption hearing on the proposed amendments set forth hereunder and considered findings and advice of staff: citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and supporting data and analysis, as well as the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments of the Florida Department of Community Affairs, and after complete deliberation, approved (with modifications to the original proposed amendment based on DCA's ORC Report) and adopted the proposed amendments hereunder; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan amendments adopted by this Ordinance comply with the requirements of the Local Goverrunent Comprebensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act and the amendments are in the b,est interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of1:he citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, TffEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COlVIMlSSION OF THE CrIT OF W][NTER SPRJ]\"GS, SEMINOLE COlJ:'(TY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~jlQnJ. Recitals herein by this reference The foregoing re,:itals are true and correct and are fully incorporated Se.ction 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local Govenunent Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act, sections 163.184 and 163,187, Florida Statutes, ~ctiQ~. Purpose and Intent. It is hereby declared to be the purpose and intent of this Ordinance to clarifY, expand, correct, update, modU)r and otherwlse further the provisions of the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan, ~tli9'n 4, AdJoptionof Text Amendment to Comprehensive Plan The City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as follows A) LG-CPA-2-98 (Conservation Element). A new Policy 3 is hereby added under Objective C of the Conservation Element as lc,Uo\,,Is Cif." of Winter Springs Ordinance No. '758 (,1;1l\ll<lfY i U, 20tH)) Pa,~:e 2 of 5 1 -Ci,C:;- 2[;[;0 1 2:::J611 F;:::OII L..i ,A=: I, THE~: I A:'::;-:: I ;; ::'~iSS~'C: p ;; ') Policy 3) There shall be no destruction of vegetative corrummities, wildlife and wildlife habitat of those species designated as endangered, threatened or of special concern, The City itself shall be subject to this same policy statement There ~all be no destruction of such communities and habitats on City owned property Due to the higher density of development envisioned for the new Town Center, the City shall create a Town Center Resources Protection District that will extend to all areas of the Town Center In 2000, the City shall deveiop specific lald development regulations that will ensure resource protection within the Town Ce~nter. Conforming Amendments: Existing Policy 3 shall be redesignated as PoliC)' 4 and the existing policies following existing Policy 3 shall be redesignated as Policy 5, 6, 7, and 8 respectively B) LG-CPA-3-98 (Land Use Element). A new Policy 1 is hereby added under Objective C, Goal 1 of the Land Use Element as follows' ) Policy 1) Historically significant cultural and archaeolo~cal sit.es shall be protected from development or redevelopment acitvities as detailed in the City Land Development Rebrulations. In 2000, the City shall prepare and maintain an inventory of historically significant sites within its corporate boundaJies, The City shall assure that there ~all be no loss of historic resources on city-owned property In 2000, the City shall develop more re~rictive language in the Land Development Regulations ensuring the protection of historically significant cultural and archaeological sites from development or redevelopment, Conforming Amendments: Existing Policies 1 and 2 shall be redesignated as Policy 2 and 3 respectively C) LG-Cl)A-4-98 (Intt:rgovemmental Coordination Element), A new Policy 4 is hereby added under Objective C of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element as follows: ,) In 2000, the City shall develop language :J1 the City's Land Development Regulations ensuring the development of the City's nev,' Town Center shall be coordinated with all resource protection plans of local, ~:tate and federal jurisdictions that may exist. The Cit:' shall coordinate with the resource protection effo;is of SJR W1vID for Lake Jessup and the City shal! involve itself in the process for development of the S\VDvI Plan or a similar plan, Clly of Winter Spnngs Ordinance :'-10, ~')::; (J.'llllmy :0, 21)00) PJ~:e :; ot :) ) ) I -C;:::-2C-C1D 1: 2,=:,611 Ff::OI\ 6.1 1 ['.c: 1, THEi=: l 4 3216:::'::'So<::'0 p --; ) Conforming Amendments: None lli:lion-2, Transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs The City Manager or his desi,gne:e is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting these adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the Florida Department of community Affairs, in accordance with section 163,3137(1)(c)(4), Florida Statutes, and section9J-ll, Florida Administrative Code. ~tiQn 6, Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordl.'1.ances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are ;,ereby repealed tothe extent of the conflict ~tjol!.l Severability. lfany section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jwisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural., or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a sl~pa::-ate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 5.trJion 8, Incorporation into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendrnents adopted by rh.s ordinance, said :\mendments shall be incorporated into th-e City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan a!1d any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing, ~;1iQ!L2 Efl'e\:tive Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendments. The effective date of the: Amendments adopted by this Ordinance shall be a date a final order is issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the Administration Corrunission finding the Amendments in compliance \vith section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on these .Amendments may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a fi::1al order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Corrunission, the Amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affimung its effective status, After and from the effective date of these Amendments, the Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Syrings Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the Amendments shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Pian, 3S amended, ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 10th day ofJanuary, 2000 Paul P. Part)'k.'l, rvlayor City of \Vinler Spnngs OrdiI13nCC ~o, 758 (J311\larv IU, 2[)no) Pal:!:(: '-\ of 5 ) ) 1-03-2000 . 3C1At \ Ff::Oll {,.I lA,~: i, THEr=: I':". ~;2 1 5::;'=,;5'='0 P. 3 ) ATTEST Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY: Anthony A. Gargnnese, City Attorney Transmittal He<lring: . N~ember 9 \ 99X Adoption He.1ring: lanuary 10. :WOO City of V.,Iinter Springs Ordin13ncc No ,58 (hil\l~ry 10.20(0) Pace 5 of 5 ) ATTACHMENT B J ) ) COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM C Consent Informational Public Hearing Regu lar X November 9. 1998 Meeting v ~. Mgr, / Dept. Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the Commission hold a public hearing to transmit three (3) large scale (text) amendments (LG-CPA-2-98, LG-CPA-3-98, LG-CPA-4-98) to the City's Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review. .) / PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request the Commission hold a public hearing to transmit three (3) large scale (text) amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review. These three (3) text amendments address certain elements in the Florida Communities Trust P-2000 Application that will increase the likelihood of more points being awarded the next time the City applies for the grant in Spring, 1999. APPLICABLE LA W AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of .163.3184(3)(a) F.S. which state: "Each local governing body shall transmit the complete proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment to the state land planning agency, the appropriate regional planning council and water management district, the department, and the Department of Transportation immediately following a public hearing pursuant to subsection (IS) as specified in the state land planning agency's procedural rules. The local governing body shall also transmit a copy of the complete proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment to any other unit oflocal government or government agency in the state that has filed a written request with the governing body for the plan or plan amendment." ,) .I 1'\) 0 V UVl U 1..:1\ <J, I ()() ~ RECJ U lj\ Iz 1\(; U~ I)^ ITLM C p(1gc 2 ') The provisions of] 63.3] 84( 15)(b) F.S. which state: "The local governing body shall hold at least one advertised public hearing on the proposed comprehensive plan or plan amendment as follows: 1. The first public hearing shall be held at the transmittal stage pursuant to subsection (3). It shall be held on a weekday at least 7 days after the day that the advertisement is published. 2. The second public hearing shall be held at the adoption stage pursuant to subsection (7). It shall be held on a weekday at least 5 days after the day that the second advertisement is published." ,) The provisions of9J-11.006(1) F.A.C. which state "Each proposed amendment including applicable supporting documents which include data and analyses shall be submitted directly to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Plan Processing Team, the appropriate regional planning council, water management district(s), Department of Transportation and Department of Environmental Protection. Proposed plan amendments, except those discussed under the exemption provisions of Rule 9J-l L006(1)(a)7. F.A.C., shall be consolidated into a single submission for each of the two plan amendments adoption times during the calendar year. The comprehensive plan submitted pursuant to Section 163.3167 F.S., shall be counted as one of the two plan amendment adoption times during the calendar year; however, only the submittal requirements of Rule 9J-l1.004 F.A.C. must be followed. " .J CONSIDERATIONS: . The City staff has outlined a number of parcels in the proposed Town Center for acquisition as greenspace or trails to be held in public trust by the City or State. . The City is eligible to receive up to five million dollars ($ 5,000,000) from the Florida Communities Trust P-2000 Program for the purchase of greens pace and trails. Approval is based on a points system and is very competitive statewide. The is a required local match of25% of the grant funds awarded. Under this program, the city would retain ownership of the land purchased. . The City statT is proposing to reapply for grant funds under the P-2000 Program to be applied to aCCjuisition of lands for public greens pace and trails throughout the Town Cent cr. .I NOVLivlI3U\ (), I <J()S REGULAR AGENDA ITEM C P8ge 3 Below are proposed changes to the Cily's Comprehensive Plan to address deficiencies in the responses to the Application Section "Furtherance of Growth Management and Comprehensive Plan Implementation" [Rule 9K-4.008(1)(a - b), F.A,C.] The proposed plan amendments can be processed as the City's Fall Amendment Cycle 1998 by presenting them the Local Planning Agency for a public hearing in October and later scheduling a public hearing in December by the City Commission to transmit the ,proposed amendments to the Department of Community Affairs. . The City staff has conferred with Kieth McKarren, P-2000 Program staff member, who suggested the language of the proposed policies below (bolded): IN RESPONSE TO (1)(b)3" OF THE P-2000 APPLICATION: New Policy below to be designated as Policy 3 under Objective C of the Conservation Element. NOTE: Existing Policy 3 redesignated as 4) and succeeding policies re-designated 5), 6), 7) , 8)" New Po.licy 3) .J ) There shall be no. destructio.n o.f vegetative cammunities, wildlife and wildlife habitat o.f thase species designated as endangered, threatened ar o.f special can cern. The City itself shall be subject to. this same po.licy statement. There shall be no. destructian o.f such co.mmunities and habitats an city awned pro.perty. Due to. the higher intensity af develapment envisianed far the new Tawn Center, the City shall create a To.wn Center Reso.urces Pro.tection District that will extend to. all areas o.f the Tawn Center. In 1999, the City shall develap specific land develo.pment regulatio.ns that will ensure reso.urce pro.tectio.n with the Tawn Center. IN RESPONSE TO (l)(b)12. OF THE P-2000 APPLICATION: New Policy below to be designated as Policy I under Objective C, Goal 1 of the Land Use Element. NOTE: Existing Policy I) fe-designated as 2) and existing Policy 2) re-designated as 3) New Po.licy 1) .J Histo.rically significant cultural and archaeo.logical sitcs shall be protcctcd from development ar ,-edevclapll1ent activitics as dctailcd in thc City's Land Develapmcnt Rcgul:\tians; By 1999, the City shall p,'cpa,'c and maintain an inventa,J' af historiC:llly significant sitcs within its ca'"pa'"ate IJound:lries. Thc City shall assure that then: sh:dlbc no loss or historic rCSOII'"CCS on city-owncd praperty. In 1999, the City sh:lll develop nlOI'C resll'iclivc language in lhe 1:\IId developmcnt ,'cgll)atians NO v L jvi U U < <J, I <) <) i) REG UL/\!Z AC L:N DA ITEM C rage L1 ) ) cnsuring thc protcction of historically significant cII11II,'al and a,-chacologic:\1 sitcs f,'om dcvelopmcnt or ,'cdcvelopmcnL IN RESPONSE TO (1)(b)(13. Of THE P-2000 APPLICATION: New Policy below to be designated as Policy 4) under Objective C of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. New Policy 4) The development of the City's new Town Center shall b,e coordinated with :1)] resource protection plans of local, state and feder:11 jurisdictions that may exist. The City shall coordinate with the resource protection efforts of SJRWMD for Lake Jessup and the City shall involve itself in the process for development of the SWIM Plan and expend efforts to further purposes and management proactices of the SWIM Plan. ) ) FUNDING: No funds required. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: At its November 4, 1998 meeting, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission transmit the proposed large scale amendments (LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98) to the City's Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission approve the transmittal of the proposed large scale amendments (LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98) to the City's Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review. ATfACl:lMENTS: Local Planning Agency Agenda Item 11. C. (reviewed at the LP A November 4, 1998 meeting) ) ) COM IV! ISSION ACTION: ') ATTACHMENT C ) .I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTEFl SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development PLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM II. C. PROPOSED LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS IN RESPONSE TO THE P-2000 APPLICATION LG-CP A-2-98 LG-CP A-3-98 LG-CP A-4-98 ) ) Staff Report The City staff applied to the Florida Communities Trust Preservation 2000 Program (P-2000) for grant monies to acquire open space in the Town Center. The City did not receive the funding due to scoring of responses in the application that did not meet the threshold level of points. The staff would like to reapply in 1999 again for these funds. To improve the chances that our application will receive more points this time around, new policies are proposed below that address the P-2000 Program staff s concerns and suggestions. Below is the original responses to the application concerning growth management and the City's comprehensive plan and the proposed new policies (LG-CPA-2-98, LG-CPA-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98) P-2000 GRANT APPLICATION QUESTION/STATEMENT: (1) Furtherance'ofGrowth Management and Comprehensive Plan Implementation [Rule 9K- 4.008(1)(a-b), f.A.c.] 1 (b) Local Comprehensive Plan Provisions for Conservation, Coastal Management, and Outdoor Rccreation and Opcn Spacc, Acquisition ortllc projcct sitc will assist thc local govcrnnlcllt in furthering thc local comprehensivc plan directives ') ) RESPONSE: ) ) J set forth in the objectives and policy statements contained in the plan elements that provide for conservation, coastal management, and outdoor recreation and open space. When used in this part, the term "furthered" means thaI proposed projects will assist the local government in realizing goals, objectives, or policy directives of the comprehensive plan. For each crilerion that is furthered by an objective or policy of the local comprehensive plan, the objeclive or policy number is to be cited in the response to the criterion and a copy of the objective or policy, and any associated exhibits or documents, shall be included as an exhibit as described in 9K-4.004(4)(b)4., F.A.C. Ifa copy of the entire objective or policy that is cited in , response to a criterion is no included in the exhibit, that objective or policy will not be evaluated as to whether it is furthered by that criterion. (3) Does the proposed project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the protection oflisted animal species or habitats oflisted species? If so, summarize the relevant objectives or policies that are furthered. Provide the numeric citation of the relevant objectives or policies. Discuss how the project site would assist in furthering the cited objectives or policies. (5 points) The Town Center project includes artesian springs and wetlands related to Howell Creek which empties into Lake Jesup, This area has never been built upon or disturbed. It contains native plants and animals indigenous to the area. The City's adopted Comprehensive Plan contains objectives and policies that encourage preservation of native vegetative communities. Objective C of the Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan states: Protect, conserve and appropriately use the remaining native vegetative communities, wildlife and wildlife habitat, particularly species designated as endangered, threatened or of special concern, and habitat utilized by those species, from destructive practices, through site plan review criteria requiring the species and habitat be identified, requirements that protection of remaining habitat be enforced through development orders, and providing incentives for such protection. Policy 3 under Objective C of the Conservation Element states: Ensure wildlife habitats known to be inhabited by species designated as endangered, threatened or species of special concern is undisturbed by construction, . Thc proposal is to relllove the arca arollnd thc artcsian springs and wctlands rel;\ted to I-Iowcll Creek froln potcntial dcvelopmcnt and prcscrvc these ;lleilS in their natuIal state. The ;IIea encol1lp,1ssing the ,,) springs would be designated conservation, The property owner has expressed and interest in developing the area for retail commercial purposes. The City desires 10 find some way to purchase Ihese lands to hold in public trust. LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LG-CPA-2-98) IN RESPONSE TO (1)(b)3. OF THE P-2000 APPLICATION: New Policy below to be designated as Policy 3 under Objective C of the Conservation Element. NOTE: Existing Policy 3 redesignated as 4) and succeeding policies re-designated 5), 6), 7) , 8). New Policy 3) :.1 There shall be no destruction of vegetative communities, wildlife and wildlife habitat of those species designated as endangered, threatened or of special concern. The City itself shall be subject to this same policy statement. There shall be no destruction of such communities and habitats on city owned property. Due to the higher intensity of development envisioned for the new Town Center, the City shall create a Town Center Resources Protection District that will extend to all areas of the Town Center. In 1999, the City shall develop specific land development regulations that will ensure resource protection with the Town Center. P-2000 GRANT APPLICATION QUESTION/STATEMENT: (1) Furtherance of Growth Management and Comprehensive Plan Implementation [Rule 9K- 4.008(1)(a-b), F.A.C.] (b) Local Comprehensive Plan Provisions for Conservation, Coastal Management, and Outdoor Recreation and Open Space. Acquisition of the project site will assist the local government in furthering the local comprehensive plan directives set forth in the objectives and policy statements contained in the plan elements that provide for conservation, coastal management, and outdoor recreation and open space. When used in this part, the term Ufurthered" means that proposed projects will assist the local government in realizing goals, objectives, or policy directives of the comprehensive plan. For each criterion that is furthered by an objective or policy of the local comprehensive plan, the objective or policy number is to be cited in the response to the criterion and a copy of the objective or policy, and any associated exhibits or documents, shall be included as an exhibit as described in 9K-4.004(4)(b)4., F,A,C. Ifa copy of the entire objective or policy that is cited in response to a criterion is no included in the exhibit, that objective or policy will not be evaluated as to whether it is furthered by that criterion, . 1 ) j (12) Does Ihe proposed project further comprehensive plan directives Ihat ensure the preservation of historical sites? 1 f so, summarize the relevant objectives or policies that are furthered, Provide the numeric citation of the relevant objeclives or policies, Discuss how the project site would assist in furthering the cited objectives or policies. (5 poinls) RESPONSE: The Town Center project includes a proposal to preserve the area surrounding the springs in a natural state. The springs, located on the east side ofTuscawilla Road and north of State Road 434 are the bases from whence the City derives it nam~. The City seeks to preserve this rare natural resource in its natural state for the appreciation and understanding by the public. The City has in its Comprehensive Plan a policy relating to ensuring the preservation of historical sites, that will be furthered by the proposed Town Center project. Policy 2 under Objective C of the Land Use Element states: The City shall coordinate with Seminole county, the State Department of Florida, and other interested parties in establishing and maintaining an inventory of historically significant resources . in the City. LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LG-CPA-3-98) IN RESPONSE TO (1)(b)12. OF THE P-2000 APPLICATION: New Policy below to be designated as Policy 1 under Objective C, Goal 1 of the Land Use Element. NOTE: Existing Policy 1) re-designated as 2) and existing Policy 2) re-designated as 3) New Policy 1) Historically significant cultural and archaeological sites shall be protected from development or redevelopment activities as detailed in the City's Land Development Regulations; By 1999, the City shall prepare and maintain an inventory of historically significant sites within its corporate boundaries. The City shall assure that there shall be no loss of historic resources on city-owned property. In 1999, the City shall develop more restrictive language in the land development regulations ensuring the protection of historically significant cultural and archaeological sites from developmerit or redevelopment. ) ) ) P-2000 GRANT APPLICATION QUESTION/STATEMENT: (1) Furtherance of Growth Management and Comprehensive Plan Implementation [Rule 9K- 4,008(1)(a-b), F.A.c.) (b) Local Comprehensive Plan Provisions for Conservation, Coastal Management, and Outdoor Recreation and Open Space. Acquisition of the project site will assist the local government in furthering the local comprehensive plan directives set forth in the objectives and policy statements contained in the plan elements that provide for conservation, coastal management, and outdoor recreation and open space. When used in this part, the term "furthered" means that proposed projects will assist the local government in realizing goals, objectives, or policy directives of the comprehensive plan. For each criterion that is furthered by an objective or policy of the local comprehensive plan, the objective or policy number is to be cited in the response to the criterion and a copy of the objective or policy, and any associated exhibits or documents, shall be included as an exhibit as described in 9K-4.004(4)(b)4" F.AC. Ifa copy of the entire objective or policy that is cited in response to a criterion is no included in the exhibit, that objective or policy will not be evaluated as to whether it is furthered by that criterion. ) J (13) How does the proposed project further comprehensive plan directives that provide for coordination with existing resource protection plans such as, aquatic preserve management plans, SWIM plans, habitat conservation plans, manatee protection plans, and estuarine sanctuary plans? If so, summarize the relevant objectives or policies that are furthered. Provide the numeric citation of the relevant objectives or policies. Discuss how the project site would assist in furthering the cited objectives or policies. (5 points) RESPONSE: The Town Center project includes a proposal to coordinate with the SWIM program for Lake Jesup under the direction of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the St. Johns River Water Management District. The City is willing to sign an agreement guaranteeing coordination and adoption of measures required by the DEP and St. Johns Water Management District to ensure the objectives of the SWIM Program and future preservation of Lake Jessup. Special arrangements will be made for an areawide stormwater retention facility that will prevent pollutants from entering Lake Jesup. Some of the land proposed to be acquired by the City will be used for creation of this areawide stormwater retention facility. It is the intention of the City that the Town Center Project will meet a higher standard of pollution control clue to the efforts of the SWIM program 10 clean Lake Jesup of pollution. ) I The City has in its Comprehensive Plan policies relating 10 ensuring the preservation and improvement of the Lake Jesup ecosystem, that will be furthered by the proposed Town Center project. They are: Policy 3g under Objective A of the Land Use Element that states: Developments adjacent to Lake Jesup shall not be permitted to include light industrial, industrial, or commercial land uses. In addition to these restrictions, the following provisions to protect the natural functions of the lake shall be established: 1. An upland buffer zone, to be a minimum width of fifty (50) feet, shall be provided between any development activity and the lake; 11. All development along the lake shall be required to meet a more restrictive impervious surface ration standard. All development along the lake shall provide a minimum of forty (40%) percent pervious surface. 111. No direct discharge of stormwater into the lake shall be permitted, in accordance with criteria established by the SJRWMD. Policy 3a under Objective A of the Land Use Element which states: Require projects to cluster development away from wetland areas of the site and maintain upland buffers adjacent to wetlands. The minimum vegetative buffer requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet upland from the wetland area. A larger buffer shall be required on a site-by-site basis when required to protect the resource. Policy 3c under Objective A of the Land Use Element which states: ) ) Environmentally sensitive areas shall be covered by an environmental casement which restricts uses to passive recreational activities The environmental easement may be dedicated by plat or by a separale instrument approved by the City Policy 3d under Objective A of the Land Use Element which states in part: Require vegetative buffers around all lakes in order to protect water quality of these water bodies. ,The minimum upland lake buffer shall be fifty (50) feet. . . . LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LG-CPA-4-98) IN RESPONSE TO (l)(b)13. OF THE P-2000 APPLICATION: New Policy below to be designated as Policy 4) under Objective C of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. New Policy 4) ) j The development of the City's new Town Center shall be coordinated with all resource protection plans of local, state and federal jurisdictions that may exist. The City shall coordinate with the resource protection efforts of SJRWMD for Lake Jessup and the City shall involve itself in the process for development of the SWIM Plan and expend efforts to further purposes and management proactices of the SWIM Plan. RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends the Local Planning Agency recommend to the City Commission approval of the proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendments LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98 (three proposed policies) and transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review. ) ) ATTACHMENT D ) 5151 Adanson Street Orlando, Florida 32804 Telephone: (407) 623-1085 =.---~ ~~ = -=- I I.' ~1 ~ FLorida Del)artment of Transl)ortation @ \'/~ Y"S'. )/ TIIO;\I,\5 F. MRRY, JR. SECRETARY JED BUSH GOVERNOR Mr. D. Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 r~~-~~"'l j,.j -----. , "/,, ", li,l} -'_':"--:.~, ':, !,-,:, I !l! 1 _ - . . ; I ~;; i , J(,;J,,( 8 .,' I I. J ! ! - -- I -._~ L---_~~'.'l~'.:....:: ,:: .'~::" April 6, 1999 SUBJECT: LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DCA AMENDMENT NO: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments City of Winter Springs 99-1 Dear Mr. Eubanks: \ I I As requested in Mr. Quinn"s memo recieved on February 26, 1999, the Florida Department of Transportation has no ObjectionsfRecommendations and/or Comments, concerning the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Amendment 99-1. Thank you for the opportunity to review this material. If you have and questions, or need further information, please contact me at (407) 623-1085, extension 126. Sincerely, ~~ Systems PlalU1ing Supervisor copy to: Thomas Grimms, Winter Springs Planning Dept. Bob Romig, FDOT Policy Planning a:wtrspcp.cOV \ I / www.dot.SL<JLC.fl.uS G flEC'rCLEO ;'APC;l .,"", 'J~'J- .. __ \\ 't,J::I~.l.\...~:,. .\~ ;,-, ...1->\.: ...- -.. '.. J.... - <.:~'~.. '~.;, ';(::~" .~ ",Co.>"': .,~rrff.~ :,.<?&?,~j&:h _ . .. ..'. J.; ". - ., il ~ R:" ;.': ~;;,::~:::\ :,~-;\ ~ . - _....'- -. -- ~ ...'"' ~~'-<',. -'- ~ Departrnent of Environmental Protection Jeb Bush Governor David B. Struhs SecrcCdry April 20, 1999 Mr, Ray Eubanks Plan Review and Process Team Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 ~ ~ L/, X' ~ ---- ~ 1..- - I! \ :; i.- , In, ,. '. ' : Ii:) (::..-'.::....--. -' ..' , \ ~ ' I \ llU I APr< 2 I I~ ~3 L nt'".: ~:S:' PL.&.N rflO~ESSiNG iE2-_ RE: City of Winter Springs, 99-1 Dear Mr. Eubanks: The Office ofIntergovemmental Programs has reviewed the proposed amendment under the procedures of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 9J-5 and 9J-11, ) Florida Administrative Code. We have no comments at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. If I may be of further assistance, please call me at (850) 488-3704, Sincerely, u(j~ ~ Marlane Castellanos Office of Intergovemmental Programs MC/ j "I'ro(ccr. Conscrvc (Jrld Mallap'~ F/orido's Environmcnl and No:uro/ H:I:J'Jlccs" l'llfl:cu on rc(yc1co pcpo. ) ATTACHMENT E ) ) ') NOTICE OF TEXT CHANGE TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WILL HOLD A lHIRD (ADOPTION) PUBLIC HEARING ON THREE (3) PROPOSED LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS TO ADD TEXT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT AND THE CONSERVATION ELEMENT AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT, THESE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS SEEK TO: FURTHER ENSURE NO DESTRUCTION OF VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE, LOSS OF SIGNIFICANT CULTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ON CITY- OWNED PROPERTY, AND THAT THE CITY WILL COORDINATE WITH THE RESOURCE PROTECTION PLANS OF LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL JURlSDICTIONS I IN TIIE PROPOSED TOWN CENTER DISTRICT. A PUBLIC HEARING ON TIIE PROPOSED TJARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS WlLL BE HELD ON MA Y 8, 2000 AT 6:30 P.M. ) THIS PUBLIC HEARING WILL TAKE PLACE AT CITY HALL, 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. INTERESTED PERSONS MAY ATTEND AND BE HEARD. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE ABOVE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM mOMAS GRIMMS, AICP AT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - PLANNING DIVISION. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (407) 327-1800 # 303. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COORDINATOR, 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING AT (407) 327-1800 # 236. THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING. IF YOU DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY RECOMMENDATION/DECISION MADE BY Tf-IE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT TI-IIS MEETING, YOU WlLL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND, FOR SUCI-I PURPOSES, YOUMA Y NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF TIIE ) ') PROCEEDINGS IS MADE UPON WI-ITCH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES CITY CLERK ) ; ') COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM A Consent Informational Public Hearing X Regular June 26, 2000 Meeting )1---- ~ Mgr. / ep . Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the City Commission hold a public hearing on Ordinance 2000-21 to consider rescinding Ordinance 758, adopted on . May 8, 2000 establishing three (3) policy statements in the comprehensive plan involving preservation of historic and environmentally sensitive resources. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is to rescind three (3) policy statements adopted on May 8, 2000 and transmitted to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on May 9, 2000 as a large scale comprehensive plan amendment (DCA #00-2). The Town Center plan amendment (Ord. 2000-10) and the Public Schools Facilities Location plan amendment (Ord. 2000-09) were adopted on a different date on April 24, 2000, Therefore, DCA views the submittal as a second submission even though they were all transmitted on the same date, May 9, 2000, via Federal Express Service. Rescinding Ord. 758 will reopen the second "window" for submission in calendar year 2000, Failure to act will negate the opportunities for a second plan amendment normally filed in August. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163 .3l84(3)(b) F. S. which states in part: '" ,"Local governing bodies shall consolidate all proposed plan amendments into a single submission for each of the two plan amendment adoption dates during the calendar year pursuant to 163,3 187 F, S," ) CDD/Julle 2 J. 2000/4:24 1'1\1 ") ) J June 26, 2000 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM A Page 2 The provisions of9J-l1.006(1) F.A.C. which states in part: ", . , .Proposed plan amendments, except those discussed under the exemption provisions of Rule 9J-II,006( I )(a) F,A.C., below, shall be consolidated into a single submission for each of the two plan amendments adoption times during the calendar year. . . ," CONSIDERA TIONS: . The Town Center plan amendment [ LG-CP A-I-99 ; Ord, 2000-10 ] and the Public Schools Facilities Location [ LG-CP A-4-99; Ord. 2000-09 ] plan amendment were adopted on April 24, 2000. . The City Commission adopted Ordinance 758 involving three (3) policy statements (LG- CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98) dealing with land conservation and resource protection on May 8, 2000, . DCA staff was advised that adoption of Ord. 758 involving three (3) policy statements was delayed until May 8, 2000 and would not be adopted simultaneously with the Town Center plan amendment and the Public Schools Facilities Location plan amendment. · DCA informed the City that all three amendments would be considered as a single submittal package if they were filed with DCA on the same date. · The Town Center plan amendment, Public Schools Facilities Location plan amendment and the three (3) policy statements dealing with land conservation and resource protection were mailed via Federal Express Service on May 9,2000, · On June 12, 2000, DCA advised in writing that since the amendments were adopted on different dates, the State will view the submittal as two submittals, thereby using the City's second "window" submittal opportunity scheduled for August, 2000. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission hold a public hearing to consider for first reading Ordinance 2000-21 to rescind Ordinance 758 that adopted three (3) policy slatements Iransmitted as an adopted large scale comprehensive plan amendment (DCA #00-2) to Ihe Florida Department of Community Affairs, Rescinding this plan amendment (DCA #00-2) would reopen the second "window" of submission for the year, thus allowing additional plan amendments to be adopted later in calendar year 2000, CDDlJlIlIC 21, 2()()()/4:24 I'M ,,) '} June 26, 2000 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM A Page 3 A IT ACHMENTS: A. Ordinance 2000--21 B. Ordinance 758 C. Letter dated June 8, 2000 to Thomas Grimms, AICP from Charles Gauthier, AICP, Chief, Bureau of Local Planning, Florida Department of community Affairs, COMMISSION ACTION: ) C/)D/June 21.2000/4:24 /,;-",1