HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 11 01 Consent Approval of Special Minutes 101606 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 2006 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Special Meeting of Monday, October 16, 2006 was called to Order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairperson Rosanne Karr in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Rosanne Karr, present Vice Chairperson Linda Tillis, present Board Member Tom Brown, present Board Member William H. Poe, present Board Member Denise Ryser, present After a moment of silence, Chairperson Karr led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. A WARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 200. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests That The Local Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing For Ordinance 2006-19, Which Amends The Zoning District Code To Allow Public Recreational Areas And Facilities In the C-1 And PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning Districts As Permitted Uses. Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item. r--t r~-=1 ::- - -- . ~ r" . r"- .. ~d ~ ::""-",;>> CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 16,2006 PAGE20F5 Ms. Sahlstrom said, "Staff does recommend approval, so that it might go to Commission for First Reading on Monday night." Chairperson Karr opened the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. Discussion. Regarding Zoning Classification, Advisory Board Member Tom Brown asked, "Could you provide Denise [Advisory Board Member Denise Ryser] with a copy of the C-l's- the various - break outs that you gave us." Ms. SaWstrom said, "Sure." Mr. Doug Hamilton, 126 Peregrine Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented that he resides adjacent to the Site and has concerns related to this project. Chairperson Karr closed the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. "I WOULD LIKE TO MOVE THA T THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE [NUMBER] 2006-19 WHICH AMENDS THE ZONING DISTRICT CODE TO ALLOW PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS AND FACILITIES IN THE C-1 AND PUD [PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT] ZONING DISTRICTS AS PERMITTED USES." MOTION BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER RYSER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON TILLIS: AYE BOARD MEMBERPOE: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN : AYE CHAIRPERSON KARR: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS 201. Community Development Department - Planning Division WITHDRA WN Requests That The Local Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing For Ordinance Number 2006-14, A Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Referenced As LS-CPA-07-02) Which Changes The Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation Of Nineteen (19) Parcels Containing 37.08 Acres, More Or Less, Located Immediately West Of The Central Florida GreeneWay At SR (State Road) 434 And Jetta Point From (Winter Springs) "Commercial" And (Winter Springs) "Medium Density Residential" To (Winter Springs) "Recreation And Open Space". No discussion as it was withdrawn. ~ r---s ~ - -- -- r--~ ,-. . r' . ~C ~. ;...~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FWRIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 16,2006 PAGE 3 OF 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS 202. Community Development Department - Planning Division WITHDRA WN Requests The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing For Ordinance Number 2006-16, A Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment (Referenced As LS-CPA-07-04) Which Reconciles Conflicting Language Related To The Maximum Density Allowed Under The Land Use Classification Of "Highway Density Residential". This Item was not discussed as it was withdrawn. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 300. Community Development Department Evaluation And Appraisal Report (EAR) Discussion. Ms. Sahlstrom briefly presented this Item. Discussion. Regarding Agenda Item "200", Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, Director, Community Development Department said, "You are correct, Ms. Ryser in that the Permitted Use takes away the Mandate to notify surrounding Land Uses." With further discussion, Board Member Ryser asked about other Permitted Uses in the "C-I" area. Mr. Stevenson said, "I am not sure of the answer to your question, but we can find out for you." Ms. Sahlstrom displayed the Zoning Map and commented on the Zoning Classifications. Mr. Stevenson said, "I was just going to suggest that they look at the Zoning Code, and we can give you copies, or they are on line. That 'Red' color indicates 'Commercial' Land Use and 'C-I' Zoning." Further discussion continued. r J r--, ~ IlL... __ nv; ,...,. . ,-. . -~ ~----; = - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLDRIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 16, 2006 PAGE 4 OF 5 INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 500. Not Used. In other City business, Advisory Board Member Tom Brown said, "The trees are blocking the lights in the downtown center. The street lights are covered by the trees. They need to be trimmed." Mr. Stevenson said, "Thank you, Mr. Brown. We will relay that." Mr. Stevenson then said, "I know who to contact and make sure it gets trimmed. I will take care of it." 600. REPORTS Brief discussion ensued on the Large Scale Comp[rehensive] Plan Amendment on the Dittmer property. Regarding other projects in the City, Mr. Stevenson said, "I will try to start bringing you up to speed. We do an update for the Commission." Mr. Stevenson then said, "We could provide that information to you as well." With discussion on the Florida Department of Transportation, Mr. Stevenson said, "I would respectfully defer, Mr. Brown, to Public Works [Department] and maybe, I can get an update from them to present it to you at the next Meeting." Discussion ensued on a Representative from the Florida Department of Transportation [FDOT] attending a Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Meeting. ADJOURNMENT "MOTION TO ADJOURN." MOTION BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE BOARD, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairperson Karr adjourned the Special Meeting at 7 :46 p.m. &--l r~~ ~ __ ""'Wi n~ ,..... . ,.... . -~ :--; : ~ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 16,2006 PAGE50F5 ROSANNE KARR, CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the Planning Agency Meeting. , 2006 Regular Planning and Zoning Board/Local J.- 1 r"'"'""i' := -=- .. ~ r" . r" . - ~~ :.--; ; .