HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 04 11 Informational Stormwater Management Activities
ITEM 100
April 11, 2007
REQUEST: Public Works Department providing information to the City Commission
regarding stormwater management activities currently being performed by
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the City Commission information to
the City Commission regarding stormwater management activities currently being
performed by Staff
The City's ongoing water quality and stormwater management activities are summarized
1. Compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit
. As authorized by the Clean Water Act and implemented by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point
sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. Point sources
are discrete conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches.
. The City's NPDES compliance activities include:
i. Inspection and maintenance of the stormwater facilities (treatment ponds,
drainage outfalls, creeks & canals, swales, inlets, catch basins, etc.)
11. Maintaining an inventory of all stormwater facilities within the City limits
(public and private including the county's and state's)
111. Public outreach and education
IV. Preparation and submittal of an annual report that must be approved by
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2. Active Participation in the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program
. Lake Jesup is an impaired water of the state, meaning that it does not meet water
quality standards as determined by the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP). Lake Jesup is impaired with excessive concentrations of
nitrogen and phosphorous.
. TMDLs establish the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can
assimilate without causing exceedances of water quality standards. The TMDL
implementation is mandated under the federal Clean Water Act and the Florida
Water Restoration Act.
. FDEP has established the TMDLs for Lake Jesup and a Basin Management
Action Plan (BMAP) is now being developed by the basin's major stakeholders to
identify projects and other actions necessary to bring Lake Jesup into compliance
with the TMDL. The City actively participates in the BMAP process, primarily
through attendance at monthly BMAP development meetings.
. The City has entered into a TMDL Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County
and all incorporated cities that will facilitate implementation ofTMDL-related
regional projects.
. The total cost (and the City's share) to implement the BMAP remains
undetermined; however, the basin stakeholders have generally concluded that
current funding sources are unlikely to be adequate to cover the BMAP
3. Participation in Regional Projects and Planning Activities
. Participation and financial contribution to the Howell Creek Basin Management
Study with St. Johns River Water Management District, Orange and Seminole
Counties and its incorporated cities. This study consists of a comprehensive basin
management study for flood control and water quality improvements in the
Howell Creek Basin.
. The Solary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment Facility is a SJRWMD project
located at the northeast comer of the City limits (the old Minter property). The
project is in the City of Winter Springs but treats runoff primarily from Oviedo.
The City has actively participated in the planning and review of this project.
. Financial participation for the Seminole County Watershed Atlas, a water
resources website providing educational and useful information to citizens and
professionals such as water quality & quantity data
. Active membership in the Florida Stormwater Association and regular attendance
at local seminars on storm water management
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. Participation in the Middle St. Johns River Alliance Technical Advisory
Committee (Programs and Projects for the St. Johns River)
4. New Development Stormwater Review
. All new development is reviewed for compliance with the City Code, SJR WMD
stormwater quality guidelines, and good storm water engineering practice.
Projects are reviewed during the planning, design, construction, and final
acceptance stages.
. The City has approved and/or recommended stormwater treatment standards
above the minimum required by SJRWMD on projects in the vicinity of Lake
. The City supports SJRWMD's recent implementation of pre-post nutrient loading
criteria for projects in the Lake Jesup basin. This criteria provides additional
stormwater treatment facilities to ensure that new developments have no net
increase in pollutant discharges.
. The City verifies that all new construction projects have obtained an NPDES
. City inspectors review and verify that required erosion control measures are in
place throughout construction project duration.
5. Capital Improvements and Special Projects
. The City's Stormwater Management Master Plan was initially prepared in 1993
and updated in 2005
. Stormwater Capital Project List is reviewed and updated annually
. Significant projects completed over the past several years include:
i. Removal of debris and clearing of the City's creeks and waterways
11. Maintenance and clearing of the canal outfall to Lake Jesup at Orange
111. Erosion control and bank stabilization project at Howell Creek at Chelsea
Parc subdivision
IV. Town Center Roadway and Drainage Improvements
v. North Tuscawilla Road Drainage Improvements
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6. Participation in FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program - Community Rating
System (NFIP-CRS)
. The City's participation in the NFIP-CRS provides rating credits for flood
insurance policies, which reduce flood insurance premiums for City residents
. Participation requires preparation of an annual report and documentation of
various stormwater management services provided by the City
7. FEMA Flood Map Modernization
. FEMA is currently in the process of updating and modernizing the NFIP Flood
Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), with partnership and cooperation with various
federal, state, and local government agencies
. The City agreed to be a Community Partner with FEMA on the map
modernization process, which should be complete by the end of the year
8. Additional Items
. The City routinely inspect and promotes maintenance of private stormwater
. City stormwater staff provides courtesy technical inspections for residents,
businesses, and HOA's
. The City pursues funding opportunities for stormwater projects through grant
. A storm water utility rate study was performed in 2005