HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 10 04 Other CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division - ~ _..__ - _0 ~__ _~.~_ __. ____ _ ID /4/ d.-bO 0 ~ }lfg Omer No ,tun * PLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM .,.:-<;. I. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 P& Z BOARD / /LP A MINUTES Submitted by: Debbie Gillespie Deputy Assistant City Clerk CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAl. PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER The Planning And Zoning BoardfLocal Planning Agency Special Meeting was called to order Wednesday, September 13, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Carl Stephens, Jr., in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call Chairman Carl Stephens, Jr., present Board Member Tom Brown, p:r;,ysent Board Member Bill Fernande:zCpresent Board Member Brent Gregory, ~resent Board Member Rosanne Karr, present Also Present Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator Mr. Chuck Pula, Director, Parks and Recreation Approval Of The July 5, 2000 Regular Meeting of the Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Minutes. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "I MOVE THAT WE APPROVE THE JULY 5, 2000 MINUTES AS CIRCULATED BY MAIL." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KARR DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN : AYE BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE CHAIRMAN STEPHENS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Carl Stephens welcomed new Board Member Brent Gregory and thanked him for "his willingness to serve" on the Board. CITY 01: WINTI:I< ';I'I<lN(;S j\.lINI J'i 1'.\ I'I.ANNII\'(; ANI> I.ONIN(; BO,\)U)fLOC/\I. I'I.AI\'NII\'(; ,\(;~:I\'CY SI'J.'CIAI. MEETIN(; -. SIYTUvllll:.I( 1.1, 2()()() ",\( ;1: 2 ()/: 'f .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE DISCUSSED, AS DOCUMENTED. FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS WERE . . . . . . . . II. REGULAR AGENDA A. Approval Of Sunshine Park FRDAP (Federal Recreational Development Assistance Program) Grant Application Mr. Grimms introduced Mr. Chuck Pula, Director of Parks and Recreation to the Board. Mr. Pula informed the Board that any construction in Sunshine Park and Torcaso Park not started prior to July qualifies for reimbursement from the FRDAP grant; the program's function; and he would answer any questions Board Members may have. _,f., The Board discussed whether a meeting should be called for each grant application; that an advertisement was not necessary for. the Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting but necessary for the public meeting; what Mr. Pula requires from the Board; fenced areas in the parks; the pavilion design; whether new park brochures are being planned; that Mr. Pula should request the assistance of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board for the brochure; whether the park information would be on the City's Website; whether the funds are earmarked for reimbursement; whether Mr. Pula is working on a recommendation for a practice area for the Grizzlies; the history of the Park Redevelopment Program; and the public meeting being held by the Parks and Recreation Department next w.~ek. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "MY MOTION IS THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY IS IN FAVOR OF A FLORIDA RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT FOR, IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, SUNSHINE PARK." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KARR. DISCUSSION VOTE: BOARD MEMBER BROWN : AYE BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE CHAIRMAN STEPHENS: AYE BOARD MEMBER GREGORY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTU( \I'!(IN(;\ MINI JTI;\ I'LANNING AN)) ZONING /lOMW/LOCAI. PLANNING A(;ENCY \I'J:CJA'- MITTIN(; - \J:I'Ti':MI3EI( IJ, 2000 I'M;r J OF-; B. Approval Of Torcaso Park FRDAP Grant Application MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "MR. CHAIR, I HAVE ANOTHER MOTION, THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, BASED ON THE PREVIOUS DISCUSSIONS AND THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS AS TO THE PREVIOUS MATTER, T~A T WE ARE IN FAVOR OF AND WOULD RECOMMEND A FLORIDA RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT FOR TORCASO PARK." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE CHAIRMAN STEPHENS, JR.: AYE " ~;'I". BOARD MEMBER GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Chuck Pula departed at 7:28 p.m. C. Telecorp. Small Scale Comprehensive Grant Application Mr. Grimms explained..to the Board where the property is located; that letters having been sent to surrounding property owners regarding this issue; the request for change of Future Land Use designation from Seminole County's designation of "Commercial" to the City's designation of "Commercial". He spoke of the public facilities available; the land use compatibility; the nuisance potential of proposed use to surrounding land uses; the consistency/compatibility with City's Comprehensive plan; and the Staffs findings and recommendations. Discussion ensued regarding the differences between commercial and GreeneWay Interchange District zoning; whether water and sewage is capable of being handled through the Tuscawilla plant; that Mr. Grimms will speak to Mr. Kip Lockcuff, Director of Public WorkslUtilities regarding the plant's capability; informing the City Commission of that capability; that Telecorp does not have any defined plans at this time; whether the advertisements were published; and if the applicant and/or the public would like to be recognized by the Board to speak on this issue. Mr. Bill Starmer, Starmer, Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc., (sri): spoke of being retained by Telecorp; introduced Mr. Andre' Biewend, a partner of Telecorp; the developers desires and concerns; of presently trying to purchase adjacent land which will ('IT)' (JI' WIN'I L!< SI'I{lNI ,,\ MINIi'll','. I'I.""NIN<: ,\NJ> I.ON)NC HOA){J>/LOC,\I. I'I."NNINe A(;I':N<:)' SI'I:C1AI. MI:FTIN(;.. SIY'IT,MIIl'.H I~. 21l1l1l I'A( ;1', '101' '! determine how the land will be developed; and Mr. l3iewend spoke of the land being developed as "Mixed Use". The Board discussed which Staff members assisted in preparing the analysis; the location of the property; whether the land has been annexed; the surrounding property's zoning; Florida Department of Transportation's plans for State Road 434; and that the 'proposed development plans will be coming before the Board at the appropriate time. Tape I/Side B Discussion continued regarding the applicant knowing that the City is a Tree City, U.S.A.; the GreeneWay Interchange Zoning District Regulations; why the land has not been annexed at this time; and including a finding of fact in the motion is necessary. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "MR. CHAIR, I'D LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT THE'LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, IN THAT CAP ACITY, RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVE THE REQUEST BY TELECORP, INC FOR A CHANGE OF THE COUNTY FLUM (FUTURE LAND USE MAP) DESIGNATION OF COMMERCIAL TO THE CITY FLUM DESIGNATION OF GREENEW A Y INTERCHANGE ON THAT 3.5 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 434 AND STATE ROAD 417, THE GREENEWAY, SUBJECT TO THE CITY COMMISSION RECEIVING SPECIFIC DATA AND INPUT AS TO WATER FLOW FROM VISTAWILLA TO THIS PARTICULAR PIECE OF PROPERTY FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS. DIRECTOR OR WHAT OTHER CITY EMPLOYEE IS APPROPRIATE TO PROVIDE THAT PARTICULAR DATA AND FURTHER SUBJECT TO THERE BEING - ASSURANCES FOR PROTECTION OF THE SINGLE FAMILY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TO THE SOUTH OF THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT, DUE CONSIDERATION FOR THE LOW RESIDENTIAL AND BASE THAT MOTION ON THE FINDINGS AS PRESENTED TO US ON PAGE TEN (10) OF TWELVE (12), ONE (1) THROUGH SEVEN (7) AND FURTHER THE FINDING THAT THERE IS IN FACT A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION IN OVIEDO OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL JUST SOUTH OF THIS PARTICULAR PROPERTY THAT NEEDS CONSIDERATION AND CONCERN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER GREGORY. DISCUSSION. (Try (J1: WINTI:J< SI'HIN(;S MINIITI'S I'I.",~NIN(; M"IJ I,ONIN(; 1l0AlU)/LOCAI, /'LANNIN(; ,\(;I-:NCY SPECIAL MElOTIN(;.. SIYITMIlEl( 1),2000 I'A(;I' 5 OF 7 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE CHAIRMAN STEPHENS, JR.: AYE BOARD MEMBER GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ: AYE MOTION CARRIED. D. Telecorp. Rezoning Mr. Grimms informed the Board of the request for change of zoning designation from Seminole County's designation of A-I "Agriculture" to the City's designation of GID "GreeneWay Interchange District" and that the applicant's purpose is to construct a commercial and/or multi-family facility. He explained that much of the data is the same as the previous report; and the B~~rd asked Mr. Grimms to just read the Staff Recommendation. Chairman Stephens inquired if the applicants or applicant's representatives had any additional comments, which there were none, MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "AGAIN OUR CONCERN BEING FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO THE SOUTH OF THE PROPERTY AND MCKINNLEY MILLS HALF A MILE A WAY - I HAVE NO..OTHER QUESTIONS THAT][ DID NOT ADDRESS WHEN ADDRESSING TH;EFUTURE LAND USE MAP AND I WILL YlELD THE FLOOR TO ANY FELLO\V BOARD MEMBERS FOR THEIR QUESTIONS OR INPUT AT THIS POINT - HEARING NONE I'LL MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OF THE C][TY OF WINTER SPRINGS RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION REGARDING THE REQUEST BY TELECORP, INC FOR A CHANGE OF THE COUNTY ZONING DESIGNATION OF A-I "AGRICULTURE" TO THE CITY ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF "GREENEW A Y INTERCHANGE ZONING DISTRICT" ON THAT 3.5 ACRE PARCEL AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF STATE ROADS 434 AND 417 "THE GREENEWAY", AGAIN SUBJECT TO THE CITY APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF THIS PARTICULAR PROPERTY, SUBJECT TO THE CITY STAFF PREPARING AND SUBMITTING TO THE CITY COMMISSION THE FIGURES AS TO FLOW, GALLONS EACH, ETC. FROM VISTAWILLA TO THIS PARTICULAR PROPERTY AND WITH DUE CONSIDERATION BEING GIVEN BY THE APPLICANT TO THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HOMES TO THE SOUTH OF THIS PARTICULAR PROPERTY AND SPECIFICALLY BASED UPON THE FINDINGS AS INDICATED ON PAGE TEN (10) OF ELEVEN (11), ONE (1) THROUGH SEVEN (7), AS WELL AS THE ATTACHMENTS SHOWING LO\\' DENSITY ('ITY OF WINTJ:I( SPI(JN( is MINIJTI:S I'Li\NNIN(; AND j',ONINC 1l0AHD/LOCAL I'LANNINC; i\CENCY SPECIAL MI:I:TIN(j. Slyrl:MIll:1( 1),2000 PACi!'. (, OF 7 RESIDENTIAL SOUTH OF THIS PARTICULAR PROPERTY AND OUR PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE AND CONCERNS OF THE RESIDENTS OF TUSCAWILLA AS TO THE WATER VOLUME AND FLOW OR SHORTAGE OF WATER THEREOF IN THAT PARTICULAR SUBDIVISION, IN THE NINE (9) INCH LINES AND THE REMAINDER OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KARR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRMAN STEPHENS: AYE BOARD MEMBER GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Stephens requested Mr. Grimms to give the Board Members copies of the County's zoning classifications, the Future Land Map and the City Zoning Map. E. Tuskawilla Trail Rezoning Mr. Grimms explained that this issue has been "dropped" at this time. III. ACTION ITE:MS A. Annexation / Joint Planning Area Report Mr. Grimms spoke of the history of Battle Ridge; the history of working with the County, the City of Casselberry and the City of Oviedo on a Joint Planning Agreement; areas that have shown interest in annexing into the City; and the City's Annexation Study. Discussion ensued regarding if the City is actively soliciting for large commercial businesses; the City developing an annexation incentive package; possible areas that could be annexed; and "problems without planning." IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Elections . Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment . Discussion With The City Attorney . Topical Map . Evaluation And Appraisal Report <:In' OJ' WINTF.I< SI'IUN(;S MINlJTES I'I.ANNING ANI> ZONIN(; 1l0MW/LOCAL I'L,\NNIN(; A(;ENCY SPECIAl. MEJ'TIN(; - SEI'TEMIJEH 13,2000 PAGE 7 OF 7 · County Classifications · Discussion With Department Heads v. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER KARR. "I MOVE THAT WE ADJOURN." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. THE BOARD AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. Chairman Stephens adjourned the meeting at 9:03 p.m. ,.1" Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Debbie Gillespie, City Clerk's Office City of Winter Springs, Florida APPROVED: CARL STEPHENS, JR., CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These minutes were approved at the ,2000 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Meeting, S:\City Clerk\Docs\ Word\BOA RDS\PLANN ING\aIlI\M IN UTES\2000\P&Z091300,doc