HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 14 Regular Item A . . . \ 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327,1800 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Community Development Depl. Planning Division PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM II. A. 1 ST BAPTIST CHURCH REZONING (REZ-2-2000) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Sec. 20-57 of the City Code states "The planning and zoning board shall serve. . .to recommend to the City Commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts. . ,and any amendments thereto, , .act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning," This project is subject to the S,R. 434 New Development Overlay Zoning District Regulations. CONSIDERA TIONS: I: SUMMARY OF APPLICATION APPLICANT: OWNER: ! st Baptist Church State Road 434 + State Road 419 Winter Springs, 32708 [ same] REQUEST: For a change of zoning designation from RU "Rural Urban" to the City's designation of C-1 "Neighborhood Commercial", PURPOSE: Applicant wants to construct a church and meeting hall. . A. SITE INFORMATION 1. PARCEL NUMBER: 34-20-30-SA W-OOOO-026A 2. ACREAGE: Approximately 7 acres. 3. GENERAL LOCATION: Immediately east of the intersection of State Road 419 and State Road 434 on the south side of S.R. 434. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: [ See Attachment "A" ] 5. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: July, 1996 - Robert Palmer, developer, proposes a 36 unit single family . subdivision. Plans never progressed. May, 2000 - Development Review Committee Pre-application meeting with representatives of 151 Baptist Church of Winter Springs. 7. DEVELOPMENT TRENDS: This general area along S,R. 434 in this area is experiencing development. Stone Gable subdivision was completed, Winding Hollow is still being completed, Park Stone subdivision is now being built, and most recently Eckerd Drug Store is being built at the intersection of S.R. 434 and S.R. 419. 7. EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The parcel is vacant with trees and undergrowth. 8. LETTERSIPHONE CALLS IN FAVOR OR IN OPPOSITION No inquiries at the time of this report preparation. B. EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: . North: Vacant, foliage covered. . . . South: Residential at southeast, vacant, treed, at southwest. East: vacant, treed, West: vacant, partially treed, pond. C. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: "Commercial". Requested: [ no request made] D. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: "Commercial" . South: "Lower Density Residential" (1,1 - 3.5 DU per acre). East: (County) "Conservation" and "Suburban Estates" (1 DU per acre max,) West: "Commercial". , E. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: RU "Rural Urban" (I DU per acre max.) and C-I "Neighborhood Commercial". Requested: C-I"Neighborhood Commercial" F. ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: C-I "Neighborhood Commercial", South: RU "Rural Urban" (1 DU per acre max,) to southwest and R-IA "One Family Dwelling District" to southeast. East: (County) A-I "Agriculture". (1 DU per acre max,), West: C- I "Neighborhood Commercial". II. REZONING ANALYSIS: A. JUSTIFICA TION FOR REZONING: . 1. The applicant wishes to develop the property for churc~ purpose~, with a church building and meeting hall. Churches are a permItted use In the C-l Zoning District. The existing R-U Zoning District allows churches only as a conditional use, 2. The applicant's proposed rezoning to C-l reflects similar zoning on the south side of S.R, 434 just to the west and on the north side, 3. The intent of land use along the majority of State Road 434 was/is as a commercial corridor as evidenced by the Future Land Use Map designations of property along S,R, 434 and by the zoning designations of these properties as C-l in most instances, B. NUISANCE POTENTIAL OF PROPOSED REZONING TO SURROUNDING LAND USES: . 4. . The nuisance potential of the proposed change of Zoning Map designation from R-U "Rural-Urban" to C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" to the surrounding properties should be minimal in view of the following: 1. The applicant's proposed zoning change from zoning designation R-U "Rural-Urban" (1 DU per acre max.) to zoning designation ofC-l "Neighborhood Commercial" is the same zoning on the nearby parcels along S.R. 434, adjacent and just to the west of the subject property and on the north side of S,R. 434. The whole area to the west on both the north and south sides of S.R. 434 and S,R. 419 are zoned C-1. 2. The applicant's proposed zoning is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434 urban arterial in terms of the existing commercial establishments in the area, 3, The City has development standards in its land development regulations to ensure minimal impacts on surrounding properties, such as buffering, The City's land development regulations and the site plan review process of the Development Review Committee can ensure the prevention or minimization of any potential nuisances, The church structure and meeting hall site development that would occur on the approximately seven (7) acre parcel is not expected to generate a significant amount of traffic that would lower the Level of Service of the recently widened (4 lanes) S,R. 434, The 1st Baptist Church is requesting access to S.R. 434 directly opposite of S,R. 419 and access onto Shore Road. Discussion at the Development Review Committee revolved . . . IV. around ensuring no connection between Shore Road, the parking lot and S.R. 434. III. FINDINGS: The applicant's proposed zoning change from zoning designation R-U "Rural- Urban" (1 DU per acre max,) to zoning designation ofC-l "Neighborhood Commercial" is the same zoning on the nearby parcels along S,R. 434, adjacent and just to the west of the subject property and on the north side of S.R. 434. The whole area to the west on both the north and south sides of S,R. 434 and S.R. 419 are zoned C-l. The applicant's proposed zoning is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434 urban arterial in terms of the existing commercial establishments in the area. The City has development standards in its land development regulations to ensure minimal impacts on surrounding properties, such as buffering, The City's land development regulations and the site plan review process of the Development Review Committee can ensure the prevention or minimization of any potential nUisances. The church structure and meeting hall site development that would occur on the approximately seven (7) acre parcel is not expected to generate a significant amount of traffic that would lower the Level of Service of the recently widened (4 lanes) S,R. 434, The 1st Baptist Church is requesting access to S,R. 434 directly opposite of S.R. 419 and access onto Shore Road, Discussion at the Deveiopment Review Committee revolved around ensuring no connection between Shore Road, the parking lot and S.R. 434, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board recommend approval to the City Commission the request for rezoning, by 1 sl Baptist Church of Winter Springs, of the approximately seven (7) acre parcel from R-U "Rural-Urban" (1 DU per acre max,) zoning designation to zoning designation C-l "Neighborhood Commercial", based on this Staff Report and in particular the findings above. . ATTACHMENTS: A Legal Description of the 1 sl Baptist Church of Winter Springs property, B. Sketch Site Plan of the 1 sl Baptist Church of Winter Springs property. . . . ATTACHMENT A . . . ! .,/:",':'.' . . ..: -.- - ..~. "., . PARCEL I' . PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION-. TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH. RANGE ~O T CORNER or SECTION ~~, THE WEST LINE or SAID CO~~ENCE AT THE SO~~t~RIDA RUN N 01'01'05" W :L~N~5'~B'5~; E t, 16.19 fEET, EAST. SEtJINO~E Dfs~~~CE' or 1024,<43 rEET: TH;:NRCU~ RNU 65'38'55. E 535.~0 fEET T08~~ SECTION 35, , - E 10000 FEET, THENCt;" AS RECORDED IN PLAT THENCE RUN S 24'2 ~~5 ENTZ~INGER rAR~S ADDITION ~OCJlJNTY fLORIDA, THENCE RUN WEST LINE or LOT E PUBLIC RECORDS OF' SDAINOL rOR THE POINT or BEGINNING: 5, PAGE 9 or THLONC SAID WEST LINE JOO.OO rEET07A54'o<r W 289.02 rEET TO A POINT S 070<4'OQ" E A 6 FEET THENCE RUN N , ,. E 8626 fEET AlONG THENCE RUN N 82'09'~~ ~A~9~i~E OF ROAD, THENCE RUN S cG~ ~ONCAVE 'NORTHEASTERLY ONI T~~G~iS6r R~A~T LINE TO A POINT OF ~~:'~~~~J:rE~L Y ALONG THE ARC Of ~~I~C~U~~ ~~NG A RADIUS Of ~8J.OO fEET, ~~~~~E or J"14'''. TO A POINT Of T~J~~c;OuTHW(STERlY !:~tFI~A~g~l wri~~Er~~~V~{~R~~~~~~~f\~lO~;~Eh~~~NJ~[~~ CURvt 20e"SAID RIGHT OF' WAY RUN S 83 0<4B,J~02,,':r W 58750 fEET, THENCE RUN DEPARTING THENCE RUN S . N 0746'S'" W 2S.00 F'EET, 0 THE POINT or BEGINNING. N 0753'20. W 214.85 fEET T I , i I I I I j I I i I '.\~r~~;li. "h ~.'_""'" PROPOSED LEGAl DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2: " CO~~ENCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION J~, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE JO EAST, SE~INOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN N 01'01'OS. W ALONG THE WEST LINE Of SAID SECTION 35, A DISTANCE OF' 1024.43 FEEl: THENCE RUN N 65'38',5,5. E 1116.19 rEET. T~ENCE RUN S 24'21'05- E 100,23 rEEf, T~ENCE RUN N 65'38'55.' E 87S.43 TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT OF' WAY LINE Of ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE CONTINUE N 65'J8'55. E 59.76 FEET, THENCE RUN S 24'21'05. E IS,OO fEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH HAVING A RADIUS OF" 2176,83 FEET. THENCE FROM A TANGENT BEARING OF N 6~',J9'JJ" E RUN NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 193.32 F'EET THROUGH A CENTRAl ANGLE OF OS'OS'18., THENCE RUN N 66',J3'18. E 26.85 TO A POINT' ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH HAVING A RADIUS OF' 2176.8.3 F'EET, THENCE !="ROM A TANGENT BEARING O~ N 71'42''''' ( RUN NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF" SAlO CURVE 98.62 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAl ANGLE Of 02'35'45", THENCE RUN N 88'16'07 ["49,40 fEET, THENCE RUN N 56'51'15" E 34.61 fEET TO A POINT ON ^ CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH HAVING A RADIUS OF 2/76,83 rEEl, THENCE fROM A TANGENT BEARING or N 76'26'18. E RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF' SAID CURVE 201.03 F"EET THROUGH A CENTRAl ANGLE OF" 05'11'28-, THENCE DEPARTING SAID CURVE RUN S 0;4.3'S8. E 603.94 rEET, THENCE CONTINUE S 07"3'58- E 140.00 ~EET, r~ENCE RUN S 8S04'32. W 194.02 FEET TO A POINT ON ^ CURV( CONc;AV~ ~OI,JTHWEST~R~ y 6EING THe; f:^ST RIGHT OF' W^'( ~'''4~ SAID RO^O Hl\V1Nt, ^ ~AbIUS or 28.1.00 rrtT, T~rNCE: '~OM A tANdENT BtAAINO or N 0615~'28" W ~UN NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC or SAID CURvE 272.22 rEET THROUGH A CENTRAl ANGLE or 55"06'50- TO A POINT OF" TANGENCY, THENCE RUN N 62'02'18. W 204.79 rEEl TO A POINT OF" CURVATURE OF" A CURvE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS. OF 317.00 F(ET THENCE RUN NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURV( 172.82 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE O~ )1'14'1'. TO A POINT or TANGENCY, THENCE RUN N J0'48'OT W 174.92 F"EET TO THE POINT OF" BEGINNING. ". ...._....~.~ .~?f:;::~L./;~?,.,. : ;'''.r;''J~~::':'~~-''o-, :--.. .. . < ,,~_.!~1~i~i~:t~{i~~;~~~~+i:~,,;~;6:~~;~.~~~~f.':'k . .~:'~.. {/r' J,.'J/;" . "'AU /VO. 419 --- ._~- -- /' ~.. . / /'//." / /"~' --- / "\ ./ / .\ tRANSP6m'Afi6ir - POIIIT or ACCess PllOPOSIll so..l lIOOf"CATCl< ..~,~A.'.~..~ ~~ ~D... / .'. . .- ~--.- ,~ -- . STOOl ~. \ A _ ''l.,~.\\. , R - 353.00' _.~' "."<" \ \ ~\ ~\ ~\ ~ eJ ~. -- ---. -- HOT4S"l"vl-' ';:"ifJ' "'" e - '\;m.---- \\ '-Vi~~J~~~ . ct><1'(C1 """""'1;0' ., I .._",:",.ro!~n::.~~~.r; \: .. --r 'lr\n' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708,2799 Telephone (407) 327-1000 Community Development Dept. Planning Division PLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM II B. UPDATE OF THE City ZONING MAP AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP . STAFF REPORT: NOTE: Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planing/Zoning Coordinator, will make the presentation to the Planning & Zoning Board. . Attached is a document that was included in the Planning & Zoning Board/LPA Meeting of Wednesday, June 14, 2000. June 12, 2000 Recommendation from P&Z Board chairman regarding Section 20-26 of the City Code. Omit the following: "and at least one designated member of the board shall attend the public hearing." Instead, insert the following: After the City Commission reviews the P&Z Board's recommendations found within the minutes, the Commission may request a P&Z Board member to attend the public hearing if necessary for further clarification. Also, if a P&Z Board member is present at any commission meeting and feels further clarification is needed about the P&Z Board's recommendation, such Board member may be allowed to address the City Commission on that particular item when it occurs on the Commission's agenda. The Board member's comments must reflect the wishes of the Board. Personal opinions or comments (if any) should only be made during the Public Input portion of the meeting.