HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 07 Regular Item B PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM B June 7.2000 REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, presents to the Plal1ning and Zoning Board the Staff recommendation on the final engineering plans for the proposed Burger King store in order that the Board make a recommendation to the City Commission for their action on this project. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Planning and Zoning Board the Staff recommendation on the final engineering plans for Burger King in order that the Board forward a recommendation to the City Commission for action on this project. The property is located south of SR 434 to the immediate east of the existing HESS station. APPLICABLE CODE: Section 9-73. Form and contents of final development plan. (a) (b) Additional engineering/plans to accompany the final development plan/plat: (1) Potable water including fire protection systems. (2) Sanitary sewer. (3) Drainage and stormwater management facilities, including underdrains. (4) Bulkheads. (5) Excavation and filL (6) Sidewalks, bicycle paths, and bridle paths. (7) Streets and curbs, Street grades and elevation shall be established to minimize the need for underdrains, In soils where high groundwater is found or suspected, cuts shall be minimized in order to reduce the need for underdrains. Wherever along the proposed roadways projected groundwater elevation is less than one (1) foot, six (6) inches below the bottom of swaIe (or bottom of road base where curb and gutter is used), June 7, 2000 P&Z AGENDA ITEM B Page 2 underdrains shall be required. (8) Soils explorations. The results of comprehensive soils explorations, evaluation of results and recommendations by a city-approved soils engineering and testing firm. The soils explorations work shall include as a mInImum: a. Results of borings located by survey at suitable intervals along the proposed roadways; classification and properties of soils encountered; and groundwater elevation to Unites States Geological Survey datum found subsequent to making the borings. The evaluation of the results and recommendations by the soils firm shall include as a minimum: Recommendations on the type of base construction, projected high-water elevation to Unites States Geological Survey datum along the proposed roadways, need, design, size, location, depth and details of under drains; and a recommendation on the elevation of street grades, including depth of cut. The results of the soils work, evaluation of results, and recommendations shall be incorporated into the plans and specifications submitted for review. b. If during construction of improvement, the city determines in the field that soils and/or groundwater conditions are found to be different than shown in the data submitted with final development and engineering plans, or there is question about adequacy of the approved plans caused by conditions found in the field, the city shall have the right to require the performance and submission of additional soils work and/or to require modification of the previously approved design plans including, but not limited to modifications of street grades and/or installation of additional underdrains, use of soil cement base course, or other modification. (9) Lot grading. At the time of final engineering plans are submitted, lot grading and drainage plans shall be submitted for review and approval. The plans shall show minimum floor elevations for all homes, existing topography, grading of all lots, and any drainage improvements proposed or required on the lots. The lot grading and drainage plans shall show the lot lines, existing topography (one-foot contour intervals), and proposed lot filling, grading and drainage at a scale of one (1) inch is equal to one hundred (100) feet (or larger) in general accordance with FHA standards June 7, 2000 P&Z AGENDA ITEM B Page 3 for lot grading. Substantiating soil borings, evaluations and studies shall also be submitted to document soil conditions, projected high-water groundwater elevation on the lots, and adequacy of the lot grading and drainage plans. (10) Street lighting plan, demonstrating power company participation. (11) Landscaping plans. Where site is commercial, industrial, or multifamily in nature, landscaping plans shall be presented along with the final development plans, unless specifically waived by the staff at the time of processing the preliminary plan. Tuscawilla Tract 15, ParceI1-B, Development Agreement S.R. 434 Corridoe Vision Plan, New Development Area Ordinance No. 489 - An Ordinance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, adopting a Settlement Agreement between the City of Winter Springs, Florida and The Winter Springs Development Joint Venture. Vested Rights Special Use Permit No. VR 93-01 CHRONOLOGY: July 22, 1990 - Passage and adoption of Ordinance No, 489 June 8, 1993 - Vested Rights Special Use Permit issued October 22, 1999 - Final Engineering Plans submitted May 16, 2000 - Development Review Committee convened FINDINGS: 1) The Staff has determined that the project meets all Code requirements with the exception of the monument sign which will be reviewed for compliance once the application is received. 2) The property is vested against the Comprehensive Plan. 3) The proposed Burger King store is an authorized use according to Ordinance No. 489. June 7, 2000 P&Z AGENDA ITEM B Page 4 4) Thr rights granted by Ordinance No. 489 are assignable. RECOMMENDA TION: The Development Review Committee recommends to the Planning and Zoning Board that they favorably forward these plans to the City Commission for their action contingent upon the property being platted prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. ATTACHMENTS: A - Ordinance No. 489 B - Vested Rights Special Use Permit VR 93-01 C - S.R 434 Corridor Vision Plan, New Development Area D - Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel I-B, Development Agreement w/o Attachments except for depiction of monument sign authorized for this parcel E - Development Review Committee Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2000 F - Architectural Elevation and Monument Sign Sheets G - Site Plan (Final Engineering) COMMISSION ACTION: , . ATTACHMENT A , . 'J'\. ., J J I . \1? D / 'D- ~. . Jo :0 8 . ~ 3 ;so ,~ @) ORDINANCE NO, 489 '''' /'...} '" "J Cl "I ~ 0 ~ ""n -, ~ -., i~ ,. p, '-' '" 0 C) ,", -, ~ ~ ~ .r-- ""1Ji__; :- cn :. c:.; r. J .-::- r:, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. ADOPTING A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AND THE WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE; PROVIDING FOR A DEVELOPMENT ORDER; AMENDING ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NO. 64; WAIVING MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT DENSITY LIMITS PURSUANT TO SECTION 20-354, CODE OF WINTER SPRINGS; PROVIDING FOR A CERTIFIED MAP;. PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SERVABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 11, 1971, the Village of North Orlando, Florida, predecessor to the City, adopted Ordinance No. 64 t"Annexation Ordinance"), which Annexation Ordinance annexed certain property comprising what is commonly khown as the into (.l,,) r.Jl ........ .r:- ()-, of Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (the "Tuscawilla PUD"), the Village of North Orlando, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Tuscawilla PUD originally consisted approximately thirty-five hundred acres (3,500) and was approved for development of nine thousand seven hundred forty-seven (9,747) total dwelling units; and en WHEREAS, the Annexation Ordinance provided for the ~l i': development of the Tuscawilla PUD based upon an overall :;;IJ ", 'Jl development plan and set forth requirements for open space, recreation space, and other development matters; and r:,> Cl the -J WHEREAS, subsequent to the Annexation Ordinance, Tuscawilla PUD was developed in accordance with the approved overall development plan, subject to certain amendments which redesignate the uses of several parcels within Tuscawilla PUD, all of which amendments were in compliance with the overall Tuscawilla PUD concept to better utilize open space and allocate densities within Tuscawilla PUD; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such amendments, the overall density of Tuscawilla PUD was reduced; and WHEREAS, the developers of the Tuscawilla PUD have asserted that the Tuscawilla PUD was designed with the concept of a central core (the "Central Cor-e") of commer-cial property, in the pat'cel commonly known as Par-cel 61, to service the entire 1 ~ ; ;;!~,: . :c ;') .', :,-;c ?: ;S c: .~ ,- ,,:-. 1T1~ ~~ n'u-" o(-,P! C:c-. ~=4.::\ ;<ni'i; -"OP1 ,c . ;1J ...( -';1 :.c: ;0 PI n <:) ;J) C,) P"' Cl "J < rT' :<J ..., r~1 '-' , ' Tuscawilla PUD, which Central Core was integral in the design of the overall road system and infrastructure of the entire Tuscawilla PUD; and In . p, WHEREAS, On January 14, 1988, Gulfstream Housing Corp. ,~~ o ,- successor by merger to Winter Springs Development corporation,~~ D entered into a contract to sell certain real property to D & l>f-! Investments, which property was located in the Central Core, which contract was sUbsequently assigned by Gu1fstream Housing Corp. to WSDJV; and WHEREAS, the developers of the Tuscawil1a PUD have asserted it was intended under the said Contract that the Central Core property be developed with a commercial use; and WHEREAS, the developers thereafter sought to develop a shopping center within the Central Core; and WHEREAS, a dispute arose as to the right of the developers of the Tuscawi1la PUD to develop a shopping center within the Central Core, which resulted in negotiations between WSDJV and the City and ultimately to a series of public' hearings to determine vested rights of WSDJV to develop the Central Core with a commercial use; and WHEREAS, the City Commission ruled on June 19, 1989, that WSDJV did not have vested rights to develop the Central Core as a shopping center; and WHEREAS, based upon the aforedescribed denial, WSDJV filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Amended Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circui t in and for Seminole County, Florida (the "Court"), Case No. 89-3589-CA-17-L, Winter Sprinqs Development Joint Venture, a Florida joint venture, through its General Partner, Gulfstream Housing Corp., successor by merger to Winter Sprinqs Development Corporation, Petitioner, v. City of Winter Sprinqs, a Florida municipal corporation, Respondent (the "Petition"); and WHEREAS, in an attempt to resolve the issue surrounding the Petition, WSDJV and The City agreed to a mediation of this matter approved by the Court, which mediation was held on Febt-uary 2, 2 '''' I'-) --.J --.J {t", '';:1 C)...." ~::: ;.:. oi'; = .r.>- e) r_f"l :': -u I.:~ ):_ IV. '-' PI , 1 ': I 1990; and WHEREAS, as a method of settlement of the Petition and the issues surrounding the development of the Central Core, WSDJV and The City agreed to review the land uses for the remaining undeveloped properties within the Tuscawilla PUD and amend the Tuscawilla PUD to reallocate land uses and densities in a manner to better utilize open space and allocate densities within the en ~2 Tuscawilla PUD and in keeping with the original approvals granted~ ,- 1'1'1 relative thereto; and 367.2 ." the property remaining to be developed within the:- 0) n !--J Co::'> -r-- WHEREAS, Tuscawilla consists PUD of approximately acres (collectively the "Remaining Property") consisting approximately 32.2 acres designated as Parcel l4C ("Parcel 14C"), approximately 35.0 acres designated as Parcel 61 ("Parcel 61"), approximately 202.9 acres designated as Parcel 15 ("Parcel 15")" approximately 75.4 acres designated as Parcel 80 ("Parcel 80"), and approximately 20.7 acres designated as the Lake Jessup Property ("Lake Jessup Property"), which Remaining Property and the aforedescribed parcels are described on Composite Exhibit "A" attached to the Agreement and expressly incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, the total number of residential units and total commercial acreage in the Tuscawilla PUD will be reduced from the original approval; and WHEREAS, the Agreement is in the best interest of The City and promotes the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of The City; and WHEREAS, this Agreement does not constitute a substantial deviation pursuant to Section 380.06(19), Florida Statutes (1989), as amended, of the original approval granted to the Tuscawilla PUD; and WHEREAS, The City has determined that it is in the best J of: "" N --.. --.. (Ll o ~::1 r::: I' :::n ..,. .., ., ~{~~ .. ~'J c~ '" , ! ", ':,1 interest of The City and its citizens to settle the Petition by adoption of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, The City and WSDJV desire to amend the Tuscawilla PUD to reflect the matters set forth within the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I: u, rn :!: 5: (') r- Florida~ !-") The Agreement between the Ci ty of Winter Springs, and Winter Springs Development Joint Venture, a Florida joint~ .~ venture, attached hereto marked as Attachment "1", is hereby "-.J accepted and adopted by the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and made part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION II: The Agreement shall constitute a development order pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (1989), as amended, and shall govern the City and the developer accordingly. SECTION III: Annexation Ordinance No. 64 is hereby amended pursuant to the terms of the attached Agreement, and any and all approval, master plans, submissions and other similar matters affecting the remaining property of the Tuscawilla PUD are hereby automatically amended to conform to and reflect the provisions of the Agreement. SECTION IV: Pursuant to Section 20-354(b)(4), Code of Winter Springs, the maximum allowed number of dwelling units per gross residential acre for multi-family dwelling units within the Tuscawilla PUD is hereby waived to the extent permitted under the Agreement, upon recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Board. SECTION V: Attached to the Agreement as Exhibit "B" is a proposed land use plan of the remaining undeveloped property of Tuscawilla PUD. Exhibit "B" of the Agreement is hereby adopted, approved, and certified as the land use plan of the remaining undeveloped t1 r" "-> ~ ~ tJJ o ~~~ ;;; ;':': c:> ::-: :'1 ~~;.; <.> ro 0) z ::c 00 UO e>:: M W....... ::c UNW ;;5~t:: z:<;:J.... W:Z:VlO n.U CX) p..,. U) ... N ;:J .M ~..;~< W<Q ~,.J .... ~,.JWe>:: ....ao t..~~~ :>< Z~ 0 . W 0 ~aZe 0.... < I-<ZO,.J 1-<00\<>:: <:Z:MO :>< "" Q ~l ~ n. W n:: n. Vl .-.: :< I-< Z ~ 5 0: I-< Vl Z .... Vl H ::c H properties in the Tuscawilla PUD. SECTION VI: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION VII: If any section, or a portion of a section, or subsection of this ordinance be invalid, to proves unlawful unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or to impair ,,, '" the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of~ f:-; ,.- P) " ~., a section or subsection or part of this ordinance. SECTION VIII: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this ~ 34.4 day of crfj~ 1990. ATTEST: CITY OF WINTER cu(.--{U LEANNE M. "'-Ih. ot "J ~T~ CITY LERK c. \. :::. .... \..' ... 'I .? \'" I') : ."-. <<) . - " .:' ~~ ...'. ,,<::; ......... \ Sf 1\ \ ~\\,\ o "0, First Reading: May 14, 1990 Second Ftrst Reading June 11, 1990 Posted: May 18, 1990 Third Public Hearing and -&eeEm4 Reading: June 25, 1990 5 or ..c.. " ~ (.~ '. r:: C;) 2 -r--- en = 1'-.) r-v -"1 -.." (J) Cl ~~:!' n ,. -:1: no ~.., E,i ~UJ' (;., n, lC\ . :} ~-D / ;"J '\.9 \ C t- l:"; C) 1- N Co: W ...<- '- ..J... .- ('.~ tn C ('I l~ I C.) c: ...-.:-: .....::: --:- C.> L> .'~ bJ c:::. ~. , 0:: . ::J _J "IOu.. :; L:' ~ .. t-- :) I- ._ .....~- -- --::::l IJU.~ ,- x: C) :::(3\.;..1 ~ ~ \.... _J .. CI .,...0_.... ,- - . ...",. .- :.~~::- ..:.. l~tlJ ._It'' I..) I .. -, ,It 04Gg S~Yi\CL: C:. r~. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NO. 64, THE TDSCAWILLA PLANNED ITNIT DEVELOPMENT, MASTERPLAN FOR THE TDSCAWILLA PLANNED UNIT DErBLOPMENT AND RELATED MATTERS THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NO. 64, THE TUSCAWILLA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, MASTER PLAN FOR THE TUSCAWILLA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND RELATED MATTERS (the "Agreement"), is made and entered into as of the day of , 1990, by and between WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE, a Florida general partnership (hereinafter referred to as "WSDJV"), and THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, on October 11, 1971, the Village of North Orlando, Florida, predecessor to the City, adopted Ordinance No. 64 (the "Annexation Ordinance"), which Annexation Ordinance annexed certain property comprising what is commonly known as the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (the "Tuscawilla PUD") into the Village of North Orlando, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Tuscawilla PUD originally consisted of approximately 3,500 acres and was approved for development of 9,747 total dwelling units; and WHEREAS, the Annexation Ordinance provided for the development of the Tuscawilla PUD based upon an overall development plan and set forth requirements for open space, recreation space and other development matters; and r-- r-- wtlEREAS, subsequent to the Annexation Ordinance, the Tuscawilla PUD was developed in accordance with the approved overall developme~t. plan, subjeci to certain amendments which redesignated uses of several parcels within the Tuscawilla PUD, all of which amendments'were in compliance with the overall Tuscawilla PUD concept and approvals in effect, and were effectuated in order to better utilize open space and allocate densities within the Tuscawilla PUD; and V"") c"'-) WHEREAS, pursuant to such amendments, the overall density of the Tuscawilla PUD was reduced; and WHEREAS, the develooers of the Tuscawilla PUD have asserted that the Tuscawilla PUD ~as designed with the concept of a central core (the "Central Core") of commercial property, in the parcel commonly known as Parcel 61, to service the entire Tuscawilla PUD, which Central Core was integral in the design of 1 IC/OAR 6786062.llJ.1D 06/22/90.3 , I ~r;77 L L ( :; L (-('1 ..... 't., the overall road system and infrastructure of the entire Tuscawilla PUD; and ~~.l.:;'.;"C,-: eG. :~. WHEREAS, on January 14, 1988, Gulfstream Housing Corp.,' successor by merger to Winter Springs Development Corporation, entered into a Contract to Sell certain real property to D & M Investments, which property was located in the Central Core, which contract was subsequently assigned by Gulfstream Housing Corp. to WSDJV; and WHEREAS, the developers of the Tuscawilla PUD have asserted it was intended under the said Contract that the Central Core property be developed with a commercial use; and WHEREAS, the developers thereafter sought to develop a shopping center within the Central Core; and w~EREAS, a dispute arose as to the right of the developers of the Tuscawilla PUD to develop a shopping center within the Central Core; and WHEREAS, the City refused to allow a shopping center development within the Central Core; and WHEREAS, such denial led a series of discussions and negotiations between WSDJV and the City and ultimately to a series of public hearings to determine vested rights of WSDJV to develop the Central Core with a commercial use; and WHEREAS, the City Commission ruled on June 19, 1989, that WSDJV did not have vested rights to develop the Central Core as a shopping center; and ,WHEREAS, based upon the aforedescribed denial, WSDJV filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Amended Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and 'for Seminole County, Florida (the "Court"), Case No. 89-3589-CA-l?-L, Winter Sorings Develooment Joint Venture, a Florida joint venture, throuah its Genera~ Partner, Gulfstream Housinq Corp., successor by merger to Winter Sorings Development Corporation, 'Petitioner v. City of Winter Sorings, a Florida municipal corooration, Resoondent (the "Petition"); and' WHEREAS, in an attempt to resolve the issues surrounding the Petition, WSDJV and the City agreed to a mediation of this matter, approved by the Court, which mediation was held on February 2, 1990; and WHEREAS, as a method of settlement of the Petition and the issues surrounding the development of the Central Core, WSDJV and the City agreed to review the land uses for the remaining undeveloped properties within the Tuscawilla PUD and amend the 2 /C/DAR 6786062AHD 06/22/90.3 7" 2 i :: I, 7 ,~: 'T I Tuscawilla PUD to reallocate land uses and densities in a manner to better utilize open space and allocate densities within the Tuscawilla PUD and in keeping the original approvals granted relative thereto; and ' ~::~::?1..=:~~ C:J. FL... WHEREAS, the property remaining to be developed (which shall not include real property which presently has or is presently being reviewed for site plan approval, plat approval, building permits, or other similar approvals or matters) within the Tuscawilla PUD consists of approximately 366.3 acres (collectively the "Remaining Property") consisting of: approximately 32.3 acres designated as Parcel l4C ("Parcel 14C"), approximately 35.0 acres designated as Parcel 61 ("Parcel 61"), approximately 201.3 acres designated as Parcel 15 ("Parcel 15"), approximately 77.0 acres designated as Parcel 80 ("Parcel 80"), and approximately 20.7 acres designated as the Lake Jessup Property (the "Lake Jessup Property"), which Remaining Property and the aforedescribed parcels are described on Composite Exhibit "A" attacheq hereto and expressly incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, pursuant to this Agreement, the total number of residential units and total commercial acreage in the Tuscawilla PUD will be reduced from the original approval; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is in the best interest of the City and will promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of , the City; and WHEREAS, this Agreement does not constitute a substantial deviation pursuant to Section 380.06(19), Florida Statutes (1989), as amended, of the original approval granted to the Tuscawilla PUD; and WHEREAS, notice of intent to consider this Agreement has been properly published and given; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the best interest df the the City and its citizens to settle the Petition by adoption of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City and WSDJV desire to amend the Tuscawilla PUD to reflect the matters set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of settlement of the Petition and other and good and valuable consideration, WSDJV and the City hereby agree as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true, correct and accurately reflect the matters affecting the Tuscawilla POD and the Petition as of the date hereof and such recitals are expressly incorporated herein by this reference. ~ ..l /C/DAR 6786062Al1D 06/22/90.3 """?""'7 .f "''-... 2. The Remaining Property shall be developed in the following manner: ,0 /. 7 ~ -' ~ I / SE.'-:,;r<,'L: CC. rL, ~ PARCEL ACREAGE LAND USE UNITS 14C 31. 2 Single Family 125 1.1 Seneca Boulevard 61 33.0 Single Family 198 1.4 Commercial 0.6 Service Road 15 67.0 104.0 25.2 3.6 1.5 Commercial Single Family Multi-Family Vistawilla Drive Fire Station 416 504 80 74.0 3.0 MUlti-Family Tuscora Drive 1,480 Lake Jessup Property 20.7 Multi-Family 166 TOTAL 366.3 2,889 3. The acreages described within each Parcel are approximate acreages only and shall be finalized at such time as a final survey of each parcel is obtained. Therefore, the legal descriptions set forth on Composite Exhibit "A" are subject to revisions based upon such final surveys and sound land planning techniques, it being the intent of this Agreement that this' Agreement be inclusive of all remaining undeveloped real property within the aforedescribed parcels within the Tuscawilla PUD as of the date hereof; provided, however, no boundary of any such parcel shall be expanded by more than one hundred (100) additional feet. 4. The units set forth herein for the multi-family and single family designations are the maximum allowable uni~s within each such parcel and the acreages set forth herein for the commercial designations are the maximum allowable acreages for commercial property within each such parcel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, WSDJV shall have the right to request minor revisions to such allocations and redistribute units within such parcels to accommodate sound land planning techniques, provided the overall units and commercial acreages on a gross basis do not exceed those set forth above, subject to the applicable provisions of the City Codes. 4 /C/DAR 6786062Al1D 06/22/90.3 '7 ') I 1 L L " !, 7 '" _'7/':' ~:.~;.~iC~~ CC. rL. 5. The land use designations set forth herein are inclusive of less intensive uses under the City Codes for develooment of the Remaining Prop~rty, subject to the regulations of ~~plicable governmental agencles. 6. Within the land use classifications set forth herein, such classifications shall be inclusive of all permitted uses within such land use under the City Codes and ordinances in effect as of the date hereof; provided, however, commercial shall include those uses set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and expressly incorporated herein. 7. Attached hereto as Exhibit "c" and expressly incorporated herein by this reference is a depiction of the Remaining Property and the land uses associated therewith. Attached hereto as Exhibit "0" and expressly incorporated herein by this reference is a depiction of Parcel 15 and the land uses associated therewith. Exhibits "c" and "0" are intended for reference only as the City and WSDJV acknowledge that the land uses shown thereon are an approximation only as to boundaries and the boundaries of such land uses may vary in order to make better use of the Remaining Property in keeping the terms and provisions of this Agreement; provided, however, no boundary of any such parcel shall be expanded by more than one hundred (100) additional feet. The parties agree that Exhibits "c" and "0" shall collectively constitute the certified map and plan of the Remaining Property in the Tuscawilla PUD. Access points and roadways show the number and approximate location of 'such matters, which location will be finally determined at the time of site plan approval and/or plat approval of the respective property such minor adjustments and revisions shall be permitted, provided such changes shall not result in an increase in the commercial acreage or units on such parcel, except as otherwise permitted herein or by City Codes. 8. WSDJV agrees to dedicate a one and one-half (1.5) usable acre site for a fire station located adjacent to State Road 434 ~n the residential section of Parcel 15, at the location depicted on Exhibi t "C". 9. WSDJV shall be entitled to transportation impact fee and other impact fee credits for the dedication, planning, development and construction of Tuscora Drive and Vistawilla Drive, which road are determined to be collector roads and other public dedications in an amount equal to the impact fee credits permitted under the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance or other applicable ordinances adopted or to be adopted by the City, for right-of-way, planning, design, development and construction of such roadways. 10. The access points of the Remaining Property along State Road 434 shall be of the number and in the approximate locations Ie/OAR 6786062AMo 06/22/90.3 5 1. : .=:;~.!. ?:..:::. ? 7 7 7 L ~ G 4 7 4 :: =- '-C)~ :.': --. ;-';"i r: as depicted on Exhibits "C" and "0"; however;"'s'~16';'access points shall be subject to Florida Department of Transportation requirements, guidelines and standards. 11. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any other ordinance, approval or similar matter regarding the Tuscawilla PUD, this Agreement shall control and govern the rights and obligations of the parties hereto and such approval or similar matter. 12. Any and all approval, master plans, plans, submissions and other similar matters affecting the Remaining Property are hereby automatically amended to conform to and reflect the provisions and intent of this Agreement. ~ 13. Buffering of the Remaining Property shall be subject to the provisions of the applicable City Codes at the time of site plan approval. ~ 14. In order to develop the Remaining Property, WSDJV shall be required to comply with the applicable City Codes, it being the intent of this Agreement that this Agreement constitutes a revision to the approved map and master plan of the Tuscawilla PUD and that in order to develop any portion of the Remaining Property, the remaining approvals necessary consist only of site plan, final development plan or plat approval and preliminary and final engineering approval, as provided by the aroredescribed City Codes regarding Planned Unit Developments and specifically Chapter 20, Article IV, Division 2, Part A, which applies to the Remaining Property. 15. WSDJV agrees that the City may, at any time, adopt a special tax district encompassing that portion of the Remaining Property and other property located adjacent to State Road 434 from the eastern boundary line of the City to State Road 419, for improvements and beautification of State Road 434. 16. WSDJV'agrees to grant and convey a ten foot (10') easement to the City over and across the southern boundary of Parcel 14C and continuing along the southern boundary of the adjacent real property owned by WSDJV in the City of Oviedo, Florida, to State Road 426, on or before thirty (30) days from the date this Agreement becomes final and is no longer subject to appeal. 17. It is the intent of the parties that although the Petition be dismissed without prejudice, the Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter and specifically with regard to this Agreement, in order that any disputes hereunder shall be resolved by the Court, pursuant to such proceedings as the Court may deem necessary in order to accomplish the foregoing. Neither party hereto admits to any liability whatsoever with regard to 6 /C/DAH 6786062,p,.MD 06/22/90.] 1\ -., ......- I ,..~ -.- ~ Z 7 7 o 4 7 5 the Petition and the subject matter thereof. ~rih~tq"r~his Agreement is in no way intended to affect the aoorooriateness or inappropriateness of either parties' position or-circumstances with regard to the Petition or the events, circumstances and subject matter thereof. In the event that the Court, at any time, determines not to retain jurisdiction over this matter, the parties hereby expressly waive and agree not to assert the defenses of statute of limitations and laches in any subsequent action related hereto. 18. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the City and WSDJV and its or their respective successors and assigns. 19. The rights and obligations of WSDJV hereunder are fully assignable and transferable, including but not limited to, in the event any portion of the Remaining Property is conveyed by WSDJV, and in such event the City shall look solely to such transferee or assignee for the performance of all obligations, covenants, conditions and agreements pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 20. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto. Any change, modification, or amendment to this Agreement shall not be binding upon any of the parties hereto, unless such change, modification or amendment is by ordinance and in writing and executed by both the City and WSDJV and adopted by the City by ordinance. 21. This Agreement shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida. 22. This Agreement is intended to be performed in accordance with and only to the extent permitted by all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall" for any reason, and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby, but rather shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. 23. In the event of any controversy or dispute arising between the City and WSDJV in connection with this Agreement, including without limitation, in any settlement, in any declaratory action, at trial or in any appellate proceeding, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover any and all costs and expenses associated therewith, in whatsoever nature or form, including without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, legal assistants' fees, expert witness fees and other professional fees and expenses associated therewith. 24. This Agreement and any modification or amendments hereto 7 /C/oAR 6786062AMo 06/22/90.3 ?:.::: 2 Z 7 7 (\ 1. 7 (' u If C: , may be recorded in the Public Records of Semicio.i;e:~:CoJntl.y, Florida; however, failure to record this Agreement or any modification or amendment hereto shall in no way invalidate same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and WSDJV have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first written above. (j ~ /C/DAR 6786062AMD 06/22/90.3 "WSDJV" WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE, a Florida general partnership BY: GULFSTREAM HOUSING CORP., a Delaware corporation, General Partner By d ~ #A#~tzM~;@g" J. Glenn M ~7n"TI, 'J. " Vi c e Pre sid e ~;;;'i".."""", ,\\ r ".: "1, ,\' ',~(' .c "1' ", '"' \ .1... If '" ''''... ....... ..:::, ,,' "'1' E. ...... '~ , ~ ~ \.. '. If"'" -;. /rtt f .) ....0.. ~ vJ.'. \ .>,.;"i =.' : l'. 0' co ..: : ( CORP~R1\~~ ~i1ir.q) ;::' '. :~ /~t ~ -::..~ ", J . ........~ '... I' '. \'" .::- . ,..,. ~ :"''''(., ',' '" I' ...' '", ........ '....:y I '.... If " ..r. . .j(t "" '7.J \,\\ . '1'1 \\\\' BY: HOME CAPITAL CORP.;i"''''':lltl''\ a California corporation, Partn By: is E. Vogt, Vice President By: ~eflt~ ._ ... ;; Assistant Secreta~y 8 1..1111"('. "" ..' ~ ~ i Ai"" '\. , . ' .. , , I 0 ", ~.' " '. v"'"'''' ') C".J' . ,.', " . i:.rt.... "-rN"'-".".;, ( CORPORA'I'!; ;' SoEALJ _ '.':: :. ~:',:. ...... 0 .l:l: -= ...... ", \', ,~ '-0: ..-;........: \. ,/" -":,,'/ = ~'. ,,' f, .,,)? .............. ... ,.... "'f, J J.. j \\\' . . ~ \ \ '" 111111 t ,t 1 ~ I , Attest: ?n~;7: ~LJ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk /C/DAR 6786062AMD 06/22/90.3 2 Z 7 7 'THE "CITY" _. ....... , - J 1""'- "...J:. :~ !. 7 .4 ;.; '~ I ( S~'~~:iC~:: Cu. ::-L. THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation BY:~~ Leanne M. Mayor 9 Yh. j Mtfl- Grov)/ / 7 277 (~ !. 7 (l '.... L:.. c~ STATE OF FLORIDA ~ COUNTY OF O[lll)G-[ ~~::~it:C.L::= CO. fL. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, J. GLENN MARVIN, III, as Vice President of GULFSTREAM HOUSING CORP., a Delaware corporation, which corporation is a General Partner of WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE, a Florida general partnership, to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed, on behalf of the partnership. WITNESS ~y han~ and Qf~icial seal r-in ~e ~ounty and Sta~te .~ last aforesald, thlS /tt.?aayof ..5CfI7~rrl7!;fLF-:.- I, 1990. . - \. \ J ./ . ..."..... "": "./ ( ~_~ :<.' .ilJc.":"/ / " I /"-----Y /1 / /.. . / i."', ....,~.-=- Ie '. j 117 'L.~ /IU,A/IL>t0,'. {, .' . I "~:':-:~o> N~arY/Ptib\iC .;:'!::: ~'I ".j I) ':'~ My Commiss'on EXDires::::: /' .:>...., ':': . { -/' 'f) .' I. r'ar "~y ,,;' " " " .. ~. PuaL:C TA T[l C;>1=L~R:O~ AT -LA;~ni: . . ~ ,... '. .' .', 1.1'1' fO.'>IM'S. .eN :X?IRES ::m. 15.1,94 '.',;. ..... .,..,. '.' S TAT E 0 F F L~7<"'C~"" '"'",'M 'O.HO'"", "K '"," "''' i ''':" , : :.. COUNTY OF ". \./ .... ",~'. I. :,.' .". I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, LOUIS E. VOGT, as Vice President of HOME CAPITAL CORP., a California corporation, which corporation is a General Partner of WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE, a Florida general partnership, to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed, on behalf of the partnership. WITNESS my hand an9pfficial last aforesaid, this L$-day of ,~,' i.. ..... . -'I. . 00,. " '., Nota ry Publ' . , ...... ~(...,... .~.-:., My Commiss'o Expires::.\."'..... -:r~ ~\7;\ o ARY PUBLIC, STf.rE ~~lA~OA',:' ..... :';': ~ CO.'J1MISSION EXPIn:i;:s'< . -...J . tJ = OONOI:O THRU NOTARY PU' ..ri.I1lA 1 ,;, 993. ;...,.:: 9 ~RW"'l".tlt.. .. ~ ..: . ~ i'" .... . '-.) ,,:" ~ ,-::... .......~ -.'.. '( ...~. -::!:- .......' ~/I... ....;:........,\'..... \.",..., .......". -" ~..... ".,..\\. "0:"."11'" 10 /C/DAR 6786062AMD 06/22/90.3 '= 2 7 7 .... , -. U ;+ ( C STATE OF F)19RIDA COUNTY oFL-40-,u:::>/ o . I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, JOY DeCARO, as Assistant Secretary of HOME CAPITAL CORP., a California corporation, which corporation is a General Partner of WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE, a Florida general partnership, to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed, on behalf of the partnership. S~~;:iUt..:: co. fL. WITNESS my hand an~p~ficial s~l ~~ the/County and State last aforesaid, this .L.tflday of ~.1-..~./\ ,1990. / .... '. ~. -. (..)'. " '. _" . -0.::: -: Conuuiss' L~j.T1teseJ~~.~ /' -.J ~ ~ ~ HOTA . -Slorl EXPIRES: /.IA~2-~'~T~ ,I:::) .::.-., MY c , II.::> TART pUBUC UNCl}'~ . _. ...;; .' '. " STATE OF ~IDA BONCECTHRUHO \.-(" .... v .'_ -:-. ,~. COUNTY OF / _"_'" ......:~' ::'::?..,:: . / (," " " 1 .. ~ ~ ~ : ~ . l1' \ . . I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, LEANNE M. GROVE, as Mayor and attested by ~~-qy T. NORTON, as City Clerk of THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein expressed, on behalf of the .............. ""~ . , 1" _, .."."" munlclpa 1 ty. .,' .",C'';'~ "'. '1 .... ... ,'" . ...~.. . 1. " ~ ',' -l,," . ~ s~~. n the County an~Js~a.tec-~. ~....~\...' \...' IJ lA. / , 19 9 q .-.;.:" ~'< p , -; : c:: :. -- . -. · -...J .0= '.0::0 tI r>. :-J= ~ .4~. "":>> -v..: 'o.L, .-:' . ~,.""- ~ . <<. .. ~, ,., ..... ~ ".... <:::) s~ '. ......... -'\~ ,,\ 51).. .,\' .,.' .,-...... .... WITNESS my hand a?/~~EiCial last aforesaid, this ~ay of Expires: ,.orARY puaUCI STAU 0' fl.O':IDA AT LA~OE MY COMMISSION fXlllUS DEerMBU OS, 1992 ~o rnltu AUlTON AOENCY. 'He. /C/DAB 6786062AMD 06/22/90.3 11 =,~s:~:?:-:O!~ : 7=2C:'S =eco::;cec 5e:::.::;ole , r., ::. t 6...; t :':1 Plc':. COI.::I1: y, CCt1?OSl'l'l:. DC>-lISIT PP-.RCEL 14C c.:lO r-E:' e:1':. ic;-, =ook :;6, rcges ::lc::id.::. J-. = l:. Co C, ~ -; G::~C Lf.GlBIL" fOR ,M~C~~ijGMii'IC~ (Pa?e 1 of 15) ll" It r. :- ~ S c:.~ \.,~ I :.. :....~. , -: " -' c_ _ne . -' I oJ1<J ....J l.' .'...... SI~C:..{, ~ 2 7 7 r :";3~:. ~~.w.i!iCL~ t:J. r L. I' , r. ^ ~:, U u"l I; ..... \...: "1.':-- '-" .....: .. ?~~lic : .; c , c.::: ~ecc:-=s 0: i..:'J~:\ P.l:ffiCEL 61 227 7 r. .'. c; :J .~ 0 ~::~i:":;L::: CG. r~. ?;.~ ~ - S'~:;:Q~: ?:-OTI ~-2 ce...~ t:.e= line c: i. ~t..E=sec~C!:1 c: v:L'1~ S?=.:..r)~s E.c-..:.le.....c::: 2."1:; ~:-.Jler:-. \..'ay, c.s sho.-n lJ1 ;Jl2.':. 0: i-.'i..~te= S?::-i-'1SS UP~ t Fc~ 2..S rec:::-::.ec ?l2.t 5:::x:)k lE, Pa~es 6, 72...,d 8, ~lie Recc_-:.s c: Se'":'incle Cc:=:::y, :lo::-iu; ::-..::1 1\.86'"23'05":::. alCT.1S the ce.'1re.::li.'1e of h'i..,-.:e= S?::-i.,S"s Eoclevc..=-C 282.25 fee-.:; t-..ence N. 03'" 36' 55"~. 60. 00 f~t ::.0 t..'r}e ?Oi-'1t of begi-""-'1i.nS" O:i the Nc::-J1 ric:;:.t-c:-'w-a)' line 0: Wi..,te= S?=i.'1c;S Bo~e'''''c=d (2..20' R/y,,'); thence n=1 S.86023'C5"V;:. a100S said l'kJ:-...h ~isht-c:-'..;ay line 217.85 feet to t~e point 0: cu.........-a:~:ure of a ClL-ve c:::::;:lC2.ve No::-::,,- e.as:-<:>"'ly, 2..'1C hav.in9 a raCius 0: 25.00 feet; thence nm No:-t:.'r-Jwes;:.e=ly alone t~e ere of said curve 39.27 feet tiLroueh a Ce.!ltrc.l 2..'11ae 0: 900 00 '00" -.:.:::> ~i-te poin':. of t2J19ency en the East .:-igtlt-of-wcy lin~ 0: Nc~'-1- e-.--:1 \':2.y (80' R/i'll; thence D.-1'T1 1\.03036'55"\0,', along said ",?C;~ ::-is"l,;-of- \.:'2Y line 90.78 feet to the poin-.: of C\l!"",;a~e 0: Co c.:..-ve c::nceve 7"::> c;-:-<:>"'ly a..~ hcvi.'1S" Co r;:.":; , us 0: 1893.55 feet.; thence. ;:-'..l.., Nc:-t:'1e:" 1y c.lC7.1S \::'-Je ~e of sa.ie a..:...-ve 8~. 25 feet throuc:h 2 ce.r".,::=al 2J1c;le 0: 020 22' 57" to 2. lX'i.'1t; ~he.'1ce lecvins sue Last right-of-....e:' line, ;:-' ~ 1~. 86023' 05"~. 270.83 feet to 'd1e point of c..:...-vc.-.:ure of c. c..:...-ve c::ncave SO-.Jt.c"i.....est.e::-ly, 2..'1C hzving 2. r2.cus of 27. 83 fee~; t.."1~.,ce ;:-'.=1 Scu-::''"l- e2..S7"<:>~ly c.lmg 'd1e c.:::e of sc.i.ci C..LT"Ve 40.44'feet th..rou:;h 2. ce;;~a1 2..'1s1e c: D014'H" t) the point. of t.?-.'1ge!lC)'; t.l,ence r..::1 S.lO'"22114"~. 172.85 fee-=. 'to 2. FOi.'1't 'cn t."1e aforesaid Nc::-th ::-ight-of-\.:ay li.'1e of y:-in-:-~- S?::-i:.c;s Eoulev'2IC, said ?=" nt bei.'1g on, 2. C>l-.--v2 c::mCGve Nc_ ~'-1- e=ly, 2..-:'::: r2vinS" a r2.Ci.us 0: 1085.92 fee':.; t:'1e.'1ce ~!..L:." 2. tc..'1ge.!1t ::.:z=i.'1S of S. 82016' 07"W., :--.=; w=>--s'.:.e.!:"ly aloos t.:."..e c=e 0: stid c..:...-ve e...,d c..lc:-:s- saic. N-:::;=-_-"e=ly ::-is7.~-c:-\";GY li-..e 7E.01 fee-=. ~-....-ouc;h c. ce...,-=.=-c..2. 2..,sle of 0~006'5c" -.:.:::> t:."..e !X'iJlt of ~;j-1..!';!1S, c;:::),,7"=',"",~!1S 2..412.2= ac::-es. (Page 2 or 13) ~ ....'.... ~ '/ - 7 '_ L { " I. 0 " 1j "t C L P.ZillCEL 61 S:.~.:SC:L~ ca. FL. D::SCr:;:::-:-:Oh' c: F::";::::~~ '2 F:-or., :hE: cer,terl';ne Gf ir.tersec:~or. 0-:- ~'ir,:'=r Spr)r.~s ::oule- It c. r C c. r. c lic:-: her r, h' 2 j' 2 S S h 0 .,or, i r. pie" 0 f h' j I i I :: K S F r. J ! i G ~ U Ii j T FOUr., c.S recorded in n2c Bool: lE. Pcges C, 7 b E. h.:~lic re- C (1 res C f S e ", i n G 1 e C 0 un: y, rIa :- i dc., run I,. 8 E. " 2 3 ' C 5 .. ['. c ion 9 ~ r. e cer,ariine of ~'iTi,-er Sprins-s SoulE'\'c.rC: 282.85 fee.~; ~hence Ii . G:; t :; f: ' 5 : .. \-'. cO. 00 feE c l. 0' 2 poi n ton ~ he, I; 0 r :. 1", r i 9 r. '- 0 f ..... c y 1 i n E G f s c i c: ;..' ~ r. '- e r S::>:- i n 9 S B 0 u i e.v c r C:, S c i c: po 1 r. ~ be i n 9 0 n c. cur \' e con C c v E ii 0 r :. her 1 y a n G h a vir, S c r c. G ius 0 f IDe 5 . S 2 of e e ';. ; ,-hencE: from 2 ';.2ngenc bE2:-inS' of 1\.86023'05,"[. run testerl)' c 1 0 n 9 ';. h e C: reo f S c i c: cur v E c n d 2 1 0 n S' S Co i G Ii 0 r :. her l.v r i 9 h: 0 f .... c y 1 i n e 7 c . D 1 f f: e t '- h r 0 ugh 2 C e n l.:- c 1 G n 9 1 e 0 f O!' 0 0 6 ' S 8" : 0 che p01r,: of b:?9inning; thence lec"ing Scid Nor~herly ri9h~ of .... c y 1 i n e I r u r, Ii. 1 0 " 2 '2 ' 1 :; "\,.'. 1 7 3 . E:- fee i. tot h e poi n :. 0 f cur v e - ture of G curvE concave- 50u:.h""esterly cnd hc"ing a rodit:s of Z7.E:; feE:; ,hence run Ncr:hweste:-iy aiong chE erc of scid Curve LD.C.!; feet :hrough 2 centrel cng'IE: of S:3clC.'!;l" tc the po:in., of ,-cngency; thence :-un 5.86023'05"\".270.83 ieet:o a .pain.. oii..he EcsLerly r1gr'L of ",,2)' line of Northern ',,'2." (80' R;\..') Scic pcin. beins on 2 curve COClC2ve E2s<.erly 2nd r.2.vin9 c reG1US of 18~3.5: fee:; chence from e :2nger,.. bec.rins of t,' . Oleo 0 3 ' 5 8 " \.,'. r u I' ~i 0 r .. he, lye ion S L. h e c r C 0 f S c i ci : u r v e c. n ci eions 5210 t.:s..erly r1Sr.: of ...'2y line 50.08 feet :.hrou9r: 2 cer,:r::', cn9'IE of 01"30':0" to 2 pvir.:; :hence '1::2\'1no s::ici E: :: s '-:: r i j' r i c: r,: v. f .~. 2 Y "I i n e run I;. 85 '" -; . , C'S .. E. 2 G 7. 95 7 e ::: .. 0 :he point -of CU~~2:urE of 2 cu~ve conC2vE Sou:nwester1~' and :-.c\'in~' e :-ccius of 77.82 7ee:; ..hence run S-c\.i:nE?s:e,ly 210ng ~he c. ~ of 5c~d curve 112.07 7ee: :h:-ouoh 2 cer.::-cl cn9ie of e3 =",!.,'!; I" ~o ~h= poi nt vf L.cn9= ncy; thence run S. 10"'22"1 t."~. /1 ? 5 _0 D fee: : 0 2' poi r, tor, l. h e 2 for e s c 1 G Ix 0 r '- h e :- -I y r i c h l. 0 f ow G Y line of :"'in"Cer SD:-in9s c,cule\'::ro, scid poir.: beins' on c. curve conCev:; h1or'Lh2:""i_y end hcving c 'rcc:;us of lOES.S2 fe=:~ thence from c :cn9Er."L be::rin9 of S.7~C'37'l;6"h'. run \"'es:er'ly clong the c r C 0 of S c i 0 cur v E 2 n 0 c 1 0 n g S Co i d Ix 0 r ~ her i y r iSh: 0 of ..... <: j' i i n e 50.C2 fee~ ..hrouoh a cer,..'-2"1 <onei€: of 02038'21"' '!-o ..ne poin. of be 9 inn ins. c o,n -;: air. i n 9 : her e i nO. 5 97 5 a ere s r.1 0 reo r 1 e s s . (P2ge 3 of 15), [ :F~C;~I._ . .... .. :' .. ",.~.... . ? /..['j=. ,r,.. .t\_. \ PA.~ 61 ", 2 7 7 n 1, 0 " , :.) .. G L I , ",i c: ;:-~J:l,:':; ;: ." .-. '"', -'-' ..........'"-"- ~;.;. r.... . DI:SCI:ll'TrON - 1'/,neE!.. -/,- FrolT. tloe Centerline intersection o( \.linter SnrinQS uoulev"rcl ,IOHI Nor::herr. \.la\" as sho""n on the plat of Willt~r S~'rin9S Unit ~, recorded in Plac '000'. lB, "il9Ps C. i and B, f'ublic r<ecords o[ Seminole County, florida; run tl.O).)6'S~~\.I. alony the centerline of f40rthern h'Dv 175.78 feet; thence N.06.2)'Os~r:. 40.00 feet to ,; POint on the Ca~l riqht-oC-...,ay line of Norr:hern ~''')', "aiel pOlnt lJeinC] the point of curVOture of Ll curv(, Concave !:asu::rly aile navina a rildiu6 of IIJ9L 5~ feet; rUII thence Northerlv along said riaht-of-.....,:,v l!ne Mlcl alona the arc of suin Curve 30~. 34 leo, "" 'ov,,, · Oon "" 1 .no 10 0 I ".", "" '0 tl.. pO'n 1 01 b"" ooj 0" ""0", 00",' ov, Nonh" /, <.1(;11(; the arc of :laid curve 453.33 (eet throu9t. a central allqlE.- of 1:!0';3'Ol~; thence run 5.700 J:?'lO"E. ls1.el [f:l!t; thenCE: N.26.12'2i"!::. 203.35 (eet to the Soutt. line of u 110 fOOt vide I"lorid", Po....er and Light Cnmp"'ny F.ase,ncnt; chence N.~<.05'37"W. Dlono said South linE: l6k.00 t"", <0 "i< Eo" 'i'''''ol."" "0' of Nonh"", wo" ""000 N,"'22''''<, "00, u'd C.." r'9'''' of-""';r J ine 126.7< feet to the pOlnt of curvature o( a <:urVe COIICilVe SOutheasterlv lInd lI':'vina " radius of 410.00 feet; rUn thence NnL'thea"'terly along the arc oC sllld Curve <30.e) feet thL'0~J9h .1 central Dn<]le of (;0012' 23- to the ooint oC revecse curvature o( " curvA. CO"CDve NorCh...,esterJ). ,.nd h':>VlIl9" roluiu,", of 296,47 feet; rUn thence NOrtheasterly 177.65 feet "lon9 the arc of silid <:ur\lE: tlll'OU~"; II centrill angle oC 3~ .06' Og- to tilc S"uth line of 10C foot ...,idc Florida f'(,""c:r Cor!,oration Casement; thencc S.IlS.IO'12-r:. 'lIon') s"id ~outh linE: 90l\.7j fee~; thence: 5.270"5' O~-I.:. 179,07 (ee,t,t.o the f.ortherly ri9ht-Of-";i'I)' linc of Winter S?rill9s Doulev,:,cc, silid right- o(-,-'ay linl! beillg on .:l curve conCDv!': SOutheasterly and hDving " rildius of 1215.10 'feat;; thenc!:: ('.0., " 'O"y.,,, bO'nno of S, "'J<' 55-', 'vn SO"",",",,,, '/000 H'e r'9""of'w,y ""0 ,_,< "00, the ilL'C of saId CllrvE' 737.53 feet through a Ccntrill "nglp, of 3<.46'2~- to the poin: of lanoenc)'; the"ce S.2702U'2G-H, 261.56 feet to the poine of curvature of il Curve Concave North...,esterly IInd h.Jving a rildius of 10eS.92 feet; run t,hence 50uth\Jcsterlv "Ion" the arc oC s"ili cu['ve 960.49 tl!et; thence N.Ioo22'19-h'. 50.00 feet to the beginnlllg oC a curve COnCilVe tlorthl.lesterJy Dnd having a radius 0: l035.92 f~et; thence f::om c tangent bearin9 of N.7!!oJ7'46-:=:. ::un Northeasterly ,,10110 the al'C of said Curve 170.76 feet thcouah a centrel allale of 0902(;'<~-; thence N.190(U' "'w: "5, JO r,ol; Ihenoo N, "''''l1'", <19,7; ,,,' 10 "" Poiol Of bO,'oo,o" cOon'oino ""aro',o 32.9979: acres. (Page 4 0;:: 15) ::'=,C:\ r'1.~~ '')f--; '- L I r, J. () I 'J 't U .; DESCRIPTION: S~~i;l,CL.C co. fL. ~ That part of the MAP OF THE PHILLIP R. YOUNGE GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 35 through 38 of the Public Records of Seminole County and that pan of Sections 5 and 8, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, being described as follows: Begin at the Northeast corner of said Section 8, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, thence run S 00024'55" E along the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 8, for a distance of 205.56 feet to the Point of Intersection of the Northerly Right-of- Viay line of the Lake Charm Branch of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (100' R/W) with the Easterly Right-of-Way line of the Black Hammock Branch of Seaboard Coast line Railroad, said Point of Intersection being a point on a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 799.85 feet and a chord bearing of N 49002'35" W; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve and said Easterly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 08011 '08" for a distance of 114.27 feet to a point on a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 651.23 feet and a chord bearing of N 20036'17" W; thence run along the arc of said curve and said Easterly Right-of- Vlay line through a central angle of 54035'00" for a distance of 620.40 feet; thence run N 06021 '38" E along said Easterly Right-of-Way line for a 1540.55 feet; thence leaving said Easterly Right-of-Way line run S 89032'22" E along the South Right-of-Way line of State Road No. 434 (60' R/V.l) for a distance of 131.05 feet; thence run S 00011 '57" W along the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East for a distance of 1958.31 feet to the POTI\TT OF BEG~"NING. TOGETHER WIlli: Commence at the Northeast carrier of Section 8, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, thence.run S 00024'55" E along the East line' of the Northeast 1/4 of said .Section 8 for a distance of 205.56 feet to the Northerly Right-of-Way line of the Lake Charm Branch of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (lOO' R/W); thence run N 54034'57" W along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 293.14 feet to a point on a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1959.19 feet and a chord bearing of N 66056'09" W; thence run Northwesterly along the . arc of said curve and said Northerly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 24044'10" for a distance of 845.83 feet to the point of tangency; (pasre 5 oE 15) EOO~ . ?~G~ J ~ Z f n I 0 ~ thence run N 79018'14" W along said Northerly Right-of- \V2Y: me lor a u -i lJ ~, diStance of 691.26 feet to the point of Curvature of a Curve Conc3~,l,WiC~:: co. FL. Southwesterly having a radius of 2612.09 feet; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said Curve and said Nonherly Right-of- \Vay line through a central angle of 11046'38" for a distance of 536.92 feet t6 the point of tangency; thence run S 88055'08" W along said Northerly Right-of- Way line for a distance of 96.48 feet to the Easterly Right-of- 'Nay line of Proposed Vista willa Drive and a point on a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 460.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 44 oS3 '28" E; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and said Easterly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 69000'18" for a distance of 554.01 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a Curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 790.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 44050'50" E; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said Curve and said Easterly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 6900S'33" for a distance of 952.65 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence COntinue Northerly along said Easterly Right-of-Way line and said curve having a radius of 790.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 05022'Sl " E through a central angle of 09050'25" for a distance of 13S.68 feet to a point of non- tangency; thence run N 06010'16" E along said Easterly Right-of- Vlay line for a distance of 100.50 feet; thence run N 00027'38" E along said Easterly Right-of-\Vay line for a distance of 214.99 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 2S.00 feet; thence run ' Northeasterly along the arc of said Curve through a central angle of 90000'00" for a distance of 39.27 feet; thence run S 89032'22" E along a line that is 2S.00 feet South of and parallel with the South Right-of- Vlay line of State Road 434 for a distance of 404.53 feet; thence run N 00027'38" E for a distance of 25.00 feet to said South Right-of-Way lL.le; thence run S 89032'22" E along said South Right-of- Vlay line for a distance of 639.86 feet to the West Right-of-Way line of the Black HaInmock Branch of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; thence run S 06021'38" W along said West Right-of-Way line for a distance of 502.66 feet; thence leaving said 'West Right-of- \Vay line run N 89032'22" W for a distance of 1039.34 feet to the POlNT OF BEGINN1NG. TOGElliER WITH: Commence at the Northeast corner of Section 8, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole COUnty, Florida, thence run S 00024'55" E along the East line of the 'Norrheast 1/4 of said Section 8 for a dista..ilce of 205.56 feet to the Norrherly Right-of-Way line of the Lake Charm Branch of the Seaboard' Coast Line Railroad (lOO' R/W); thence run N 54034'57" W along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 293.14 feet to a (Page 6 of 15) pOLl'lt o~ 2 curve concave Southwesterly having a rcoius of 19.59.19 fee.t 2..:ld 2. chord be.arin!:: of N 66056'09" 'IV: thence run NOJthwesterlv alonf: the c.rc of said cUf\~e and said Nonherl)' Righl-of-\Vay line througn 2 c;Tltr2.l 2.n!::le of 24044 '10" for a dist2.nce of 8Li5.83 feet to the point of 12..:'1!2.ency: ilie~nce run N 79c 18' 14" V.,l along said Northerly Right-of- \Va)' lin~e fo~ a distance of 691.26 feet to the point of curvarure of a curve concave Sourhwesterly having a radius of 2612.09 feet; thence run NorLl-JweSterly along the 2.rC of said curve and said Northerly Right-of- \Vay liile k1rough a centr-2.l angle of 11046'38" for 2 distance of 536.92 fee.t to the point of tangency; thence run S 88055'08" \V along said Northerly Right-of-\Vay line for a distance of 178.11 to the Westerly Right-of-\Vay line of Proposed Yisrawilla Drive; thence run N 10023'19" E along said Westerly Right-of- \\lay line for a distance of 16.23 feet to the point of CUf\'arure of a CUf\'e concave Southeaster]" havin!:: a radius of 540.00 feet: thence run ~ ~ . alon!2. the arc of said curve and said Westerlv Ri~ht-of-\Vav li.i1e throuf:h a - ... - .... - centra] angle of 69000' 18" for a distance of 650.36 feet to the point of reverse curvarure of a curve concave Northwesterly haVh"1g 2 radius of 710.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 71054 '55" E; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and said Westerly Right-of- Vlay Ii..De through a central angle of 14057'22" for a distance of 185.33 feet to Lt)e POINT OF BEG~TNLNG; t..hence leaving said Weste,ly Right-of- Vhy line rl.lJ."1 N 30022'39" V./ along a non-r-adialline for a dis:.ance of 356.04 ':::>0 . th:>:> N 80C-?'",o" \1j.:: -" p':: ')')-0 00 f />.. .ho c. ~ ': J ~~t,_nc~ run 1 .".)-;)." Y) J 01 a alSt2.nC~ Ol ...._.). .e~L, ~h_nc.... J un ' N 00007'21" E for a distance of 100.00 feet; thence run N 47003'59" E for 2. distance of 292.95 fee~; thence run N 00007'21" E for 2 dis~ance of 400.00 feet to the SOUL8 RignI-of-Wa)' line of State Road No. 434 (60' R/\V); L1ence run S 89052'39" E aJong said Soutb Right-of- \Vay line for a disL2Ilce of 1580.00 feet; thence run S 89032'22" E along said SOUl_"r] Righi- of-"\Vay line for a dist2I1ce of 611.08 feet; thence leaving said South Righi- of-\Vav line runS 00027'38" W for a distance of 25.00 feet; thence run ~ S 89032'22" E along a line 25.00 feet South of and par-wel with said SOUL~ Right-of-Way line for a distance of 3~5.00 feet to the point of curvature of 2 curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence run Southeasterly along ,the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90000'00" for a dist2..J."1ce of 39.27 feet; thence run S 00027'38" W along the Westerly Right-of-Way line of Proposed VisLawilla Drive for a distance of 214.99 feet; thence run S 05015'00" E along said Westerly Right-of- Way line for a dist211ce of 100.50 feet to a point on a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 710.00 feet and a chord, bearil1g of S 32026'56" Vi; thence run SOuthwesterly along the arc of said cUr\~e ,and said Rignt-of- \^lay line through a central angle o'f 63058'36" for a dist2.nce of 792.79 feet to the POINT OF BEGI1\TNING. Togeuler COn[2inLT1g 2 laral of 66.968 acres more or less ~Jd ~~:g subject !O 2.I1Y Jignrs-Of-\:"'2Y, r:=SI:lc;:ions 2..:'ld easeille~ts of recore. (?2?e 7 c: 15) r'--.) (j", 1'0...) fT~ -.! -.! r- r-, . . :::::> ~ '"T, - r- C:::l ,-,... DESCRIPTION: That part of the f-.1.AP OF THE PHll...LIP R. YONGE GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pa~es 35 throu ~h 38 of the Public Records of Seminole County ar.d that p;rt of Sectio; 5, Township 21 South, Ra.T)ge 31 East, Seminole COUnty, F1orida, being described as follows: Commence at the NorJ1east comer of Section 8, TownshiD 21 South, RanQe . ~ 31 East. Seminole COUnty, F1orida, thence run S 00024'55" E alonQ the '~ - East line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 8 for a distance of 205.56 feet to the Nonherly Right-of-\Vay line of the Lak~ Charm Branch of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (lOO' RJVl); thence run N 54034'57" W along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 293.14 feet to a point on a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1959.19 feet and a chord bearinQ of N 66056'09" W; thence run Northwesterly alonQ the - . - arc of said curve and said Northerly Right-of-'\Vay line through a central angle of 24044'10" for a distance of 845.83 feet to the pOh'lt of tangency; thence run N 79018'14" \Jr7 along said Northerly Right-of-'\Vay line for a distance of 162.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGlNNmG; thence continue N 79018'14" W along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a dist2.nce of 528.44 feet to the point of curvarure of a curve concave Southwesterly havi..T1g a radius of 2612.09 feet; thence nUl Northwesterly along ltle arc of said curve and said Northerly Right-of- \Vay line through a cen~ral angle of 11046'38" for a distance of 536.92 feet to the point of tangency; thence run S 88055'08" Vi along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for 0. distance of 96.48 feet to the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Proposed Vistawilla Drive and a point on a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 460.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 44053'28" E; thence run NorJ1easterly along ule arc of said curve and said Easterly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 69000'18" for a distance of 554.01 feet to the point of reverse curvarure of a curve concave Northwesterly haVh"1g a radius of 790.00 feet a..TJ.d a chord bearing of N 44050'50" E; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said cu~e an~d said Easterly Right-of- ,Vay line through a central angle of 69005'33" for a disrance of 952.65 to a point of non-tangency; thence lea'ving said Easterly Right-of-\Vay line run S 89032'22" E along a . non-radial line for a distance of 1039.34 feet to the Westerly Right-of- ,Vay line of the Black Hammock Branch of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; L'tJence run S 06021 '38" W along said Westerly Right-of-"\Vay line for a distance of 525.90 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave \Vesterly having a radius of 552.67 feet and a choro bearing of S 12032'48" \V; thence run Southwesterly along the art of said curve and said Westerly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 12022'20" for a distance of 119.34 feet to a point on a curve concave NOrL'I1westerly (?2ge 8 0: 15) f'...; tn ""'-.:: m -. :": -. '-' r- .'. r: c; C=> -., --- . C;:) -.' navin ~ a rad ius of 656.13 feer and a chord bearing of S 51 c 12'30" \V; thenc; run Southwesterly along the arc of said curve and said Westerly Righr-of- \V ay line through a central angle of 77002'04" for a distance of 882.17 feee ro a poine on a curve Concave Northerly having a radius of 799:85 feet 3.nd a chord bearing of N 85021'14" W; thenc~ run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve and said \Vesterly Right-of- \Vay line and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 12005'59" for a distance of 168.91 feet to the Point of Intersection of said Westerly Right-of- \Vay line with the Northerly Right-of- \Vay line of said Lake Charm Branch of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad Right-of-Way and the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WIrrI: Commence at the NOnheast comer of Section 8, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole Count)', F1orida; thence run S 00024'55" E along the East line of the Nonheast 1/4 of said Section 8 for a distance of 205.56 feet to the Northerly Right-of-Way line of the Lake Charm Branch of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (100' R!\V); thence run N 54034'57" \V along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 293.14 feet to a point on a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1959.19 reet and a chord bearing of N 66056'09" W; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said Curve arId said Northerly Right-of-Way line tD...rough a central angle of 24044'10" for a distance or 845.83 feet to the point of tangency; Li-Ience run N 79018'14" W along said Northerly Right-of-\Vay line ror a ciistarIce of 691.26 reet to the point of curvature of a Curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 2612.09 feet; thence run NorthweSterly along the arc of said curve 2...11d said Northerly Right-of- Via)' line through a central angle of 11046'38" for a distance of 536.92 feet to the point of tangency; thence run S 88055'08" W along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 178.11 feet to the Westerly Right-of-Way line of Proposed Visrawilla Drive and the POINT OF BEGINNIN'G; thence run N 10023'19" E along said Westerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 16.23 feet to the point of'curvature of a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 540.00 feet; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said Curve and said Westerly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 69000'18" for a distance of 650.36 feet to the point of reverse curvarure of a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 710.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 71054'55" E; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and said Westerly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 14057'22" fora distance of 185.33 feet; thence leaving said Westerly Right- of-Way line run N 30022'39" W along a non-radial. line for a distance of 356.04 feet; thence run N 89052'39" W for a distance of 3675 feet more (Page 9 of 15) C'-...) U'> "'-.) (7, c:: nl ~ <::: ~ ~ ~ ;::.:.:. n, ~ c- -' <::.::> .,., ~ r- -:, CO 1:- ~ C) c-::> , \ or less to the centerline of Howell Creek; thence run Southerly alon~ the centerline of Howell Creek for a distance of 1050 feet more o~r less to the Nonher1y Right-of- \Vay line of Lake Charm Branch of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; thence run N 88055'08" E alon ~ said Ri~ht-of- Wa v line for a distaIice of 3153 feet more or less to the PO TNT OF .. BEGINNmG. Together containing a total of 104.0 acres more or less and being subject to any right-of-way, restrictions and easements of reCord. (?e.ge 10 0;: 15) .'-.:; <n f'.v ~;! ~ ~ ".J 2 r- rTJ --- ~ ~ ;::3 -::- .::-;:) =-'l .-.. --~. -....--.... ___':r.r,____ - DESCRIPTION: That pan of the }.1AP OF THE PHn...LIP R. YONGE GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 35 through 38 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being described as foUows: . Commence at the Southeast comer of Section 8, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, thence run S 00024'55" E along the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 8 for a distance of 205.56 feet to the Northerly Right-of-Way line of the Lake Chann Branch of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (100' RJW); thence run N 54034'57" W along said Northerly Right-of-\Vay line for a distance of 293.14 feet to a point on a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1959.19 feet and a chord bearing of N 66056'09" \V; thence run Northwesterlv along the ~ . ~ arc of said curve and said Northerly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 24044'10" for a distance of 845.83 feet to the point of tangency; thence run N 79018'14" W along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 691.26 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 2612.09 feet; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve and said Northerly Right-of-Viay line through a central angle of 11046'38" for a distance of 536.Y2 feet to the point of tangency; thence run S 88055'08" W along said Northerly Right-of- \Vay line for a distance of 178.11 feet to the Westerly Right-of-\Vay liJle of Vista willa Drive; thence run N 10023'19" E along said \-Vesterlv Right-of- ~ ~ ~ Way line for a distance of 16.23 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 540.00 feet; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and said Westerly Right-of-\Vay line through a central angle of 69000' 18" for a distance of 650.36 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 710.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 71054'55" E; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and said Westerly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 14057'22" for a distance of 185.33 feet; thence leaving said Westerly Right-of-Way line run N 30022'39" Walong a non-radial line for a distance of 356.04 feet; thence run N 89052'39" W for a distance of 2250.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNiNG; thenc'e run N 00007'21" E for a distance of 100.00 feet; thence run N 47003'59" E for a distance of 292.95 feet; thence run N 00007'21" E for a distance of 190.00 feet; thence run N 89052'39" W for a distance of 311.14 feet; thence run N 00007'21" E for a distance of 210.00 feet to the South Right- of- Way line of State Road No. 434 (60' RAY); thence run N 89052'39" \V along said South Right-of- Wav line for a distance of 522.20 feet: thence ....... ....... -' . run S 89032'14" W along said South Right-of-\Vay line for a distance of 850 feet more or less to the cenrerEnc of with HoweU Creek; thence run ('?<3C!e 11 0: 13) r.......J r--v CJ (n 0 fTl ~ ~,: -,.. - ~ - c-=:. , r- " ~~ n ,. 0 '::':I '. -'J .:7: -+=- ....., r ,,!:- :,...:. (.0 ~ ~ Soultler1v alon~ the centerline of Howell Creek for a distance of 950 feet I7lor~ or less to~ a point in said centerline of Howell Creek lvino , ;:, N 89052'39" W a distance of 1425 feet more or less from the POH\;T OF BEGJNNL~G; thence run S 89052'39" E for a distance of 1425 reet more or less to the POINT OF BEGIN"NING. Containing 25.2 acres more or less and being subject to any right-of-way, restrictions and easements of record. I?aoe 12 Oi: 1 ":) ~ C'--.) = VI 0 ~ -J c:: ;x ----.; .,--, r- r.-; r: c:. C) -,., .;::-- - r- :t>- c.o ~ ,-: -..sc..,;",.::.=-.;. ?hRC::::'" 1.5/?ARC:::'" ~ DESCRIPTION: - That pan of the l\1AP OF THE PHll.-LIP R. YONGE GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 35 through 38 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Ronda, being described as follows: . Commence at the Southeast comer of Section 8, Township 21 South, Range "-.} 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, thence run S 00024 '55" E along the (/\ I"'-.J East line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 8 for a distance of 205.56 feet ~ ::: to the Northerly Right-of-\Vay line of the Lake Charm Branch of the ;2 Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (l00' RIW'); thence run N 54.:'34'57" W ;=: along said Northerly Right-of-Way line for a distance of 293.14 feet to a ~ ~ point on a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1959.19 feet and;- co (:") a chord bearing of N 66056'09" W; thence run Nonhwesterly along the :'.,) I" arc of said curve and said Northerly Right-of-Way line through a central angle of 24044 '10" for a distance of 845.83 feet to the point of tangency; thence run N 79018'14" W along said Northerly Right-of-\Vay line for a distaI1ce of 691.26 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 2612.09 feet; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve and said Northerly Right-of- \Vay line through a central angle of 11046'38" for a distance of 536.92 feet to the point of tangency; thence run S 88055'08" W along said Northerly Right-of- \\1 ay line for a ciistaJ."lce of 178.11 feet to the Westerly Right-of- \Vay line of Proposed Vistawilla Drive; thence run N 10023 '19" E along said Westerly Right-of-\Vay line for a distance of 16.23 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 540.00 feet; LT1ence run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and said Westerly Right-of-'Way line through a central angle of 69000'18" for a distance of 650.36 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave Nonhwesterly having a radius of 710.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 71054 '55" E; thence run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve and said Westerly Right-of-Viay line through a central angle of 14057'22" for a distance of 185.33 feet; thence leaving said Westerly Right-of-Way line run N 30022'39" Walong a non-radia11ine for a distance of 356.04 feet; thence run N 89052'39" W for a distance of 2250.00 feet; thence run N 00007'21" E for a distance of 100.00 feet; thence run N 47003'59" E for a distance of 292.95 feet; thence run N 00007'21" E for a distance of 190.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGil\TNING; thence Continue N 00007'21" E for a distance of 210.00 feet; thence run N 89052'39" W along the South Right-of-\Vay line of State Road 434 (60' RIW) for a dis.rance of 311.14 feet; thence run S 00007'21" W for a distance of 210.00 feet; thence run S 89052'39" E for a distance of 311.14 feet to i.he POINT OF BEGINNING. er- a G ~:-_~ c-, .- ~~-;~. Con!2.ining 1.500 acres more or Jess 2nd being subje.ct La any rlfhts-of- way, resuic[ions 2no easements of re~ord. (?age ::'3 0: lS) ?J._";(.~ S 2.5 an:j 80 (CO"TOi.l'1ed ) D-:::scR.IPTION : All due parr of the ~ o( the P'h.illip .R. YOQ~ Cnnt ;u recorded in Pl;ll Boo{: 1, ~ 35 thf-O\igh 3.8 of the Public Reconis of S-cminok Count)', Flori..Lh &ad " perrion of the ~rhe.ul. 1/4 0(. SecriOD 5 and :t portion of the Nonhe.ut 1/4 o{. Section !, Township. 21 South, Range 31 Ust, Seminole County, F1ondz., lying South of S .R. ,(34. (old S .R. 419): North of the Lai::e .Cl1.urn .Br.mch of [he &3~d C~~l Line Railrosd and Wl 0{ GARDENA FARMS, TOWN SITES 3.5 recorded in Piat Book 6, hgc 39 of the Public Records of Seminole County.. Florid.v.., Icsos RiQht-- Of - Way for B lock. Hammock Bronc'" of th~ S.C.L. Railroad. All together contoining 278.322 acres more or less. (?a?e 1.:1 of 15) ....,,) C'......:> n: en <::) m ~ 0....., ~~ ::'< '-. ~ ~, l.~ . - ~ ' .. -,. n c:: c::: r"; "r.' ..." -l:- -.' I r- ~ ;- -- r..o C) ~.-, [:1 iP_"2 JESSi.J? ?ROPE:1L""Y -' , DE.5ce/PT/ON c.....) C'......:> G' (/1 <:) f"l -J 0 -- :~ :x - ~ - ,-::, .' p, n .. (~ c:::- r- ,- ..." .. -;:- OJ r- :.-. (0 -- r_ .;::- r-, Lo!~ I :!nd :. Block .-\, D.R. \.lITCI1ELL'S SeRVE'\' or- TI IE LEVY GR:\~T :\ccordin; 10 Ihe r!:ll rccDrdcd in P!:l! ilook 1. P:!!.:.c 5. ()f the Puhlic R~C'ords or S c m i no! ~ Co un! y. r lor i cl:t. Con::lining :0.7 ~Icres more or less_ (?ag'2 15 of 15) " . 1. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. aa. ab. ac. ad. ae. af. C/BJM 6786062PCU 07/30/90.1 EXHIBIT "B" PERMITTED COMMERCIAL USES The following uses are permitted in the Tusca'willa PUD: Administrative public buildings; Advertising agencies; Alcoholic beverage sales (package); Alcoholic beverage, on-premises consumption, provided food is also served; Alterations and tailoring, shops and services; Antique and gift shop; Appliances, sales and service; Artists' studios; Attorneys; Automotive accessories sales; Bakery, retail; Bathroom accessories; Bicycles, sales and service; Bookstores, stationery, newsstands; Bookkeepers; Bowling alleys, provided either (i) no building may be located nearer than two hundred fifty (250) feet to any residential property line or (ii) the proposed developer shall provide reasonable evidence that noise emanating from inside such building cannot be heard from residential property within the Tuscawilla PUD; Butcher shop, retail only; Carpets, rugs and linoleum; Car wash, automated and enclosed, similar to Shiners and those associated with gasoline service stations; Churches; Cleaners; Coin dealers; Computers, hardware and software sales and service; Confectionary and ice cream stores; Convenience stores and markets, including those which sell gasoline, provided gasoline pumps shall not be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of any residential prop~rty line; Dance and music studios; Day nurseries, kindergartens and day care; Drug and sundry stores; Employment agencies; Financial institutions, banks, savings and loan; Florist and gift shops; Full and self service gas stations (major oil companies), including those providing mechanical repair service, car washes and convenience stores, provided these are located adjacent to State Road 434 and no gasoline tanks are located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of any residential property line; a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j . k. 1. m. n. 1 .... o r-v l'o....> I:, c ........J <::: ;>:. ~ C;::\ ..;::--- -, ~c (.0 :::.loo .:.. r,'") "_J~ f1; If) !;! t~ a r- f"1 ~l r- an. ao. ap. aq. ar. as. at. au. avo aWe ax. aYe az. ba. bb. be. bd. be. bf. bg. bh. bi. bj. bk. bl. bm. bn. C/BJM 6786062PCU 07/30/90.1 ago ah. Furniture, retail; Grocers, retail; those whose business include and are limited to the retail sale of groceries including produce, meats and household goods, but shall not include the sale of gasoline; Hardware stores; Health food; Hobby and craft shops; Hospitals and nursing homes; Ice, retail, when associated with another permitted use; Insurance; Interior decorating and draperies; Jewelry stores; Libraries; Loan companies; Locksmiths; Luggage shops; Medical clinics and laboratories; Outdoor advertising signs sales offices; Paint store; Parking garages when associated with another permitted use; Pets shops and grooming; Photographic studios; Physical fitness and health clubs; Post office; Private clubs and lodges; Quick printers; Radio and TV broadcasting studios, excluding towers; Radio, TV, video and stereo sales and service; Rental shops; Regulated prOfessions, offices and professions licensed and regulated by the department of professional regulation pursuant to F.S. Ch. 455 and F.S. 520.80, as now existing or as hereafter amended; Restaurants; Schools, public, private and parochial, service vocational schools (such as cosmetology, medical and dental.assistant's training) . requiring no mechanical equipment; Shoe repair shops; Skating rinks, provided either (i) no building may be located nearer than two hundred fifty (250) feet from any residential property line or (ii) the proposed developer shall provide reasonable evidence that noise emanating from inside such building cannot be heard from residential property within the Tuscawilla PUD; Sporting goods, retail, such as Sports Unlimited, Sports Authority, Oshman's, Robby's and specialty sporting goods stores; Swimming pools; sales, service and supplies and :.....,,) '" c-..: co -, c -- ~ C) - -.-- - " :t-- ':.0 r:-: -:7; Ie; ai. aJ. ak. al. am. en I'Tl :r. '=' r- [0, <.-::' -, r- 2 cf. cg. ch. ci. cj. ck. cl. cm. cn. co. cpo cg. cr. C/BJM 6786062PCU 07/30/90.1 ceo contractors associated therewith; Taxidermists; Telephone business office and exchanges; Theaters, not drive-ins; Title companies; Tobacco shops; Toy stores; Travel agencies; Wearing apparel stores; Hairstylist, barber shops, beauty shops; Musical instruments, sales and service; Record stores, music stores; Optical services and sales; ~ Camera shops, Photographic stores, Photo developers; Party supplies and services; Doctors, Dentists; Department stores and clothing stores, such as Burdines, Iveys, Jordan Marsh, Ross, Marshalls, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target, Service Merchandise; Fast food restaurants, including drive-through services; Specialty groceries and foods, such as Petty's, Barney's, delicatessens; Office buildings and office parks, general; New car dealerships and customary associated services; Tire stores and services customarily associated therewith, such as Firestone, Goodyear, Allied Discount Tires, Sears, K-Mart; Automotive services, specialized such as oil change and tune up centers; Boat sales and services (new), including customarily associated services; Retail sales: Building and Plumbing supplies, including those associated with hardware stores, such as Tru-Value, Ace, Scotty's, Handy Dan's, Builders Square, Home Depot, etc.; Cabinet sales, retail; Cold storage and frozen food lockers when used in conjunction with a primary use such as grocery, restaurant and similar uses; Manufacturing and assembly of scientific and optical precision instruments; New recreational vehicle dealerships and customarily associated services uses; Roofing, retail sales, when associated with another permitted use; Mini-Warehouses and storage; boo bp. bq. br. bs. bt. bu. bv. bw. bx. by. bz. ca. cb. cc. cd. 3 (/1 I""T1 o~ C) r- ....."'-<'1 "-.) ITl 0 ~ c. ;.~ ~ C::> ...~ -,~ '.:.0 ~~ c; ~.: 17: r-, r-- cs. Pest control and exterminating services, offices, no chemical storage; Nursery products and supplies, plants, trees and associated uses, including stores such as Frank's Nursery, White Rose, etc., not including manufacturing and wholesale distribution of bulk materials; Home improvement stores such as Scotty's, Builder's Square, Home Depot; and Video stores, sales and rentals. . I ct. cu. cv. 2. The parties agree that intended uses hereunder include those normally associated with retail commercial areas and shopping centers. It is the intent of the parties that this list is not all inclusive of permitted Commercial uses, provided that additional Commercial uses shall be subject to the approval of the City Commission. The uses hereunder may be free-standing or part of an attached shopping center. I~ ~ '- . U.., c-;; "., -J C -.- :x ~ 1:-" .": n a ~--. ;-" ...., -;""::::- l.,.. , c.o ,-, ::::::: r" C/BJM 6786062PCU 07/30/90.1 4 -.-;.-.-.- ----........:-----...-- ~----- = . ~ { . ~ '. LAKE JESSUP PROPERTY p........; i'...) r::> (/") <.::> .-,., -J CJ :'-: "'--.J c' r- r"t: ~ '-' .:.;:) -, -.":::- r- ~,.. en 1:-' ,.. LAND USE G3 SINGLE FAMILY ~~ MULTI FAMILY ~ COMMERCIAL C=:J RO'...O R.O.W. = 'USCAWILLA P. D.D. ----.-...- '''Aa>A:lIl.: [NTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE -=- ~ Ii:: H~:~':'~-A. . = " ATTACHMENT B -_._----~..._--. ::: ~ '=":"2':::::: ~.== ~~.:~::~~~l~ ..----...---.- .------.--.-....- ---.-.-.--.-- ..-.. ------.-- ~~~;:~~~~~i~ ::.:::~:=::~~~..=~~. :.--=::::::;~ ::::;,,'..::=.;:z-o -., '.) g~: ~~~1: ------..._~_..-.. -..--__~._4_.__ ~::. -::. :::.- . -;'..:-=-::.:. -.O~~_..=:J.:r.._._..:7_ ~0~~:.='..:~-=::~:., =-:: .:::. -: ~ ':""'--::. -::: .::'.:l.. 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I_',......"__...~l_........_ '.___. r._4~_........_.,_ I~ .......o4,._.._t_I_,..... U"_III.,......II.I\._._.,_. c-.r-o_......_.,III.I'.llooowool_ """""A.UI......."'"...U.IIVC\.llI\I...ooe; ii',!.. i~,.I.t..' ha. ~~..;~-;LI-iZ1 ,_..,~ '11' Y\I IlIj'", I II 11'''1'11 ., I I. ',-r-:- . I . :-1-;. I, I ~L .... r ! ~ ~ . : ~ 11 ~ ;,/ : I 1; ~!j :!:) ] : I, ~1! ), g g ~ I . Ii ~;Irl ~.l. -I I C.-> o z <{ ..J cr o :::: <{ III cr l- V) u.. ..J :J (j .. r . r " " ~~ --:..: . CITY OF 'VJNTER SPRINGS VESTED RIGHTS SPECIAL USE PERMIT VR 93-01 In response to the Application for a Vested Rights Special Use Permit from Vision Developers, Inc., dated April 23, 1993, which is incorporated herein by reference, for Parcel 14C, Parcel 61, Parcel 15, Parcel 80, and the Lake Jesup Property of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development, the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby orders that: A. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The Applicant..Vision Developers, Inc. (the "Applicant") filed its Application for a Vested Rights Special Use Permit for the owner, Winter Springs Development Joint Venture (the "Owner") on April 23, 1993. The Application was deemed complete April 23,1993. 2. The property in question is Parcel 14C, Parcel 15( I), Parcel 15(2), Parcel 15(3), Parcel 61, Parcel 80, and the Lake Jesup Property of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (the "Property"), as more pnrticularly described in the exhibits to the settlement agreement (the "Agreement") between the Owner and the Cily, allached herelo as Exhibil "A". 3. The Owner acquired the Property by War.ranly Deed as signed on April 21, 1988, and recorded with Seminole County on April 25, 1988, prior to lhe Comprehensive Plan Adoplion Dale of April 27, 1992. 4. The Property has land use classifications under the City's Comprehensive Plan as follows: A. Parcel 14C B. Parcel 15(1) C. Parcel 15(2) D. Parcel 15(3) E. Parcel 61 f. Parcel 80 G. Lake Jesup Property Moderate Density Residential Commercial Moderale Density Residenlial Urban Density Residenlial Moderale Density Residenlial Urban Density Residential Medium Density Residential 5. The Property is zoned Planned Unil Development under lhe Cily's zoning regula lions, 6. The development of the Property has been specifically approved in a court order dated November 21, 1990, that approved the Agreement of Seplember II, 1990 between the Owner and the City. 7. The Agreement specifies the land use and maximum intensity of development for each parcel of the Property, which is consistent with the land use c1assificatians far the Praperty. B, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: I. The applicatian was timely filed'pursuant to Section II.A.). afCity Ordinance Number 534 as adapted November 23, 1992 (the "Ordinance"). 2. The Applicant has met the awnership requirements af Sectian IILA.I. afthe Ordinance for vesting against the Comprehensive PInn and the Lnnd Dcvelapment Regulations. 3. The Applicant has met the slandard far presumptive vesting as described in Section JJI.B.l.c. af the Ordinance based an the Agreement of September II, 1990, and the subsequent court arder afNavember 21, 1990. 4. The Agrcement permits the applicant to. develap the Praperty in accordance with the specified land uses and maximum intensities af develapment cantained therein. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: I. The Property is vested against any regulatians afthe City afWinter Springs adopted afler Nevember 21, 1990 that weuld preclude the develepment ef the Property as described in paragraph 8.4. abave. 2. All develapment afthe Property must be consistent with lhe terms of the Agreement on which this Permit is based. Any substantial deviation from the Agreement shall authorize the City to terminate this Permit and cause the develepment invalved to. be subject to. the Comprehensive Plan and implementing Land Develepment Regulatiens. 3. This Vested Rights Special Use Permit applies to. and runs with the Property, 4. Develepment efthe Property shall remain subject to. the requirement efthe Comprehensive Plan and implementing Lnnd Development Regulatiens except to. the extent that the application ef such reC]uircmcnts weuld rcsuIt in the denial af: _ / ,/ t'" /. /- A. The vested land uses; B. The vested density or intensity of development; C. Other specifically vested development entitlements approved in the Agreement on which the Vested Rights Special Use Permit is based. Because no intensity of development is specially approved for the 67 acre commercial parcel, the inlensity of commercial development on that parcel shall be in accordance with City rules and regulations in effect at the time development permits are requested. 5. This permit shall be permanent, as stated in the court order regarding the Agreement. This permit may be revoked by the City Commission upon a showing by the City that failure to revoke the Permit will result in a peril to the health, safety or general welfare of the residents of tile City that was unknown as of the date hereof. CITY OF WINTER SPRTNGS a ... ATTACHMENT C ~.. ~. .. '. .. _ '15 'j ~c CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS S.R. 434 CORRIDOR VISION PLAN. NEW DEVELOPMENT AREA Revised per City Commission meeting November 24, 1997 I)CCClIIhCf I. 1997 Ncw rxvclopmcnt Arca " " S.R. 434 CORRIDOIl VISION PLAN: NEW DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS ARTICLE VI. S.R. 434 CORRIDOR VISION PLAN DIVISION 1. S.R 434 CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT Scc. 20-445 In tcn t. The purpose and intent of this specialized overlay zoning district is to encourage and provide for enhanced property development within the S.R. 434 commercial corridor. Some of the objectives to be attained through the establishment of this district include: enhancement of the commercial status of the corridor; reduction of visual distraction through uniform sign criteria; enhancement of physical appearance through increased landscaping of public and private property; provision of architectural design guidelines to create a unifying theme over time; protection of adjacent residential land uses; and maintenance of property values. Scc. 20-446 Creation. In addition, to and supplemental to, other zoning and land development regulation requirements heretofore and hereafter, the S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District includes additional regulations to promote the orderly development and redevelopment of the corridor, which shall be applied through imposition and mapping of an overlay district. The regulations are in addition to and not in substitution of the underlying zoning district regulations which shall also remain applicable to the overlay zone. The overlay district design standards will govern development within the corridor and will control where conflicts between regulations occur. DIVISION 2. GENERAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AREA Sec. 20-447 Applicability to New Development Overlay Zoning District. . The following design standards shall apply to the New Development Overlay Zoning District which includes all properties adjacent to the S.R, 434 right-of-way from Hayes Road eastward to S,R, 417 (the GreeneWay) with exclusion(s) indicated in Ordinance 675, Scc. 20-448 Building Hcight. No building shall exceed fifty five (55) feet in height. For the purpose of these design standards, building height shall be measured from ground level to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs. Ikeelll"e.. I. I 'J'J7 Ncw Dcvclopmcnt Area Sec. 20-449 Setbacks. (1) No improvement shall be located on any property closer to any property line than the minimum setbacks set forth below: S,R. 434 Collector Street Internal Street Side Rear Buildings 50 feet 35 feet 15 feet 10 feet 10 feet Parking 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 5 feet 5 feet (2) The narrowest dimension of a lot adjoining a road right-of-way shall determine its front for the purpose of establishing yard requirements. (3) On corner lots, the front yard shall he considered as abutting the street upon which the lot has its least dimension. The rear lot, in this case, shall be opposite the front yard. (4) The following structures are specifically excluded from the setback restrictions: a, Steps and walks. b, Landscaping and landscape berms. c. Planters three (3) feet in height or less, or d. Other improvements as may be permitted under applicable regulations of the City. The Board of Adjustment will consider any request for the placement of such other improvements within a setback, only after a Design Review Board review and recommendation. In determining whether to recommend City consent, the Design Review Board may consider, without limiting the scope of their review, the following: (i) the extent to which any hardship exists that would justify a variance from the normal setback requirements; (ii) the aesthetics of the proposed improvements and their visibility from common roads and adjacent properties; (iii) the consent or objections of adjacent property owners; and (iv) the nature and use of the proposed improvements. It is the owner's burden and responsibility to provide such information and documentation as may be requested by the Design Review Board in order to justify to the Design Review Board that the intrusion of additional improvements within the normal setbacks is beneficial to the corridor and will not adversely affect adjacent property owners. I)cccll,hcr I. 1')')7 2 New Ikvclopmcnl Area Sec. 20-450 Land Coverage. No parcel within the S, R. 434 Corridor Overlay District shall have more than seventy-five (75%) percent of its area impervious. In determining land coverage, a water body shall not be considered an impervious surface. See. 20-451 Off-Street Parking and Driveway Requirements. (1) Paved Driveway and Parking Spaces: All driveways and parking spaces shall be paved with asphaltic concrete and/or concrete and shall be curbed. (2) On-Site Parking: All parking areas shall be on-site and shall be adequate to serve all employees, visitors and company vehicles. (3) Rights-Of-Way: Parking is prohibited on rights-of-way or along driveways. (4) Parking Space Size: Each off-street'parking space shall be a mininium of two hundred (200) square feet, la' x 20', in addition to space for access drives and aisles. The minimum width of each space shall be ten (10) feet. The two (2) foot area of paving at the end of each parking space may be omitted provided the area is landscaped with sod or another acceptable ground cover. The two (2) foot landscaped area shall be counted toward any other green space requirement or setback, Lines demarcating parking spaces may be drawn at various angles in relation to curbs or aisles, so long as the parking spaces so created contain within them the rectangular area required. (5) Handicapped Spaces: Handicapped spaces shall be provided and sized in accordance with 316.1955, 316,1956, 316,1958, 320,0843, 320,0845, 320.0848 Florida Statutes. (6) Access Drive Width: Each access drive shall have a minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet. (7) Number of Access Drives: If a site has less than two hundred (200) feet of frontage on a right-of-way, one (1) access drive shall be pennitted unless there is ajoint access drive, in which case two (2) may be permitted. If a site has more than two hundred (200) feet of frontage on a right-of-way, F.D.O.T pennit guidelines (found in 1496-7 Florida Administrative Code) and restrictions shall apply, (8) Turning Radius: The minimum turning radius shall be thirty (30) feet. (9) Coordinated joint use of parking areas during off-peak hours shall be encouraged to be incorporated into the design of projects to reduce the total number of required parking spaces. (10) Whenever practical, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems shall be separated. A Decem her 1. 1 'J'J 7 J New Development Aru system of multi-purpose walkways connecting buildings, common open spaces, recreation areas, community facilities and parking areas shall be provided and adequately lighted for nighttime use. The intent is to create a pedestrian oriented system to connect all properties within the New Development Area Overlay Zoning District. Sec. 20-452 Landscaping. The following landscape standards establish the minimum criteria for the development of the roadways, parking areas, and other features to ensure continuity in aesthetic values throughout the corridor, (1) All areas requiring landscaping shall meet or exceed the following general landscape requirements, Such landscaping requirements are required for: a, That part of the site fronting a public or private right-of-way that is within the designated corridor. b, Around and within all off-street parking, loading and other vehicular use areas within each site, c, Along the outside of screening walls and fences. d. Adjacent to buildings on the site to complement the architectural style, (2) All landscaping shall be installed according to accepted commercial planting procedures. Fertile soil, free of lime rock, pebbles or other construction debris shall be used in all planting pits. (3) The owner of a site shall be responsible for all landscaping so as to present a neat, healthy and orderly appearance free of refuse and debris. Any dead or dying plant material, including sod, shall be promptly replaced or shall be treated to restore healthy growth to achieve a uniform appearance. . (4) All landscaped areas shall be adequately irrigated, and reclaimed water shall be used where available, based on the following criteria: a. An automatic sprinkler irrigation system shall be provided for all landscaped areas, b. The irrigation system shall be designed to provide full coverage of all landscaped areas and shall be equipped with rain sensors. c. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated to prevent or minimize run-off of irrigation water onto roadways, driveways, and adjacent properties not under the control of the owner of the site, I kccmhcr I. 1997 4 New Dcvelopmcnt An:a d. The irrigation system shall be maintained so as to be in optimum working order at all times. (5) All plant material shall meet or exceed standards for Florida No, 1 plants, as specified in Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Parts I and II, 1973 published by the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Trees shall be selected from the Recommended Tree Pallet found at the end of these design standards. (6) The preservation and utilization of a site's natural trees and shrubbery is strongly encouraged. Existing vegetation shall be incorporated into the landscape concept for a site wherever practical. (7) Natural growth may be used to satisfy specific landscape requirements, Relocation of on- site landscaping material is encouraged. (8) When an access way intersects a right-of-way, landscaping may be used to define the intersection provided however that aft landscaping within the triangular area described below shall provide unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between two (2) feet and six (6) feet above finished grade. Pedestrian sidewalks shall be provided in the triangular area unless another safe crossing is provided. Landscaping, except grass and ground cover, shall not be located closer than three (3) feet from the edge of any access way pavement. The triangular area shall be defined as: a. The areas of the site on both sides of an access way which lie within a triangle formed by the intersection of each curb of the access way with the street right-of-way with two (2) sides of each triangle being ten (10) feet in length from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the two (2) other sides. b. The area of the site located at a comer formed by the intersection of two (2) or more streets with two (2) sides of the triangular area being measured thirty (30) feet in length along the right-of-way lines from their point of intersection; and the third being a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) lines. (9) All landscape plans and specifications shall be prepared by a landscape architect licensed to practice in the State of Florida. (10) For office buildings, office parks and mixed-use developments, not less than twenty-five (25%) percent of the overall site shall be planted with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground covers. For commercial sites and commercial sites within mixed-use developments, not less than fifteen (15) percent of the site shall be planted with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground covers. Land preserved in its natural state may be used to satisfy this requirement. Also, lakes and stonnwater management systems may be used to satisfy this requirement if designed as an amenity. IkcclI\her I, 1')')7 5 New Dcvelopmcnt Area (11) All parking areas and vehicular use areas shall be screened from the public right-of-way by a landscape screen, This screen may be composed of a berm not less than three (3) feet in height and not more than five (5) feet in height or a maintenance free wall at least three (3) feet in height, or a screen oflandscaping at least three (3) feet in height twelve (12) months after planting, If a wall or hedge is used, a meandering berm a minimum of one and one-half (1 1/2) feet in height, with a maximum slope of 3:1 shall be required. Berms shall not be used where coverage conflicts with existing vegetation. This screening requirement may be combined with other requirements within the landscape easement. Berm slopes shall vary in order to provide visual interest; however, the maximum slope shall be 3: 1, The berms shall be completely covered with grass or other living landscape materials. A berm shall not be constructed around existing vegetation where the grade will be raised more than six (6) inches. Walls and shrub screens shall be setback a minimum often (10) feet from the property line. (12) Concrete walkways shall be a minimum five (5) feet wide and shall are encouraged to meander, where appropriate, to create visual interest. The constru?tion of the walkways shall be coordinated with adjacent prbperties to ensure continuity of design. Where a sidewalk intersects a street or driveway, a curb ramp shall be installed. (13) Landscaping shall be provided between vehicular use areas and the abutting properties as follows: a, A hedge or other durable landscape screen at least thirty (30) inches in overall height above grade when planted, to grow to thirty-six (36) inches within twelve (12) months under normal growing conditions, shall be used between the common property lines. When two (2) hedges occur along a common property line, use of the same plant species is required, If a hedge exists on an adjacent property along a common property line, a duplicate hedge is not required; however, in all cases, tree planting requirements for each property shall apply, b. Live screening material shall be planted in areas not less than six (6) feet in width, Planting areas shall be mulched a minimum of two (2) inches thick with cypress mulching or other organic mulch. c. At least one tree shall occur for every seventy-five (75) linear feet, or fraction thereof, along side (non-street side) and rear property lines. These trees shall be any canopy tree selected from the recommended plant pallet found at the end of these design standards. (14) Landscaping shall be provided for all vehicular use areas so as to provide visual and climatic relief from broad expanses of pavement and to channelize and define logical areas for pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The requirements for landscaping in vehicular use areas are as follows: Deccmhcr I. 1 ??7 G Ncw Ikvclopmclll Arc A a. Parking areas shall include landscaped curbed islands at the ends of each row of parking, These islands shall be a minimum often (10) feet wide and as deep as the combined parking space(s) plus median, ifany, and shall include at least one (1) canopy tree. b, Each parking bay shall have no more than ten (10) continuous parking spaces unbroken by a landscaped island, c. Parking bays shall have a maximum of forty (40) cars. Where total parking requirements for a parcel exceed forty (40) cars, parking lots shall be broken into distinct areas separated by continuous landscaped islands at least five (5) feet wide, Landscaped islands shall contain one (1) small, medium, or canopy tree for every thirty (30) linear feet of island. d. Each separate required landscaped island shall contain a minimum of one hundred sixty-two (162) square feet with a minimum interior dimension of nine (9) feet and shall include at least one (1) tree. . e. As an option, a six (6) foot wide landscaped island may be constructed between rows of parking which shall count towards the required open space. If this option is used, the parking spaces abutting the island may be shortened to nineteen (19) feet in length and the unbroken rows of parking may be extended to twenty (20) spaces. The landscaped island shall contain one tree for every thirty (30) linear feet of island. (15) A landscaped unpaved area shall surround each building, occurring between the facade of the building and paved areas whether a parking area, drive or sidewalk as described below. a, Along the front and side of an office, building a minimum landscaped area often (10) feet for the first floor plus three (3) feet for each additional floor shall be maintained. Sidewalks are not considered part of the landscaped area. . b. Along the rear of an office building, a minimum of five (5) feet oflandscaped area shall be maintained. Loading areas may be pennitted along the rear or side facade of a building. c. For retail buildings, paving may be allowed up to the facade of a continuous storefront building iflandscaping is provided intermittently along the facade of the building consistent with the following: (1) A minimum of fifty (50%) percent of the front or side with continuous storefront must be landscaped. (2) Each landscaped area must have a minimum width of three (3) feet. (16) Foundation and accent planting shall be provided around all structures for the purpose of f)ccclniJcr I. 1997 7 New Dcvelopmen( /\rea '. enhancing and complementing the architectural character of the structure. (17) Additional green space and landscaping shall be required at access drives. (18) Drainage retention areas required on individual sites shall be sodded and designed to blend with the overall landscaping and landform of the site and may be included in the twenty-five (25%) percent landscaped area, In no case shall designs be permitted which include fencing. (19) All stormwater management areas shall conform to the design criteria promulgated by the City of Winter Springs and the St. Johns River Water Management District. (20) A tree survey shall be submitted with any application for site plan review showing all trees over four (4) inches in caliper. Existing trees to be removed and retained shall be shown on the site plan. Prior to any site clearing activities all existing trees required to remain by the Design Review Board shall be tagged in the field for inspection and approval, Barriers shall be erected at the dripline of trees for protection against construction activities. (21) Any existing tree(s) indicated to remain on construction plans approved by the Design Review Board that are damaged or removed shall be replaced with new tree(s)-consistent with Chapter 5; Section 5,5 of the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, (22) All areas not otherwise landscaped, including the right-of-way, shall be sodded with St. Augustine solid sod by parcel owners, Other suitable sod may be permitted in low visibility areas or areas subject to periodic water inundation. (23) A walkway with a minimum width offive (5) feet, shall be constructed to connect the main public entrance door of a building to the public walkway along rights-of-way. Where the walkway crosses parking or an access drive, the walkway shall be delineated. A landscaped area, which includes sidewalk and landscaping, a minimum of nine (9) feet in total width shall separate the walkway from parking spaces. The use of architectural features and landscaping is encouraged to define pedestrian gateways. If shrubs are used in the landscaped area along walks, they shall be set back so as not to form a "wall" along the edge of the walk, Sec. 20-453 Buffers and Walls. (a) Buffers: A minimum fifteen (15) foot landscape buffer shall be provided by the developer/property owner abutting the designated right-of-way lines at the time of development order or permit approval. The landscape buffer may be contained within a landscape easement. (1) The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation, maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping. (2) This area shall be planted with live oaks or other deciduous trees with a minimum two I)ccCII,hcr 1,1')')7 8 New Dcvelopmcnt Area and one-half(2.5") inch (dbh) caliper and overall height often to twelve (10' - 12') feet at time of planting no closer than five (5) feet from the back of the right-of-way line. The trees shall be planted every fifty (50) feet. (3) A minimum offour (4) sub-canopy trees and two (2) deciduous trees per one hundred (100) feet of frontage or fraction thereof shall be planted in and about the buffer, Plantings should be naturalistic rather than formal in order to blend with the natural landscape, (4) No existing or dedicated public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation of the buffer widths. (5) Stormwater retention areas may be pennitted in the corridor buffer area subject to the following: a, No more than sixty (60%) percent of the corridor buffer area can be used for stormwater retention; b. Stormwater retention areas shall be naturalistic in shape, dry, sodded, and designed to blend with the overall landscape theme and landform; c, Stormwater retention areas may be wet if designed to be part of a water feature; d. Designs which require fencing shall be prohibited; and e, No slope shall be greater than that indicated in Sec. 9-241(d)(l) and (2) City Code. (6) Existing vegetation shall be used where possible to meet these requirements. (b) Walls: All freestanding walls, sound barriers, ground sign enclosures, planters, man-made structures fronting along the designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick, decorative or split-faced concrete block, When these materials are used for a visual screen. they shall conform to the architectural style, materials, and color of the development. Sec. 20-454 Signs. All signs and sign elements, including shape, form, lighting, materials, size, color and location shall be subject to approval by the Design Review Board if such signs or sign elements are visible from adjacent properties or a street right-of-way. (a) Ground Mounted Multi-Tenant or Project Identification Sign: For each multi-tenant development under separate ownership, one (1) wide-based monument style, permanent sign with landscaped base identifYing the name of the development and businesses within the Dcccmbcr 1. 19')7 9 Ncw Dcvelopment Arca development shall be permitted. For developments with five hundred (500) feet offrontage or more on a major road, one (1) additional sign may be pennitted. The minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel shall be two hundred (200) feet and: (1) Shall only advertise the name of the commercial development companies, corporation or major enterprises within the commercial development. The primary address of the building shall be incorporated into the sign with numeralslletters a minimum of eight (8) inches in height, but the address shall not be counted against allowable copy area. (2) Shall be located no closer than fifteen (15) feet from front, side, or rear property lines. (3) Shall have a maximum of two (2) faces, (4) Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the proposed building(s), (5) A entry wall sign shall not be higher than eight (8) feet above the closest vehicular use area. (6) Signs shall be in an enclosed base a minimum width of two-thirds (2/3) the width of the sign. Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and ground cover and/or annuals to promote color. (7) Signs shall be in accordance with the following schedule: Building Size (Gross Floor Area) Maximum Copy Area Maximum Height Under 75,000 square feet 75,000 - 250,000 square feet Over 250,000 square feet 32 square feet 48 square feet 64 square feet 12 feet 14 feet 16 feet (8) Multi-tenant centers are pennitted additional signs for anchor tenants according to the following schedule: Building Size (Gross Floor Area) Anchor Tenant Additional Signs Under 75,000 square feet 75,000 - 250,000 square feet Over 250,000 square feet 2 of 12 square feet 3 of 12 square feet 4 of 12 square feet An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that is/are in excess of one hundred (l00) front feet and a minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. (b) Ground Mounted Single-Tenant Identification Sign: One (1) wide-based monument style, Dcccmbcr I. I ??7 10 New DevelopmCllt ^-rea permanent project identification sign shall be pem1itted per single-tenant parcel. One additional permanent wide-based monument style project identification sign may be permitted for parcels in excess of one (1) acre with more than one (1) ingress/egress serving more than one (1) building. The minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel shall be two hundred (200) feet. (1) Shall only advertise one (1) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise occupying the premises. (2) Shall be located no closer than fifteen (15) feet from the front, side or rear property lines. (3) Shall not exceed two (2) faces, (4) Sign copy area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per face. For parcels in excess of 4,0 acres, the project identification sign face may be increased to forty-eight (48) square feet. (5) Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the proposed building, (6) The sign shall not be more than eight (8) feet in height above the closest driveway or vehicular use area. (7) Signs shall be in an enclosed base that is at a minimum the full width of the sign, Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and ground cover and/or annuals to promote color. ( c) Building Mounted Multi-Tenant Identification Sign for Buildings with Separate Exterior Tenant Entrances: In addition to the ground mounted identification sign, tenant signs shall be permitted on the exterior walls of the building at a location near the principal tenant entrance, and be consistent with the following criteria: (1) Shall only advertise one (1) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise occupying the premises. (2) The sign(s) shall be clearly integrated with the architecture of the building, and shall be consistent in design, format, and materials with the architecture of the proposed building. (3) The sign(s) shall not either project above any roofor exceed a height of 14 feet. (4) Wall signs shall display only one (1) surface and shall not be mounted more than six (6) inches from any wall. December I, I')') 7 I I New Dcvelopmcnt !\rea (5) When more than one (1) tenant sign is used on one (1) building, all tenant signage shall be consistent in size, materials, and placement. (6) The maximum size of sign letters and logos, including any sign backgrounds, shall be twenty-four (24) inches in height for individual tenants other than anchor tenants. The maximum height of letters and logos for anchor tenants in a retail center shall not exceed twenty-five (25%) percent of the building height. An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that is/are in excess of one hundred (100) front feet and a minimum area often thousand (10,000) square feet. (7) The length of the sign may occupy up to seventy (70%) percent of the linear feet of the storefront the business occupies, The anchor tenant may have the signage permitted for a Building Mounted Single Tenant Identification Sign. (8) For office buildings without separate exterior tenant entrances, one wall sign not exceeding two (2) square feet shall be permitted identifying each individual tenant. The. sign shall be located adjacent to the building entrance. . (d) Building Mounted Single Tenant Identification Sign: In addition to the ground-mounted identification sign, a building mounted identification sign may be. permitted consistent with the following criteria: (1) Shall only advertise one (1) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise occupying the premises, (2) The identification sign is located on the exterior wall of a building, (3) The sign shall be clearly integrated with the architecture. (4) The sign shall not either project above any roof or exceed the height of fourteen (14) feet. (5) The sign shall display only one (1) surface and shall not project more than.six (6) inches from any walL (6) Signs shall conform to the following schedule: Building Size (Gross Floor Area) Maximum Copy Area Maximum Letter Height Less than 50,000 square feet 50,000 to 100,000 square feet Over 100,000 square feet 16 square feet 32 square feet 48 square feet 2 feet 25% Height of Building 25% Height of building Dcccmbcr I, 1997 l2 New Dcvclopnlcnt Nea (e) Additional SignsNariances: Under special circumstances, such as for parcels on corner lots, additional signs consistent with these design standards may be approved by the City Commission, upon a request submitted to the Board of Adjustment pursuant to Sec. 20-82 and 20-83 of the City Code. The Board of Adjustment shall recommend variances of this sign code in specific cases where such variances will not be contrary to the public interest and where, due to special conditions, a literal translation of this sign code would result in unnecessary hardship. All requirements, procedures, findings and app'eals of sign code variances shall follow those provisions for zoning variances, (f) Commercial Outdoor Advertising (i.e. Billboards) Off-site advertising signs such as billboards are prohibited, (g) Changeable Copy Signs: In order to create continuity throughout the corridor all changeable copy signs shall be as follows: (1) The sign cabinet shall be all aldminum extrusion or better as approved by staff. Changeable copy signs may be incorporated into permitted signs and shall be included as part of the permitted sign area as described below: a. Changeable copy signs shall not comprise more than twenty-five (25%) percent of the permitted sign area; b. Movie theaters and other perfonnanceJentertainment facilities may utilize up to eighty (80%) percent of the pennitted sign area for display of films, plays or other perfonnances currently showing, Such copy area shall be included as part of the pennitted sign area. c, Movie theaters may use up to eighty (80%) percent of pennitted wall sign area for display of names, films, plays or other performances currently showing. d, One changeable copy sign advertising the price of gasoline is pennitted on gasoline station sites provided it shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet per sign face. (2) The sign face shall be acrylic Pan X 15 or Equal. (3) The letters and track shall be Wagner Zip-Change or Equal. (h) Backlit Signs: Backlighting of awning signs shall be prohibited. (i) Window Signs: Window signs may be permitted under special circumstances for retail establishments such as signs inside and on a window or in a display of merchandise when incorporated with such a display. The total area of all window signs, IkccllIhcr I. 1')')7 1 J New Devcloprncnll\rea shall not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the window glass area to be calculated separately for each separate storefront. Window signs shall count against total allowable copy area if they are permanently attached. (j) Construction Signs: One (1) construction sign, denoting the owner, architect, landscape architect, engineer, financial institution, contractors, or containing any statement pertaining to the project for which a building permit has been obtained, will be pennitted during construction. The construction sign shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area and shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet in height or sixteen (16) feet in width. The construction sign shall be removed from the site by the owner upon substantial completion of all construction, or upon the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is sooner. If the sign is not removed when required, it may be removed by the City at the owner's expense. (k) Marketing Signs (e.g, "Space for Rent" sign): (1) Only one (1) marketing sign shall be pennitted on each parcel during the building's "leasing period", At the end of the leasing period, marketing 'signage shall be removed from the site by the owner of the site. (2) All marketing signs shall be submitted to the City for approval and location prior to the sign's installation. (3) Marketing signs shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the front, side and rear property lines, They shall not create a visibility obstruction to vehicular traffic, (4) For parcels in excess of five (5) acres or with frontage on more than one (1) road, one (1) additional marketing sign may be pennitted. Signs must be a minimum of two hundred (200) apart. (5) Marketing signs may be double faced. Sign faces shall be parallel and mounted on the same poles, The total copy area shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet and no more than ten (10) feet in height. The total ofa single face shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (6) Marketing signage may be incorporated within the construction signage, but the signage shall not exceed sixty four (64) square feet in area. (7) Marketing signs may be lit so as to illuminate the lettering on the sign. (I) Political Signs only by permit. (m) Electronic date, time and temperature informational signs are permitted. Such signs shall be counted as part of thc total copy area of the ovcrall sign. /)~cc'""cr I. 19')7 14 Ncw Dcvelopmcnt Arca (n) Prohibited Signs: The following signs and/or devices are prohibited in the corridor. (1) Any sign or part of a sign which is designed, devised, or constructed so as to rotate, spin, gyrate, turn or move in any animated fashion, Signs shall not incorporate reflective materials so as to create the appearance of motion or neon. (2) Any sign painted directly on any exterior walL (3) Signs projecting more than six (6) inches in depth, (4) Roof signs. (5) Bench signs. (6) Snipe signs (e.g. signs attached to trees and poles). (7) Freestanding signs unless othei'wise provided for herein. (8) Trailer signs. (9) Signs attached to temporary structures. (10) Billboards (11) Any vehicle with a sign or signs attached thereto or placed thereon with three exceptions as follows: (a) any vehicle when parked or stored within the confines ofa building; or (b) any vehicle upon which is placed a sign identifying a firm or its principal product if such vehicle is one which is operated during the normal course of business and shall be parked in the least visible spot from the road; or (c) a trailer placed on a job site during construction. (12) Pole signs. (13) Balloon signs. (14) Ribbon signs. (0) Permanent Flags: Only project flags or governmental flags shall be permitted in conformance with the following standards:' (1) One (1) flagpole and one (1) flag may be permitted per parcels of two (2) acres or morc. [)eeelllhcr I. 1997 15 New Development Area (2) The maximum width from top to bottom of any flag shall be twenty (20%) percent of the total distance of the flag pole. (3) Flagpoles shall maintain the same setback requirements as project identification signs. (4) Flagpole heights shall be between twenty (20) and thirty-five (35) feet in height above grade. (5) A project flag shall only contain information permitted on the project identification sign. A project flag shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for approval. (p) Temporary signs for special events, (1) Permits for temporary signs, such as pennant and banner signs, not otherwise prohibited are allowed for such purposes as auctions, special events, notice of opening of new businesses, and going out of business sales, Permits for temporary signs shall authorize the erection of the signs and maintenance thereof for a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days; and permits cannot be renewed on the same sign, nor shall another temporary permit be issued on'the same location, within ninety (90) days' from the date of expiration. of any previously issued temporary permit. (2) Signs for specific events shall be removed within two (2) working days after conclusion of the event. A freestanding temporary sign shall be no larger than thirty- two (32) square feet, and may be double sided. Banner signs may be sized to extend across roads, (q) Maintenance: All signs and associated apparatus shall be maintained by the owner of the site. Violations shall be processed through the City's Code Enforcement Division. (r) Nonconforming Signs. (1) Any sign, other than billboards, having an original cost in excess of one hundred ($100) dollars and which is nonconforming as to permitted sign area or any other reason which would necessitate the complete removal or total replacement of the sign, may be maintained a period of from one (1) to five (5) years from the effective date of these design standards. The term of years to be determined by the cost of the sign or of renovation, including installation cost, shall be as follows: Original Sign cost or Renovation Cost Permitted Years from Effective Date of Design Standards $ 0 - $ 3,000 $ 3,001 - $ 10,000 Over $10,000 2 3 5 (2) Any owner of a sign who desires to rely upon an amortization period longer than three Deccmher I, 19')7 16 New Dcvelopment Area (3) years shall file with the City within one (1) year from the effective date of these design standards, a statement setting forth the cost and date of the most recent renovation, and a written agreement to remove or bring into conformance the nonconforming sign at or prior to the expiration of the amortization period applicable to that sign. The maximum period to amortize a sign shall be five (5) years, (3) Violations shall be subject to Chapter 2. Article 3. Division 2. Code Enforcement, City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances. Sec. 20-455 Utility Lines. All new or relocated utility lines within the designated corridor shall be constructed and installed beneath the surface of the ground unless it is determined by the City that soil, topographical, or any other compelling conditions, make the underground installation of such utility lines as prescribed herein unreasonable and impracticable, (1) It shall be the developer's responsibility on-site to make the necessary arrangement with each utility in accordance with the utility's established policy, (2) The underground installation of incidental appurtenances, such as transformer boxes, switch boxes, or pedestal mounted boxes for the provision of electricity shall not be required. However, such appurtenances where not rendered impractical by the detennination of the City shall be installed on the site of any development approved after the adoption of this section, The necessary easements to allow the utility company access and service to such appurtenances shall be dedicated to the service provider by the developer prior to issuance of a building permit. (3) All transformers and switch boxes related to development approved after the adoption of this section shall be set back a minimum oftifieen (15) feet from any right-of-way and visually screened using landscape materials or masonry construction in conformance with these land development regulations. - Sec. 20-456 Corridor Access Management. (a) A system of joint use curbed driveways and cross access easements shall be established wherever feasible along the S.R, 434 Corridor and the building site shall incorporate the following: (I) A cross access corridor extending the entire length of each block served to provide for driveway separation (consistent with the F.D,O.T. access classification system and standards). (2) A design speed of ten (l0) mph and sufficient width to accommodate two-way travel aisles designed to accommodate automobiles, service vehicles, and loading vehicles. \)~celllh~r I. 1997 17 New De\'elopment Area (3) Stub-outs and other design features to make it visually obvious that the abutting properties may be tied in to provide cross-access via a service drive. (4) A unified access and circulation system plan that includes coordinated or shared parking areas is encouraged wherever feasible, (b) Shared parking areas shall be pennitted a reduction in required parking spaces if peak demand periods for proposed land uses do not occur at the same time periods, (c) Pursuant to this section, property owners shall: (1) Record an easement in the public records allowing cross access to and from other properties served by the joint use driveways and cross access or service drive; (2) Record an agreement in the public records that remaining access rights along the thoroughfare will be dedicated to the City of Winter Springs and pre-existing driveways will be closed and eiiminated after construction ofthe joint-use driveway. (3) Record a joint maintenance agreement in the public records defining maintenance responsibilities of property owners. (d) The City Engineer may reduce required separation distance of access points, except as provided in (t), where they prove impractical, provided all of the following requirements are met: (1) Joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided where feasible in accordance with this section. (2) The site plan incorporates a unified access and circulation system in accordance with this section. (3) The property owner shall enter a written agreement with the City of Winter Springs, recorded in the public records, that pre-existing connections on the site will be closed and eliminated after construction of each side of the joint use driveway, (e) The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has established minimum spacing requirements for the GreeneWay (S.R. 417) Interchange Area. Sec. 20-457 Building and Screening Design Guidelines (1) Projects shall use materials consistent with materials used in the area. Acceptable materials include stucco, slit-faced or decorative concrete block, reinforced concrete with tile, and Deeemher I. 1')97 18 New O~Vdo(lfllcnt Area brick and terra cotta accent material. Inappropriate materials are river rock, unfinished timber (unpainted), shake roofs, reflective/mirror glass, and metal siding. Materials should be of high quality and well crafted. (2) Mechanical equipment and appurtenances, including but not limited to air conditioner units, ventilation equipment, refrigeration systems, heating units, etc., must be screened so that they are not visible from any public right-of-way. The screen shall consist of a solid wall, facade, parapet or other similar screening material which is architecturally compatible and consistent with the associated building, Such screening material shall extend at least one (1) foot above the object to be screened, If landscaping is utilized, the plantings must be high enough within one (1) year of planting to provide a screen which will screen the entire unit, In the case of satellite dishes, they shall be screened from view from ground level of adjacent rights-of-way and properties by buildings, dense landscaping or screen walls. The Design Review Board may permit dishes on buildings if no part of the dish is visible from the ground of surrounding properties, Setbacks for antennas and satellite dishes shall be the same as the building setbacks. (3) Dumpsters and similar facilities shal~ be screened on all four (4) sid'es from public view. Both sides and the rear of such facilities shall be screened by an opaque concrete wall, or similar material. Dumpsters shall be placed in an area that is least visible from a public right- of-way. (4)' All storage areas shall be screened from view from the right-of-way and from adjacent. residential zoning districts. Screening enclosures may consist of any combination of landscaping and opaque building materials. If building materials are utilized, such material shall be consistent with the architectural design of the principal structures. (5) Side and rear elevations of buildings visible from a public street or adjacent property shall be designed in the same architectural style as the main facade. (6) All doors for service entrances or bays shall not face a public street unless they are screened to obscure service activities. . (7) Outparcels shall conform to the architectural, signage, and landscape theme of the overall project and must share an internal access with the overall project. (8) Newspaper, magazine and other such vending machines, ATM's, pay telephones, and trash receptacles shall be encased in a structure that is architecturally compatible and consistent with the adjacent building and other site details and must meet building setbacks. (9) Exterior lighting shall be a cut-off light source to protect adjacent properties from glare. All exterior lighting shall be consistent and compatible throughout the project. (10) Buildings with multiple storefront entries are encouraged to incorporate overhangs in the design of front facades as appropriate to promote pedestrian activity. DCCCl1lhCf" I. 1')')7 19 New Ikvclopl11cnt ^r<a (l1) Backflow preventers and other above ground valves shall be screened so they are not visible from the street right-of-way using either landscaping or an opaque building material and shall be subject to buffer setback requirements. (12) Drive-thru pick up windows shall not front on S.R.434. Sec. 20-458 Development Agreement Any developer may propose to enter into a Development Agreement with the City designed to set forth terms and conditions appropriate to meet the circumstances of the specific proposed development. Such Development Agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Commission, The City Commission may vary the standards of this ordinance, including building or perimeter setbacks, parking standards, signage, and other standards. If an increase in building height beyond fifty-five (55) feet is requested, the City Commission must find that Fire Department capabilities are adequate to address the change. Such consideration shall be based on building site constraints or physical characteristics of the property; provided specifically, however, that any such concessions for a constrained site shall only be considered by the City Commission in a Development Agreement if enhanced perimeter landscaping or buffering is provided to assure that the objectives of this ordinance are achieved. Sec. 20-459 Corridor Design Review Board. The Development Review Committee shall serve as the Corridor Design Review Board for developments in the New Development Area Overlay Zoning District of the S.R 434 Corridor and shall review such developments for a unifying theme according to the design standards and make recommendation(s) to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Design Review Board shall review and make a recommendation regarding any proposed Development Agreement pursuant to Section 20-458 of this Code. I)ccclIlhcr I. 1997 20 Ncw Development Aru .') ) ) DEFINITIONS: * Place/replace the following definitions in the Sec. 16-51 Definitions (Signs) in the City Code. * Substitute this definition of" Sign" in place of the current definition found in Sec. 16-51 (page 957) of City Code: Signs - Signs shall mean all names, insignias, lrademarks, and descriptive words, back- lit awnings or material of any kind affixed, inscribed, erected or maintained upon an individual site or upon any improvement on individual sites. * Substitute this definition of "MarketinglReal Estate Sign" in place of the current definition of "Real estate sign" found in Sec. 16-51 (page 957) of the City Code: MarketinglReal Estate - For the purpose of these design standards, marketing signs shall mean all names, insignias, trademarks, and descriptive words of material of any kind affixed, inscribed, erected or maintained upon an individual site or upon any improvement on individual sites which contain information relating to the marketing of space or building(s) on the subject parcel. * Add this definition of "Ground sign" in Sec. 16-51 (page 957) of the City Code: Wide-based monument or pylon style sign - a sign wholly independent of any building for support, consisting of a solid base with sign on top for monument sign or a base of foliage with sign immediately the level of the base foliage, and where the subject of the sign relates to either the identifying of the business name or the activity(s) carried on in the structure on the same property as the sign, * Add this definition of "multi-tenant development" to Sec. 20-1 of the City Code: Multi-tenant development - Shopping centers and other uses so determined by the City. Dcccm\Kr I. 1')')7 21 New l)~vdopl1\cl1t Area T ..:. 7JC-;:- S~U13 r -, - . \. .' CO:vl0'fOi"! ('{AiYIT CherTY Lzurd AQ.is e Swc::t Viburnum Wax L.::zf Ligusuurn * Photinia- 'W 2..."'( M ynl c !'vITTI ItTiY [ SHRUB COiYIJY(ON NAiYCE PitLosoo ru ill Variegated Piuqsporum S cnc:iz.n.kwc. V10urnum Ee2ll Juniper P fu::z.:: r J unl p er Shrub HoUy Silvcrillom ~ '\221 e.z. ~ .Jew PodoC2.rOUS SiYL\..LL SHRUB COiYGYrOl'( N A~[E Dwarf Yaupou Holly Indim fuwiliorn DvrarfPnosporum E vc:rgr=n Gi ant B 0 rd cr GR..s.s Azz.I.ca. T ayrillis Yew Podoc::c.rpus GROffi'{DCOVER COiYG\10N NAiYCE L.ziope Border GR.SS Mondo Border Gr.ts.s DW<lff Co nfeci hsminc P"-rsonij Jururer ~ )ur ShO(e Juniper :;.P AbClIl f_ iI Y !),'yLily .:~ .-\;3 L_ r.~ ! ~COi\L'yU:;'iDED StilHjB P_-\LLE:T , 1 \ BOTAl'ffC.-\L N;-\;VIT ~ rDl:\nJ0f Rt:TGBT REQuJ::R.Q ? ru n US caro lini 111 a Jlli cium a.n.Ls a cum Vloumum odorati.s5imum Ligusuum japorucum Phoci.n.ia spp. Myrica cerifcra. JO" ::;0" ::>0" ::>0" ::>0" ::>0" BOT ANTCAL NAiYfE 0- fJ?rJ?,- ru;'Y r REI GRT RE 0 UIRED _ t ~ i..-.. PitLosporum tobu-a. 2<-" Piu:osporum tobu-a. "'Varicgz.ra" 24" Vlournum Suspc:nmrn. 24" Jl.!..L!ivc.rus chincnsi.s vcr. crunensis '1-ie~-'" 24" Ju.cipc.rus chineosis ..'PfitzcRJJ2.... 24" Dc;::: spp. 24" EI2..cz.gmus puogcns 2<-" Rhododendron ind.ica 24" POGoC2...rpus macrophyUus 24" BOT A!'1"1CAL NA!'vrr i\ IJ?i'l?- [Dr HEIGHT REQ UIR..EJ) n.c::c vominoria "'Na..n.a." R.2.p hi 0 Icpi.s indi Gi Pir.:osporum tobi..rd. ~c::lc.n~ Liriopc rnuscari "Evcrg:rc~'Gi2.U(" 18" 13" IS- IS" Rhododc::ldroo indica T nynllis giauca Podocz.rpus macropbyUus 18 " 18" 18" . BOTANTCAL NAlYrE \YO?< L\ ll:J?y ( HEIGHT REQUIRED ~opc rnusca.ri lO Pips/dump 9~ o.c. Ophiopogoa japorucus I 0 Pi~slclump 9" o.c. TldChc10spcmum jasmiooidc.s "~a.n2:' 1.5" Spread 18" O.c. Juru~c.rus chinensls 15- SprC2.d l8" o.c. JUClircrus confcn;l "Corn~JCla." 12-.15- Spread 18- o.c. r \ r~ J n;'.11 d 1l! '> :~ iri C\ Ill! S lOP i 9 sf cI U III P I 8 - o. C. !_T:-::r1=::lC'I;., .,po 10 ?i?sJclur.lfJ I~- 0 ( '- ..':~:~ ~ ':-':'~I.~ ~:..;-.,,'..'12. r..Of1lCVICcnsis D;c,cs vcg::l2. Cyr:omiUt.l falcanJm IS "sor::2d IS- 0 c 10 P;psfclut.lp 13- O.c G2.L Q...[l [2 - - [ 5' spr~d "1...- ~.., o.c. 4. pOLS - 2-:] P[2..rH..sIPO~l r o.c. ;..~ I c.c..n i;-i s !-lQUy F ci.l ~n glish Ivy ncdcR hcLL-c -MliSl be l!..Sed willi a row af lower growing shrubs in franc.. Note: Pl..::tnt list subject to :J.dminLs-J:ltive ::tmendmen( from time to time. _ , -i..-. ~ ~ ) ~.) ., -"!- .~. ~; L;:: :: Ri:: C 0 \\ l:\ (~ 1'1 u ED TRLZ PAL lIT ) c..1u'fOPY TREES iY [[\L'" [ULy f BIlG B:T CO iYIi'd 0 j'{ N Ai'yfI B OTAt."ITCAL t'fAl'YJI REQUJRED Live 02...1<: Qt.'. c.fru 5 V 1.fgini ana 10M _12M LaurclOak QUC.fCUS Iaurifolla 11' Sycamore P I 2.l1 C2.ilUS ocO d cO(.2..li..s 11' Red lviaolc Acc.r rubrum 12' SWc..::cgum L.i q ui dambar styr<l.cifl U2. 12' OTHER LARGE TREES ..,.(. -. i'r illITi.YIlJiYi REI GRT COi'YIi'rION NA1.Y1I BOTANICAL liAtvlE REQUIRED ..- Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifer2. 11' Bald Cyprcss T 2.Xodium discichum 12' Pines Pinus spp. 11' Souche..rn Mz..gnolla 1'v 12. g:!l 0 Ii 2. gr2..O dill 0 [2. 12' }ver Birch B c::ul2. nigra 12' ~ iYlID IUiYi TREES REIGRT COLYliYiON NA1'YIE BOTANICAL NAt'Y[E REQUIRED American Holly llc.--c opac.a 10' DaboOQ Holly II ex cz.s.sinc 10' East Palatk:.a Holly II ex 0 p aca. 'East P ala.tk.a . 10' Golden Rain Tre:: Kodrcutc..<ia formasana la' Swc::t Bay M2.gnolla virginizna la' Loblolly Bay Gordooia Iz.sianthus la' Druce Elm Ulmus p zrvifolia se:npc:rvi.ro as 'Drake' 10' Will g ed El.r.:1 U1mu.s 2lar.a la' Cherry Laurel Prunus c:aroliniana la' We::pmg Willow S 2l.ix b2byloruca. la' SiYfALL TREES Rf-I GRT COiYGYfON NA.ty[[ BOTA.N1CAL NAi'dI Rf Q UlJUJ) . . .)7-'( iv(ynlc j'v( yri C1 C c ri [en. 3' ~r(c:: f_isu';(f-UrJl [_ i Sl..~ $( fI.J fll j:\ ponioJ rn T [ ) ~.. Cr;:pc ,'v(v;-;:ic . Y 2Upon Holly Cruckz.s2.'-'I Plum flowering Dog-.-vood Redbud Tabeouia (.:..!~o i.. IlJccil~,-;l) i ,r.::rs,orcr.1i.o incJ'Cl -(-.:J S' S' S' S' S' S' ilc.-c Vor.llwnJ ?runus i'..njusdoliz. Comus [Jorida \ Cercis canadcll.5is Tabebuia spp. ACCEcrr PALivIS COiY.G.HON NAi't[E BOTAt"fIC-\.L NAivIT BIIGHT REQUIRED G..o 2S)' Is l2.l1d D at c P aim Washington Palm Pindo Palm 0.bbage Palm Ph oerux cana.ri Cn.s1S \Vashingtonia robust2. Buria capitata S2.bal palm - '.i..: 5' 5' 5' 6' Pruning of rr~ sh2.U be allowed to mc..intain appropriatc clCU2.Dce for 2.cc.:::ss 2.lld minor pruning shall be allowed to promote hc2.1thy growth;, The miem is to illow rre~ to achicvc 2. ll2.tur2l tLc~ GWopy. Notc: Pb.nt list subj ect to administr:ltive .:J.mendment from .time to time.. ~I ~..... o. v . '--/' .-....../ '.' , STATE ROAD 434 CORRIDOR VISION PLAN NEW DEVELOPMENT AREA TOWN CENTER o VERLA Y DISTRICT \ tUN. ~ =-~"~':.~~~ <----... ................ ~:~ ..~- = I'~. October 20. 1997 ATTACHMENT D ,I '1"-/0;/ \ \J\ ~ ~ ill --s ~~ ' ' \j.) j I ! ~ ~ "" \ \l\ ~ l'(\ , ,. - ",. " " .' . '. : . I . '." .' ':: ':.' . '. '..... :'. ':: .' I .. . ...... : .' ':'" :. i ,,: -;" : ':....:..:.:;:. :-,." .:'.:.: . . ..... :: .... : " . :. :. ''., .:. . ,:' '._ . ..... ,'. . .' .',. : . h\6t~.l}"L1 t:.. A 12~ It? f;?E:. \WTe!ZwAl\.-Y L-lT". '/ ?,;16~J-l,Abe.. C---- It::-XI J Al'-eA ~ h.?Al.-t:=.: 'b,/~ I '-c/ SINGLE TENANT PARCEL SIGN -..-- .- ..-....._.t..... _" ....1 ___ . "'.I[ ~ . j'''' a...- .. ~.~... ... ..~.... ).. . -; . :; >-1~_ 6C) r c-- I ql-L\-t\.fL\. ~ \D pO-~e.~ DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT TUSCA WILLA TRACT 15 PARCEL I-B C/) /"T1 :J:: 2: TRUSTE~ IT! This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by and between Robert Yeager, ("") (hereinafter called "Property Owner") and the City ofWmter Springs, a Florida municipal corporaticm> .." r- (hereinafter called "the City") is entered into pursuant to City Code, and is intended to constitute a covenant covering the property described herein. This Agreement is based on the following premises: Whereas, the real property described herein as Parcel IB of Tract 15 of the Tuscawilla p.u.n., further described on Exlubit "A" attached hereto is located within the City limits of the City; and Whereas, the real property is subject to certain land development regulations of the City, including the "S.R, 434 Corridor Vision Plan: New Development Area" (Ordinance No. 675 of the r--..,) c:> City); and c...u c=> Whereas, the real property is subject to a Settlement Agreement set forth in Ordinance 489 Ul and recorded at Official Records Book 2277, pages 0464 through 0500, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter call "the Settlement Agreement"); and Whereas, parties concur that this Agreement deals with issues separate from the issues addressed in said Settlement Agreement, and this Agreement should be construed as consistent with ~ the said Settlement Agreement, and in the ev~nt of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and 't the Settlement Agreement, the Settlement Agreement shall prevail; and Whereas, this property has received a Certificate of Vested Rights Special Use Pennit from the City on August 4, 1993, which is in full force and effect, and this Agreement shall not cause to affect the vesting status of this property; and ....:- 0;0 0-., 0-., :::r.<=; ,'0 - -+- :t> o 0') I :.~ ~." ':, ~J ::J >:~ CJ C.J I 'i <..r: -,- r-' iJIl ~~~;~ :! ~:::::)~ ~_:.u .--,0 . ;= "1:;; ~'q(J== -- :-;: z: .~(-;n c:c: ..,.. ::~ ::j ~ ." ..- ......... ;;;~0: --~ c:.o ;:v c...o 1" co ('~ :> 0 :::0 -< 0 "1 0 W ~ ~ < M - ;u -,., N M ~ ~. ,-,. ~ . . C' C' Whereas, the City agrees that Parcel IB of Tract 15 of the TuscawiIla P.UD. may be ':...0 subdivided and developed into a maximum offive (5) parcels platted as provided by law; and ...(::- CUD o ..., Q"T1 =^n :P r :-1'; rT1 ,~ U') rTJ :J: :z:: Whereas, an application for final engineering approval and permit was submitted to the Citf2 t'T'! n prior to the adoption of Ordinance No. 675 for one parcel located at the southeast corner of the:' .." r- intersection of VistawilIa Drive and State Road 434 (hereinafter call the Hess Site, as depicted in . N ~ c:::> m --;) :::, ::." :u c;-) C:l [ '1 <.r. N Exhibit "B" attached hereto), and Property Owner and City agree that this Development Agreement should address specific issues relating to development of said Hess site; and Whereas, Sections 20-458 and 20-459 of Ordinance No.675, the "S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan: New Development Area" provide for a Development Agreement for real property such as that described on Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" upon a finding that the site is constrained, and extra development enhancements are provided by the Property Owner to preclude or mitigate against any impacts upon abutting properties or the S.R. 434 corridor; and, Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs finds that the real property described in this Agreement is constrained by width, proximity to water retention areas to the rear of the property, and by wetlands; and Whereas, the City Commission finds that Property Owner is making sufficient development concessions and enharicements on the real property described on Exhibit "A" to authorize a Development Agreement for the Hess site described on Exhibit "B", attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and Whereas, in consideration for the City entering into this Agreement, the Property Owner has agreed to provide certain enhancements for the entire parcel (such as landscaping) and certain common design themes or criteria (a uniform ground mounted sign system for the individual parcels). 2 J. (" NOW THEREFORE, be it agreed as follows: 1. Premises Incorporated Herein (./) rT'\ :r The City and the Property Owner hereby agree that the foregoing premises are true ar$ r ,..., correct. 2. Property Affected 2.1 The real property described on Exhibit "A" constitutes the entire property subject to this Development Agreement. A consideration for the City entering into this Agreement is that certain enhancements (such as enhanced landscaping and a six (6') food masonry wall along the rear of the subject property) and certain common design themes or criteria (a uniform ground mounted sign system for the site) are being proposed by the Property Owner . and accepted by the City. Certain requirements set forth herein, therefore, apply to the entire property (Exhibit "A"). 2.2 Such a specific implementing development agreement is created for the Hess site (Exhibit "B It) in this Agreement. Certain development obligations are being agreed to by and between the Property Owner and the City as the standards governing certain aspects of development of the Hess site. 2.3 Where no requirements concerning a development issue are set forth in this agreement for the real property described on Exhibit "A" or Exhibit "B", then the standards set forth in the "State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan: New Development Area" standards shall first apply, and if no standards exist in said ordinance, then other applicable City Code provisions shall govern development of the property. 3 ;::.....) l'..) roo 0-" 0'1 A- n J> - .... ;- g c> -,,0"'\ r ..0..1 ~'T1 C ~'-) :-::, .;'.;.:~ w :;-) CJ : .: (.~ .' .' . ( ('" .' 2.4 This Agreement does not and cannot exempt any real property from complying with state or local law or ordinances relating to platting, environmental pennitting, wetlands (/) rT1 regulations, stormwater, or other matters nor any development issues not directly addresse~ :z:: o by this Agreement. ~ g 0 -" m r 3. Enhanced Landscaping. Sidewalks. WalL and Retention Ponds, The development of all or any part of the real property described on Exhibit II A" shall be subject 10 the enhanced landscaping including berms and meandering sidewalks (to the extent such meanders and additional width are allowed by the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT)), as set forth on the Master Development Program for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcell-B (Sheets 2 & 3), dated December 23, 1997, and revised February 23, 1998 and March 4, 1998, prepared by Bower- Singleton and Associates, Inc. (hereinafter called the Mater Development Program), and on file with the Office of the City Clerk, Wi~ter Springs, Florida. The enhanced landscaping to be provided by and at the cost to the Property Owner per the terms and conditions of the following: 3.1 The enhanced landscaping specified herein shall be provided by the Property Owner or his heirs, assigns, successors, or agents, as a condition of development of the property and at the time of installation of other site related improvements for each parcel created from the real property described on Exhibit "A" oftrus Agreement. 3.2 The Hess site described on Exhibit liB II shall be subject to and comply with the landscaping specifications set forth on the Master Development Program, on file with the Office of the City Clerk, Winter Springs Florida, as a Final Engineering Permit condition for site development of said parcel. 4 (...) ~ roo 0-" 0-" =^(=) l> r :::-J ;." C1 -~) :::.. :t.>~ :...;0 :..~ r..r; j~ .+:- -+=- ~ C' (" 3.3 The City agrees that the enhanced landscaping together with a six foot masonry wall at or along the rear (south) boundary of the property described on Exhibit "A" in the Mastt); rT'l Development Program separating the commercial property from the adjacent residentii o I property to the south are acceptable buffers in consideration of the intent of the State RocfcP C"'} a 434 Corridor Vision Plan New Development Area Ordinance, constraints of the site arn:h I potential impact on the surrounding properties, 3.4 Landscape and wall construction plans shall be incorporated into the construction documents. Failure of the Property Owner or his assigns to install the landscaping and six (6') masonry wall (as lots are developed), agreed to and required by this Agreement shall be a breach of this Agreement and shall constitute a basis authorizing of the City to withhold issuance of pennits, and/or certificates of occupancy, until the landscaping and wall construction obligations jmposed by this Agreement are fully complied with. 3.5 This Agreement obligates the Property Owner to install a meandering six (6') foot wide sidewalk along the State Road 434 frontage of this property as shown on the Master Development Program, The City acknowledges that the landscape design depicted on Sheet 3 of the Master Development Program requires use ofD.O.T. State Road 434 right-of-way and modification of D.O. T. sidewalk placement and width requirements and therefore is subject to review and approval by the D.O.T. It shall be the Property Owner's obligation to obtain said approval with the cooperation and assistance of the City. In the event this carmot be accomplished, the design shall be modified and all landscaping will be constructed south of the road right-of-way within the Property Owner's property with the sidewalk being constructed by F.D.O.T. 5 w ,..... -- OJ CJ a~ a .." ::;E;(=) J:> r- N ~ o 0" -.;:) :-'1 (j ",~1 ~::J .~~ -.;::J (;) ~::.J : ! ~ (/", Ul ., ( co 3.6 Retention ponds shall not be constructed at a slope steeper than four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical. <f) rr1 3.7 Property Owner agrees to comply with all landscaping requirements of the SR 434 Visioning; :z:: o Plan Ordinance not specifically provided for in this Agreement. ~ go "T1 m r- 4. Sign Design Requirements. As mutual consideration by and between the City and the Property Owner the sign age for the entire property described on Exhibit "A" shall be in accordance with the design and specifications per the Master Development Program, Sheets 2 and 3. 4.1 As to the entire property on Exhibit "A", the uniform design signage fronting on State Road 434 shall be that size, bulk and height and design as set forth on Sheet 3 of the Master Development Program and shall be constructed by the Property Owner or successors in accordance with the afore!l1entioned plans. The City agrees to the number and placement of signs as depicted on Sheet 2 of the Master Development Program. 4.2 As to the Hess site (Exhibit "B") the building signage and internal site signage shall be that set forth on the uniform sign plan on file with the City, as pages A-I (dated December 10, 1997) and Page CE-l (dated January 23, 1998) by Metsky-Zuckerman, Architects and Plariners. Building and internal site signage shall not exceed 193.5 square feet of copy space. Ground mounted signage shall not exceed a total of 110 square feet of copy space. The City acknowledges that the Hess site signage exceeds the square footage area allowed under Ordinance No. 675 in Section 20-454 but permitted in Sections 20-458 and 20-459. 6 ,:....) +.- CUD 0-" 0-" A- n > r ::1: N ~ , . -:-) ::,-) -::-.... ::: CJ"' ':;-)0 . '1~;. ( ( 5.0 Setbacks for Parcel I-B of Tract 15, .:~ The building setbacks for the Property described on Exhibit II A" shall be fifty (50) feet (except on the ..;:- f'Tl' N ::J: .- Hess site described on Exhibit "B") which shall be set back 49' 6" from the adjacent right-of-way ~ - r ~ of State Road 434 in recognition of the enhanced landscaping for said site. The setback for all ot~r Cl Q . 0" amenities (other than buildings) shall be twenty five (25') feet from the State Road 434 Right ofway and fifteen (15) feet from Vista Willa Drive. In the event of a default by the Property Owner in the installation of the landscaping to Tract IB per the Master Development Program or failure to maintain said landscaping, as required by City Code, then the setbacks pursuant to City Code shall apply to said Tract or part thereof 6.0 Hess Site (Exhibit "B") Design Amenities. The Property Owner has agreed that the building design for the Hess site is modified to provide that the green stripe around the building (generally parallel to the ground) will not be back lit with artificial lighting. 7.0 No Carwash Land Use on Tract 15. ParcellB TheProperty Owner agrees that notwithstanding the land uses pennitted in the Settlement Agreement, no approval for a carwash shall be sought or pennitted on the property described on Exhibit A of this Agreement. . 8.0 Property Owner's Association. There shall be a mandatory Property Owner's Association responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the landscaping, roads, retention ponds, amenities and other common areas and facilities, 9.0 Grace Periodffime to Cure. In the event the City detennines the Property Owner or Successor is not in compliance with the landscaping installation as required by this Agreement, or fails to maintain the landscaping as required by City Code, the City shall provide written notice of violation to the Property Owner of the subject 7 CUD Cl ." Cl"'Tl ~- CJ 1> r :::r .~ ;..,-, -.J ,~ . , :-) ~:; -".I' :-::; c")o : ~ ~ r.f'; (- (' parcel or parcels, stating the specific nature of the violation and the corrective actions to be taken to cure said non-compliance. The Property Owner shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of said notic~~ (f) ~ in which to cure the violation before the City can declare a default under this Agreement. rr1 N 3:~ :z 10.0 Pursuant to the requirement of state law, the parties acknowledge and agree, ~ ~ (a) Duration of Agreement. This Agreement shall be recorded in the public rec~ds~ .." r - of Seminole County at cost to the Property Owner and shall be a covenant running with the CO land. (b) Development issues. Development issues shall be those permitted. and controlled (such as building height, permitted uses, parking requirements and other development standards by existing City Code, including Ordinance No. 675 and the Settlement Agreement, except as said site development standards are specifically modified herein. (c) Agreement Consistent with Comprehensive Plan. The City commission, and the local planning agency, have found that the land uses and development proposed are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. By entering into this Development Agreement, the City Commission finds this Agreement consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, (d) Compliance "Yith Other Laws, The . failu!"e of this Agreement to address a particular permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve the Property Owner of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. 8 roo <::) .." <::) .." :;:C;:C=; ~ ,.- ;r) ~T1 n -: j :=J :;,.. :::0 ~:")o ~-"1 (J"; (- \ (' 11.0 EnforcemenUV enue. This agreement may be enforced by parties to it by bringing action in the Court of proper jurisdiction0J to interpret or enforce the provisions of this Agreement. Cf) ,;::- Venue of any such shall be in Semil;le N _ r 'X o r ,-TO ("") o County, Florida. c:::> ..,,0" r- This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and shall be \.D 12.0 Parties Bound. binding on the heirs, assigns or successors to the Parties to this Agreement. DONE AND AGREED on this \ ,W day of A PP. \ \.. , 1998. WITNESS PROPERTY OWNER: N ~~~ . L-- 'J ~:-JW<,.r:J~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF O/?/9NQr The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / 3 ~ay of ~A" /, , 1998 by Robert Yeager, as Trustee. He i personally known to ,or has produGed . , "'-. \ OTAR PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA rint .:::f1t, L~ C ~ ~ ~ ",1H,.v My commission expires ....~~'t:-i:;;.. JULIE SUWVAN !:f~t~ MY COMMISSION' CC 634294 ~'. ::; EXPIRES: AlxU 6. 2001 "~ '.P.'_o;:.~., Bonded Thru NoWy Pullllc UndelwrtIm 9 CJO <::) .." 0"" An :P r- :-:) ;"1""\ (J .U ::J >~ .:;-;0 , ''1 tr. CITY CLERK (' STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ,--~IN0~Y ( CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~ N :J: ~ ::z: o r ~ ('") .~ ~ ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ay Qr. 1998, by Paul P. Partyka, Mayor of the City ofWmter Springs, Florida He is sonally kno~o m or has produced as identification, THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Robert D. Guthrie Kruppenbacher & Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 3471 Orlando, FL 32801-3471 (~L~' -' NOTARY PUBL, T OF FLORIDA Print~ LI...<..~ My commission expires ,,""~~~l/IJ'.... A~~DREA LORENZO LUACES '\f ":., r.'lv Commission CC461597 * dif'J.;;~ &pires May. 09,1999 ~ "'\~ ",'" Bonded by ANB .,;~ OF f\.~~' 800-852-5878 \ .', . ;t\~ Le~a..\ ~SLJL\\J ~ ~e,it \.,s, \ - 10 ,-0 r- - ruo o "'T1 0'1 An :P r ::TJ ;''1 (-; C> 0" N C> . :) ::.; :>::0 ::;, C:l . '~Ul MAR 04 '98 09:31AM KRUppEr....,CHER & ASSC p~r2/ 1~ I(ft( . . '-oJ (' PAR eEL I c a I DESCRIPTION, Co~nce OT The No~thQQS~ eo~ne~ 01 SeCTion 8, TownshIp 21 S~u+h. Ranoe 31 Eo&t. Semlnolo County. Flo~Ida. thence run S 00-24'55- fu alcn9 the Eas~ I Ine o~ +he No~~heos+ I /~ oT sold Se~+ron 6 ~cr P1 dIstance o~ 205.56 ~GGt to the Nor+he~ly RIQh+-o~-WOy I 'ne of +h~ ~oke Cho~m Branch of +hB Seoboa~d Cooa+ LTne ~oll~ood croo' R,W'5: +hence ~un N S~-34'S'H W a'onQ ~Qld No~+he~ly Rroh+-o~-Woy IIn~ fo~ a dl$+onoe 01 Z9~.14 teeT TO 0 potn+ on 0 curve concovw- SCU+hw83+0rly hOvlng Q ~adlu& o~ 1959.19 fee+ ond 0 chord beorrn~ o~ N 6G-S&'09H WI +hence run No~+hwe$+erly olono The o~c oT SQI~ curvo ana sord NO~Therly ~1~hT-O~-WOY I Ins ThrOUO~ 0 c9ntro~ onOlo o~ 2G'44'10- TO~ 0 dla+cn~o o~ 845.63 ~ee+ +0 the poln+ oT +anoencyr thence run N 19-10'14- W Olono sold NorTherly RIQh+-OT-~ Way Ilna for 0 dls+ance 01 691,26 1ee+ to The poTnt of cUrvo+u~& oT a c~ve concoye SouTh~o~terly hcYI~c 0 radIus o~ 2612.09 4esT. +n~nC$ run No~~n~e3+Qrly olonQ the Q~c O~ aced Qvrvo and sofd No~tha~ly RIQht.o~.WOY line +hrovoM 0 cenT~ol onola o~ 1'.4&'36- ~O~ a dlG~onoe o~ 536.92 Toet +0 tho paInt o~ tangency. +nence "'vn S as-S5'Os" Walon9 50ld Nor-the~ly R-TQn1--o-(-Woy 1 rna ~or CI drs+o~ce o~ 3S.~8 -(eOT +0 the Easterly RI~M+-O~-Woy line oT Vls+owrlla Orrve and.a ~oln+ on 0 eu~vo OOMCOY. Sou+he08+~~ly ho~lno 0 radJu3 oT 460,00 T~e+ ond 0 chord beorlnQ o~ N 4~-S3'28- EI thance run NO~Theo8Te~ry Qlo~O The o~c of sold curve and sold Eaa+erly RrCh+-oT-~ay I fne through a cenTrol onole of 69.00.IS" for 0 dIstance oT 55~,CI~ee+ +0 +h~ poln+ oT r~~e~ae curvature oT a curve Concave Northw9~Tarly ho~l~a 0 ~OdlV6 o~ 790.00 'fee+ ond 0 cho~d bec""no 0+ N tl4-S0'SO" 1;:,. thence ,-un Nor+heQs~erly olonQ the ore oT sor~ curve and ,sold Eos+erly Rroh+-of.Woy I In9 Th~ouQh Q cen+rol angle of 69.05'~J- Tar 0 dfG+once o~ 9S2.G5 TOo+ to The POJNT O~ BECINNlNG. Thence con+Tnue No~+he,..l.y olonQ sold Eos~o"'ly FlfQh+-o-f-woy (Ine and eald curve hovrnQ 0 radius 01 790.00 ~es+ and 0 chord b90rl~O aT N OS~22'51 - E +h~ovgh Q con+rel onQle o~ 09~SO'Z5" -fo~ ~ dt~+ango ~T 135.98 ~eo+ +0 a pol~+ c~ non-+onQeno~1 thence run N 0&-10'16- (olono $old Easterly RrQht~o~.WOY I rne ~or 0 df&+on~o o~ 100.50 tee~1 fhe"co run N 00.27'3a- E olQn~ ~o'd Eo~terly ~rOh+~ aT-Way line Tor a dle+Qneu of 21~.99 ~Qe+ +0 +he pol~ o~ CUrvo~ure 0+ 0 curve ~o~eoYe Sou~heo&+~rIY havIng c rodlv~ of 25.00 fe~r Thence "'un Nor+hoo~~erly alonQ the ore O~ sold curve thr-ouQh 0 aen+rol onOle o~ 90-00'00" for 0 dt3tance oT 39.27 ~eaT' Thence run S S9-3Z'ZZ E OIO"Q 0 I 'no. ThoT l8 25.00 -fee+ ,SOUTh of (InQ pot"ollol wl+h The South R1oh".0".Way I Ino D~ STate Rood ~J4 Tor a d'~+ance D~ 404.53 Tee+t +henca run N 00-2T'38~'E ~or a dlsTonce ~ 25.00 feeT +0 ~olo South RI~h+-o~- Way I Inol Tho~C8 ~un S a9.J2.2Z~ E clang sotd South ~IQh+-oT-WOY I Ino ~o,.. d dISTance o~ 6~9.eG ~eeT TO +he West RI(lh+-o~-Woy I rne o~ The Black Hommock Bronch o~ The S.obOO~d C006T LIne RollrOOdl +henoe ru" S 06-21 '38- W olong &old WeST RrOh+-o~.Woy lIne Tor 0 dla+anoe of 502.66 ~eoT' thence lea~lno $old WeST Rlaht-oT-Woy Irn9 run N 69-32.22- W TO~ 0 dIstance o~ 1039.34 1eet TO The POINT OF BECINNJNC. ~ESSI RIQht-01-Woy 10r Eo&tern Bel+woy per order O~ Toklno Tried Ma~ JO. 1~91 In OT~Icfol Re~ards Book 2299. PQ~e 964. AND ALSO ~ESS r ~~E RJGHT OF WAY OF S.R. 434 AS O~FtNED IN iHE ORDER O~ TAKIN~ DA~EO MARCH 24. 199~. In OT~lcla' Recorda Book 214'. Paoe 496. PUblic Racoros ~ SemInole County. 'FlorIda. FROM 407-425-7767 :]-1)4-98 10:33 AM P 1 2 UJ ~ N ~ roo o "'T1 o .,., ~n l> ,-- :;rJ ;'1 ("") "DO ~=- ::::J CJO ! "r1 (f; C> 0"' N ....:... 't~R 04 '98 09: 31AM KRUPPEr'-'iCHER & ASSC ( ~P. 13/1 exmm-r It. '6 ~~. LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING A PORTION OF LOT 19, PHIWP R. YONGE GRANT. AS RECORDED IN PLAr BOOK PAGE 1. PAGES 35 THRU 38, PUBUC RECORDS OF SEWNOl.E COUNTY, flORIDA, MORE PARnCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE MOST NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF V1STA'MLU. DRJ\I'E, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGES 60 &: 61, OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING ON THE MOST SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF -WA Y UNE OF' STATE ROAD 434, AS A POINT OF BEGINNING. RUN S89'34'4'-E ALONG ll-lE SOUlHERLY RIGHT-QF'-WAY UNE OF'SAID STATE ROAD 4J4 A DISTANCE OF 250.00 fEET; THENCE DEPARTING THE SOUlHERLY RIGHT-OF -WAY UNE OF SAID STATE ROAD 43-4- RUN S00"2S'19.W AT RIGHT ANGLES A DISTANce: OF 256.00 FEET; l}/ENCE N89"34'41.W PARALLEL WIlli THE SOU11iERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF SAID STATE ROAD 434 A DISTANCE OF' 254.89 fEET TO AN INTERSC:CnON Yw1TH THE EASTERLY R1GHT-0F'-WAY UNE OF' SAID VlSTAWlLlA DRIVE; RUN THENCE ALONG 11-iE: EASTERl Y RIGH T -OF - WA Y UNE OF SAID VISTA WILlA DRIvE: THE FOLLO'MNG COURSES AND DISTANCES; N06'OS'SO.e: A DISTANCE Of 4-8.97 F'EET TO A POINT OF INTERSE:C110N AS SHO'nN ON SAID, V1STA'MlLA DRIV( PLAT. THENCE N00"28'4-S"E A DISTANCE OF 207.28 FEET TO TI-iE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 1.47 ACRES MORE OR LESS, FROM 407-426-7767 .J 3 - I] 4 - 9 8 1 0 : 3 8 AM ,~ (f)~ rT1 N ::r :z: o r ,...., n c <::> ...,., 0" r N N PI 3 OJO' o ;r'1 0"'" l> r- ::~J :-"f'1 - ;.} ::J >:~ ';~d:...J "'J". i ATTACHMENT E /,'" May 16, 2000 To: Community Development Director Assistant to the City Manager V'" Staff ~ Land Development Coordinator From: Re: Development Review Committee Final Engineering for Burger King The Development Review Committee convened on May 16, 2000 to consider the final engineering for Burger King. A. Cornwith, R. Henson and T. Walter represented the project. Staff members present were Cook, Dallas, Greenwood, Hall, Lallathin, LeBlanc and Tolleson, Please see attached Staff comments. Other items discussed: 1) The property must be platted prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 2) The monument sign to be erected on the property must meet the guidelines of the Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel1-B Development Agreement. This requirement will be satisfied at the time of sign permit application. t ADDENDUM May 18, 2000 To: Community Development Director Assistant to the City Manager Staff ~ Land Development Coordinato~ From: Re: Addendum to the Land Development Coordinator Memo dated May 16, 2000 Subj: Development Review Committee Final Engineering for Burger King Omitted from the above referenced Development Review Committee review of the final engineering for Burger King was the motion as it relates to the project. Lallathin moved that the project be favorably forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board and that the Board favorably forward this to the Commission - seconded by Tolleson. All voted aye. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: ) / Thomas Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning C~ ~ _ May 16, 2000 - Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator FROM: DA TE: RE: Burger King At the last DRC meeting I made my observations about the proposed signage for Burger King not meeting regulations. The letter dated April 17, 2000 to you from Thomas Walter indicates that the signage for Burger King will be in compliance with City regulations. I have no further concerns with the Burger King plans as presented. OV1i/00 11: 23 '5'9H 365 5-1-16 P.~R WALTER GR @001 ;[ BRENT A, PARKER AR7299 THOMAS R. WALTER AR 7305 ~ICHAEL R. EDWARDS AA 13153 . MANAGtMtNT . PLANNING April 17,2000 City of Winter Springs Community Development Dept. Planning Division 1126 East State Rd. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 .A TfN: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Re: Burger King Signs @ St Rd. 434 & Vista Willa Drtve Dear Don: \ In response to your letter of March 21, 2000, we have revised the proposed elevations and signage for the above referenced project Please see attached elevation drawings ELEV - 1 and ELEV -2. The Burger King logo wall sign has been relocated and dimensioned fourteen (14) feet .to the top to comply with Sec. 20-454 (d)(4) City Code. The new elevation has reduced the wall signage to one (double faced) 36" circular logo at 7.07 sq. ft. per side for a total of 14.14 sq. ft. , which is less than the permitted 16 SQ. . ft. for a building of less than 50,000 sq. ft. . The overall building height of the main portion of the building is 15' 5 ~" and the playground is at 21' 10 Y:z". If you need any further information please call me at 941-366-2477. Very truly yours, ~JL- If, it/~ / At/4 Thomas R. Walter Vice President tIBK-Carp-ProjeculWinler 50IinQs ~\COII~oonoence\Signllge Ietter.doc 2 NORTH TAMIAMl TRAIL' SUITE 206 . SARASOTA. FL 342:36 www.pw-g.ne( . enuliJ: pwg@homa.com . FAX-36S-S.d.A6 . G41.366-2477 April 28, 2000 CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117 E. Robinson St., Suite C Orlando. FL 32801 Phone: (407) 425-0452 Fax: (407) 648-1036 www.cphengineers.com Mr. Don LeB lane City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 1:) 1=:. ,-,-,--" Review ofB'..lrge.r King Re-submittal Package Submittal Dated April 18, 2000 CPR Job No. W0491.05 Dear Mr. LeBlanc: We have reviewed the plans and response letter submitted by Design Service Group for the proposed Burger King to be located at the intersection of SR434 and Vistawilla Drive. We have reviewed the plans to insure that the project engineer has complied with the comments generated by the City on March 30, 2000. Based upon the information submitted, all of the noted comments have been addressed. Therefore, we recommend that this project proceed through your approval process. If you have any questions regarding this review, or if we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 425-0452. Project Manager SANFORD . ORLANDO ' DELAND ' PALM CITY . CAPE CORAL . JACKSONVILLE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Code Enforcement 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 28, 2000 FROM: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Jimelle Cook, Code Enf.",.menl M1ffilger@) Burger King project TO: RE: I have reviewed the above-referenced project and alTer the following; The trees specified on the plan are large-sized canopy trees that will enhance the property. It is suggested that trees are tagged at the nursery as soon as possible to ensure that the quality of tree specified is available at time of planting, A grade of Florida Grades and Standards I or better is required [or all trees and shrubs. If desired, we can do an inspection of the material before it is installed to ensure that the quality is up to standards. Donald LeBlanc From: Sent: To: Subject: Kimberley Hall Thursday, April 27, 20008:47 AM Donald LeBlanc Burger King To: Land Development Director From: Kim Hall Date: April 27, 2000 RE: Burger King, Revised Engineering I have no additional comments for this project. WINTER SPRINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE: (407) 327-2332 FAX (407) 327-4750 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Donald LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Timothy J. Lallathin, Fire Chief J~ I /~ April 25, 2000 Burger King, SR 434 and Vistawilla Drive, Revised Engineering (sealed April 18, 2000) The Fire Department has reviewed the plans on the above referenced site plan as signed and sealed April 18, 2000. The Department has no objections to the plans as submitted as the plans pertain to Fire Department requirements. No additional comments are required at this time. cc: Deputy Chief O'Brien MEMO FOR RECORD March 7, 2000 Land Development coordinator~ From: Re: Final Engineering Burger King I have no further comments to offer on this project. Memorandum To: CC: From: Don Houck, Building Official Date: 03/02/00 Re: Burger King Final Engineering :':':':"::-:;:;:;;::~~::-~-=.-=:::~::::<~::::<:;::::::: ::;:;~:c~c:::; C-.-,",-,' W,':'; ...;::::;';:::'-;'.'::::::......~ Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator ~ No further comments. 1 . \ ". 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Envaronmental 362A SOUTH GRANT STREET LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32750 WINTER SPRINGS, (407)260_0478 E_Mail: deslgns9@mlndsprlng.com (407)331.3773 Fax Phone fT1 Z G) o > rl1 (J) () > f;i (J) :r: rrl rrl -f CD CD o (J1 VI (f) lJ (f) rrl lJ -f . ~ en ---30. CD CD (() z o Z rrl o " OJ ):. .__.....~c, . . . . . ri / 1,".',0. : L '.--r--- ! i 'r.1 ~~~ ,...1 ~~ ~ :.1. .... ~~/ .! ,.~,"...~ m-, . I , ' t f. .-.,' lrl'~ l .. l\ · f -.~ ~ 1 ..' . #;f'-~v · . /'I'~ 01 f. ,...:.:JIJ sY" I ..., ~ , . I <'J~:~... gwb.Jecoee/€Co~ee/alfWO/a9{11 mfi1gQ~9/J/Is6rtJiM// , '. ~:,.;~;j~;~t:~~};5.{ {" ,~<- "'~dr'~';~:i:r;.?';/ . ";:,~,:\,, . j:>O urtt;: 10 \o:aE :~1 amH. . 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Consulting engineering . enVironmental permitting 362A SOUTH GRANT STREET LONGWOOO, FLORIDA 32750 Site Planning . -0 0 :;:O::or'l o!Cen c- -r- G) rrl...L.Z (') --t Z o 0 · 0;0 en> Q~ o )> iT1 en (') )> f;; (/) :r: fTl fTl --t I.... t"' r~ f~ f~ (1 r~ f~ f^, V\/ j (1 J r I c lJ C) i \ r f"\ "" 1...J () r,r) \.-' \. r) f' ...\ n .. <.: '([. . . 252_4131 (904 ) FLORIDA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, Phone: (407)331.3773 Fax: (407)26G-0478 E_Mail: dosl9ns9@mlndspring,com ~ r'l (') ^ (!) <.0 o (Jl 0J r '- C .-.....t. r ~ 1:< II ~ to N (() o (() .. < ~ o ,., (Xl 1999 17: 48 Hon ;jG53IR.dwg V) ~ hi ::tJ ~ \:) ~ ~ , ~ ~ '- ~ ~ / I / , . , I I I I I , / / I I / I , I / I I I I / I I I / / / / / / I I I I I / / , I I I / I I I I I I I I I , , I I , I I L_-l / I , I I , , , / / I / 1 I I I I , / , , / I I I J I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rh I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , / I / I , I / L_-l-v- / , / I I , / , , , I , / / , , I , I , I , , I / , i I I , I , , I I / I , I / I , I I , I I / , I / , I I I , / / / / / / , I , I , , / , I , / 1 , , , , 67.50' 67.50' I I' ~ II , '" II , / I I II , I, I II I I I l " / . 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