HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 07 Regular Item A PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM A June 7. 2000 REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, presents to the Planning and Zoning Board for informational purposes the proposed site plan for The First Baptist Church of Winter Springs. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to inform the Planning and Zoning Board of the proposed site plan for The First Baptist Church of Winter Springs. This project is not in the conceptual stage and the developer followed Staff recommendation that both the Planning and Zoning Board and the Commission review the plans prior to formal engineering being submitted. This project is to be located at the southeast comer of the intersection of SR 434/SR 419, The property is zoned Rural Urban (RU) and the Future Land Use Designation is Commercial. APPLICABLE CODE: The project is to be engineered according to existing Code. The project is also subject to the requirements of the SR 434 Corridor Vision Plan, New Development Area guidelines. CHRONOLOGY: May 16, 2000 - Development Review Committee Pre-application Meeting FINDINGS: After the Development Review Committee meeting, it was determined that the property would have to be rezoned to come into compliance with the Future Land Use Designation. This can be accomplished simultaneously with the site plan . . . engmeenng reVIew. The project, as presented, does not meet Code requirements. This presentation is for informational purposes only. RECOMMENDA TION: None required at this time. June 7,2000 P&Z Board Agenda Item A Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: A B - Development Review Committee Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2000 - Conceptual Site Plan ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2000 To: Community Development Director Assistant to the City Manager Staff Land Development coordina~ From: Re: Development Review Committee Conceptual Plan for First Baptist Church of Winter Springs The Development Review Committee convened on May 16, 2000 to review the conceptual plan for The First Baptist Church of Winter Springs. J Bush, D. Parnell, S. Purucker, T. Skelton and K Wren represented the project. Staff members present were Cook, Dallas, Greenwood, Grimms, Hall, LalIathin, LeBlanc and Tolleson, Also present was the City's consulting engineer, D. Mahler from CPR The proposed project is to be built in five (5) stages and will total approximately fifty one thousand (51,000) square feet of building area. The project will be located at the southeast corner of the intersection of SR 434/SR 419. Items discussed were access from Shore Road, potential cut through traffic, easement vacation! encroachment, St. Johns permit, code requirements, impact fees, etc. This property is within the New Development Area of the Corridor Vision Plan. This will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Board on June 6, 2000 as an informational agenda item. ATTACHMENT B VOI~O-lJ 'S8NI~dS (jJ1NIM :HVO ~NOISI.\JH ():~'1.nHJ O:iSL\JH oou. /.28 (I.m') gO!2(; Vlmw'u ':';f)NIHdS H:UNI!. rI2 :uns '(]YOH ~~Ofi ~ 1.02 ,- Sf)~J l~dS tJ31N 11',\ ~1~)~r1~1~) lSlld'v'8 lStJlJ . ()~) ~) N 1 ([ >1 ~f.l N j ~) N ~fI r I I /\ [ :) N \/ :-) I ( I :' r V/~~ V r~: o J() MI o:rOctHJ . N!A VH C1 (]:iN8IS:W :fIVJS :UV<1 SHl ViJS SHl .09 =:: .. l OOOG '9l ^V~ ~ f-. t:>.~ [~ :.r:: 'f~ ~J\{ld 311S -lVrlld3JNOJ 0 0J W 0 (D II Z U) 0 '0 W -.J .c( U (/) ? 0 ---- r--, Z 0 ,-." 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