HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 04 09 Informational 102 Status of Beautificatin And Arbor Projects
ITEM 102
Informational X
Public Hearing
April 9, 2007
Regular Meeting
1fvT Mgr. /
REQUEST: The Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Services
Division, informing the Commission regarding the status of Beautification
and Arbor projects in the City.
PURPOSE: The Urban Beautification Services Manager wishes to provide the City
Commission an update regarding projects and accomplishments of the Urban
Beautification Services Division over the past 12 months.
Grant Proe:rams
· Urban Worker Grant (Year 2) - Program completed in January 2007 with
reimbursement to the City of $11 ,618.1 0 from the Division of Forestry.
· Emergency Hurricane Grant #1 (Arbor Day 2006 Tree Giveaway) - Program
completed in June 2006 with reimbursement to the City of $5,000 from the
Division of Forestry.
· Emergency Hurricane Grant #2 (Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd.
Tree Remediation Project) - Currently in progress with a project value of
$25,000 (75/25% match) from the Division of Forestry. Scheduled completion
on or before April 20, 2007.
· Emergency Hurricane Grant #3 (Tree installation along the Cross Seminole
Trail) - Currently in progress with a project value of $100,202 (75/25% match)
from the Division of Forestry.
· Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Highway Beautification
Grant (JPA) - Currently in the final approval process and tentatively scheduled
to begin in July 2007 at a project value of$142,000 (Capital cost 1 00% funded by
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· Grant application for Urban Worker (Year 3) has been submitted for the 2007
funding cycle with the Division of Forestry. If awarded, the grant would fund up
to $10,000 toward the position.
· Grant application for Arbor Equipment is being submitted for the 2007
funding cycle with the Division of Forestry. If awarded, the grant would fund up
to $25,000 toward much needed forestry maintenance equipment.
SR434 Villae:e Walk
· Landscaping in the Village Walk area was completed in early 2006 as part of
Seminole County's SR 434 Access Management Project. The City has an
interlocal agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to
maintain landscaping located within medians and rights-of-way along SR 434
within the City limits. Recently, City Staff has been replanting bed areas where
plant material (installed as part of the SR 434 Access Management Project) has
deteriorated due to inferior plant material, poor plant placement and vehicular
damages. Staff will continue to work on plant replacement as funding becomes
Tuscawilla Lie:htine: and Beautification District
· Phase 2 Street Lighting and Street Sign Project
a. Section 1 (Northern Way North) complete.
b. Section 2 (Northern Way South) at 95% completion.
c. Street signs are being ordered and installation is tentatively scheduled to
commence in May 2007, starting with Northern Way North.
d. Sections 3-7 of the street lighting portion have been prepaid to Progress
Energy and are currently being scheduled for installation.
· Trees are being trimmed, as needed, around all decorative street lights along
Northern Way and Winter Springs Boulevard to prevent damage to the light
· Assessment Program - City Staff and Government Services Group (GSG) is
working on a 5 year budget and assessment revenue plan for the District. The
plan will identify the necessity for an assessment rate increase in Phase 1.
· Tuscawilla Fountains - In mid and in late 2006, (2) of the jet fountain pumps
required replacement at a cost of $3,800. In February 2007, both the North and
South fountains were repaired to seal leaks found in the basin areas and all water
supply lines were tested for abnormal signs of leakage or wear. A raised drain
grate was also installed in 2006 to prevent the south fountain pumping station
from flooding during heavy rains.
· Median Landscaping - Since FY '05/06, many ornamental plants located in the
Winter Springs Boulevard medians have been replaced with sustainable (low
maintenance) plant material that will provide seasonal color throughout the year.
· Tuscora and Winter Springs Boulevard - The sight-distance issues with
vehicular traffic turning from Tuscora onto Winter Springs Boulevard were
resolved in February 2007 by re-Iandscaping the median tips to remove tall
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Oak Forest Wall and Beatification District
· Wall Extension Project - The City Attorney has not been able to confirm
ownership of the land parcel proposed for purchase to extend the Oak Forest Wall
Northward. Until ownership can be verified, the City Attorney has recommended
the City not proceed with the land purchase. Staff will inform the Commission
when more information becomes available.
· Assessment Program - City Staff and Government Services Group (GSG) is
working on a 5 year budget and assessment revenue plan for the District. The
plan will identify the necessity for an assessment rate revision.
Town Center District
. Blumberg Boulevard Trail Project - Construction started in February 2007 with
Southeastern Enviroscapes at a cost of $1.4 million. The project, not to include
the Veteran's Memorial portion, is scheduled to be completed by the end of July
2007. The Urban Beautification Manager and Capital Projects Coordinator had
a major role in the concept and design of this project.
. Buildings 3&4 Sidewalk - Construction started in March 2007 on the Building 3
Sidewalk Project, at a cost of $66,376, with completion projected for May 2007.
The Building 4 Sidewalk Project will coincide with construction of Building 4 and
will be bid accordingly.
. SR 434 Town Center District Median Paver and Landscaping Project - Staff
has prepared the project design and is in the process of obtaining final FDOT
approval. The project, detailed in Item 401 - February 26, 2007 (Resolution
2007-09), is anticipated to begin in June 2007 and be completed within 90 days.
. Orange Avenue Right-of-Way Landscaping - Final inspections for landscaping
and irrigation was approved on March 21, 2007 by City Staff. The City will take
over the landscape maintenance on April 1, 2007.
· Main Street - Market Square, Magnolia Square and the Tuskawilla Road
hardscapes were repaired and refinished at a cost of $9,600 in February 2007.
· The Market Square fountain lighting system was replaced at a cost of $2,400 due
to multiple failures in late 2006.
· Assessment District - Staff has been working with Government Services Group
(GSG) on the proposed Town Center Assessment District(s). GSG is currently
developing the assessment methodology and calculating proposed proforma
assessment rates. A draft Assessment Memorandum is scheduled to be submitted
to the City by April 20, 2007.
Cross Seminole Trail
· Tree installation in front of Parkstone (165 Trees) - The project was
completed in March 2007 with trees provided by Morrison Homes as mitigation
for material not practical for planting within the Parkstone Landings Subdivision.
The subject trees were installed from the entrance to Seminole County's
Consolidated Services Yard (West) to the East end of Parkstone's wall, along the
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Cross Seminole Trail. This project is an excellent example of native
'conservation' planting, requiring minimal resources to sustain the material after
the establishment period. City Staff is watering the trees until they are fully
established (1 year).
· Tree installation from the Dog Park to Tuskawilla Road (398 trees) - This
project has been publicly bid with installation starting in April 2007; lasting
approximately 60 days. This project is primarily a native 'conservation' planting
project and is funded (75%) by the Florida Division of Forestry, UC&F
Hurricane Grant Project. City Staff will be watering the trees until they are fully
established (1 year).
· New landscaping was installed in March 2007 at Fire Station 24 & 26 at a
minimal cost of$1000.
· The irrigation system at the Police Station was upgraded in late 2006 due to
serious coverage issues.
· A new landscaped employee break area was installed at the rear of the Police
Station in late 2006.
· Staff is currently designing conservation landscaping and minimal irrigation for
the new Public Works Facility. Plans should be completed by April 15, 2007 and
installed by Public Works Staff Members.
· Staff will be designing conservation landscaping for the Senior Center Therapy
Pool Expansion Project.
· Moss Road Tree Installation - Later this year, Metropolis Homes will be
providing and installing canopy trees along the entire length of Moss Road
between SR 434 and SR 419 as part of tree mitigation for Saratoga
Condominiums. City Staff will be watering the trees until they are fully
established (1 year).
· In February 2007, City Staff installed (120) native 'blooming' understory trees on
the SR 434 Medians. The project provides for additional annual color in focused
areas throughout SR 434. City Staff will be watering the trees until they are fully
established (1 year).
· New landscaping was installed at the 'Post Office' pond entrance in late 2006.
Most of the landscape material was salvaged from the right-of-way area at Town
Center, Buildings 3&4.
· Irrigations on the Tuskawilla Road Medians Upgraded - In late 2006, the
irrigation systems located on Tuskawilla Road were upgraded due to coverage
issues. The project has also helped to reduce water drifting onto the roadway.
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Street Lie:htine: and Street Sie:ns
· Glen Eagle HOA - The street lighting portion of the project was completed in
January 2007. Street signs are scheduled to be installed in June 2007 along with
the Tuscawilla street signs along Northern Way (South).
· Winding Hollow HOA - Phase 1 of the street lighting project was completed in
November 2006. Phase 2 of the street lighting project has been given to Progress
Energy for scheduling by Winding Hollow HOA. The HOA Board has also
expressed interest in the installation of decorative street signs throughout the
Winding Hollow Subdivision.
Arbor Division
· The Arbor Division has processed 1062 Arbor Permits from Jan 1, 2006 to
present with $42,670 in permit fees collected since October 1,2005.
· The City Arborist has helped the City earn Tree City USA for the 18th year running
and again for the National Arbor Day Foundation's Growth Award 2006.
· In 2006 the City Arborist held arbor care and safety training classes for City Staff
(all departments) who work with trees.
· Tree Mitigation - The City Arborist has played a major role (2006-2007) in
negotiating tree mitigations for projects such as: Landings at Parkstone, Saratoga
Condominiums and various other new developments; providing public right-of-
way tree installations by developers.
· Conservation Projects - Staff is working with the Beautification of Winter
Springs Board to provide suggested revisions to the Arbor Ordinance and to
develop programs and policy regarding conservation and 'Water Wise' plantings
in the City.
Development Review
· Urban Beautification and Arbor are currently handling landscape and irrigation
development reviews for the Community Development Department. This is
resulting in increased success on landscape projects within new developments and
ensuring their compliance with City Code.
Landscape and Irrie:ation Inspections
· Landscape plans review and field inspections are performed by the City Arborist
and the Urban Beautification Manager, ensuring material meets City Code and
follows the approved plans for the project.
· Commercial irrigation plans review and field inspections are now being
performed by the Urban Beautification Manager; resulting in an average of 3
inspections per week. This ensures that each commercial irrigation project is
inspected by an experienced irrigation field professional, resulting in a quality
product that will help to conserve water and sustain plant material for the life of
each project.
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Neie:hborhood Improvement Grant Proe:ram
· The 2006 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program was a success with projects
in public right-of-way areas completed for Wedgewood Tennis Villas, Central
Winds Park and Mount Greenwood Estates HOA.
· Public bids for the 2007 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program are due by
April 20, 2007 with $10k available for funding. The Beautification Advisory
Board will be reviewing bids at their regularly scheduled meeting in May 2007 for
recommendation to the City Commission for approval.
Insurance Claims and Repairs
· The Urban Beautification Manager has processed $20,782 in insurance claims and
the same amount in repairs correlating to automobile accidents involving City
property within the past 12 months.
Events Sponsored bv Urban Beautification
· Arbor Day 2006 - This event was held on Blumberg Boulevard in the Winter
Springs Town Center. Over 1000 trees were provided to the residents in addition
to valuable instruction and tree trimming demonstrations. Half of the event costs
were provided under an Urban Forestry Grant from the State of Florida.
· Arbor Day 2007 - The event was held at City Hall on March 24, 2007. A new
format was selected to focus more on educating the public about the urban forest
and the need for conservation planting and protecting our natural resources.
· Holiday Tree Lighting Event - The 2006 event was a great success having over
2000 people in attendance. Staff is evaluating the potential need and costs to
increase the size of the Christmas tree in the coming years.