HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 03 01 Regular Item 300 Colonial Bank PLANNING & ZONING BOARD March 1, 2006 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearin~ Re~ular X ITEM 300 MGR. ,- fDep{;fi REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Planning and Zoning Board consider the final engineering/site plan for the Colonial Bank, located at the Kash N Karry shopping center, on the south side of SR 434, just west of its intersection with Vistawilla Drive. PURPOSE: To review the final engineering/site plan and make a recommendation to the City Commission regarding the 1.2 are out-parcel bank site, abutting SR 434, at the Kash N Karry shopping center within the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD). The site is subject to the SR 434 New Development Overlay Zoning District regulations (sections 20-463 through 20-474) and existing development agreement and settlement agreement. The applicant proposes either an amendment to the existing development agreement or a new development agreement - whichever is acceptable to the City Attorney - to move the monument sign from the area to be dedicated for an east-bound deceleration lane onto Vistawilla Drive. APPLICABLE LAW: Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. Comprehensive Plan Chapter 9 (Code). Land Development. Chapter 20 (Code). Zoning. CONSIDERATIONS: The 1.208 acre site is located on the south side of SR 434 within one of the one of the two (2) outparcels at the Kash N Karry shopping center. The shopping center is within the Tuscawilla PUD and is designated for commercial uses. It has a Commercial Future Land Use designation. Financial institutions, including banks are an allowable use within the commercial portions of the Tuscawilla PUD. There is an existing development agreement (DA) for the Kash N Karry shopping center. March 1, 2006 Regular Item 100 Page 2 of2 The plan proposes a 3,283 square foot bank building with four (4) drive-thru stations and 26 parking spaces (2 handicap accessible). The drive-thru aisles are screened from Vistawilla Drive. Lighting is planned to be consistent with the existing lighting at the shopping center. A dumpster is provided near the southeast corner of the site and faces away from Vistawilla Drive. An existing storm-wat~r management pond for the shopping center is sized to accommodate the run-off from the site. The applicant is providing land along the northern side ofthe site for an east-bound right-turn deceleration lane onto Vistawilla Drive, as requested by staff (to accommodate an existing traffic situation, there. The existing DA depicts the monument sign for this site within the area that is being dedicated to City for the deceleration lane. Staffhas addressed this issue with the City Attorney and hopes to have a DA amendment or other appropriate legal mechanism to address this issue accompany the site plan when it goes to the City Commission. FINDINGS: 1. The site is located on the south side of SR 434, west of Vista Willa Drive at the Kash N Karry shopping center, within both the Commercial portion ofthe Tuscawilla PUD and within the SR 434 New Development Overlay Zoning District. 2. The Colonial Bank final engineering/site plan is consistent with the City Code and Comprehensive Plan. 3. Approval ofthe Colonial Bank final engineering/site plan is contingent upon the City's approval of the monument sign location - to be adequately addressed through a development agreement amendment, or as may be deemed necessary and/or appropriate by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval, subject to appropriately addressing the monument sign location, as noted in the findings section, above. ATTACHMENTS: A Final Engineering and Landscape Plans P&Z ACTION: 2 C V L CONSTRUCT ON PLANS V> V> ~ :z: = :z: o FO g~ I!=-< ~l!ol 00 ~::i: ~~ I- :z: oQ :z: V> "" '" 0> ;;; u.i a: 1=0 ....... "" "" -< C> u.i ....... ~ C> FOR PROJECT TEAM SHEET INDEX OLONIAL BANK Win ter IN Springs, Florida OWNER/APPLICANT COLONIAL BANK, N.A. 2127 W. State Road 434 Longwood, Florida 32779 (407) 281-8100 SURVEYOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560 Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 422-8062 GEOTECHNICAL ANDREYEV ENGINEERING, INC. 4055 St. John's Parkway Sandford, Florida 32771 (407) 330-7763 VICINITY MAP . N. 1. S. ENGINEER, PLANNER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 218A E.New York Avenue Deland, Florida 32724 (386) 738-7140 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE & COMPANY 651 NORTH MILLS AVENUE Orlando, Florida 32803 (407) 894-1317 ARCHITECT/CONSULTANT DESIGN SERVICES INCORPORATED 1778 N. PARK AVE., SUITE 100 MAITLAND, Florida 32751 (407) 629-5755 C1 COVER SHEET C2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY C3 GENERAL NOTES C4 SITE DIMENSION PLAN C5 SITE DEVELPMENT PLAN C6 GRADING PLAN C7 UTILITY DETAILS WATER City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-8954 ELECTRIC PROGRESS ENERGY 2801 West S.R.426 Oviedo, Florida 32765 (407) 359-4418 CABLE BRIGHTHOUSE 6373 All American Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32810 (407) 292-7200 E2.0. a SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL SITE SERVICES SEWER City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-8954 TELEPHONE SPRINT-FLORIDA, INC. P.O. Box 3000 MC 4043 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32715-3000 (407) 830-3404 L-1 L-2 L-3 LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN IRRIGATION SITE PLAN SPECOFICATIONS & DETAILS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 417 LOT 3, TUSCAWILLA TRACT 15 PARCEL 1-C, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 56, PAGES 29 THROUGH 32, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LOCATION MAP . N. 1. s. - FEB. 07, 2006 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS - RESUBMITTAL - DEC. 16,2005 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS - RESUBMITTAL - SEPT. 12, 2005 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS neers Professional Engineering Consultants surveyors e SUBMITTALS Board of Professional Engineers Certificate No. 3556 Suite 1560, Eola Park Centre 200 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 pec@peconline.com Tel (407) 422-8062 Fax (407) 849-9401 LOT 2 TUSCAWlLLA TRACT 15 PARCEL 1-C (P.B. 56, pcs. 29-32) ~r~ ~~~~ ~ '-" "'-" .'"to 4s' ~" ",'"to 7~'9s- ~ -- ---- NOO.10'53"E 250.00' (P)(C) .:.'';' ~~ '1:'~ ~a '~~ ~'"to .~o<S A!~ ': '~'" r , 18" RCP 1TlV. 11~ Ol (J1 ~\I) ~~ ~il1 ~::tJ Cj~ ::tI:::J ~< ~~ ~-II. ~~ Jt .ii~ '-J ~ '-" .~ ~ \() -!>: \() ($ '-J ~ t\;) ~ ~ ~ '-.::. ~ ~ ~ .~ C:! Vi Q :v~ ~ !;;: r-- IJ) C) S'l ~ 'I ~ l:J () t\;) ~ 'I ~ i;; \() l:J I ~ ~ ::tJ ~~ '" ..... 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I DATE P [ C I PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSUL TANTS, INC. engineers planners surveyors Boord of Professional Engineer Certificate No. 3556 Suite 1560, Eolo Park Centre 200 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Tel (407) 422-8062 Fax (407) 849-9401 pec@peconline.com MAP OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOG9APHIC SURVEY ~OLONIAL BANK WINTER SPRINGS- FLORIDA - - S T R SHEET DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: PROJ. No. DATE C-2