HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 12 05 Public Hearing 500 Ordinance Amends 8 - Flood Damage Prevention PLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ITEM 500 Consent Informational Public Hearin Re ular x December 5, 2007 Meeting REQUEST: The Public Works Department - Stormwater Division requests the Planning & Zoning Board / Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing related to Ordinance 2007-32 which amends Chapter 8 - Flood Damage Prevention. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Public Hearing is for the Planning & Zoning Board / Local Planning Agency to consider proposed changes to Chapter 8 - Flood Damage Prevention. The proposed changes consist of the adoption of new flood maps recently issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and several administrative revisions. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. Section 166.041(3)(c). Florida Statutes. Winter Sprinl!s Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Sprinl!s Section 20-57. Duties of the Planning and Zoning Board. CHRONOLOGY: September 28. 2007 - FEMA officially issued new Flood Insurance Rate Maps Nov. 25.2007 - Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel ofLPA Public Hearing Dec. 5. 2007 - LP A to hear the request and make recommendation to the Commission CONSIDERATIONS: . Flood Insurance Rate Maps are created by FEMA to illustrate the limits of the Special Flood Hazard Area, which is defined as an area of land that would be inundated by a flood having a 1 % chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The 1 % flood is also referred to as the "base flood" or "100-year flood." The Special Flood Hazard Area is more commonly known as the "100-year floodplain" or more simply as the "flood December 5,2007 P&Z/LPA PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 zone." The flood maps show the horizontal limits ofthe 100-year floodplain, and in most areas the flood maps identify the flood elevation expected to be reached during the 1 % flood event, which is known as the "base flood elevation." . On September 28, 2007, FEMA officially issued new Flood Insurance Rate Maps for all of Seminole County including the City of Winter Springs. The new flood maps were issued in preliminary form in February 2006, and the final maps are unchanged from the preliminary maps. . The Flood Maps covering Winter Springs were last updated in 1995. The new Flood Maps have been updated to reflect the development and other natural changes in the environment over the past 12 years. The new Flood Maps are more accurate and support a flood insurance program that is more closely aligned with actual risk. . Ordinance 2007-32 amends Chapter 8 - Flood Damage Prevention to officially adopt the new flood maps and to make several other related administrative changes. No policy changes are proposed by Ordinance 2007-32. . The new Flood Insurance Rate Maps are available for viewing on the City's website, www.winterspringsfl.org, under "Public Notices" and "FEMA Flood Modernization Information." The new flood map is also posted in the lobby at City Hall. . Staff performed a detailed review and comparison of the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps to the old maps and found that: o Approximately 250 properties that were previously outside the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) appear to be either partially or fully within the SFHA under the new map; o Approximately 405 properties appear to have been removed from the SFHA; and o Approximately 985 properties that were in the SFHA appear to still be in the SFHA (no change) City property owners affected by the Special Flood Hazard Area have been mailed notices indicating whether their property has been added, removed, or remains within the Special Flood Hazard Area based on the new flood maps. FINDINGS: . Ordinance 2007-32 amends Chapter 8 - Flood Damage Prevention to be consistent with FEMA's new flood maps. . The adoption of Ordinance 2007-32 is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: December 5,2007 P&Z/LPA PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning BoardlLP A hold a Public Hearing related to Ordinance 2007-32, and make recommendation of Approval to the City Commission. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Dec. 10,2007- City Commission First Reading of Ordinance 2007-32 Dec. 27, 2007- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel for 2nd Reading (10 days prior) Jan. 14,2008- City Commission Second Reading /Adoption of Ordinance 2007-32 ATTACHMENTS: A. Noticing in Orlando Sentinel B. Ordinance 2007-32 PLANNING & ZONING BOARDILPA RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENT A '1-- ~ , Orlando Sentinel SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2007 E3 l~e-=Le~~o~~~j]~. ~~~.~!!~!"!~!~1 1111 qual"I"'. . :::-r::rr. I'lIlIlno, Dlttrlcf Manager. ". file, Black Franl. laaks HP DESKTOP 2.. Inlel mer Stick edfler hed e vlclUllls 01' flrmt nteNiliil nena & companVjlnc., ". . .. like new. 1300. 352-455. Pentium. 120, Ghl.hard Irlmmer blow.. &110' In provldlnl ~OfllssIOl\al !~.i.' Soulh Park C rcle, 1512. drive. Iwo d sc drives. ., constrKc:tlon'Enlln..ri~ frile 330, Orlanda. Florlckl .. fIEEZU 1 Sears soft free Windows XP. wlrele.. N MOWER 1~~"2f~IY~ ~r~w I(~'r~- ,. . OF ::;:~~'r'::, cr.:" ~:ie~e~ ~~~s~:uJ~,~e:~ay~dl lA=ro lurn. 32'. c~r;:r~ struclure eon.'trucllon far . Vivian Carvalho . WCAI. . cu fl. $200 aba. 2 almosl prlnler, new carlrldllesl _ 12HP, 11000 /form. 352-'89. the OvIedO on lI1e Park pro). Ritz,,"a & Campanv, Inc. .. . new comm'l IIrade Arctic black and color. excellen 1146 etl pursuanl '~"he "Con. .Dlstrlcl Manaie.!' S FOR Air refrlgeralors 22 cu fl. working candltlon. 1300. LAWN TRACTOR - 1550. 80. sul'on's Campe IIlv.e N~ C0R551332 11125. lW, 2007 $35OIobo. (81 Black & Deck. 352.2~1-0100. . lens. 38' CUI. 1+ Yr New. tlallon AcI,' Frida "0'. . 0II0lNANCE NO. 211I7-31 er prole..lanal grade laP TOP Inlel Celeron. Nice Culs. Briggs Eng. ules 287.0SSk T. he RF Q IE iIIOHS AN OROINANCE OF THE blenders w/ attachments, CD.Rom. Wireless Inler. Perl COnd, 386.33-1.5575 guideline pac aaeDwlll be 0 CITY COMMISSION OF $2Oea/aba. <107-2'7.1126 .. nel. CaSl. Clean. 1200. PLANT Qvallable lhr!Hlln emand. THE CITY OF WINtER REFRIGERATOR $125' frosl.. Call: 239-<128-3294 5lar.~I-ro-711.1712~ SPRINGS, FLORIDA. free $155 guaranleed. lAPTOP Toahlba P'lRllum LW(~K =, numbe'raJ7rRFQ'S ~M5ygl~<1'J,ttt~T~RJ: rl New <107 291.fOU ~I wlreleu Inel. $280. d . b f 2:00 L CONSI fiR R Kenmare New Dell desktops, Pent :r.:. Y1nf.!1c3f to! ore. Greenewav Improvemenl ~1f~IO~'EMA' S S ~~~ ac double. doors, ~L 3.2ghz. 17 Inch mnlrs. Arborelum qualllv 8 fl .,. .. . .Dlslrlct. loco led in Oranle FLOOD MAPS' PROVID ce maker veryloaa $/50 eo ~H48..uo Euphorbia Trigona Cac. ~OIIiCll County. Florida announces ING FOR TH~ REPEAL cond S250 <<17-299-'0'15 PlaSMA TV 50' noo.. Ius & 8 II Rubber Tree . .. ' .........-. Ihal professlqnallano;tscap. OF PRIOR INCONSIS. WASHER a ORYER ncl. UNOPENED, NEW IN RAINBOW PLAYlET - Forl/. . . Inl, hardsc:aplRl and ..rill<!. TENT ORDINANCES AND cancl. lale model 1200 for BOXl HDTV FLAT PAN- slide/swing Refurb. Cv. lhleiIt, ... tlon services mav be need- RESOLUTIONS; PROVID- bath can SPill <107-353-737' EL. 0801, 86U00W799 press. flood cond/buver . ed On 0 continuing basis. I NG FOR I NCORPs/PA- IDNY &3 INCH HD.REAOY Irons. 1300 407.468.7394 The ell;'! af Ov= ~ Services 10 Include plan. TlON ~NT8 THE CWDE; WAlHER A DRYER Excel. REAR.PROJ TV Sony' jlwelchObellsoulh.nel ~':v'~I.l:ll:\I~IVfal0ci ~~':pd'{r=r~':.r:~il:::C: ~ft?~11 ~~ A~~Opi~v~~:~~!~~tlon $100 each, ~:,;5~~S~~~~t.y!. wal.,. IrmulaHtles, ana.1a and s(l8Clflcallons and su. I NG FRAN EFFECTIVE oba Greal .plclure. Call . re-aclVertlse as mav be de- pervlslon services lar land. DATE. . WASI\ER a OIlYEtl Excel. <IOH25-l12<lO.or ernall:. . DIAMDND RING _ 1/2 Chy termlned Ia be In the besl sC(lpe, hQrdscar,e and Irrl. lenl condlllon, large ca. lIelfleldOholmall com . diamond 14 Clw white' Inl_taf.the,Cltvaf.OvI.. lotion Inslal allan. and 0_ pacllv. $100 each. Call TV Sa XBR '36" HD gold, Relall 112851Sacrl. dO. T\I!ufi!,tv ac:~:Ssu';n1t: maintenance. .. W:::-o:'DRYER' GE readv'::/LG HD T'uner lice $475. 352-'88-7859 m":.'oi' rea~nl th, pre. The landscaplnl firm SI' SlO . While 1350 oba Excellenl 1499. Brllllanl Plclurel RING - Ring Brllllonl SOli. scribed .POI"I within the lecled will act In a general THE W candlllon. like new. Like newl <107-287-'1<10 lalre l.IS K Appraised lime ptrlacl "pUlaled. capacllv and will provide Please call 321-947-0729 19100, musl ..11.$4500 oba . lhe above prolesslonal serv. PRIN . II 407-349-9750 CSE556060. 1112S107. Ices as reqUired. Any firm WASHEMlRVER F= WATCH _ Men's Rolex. . or Individual deslr nl 10 The agenda Item may be In. ~:'rl$m7A::'~~1~1.m' FIREWOOD - Good split Date JuSl model. 18 coral. UULAIIVEIII1IBIENT ~rovlde professional Slrv. spe~te~y .Inlerested HO'lo a-I -N -. CH-- season Oak firewood. Bv .. slalnle.. sleel band.. CIS 10 Ihe Dlslrlct mysl parties 8.a.m. and , load or card. <107-189-432. Jubilee model. cham. ~ urnl'~ Q resume 01 "s 5R I.m.. Mon av tjiU h WHEELS? If you are IKllne dial. MinI condl. quallflcallOn, and pasl ex. F day, at the City', " lOOking to sell your lion. !5200. <I07-~ en: IlIl'lence On Slandard Form 0 Ice, Iac:and at 11 asl . WATCH _ Rain. Yacht ....R:4i SF ,330 Wdo'",'h pertlnenl sup. Sate RaQd 4341= Inler yehlcle for less than .BED _ "BARGAIN I UIed Mosler. rePllcal 440 slee.l. _:fIt- .... paring a. ~prlnlS, ~lar=. or.more $2SOO, check out m & UP. All sizes avail. 27 lewel, saph re chrv.. . A firm submllllJ1lil quallflca' l=r~"I a~ ca I (~lt~ ~~ Cheap Wheels In the Nearly New <107-291-9056. 101, autol flawless. save , . r lL. 2007 lions 10 Ihe Dlstrlcl musl abllllles '-~~SSlslance Transportat-Ion cat-e- BED/ CHm ~ ba~s, Scan- $5K1seIl ,250. '54-588-n71 a 2:0a, M ~cal Time. hold applicable stal, IIcens. 10 partlc'iPa't: In ai Of liory of Sentinel design bed. bkcase WAGTMCHT M R,OLEIX, 'WNE,\',! C!llIIac:t: Diana Deatherage es and musl be a current thes~roceedl~" S Uld headbd/_ enest at drawers as er . or" at (401) 30-31;42. .' . and a~lIve Corporation or cant the Emp~ ela- Classlfleds. and lIIet a $500 . ..7.-35),9024 U5OO; asking $5500. Call a~'~rl~d to do business In lions partmen 00 InlI. reduced rate fqr your BEDROOM $300, 4 pasler <107-260-6685 t.:R~:fl" i ~Ih~~, r 1'o?c'~I~~~ed:r~f t~~ me~~ ~, (40~~M! ICOW'I PSrOO,ce6d69 YS1r7IC'rO . ~r.Yol'rmm:~~ :a~'::d: W~bCLHEE~E't'1NJ~~D ... Tues1 ay, . I rm 0 mee "e ne so 1800, Exlenslon 236. If vou a . - oak . ex.cand <I07-l119.3159 DIAMONDS & SCRAP cern r. 1, . 7 ~oo lhe Dlntrlcl wll ~ ba~ an decide to a_I anv recam- get the wheels spln- BEDROOM leT 8 Piece <I07-n8-9100 L:N:1 Time. Conlrcl: ~~ he fa lowIng crl erla. mendallon made bv Ihe La- nlng on this hot deal CHERRYWOOD. Qn WATCHES WANTED RO. ~:h a Mo.rlen 01 ~7) . ~uallflcatlons af prlntlpals cal Planning Age'tCV wllh today SlellhBd. comPletel. LEX. COLLECTOR 407- . eQilallflcallans at emplov. ~= ~f I~r: m":t ~~ c~. . Dov~Iall. Co.sI UK, Sel 925-25711 ~7-m.l719 3. AI~ "IJII. eu Aclequaev of slafflnl will need a record al Ihe . for 51950. 321 296-3901 ... let rn eExpfrlence with similar praceedlnls, and for such BEDROOM lET Brav,hltlj ... DUE 'llesday, prolecl, purpase., you l'IlCIy need to Inclulles Queen slle neaa cember 11. 2001 at 2:00.. eUcatlan of headquarlers ensure thaI a verbatim,.,. ABSOLUTE AUCTION and faolllOClrd, 2 drawer I.llcal Time. Conlae1:- LOll. to ~ card 01 lhe. proceedlnls IS nlghl stand, bureau w/ losha Morten at (;CO,) 343. epasl performance. If appll. made upon which Ihe ap. mIrror. wararabe. 241n 6 GENERATOR - COlemanl pO- 3132. co,,1e peal Is based. Inleref'ed SI... C...u....nn lie. drawer chest. antique wermate. 6250, pull sarI, . . parties are advised hat or ........-.. red, 2yrs Clld.t..L1ke Newl gas. never used. 1450/ MORE INiORMATID~' The DIstrIc:t Will rTvlew all Ihev mav appear at the 'II N. ftIo 1110 . $IUDO 1163-427...8' firm. 352-989.1146 VI~S.NITT TSH PleROEsCUR II- oms I h"c,onISStand wll cadmPlv meetlnl and mav be hearcl. ..... If. u... tlMl BEDROOM lET Child's HOT WATER PRESSURE MEV I W wltl Ihe ate proce ures with respecl to lhe proposed . B 11\ ...... laft/ bunk bed MI Incl 1 WAIHER - $2,600, HOT. SI E.;!OX'__M I asl nf1!bl~h.!!!.~ltheNC!ln. ordinance lIem. IIlII 101& mallr...,. excel condo SY 2500psl parlable, ItI~:"......._ 0.01'1 su s oi:"tilc VII m: Orll...., Rorid, _. $325Iaba. ~-766-1083 gre lon, 350h... eOR5553ll\l 11121/II7 c. .ax r~PPII~ COR558004 1112SV1 BEDROOM lET Qn <107 cants I must sub- SHOW IOME CHU1ZPAIII Bank ordered auction headbrd. frame, 2 e.nd 1RAI 51000. TIlE WOIIIIIG. IECTJOI mlt cop. I!!J lOCh at Celebrale your son's Bar sale. All equipment cal- tbls. $10. Dresser.t..dark 6x~ a scape Irallk'er ~ ......._ .~I 10 Standa arm SF 330 and Mllrvah by placlnl an laleral of IhlS farmer brown 140.321-744-1...7 36 2001 BunIon Wal. be ruoo_.. ~ 8IT!P y. Letter af Inleresl by Janu- _mentlnlheOrlando sleel fabrication c:onc;ern B~RDDM SET Queen hind bell driven mower, ment- news and t-r'ends, ai'Y S, 2001 to the attenllon Sentinel'" . Celebrations will be sold to lhe .hlghelt 1200. .Stonley Vlsla, <107.702-7362 plus central Florida's af Greeneway .Improvemenl poge. To plaooa Bar Mltrvah bidder re.ardless of hlle Oak. Includes Ar. la1est.'lOb~nltles Dlstrlcll t10 V 'lIon Carval. Qnnauncemlnl. call price. "1I11ems wored:' mol rei. dr...er. head. everY W~tcIdy Inslcre ~cP~ ~~~~~r.f: ~ ~~l:~;;,.?~ go aJ3 =7':"\l~rs U:1I~0~.~. ='~t.t~lhl sland. lED _ PoIler becI w/ bars theQf ... . Sentinel. . South Park Circle. kulte click an Cllebratklns. .ale, p,leaseMd,at \labt1 beh . BEDROOM SET white twin dHklned far handlcapp. . . lale.19' 8 su shl bed w/mattreSllhead & Free 386~78-9902 3015 las"er cuf.!lnl foot board/desk/chair. POWER CHAIII Jarzv 1115, J~99rJlifl=~ 1250. Light wood Iwln. Rechargeable Battery, D laser culling head/laat board & mat- Exc Condo $1200. mac ne, 318" cap., ser" lress. $200. <107-312-8439 407-'n-n55. U30HD032"198' Amado BEDS plllowtap .., 5 yr POWER CHAIRlELECTRIC. . "Coma557" lurrel punch, warranty full $1<10 Qn $160 Jazzv chair, flash scoal. 2 aula Indexlnl head!, K $1'5 memarv~m MIll er. 4 whls. used 2 mas fl' Amaclana4PC canlral.. .. as seen on TY 450 a Cost S5800 sole $'noo . LI Ion cap.. lOOllng< ser. never uled <107 -1322 also avail. 407-196054 . C67708"1997 NI..nlnba CHAIR a OTTOMAN Top WA T madel NSC-125-31~ b~~ quality leak wd . ranan $~$J r,re.. brake. 7 a~1I ..,. Harcllv used,pe1 snoo, 2 lid; so;:. cap'Nlfcmil71.1W; sell $350. <107.343-0773 1 191' Acc'ushear model 625010 COUCH clalh, tl!.~L ri1acI- R - Jel 2 Pride hvd. shear. 10' x v.' ClIP.. ern, like. new, S;ow. Caf. Pawerl.!lke new. runs SC2 conlrols, SIr. fee Table $30. <I07.299-l\559 greal. _.LB welghl Cll. 351B"I994 LV 0 model COUCH ._ White italian pacltv. $3.200. <107-948-3418 1\OJS10 hvd. pre.. brake. Lealher w. ottoman USO. . 10' x 1\0 Ian cap., Hurca Elhon Allen $185. Anllque 7S conlrolsb SIr. Napaleon $ala and Chair . t 2157"Klnjl 5.00 lb. LP $t,2.lO.. <107-804-9002 AMPLIFIERS GUITARI PRO .. lark Ilfl"Galfev Jib C1r'!llfnet ' COUCH U1VEI~. CIlAlR a AUDIO...... dYBOARoS, 1f..F Anvero vacuum I: MAN _ 1000 Moo FECTI...~CORDlNI GEAII. ETC. =rt:l~si~=e~:kS. Bov( I are not .. . weldlnllables elc. In. . Co or 's Taupe. [" WAITI;'lJ spect: Man. Nov. 26th . 'am-4~m & 9am day of COUCHES a OTTOMANS . . sale. Directions: 1-4 10 Goad Quality. E~'" col. _. _ Lee Rd. (exit 88) -t to ars. 2 years oldl II. CASH -7"''''''' . SlIvtr SIQr Rd. rllht to Negotlablel 407 2217 - ..........- Eunice len to Bengert St. DINETTE lET Table. w/4 BABY IUNO PIA.'. rllht 10 sale site. Terms, Chrsl La-Z.boy queen NO - ".500.00, 1923 cash. cart. fr~' ck'O~ slle sala Ilee.pe" Klnl ChickerIng w/ CD PLAY>- I:!':~i ~~mlum.llI. S ZI bed. 321-27+3,559 . fu~.~~~'~hFoTn:~; ~:' ~or Inla or broenure: D,=,,,-;:r.; a~r~ S~39'. Galr"sc.aal-. rar, Fossil Slq~::' Cili. .inTAL R I !nd D.II, Deuett . NIW, $550. 352-551'" D KR -, ~~lfql DINING lET 81.000 llbO, P_ ~ndlllon AIIOclatel, lac, :~':I~hD~~~~,~ Paid asklnl $70~ ~ OCT 0......... ~ leaves One Queen Ann oba. .2124r . f A I .......... ,. arm chair, five Queen kellerel Claa .com ...... ....~ Ann side chal.. and _ DRUMS - rOlant, elee V. I..........,.,... . ~qb.!'. .s.e!v'!_.~JCW!" !!~~I!2i!!.!....~ ~~ l - Jewelry Machineryl Tools --MedicaC- - GETTING MARRI WON AN AWAR Call407-420-S696 I to share your good news on the Sentinel's Celebrations page. Orlando Sentinel ATTACHMENT B ORDINANCE NO. 2007-32 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF mE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING, CHAPTER 8. FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION, CONSISTENT WITH FEMA'S NEW FLOOD MAPS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under ~ 2(b), Art. VITI of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") has undertaken an effort of flood hazard identification and mapping to update Flood Insurance Rate Map ("FIRM") in order to illustrate the limits of the Special Flood Hazard Areas in the City; and WHEREAS, the City-wide version ofthe Final FIRM Floodplain Map of Seminole County and Incorporated Cities, including the City of Winter Springs became effective on September 28, 2007; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes that the Code should be updated to incorporate the changes in the FIRM; and WHEREAS, the City Commission ofthe City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this ordinance to be in the best interests ofthe public health, safety, and welfare ofthe citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs. Section 2. Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code Chapter 8. Flood Damage Prevention is hereby amended as follows (underlined type indicates additions and sb ikc,out type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance oftext existing City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-32 Page 1 of6 in Chapter 8. It is intended that the text in Chapter 8 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this ordinance): CHAPTER 8. FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Section 8-1. Definitions. *** Area of shallow flooding. A designated ~ AH, 01 VO zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The base flood depths range from one (1) to three (3) feet, a clearly defined channel does not exist, the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate, and velocity flow may be evident. Area of special flood hazard. The land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one-percent or greater chance of flooding in anyone (1) given year. This term is svnonymous with the phrase "Soecial Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)''' Base flood. The flood having a one-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (also called the '~100-year flood" and the "regulatory flood"). Base flood elevation. The crest elevation in relation to mean sea level (MSL) (using National ac,odc,tk North American Vertical Datum of 1988 - NA VD 88) expected to be reached during a flood which encompasses the regulatory floodplain. *** Elevated buildinf!. A non-basement building built to have the lowest floor elevated above the !!found level by foundation walls. posts. Diers. columns. pilim!s. or shear walls. *** Existinf! construction. For the purposes of floodolain management. existinl! construction means the structures for which the start of construction commenced before the date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). For the purpose of determining rate structures. existing construction means the start of construction commenced before the effective date of the first FIRM or before January 1. 1975. for FIRMs effective before that date. This term may also be referred to as "existing City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-32 Page 2 of6 structures. " *** Freeboard. The additional height. usually expressed as a factor of safety in feet. above a flood level for pw:poses of floodplain management. Freeboard tends to compensate for many unknown factors such as wave action. bridge openings. and the hydrological effect of the urbanization of the watershed that could contribute to the flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected frequency flood and floodway conditions. *** Lowest adiacent flrade. The lowest elevation of the ground. sidewalk. patio. deck sUPl'ort or basement entrywav immediatelv next to the structure. after comoletion of construction. *** Mean sea level (MSL). The average height ofthe sea for all stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for establishing '\1arying various elevations within the floodplain. For purposes of this chapter, the term is synonymous with National Geodetic North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NGVD NA VD 88). *** lVutivflul Geoddil, Veltical DutUffI (NGVD}. As ,ol1ected in 1929, 1~GVD is a vertical conttol used as a Ideien" WI est.mlishing varying elevations within the floodplain. North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (]VA VD 88). The vertical control used as a reference for establishing varving elevations within the floodplain. *** Special flood hazard area (SFHA). An Mea having The same area of the special flood hazard and shown on the FIRM as Zone A, AI--AI0, AE;-1t99 & AH. *** City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-32 Page 3 of6 -----,--,---- Water surface elevation. The height, in relation to the National OGodGtk North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NOVD NA VD 88) of 1929, (01 OthGl dAttlm, ~hGIG ~pcdfkd) of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of coastal or riverine areas. *** Section 8-5. Basis for establishing areas of special flood hazard. The areas of special flood hazard identified by the PCdGlal hlStUanCc Admini~ttation (FItrJ ofthe-Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in.ll:f!he Flood Insurance Study (FIA's')ll for Seminole County dated Aplil 17, 1995 September 28. 2007 and with the accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and other supporting data flood bonndmJ and flood~a)i nUlp and flood instuanGG 1~ map and all subsequent amendments and/or revisions are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part ofthis chapter. The FIS flood in~m anCG ~tu~ and FIRM attcnd.mt mapping i~ ~ the minimum area of applicability and may be supplemented by_studies for other areas which allow implementation of this chapter and which are recommended to the city by the floodplain administrator. tIhe ~ FIRMS FIS and FDFM~ FIRM are on file at the city hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida, 32708. *** ARTICLE II. ADMINISTRATION *** Section 8-32. Duties and responsibilities ofthe floodplain administrator. Duties ofthe floodplain administrator shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Permit review. Review all buildim! and development permits to determine that: *** (4) Issuance of permit and record keeping. After ascertaining that all requirements of this chapter have been met, the floodplain administrator may issue the building or development permit. After issuance ofthe permit, the local administrator shall: a. Acquire a flood elevation or floodproofing certificate after the lowest floor is City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-32 Page 4 of6 completed. Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of establishment ofthe lowest floor elevation or floodproofing by whatever construction means, it shall be the duty ofthe permit holder to submit to the city manager a certification of the elevation of the lowest floor or floodproofed elevation, as built, in relation to mean sea level. Such certification shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a registered land surveyor or professional engineer and certified by same. When floodproofing is utilized for a particular building, such certification shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a professional engineer or architect and certified by same. Any work done within the twenty-one-day calendar period and prior to submission of the certification shall be at the permit holder's risk. The city manager or designated subordinate shall review the flood elevation survey data submitted. Deficiencies detected by such review shall be corrected by the permit holder immediately and prior to further progressive work being permitted to proceed. Failure to submit the surveyor failure to make such corrections required hereby, shall be cause to issue a stop work order for the project. *** Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this Ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. [ADOPTION PAGE FOLLOWS] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-32 Page 5 of6 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2007. JOHN F. BUSH, Mayor ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. ANTHONY A. GARGANESE City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date of Ordinance: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-32 Page 6 of6