HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 09 05 Public Hearings Ordinance 2007-22 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ITEM 500 Public Hearing X September 5,2007 Meeting Mgr./Dept REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing for consideration of Ordinance 2007-22, a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, establishing a Public School Facilities Element and amending the Capital Improvements and the Intergovernmental Coordination Elements consistent with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. [Modifications have been included which require another Public Hearing and new Recommendation to the City Commission.] PURPOSE: To comply with State mandated concurrency requirements related to coordination between local governments and school boards in planning and permitting developments that affect school capacity and utilization rates. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY Florida Statute s. 163.3177 (related to required comprehensive plan elements) Florida Statute s.163.31777 (public schools interlocal agreement) Florida Statute s. 163.3180 (concurrency) Florida Statute s. 163.3164 (32) (definition of "financial feasibility") Florida Adm. Code 9J-5.025 (related to public school facilities element for public school concurrency) Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) (related to responsibilities of the Local Planning Agency re- the comprehensive plan) Florida Statute s. 163.3184 Process for adoption of comprehensive plan or plan amendment. Florida Statute s. 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions. Winter Sprinl!:s Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Sprinl!:s Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Section 15-30. Authority. ourpose and intent: Section 15-36. Review criteria: Section 15-37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation: CHRONOLOGY: July 22.2007- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel ofLPA Public Hearing. Aug. 1. 2007- Local Planning Agency previously made recommendation of approval of Ordinance 2007-22, but some modifications have been included which require another Public Hearing and Recommendation to the City Commission. September 5, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 2 of4 CONSIDERATIONS: With the passage of Senate Bill 360, school facilities concurrency is no longer optional. Legislation enacted by the 2005 Florida legislature mandates a comprehensive focus on school planning by requiring local governments and school boards to adopt a school concurrency system. School concurrency ensures coordination between local governments and school boards in planning and permitting developments that affect school capacity and utilization rates. As part of the legislative requirements, all Florida jurisdictions must adopt a Public School Facilities Element as part of their Comprehensive Plan. In addition, local governments must add to the Capital Improvements Elements that portion of the fmancially feasible School Board Capital Program that addresses school capacity for the students within the jurisdiction, and text changes to other elements such as the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, as may be needed. The Public School Facilities Element must be consistent with the requirements of s.163 .3177( 12), Florida Statutes. Each municipality within Seminole County is required to adopt a Public School Facilities Element that is consistent with those adopted by the other local governments within the County [s.163.3177(13)(a), F.S.] Seminole County School Board, Seminole County, afid the planning staff members from the seven (7) local governments participated in a coordinated effort to achieve these results. Additionally, the local governments within Seminole County must enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Seminole County District School Board to jointly establish the specific ways in which the plans and processes of the school board and the local governments are to be coordinated as part of the supporting data for the Element. The existing Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning, adopted in 2003, has been revised consistent with the requirements of subsection 163.31777, F.S., and will go to the City Commission for Adoption on August 13,2007. The Adopted Public School Facilities Element and the corresponding [updated Public Schools] Interlocal Agreement must be submitted to the Dept of Community Affairs by January 1,2008. Rule 9J-ll.022, F .A.C., establishes the procedures for submitting public school interlocal agreements and amended agreements. Failure to adopt the Public School Facilities Element, to enter into an approved updated interlocal agreement, or to amend the comprehensive plan as necessary to implement school concurrency, will subject the local government to being prohibited from adopting comprehensive plan amendments that increase residential density and subjects a school board to funding withholding sanctions equivalent to the available funds for school construction. This effort does not change the lines of responsibility for the provision of educational facilities. The School District retains the responsibility for fmancing and constructing school facilities. The Legislature has mandated this coordination of plans in much the same way that local governments must now coordinate their plans with the Regional Water Supply Plans of the Water Management Districts to improve overall coordination of efforts. September 5, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 3 of4 FINDINGS: · The existing Public School Interlocal Agreement has been updated and includes the establishment of public school Concurrency Service Areas (CSAs) to defme the geographic boundaries of school concurrency [so 163.3180(13)(c), 163.3180(13)(g)(5), F.S.] The Interlocal Agreement will go to the City Commission for Adoption on August 13,2007 [so 163.31777, F.S.]; · Level-of-service standards have been included in the updated Interlocal Agreement to establish maximum permissible school utilization rates relative to capacity amendments. Level-of-service standards are also included in the amendment to the Capital Improvements Element [s.163.3180(13)(b), F.S.]; · Amendments to the Capital Improvements Element (establishing a public school capital facilities program) meet the requirement for being fmancially feasible [s. 163.3180(13)(d)l, F.S.]; · A new Public School Element is established and includes a proportionate-share mitigation methodology [so 163.3180(13)(a), 163.3180(13)(e), 163.3177(12), F .S. and Rule 9J5.025, F.A.C.]; · The proposed goals, objectives and policies of the new Public School Element are compatible with those of the other local jurisdictions within Seminole County [s.163.3177(13)(a), F.S.]; and · The Intergovernmental Coordination Element has been updated to include coordinated procedures for implementing school concurrency [so 163.3177(6)(h)(I) and 163.3180(13), F.S.]; STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing for consideration of Ordinance 2007-22, a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment establishing a Public School Facilities Element and amending the Capital Improvements and the Intergovernmental Coordination Elements consistent with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Aug. 28. 2007- Seminole County Board of County Commissioner anticipated adoption of 2007 Inter/ocal Agreementfor Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrency and 1 st Reading and Transmittal Hearing of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, establishing a Public School Facilities Element and amending the Capital Improvements, Implementation, and the Intergovernmental Coordination Elements Aug. 30. 2007- Display Ad in Orlando Sentinel Noticing City Commission Transmittal Hearing Sept. 10.2007- City Commission anticipated adoption of 2007 Interlocal Agreementfor Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrency and 1st Reading and Transmittal Hearing of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, establishing a Public School Facilities Element and amending the Capital Improvements and the Intergovernmental Coordination Elements Sept. 12.2007- Transmittal to the Florida Dept of Community Affairs September 5, 2007 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 4 of 4 Sept. 25, 2007- School Board anticipated adoption of 2007 Interlocal Agreementfor Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrency Nov. 19,2007- Anticipated receipt of the ORC Report (60 days to respond) Nov. 29, 2007- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel for Adoption Hearing Dec. 10,2007- City Commission 2nd Reading and Adoption Hearing Jan. 1. 2008- State Mandated Deadline for Submittal of Adopted Public Schools Element and Updated Public Schools Interlocal Agreement [so 163.3177 (12)(i), F.S.] to DCA ATTACHMENTS: A. Public Noticing in the Orlando Sentinel B. Ordinance 2007-22 [to be provided separately] LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: 'I' 'VnlWUu ;)eUDues ':1 Imme Opportun > Mechanical Engineering Electrical En ~oftware-Har Development SafetylReHab Engineers Information Security in accordance with ap. proved Ordinance No. 31~, ~~c~:~"t~~s~~m: tlf.:"dar~?:~:.;~IIII~g~,; this ~tv'awned ~ontracl. OWNER'S RIGHTS IIlSEMO IER: To: All MB E/WBE/LDB Subcontractors and moteri. 01 men who conduct busi- ness, perform subcontract ~g\~' fg~dc~~V~~~ft~n ~~~~ In Orange Cauntv. Florida: You ore advised that THE SCHOOL BOARD OF OR. t ANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA . has solicited contractar's bids tor construction 01 the Project known os "tlyurd E.... IIoplaco...m Hiall Scliool." The SchoOl Board will oroin ~:.:~ ;~dl~~ecp~..~n .p. The unders igned, as a con- tractor. mav submit a bid Wen~ai~e P:g~~~~lg~et~~O reaulre subcontractors and material men to supplv la- bor, services and materials lor the work on said praj. ect. The underslgned's name. business address and phone number are: Willi.... Co..p.", Buildi., 0..1. ;.....~g.~G:~c~~:~ uc. on"""o. FL 3Z8G4 ::m:= ~,:,n. ..,.....""...,-., nvv........'l LoJ, LvVI l~i;~~:~~.~!~~~::"it~~-;?~m,-~~~: ~~..;:;,_I er's Exchange, Auslin deceased, whose date 01 IIve's attarnev are set forth NOTWITHSTANDING THE 431t 3CN,ePdtunFeL"!,'!'I7d9 Building. 4302 Henderson d th J 2 below TIME PERIODS SET ~. ou. ... 6 Boulevard. Suite 107. ~In:~~ th~n~ir~ui~~)l All creditors 01 the dece- FORTH ABOVE. ANY r~Ph~: (-4071192-2525 Tampa. Florida 33629. lor Seminole County. Fiori. dent and other persons hav- CLAIM FILED TWO 92) 0 ~ 1/23.302007 d P b t dl I I Ing claims or demands YEARS OR MORE AFTER PROPOSAL 8UARANTY d~ess'glaw~'c~ lsa~e~rngt. against decedent.s estate on 6~ED DECEDENT'S DATE Each Proposal shall be DC' g~g~~r C~~~~~~d~s'(ar~~ r;~~ ~,~O~Vtgl J~'Ss~~~1;3 The d~t~\'~ I!~l:u~~~~'on companied bv a certified 32772-11659. The names and myst'lIe Their claims with 01 this notice IS A.,II. 23. f:r~~Io~rg~sgfb'~~~~i~ addresses 01 the personal t'AM~'b"~ 'f/"'b~~~l~f: ZII01. PElISONAL IIlPRESENTAJlYE: ~~~'VJ.\srJ.l=g I~a~t" Irv~o~~:c:~tU~~J.~ g~ ~~~r..:J~~~~tgn~el~eaft:: ~rRRsl'l>tl~r-t~T%f<l~~ ~lIc\aYr~~n~r'ksg~~ AND WILL HOLD A ~aabmleo~nottOfethoerdPerr-Ol the I, ?'iT g;:dl1~r~'Jr Il,"~~ece- THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS Lot <<8 P~~loHc'b~~lItM~R Cltv 01 COS~lberrY. FiorI' dent and other persons hay. U=JJ\~E TJiFE ADt Tp" %~ ATTORN1r~a;&!'b"~~r 32703 PUN AMENOMENT d t th Ino claims or demands THIS NOTICE ON ~HEM. REPRESENTATIVE: t~. ~sr~.Js'::lrrsn Jcce~led~ ~~stad=e~'M:t~~,,~~ All ather creditors 01 the Porter L. Peaden. Jr. DtI0lNANCE NO. ~.2Z AN t':,t~~~e~n~ill,:~~c~~~:~ ~u~m~T~e,tro c?;I~:r.z~~ =n~lgr~SQ'.l'rerd:~:~~; a~l~rr~~~"Crossland grTD~ ~~N"f~lssFo/~~ able Performance and Pay. this court WITHIN THE against decedent.s ..tate Florida Bar No. 062011 THE CITY OF WINTER :l:~t a'~~dth~I\:'~~r~e~f(m LATE R FOR 3 MONTHS rmt f~~utrhtlr vm!~lNwit9 ~t~~~ ~1~daS~~~~l300 ~b~~Nlv:' SfC"d~PDLAE Cantract. ~~~E~,J~TE pTJ,qM~E~CO~~ MONTHS AFTER THE Telephone: 407-7-40-6009 A~CDAOLPETCIONMGpRAEHLEANSRIGVF TION OF TH S NO DATE OF JHE FIRST Fax: (-407) 7~(1176 E ClT't PSlMIT FEES I I R PUBLICATI N OF THIS OLS~17 1/23. 3D, 2007 LAN AMENDMENT ES- 30 DAYS AFTER THE NOTICE TABLISHING A PUBLIC DATE OF SfiRVICE OF A ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED iN THE CIRCUIT SCHOOL FACILITIES EL. 82PT~U?~. HIS NOTICE WITHIN THE TIME PERI- ~8~~~):OF't8~~ ~~€~lpW2LArt~~~'vN{. All ather creditors 01 the ~P5NSE13f.~:2nMN fH~ PRO~ATE DIVISION MENTS Af,D INTERGOV. ~~~~:n~lgr~Sa\:'re~~~~: FLORIDA PROBATE RIe No. ".2lI01:=~ ~~~M€LNE~~N~~OC~~rl~: aualnst decedent's estate CODE WILL BE FOREV- TENT WITH CHAPTER must IlIe their claims with ~~T~~~~.pANDING THE IN RE: ESTATE OF 163. FLORIDA STATUTES; this caurt WITHIN 3 TIME PERIODS SET fin A. HALL PROVIDING FOR TRANS- MONTHS AFTER THE FORT.H ABOVE ANY ..k... FITl ALBERT HALL MIHAL TO THE DE- DATE OF THE FIRST CLAIM FILED TWO 92) Deceased. PARTMENT OF COMMU. ~~t,~~~ATlON OF THIS YEARS OR MOR~ AFTER NOTICE TO CREDITORS ~bTAYL 'b"t~'~I~RT7~c~~: ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED THE DECEDENT S DATE SISTENT ORDINANCES WITHIN THE TIME PERI. OF DEATH IS BAR~ED.. The administration 01 th AND RESOLUTIONS SEV. ODS SET FORTH IN SEC, The date 01 first publocatlon estate of FlU A. H.n ...... F~ ERABILlTY INCORPORA- TION 733.702 OF THE 2L,thls nollce Is Au,u.123. AlhA Hen deceased h nON INTO tHE COMPRE. FLOR I DA P ROBA TE -.. PEIlSONAL REPftESENTATIVE: date 01 "eath was jury ~\~ HENSIVE PLAN. AN EF- ~~DBEArJ~5. BE FOREV- Edwin ~. Rauch ~~,cl~urte~;"8r~n ~~~: s~ITlnWt1E t~DT~1i NOTWITHSTANDING THE ~355 Re 01 Court ty. Florida, Prob~e Dlv;- PLAN AMENDMENTS TIME PERIODS SET Orlando. Florida 32808 80n.theaddreSSofwhlCh is . FORTH ABOVE ANY ATTORNEY FOR rERSONAL range Co nt Co tho ON A" CLAIM FILED TWO (2) REPRESENTATIVE: u y ur use. SEmMBER T'):OG'M YEARS OR MORE AFTER Porter L. Peaden. Jr. ~~I~~dl~<j!I:"i~ci r2~-~~~: Oft SOM T IN niE' THE DECEDENT'S DATE Atto~ney for The names and addresses 01 COMMISSI MUERS OF DEATH IS BARRED. Edw)n R. Rouch the personal represe t t. LO NOTWITHSTANDING THE FlOrida Bar No. 06~11 naive - WOOfTER H"L TIME PERIODS SET 1390 HOPe Road. SUite 300 and the personal represent- ""'1121 EAST 04- FORTH ABOVE. ANY Maitland. Florida 32751 rdit~e;:'lg~tornev are set WINTER SPRINGS LORlOA ~~~k~ J'J LJcPRJ~~Tb2J ~~~f~~fi ~U;?66009 All creditors of the dece- . THE DECEDENT'S DATE OLS463965 8123.30. 2007 ~~~t ~r~i~~e~r~sg::,sa~~t~ rnh:p:rr~gab'~ernSten;:~t:~ ~~e ~~t~~~ II~stB:u~ft~a9;'on IN THE CIRCUIT ~~~stad~~~e~nh,:t~~i~~ parties between 8 a.m. and 01 this nallce is Au,..t Iii. COURT FOR OIlANGE is required to be served ~r~d~:' a~t~~dC~rv.~htl~~~'~ 2lI01. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: pCROOUB~Y~ br~I~:g~ ~y~t ~~~r\hW,f~I'1.l?~t~ ~~f:' ho~g~ed4~tll~';t"eS~ Cynthia I. FloYd File N.. 2OOIH:P.1I01 LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- Sprlnos. Florida. For more 2~~,~mrY;'gl IN RE: ESTATE OF H:s['I>tJ'm~T%NT~~ i~r~ii~e~~~~s(~'~~ ~K Florida 34684-1652 EDNA J. McPHERSON THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS abilities needing assistance ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL Deceased AFTER THE TIME OF to participate in any Of ftEPRESENTAnVE; THE FIRST PUBLICA- these proceedings should I~~n.:t'~;s NOnCE OFIT~~~~ISTllATION IJO~2~lHlSFn1JC~~~ fl~~~a~e~rt~n;:~IOt~r~~g: Cr.nthla I. FlOyd DATE OF SERVICE OF A tar. ~8 hours In advance of ~::';~a~g; L~':v b'?Ji~~S :rt~t~d~i~~:lrj.'i~~,g:~,::,~ 52PT~'?~. TH IS NOTICE 1~&.me":t~~~la~t2~i07If 3;l~ Sweetwater Square. Suite deceased. is pending In the All ather creditors of the decide to appeal any recom. ~ Fax Vallev Drive ~::-uc,:W. Cfl~~ldlg.r p%~~': ~,~:n~,~r~so::'rerd~:~~~ ~~n~~~I~gi~a~g~~c'~ewTfh Longwood. Fiorido 32779 Division. the address of against decedent.s estate respect to anv molter con- ~~~~~9~2~?8~9-1680 ~O~~~ bSrl~2n5d~' ?roar~~~ ~y~t I~'~utrht'r~\"J~~Nwit9 ~?~r~~e"J ~'~e~~~~n~1 r~~ SLS~56458 11I16.23.2007 32801. The estate is testate MONTHS AFTER THE proceedings. and for such and the date of the dece- DATE OF THE FiRST puraoses. vou may need to IN THE CIRCUIT dent.s Will and any Cadiciis PUBLICATION OF THIS ensure that a verbatim re- COURT FOR OIlANGE are 10/19/89. The names and NOTICE. cord 01 the proceedings Is pCROJlB~TT~ br~l~ig~ ~~::e~~~~~trvle t~~l~:~~~~ ~.h~H1~A~~~ r,<aEF~~~~ ~':.~ei~"t:'anse";j~if~t~~:sr:,j FiI. No.: -'2007.CI'-IOlSn.0 sonal representative's oltar- ODS SET FORTH IN SEC- parties are advised that IN RE: ESTATE OF ~~Vy ar.:'t:~~slf:J\~~~ri an H'6~ d,Jl.702pg~BI~~ 1,;':lti~":nct"~aevab. o~e~~~ CHARLES O. ,mRS whom 0 COpy al the nollce CODE WILL BE FOREV- with respect to the proPOsed Deceased. 01 administration is served ER BARRED. ordinance Item. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ::IUt~ O~jrF~ot~ J~: ~~JI~U)~ ~PJ~IT~1l~~cP~~G r~~ SLS462320 8121\)7 Qualificallons of the person. FORTH ABOVE. ANY CITY OF EOGEWOOO *~~~~a:~~J!~!i~~~l~t~~ ~rr:cft~~:~tgl'r~e ~~~~r.' g~ ~~~k~ J'~LJcPRl~~T~2~ S':'e~ ::'d'"Fb~~, t:~.', death was Aoril16. 2007 and p'l~~!i~ r~tJ~~rngO~eft~?'~ 6~ED~lf~?f~I'~R~'6~E If Onti.....Cls All Interested MB EIWBEI whose Social Security Num. accordance with the Florida The dote of first publication On T.nd.,. $oplOmber" 2007.' l;,?~ i~r~~o'1i~~ ~~tJ?n?nb9 ~r~~ 38~~ir<goJ~tPf~~d8':' ~8~afMu~~'T~~THt~€ ftbthis notice is Au,II' 23. ~f Pi~ear n':~~~~ t~~~af~; l~ s:l~n~~~~i~~ott~;"~v~~~ g~r: 6rv'\~1~i"FI~~i'l,add~;~ g~~~ CifF Sf~~I~Eofrd PElISON~~r~~R~~~J~~ ~~~~~'i1t~'1I1Eggrt~O~u~ill~ r.:~~~I;o;:~~t ~~o';'~~~ i'v:nhJ;~ bSrl~2~d~: ~,~~7S~ ~~Rsb~~ ORO~~~~J I~; Orlando. ~mi:aal~lJs ~~Q"rdl7lf:~~~~r. ~~v L~~J~ wish to provide a sub.bid 32801. The names and ad- JECTlONS ARE FOREV- ATTORNEY FOft PERSONAL Avenue. Edoewaod. FL and/or materials Quate lor dresses 01 the personal rep. ER BARRED. REPRESENTATIVE: 32809 on the following ordi- f~~~t'p[:i'ijJNJrgr'~ec~~: ~~~~~~~t~~et.~e a\'l'a'rs,:>,:'~ Anv rrson ~nt,tled to ex,j ~ro~as:- A~tm~54 nonce: dersigned's offices at the are set lorth below. fg'ftl/~o~:{;tro,:sl~~"ct~r:r_ La~' d'ffic~r 010. above address/phone num- All creditors 01 the dece- mination of exempt proper- James J. Altman ber. Said plans. speclfica- dent and other persons hav- tv WITHIN THE TIME 5614 Grand Blvd. lions and Can tract Dacu- jng claims or demands PROVIDED BY LAW OR New Port Richev. :;;,e;trn~~~sr:ct"~g'~~B~ ~t~~stad~~~e~nh,;t~~~i~~ ~~5l~~N Tr 6tg!tC'6 ~~~;~~ao;:~~n7) 848-8435 LOB at the sold offices 01 misursetqu,'leirethde,.tracblae'msserwve,'tdh WAIVE. Anv person enti- OLS463875 8123. :Kl. 2007 the undersigned during usu- I lied to elective share is re- IN THE CIRCUiT OF E 01 business hours t'JIh'~ud'~ 'f/"'1~~"/;ST~~_ j\,"~~~,~ti~~es~~r~I'(ZI'rHIW COURT FOR ORANGE ~g: Jn~su~~frf~,ms~:debMli HRRsnt,l~~~RSNT~~ l~~T1ME PROVIDED BY pC,fJlB"iTT~ brS>I~:g~ f&r' and WBE and LOB lirms to THIS NOTICE OR 3D DAYS PERSONAl REPRESENTAnVE: File No.: -.2007.CP.II1I223-o ~~';;'i~stgn:D~r~~~c"e"~~gt~~ ~~~E~IJrl pTJ~\~IC~ 56 ~~~~~eor~';~~;~~ IN RE: ESTATE OF ~d~~ar~:Sp::'~rc~ ir~:e81: ::t~~i~~~' r~~~r~.;~sl~rn~~~ rJO~2~~Hl~~~TJC~~~ ATTDfNW F\abm~6N"i111704 ~~:t::rON PRIES tFI~L~.uf~tAet~e:s~~ta~~fl~~v~ Prpject. which must be re- DATE OOF SERVICE OF A REPRESENTATIVE: NOnCE TO CREDITORS ceived earlv eno"f,h befare COPY F THIS NOTICE Allred Torres ~~~ ~~~Irns~o~~~e toO r'~~~~~! 2N ~::'~;-'creditors 01 the ~~~\~~VBar No. 290084 ablv review and act upon decedent and other persons Davila & Torres same. having claims or demands 911 N. Main St. COR457350 1Vl9. against decedent's estate Kissimmee. FI :14744 ?d.?".?~'J7_?A.?Q'n"_ on.? mll~t filp thpir ,..lnim" with T.IDnhnn.' M\7.011.n1n7 Public Hearing Notices ")""..,,'-"', ....:..> ... ,.i~ J;,{n th.'d.velopme" ground IYltem to la offers yoU the oppo provide the englnee ''C Mars and beyond, .~ . '/6 i :11 -d 50l aia UI " .8ilj .nu .:~~; > . '0 Jo, tDlp ~~~~> . 1l0~ . -M!) > .m.!! . .(ooz '0' : . (fo,S The Cltv reserves the right. at Its sole 0119 absolute dls. cretion, to reject any or all bids, or to accept that Pro- posal which. in lis I'udg. mentl will. under 01 clr. ~1l1~c ~~~:~es~~t t~:r~ft:~' Casselberrv. Cast of submit. tal of this bid is considered an operational cost 01 the bidder and shall not be passed on ta. or be barne by. the Cltv of Casselberry. Florida. : .', ,: op"> ..."'-.. ."'Yd :_~~ 10 P'I~ .''''11"10. . 'fIIOS llq . IU! ~q, ItMDj OJ . .~JIQ I .~s.ajun : :.~~~~~Iectrical : . :~k~d)CC)ntrols/PLC : p9SsaS'~ 1't'/9'Bl'i nstrumentatio n '/8l'lt =,O)enSOrS .is ')V^ -~1~t'9J.'ower lie. . toCAD , u icate Issu' It the 16 in ~ are Dated:August IS, 2007 ~~6llcWo;k~ b~~~~fot.E. CSE~57895.AUG.23 Seall PA )ronge The administration of the es tote 01 GI.nn B."o. Pries. deceased. whose dote 01 death was J anuarv 3. 2007. is DendinQ in the Circuit Continued on next page ORDINANCE 2007-22 [TO BE PROVIDED SEPARATELY] ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B ORDINANCE NO. 2007-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT AND AMENDING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENTS CONSISTENT \VITH CHAPTER 163, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITT AL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENTS. WHEREAS, section 163.3]61 et. seq., Florida Statutes (1987) established the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each municipality in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177 (12), Florida Statutes, requires that each Florida municipality adopt a Public School Facilities Element consistent with those adopted by the other local governments within the county; and WHEREAS, the Seminole County School Board, Seminole County, and the Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo and Sanford participated in a coordinated effort to ensure consistency between each local government's proposed Public School Facilities Element; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section l63.3l77(3)(b)( 1), Florida Statutes, certain portions of the City's Capital Improvements Element must be amended consistent with the adoption of the Public School Facilities Element to address financial feasibility; and WHEREAS, the City's Intergovernmental Coordination Element requires amendment consistent with the adoption of the Public School Facilities Element; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 163, Part Il, Florida Statutes, on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and has recommended adoption to the City Commission; and City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-22 Page I of 4 WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission transmit the subject large scale comprehensive plan text amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for its review and comment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment adopting a Public School Facilities Element as part of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and to amend the Capital Improvements and Intergovernmental Coordination Elements consistent with same as required by section 163.3177, Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as set forth below: A. Public School Facilities Element. The Public School Facilities Element, attached hereto and fully incorporated hcrein by this reference as "Exhibit A," is hereby adoptcd into the City of Wintcr Springs Comprehensive Plan. B. Intergovernmental Coordination Element. The Intergovernmental Coordination Element is amended as set forth in "Exhibit B," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and stI ikeout type indicates deletions of text in the Comprehensive Plan). C. Capital Improvement Element. The Capital Improvement Element is amended as set forth in "Exhibit C," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan). Section 5. Transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Comprehcnsive Plan Amendment to the Florida Departmcnt of Community Affairs, in accordance with Section 163 .3187( 4), Florida Statutes, and Section 9J-l1, Florida Administrative Code. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-22 Page 2 of 4 Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 8. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 9. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the Administration Commission finding the Amendments in compliance with section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on these Amendments may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of these Amendments, the Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the Amendments shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _ day of ,2007. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-22 Page 3 of 4 Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Transmittal Hearing: Adoption Hearing: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2007-22 Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT 'A' City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan PUBLIC SCHOOL FACiliTIES ELEMENT August 2007 (Ord. 2007-22; 12-10-2007) Prepared in Conjunction with the Local Jurisdictions of Seminole County By: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department- Planning Division ] 126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 CIT'OF WINTER SPRINSJ COMPREHENSHl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT CHAPTER IX PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT A. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to support the timely proVIsion of the School Board's constitutional and statutory obligation and sovereignty to provide a uniform system of free public schools on a countywide basis. It is not the intent to require the School Board to confer \\lith, or obtain the consent of, the City, as to whether that obligation has been satisfied :\dditionally, this Element is not intended to be construed to impose any duty or obligation on the City for the School Board's constitutional or statutory obligations. The City of \Vinter Springs does not have the authority to directly provide school facilities, but is required by State Law to work with the Seminole County School Board to address the coordination of public school facility planning with land use planning and development approvals. The City of \Vinter Springs continues to be responsible for approving or denying comprehensive plan amendments and development approvals within its own jurisdiction, and nothing herein represents or authorizes a transfer of any of this authority to the School Board. Legislation enacted by the 2005 Florida Legislature mandated a comprehensive approach to school planning by revising laws that govern both school districts and local gm'Crnment planning. 1\ coordinated effort was undertaken by the local jurisdictions of Seminole County and the Seminole County School Board. Preparation of a new 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement/or Public School FaCl/i~y Plannit{g and S chool ConC!lrren~y including procedures for coordinating land use planning, development approvals and school planning was the first step in this process and was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, City Commissions, and the Seminole County School Board. The 2005 Legislation also included adoption of a Public School Facilities Element consistent with those adopted by the other local governments \\'.ithin the County and consistent \\'.ith the 2007 Inter/owl Agreement Jar Public School Faciliry Planning and School Comurrenry, sections 163.3177(12) and 163.3180 F.S. and Rule 9]-5.025, F.A.C. and which describes a proportionate-share mitigation methodology. Additional amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan required by the 2005 legislation include: . Adoption of the Level of Service standards applicable countywide that establish maximum permitted school utilization rates relative to capacity into the Capital Improvements Element; . Adoption of the financially feasible Public School Capital Facilities Program addressing school capacity improvements into the Capital Improvements Element that is adopted as part of the Seminole County School Board's overall Capital Improvements Program; . Amendments to revise objectives and policies that address the City's process of coordination with the School Board in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. B. EXISTING CONDITIONS The following Tables indicate permanent school building capacIty for every school under the jurisdiction of the Seminole County School Board: IX-l CITTIF WINTER SPRINS COMPREHENSHl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT TABLE IX-l.l: Inventory of Elementary Schools Elementary Site Building Permanent Bldg SY06-07 School Acreage" Sq Ft" student Capacity" FTE*" AL TA.MONTE ELmvIENTARY 15 116.223 991 864 BEAR LAKE ELE.!vIENIARY 20 106.368 1.026 1.079 BENTLEY ELE?\IENTARY 17 117.200 933 975 CARILLON ELEMENTARY 34 115.997 942 801 CASSELBERRY ELE\IENTARY 10 105.14 ., 906 798 CRYSTAL LAKE ELE1\lENIARY 10 110.873 f\'" 661 L... i EASTBROOK ELEMENTARY 15 107.352 932 816 ENGLISH ESTATES ELEt--IENTARY 21 117.412 843 762 EVA.l'\JS ELEMENTARY 25 103.745 974 858 FOREST CITY ELEMENTARY 15 133.598 956 871 GENEVAELEMENIARY 15 102.803 601 502 GOLDSBOROELEMENIARY 20 106.421 713 684 HA,'vIIL TON ELE1'vfENTARY 19 89.598 725 816 HEATHROW ELEMENTARY 15 89.172 862 1.119 HIGHLAi'.'DS ELEMENTARY 2S 106.395 625 546 IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY 15 104.399 825 887 KEETH ELEMENTARY 15 76.911 576 7i6 LAKE MARY ELEIvIENTARY 11 72.452 632 610 LAKE ORIENTA ELE?\1ENT.A.R.Y 10 80.067 169 699 LAWTON ELEt--IENTARY 21 119.445 881 881 LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 15 117.306 735 634 LONGWOOD ELEMENTARY 11 83.704 715 668 MIDWAY ELEtvIENTARY 11 77.664 115 409 P.A.R.TIN ELE\fENTi\RY 1:' 92.989 748 795 PINE CREST ELEtvIENT.A.R.Y 25 104.709 823 880 RAINBOW ELEMENT.A.R.Y 15 91.341 749 888 RED BUG ELEMENIARY 15 97.335 513 841 SABAL POINT ELEMENTARY 15 78.047 261 815 SPRING LAKE ELEMENTARY 20 83.638 331 820 STENSTROM ELEMENIARY 15 92.372 632 719 STERLING PARK ELEMENT.A.R.Y 16 78.502 195 653 WALKER ELH1ENTARY SCHOOL 15 115.802 937 890 WEKIVA ELElvfENT.A.R.Y 15 64.338 407 871 WICKLOW ELEMENT.A.R.Y 16 113.694 804 821 WILSON ELEMENTARY 16 117.159 881 950 WINTER SPRINGS ELEMENTARY 15 107.487 810 632 WOODLANDS ELErvIENTARY 20 95.295 840 815 Total 618 3,712,970 26,436 29.106 Average 17 100,351 714 787 Standard Per FTE 0.0212 128 *Flocida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) **Seminole County School District Staff IX-2 CIT'OF WINTER SPRINffi COMPREHENSIK! PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT TABLE IX-2: Inventory of Middle Schools MiAdle Site Bui14ing Permanent Bldg SY06-07 School Acreage" Sq Ft.. Student Capacity.... FTEu GREEN\VOOD LAKES MIDDLE INDL<\.c'\' TRAILS l\HDDLE JACKSOK HEIGHTS MIDDLE LAWTON CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL MARKHAM WOODS ?\lIDDLE MILLENKIUvl MIDDLE MILWEE MIDDLE ROCK U\KE MIDDLE SANFORD !\IIDDLE SOuTH SEMH\OLE !\HDDLE TEAGUE MIDDLE TuSKA WILLA MIDDLE Total Ayerage Standard Per FTE * Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) **Seminole County School District Staff TABLE IX-3: Inventory of High Schools 17 28 21 20 20 315 26 0.0197 25 20 62 25 185.964 166.249 146.427 193.512 179.920 212.031 147.596 131.544 159.741 143.730 148.072 170.701 1,985,487 165,457 124 1.281 1.176 1.366 1.407 1.345 U93 L419 1A50 U51 852 1.548 1.746 1.301 1.146 1.153 1.124 1A08 1.319 1.1 79 U21 L476 1.618 1.250 1.153 15.977 15.505 1,331 1.292 Higll Site Building Permanent BIdg SY06-07 Scllool Acreage" Sq Ft.. Student Capacity.... FTEu CROO!\fS ACADHv1Y OF INFOlUvIATION HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRi\'\'TLEY SENIOR HIGH LAKE HO\VELL SEi\1JOR HIGH LAKE l\IARY SENIOR HIGH LYMAN SDiIOR HIGH OYIEDO SEKIOR HIGH QUEST ACADHvfY SEJvlINOLE SEKIOR HIGH WIN'TER SPRINGS SENIOR HIGH Total Average Standard Per FTE * Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) **Seminole County School District Staff 53 59 438 44 0.0193 )) 28 17 20 60 103.956 362.973 364.488 308.744 357.293 364.309 359.371 18.665 350.706 305.635 2,896,140 289,614 128 901 529 2.746 1.052 2.944 3.206 2.363 2.241 2.831 2.589 2.517 2.324 2.746 2.756 125 104 3.049 3.187 2A45 2A89 22,667 20,477 2,267 2.048 52 43 50 47 52 2 IX-3 CIT'f)F WINTER SPRINSJ COMPREHENSIIl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT C. ISSUES AND CONCERNS 1. Identifying Sites for Future School Facilities. The 2007 Inter/oral Agreement jOr Public School Faciliry Planning and School Conmrrency provides a process for identifying future school sites. The process includes, at a minimum, semi-annual meetings of the Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTi\C) that can be used to coordinate land use and school facility planning. The next step in that process is a committee created by the 2007 Inter/oral Agreement jOr Public School Faciliry Planning and School Concurrency, the Public Schools Facilities Planning Committee (pSFPC). The PSFPC has several responsibilities, including review of PTAC findings and submittal of recomrnendations to the School Board. In order to ensure that the redevelopment and revitalization of older portions of unincorporated Seminole County can continue, the issue of sites will continually need to be addressed as part of the ongoing cooperative planning effort specified by the 2007 I nter/ocal Agreementfor Public SdJooIFadlit;, P lannil~g and School Concurren~y. 2. Population and Student Projections. In acconlance with the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement for Public School Faciliry Planning and School Concurren~y, Winter Springs and the School Board will share population projections and projections of student enrollment for use in their planning efforts. The 2007 Inter/ocal Agreementfor Public School Facili{y Plannin~g and School Concurrenry specifies that the parties will use student enrollment projections provided by the School Board. However, the source of student enrollment projections is based on the Capital Outlay Full Time Equivalent (COFTE) cohort projections issued by the Department of Education in July of each year. These COFTE projections are related to past enrollment trends and do not consider such factors as reduced land availability for future growth and development. As the City of \V'inter Springs grows closer to reaching build-out, these projections will become less reliable. 3. Proportionate Share Mitigation Efforts and Alternative Mechanisms for Ensuring School Capacity. The 2007 Inter/oraIA,greementfor Public School Fadlity Planning and School Concurrenry outlined the process by which the School Board may entertall1 proportionate share mitigation options. Proportionate share mitigation allows a developer to pay that portion of the cost of providing capacity in a school facility that is necessary to serve that particular development or redevelopment project. The methodology for calculating a developer's proportionate share as specified in the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement for Public Schoolf'-'adli{y Planning and School Concurrenry is included in this Element and will be added to the City's Land Development Regulations as part of the Concurrency Management System. Ivlitigation options offer a variety of alternatives, including construction of a charter school by the developer. If a mitigation proposal fails, the 2007 Interloral Agreement for Public School raciliry Planning and SdJool Concurren~y offers an appeal process specified by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes (F.S.) as an alternative. Another allowable alternative mechanism for mitigation impacts on schools is the establishment of an Educational Facilities Benefit District as allowed by Section 1013.355, F.S. This option permits school districts and local governments to enter into separate Interlocal Agreements to arrange for financing a school to allow redevelopment, revitalization or other development efforts, when property owners involved agree to tlus special assessment. Osceola County adopted an ordinance creating such a District in 2003. Should redevelopment and revitalization efforts in the City be unable to proceed, even \\rith proportionate share mitigation, further examination of the use of an Educational Facilities Benefit District may be needed. IX-4 CITTIF WINTER SPRINS COMPREHENSIJ? PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT D. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES GOAL IX-l: PROVIDE QUALITY EDUCATION. As a basic tenet of conununity life, it is the goal of the City of Winter Springs to contribute to and maintain a high lluality public school enVlronlnent. Objective IX- 1: Level of Service Standards and Service Boundaries. The City of Winter Springs shall cooperate with the Seminole County School Board in their efforts to correct existing deficiencies and address future needs through implementation of adopted level of selTice standards and appropriate public school facility service area boundaries. The level of service standard is a countywide standard specified in the 2007 Inter/oml Ac~reement jOr Public School Fadlity Planning and 5 chool Comumn~YJ wherein the follo'\ving terms are used: Permanent Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH):- meaning the permanent facilities within the inventory of land, buildings and rooms in public educational facilities used by the Florida Department of Education, Office of Educational Facilities; and Concurrency Service Area (CSA): A geographic unit promulgated by the School Board and adopted by local governments within which the level of service is measured when an application for residential development is reviewed for school concurrency purposes. The CSA coincides with groupings of school attendance zones within each school type based on adjacency. Level of Service (LOS) standard- meaning a standard established to measure utilization of capacity within a Concurrency Service Area (CSA). [Current LOS '\,rithin a CSA is determined by dividing the full-time equivalent student count (FTE) for the Fall Semester at the same type of schools by the permanent FISH capacity of the same type of schools. Projected or future LOS is determined by the dividing the projected enrolled students at the same type of schools within a CSA by the planned permanent nSH capacity of the same type of schools. Policy IX- 1.1: Adoption of Level of Service Standards (LOS). To ensure that the capacity of schools is sufficient to support student growth, the City along with other cities within the Seminole County, the County, and the School Board agree that the desired LOS standard shall be 100% of the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for each school type within each Concurrency Service Area (CSA). To financially achieve the desired LOS standard, the following tiered LOS standard is established as follows: Elementary & Middle CSA High School CSA 2008 - 2012 100% of Permanent FISH Ca aci 110% of Permanent FISH Ca acity Be rinnin 2013 100% of Permanent FISH Ca acit. 100% of Permanent rrSH Ca )acit r IX-5 CITTIF WINTER SPRING COMPREHENSIJ? PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT Policy IX- 1.2: Policy IX- 1.3: Policy IX- 1.4: Policy IX- 1.5: Policy IX- 1.6: Use of Level of Service (LOS) Standards. The City shall use its Concurrency Management System to coordinate with the School Board and other local jurisdictions to ensure that the LOS standards established for each school type is maintained. Use of Concurrency Service Area (CSA) Boundaries. The City shall apply school concurrency using CSA boundaries adopted by the School Board. CSAs for Each Type of School. The CSA boundaries established by the School Board \vill be based on clustered attendance zones for each school type (elementary, middle and high school) based on adjacency and will be re-evaluated by the School Board, as needed. CSA Boundary Changes. At the determination of the School Board, CSA maps may be modified from time to time, to maximize utilization of school capacity. The School Board shall transmit the proposed change request with supporting data and analysis to the City and the other local jurisdictions. The City, upon receipt of supporting data and analysis for the proposed modification shall review and submit comments to the School Board within forty-five (45) days. Coordination of School Board Capital Improvements Schedule and Potential CSA Boundary Changes. As identified in the 2007 Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrenry, the School Board's annual update of its Capital Improvements Schedule ,vi]] include review of attendance zone changes and if necessary, modifications to the CSA maps to the greatest extent possible to provide maximum utilization. Objective IX- 2: Development Review Coordination to Achieve Concurrency. The City of Winter Springs will coordinate its development review efforts with the Seminole County School Board to achieve concurrency in all public school facilities. Policy IX- 2.1: Development Review Process. The City shall withhold or condition the approval of any site plan, final subdivision, or functional equivalent for new residential units not exempted, until a School Capacity Availability Letter Determination (SCALD) has been issued by the School Board to the City indicating that adequate school facilities exist or until a mitigation agreement has been reached, pursuant to the availability standard specified in section 163.3180(13)(e), Florida Statutes. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element, Policy 1.8.4) IX-6 CITTIF WINTER SPRINST COMPREI-IENSUI PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT Policy IX- 2.2: Adoption of School Concurrency Provisions into the City's Land Development Regulations. The City shall adopt school concurrency provisions into its land development regulations for the review of development approvals, consistent with the requirements of the 2007 Inter/oeal A,greementfor Public School Faci/i(y PlamliJ~g and School Concummyfor Coordinated Plannin,g and School Concurrency. Objective IX- 3: Coordination of Existing and Future School Facility Planning with the FutlJre Land Use Element and Development Approval Process. The City of \Vinter Springs shall coordinate with the Seminole County School Board during development approvals and changes to the City's Future Land Use Plan Map (FLUl\1) to help ensure the timely provision of public school facilities. Policy IX- 3.1: Coordination of Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Facility Planning. The City will consider the availability and future provision of school facility capacity, the provision of school sites and facilities within neighborhoods, the compatibility of land uses adjacent to existing schools and reserved school sites, the co-location of parks, recreation and neighborhood facilities with school sites and the linkage of schools, parks, libraries and other public facilities with bikeways, trails, and sidewalks for safe access during the review of proposed comprehensive plan land use map amendments. Policy IX- 3.2: Site Sizes and Co-location in the City. The City will work with the School District to identify sites for future educational facilities that meet the minimum standards of the School Board where possible and which are consistent with the provisions of the \vinter Springs Comprehensive Plan. \Vhen the size of available sites does not meet the minimum School Board standards, the City will support the School Board in efforts to use standards more appropriate to a built urban environment. To the extent feasible, as a solution to the problem of lack of sufficiently sized sites, the City shall work with the School Board to achieve co-location of schools with City facilities. Policy IX- 3.3 Participation in Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC). City planning staff shall actively participate in the Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC), as provided in the 2007 Inter/ocal A,greement for Public School Faciliry Planning and School Coneumncy for Coordinated Planning and School Concumncy, for the purpose of discussing issues and formulating recommendations to the Public Schools Facilities Planning Committee (pSFPC) regarding coordination of land use and school facilities planning, including such issues as population and student projections, development trends, school needs, co-location and joint use opportunities, ancillary infrastructure improvements needed to support the schools, School Board Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and the IX-7 CITTIF WINTER SPRIN& COMPREHENSHl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT Policy IX- 3.4 Policy IX- 3.5 Policy IX- 3.6 Public School Concurrency Program. (Cross Reference: See Intergovernmental Coordination Element Policy 1.2.7) Determining Impacts. The determination of adequate school capacity will be the responsibility of the School Board. Notification of Submittal of Residential Applications. The City shall notify the School Board \vithin 10 working days of receipt of any land use or deyelopment application ha\'ing a residential component and will transmit submitted subdivision plans and site plans to the School Board for their review. Notification of Meetings. The City shall provide the School Board with agendas of staff review, the Planning & Zarung Board/Local Planrung .Agency and the City Commission meetings. Objective IX- 4: Concurrency The City of Winter Springs shall require that public school facility capacity is available concurrent with the impacts of new residential development, as required by Section 163.3180(13)(e), Florida Statutes (F.S.) Policy IX- 4.1: Policy IX- 4.2: Policy IX- 4.3: Timing of Concurrency Review. The City shall require that all new residential development be reviewed for school concurrency prior to development approval as defined in the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement for Public S cbool facility PlanniJzg and S cbool Concurrency for Coordinated Planning and Scbool COJli'llrreJl~y. Results of Concurrency Review. In compliance with the availability standards of Section 163.3180(13)(e), F.S., the City shall not deny development approval due to failure to achieve the adopted LOS for public school facilities when the following occurs: . j\de(luate school facilities are planned and will be in place or under construction witlun three (3) years of the development approval. . The developer executes a legally binding commitment to provide mitigation proportionate to the demand for public school facilities consistent \v':ith the methodology in the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement for Public Scbool Facili!y Planning and Jcbool Concurrency for Coordinated PlanniJzg and Scbool Concurrency. Residential Uses Exempt from the Requirements of School Concurrency. The following residential uses shall be exempt from the requirements of school concurrency: . All single farrllly lots of record at the time the school concurrency implementing ordinance became effective. . Any new residential development that has a preliminary plat or site plan approval or the functional equivalent for a site specific development IX-8 CIT1JF WINTER SPRINSJ COMPREHENSUl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL F ACILITlES ELEMENT Policy IX- 4.4: Policy IX- 4.5 order prior to the commencement date of the School Concurrency Program on July 1, 2008. . Any amendment to a previously approved residential development which docs not increase the number of dwelling units or change the type of dwelling units. . "A.ny age restricted community \vrith no permanent residents under the age of 18 (a restrictive covenant limiting the age of residents to 18 and older shall be required.) Use of Revenues Received Through Proportionate Share Mitigation. Any revenues received for proportionate share mitigation are to be directed by the School Board toward a school capaClty improvement identified in the School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Proportionate Share Mitigation. I n the event there is not available school capacity to support a development, the School Board may entertain proportionate share mitigation options and, if accepted, shall enter into an enforceable and binding agreement with the developer to mitigate the impact from the development through the creation of additional school capacity. A. \,(!hen the anticipated student impacts from a proposed development cause the adopted LOS to be exceeded, the developer's proportionate share will be based on the number of additional student stations necessary to achieve the established LOS. The amount to be paid \vrill be calculated by the cost per student station for elementan', middle and high school as determined and published by the State of Florida. B. The methodology used to calculate a developer's proportionate share mitigation shall be as follows: Proportionate Share = CDevelopment students - Available Capacity) x urotal Cost per student station If/here: lDevelopment students = those students from the development that are assigned to a CSA and have triggered a deficiency of the available capacity. urotal Cost = the cost per student station as determined and published by the State of Florida. C. The applicant shall be allowed to enter a 90-day negotiation period with the School Board in an effort to mitigate the impact from the development through the creation of additional capacity. Upon identification and acceptance of a mitigation option deemed financially feasible by the School Board, the developer shall enter into a binding and enforceable development agreement v.rith the School Board. IX-9 ClTTIF WINTER SPRIN& COMPREHENSHl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT 1. i\ mitigation contribution provided by a developer to offset the impact of a residential development must be directed by the School Board toward a school capacity project identified in the School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Capacity enhancing projects identified within the first three (3) years of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan shall be considered as committed in accordance ,vith Section 9.5 of the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement/or Public S cbool Facility Planning and Scbool Concu1TenC)l for Coordinated Planninc~ and SdlOol CO!lmrremy. 2. If capacity projects are planned in years four (4) or five (5) of the School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan within the same CSA as the proposed residential development, the developer may pay his proportionate share to mitigate the proposed development in accordance with the formula provided in Section 12.7 (D) of the 2007 Inter/ocal /1c~reement for Public Scbool Facility Planning and Scbool Concurrency for Coordinated Planning and Scbool ConCtlrrert~y. 3. If a capacity project does not exist in the Capital Improvement Plan, the School Board "rill add a capacity project to satisfy the impacts from a proposed residential development, if it is funded through the developer's proportionate share mitigation contributions. Mitigation options may include, but are not limited to: a. Contribution of land or payment for land acquisition suitable for and in conjunction "rith, the provision of additional school capaClty; or b. T\Iitigation banking based educa tional facility in exchange credits; or on the construction of a for the right to sell capacity c. Provide modular or permanent student stations acceptable for use as an educational facilities; or d. Provide additional student stations through the remodeling of existing buildings acceptable for use as an educational facility; or e. Construction or expansion of permanent student stations at the impacted school within the CSA; or f. Construction of a educational facility in advance of the time set forth in the School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. D. For mitigation measures (a) thru (f) above, the estimated cost to construct the mitigating capacity ,\rill reflect the estimated future construction costs at the time of the anticipated construction. Improvements contributed by the developer shall receive school impact fee credit. E. Developer shall receive an impact fee credit for the proportionate share mitigation. Credits will be given for that portion of the impact fees IX - 10 CITTIF WINTER SPRING COMPREHENSHl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT Policy IX- 4.6 that would have been used to fund the improvements on which the proportionate fair share contribution was calculated. The portion of impact fees available for the credit will be based on the historic distribution of impact fee funds to the school type (elementary, middle, high) in the appropriate CSA. Impact fee credits shall be calculated at the same time as the applicant's proportionate share obligation is calculated. Any school impact fee credit based on proportionate fair share contributions for a proposed development cannot be transferred to any other parcel or parcels of real property within the CSA. F. A proportionate share mitigation contribution shall not be subsequently amended or refunded after final site plan or plat approval to reflect a reduction in planned or constructed residential density. G. Impact fees shall be credited against the proportionate share mitigation total. H. Any proportionate share mitigation must be directed by the School Board toward a school capacity improvement identified in the School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. I. Upon conclusion of the negotiation period, a second Determination Letter shall be issued. If mitigation is agreed to, the School Board shall issue a new Determination Letter approving the development subject to those mitigation measures agreed to by the local government, developer and the School Board. Prior to, site plan approval, final subdivision approval or the functional equivalent, the mitigation measures shall be memorialized in an enforceable and binding agreement with the local government, the School Board and the Developer that specifically details mitigation provisions to be paid for by the developer and the relevant terms and conditions. If mitigation is not agreed to, the Determination Letter shall detail why any mitigation proposals were rejected and why the development is not in compliance with school concurrency requirements. A SCALD indicating either that adequate capacity is available, or that there is not a negotiated proportionate share mitigation settlement following the ninety (90) day negotiation period as described in Section 12.7(B) of the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and School COnCU17'C1uy for Coordinated Planning and School ConcJlmncy constitutes final agency action by the School Board for purposes of Chapter 120, F.S. Appeal Process. A person substantially affected by a School Board's adequate capacity determination made as a part of the School Concurrency Process may appeal such determination through the process provided in Chapter 120, 1".S. Objective IX- 5: Procedure for Annual Update of Capital Improvements Element. The City of Winter Springs shall amend its Capital Improvement Element (CIE) to include that portion of the IX-ll CITTIF WINTER SPRINS COMPREHENSUl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT adopted School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan which deals with capacity improvements. Policy IX- 5.1 Policy IX- 5.2 Policy IX- 5.3 Annual Update of Capital Improvements Element. On an annual basis, no later than December 1 st of each year, the City shall update the City's Capital Improvements Element to include that portion of the School Board's annual update of their financially feasible Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan related to capacity improvements. However, the City shall not have the obligation, nor the responsibility for funding or accomplishing the School Board Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Addition of New Financially Feasible Fifth Year Projects During Each Update. Each annual update to the Capital Improvements Element shall include a new fifth year with its financially feasible school capacity projects that have been adopted by the School District in its update of the Five-Year Capital Improvernent Schedule. Compliance with Florida Statute in Timing of Capital Improvements Element Update. The City shall amend its Capital Improvements Elernent to reflect changes to the School District's Five- Year Capital Facilities Plan in compliance with timing requirements of Florida Statutes. Objective IX- 6: Ensuring Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses, Encouraging Co- location with Appropriate City Facilities, Location in Proximity to Residential Areas to be Served and Function as a Community Focal Point. The City of Winter Springs shall ensure compatibility of school facilities with surrounding land use through the development review process and shall encourage, to the extent feasible, co-location of new schools with compatible City facilities, and the location of school facilities to serve as Community Focal Points. Policy IX- 6.1 Allowable Locations of School Sites and Compatibility Standards. School sites are allowable within any land use designation in the City except Conservation/Conservation Overlay and possibly industrial areas (Cross Reference FLUE Policy 1.11.1). Compatibility with adjacent land uses \vill be ensured through the following measures: . New school sites \vrithin the City must not be adjacent to any noxious industrial uses or other property from which noise, vibration, odors, dust, toxic materials, traffic conditions or other disturbances would have a negative impact on the health and safety of students. . Public school sites shall be compatible with environmental protection, based on soils, topography, protected species and other natural resources on the site. . j\n assessment of critical transportation issues, including provision of adequate roadway capacity, transit capacity and bikeways, shall be performed for proposed school sites prior to any development to ensure safe and efficient transport of students. IX - 1 2 CIT'tJF WINTER SPRINS COMPREHENSHl PLAN PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT . New school sites must comply ,vith the City's land development regulations and must minimize potential detrimental impacts on adjacent uses by providing sufficient on site parking, sufficient internal vehicular circulation to ensure that unsafe stacking of vehicles on access roads does not occur, containment of off site light spillage and glare, and reduction of off- site noise through compliance with the City's buffer requirements. New school sites for elementary and middle schools shall be located in close proximity to existing or anticipated concentrations of residential development. New school sites for high schools and specialized schools are suitable for other locations, due to their special characteristics. The development review process shall ensure that facilities such as sanitary sewer and potable water will be available at the time demanded by the new school site, and services such as public safety can also be provided. New school sites in shall have safe ingress and egress for pedestrians, bicycles, cars, buses, service vehicles and emergency vehicles. High schools should be located with access to collector or arterial roads, rather than relying solely on local roads. Policy IX- 6.2 . . . Co-Location and Community Focal Point. Recognizing that new schools are an essential component in creating a sense of community, to the extent feasible, the City shall encourage the co-location of new school sites ,vith appropriate City facilities, and shall encourage, through the development review process, the location of new school sites so they may serve as community focal points. \vhere co-location takes place, the City may enter into an Interlocal Agreement "rith the School Board to address shared uses of facilities, maintenance costs, vehicular and bicycle parking, supervision and liability issues, among other concerns. Objective IX-7: Ensuring Provision of Necessary Infrastructure. There shall be coordination between the City of \vinter Springs and the Seminole County School Board in the timely provision of infrastructure to support public school facilities. Policy IX- 7.1 Maximizing Efficiency of Infrastructure. During participation in the future school site identification process detailed in the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement Jar Public School Facility Plannit~f!, and School Concurremy, the City shall seek to maximize efficient use of existing infrastructure and avoid sprawl development by identifying future school sites that take advantage of existing and planned roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, parks and drainage systems. IX-13 CIT'OF WINTER SPRIN6J COMPREHENSIJ? PLAN Policy IX- 7.2 PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT Policy IX- 7.3 Policy IX- 7.4 Policy IX- 7.5 Safe Student Access. The City will ensure safe student access to school sites by coordinating the construction of new neighborhoods and residential developments, expansion of existing neighborhoods and developments and redevelopment or revitalization of eXlStlng neighborhoods and developments with Seminole County's safe road and sidewalk connection programs to school sites. Bicycle Access and Pedestrian Connection. The City will coordinate bicycle access to public schools consistent with the Seminole County count}".vide bicycle plan adopted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, METROPLAN. In addition, the City shall revise its land development regulations as needed to specify that performance standards for new residential developments adjacent to existing and proposed school sites, other than age restricted developments, shall include pedestrian connections between the sidewalk network within the development and the adjacent school site. Coordination to Ensure Necessary Off-Site Improvements. During the development review process for a proposed new school facility the City will work wit h the School Board to determine the party or parties responsibility for the financing, construction, operating, and maintaining of any needed off-site improvements, including but not limited to: signalization, installation of deceleration lanes, roadway striping for crosswalks, safe directional/warning signage and installation of sidewalks. A new development adjacent to or sharing an access road with an existing school or future school site shall mitigate the traffic impacts of the development for safe access to the school. Such mitigation efforts may include, but are not limited to: developer striping of crosswalks, developer installation of sidewalks, payment for safe directional/warning signage, and payment for signalization. Inclusion of Provisions for School Buses. The City shall revise its land development regulations to require the inclusion of school bus stops and turnarounds in new residential developments that are not age res tricted. Objective IX-8 Coordination with School Board and Cities. The City of Winter Springs shall coordinate with the School Board and other local jurisdictions as specified by the procedures in the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement jOr Public School Parilzry Planning and School Concurrenry and provide information for emergency preparedness. IX - 14 CITTIF WINTER SPRINSi COMPREHENSIFl PLAN Policy IX- 8.1 PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES ELEMENT Policy IX- 8.2 Policy IX- 8.3 Policy IX- 8.4 Providing Data to the School Board. The City shall maintain data on the approved number of residential dwelling units by unit type and location and the corresponding number of units within each development that have received a certificate of occupancy (CO). The data shall be provided to the School Board annually by October 15th Providing Representation. The City shall assign representatives to take part in committees and meetings as specified by the 2007 Inter/om! Agreement for Pub!ic Schoo! FacililieJ P!anning and Schoo! Conmrrenl)'. ~-\ staff representative shall be assigned to the Planning Technical j\dvisory Committee (PT1\C) which shall meet as specified in the Interlocal Agreement. j\n elected official or designee shall be appointed to the Public Schools Facilities Planning Committee (PSFPC) which shall meet as specified in the Interlocal Agreement. Advising of Proposed Changes. The City shall provide notification in accordance with the 2007 Inter/om! Agreement .for Pub!ic Schoo! Faci!itieJ P!anning and Schoo! Concurrenry to the School Board of proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map (FLUl'vf), rezonings, developments of regional impact, and/or major residential or mixed use development projects that may increase residential densities, effect student enrollment, enrollment projections, or school facilities. Such notice will be provided within 10 working days of receipt of the application. Emergency Preparedness. The City shall continue to provide information needed by the School Board and local jurisdictions for emergency preparedness purposes. IX - 15 EXHIBIT '8' City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT October 2001 Amended, July 2007 draft Amendment, August 2007 Prepared For: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Prepared By: Land Design Innovations, Inc. 140 North Orlando Avenue, Suite 295 Winter Park, Florida 32789 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA nON ELEMENT LIST OF TABLES Table VII- 1: hr,'cntoll of Existing Public School Facilitici, 2001.........................................................13 Table VII- 2,1: Intergovernmental Coordination Contacts, City of Winter Springs~ ...................14 Table VII- ~2: Ilr,cntory of Existing Intcrlocd AgrccmcnLi (Refer to ISDJ\R, Noy 20(3)..... .... ..16 VII -iii CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA nON ELEMENT a. Seminole County School Board Historically, Chapter 163 Florida Statutes (FS.), the law governing local comprehensive planninp-, did not include school facility planning. Seminole County, the School Board and the cities initiated major efforts toward achieving coordination of land use and school facility planning with the adoption of an Interlocal Agreement in 1997. The Agreement created a framework for notification of proposed land use actions and a staff working committee called the Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTACI. Bv 1999. in accordance with amendments to State Law. the County and cities had revised the] ,and Use Elements of their comprehensive plans to specify which land use designations allowed public schools as possible uses. and further refined processes to notify the School District and request comments on potential land development. Seminole County and the cities within the County recognize the benefits of providing adequate public school facilities to their citizens and students in a timely manner. Because of the importance of the school system to the future of Seminole County, coordinated school planning among the County. the School District and the seven cities continues to be understood as critical to ensure that public school capacity needs are met. To further the goal of coordination. the Seminole County School Board. the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners and governing bodies of seven cities adopted an Interlocal Agreement in 2007 that addressed coordination of public school facility and comprehensive land use planning (2007 Inter/ocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrenry). The County and cities also each adopted a Public School Facilities Element (PSFE) to their comprehensive plans. The PSFEs are compatible, establish county,vide Levels of Service (LOS). and identify procedures for the district-wide school concurrency management process. The process for developing both the 2007 Interlocal Agreement and the PSFEs involved the Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) , comprised of staff representing each of the signatories to the Interlocal Agreement. During 2006 and 2007, the PTAC developed recommendations for coordination of land use and school facilities planning as the basis for the 2007 Interlocal Agreement. The PTAC also reviewed drafts of a model PSFE for use by all involved. As directed by the 2007 Interlocal Agreement, PT1\C will meet a minimum of twice annually to discuss population and student projections. development trends, school needs, co-location and joint use opportunities, infrastructure improvements needed to support schools and safe student access, the School Board Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and school concurrency processes. In addition to the PTJ\C, the 2007 Interlocal Agreement created the Public School Facilities Planning Committee (PSFPC). which will review the recommendations of PT AC and present recommendations to the School Board. This committee will serve as a standing committee to review the School Board Capital Improvement Plan. and will meet jointly ,'lith the School Board annually. The membership of this committee "rill include elected officials or their designees. and will further the VII - 2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA TION ELEMENT process of ensuring coordination of land use and school facility planning. Amendments to Section 163.3180 Florida Statutes (FS.) enacted by the 2005 Florida Legislature mandated a comprehensive focus on school planning and required local governments and school boards to adopt district-wide school concurrency systems. School concurrency ensures coordination between local governments and school boards in phnning and permitting developments that affect school capacity and utilization rates. The City of \>:/inter Springs enjoys a healthy relationship ,vith the Seminole County School Board. The School Board operates ~ five (5) c;chools \v'ithin the municipal bO'clfldaries of the City. The City .;upplic; SC'Ner and water ser.-ices to these facilities. Map VIII 1 in the Capital Imprm-ement Elemcnt displays the location of thc education facilities within the '~:rinter Springs area. Table VII 1 presents an itr,-entory of these facilities and associated cnrollment information. The City has proT,Tided scrvices to aid the School Board in soLing local problcrm, as well as enhancing the Board's curriculum. Included in thesc efforts arc: . Construction of sidev\,'alb to pro7ide for safe travel of the student body; . Police patrols around the schools to proT;ide for control of negati\Te influences on the academic environment; . Pro,ision of 3e\Ver and water line extensions to service facilities not eontiguo'c13 to existing deli-very systems; . ProTvision for the collection of impact fees levied on nu, construction aetiT;ities, aftti.; . Support programs \\rithin the community that proTvide for an increase in the quality of student life >'cnd itr;olvement in the community. The City also participates in the High School's cooperatiTve education program for students TJ/ho desire practical work experience to enhance their academic curriculum. b. Seminole County The City of \V'inter Springs and Seminole County have several existing interlocal mechanisms to provide for efficient delivery of services to the citizens of the City and County. These mechanisms are: . Joint Planning Agreement (TPA). This agreement provides for City representation on the County Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) and for notification of land use changes adjacent to County and/or City boundaries, including other municipalities within Seminole County. The intent of the agreement is to provide for City input into the standards for development and land use changes that will impact City services, land use, and quality of life. . 911 Emergency System provides for an interlocal agreement with the City of Winter Springs to participate in the County 911 emergency system. This resolution also provides for the County to assign addresses for a consistent addressing system within the City and County. VII -3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT c. Telephone Sprint-United Telephone-Florida has a franchise agreement within the City of\V'inter Springs. Bellsouth has a franchise agreement ,vith the City to service the western area of the City. d. Cable Television The City of \X'inter Springs maintains a franchise agreement with AOL Time \V'arner CJblc for prc)\-ision of cable tele\'ision set\'ice. e. Solid \Vaste Collection The City of \vinter Springs provides solid waste collection services for both residential and commercial users through Florida Recycling Sen'ices, Ine. \V'aste Pro, a private hauler. Seminole County operates a landfill and transfer station. To meet compliance with the State resource recovery statute, the City has also enacted policies for the collection and reclamation of aluminum, glass, plastic, and newspaper products. The Ceneral Set\Tices Administrator is responsible for monitoring the City's solid waste franchise and Seminole County is responsible for the operation of their landfill. f. Cas Service The Florida Public Utilities Company supplies residential, commercial, and industrial gas service within the corporate limits of the City of \vinter Springs. C. ANALYSIS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION 1. Intergovernmental Mechanism Opportunities and Problem Areas a. Local Existing coordination between the Seminole County School Board and the City of '.vinter Springs ha,; been ad-,'antageo'cls to both agencies. Civen that the existence of school facilities is an important component of growth in a community, more ernphasis should be placed on including local go':ernment comments and recommendations in planning for nc-v school facilities. Land me and housing \vithin the City of '.,(,inter Springs \vill be impacted by expanded school facilities. In addition, increased planning coordination \v1.th the School Board needs to be in place to ens'clre that the necessarf infrastmcture (sanitary se\ver, potable ,vater, and transportation) is in place, or is planned, prior to the construction of new school facilities. Ba3ed on the school occupancy rates, four out of fi-:e schools in \\'inter Springs arc over or near capacity (see Table VII I). The Seminole County School Board and \X/inter Springs shoald address the o':ercrm.vding issue. In 2005. the Florida legislature, recognizing the need for improved coordination between local governments and school boards, mandated a comprehensive approach VII - 1() CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA TION ELEMENT to school planning. As a result. a coordinated effort was undertaken by the local jurisdictions of Seminole County and the Seminole County School Board. resulting in an updated interlocal agreement. The 2007 Inter/oml A.~reement for Public School Facility Planning and Schoo! Con(lfrren~y includes procedures for coordinating land use planning. development approvals and school planning. Additionally, a Public School facilities Element was added to each local government's comprehensive plan that is consistent with those adopted by the other local governments. These tools will enable better coordination of public school facility planning with land use planning and development approval~. Interlocal Agreements annexation and/ or development agreements \vith the County and adjacent municipalities may can resolve many cont1icts that may otherwise arise in regards to future annexations and dc,-elopment. "\dditional analysi3 and revie\v is dependent upon the Future Land Use Element anaLsi3. between the City and other local governments and should continue to be pursued to the extent practicable. b. Regional Through representation by both elected officials and city staff, Winter Springs has become an active member in programs and committees administered through the ECFRPC. In addition, the City has been and will continue to be active in including all appropriate local road projects in MetroPlan Orlando's five-year transportation plan. As noted in the Introduction of tills Element, rapid growth in the Orlando Urban Area continues to exert greater influence on the growth of \V'inter Springs. Tills growing regional impact requires that the City exercise its options to ensure representation on policy decisions that will influence the growth of the City. Local coordination with the St. Johns River \V'ater Management District continues to be adequate. Since formal review requires a processing time of approximately six (6) weeks, the City desires to increase coordination between the District and the City when reviewing development permitting applications in an effort to decrease development review time without sacrificing review accuracy. Additional coordination between the City and the SJR\'V1\1D on the creation and implementation of a well field protection ordinance also needs to occur. The District has invaluable resources and technical assistance that can help ensure the success of tills necessary ordinance. c. State Existing intergovernmental coordination with State agencies has been acceptable. Most disagreements are the result of differences in the methods of accounting and review of City projects. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has been most helpful in the review and permitting of City improvements to its wastewater treatment system. Differences in the method of accounting for sewer allocations occurred in the past. The city has adopted internal policies to match the accounting system used by PDEP in these allocations to consistency in allocation figures. VII -11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA nON ELEMENT Table VII 1: Inventory of Existing Public School Facilities in Winter Springs, 20012!ill1 Public Schools 8elwel Aeres Enrollment! Capacity Portable Student Classrooms Estimated Student Capacity (% Capacity) \'?inter Spring3 B &1-9 Elementaq Keeth Elcmefttaf) 1-'} +,GF Highlands Elementary a +9S .^^^^^^~_.---- ~ Indian Tmib :\Iiddle ;W ~ &OOel \X1in tcr Springs High ~ ~ &OOel ~ f) Hffl 7~7- 14 ~ W9 ~ 5 lJ.iJ.% -l,4ti +G6% ~4 G 7"i~/6 Source: Seminole Count, School Board. Note: The table identifies 3ehool enrollment lU of 10/99. VII -13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA TION ELEMENT Table VII- ~ 1: Intergovernmental Coordination Contacts, City of Winter Springs~ Name of Agency Address Phone City Coordinating Office LOCAL: Seminole County 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard (407) 320-0003 City Manager / Public School Board ..___.___?~I1X~E~2_~~_}_???}____...____....___ Works Seminole County 1101 E. First Street (407) 665-7219 City Manager / Board of County Sanford, FL 32771 Community Commissioners I?e",-,:I()pll1~11 t ._,----------_.._------._-~_._.._--------_.__._._--- --.-.--...-...-..--.---.---.-.---- - -- -~..__._,,-- City of Oviedo 400 Alexandria Boulevard (407) 977-6000 Community O\~edo, FL 32765 1: _._- City of Longwood 175 \\1est \\1arren Avenue (407) 260-3440 Community -. -_P-"- }~~~g.",r()()d-,Y~}2}65 .....n Developlnent City of Casselberry 95 Lake Triplet Drive ( 4(7) 831-3551 Community Casselberry, FL 32707 Development REGIONAL: East Central Florida 631 North Wymore Rd. (407) 623-1075 Community Regional Planning Maitland, FL 32751 Development Council ---------.----------.------.- St. Johns River \\1ater 618 E. South Street ( 40 7) 897-4300 Public Works / ..l'vI.~!1~g~trl_eE:t_I?~~~r~c:~_..... . Orlando, Florida 32801 Utilities .-. ----- .__.._.___..___,.___._,.__....~....._.m_m.._______________ LYNX 1200 W. South Street (407) 841-2279 City Manager / _ _________9 rla~~()2__~~_~_?~qJ_____ Finance .-.....-.. MetroPlan Orlando 315 East Robinson Street ( 40 7) 4881480 Community Orlando, FL 32801 Development STATE: Department of 2740 Centerview Drive (904) 487-4545 Community Con1IT1u~tyi\ffairs -.-..-....--- I;l~;lh~~~~'-':,y!~__~?~~? _.-0----- l)e"el()PlTle[lt Florida Department 420 W. Land Street ( 4(7) 855-1831 Public Works / Roads of Transportation - Orlando, FL 32824 District 5 _ ... ....-----.-------------.--.-.-....-....-.-.....-.-.,- Florida Department 3319 Maguire Blvd., Suite 232 (407) 894-7555 Community of Environmental Orlando, FI" 32803 Development / Protection Public Works -----_._--~-_.._.__._-_._-----_.-------_.__.._.__._..- .__..--~--_..__...__. Florida Pish & South Region (863) 648-3202 Community Wildlife Conservation 3900 Drane Field Road Development Commission Lakeland, FL 32811-1299 - ... ~-'"~---.-._._._-~_._---_._--~._---.-._--_._.._.- --------~ ---_.._----_.._-_._~--_._._-_.-._-_. . . -.. .. .-....-.......--........ Department of 400 \\1. Robinson Street (407) 245-0400 City Manager Children & Families Orlando, FL 32801 .-~--_._-~--_.~~-~----_._- --.-.-..--..-.------.----.---------..- Florida State Division 500 South Bronough Street (850) 488-1480 Community of Historical Tallahassee, PL 32399-0250 Development Resources VII-14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT FEDERAL: Army Corps of 80 Hughey i\ ve. (407) 648-6331 Public Works _~~gi!:-,:~!~__ __"'U"'___'~p'_',__ ---.. . _~__Q!!~!1ci.c~,X"l'. 328.22_____ __(?9it]21_=-~~~_,!___ ..... Environmental Atlanta Federal Center (404) 562-9900 Public Works Protection "-\gency 61 Forsyth Street SW [,tLlllLit, GA 30303-3104 .................. Department of 1135 Old U.S. 441 (352) 383-7116 Varies Agriculture I\ft. Dora, FL 32757 UTILITIES: i\OL Titne \\7 arner 2301 Lucien \\7ay, Suite 300 (407) 215-0000 Finance Telecom l'd'1;tl'1,,,l FL 32751 ... Sprint - United P.O. Box 3348 (800) 733-9045 Finance T~(;p~()r1e~~'l() rida (~, .~ SC 29648 ...... -....-.- _ . ._._._u._.m......._.w._.....__._.......__._ ..... Bellsouth (8_0_QL~}2~_'!Z2Q_ Finance -----~--~~-.--~------- Florida Public Utilities 830 W. 6'h Street (407) 322-5733 Finance _ f()r1:P~~~L_ __.__.. Sanford, FL 32771-2435 .....- - '- ..._..._~-.._--_....._.__._-----------------_._-_._._..------.-.---. Florida Power Corp. P.O. Box 33199 (727) 824-6400 Finance ..- . .?t~1)cter~~~~rg,!:l~__2?_?1~~81.?? Florida Rccycling 1099 i\1iUer Dri, c (107) 328 8211 Finance Scn-iccs \vaste Pro _...._...."~I~~_l~~~)~~~~_..~P~~r1gs,_~.~____.._. .._................_......_..................................... ..-.....----.- .---- Source: Land Design Innovations, [nc., September 2001. amended December 2007. VII -15 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENT AL COORDINA nON ELEMENT Table VII- Z::h Inventory of Existing Interlocal Agreements (Refer to Interlocal Service Deliver Agreements Report, November 2003) Agrccmcnt Bctwccn Typc of Agrecmcnt Dctails of "\grccment f~grecment Datcs ~~emincle Count; ~~heriff s Office and LaN Enforcement ~.Iutual The Counties and MunieipalitiC3 agree to assist each other in the fDrm 2001 2005 the municipalities of "\ltamonte ;\id "\greement ofla" enfDreement sef\ Ices and resources to adeq uatel; re3pend to Springs, Cassclbnr;, Lake Mar;, continuing, multi jurisdictionallH/ enforcement problems, so as to Long-,\ ood, ?Iaitland, 0, iedo, Sanfmd, protect the public peace and safet;, and presef\'e the li ~es and propert; \X'inter Springs. df the people. The Cit; of \X'inter ~~pring3 and O,iedo Fire Protection and Rescue Pro ,'ide for reciprocal fire fighting/ emergenc, medical sef\'iec / ci. il +9-88 <..' . Mutual "\id def-cl13e aid and assistance I n case of disastef3. uef\'l.eCJ ;',greement :'>:orth Orlando Fire Department and i\femorandum of To mtnunlze the loss of life and prop crt;' as a result of uncontrolled ~ Di,ision of Forestry l!ndentanding for Forest ftre on State Road 119, :'>lorth and East to Tuslcawilla Road, ~'l)uth on Fi=l Tuska\\illa Lake Dri,e, "nd \\C' cst to U:" r 92. The Cit; of\X1inter ~'prings and Fire" \pparatus ~\.n agreement for the City to paj the Count:, for Eleent maintc nanee of WM ~~eminole Count; Maintenance Interloeal the fire emergenej , chicles and appamtU3. "\greement ~~eminole Cm.nt; and the mclfiieipalities Interloeal ?,Lltual "\id To pro "ide for reeiprocJ mut~lal aid aS3i.\tacee bet:,veen the Ftflf 191\') and require .\ of .\ltamonte C . Casselberry, " \greement Respol13e Croup and the Cm annual rene ,val , prlngs, Long-,>ood, \X'inter Springs. ~~ tate of Florida, Department of State<\lde ~.lcJtual "\id To enh"nee Florida's altlit) to plan for, rc;pond to, and reco ,'erhem Community "Hfrrin and the City \grcement a future disa3ter. The Cit\ of\X1inter ~prings and Traffic ~'ignal i\laintem:nce The Cit) and Count) h,;" e recognized that there is a need to de elop a ~.1"reh 20, 1939 ~~eminole County coordinated effort for the repair 0 f traffic signa13. The Cit:; and Count:j agree to enter 111 to a mutually bencfiClal relationship " here b\' the County \\ ill maintain certain tra fftc signa13 ins talled b,,' the Clly at a cost basis. Orange Count;, Osceola Count;', llfid Shared U3e of Tmffic Pre The Counties and Municipalities agree to assi3 teach other in ( btaining l'nuailable Scminole County and the m~1l1icipalitie3 Emption ~'ystcms the quielcest and 3arest rcsp,)!13e to calls for emergcne j 3Cf\'ICC J. It is of "\ltamonte Springs, "\popka, the purposc of thi3 agrecment to o c1 tlinc the C1rGlmstanee3 under Ca3selberry, Kissimmee, Long",ood, "hich cmergcnc j , chicles of one party mal utilize thc trafftc prc Maitland, Odando, O,iedo, St. Cloud, , , ''', . VII -16 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA TION ELEMENT Agreement Benveen Type of Agreement Details of Agreement "'\grecmcnt Dates \'('inter Eprings and \X/inter Park pre cmpt traffic signalizatjon during an cmcrgcncy response. The Cit) of \X!intcr Springs and the De ,Tlopmcnt of The City and County agrce to collccti, el y utilize their indi, idual L' fliL ail a b le E'chool Board of t~eminole County Elementary ~'chool "E" po',,'crs to promote the development of Elementary Echool "E". They agrec that the Florida ~\dministfati, e Code, Florida Statutes, and the Cit} 's Comprehensive Plan "ill go, ern the planning and construction of all Seminole COLlfit} schoo13. E'eminole Count}' and the municipalities ~ The Count} and manicipalities agree to pro,,'ide for the distribution of . \ Llgent 1, 1986 of J\ltamonte Springs, Casselberf}, local option gas tax proceeds according to the agrecment. Proceeds of Lal[e ~\I~ y, Long'-' ood, O,iedo, the ta,{ hcreb} imp03ed shall be di,.jded and distributcd amon~ ~',;nford, 'X'inter Spring3 County government and eligible mLlfiicipalities in accordance gith the pro, isions of E' ection 336.025, Florida Statutes. The Cit} of Winter ~~prings and the Educational S y Jtem Impact The Cit} and Count} ha, e agreed to adopt educational system impact C I,a, aiLble E'chool Board of ~~eminole CO'clfity Fee fees which require gro ",th to contribute its fair 3hare of the c03t of capital additions and impro, ements items under the terms of Chapter lOS, Land De ,elopment Code of ~'eminole Count}. The Cit} of 'X'inter Spring3 and the Temporal) use 0 f ~~chool The ~'chool Board is the o"ner 10 fee 3imple of certain unimprm cd .\pril 25, 2001 School Board of E' eminole Count} Propert} for Recreation real prop crt} located in ~'eminole County. The site was p;lrch,;sed for Purposes the future construction, operation, and maintenance of an elelTIeftfttfJ Cichool. The Count} ha.J granted the Cit} LIse temporaf} use of a portion of the site for recreation pla}ing fields in short term. Thc Cit} of\'('inter ~~pring3 and C tilit}' Engineering Design The parties agree to ha, e the common pm, er to perform utility ~.Iarch 11, 1996 Seminole Count} .. . ,vithin their geographical locations. It is agreed engineenng ser;lces that the City may contn;ct for payment of utilit} 3er;ice; performed undcr thc Count} 's contract '",ith a private engineering firm and the Count} is agreeable to pro ,iding services under the terms and conditions of the agreement. ~'eminole Count} and the municipalities Joint Control of Pollutants Una ;ailable July 11, 1996 of J\ltamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lalce ~,faf}, Long'-' ood, O,.jedo, ~'anford, \'('inter E'prings and the Florida Department of Transportation The ~'chool Board of ~'eminole Co,mt\ E'tandard Co, ernmen t .r;; --:;:;- , c;, ., ,- tHtlffr, ~,[a\ 1,2001 J " to VII - 1 7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENT AL COORDINATION ELEMENT Agreement Between Type of Agreement Details of Agreement Agreement Dates and the Cit\ of \X/inter Springs V chicle Use "\greement the City '<,:ill pay the Bm:rd a fee of $17.36 per hour. The fee~ "\pril 30, ?002 the bus dri,er's salary, Llcl, oil, and maintenance of the ,ehieh. Seminole County Public Schools and Crant of Easement ~'eminole CO:lllty Public Schoob shall ha, e the right to use the area ] an uar,' 16, 2001 the City of Winter Springs .;ubject to the casement granted, including ,vithout limitation for parlc.ing areas, dri,e",ays, and landscaping, "hich arc not inco~ with the use of the Easement ~\reas grated by the City. Cit} of\\'inter Springs and Seminole Black Hammock Trailhead The Count) has requested that the Cit}, undertake certain maintenance October 12, 1999 Getmty Restmom Facility and cleaning respoll3ibilit) for the restmom facilities located at the Black Hammock trailhead in '~'inter Springs. The City of Winter Springs and Communit), Dc:clopment Pursuant to the HVD (United States Department of Housing and [.larch 30, 2000 Eeminolc County Blocl, Crant Program Urban De',clopment) application, the County shall undertake certain acti titio to dc, clop a ,-iable community', including an impro, ed quali!:'! of life, principally for persons of low and moderate income. The Cit) shall pro',idc pmfessional construction administration .1Cn'1CeS for infrastructure impro, ements within 'X/inter ~~pring3 to benefit 10'" and moderate income residents. The Cit; of\X'inter Springs and Fiber Optic The partio ha,e entered into an agreement fDr the shared use of a October 13, 2000 Seminole County Communication Ne!:'",orl, Fiber Optic Communication Ne!:'*,ork (FOC'J), ",hich '" ill enhance the abilitj of the parties to sen e the residents and citizens of ~.eminole cOclfit} through impro. cd local government roources. ~'eminole Coun!:'! and thc municipalities Seminole Count} U nlmo ,m U nkno\!n of "\ltamonte ~;prings, Lake ~1ary, Tramportation Plan ~ anford, and 'X/inter Eprings "\mended Interloeal "\.greeffient :: eminole Countj' and the Ci!:'! 0 f Libmrf System Impact Fees Library system impact fees have been al;opted '",hich require growth to October 1, 1996 Winter ~~prings contribclte its fair share of the cost of required collection item; under the terms of Chapter 115, Land Dc, clopment Code of ~emin Jle Co. The Citics of\,'inter ~'prings, Creation of a Communitj, Participation in the effort to redevclop U~' 1'" 92 through the October 21, 1998 Cassclberf}, Lal,e 1'.1af}, Seminole Rede, dopment "\.genc! collection of tax increments. Countj" and the l.!. S. Highway 1"7 92 ~ GRA: VII -18 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENT AL COORDINA TION ELEMENT Agreement Benvccn Type of Agreement Details of Agreement f~greemellt Dates f eminole County and the Cit; of Design, Construction, and The County and the Cir:,' are fIrmly committcd to thc de, el 0 P ,'fIeflf-ef J ~111 c 10, lSHr \\'intcr ~;prings Transportation Plan ?laintcnanee of'X'all transportatiOn ill ,pro ,ements and cnhancemcnt of the qual it;, ef..Me Pret=t for the benefIt of thc rc;idcnts of the County and thc Cit\ ~'eminole County and the City of To Dc,elop a Seminole The Count} and thc Cir. Recognize the , ulncrabilit"y of thcir 1'< 0, ca,bcr 9, 1998 \,\'inter ~'prings County Local ;..!itigation communitlcs to thc impacts of rusastcf3, and "ish t,) partieipa~c as ~ partncf3 In the dc, elopn ,ent of a mitigation ,;tratcgy. ~'cminole Count"f and the municipalitic3 Iatcrgo, ernmental Inform adjaccnt ClUes ar,d Seminole Count; ofland U3C ch,~nge3 <\hieh Fcbr'llJ.ry '/'1 1999 --, of "\ltamont ~;prings, Casselbcrry, Lakc Planning Coordination lna:l aff-cct othcr j urisdicttons and are in clo3e pro:{1mity to thc bordef3 ?,fal) , o ,'icdo, ~~anford, ,~nd 'X'in tcr ""grccmcnt of 1997 )f other citics Of the C Ottttty. (' . and thc f chool Board of upflngs, Seminole County The City of\,\'intcr ~'prings and Dcsign, Construction, l~nd \ scgment of the Floric;,l l'<ationd ~'cenic Trail/Cross Scmino~ j\[a, 13, 1999 " ~'cminole County' ~.1aintcnance of ccrtain L; currcntly aligncd throc!gh the heart of'X'intcr ~'pring3 To\\'n~ scctiofi3 of the Cross and docs not enhancc the economic dc, clopment potential and Seminole Trail "ithin thc fundamcntal dcsign of tl.e To,~n Center. Thc Cit; has rcqclesrcd thH City of'X'intcr ~'pring3 thc trail be realigncd to {~ nc ,,' location more benefIcial to thc To"n Centcr eommunlt:', . Source. Cit}' of\>;'intcr Spring3 and Land Dcsign Inno,ations, Inc. Septembcr 2001. VII -1 9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA TION ELEMENT D. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES GOAL 1: The City of \'Vinter Springs seeks to i-tmplement and promote stable working relationships with other governmental agencies to ensure efficient, effective, and thorough delivery of governrnental services. Objective 1.1: Coordination of Phns. The City of Winter Springs shall coordinate its Comprehensive Plan shall stri':e to be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan, East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, and adjacent city Comprehensive Plans. Policy 1.1.1: Policy 1.1.2: Policy 1.1.3: Policy 1.1.4: Policy 1.1.5: Policy 1.1.6: Policy 1.1.7: \>;'inter Spring.; The City shall coordinate with affected governmental agencies when developments requiring Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, review are within the City's jurisdiction. The City shall rReview the Seminole County and adjacent city Comprehensive Plans to determine the impact of those adopted plans on the future growth and development of the City o(\'Vinter Springs~ revie\v shall OCCclr on an annud basis, and whenever comprehensive major Pplan changes are fft?ttle proposed by those jurisdictions. The City will pParticipate in the Regional Policy Plan review and update process as mandated by State Statute. The City shall continue transmit advance notification of requests for land use, zoning and development approvals to cGordination in planning efforts \vith Seminole County, Seminole County School Board and adjacent cities that may be affected, as recluired by interlocal agreement.. through the sharing of relevant planning data and analysis, notification of development occurring ",.:ithin the City, and r('7ie\7 of the impacts, including land 'else compatibility and impacts on City levels of service standards, of proposed development on adjacent local governments during the City's de:clopment re;ic\1/ procedures. The City shall coordinate with the resource protection efforts of SJRWl\.1D for Lake J esup and the City shall involve itself in the process for development of the S\'VIM Plan or a similar plan. The City's Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1) shall coordinate 'with the Seminole County's Water Supply Plan 2007, SJRWMD's District Water Supply Plan 2005 and 2006 j\ddendum and the ECFRPC's Strategic Regional Policy Plan 1998. (Ord. 2007-11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.2.9) The City shall coordinate any proposed amendments to its Public School Facilities Element with the other local jurisdictions within Seminole County. so that the Element remains consistent with those of the other VII-20 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA nON ELEMENT Policy 1.1.8: local jurisdictions and with the 2007 Interloml Agreement .flir Public School f'acili!v Plannitz~ and School Conmmncy. as required by Florida Statute. City planning staff shall actively participate in the Planninz Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC), as provided in the 2007 TntedomlAgreement (or Public School Facility Planning and School Conmmncy(or Coordinated Planning and School Conmrremy, for the purpose of discussing issues and formulating recommendations to the Public Schools Facilities Planning Committee (PSFPC) regarding coordination of land use and school facilities planning (including such issues as population and student projections. development trends. school needs, co-location and joint usc opportunities. ancillary infrastructure improvements needed to support the schools, School Board Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and the Public School Concurrency Program). (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities Element Policy IX- 3.3) Objective 1.2: Land Use and Housing Coordination. The City shall coordinate \'11th affected governmental agencies and jurisdictions, including the Seminole County School Board, to aid in meeting the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the respective Comprehensive Plan regarding land use planning and housing issues. Policy 1.2.1: Policy 1.2.2: Policy 1.2.3: Policy 1.2.4: The City will seek to gGain standing and representation on Seminole County Comprehensive Plan land use amendments which would prove not to be consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. \'('inter Spring3 The City shall coordinate \vith the Seminole CO~1l1ty School Board to provide planning for adequate sites and infrastructure for future public education facilities within the City of Winter Springs, as described in the 2007 Interloml Agreement for Public School Facility Plamzin( and School Concumn~y through the follov,1ng acti ,-itie3: . On an annual basis, provide planning data and analy,;is, such as population and hOLlsing projections, to aid in the planning efforU of the ,;chool board, . Notif) the school board of any City Comprehensive Plan land use amendn1cnts. By December 2002, the City of \X'inter Springs shall attempt to enter into an interlocal agreement with the Seminole County School Board that v,1ll formalize~ procedures for the inclusion of the City during planning for ne,,' school facilities or expansions of existing facilities \\1thin the city limits or the utility service area. During pre-development program planning and school site selection activities, the City shall coordinate with the Seminole County School VlT-21 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA TION ELEMENT Policy 1.2.5: Policy 1.2.6: Policy 1.2.7: Policy 1.2.8: Board to collocate schools, to the extent possible. with other public facilities, such as parks, libraries, and community centers,-, to the extent possible. The City shall review the actions of other local governments as to the impact of such action on City level of service standards. and the City's concurrency managcment sy.;tem. provide to affected local g07ernrnents and agencies, the follO\ving information and services: . Pro, ide planning data and ,~naly.;is \\hen reclue3ted, llild . Revic,v the actions of other local gm'ernments as to the impact of such action on City service IGels and the City's concurrency management system, l~nd . Notification to affected local go, ernments and go','ernmentd agencies of pending City actions regarding the proYv'ision of ser:iees and comprehensivc plan amendment.;. By interlocal agreement with Seminole County, the City and County may identify and establish procedures for joint action regarding future joint planning areas, future annexations and compatible County and City land uses. Consistent with the requirements of the 2007 Inter/ocal Agreement/or Public School Facility Planning and School Concummy. the City will share information with the School Board regarding population projections. projections of development and redenlopment for the coming year. infrastructure required to support educational facilities. and amendments to future land use plan elements. The City shall withhold development approvals for non-exempt properties having a residential component. until the School Board has reported either that school capacity is available or that mitigation has been reached. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facility Element Policy IX- 1.7.1 and Capital Improvements Element, Policy 1.8.4) Objective 1.3: Transportation Coordination. The City shall coordinate \v1.th affected governmental agencies and jurisdictions, including the Seminole County School Board, to aid in meeting the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the respecti,'e Comprehensive Plan regarding transportation planning. Policy 1.3.1: Policy 1.3.2: Continue to actively participate in the Metroplan Orlando Transportation Improvement Program by submitting major roadway projects for their inclusion in the program on an annual basis. The City shall remain involved in regional transportation planning through continued participation In the Metroplan Orlando VII-22 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA nON ELEMENT Transportation Technical Committee, and through continued citizen participation on the I'vfetroplan Orlando Citizen Advisory Council. Policy 1.3.3: Continue coordination of the City's transportation system with Seminole County through the existing interlocal agreement, which resolves conflicts and ensures cooperation on the following issues: . i\ssigning access permit jurisdiction for roadways within the City limits which are not included in the Florida Department of Transportation Road System Classification list, but which appear in the County's Traffic Circulation Plan. . Initiate conflict resolution procedures to resolve inconsistencies between City desired Level of Service standards for roadways and County adopted Level of Service standards. . Provide a method of fiscal responsibility for roadways which impact and serve primarily City residents, but which are under the jurisdiction of Seminole County. . Provide a method of prioritization of needed improvements on those roadways which impact and serve primarily City residents, but which are under the jurisdiction of Seminole County. . Determine jurisdictional authority for roadways which are "half in, half out" of the City limits of\V'inter Springs. Policy 1.3.4: . Ensure the County's commitment to exercising their reservation authority to ensure the adequacy of the future roadway network in and around the City. The City will work \vith the School Board to maximize efficient use of existing: and planned roads to avoid sprawl development during future school site selection as identified in the 2007 Inter/ami Agreement/or Public Scbool Facilitv Planning and S cbool Concurrerzcy. Objective 1.4: Infrastructure Coordination. The City of Winter Springs shall coordinate the planning and provision of City infrastructure and services with affected governmental agencies and jurisdictions, including the Seminole County School Board~, to aid in meeting the Coab, Objecti7es, and Policies of the respective Comprehensi,'e Plan regarding infrastructure planning. Policy 1.4.1: The City shall cGontinue coordination efforts with Seminole County to ensure that the County is able to provide adequate solid waste facilities to meet the needs of the City of Winter Springs. VII-23 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT Policy 1.4.2: Policy 1.4.3: Policy 1.4.4: Policy 1.4.5: Policy 1.4.6: Policy 1.4.7: Policy 1.4.8: The City shall eEnter into an interlocal agreement with Seminole County by January 1, 2003, whereby the County recognizes the City of \vinter Springs as being the municipal service provider for water and sewer within the urban service area as identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City shall coordinate with the Seminole County Ilealth Department to ensure that where central sewer service is available, no new septic system permits shall be appmHd for any l1e\\" dn"elopment or any existing systems which ha\T been determined to be inoperable or detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the general public. The City shall cGoordinate the City's drainage program with Seminole County through an interlocal agreement which, when necessary, resolves conflicts and ensures cooperation on the following issues: . Determine authority and negotiating capital improvements for drainage outfalls in the County which provide conveyance for stormwater which originates within the City. . \vhen necessary, initiate contlict resolution procedures to resolve inconsistencies between City desired Level of Service standards for drainage and County adopted Level of Service standards. . Provide a method of fiscal responsibility for drainage systems which impact and serve primarily City residents, but which are under the jurisdiction of Seminole County. . Provide a method of prioritization of needed improvements on those drainage systems which impact and serve primarily City residents, but which are under the jurisdiction of Seminole County or the Florida Department of Transportation. . Determine jurisdictional authority for drainage systems which are "half in, half out" of the City limits of Winter Springs. The City will cGoordinate with the SJRW]'vlD to ensure implementation of the DiJtrict Water Supply Plan 2005 and its subsequent updates. (Ord. 2007 -11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.2.9) The City will wWork with the SJRWMD when alternative sources of providing potable water need to be evaluated. (Ord. 2007-11; 07-23-2(07) The City will cGonsider the feasibility of interconnecting water supply facilities with other jurisdictions. (Ord. 2007-11; 07-23-2(07) The City shall review the actions of other local governments as applicable. for their impact on City level of service standards. VII-24 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENT AL COORDINATION ELEMENT Policy 1.4.9: Policy 1.4.10: The City will jointly determine with the School Board the need for and timing of on-site and off-site improvements necessary to support proposed new or remodeled schools. The City will work with the School Board to maximize efficient use of existing infrastructure to avoid sprawl development. by identifying future school sites that take advantage of existing potable water. sanitary scwer and drainage systems. Objective 1.5: Conservation Coordination. The City shall coordinate \vith affccted governmental agencies and jurisdictions, including the Seminole County School Board, to aid in meeting the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the rc;pective Comprehensive Plan regarding conservation planning. Policy 1.5.1: Policy 1.5.2: Continue coordination with Federal, State, Regional, and private environmental agencies to ensure adequate technical support for all environmental issues in which the City requires tcchnical expertise. Thc City shall continue to participate and support programs and projects of State, Regional, and County agencies which seek to preserve environmentally sensitive lands, promote usable open space for all citizens, preserve habitats for endangered species, protect groundwater and potable water supplies, and surface water quality, including participation in and support for programs such as the Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWHv1) Program and wellfield protection programs sponsored by the St. John's River Water Management District. Objective 1.6: Parks and Recreation Coordination. The City shall coordinate with affected governmental agencies and jurisdictions, including the Seminole County School Board, to aid in meeting the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the respective Comprehensive Plan regarding parh and recreation planning. Policy 1.6.1: Policy 1.6.2: Policy 1.6.3: Coordinate \'vith Seminole County to recommend the proViSIOn of adequate land use acreage on the County's Future Land Use I\1ap for regional, community and neighborhood park recreational space. Continue to maintain interlocal agreements with the Seminole County School Board and Seminole County for the provision and maintenance of shared recreational facilities within the City. To the cxtent feasible. the City shall encourage the co-location of new school sites with City park and recreation facilities. VII-25 City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT October 2001 Amended, July 2007 draft Amendment, August 2007 Prepared For: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Prepared By: Land Design Innovations, Inc. 140 North Orlando Avenue, Suite 295 Winter Park, Florida 32789 EXHIBIT 'c' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT LIST OF TABLES Table VIII - 1: Inventory of Public Schools (See Public School Facility Element, Tables IX-I, IX-2, IX-3) .....15 Table VIlI- 2: City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule FY 2000/01-2005/06.........16 Table VIll- 3: Projection of i\d Valorem Tax Revenues..........................................................................22 Table VIlI- 4: Projections of Non-i\d Valorem Tax Revenues ..............................................................23 Table VIlI- 5: Projections of Debt Service Obligations for Outstanding Bond Issues.......................23 Table VIIl- 6: ProjeCliull uf Dcul Capacity ................................................................................................24 Table VIII- 7: Projectiuns of Operarjng Costs...........................................................................................24 Table VIII- 8: Projected Total Expenditures by Fund..............................................................................25 Table VIIl- 9: Facility Program - Public School Facilities .......................................................................26 Table VIII-tO: School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities - Additions /RemodeLng 27 Table VIII-II School Capital Improvement Revenue Sources Table VIII-12 Planned New Public School Facility Construction 28 29 LIST OF MAPS ldap VIllI: Location ofPubhc SchooL, 2001 .......................................................................................30 Vlll-ii CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT CHAPTER VIII CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT A. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Capital Improvements Element is to evaluate the need for public facilities as identified in other Elements of the City's Comprehensivei-s Plan. In addition, the Capital Improvements Element will present an analysis of the fiscal capability of the City to fund needed public facilities, recommend financial policies to guide the funding of those identified improvements, and to schedule the funding and construction of improvements in a manner necessary to ensure that capital improvements are provided when recluired. Needed capital improvements are those that are necessary to meet the adopted level of service standards identified in other Elements of this the Plan. These include: The City of \,\Tinter Springs public facilities that require identification and LlI1ding arc: . Transportation- Roadways which are under the jurisdiction of the City, and those roadways which the City wishes to aid in funding improvements; . Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element - Sanitary sewer treatment and effluent disposal facilities necessary to serve the existing and future population of the Citv. In addition, recommendations for capital improvements and policies to insure adequate sanitary sewer collection facilities; . Solid \V'aste Sub-Element - Solid waste disposal facilities to service the City's existing and future population, coordination with Seminole County to ensure those facilities are available when needed, and recommendations for adequate solid waste collection methods; . Drainage Sub-Element - Drainage systems necessary to meet recomrnended level of sen-ice standards for stormwater quality and conveyance, and coordination with Seminole County for improvements to systems in basins which serve the City but are outside its jurisdiction; . Potable \V'ater Sub-Element - Potable water treatment facilities necessary to serve the existing and future population of the City. In addition, recomn1.endations for capital improvements and policies to insure adequate potable water delivery facilities; . Recreation/Open Space - Recreation facilities and land area necessary to meet the recommended level of service standards.; and . Public School Facilities - School facilities which increase student capacity ensuring that the capacity of schools is sufficient to support student growth; The Capital Improvements Element will also present methods to implement and monitor Concurrency Management as defined and required in Chapter 9J-5.003, 9J-5.016 & 9J-5.0055, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.c.). VTII-1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT B. INVENTORY OF NEEDS AND FUNDING SOURCES 1. Public Facility Needs The applicable elements have identified various capital improvements necessary to meet the recommended level of service standards. In addition, Chapter 9}5.016, F.AC. requires the City to assure adequate public facilities to service public education and health facilities. /\n assessment of the required public facilities is presented below. a. Public Education and llealth Facilities There are no public health facilities located \\,jthin the City limits of \Vinter Springs. Therefore, an assessment of public facilities is not applicable to this Plan. The City's Fire Department provides Emergency Management Services (EMS) and generally transports patients to South Seminole Hospital in Longwood, Florida Hospital in j\ltamonte Springs and Winter Park Hospital. EMS will transport to any hospital the patient requests, including hospitals in downtown Orlando, Sanford and Florida I lospital in East Orange County. The Seminole County School Board operates fi','e sehools and an admini.itrati.,.c center within the City limits or ser,'iee arca of \\Tinter Springs. These education facilities hw,T bcen incbded in the iL;.;c.;.;ment of applicable public facilitic.;. "\n inventory of these public education facilities, including enrollment and capacity information is presented in Table VIII 1 and their location is sho\1,7n ion Map VIII 1. .l\ general summary of existing and future public deficiencies is as follO\1,7s: thirty- seven (37) elementary schools, twelve (12) middle schools, and ten (10) high schools. These education facilities are included in the assessment of applicable public school facilities (see Public School Facility Element, Table IX-I, IX.2, and IX-3). A general summar) of cxi.iting ,;nd future Pdblic education ddiciencic.; i.i a.; follow.;: (1) Ex':st,:flg Pub!k Education DdickflCks: Based upon the exi.;ting enrollment of 'XTinter Springs Elementary School, Keeth Elementary' School and Indian Trails 1liddle School, the student enrollment exceeds the design capacity for these schools. (2) Futmc Public Educat':ofl DcfidCfJdcs: Highlands Elementary School is at <)')% capacity currently. It is predicted that this school \\,jil exceed capacity v,,jthin the planning period. Oi T"&" J & IlI. r D hT' EJ ' V 'T" \-') '-'yg,-aQcs lJ:i.alntCflal1CC (h ~ U ,IC uucatlon ~ aCl,;(;CS: Seminole County Public Schools maintains a 5 Year Capital Improvement Program, which includes necessary upgrades and maintenancc of the Seminole County Public School System. b. Transportation All major roadways within the City limits of Winter Springs are under the jurisdiction of the State of Florida, Seminole County or the City of Winter Springs. Using functional classifications established under Chapter 355, F.S., nineteen (19) roadways have been identified as municipal collectors, four (4) State arterials, one (1) County VIII.2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT c. Summary of Projected Expenses and Revenues Expenses for debt capacity, operating expenses and project expenditures were analyzed for each fund providing revenue for capital projects. A surrunary of these projected expenses is provided in Table VIII -8. Based on analysis of the City's projected revenue sources and expenditures, \vinter Springs has adequate funding for the capital projects identified in this plan. A summary of projected revenues is provided in Table VIII-3 and VIllA. D. CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT The intent of the Concurrency Management System is to ensure that public facilities and services needed to support development are available concurrent with the impacts of such development. Tlus section sets forth criteria for assessment of development impact and guidelines to ensure that the adopted level of service standards established by the City's Growth Management Policies required for roads, sanitary sewer, potable water, drainage, solid waste, 7tftfi parks and recreation, and public school facilities are maintained. The concurrency evaluation system shall measure the potential impact of any proposal for a development peroUt or order upon the established minimum acceptable levels of service for sanitary sewer, solid waste, potable water, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities, unless the development peroUt or order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development peroUt or order which contains a specific plan of development, including densities and intensities of development, shall be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed development as deternUned by the concurrency evaluation set forth in this section. VIII-14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIIl- 1: Inventory of Public Schools (See Public School Facility Element, Tables IX-1, IX-2, IX-3) Public Schools Mitp-# fMap WH-lJ + ::! ~ 1 +~ ~ 8eheel Aeres Enrollment! \'?in tef ~' rw-iflh'l +3 &l-9 Ellmcntan I~clth I::Jemea-ffiff +3 +;m+ I Iighlands Elementary B ~ Layer Elemmt-frf) Indi"l1 TraiL ~,fiddlc ::!+J ~ &fleet '.'{'in ter (,.' . High 59 ~ "pnl1gJ ~ Source: Seminole CaUl,!:,) School Board. Notes: 1. Enrollment as of 10/99. Gapaeity trtB ']'l;+ &f9 .- -- ."- +.e+ ~ Portable Student Classrooms if +4 2 .--. !} G Estimated 8tutIent Capacity (~/v Capacity) ~ Hb% 99% +G6% ~ VIII-IS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII- 9: Facility Program - Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies. Programs and Capital Improvements with Cost Impacts Summary of Policies. Proqrams and Capital Improvements with Cost Impacts Public School Facilities Scheduled ProQram and Cost Impacts for 10/1/2006 - 9/30/2011 The Seminole County School Board Capital Improvement Plan includes significant remodeling of existing structures and the building of new structures to expand student capacity over the next five years. Total 5 Year Cost: $637.687.198 Potential Additonal Cost Impacts DurinQ/Bevond the Five Year PlanninQ Period Unknown unpact of tax changes done in 2006 and whether slow down in student enrollment ""ill continue. hold steady. or again start to nse. Available Fundina Options- Major revenue sources available to the School Board arc 'vfillage. Sales Tax. Impact Fees Gasoline Tax Refund, COPS. Ran, Local Cap ImprovementlInterest. VIII-26 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII-10 School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities - ADDITIONS/REMODELING REMODELING & 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 ADDITIONS Greenwood Lakes Middle - - $800,000 $11,000,000 - - - - -------.-.-.--.---.-.---.----.---------.------.---------. Casselberry - - - - $1,000,000 - - - - ---------------------------------- --------------------- -- -----.---.----.-.- --- ---..-- ... -.--- - .-- - ----.-.---..---.---.--------.--..- --~ Hamilton - - - $1.000,00Q $7 ,000,000 - - - ------_.~---------~-------_._._--_..- -~----~-~-----~--~ ~---_._~---~~ Idyllwilde Admin - - $500,000 $1,000,000 - - - - .-..--.-..--..--.-.--....------.--.---.---..--.---.------.--."--.-.----.- --._---- ________n____._________.._ ---.. .~._._-~--~---- Jackson Heights Round Bldg - - $500,000 $6,000,000 - - - - ._..._-_.__.__.__._--_._._--_._._-----~---_._---- ~-~-~-~--- -~_.- Lake Orienta $11,000,000 - - - - - - - - -.-------------..--.----.-------.--..--------------- ------------ -- -- ---~ Pine Crest Addition/Remodeling - - $4,000,000 $10,000,000 - - - - ---------_._-~._---~._...._----_._--_._-----_._._-- -----~ -~-~._------_..._-----_. ---- Seminole High $18,000,000 $5,000,000 - - - - - - -..--.-.-.-.-------------.--.---.--.----.- .---.--.-.-..--- -----._~- ---..--.--- .-----'--- - -- -" -_._--_..-...---- ___.____.._ __.m~__~._____ Small Projects $1,395,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 .- ----_.._..._--_..._.~.._..--_._--......__._... -_.-.-_._-------- -- ~_. .__ ~ _...~__u._.._.___...__. ----- -..-..-... _.-.---~------_..---_.---- .... Spring Lake - $1.000,000 $10,000,000 - - - - - -------------.---.------.--..---- ._~.--_..--.._._..__.._.._----- ----.----....- Stenstrom - - $1.000,000 $9,000,000 - - - - -----.----.--.------.-.----.------.--.-.--.. - Wekiva - $1,000,000 $11,000,000 - - - - - ------------.----.----------.--.-.-.---.--.---..---.-...------ _._--------~----~---- --- -.-..- ....-.--.....- ..........n._......._.. Wilson/Geneva Pods - - - $800,000 $6,000,000 - - - -----.-----.--.------.-.----.--...-----.----...--..-.---- --- Sales Tax Projects - - - - - - - - - - ---...-------.-...---.-.-.---.---.-.---.----.---.----..--..---.----. - -- .--...--.......-....-.-.-- .. ....----..... Oviedo High $22,000,000 $5,000,000 - - - - - - -.-..-..-.-.....-......---...........-- ..-- --_.-"._--..- - - -----------.---.-.-.--....-.----- ..... .... .-----. -------------- .-.----.. .___..__.__.m.____.._______________._ Red Bug - $1.000,000 $7,000,000 - - - - - -...--.-..-----.---.--.-.--.----.-------.---.------.------.---..----.--.- - ~.. Sabal Point $11,000,000 - - - - - - - - _..._.__..~_ ...._.__.M_.M._...__._.._.....___...._.~.~_._._. _.._ . ..-.....-.-..-....--....--.....-..---...--.---. ----" ...--..----.--..-----..-..--.-.-.--.--.. ---------~-------------- 1- Sterling Park $1.000,000 $11,000,000 - - - - - - VIII.27 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII-ll School Capital Improvement REVENUE SOURCES REVENUE 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 STATE ...._-_._------------_._-~.._~.__.~.__.._------_.__._--. ----~-- -.-- ........._....._....._........._....._m.._. Class Size Reduction $5,409,345 - - - - - - - - -_...-.----_.__.__._--._---~------.__.._....__...__.....--.-.-..--..---.-.--. 1--' w_ --- ~ _.._-.~--~-- - "-'" .- ---~--_._---_._.--..--. .-...... Peco New Construction $2.929.596 $1.985.715 $1.985.715 $1.985.715 $1.985.715 --...--.-----------.--.- --..--...-.---.------...-.---. -'.'--~ -.-.....-.-.--.--...-.....-.--.....-.-..--.....-....------ Peco Maintenance $3.815.185 $2.050.000 $2.505.000 $2.050.000 $2.050.000 .--------------------------------.--------------- 0'" ---.--..,-..--..--.------- . ......-........-....-...-...--.....-.....----...-................- n_.. '__'.'.m...'__ ...-.....-.....-................-.........-.-.......---. CO&DS Bonds - - $500.000 $6.000.000 - - - - ------- - ."~_._-_._-_._.._--_...__._--_.. ----,.-----...---.--.---,-...------ CO&DS $368,064 $368.064 $368.064 $368.064 $368.064 ----------.-------.----.-------- _..__......_.__...._....__.._.__.,,____.__. m_.""~.,..._,... LOCAL 1--------.------.------------------.-----.----.--- . ........._...._....._..O.."u.....__...__.....__.._......_......... -.-.... ............--.--.---......-..- ... ------- Mill $63,432,790 $67 ,238, 758 $71,273,083 $75,549.468 $80,082,436 -...--....--.-----....----.-.--.--....-...----.--...--_..__.._-------._~._-- - ----..-.-.--....--.--- .-.-.------..--.-- Sales Tax $18.617 .585 $14,070,410 $9.270.699 $9.548.820 $4.844.968 -_.~---- --- .-._------------_._.~-- ._-,--._-- --- . ------,------.,.-.-..-..----..-.-------- Impact Fees $3,500,000 $3.500,000 $3.500.000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 -------------~-----_._..- Gasoline Tax Refund $100.000 $100.000 $100,000 $100.000 $100.000 ..--......-.----..--.-.-...--...-....---..--.--....-....--.-.----...--..--.--..----------- -_._~-_.__.~- ~------~- -- Cops - - - - - - - - - - -.-.-----.------------.---.------.-.-.-------..--.-..---.-.-- ---- - -----_._-----~----_.~~_._._. -... --_.~-_._..__._-_._~--------_._--- Ran - - - - - - - - - - -..---..--.--.--..-.-.----.-.-.----.--- Local Cap 1m provement Ilnterest $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 _._---_._-~------_._------_._---_._---~~~_..._..__.__.-- ~~--- - --~- Undesignated $26.000.000 - - - - - - - - SUB-TOTAL $125,172,565 $90.312.947 $90.002.561 $94.102.067 $93,931.183 -----------_._--~-_._----_.__.._-_._-_.__._--_.._-_...-.-.----..-.- --~~-~~- -- ---- ---_.._~--,,-_._-_._----.._---"-------.- ---'-- ------.-- .---_..---~-_._------._--.----..-._-- -- --- Prior Year Carryover - $5,984,821 $27,164,852 $11,005,597 $3,194,086 - TOTAL $125.172.565 $96.297.768 $117.167.413 $105,107,664 $97.125.269 VIII-28 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII-12 Planned NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Land - - - $6,000,000 - - - - - .............-.-.----.--...... .. -....-.....--....--.......--.-----.------..-------- ~~--- ~ ~---~ ._-------~~- ~_. ------- New Midway Elementary $2,000,000 - - - - - - - - .....'.------..-..-----.-. .---...- _ '__'_ .__.._....__._....._._....__............_..._m..mm...__....... . ~. - -------------- New Elementary School (Site $1.000,000 $15,000,000 - - - TBD) - - - --_._------~..__.~-_._._---------_.__._.~--~---_._-------- ..__..~_..._- --..-....-------- -.------- ____m_ ... New Elementary School (Site $1,000,000 $15,000,000 - - - TBD) - - - _...__.._~-~~-_.~.~---_._.__.~.~~.~--_._.._~~.._-_._~-..__.~.._-- --_._-~.__.._._-~._.~.._-_.~ - - .--.-- -- ~.. .. ----- New Middle School (Site TBD) - - - $2,000,000 $33,000,000 - - - -..---....--.----------.--.----------------.----.-. ------~~----~---~~ -- -- New High School (Site TBD) - - - - $5,000,000 - - - - -...--.-.--.--....---------"-----------.---- --_.._-------~~ -- 30 Modular Classrooms $3,180,000 - - - - - - - - ------~----~._--~._--_._--_._._----~- ...-- Rosenwald - $1,000,000 $15,000,000 - - - - - VIII-29 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Map VIII 1: Location of Public Schools 2001 Source; SernirlOle Co., Land ()esignlnnovallons,.lnc.~ay2oo~n Map VIII-l: location of Public Schools. 2001 SCHOOLS . Elementary School o Middle SchoQI o High School N CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY "N,MAJOR ROADS .~ ~6~~~TLS PARCELS _ WATER FEATURES ~1 N o 1 Miles -r I.' . )i'S:Gi' F"N0V'\:!~:",> alL /", -.,do A"I1'-"'" Sw'~ 29; A_.. IO~idc 5Z7&? VIII-30 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES GOAL 1: Provide attainable fiscal means to ensure the timely and necessary installation and maintenance of public facilities needed to meet the demands of residents and business establishments \\rithin the city limits of Winter Springs. Objective 1.1: Capital Improvement Schedule. To ensure that the necessary facilities and infrastructure \,,111 be in place to meet Levels of Service (LOS) established within the Comprehensive Plan, the City shall formally adopt the Capital Improvement Schedule, identified herein as Table VIII -2. Policy 1.1.1: Capital projects shall be defined as those projects identified within the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet established levcb of c;crvice LOS, increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding $50,000. (Ord. 2007- 11; 07 -23-2(07) Policy 1.1.2: Capital projects for the following facilities and infrastructure shall be included and funded as part of the City's Capital Improvement Schedule: . Transportation . Stormwater Management (Drainage) . Sanitary Sewer . Solid Waste . Potable \'(-ater . Parks and Recreation Policy 1.1.3: Capital projects shall be prioritized according to the following criteria: . \'Vhether the project is necessary to meet established levels of seffl.ee LO S. . \'Vhether the project increases the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure. . \'Vhether the project represents a logical extenslOn of facilities within the urban service area. . \'Vhether the project is coordinated with major projects of other agencies. . Whether the Comprehensive reqUlrements. project Plan implements the as they pertain policies of the to concurrency VIII -31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Policy 1.1.4: . \'(1hether the project eliminates a public hazard. . Whether the project is financially feasible. Capital projects for school capacity improvements included in the School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan are included herein by reference. Objective 1.2: Level of Service (LOS). The City shall utilize level of service criteria defined in the various Elements of tllls Plan when determining the timing anJ funJing of capital facilities. Policy 1.2.1: Adopted lcvcb of scrvicc I,OS standards for facilities and infrastructure shall be as follows: a. Transportation Facilities- Thc follo\v'ing minimum LOS standards for Transportation facilities based on average daily trips are: (see Transportation Element Policy 1.1.1) (Ord. 2005-11; 09-12-05) . Limited Access Roads: Facilitici: LOS C, or as othervv'isc prescribed by FDOT. . i\rterials: LOS D . Collectors: LOS D b. Sewer- The le,-els of sen-ice for Sewer i.; 100 gallons per day per caplta. c. Solid Waste- Thc levels of scrvicc for Solid \'(Tastc is 7.1 pounds per day per capita. d. Potable \\!ater- Thc leveL of 3cn-icc for Potable 'X/atcr is a minimum of 115 gallons (minimum) per day per capita. (Ord.2007-11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-1.1.) e. Parks- Thc le7cls of scn,ice for total park acrcage is 5 acres (total park acreage) per 1,000 population. f School Capacity as established by the Seminole County School Board- 100% of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity for each school type within each Concurrency Service Area. except for high schools which are established at 110% of the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for 2008-2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities Element Policy IX-1.1.) Policy 1.2.2: In coordination with other City departments, the Community Development Department shall evaluate land use amendments to determine the compatibility of those amendrnents with the adopted leveb of 3crv,icc LOS standards and to ensure adequate funding is available when improvements are necessary pursuant to such land use amendments. VITI-32 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Policy 1.2.3: City cEapital projects shall use the follO\ving thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted levels of cieJTicc (LOS) LOS standards: Roadways - Volumes are at 90 % of adopted LOS capacity. Sewer - 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. \Vater - 75 o/u of available capacity is being utilized. Recreation and Open Space - Park lands when 95 % of available land area is utilized or when 90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage. Objective 1.3: Funding Sources. The City shall pursue adequate funding for the construction of City capital projects identified in the Capital Improvement Schedule. The School District retains the responsibility for financing and constructing school facilities. Policy 1.3.1: The follO\ving procedures shall be utilized to ensure adequate funding for transportation capital projects: Policy 1.3.2: The City shall continue to participate in MetroPlan Orlando committees regarding transportation funding to ensure funding distribution for transportation projects identified in Table VIII - 2. 100(1'0 of State revenue sharing motor fuels tax funds shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement proj ects. 100(10 of net proceeds, after payment of existing bond obligations, of the Seminole County Local Option Gasoline Tax shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. 100% of the total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales Tax shall be reserved for traffic related capital projects. Funds collected from the Transportation Impact Fee shall be reserved for transportation capital projects. The follO\ving procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for stormwater management (drainage) capital projects: 100%, of the total proceeds from the Stormwater Utility Fund shall be reserved for stormwater management operating needs and capital projects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be budgeted in accordance with the terms of the covenants. VIII-33 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Objective 1.7: New Development. The City shall ensure that new developments share a proportionate share of the costs required to maintain adopted level of service standards, through the assessment of impact fees or developer contributions, dedications, or construction of capital facilities necessary to serve new development as required in other Elements of this Plan. Policy 1.7.1: Policy 1.7.2: Policy 1.7.3: Policy 1.7.4: Policy 1.7.5: All development order applications shall be evaluated as to the impact of the development on capital facilities and the operation and maintenance of those facilities. The evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Expected capital costs, including the installation of new facilities required that are rela ted to the development. Expected operation and maintenance costs associated with the new facilities required by the development. Anticipated revenues the development will contribute, including impact fees, user fees, and future taxes. \X!hen applicable, the City shall utilize developer's agreements to ensure the timely and appropriate installation of needed capital facilities to service new development. Such agreements "lill be executed under the City's constitutional home rule power and following the procedures set forth in Chapter 163.3220, Florida Statutes. To ensure adequate capacity allocations for all developments, the City may require any development to use developer's agreements and/or develop in more than one phase. City shall continue to use impact fees for transportation and police and fire to ensure new developments contribute their proportionate share of capital project funding necessary to service new development. New developments shall be responsible for installing all internal water and sewer systerns, traffic circulation systems, and internal recreation/ open space facilities ,,,rithin their development. In addition, connections of internal systems to the City's designated major water and sewer trunk systems and traffic circulation network shall be the financial responsibility of the developer. Objective 1.8: Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrency Management System for the review of all proposed developments within \X!inter Springs for impact upon \,\'intcr Spring3~ municipal scrvice3 to public facilities within the City and for impact to school capacity. As part of the City's Concurrency Management System. the City shall rely upon the School Board to determine and report to the City if school capacity is available. The concurrency evaluation system shall measure the potential impact of any proposal for a development permit or order upon the established minimum acceptable levels of service (LOS) for VIII~37 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities, unless the development permit or order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit or order which contains a specific plan of development, including densities and intensities of development, shall be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed development as determined by the concurrency evaluation set forth in this section. Policy 1.8.1: Policy 1.8.2: Policy 1.8.3: Policy 1.8.4: Facilities Inventory and Reporting. The Community Development Department shall maintain an inventory of the a\~ailablc capacity within fhe ~roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, and parks and recreation public facility categories. Each year, the Communitv Development Department shall prepare a report for the City Commission containing the current capacity within each public facility category, including any encumbrances or deficiencies. This annual report shall also identify any public facilities that will require improvements to maintain adopted levels of service and recommend a schedule of improvements to avoid any reduction in the approval of development orders. Data on current water supply demand and permitted capacity shall be maintained l2L-the Utility Department and supplied to the Planning Division on an as-needed basis for evaluation of proposed future land use map amendments. (Ord. 2007~11; 07~23~2007) (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement, Policy 1.8.3 and Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.3.4.) No development order shall be issued unless it can be determined that adeclw1te water supplies and associated public f;1ci1itics and scn~iccs arc available. (Ord. 2007 ~11; 07 ~23~2007) (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.4.) The City shall withhold the approval of any site plan. final subdivision or functional equivalent which includes new residential units not exempted by the 2001 J nter/ocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrency until the School Board has reported that there is school capacity available or a mitigation agreement has been reached. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facility Element Policy IX~ 1.7.1 and Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Policy 1.2.8) VIII-38