HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 09 05 HAND OUT School Concurrency CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 500 THE A TT ACHED WAS GIVEN TO THE BOARD MEMBERS BY MS. ELOISE SAHLSTROM, SENIOR PLANNER, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Exhibits: . Capital Improvement Revenue Sources . Charter Schools and Special Needs Schools . Concurrency Service Area Boundary Series o Elementary School Concurrency Boundaries o Middle School Concurrency Boundaries o High School Concurrency Boundaries . Enrollment Projections - 2011 o Elementary School o Middle School o High School . Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Capacity and Enrollment SurpluslDeficiency . Historical Population Growth . Household Statistics . Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits . Impact Fee Rates . Inventory of Existing Public School Facilities Servicing Seminole County . Planned New Public School Facility Construction . Population Growth by Age . Population Projections . Profile of Housing Characteristics . Projected Residential Building Permits . Proposed Public School Additions . Projected Permanent School Capacity - 2011 o Elementary School o Middle School o High School . Projected Housing Construction Based on Available Land . School Aged Children Projections, Based on Planning Population Projections . School Attendance Zones o Elementary School o Middle School o High School . Seminole County School District Student Generation Rates . Seminole County School Service Area Zone Series . Tiered Level of Service Standards . Vacant Developable Acres by Land Use Designation Supporting Documentation- Page 1 of 24 Capital Improvement Revenue Sources CLASS SIZE REDIJCTIOtj PECO NEW COljSTRUCnON PECO tMINTE;tlANCE CO&DS BONDS CO&OS LOCA.L :2 MILL $5.409,345 i2.S25,55G $3.815,185 $U85,715 S2..:050,OOtO $1,~B5,715 $2,505,000 $1,585,715 $2,050,OM $:1,585,715 $2,050,000 $3~e.oG.4 $71,273,083 $9,27M55 $3,500,000 $100,000 $15,S45,4GB $~,54M20 $3,500,000 $100,000 $8{l,08:2,43S $.4,84.4,5GB $3,500,000 $100,OtOO S.ALES TAX L.MPACT fEES GAS OLl~jE T loX REF U tlO COPS RAil LOCAL CAP IMPROVEMENTflNTEREST IJNDESIGNATED $.G3A32,75C $IU11,5B5 $3.500,000 $100,000 $,{;7 .138,758 $14,,070,410 $3,500,000 $100,000 SUB.TOTH $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1.00(1,000 $1,000,000 $1,OOO,OM $2S.000,000 $125,1 n,5S5 $50,312,S47 $90,002,5G1 $34,1i12,OS1 $~3.~31,183 $5.~84,821 $21,1 G.4,852 $11,O05,~7 $3,154,08S $125. t7.2,.5b5 $3S.257,7G.8 $117,1S7,413 $105,10UG4 $37,1.25,2G5 PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVER Charter Schools and Special Needs Schools Choices in Learning Rays of Hope UCP of Central Florida Rosenwald Hopper Center Charter School Charter School Charter School for Special Needs Emotionally disabled school Special Needs Source: Seminole County School Board. website 2007. Supporting Documentation- Page 2 of 24 Concurrency Service Area Boundary Series Elementary School Concurrency Boundaries LEGEND N A ,: Elementary SOlDOI Locations - Major Roads Elementary School CSAs CSA_NUMBER DE-I DE-2 DE-3 DE-4 DE-5 DE-€ DE-7 DE-8 DE-9 DE-1o D LAKE JESUP (Effective date of IIJfOlmallon 7/20/2007) Supporting Documentation- Page 3 of 24 Concurrency Service Area Boundary Series Middle School Concurrency Boundaries LEGEND N A ~ . Middle School Locutions ~ Mujor Roads Middle School CSAs CSA_NUMBER DM-l I:il 111-2 DM-3 DM-4 1,:< I LAKE JESUP (EffectIVe dote of mfo{/)wtJon: 7120/2007) Supporting Documentation- Page 4 of 24 Concurrency Service Area Boundary Series High School Concurrency Boundaries LEGEND N A . . High School Locutions - Mujor ROuds High School CSAs CSA_NUMBER c:JH-l c:J H-2 c:J H-3 CJ H-4 CJ LAKE JESUP (Effective date of ;nformatlo/L 7/20(2007) Supporting Documentation- Page 5 of 24 Elementary School Enrollment Projections - 2011 502 485 881 852 890 800 801 775 858 884 795 723 719 601 776 557 634 711 888 724 653 958 816 789 762 799 841 792 798 772 632 611 1119 834 546 528 610 914 668 646 864 958 699 894 815 788 1079 992 871 885 815 938 820 612 871 869 975 902 661 639 684 661 Id IIwilde Elementar 887 798 Wicklow Elementar 821 766 Wilson Elementar 950 852 816 701 409 711 880 1039 793 793 29106 30346 Supporting Documentation- Page 6 of 24 Middle School Enrollment Projections - 2011 Milwee Middle 1146 1163.666877 Rock Lake Middle 1124 1170.673248 Tea ue Middle 1618 1498.754198 Greenwood Lakes Middle 1176 1194.129361 Markham Woods Middle 852 994.9047175 Millennium Middle 1746 1571.864159 New Middle "EE" 1411.428411 Sanford Middle 1319 1429.299735 Indian Trails Middle 1407 1387.261508 South Seminole Middle 1221 1197.175609 Tuskawilla Middle 1153 1252.729025 Chiles (New) Middle 1450 1441.180104 Jackson Hei hts Middle 1293 1312.933047 Total 15505 17026 High School Enrollment Projections - 2011 Quest 110 118 Lake Mar Hi h 2589 3024 Crooms (85% Utilization) 529 622 Seminole Hi h 3187 3257 6305 6903 h 3206 3145 2324 2688 5530 5834 2241 2524 2489 2612 4730 5136 1052 1236 2756 2934 3808 4170 Totals 20483 22161 Supporting Documentation- Page 7 of 24 Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Capacity and Enrollment Surplus/Deficiency for Elementary Schools EXISTING PERMANENT CURRENT PERMANENT BUILDING FISH CAPACITY SCHOOL CAPACITY SCHOOL PERM NO. (FISH) STUDENT CAP ACITY OVER(+)/BELOW(-) % OF FISH STATIONS (100%) CAPACITY CAPACITY Geneva Elementar - E1 601 601 -99 83.5% Lawton Elementar 882 882 -1 99.9% Walker Elementar - E1 827 827 63 107.6% 2310 2310 -37 98.4% Carillon Elementar - E2 942 942 -141 85.0% Evans Elementar - E2 966 966 -108 88.8% Partin Elementar - E2 748 748 47 106.3% Stenstrom Elementar - E2 622 622 97 115.6% 3278 3278 -105 96.8% 576 576 200 134.7% 735 735 -101 86.3% 749 749 139 118.6% 501 501 152 130.3% 2561 2561 390 115.2% Eastbrook Elementar - E4 932 932 -116 87.6% English Estates Elementary - E4 843 843 -81 90.4% 819 819 22 102.7% 2594 2594 -175 93.3% 878 878 -80 90.9% 810 810 -178 78.0% 1688 1688 -258 84.7% 862 862 257 129.8% - E6 625 625 -79 87.4% - E6 638 638 -28 95.6% - E6 715 715 -47 93.4% 2840 2840 103 103.6% Altamonte Elementar - E7 991 991 -127 87.2% Lake Orienta Elementar - E7 475 475 224 147.2% Woodlands Elementar - E7 840 840 -25 97.0% 2306 2306 72 103.1% 1026 1026 53 105.2% 915 915 -44 95.2% 567 567 248 143.7% 633 633 187 129.5% 713 713 158 122.2% 3854 3854 602 115.6% Supporting Documentation- Page 8 of 24 Bentley Elementary - E9 933 933 42 104.5% Crystal Lake - E9 853 853 -192 77.5% Goldsboro Elementary - E9 713 713 -29 95.9% Idyllwilde Elementary - E9 825 825 62 107.5% Wicklow Elementary - E9 792 792 29 103.7% Wilson Elementary - E9 881 881 69 107.8% 4997 4997 -19 99.6% Hamilton Elementary - El0 725 725 91 112.6% Midwav Elementarv - El0 385 385 24 106.2% Pine Crest Elementary - ElO 823 823 57 106.9% System Total 1933 1933 172 108.9% Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Capacity and Enrollment Surplus/Deficiency for Middle Schools and High Schools Milwee Middle - M2 Rock Lake Middle - M2 Tea ue Middle - M2 Greenwood Lakes Middle - Ml Markham Woods Middle - Ml Millennium Middle - Ml New Middle "EE" - Ml Sanford Middle - Ml Indian Trails Middle - M3 South Seminole Middle - M3 Tuskawilla Middle - M3 Chiles (New) Middle - M4 Jackson Hei hts Middle - M4 S stem Total EXISTING PERMANENT FISH CAPACITY SCHOOL (FISH) CAPACITY (90%) 1301 1153 1476 3930 CURRENT PERMANENT BUILDING SCHOOL CAPACITY PERM NO. STUDENT STATIONS 1446 1281 1640 OVER(+)/BELOW(-) CAPACITY -155 -29 142 -42 % OF FISH CAPACITY 88.1% 97.5% 109.6% 98.9% 4367 1423 1281 -105 91.8% 1390 1251 -399 68.1% 1720 1548 198 112.8% 1564 1408 -89 93.7% 6097 5487 -394 92.8% 1518 1366 41 103.0% 1310 1179 42 103.6% 1389 1250 -97 92.2% 4217 3795 -14 99.6% 1577 1419 31 102.2% 1494 1345 -52 96.2% 3071 2764 -21 99.2% 177 52 15977 Supporting Documentation- Page 9 of 24 Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Capacity and Enrollment Surplus/Deficiency for High Schools Quest Lake Mar Hi h - H1 Crooms - H 1 Seminole Hi h - H1 S stem Total EXISTING PERMANENT CURRENT PERMANENT BUILDING FISH CAPACITY SCHOOL CAPACITY SCHOOL PERM NO. (FISH) STUDENT CAP ACIlY OVER(+)/BELOW(-) % OF FISH ST A TIONS (95%) CAPACITY CAPACITY 125 119 -9 92,6% 2980 2831 -242 91,5% 948 806 -277 65,6% 3209 3049 138 104,5% 7137 6685 -380 94.3% 3099 2944 262 108,9% 2649 2517 -193 92,3% 5748 5461 69 101.3% 2487 2363 -122 94,9% 2574 2445 44 101,8% 5061 4808 -78 98.4% 2890 2746 -1694 38.3% 2891 2746 10 100.3% 5781 5492 -1684 69.3% 23852 22565 Supporting Documentation- Page 10 of 24 Historical Population Growth Population Change from 1980 to 2000 400,000 350,000 300,000 [J 1980 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 [J 1990 [J 2000 o Source: U.S. Census Bureau Population 179,752 287,528 60.0% 365,196 27.0% Percent Female 51.6% 51.1% 58.3% 51.0% 26.9% Percent Male 48.4% 48.9% 61.8% 49.0% 27.2% Total Households 63,250 107,656 70.2% 139,572 29.6% Average Household Size 2.82 2.64 -6.4% 2.59 -2.0% Family Population 161,675 240,297 48.6% 306,065 27.4% Group Quarters Population 1,078 2,856 164.9% 3,606 26.3% Source: U.S. Census Bureau Supporting Documentation- Page 11 of 24 Household Statistics % Change '90_ '00 Total Occupied Households Total Occupied Households with Children 107,656 139,572 30% 40,720 51,594 27% Ave Hhld Size 2.64 2.59 -2% Length of Residence: Stability (In Res. 5+ Yrs) Turnover (% Yearly) 41.00% 26.00% 41.20% 24.50% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Decision Data Resources, Inc. Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits (Does not include mobile homes) Jurisdiction 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 SF MF SF MF SF MF SF MF SF MF SF MF Altamonte 13 72 8 110 8 52 5 98 35 89 9 7 Springs Casselberry 85 0 71 112 62 0 126 0 72 0 27 0 Lake Mary 244 0 253 0 276 0 303 0 285 0 101 0 Longwood 15 0 15 0 22 0 12 0 10 0 25 0 Oviedo 241 6 308 12 168 12 381 2 362 16 400 4 Sanford 327 530 132 1334 125 14 524 500 686 42 1011 63 Winter Springs 195 8 127 8 204 0 186 0 205 42 159 0 Unincorporated 1347 1336 1311 294 1118 754 1411 57 2212 40 2082 264 Totals 2467 1952 2225 1870 1983 832 2948 657 3867 229 3814 338 Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida Florida Statistical Abtracts of 2001 through 2006 Supporting Documentation- Page 12 of 24 Impact Fee Rates Residence Type Impact Fee RatPer Unit Single Family $1,384 Multi-Family $639 Mobile Home $955 Inventory of Existing Public School Facilities Servicing Seminole County C ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL ...... HIGH SCHOOL Geneva Elementary Milwee Middle Quest Lawton Elementary Rock Lake Middle Walker Elementary T eaque Middle Carillon Elementary Greenwood Lakes Lake Mary Hiqh Evans Elementary Markham Woods Middle Crooms Partin Elementary Millennium Middle Seminole Hiqh Stenstrom Elementary New Middle "EE" Sanford Middle Keeth Elementary Layer Elementary Indian Trails Middle Lake Brantley Hiqh Rainbow Elementary South Seminole Middle Lyman Hiqh Sterlinq Park Elementary Tuskawilla Middle Eastbrook Elementary Chiles (New) Middle Lake Howell Hiqh English Estates Jackson Heiqhts Middle Winter Sprinqs Hiqh Red Buq Elementary Casselberry Elementary Haqerty Hiqh Winter Springs Oviedo Hiqh Heathrow Elementary Hiqhlands Elementary Lake Mary Elementary Lonqwood Elementary Altamonte Elementary Lake Orienta Elementary Woodlands Elementary Bear Lake Elementary Forest City Elementary Sabal Point Elementary Sprinq Lake Elementary We kiva Elementary Bentley Elementary Crystal Lake Goldsboro Elementary Idyllwilde Elementary Wicklow Elementary Wilson Elementary Hamilton Elementary Midway Elementary Pine Crest Elementary Supporting Documentation- Page 13 of 24 Planned New Public School Facility Construction Capital Improvement Budget NEW;;;<<. CONSTRUCTIO LAND NEW MIDWAY ELEM NEW ELEMENT ARY SCHOOL (SITE TBD) NEW ELEMENT ARY SCHOOL (SITE TBD) NEW MIDDLE (SITE TBD) NEW HIGH SCHOOL (SITE TBD) 30 MODULAR CLASSROOMS ROSENWALD $6,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $15,000,000 $1,000,000 $15,000,000 $2,000,000 $33,000,000 $5,000,000 $3,180,000 $1,000,000 $15,000,000 Supporting Documentation- Page 14 of 24 Q} CJ\ <{ 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 o '" 6c\ 0'" Population by Age Population by Age (2006) \.C) 1-1>.. ;,1>.. 1>..1>.. ,:>1\ ,,/\ '" '\.0 1-0 '\.0 1-'" '\.0 ;,'" '\.0 1>..'" '\.0 ,:>':> '\.0 "s" Source: Decision Data Resources, Inc. o to 4 20,042 7.00% 23,062 6.30% 24,291 6.00% Loss 5 to 14 40,651 14.10% 53,779 14.70% 53,978 13.40% Loss 15 to 19 20,101 7.00% 24,802 6.80% 28,677 7.10% Gain 20 to 24 19,641 6.80% 21,559 5.90% 26,752 6.60% Gain 25 to 34 52,585 18.30% 51,933 14.20% 49,757 12.30% Loss 35 to 44 49,904 17.40% 64,959 17.80% 60,941 15.10% Loss 45 to 54 31,958 11.10% 54,636 15.00% 64,869 16.10% Gain 55 to 64 22,943 800% 31,613 8.70% 48,188 11.90% Gain 65 to 74 18,092 6.30% 21,392 5.90% 26,493 6.60% Gain 75 to 84 9,038 3.10% 13,468 3.70% 14,456 3.60% Loss 85+ 2,564 0.90% 3,993 1.10% 4,933 1.20% Gain Population Projections SEMINOLE COUNTY POPULATION RESIDENT (YEAR-ROUND ONLY) AND FUNCTIONAL (YEAR-ROUND+SEASONAL) RESIDENT POPULATION (October 1) AREA 2010 2015 2020 2025 Unincoroorated 234,075 248,692 253,7 51 255,075 Total County 457,207 482,190 490,195 492,260 FUNCTIONAL POPULATION (October 1) AREA 2010 2015 2020 2025 Unincoroorated 236,621 251,263 256,379 257,764 Total County 464,634 489,954 498,250 500,582 Source: Seminole County Traffic Analysis Zone data Supporting Documentation- Page 15 of 24 Profile of Housing Characteristics - 2000 SEMINOLE COUNTY HOUSING UNITS BY TYPE CENSUS 2000 Single Family 95,809 Multi-Family 46,024 Mobile Home (inc!. RV) 5246 Total 147,079 Projected Residential Building Permits Seminole County Projected Residential Building Permits 2006 - 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 SF MF SF MF SF MF SF MF SF MF SF MF 2744 1343 2817 1358 2638 1329 2277 1226 2017 1125 1718 1025 Proposed Public School Additions " · 11\1~&AUm >t 2010/11 ,!!f.I.(}lt)f./:: \\ ,t. 't"" ""'i.,,;:":H>' " ',\ GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE $800,000 $11,000,000 CASSELBERRY $1,000,000 HAMIL TON $1,000,000 $7,000,000 IDYLLWILDE ADMIN $500,000 $1,000,000 JACKSON HEIGHTS ROUND BLDG $500,000 $6,000,000 LAKE ORIENTA $11,000,000 PINE CREST $4,000,000 $10,000,000 ADDITION/REMODELING SEMINOLE HIGH $18,000,000 $5,000,000 SMALL PROJECTS $1,395,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 SPRING LAKE $1,000,000 $10,000,000 STENSTROM $1,000,000 $9,000,000 WEKIV A $1,000,000 $11,000,000 WILSON/GENEVA PODS $800,000 $6,000,000 Supporting Documentation- Page 16 of 24 Projected Permanent School Capacity - 2011 PROJECTED PERMANENT BUILDING SCHOOL CAPACITY 2011 SCHOOL PERM NO. (FISH) OVER(+)/B 5 Year CIP STUDENT CAPACITY ELOW(-) % OF FISH Additions STATIONS (100%) CAPACITY CAPACITY Geneva Elementar 0 601 601 -116 80.8% Lawton Elementar 0 882 882 -30 96.6% Walker Elementar 0 827 827 -27 96.7% 2310 2310 -173 92.5% Carillon Elementar 0 942 942 -167 82.2% Evans Elementar 0 966 966 -82 91.5% Partin Elementar 0 748 748 -25 96.7% Stenstrom Elementar 0 622 622 -21 96.7% 3278 3278 -295 91.0% Keeth Elementar 0 576 576 -19 96.7% La er Elementar 0 735 735 -24 96.7% Rainbow Elementar 0 749 749 -25 96.7% Sterling Park Elementar 490 991 991 -33 96.7% 3051 3051 -101 96.7% 0 932 932 -143 84.7% 0 843 843 -44 94.8% 0 819 819 -27 96.7% 2594 2594 -214 91.8% Casselberry Elementar 0 878 878 -106 87.9% Winter Springs Elementar 0 810 810 -199 75.4% 1688 1688 -305 81.9% 0 862 862 -28 96.7% 0 625 625 -97 84.5% 335 973 973 -59 93.9% 0 715 715 -69 90.3% 3175 3175 -254 92.0% Altamonte Elementar 0 991 991 -33 96.7% Lake Orienta Elementar 450 925 925 -31 96.7% Woodlands Elementar 0 840 840 -52 93.8% 2756 2756 -115 95.8% 0 1026 1026 -34 96.7% 0 915 915 -30 96.7% 403 970 970 -32 96.7% Supporting Documentation- Page 17 of 24 Elementary Spring Lake Elementar Wekiva Elementar -31 -214 -52 -27 -26 -29 .379 New Elementar New Elementar Totals 32569 Supporting Documentation- Page 18 of 24 96.7% 96.7% 96.7% 96.7% 74.9% 92.8% 96.7% 96.7% 96.7% 92.4% -24 -24 -36 .84 96.7% 96.7% 96.7% 96.7% -78 -78 PROJECTED PERMANENT BUILDINGSCHOOL CAPACITY 2011 SCHOOL 5 Year PERM NO. (FISH) CIP STUDENT CAP ACIlY OVER(+)/BELOW(- % OF FISH Addition STATIONS (100%) ) CAPACITY CAPACITY Milwee Middle 0 1446 1301 -138 89.4% Rock Lake Middle 0 1281 1153 18 101.5% Tea ue Middle 0 1640 1476 23 101.5% 4367 3930 -97 97.5% Greenwood Lakes Middle 0 1423 1281 -87 93.2% Markham Woods Middle 0 1390 1251 -256 79.5% Millennium Middle 1720 1548 24 101.5% New Middle "EE" 1390 1390 1251 160 112.8% Sanford Middle 0 1564 1408 22 1 01.5% 7487 6738 -137 98.0% Indian Trails Middle 0 1518 1366 21 1 01.5% South Seminole Middle 0 1310 1179 18 1 01.5% Tuskawilla Middle 0 1389 1250 3 100.2% 4217 3795 42 101.1 % 0 1577 1419 22 101.5% 0 1494 1345 -32 97.6% 3071 2764 -10 99.6% 390 19142 17228 Supporting Documentation- Page 19 of 24 Quest o 125 SCHOOL (FISH) CAPACITY (100%) 119 Totals 2831 901 3049 6780 OVER(+)/BELOW(-) CAPACITY -6 % OF FISH CAPACITY 95.2% 164 -302 251 112 105.8% 66.4% 108.2% 101.7% 242 88 330 108.2% 103.5% 106.0% 194 201 395 108.2% 108.2% 108.2% -1556 226 -1330 43.3% 108.2% 75.8% Supporting Documentation- Page 20 of 24 High School Attendance Zones SEMINOLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS .~~ ,., ~"" .c -"'~ ". '" Middle School Attendance Zones :-;'r:-ll1111Cdr:- Ct'\tllltY 20lJ6 - ~oo; \11ddl~ ~ch(lol B(ll1l1d::u-ics r~~\] j~ l~. -~~ \ J;\ "~,--:- ,BF[~:/ /\ 103~/ 1\ '.J;f ~\ -' ,\ '. \ , ',\ i ~'\ L ~><i' ""'~'-jrv- /i.,,,,-/ \cl. ' K~;; ~', 'M L~ Supporting Documentation- Page 21 of 24 Elementary School Attendance Zones Seminole County Ele1l1entm~y' Schools Projected Housing Construction Based on Available Land 2010 2015 2020 2025 SF MF SF MF SF MF SF MF Un incorporated 10,823 3,318 15,866 3,594 18,098 3,789 19,093 3,875 Incorporated 3,986 4,208 5,164 7,341 5,712 8,654 5,934 9,235 TOTAL 14,809 7,526 21,030 10,935 23,795 12,443 25,027 13,110 Source: 2006 Seminole County Evaluation and Appraisal Report Supporting Documentation- Page 22 of 24 School Aged Children Projections, Based on Planning Population Projections Elementary School Agel 33,527 34,806 35,113 35,420 35,726 36,033 36,339 Middle School Age2 18,46] 18,502 18,596 18,689 18,783 18,876 18,970 High School Age3 28,806 30,567 30,433 Total Count School Age Children 80,794 83,876 84,142 84,408 84,674 84,940 85,206 I All of '5-9' cohort plus 20% of' 10-14' cohort 2 60% of' 10-14' cohort J 80% of'15-19' cohort plus 20% 0['10-14' cohort 420 II figures derived from a linear extrapolation between 20 I 0 and 20] 5 projections School Age Children Projections (Based on Planning Projections) 40,000 35,000 ... 0 .r:: 30,000 . 0 u r:: 25,000 ::c ... .:;: 20,000 r:: 0 ';:; 15,000 C'Il "5 c. 10,000 0 0.. 5,000 0 Elementary Middle High o 2005 II 2011 Seminole County School District Student Generation Rates Re~icjenceType ElemeotClry Middle Thi-", , Single Family 0.249 0.1 14 0.124 0.487 Multi-Family 0.1 15 0.053 '0.057 0.226 Mobile Home 0.186 0.083 0.075 0.345 Source: Seminole County Public Schools website, 2007. Supporting Documentation- Page 23 of 24 Tiered Level of Service Standards Elementary and Middle 100 % of Permanent FISH Ca acit High School 110 % of Permanent FISH Ca acit Beginning 201 100% of Permanent FISH Ca acit 100 % of Permanent FISH Ca acit VACANT UNINCORPORATED DEVELOPABLE ACRES BY LAND USE, 2004 VACANT UNINCORPORATED DEVELOPABLE ACRES BY LAND USE, 2004 % OF ALL VACANT UNINCORP, LAND Rural - 10 6384.91 Rural - 5 7236.63 Rural - 3 130.76 Suburban Estates 3230.3 Low Density Res. 3213.14 Medium Density Res. 343.33 High Density Res. 29.54 Commercial 334.74 Office 65.25 Industrial 886.47 High Intensity Planned Development Airport 346.4 High Intensity Planned Development Target 442.4 Industries High Intensity Planned Development Core & 97.46 Transition Recreation 7.57 Public 17.63 TOT AL VACANT 22,766.55 TOTAL UNINCORPORATED 149,017.61 ACREAGE Total Percent 28.05% 4.28% 31.79% 4.86% 0.57% 0.09% 14.19% 2.17% 14.11 % 2.16% 1.51% 0.23% 0.13% 0.02% 1.47% 0.22% 0.29% 0.04% 3.89% 0.59% 0.00% 0.00% 1.52% 0.23% 1.94% 0.30% 0.43% 0.07% 0.03% 0.01% 0.08% 0.01% 100.00% 15.28% Supporting Documentation- Page 24 of 24