HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 08 01 HAND OUT Regular 601 Vertex Development CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AUGUST 1, 2007 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 601 THE ATTACHED WAS GIVEN TO THE BOARD MEMBERS BY MS. MARY SOLIK, FOLEY & LARDNER LLP : FOLEY July 30, 2007 ATTORNEYS AT LAW III NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FL 32801.2386 P. O. BOX 2193 ORLANDO, FL 32802.2193 407.423.7656 TEL 407.648.1743 FAX www.foley.com FOLEY & LARDNER LLP WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3259 msolik@foley.com EMAIL CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 055546-0103 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL Anthony Garganese, Esq. Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. 225 East Robinson Street Suite 660 Orlando, FL 32801 Re: Vertex Development v. City of Winter Springs Dear Mr. Garganese: Although you and I have discussed this matter at great length via voice mail and email, please let me lodge my formal disagreement with the City Staffs requirement that the Vertex site plan approval be required to go to a public hearing in front of the Planning & Zoning Board on August 1, 2007. Ordinance 2006-12, which addresses requirements for the approval of cellular communication towers, requires that all towers undergo site plan review. Site plan review is addressed in Sections 9-341 through 9-349 of the City of Winter Springs Land Development Code. This section provides for site plan review at a staff level. You have indicated to me that the site plan for the Vertex tower compound must undergo preliminary and final plan review under Chapter 9-46. Chapter 9-46 of the City's Code addresses the subdivision of land. The development proposed by Vertex is not a subdivision of land. There are no new lots created, nor are there any new streets being created. We therefore, feel based on the express language of the City's Code, that our site plan is not required to undergo public hearing review in front of the P&Z. Please advise. Very truly yours, cQ~o~~,-- Mary Doty Solik MDS:jlc cc: Alan Ruiz BOSTON BRUSSELS CHICAGO DETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MILWAUKEE NEW YORK ORLANDO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO SILICON VALLEY TALLAHASSEE TAMPA TOKYO WASHINGTON, D.C. ORLA_574287.1 Aug 01 2007 3:38PM HP LASERJET FAX p. 1 BROWN, GARGANES , WEISS & D'AGRESTA, P.A. Debra S. Babb-NlJlcher" Joseph E. Balch Usher L. Brown' Suzanne O'Agreslao Anthony A. Garganeseo J.W. Taylor Jeffrey S. Weiss Offices in rlando, Kissimmee, Cocoa, Ft. uderdaIe & Tampa VMan COCOlaS Scott J. Domstein Mitchell B. Haller Katherine W. Latorre Amy J. Pitsch "Board Cerdfllld Civl Trial LSW)i9r ~oard Certil'ied City, Cclunly & Local Gov8mment Law "Board Certified Appellate Prac11ce Erin J. O'Leary. Catherine O. Reischmanno William E. Relschmann, Jr. Of Counsel Au 8t 1,2007 Via Facsimile (407) 648-1743 Mary Solik, Esq. 111 North Orange Ave., Suite 1800 Orlando, FL 32802 Re: Vertex: Development v. City of Winter Springs I am in receipt of your letter dated J y 30, 2007. AS we discussed Vertex Development's site plan application will be presented t the Planning & Zoning Board this evening for recommendation to the City Commission. . e I understand the point made in your letter, the City Code must be read in its entirety as many pl1 . sions are deemed supplemental to one another. As I stated to you, for many years the City has c temporaneously construed the preliminary and fmal plan review under Section 9-46 to apply to site plan applications, not just subdivision of land applications. To my knowledge, this practic and interpretation predates my appointment as City Attorney in 1999. I also want to draw to yo attention the fact that the property in question is also zoned PUD, and as such subject to Planning Zoning Bowd and City Commission review. Furthennore, as you know I have brou t to your attention that the subject property is subject to a Settlement Agreement between the City d the TuscawilIa Country Club. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to review any ifOposed amendment to the Settlement Agreement in a manner that the City deems appropriate in luding, but not limited to, review by the Planning & ZoningBoard. Z!!lJ thony A. Garganese ity Attorney DaAJm. BllTNOTAEAfJ ....w MY AIJSENCE TO AVOIO DEL.\V /II ANllfONy A. GARBANESE cc: Ron McLemore, City Manager 225 East Robinson Street, Sui1e 1360 P.O. Box 2873. Orlando, Florida 32802.2873 Orlando (407) 425-9566 Fax (407) 425-9596. KIssimmee (3 1) 402-0144. Cocoa (866)425-9566. Fl. Lauderdale (954) 670-1979 Website: www.or1andola.net . Email: flrm@orlandolaw.net FLOOD NOTE ACCOAOINO TO MY III_TAlIONS OF CCIIIotUNITY ~-.. NO. 1202115 014$ [ OF 1M[ FlOOO IllSURANCE RA IE MAPS FOR SEIotINOl.[ COUNTY, FlORIDA. OA TED 4/17;e THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS III FlOOO ZllH[ "X", IE "AREAS O[T[RIotlNEO TO BE OUTSIDE !H[ SOO-YEAlI FlOOO PlMI". ~ >- J l!I i .... ... 9 " ~ \ ~~ ~~ ~~I\l- ~I\l-~ ..~ ,10 -.$).... l\ ,1" -.$) PROPOSED TOWER LOCA nON INFORM A nON NAO 1.1 LAn1Ull[ . 28'40'23.71" N ~lIO' LONOI1Ull[ . '''5''8.10'' W ~lIO' NAD 27 LAn1Ull[ . 28'40'22.72" N ~lIO' LONOI1Ull[ . '''5'''.11" W ~lIO' GROUND D.EVAlION AT BAS[ OF TOII[JI . 42.4'~20' _ GROUND D.EVAlION AT BASE OF TOII[JI . 4J.S'~2O' NAWlII \ \q. \ ~ BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY .. SEcnON 18. TOWNSHIP 21 SOUtH. RANGE 31 EAST. SOolINOU: COUNlY. FLORIOA FOR: VERTEX DEVELOPMENT, LLC SITE DETAIl SCAlE: 2'.X 31- SHEET 1-. 10' $CAI.[: U"X ,T SH[f;T ,". 20' N i ~ GRAPHIC SCAl.[ 20 9'''20 40 10 I>-~' I ( III FEET ) $CAI.[: 24"X 38" SH[f;T ,". 40' $CAI.[: U"X 17" SHEET I". lIO' LOT' SOUlH U'lE OF LOT . NORlH UN[ OF LOT '0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS ~ARENT ~AIIC[L (OfF1aAL RECORO BOOK 3144, ~AGE IIZ) SEE DESCRtPlION ATTACHEO HERETO TOII[JI pAIIC[L (PREPARED BY 1HIS omcE) lHAT PAlIT OF LOT '0, PHI.lP R. ~ GRANT, AS ~ PLAT _OF RECORO[Il III PLAT BOOK I, PAOE 31. OF lH[ PUBLIC RECQROS OF S[IottNOI,[ COUNTY, FlORlOA. 8EINC MORE PAlI1ICULAII\.Y DESCRlB[O AS fa.LOWS: COIotIotENCE AT THE IlOST NCRlHERL Y CORNDI OF LOT 170, COUNTRY a.u8 1IlUAOE. lINT 1HR[[. AS ~ PLAT_OF RECORO[Il III PLAT BOOK 215. PAOE 34. OF 1H[ PUlIUC RECQROS OF SEIIINClZ COUNTY, FlORlOA. SAIO POINT 8EINC ON 1H[ WES1ERl.Y UN[ OF AN [liSTING UO' 110[ FlORlOA POWER .. UGHT COMPANY [AS[IotENT; 1H[NC[ 5 3"4$'52" [ ALONO 1H[ NCRlHEAS1ERl. Y UN[ OF SAIO COUNTRY a.ue \IlU.AOE, UNT 1HR[[ AND ALONO 1H[ WESlERl. Y U'lE OF SAID FlORIDA PIlWER .. UGHT COMPANY [AS[Iot[NT fOR 308.'5 FEET; 1H[NC[ N sa'4'OII" [ FOR 187.sa FEET TO 1H[ POINT OF BEOINNIIIO; 1H[NC[ CON1INIJ[ N 5114'011" [ FOR so.oo FEET; lHENC[ 5 3"45'52" [ FOR so.oo FEET; lH[NC[ 5 5114'01" W FOR 50.00 FEET; 1H[NC[ N 3"4$'52" W FOR so.oo fEET TO SAIO POINT OF BEOINNlNG. CONTAlNlNG 2.500 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR IDS. LEGEND . INDICATES PLACED 1/Z" _ WllH OEOUN[ L8 7012 CAP o INOICATES IIION PIN rouNO AS NOTED [J INOlCATES CONCRETE MONUlIOIT FOUNG AS NOTED -_INOlCATES _AD UlIJTY UN[ ~ INOICATES CONCRETE UlIJTY PCl.t: -o-INDICATES CH_ FENCE <___> INOICATES RECORO 0ESCRtP1ION DATA . 35., INDICATES SPOT D.EVA nON * INDICATES PIN[ TREE AS NOTED ... INDICATES [UI TREE AS NOTED o INOlCATES OAK TREE AS NOTED . INDICATES PALIot TREE AS NOTED TREE NOTE: INOICA TED TREE SIZE IS _ DlAlot[TER III INCHES. 4-5 FOOT ABOVE GROUND SURVEYOR'S NOTES ,. ~ HEREON ARE REf[R[NC[Il TO 1HE ASSUIlED BEAlIING OF 5 3"4$'52" W ALONO 1HE WESlERl. Y UN[ or THE nO' WIDE flORIDA POWER " UGHT COMPANY [AS[Iot[NT. 2. NO ABOVE-GROUND OR __GROUND UllUTlES OR __TS _ LOCATED EXCEPT AS _ HEREON. 3. 1H[ _AllY" TClI'OOIIAPHIC SUlM:Y _ HEREON IS BASED ON AGTUAL FIIlD IotEASUREllENTS AND OIlSEIIVA nONS DATED fEBRUARY 011. 2001. 4. _nONS OF 1115 IIC[lQI ARE NOT VAlJD WllHOUT 1H[ _fUR[ AND 1H[ ORlOINAL R_ SEAL OF A Fl~A UCENSED SUIM:YOR AND MAPPER. S. 1HE l'IJIlPOS[ OF 1HIS SUIl'<oflIS TO [5T_ AND OESCRIIE A TOIlER PARCEL 1HIS IS NOT A lOUNDARY _'lEY or 1H[ PARENT ~ARCEL .. LAn1Ull[ AND LONOI1Ull[ VAWES ~TED HEREON _ ESTAIUSHED WllH A 1IIIIIIIl.[ PRO ll1I DPS RECEMIl [0UI'l'EIl WllH A COAST GUARD _ RECEMIl FOR REAL _ CORREC1ION. 7. D.EVAlIONS DEPICTED HEREON ARE BASED UI'CN DPS OISERVAnONS MADE WllH AN ASHTECH LOCUS RECEI\'Ell THAT _ POST PROCESSED WllH COIlS DATA F1l.ES AND ARE RERRENCED 10 THE NAIIlDU DAlUM. ....... R. YONGE GRANT PUT BOOK I, PAGE 38 LOT 10 PARENT PARCEL WINTER -. GOlF U.C omaAl. RECORD BOOK 3144, PAGE 112 TAX PAIIC[L NO. 3'-ZD-31-_-0000-OO4A " WIDE OIRT GOlF CART PA lH ~1EN~ctt~A~ TREE D.EVAnON . 4Il." NAIIlDU1 ." 00,0. ." ~ ~'\" <0,. '"" NOTE: SET I/r REBAR ~~="=:..~ THE PROPOSED TOWEll l\' ~~ 4}0 ~,. tt>. ~~.... ~~19~7 DA\IlD c. SHORT Fl~A PROFDSKINAL SllI\1E1\lll AND IlAPPER CERmc:Alt OF REOISTRA1ION NO. 5022 GE"LI NE SURVEYING, INC. ~J.utl~ 1_ NW 1_ T....... IlulIo A Aloe...... no..... _II <_1411-0500 F.",(_)4e2-_ geollneOgeollnelnc.com ICAL[ ,. _ 40. DAlE FEBRUARY 01. ZOOS ...... , 214-24 CHARtES GAGE -.. CHARI.[S GAGE FlELO BOOI( lUll ""CICED DA\IIO SHORT TUSCA WILLA SITE I FL 5032 SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA 214-24 ....... \NI'I..~TIUlII ~ DIe. 1 OF 1