HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 08 01 Consent 201 Approval of the July 10, 2007 Special Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING JULY 10, 2007 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Special Meeting of Tuesday, July 10, 2007 was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman William H. Poe in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman William H. Poe, present Vice Chairperson Linda Tillis, present Board Member Tom Brown, present Board Member Rosanne Karr, absent Board Member Denise Ryser, present A moment of silence preceded the Pledge of Allegiance. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Not Used. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used. 400. REPORTS No Reports were given. ,-, r~' :::-- c::> tQd Q...... g.... ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - JULY 10, 2007 PAGE 2 OF 3 PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Not Used. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The P&Z (Planning And Zoning) Board Review The Final Engineering/Site Plan For The 30,000 S.F. (Square Foot) 2-Story Inwood Office Building On 3.86 Acres Within The Oviedo Marketplace DRI (Development Of Regional Impact) Parcel 14. This Is Phase I Of A 2-Phase 45,000 S.F. (Square Foot) Building. Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, ASLA, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and said, "Staff recommends Approval. A Map was displayed of the Site. "MOTION TO APPROVE AS WRITTEN [AGENDA] ITEM NUMBER '600'." MOTION BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER RYSER. CHAIRMAN POE SAID, "I HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE [AGENDA] ITEM NUMBER '600' WITH THE STIPULATION I EXPECT THAT THE LIGHTING PLAN WOULD BE ATTACHED THERE TOO?" ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER RYSER SAID, "THAT IS PART OF THE 'AS WRITTEN'. SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT PROVIDING AN ACCEPTABLE LIGHTING PLAN." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRPERSON TILLIS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER RYSER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON TILLIS: AYE CHAIRMAN POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. In other business, Ms. Sahlstrom distributed to the Board Members a handout called "The New Illustrated Book of Development Definitions". ~ 1::......, ~ <:::.) Cd ~ Q... ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - JULY 10,2007 PAGE 3 OF 3 Referencing receiving the Agenda Packet electronically, Ms. Sahlstrom asked, "I was curious if any of you or if all of you care to receive your Agendas that way rather than a packet that has to be delivered or mailed?" Advisory Board Member Ryser said, "I don't mind receiving it electronically. It is probably easier for me." Advisory Tom Brown said, "I can receive it electronically. And if I need the larger ones, I can always come over to borrow one." Vice Chairperson Tillis said, "I am fine electronically as well." Chairman Poe said, "I can electronically. I would rather save you the postage." Discussion ensued on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and Letter of Understanding. Advisory Board Member Brown suggested Action Items to be listed on the Agendas. "I THINK I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE THAT IN A FORM OF A MOTION THAT ACTION ITEMS WOULD BE ON OUR AGENDAS EACH MONTH WHETHER OR NOT WE GOT TO THEM OR THEY BECAME AGENDA ITEMS." MOTION BY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Poe adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:29 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: WILLIAM H. POE, CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the Meeting. , 2007 Regular Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency ~ ~ ;:::::-. c::.::') t:Jd CL.. g.... ~ :2: ~