HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05 02 Hand Out Public Hearing 501 PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/ LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2007 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 501 THE ATTACHED WAS DISTRIBUTED TO THE BOARD MEMBERS BY MS. MARGARET WHARTON TO THE BOARD MEMBERS. September 20, 2000 Thomas J. Grimms, AJCP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator ] 126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. Grimms: Please be advised that tlrree (3) applications for annexation into Winter Springs has been received in your office. Since we were invited to file the papers it is our understanding that the fees will be waived. It is our intention for the following to be accepted: . It is my intention to be granted the non-conforming uses that I presently have approved based on the 1991 Comprehensive Plan Update and the Greenway Study. (See the attached list oftradesJoccupations). . Taxes will be increased to cover the additional services of the fire and police from Winter Springs. . If Winter Springs does not furnish us with the required utilities within one (1) year after a formal request has been submitted to you from us then we will be granted deannexation from Winter Springs. . On the annexation applications the land use shall be changed to tlrree (3) houses per acre maxImum. . The existing metal buildings located on 1650 and 1740 Deleon Street will be used for light industrial or commercial. This will allow for the existing businesses to continue their daily operations. . The urban boundary service line will be the responsibility of Winter Springs and will be moved to Deleon Street. . The ten (10) foot buffer between Battle Ridge and Winter Springs will be the sole responsibility of Winter Springs. . We will cooperate with Winter Springs but will have no legal/financial responsibility in case of contesting between Seminole County or Oviedo. Should it be necessary you may read this letter into the record at the time of the annexation public hearing. Contact me at my home (407-365-5022) should there be additional questions! concerns. Donald E. Weaver 844 Lake Mills Road Chul uota, FL Seminole Count}! Government Current Planning Division 1101 EaS! First Ser"et Sanford FL 32771 lclephone ('107) 321-1 130 [xe 7433/7444 FAX 328-3239 October 30, 1996 Mr. Don E. Weaver 844 Lake Mills Road Chuluota, Florida 32766 Re: Don E. Weaver Rev Trust Tax ID#: 03-21-3]-300-0040-0000 1650 Deleon Street Dear Mr. Weaver: Based upon a recent inspection by our Code Enforcement Inspector and your letter of October 23, ] 996, we are in agreement as to the uses which you have enumerated in your letter. Those businesses are as follows: Mid-Florida Motorsports and Global Contacts These businesses are classified as non-conforming and therefore are subject to the applicable regulations within the Land Development Code (Sec. 30.1348). These uses were determined to be non-conforming uses and approved to remain based upon the] 99] Comprehensive Plan Update and the Greenway study. If, in accordance with the regulations, these uses cease for a period of 180 days or longer, its future use shall revert to the uses permitted in the district in which said land is located. The fact that these uses are considered to be non-conforming does not relieve the property owner from any required compliance with applicable Public Safety requirements. Thank you for your letter with the information regarding these businesses and I will have our Code Fn.for('P".1e~1t Olfisp. terrnjn,qfp. their activity relative to any alleged code violations on tlus property. In may be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, 9!:Jwy~ . John Dwyer Current Planning Manager cc: Pamela Taylor, Code Inspector Colleen Rotella, Comprehensive Planning Div. Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number PARCEL DETAIL DAVID .JOHNBDN. CFA. ASA PROPERTY APPRAISER SENINOLE COUNTY F1.. 1101 E. FlRST ST MNFORD. FL.3277t-1468 4U7 -e65-7506 GENERAL Parcelld: 03-21-31-300-004B-0000 Owner: WEAVER DONALD E TRUSTEE Own/Addr: FBO Mailing Address: 844 LAKE MILLS RD City,State.ZipCode: OVIEDO FL 32766 Property Address' 226 CRESS RUN (SUITES 1000 & 1008) WINTER . SPRINGS 32708 Facility Name: Tax District: W1-WINTER SPRINGS Exemptions: Dor: 48-WAREHOUSE-DISTR & ST Deed SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED SALES Date Book Page Amount Vacllmp Qualified 0711984 01585 0866 $100 Improved No Find Sales within this DOR Code LAND land Assess Method ACREAGE land Unit Units Price 5.800 25,000.00 land Value $145,000 Frontage Depth o 0 Page 1 of2 2007 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY Value Method: Number of Buildings: Depreciated Bldg Value: Depreciated EXFT Value: land Value (Market): land Value Ag: Just/Market Value: Assessed Value (SOH): Exempt Value: Taxable Value: Tax Estimator Market 5 $593,303 $31,780 $145,000 $0 $770,083 $770,083 $0 $770,083 2006 VALUE SUMMARY 2006 Tax Bill Amount: $3,218 2006 Taxable Value: $181,177 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS Bid Bid Class Year Fixtures Gross Stories Ext Wall Bid Est. Cost Num Bit SF Value New 1 STEEUPRE 1973 0 3,000 1 METAL PREFINISHED $37,253 $71,641 ENG Subsection 1 Sqft CANOPY 1 200 2 STEEUPRE 2000 2 5,000 1 METAL PREFINISHED- $118,318 $132,199 ENG INSULATED 3 STEEUPRE 2000 2 5,000 1 METAL PREFINISHED- $116,862 $130,572 ENG INSULATED 4 STEEUPRE 2003 0 5,700 1 METAL PREFINISHED- $160,435 $170,675 ENG INSULATED 5 STEEUPRE 2003 0 5,700 1 METAL PREFINISHED- $160,435 $170,675 ENG INSULATED Permits EXTRA FEATURE Description Year Bit Units EXFT Value Est. Cost New COMMERCIAL CONCRETE DR 4 IN 2000 219 $361 $438 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT DR 2 IN 2000 45,884 $31,419 $38,084 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE 31E N 2/3 OF S 3/4 OF E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (LESS BEG SE COR RUN N 385.75 FTW 245 FT S 42 FT W 197 FT S TO A PT W OF BEG E TO BEG & RD) BUILDING INFORMATION NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. http://www.scpafl.org/web/re web. seminole county title?P ARCEL=032131300004BOOOO... 5/2/2007 Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number Page 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE 31 E W 197 FT OF E 442 FT OF S 343.75 FT OF S 2/3 OF N 3/4 OF E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (LESS S 100 FT OF E 19 FT) BUILDING INFORMATION Bid Num Bid Class Year Bit Fixtures Gross SF Stories Ext Wall Bid Value Est Cost New 1 STEEUPRE ENG 1973 2 8,046 METAL PREFINISHED $168,399 $323.845 PARCEL DETAIL 3fl 4(1 7A DA~DjOHN90N.CFA.ASA .. 4;;: 9 PROPERTY J4 CRESS R N .j<; APPRAISER ,,7 SEMINOL.E COUNTY FL oW a01 :E. FIRST ST <51 IiANFClRO. FL 32771 -1468 407 - 665-7506 ~ 01 GENERAL Parcelld: 03-21-31-300-004C-0000 Owner: WEAVER DONALD E REV TRUST Own/Addr: FBO Mailing Address: 844 LAKE MILLS RD City,State,ZipCode: OVIEDO FL 32766 Property Address: 217 CRESS RUN OVIEDO 32765 Facility Name: Tax District: W1-WINTER SPRINGS Exemptions: Dor: 27-AUTO SALE AND SERVlC Deed CERTIFICATE OF TITLE WARRANTY DEED WARRANTY DEED WARRANTY DEED WARRANTY DEED WARRANTY DEED SALES Date Book Page Amount Vac/lmp Qualified 01/1996 03014 0297 $100 Improved No 08/1994 02820 0161 $100 Improved No 04/1994 02751 0967 $225,000 Improved No 07/1990 02208 0171 $225,000 Improved No 12/1989 02137 0927 $142,000 Improved No 12/1988 02026 0004 $8,700 Improved No Find Sales within this DOR Code LAND Land Assess Method ACREAGE Land Unit Units Price 1.370 25,000.00 Land Value $34,250 Frontage Depth o o 2007 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY Value Method: Market Number of Buildings: 1 Depreciated Bldg Value: $168,399 Depreciated EXFT Value: $3,722 Land Value (Market): $34,250 Land Value Ag: $0 Just/Market Value: $206,371 Assessed Value (SOH): $206,371 Exempt Value: $0 Taxable Value: $206,371 Tax Estimator 2006 VALUE SUMMARY 2006 Tax Bill Amount: $2,336 2006 Taxable Value: $131,543 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS EXTRA FEATURE Description Year Bit Units EXFT Value Est Cost New COMMERCIAL ASPHALT DR 2 IN 1979 10,094 $3,351 $8,378 ALUM UTILITY SLDG NO FLOOR 1979 160 $256 $640 PATIO CONC COMM 1979 144 $115 $288 NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. *** If ou recent! urchased a homesteaded ro ert our next ear's ro tax will be based on Just/Market value. http://www.scpafl.org/web/re_web.seminole_county title?P ARCEL=032l3 l300004COOOO... 5/2/2007 .Semin~le County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number Personal Property Please Select Account PARCEL Dt:.TAIL DAYmJOHNSON.CFA.ASA PROPERTY APPRAISER SEMINOLE COUNTY FL not E. F1RBT.ST BANFORD, Fl.3277t-t468 407 - EI65-7l5OB Page I of I 2007 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY GENERAL Parcelld: 03-21-31-300-0090-0000 Owner: WEAVER DONALD E TRUSTEE Own/Addr: FBO Mailing Address: 844 LAKE MILLS RD City,State,ZipCode: OVIEDO FL 32766 Property Address: CRESS RUN OVIEDO 32765 Facility Name: Tax District: W1-WINTER SPRINGS Exemptions: Dor: 69-0RNAMENTALS Value Method: Number of Buildings: Depreciated Bldg Value: Depreciated EXFT Value: Land Value (Market): Land Value Ag: Just/Market Value: Assessed Value (SOH): Exempt Value: Taxable Value: Tax Estimator Market o $0 $0 $286,500 $111,634 $286,500 $111,634 $0 $111,634 SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vacllmp Qualified Find Sales within this DOR Code 2006 VALUE SUMMARY 2006 Tax Bill Amount: $1,983 2006 Taxable Value: $111,634 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS Land Assess Method INGRD NUR- ACREAGE Permits NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. *** If ou recentl urchased a homesteaded ro ert our next ear's ro rt tax will be based on Just/Market value. LAND Frontage Depth Land Units 12.190 6.910 Land Value $7,984 $103,650 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE 31E W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Unit Price o o o o 655.00 15,000.00 http://www.scpafl.org/web/re web. seminole county title?P ARCEL=03213130000900000... 5/2/2007