HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 03 12 Regular 608 City Manager's Annual Evaluation
031207 City of Winter Springs Commission Meeting
Regular 608 - City Manager 06-07 Evaluation
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ITEM 608
Public Hearin
Re ular
March 12,2007
Regular Meeting
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to review information regarding the City
Manager's annual evaluation in Performance Year "11", November 1,2005 through
October 31, 2006, and take action the Commission deems appropriate.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the Commission to complete the City Manager's annual
evaluation for Performance Year "11 ", November 1, 2005 through October 31, 2006.
Over the previous decade, we have experienced remarkable progress. This progress has continued, if
not intensified over the past year. We have seen the original vision of the Town Center become more
visible as new infrastructure and buildings have been completed; a reduction in the City's millage rate
and an upgrade in the City's bond rating as evidence of our conservative fiscal policies; the completion
of the S.R. 434 component of the VillageWalk West Side improvement program; the expansion of
community events with the success of the inaugural Celebration of Spring and Home Town Harvest
events; the first steps taken in implementing a citywide wifi system; and our outstanding City services
have accomplished even more awards.
Discussions with Commissioners have confirmed the following benchmarks in our strategic plan:
1. Diversification of our tax base and create a larger commercial tax base.
2. Conservative fiscal responsibilities.
3. Development of the Town Center.
4. Redevelopment of the West Side of the City.
5. Development of community events and programs that brings the community together.
6. Advancement of Information Technology with a shift from internal capacity to improving the
interface between public and the City (E-Government).
7. Focus upon service excellence in all departments through continuous improvement.
8. Expanding the arts.
Actual accomplishments during the year were detailed the Mayor's State of the City Report, details of
which are attached. A few noteworthy highlights and their relationship to your Strategic Goals are
presented below.
Continue to practice conservative fiscal responsibilities.
1. Although we have yet to receive our final FY 2006 CAFR and its associated Auditor's
Report, all indications from the auditors point to yet another positive report, with an
unqualified opinion letter and a clean management letter.
2. Additionally, as shown below, the City will continue to exhibit a strong financial position:
City of Winter Springs
Fund Balances/Net Assets
FY 2005 VS. FY 2006
General Fund
Special Revenue Funds
Enterprise Funds *
$ 5,851,348
$ 20,789,817
$ 8,256,913
$ 27,193,860
$ 2,405,565
$ 6,404,043
* Less Net Infrastructure.
3. The City received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) "Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting" in 2006 (for our 2005 CAFR) for the
sixth year in a row. This prestigious award is the GFOA's highest award for financial
4. The City continues to have the second lowest millage rate among the seven cities in
Seminole County and the lowest per capita General Fund spending of those cities.
5. Standard and Poors upgraded the City's Bond Rating on City of Winter Springs
Improvement Bonds Series 1999 and 2003 from "A" to "A+".
Each of these accomplishments is indicative our conservative fiscal policies and uncommon
teamwork we have enjoyed between policy makers and management, as guided by five important
1. The adoption of and adherence to the 25% reserve policy.
2. The prohibition against funding of recurring expenses from non-recurring revenues.
3. Fully funding employee positions.
4. The institution of project accounting.
5. Extensive due diligence in evaluating the impacts of new projects, programs, and
This continued cooperation and adherence to these important principles will guarantee the future
fiscal health of the City.
Continue development of the Town Center.
1. After extensive negotiations with the developer, an implementation agreement was
approved for Phase II-A of the Town Center, paving the way for its expansion east of
Tuskawilla Toad. Phase II-A will represent a vital component in creating the overall
vision of the Town Center.
2. Plans were completed for the Blumberg Boulevard Median Beautification Project with
anticipated completion of construction in July 2007. This project will also represent a
key component of the overall vision of the Town Center.
3. Substantially completed re-construction of Orange Avenue as the first phase of the Town
Center collector road network, improving traffic circulation to the north Town Center
area and Central Winds Park.
4. To date, there has been an estimated $124 million in private investment and $7 million in
public investment in the Town Center.
5. At build-out in 2015, the Town Center is expected to generate an estimated $804 million
in private investment, with approximately $13 million in public investment, in today's
dollars. This would represent a ratio of an estimated $62 in private investment for every
$1 of public investment, an uncommon ratio.
6. 24% of the growth the City's ad valorem tax base, from Tax Year 2005 to 2006, was
attributable to the Town Center, further confirming the Town Center as a key economic
generator for the City.
7. The Town Center currently represents 6% of the City's ad valorem tax base. Based up
current projections, the Town Center's estimated share of the City's ad valorem tax base
will grow from approximately 6% today to 30% at build out in 2015.
Continue the Redevelopment of the West Side of the City.
1. The $4.3 million S.R. 434 component of the Village Walk west side improvement
program was completed during the year providing improved traffic safety, traffic signal
mast arms, street lighting, and landscaping. This project was a key component of the
redevelopment of the City's west side.
Continue the development of community events and programs that brings the community
1. The first annual Celebration of Spring Festival drew larger than expected crowds and was
a success for local food vendors.
2. The Commission's financial support of the inaugural Home Town Harvest fall event in
the Town Center resulted in an outstanding and extremely successful event for our
citizens and business owners.
3. The first Town Center Sweetheart Ball Valentine's event was also a success. We
received tremendous positive feedback from citizens and merchants on both new events.
Continue the advancement of Information Technology with a shift from internal capacity to
improving the interface between public and the City (E-Government).
1. A consultant was hired to facilitate the process of examining the feasibility of
implementing a Citywide wifi system.
2. Three web-accessible reports were created during the year to provide our citizens and
homeowner associations with up-to-date information about inspection statuses, permits
applied for and issued within each neighborhood association.
3. Implemented eAlerts, an electronic alert system to notify participating residents about
various emergency situations.
4. Revamped the City web site while implementing a new Content Management System to
eliminate clutter, streamline pages, and make the site easier for citizens and other users to
navigate and load.
Continue the focus upon service excellence in all departments through continuous
1. The City acquired the "Grand A ward" of Excellence for Central Winds Park, the
Professional Grounds Management Society's highest award.
2. The police department accomplished national accreditation and was awarded re-
accreditation by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation.
Expanding the Arts
We have continued to promote our Concert in the Park series with the Orlando
Philharmonic. Weare encouraging developers to include artistic features in their
developments. Our expanding community events include a range of performing arts,
dance, and crafts.
Diversifying Our Tax Base
The Town Center, Greenway Interchange District, and the Tuscawilla Office Park form
the core of our efforts to diversify our tax base. Substantial progress has been made in
the Town Center. We are continuing to work with the Regional Economic Development
Council, the County Economic Development Department, and land owners to promote
development of the Greenway District. The last remaining parcel in the Tuscawilla
Office Park is under construction. The new OviedolWinter Springs Chamber of
Commerce offers additional opportunities working with the business community to
attract and retain new business opportunities.
Other Significant Projects/Accomplishments.
1. Completed re-construction of Gary Hillery Drive improving appearance and eliminating
one of the City's worst, longstanding drainage problems.
2. Began Phase I of the three phase Winter Springs Boulevard reconstruction plan.
3. Acquired FDOT approval of the Town Center Traffic Circulation and Access
Management Plan for S.R. 434.
4. Completed North Tuskawilla Road stormwater improvements enhancing water quality of
Lake Jesup. Also, completed an interlocal agreement with the County for active
participation and involvement with the state and other local agencies in the TMDL
process to improve water quality of Lake J esup.
5. Submitted the Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) to the St. Johns River Water Management
District (SJRWMD) for withdrawing from Lake Jesup to augment the reclaimed water
system and continue to reduce potable consumption.
6. Submitted the Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) to the St. Johns River Water Management
District (SJRWMD) for groundwater withdrawals for the City potable water supply. For
2006, the City's groundwater withdrawal was 370,000,000 gallons less than we were
permitted for in 2006 by the SJRWMD.
7. Settled a long standing lawsuit with Seminole County setting the eastern Annexation
Boundary Line of the City at DeLeon St.
8. Successfully acquired Tuscawilla voter approval to implement the Tuscawilla Lighting
and Beautification Assessment District Phase II Lighting Improvement Plan.
9. Adopted a Proportionate Share Mitigation ordinance as required under new state
legislation to fund State roads.
10. Acquired Commission approval of a permanent dog park site on the Central Winds Park
expansion property adjacent to 434 & the Cross Seminole Trail.
11. Acquired $855,000 in CDBG grants from Seminole County to expand the Senior Center
including a new enclosed Therapy Pool which will be completed and open in December
Previous compensation actions by the City Commission have maintained me at or near the average
compensation for City Managers in our population and size range in the area.
I am not making any specific request of the City Commission and thus leaving it in your hands to make
the right decision.
Performance Year "II" Total Compensation Survey
Area Cities Average
Winter Springs City Manager
The Commission may want to consider that during performance year 11, the Commission implemented
salary improvements that resulted in 6-8% increases for City employees.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission make adjustments III the City
Manager's compensation it deems appropriate.
1. 2006 Salary Survey.
2. Accomplishments.
. Conservative and Efficient Fiscal Policies result in The City of Winter Springs
spending less General Fund Dollars per Capita than any of the seven cities in
Seminole County. .
. Upgraded Bond Rating (S&P) on City of Winter Springs Improvement Bonds
Series 1999 and 2003 from "A" to "A+".
. Received GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reporting in 2006 (for 2005 CAFR) for sixth year in a row.
. Received and implemented a State Grant to upgrade the hurricane durability of
City Fire Stations.
. Facilitated an interlocal agreement with Seminole County for solid waste disposal
resulting in a $3 per ton savings over the County's normal disposal rate.
. Facilitated hiring of Third Party Pension Advisor to the City's Defined Benefit
Pension Plan.
. Initiated Customer Service Audit and Training in several City Departments.
. Performed a TIF Feasibility Study to examine the feasibility of creating a Tax
Increment Financing (TIF) District in the Winter Springs Town Center.
. Took first steps in implementing a citywide WiFi system by employing a
communications consultant to perform required financial and rate studies.
. Implemented monthly citizen training classes to teach them how to use the City's
new document search tool on the City's web site.
. Revamped city web site, www.winterspringsfl.org, while implementing new CMS
(Content Management System). Eliminated clutter while streamlining pages,
making site easier to navigate and faster to load.
. Filled the position of City Operator to improve telephone communications.
. Implemented eAlerts, an electronic alert system to notify residents who have
signed up about various emergency situations.
. Implemented Winter Springs Police Department internal website offering Police
Officers quick access to essential forms of communication.
. Streamlined permitting processes.
. Created three web-accessible reports that provides our citizens and homeowner
associations with up-to-date information about inspection statuses, permits
applied for and those that have been issued within each neighborhood association.
. The police department was awarded re-accreditation by the Commission for
Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation.
. Completed re-construction of Gary Hillery Drive improving appearance and
eliminating one of the City's worst, longstanding drainage problems.
. Substantially completed re-construction of Orange A venue as the first phase of
the Town Center collector road network improving traffic circulation to the north
Town Center area and Central Winds Park.
. Completion of S.R. 434 Village Walk - medians for improved traffic safety,
traffic signal mast arms, street lighting and landscaping.
. Commenced construction of the new Utility/Public Works Facility which will
meet our operational needs through buildout and relocate City equipment and
vehicles out of residential areas. (Northern Way & Flamingo Avenue).
. Authorized Phase I of the three phase Winter Springs Boulevard reconstruction
plan, Phase I of which will be completed by January 2007.
. Completed City Hall Expansion plans.
. Acquired FDOT approval of the Town Center Traffic Circulation and Access
Management Plan for S.R. 434.
. Constructed a new traffic signal at S.R. 434 and Doran Drive improving traffic
circulation and Town Center access.
. Completed plans for the Blumberg Boulevard Median Beautification and Trail
Expansion Project to be completed by July 2007.
. Completed North Tuskawilla Road stormwater improvements enhancing water
quality of Lake Jesup.
. Participated in the establishment of a countywide mosquito control program.
. Completed the FEMA Map Modernization process updating Flood Insurance Rate
Maps, maintaining flood insurance at current levels.
. Completed an interlocal agreement with the County for active participation and
involvement with the state and other local agencies in the TMDL process to
improve water quality of Lake Jesup.
. Formalized an interlocal agreement with the School Board to utilize their vehicle -
fueling facilities, significantly reducing the cost of fuel for City vehicles.
. Completed Potable Well #4, the last potable water supply well needed for the
. Submitted the Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) to the St. Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD) for withdrawing from Lake Jesup to augment
the reclaimed water system and continue to reduce potable consumption.
. Submitted the Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) to the St. Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD) for groundwater withdrawals for the City
potable water supply. For 2006, the City's groundwater withdrawal was
370,000,000 gallons less than we were permitted for in 2006 by the SJRWMD.
. Continued to work with the Countywide Water Supply Technical committee to
evaluate regional alternative and solutions to the ground water supply.
. Reduced withdrawal of ground water through the expansion of the City's
reclaimed water system.
. Passed an Ordinance providing the Commission with the authority to reduce the
density of new development below the maximum stated in the Comprehensive
Plan when warranted and exercised that authority on subsequent development
. Settled a long standing lawsuit with Seminole County setting the eastern
Annexation Boundary Line of the City at DeLeon St.
. Successfully acquired Tuscawilla voter approval to implement the Tuscawilla
Lighting and Beautification Assessment District Phase II Lighting Improvement
. Adopted a Proportionate Share Mitigation ordinance as required under new state
legislation to fund State roads.
. Participated with the Seminole County Planning and Technical Advisory
Committee to prepare an Interlocal School Concurrency Agreement.
. Participated with other municipalities and the County on the Joint Services task
force and the Workforce Housing Study Committee.
. Completed small area study of Soldiers Creek.
. Completed East Rural Area Study and Report.
. Implemented a new, content-neutral sign code to be consistent with recent court
. Established new, objective lot split criteria to accomplish compatibility with
surrounding properties.
. Approved final engineering and development agreement for Town Center Phase
. Acquired the "Grand A ward" of Excellence for Central Winds Park, the
Professional Grounds Management Society's highest award.
. Acquired a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant in the
amount of $200,000 to fund improvements to the Trotwood Park, including a
much requested splash playground.
. Acquired Commission approval of a permanent dog park site on the Central
Winds Park expansion property adjacent to 434 & the Cross Seminole Trail.
. Acquired $855,000 in CDBG grants from Seminole County to expand the Senior
Center including a new enclosed Therapy Pool which will be completed and open
in December 2007.
. Successfully completed the Scottish Highland Games with over 10,000 attending,
the July 4th Celebration of Freedom with the largest crowd ever, the Holiday
Festivals attracting more than 2,000 people to the Annual Tree Lighting
Ceremony in the Town Center and more than 3,500 to the Second Annual Holiday
Concert in the Park with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, and the largest ever
25th Annual Winter Springs Holiday Parade.
. Successfully organized and completed two new events, the first Celebration of
Spring Concert at Central Winds Park with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra
and the Hometown Harvest Festival in the Town Center. Both drew crowds close
to 5,000.
City ManagerCEO Compensation Package Survey - Tri-County
As of Sept 2006
City Paid Auto Life Insurance Total Compo
City Base Salary Retirement Allowance* ICMA 401/457/0ther Total Policy Value Population per Capita
Casselberry 132,000 6,600 23,760 401 162,360 50,000 24,899 6.52
Kissimmee 133,765 17,389 4,800 155,954 133,765 58,223 2.68
Oviedo 129,202 4,800 12,920 401a 146,922 129,202 30,800 4.77
Apopka 161,363 20,170 4,800 186,333 30,000 32,951 5.65
Sanford 132,000 17,318 6,600 13,200 169,118 132,000 46,078 3.67
Winter Park 167,430 15,487 4,200 10,716 197,833 300,000 28,620 6.91
6 City Average 142,627 17,591 5,300 10,099 169,754 129,161 36,929 5.03
Winter Springs 133,009 15,464 4,800 16,870 401 170,143 400,000 33,321 5.11
Differential (9,618) (2,127) (500) 6,771 389 270,839 (3,608) 0.07
* Kissimmee and Apopka provide CEO a city car. Therefore, assigned a value of $4,800.