HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 03 12 Regular 605 Early Learning Coalition
ITEM 605
Public Hearings
Regular X
March 12. 2007
Regular Meeting
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Mgr. I / Dept.
Mayor John F. Bush is asking the City Commission to review the attached
information related to funding assistance for the Early Learning Coalition.
Mayor Bush is asking the City Commission to consider possible funding
assistance for the Early Learning Coalition.
The Early Learning Coalition has submitted information related to their needs,
and is attached.
A. Information from the Early Learning Coalition sent to Mayor Bush.
The City Commission is being asked to consider offering funding assistance for
the Early Learning Coalition.
" A"
Page 1 of2
Andrea Lorenzo-Iuaces
From: John Bush [johnfbush@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Friday, February 23,2007 1 :05 PM
To: Andrea Lorenzo-Iuaces
Subject: FW: Seminole Early Learning Coalition
Attachments: wintersprings.pdf; ATT00027.htm
Please place this on our next regularly scheduled meeting so that the Commission can
make a decision. Thanks.
John F. Bush, Mayor
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, FL 32780
(407) 365-8101 (Home)
(407) 782-6230 (Cell)
(407) 327-4753 (Fax)
j fbush@winterspringsfl.org
PLEASE RESOND TOifbush@winterswingsfl.org
PLEASE NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or
from City officials regarding City business are public records available to the public and media upon
request. Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob O'Malley [mailto:bomalley@ronsachs.com]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 12:42 PM
To: jfbush@winterspringsfl.org
Subject: Seminole Early Learning Coalition
Dear Mayor Bush,
I serve on the Early Learning Coalition of Seminole County as a volunteer and gubernatorial
appointee. We recently submitted the attached budget request to the City of Longwood for
match funding that will allow us to leverage state funding for pre-K education for citizens of
Seminole County. We've since received a sizable contribution from Seminole County as well as
several municipalities. Anything that you can do to advance our request would be greatly
If you need more information, please let me know. I am available to speak at a commission
meeting if necessary. Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Bob O'Malley
L'\ I( I \ I I, \ 1< N 1 ~, I. I I 1:\ I I I ! I. ) '" () I
February 7,2007
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The Honorable John F. Bush
City of Winter Springs
1126 State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
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Dear Mayor Bush:
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Thank you for meeting with Interim Executive Director, Linda LaFitte and myself
on January 31, 2007 to discuss the Coalition's request for matching funds.
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I hope that the information provided to will be valuable to you in making your
decision. As you requested, I have included fact sheets to be distributed to rest of
the Commission. If there is specific data you are interested in exploring further,
please contact me directly and I will make sure it is provided.
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Thank you again for meeting with me and for further discussing the Coalition's
request. flook forward to hearing from Mr. McLemore once the Commission has
discussed further the process for entertaining requests.
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Commissioner Robert S. Miller
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs
Commissioner Rick Brown
Commissioner Sally McGinnis
Ronald McLemore, City Manager
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Karen Willis, B:~::utjvt Dim:tor
Exe{;Utive Committee
Michael Co~cha1J, Chair
Edwin Wright, Vice Chair
Brem Adamson, TrelU1i1V
Rich Plan
Tamara Tener, Past Choir
Terrer Family Child Can!
Shannon Chambl""
Fim l,ars Preschooland Kindngilrtcn
Velma Williams, Ph.D.
Commusioncr, City afSal'.ftrd
Coalition Members
Sylvester Chang
Chang'; Car GIrl
Elizabeth Dorwonh
Dorward; Prop crt)' Group
Patricia Frank
Community Coordinated
Carc for Childrm
Joyce Hinton
\\r.7rk1Dra CCniTal Honda
Bob O'Malley
AlmoPlan Orlando
Larry Martin. Ph.D.
Univmity of C:nm;1 Florida
Marjorie Murray
Scminok County Public School:
Roger Popp
H~ad Sta17
Cheryl Salmon
Dtpartmmt afChildren d- Familitt
Dr. Linda Stone
Dcvclopmallal CmterIJr inftntt
and Child= at Ama Ii Palm"
Mtdica! Cmta'
Suz:mne Tesinsky
Scmino!e COl1lmtlllity Calltgc
Dick Van Der Weide
Bnnrd ofCau/lt)' Commissionm
Rosemary Zigrnond
Scminou COl/nt)' Hcafth D'1'artmmt
August 18, 2006
The Honorable John F. Bush
City of Winter Springs
1126 State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dear Mayor Bush:
Thank you for allowing me to address the Commission on Monday, August 14,
2006. We appreciate the Commission's willingness to further consider our
As stated during my presentation, our request for $7,500 will allow the Coalition to
pull down roughly one-third of the dollars we will spend on child care for Winter
Springs residents over the next fiscal year. This return on your investment
ensures low income parents can work and their children can have a quality early
education experience.
If there is additional information you would like to see regarding our services and
their impact on our community, please contact me directly. I look forward to
having the opportunity to address the Commission again in the near future.
Sincerely, /
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( Karen Willis, CWDP
Executive Director
Commissioner Robert S. Miller
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs
Commissioner Michael S. Blake
Commissioner Sally McGinnis
Ronald McLemore, City Manager
239 Rinehart Road Lake Mary, FL 32;46
407.871.1101 phone · 407.87 L 11 00 fax . www.seminoleenrlyletlTning.org
Fundcd in part hy thc AgwC)' for Warkforcc innovation, Office of Ear~' Lcarning
Karen \'Villis, F.'Cte<aivt' Director
Executive Committee
Mi<:hacl Gotschall, ClJa:,.
ASiFi\!. i'A
Edwin \>;iright. Vice Chili,
Brent Adamson, 'fre~t.surc"
Rich i'!.m
Tamara Tencr~ Rut ClJr:.ir
Teller /':1mi/y Child em"
Shannon Chambl""
First }t.tr.t Prt:!c/tool,md Kindagdrlt'll
Velma \Villiarns. Ph.D.
Con:nu'JSioI1Cr. Clt} ofS(Jl~fVrd
Coalition Member.<
Sylvester Chang
Chang's Ctr em'
Eli7.abclh Dorv.'orth
DOTu./'Jrrh Propen)" Group
Patricia Frank
Cf'mmunif)' Coordmltud
Care fir O,ild,.,.."
jovce Himon
WhrkfiJra em",,,} nand:;;.
Bob O'Mallc)'
Mc:mP1.111 Or/fwd?
Larry Martin, Ph.D.
[hlbcrs;t"y QfCcntlit! F!olid..;
Marjorie Murray
St~mi"lOJt: C.o.,,1ZSi' Public Sdmoi!
Roger POpf'
F!c.1d SC.117
Chcrvl Salmon
DqN;~tmt:m nfC!;ildren & Fitm:iicf
Dr. Linda Stone
De"clof""f11~1! Cemer (VrirJ.1It!s
r:"d ClJildwz at Arnold Rtf",r,
iv[diett! Center
Suzanne Tesinskv
Scminok Commu.ll:"ty Colfcgc
Dick Y.m Oct Weide
Board n!Co;tnty CnmmiIs:'oner-;
Rosemary Zigmond
Sm,;,;aj, C~um)' Hcd:h D'P"':7r;C11t
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July 24, 2006
The Honorable John F. Bush
City of Winter Springs
1126 State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dear Mayor Bush:
Please consider this as follow up to the May 31, 2006 letter submitted on behalf of
the Early Learning Coalition by Community Coordinated Care for Children (4C).
In that letter, the City of Winter Springs is asked to contribute $7,500 towards the
local dollars needed to pull down over $4 Million in federal childcare funds for
working poor families.
Considering that each local dollar brings almost $16.00 in federal funds, the return
to our community of over $117,000 makes this an extraordinary investment of City
funds. And as an added benefit, your entire contribution will be used solely for the
direct cost of childcare. The Coalition does not retain any local dollars for
administration or any other service-related expenses.
Last year, the parents of over 3,761 Seminole County children were able to go to
work knowing their children were in a safe and healthy environment. These
parents, who make up our community's low wage workforce, are dependent on
subsided childcare to make ends meet.
Your support this year will allow these vulnerable families to remain part of the
economic fabric of our community.
We are pleased to respond to any questions and look forward to your affirmative
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'Karen Willis;- CWDP
Executive Director
Commissioner Robert S. Miller
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs
Commissioner Michael S, Blake
Commissioner Sally McGinnis
Ronald McLemore, City Manager
239 Rinehart Road Lake Mary, FL 32;46
407.871.1101 phone. 407.871.1100 fax. Ulww.seminoltteariylenrnillg.OI'g
Fu.l1drdir; par! ~)' the Ag~n9'fil' ri;/orkforcc !nrtOt'r;(1<m, OffiC( o.f ~El1r{l' Lcr..rr..ing
4C receives funding in full
or in part from the following:
City of Allamonle Springs
City of Kissimmee
Cily of Orlando
Cily of SI. Clouo
Florida Department of
Children & Families
Florida Department of Health
Heart of Florida United Way
Orange County Government
Orange County Cilizens'
Commission for Children
Orange COunll! Citizens'
Review Panel
Osceola Board of
County Commissioners
Seminole County School Board
The Early Learning Coalition
of Orange County
The Early Learning Coalition
of Osceola County I AWl
The Early Learning Coalition
of Seminole County / AWl
U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services IAWl
3500 West Colonial Drive
Orlando, Fl 32808
(407) 522-2252
Fax: (407) 445.7341
Community Coordinated Care For Children, Inc.
Central Florida's Most Trusted Family and Children's Resource
May 31, 2006
Ronald McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dear Mr. McLemore:
As the City of Winter Springs makes plans for the 2006-2007 budget year,
Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc. (4C), at the request of the Early
Learning Coalition of Seminole (Coalition), is asking for your support for
children from working families in need. On behalf of the 239 Winter Springs
city residents who received child care and financial assistance in 2005, it is our
hope that the City of Winter Springs will consider a contribution of $7,500 to be
used to draw down State matching funds. Every dollar 4C raises for the Early
Learning Program draws down $15.67 in State dollars. Your much-needed
assistance will help the Coalition and 4C to continue the effort to provide low-
income children with the quality care tools they need to begin school ready to
learn. If the required local match dollars are not raised, nearly 500 Seminole
County children could potentially face disenrollment.
For 37 years 4C has been helping low-income working families achieve self-
sufficiency by overcoming financial barriers to quality early learning child care
programs. Child care financial assistance and related early care and learning
services enable low-income working families to accept and retain stable
employment knowing that their children are cared for in a safe and loving
environment learning invaluable skills that will help aSSllre their future success.
Since its inception in 1969, 4C has continued to fulfill its mission, "to empower
the community to provide for its futtlre through developing, coordinating and
strengthening programs that care for children."
The National League of Cities (NLC) survey of officials from 501 cities
nationwide shows that municipalities such as yours are dedicating funds to early
childhood development programs. The top five reasons community leaders gave
for this shift in funding are:
. When children enter school healthy and ready to learn, they are more
likely to achieve better grades and have fewer behavioral problems
. When children have positive early childhood experiences, they have a
reduced chance of becoming juvenile delinquents (74%);
. When children have positive early childhood experiences, their
likelihood of needing social services as adults is reduced (66%);
2232-2236 Bronson Hwy.
Kissimmee, Fl 34741
(407) B46-5311
Fax: (407) 846.5307
1414 Celery Avenue
Sanford, Ft 32771
(407) 324-9999
Fax: (407) 342.4185
. When quality, affordable child care is available to working parents, they often
experience improved job performance and economic stability (64%); and
"!t's the right thing to do"; a moral responsibility to take care of young children exists
The future costs of low-income children being unprepared to enter school can be extreme.
For every year a child lives in poverty, the child's future productivity decreases by $9,000.
Cost-benefits analysts estimate that for every dollar spent on quality preschool, the
community saves more than $7 in future costs. Furthermore, according to the NLC, "If
working families do not get the help they need.. .their problems eventually land on the cities'
doorstep through growing homelessness, uncompensated care in public clinics and hospitals,
and rising demands on soup kitchens."
Your contribution will make a significant and positive impact for the neediest of citizens in
our community by helping to maintain at-risk children in programs that prepare them for a
better future while helping their parents maintain employment and remain contributing
members to the community's economy. Your support is critically needed. Please join us in
"caring for our future today."
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Resource Development Manager
cc: Karen Willis, Executive Director, Early Learning Coalition of Seminole