HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 05 07 Public Hearings 500 2008-2009 Fiscal Year Capital Budget Comprehensive PlanPLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ITEM 500 Information Public Hearin X Re ular Mav 7, 2008 Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department -Planning Division requests that the Local Planning Agency review all major capital project requests for the 2008-2009 fiscal year capital budget for consistency with adopted levels of service standards in the Comprehensive Plan. PURPOSE: All major capital project requests are to be submitted for comprehensive plan review by the Local Planning Agency. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY Florida Statute 163.3174 (4): The LPA is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the comprehensive planning program. Florida Statute 163.3177 (3)(a) Contents of the Capital Improvements Element Florida Administrative Code 9J-5.016 Capital Improvements Element. The purpose of the capital improvements element is to evaluate the need for public facilities as identified in the other comprehensive plan elements and as defined in the applicable definitions for each type of public facility, to estimate the cost of improvements for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, to analyze the fiscal capability of the local government to finance and construct improvements, to adopt financial policies to guide the funding of improvements and to schedule the funding and construction of improvements in a manner necessary to ensure that capital improvements are provided when required based on needs identified in the other comprehensive plan elements. The element shall also include the requirements to ensure that an adequate concurrency management system will be implemented by local governments pursuant to Rule 9J-5.0055, F.A.C., of this chapter. Winter Sprines Code of Ordinances. Winter Snrin~s Comprehensive Plan. CONSIDERATIONS: The City's Capital Improvements Program and Capital Improvements Element are often confused: The CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT (CIE is a required element of the Comprehensive Plan that is adopted and updated to reflect the timing and funding of capital projects to meet or maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS) standards or implement the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The pumose of the CIE and the Capital Improvements Element Schedule (Schedule) is to ensure that May 7, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 necessary facilities and infrastructure will be in place to meet the LOS standards established within the Comprehensive Plan, by addressing them through the bud eting_process. The Schedule also acts as a monitoring system to ensure that programmed capital improvements are actually completed during the five-year planning period. The Schedule is to include those capital improvement projects for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, as well as some projects for which the City does not have fiscal responsibility, including school facilities, certain transportation facilities, some water supply facilities, and privately funded projects necessary to ensure that adopted LOS standards are achieved and maintained. Capital improvements must be financially feasible based on sufficient revenues being currently available or available from committed funding sources for the first three years of the CIE. Financial feasibility for years 4 and 5 is to be demonstrated by ensuring that funds are committed or planned. Revenue sources that may be used to demonstrate fmancial feasibility include: tax revenues, bonds, state and federal funds, impact fees, service charges, and developer contributions. Expenditures or appropriations included in the City's annual operating and capital budget are to coincide with CIE schedule as well as the Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Concurrency related facilities in the following areas are to be included in the Schedule: ^ Transportation Facilities ^ Sanitary Sewer ^ Potable Water ^ Solid Waste ^ Stormwater (drainage) ^ Parks and Recreation ^ Schools Capital projects are those projects that are necessary to meet established Level of Service standards, increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding $50,000. If the LOS Standards are not met, concurrency management requires a local government to deny applications for development orders and permits until the deficiency is addressed. In order to assure that facilities will be in place to maintain LOS standards in a timely manner and prevent a concurrency moratorium, the Schedule must address deficiencies and be fmancially feasible. [Note: Land acquisition and design studies should be included, but do not satisfy concurrency- Only programmed construction phases satisfy concurrency.] The CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM (CIP) is a 5-year schedule of improvements that includes the Capital Improvements Element Schedule and all other capital projects to be funded by the City. Each capital improvement is described, listed by year it is to be purchased or commenced, the amount to be spent per year, and the method of fmancing the improvement. The list is prioritized over the 5-year period and is to be reviewed and updated annually. The CIP is designed to support and be consistent with the Capital Improvements Element and is the linkage between capital expenditures and policy. May 7, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 Process Project Request Forms were prepared by each Department head. Each project has been identified with a project name, justification, ranking, estimate of cost, funding source(s), impact on the City's operating budget, implementation schedule, project location and comprehensive plan reference, if applicable. The LPA recommendation will be considered in developing the annual operating budget (effective the first day of October each year, i.e. beginning of the Fiscal Year "FY"). What is Included? ^ Projects that cost more than $50,000, and ^ Projects identified in the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet Levels of Service (LOS) [elimination of existing deficiencies]; ^ Projects which increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure; ^ Projects which replace failing infrastructure[the repair and replacement of existing public facilities]; and/or ^ Projects which enhance facilities and infrastructure [the provision for new public facilities]. Items may include: ^ New and expanded facilities; ^ Rehabilitation or replacement of existing facilities; ^ Major pieces of equipment; ^ Cost of professional studies related to the improvement; and/or ^ Acquisition of land related to a community facility. Priorities of Capital Improvements The biggest priority for the capital program is ensuring that facilities currently meet adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards and that they will continue to do so in the future as growth occurs or other conditions change. Adopted LOS standards are as follows: ^ TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES- The following minimum LOS standards for Transportation facilities based on average daily trips are: ^ Limited Access Roads: as prescribed by FDOT; ^ Arterials: LOS D; ^ Collectors: LOS D. ^ SANITARY SEWER- 100 gallons per day per capita. ^ POTABLE WATER- 115 gallons (minimum) per day per capita. (Ord. 2007-11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-1.1.) ^ SOLID WASTE- 7.1 pounds per day per capita. ^ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (DRAINAGE~- ^ Water uantity - At a minimum, the peak post-development runoff rate shall not exceed peak pre-development runoff rate for the 25-year, 24-hour storm event. In addition, if downstream facilities (from the positive outfall of the development) are inadequate to convey the peak discharge for the design storm event, the development shall be required to accommodate its proportion of basin runoff rate above the downstream systems actual capacity. ^ Water OualitY- Stormwater treatment shall be required to serve the development May 7, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 through a stormwater treatment system which is site-specific; or serve sub-areas of the City and, if applicable, Seminole County. Regardless of the area served, the stormwater treatment system must provide a level of treatment which meets the requirements of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). ^ Roadwav construction -All public roadways within a development, and required as part of the development order, shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway during the following storm events for the following roadway types: ^ Local Roadwav - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (5.0 inches of rainfall); ^ Collector Roadwav - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall); ^ Arterial Roadwav - 100-year, 24-hour design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall). PARKS AND RECREATION- 5 acres (total park acreage) per 1,000 population. SCHOOL CAPACITY as established by the Seminole County School Board- 100% of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity for each school type within each Concurrency Service Area, except for high schools which are established at 110% of the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for 2008-2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. The following thresholds shall be used to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS standards: ^ TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES- Volumes are at 90 % of adopted LOS capacity. ^ SANITARY SEWER- 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. ^ POTABLE WATER- 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. ^ PARKS AND RECREATION- Park lands when 95 % of available land area is utilized or when 90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage. Rankin of Proposed Capital Improvements The following criteria were used by each Department Head in evaluating and ranking their list of capital improvement projects: ^ [8 pts.] Does the project eliminate (or assist in the elimination of) proven or obvious dangers to public or employee health or safety? [9J-5.016(3)(c), FAC] [CIE, p. 1.1.3]; or ^ [6 pts.] Does the project raise a service or facility to an adopted Level of Service by eliminating (or assist in the elimination of) existing capacity deficits? [9J-5.016(3)(c), FAC] [CIE, p. 1.1.3]; or ^ [4 pts.] Does the project maintain adopted Level of Service standards in already developed areas by increasing the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure? [CIE, p. 1.1.3] Will the project accommodate redevelopment Level of Service demands? [9J-5.016(3)(c), FAC]; or ^ [2 pts.] Does the project represent a logical extension of facilities to accommodate projected growth and new development demands by providing comparable Level of Service in developing areas? [CIE, p. 1.1.3] [9J-5.016(3)(c), FAC]. In addition, add two pts. for each, as applicable: ^ [2 pts.] Is the project financially feasible (meaning, does the project have committed funding? [9J-5.016(3)(c), FAC] [CIE, p. 1.1.3]; and ^ [2 pts.] Is the project coordinated with major projects of other agencies? Does the project accommodate plans of state agencies and water management districts that provide public May 7, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 facilities within the local government's jurisdiction? [9J-5.016(3)(c), FAC] [CIE, p. 1.1.3]; and ^ [2 pts.] Does the project specifically implement one or more policies of the Comprehensive Plan pertaining to concurrency requirements? [CIE, p. 1.1.3]. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the P&Z/Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing and make a recommendation to the City Manager and CityCommission related to major capital project requests for the 2008-2009 fiscal year capital budget. ATTACHMENTS: 2008 CIP Spread Sheet with Dept Requests Comprehensive Plan References P&Z /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Project project Name LOS Funding Descripfion/ Justifitatio° Location ~°I°Og m~ Bi°"`~ Year t 2008109 Year 2 2009110 Year 3 Year 4 Yesr 5 TOTALS Operafing Cnmpreheeetre Plan Number Cate o Source Store c " v°' 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Bud et im act Refrreoce De artment: PARKS & RECREATI ON Trolwood Park Im rovcmcnls P pR GRT a px 1F S ~sb P P laygrowd, Pavilron Trotwood Park 10 S 400,0110 S S - S ~ - S - S' S - $ ROS-1 4; ROS-L4.1: , CIE-].3.5 ROS-L1.1; ROS-I A; Ma lu Pack ~ PR CF & Outdoor hitMatre A`mP WiNer Springs Town 10 S S SI,500,000 S S $ - ~ S 1 500 000 S _ FLUE- I i.l; FLUE- ICIX CeNer : , , 2.L5; FLUE-2.2.3; CIE- 1.3.1 Ceatral Wills Park Expamian PR GxTa PemwreN lM Park g CWP Expansion mar g S S 400 000 S S S S S 400 000 000 S 40 ROS-1 A; ROS-1 3.1: Improvements (Dog Park) PrMF SR 434 , , , CIE- 1.3.5 Central Wills Park Expansion I FR GxT s: PIMF Restroom Bldg and Walkway CWP Ezparuian 8 S S -~ S S 400,000 S - S - S 400 000 S ~ - ROS-1 3; ROS-1.4.1: mproverueNS , C~-1.3.5 Neigbborlnad Community CeNer pR CDBG Tomaso Park Bld . 8 Toroaso Park 6 S ~ S S - S ,. - S 400.000 S - S 400,000 $ -.. - ROS-1 4; ROS-1 3.1; CIE-1.3.5 Towa Center/Civic Center pR xND. GRT & PIMF City Civic Cenror Town Center G $ - $ - 5 - S ~- S -. S 5,000,000 S $ WO,OGU S - ROS-IA; ROS-1.4.1; , CIE- 1 9.5 l Wilds Park AWetic pR 9ND'MF7 MNti Purpose Athletic Building Amphitbeatre s G S ~' S - S S - S -~ S 8 500 000 S S SOUA00 f _ ROS-1.4; ROS-1.4.1: Center Ar e , , , CIE- 19.5 Total - S 400,000 S 400,000 S 1,500,000 8 400,000 S 100,000 5 13,500,000 S 16,200,000 S 40,000 Project Number Project Name LOS Cste o Funding Source Description) Justification Location Booking Scorc arms a.q.r arrrerYor Yesr 1 2008/09 Year 2 2009/10 Year 3 2010/11 Yesr 4 2011112 Year 5 2012/13 TOTALS Operating Bud et Im act Campreheeehn Pl.o Rrferenm De artment: POLICE Total ~ ~ -;~ r S - S - S - S - S - S - S - S - Project Project Name LOS Funding Deuriptiod Juslificstion Locaton Booking arroiers•r Year 1 2008/09 Year 2 2009110 Year 3 Year 4 Yesr 5 TOTALS Operating Compreheaslre Pbn Number Cate o Source Scorc cm.•mv.,' 2010/11 2011/12 2012113 gud et Im act Ret renre De artment : UTILITY -Administration OU-0104111 Utiltly/Public Wod-s Fxility PW/55 311 Fand Conaolidaro MamgemeN Old Sanford-0riedo Rd 4 S - S 975 000 ' S - S - S - $ - ~ 5 975 UIN1 S 30 000 FLUE 1.3.1; F{E Admin Bldg , , , L3 9; C~ L6.1 Utllity/Public Works FacOity ply/SS 311 Fund Re IacemeN of demrrom[ed facility P OW Saotord-0viedo Rd 4 S - S 763 000 S - ~ S - S S s S 763 000 S FLUE 1.3.1; I-IE Storage Bldg (s) , , : - 1.3.9; CIE 1 6.1 SCADA Relora0on PW/SS Rev Gea Move rowerro rcw facikty Old Sanford-0viedo Rd G S - S 45,000 S - $ S - `;. 5. -~ S 45AU0 S FLUE I.3.I, FIE ' 1.3.9; CIE 1.6.1 Veltides PW/SS UEF ReplacemeN City 6 S - S 48,000 S 50,000 S $O,OW S SU.000 S SO WO 5 248 OW $ _ ~ FLUE 1.3"1't{E , , . t.3 9; CIE 1.6.1 EquipmeN PW/SS LIEF ReplacemeN City 6 $ - S 27,000 S 50,0(10 S 50,OW S 50.000 S 50,000 S 227,000 S : FLUE 1.3.1, I-IE 1.3.9; CIE 1.6.1 Total a ~: ~ ~ ~- ~;, S - S 1 58 000 S 100 000 S 100 000 S 100 000 S 100 000 S 2 58 000 S 30 000 Page 1 Q a ~ ~ z u w 00 am ~_ J F a a U 6 .C a d~ ~ ~~ m ~ f~". R7 ~ ~~. ~ ~ '~{~~. m ~ ~.. m ~ E9 m ~ .~.-. 0.l ~ E9 ? ti W_~c ~ m ~ f~.. Rl ~ I9_ W~W S {Wi~~ S [[rW~ S m ~ W Oq ~ ~~ p~W.7 S (i~W~ S m W_ W {~ m F9 m .~ W Ys" ai. ,~„ ~m ~?a7 ~- ~ .?ai eai cai ~¢i. o jai ~m - ~~ - - - - - ~~ ~~ ~F~ uZ~ ~E~ u~ ~L~ ~k~ ~Z~ ~uk~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m vav O ~ ~ y y y y y y y y , N y y y y y y y y y y y y ~ O Q ~'. O Q 4 4 p 4 g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ° ~ g g QQQQa f ~ N ~ n g pp O ' u ' " O p f n h n y » h h f H f i h M i a h N H » ~i. h h •1 M ~i.. » . y ~ y Y ~ H y H y i N N y N y y ' r. y :: y y y .. -... Vf y y i y y " y :. Vi y N a n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Q $ e } o y N 4f H y H: ~H N:' y h N y Hf R y T .r O ~ ~ S p ~ ~ og ~ ~ i S S E ~ A O_ n g b C ~+ C N y ~y. N H N H y y pqo * o Q , , ~ Q a . ~ , . . ~ y ~ QQ S N V $ $ } y N H N. H N N y N y H N ~ ~N - y y~ y N y N y y y p~ C ~ O O 1 ~ i ~ ~: QQ s ~ i ~ O ~' y 'N' H N N N N y a' w N m 0 a ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ° ° ~° ~ ~ a w < b b H e G K K K K " ti s s ~ ° N ~ ~ ~ ~ Y _ ° ~ ,~ ~ L° ~ ~ ~ ° 2 L ~ Y °1 a s . p[m. N ~ ~ ° .p[.. p[,.' r ~ pEm. m ~ ~ p[.' ~ ~ j a ~a ~ ~ ~ j p[.' p[.' y$T ~ ~ ~ ~ _ p[~~' .p[~ .,' p[-.,' 5 ,Z 5 S 5 5 v i r ii w F 5 5 [V C ~ 5 5 5 C n 4 L ° > r°rv b r ti ~ y ~ 6 6 6 ~ « M e t 6 ` ~ u ~ ~ ~ ° .J g 0 ..a ~ 0 .-1 0 .~ ~ a 'J a 3 ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 3 3 ~ k~ 3 3 ~ 3 3 3 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ { ~ 5 ~ ., 5 ( y 5 ~ ~y 5 ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { ~ S o p° a a ~ 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a ~ 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 3 a a 3 a n U ~ w ~ a ~ ~ ~ a o ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ z a 3 "s ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ s s ~ " s ° V yy F ~E E B eo ~ ~ E E @ ~ ~ ~ ^ Y ~ @ ~ ~ `~ v ~ u ~8 'o .~ 8 C ~ C C ° ~ ~ ` ~ " ~ ~ ~ ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ u~u mu E z a a a ' a c~ s z t9 ~3 ~c a ~3 3 =0~ a va n . c d 4 4 o E ' ~ c `~ _ 4 Z m ~ ' ~ F CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Project Project Namc LOS Funding Description/ Justification Locstioe Ranking 6pm e•ar•~ Year 1 2006109 Year 2 21109/10 Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operating Camprehen•he Plan Number Cate o Source Score rr••r va. 2010111 2011112 2012/13 Bud et Impact Rekreoce De artment : UTILITY -Sewer Replace Varible Frequer¢y - - FLUE 1.3. L. CIE ControlsEWWTP SS UEF Major Maintenar¢e EWWTP G S S GU,OW S - S - S - $ _ S 60,000 S - Il.3; IE N.A.I S; HF 1.19 I-IE 1 3.9; IE 03.3600-84/ OS 3600 25 West Force Main Re-routin 8 SS UEF Bolster service to rew Bm~h Lift Station l0 8 S S S 21Q,OOU S ~ _ S $ - S 210 000 - $ N.A.4.3; FLUE - - Discharge ~~ , 1 i.l; C~ 1 3.3; IE N.A.1.5; FIE 1.19 ~ FLUE 1.3.L C~ Litt Station Geremtors SS UEF Imprm~e Emergerry Capabib[ies City Wide 6 S S 36,000 S S S S 38,000 S 5,000 13 3; IE N.A.LS; - HE Ll9 .... I-IE 1.3.9: IE OS-3600-28 East Force Main Re+outing SS R&R BoLcter service [o rcw gmwN Tuslmailla e S S 50,000 S 300,000 S - '. $ - S 750,000 $ - N.A 5.3; FLUE 1 7.1; CIE 1.3 3; IE ' N.A.1.5; HE 1.19 FLUE 1.3.1; CIE 20-3600-36 Sewer Lire Restoration SS UEF Anwd rehre o(portiom of rystem City Wide G S 2W,U00 S 250,000 S 250,000 S 250,000 S 250,000 S 25U.UW S 1,250,000 $ 1.3.3; IE IV.A.1.5; F{E 1.19 . liE 1.3.9; FLUE OG-3000-26 W WRF Smd Ftlter SS UEF Ircreaees capacity for aw gmwrh W WRF G _$ - $ - $ , S - S 250,000 S - 5 250,WU $ 1.3.1; CIE 1.3.3; ~ N.A.1.S; HE L19 ~. FLUE 1.3.1: CIE Amomatic Baz Screen -EWRF SS UEF FY 2013/2014 EWRF G S - S - S S S .. S S - $ - 1.3.3;~N.A.LS; .. F1E 1.19 FLUE 1.3.1; CIE WWRF Picot#I Painting SS UEF MajorMainknarcc WWRF 6 S - $ - S 75,000 S S ,,. - 5- S 75A00 $ L3.3; IE N.A.1.5; }~ 1.19 Toed "'' -"" ~ "': ~' ~ ~ :.. S 200 000 S 348 000 S 585 000 S 550 000 S 500 000 S 250 000 S 2 3000 S 5000 Project Project Name LOS Fnnding Deuriptionl Jnstificaton Location Ranking c.rwre.ae.r Yesr 1 2008/09 Yesr 2 2009/10 Yesr 3 Year 4 Yesr 5 TOTALS Operating Camprehenrive Plan Number Cate o Source Score •rr.•tve.r 2010111 2011/12 2012/13 Bud et Im ad Rekrence De artment : UTILITY -Reclaime d Water Surface Water Treatmem Plam lE N.B.3.2; FLUE Design PW DCF Plam Design SMre of Lake Semp 6 S .. S 217,000 S S S - $ - S 217,000 $ - 1.3.1; HE 1.3.9; ~ - N.E.1.7: CE 1.2.8 Reclaimed Water Augmm Pump Provide New Source ro Ezpard lE N.B.3.2; FLUE 04-3600-83 Station Ph A PW ~ d Rechumed Waler System SMre of Lake 7em P 6 S S S 2,646,120 - S S S - S 2,646.720 $ - - ] 3.1; }{E ].3.9; ~ bwe N.E.1.7; CE 1.2.8 Rechumed Water Distribu0on- ~ Ph I pW Hod Ezpard Reclaimed Water Sysrem City Wide 6 S $ ~ S 1,025,000 S 1,025,000 S - Si - :. S 2,OSOAOO $ _ l'. 1 3I1 FIE 1.3.9, IE ]swc N.E.1.7: CE 1.2.8 Reclaimed Water Distribution- ~ N.B.3.2; FLUE Phase 2 PW Hod E aM Reclaimed Water S sum zP Y City Wide 6 S S. - S S I,OW,WO S I,000.WU $ - S 2,OOOA00 $ - 1.3.1; F~ 1.3.9; ~ Ieeue N.E.L7; CE 1.2.8 Reclaimed Water Distdbution - New ~ N.B.3.2; FLUE Phase 3 PW Hood ExpaN Reclaimed Water System City Wide G S - S S S S 1,030,000 S 1,030,000 S 2,060 00 A S - 1.3.1; 1~ 1.3.9; IE Ieeue N.E.l.7; CE 1.2.8 Add'1 Recl. Water Aug. Pump Statlon - Ncw Complete Piam to provide riew source S ~ N.H.3.2; FLUE PMse B (FY 2013/2014) PW Hood ro Ezpaod Reclaimed Water rystem SMre of Lake ]esup G - S S ~ S S ~~ S S - $ - L3.1; FiE 1.3.9; ~ levee .~ . N.E.1 7; CE 1.2.8 Page 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Add'1 Reclaimed Water Distribution- New IE N H 3.2; FLUE Phase 4 PW BOOB Ezpand Recaimed Water Sysem City Wide 6 S $ S S S - S - S - 5 10,0(10 1.3.1; HE 1.3.9; IE Uwe N E.1.7; CE 1.2.8 Add'1 - .. Reclaimed Wakr Distribution - New IE N.B.3.2; FLUE Phase 5 PW Bond Ezpard Reclaimed Water System City Wide G S ' S -. S • S " "- - S - S 5 - S IO,WO 1.3.1; HE 1.3.9: IE Issue N.E.1.7; CE 12 8 Add'I Reclaimed Wakr Distribution- New ~NH.3.2; FLUE Phase G PW Baud Expard Reclaimed Water System City Wide 6 S S S S S - $ - 5 - S 10,W0 1.3.t; I-~ 1.3.9; 1E Usue N.E.1.7; CE L2 8 Add'1 Reclaimed Water Distribution - New IE N.B.3.2; FLUE Phase 7 PW Hood Ezpard Reclaimed Wakr Sysem City Wide 6 S S S S S $ - S - S IO,OW 1.3.1; HE 1 7.9; ~ Ume - - N.E.1.7; CE 1.2.8 Re d S[omge Tank - wm R red [o meet rew growth IE N: W W~ PW [~ ~ ~ ~ W WRF 4 S .. S - S S ,. ~ _ S - - S: S - S (660,000) ~ 1,3.9, IE N.E.1 7; CE 1.2.8 Total - S - S 217000 S 3 671 420 S 2 025 000 S 2 030000 S 1030 000 S 8 973 420 S 620 000 Project Project Name LOS Fuodiog Destriptionl Justifitafiou Locafiou RaolduQ aswiarp Year 1 2008/09 Year 2 2009110 Year 3 Year 4 Yesr 5 TOTALS Operaliug Compseheeske P6n Number Cate o Source Scorn arr.mv.. 2010/11 2011112 2012113 gud et Impart Reteream De artment : PUBLIC WORKS W-0104x12/ Resurfrcing TR LGTX MaJOr Maintenarcc City Wide 6 S 175,OW S 250,000 S 250,OW S 250,OW S 250,OW S 250,000 S 1,250,000 $ - C~ 1.3.1: C~ 1.G.1; OS-0104-3W71 F1,UE 1 3 1, SR 434 R SR 419 Tic SigIW 771 ILTX Signal Upgrades SA 434 & SR 4l9 6 S 2W fKK1 ; S S - S - ;.. S 5 _ $ . CIE 1.3.1; CIE 1.6.1; Improvemems , FLUE 1.3.1; - - - CIE 1 7; CIE 1.7A: Spice Road TR ICIX Town Cemer CoOector Road Town Cemer 4 .$ - S 1,9W,UW S S - S ~. $ - 5 lyW,0110 $ - FLUE 1.3.1; TE 1.2: .. TF 1.2.4: TE 1.3 05-010Y70060 Sidewalks-Slctland/Dyson TR ~~ok Safety lmprovemems Northern Way / Slctlmd Avenue G S 300,OW 5 $ S S - .. $ S _ .. $ FLUE I.3.I, TE ~~ Sidcwakk . 1.5.3: TE L5.11 FLUE 1.3.1: TE Sidewalks-hhoughou[the Ciry TR LGTX SafeTy lmprovemems Various 6 $ ':: S 30,000 S 30,OW S 30,W0 S 20,W0 S 20,OW S 1JQWU S - 1.5.3; TE 1.5.11; CIE 1.3.1 02-0104-06/ Urderdraim TR LGTX Needed m pmkct roadways from high City Wide G S 15,000 S 30,OW S 15,000 S 15 000 S IS.WO S (5 000 S 9U IMltl $ - C~ I l.l; CIE 1.6.1; US-0104.30058 gromdwakr , , , FLUE 13 I, OS-0115-3W20 WS Bh~d Aewnstruction Ph2$ TR ICCX Tuskawilla G S I,SOO,000 $. .. $ :~. S ~ - S - $ - S - $ - C~ 1.3.1; CIE L6.1; 3 FLUE 1.3.1; .. 7E 1; 7E l1; CIE Wade StreeV4191mprovemems TR ICTX Safety lmpmvensaNS SR 419 10 S .~ " S 450,W0 S $ :'.` - S ~• - $ S 450,000 $ 1.3.1; CIE lb.l; FLUE 1.3.1; Rarchlards Paving TA ICTX PaveDW Roads Rarchlauds G $ S 700,W0 S 7W,WU $ ., S S S 1,400,000 $ HE 1.1.9: CIE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.1 North Moss Road TR 1CTX Major Maintcnance Moss Road 6 S S 1,300,OW $ '. S S - S - S 1,300,OW -$ 01.3.1; CIE 1.G.1; FLUE 1.3.1; Total - '` S 2 190 000 S 4660 000 S 995 000 S 295 000 S 285 000 S 265 000 S 6 20 000 S - Page 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Project Nombe Project Name LOS Funding Dewripdod Jostificatbn Location Ranking capniewps Year 1 2006/09 Yesr 2 2009110 Year 3 Year 4 Year 3 TOTALS Operating Camprchresive Plan Category Bourse Score • r<.rvs.r 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 gud et Im act Retercnce De artment : STORMWATER CIE 1.3.2; CIE 1 6.1; Curb lulet ReplacemeN SW SUF Major Mairuerurrce City Wide G S S,UW S S,OW S S,WO S S.OW S 5,000 S S 20,000.W S - FLUE L3.I; HE 1.1.9 CIE 1.3.2; CIE 1.G.1; Canal Piping: Flamingo to Moss SW SIJF Major Mainkttatre FlamiogolMoss Rd ama 6 S 95,000 $ $ S .• S $ - - S - $ ~ FLUE 1 3.1; Fffi LI9 Lake WOIa Outfall Smu:nue C~ 1.3 2; CIE 1.6.1; Replacement SW SUF Major Maintenance 6 S 20,000 S - S $ - S ~ - S S - $ - . FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.9 VVR Control Stnrctrue CIE 1.3.2; Cam. LG.1; Replxemem SW SUF Major Mainknance G S 15,000 S 30,OW $ 5 „ - ~ S - '~ $ S 30,OW.00 $ FLUE 1.3.1; FIE 1.1.9 TMDL Master Plan SW SUF Stale Mandated Water Quality City Wide 6 S 57,6W $ S $ S - $ - S - $ - CIE 1'31' ~ N 13.1.1; TMDL Water Quality M N P t SW SUF Stale Mandated Wakr Quality City Wide 6 S "~- > S SS,OW S SO,OW S 75,W0 S '> - ~ S' S 180,000.W $ - CIE 1.31; IE aoagemc rojec s N.D.1.1; CE 13.2 C~ 1.3 2; CIE 1.6,1; Creek Dredging SW SUF Major MaiNCaares Various 6 S S 35,000 S S ~ S - S S 35,W0.00 $ _ FLUE 13.1; HE ... 1.1 9 CIE 1 3.2; Cam. LG.1; Lombardy Canal Piping SW SUF Major MNmeoarice LonrbaMy ROad area G S S S SO,OW S S - $ - S SO,OW.W S FLUE 1.4.1; HE 1.1.9 ' meN SW SUF ui roam IacemeN 6 $ = S 38,fN10 S 25,0110 S 25,1100 S 25.W0 S 25,W0 S 138,tM)(I.W S - C~ 1.3.2; FIE 1.3.9 ' meN-Skid Stecr Loader SW S(1F EquipmeN ReplacemeN 6 S '` S 60,000 S S " -'~~ S - ., S, S 60,W0.00 $ 01.3.2; f1E 1.3.9 EquiprrcN-Streetsweeper SW SUF Equipmem ReplaceraN Ci Wide 6 S : ~ -~ "S S $ -. - ~ S 110,000.00 $. S IIO,W0.00 $ C~ 1.31; I3E 1.3.9 Total ~ S 192 $ 223 000 S 130 000 105 000 S S 140 000 S 23 000 S 623 000 S Project Project Name LOS Funding Description/ Justification Location Ranking arwl avers Yesr 12006!09 Year 2 2009110 Year 3 Yesr 4 Year 3 TOTALS Operating Comprehemh~e Plae Number Cste o Source Scare csr.•svor 2010111 2011112 2012/13 gud et Im sct Re@reere De artment : FIRE 02-2210-001 Smtion 28 (New) N/A FIF ~ GNF Expanding Service for New Develo ment 1126 E SR 434 :5 - S - S Wy S 2,SW,OW S. - $. „~` - S 2,300,000 S - CIE 1.7; C~ L7.4 02-2210-002 pumper/Aeria128 (Ncw) N/A ~ ~' ~~~8 bem~ far New 1126 E SR 434 S - S - S =" S 750 OW S ~ S - 5 730 000 S - CiE L7 CIE 1 GNF Develo ment ~ , , , ; .7.4 04-2210-0O1 E 2G (Re IaccmeN) N/A GNF Re lacemen[ 850 Nortkem W S 3Y4.220 S 385,UW S S S S S 385,000 ~$ CIE 1.6; CIE LG.1 04-170-002 Rescue 26 (Rep]acemsN) N/A MTF Re lacement 850 NarNem W $ - `. 3 - •~ 5250,W0 $ _- S - - $' = S 250AW $ - CIE 16; CIE 1.6.1 850 Nortlcm Way(2) ~ 04-170-003 Heart Monitors (ReplacemeN) N/A MTF 6Replacemen[heart monitors 102NMoss Road (3) S - ~S - $ S .- S 175,000 S S 173,W0 $ CIE L6; CIE LG.1 1126 E SR 434 (1) U4-221U-0U2 R/Cldef Veldde (Replacement) N/A GNF Re lacement $ • S - $ S -' S 48,500 $ S 48~W :$ CIE 1.G; CIE 1 G.I Total ._. -r S 394 20 S 383 000 5230 000 S 3 250 000 S 223 S - 5 4 108 00 S - Project Number Project Name LOS Cste o Funding Source Descripfiod Justificaton Loufio° Ranking Score arrm a•+nr •..r•rvr,. Year 1 2008/09 Year 2 2009/10 Yesr 3 2010/11 Year 4 2011/12 Year 5 2012/13 TOTALS Operating gud et Im act Campreheesh~e Plan Rekrenre De artment: INFORMATION SERVICES Total $ _ $ - $ $ _ $ _ $ - $ - 5 _ Page 5 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Project Project Name LOS Funding Dtatriptiod Justification Lonfio° Ranking aMni e.aen Year 1 2008/09 Year 2 2009/10 Year 3 Yesr 4 Yur 5 TOTALS Operating Campreheesbn Plan Number Catt o C Sourte Srore ^`"sY°' 2010111 2011/12 2012p3 Budge[Impatt Retereore De artment: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .. . . Total S - S - S - S - S S S - S - Projett Protect Nluae LOS Funding DescripfiotJ Justification Location Ranking syNm a•4ss Year 1 2006/09 Yesr 2 2009110 Year 3 Yesr 4 Year 5 TOTALS Operating Compreheoshe Plan Number Cate o Source Score n^•w°~ 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 gud et Im act Rer rents De artment : OTHER FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE- Town Cemer Bldg 4 Sidewalk N/A Road Imp. 115 Fund (Pubbc Sidewalk Upgr.) Town Cerder Bldg 4 S 75,000 S S f S S - S _ S - 2.1 6; FLUE- 5.25; FLUE-5.2.3: TE -~ ... ~.. L2.8; TE 1.5.11 Arbor SR434 Median Laxdscapixg N/A FOOT 110 Fund (FOOT Beau[. Grant) SR434 Median S 142,000 f f S S ~~ S - S - S - TE 1.4.9; TE 1.5.9; Gant SR434 Median EM Caps N/A Road Imp. 115 Fuod (Hardscape Upg.) SR434 Median S ISO,OW S S S S - S'.'. - i - S - TE 1.5.9; TLBD Ph 2 BeamiOca[ion N/A H B D 313 Fund (StmedighVDeco. Signs) Tuscaxilla PUD S 258 000 S' S - S S S f - S TE 1 5 9 P 2 r up , - . . ; Total - S 625 000 S S S S S S S FUNDING SOURCES 1CTX ONE LENT bALEb TAX (ROAD IMPROVEMEM FUND)-715 8ND BONDS CBDG GRANTS LF 7999 CONSTRUCTION CAPITAL PROJECT FUND-305 DEF DEVELOPMT bERV. ENTERPRIbE FUND FIMF FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND GNF GENERAL FUND GRT GRANTb LGTX LOCAL OPTION('iAb TAX (TRANSPORTATIONIMPROVEMENT FUND) MTF MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION FUND OTH OTHER PIMF PARK 6 REC IMPACT FEE FUND SUF STORMWATER UTILITY (ENTERPRISE) FUND TIMF TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND ULF UTLITY CONSTRUCTION FUND UEF UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND URF UTILITY RENEWAL 8 REPIACEMT FUND Page 8 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES referenced in Capital Improvements Schedule• PARKS & RECREATION CIE 1.3.1 Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.3.1- The following procedures shall be utilized to ensure adequate funding for transportation capital projects: The City shall continue to participate in MetroPlan Orlando committees regarding transportation funding to ensure funding distribution for transportation projects identified in Table VIII - 2. 100% of State revenue sharing motor fuels tax funds shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. 100% of net proceeds, after payment of existing bond obligations, of the Seminole County Local Option Gasoline Tax shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. 100% of the total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales Tax shall be reserved fox traffic related capital projects. Funds collected from the Transportation Impact Fee shall be reserved fox transportation capital projects. IE 1..5 Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.3.5- The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for parks and recreation capital projects: Grants shall be pursued and used for the completion of parks and recreation capital projects. The Code of Ordinances shall continue to contain provisions for all new developments to provide parks and recreation lands and/or facilities and/ox fees-in-lieu-of as specified in the Recreation and Open Space Element. FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. FLUE 2.1.5 Future Land Use Element Policy 2.1.5- To the extent financial resources are available, public money should be spent as a catalyst to encourage private investment within the Town Center. In coordination with private development, the City may undertake capital improvements for public infrastructure (e.g. sewer, water, roads, parks, stormwater) to enhance or assist private development to achieve the Town Center Goal. FLUE 2.2.3 Future Land Use Element Policy 2.2.3- Promote and develop a network of public green spaces such as parks, squares, preserves, and open spaces that form the framework for the Town Center, and in doing so, promote and develop connectivity of natural features for habitat, continuity and sustainability, scenic vistas, and trail systems. Parks may include both passive and active parks. ROS 1.1.1 Recreation & Open Space Element Policy 1.1.1- The level of service (LOS) standard for parks shall be as follows: Overall Parkland.• Five (5) acres per 1,000 residents. This standard includes both passive and active City parks and recreational facilities, and includes Community, Neighborhood, and Mini-parks. Community and Neighborhood Parks: Five (5) acres per 1,000 residents. This standard applies to community and neighborhood park acreage combined. ROS 1.4 Recreation & Open Space Element Objective 1.4- Park Maintenance. The City shall maintain and improve all City parks in a manner that is consistent with the recreation needs of the City residents, and maxim;~ing the potential of the individual facilities. ROS 1.4.1 Recreation & Open Space Element Policy 1.4.1- The City's parks and recreational facilities shall be renovated and/or upgraded as needed to provide improved recreational opportunities. POLICE CIE 1.7.4 Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.7.4- City shall continue to use impact fees for transportation and police and fire to ensure new developments contribute their proportionate share of capital project funding necessary to service new development. UTILITY -ADMINISTRATION ICE 1.6.1 Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.6.1- As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment or replacement and submit those facilities for funding. FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. HE 1.3.9 Housing Element 1.3.9- Efficiently plan and operate utility systems to provide for cost effective service operations. UTILITY -POTABLE WATER CIE 1.6.1 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.6.1- As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment or replacement and submit those facilities for funding. IE IV.B.2 Infrastructure Element Objective N-B-2- Operations & Maintenance. The City will annually adopt programs & activities to maintain the central system. IE IV.B.2 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-2.1- The City will maintain its potable water treatment facilities in optimum condition by the implementation of a preventive maintenance program. IE IV.B.2.5 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-2.5- All improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities to correct deficiencies shall be adequate to meet the adopted level of service standards based upon data and analysis in the City's Water Supply Plan 2007, and the SJRWMD's Dirtrict Water Supply Plan 2005. IE IV.B.3 Infrastructure Element Objective IV-B-3-Future Demand. Based upon population projections and analysis in the City's Water Supply Plan 2007, the City shall ensure the supply and treatment of safe potable water through the 2025-planning horizon to meet the adopted level of service standards, as well as the requirements of both the City's Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1) and SJRWMD's Di.rtnct Water Supply Plan 2005 and 2006 Addendum. IE IV.B.3.2 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-3.2- The City shall cap its potable groundwater demand at 2013 levels and shall determine the most cost-effective option for augmenting this system with an alternative water source. The City shall pursue cooperative efforts with SJRWMD, Seminole County, and other local jurisdictions, in providing cost-effective solutions. IE IV.B.8.1 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-8.1- The City shall monitor, evaluate, repair and replace the existing water delivery and distribution system to ensure the system can deliver the needed gallon per minute flows to meet fire protection demands. FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. HE 1.3.9 Housing Element Policy 1.3.9-Efficiently plan and operate utility systems to provide for cost effective service operations. UTILITY -SANITARY SEWER CIE 1.3.3 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.3.3- The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for sanitary sewer capital projects: Maintain a reserve account restricted fox sanitary sewer related capital projects. A portion of funds collected from the Utility Enterprise Fund shall be reserved to complete sanitary sewer capital projects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be budgeted in accordance with the terms of the covenants. CIE 1.6.1 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.6.1- As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment or replacement and submit those facilities for funding. FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. HE 1.1.9 Housing Element Policy 1.1.9- The City shall continue providing adequate supporting infrastructure, i.e. paved streets, sanitary sewer, drainage, potable water, etc., throughout the City to enhance and complement the housing stock. HE 1.3.9 Housing Element Policy 1.3.9-Efficiently plan and operate utility systems to provide fox cost effective service operations. IE IV.A.1.5 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-A-1.5- All improvements and/or additions to sanitary sewer facilities shall be compatible and adequate to meet the adopted level of service standards. IE IV.A.4.3 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-A-4.3- Prioritize and incorporate line extensions into the capital improvement schedule to connect existing septic areas to the central sanitary sewer system. The City shall require the participation of the existing residents and/or developers in the cost of the sewer main line extensions and shall explore all possible means of funding the line extensions and connections. UTILITY -RECLAIMED WATER CE 1.2.8 Conservation Element Policy 1.2.8- The City shall reduce its dependence upon the Floridan aquifer through the implementation of the Water Supply WoT rk Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1). (Ord. 2007-11; 07-23-2007) FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. HE 1.3.9 Housing Element Policy 1.3.9-Efficiently plan and operate utility systems to provide for cost effective service operations. IE IV.B.3.2 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-B-3.2- The City shall cap its potable groundwater demand at 2013 levels and shall determine the most cost-effective option for augmenting this system with an alternative water source. The City shall pursue cooperative efforts with SJRWMD, Seminole County, and other local jurisdictions, in providing cost-effective solutions. IE IV.E.1.7 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-E-1.7- To the extent possible, the City will continue to expand its reclaimed water system to increase availability fox all development. (Ord. 2007-11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-3.2) PUBLIC WORKS (TRANSPORTATION) CIE 1.3.1 Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.3.1- The following procedures shall be utilized to ensure adequate funding fox transportation capital projects: The City shall continue to participate in MetroPlan Orlando committees regarding transportation funding to ensure funding distribution for transportation projects identified in Table VIII - 2. 100% of State revenue sharing motor fuels tax funds shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. 100% of net proceeds, after payment of existing bond obligations, of the Seminole County Local Option Gasoline Tax shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. 100% of the total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales Tax shall be reserved for traffic related capital projects. Funds collected from the Transportation Impact Fee shall be reserved for transportation capital projects. CIE 1.6.1 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.6.1- As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment ox replacement and submit those facilities fox funding. CIE 1.7 Capital Improvements Element Objective 1.7- New Development. The City shall ensure that new developments share a proportionate share of the costs required to maintain adopted level of service standards, through the assessment of impact fees ox developer contributions, dedications, or construction of capital facilities necessary to serve new development as required in other Elements of this Plan. CIE 1.7.4 Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.7.4- City shall continue to use impact fees for transportation and police and fire to ensure new developments contribute their proportionate share of capital project funding necessary to service new development. FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. HE 1.1.9 Housing Element Policy 1.1.9- The City shall continue providing adequate supporting infrastructure, i.e. paved streets, sanitary sewer, drainage, potable water, etc., throughout the City to enhance and complement the housing stock. TE Objective 1.2-Roadway Network To provide an attractive, safe, convenient, and efficient arterial, collector and local roadway system that serves travel demands within and through the City, through establishment of criteria to be enforced during site plan review, concurrency management and access management by the statutory deadline. TE Policy 1.2.4- The collector road system shall be funded by the standards-driven impact fee created by the City. (Ord. 2005-11; 09-12-OS) TE Objective 1.3- Roadway Connectivity. The City shall, through configuration of the citywide collector road system, create the interaction and cohesiveness that have been lacking among the residential neighborhoods of Winter Springs, but do so in a manner that enhances and preserves the quality of life within each community. TE 1 Transportation Element Goal l- To develop a safe, convenient, efficient and coordinated system of motorized and non-motorized transportation facilities which ensures adequate movement of people and goods through and within the City. TE 1.5.3 Transportation Element Policy 1.5.3- The City shall ensure the provision and maintenance of bicycle and pedestrian walkways to supplement collector roads between residential areas and parks, schools, and other major attractors. Specific provisions for the establishment and maintenance of bicycle pedestrian walkways shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following.. . TE 1.5.11 Transportation Element Policy 1.5.11- The City's roadway system management will require implementation and construction of an adequate and safe pedestrian circulation system. STORMWATER CE 1.3.2 Conservation Element Policy 1.3.2- On an annual basis, the City shall identify those components of the Winter Springs drainage system that may be contributing to the overall degradation of surface water quality, and develop a priority listing for the refurbishment and/ox installation required and incorporate the priorities into the Capital Improvements Schedule CIE 1.3.2 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.3.2- The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for stormwater management (drainage) capital projects: 100% of the total proceeds from the Stormwater Utility Fund shall be reserved for stormwater management operating needs and capital projects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be budgeted in accordance with the terms of the covenants. CIE 1.6.1 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.6.1- As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment or replacement and submit those facilities fox funding. FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. HE 1.1.9 Housing Element Policy 1.1.9- The City shall continue providing adequate supporting infrastructure, i.e. paved streets, sanitary sewer, drainage, potable water, etc., throughout the City to enhance and complement the housing stock. HE 1.3.9 Housing Element 1.3.9- Efficiently plan and operate utility systems to provide fox cost effective service operations. IE IV.D.1.1 Infrastructure Element Policy IV-D-1.1-Flood Control. The City shall achieve and maintain the following adopted stormwatex management level of service standards that shall meet or exceed state and federal regulations for stormwatex quality and quantity. New development and redevelopment issued a development order after June 30, 1991, shall meet the following water quality and quantity level of standards. Water Quantity - At a minimum, the peak post-development runoff rate shall not exceed peak pre-development runoff rate for the 25-year, 24-hour storm event. In addition, if downstream facilities (from the positive outfall of the development) are inadequate to convey the peak discharge for the design storm event, the development shall be required to accommodate its proportion of basin runoff rate above the downstream systems actual capacity. Water Quality - Stormwater treatment shall be required to serve the development through a stormwater treatment system which is site-specific; or serve sub-areas of the City and, if applicable, Seminole County. Regardless of the area served, the stormwater treatment system must provide a level of treatment which meets the requirements of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Roadway construction -All public roadways within a development, and required as part of the development order, shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway during the following storm events for the following roadway types: Local Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (5.0 inches of rainfall). Collector Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). Arterial Roadway - 100-year, 24-hoax design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall). FIRE ICE 1.6 Capital Improvements Element Objective 1.6- Repair and Replacement. All City departments shall prioritize capital projects to provide for the repair and/or replacement of identified facilities. CIE 1.6.1 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.6.1- As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment or replacement and submit those facilities for funding. CIE 1.7 Capital Improvements Element Objective 1.7- New Development. The City shall ensure that new developments share a proportionate share of the costs required to maintain adopted level of service standards, through the assessment of impact fees ox developer contributions, dedications, or construction of capital facilities necessary to serve new development as required in other Elements of this Plan. CIE 1.7.4 Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.7.4- City shall continue to use impact fees for transportation and police and fire to ensure new developments contribute their proportionate share of capital project funding necessary to service new development. OTHER- URBAN BEAUTIFICATION FLUE 1.3.1 Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.1- The City will continue to seek fiscal resources to extend City service areas, expand water and wastewater collection zones, improve City roadways, and make other improvements necessary to accommodate growth and maintain services and facilities at adopted standards. FLUE 2.1.5 Future Land Use Element Policy 2.1.5- To the extent financial resources are available, public money should be spent as a catalyst to encourage private investment within the Town Centex. In coordination with private development, the City may undertake capital improvements for public infrastructure (e.g. sewer, water, roads, parks, stormwater) to enhance ox assist private development to achieve the Town Center Goal. FLUE 2.1.6 Future Land Use Element Policy 2.1.6- To the extent financially feasible, the City should encourage private investment in the Town Center by enacting policies to provide economic incentives to private developers building within the Town Center, provided such development is consistent with the Town Center Goal. To the extent allowed by law, incentives may include, but not be limited to waiving permit, impact, and other City fees; providing impact fees credits, subsidizing loans; reserving infrastructure capacity; improving right-of-wavs: providing public infrastructure; streamlining permit processing; providing free and pre-approved designs. FLUE 5.2.3 Future Land Use Element Policy 5.2.3- PublicAreac Within the Tomn Center. The Urban Central Business District (UCBD) shall incorporate pedestrian nodes as focal points. These might include plazas, parks, gardens, courtyards, ox other open space areas and are further noted in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Polity 2.2.3. (Ord. 2004-43; O1-24-05) FLUE 5.2.5 Future Land Use Element Policy 5.2.5- Block Interconnectivity. Developments shall have an interconnected network of walkable streets and blocks. (Ord. 2004-43; O1-24-05) TE 1.2.8 Transportation Element Policy 1.2.8- All major roadways shall be designed as complete transportation corridors, incorporating bicycle, pedestrian and transit features to achieve a true multi-modal system. TE 1.4.9 Transportation Element Policy 1.4.9- The City shall pursue grant opportunities for median landscaping and road beautification. TE 1.5.9 Transportation Element Policy 1.5.9- The City shall include landscaping and streetscaping as roadway design components in order to enhance the function of the road for all users. TE 1.5.11 Transportation Element Policy 1.5.11- The City's roadway system management will require implementation and construction of an adequate and safe pedestrian circulation system. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department Project pr°jeet Name LOS Funding Descriptiaal dusfificatian Locafi°a R8°I°°g cspw a°ana year12008/09 Year220D9/10 Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operating ComprehmsLe Plea Number Ca o Source Score c'"'°'Y"r 201W11 2D11/12 2012113 Bod et[m act Retereece De artment: PARKS ~ RECREATION nv ro nod Park lm van eau Pm R GRT & ff ash Pl P ' wd auction P aYBm T olwood Park 'C:C:\^:•:!4;~:i:9:•i 0:•iii:•:o::.iiiiii:»ii 0:0:!i0:0:4:0:•i::i:;i: ::iiii:::i::i:!o:•i:•i:• n':viiiiiiiiii:: • ...x ........:::::: ••• 400 000 ~:~ :aa:;•;:•::•::~ a::•;: ; :::'::`~:;::ik:::i::::::::::::Y::G:~ ~ v~:~::Y~?:'4:~:~:•'::• r::~:~:~::~:~ 5 .~........ ~ . :~ $ ~ S ~~':~':~:~:i:5-:i'::':?:%: ROS-1.4;RO5 1.4.1; S-1.5.2;C~- anmizes the tential of ea fazdiner i s retteazional Po , "4x0Yt ..:....;;.. ........ :..;.......;..... ::::.~.::: •:: -.: :.. ,~:: ~::. .:.::::::::::::::: . ..............................................................................:::::::::::::::::::. ::' ~:~:~: ...................... -l 2 1. ~ AO5 .5. 3.5 oppomu~iees;utilizes ant Em !g :y • :::.:vt•:: ~~:»:::.~. .. f ........... ::::::: ::::::::::::::::.:::.:::.::~::::::::: • " ] :sra:::••:~ ~•>:: ::::: 4' -I LIR L ROS OS Cvsdiea the network of ubGc en s azes thaz torso the P P Sre :'~' %~:%41%% '?~' e ::.~.v:: ::::::::::::: ~:::: ~::::::::::::: .' :! n::: v::::::: ~:::: :~;:'s f • ~ :::.:~::::::.~:::::. 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S ,500,000 S ,000 S S 3,500,000 S 10.200,000 S 40,000 .:.~:.~:::::::::::::::::::: Project pr°jat Name LOS Fend'mg Descripfiod Jusfifitafiau Location R8°I°0g c'°"JBidg" Year12008/09 Year220D9/10 Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Openfiog c°mpreheaadre Pls° Number Ca Soerce Store o"'a°'Y°'r 2D10/l1 2011!12 2012/13 Bad etlm act Rerae°ae De artment: POLICE Total -:::»~..... :•;;:•::•::•:.::::::::::::.v :::::::::::::::. •:::::::::::.a ::aaa::;::;::::.:v:::::::::::::::;•r,;:•::•r,;;:;:•r.3»::•xr.:oaaa::::.::.;:;;:•:n:::•:;:-: -...... ....... ..... .............................. .... ......\ ............:::::.vv::::::::::::::::::::.~::::::::::::.:v:. ::::::::::::...:::::.~:::::.v -:::::.:.:::h•:. S S - S - S - S - S S - S - n:::::::.v.~:::::::::::: ,£,••:.::•::•::•::•::•::r,:r.»;:•:: Ptrolect ProjeM Name LOS Funding Descripfiod Justficafion Logfioo R8°~°g °p1taz °idg`r Year 12008/09 Year 22009/10 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Operating comprehensive Pls° Number Cat o Source Score c.rrastva.r 2010111 2011/12 2012113 Bud etlm act Refaenre De artment: UTILITY • Administration Utili /Public Works Facili tY h PWlSS 311 Fund ConsolidateM anon a°ag Old Swfo - rd Oviedo Rd "5 .:::::::::::::r+:; 4 ~:~i::+: '~''•%~~~: 75000 S ::::;+tt~::::~: :~:::1.•:•:::::. %~. ::G:~:+:"!::%::"•~%%:~>'':<: r::: ::.:. ~: i l ~ # :::::::::r::::::: •: • ::::::::::::::::: . •. ~ ~ ' ' 915 000 30 000 FLUE 1.3.P HE Admin Bld B •:::::::::: :::•`.\:n:•::•:::::•::•::r.; . :::ar.:':::E:.w :': si: ::::::._::.:t ..::::.ra:.:•::•:x:.:: . • % :.::: •:!$• , , L3.9; C~ 1.6.1 Udli ti /Pub c Works Facili N h tt Fond certieral o detenotated faali tip ry f - 0 d San ord Oviedo Rd 4 •::• ~ 163 000 ~%~2<\~~~': ~ .. f.. <~~k:'':':%'% 63 000 :::::: :• :•::•::•::•:•;::;:•;:• ~:: LUE 1.3.1 ~ HE Sto eBld IS) ; :::::ccccr.>xo+:: s::::•:uo::• ::•::::::•:::ra::::: ••:::;~~ AD SC A Relocation W /SS ev Ge° v o e tows to new facili y d Sanford- i Ov edo Rd ~:~s~~::%%:iii:i:%::: 6 > ::S•> `> 4 000 5 ` : 4 soon •+•• FL PHE UE 1.3. L :.;:, L3.9; C~ 6.1 Vehicles PWlSS UEF R lacement eP Ci ry ;;;:!::~f%~::i::%%;::: 6 2b`""""'' ::~:}:'::::;:;:;$;:;: S 48,000 S SQOW S 50,000 S 50.000 S SO,o00 S 248,000 ' ~~0i~~" ~~~~~4'°'°'°'' ~j:;:;:;:;::k'a:: FLUE 1.3.1; HE o::: L3.9; C~ 1.6.1 Equipment PWlSS UEF R lacemwt tip Ci ty 6 ~'; 2 a 7 ow s so ooo s so ooo s so ooo s so ooo s zz7 ooo :~: ~~~<;;:; : FLUE 1.3.1; HE • •::::::::::::::::::::•;: . . , . , , : : -.:... :...:: •.~::::::::. ....................... l.l. ;C~ 1.6.1 :::::::::.:~ :::::::::: :.::::::::.~:::::: •:::::::.~:::: :::::.v::.~.~ ::........................................................................... ................ 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I~FNB2~ 6. #Z . , , :.:.....:.:.::.»::: ~. ~:::::::::::::::.: ~. ::::::::»::::::: : •::::::.~:::::»:. , :;o:: IE N.B.2.1 Page 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department N II o Or st Addm W eta Main ':~?f: :: •:>:::.: ~: ~: ~: ~: r ~~ % ~ H;I .PIE C .6 mprovanrnfs Design P W UEF S scan lm vemrnts Y Pro North Ian Or der . 4 2 0 0> ~??`' S 5 00 : k8ii: ....~ •,....:.... ~...... ~ ..................................... ...................... 250000 "St::+::x<~ ~ 25~ N.B..I ]EN.B.. ....................... WTP #1 S e Tank 2 tong W EF a or Maintenance J TP#I . >•• ::aa4 :•:::•::•::::::•::•:c:::•: ~ +;:::::::::•:.•::•:: •::::::::: •+x ••% S 115 000 ~~ 6 :~ ~ %' ~ ~ 1 S 5 000 : ' ~ ~ 4 i ~ ~' I Raurfarin .. . . . , : ::::r.:<•:::.t. :~:~ :::::::::::::. : :•.:~:::::::::::::. : ::::::::~):.:: ::::::::::::::::: • :::::::::::.::::::::.: .::::::::::::•:::::::::..v::::. ~::::::::::.::. ~:. ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, .::. , : • . : :i : i: :"i:~:~:~: .;:.:;. ::. ~::::.: ~ N.B.2.1 WTP #1 Sto eTank] m8 W EF ajor Maintenance TP#I . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. .: : : : : . v:: : : : : .::; ~: : ::::. : . . . . . . . . .,, . . . .: :::.~ ::::::::::::::::: .::•::»;;:•::vr.:::::::n ~'•:.... ..,\....... :::.;;.;~::::<::.:::: .~::::::::::..,::.:':; 6 iii ~~ S 70000 . . . ... . . .. iiiiixi'•ii :::::::::.~ S 10 000 i iiiiiiiii ~1.6.1'IIi N.B.2' Raurfadn : ::: •»:::::: •: :e, :•: .;:•;\"•: o:::::::::::•::;::::;:•: •:•::::;;::<•::G!~'ifii ............. .:._::::::::::::::.~::::::............ , ;:•;xxrn: :.:. .....:....v::...:.:. 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'~::2: 0 000 S ::.:~::::.v::::::::::: ~::;f:~:':%~':~:%~:':i: LUE Ll I' C~ fici Im my m nts enc e e OS-3600-24 Disc a berg :•::•: +?:%C:fiii:~::ii:~::o:::• :;:i:7~;~iiiii %•:ifiiiiiiii:4:-.~::. r,::: 13.3; ~ N.A.1,5; l 19 `' ' ` FL I UE .3.1 CIE Lift Stab n o Generators SS UEF Im ve Em rn C abiliti es Pro e8 cY aP i Wide ty 6 s 7i%?ir::': 8 000 S ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~':~:~::: ::.::: ::::::::<'~~:~: :~:::::-:::::::::::: ,:;: ::: ~:~~~~~~>'~%>': .:~:w;:aG::::::::: .:.::~:4:4Ye: :'~!::::::::::too:~; 3&000 S,OW 33:~N~ALS; ................... ................ ................. . .. ........... 1.19 HE I 9' .3. IE N.A4.P OS-36 -2 00 8 F East once MainR 'n o-rouu B 5 S R R& 1 o ster service to new w th ~ skawill a S $!5':": S:: ` >::S:i:J:%Y:;:; 000 S 0 000 S ' 4::::iiiy:ii . =~ %`~ a::<:'is ~ 4 0000 S , :~: ::::y:'::');;: ~ FLUE L .I 3 C~ ~ i I r ements fic m ov e"ry P : • ., ,.n:;:;:;:;•:x•:;:: :• . •ii . .::::::.~:::::o::•wr :::::~ 1.3.3; B N A.1.5; .... ~ ~:kfc3j:~ FLUELLI;CIE 20.3600-36 Sewer LineRatomfion SS IJEF Annual reline ofpor6onsofsystem CiryWide 6 $ 200,000 $ 250,000 $ 25Q000 S 250,000 S 250,OW $ 250,000 S I,250,D00 $:SS:Bii:':`:?2: L3.3;BN.A1.5; ....................... ?::;:: LI9 %k:5 HE L3.9 FLUE 06.3600-26 WWRF Sand Filt a S IEF f rn Increases ca as o ew wth ry P Bro NRF 6 ;::i:~cc:iii::?: :i'':i:~::~:i?:: ~ ':~::iii:iii:ii:?: i:'iii:4:i:: _~ 0000 S ~ i:~:~:?:$ 2 50000 S , ~~4::14~:~::~:'~4<:~: ' .3. CIE 1.3. ~ IE 3 m n on owrh EF i ~Im m e c tsrosu fic ea Br :%+~ N.A I 5HE1~I9 Page 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Department ..... :•;rr• :•>:•::•::•::::: •:::aaaaaa:•:::::•::•::•::•:::•::::ow:::on:~ •:; ., ,r .............. ii:•:n•r:::::,.+,:::.: ~:::aaaa:.:::;•;•y,.;:.:.::•::•::•:•::•:::;•:::n:•:::•:::~:::~:~:4:' ...~ ............... » : :: •: r ~aa::aaaa : :ooo:::r : • :iii:~i:~:~ii:~i:~:~i:~i:~i: • ::oaaaa :aaa ~:: LUE 1.3.1 CIE Am m ' B o ahc ar Screen - EWRF SS UEF FY 2 12 14 0 3 0 E WRF 6 .:...:...... •:::::::.:~:: ;.:•::::: :. :::::::.:::....:::: .. ...:::::.:::: : .::•::•::•::•:::::•::•::• •: . :•: x.: : •::;:•::•: : .... :. x::m:•..;;:o:<;::<:;:::::::.~:::. ::, I ~ ...,.... :.:.:iiii:~i:~k~i:;~: :. ;:: • : .................. -.~::::::::::::xl::: - S ............. ;#.•:.~:::::::::::._:::: .3.3~IE N.A.L9 1.19 .•'4 ~ ii::ii~iiiil :•~? ~ FLUE 1.3.1 C~ WWRF PIam lP' ' # mnh nB SS UEF M'rM' o mntenance aJ WRF 6 :) 5 000 '~:''):~5r.'rF:~:) $ '? , :):?~'3:'<~rib•'i.{: 7000 5, Y .3IEN~A 1.5~ I 1 9 T /• :::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.•::c::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::s:::::::::::.~:::::::::::::::::::::::: oml '~' i~iiiiiiiiiiii:£iiiiY:sb`'i .:i;.: :::::::: •: ••::::::::::::• ::::::::::::::::::...:.:.: r ::•::v,;r.:::::•::•::•::•:;;::::ar,:•::•::•:;-;;;;;;;::o::.::•::•::•::..;:...::•::•::•::::-:-r.: -;;;;:-:::•::•:::•::: S 200000 S 348000 S Sg5 OOD S 550000 S 500000 S 250000 S 2 33 D00 S 5000 .::::::::::::::::::::::::::. Project Projcet Name LOS Paneling Description/Justificatioo Location ~0~°g r"~B°'s`t Year12008lD9 Year22009110 Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operating comprehemlve Ple^ Number Cato Source Scare o°"°'v"r 2010/11 2011112 201L13 Bud et lm act ae(erewe De artment : UTILITY -Reclaimed Water S urfauWaserT PI reatment ant ::::::::::.:...:::::. ::.r:::::::....::::::.::::::::::. :.'•~"•f:> :~>:'•:::::::~:~ <iiiiiiiitBiiiii: :+~:~ ` " ::~: ~N.B.3.2~ FLUE esign PW U F C PlantD i es n f SMreo I-eke Jesu P i %;;;.... ~:t%sy:< `~%'%`2~ 6 ~':'+":%: 217 ~fi:G':t::: ~ :'~'j':•.'•::::%........... S ,000 :~`'::~'i?............~ .:.......... :`f ::~`k%~.::........,~:..:.::::: +•:.:: 211,000 :~`R:%%•":•a:::::: .3.1; HE 1.3.9; D3 ~t: N.E.Lt CE 12.8 4-3600 83 Reclaimed Water A 1 Pum u~ P New rovide New So urce b Ex and P •::v:;r,:•::•::::•::ihi: ~:~i:::~i:;~i:~XGiii:~:~:(4i: :):::::\ ••::. n:.. :::::::::::::..::::::::..::::::::::. ...... a .< ......................................... ' ' ' ..... '~:%`:i`:~iriiiiiiiii: ~ N.B.3.2; FLUE - sadon Pk A PW Bond eclamud Water System Shore of Lake lesu P 6 :~i::.ii:~~:r: <• •ii:~:~::<:~:5:~:~:~ S 264 420 ~ ~~:~:~:~:~+ 6 ..:::.~ :.::::::::::::::..::: , .~a•::::::::::. ~:7:%~:~~d•.'l:~:~":~::; ~:::..: ::::::::::::........................... .....~ ; :::: : \• ~ : 64 20 S , 6A +:•::•::•x•:m::x:::: .................. .3.h HE 1.3.9•IE Issue . ; .r,;:•;:•::•:•:•:::::;; :• ;r.: •r,;:• ; i`: :::t%%%ti~~ N.E.l.7~ CE 12.8 Reclaimed Water Distribufion - New •G:~<<tr r:y;%:;<:~;::::::: ~:~£S::: ~Y:~:•`.2•r.'r ::$: ~ N.8.3.2 FLUE h I PW Bond & dReclaim W eel stet S s sem Prn Y i Wide h' 6 0 5000 0 5000 ' :.`•'ii:Yiiii :•` ~~iiiiiii2~i:':'•iiii: E::?::3~';:.::g S S ..::::'.~r:• ::::::::::::::... t S ,050,000 fl:n::.:.:::: .3.1; HE 1.3.9; ~ Issue :~~:::;i:~j\'::::: :Y%~::::~:::::::::: •:~:t:::%~:::~fi~::2: ;:::c>:;:;::.1•:s:3::: ':PJ;:•. f<:::::%~: N.E.l.1: CE 1.2.8 R I' ecarmedWaterDis(d ' n- buho Nm :;...~:.:::Y: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. ~ ' ': ~ ~• ° . . tE N.B.32~ FLUE Phase 2 Boad panel Reclaimed Waters stem Y Ci Wide ry ... «r ................ 6 :6::.a. ... f:.. .......... 1000000 1000000: ":":::2:i::`•: ~?'::::::•s r f...........~nrm::::x:'::. S , S .~:• :::::: .........: ......... . 2000000 S , r' ~7%•`.'E : :f:: /::.:;.:: ~ ~ .~ 1.3.1; HE 13.9; ~ Issue ~3::a•;•°.•:°#:?~::: ~:~~t •:•:::..::::: •::i:•".•iiiiiiiir: •:::.: : .............::.....:.t:................................. ~::._:::::::::::::::. .................... , ~Y>', ',.,, ,r,;y,:::.: i ....................... N.E.1.7~CE 1.2.8 Reclaimed Weser Dismbufion - New :i:;;u' :...Ill.. ' :::::::;:is;:i~::aa i~:.:z:. v.N:iiiiiii: iiiiiiiiiiii;:::::;;: ... 1.. ;:<+; •.F:iiiiii %i'f /:......... ~ N.B.3.2; FLUE Phase3 PW Bond Expand Rcelauned Waxers tem ~ Ci Wide ry 6 .C•:.ff ~ ••".•iiiiiii:;iri :. .3i.:ii;;::'.;;ci;% 1030000 S ]0300W ':~:):•'.,~';•:i;S'i~i::.;:;;.. ,'~• ....................~..............,.. 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Stafion- 6 ~P Add'1 w late Plant to vide new so mp Pm mce : .....,y,.., ~ik ,. ,.:~ l ....r.l ::. ~z~<:'':?~:~::::.':_:~::'•;'.:~:::r :::::.::.::.::~::x<:::::;.:: ter.:<.::::: •• ... :.................... ... l :...I. .:•:........,.i;'~';b::.: ., ..a. :.. ::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::..~:::::-:: ~:::::::::::::._::::. ::::._:::::::::::::: , , .....::::::::::::•::•::•:;• ~ ••a;::;:•:::a::r ~ :•• :• ' •r :~~:•:::•xa:;::r~;::: ~:<~r ;r ::»:~::::~: ;.;~, ,~\.::..... 3 N.8.3.2• FLUE haseB (FY 20132014 PW ond RalaimedW Expand stet stem sY S oreo Lake? asap .. . : : . . . . . o;:::•;: .. 6 .....\ :.: '~:::iiiiiiieiiii ~~~i ::ii;:i'~f•:: `f::•::::~ ;~iiiiiiiR)ii: '~i:'•iiiii:•;:•••••• ~: ~~. :::.~ : ~:\::vy:o:::::::;:::i::~:: f'~:::: i~:: \\'~'' •'~i~iii:~:~ii:~i:~i ;~k~:;;r 'd;: '•:::::: ~ S ~. ~ ::::.::.:...::::::.. -:- ::~~::::::::::z~"-:-: .3.1' HE 1.1.9 ~ Iune .. : . . . ~nw:::: ~:.iiiiiii:• :•::::::::: ........ r::.'6it:<?.yiici!i'<:ii:!ii'.:3:::'::v.: ..... ...~.~........... . ...1... :::..........::::..y:. :•i:•::::,.. :::::n.n.::::::J: is }_:::::.:::n:~:::.. .......... :.. a•. ,•.y. ;;;;;::: F......... } .. ::::.!! ..5..:::::::. N.fl1.7;CE 1.2.8 Add'1 :jj!j: 1, +:: %,'Q~ :jMji:;j~i: i4ii:!•i :Li~•i~it! ................ : l Reclaimed Wass Distrib ' n- uho ew .. .:::::.... ..::::................. ~..::.~~ ..... :.:::. ....:::::::::::::::: •::: :•x:w::aaaai::G:~ ~ :....................... ::_:~i:';~iiiiiii: •ii:... ~N.B.3.2•FLUE hase4 PW ond d Reclaimed Water S tam ExP~ Ys Ci Wide h •:....\\\: : ..:..rr .... 6 ~...~... : ...\ •~rr Pao.>:r.:::: '•: .. ................. ............... . «f;..•:::::::: >3 _ S S 10000 t.3.h HE 13.9~~ lasae , .:;:: , ~~:1/l.~I~...r:\: \ •:: •:;%is:;•`:;::~::'•d•r,'ii: ::::::::..:::.. :::::::::::.:::::. N.E1 E12 ' eclaimed Water Distributon- ew ~:...\ . •::n:~ •:: ::::::::. :.: ....x... ... ::::::::.. :::.:::::::::::::::. ......~ f.::::::::. :::iiii::::ti ...................... .................... :::::•::::::•:::::::v ::::::::::•... •••::?.: .....4...,. ... ~~Y: •;:•:iiii;::; •::: ~ ::::::........................ :;i?:iiiiii `~i '~ ' ' E N.B.3.2• FLUE kaseS PW ond Ex d Reclaim W ed stars Pan Y~ i ' C Wtde h : : : •' ~ :•. \ :~:• 6 ii>'. s %~i~ii;:iiii::•'.'<~iti':~::i<<:,::+... :../. •;::•it,:•:o;:;;:r.:;~:m;••,~.;;\"'•'~2i:'•~f: :~:3r%:: ...:. ::::::::::i.`fi•':•r •::•::•::::::;:•;:•;::r•: :•;;:.;J. - S 10,000 .3.1; HE 1.3.9' Issue . N.E.1.7~ CE 1.28 Add'I Redaimed Water Distribution - New ...............::....... :: h'><t~$ ~iiiiiiiiiiiS>.'•iiif:.'•:t~i..~~. . :': 'l•: IENB 2 F . LUE hase 6 o-d Ex Reclaim W pand eel star System City Wide ......x ............ 6 e k :~:;:: ,r :. ~.d...:..1::. ::: .::: :::::::: : :\~ : .:: rl ~ - S S 10000 L3. P HE 1.3.9 ~ Issue .; ; .; ; . .r, ;.;: ,. : »:n:.:. ::. :::::::..:::::>:::.. -: N.E.1.1~ CE L2.B • eclaimed W star Dismbudon - Add'I ex :...~.:: ra•...:::::.:.:::::::::: :: ..: : : : ..: ::::::::::::: n::: a: ~:.. x::: ;:.... . .. . . . .....:\. ii:%`~~%3.:::: %:iiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii: ii::•;:•;:•;:•;rA •:: ig:ii!iii.':?;iiiiiiii: isiiii:~iis~iiii;:z~:.'.':•..'':':~ :......... :.. .................... .. a.:::~?5:'• E N.B.3.2~ FLUE ase? PW ad Ex R I ec armed Waters ssem P~ Y Ci Wi de tY iiii:Ir,:, ...... ~ :•: 6 :~~:~:isi?:~:~:~:%:';:7)':`C~r ~~~r~~<<{:~:::::r::'::~::::::::::%::":;::,:~~..:.:K•.:6 .:~e:,:•::q:::::•:i=:•; ;:.r ': ::::::::.: :::::: . : •:•:ii<ii :sss:~ ++••:• > ; S 0000 , S 1~HEl ~~ 3. .3.9 1 ssue . . : o :::;v.:;:::::::o-::::::::. :. r. : :::: \; ~:,\4...:::::.:::::::n.:::::::::: v::::::::!Ciiiiiiii: i:iiiiiiiv'li:i::i:: ......................:..::::::::::::::::::::.:. R eclaimed tong meet new owth Regmred ~ ;:;i:...I::: •.:•:::::: •:::::::::.:.:::::::...:::::::::::: •::::. • :::::::::::::..::::. ,. ;,;1.,:...:•:::::.: ...........:......... ::•::f iiiiiiiiii:~::~:;ii ::<::iiii:~ii:~ii i i:6:.~ ~:~~~::or :............ . .................. ................................. a 1E N.B.3.2; FLUE WRF PW IIEF emands WRF ...... ..................... :::::::x..::::::::::::::.:.:::::..:: ...:..tf. .. 4 .::::::.a.... .. .. ~:~'ifiiiiiiiiii::=:i: ~:~:~:iiii:::~:~i::iziJ :~:~:~i':a ........::::...~`:::•::•::•::•: r,:•::• •:~•;:~:~::~::.;>;.a:•:•::$t:.iiiiiiiiiz~iiii :.::•::;!..;.f;..::•:::•::•::•::•::•::o:;:•: - S 1660,000) .3.1; HE 1.3.9 ~ ::,:::,:a:: • ::::::::::::::..:... -:::::: ::::::. ~:::::: :. . ::.:::::: .. :::::: ~:::::. :.::::. ....... ~ ~ ~• ~ :::~ ~ ~ N.E.1.7~ CE 1.2.B , T otal ~' fi ' 42 2 2 Z ::~: S 7000 3 1 0 0 000 D30000 103D000 S S S S S 8973420 S 620 S OOD ( , :~::~::~::~::~:~:~:~:~: Project project Name LOS Funding Description/Jusfifieatiou Location Ranlnng c.a"a Bids" Year12008l09 Year22009/1D Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operating Compreheaeire Plea Number Ca o Source Scare 001eOtvnr 20101/1 2011/12 2012(13 Bud etlm aM Refereaee De artment: PUBLIC WORKS 00-0104-021 OS-0104-30011 Resurhmng TR LGTR Major Maintenance City Wide 6 $ 175,000 S 25Q,000 $ 250,000 S 250,000 S 250,0110 $ 250,000 S 1,250,000 ":•':•'>::•:::::':':':': ~i~i:~:~i:~:'•:~:'•i:'xS?: CDi 1.3.1; CIE 1.6.1; Refurbishes ewsnng streets so rhaz existing LOSis maNtained. :Si;; FLUE 13.1; SR 434&SR 41 9 Traffic Si al Bn L R I CTR i nal U Pg~ R4 4 R4 3 &S 19 6 0 000 $ •ii~ ! ~ $ :;%:: ~` - S 3: %% '~ r • " 1 I C .3. CIE 1.6.1 ' v z e 'son LO i I so th S s main ' Re azes si ds tazned P ~ n vemenls ••:::. ....................... : ::::::::::::::::::.: :::::::::.~::::::. i ::::::::::::::::. ...................... ........................................ : ::::::::::::..::: .................... , ,iiiiii?rii .• :•rrr: •::::. FLUE 13.1; ine Ro ad P R TR edorR Town Crnter Co oad T wn enter c 4 ::ii i~iiii:2iiiiiii:•° 00000 $ , s?~<~~`>`~~`''~?>>>>3>a'`»»»»»~H>~s ~ : : :::::::: : '•~:::::::::::: : ~ <>»»»»>z»r ~:• ,90D,000 %% :~:~:~:~:;:;:r;:;: IE 1.7~ ~I 4~ C C .7. UE 1.3.1;TE 1.2; u ti co actor Es onnec road ne T ands Intere twork m sun ^B P . . . : :: : ::.. .:~:::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::. ~:~:>:~ TE 1.2.4 TE 1.3 Cenreq services new developmrnt and fimded b im as (ees P s-oloa- J 0060 dew aLks-Shetl n o anNDY R Seminole ants Safe Im o em ry P N themW /Shed and 6 000 S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ` ' ~ ~ ~ % '~ ~ ~ ~ :':J:'%%c? ^ ' $ : ~ - $ : : Y:: :'~ UE 1.3.1 TE 1.5.3 ' I i ~ collector sneers with the ad~tion (sidewalks ro m roves C o y P . edestfianr m o c ration f ith S i l t ounry vrnue Sidewalk , ~ : : : :: : : : : : . : i: : : : : i iii::% oiiiiiii: •:%o :%:> iiii:~:~:~:8iii .+ ::i(iii::"~:~... r : :2:iii:~:~:~X:2:~:~ :.::.: E LS.I l sa e w em no e increase , Y P ~ C nun ry Page 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Depattmerd Sidexa0rs-htwu out the Ci Bh ty TR L TX G S ovemrnts ~'~ arious 6 > ~ "~ ~~ a ~~ ~: t 0000 s 0 000 30 00o zo 000 s s s 2 0000 s 1 s oD0 ~ •"~><'~~<~`~~<~» ~ sa FLUE 1.3.1 ~ TE L l aditi~efai ves Ci a dewalks ro increase mpro ty streets with the ' •> `: `:> : : " :`;. ~~: >;:o:.• ' . ...::............7: TB LS.I I; CIE 1.3.1 safety ofpedestnans 02-OIU4-ON Urderdrains TR LGTX Nettled W protect roadways from high City Wide 6 S IS 000 000 5 30 S 15 000 S 15 000 S 15 000 S 15 OOD S 9Q000 '%%%%%%~i'~%%%%%%%%%~ ~:;;~y;? % CIE 1.3.1; CIE 1.6.1; Pcotects existing streets Ornn further detedation by high OS-0104-30058 mdwarer , , , , , , ''?' PLUE 131{ groundwater so that existing LOS ie maintained. 5-0115-30020 WS BIvd RecoreWCdon Ph2 & R CTX uskawilla 6 1 000 ?rr8:;`'~ '.."w`9~::%~::: ~iiiii%iii:8iiii:;4::8iig:iiiii::::::;:: :• tt .....:....... .. ................... t.:::•:::::::. .:::.::::::::::::..::::... ~ ~ :.`&:'::::;:i%:::::~.: r - S :~ CIE 1.3.1' CIE 1.6.1 u i xisti LDSis mai 'ned. Re rb shes collector Goad so ti,az a ma, 3 , .................. ... . .;;;; FLUE 1.3.1; ~ a i5 ~ TE I' TE 1.2' CIE F r do ro ensure ade urthe s safe trans ortation nelwo e 9~ P Wade StreeV419 hn vema~ts pro TR I CTX Saf ]an vements eh pro SR 419 10 ~ %%%~ .:~:':`:):%%%%%?:;.;:;;;;; 4 S So 000 ...ff . ~ ;.,...:l: nx :•fc:•:rr,»::::'~::.:.~a:G:yE% ao "• . ~:::::'':x::;•7 4 ODO S 50, % £~%i`^'~':x`:~ .~ .................... 1.3.I~C~1.6.t~ , , , . . ;.k:.::i~;':a:•~••x•::•::• •::•;:;:r.:::::::::~i:•: x•::o;:::•::•::ao:::n ~:::::x•::::: • :::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::: , aaooo:~:::m;;;.;; ~:::.~::::.~::::::::. :?r: FLUE 1.3.1; movement of le and s. peop flood anchlands Pavin B R CTX ave Dirt Roads nenlanas 6 > i''.n:%%:'` ~ 00000 s 7 oo ono `~ #<~::,"h':<:>:>:~:>z ~ ::>:>:::>~< 000 400 :: '~'>z::':::>::~:>::> HE 1.1.9' CIE 1.3.1 o enhance Provides s cnue street avin t ppomng inE aster ( P BI : , .,+ .........:.....:.:#:..;.............. ............;....... , , .4......:::........... •;:o:. FLUE 1.3.1 evs~ stork eng Iwus,g N rth M A 0 oss nerd R CFX 'rMaintenan ao ce oss Road 6 ~ 1 S 300000 , :::<..: f .......:: ........................................ ::•::.:,::::::•~ .:::::::::•:::::::: • :: :::::::::::•::: .................... • ::::::::::::::::•. i 000 S J00, ii:3:~:~:: ::::::• ''~ CIE 1.3.1 CR 1.6.1 ' n LOS is maintained. Refurbishes ex;sti rhaz ease streets so ................. e:::.~aoo:•::aaaa a:~::a::: a:»::•r. :-:::::::::::::rr.:: m:-::-::o:::~::«.::.:: •: ~. ....................... FL 1 h UE .3. , .. S 2190000 S 4660000 995000 295000 285000 S 285 D00 6 20000 S • :::::::::::::::::.:::.. •.,•. ProjettNumbe ProjeMName LOS Fuudlug DeaerlptlonlJusOflcatlou LOCaIioR Raukiug c°qm urea Year12008109 Year22D0911D Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operating comprekmake Pleo Category Source Store ~y~ 2010111 2011!12 2012/13 Bud et lm aet RMereere De artment : STORMWATER Curb Wet lacemrnt Rep SW SUF M 'orM ' fi amtenance City Wide 6 S 5,000 S 5,000 S 5,000 S 5,000 $ 5,000 •~33t:"i :; S 2QOW.00 '.`::;:;`:;:;:;:;:;:";~ii: ~ CIE 13.2; C~ t.6.1; • •::rr. ~:.>;r::~: ~. FLUE ].3.1; HE 1.1.9 anal P' ' : Flamm o a Moss RmB 6 W UF 'orM ' amtenance s Rd area olM 6 000 S • Ciii:•iiiii'•iiii ..f :~::C1' ~'~~ `~' 'f I n..:Fff .rff.......f •v :~::::a . '~" .... f.. ':~::::::::: .. s tk•n••:..:: •:: ':Y - S IE 1.3.2 COi 1.6.1• L ~;'•>•3 :.:::.::w :.:........::.:..~t. %..;;:;wr.-;:::~-:;:: ;;.fol.. ~:x4.:::;;;r.:::::: FLUE L3.1; HE L 9 WiR Lake a (hatfall Smaclme W UF a'orM' amlenanc 6 2 %' %. •. ::c•`.`•t`:: ::: `' ~~a::::::»:_»» CIE 1.3.2 C~1.6.F lazanrnt Rep e ...................... .•..} :......:.: .. ................... .n................ :.;: .................... FLUE 13.1 HE 1.1.9 VVR Con I W UF ajorMainteriance 6 15 000 30 000 ~i: l:• l ~./.~.: ..h. n~.. :~:an: ~ .::::::::::::::::: ~: ;;;~:;;~:c•::::::.......t:: ........... Y"~;:.x:;~e::::.•:» . ». ~ • ~ >:~:;~:'<:;~ :<::i % ':" ~`fl~iii.'iii~:: S 30 D00 00 CIE 1.3.2; CIE 1.6.1; Replacetnem , , :: :•;:•:,;;;;:•; ; ;rg ; q+ ; :;:; ::::a\;~ \: ;.,, ? :::Yo'~:'': '.:%%fh`~~'a: , . FLUE t.3.1• HE L1.9 TMDL Master Plan SW SUF State Mandated Water i Ci Wide 6 S 57600 ~•• ,.~s:::: ~ ~~~ :roa•:::. ~:~ S - ln:•::::oext:•;;: CIF 1.3.21E Re 'red to meet Stazere anions. • ::::::::::::::.v:::::: ::::8;ta~,..o;.::: ~ • +kira::.."•.•::.:::• •::::::::::::::::::::: •..... ..:;:::.:~:::::::. :xGiiiiiiiiiiiiliii; N.D.LI; TMDL Water Quality ' SW SUF State Man W dated afar i i Wide 6 :~ S 000 5 0000 75000 :' S S :~: ~<~: : : ~ i :%'"`'~ i .~ I 80 Ooo.00 5 CIE 1.3.2 IE m ~Im water Re 'red to eat State re ations roves surface , M emem Pro eds . , . . i i ... ^>"~<iii:~rr.: N,D,LI; CE 1.3.2 eek Dredging W F r Maintenance Mal rious 6 .......... ... ...................... `~?:\:%~?5;1?~:f: ::~ » : 5000 ................................... •, ::: cc<:::::::::::::::.:::.y::::. ................... ..~ ~':~•'r.• :.1... "rl ~...:....~.: > :~+'S!~>.W:::. .,.( $: :•: ?~tj`k:?3::~ :3~:a:G:a:.::<.:::: ~:~s~'':'i:'~:i~:i'::~::~'r ~ :: : : •;r.s:;::•::w:•::;:•::•: ':~:~ S 350W.00 :~ ,~ ~:~::::z:i:~:~:~`i:~:~: CIE 1.3.2 C~ 1.6. h ~ ....... . :::;:;>,a ..~ . . . .. ........ .. . +`fi`~:~ . . -:: ~~.f .................. FLUE 1.3.1; HE L I 9 om Canal Pi N y P B W UF or Main tenance Mal m Road area baMY 6 :.:.:::::::::::::::::: %''?4':yi: ?~%'~:t '•S? :::::::::.:::::::.::.v •:: %~ :1 %~'~ .................. ~'r''~l'''i5~i. :. f ..r ff..:i So 000 %:k'<::a~x~::: : '.:"~i;~;:<~: : : ~ :: S ~ :::: x:.::::::::.v:.v: ~iiiii 0 ia: 50000 S ?~z?`;'J IE 1.3.2' ClE 1.6.1' : . ........... . ::::.v:::.y :: ::iiiiii:~;.; •: . : : ...................... ....................... ^:^:Mi::::::: i:0:^:•i> ::::•::::: .. . . : .a . n .:.::.:..... . :G::n;: :7F...:...»...... ::: ~:o::::::::::::: ~:::aiaaa:.::: •:+:..r:::.:.:::::::::::.~ :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: ~ ~~ . .3: ~;; ...~F ........: ....:. FLUE t.3.4 HE 1.1.9 ui ant SW SUF Equipment Replacanem 6 :;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";:; 38,000 5 S 25,000 S 25,OW S 25,000 S 25,000 S 138,000.00: ::SS:+S•,":• CIE 1.3.2; HE 1.3.9 Enables efficient operation ' eN-Skid Steer Loader SW SUF ui rntR lacemem Eq Pm N 6 : 'iiiiii:;:i;::i;:•".•;i: 60000 S ~ '~:i8i: ~ ~~:Y:::~:~:~:~:'u~:~:~: :• :~'r>~::::: .....................'5................. ~.».....Q. sS]». :bxo;;::nr.:%:: 60000.00 :???:i:::g`i:":: S , .~.................... IE 1.3.2; HE L3.9 Fables efficient raion ope ai t-StreGSw SW SUF en[R 1 acemeM E9mPm ~ Ci Wide ry 6 i •::•;::•::•:' :. ......... '::+: /r.•? ::!< 5..:!?!!<::is8iiii :;;• S 110000.00 :' i5 :~:isiir.':ii::::9'ii:::~:iiiiiiiiii:"~:.. :?::2~"~:... E"~F"%~8';'RF::?Y. S I IOOW.00 :. f.::•.»::: •..:.::. CIE 1.3.2' HE 1.3.9 Fvubles efficient ration ape T otal :t•;;.u•: ::e:•a:+aa:.: ; • .::•:•::::::•::•::•::•::•:;•::::oo:-:.:::::::.;;.;:::;: • ::::::::::::::::.::.::oaoa:~: aaa:~:~:o:::~:;a. ; 2 9 60D s 2 3 D00 s 30000 105000 140000 25 ODO s s S S 23000 s s Project project Name LOS Fuodiog Descriptlool Jusfifieafion Location Ranking c.qm n.at.s year12008/09 Year220D9/IO Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operating Comprehmdre Piss Number Ca o Source Store c""°'Y'~ 2010!11 2011!12 2012!13 Bud etlm act Reference De rtment: FIRE 2-2210-001 tation 2 8 tw (N !A F ff& E xandtn SemceforN ew P B 126 E SR 434 ~ ~;s:»:i::~:~:~;:~:; 500 000 iS i::;~:+t:t~k : ':~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:?:~:~:~ '+~ ~~ ~~~:~:~:~:~:~:X~: ~ 00 2,500, S :C~:~::'• ~ IE 1.7' CIE 1.7.4 GNF Develo ment .; . ................... . . ................. : :::::::::::::::::.v -221 - D2 0002 ' um Aena12 8 ew P Par ~ ) I A Fff & Ex n dt Service for New Pa" g 26 E SR434 • 7 r:`i S 50000 's'X2: # ~ `•`:•`:&:<k%•`:~~'?? 500110 '`•`:%%<~'%~~ E 1.7~ CIE 1.7.4 GNF Develo meet ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 042210.0DI En in e 26 R I acement ( ) NIA GNF R 1 e acement W 850 orthem a 4 22 S 39 0 385 000 : ':Gz::?:::2:i3~:~3:: ~ ?iirS:~i::'•: • ':%~:%:~~ 85000 : ~:5%%%%:%' IE L6' CIE 1.6.1 I - 04 70 002 R escue 26 R 1 acemem ( ) IA TF R latement y 850 Nonhem Wa .............. .............. ~:~:~ 2 ~~R:~:S:~:S:~:~:~::8:~: S 50 000 ~~~::~::~::~:~:?~:~::: ':~:~:::~i:B:~Y~ % %?:~£::::?:;::~:~: 2 S SO 000 ii :~ :~:~:~:~::~:~:~~ 8:'... E I C .6 CIE 1.6.1 850 Nordaem W 2 ry( ) ~ 04-170-D03 H earl Monitors A I t acemrn ( ) cR NIA MTF R I b m ni fi e acement eari o tors 2 N M R 0 oss oad3 75000 S ~~~~~~~~~'e:S: .'' 175000 k '?fff:~:~~~~~~3$iS IE 1.6'CIE 1.6.1 1126E 8434 1 S O : . 04-2210-002 BlChiefVehi I c e R lacemrnt ( eP ) NIA GNF R I ant acem iiii:+:: ?'?::::::i:ia: •'f'~i~':::°SS:iz1?::E ~iii:~iiiiiir~iiii .° ,..... 48 SOD :::::%%k%3:%:'?:''.:::: 46 00 ::%3:`•s:%::?::±:: :~ IE 1.6' CIE 1.6.1 Toil '?:: 2 394 D S 385 D00 2 50 S SOOOD 3 000 s S 2 23 00 S a 4108 500 S S Page 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM By Depadment prof Project Name LOS Funding DescripdonlJusdficadou Location Raoluag CaplWBudget year120D8l09 Year22009/10 Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operetiog compreheoskePlao Number Cato Source Score c•n.°'t•. 2010/11 2011/12 2017!13 Bud etlm ad Reference De artment: INFORMATION SERVICES T Project pro'ett Name 1 LOS Funding Descri fioWJusdfication P Location ~u~°g cqw eaaa<s " year12008/09 Year22009!]0 Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operefiog compreLenshre Plu Number Cat a Source Score °i"`°" "' 2010/11 2011!12 2011!13 Bud etlm aM Reference De artment: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT y. p ~a m.\....n :n .................................... .............. ............ .......................................n.~}~ .:f.:.........:..:n..........................9r•................... .i4.:::::::::::::....... ................... .iP................. ...............~................. .~................... .i..........n......:.. .......................... ^.\ 'Qi:i::::::M:::::iiiiiiiiiii:•: • :::::::::::::::J:d.::b:!:::^::isisd:0:•::iiiiii::.ii:•:4:iii:•i:•i:•i: +:vY•i ..:. x. .(~\'~ .. `'~iiifiiiiii: ~:~iiiiiiili: otal \ .....................................................................................................:. - - .......... ::::::::::.:~:::.•:::::::::::::.;~. S S S S - - - . Project pro'eM Name 1 LOS Funding Descri tion/Justifiretion p Location Raokiug c.qw awMa year 12006!09 Year22009/10 Year3 Year4 Years TOTALS Operetiog comprehendve Pl^n Number Cato Source Score c°°'°'Y°° 2010/11 2011/12 2012!13 Bud etlm act aeferenee De artment : OTHER •::: •. ;;;;;;;;;; :: : ' : 3 ' % ~ ' ' ' ~ FLUE 1.3.1 ~ FLUE- ;; :: v. j. ;,,,;,;, .......:..::::.:::: %1~%~i:^:~%%%% ;;%%:it:%%%::: y : :'~:~:~ ~<• •:~fi. % .~1..•::::~:~:~:~:>~:: ::r .::.:.:::::::: a::::: a:::::::::: ~; :\ 6:~::~:::: t::::;;;;:.. :^.~ .1.6' FLUE- 5.2.5' m res fwa m o Improves major Town Center riyhto y,p own Center Bld 4 sdew g 5 allc IA m Road p. s Its Fund (PublcSrdewalk Upgr.) own Center Bldg4 ~s,ooo ::tt+:J-;,.:::.:r, . ..\...,.. r.-:::xa:: :~ ao+'.:!•:••::u•::: • :•:::•::•::•r,::K:r,:+ t... ...\.. ... ::3::;;;;;::~::>::: :~;:: <>::~::::~:<~:.....::::., ~.;,.f::: n:: •::::.~: : ....:::::::::::.:~~,. ».:..<:.:;.:::>;:;•: ~::::: ,•:>::: :..~~::.;:.:..-:.~ :::::. ::::...... :. •~~ ir :: ~~ :+'~ ~R~'; ` : 3:;;::::i • ` : ::•l ~ • R%%` • $ ~ LUE-5.2.3' TE Town n N the far siea investme [ walkabJi ,is acazal r re ~' YS P ::n::n ............. .. .. : v. r. r~~ : •f•.. •:n:• :•:::::a;: i .:S , ::•> .s. . ::::::::::::.v::::::: .......................................».............::::.. S>~ ;.~, .,t• •.:>,.:.:r: Center and accomodates "•%\\';:v.: ;:J-::~::i:~:r::::::: ~;::~::~i::::::::;:::~::~;:•;r.~•!:~:::~:::::::::: ... 1.2.8 TE t.5.11 rla •;::R, ....................... f f ~: n \..m ~t R434 Median lands m IA 10 Fund FDOT Beau!. Grant R434 Medan 142,000 ::::::.:::v:::::::::::: f.f ............................ .::.. .~... .......... t. :~xia~»::::::. ...~ .................: :<• 1........... ...a.•..... ddr.::::»:u•;;::• :•::•::oo:•:xa:x;;; • ••: :. .... :: iii:iri::;;;`%%d:': ~ :~:::::>'6~::r.•".•:: ~• :•::::•::•:;::;r••;:> • ti..:...... .......... ...............:....... .::a:;.; ... • / E 14 ~ TE 1..9' ..9, 5 n roves mad funrnon zd beaunfication P Grant .. ....................... ................... •,.~.o.~:::::::. . ::..•~+.~.~.•..~:::::::: •:::»::.~ ::::::::::. :.':.•~t~•:::::.•.•:: •: •:::\~.,:O:. R434 Median End C IA oad Ln . 15 Fund Har U R434 Median 150 000 :::•~ + ;: u::or :::::::::::::. •:::.:::::.~:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ~l...:::::::: ~::. +:~' .: ~~`'ff ~~:'•:~:~ii:S~~:2~~2........:...,:..... ..,a, ! < ~ik~ 5;:: •::~F.Y•:~ ~::r:: xt:,':;;:: ~~>'<' ~ •5<> : F ......................... :n: •: i!•J!2>.l:$.v':::i:::; ::;::: ~•F.~!<~^t ~t':<?ii)i'v ~T.'!'':i%.i4'iw~iii~'.i' :~;1'\\1*~.'y`w»q ....................... % E 1.5.9' m roves mad (unction and beautification P BD Ph 2 BeautiErafion A LBD 3 Fund Sfreetli t/Deco. Si scawilla PUD 58 D00 ::J.•i:•:•l'.yY.l4'!•\:4:;. .i»y:iiii'l.•iiiii: •ii:•i:•:0:0 <:•k'0:•i:•i::•: <"! C .. ~ .. '.rf.~iii:~i)> iai~iiii;:j;:;i:':~::. <+`•f ... ':`•%':~::~ ~:b::aa:;•:::o`+ `•:•::• ~:r~kia~»i:.~•. ....fir ...:............. ~...... .. ...:~S•................. ~.................. ~ ...........::f.•.... .5.9i i won I roves mad function and beautl c mp Tagl : 62 000 S S S S S S S S FUNDING SOURCES 1CTX ONE GENT SALES 7A%IROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND)-115 BND BONDS CBDG GRANTS CF 1999 CONSTRUCTION CAPITAL PROJECT FUND-305 DEF DEVELOPMT SERY. ENTERPRISE FUND FIMF FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND GNF GENERAL FUND GR7 GRANT6 LGT% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX (TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND) MTF MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION FUND 0TH OTHER PIMF PARKS REC IMPACT FEE FUND SUF STORMWATER UTILITY (ENTERPRISE)FUNO TIMF TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND UCF UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND UEF UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND URF UTILITY RENEWALaREPIACEMT FUND Page 5