HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 03 12 Consent 202 Public Works Facility
ITEM 202
March 12,2007
REQUEST: UtilitylPublic Works Department is requesting appropriation of additional
funding for unforeseen cost to the Public Works Facility.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization for $18,571 for the
Utility/Public Works Facility project.
The design of the electrical system for the Utility/Public Works Facility was based
upon the original desire of an administration building, garage, operations building and one
storage building. The administration building and the garage were designed to share electrical
power from one transformer and the operations building to share another transformer with up
to 4 storage buildings. At complete build out, both transformers would have a requirement to
be of a specific type as required by Progress Energy.
Higher than expected construction cost during the bid process resulted in a decision
to not build the administration building, but instead add another storage building. This
reduced the electrical load on the shared transformer between the garage and administration
building. This reduced load did not reduce the size of the transformer, but did cause some
internal wiring of the transformer supplied by Progress Energy to change. This requirement
did not become evident until the transformers were delivered and installed by Progress
Energy the week of February 19,2007.
This change of transformer set up created an unexpected change in the electrical
wiring leading from the transformer to the garage building. Due to the high cost of the
electrical copper wiring which now must be installed, subsequent removal and new
031207 _ COMM_ Consent_ 202 _ Additiona1_ Appropriation _ Utility-PW _Compound
Consent Agenda Item 202
March 12, 2007
Page 2 of 2
installation of additional number of wires, exceeds the contract contingency fund previously
approved. The cost of this change order is $18,571.00.
Without the installation of the additional copper wiring, power can not be supplied to
the garage building. Final inspections are projected to take place the week of March 19,
2007, with CO issued. For this to occur, the wiring change must take place.
The source of funds is the Public Facility Capital Project Fund (311-65000-30037)
which has sufficient funds for this change order.
It is recommended that an increased authorization of $18,571.00 be approved for the
Utility/Public Works Facility project electrical service change order payable from (311-