HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 11 03 Regular Item C CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Communily Development Dept. Planning Division PLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM: II.C. ELIZABETH MORSE FOUNDATION PROPERTY LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT LG-CPA-2-99 STAFF REPORT: The Community Development Department - Planning Division StaffRepDrt to the Development Review Committee on the above proposed comprehensive plan amendment is attached along with the minutes of the DRC on this item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708.2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development Depl. Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: Development Review Committee DATE: Thomas Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coorcr:-y ~ -- October 14, 1999 FROM: RE: DRC Review of Proposed Elizabeth Morse Foundation Property Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment for October 19th meeting. DRCREVlEW OF ELIZABETH MORSE FOUNDATION PROPERTY PLAN AMENDMENT: The proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendment for the Elizabeth Morse Foundation property results from the annexation of 59.45 acre parcel in the county enclave on the east side of Spring Avenue north ofS.R. 434 and request by the owner to develop the property at a higher density than what is currently allowed by the county. The Development Review Committee historically has been the staff level forum to review developments proposed in the City. This comprehensive plan amendment has a direct bearing on the type and density of development that would be allowed on the prope1ty when the owner proceeds to develop the property. l~\ The DRC needs to review and make recommendation on the proposed plan amendment to the Local Planning Agency (LP A) on October 19th. The LP A will review the amendment and make recommendation on November 3, 1999 to the City Commission whether the plan amendment should be transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs and whether it should be adopted, adopted with changes, or voted down at a second public hearing to be held by the Commission. .~1 .~ f~ , t I.. r, l'~ PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW PROCESS: October 19, 1999 November 3, 1999 December 13, 1999 Near End of February, 2000 In, April, 2000 In May, 2000 .( ,\1 ",.' [Fall Amendment Cycle] Development Review Committee review and recommendation to the Local Planning Agency Local Planning Agency review and recommendation to City Commission City Commission votes to transmit plan amendment to DCA for its review and ORC Report. DCA sends ORC Report to City. City responds to ORC Report and advertises for 2nd public hearing. City Commission holds 2nd public (adoption) hearing. ~"""""-"'S-<L' 6: ____~ ,~ ~ ".. . }, <J . (Jl 'l:"'~'" . I'IS'! .. '~l..OR\Of"-' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STAlE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 3270B.2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITfEE AGENDA ITEM: III. LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT, VOLUME 2 OF 2 FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) [2010] CHANGlNG THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION FROM COUNTY A-I0 "AGRICULTURE" TO CITY FLUM DESIGNATION "LOWER DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" (LG-CP A-2-99) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -' PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO THE DRC 'APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The Development Review Committee (DRC) has historically been the staff level forum to review developments proposed in the City. The provisions of 163.3174(4) Florida Statutes which states "Be the agency (Local Planning Agency) responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan. During the preparation of the plan or plan amendment and prior to any recommendation to the governing body, the Local Planning Agency shall hold at least one public hearing, with public notice, on proposed plan or plan amendment." The provisions of Sec. 2-57 of the City Code which state in part ". . .the planning and zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency pursuant to the county comprehensive planning act and the local government comprehensive planning act of the state. . ." 1. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: OWNER: Harling Locklin Associates 850 Courtland Street Orlando; FL 32804 Elizabeth Morse Foundation P. O. Box 40 Winter Park, FL 32790 . 1 Development Review Committee October 19, 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse Foundation Amendment LG.cPA-2-99 ....'''.'.'1' REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a change of Future Land Use Map designation from county R- IO "Agriculture" (I DU per acre maximum) to the City's "Lower Density Residential" (1.1 - 3.5 DU per acre). PURPOSE: To develop the property as a single family residential subdivision. A. SITE INFORMATION 1. PARCEL NUMBER 31-20-31-5BB-0000-0150 3 1-20-3 1-5BB-0000-00IA 31-20-31-5BB-0000002D 31-20-31-5BB-0000-003A 2. ACREAGE: 59.45 acres 3. GENERAL LOCATION: North of S.R. 434 and south of Lake Jessup, west of the beltway and east of Spring Ave. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (see Attachment A) 5. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The property has been in the unincorporated area of the county. 6. DEVELOPMENT TRENDS: This general area along S.R. 434 in proximity to the beltway is experiencing development pressure. In recent years the McKinley's Mill residential subdivision was built on the south side of S.R. 434 just west of the subject property. Recently, the Battle Ridge property was approved for a 108 lot residential subdivision and conservation area. Just to the west of the beltway, Hess Service Station has been built, Kash-N-Karry Food Store is about to be built as well as the 252 unit Courtney Springs Apartment complex. The City intends to create a higher density/intensity mixed use "GreeneWay Interchange 2 Development Review Committee October 19. 1999 Fall Amendmc"Ilt Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse Foundation Amendment LG-CPA-2-99 District" modeled somewhat after the county's Higher Intensity Planned Development (HIPs) found around the airport, the 1-4 Corridor, etc. around a major transportation nexus. 7. EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Just over half the property is in active citrus grove, and the remainder is vacant with tree cover. 8. LETTERSIPHONE CALLS IN FAVOR OR IN OPPOSITION: No inquires or comments in favor or in opposition to the proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendment at the time of preparation of this Staff Report (10/15/99). B. EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: Small cottage-type houses between the subject property and Lake Jessup. South: Vacant land. East: The beltway (S.R 417 "The GreeneWay); further east is vacant treed area. West: Small cottage-type houses. C. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (county) "Suburban Estates" (maximum 1 DU per acre) Requested: "Lower Density Residential" (1.1 - 3.5 DU/acre). NOTE: Applicant has requested City FLUM designation during Fall 1999 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle. D. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: (county) "Low Density Residential" (4 DU /acre maximum). South: Mixed Use. NOTE: "GreeneWay Interchange District" FLUM designation recently adopted by City Commission, now awaiting approval by DCA. East: The Beltway; further east "Conservation" . West: (county) "Low Density Residential" (4 DU/acre maximum). 3 Development Review Committee October 19. 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse FOUlldation Amendment LG'{;PA-2-99 E. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (county) A-I0 "Agriculture" (1 DU/I0 acre maximum) Requested: R-IA (8,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size; 75 ft lot width) F. ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: (county) R-l "Single Family Dwelling District" (8,4,00 sq. ft. minimum lot size) South: PUD. NOTE: "GreeneWay Interchange District" Zoning Regulations recently adopted by City Commission dependent on approval of the "GreeneWay Interchange District" FLUM designation by DCA. East: No zoning designation on east side of Beltway on the Battle Ridge wetland area; R-IA on eastern portion of Battle Ridge property. West: (county) R-I and A-IO. III. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS: The following summarizes the data and/or issues which the applicant analyzed in reviewing this application: Attachment A is the applicant's supporting data & analysis. NOTE: It is City policy that the applicant of a large scale comprehensive plan amendment provide the necessary data and analysis in accordance with 9J-5.005(2) Florida Administrative Code, and Rule 9J-ll.006(1)(b) 1. - 5. Florida Administrative Code. City staff performs the analysis of " consistency/compatibility" ofthe proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendment with the City, State and Regional comprehensive plans. [ per 163.3177(10)(A) F.S. , 9J-5.001(9) F.A.C. and 9J- 5.021(4) F.A.C. ] D. CONSISTENCY/COMPATIBILITY WITH CITY, STATE, AND REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLANS: 1. WITH THE CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The proposed plan amendment is compatible with and consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and not in conflict with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically: 4 Development Review Committee October 19, 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse FoUlldation Amendment LG'{;PA-2-99 E. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (county) A-IO "Agriculture" (1 DU/IO acre maximum) Requested: R-IA (8,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size; 75 ft lot width) F. ZONIl"lG ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: (county) R-l "Single Family Dwelling District" (8,4,00 sq. ft. minimum lot size) South: PUD. NOTE: "GreeneWay Interchange District" Zoning Regulations recently adopted by City Commission dependent on approval of the "GreeneWay Interchange District" FLUM designation by DCA. East: No zoning designation on east side of Beltway on the Battle Ridge wetland area; R-IA on eastern portion of Battle Ridge property. West: (county) R-l and A-IO. III. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS: The following summarizes the data and/or issues which the applicant analyzed in reviewing this application: Attachment "B" is the applicant's supporting data & analysis. NOTE: It is City policy that the applicant of a large scale comprehensive plan amendment provide the necessary data and analysis in accordance with 9J-5.005(2) Florida Administrative Code, and Rule 9J-11.006(1)(b)1. - 5. Florida Administrative Code. City staff performs the analysis of "consistency/compatibility" of the proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendment with the City, State and Regional comprehensive plans. [ per 163.3177(10)(A) F.S. , 9J-5.00 I (9) F.A.C. and 9J- 5.021(4) F.A.C. ] D. CONSISTENCY/COMPATIBILITY WITH CITY, STATE, AND REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLANS: 1. WITH THE CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The proposed plan amendment is compatible with and consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and not in conflict with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically: 4 Development Review Committee October 19. 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse FOUlldation Amendment LG'{;PA-2-99 (>!"""~'t"'r.t<'''''''' "~('('(''''.,, " ~'~',~",:"",...,.,., .. . ~..., . Land Use Element: Goal 1 Policy 3 of Objective A under Goal 1 Policy 4 of Objective A under Goal 4 Policy 2a of Objective A under Goal 3 Recreation and Open Space Element: Policy 1 of Objective E under Goal I Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element: Policy 5 of Objective A under Goal 1 Policy 6 of Objective A under Goal 1 Intergovernmental Coordination Element: Policy 1 of Objective D under Goal 1 Objective E under Goal I Policy la, Id of Objective F under Goal 1 2. WITH THE STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 163.3177(10)(A) F.S. The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers goals and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan in' Chapter 187 F .S. List of goals, objectives and policies that indicate consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan: '9J-5.021(4) F.A.C. STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (8) Water Resources Goal (a), Policies 5, 10, 12 (16) Land Use Goal (a), Policy 3 (22) The Economy Policy 3 NOTE: A Local comprehensive plan shall be consistent with a Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan or the State Comprehensive Plan if the local plan is compatible with and furthers such plans. 9J-5.021(1) F.A.C. l~ ~ 0.,;. t~' 5 Development Review Committee October 19, 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse FOUlldation Amendment LG-CP A-2-99 The term "compatible with" means that the local plan is not in conflict with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate comprehensive regional policy plan. The term "furthers" means to take action in the direction of realizing goals or policies of the state or regional plan. 9J-5.021(2) F.A.C. For the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or the appropriate regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies in the plans. 9J-5.021(2) F.A.C. 3. WITH THE EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE REGIONAL POLICY PLAN: 186.507 F.S.; 27-E-4 F.A.C. The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers goals and policies of the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. List of goals, objectives and policies that indicate consistency with the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan 9J-5.021(4) F.A.C. EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE REGIONAL POLICY PLAN: Policy 57.1: 1,4, 5 Policy 58.1,2 Policies 65.5 NOTE: A Local comprehensive plan shall be consistent with a Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan or the State Comprehensive Plan if the local plan is compatible with and furthers such plans. 9J-5.021(1) F.A.C, The term "compatible with" means that the local plan is not in conflict with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate comprehensive regional policy plan. The term "furthers" means to take action in the direction of realizing goals or policies of the state or regional plan. 9J-5.021(2) F.A.C. 6 Development Review Committee October 19, 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse F oUlldalion Amendment LG'{;PA-2-99 For the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or the appropriate regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies in the plans. 9J-5.021(2) F.A.C. IV. FINDINGS: . The proposed future land use change from county Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation R-IO "Agriculture" (I DU per 10 acres maximum) to the City's FLUM designation of "Lower Density Residential" (1.1 - 3.5 DU per acre) on the subject property is compatible with adjacent county FLUM designations of "Low Density Residential" (4 DU per acre maximum) on the west and north side of of the Elizabeth Morse Foundation property. . The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan · The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers elements of the State Comprehensive Plan, in Chapter 187 F.S. · The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers elements of the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. V. SUGGESTED DRC RECOMMENDATION TO THE LPA: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the Development Review Committee make the following recommendation to the Local Planning Agency: 1. That the City Commission hold a first (transmittal) public hearing and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CP A-2-99), to change from county Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation R-lO "Agriculture" (I DU per 10 acres maximum) to the City's FLUM designation of "Lower Density Residential" (1.1 - 3.5 DU per acre) the Elizabeth Morse Foundation property on the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element (Volume 2 of2); and 2. Hold a second public hearing, after receiving and reviewing the ORC Report, to adopt the plan amendment. j~~ 7 ;';i: :,'4 :'j Development Review Conunittee October 19. 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle. 1999 Elizabeth Morse F oUlldation Amendment LG-CPA-2-99 A TTACID\1ENTS: A. Legal Description of the Elizabeth Morse Foundation Property. B. Applicant's supporting data & analysis for comprehensive plan amendment. 8 Development Review Committee October 19, 1999 Fall Amendment Cycle, 1999 Elizabeth Morse FOUlldation Amendment LG'{;PA-2-99 '\ I '\ , LEGAL DESCml'TlON Lots 1.2,3,4, 5, and 6, Section 32, Township 20 SoutlI, Range 31 East, ALSO Lots 1,2,3, '/, and 8 of Section 5, Township 21 Soulh, Range 3\ Easl. (lASS beginning 20 feet 10 of and 274.1 feet S oflhe NW comer of Lot 3, Section 5, TUn E 366.6 fe<l N 060 05' E 507.3 feel, N 000 12' E 321.7 fcct, S 87032' W 193 feel, N 040 30' W 269.1 fcel. S 890 04' E 652.\ feet, S 89056' E 420 feel, N 241.9 feet to shore of Lake Jessup. W'ly along shore 1,286 fect 10 Ihe E linc of Spring Avenuc; S 1,173 feet to bcginning), bcing 91 acres, more or less. All abovc real property being a part of the Phillip R. Young Grant according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book I, Page 35. Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. ALSQ A right ofingrcss and egress over thatl0-foot strip ofland adjoining and running along the N'ly side of a line commencing 20 fed 10 and 274.1 feet S of the NW comer of Lot 3 of Seelion 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, run E 366.6 feet and a right of ingress and egress ovcr that IO-foot strip of land adjoining and nmning along Ihc W'ly side of line commencing 366.6 feet E of a point 20 fcel E and 274.1 fcct S of thc NW comer of Lot 3, Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 E, run N 060 05' 10 507.3 feet. thence N 000 12' E 321.7 feet. said LOI 3 appears in the plat of Phillip R. Young Grant as rccorded in Plat Book 1, Pagc 35 of the public Reeords of Seminole County, Florida. L,css the E 25 fcct of Lots 2 and 8 of said Section 5; less W 25 fccl of Lots I, 3, and 7 of said Seelion 5 and less W 25 feet ofLol2 and E 25 feet of Lot 3 of said Section 32. LESS A part of Lot 1, Section 5. Township 2l South, Range 31 East, and Lots 1, 2,and 3, Section 32, Township 20 South, Range 31 Easl oflhe Phillip R. Young Granl, according to thc plat thcreof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35 of the Public Rccords of Seminole County, Florida, bcing more particularly described as follows: Commcnce at the NE corner of said Section 5; thence run S 880 49' 39" W along the N line of said Section 5, a distance on 89.88 feet to the NE comer of said Lot 1, Section 5 of thc Phillip R. Young IJraot for a point ofbcginning: thence TUn S 040 42' 40" W along the E line of said Lot 1, Section 5. a distance of 665.23 fccl to the SE corncr of said Lot 1, Section 5; thcncc run S 880 49' 39" W along the S linc of said Lot 1, Seelion 5, a distance of 204.39 feel; thence departing said S line run N 250 45' 00" W, a dislMee of 1,386.79 feet to a point on the E line of the W 25.00 feet of said Lol2, Section 32; thcnee TUn NOlo 17' 12" W along said E line a distance of 408.90 feet to a point on Ihe N line of said LoI 2, Section 32: thence departing said E linc run S 830 47' 20" E .Iong said N linc a disl;u)ec of 949.00 fcel to the NE comer of said Lot 1. Section 32; thence TUn S 04" 42' 40" W along the E line of said Lot 1. Section 32. a distance of 891.00 r ) fcc\ to \he point of bcginl\in~;, ) ) ) ) AND A.L$O LESS Commence at lhe NE comer of said Section 5 also being the STI comer of said Seclion 32; thence ron S 88049' 39" W along the N line of said Section 5, also being the S line of said Section 32, a distance of 1,088.05 feet to a point on the W line of the E 25.00 feet of said Lot 3, Seclion 32; thence departing the S line of said Seclion 5 and the S line of said Section 32, !Un N 010 IT 12" W along said W line, a distance of 709.22 fed for a point c.:-~cginning; thence departing said W line run N 250 45' 00" W a distance of 103.97 feet; thence run S 880 46' 48" W a disUlnce of 69.93 feet to a poinl on the E line of amended plat of first addition to Mine",1 Springs, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8. Pages 46 and 47 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run NOlO 09' 12" W along said E line a distance of225.66 feel to a point on the N line of said Lot 3, Section 32; thence dcparting said E line run S 83047' 20" E along said N line, a distance of 113.43 feet to a point on the aforesaid W lioe of the E 25.00 feet of said Lot 3, Section 32; thenec departing said N line run SOlo IT 12" E along said W line a dislanee on05.58 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 24.179 acres, more or less. ALSO LESS A part of the W 25,00 feet of Lol 2 and the E 25.00 feet of Lot 3, Scction 32, Township 20 South, Range 31 East of the Phillip R.. Young Grant, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plit Book 1. Pagc 35 of thc Public Records ofSeminolc County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the SW comer of said Section 32; thence run S 880 49' 39" W along the S line of said Section 32, a distance of i,038.05 feet to a point on the E line of the W 25.00 feel of said Lot 2; thence departing said S line run N 010 17' 12" W along said E line a distance of 599.42 feet for a point of beginning: thence departing said E lioc run N 250 45' 00" W a distance of 120.74 fect to a point on the W line oflhe E 25.00 feet of said Lot 3; thence nm NOlo IT 12" W along said W line a distance op05.58 feet to a point 00 the N line of said Lot 3: thence departing said W line run S 830 41' 20" E along the N line of said Lot 2 and 3 a distance of 50.43 feel to a point on the E line of the W 25.00 feet of said Lot 2; thence departing said N line run S 010 17' 12" E along said E line a distance of 408.90 feet to the point ofbeginoing. Containing 17,862 sgu..a.rc fed. more: or lc:ss_ ',; ;:j I .l, I;,! " " '" ' ^' . OCT -18-99 liON 04: 07 PII FA:< NO, p, 02 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation 68+/- Acre City of Winter Springs Site Applicntion Request. Amendment to the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan to change the subject site Future Land Use Desiglllltion from Seminole County A-IO (1 du/ 10 acres) to City of Winter Springs Low Density Residential (1.1 - 3.5 dul acre), Ceneral Location - The amendment site property is located on the west side ofSR 417 (Geeneway Exprcssway), north o[State Road 434, east of Spring Avenue and south of Lakc Jcsup. Introlluction - Thc subjcct propcrty was rccently annexed into the City of Winter Springs from Seminole County. This applieation for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment is the next step in the ultimatc goal of rezoning the property and developing the site v>'ith low density residential. Based upon the proposed dcvelopmcnt program the project will consist of an estimated 110 to 120 single family residences. The requestcd Zoning is R-IA which requires a minimum lot width of75 feet and a minimum lot size of8,OOO SF. The site is currently utilized for citrus with nO significant improvements in place, The site is bound cd by thc Central Florida Grcenway (SR 417) on the east, small lot residential to the north and wes1 and the currently vaeant Cassells Trust property to the south. The surrounding land uses, zoning and futurc land lIse designations are presented on Exhibt . ^' and discussed in grcater detail below. Land Use Analysis - The subject site is part ofan isolated remnant of unincorporated Seminole County surrounded on 2 sides (east and south) by the City of Winter Springs. The propcrty to the east consists of the SR 417 right-of-way which cffectively isolates the site on this border. The property 10 the south is part of the Cassells Trust PUD. The 250 +/. acre Cassels PUD is dcsignated for Commcrcial, Oflice and Multi-family. The lands to the north and west arc part of an old subdi,'ision with platted lots ranging from 50' to 70' wide and 70' to 160' deep. The land is within unincorporated Seminolc County and it is zoncd R-I, The section to the north consists of 12 +/- homcs on a narrow 300 feet wide strip ofland laying between the subject sitc and Lake Jessup. To the west are an additional 30+1- platted lots, the Highley's Fish Camp (Seminole Counly Owned) and Clifton Springs a privately owned artesian well sitc. The nearby existing residential developmcnts along SR 434 include lots ranging from 50 to 100' in width and 100 to 200' in depth. Futurc commercial development is projected for the majority of OCT - i 3-S9 liON 01;: 08 Pli FAX NO, p, 03 the remaining vacant land honting on SR 434. Thc amcndmcnt site is an cssence an infiU site with existing low density residential to the north & wcst, thc ~pprovcd Cassel's pun to the south and SR 417 to the east, Urban scrviccs arc available and the proposed land use (low density residential) is a compatible use with the existing and proposcd dcvelopment pattern. Justification of Need - Thc City of Winter Springs is in the midst of creating 1hc "Grccnway Interchange District' that will incorporate all lands along SR 434 betwccn SR 417 and Tuskawilla. Development within 1he Greenway Intcrchange District is oriented towards more intcnsc uses including Multi-family, Officc and Commercial uses. The creation of this zoning overlay v.ill etlectively eliminate the last remaining development parccls available for Single Family Residential dcvelopmcnt within Ihe SR 434 corridor on the east side of Winter Springs. B~scd upon current growth projections for Scminole County and The City of Winter Springs thcrc is a significant need for housing within the project site area. The subjcct sitc is a viable residential1ract convcnicntly located near an existing collector and arterial roadway system. The projects proximity to SR 417 is especially important in providing access to 1he rcgions ovcrall roadway nctwork. The subject property is set back from SR 434 providing buffering from this roadway, this separation ITom SR 434 is part of the reasons the sitc is not well suited for Commercial or Officc uses. In addition the proposed low dcnsity residential would be morc compatible with the cstablished residential uscs 10 the west and north than office or commercial uses. Residential development on the subject site will be protected from the future commercial oriented dcvclopment activity 10 the south (Cassel's POO) by setbacks and bullers required by the City land development codc and the Cassel's PUD approvals. The proposed amendment is a change in land use from Agricultural (1 du/ 10 acre) to Low Density Residential (1.1 - 3.5 du/ acre). The services required by the proposed development activity :Ire currently available and within the capacity of the providers. fire Protection - City Fire Station #2 (County designation #26) is within 3 miles ofthe arnentlment sitc, within a 5 minutc rcsponse time. The project dcveloper will extentl City water mains to thc development site providing sufficient watcr supply for fIre suppression. No addition fucilitics, equipment or staffing would be anticipated due to this amendmcnt. Law Enforcement - Thc City of Winter Springs currently provides law cnforcement services to for propcrties on 2 sidcs of the amendment site. The limited addition dcmands created by the proposed projcct will have minor impacts and no addition fdcilities, cquipment or staffing would be anticipated due to this amendment. OCT-i8-gs 1101-1 04:08 PI1 FA:< 1-10. P. 04 Sebool~ - The sitc is withi.n the Seminole County School District, the schools that would scrve residents of the site are La\\1on Elementary on Graham Street in Oviedo or Keeth Elcmcntary on TuskawiUa Road in Winter Springs, Indian Hills Middle School on Tuskawilla in Winter Springs and Winter Springs High School on Tuskawilla Road or Oviedo High School on King Street in Oviedo. Based upon the anticipated development program of 115 lots (110-120) the projected student population would be approximately 89 students. Elementary - 45 studcnts tvtiddle School- 22 students High School- 22 students Water & Sewer - The project site is within the City ofWintcr Springs servicc area. Based upon inlonnation supplied by the City the site can be serviced by the East Water & Wastcwater Treatment Facility. The City hIlS a 10" water line on thc north side ofSR 434 at Vista willa and a 6" force main locatcd just south of SR 434 on Vista\\oilla. The developer will extend watcr up Spring ^ venue to serve the site. The proposed development will includc a sanitary lifl station with a force main connection to the existing sanitary line on Vistawilla. All service line extensions and connections will be the responsibility of the developcr with no costs borne by the City. Transportlllion - Acccss to the site is from Spring Avenue a dead cnd road which intersects SR 434, 1500 feet to the south. The interchange with SR 417 (Central Florida Greenway) is less than a mile to the east. Tuskawilla Road is approximately 1.5 miles to thc west and SR 17/92 is locatcd approximately 7 miles to the west. The proposed development program of 115 lots would ercatc an estimated 1,098 uveruge daily trips (adt's). Spring A vcnue is classified as a rural local collector, it is an improved unpavcd road serving the 45 +/- homcs and a small fish camp locatcd on Lake Jesup. City approvals for dcvclopment activity on the subject site will require upgrading Spring Avenue to current City slandards from SR 434 to thc project entrance. SR 419/ 434 is a 4 lane divided State Road classificd as a Minor Arterial. Seminolc County 1998 traffic counts indicate the road handles 17,154 adt's between Spring AWllue and SR 417 and 18,617 adt's from Spring Avenue and Tuskawilla Road. Based On the 1998 County data SR 434 bctwcen SR 417 and TuskawilJa Road is operating at level of service B and has 29,176 trips available. 'fhc proposed development ac1ivity would provide a potential 6% increase in adt's and utili7,c less than 4% of the availahle trips. The proposed development would be required to pay $102,459 in Transportation Impact Fees to the City ofWintcr Springs. OCT -18-99 liON O~: 09 PII FAX NO, P. 05 Parks & Recreation - Residential developments within the City of Winter Springs are required to set asidc 5% of the sites gross acreage as II park! l'ecrcation site. The 68'1-/- acn' subjcct site developed as low dcnsity residential would include a 3.4 acre park site. Ba5cd upon preliminary sitc planning the majority of the park area would bc located bctween the proposed residential lots and thc existing homes locatcd to the north near Lake Jesup. Property Value - Ad Valorem Taxes The proposed change in land usc from agricultural to residential will increase the property valuc from $75,000 (bascd On 1998 Seminole County Tax Appraisal Data) to $710,000 (removal of agricultural exemption). At build out the combined Ad Valorcm taxcs would increase from $1,200 to over $30,000.00 pcr year. Ad Valorem taxes provide funds for the operating expenses for a number ofpublic services including: police and fire protection, schools, publie transportation, libraries, parks and recreation, streets and drainagc. These yearly 'property taxes' are in addition to the Impact Fees and Connection Charges listed below. Impact Fees & Connection Charges Both the City ofWintcr Springs and Seminole County will impose Impact Fees or connection charges to offset the capital expcnses of expanding public services to serve the site. Based on the proposed development program of 115 lots an estimated $405,325 in fees will bc collected by thc City of Winter Springs. Transportation Fee - $102,459 Watcr Connection Fee - $64,400 Sanitary Connection Fee - $217,350 Law Enforcement Fee - $7,821 Fire Protection Fee - $13.295 OCT -18-99 110~! 04: 09 Pll FAX NO. p, 06 LAKE JESSUP o ::J Cl. --- ,-.~r f ~~"~A~::L~. C-1 PUD .. 0." .--- ---'.. -.-"..--- .-.-.--.-. -R=--U ~ ..-.-.- ......--.-'T~I I I &it SR 434-.JjL...... '1.' , Q ",, ""')' 1.....11'" -z' -~ q, -. .., '" <},' R..3A SEMI NO E -.-'-.--.-- . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 112G EAST STATE ROAO 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLQRIOA 32708.2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OCTOBER 19, 1999 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Submitted by: Tania Haas Administrative Secretary Community Development Department CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER The Development Review Committee meeting was called to order Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Charles Carrington, A1CP in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter springs, Florida 32708). RollCall Carrington Grimms Cook Jenkins Houck Hall Dallas LeBlanc Tolleson IT. REGULAR AGENDA A. Winter Springs Executive Park Pre-Application Meeting, Final Engineering The above referenced final engineering, pre-application meeting for Winter Springs Executive Park. There was discussion between City staff and D. Cathcart and J. Cathcart who reprcsented the project. Stan Mann ofFDOT made comments also. B. Elizabeth Morse Foundation Property Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment LG-CPA-2-99 Changing the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation from County A-lO "Agriculture" to City FLUM Designation "Lower Density Residential". The Development Review Committee considered the Elizabeth Morse Foundation Property Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element, Changing the Future Land Use Map Designation from County R-IO "Agriculture" to "Lower Density Residential". Randy Kirkwood represented Harling Locklin Associates. Staff members present were Carrington, Grimms, Cook, Jenkins, Houck, Hall, Dallas, LeBlanc and Tolleson. Randy Kirkwood noted the property is located north of S,R, 434 and south ofLakc Jessup, west of the beltway and east of Spring Avenue, The Chairman noted for the record that the subject property was approved for annexation at the September 27, 1999 Commission meeting and is pending rezoning approval. Houck, LeBlanc, Jenkins, Hall, Dallas and Tolleson had no comments at this time. Grimms discussed the boundary survey that calculated greater acreage from 59.45 to 67.85 acres. Grimms made a motion that the Development Review Committee make the following recommendation to the Local Planning Agency: 1. That the City Commission hold a first (transmittal) public hearing and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CP A-2-99), to change from Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation R-IO "Agriculture" (1 DU per 10 acres maximum) to the City's :FLUM designation of "Lower Density Residential" (1.1- 3.5 DU per acre) the Elizabeth Morse Foundation property on the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan Use Element (Volume 2 of2); and 2. Hold a second public hearing, after receiving and reviewing the ORC Report, to adopt the plan amendment. Tolleson seconded the motion. The chairman called for any discussion. Hearing none, the chairman called for the vote. All were in favor. Motion passed. C. Tuscawilla PUD - Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment LG-CPA-3-99 Changing the Future Land Use Map Designation from "Recreation" to Designation "Lower Density Residential". The Development Review Committee considered the Tuscawilla PUD Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element, the Future Land Use Map Designation from "Recreation" to "Lower Density Residential". Rob Holland and Steve Loveland represented Tuscawilla Country Clubs Inc. John Howell represented the firm Holland and Knight. Joel Ivey represented Ivey, Harris and Walls, Inc, Staff members present were Carrington, Grimms, Cook, Jenkins, Houck, Hall, Dallas, LeBlanc and Tolleson. Joel Ivey presented a brief overview of the proposed project and stated a commitment to deliver a project consistent with the proposed amendment and also noted his commitment to deliver a product acceptable to the marketplace, Grimms summarized Section IV- Findings located in the memo and staff report attached. Houck raised the question how this would impact the tennis court and golf course areas and had staff made a determination if what has been proposed coincides with the development agreement. Joel Ivey stated after a brief discussion that there would be no impact on the tennis court and golf course areas. Cook sought clarification on easements, Joel Ivey noted that easements would be maintained. Hall discussed concerns as they relate to Howell Creek and asked if a wetland survey had been performed, Dallas had no comments at this time. Grimms made a motion that the Development Review Committee make the following recommendation to the Local Planning Agency: 1. That the City Commission hold a first (transmittal) public hearing and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive l'lan Amendment (LG-CP A-3-99), to change the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation "Recreation" to the FLUM designation of "Lower Density Residential" (1.1 - 3.5 DU per acre) the Tuscawilla PUD Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 property on the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use element (Volume 2 of2), and 2. Hold a second public hearing, after receiving and reviewing the ORC Report, to adopt the plan amendment. Houck seconded the motion. The chairman called for any discussion. Hearing none, the chairman called for the vote, All in favor except LeBlanc. Motion passed. LeBlanc began di scussing inclusion of additional language to motion as passed. Houck added that he agreed with LeBlanc's suggestion for additional language, LeBlanc requested the chairman to entertain a second motion modifying the motion as voted. The chairman accepted the request, but remarked that there must be a motion to amend a previously adopted motion. LeBlanc stated "so moved"; seconded by Houck. LeBlanc stated the he makes the following motion: That the development conform to the existing Development Agreement and that any development meets all the current regulations of the City, Houck seconded the motion, The chairman hearing no further discussion called for the vote. Motion passed unanimously. D. Town Center Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment LG-CPA-1-99 Creating a New Designation "Town Center". The Development Review Committee considered the Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element, creating a new designation "Town Center" to the Future Land Use Map. Staff members present were Carrington, Grimms, Cook, Jenkins, Houck, Hall, Dallas, LeBlanc and Tolleson. Chairman Carrington briefly discussed the proposed project's history and informed staff the third reading of Ordinance 707 dealing with the Town Center District boundary and (Zoning) Code was scheduled for the October 25, 1999 Commission meeting. Grimms discussed the current status of the Town Center Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment. (memo and staff report attached) LeBlanc, Cook, Jenkins, Dallas, Tolleson, Hall had no comments at this time. Grimms made the motion that the Town Center Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment be forwarded to the City's Local Planning Agency. Grimms noted the suggested DRC recommendations to the LPA (attached). All voted aye. There was much discussion on staff's preference of obtaining legal advice from the City Attorney upon submittal of site plans that are contrary to the adopted guidelines. ill. llUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (None) IV. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:47 a,m.