HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 07 07 Regular Item A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division PLANNING & ZONING BOARD I LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM: II. A. ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS STAFF REPORT: Sec. 20-54 of the City Code states: There shall be a chairman and vice-chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board selected from and by the members. They shall serve a term of one (1) year or until their appointment to the Board is terminated, whichever is shorter, unless sooner removed by the Board, The Board has decided at a prior meeting that the annual election of officers shall take place in the, month of August. The Bylaws state in 4,1.1: Annually, as the first item on the agenda at the regular meeting of the Board in the month of August, the Board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman. If such regular meeting is cancelled or a quorum is lacking, the election shall be held as soon thereafter at the next regular meeting provided that if no such election is held within sixty (60) days of the date when generally required, the secretary shall notify the City Commission, which shall appoint a chairman and vice-chairman to serve until an election can be held, The prior chairman and acting chairman shall remain in office until their successors take office at the next regular meeting or special meeting following their election or appointment, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AGENDA .ITEM A July 7. 1999 Meeting REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, presents to the Planning and Zoning Board the site plan (final engineering) for Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements in order that the Board make a recommendation to the Commission for action on this project. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Planning and Zoning Board the Development Review Committee's recommendation on the site plan (final engineering) for Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements in order that the Board forward their recommendation to the Commission for action on this project. This project is located at 900 West SR 434, APPLICAULE CODE: ARTICLE VI. SITE PLAN REVIEW DIVISION 2, SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD (note: read Development Review Committee wherever Site Plan Review Board is used) Sec. 9-341. Creation. There is hereby created a site plan review board for the city, Sec. 9-342. Purpose; composition. The purpose of the site plan review board is to ensure compliance with adopted development standards and the Code of Ordinances, The board shall be composed of the city manager, building official, fire chief, police chief, and any other pertinent department heads or consultants as designated by the city manager. The city manager shall serve as chairman and appoint a board member as vice- chairman in his absence, Sec. 9-343. Clerical support and records. Sec. 9-344. Meetings. Sec. 9-345. Procedures, regulations and fees. July 7, 1999 P&Z Agenda Item A Page 2 Sec. 9-346. Prohibitions. Except that used for a single-family dwelling, no parcel ofland within the city shall be developed within the city shall be developed or improved by construction of any nature without a site plan having been first submitted, reviewed and approved as herein set forth, such approval to be valid for a period not to exceed one (1) year. Upon receipt of written application, the site plan review board may extend the approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months, If development has not commenced within one (1) year from the date of approval or within any extension period authorized by the board, the approval of the site plan originally submitted shall be considered null and void and no development or improvement of any nature may take place until such time as a site plan is resubmitted for review and approval as set forth in this chapter. No building permit shall be issued by the city until the site plan has been fully approved by the board or the city commission when applicable, No work of any nature shall commence on the property until a building permit has been issued, except with the express approval of the board or the city commission when applicable. Sec. 9-347. Duties. Any person desiring to develop or improve any parcel ofland as provided for in this chapter shall firs submit to the site plan review board a site plan, Such site plan shall be reviewed for compliance with all city ordinances, for conformity with the city's comprehensive plan, for compatibility with locally recognized values of community appearance and design, for conformity with the guidelines established by the city council concerning vehicular traffic access, ingress, egress, internal circulation, parking; concerning emergency vehicle access and concerning pedestrian movement; for assurances of satisfactory utility service for the health and welfare of the community, to assure compatibility with other improvements and the need for adequate light, air, access and privacy; to assure that the natural qualities and characteristics of the land will be preserved and that the project site will be appropriately landscaped and provisions established for the maintenance of same; to assure that adequate setbacks will be provided within the planned project and that provisions are made for the supervision and maintenance thereof; and to assure that the aesthetic and architectural details of the planned project are compatible with the surrounding area and serve to enhance the character of that area, The site plan shall be reviewed by the board and approved, disapproved or properly referred by such board in accordance with the results of its review. July 7, 1999 P&A Agenda Item A Page 3 Sec. 9-73. Form and content of final development plan. (a) The final development plan and plat shall conform substantially to the approved preliminary plan as approved and shall include all conditional requirements specified by the city commission on any conditional approval of the preliminary plan, The subdivider may propose only a portion of the area of an approved preliminary plan for final development should that be desired, Whenever developing only a portion of an approved preliminary plan, that portion being developed must be engineered so that section is not dependent upon further development to ensure adequate drainage, sewerage, water and other improvements, (b) Additional engineering/plans to accompany the final development plan/plat: (1) Potable water including fire protection systems, (2) Sanitary sewer. (3) Drainage and stormwater management facilities including underdrains, (4) Bulkheads, (5) Excavation and fill. (6) Sidewalks, bicycle paths, and bridle paths, (7) Streets and curbs, Street grades and elevation shall be established to minimize the need for underdrains, In soils where high groundwater is found or suspected, cuts shall be minimized in order to reduce the need for underdrains, Wherever along the proposed roadways projected groundwater elevation is less than one (I) foot, six (6) inches below the bottom of swale (or bottom of road base where curb and gutter is used), underdrains shall be required, (8) Soils explorations, The results of comprehensive soils explorations, evaluation of results and recommendations by a city-approved soils engineering and testing firm, The soils exploration shall include as a minimum: a, Results of borings located by survey at suitable intervals along the proposed roadways; classification and properties of soils encountered; and groundwater elevation to United States Geological Survey datum found subsequent to making the borings. The evaluation of the results and recommendations by the soils firm shall include as a minimum: Recommendations on the type of base construction; projected high-water elevation to United States July 7, 1999 P&Z Agenda Item A Page 4 Geological Survey datum along the proposed roadways, need, design, location, depth and details of under drains; and a recommendation on the elevation of street grades including depth of cut. The results of the soils work, evaluation of results, and recommendations shall be incorporated into the plans and specifications submitted for review, b. If during construction of improvements, the city determines in the field that soils and/or groundwater conditions are found to be different than shown in the data submitted with final development and engineering plans, or there is question about adequacy of the approved plans caused by conditions found in the field, the city shall have the right to require the performance and submission of additional soils work and/or to require modification of the previously approved design plans including, but not limited to modification of street grades and/or installation of additional underdrains, use of soil cement base course, or other modifications, (9) Lot grading, At the time final engineering plans are submitted, lot grading and drainage plans shall be submitted for review and approval. The plans shall show minimum floor elevations for all homes, existing topography, grading of all lots, and any drainage improvements proposed or required on the lots, The lot grading and drainage plans shall show the lot lines, existing topography (one-foot contour intervals), and proposed lot filling, grading and drainage at a scale of one (I) inch is equal to one hundred (100) feet (or larger) in general accordance with FHA standards for lot grading, Substantiating soil borings, evaluations and studies shall also be submitted to document soil conditions. projected high-water groundwater elevation on the lots, and adequacy of the lot grading and drainage plans, (10) Street lighting plan, demonstrating power company participation, (I I) Landscaping plans, Where site is commercial, industrial, or multifamily in nature, landscaping plans shall be presented along with the final development plans, unless specifically waived by the staff at the time of processing the preliminary plan. S.R. 434 CORRIDOR VISION PLAN - REDEVELOPMENT AREA July 7,1999 P&Z Agenda Item A Page 5 CHRONOLOGY: September I, 1998 - Pre-Application Meeting with Staff February 16, 1999 - Final Engineering submitted to the City for review June 22, 1999 - Development Review Committee met on Final Engineering FINDINGS: I) The plans, as submitted, do not meet the requirements of Sections 20-463(1) and 20-464(14)(a) of the SR 434 Corridor Vision Plan - Redevelopment Area. Sec. 20-463 OfT-Street Parking and Driveway Requirements. (I) Paved Driveway and Parking Spaces: All driveways and parking spaces shall be paved with asphaltic concrete and/or concrete and shall be curbed, Developer states: "The parking lot is existing and will have minor modifications done to it. The existing parking is sloped towards the islands and the drainage runs into the islands and is collected in drainage pipes, Curbing the islands would prevent the parking lot runoff from flowing through the islands medians," Sec. 20-464 Landscaping. (14)(a) Parking areas shall include landscaped curbed islands at the ends of each row of parking, These island shall be a minimum often (10) feet wide and as deep as the combined parking space(s) plus median, if and shall include at least one (1) canopy tree Developer states: "The existing parking has some islands at the ends of the rows which are not 1 O' wide, revising these islands would change the parking space layout and require recoating and restriping of the parking lot to adjust the spacing of the parking." 2) The developer desires a waiver to the above two (2) sections of the Corridor Vision Plan - Redevelopment Area, The developer was informed in writing and orally that the Staff could not waive requirements, This is a function of the Board of Adjustment and the Commission. July 7, 1999 P&Z Agenda Item A Page 7 3) The developer was eXplained the proper procedure for a variance request and, because this is a timely process, elected to proceed without going through the variance procedure, 4) The developer was informed on September I, 1998 that this project would be under the guidelines of the Corridor Vision Plan - Redevelopment Area, RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommended that this project be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board with the Staff recommendation being disapproval of the final engineering until such time as the plans come into compliance with Code. A TT ACHMENTS: September 4, 1998 - Pre-application Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 June 23, 1999 - Development Review Committee Meeting Minutes of June 22, 1999 - Final Engineering and Landscape Plans PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ACTION NOTE: The Land Development Coordinator will be on vacation for this presentation and the Community Development Coordinator will present this in his absence. If any board member needs a copy of the Corridor Vision Plan - Redevelopment nistrict. please contact Tom Grimms for a copy prior to the meeting. ( ( September 4, 1998 To: Mayor Commission Thru: Ron McLemore, City Manager Thru: Charles Carrington, Community Development Director (j{-iI Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator c;'J From: Re: Pre-application Meeting Winter Springs Golf Course The above referenced pre-application meeting as it relates to the Winter Springs Golf Course (west side of town) was held on September], 1998, D, Bumpus and R, Henson represented the project. Staff members present were Carrington, Grimms, Houck, Jenkins, Lallathin, LeBlanc and Lockcuff It was stated that the ownership of the golf course had changed hands and the owners desire to make improvements, The first item to be done is the renovation of the club house/restaurant area. A site plan is not required for this, But, if the renovation is greater than 50% valuation, the building will have to meet current Code. The fire hydrant must be 350' from the club house, Later, there is a possibility of repositioning the parking lot and developing the commercial acreage to the front of the club house, This will require site plan review and adherence to the SR 434 Redevelopment Corridor Vision Plan, Another pre-application meeting will be held once final deterrnination has been made as to the development of the commercial acreage, cc: Staff June 23, 1999 To: Mayor Commission Thru: Ron McLemore, City Manager Thru: Charles Carrington, Community Development Director Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator ~ Development Review Committee Final Engineering Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements From: Re: The above referenced Development Review Committee convened on June 22, 1999 to consider the final engineering for the Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements, R, Labinsky represented the project, Staff members present were Carrington, Cook, Dallas, Grimms, Jenkins, LeBlanc and Tolleson, Please see attached Staff comments, The developer is seeking a waiver to Sections 20-463(1) and 20-464(a) of the Corridor Vision Plan for Redevelopment. The Engineer of Record was informed, in writing, that the Staff was not able to grant a variance and that it had to go through the Board of Adjustment and the Commission, There was much discussion on this and the developer decided to go through the P&Z and Commission process rather than the Board of Adjustment, etc, because of time restraints, LeBlanc made the motion that this project be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board with the Staff recommendation being disapproval of the final engineering until such time as the plans come into compliance with Code - Cook seconded. All voted aye, ( CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development Dept. Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: Don LeBlanc, Land DevelDpment Coordinator FROM: Thomas Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning COOI~ June 22, 1999 DATE: RE: Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot - Final Engineering I have no further concerns or comments on the parking lot. My concern with the Winter Springs Golf Course presently is with the monument base structures at the main entrance. My understanding is that they are applying for a variance as it relates to the distance between the two structures, which is less than the required 200' spacing for two (2) monument base signs. Building Division . . Memo To: From: Don LeBlanc, La~d Devel~pm~. t l,; C~o~oradlimna_tor Don Houck, Building OffiCial (L~ CC: Date: 06/22/99 Re: Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot No further comments Page 1 MEMO FOR RECORD June 21, 1999 umd D''''opm,,, Coo"",,,"' i From: Re: Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements Final Engineering I have reviewed the above referenced final engineering for the Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements, On June I, 1999, the Engineer-of-Record, Richard M, Labinsky, P.E., requested a waiver from Sections 20-463(1) and 20-464(a). This request was repeated on June 17, 1999. On June 14, 1999, I sent Mr. Labinsky a letter stating that the Staff "does not have the authority to waive any requirements dictated by Code." It was also stated that until this matter was settled, Staff was unable to continue the review process because the plans did not meet Code requirements. On June 16,1999, Mr. Labinsky called and stated that the owners wanted to proceed through the process with the plans as presented (not meeting Code requirements), This is being done at his request. Therefore, my recommendation is that this be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board with the Staffn:commendation being disapproval of the final engineering until such time as the plans come into compliance with Code, RICHARD M. LABINSKY. P.E..INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES June 17, 1999 Mr. Don leBlanc Land Development Coordinator 1126 E, S,R, 434 Winter Springs, FI. 32708 Re: Winter Springs Golf Club Entrance :md Drive Improvement Plans Planning and Zoning Plan Submittal Dear Mr. leBlanc; Enclosed please find twenty (20) signed and sealed sets of the Entrance and Drive Improvement Plans and the Landscape Plans fur the Winter Springs Golf Club for submission to the Planning and Zoning Board, The plans meet all of the SR 434 Redevelopment Guidelines with the following exceptions to which we are seeking waivers from the P&Z board due to the limited proposed reconstruction within the existing parking area, J. See, 20-463 (1) Curbing on Islands within the parking area, The parking lot is existing and will have minor modifications done to it, The existing parking is sloped towards the islands and the drainage runs into the islands and is collected in drainage pipes, Curbing the islands would prevent the parking lot runoff from flowing through the islands medians. 2, See, 20-464 (140) Size of parking islands, The existing parking has some islands at the ends of the rows which are not 10' wide, revising these islands would change the parking space layout and require recoating and restriping of the parking lot to adjust the spacing of the parking, Should you have any questions with regards to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our office, S~~elY, ~? ~ M. La:insky, P.E, WsdleraiJ cc: Larry Roberts/IMG 108 Essex Drive LougH/oDd, Flonaa 32779 PllOlle (407) 788-3687 Fax 788-8069 ~ . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708.2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 June 14, 1999 Mr. Richard M. Labinsky, P,E, Richard M, Labinsky, P,E., Inc, Consulting Engineering Services 108 Essex Drive Longwood FL 32779 Re: Winter Springs Golf Club, Entrance and Drive Plan Dear Mr. Labinsky: Please rder to the attached memorandum from Jimette Cook to Don LeBlanc dated June 8, 1999 as it relates to the landscaping plan, Also included is CPH Engineering, Inc. letter dated June 9, 1999 to Don LeBlanc, Please be advised that the Staff does not have the authority to waive any requirements dictated by Code, This is a function of the Board of Adjustment and of the City Commission, Until this matter is settled, Staff is unable to continue the review process because the plans do not meet Code. You may contact me at (407) 327-5966 if further information is required. Sincerely, ~~~?e~' - Donald R, LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator cc: Starr ~ . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 DATE: June 8. 1999 TO: FROM: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Jimette Cook, Code Enforcement Manager@ Winter Springs Golf Course RE: I have looked over the landscape plan submitted for the above referenced project and offer the following; I) All existing trees need to be protected during construction with barricades to the dripline. This needs to be added to the "notes" section of the plan, 2) Note that the hedge, lIficillm anisatllm, Anise, is not as well suited to full sun as some other varieties. This hedge will be in full sun for some time until the Live Oaks reach a full canopy size. Another variety may be a better choice, however the plan submitted does meet the code requirements, I do not have the authority to grant a Waiver from the requirements of the parking area curbing and size of parking islands, as was requested in the letter of June 1 from Richard Labinsky, P.E.. .--- /' . . June 9, 1999 CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117 E. Robinson St., Suite C Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: (407) 42S.{)4S2 Fax: (407) 648-1036 www.cphengineers.com Mr. Don LeBlanc City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: Review of Additional Information Submitted for the Winter Springs Golf Course Entrance & Drive Improvements Submittal Dated June 3, 1999 CPH Job No. W049 1.03 Dear Mr,. LeBlanc: We have reviewed the additional geotechnical information and plans submitted by Richard M. Labinsky, P.E., Inc., for the Winter Springs Golf Course - Entrance and Drive Improvements. The information submitted by the geotechnical consultant indicates that the groundwater measurements presented in their previous reports are the stabilized or 24 hour ground water levels rather than those experienced at the time of installation of the SPT's. The detail for the outfall structure has been revised to show corrected elevations that correspond to the pond details and storm water calculations. Based upon the information submitted, all of the noted comments have been addressed. Therefore, we recommend that this project proceed through your approval process, If you have any questions regarding this review, or if we can be of any further assistance, please fi~el free to contact me at 425-0452. Sincerely, CPH ENGINEERS, INC. (Jjk/~-- DaVid [~, Mahlcr, I ,I:, Project Managcr : ;r,"Jl (lIll) 1)l1I At-!I){) III I l\l J1) l'AI j,t (;11'( CAPE COIUI! .If,CV,~-;( J; i'!ll I I ( aJ~n'0< o:/---<..s-~ ;:(;{~r~ \\ u ~)(J) . \~"~"~~ j/ . .~y '''"'(ORIO''' Utility I Public Works Department CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 March 29,1999 TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Kipton LockcufT, P.E., Public Works/Utility Director /~ FROM: RE: Final Engineering - Winter Springs Golf Course We have reviewed the proposed final engineering for Winter Springs Golf Course signed and sealed March 19,1999 and have no objection to the proposed improvements, File ( WINTER SPRINGS ( FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (407) 327-2332 FAX (407) 327-8514 MEMORANDUM To: Donald LeBlanc. Land Management Specialist -:? From: Robert E. Dallas, Fire Marshal Date: February 18, 1999 Subject: F~eview of Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements w~ "-~- ,,",,~'-:-:" ,..- " - . ..~" The Fire Departmentch3~.s'review.~..Ej,the~plans,oJ the abo~'feferenced project and has no concerns.Wi!h-the. p~gj~ct\~~I. ~~R~9.:Sj~?:Zi~..' ".~..... y,?', \J - ..""..c~ , ." '0-/ ",\ "\\ No further comF?~mts ~rfr@Uir~ed~aD~i?:tim;-::~~~~~'\> ~\ , ,':\ /~-, .. ,- '""', Ii r~. "./' ; \ .' /' .,~~-,,~'> ,'. ..' ",':~~';:.'<~>::/ 'j" -:'j',,:, - ~\ \~ , ....," '....",; ':,// '. {i.', ,. 11: i' : j! 'y" " I' ~~'"') \\ ' i""""'Y /,' -1 \._ \\ ",) -" \\ I! I '...". >, ,rl A' \;! ") :t ." . '.:-';i\"A..' . I.,~.. ',(.. < ..l,,'1"~" :1:1 . c I 1.71::;":", 'I: ~\ \\\ "'1)\ f'~. :, .,i .'\~:, r \' L..::..J~ :;)-1':'''',- - , /',,'-- - ~-' ,/,"-. ". " l. \, ,-'...,'; / I' , . , . '..</ "'.- j " " /.1 ;-'\ Ii ! i' ~7 // ..~ ""- \ , '. ~.. ,. { " '+" ,"',' l., ' t,' ',)