HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 04 02 Public Hearing 500 Evaluation And Appraisal Report Regarding Resolution 2008-15 PLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY April 2. 2008 Regular Meeting Consent Information Public Hearin2 X Re2ular ITEM 500 REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and after considering public comment and review comments received from the DCA and other reviewing agencies, make recommendation to the City Commission regarding Adoption of Resolution 2008-15. PURPOSE: To make recommendation on the adoption of the EAR after considering, public comment and review comments received from the DCA and other reviewing agencies. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statute s. 163.3191 Evaluation and appraisal of the comprehensive plan. (The Florida Statutes indicate that the LP A shall hold at least one public hearing with public notice on the EAR and shall make recommendation to the City Commission regarding the adoption of the EAR.) Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) (related to responsibilities of the LP A regarding the comprehensive plan) CHRONOLOGY: Fall 2006- Local Planning Agency (LP A) Scoping Meeting Feb. 5.2007- Joint City CommissionILPA Workshop to identify Major Issues Feb. 28.2007- "Great Ideas for a Great City" Public Workshop Mar. 21. 2007- InterAgency Scoping Meeting with state and regional agencies, and local government jurisdictions to ensure that important issues were identified, to agree on the issues as the subject matter of the EAR, and to share information and ideas. Apr. 23. 2007- Joint City Commission and LPA Meeting to affirm the list of issues, as the focus of the EAR and to request a Letter of Understanding from the State Dept of Community Affairs (DCA). Apr. 24. 2007- Request for a Letter of Understanding submitted to DCA. Oct. 9.2007- Letter of Understanding received from the DCA, accepting the City's List of Major Issues. Jan. 3. 2008- EAR draft was circulated to the City Commission and LP A Jan. 9.2008- Review of the draft EAR at a special meeting of the LPA; The Board participated in a discussion led by Planning Communities, LLC and voted on their recommendations related to the Major Issues. Jan. 17. 2008- Joint meeting of the City Commission and LP A to hear (and discuss) the recommendations of the LP A related to the draft EAR. Jan. 28.2008- Public Hearing on the proposed EAR. April 2, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 Feb. 1.2008- Transmittal of proposed EAR to the DCA for a courtesy review to obtain initial feedback. Feb. 13. 2008 Staff and Planning Communities, LLC met with Anoch Whitfield at the DCA to discuss her preliminary review of the proposed EAR Mar. 7.2008- Receipt of preliminary Sufficiency Review Comments from DCA and reviewing agencies. Mar. 20. 2008 Noticing of the LPA Public Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel Apr. 2. 2008- LP A Public Hearing on the EAR as revised, based on the preliminary Sufficiency Review Comments BACKGROUND: The City of Winter Spring's Comprehensive Plan has been prepared and adopted as required by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Act and the Florida Administrative Code. In keeping with the intent of the LGCPA, the Winter Spring's Comprehensive Plan is designed to be a useful growth management and decision making tool in areas such as future land use, public facility expansion and improvement (including schools), transportation, conservation of natural resources, solid waste, water and waste water management, and recreation and open space development. The City's Comprehensive Plan has proven to be a good guide for developing the City. Generally the objectives have been met and the policies implemented. However, the Florida Statutes describes the local government comprehensive planning program as a continuous and dynamic process. An Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) is required every seven years by each local government to assess the progress of implementing the local government's comprehensive plan. The EAR process is designed to respond to changes in state, regional, and local policies on planning and growth management, changing conditions and trends, to ensure effective intergovernmental coordination, and to identify major issues regarding the community's achievement of its goals. Florida law establishes minimum requirements for the City's planning data to ensure predictability, certainty, and integrity in the local growth management process. The City's Comprehensive Plan must be amended to address the needs of the City into the next planning period. CONSIDERATIONS: The Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) on the City of Winter Springs 2001 Comprehensive Plan lays the groundwork for undertaking a comprehensive update of the City's Comprehensive Plan and offers a forthright evaluation and assessment of the City's current comprehensive plan. The EAR has been developed over the past year in a process involving numerous public workshops. During the spring of2007, the City identified six MajorIssues as the core emphasis of the EAR [Section 163.3191(1)(c), F.S.]: These include: . Greenway Interchange Employment District . Elderly Housing & Medical Care . Affordable and Work-Force Housing (Section 163.3177(6)(f), F.S. and Rule 9J-5.010 F.A.C.) . State Road 434 Corridor . Population, Housing Density and Greenspace . Redevelopment of West Side Data has been collected and analyzed on each issue as well as an assessment of how things could have been done differently to better achieve the goals, objectives and policies ofthe comprehensive plan as they relate to the major issues. In addition to the analysis of the major issues section, evaluation and assessment is provided with respect to each policy of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The EAR identifies needed changes to improve or otherwise refme the Comprehensive Plan. The EAR also addresses the requirements of Section 163.3191(2), Florida Statutes. These include: population growth and changes in land area, the location of development that has occurred relative to where it was anticipated in the comprehensive plan, the extent of vacant and developable land, the financial feasibility of April 2, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 500 implementing the comprehensive plan and in providing necessary infrastructure through the Capital Improvements Element. The Florida Department of Community Affairs has established a phased schedule for adoption of EAR's , based on the requirements of Section 163.3191(9). Winter Springs' EAR must be adopted by May 1,2008. The EAR provides the foundation for subsequent comprehensive plan amendments. Once the State determines that the City's EAR meets sufficiency, the City will proceed with the EAR-based Comprehensive Plan Amendments. This process will be undertaken primarily during FY 2008-2009, with final adoption in early 2010. TENTATIVE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Apr. 3,2008- Noticing of the City Commission Public Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel Apr. 14,2008- City Commission Public Hearing and Adoption of the EAR by Resolution 2008-15. May 1, 2008- Due date for Submittal of adopted EAR to DCA and Reviewing Agencies. July 5, 2008 Preliminary sufficiency determination from DCA pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 163.3191, Florida Statutes (provided 60 days from DCA's receipt of transmittal); Response to DCA (if needed) prior to final sufficiency report. Aug. 5, 2008- DCA's determination of Final Sufficiency for EAR (provided 90 days from DCA's receipt of transmittal). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests that the LP A hold a Public Hearing on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and after considering public comment and review comments received from the DCA and other reviewing agencies, make recommendation to the City Commission regarding the Adoption of Resolution 2008-15. ATTACHMENTS: A Preliminary Sufficiency Comments from DCA and Reviewing Agencies B Noticing in the Orlando Sentinel, Thursday, March 20, 2008 C Resolution 2008-15, including Exhibit 'A': Evaluation and Appraisal Report LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENT A STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" March 5, 2008 THOMAS G. PELHAM ~ Secretary eCe'''eo /.fAR 0 7 2008 C/iy 0 Co F ~N rnrnlJn/,.. 'eR SP 'F Oe"'e/ RINGS oPrnefll CHARLIE CRIST Governor Mr. Randy Stevenson, Director City of Winter Springs Community Development Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: City of Winter Springs Proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report Dear Mr. Stevenson: On February 4, 2008, the Department received the proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) for the City of Winter Springs. The Department has completed a review of the proposed report and has enclosed comments and recommendations for your consideration, including review comments from other state and regional agencies. The Department commends the City's efforts in the preparation of the proposed evaluation and appraisal report. Our attached report identifies several items which need to be further addressed in order to ensure full sufficiency. Please note that at this time our review is not a formal sufficiency determination but rather an informal review intended to assist the City as it finalizes the report. We look forward to continuing to work with you throughout this process. With respect to any suggested amendments included in the report, the Department's review does not constitute a compliance review of the proposed amendments. EAR-based amendments suggested in the EAR will be reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, when they are submitted to Department as proposed plan amendments to the comprehensive plan. 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-2100 Phone: 850-488-8466/SUNCOM 278-8466 Fax: 850-921-0781/SUNCOM 291-0781 Website: www.dca.state.fl.us COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: BS0-488-2356/SUNCOM 278.2356 Phone: 30S.28~2402 Phone: BS0-488-7956/SUNCOM 278-7956 Fax: 8S0-488-3309lSUNCOM 278-3309 Fax: 305-28~2442 Fax: BSO-922-56231SUNCOM 292-5623 Mr. Randy Stevenson, Director March 5, 2008 Page Two .,~ ~ C'~/&" ell}. r..p 0 ,> ~ ^ "0'>). 0,<> <p v '?]",,~1-}-~ c/O, C.", ~ 8,0 ~~4: "11_,,/08 As the City prepares the EAR for adoption, Department staff is prepared to further discuss the comments raised in the review comments. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do hesitate to contact Mrs. Anoch P. Whitfield, Principal Planner, at (850) 922- 1793 or by email toanoch.whitfield@dca.state.fl.us. f1/Ler; ~ tJ-Y Mike McDaniel Chief, Office of Comprehensive Planning MMlapw Enclosures: Department Comments and Recommendations Review Agency Comments cc: Phil Laurien, AICP, Executive Director, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council ~~ C~I DEPARTMENT COMMENTS At4R"~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ell}. 0 0 llJ l:I PROPOSED 2008 EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPOR~q,~~"'r~ ~DI l)..lJell./i Sf> e/~ ~/A# "' ~a . .,e", u The Department has completed its review ofthe proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) for the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.3191 (2), Florida Statutes. A. STATUTORY PROVISIONS NOT ADEQUATELY ADDRESSEDIPOTENTIAL SUFFICIENY ISSUES 1. The extent ofvacant and developable land [Section 163.3191(2)(b)J Comment: The proposed EAR has not adequately satisfied this provision. According to the EAR, there are approximately 1,000 acres (10.73% of total land area) of vacant land within the City, approximately 68.2% or roughly 658 acres of which are considered developable due to the physical characteristics, availability of services and the future land use designation of the vacant parcels. The current supply of vacant developable lands is comprised of commercial, mixed use and residential land uses and consists mainly of scattered small infill parcels. A small cluster of vacant lands is located within the commercial district at the intersection ofSR 434 and SR 419. Larger vacant parcels are located within the areas designated for the Town Center and Greenway Interchange District. However, it is not clear what the City considers "vacant" and "developable" lands, and the proposed EAR does not discuss the current land uses or status of the remaining 342 acres of vacant land. Thus, the proposed EAR has not adequately assessed the extent of Winter Springs' vacant and developable land because it does not clearly indicate the existing vacant lands by acreage and future land use designations. Recommendation: Revise the EAR to assess the extent of vacant and developable lands, clearly defining what the City considers "vacant" and "developable". The EAR should indicate the total acreages of vacant or developable lands by future land use category and explain why the 342 acres of "vacant" lands is not considered in the EAR to be "developable". 2. The financial feasibility of providing needed infrastructure to achieve and maintain adopted levels of service standards and sustain concurrency through capital improvements as well as the ability to address infrastructure backlogs and meet the demands of growth and publicfacilities [Section 163.3191(2)(c)] Comment: The proposed EAR is potentially insufficient because it did not fully address this requirement. The proposed EAR indicates that it intends to assess the City's ability to maintain the adopted levels of service for water, sewer, stormwater, solid waste, parks/recreation and transportation in the past and as projected for the planning horizon. For each public facility, the proposed EAR generally describes current conditions, the adopted level of service standard and existing and anticipated capacities to maintain the adopted level of service over the next planning horizon. However, the proposed EAR did not provide a retrospective assessment covering the past evaluation period ofthe financial feasibility of implementing the ~ (), A'. ~ CJ~ .~ (\ comprehensive plan and of providing needed infrastructure to achieve and maintain adopt~ ~ ~ level-of-service standards and sustain concurrency management systems through the capitalfi. '\ ..J ~ improvements element. The proposed EAR also did not assess the City's ability to address ~~ ~ ~ infrastructure backlogs and meet the demands of growth on public services and facilities. Thl \ ~ () adopted EAR did not analyze whether the Plan was financially feasible over the past evaluatio&\ ""\1'1 period. Recommendation: Revise the EAR to include a retrospective analysis of whether the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan was fmancially feasible over the past evaluation period. If there are instances where the Plan was not fmancially feasible or did not maintain or achieve level of service, the EAR should analyze why and discuss what can be done differently in the future. The EAR should recommend actions and corrective measures that will ensure financial feasibility and level of service are achieved during the next planning period. The EAR should assess and amend the policies and objectives guiding the community into the future to better enable the City to provide its future infrastructure needs at the adopted LOS. To this end, the EAR should include the following evaluation and appraisal: An assessment of the extent to which the identified needs of the community were met in terms of achieving and maintaining the adopted LOS standard and whether the deficiencies were corrected or not corrected. If deficiencies occurred, and especially if they were prolonged, that would provide a good indication that adequate funding was not provided to implement the comprehensive plan. The EAR should analyze and discuss why the deficiencies occurred (e.g. insufficient funding, inefficient growth pattern that fails to deliver resources efficiently, unexpected growth, or an unanticipated event that caused the City to divert funds to other needs), then make recommendations to help ensure that LOS standards are achieved and maintained to the maximum extent feasible during the next short and long range planning periods. 3. An assessment of the extent to which changes are needed to develop a common methodology for measuring impacts on transportation facUities for the purpose of implementing its concu"ency management system in coordination with the municipalities and counties, as appropriate pursuant to s.163.3180(10) (Section 163.3191(2)(P)] Comment: The proposed EAR is potentially insufficient because it did not provide an assessment of the extent to which changes would be needed to develop a common methodology for measuring impacts on transportation facilities for the purpose of implementing its concurrency management system in coordination with the other six municipalities and Seminole County. The City of Winter Springs continues to be an automobile-dependent, suburban community served by Tuskawilla Road, which is a major north-south county road, and State Road 434, a major east-west route, as well as SR 417 (Seminole Expressway), SR 419, US 17-92 and Red Bug Lake Road. The proposed EAR states that the City establishes roadway level of service standards at LOS D for both arterial and collector roadways using the FDOT LOS guidelines. Recommendation: Pursuant to Section 163.3180(10), Florida Statutes, each local government shall use a professionally accepted methodology for measuring impacts on ~~ ~ C}~~ ~ ~ . f: "1'" ~ th f" 1 ." t~~~ t)" ~A transportation aClltIes lor e purposes 0 unp ementmg Its concurrency managemen Sy.e[IfW.,- V~ Particularly because it continues to be an auto-dependent community served by state and "":1. ~~1> ~ ~ regional roadways, Winter Springs is encouraged to coordinate with Seminole County and &,,&'6U'~ '" . "'1-; adjacent cities for the purpose of using common methodologies for measuring impacts on '?&.,...G'.s- transportation facilities as part of its concurrency management system. This requires that the City's EAR include an assessment of the extent to which changes are needed to develop a common methodology for measuring impacts on arterial roads or collector roads which traverse adjacent jurisdictions (municipalities and counties). The assessment should consider the methodology used by each jurisdiction for measuring transportation impacts and should include the following components: . Adopted level of service standards . Traffic study area requirements . Background traffic assumptions . Trip generation data and trip distribution requirements . Impact analysis based on peak hour trips On the basis of this analysis, the EAR should be revised as appropriate to include an assessment ofthe extent to which changes are needed to develop a common methodology for measuring transportation impacts for the purpose of implementing its concurrency system in coordination with adjacent municipalities and Seminole County. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council 631 North Wymore Road, Suite 100. Maitland, FL 32751 Phone 407.623.1075 . Fax 407.623.1084 . www.ecfrpc.org Philip Laurien, AICP Executive Director MEMORANDUM To: D. Ray Eubanks, FDCA Community Program Administrator James Stansbury, FDCA Regional Planning Administrator From: Phil Laurien, AICP, Executive Director Date: February 27, 2008 Subject: Evaluation and Appraisal Report Review Local Government: Local Amendment ill: DCA Amendment ID: City of Winter Springs Winter Springs Proposed EAR Winter Springs Proposed EAR Council staff has completed a technical review of the City of Winter Springs' proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report for 2008. Staff comments are indicated below in italics. The review was conducted in accordance with the provisions of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council's current contract with the Florida Department of Community Affairs for Plan and Plan Amendment Reviews. The City has completed a thorough evaluation of their Comprehensive Plan. We commend their efforts to address issues that concern residents, including town center and corridor development, urban infill and redevelopment, preservation of natural areas, and the lack of availability of affordable housing. We support the City's plans to hold a Visioning Workshop to discuss obstacles to infill and redevelopment. The East Central Florida Regional Planning Council (ECFRPC), in concert with myregion.org, completed its "How Shall We Grow?" regional visioning project's first phase in August, 2007. The overwhelming choice of over 20,000 Central Floridians is for afuture that promotes more growth in mixed-use urban centers and provides great amenities like treed streets with wide sidewalks, neighborhood parks, bikeways and mass transit, and shops and stores located on the lower floors of multi-story buildings, with apartments and condominiums above. Local governments should assess how their community vision relates to the overall vision for the region. It is especially important that the City assess the "individual character" that distinguishes Winter Springs from other Florida cities, as it is this character that is lacking in most communities Executive Committee Chair Teresa Jacobs Commissioner Orange County Vice Chair Malcolm McLouth Governor's Appointee Brevard County Treasurer Mary Martin Vice Mayor of Port Orange Volusia County League of Cities Secretary Atlee Mercer Property Appraiser Osceola County Former Chair Jon B. Rawlson Governor's Appointee Orange County Serving Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Vo/usia Counties. ECFRPC staff recommends the following strategies to strengthen the City's local water conservation effort: . Promote the use of soil moisture sensors to control irrigation systems, . Encourage the use of Bahia and other grasses that have a low water demand as an alternative to St. Augustine grasses, . Encourage the use of drought tolerant native plant species for outdoor landscaping, and . Create incentives for compliance with the Florida Water Star Program in new residential developments to decrease the water demand per household. ECFRPC staff suggests that the City consider making affordable housing inclusionary, meaning required to be sprinkled into the mix whenever new housing is developed. The East Central Florida Regional Planning Council is available to assist in the resolution of any issues that may arise in the course of your review. If you should have any questions, please contact Andrew Landis at andrew@ecfrpc.org or by phone at (407) 623-1075 ext. 310. Thank you. Local Government Contact: Eloise M. Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner AML ~~ C' ,.<'t'J" ~,.- C/}- CT <' V~ C<Ok I~ ~ '0V?1'.Av1: (7c?ft ~ 0. ~~ U 6>.. .s Veil;, ~'" ~'T~ ~6> 0... '/)/ ..~ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Kurt S. Browning Secretary of State DMSION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES February 15, 2008 Ms. Eloise M. Sahlstrom, Senior Planner City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Historic Preservation Review of the City of Winter Springs Evaluation and Appraisal Report (Seminole County) Dear Ms. Sahlstrom: According to this agency's responsibilities under sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 9}-5, Florida Administrative Code, we reviewed the above document. Our cursory review indicates that historic resources are not specifically addressed in the EAR Major Issues. Nevertheless, changes to the historic preservation Objectives and Policies of the Future Land Use and Housing Elements are proposed. We have concerns with these changes and with the justifications for these proposed changes. A review of the information in the Florida Master Site File indicates that there has never been a comprehensive cultural resource assessment survey of the City of Winter Springs. Furthermore, because of where the city is located, on the south side of Lake Jessup, there is a good possibility of additional archaeological resources to be located within the city limits. The assessment of Objective 1.9 of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) states that, "No significant historically significant housing or archaeological sites have been identified within the City." However, from our data, it appears that no comprehensive investigations were ever conducted to locate and evaluate such resources. It cannot be said that these resources don't exist unless a thorough comprehensive survey by a qualified professional is undertaken which results in no significant findings. The assessment for Policy 1.9.3 of the FLUE recommends that this policy, which is a study of historic resources within the city, should be eliminated because, "sites that may have once had an archaeological significance have either been impacted or are non-existent within the City." It is not clear how this conclusion has been reached. The only way to determine the amount of impact to known sites is to have them revisited and tested by a qualified professional archaeologist. It is certainly not uncommon to have a significant intact site beneath a developed area, i.e., Miami Circle site, Bay CadP.lac site in Tampa, etc. 500 S. Bronough Street . Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 ~. http://www.tlheritage.com o Director's Office 0 Archaeological Research oJ' Historic Preservation 0 Historical Museums (850) 245-6300' FAX: 245-6436 (850) 245-6444' FAX: 245-6452 (850) 245-6333 · FAX: 245-6437 (850) 245-6400. FAX: 245-6433 o South Regional Office 0 North Regional Office 0 Central Regional Office (561) 416-2115. FAX: 416-2149 (850) 245-6445' FAX: 245-6435 (813) 272-3843. FAX: 272-2340 / / ./ Ms. Sahlstrom February 15, 2008 Page 2 For the Housing Element, Objective 2.3, again it is not clear how the city can be sure that there are no historically significant structures as there have been no comprehensive building surveys. We consider that any structure that is fifty years of age or older should be identified and evaluated for historical significance. Furthermore, the identification and evaluation of structures should be an ongoing process as additional buildings reach the fifty year threshold. It is the opinion of this agency that at this point the city leave the historic preservation objectives and policies as they are instead of either deleting them or weakening them. These objectives and policies could be revisited in the future based on the results of a comprehensive cultural resource assessment. There may be grant money from this agency to assist in conducting such a survey, and Our Grants and Education Section can be reached at (850) 245- 6333 for information and a grant application. It is the city's responsibility to ensure that the proposed revisions will not have an adverse effect on significant archaeological or historic resources in Winter Spriings. If you have any questions concerning our comments, please do not hesitate to contact Susan Harp at (850) 245-6333. Thank you for your interest in protecting Florida's historic resources. Sincerely, ~n' .0. p. <;.0.. Frederick P. Gaske, Director xc: Mr. Eubanks, DCA St~ lQhIl~~IDy~ Water Management District Kirby 8 Green III, ExecuJive Director' David W. Fisk. Assistant Executi.'e Director .....~~'__'~"""'""..AA<.."....-<..m..~__._~_,_"_<<,<_~^~"'~~~~_~""_____""'''",'''''''".,-.c' 4049 Raid Street · P.o. Box 1429 · Palatka, FL32178~1429 · (386) 329--4500 On the Internet at www.sjrwmd.com. February 27, 2008 D. Ray Eubanks, Administrator Plan Review and Processing Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-29100 Subject: City of Winter Springs Proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report Dear Mr. Eubanks: St. Johns River Water Management District (District) planning staffhave reviewed the above- referenced proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The District staff review f~uses on water supply availability and related water resource issues in an effort to link land use planning and water supply planning. District staff attended the EAR scopingmeeting on March 21, 2007, and provided the City of Winter Springs (City) with a list of topics and issues of importance to the District in the City's comprehensive plan. District staff comments relative to that list of topics and issues are provided below. In the potable water discussion on page 10 in the community assessmcntsection, there is a statement to the effect that the District Water Supply Plan 2005 indicates that the City will not oeed additional groundwater or other potable water sources to meet demands through 2025. This text should be revised to retlectthat implementation of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Project will remedy the need for additional groundwater to meet potable. water demands through 2025. The City transmitted an adopted water supply facilities work plan (work plan) and related water supply planning comprehensive plan amendment that were found to be in compliance by the Department of Community Affairs in September 2007. The City's consumptive use permit (CUP) is pending with the District. Should the CUP review process. result in any changes to the City's projected water demands, the work plan will need to be revised accordingly. Please note that District review of the EAR-based amendments will fOCllS on the issues listed above and take into consideration the following, specifically that · Policies promote and encourage the use of low impact development techniques (e.g., the City could provide development incentives for water-efficient developments such as thqse that implement the Florida Water StarSM program, a point-based, new home certification prograrl1 similar to the federal Energy Star program) ~----------_.__......._---~-,--_.<---<_. co V IE Ii N I N G 13 () AR l).....~-<-,_.- David G. Graham. CHAIRMAN Susan N, Hughes, ViCE CHAIRMAN Ann T. Moore, SEnfC1ARY W, Leonard Wood. TREASuR€A JACKSONVIl.lE i'Ofm: VEDnA Bl)M~Ell. FERNM-jVIN.i, BEACh Michael Ertel Hersey "Herky' Huffman Arlen N, Jumper William W. Kerr Duane L Oltenstroer OVIEDO ENrrFlPmS[ rem M,COY MElBOURNE BCAU1 )ACKSONVILLE Letter to D. Ray Eubanks February 27, 2008 Page 2 . Policies to protect water resources are consistent with the District's environmental resource permitting and consumptive use pennitting rules . Future land lIse designations assigned to District property allow District management activities . Proposed transportation corridors or facilities do not impact District land and easements . Policies identifying the District as receiver of easement.;; include the statement "subject to the District's acceptance" We appreciate the opportunity to provide comments and look forward to working with the City during the EAR-based amendment process. If you have any questions, please contact District Policy Analyst Peter Brown at (386) 329-4311 or pbrown@sjrwmd.com. Sincerely, li> Linda Burnette, Director Office of Communications and Governmental Affairs LB/CEF cc: Eloise Sahlstrom, City of Winter Springs Andrew Landis, ECPRPC Jim Quinn, FDEP Jeff Cole, SJRWMD Nancy Christman, SJRWMD ~. \J Florida Department of Transportation CHARLIE CRIST GOVERNOR Intermodal Systems Development 133 South Semoran Boulevard Orlando, FL 32807-3230 STEPHANIE C. KOPELOUSOS SECRETARY February 29, 2008 Mr. Ray Eubanks, Community Program Administrator Department of Community Affairs, State of Florida Plan Review & DRI Processing Section 2555 Shumard Oaks Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 SUBJECT: LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DCA#: PROPOSED EVALUATION AND ApPRAISAL REPORT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Dear Mr. Eubanks: The Department of Transportation has completed its review of the above proposed Evaluation & Appraisal Report as requested in your memorandum dated, February 4,2007. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this review process and we offer our comments with this letter. If further information is received from the local government, the Department will review and possibly revise these comments. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner, at 407-482-7880 or by e-mail atiudv.pizzo@dot.state.f1.us. Sincerely, )t:~~, P.E. Growth Management Supervisor jp attachment cc: Eloise M. Sahlstrom, City of Winter Springs Alison Stettner, Seminole County Jerry McCollum, Seminole County Phil Laurien, ECFRPC Rob Magee, FDOT James Stansbury, DCA File: H:\OOCIPlanning\Growth Management\Eval Appraisal Rept\EAR Comments_Review\Seminole\Winler Springs EAR CvrLlr 022908.docx www.dot.state.fl.us Florida Department of Transportation Intermodal Systems Development Growth Management Unit Page 1 of 7 EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS Local Government: City of Winter Springs DCA Amendment #: EAR Date of DCA's Request Memo: N/A Review Comments Deadline: N/A Today's Date: 02/18/08 ELEMENTS: Future Land Use Element, Transportation Element, Housing Element, Infrastructure Element, Conservation Element, Recreation and Open Space Element, Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Capital Improvements Element, and Public School Facilities Element RULE REFERENCE: Chapter 163.3177, F.S., Required and optional elements Chapter 163.3184, F.S., Process for adoption Chapter 9J-5, FAC., MINIMUM CRITERIA FOR REVIEW Chapter 9J-11, FAC., SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW BACKGROUND The City of Winter Springs has submitted a proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The EAR focuses on six major issues: . Population, Housing Density, and Green Space · Redevelopment of West Side . Greenway Interchange Employment District · State Road 434 Corridor · Elderly Housing and Medical Care · Affordable and Work-Force Housing For each major issue, the EAR contains recommendations for EAR-based comprehensive plan amendments. The recommendations that are potentially relevant to the operation of State roadways are summarized in the following section. Major Issues Population, Housing Density, and Green Space The City anticipates that most future growth in the City will occur via redevelopment and intil!. (Just over 65 acres could be annexed through an interlocal agreement with the County.) The City's recommended amendments related to redevelopment and growth are as follows: . Add policies which further the preservation of green space through land development regulations and as part of a greater network of conservation lands. FOOT Contact: Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Mario Candia, Kelly Blume, P.E. FOOT District 5 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Office of Intermodal Systems Development 407-482-7880 407-540-0555 407-275-4188 407-540-0550 iudv.oizzoalldot.state.f1.us kblume@kittelson.com H:lOOCIPlanninglGrowth Managemen"Eval Appraisal RepllEAR Commenls_ReviewlSeminolelWinter Springs EAR Review 021808.doc.doc Telephone: Fax: E-mail: File: Florida Department of Transportation Intermodal Systems Development Growth Management Unit Page 2 of 7 EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS Local Government: City of Winter Springs DCA Amendment #: EAR Date of DCA's Request Memo: N/A Review Comments Deadline: N/A Today's Date: 02/18/08 . Add or revise Future Land Use Element policies under Objective 1.4 which have the objective of discouraging sprawl and limiting new high-density development to the Town Center and the U.S. 17- 92 Community Redevelopment Area corridor. . Add a policy that would allow multi-family housing in commercially zoned areas, with the provision of green space mitigation elsewhere. . Add an objective to the Conservation Element that addresses land preservation and facilitates the prioritization of properties to acquire for preservation. Redevelopment of West Side The City will assess how enhanced intill and redevelopment can occur on the west side of the City, particularly in parcels that have been "skipped over" and in areas requiring revitalization. The City's recommended amendments related to redevelopment of the west side are as follows: . Add policies under Future Land Use Element Objective 1.4 and/or Housing Element Objective 2.4 to discourage sprawl and encourage redevelopment, mixed used development, multi-modal connections, and intill development by identifying acceptable locations, strategies, and opportunities for such. Update the FLUM as necessary. . Add a policy directing the City to hold a visioning workshop to create intill development and redevelopment standards. . Add a policy under Future Land Use Element Objective 4.2 that states that the City will promote vertical integration of uses and conduct discussions regarding the 1 Q-acre minimum requirement to develop a mixed use site. . Add a policy regarding allowance of accessory dwelling units in residential districts. . Revise Future Land Use Element Policy 1.5.3 to support the transition of older residential homes located along arterial roadways to convert to a live-work or commercial use. · Identify needed neighborhood infrastructure. Greenway Interchange Employment District Winter Springs is collaborating in a regional effort known as SeminoleWAY, which consists of a public/private strategic land use and economic development initiative designed to attract and support high wage and high value job and business growth in Seminole County along the SR 417 corridor and across 1-4 to the Port. The City's recommended amendments related to this initiative are as follows: . Add policies under Future Land Use Element Objective 3.1 to address collaboration in the regional SeminoleWAY initiative. FOOT Contact: Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Mario Candia. Kelly Blume, P.E. FOOT District 5 Kittelson & Associates. Inc. Office of Intermodal Systems Development 407-482-7880 407-540-0555 407-275-4188 407-540-0550 iudv. oizzo@dot.state.f1,us kblume@kittelson.com H:\OOC\Planning\Growth Managemenl\Eval Appraisal Repl\EAR Comments_ReviewlSeminole\Winler Springs EAR Review 021808,doc.doc Telephone: Fax: E-mail: File: Florida Department of Transportation Intermodal Systems Development Growth Management Unit Page 3 of 7 EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS Local Government: City of Winter Springs DCA Amendment #: EAR Date of DCA's Request Memo: N/A Review Comments Deadline: N/A Today's Date: 02/18/08 · Add a policy prohibiting stand-alone residential development in the Greenway Interchange District (GID), so that residential is allowed only as part of a vertical mix. · Add a policy under Future Land Use Element Objective 3.2 that supports building height increases where sensitive lands are protected, as long as the FAR of 1.0 is maintained. · Revise Future Land Use Element Policy 3.4.4 to require development of a master plan for the GID. · Add policies to Future Land Use Element Objective 3.4 to address future transit service and bicycle facilities in the GID. · Revise Future Land Use Element Policy 1.4.1 to encourage higher intensity within the GID. State Road 434 Corridor Through public meetings and workshops, the City identified topics to be addressed for the SR 434 corridor. These include transportation connectivity, reduced speeds on SR 434 through the Town Center, implementing streetscape improvements on SR 434 through the Town Center, and the implications of using various concurrency management alternatives. Two LOS issues were identified: the segment east of US 17-92 and the segment through the Town Center. The EAR states that AADTs on the first segment might be reduced to acceptable levels as a result of improvements on a parallel roadway. For the second segment, development of a grid roadway network in the Town Center will provide other travel route choices, and planned connector roads will serve as bypasses. The City's recommended amendments related to SR 434 are as follows: · Add a policy addressing coordination with FDOT to appropriately re-classify SR 434 within the Winter Springs Town Center corridor as a Class II or Class III arterial based on the increased density of traffic signals along SR 434. · Add Transportation Element policies regarding bicycle and pedestrian facilities and connections. · Strengthen policies requiring interconnection of new development to existing facilities. Add a policy to Objective 1.9 of the Transportation Element addressing coordination with FDOT regarding a reduction in the speed limit on SR 434. · Add a policy to Objective 1.9 of the Transportation Element adopting a policy constraint for SR 434 west of Vistawilla to ensure that the highway will not be considered for widening by METROPLAN ORLANDO. · Add policies to the Comprehensive Plan to lay the groundwork for meeting statutory and rule requirements for comprehensive plans regarding any concurrency management alternatives (e.g., a TCEA) being considered by the City and which support the Town Center's Urban Central Business District overlay designation. · Adopt into the Comprehensive Plan long-term strategies to support and fund mobility within any designated transportation exception areas. FOOT Contact: Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Mario Candia, Kelly Blume, P.E. FOOT District 5 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Office of Intermodal Systems Development 407-482-7880 407-540-0555 407-275-4188 407-540-0550 iudv. pizzo@dot.state.f1.us kblume@kittelson.com H:\OOC\Planning\Growth ManagementlEval Appraisal ReptlEAR Comments_ReviewlSeminole\Winter Springs EAR Review 021808.doc.doc Telephone: Fax: E-mail: File: Florida Department of Transportation Intermodal Systems Development Growth Management Unit Page 4 of 7 EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS Local Government: City of Winter Springs DCA Amendment #: EAR Date of DCA's Request Memo: N/A Review Comments Deadline: N/A Today's Date: 02/18/08 · Add a policy supporting the SR 434 Crosstown bus route. · Add a policy encouraging widening of SR 434 (within the extent of the GID) to four lanes east of SR 417. Elderly Housing and Medical Care The City will assess housing options for the elderly. The City's recommended amendments relate to the adequate provision of elderly housing and care. The amendments are not likely to affect State roadways. Affordable and Work Force Housing The City has identified that the availability of affordable housing is an issue due to recent rising costs in the area and the stagnation of wages. Additionally the City is approaching build-out diminishing the availability of developable land. The City wants to ensure community viability through the inclusion of diverse housing opportunities. The City's recommended amendments related to this initiative are as follows · Consider establishing an affordable housing density/development bonus program. · Consider adding a Housing Element policy to provide developers with a reduced traffic LOS standard for development applications to encourage geographic dispersal and expansion of affordable housing opportunities. Elements' Successes and Shortcomings The EAR also identifies, for each Element, the Element's successes and shortcomings. The successes and shortcomings that are potentially relevant to the operation of State roadway facilities are summarized in this section. Future Land Use Element Successes: Adoption of maximum densities and intensities for each land use category. Inclusion of housing diversity in the FLUE. Implementation of conditions for development in areas within the Conservation Overlay. Implementation of the SR 434 overlay corridor which encourages infill development. Implementation of the Town Center at the intersection of SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road. Permit a variety of land use mixes that are in harmony wit the Town Center Goal. Creation of an Urban Central Business District which creates high intensity, high density development. FOOT Contact: Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Mario Candia, Kelly Blume, P.E. FOOT District 5 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Office of Intermodal Systems Development 407-482-7880 407-540-0555 407-275-4188 407-540-0550 iudv .oizzo@dot.state.fl.us kblume@kittelson.com H:IOOCIPlanninglGrowth ManagementlEval Appraisal ReptlEAR Comments_ReviewlSeminolelWinter Springs EAR Review 021808.doc.doc Telephone: Fax: E-mail: File: Florida Department of Transportation Intermodal Systems Development Growth Management Unit Page 5 of 7 EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS Local Government: City of Winter Springs DCA Amendment #: EAR Date of DCA's Request Memo: N/A Review Comments Deadline: N/A Today's Date: 02/18/08 Shortcomings: Encouraging redevelopment, mixed use, and effective development of the GIO. Transportation Element Successes: Prohibit residential driveways onto collector or arterial roads. Work with FOOT to prevent local traffic from using the Central Florida Greenway. Shortcomings: Protecting existing right-of-way and acquiring right-of-way required for future traffic circulation plan. Concurrency management, accommodating future travel demands, improvement of non- vehicular circulation, and development of a monitoring system to measure successes of the City's multi- modal transportation goals. Housing Element Successes: Inclusion of adequate amounts of land to accommodate projected housing growth. Development of a vacant residential parcel map that is available to interested developers. Shortcomings: Provision of affordable and workforce housing, elderly housing needs, and infill development. Intergovernmental Coordination Element Successes: The City has entered into various interlocal agreements with Seminole County, the School Board and adjacent jurisdictions. Capital Improvements Element Successes: Ensure that necessary facilities and infrastructure is in place to meet the levels of service established within the Comprehensive Plan. Special Topics The EAR addresses two required special topics. These topics are school facilities planning and water supply planning and coordination. FOOT Contact: Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Mario Candia, Kelly Blume, P.E. FOOT District 5 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Office of Intermodal Systems Development 407-482-7880 407-540-0555 407-275-4188 407-540-0550 iudv.Dizzo@dot.state.f1.us kblume@kittelson.com H:lOOCIPlanninglGrowth ManagemenllEval Appraisal RepllEAR Comments_ReviewlSeminolelWinler Springs EAR Review 021808.doc.doc Telephone: Fax: E-mail: File: Florida Department of Transportation Intermodal Systems Development Growth Management Unit Page 6 of 7 EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS Local Government: City of Winter Springs DCA Amendment #: EAR Date of DCA's Request Memo: N/A Review Comments Deadline: N/A Today's Date: 02/18/08 REVIEW COMMENTS FOOT is supportive of development of a grid network and City plans to construct bypass roadways for SR 434 near the Town Center. FOOT is also supportive of plans to introduce the SR 434 Crosstown bus route and develop a SR 434 transit circulator. FOOT would be happy to provide technical expertise to the City on these subjects. FOOT is supportive of the City's desire to improve SR 434 for all travel modes. FOOT would be happy to work with the City to explore re-c1assification of SR 434 in the Town Center as a Class II arterial and/or a change in its speed limit. FOOT would be happy to coordinate with the City regarding streetscaping improvements on SR 434. FOOT is supportive of the City's interest in implementing a TCEA, TCMA, L TCMS, MMTO, or TCBA. LOS standards for SIS, FIHS, and TRIP roadways are established by FOOT per 163.3180(10), F.S, so a program that allows developers of affordable housing projects to meet a reduced LOS standard will not apply to SIS, FIHS, and TRIP roadways. If maximum intensities allowed under future land use designations are proposed to change (e.g., allowing multi-family housing in commercial areas or higher FARs in the GIO) or new designations are applied to parcels, please analyze the impact of the changes on State roadways. Such impacts may extend outside City boundaries. If new land use designations are proposed, please state maximum allowed intensities (FAR, land use mix percentages, etc.) per 9J-5.005(6), FAC. RECOMMENDATIONS Please provide more detail about how Greenspace mitigation implemented off-site will be accounted for in the gross density of a given parcel. FOOT notes that density increases on a given site are likely to result in higher traffic near that site, and this impact may not be offset by an increase in Greenspace at a different site. Please ensure that planned roadways (e.g., the Town Center SR 434 bypasses) are added to the appropriate plans and programs. FOOT Contact: Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Mario Candia, Kelly Blume, P.E. FOOT District 5 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Office of Intermodal Systems Development 407-482-7880 407-540-0555 407-275-4188 407-540-0550 iudv .pizzo(Cildot.state. fl. us kblume@kittelson.com H:\OOC\Planning\Growth Managemenl\Eval Appraisal Rept\EAR Comments_ReviewlSeminole\Winter Springs EAR Review 021808.doc.doc Telephone: Fax: E-mail: File: Florida Department of Transportation Intermodal Systems Development Growth Management Unit Page 7 of 7 EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS Local Government: City of Winter Springs DCA Amendment #: EAR Date of DCA's Request Memo: N/A Review Comments Deadline: N/A Today's Date: 02/18/08 If the City pursues a MMTO, TCMA, or TCEA, FOOT strongly recommends that the City coordinate with FOOT in advance of finalizing the methodology and conducting the study. FOOT would be happy to work with the City to develop/review the analysis methodology and/or the draft goals, objectives, and policies. FOOT encourages the City to support the How Shall We Grow? (HSWG) vision, which is the desired 2050 growth pattern for Central Florida. The City may wish to consider developing a community vision per 163.3177(13) and (14), F.S., as a tool for looking creatively at the City's long-term growth and discovering how the 2050 HSWG vision could be implemented in the city. (An additional benefit of the community vision is exemption from State review of certain comprehensive plan amendments.) FOOT would be happy to provide technical assistance to the City in implementing the HSWG vision and on any subject related to the operation of State roadways. The ECFRPC is also willing to assist the City in implementing the HSWG vision. FOOT anticipates providing comments and recommendations on specific amendments as necessary in the upcoming EAR-based amendments submittal. FOOT Contact: Judy Pizzo, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Mario Candia, Kelly Blume. P.E. FOOT District 5 Kittelson & Associates. Inc. Office of Intermodal Systems Development 407-482-7880 407-540-0555 407-275-4188 407-540-0550 iudv .pizzo(iildot.state. f).us kblume@kittelson.com H:\OOC\Planning\Growth Management\Eval Appraisal Rept\EAR Comments_Review\Seminole\Winler Springs EAR Review 021BOB.doc.doc Telephone: Fax: E-mail: File: Orlando 5eDtlDel nonce mov be continued K1'in'er-:tiorii- and Ass'oc1: OnTl15 non~e; . ,. ,_. '~:-OfflCfcil ReCords '---'-- of 3.10'fJ!e~; I :ct.-.N''' ~,O U.i' TTaHR-EE'YF"E' ~ II t t. tll fI I ates, nc,' 101 Orange . 8273. Pages 1511...... a. HSIC lANK USA-flAllONAL AS- 6S'oo'00' E 1284V teflt ,,6Lt:, " ~\'Jn ~eta'lte~~U?he c7fv PI~ntl'seo;,~~::"lW~) (PO) ;:~~'llfJ~;fo~~et~hr~e ~~~ ~~ctiO'h12un1r."ln:~.~ SOCIATlOlf A~:= the Eos! = of'O ~~~A\Oi~~:t-r I f~m,:,s~\fa~~y~s?:'; eoonslderallon: Substantial :~~Ir~~rgr,elcr:?~ ~e8:! tU~ RF'fold"a' ~t ora~r =G~EOPlES CHOICE ~~ ~noicN~~, ~~buOt~Ms~ on this ordinance. the per- Cthhang,e roque ,st to ametnhd ange Countv Comptroller v~~~n 'andllljhe 'coJo~'nl: NOME LOAlf SECURIDlS TRUST wall far a distance of ".25 TACT THE ( son will need 10 insure that e r. an to ncrease e (Special Assessments) Or I 1ed I 01 let S9IES 2lII5-1 feel; thence S 63~'W W iOUNTY LEGAL a verballm record of Ihe max mum buildln'7,he~t alllleCountv Adminlstrallan, ~ms, are, oea, n str Plaintiff. 239.57 feet to a.1lal1it,'elt *"'. ICE FOR. ASSI ~~~t:d;'~tlo~ r~:C~I~';v1N~~tJ' ~~,"::c": l~oW.~::.:~~:~rl~~) feeJ Center. 201 South Rosalind'. ,'. v. E. JOHNSON: UIl- Easter,v rl'4t~l:...' ;m' ,SKOULD 0 dec.ased;-wiibse date of upon which the appeal IS 10 twentv (20) slorles' pursu. Avenue, Orlando. Flarld9, KI\lll"'SO.~, ~....., SPOUSE Of IEmE E. f!o~rW'~VteGI""'" ~" ' , N AS POSSI deolh was November S. be based. is made. anI to Oranae CtlunhrCode, whl~areopentothepubllC ~""~llftllil!lYc.. H; NIKlll G.IIAS'SEY; this descrh"lllA.T~. T R ,RiCEIPT 2007. and whose social seeu- Chapter 30 Section 'J8:1207 lar Inspection. -=n II dois "... ". an all unknown parties, with share rrehts; ~' ,:e' TIa., ~ndY n,n",?llben ~~ CI28-rc22UI'tl9lCOUO. rtlS Persons wllh disabilities location: Districll; praper. Assessmenls are due and ::..,.~ ~OO:- cia mlng bv, throug, h, under lion,S and 1,Itlara'I'r tt. OlS662S1S-MAR 13 ~ . n", :In: needing assistance 10 par. tv generalTy locoled on the pavable the same as prop. IN1ioo ~ rI... --:.. k or against the herein named which may appertaln" " , . far Orange Countv, Florida. ticlpate In any of lhese pro~ &~~::: ~II~r~'::;I~n~! erty laxes ~nd bear Ihe ~ ..... ~ ........... ~'::::~d~n~. ~ ~:~II:,~~ ~:""'~YB~~, O~ IIOTICE Of s. ~:~~~~kl~l~n~h~o"~h ~~~~~=~grAb": REPORT ('EAR') FOR wood Avenue; parc.1 IDs same penal"es W relln. I..ti.o.,... IV'.O." "0. whelher said unknown BeOCh F'L"32176 . Orange Avenue. Room 3<10, Coordinator 48 hours in od- THE COMPREHENSIVE 2J.2~.28.SW-OO-230 and 23. ru~ncy as praPfJ r I ax":! ............. is so....... partieS claim as heirs. devl. . . ~OTICE IS HERI Orlanda.FlorldaJ2802, The vanc. at lhe meeting al ~7- PLAN OF THE CITY OF U28-S8oIol-OO-2<lO; Section 23, nc udlng yote~ a O~t .' sees..granlees. assignees, PAIlCElIt", EN Ihat Ihe under 3I2CWlJ norMS and addresses of lhe 571.8121 (VOICE) and ~07. WINTER SPRINGS; AT- Township 24. RanI!'! 28; Or- ~~~\'rf~~Yall.'l:n:rl~u: de~a ~YOO:;'~~ lIenars, creditors, Irustees, Lal '9. CELEBRATION tends.to ~ Ihe l'erh.SOIlGperlsroenPOrel S&nreptarlelsYeenotndo. 51HI26 (TOO). THAI BCHITEr;>A~':'. RpERTOOVAI SD'IENXG' ange ctvountv. ~Ior'da 0:1'0)1 sole. The Unilarm Melhod ~ 'Jirl;;~ ~ spouses... or alher Claim. EAST V I LLAGE UNIT ',1., ~,' rce a ne~~ Ih. proper desenpl on on file lar the levy, collection and 4I1.awm . loW ~.1Zl anls; Tt:NANT '1 and/or CICalrdlng tattle alai, ,IIlete-, . seiU property UI tive's oIIorMY are sel larth The proposed ordinance'is FOR THE TRANSMITTAL , enforcement of nan-<ld val. ___.,...... II.....,.. TENANT 12. Ihe parties In- of as recorded In Pial lOOk Florida $tit Stora below. on file with lhe Clerk aHhe OF THE EAR TO THE -<lnd- orem assessments Section tor ,~"if.. ~ lended 10 accaunl far Ihe 12. Pages 118 th~ucfr 1fT. H' Act, Statules ~Ic~IZf~ a~ft~: g~m~r~'1re';~';,"~~ b~ORtg~~~~~NM7..~~ At,li...t: .Saroh Slack of 197.3632, Florida SIatules. ~"'.~ IIIN'" 1111' .. ~nson or persons In POSseS- ~~~,R,:8fo':~, ~~' P'-101~) the u~ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Ina claims or' demands Avenue. Allamanl. Sprinas. FAIRS; PROVIDING FOR MsCW Inc,.' Summer. rt,1I1 be used f~r callectlllll - ~.. Defendanls. known as n7 East10WJl Dr., will bltjl aI, -publt. FOR DUlfU COUNTY. ogalnst decedent.s estote.on Florida, and may be In. THE REPEAL OF PRIOR chase FKA Frog Hare Prop- e assessmen . .. '0' u..o., 417.... Celebration. FL 3<6741. ~ompel1llYe blddlr FLORIDA wham a copv of this oollce _led by the publiC INCONSISTENT RESOLU erty Planned Development The lallo' . th JIll. lfOllCE OF SALE day, the 28th day PROBATE DIVISION, Is required to be served 5 . TlONS, SEVERABIL:ITY (PO) Land Use Plan (LUP\ t wlT\g IS / pr.l'~{ PAlULIII'A: 2008 011:00 a'clo< FiIo ... ~4II:lU must file lhelr claims with Doled Ihls 13th day of AND AN EFFECTIVE Conslderatlan: ~ubstanlla ~~a a~ =~ of~~S"': Martha ra?..... HaYn~~aunR;. puNors"cueanis theortehebYFgllnavelnJtuhd~ LoI 6.. Block J, Less tile Ihe p~m~s ~h l.'}itEc.rb~ rMb~~'til~f: Match, 2008 DATE. chan~e rea~t to amend menl estlmofed far lhe flnt = of COU~ at I . Soulh 18 feet Ihereof for ~~~:'hrCh ~re ~: IN RE: ESTATE OF ::;et~l~n ~rtyngf~:::S'1: year; please nate Ihal the Cammlss~rs ~nlh~ ~eelo\~~e daled ~~hlti~~~'R~EESi'RVls~ Ihe county of 0 IWII1llW1S, Jf:s.;r'/.tlm~T%NT~~ ~w~ AIfll~~ ~~ P.II. gle-fam~v residential to a =~"clll:~:g~~g; Orange Countv, Florida I w\1i sell lhe'p~oJ?e~a~~ TATES. as recorded In Plat fJlowAT~a~F FLOli Deceased. THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS CiIy '" ~ s,riop. RorlA OR SOON THEREAFTER 60.000 square feel Chu~c11 rote per lat per vear basis: LS6S 6 ale din ORANGE Caunlv. Ilook L, Pa~e 9, Public Re- . llOTICE Of ACT1DN AFTER THE TIME OF IN THE COMMISSION with a maximum building ~R 1:~~7 APR 3 Florida. described os: corqs of Orange Counly. POwUS HIVE SELF (fanao11llice~""i"'l THE FIRST PUBLICA. SLS6M706 YllW8 CHAMBERS LOCATED AT ~~m'\'ofl~a(~)e'ee~.r.fy 1e_Iro~af"" . .." . FlorIda. _N.POWEJ!SDIM IJO~~HHASF~~1JC~~~ em. Of ocoo T~ SI'IlNGS CIlY HAll Code. Chapler !o, Seellan 00.. P.....I ~I~.,. ~'G~ f:f,mA~ PAIlCB.IH-8', , . R.311lUllltiot or ~~RWJS INTERESTED OATE OF SERVICE OF A lfnnc:JlfsPII8UC II2li WT mTE ROAIl 01 38-1207 Locallon:Dlslriell; SMCJI,...... AS IIECOIIDED III PlAT tDOll 13. Lol 7. Block 3. ~1t.LA~,. \;Ill,. . COpy OF THIS NOTICE CAMI'\/S WINI9I SPIUNGS. FLORIDA . prapertv vene~allY located Subdivision Name' "-Itn PAGES 3IAfIll J5. Of lIE PIlBl.lC NEY E;ST ATES RESUR. F'I Dart 1122 HI YOU AlE lfOYlflED that an ac. ON TH EM., SUIIONISON. ' on the north SIde of Chase &tol.. et Moutl 00.0 Aut 1. RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, VE Y, accordlllll 10 lhe map' . r~ S Ith I tlon for the administration All olher creditors of Ihe PREUMINAIlY,fINAL SITE I'lAH The agenda item may be In- Road. easl of Winter Gar. Pial Book &I. Pages (J and R.OIUDA. or plat lhereof as recwded 'f aV~fl Ii' II . .' of on estate via a, Petlllon dec~nl and other persons lHlII1-1111 SI>ecled by interested den VIn4!IO~~J.f.'a~1 41. Section 5, Township Ill.. IN AND FOR THECIR. In Plot Book L. Palle 9, R~'::'JId S~lrh:.i far AdminlstratlOfl has been havong claims or demands partl.. belween 8 a.m. and 10 25-2J.27-vuuu:uu-v" , . Range n Lots I ""..h M; CUlT COURT OF THE aNt m P- Court. Public Records of Oronve Carolvn COlon '1' tiled Inthls Court. ~ are against dec~denl's esl,!le N01IClIS HEIEIIY 6MN our. 5 p.m.. Mond'!y through lion 2S, TownshiP 23'F~a~ Public Records of Orange NINTH JUDICIAL ClR. Apepb. FIorIdo 3l11IJ Countv. Florida. (Less rood Theodore Hart .i required to serve a copy of must file lhelr claims w,lh suanl 10 Stellon 4-3 'A. 13) Friday. at the C,ty's Cler1<'s 27; Oranae Countv, or! Cauntv Florida This sUbdi. CUlT IN AND FOR 01AllGl Rlgbt-of-Woy for Fairbanks . vour written defeoses. If this courl WITHIN 3 (b), Ocooe Land Develop-g'Jf:' k~g~ed~~tn~I;~: ~~'ft~frooertv descrlp"on vision Is localed In District COUNTY, FLO.RIOA g~gu:,:~~ s~i~d~r!h,'i,rhi~~~ Avenue.) any. on the petitioner's at: ~2~JHJF AfJ~RFlk~~. menl Code, Ihat an TUES- Sprinos, Florida' Fa, mare 2. WE NO.: lIIll CA l7lIIS Ihe Orange Countv Courl. PAlCELIIl-t: torney, w~.na~nd~ PUBLICATION OF THIS DAY, Al'RIL \f4" ff5 ":'. information cali ,(40Tl 327- You mar ,obtain a copY.af The following Is Ihe proper. IANICfIRST a banking i..lllu. house located 01 42!i North LoI .. Block 3, KILLAR. dressd\7t. ~Sean F BO: NOTICE or os soon erea er T 1800 1221 Persons wilh dis- Ihe lego p/'Qaerty descrlp- ty 10 be assessed and Ihe lion . Orange Avenuel SUIte 350, NEY ESTATES RESUR. Law ce bn II A . ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED =cSl'!.!. Ihllel PEIOdEE ~mY abllllies 'needlng assistance tion bv calling the Camp- Iv- and amount of assess- Plainllff Orlando. Florlao. at 11 :Ou VEY. according 10 the M\lP te, P."'.. 7001 Tum u ve.. WITHIN THE TIME PERI. 1IC -"IN""S wllh ""Ocoeea cr,!,,~' 10 parllclpill~ In any of trailer CIer1< of I~e Board of ",e,;I estlmoled for lhe first v.' o'clock a.m. an June 6th. or pial lhereof as reear, ded" spUN~s, }~~rlda '3WAr~n:: ODS SET FORTH IN SEC. ...... a e 'Ihese proceedings should Counly CammlSs"",ers, ~1- r' I se note Ihat Ih JAMES A.~; tNt JAMES 2008. In Pial Book L. Page t. ... f I TIOH 733102 OF THE Commission Chambers. 1 contact the Emplovee Reta- 836-7300; or pick ane UP 01 ~~..:.~s lar these pro~ NU illS.. DE8IIA S Any person claiming an in. Public Records of Orange I before 3S davs ram firs FLORIDA' PROBATE North Lakeshore DrJ.ve. lions Department Coordlno- 201 South Rosalind Avenue, ert'leSareallbasedonalfGt G<aIkI. DElIA SUZAN leresl in Ihe surplus from Countv, Florida. (Less rood dale of PUbJlCf'c:r~,:nd Ita CODE WILL BE FOREV. ?tiar\FIW'Jrla, t~~::: tor, 48 hours, in advance of Faurlh Fjaar; Orlanda. rate per lot per year basis: ; ..s.... ... wit.. lhe sale, If anv, ather than Righl-<lf.Way far Fairbanks 1~~ ~'I;"s':~r;ith the i"~rk ER BARRED. 01 Coc:..:us p:~"mlnary/FI' t~ ml::;~:i~t ifrlf ;2~~ FlOrida. ~. J KmII., UC; iiiiI 1~:.g~!::'~tr~'i'I~e~~J.~: Avenue.} ~~$:~eC':,""rtl~~:dr:l:r; TFNo?JNRETIHT~SAJB:Oro,vDDEI~G A~N~Y~ nall'lsubd/Flvllslonl s'llanpt PI"' decide 10 appeal any recom- . fOIl.... II....." ~.ec:ioito Eft"I~~O-=~ ~nknow~Et=:."~ D:i'se"t musl file a claim wilhln 60 PARCEL 111-0: -~ F II t m nary no e on a- mendallon mode bv the La- -~...... tf I;oioty c... 320-';..".1 uk. CI..ol. slon' days after the sale. Loll & Wesl 2S .feel of. Lot the. """"r. a ure 0 serve CLAIM FILED TWO (2\ catredofonthtehe'nnatertr'~cl'IIonCOOrf- cal Planning Agencv with ...:.) ~!......~~ ill'",...o." ....Ii. Pl.:.t Del8ndants. . DhAITED~~I OrflandaMA.. F2OO810rl.d,a' 2, less road rlghl <If wa V. and "'Ie written defen~ as YEARS olt MORE AFTER ne. ~ respect to any matter con- _ .._~" c.na.1III5.III ... t s OS ""v 0 MAR, .. Black 3. KILLARNEY ES' red'u':;"~I ~ra~~:~ul~rl~h: THE DECEDENT'S DATE MagUire Road and Tomyn sldered 01 Ihis meellng. you ,oo...... -....... " NOTICE Of wI UNDER LYDIA GARDNER TATES RESURVEY Plat fe,P'f demanded, without OF DEATH IS BARRED. Boulevard. will need a record of the ...... tf.. .-1"&:,_..... Subdivision Name' leU- JUDGIIEJfY Of FOIIEl:I.IISUAE Cler1< of the Circuit Court Book L, Page 9. OffIc(lIt Re- IIlrthor nollce The date of flnt publication I leresled parties may OP- proceedlnas. and far such ....ic..~.....iacI1oHo ...~ .Sre." Estota. Plat Book &I. Of lEAL PIDI'EIITf (CiVil: CDOOUNRNTASrtL)KEY cordS of Oraoge County. Slaned on March 12, 2008. Of Ihls notice Is 11.1.. ZO. n t Ih bll h . purpases. VOU may need to OJ" .... _ I Pages 4llhrough 41. Section By.. 0 Florida. LYDIA GARDNER .. pear a e PU c ear,"~ ensure that a verballm re- ..,..,. so .. ..... lJ Township 14 Range 31. TAKE lfOTlCE that the lallow. DePaty Cler1< As Clerk at the CPUrt . PBSOHAL IIEPIESEIITA1M: r"'lh:"p~~w~~~~~pec card of lhe proceedings Is ", ill e LOI.I through do Public Re- Ing described property. la, II voullltvare ahapeneedrsan with a ANY PERSON CLAIMING' (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Kathleen Ackermann 0 . '. ma~el:~':.ns~~'f~I~~:S~~~:: ::-111':"'_' _ carqs of Orange Caynt~. wit: ~~lIon.rri order t~ ~\'i: ~~Rlp'tTJl1Vo~ t~~ Bv:SUSGrlE.WendI L~HaI~~y~ ThecamplelecasefUe,I~' r.~tle are advised that OisMllititsAcirl_ -call ~":hThJff~~'1'S1onlS Lola.~ Crttt.Tn l3llpalelnthlsproeeedlng,vou SALE IF ANY OTHER ~t=..1r CI.~. 27. ,2Cioe ~ i~~~lgncaWI~:/~a~c:,ed :.'::ltI~acr,J~eya~.,a:,e:'~~ ~a:;s:. ~':'.:''l:.;r.; n:llall::ingS I::he 'proaer. ::::. ~.~'t: :l,\;{ ~~~..rJ~tlrhde ci~r~~i~?:ri ~~ 6~~~RTrlo~~~~i'in IN fflf CIIlCUIT COURT Of 'I!! Michael P:'Olvari baunds. may be insoeC\~ wllh respect 10 lhe Evolua. tar .uisIt~ Ii ~.. ~.I'" tv to be assessed and lhe' hll!fS n... 13 of "l'ulIfic lit. certain asslslance. P.l se OF THE 1I S PENDEN S AElGNIfT&NTHD FOI SJUEMOlClA1.INOLECHlCOCUffUlfTYm. CFolobrbld&a BcoarleNa. 011673-4 01 Ihe Ocoee Dammlun IY tian and Appraisal Report. oy... OS"'"' ."0 I. I., .. Iype and amaunl of assess- .... at II.- c....,. RtriA. conlact Caurl Admlnlst . FILE A CLAIM Develap!:'ent :or S'~n, AinericI...... ....,...idM.. ole menl estima1ed lar lhe first -- tian at 425 Narlh ora~e WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER =",='1\ nUITDlYl. I:..~i~":. ~f132m ~~~r~19~~~sbe{~~ri~{~e SLS6660JS 3I2CWlJ u:.. 'ar..... U.II..1 4UJ.1Ji. !~!J.~~~e_".!'tt.t~a!..!.,,! ~r..,!,,!! ~~t~~]41~ S~'i.~~ ~Y:::\':l'a S3~1~1~13{!;'~~~9no.; THE SALE. r~druSr:."~~: JtFMOI"= IDool Sail. 21M. C."l.n.. NC ZIZ2S. The name and address of 'the Resident Aven,t Is I, hal of lhe undersigned. ~~ 1::e":=1~~~= fn\:~: I!.rlse Is as follows: T06 TRADE SHOW, LLC. Which Is whally awned by; Consullants to Industry, ~~~..' 1~~~~;,Jnf;:pM.f..:'J~ Communlcallans. Inc. Dated 01 Semlnale C9Unly, Florida. this 131h day of March 2008. OLS667952 .- IN RE: ESTATE OF DOIIOTlIY J. CASEIIIEIIT De<:eased NOTICE 10 CREDITORS Notice of Administration )> -f -f )> (1 ~ S m z -f OJ ATTACHMENT C RESOLUTION NO. 2008-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT ("EAR") FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSMITTAL OF THE EAR TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature intends that local planning be a continuous and ongoing process; and WHEREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes, established the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each municipality in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has adopted the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan; as required by section 163.3167, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, requires municipalities to adopt an evaluation and appraisal report ("EAR") every seven (7) years assessing the progress in implementing the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, as part of the evaluation and appraisal of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City has held several community meetings over the course of the past year during which the City heard the concerns and input of the public regarding the City's preparation of the EAR; and WHEREAS, the City Commission and Local Planning Agency have participated in several public joint workshops for purposes of identifying major issues for inclusion in the EAR; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the EAR, held an advertised public hearing, provided for participation by the public in the process, and rendered its recommendations to the City Commission; and City of Winter Springs Resolution No. 2008-15 Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the City Commission, after considering the Local Planning Agency's review comments and recommendations for changes to the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, desires to adopt the EAR set forth in Exhibit "A," attached hereto; and WHEREAS, City Commission deems that this Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. Adoption of Evaluation and Appraisal Report ("EAR"). Pursuant to the requirements of section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs hereby adopts the Evaluation and Appraisal Report, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3. Intention. The City of Winter Springs does hereby state its intention to amend the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the recommendations contained in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report set forth in Exhibit "A." Section 4. Transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Evaluation and Appraisal Report to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, in accordance with section 163.3191(6), Florida Statutes. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive or procedural reasons, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining portions of this Resolution. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] City of Winter Springs Resolution No. 2008-15 Page 2 of 3 RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on this _ day of , 2008. JOHN F. BUSH, Mayor ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney City of Winter Springs Resolution No. 2008-15 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT 'A' This document was previously distributed to the LPA on March 19,2008. Planning & Zoning Board/LPA Regular Meeting April 2, 2008 The attached was distributed during the discussion of Public Hearings Agenda Item `500' by Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, Senior Planner, Community Development Department. Response to The Department of Community Affairs Proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report Preliminary Sufficiency Review Comments The following is a synopsis of the comments and recommendations provided by the Department of Community Affairs and other reviewing agencies based on a proposed draft of the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Reporf, submitted to these agencies on February 1, 2008. Preliminary Sufficiency Review Comments were received by the City of Winter Springs on March 7, 2008. Based on these comments, the proposed draft of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report has been revised. Following each comment is the City's response and location of the revisions as applicable within the Evaluation and Appraisal Reporf Department of Community Affairs 1. The extent of vacant and developable land (Section 1.63.3191(2J(B)1 Recommendation: Revise the EAR to assess the extent of vacant and developable lands, clearly defining what the City considers "vacant" and "developable". The EAR should indicate the total acreages of vacant or developable lands by future land use category and explain why the 342 acres of "vacant" lands is not considered in the EAR to be "developable". City's Response: Text has been revised text in the Vacant Land Analysis, GIS data and Vacant land Use map to clearly define the methodology used to identify "vacant" and "developable" lands, including updating the total acreage of vacant or developable lands by land use category and why approximately 342 acres of "vacant" lands is not considered developable. Changes were made to: Vacant Land Analysis -page 14 (text revision); Table 1-7 -Vacant Developable Lands by Land Use Category -page 15 (text revision); Vacant Developable Land Map -page 16 (map revision) and Table A-8 -New Buildout Development Chart by TZ2 with Vacant Lands -Appendix page 262 (New). 2. The financial feasibility of providing needed infrastructure to achieve and maintain adopted levels of service standards and sustain concurrency through capital improvements as well as the ability to address infrastructure backlogs and meet the demands of growth and public facilities (Section 163.3191(2)(c)] Recommendation: Revise the EAR to include a retrospective analysis of whether the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan was financially feasible over the past evaluation period. City's Response: Revisions were made to the Community-Wide Assessment to further discuss the City's efforts and success in maintaining Level of Service for each infrastructure element. In addition, the Financial Feasibility section was substantially updated to describe how the City anticipates potential deficiencies, program improvements and funding of capital programs. Changes were made to: Community-Wide Assessment -Demands of Growth -pages 16 - 22 (text revision); and Financial Feasibility -page 22 (text revision). 3. An assessment of the extent to which changes are needed to develo~a common methodology for measuring impact on transportation facilities for the purpose of implementing its concurrencX management system in coordination with the municipalities and counties, as appropriate pursuant to Section 163.3180(10) [Section 163.3191(2)(p)] Recommendation: Include an assessment of the extent to which changes are needed to develop a common methodology for measuring impact on arterial roads or collector roads which traverse adjacent jurisdictions (municipalities and counties). The assessment should consider the methodology used by each jurisdiction for measuring transportation impacts and should include the following components: (1) adopted level of service standards, (2) traffic study area requirements, (3) background traffic assumptions (4) trip generation data and trip distribution requirements and (5) impact analysis based on peak hour trips. City's Response: Revisions were made based on coordination with adjacent municipalities and Seminole County to identify if a common methodology for measuring impacts on transportation facilities for the purpose of implementing concurrency management systems exists. As a result, it was determined the City's approach is consistent with adjacent municipalities and Seminole County. Changes were made to: A new section was created, page 23, Potential for Development of Common Methodology for Measuring Transportation Impacts. Florida Department of Transportation, District Five Chances to FDOT is supportive of development of a grid network and Citesplans to construct bxpass roadways for SR 434 near the Town Center. FDOT is also supportive of Aland to introduce the SR 434 Crosstown bus route and develop a SR 434 transit circulator. FDOT would be happy to provide technical expertise to the City on these subjects. FDOT is supportive of the City's desire to improve SR434 for all travel modes. FDOT would be happy to work with the City to explore re-classification of SR 434 in the Town Center as a Class II arterial and/or a change indeed limit. FDOT would be happy to coordinate with the City regarding streetscaping improvements on SR 434. FDOT is supportive of the City's interest in implementing a TCEA, TCMA, LTCMS, MMTD, or TCBA. LOS standards for SIS. FIHS, and TRIP roadways are established by FDOT per 163.3180(10) F.S., so a program that allows developers of affordable housing projects to meet a reduce LOS standard will not apply to SIS, FIHS, and TRIP roadways. If maximum intensities allowed under future land use designations are groposed to chance (e.a.. allowing multi-family housing in commercial areas or higher FARs in the GID) or new desianations are applied to parcels, please analyze the impact of the changes on State roadways. Such impacts may extend outside City boundaries. If new land use desianations are proposed, plese state maximum allowed intensities (FAR, land use mix percentages, etc.) per 91-5.005(6), F.A.C. Recommendation: Please provide more detail about how Greenspace mitigation implemented off-site will be accounted for in the gross density of a give parcel. FDOT notes that density increases on a given site are likely to result in higher traffic near that site, and this impact may not be offset by an increase in Greenspace at a different site. Please ensure that planned roadways (e.g., the Town Center SR 434 bypasses) are added to the appropriate plans and programs. If the City pursues a MMTD, TCMA, or TCEA, FDOT strongly recommends that the City coordinate with FDOT in advance of finalizing the methodology and conducting the study. FDOT would be happy to work with the City to develop/review the analysis methodology and/or the draft goals, objectives, and policies. FDOT encourages the City to support the How Shall We Grow? (HSWG) vision which is the desired 2050 growth pattern for Central Florida. The City may wish to consider developing a community vision per 163.3177(13) and (14) F.S., as a tool for looking creatively at the City's long term growth and discovering how the 2040 HSWG vision could be implemented in the city. (An additional benefit of the community vision is exemption from State review of certain comprehensive plan amendments.) FDOT would a happy to provide technical assistance to the City in implementing the HSWG vision and on any subject related to the operation of State roadways. The ECFRPC is also willing to assist the City in implementing the HSWG vision. FDOT anticipates providing comments and recommendations on specific amendments as necessary in the upcoming EAR-based amendments submittal. City's Response: The City will take these comments into consideration during the preparation of the EAR-based amendments. St. Johns River Water Management District The District review of the EAR-based amendments will take the followina into consideration: Recommendation: Policies that promote and encourage the use of low impact development techniques; Policies consistent with the SJRWMD's environmental resource permitting and consumptive use permitting rules that protect water resources; Future land use designations assigned to district property that allow District management activities; Proposed transportation corridors or facilities that do not impact District land and easements; and Policies that identify the District as receiver of easements subject to the District's acceptance. City's Response: Revisions were made to Part III Comprehensive Plan Evaluation to include a discussion of these issues under the Assessment of Implementation section, as applicable. These comments will be further addressed as part of the EAR-Based Amendments. Additional}ext was added to the Assessment of Implementation for the following: Infrastructure Element- Goal IV-B; Infrastructure Element- Objective IV-B-3; Conservation Element- Objectives 1.2 and 1.3; and Future Land Use Element- Objective 1.2. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council 1 Proposed Visioning Workshop to discuss obstacles to infill and redevelopment. Recommendation: Local governments should assess how their community vision relates to the overall vision for the region. It is especially important that the City assesss the "individual character" that distringuishes Winter Springs from other Florida cities, as it is this character that is lacking in most communities. City's Response: No changes required. This comment will be addressed as part of the EAR-based amendments. 2. Local Water Conservation. Recommendations: Promote the use of soil moisture sensors to control irrigation systems; Encourage the use of Bahia and other grasses that have a low water demand as an alternative to St. Augustine grasses; Encourage the use of drought tolerant native plant species for outdoor landscaping, and Create incentives for compliance with the Florida Water Star Program in new residential developments to decrease the water demand per household. City's Response: Text in Part III Comprehensive Plan Evaluation includes a discussion of these issues under the Assessment of Implementation section, specifically Conservation Element- Objectives 1.2 and 1.3; Conservation Element- Policy 1.2.7; and Future Land Use Element- Objective 1.2. These comments will be further addressed as. part of the EAR-Based Amendments. 3. Affordable Housing. Recommendation: Make affordable housing inclusionary (requiring it to be sprinkled into the mix whenever new housing is developed). City's Response: This is addressed under Major Issue 6, Policy Recommendation 6. This will be further addressed as part of the EAR-Based Amendments. Department of State, Bureau of Historic Preservation Changes to the historic preservation Objectives and Policies of the Future Land Use and Housing Elements. Recommendation: Leave the historic preservation objectives and policies as they are instead of either deleting them or weakening them. These objectives and policies could be revisited in the future based on the results of a comprehensive cultural resource assessment. City's Response: Changes have been deleted. Other Reviewing Agencies- No comments or recommendations have been received from the following: • DEP, Office of Intergovernmental Programs • Department of Education, Office of Educational Facilities • Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bureau of Planning & Budgeting • Florida Wildlife Commission, Office of Policy and Stakeholder Coordination • Seminole County Planning Department • City of Casselberry, Community Development Department • City of Longwood, Community Services Department • City of Oviedo, Community Development Department